Registration Address

Registration/Start/Finish Address; Sturton Road, South Wheatley Village Hall ,

Notts, DN22 9DH

Registration is from 6:00am till 7:30am

At registration you will collect your race number and race tracker plus sign a waiver declaring you will be carrying the minimum kit list and that you are responsible for yourself throughout the event. You do not need any documentation to register. Nor do you need to fill in the back of the event number with any medical details unless there is something new to declare, as your medical declarations should be on SiEntries. This is what we use in the case of an emergency. When entering races through SiEntries in the future please always take the time to do this properly.

Please note there will be no tea or coffee / refreshment at registration before the race but it is an ideal opportunity to fill water bottles / bladders.

Briefing at 7:40am for 10 minutes. Here I will inform you of any last minute changes or helpful advice. This briefing is for everyone's benefit and is compulsory. Then there is just time for one last toilet stop before we move outside to the car park for the start.

Start is at 08:00am PROMPT as all of our Aid Station timings for volunteers / cut offs are calculated from actual time of day.

Getting there on the morning!!

No doubt most now know how they are getting to the start on the morning, whether it be driving or getting dropped off by a crew member/friend.

For those unsure please note South Whealtey and the surrounding towns of Retford and Gainsborough are rural towns. It’s unlikely taxi firms will have started early enough to take you to registration on the Saturday morning. There are no buses to South Wheatley at that time either. So, if you are travelling on the Friday via public transport and staying in a hotel you need to arrange a lift to the hall.

If you do need a lift I’m sure runners coming in on that morning would be happy to collect you as they pass. So it’s simply a matter of communication. If you are struggling to find a lift please email/message me your exact details and I can re-post them out for you on our HOBO Pace facebook page to help. I can’t see it being an issue on a small race.


We have use of the hall from 06:00am Saturday morning until Sunday at 15:00. I’d encourage runners to leave finish bags in their vehicles rather than the hall as very quickly the hall space becomes clogged up. If you are arriving via public transport / have no vehicle then please mention this at registration and they will inform you as to where you can stash your bag.

There are unfortunately no showers at the hall. There are toilets, kitchen and space to get changed if needed.

You are welcome to sleep / rest at the hall until 14:00 Sunday after finishing the race.

Toilets On Route (During opening hours)

Clumber Park - as you pass through Hardwick Village keep an eye out for the toilet signpost Creswell

Crags - Aid Station 7

Clearly the majority of the route is on trail and at times through woodlands which creates opportunity for a wild toilet stop! Please move away from the trail to do what you need to do!


Please tell your crews to read the information under 'rules' on this website as it may be of use to them.

In past years due to issues it has proved unfeasible to let crews to all of the Aid Station points, some are just not suitable for the volume of cars. Fortunately, though this only applies to 2 of the stations.

Apart from the excluded Aid Stations crews are welcome to go to any other part of the route than those stated if they are confident on a map. But they must be sensitive to the area, especially in urban areas and at night. Cars and crew can really put races like this in jeopardy if common sense is not used. Please make sure your crew understands this as you will be held responsible for them. Although unlikely, crews behaving inappropriately could lead to your disqualification from the event as we have to protect the race for future years.

I have listed Crew directions to the crew points below as if the crew followed you around the route in order of the race. Please explain the route to your crew so they understand the same stations repeat for the second loop and the return leg.

Crew Point 1 - Aid Station 1 (6.66M / 96.98M)

Boat Inn - Boat Inn Hayton Retford, 97 Main St, Hayton, Retford DN22 9LF – Note the station will be on the canal by the humpback bridge which you will see from this car park.

Crew Point 2 – Instead of Aid Station 2 (Approx. 10M / 93M)

Aldi Superstore 89-105 Carolgate, Retford DN22 6EH Or Asda Superstore Wharf Rd, Retford DN22 6EN

Both stores are very close to one another and the canal is easily accessible from the back of their car parks. I have giving you both as although Aldi is a perfect spot as you can see the towpath from the car park, it is a smaller car park and can be busy. Asda car park is much bigger and you will always get parked.

Crew Point 3 – Aid Station 3 (19.36M/ 84.28M)

Manton Pit Wood – Manton Wood Business Park, S80 2RS - . Note this address is not the aid station! It is situated in Manton Pit Wood Car Park visible form the road opposite the business park.

