Gretsch 1936 Catalog 36

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Gretsch 1936 Catalog 36 FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND DATING OF VINTAGE GUITARS, MANDOLINS AND BANJOS CATALOGS FROM THE COLLECTION OF GEORGE YOUNGBLOOD These are scans of catalogs originally distributed to the public to describe the manufacturer’s products available for sale at one point in time. The intended use for these catalogs is historical research: vintage instrument identification and dating. These catalogs are not offered here for sale or re‐sale – They are only for the academic purpose of instrument identification, research and historical context. Please respect their use and do not reproduce, copy or distribute this information for any other purpose. It is important to note that instrument catalogs are not always accurate in their descriptions of instrument specifications or the images used. While product improvements were constantly being made; catalogs often used older existing drawings, etchings or photographs. In some cases instruments were offered in catalogs that had been discontinued for years. For these reasons, catalogs can only be used as general guides for the dating and identification of vintage instruments. If you are having trouble with some of the instruments details, we may be able to help. Feel free to contact us at: ACOUSTICMUSIC.ORG: http://www.AcousticMusic.Org ,lEi$:ffitiE G M USICAL MERCHANDISE CATALOG 36 The Music /vlerchant's Buying Guide \(holesale Exclusively! This catalog is for the use ead cof\.eDience of esublished Retriicn of Nlusicxl Nlerchar dise, excluslvelr. All otlrers are r€sFcrlulh referre.l to rheir lofi1 N{usic \{erchrnr who cen secure tbr rbem prompdr, anr tnerchanl;se shoi D in rhis book. o The Fred, Gretsch Mfg. Co. Musical Instrument lvlakers Since 7883 Mid-w.siein Br.nch Edl€h 8bn.h and F.clory 529So.Wabash Avenue 60 Broadway CHICAGO, ILL. BROOKLYN, N. Y. SAME DAY SERVICE FROM EITHER BRANCH L-lrl|jalrl 1!rr. I G.nlrq cr. OUR BROOKLYN FACTORY i4 rhi tuode.n, Jb.-ptoo.l GRLIScE B4iId- ;ns xo- rtoq. oJ t0 .tarie,, eit Jca oa ecth itoot INTItODUCTORY The Fred. Gretsch N{anufacturing Company is toclay America's,nost conplete Nlusical Mcrchandisingsewice. To )'o!, as a rerailcr, \rc trring literally EVIIRYTHING you reed for successful, profitable retail operation. An.i to you we jzatior ofier al1 the resources and rhc fullco operation ol an organi,ati.rn that is unique in its 1ie1d an orga bacLed by a fruitful operience of 53 years, aril pcrforniing to a dcgree not tcalizcd by ANY othcr compedtor E\IERY legilimate and nccGsary function ol $-holesale distribution $ie Put at ,vour connnand : Of,'R OWN MODERN FACTORY il Brooklyn *'irh a yearly capacit]' of nlore than 100.000 iostrumerts. OIIR OWN FOREIGN BIIYING OFFICES in Paris, Markneukirchen and Kobe, enployed in orrr servicc cxclusirely. OUR O\lN EXCLUSM FACTORS in Ital)', Tutke-v, China, and other important production centers TWO COMPLETE WHOLESAIE ESTABLISHMENTS, one in Brooklyn, one i[ Chicago, each rvith its own complete operathtg and sclling organization, each oflernrg Sane-Day Sewice on the entirc GREI-SCH line. Wholcsale etclLrsilelyl To.1ay as for the past .;J years, the Fred.C er- h \'"nrrt. ur:rr;ro'.p"r112 r'":..-.-""r- lousty its loDs estabtished policy of glrarding jealously the interests and the rights of estal,lished reiailers of musica-l nerchandisc. We nake ro clistinction bct$'eer those dcalers rvho rcgularlv car4' our lincs ancl those rirho do not' It is our conception thar cvery regularly cstablisbed retail distribLrtor has the right to expect and rcccivc ftom every manu- facrurer and every wholesaler complere protection ir his tenitory. On that platlorn 1fe stand (as $'e have always stood) and rve willnrgly and gladly pledge ourselves to 100% protecdon to EVERY dcalcr 0VERYWHERE We g arantee a1l mcrchandise listed in this catalog to tre exactly as represented and free of imperfection. Any purchasc that fa1ls short ofJour cxpectation ma)' bc rct rned at our expense lor full crcd it, provided that it be sh ipped back to us, if unuscd, within frve clavs aftcr you receive it. Please note though that prices ;n this catalog are NOT guaranteed and must be considcrcd srl)ject to change rvithout noticc. THE FRDID. GBDTSCH MI.G. CO. Musical Instrument Ma\er s OIIICTIGO Since t88 3 BBOOK.LYN 2- MUSIC/II, INSTRUtrIENT MATDRS SINCE IAAS Infornration for the Trade a PBIoTS IN THIS CATAIOG are subject to changc $'itliout notice. DBALBB HBLPS Bune pledge ahi'a].s to give tou the bcnent of aDy reductions of pric. thai $ dL'Lc to makc; lour ean bring rrew business... orders will rTrvrvs 1,e l,ille,l al ou.lo$est earn new profits for YOII S.I}IT D,TY SXITI''ICE i: tlie rule both h our Brooklvn and Don'tl.ait for bus;ncss to cone to you go out and GET Chicago branches, on 95% of'ordcrs itl GRETSCH Dcalcr Helps show you hor'. For every .youRs do'rar rl-ar . ome. ro \our hFr" J orl received. \\Ie promise you prompt, care- "l "* "rore. " "r iul attertion to everv ordcr yon send us. FOR THE dnldr-onr"ri-"s l\\(,: w; q or you ou.-ide. T "-c re"re,l. prur"rr -"ll:ng p'"n, lav" .ici- "r,l im- ASKING pr"--:v. iJlF: rrd p oqr. lnr orLpr,1e.'"r.. D^r '' )ou DACK ONDXRS need them in YOUR busnress? A Nritten request on Lnless you instruci us to the contrary your busnress lcttcrhead brjngs lull inlorflation and u.fillel ifems on vour orders r-ill be ,vou aren't in the lcast obligated. back-orderecl for sLipment the mcrchandise shal1 be available. l)rum Corps Selling: Risht Do$. right in your conmunity, there aJe golden opportunities for .{PPROT'AL SIIPIIDNTS selling Drum Corps outfits. \Ve shov you ho$r to do it: organization and cquipment explained--estimates prc- are made for definitely limitcd periods of pared Gnancing plans workcd out to fit each individual line only; should you dccide to send case. Full informatiol, yours for thc asking! back merchandise shipped you on ap- proval, $'e ask you to ship on or belore the expiration of the approwal pernrd as Plano Aecordlon Campalgns: su." n'e o.he 'ise we cannot consider it as sales plans that hawe sold Accordions to thc wnlue of $3,000 in a single week! Worked Dut to the last detail including practical plans tor preliminary s'ork, advertis- jng, frce publicity, teacher-cooperation, training for SHIPPING CIAIIIS your force in Accordion selling and scricc. Iru1l informa- \e are not responsible for goods dtun- tioa, yours for the askingl as€d or lost in transit. But rlre s-ill handle your shipping claims and collect Plano Aeeordlon Barrd PIan: Horv to ior -!ou il you vill co-opcrate to protect organize, mamse and frnance Piano Accordion Classes ].our own interests. ard Band sroups. A comprehensive plan enbodying the I Refuse at once any shipmcnts ofiered hc. l a ur". ol rl. ne hods empl"]en b) 5U ,lealcrs ior delivery in obviously damaged condi- esperirllv suc,e""ftI in ,his $ork. LFarr Iou , S300 don and write to us. inwestnent can be actually developed iDto eventual sales of $1,000 to 52,200. Full jnformation,yours tor the asking! 2 lf dmage to erchandisc is not roriced until ybu've signed for the ship- rntists to. ment and starteal unpackins it, notify The Gretseh Studlo Plan: you the co operation ol the teachers o{ your community; etpress or freight agcnt at once and ask :L new, sustained interest Drus;cai instru- r-or an inspection. Scnd inspection starts up in the pavs its o1vn $-ay $-ith a substantial volume of Rmrt f. x": we handle the daifl and mcntsi {or wou. Such prolitable business directly traceable to this activity. *L'* t"tt i.a"-"it" Practic.rl, successlul, profi tablel ;nformation, yours daims can al-ays bi colleited ifyou Full for the asking I PACf,ING Speeial Co-operation Awailable: S}.|.IICH to you at al1 tjmes on orders for complete Band and II.IT}IIIALS Orchestra tlquipment, School Bids, etc. This scrvice c"relulll' in unpacking shipments and inclLldes advice on instrumentatior, preparation of bids, rou'll avoid shoriage claims. Merchan- suggesdons about terms, discounts, etc.; also x'e are di.e (particularly small packages) is preparcd $.ith special terms to help you finance large rifrcn overlooLed and throvn aNay in satcs. Do!'t let bis orders go to out-of-town firms. We +e packins naterials. can help -r'ou lmd thernl B THD CARVND TOP MBANS FINBR TONR! Nen' ulra-Dodern Artisr Guitars, notable for power and bdlliance of tone . As solo insrruhenrB or in €nsemble D-ork rhey are unsupsssed! Compare rhem wilh e ffne+t compe.itivc makcs, Jrdge rhcm cdrically and imparrially for Tone' IVorkrnanship and Ease of Playins Actioh. And rkn relt us i{ $e ure uoas when ve say-cRETSCH GUITAR prices mean Savinss o12O% to 6[ok . General Specilic.ttions: Full-archerl tops and hacks . Carved and $aduared for tone . Large auditoliun-special size bodieB . A.tisric shaded fintuhes, hiehly poliBh€d . 3-piece builr-up recka, sreel'reinforccd . Necks joining bodi€s ar l4rh lrer o OvaI ffngerboards virh e!tua vide frers o FinCer. boards act clear of ahe top . Sel{.adjusring tailpieces . Hand-cut nF holes o Improved adjusra}rle bridges, THE FRED, GRETSCH MFG, CO, Insttune t Mahers Sik.e 188t CHICAGO BROOKLYN I''o*rr' IIODDI-S.-uoDELs. POPULAR.'o,,r-L.rR PRICtrSpRr.'Es I ',,n,\'iou ilr,,TtdulT,n,t'11iou ffiVll/P ,,n,,1hi+ty,ion?kd,,l Tloiaty Tion fffr\ :',lx:x*u1-fi:';l|xiilll llliii :'L:'J:*"H'T:1'l'$:i"::"::1ls'ili JOHN MRAZ Fi'*fi1'i*:'f#ti:i*{.*,t;:ltill".:;i:t:::,:' ;::i l##illiil iiffi*t:;;;:*;;r;3;1i;;;E:':r,,tl''r;""lii;1", 1r;.:';r;,;.'";\ t,;,, ...
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