S “Improvement of the Energy Efficiency of 10 public buildings in the South-East planning region”

Improving and restoring the insulation of buildings, maintenance of energy systems in buildings, implementation of measures and technologies for energy efficiency, changing habits and proper rational energy consumption by consumers in buildings, will reduce energy costs and enable environmental protection.

Within the project a technical documentation will be prepared for 10 facilities (schools and kindergartens) in 10 in the South- East planning region. The project will enable the facilities that are built 20/30 years ago on the territory of the 10 Municipalities in the region to be reconstructed in terms of energy efficiency, thereby reducing energy losses and emissions of greenhouse gases, and create comfortable spaces for stay and work. Also in the frame of the project 10 workshops are planned to be organized in each in order for the employees of the public buildings to be acquainted with the concept of the energy efficiency and to present the results of the project.

Short description of the project:

Objectives of the project: Lead Partner: - Centre for Development of the South- East Planning Region Preparation of Technical documentation (main designs with Центарincluded за развој revision на andЈугоисточниот elaborate on плански energy регионefficiency - for the followingпл public buildings: Project Partners:  Secondary Municipal School “Bogdanci”, Municipality of - 10 Municipalities from the South-East planning region (Bosilovo, Bogdanci, Bogdanci; , Vasilevo, ,  Primary Municipal School “Cyril and Methodius”, v. , Konche, Novo Selo, Radovish, Ilovica, Municipality of Bosilovo; ).  Municipal Public Institution kindergarten “Kalinka”, Municipality of Valandovo;  District Primary Municipal School “Goce Delchev”, v. Duration: Sedlarci, Municipality of Vasilevo; 6 months  Primary Municipal School “Vlado Kantardziev”, Municipality of Gevgelija; Financed by:  Primary Municipal School “Kocho Racin”, s. Nov Dojran, German Agency for International Municipality of Dojran;  District Primary Municipal School ”Dolni Lipovikj” in v. Cooperation (GIZ) and EU Delegation Dolni Lipovikj, Municipality of Konche; in R.  Primary Municipal School “Manush Turnovski” v. Novo Selo, Municipality of Novo Selo; Objective of the project:  Primary Municipal School “Orce Nikolov”, v.Injevo, Municipality of Radovish; Efficient use of energy, reducing  Municipal Public Institution kindergarten “Detska energy losses and greenhouse gas Radost”, Municipality of Strumica. emissions through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in public buildings.

Contact: Risto Chivchiev St. “Boro Dzoni” Nr. 10 2400 Strumica mob. 07 0 / 2 3 8 - 9 4 9 Tel/Fax 034/ 340-139 E-mail: [email protected]

Results of the project:

 Prepared 10 main designs with revision;  Prepared 10 elaborates on energy efficiency;  An opportunity for reconstruction of 10 schools and 2 kindergartens;  Certified 10 Energy efficient facilities.