Crew Point 4 – Aid Station 4 (22.22M / 51.82M / 81:42M)

Forest Loop - Clumber Livery Ltd, Clumber Lane End Farm, Worksop S80 3BQ. Note this address is not the aid station! Please use the maps / tracker link to see where exactly the station is. You do not turn directly onto the Clumber Livery lane it is for reference only. If this lane is on your right - turnaround - you need this on your left! Now with the livery on your left keep going towards a main entrance into you will see ahead. Take the left turn to avoid entering the park. Drive on this road for approx. 700m to see a noticeable crossroads in the trail. This is the Aid Station location just off the road behind the trees. Please only park on one side of the road (same side as others there!) to be sure not to block any access. Forestry Commission logging trucks use this road and they won't care about your wing mirror if pasing is too tight! Pull as tight onto the grass verge as possible to provide passing traffic plenty of room.

Crew Point 5 – Aid Station 5 (27.22M / 56.82M)

A614 - Clumber Park Hotel , Blyth Rd, Nottingham S80 3PA. Note this address is not the aid station but it gets you very close. You will see a pedestrian crossing and a couple of laybys shortly before or after the hotel depending on your direction of approach. The Aid Station will be placed inside the trees a very short walk from the A614 lay-by and may not be visible form the road but I’m confident you will find it. Please see the maps for further help.

Crew Point 6 – Instead of Aid Station 6 (Before & After the station)

a) On the way and just before Aid Station 6 Hazel Gap (Approx. 30M/59M) - Duncanwood Lodge Car

Park, Rd, Worksop S80 3BP. Runners run through and passed this very car park to then cross the road.

b) After leaving Aid Station 6 Hazel Gap (Approx. 32M/62M) - National Horsebox Hire & Transport - Gleadthorpe Lodge, Netherfield Ln, Meden Vale, NG20 9PG – Note this postcode is not the exact point but instead puts you on the lane runners will pass, please do not drive to the lodge! You will see a water board sign ‘Budby’ when turning off Netherfield Ln. Please park away / do not disturb the few residents further up the lane.

c) Return Loop (Approx. 39M/69M) - To see the runners on the return of the 10 mile loop all crew need do is walk along the track the runners head out on for approx. ½ mile, then at the very first junction turn right. Walk along this track for a approx. ¼ mile and it meets the route again where the runners return, the route tape will be visible. Please be advised crew need to be self-sufficient (Head torch / warm clothes / map) so if your crew do not feel confident doing this – they shouldn’t do it. We do not have the resources to be searching for crew. In this case crew should head to Crew point 7.

Crew Point 7 – Aid Station 7 (47.01M / 76.61M)

Creswell Crags - Museum & Heritage Centre, Crags Road, Holbeck, Worksop S80 3LH. This is also signed via brown signs for Creswell Crags. The Aid Station is right down to the left of the car park. Out of hours the centre provides us with a gate fob to open the electric gate. It is possible you will have to park up near the gate and walk down to get this clicker to then return for your car. The gate does automatically open to let you out of the car park without a clicker.

Just to clarify please ensure your crew know they must not visit the below Aid Stations. Every year we still get crew turn up which is frustrating and we have to move them on! Hazel Gap in particular quickly becomes very dangerous with too many vehicles there. Alternative meeting points have been provided above as crew point 2 & 6 instead of the Aid Stations;

Aid Station 2 - Old London Road

Aid Station 6 - Hazel Gap

Number Recording

All runners must have their numbers visible at the Aid Stations. Ideally this will be on the front of you. But I am happy for you to pin your number to your pack / back if you wish given the distance of this event. But make certain it is visible quickly.

It is your responsibility as a runner to make sure the marshal has recorded your number. It is very important that we can account for where you are on the trail in case of an emergency or in case of a tracker failure which does happen.

Food & Drink

Refreshment will be provided on the Aid Stations throughout the race and at the finish at the hall.

Food at the Aid Stations will be a mixture of sweet and savoury such as Bananas / Nuts / Biscuits / Jelly Beans / Jam Sandwich / Peanut Butter Sandwich / Crisps. All food & drink provided at HOBO Pace events is vegan (other than an additional milk option for hot drinks). But we are not responsible for the food volunteers may bring. Fluids available will be water, juice and coke.

Hot drinks will be available from 51.82M onwards. In addition to the non-dairy option we do also provide standard milk for hot drinks.

There will be a cup of hot soup & bread roll available at Aid Station 4 at 51.82M and 81:42M.

