An apple Understanding has 4.5 g b e r Prebiotics and Fiber Both prebiotics and ber are dietary tools to promote health

What is a prebiotic? What is ber? Do we need In simple terms, a prebiotic is food for Fibers are non-digestible both ber and bene cial members of your resident microbial plant-derived prebiotics? community – we can’t digest prebiotics, but comprising at least 3 units of certain bene cial microbes can. Your resident individual sugars. Most bers are Most of us do not microbes can produce a variety of bene cial components of plants. Depending get enough ber in compounds (for example, short chain fatty on regulations where you live, if our diets. Increasing acids) from utilization of prebiotics. These can ber is isolated from whole plants ber-rich foods and promote a healthy gut – and beyond. In more or synthesized from sugars, prebiotic-containing technical terms, a prebiotic is a substance that demonstration of physiological foods or supplements is selectively utilized by host bene ts is needed to be able to will help promote gut conferring a health bene t. call them ‘ ber’ on a food label. health and bene t your , too. Health bene ts of prebiotics Improve absorption Prebiotics are selectively Modulate Modulate satiety utilized by resident microbes. Improve bowel habits1 Reduce occasional constipation, diarrhea Black beans have Prebiotics have targeted e ects on our Promote metabolic health (insulin resistance, 15 g ber per cup bacteria. Most microbes won’t be a ected. healthy blood lipid levels) Selective utilization is a requirement for Help with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome a prebiotic. Prebiotics encourage the Reduce risk of allergy activities of a subset of your microbiota that have bene cial functions, including those Health bene ts of whole food bers commonly used as ( 2 Laxation Improve mineral absorption and Bi dobacterium). Many bers are likely 2 Improve blood lipids Modulate immune system also selectively utilized by gut microbes, but Improve blood glucose regulation2 Modulate satiety this is not a requirement for ber. 1 Bene t accepted by European Food Safety Authority for 2 Bene ts accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Fiber Prebiotics ✓ Not digested by humans, but some ✓ Not digested by humans, but acted on by gut microbes bers are utilized by gut microbes ✓ Naturally present in a wide range of foods from plants (e.g. chicory ✓ Naturally present in many whole grains, root , vegetables, whole grains). Usually isolated from whole plants fruits, vegetables and legumes or synthesized from sugars ✓ Adequate Intake values speci ed. Daily ✓ Value of 28 g/d based on 2000 kcal/d diet No Adequate Intake level or Daily Value ✓ Can be soluble or insoluble ✓ Many current prebiotics are a type of soluble dietary ber

Insoluble Soluble Fiber prebiotics Non- ber prebiotics e.g. Cellulose e.g. Psyllium Inulin, fructo- (FOS), Lactulose, promising and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). candidates Polyphenolics, Promising candidates are resistant , and polyunsaturated fatty polydextrose, xylo- (XOS) acids and isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO).

Some modulation Proven microbiome modulation associated with health bene ts

Degree of microbiome modulation Broccoli has 4 g ber For more information visit or follow us on Twitter @ISAPPscience © 2018, International Scienti c Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics