Eur asian Pre his tory, 8 (1–2): 3–28. THE PLEIS TO CENE HU MAN SET TLE MENT IN GILAN, SOUTH WEST CAS PIAN SEA: RE CENT RESEARCH Fereidoun Biglari1, 2 and Vali Jahani3 1 Paleolithic De partment, Na tional Mu seum of Iran, 30 Tir St., Emam Ave., Teh ran, Iran 2 l’Institut de Préhistoire et de Géologie du Quaternaire (PACEA), Bâtiment de géologie B 18, Av e nue des Facultés, Université Bor deaux 1, 33405, Talence Cedex, France;
[email protected] 3 Ar chae o log i cal Ser vice Sec tor of Gilan, Ira nian Cul tural Her i tage, Hand i crafts and Tour ism Or ga ni za tion, Rasht, Iran; vali_jahani@ya Ab stract This paper reviews recent devel op ments in the Paleolithic archae ology in the Gilan region of southwest ern Cas pian Sea utiliz ing infor ma tion accu mulated over the last decade. The doc u mented sites fall within the Early to the Late Paleolithic peri ods and include both shel tered (caves and rock shelters) and open-air sites. The Lower Paleolithic sites of Ganj Par and Darband pro duced archae o logi cal record dating back at least to Middle Pleis tocene. For the later Middle Paleolithic pe riod, the only known site is Yarshalman, while late Paleolithic re mains are known from at least four caves and rock shelters and two open-air sites. Gilan cur rently fur nishes the most convinc ing evi dence for the Acheul ian indus - try in Iran and the earli est radio met ric date for the presence of hominins in the Ira nian Plateau.