I am sorry that we cannot cater for nut allergies. This is due to the fact volunteers may bring food containing nuts. Given that we cannot ensure a nut free zone, we have chosen to have nuts on the stations.

Although possible it is strongly advised you carry your own food/energy bars and do not solely rely on the Aid Stations. Or have your drop bag stocked with food of your choice. It is also important you carry water at all times. Staying hydrated is vital for your safety and enjoyment of the event.


There is no indoor shelter for the race other than at the start & finish at the hall. Aid Station 1 & 2 on the outward journey may not be shelters unless it is raining. However, from Aid Station 3 for the rest of the route the Aid Station shelters will be up.

Aid Station 4 is the major check point as your drop bags are there. It also falls at perfect stages of the race where it is likely runners will rest. There will be an extra shelter in place to account for this.

This said the shelters are not designed for long rest. They are a great way to break down the race. A place to stop briefly and get what you need / receive support off of the Marshals or Crew. You will get cold quickly resting, especially at night. My advice is to do what you need to do then get moving as quickly as possible – this is a non- stop race after all!

HOBO Pace T-Shirts

The race T-shirts are ordered to exact quantities to reduce waste. They will be printed with the HOBO Pace logo and the event name.

HOBO Pace Medal

Your medal will be personalised with the event name, your name and date.

NOTE: Both the T-shirts and medals will be at the hall for collection in a bag with your name on due to the bespoke nature of them.

Dropping / Timed Out

If you cannot continue with the race please wherever possible drop out at an Aid Station. When you do so a marshal will remove your number. We have limited transport arranged in the event you have to pull out so it is recommended you have arrangements to be picked up in the worst case scenario. If this is not possible please be patient with the volunteers and when the Aid Station closes / or someone is free, they can give you a lift back to HQ. The same thing will happen if you breach the cut off.

If you need to drop and you cannot make it to an aid station then you must call HQ for help. In this position, we will have to assume you are in a bad condition and if the weather is challenging you could get cold very quickly. The medic would be sent to find you. So make sure it is an emergency.

Never just drop out of the race without informing a marshal. We need to account for everybody throughout the race and at the finish for everyone’s safety.

Cut Offs

3 very generous cut offs will be used on this race just to hold the event together. These are not intended to be a stressor but rather they simply allow the runner to see clearly what is needed to cover the distance in under 30 hours. Two of these cut offs will be enforced at Aid Station 4 and the final one at the finish. Please note additional cut offs on the day are possible to be enforced at the discretion of the race director for the safety of the runners / volunteers.

Aid Station 4 – 2nd time 11:33pm Saturday Night (15 Hours 33 Minutes of time elapsed – calculated at 18 Cut Off 1 @ 51.82M minute per mile for a 30 hour finish)

Aid Station 4 – 3rd time 8:26am Sunday Morning (24 Hours 26 Cut Off 2 @ 81:42M Minutes of time elapsed - calculated at 18 minute per mile for a 30 hour finish)


Cut Off 3 @ 100.48M 2pm (30 Hours of time elapsed - calculated at 18 minute per mile for a 30 hour finish – any finisher after this period will be recorded as a DNF)

An average of approx. 3.5mph / 18 minute miles gets you around an exact 100 miles within the 30 hour cut off of. This course is a fraction over at 0.5 miles over. So bear in mind technically speaking keeping an exact 18 min mile average you would DNF by half a mile – just to point that out! However, in simple terms if you keep 3.5mph - 4mph (18 – 15 minute per miles) you will make it. With no severe terrain, the odds are hugely in your favour - remember that!

Unfortunately, any finishers past 30 hours will be classed as a DNF in the results to be fair to those that made it under the official cut off.

The cut off times apply to leaving the aid station not arriving. You will be warned. But if a marshal informs you that you have been timed out you absolutely must stop. Some marshals are out on the course for 14 hours. It is not fair to have them out any longer. These are the only real reasons for the cut offs.

Please see the below table of Aid Station distances. I strongly recommend you print this out for race day to keep you focused and on route. Also provide any crew you may have with this information too.

Aid Station Number/Name Dis. Between Aid Stations Cumulative Dis.

Start – South Wheatley Hall 0M 0M

Aid Station 1 – Boat Inn (Via Loop) 6.66M 6.66M Aid Station 2 – Old London Road 6.9M 13.56M

Aid Station 3 – Manton Pit Wood 5.8M 19.36M

Aid Station 4 – Forest Loop (Drop Bags) 2.86M 22.22M

Aid Station 5 – A614 5M 27.22M

Aid Station 6 – Hazel Gap (Out) 3.72M 30.94M

Aid Station 6 – Hazel Gap (Return) 10M 40.94M

Aid Station 7 – Creswell Crags 6.07M 47.01M

Aid Station 4 – Forest Loop (Drop Bags) 4.81M 51.82M

Aid Station 5 – A614 5M 56.82M

Aid Station 6 – Hazel Gap (Out) 3.72M 60.54M

Aid Station 6 – Hazel Gap (Return) 10M 70.54M

Aid Station 7 – Creswell Crags 6.07M 76.61M

Aid Station 4 – Forest Loop (Drop Bags) 4.81M 81:42M

Aid Station 3 – Manton Pit Wood 2.86M 84.28M

Aid Station 2 – Old London Road 5.8M 90.08M

Aid Station 1 – Boat Inn (Direct Route Return) 6.9M 96.98M

Finish – South Wheatley Hall 3.5M 100.48M


I have done absolutely everything within my power to make the navigation simple for you. It's not a one strategy process. There are many things I do to try and keep you on track, see further below. It's vital you are on board with this. You must do your bit too for this to work effectively.

Please get to grips with the route from the maps on the website. I know many of you have told me that you cannot map read. This is not what I am asking. All I expect is that you know the race order and its general direction. The Aid Station table of distances helps this too. This knowledge alone can help you stay alert and prevent you getting hopelessly lost / running in the wrong direction! Please do not run without any knowledge of the route, keep your awareness at all times.

Ultimately it is your responsibility as the runner to stay on route after I do everything from my end as a race director.


On on the Robin Hood 100 event page the maps are fully correct and available for download.

Direct link to the maps; content/uploads/2016/06/RH100_Route_Map_FINAL_A.pdf


All runners wear a live tracker. This of course gives us the added advantage of you always knowing where you are.

Here is the link to share with Friends & Family. In the week or so your name and number will show in the participants column.

Unfortunately, due to the layout of the race being an out & back with a loop it throws the Leaderboard software so we have to disable it. But your dot will show where you are on the course which is the real reason we provide them!

Those of you that don’t have GPX this could be a good backup for you to check your location if you did get lost (if you have a phone signal!). Remember to turn the feature back off though otherwise it will drain your phone battery.

GPX Files

Link to view the route in ‘plotaroute’ and GPX;

To View the zoomable route map and download a GPX file please click on this link:

This will open the route map in Plotaroute. From here you can view the entire route and aid station locations (Marked on the map as i ) and zoom in to see sections of the map close up.

You can download the GPX file of the route by clicking on the “download” button which can be found on the left of the page underneath the map.

Link directly to a downloadable GPX (you need the right software for this one!); p=sharing

GPS / Tracker Signal Error!

On the return heading North to Aid Station 6 (Hazel Gap) on the 10 mile loop in past years the tracker has been confused and moved everyone's dot to the right of the trail making it appear like runners have taken the wrong path! This path ultimately joined the same path anyway! I visited that exact spot to see what was happening and it is simply a glitch for a few hundred metres. This only happened on this part of the course. Runners noticed it on their GPS / watches too. Please don't be alarmed if this happens there and trust the tape rather than coming of the route.


The canal will be marked with the occasional arrow for confidence, every couple of miles. The tow path never leaves the water, navigation could not be easier, making it a nice return leg too when you're tired.

Note – when the canal is signed there will be two arrows placed in opposite directions, ready for your return journey. To avoid any potential confusion, especially at night when you are tired and potentially not thinking straight, the arrows will be labelled 'OUT' and 'RETURN'. So if in doubt check. Also 99% of the time the water is on your left on the out journey and then on your right on your return journey. But there is one part of the canal a mile or so before Aid Station 3 you do cross the canal for a short spell, so I can't give you this as an absolute rule!

The link up paths and the Sherwood Forest loop are not easy to navigate like the canal tow path, it's a total change of environment, which makes this quite a unique 100. To combat this however the entire route (other than the canal) is all marked with Red & White tape which has reflective strips for the night section. The tape will be clearly placed at all junctions and then every few hundred yards. Where there is absolutely nowhere to turn off the odd bit of tape will be put up as 'confidence' tape only. Even then tape will be regular. If you haven't seen tape for a mile, there is a problem! Check your location. Don't be afraid to call / text me. I will almost certainly be able to see you on the tracker.

The Robin Hood Way markings are poor but will help you in the few urban areas you enter, for example Norton, as they are permanent stickers, where as our tape may have been pulled down. So the rule is in a built up area where tape is missing, follow the Robin Hood Way signs. But check your position shortly after if you have not picked up any tape.

To make certain the route is still marked I have a front bike approximately 20 minutes in front of the front runner checking the course Saturday morning (we tape Friday). They will replace any missing tape if needed. Then Saturday afternoon / night I have another checker to check the forest loop again for your second lap! You get the picture. I will also be checking with the front runners that the tape is still up.

The route will be marked to the absolute best of our ability and then checked continually throughout of the race.

I also spray 3 small dots on the floor throughout the course. This tends to remain intact even if tape gets vandalised. I spray the dots 20 – 40 metres after a junction where there is a choice in trail, so don't expect dots all of the time when there has been no choice. The theory is if the tape has been pulled down you make your choice and keep an eye out for the dots. These dots are always sprayed on the left side of the trail where possible. These dots will almost certainly not have been vandalised which gives me further confidence in the system and has worked well in the past. Please note if it's raining heavy when we mark, then this can be a pointless strategy! So bear this in mind. I will inform you at the briefing if I have sprayed the dots.

I will be watching the trackers. Have your phone on. If you go way off route I will text you to check your position / give instructions. Friends are welcome to do the same. Turn off all the unnecessary apps on your phone to ensure your battery last longer and don't waste any power on anything else unnecessary. You may need that power later. It could be the difference between getting lost and finishing.

No Tape.. I've told you to worry if you go a mile without seeing any tape. So it’s important I mention just a small bit of the course we don’t tape! It is on your way to Creswell Crags (Aid Station 7) about a mile after you pass through the village of Norton. You come from a field edge to be opposite an impressive Estate House where you then turn left onto the estate road / drive.

The way we mark this is to put one arrow on the gate to send you the correct way but then we do not tape along the tree lined avenue. Many think this is the ‘Lime Tree Avenue’ but it’s only its little brother as you will find out soon enough! There is no where else to go on this road so trust it, follow the avenue on the private road until you get to another gate where you will see the entrance to ‘Wellbeck School Of Artisan Food’ . You then follow the Robin Hood Way signs Left to leave the estate, again we do arrow this. We don’t tape this section to limit the ‘agitation’ to the estate managers to preserve the event for future years!

Once you do hit the real Lime Tree Avenue (longest in Europe!) on your way to the A614 keep on the trail with the road on your right to see tape on the little posts on the floor that you run passed, always good for confidence that you're going the right way! Again, there is no reason to get confused here. Follow the Avenue until literally the row of 4 Lime Trees stop, then you turn right. This will be taped as it always is. Yet for some reason ‘someone’ always misses this right turn and ends up at the main road. Don’t be that someone!

We will do all we can to ensure you have a great race. But I'll close by saying once again that once we do all of the above YOU are responsible for getting around the course. If you get lost. It's your fault. The responsibility on ultras ultimately ALWAYS rests with the runners. It's the nature of the sport.

Additional Helpful Course Notes;

Getting to the Canal – The first 6.6 miles getting to Aid Station 1 (Boat Inn) are in my view the toughest of the race. That is not due to elevation but due to the underfoot conditions. In places a couple of the trails are quite damaged and have rutted tracks from tractors / off road vehicles and it’s made them difficult to run on.

It’s worth noting the grass is a little overgrown in places too and in the morning dew or a wet day this means your feet may be wet from the start of the race.

I’m telling you this information for two reasons. One, if you begin to curse the opening few miles just remember this is the ‘worst’ bit and easier running is coming your way. Also upon the return, you only have 3.5 miles of it to contend with, it’s much easier. Two, if your feet are wet from the grass remember you hit your drop bag early at 22 miles, so you could always change your socks / trainers here if you wanted to.

On the towpath – the majority of the towpath is really nice running. Being completely flat it is challenging in its own right at times, so be cautious not to overdo things so early on! There are a few patches of the tow path that is more difficult to run on where the grass is thicker and the ground uneven – so don’t expect it all your own way. At least it’s not muddy at this time of year!

Footwear – The course is often dry in September. It is mostly firm / hard trail on the forest cycle tracks alongside minor / estate roads after the towpath, so the majority of the race is very compact under foot. I recommend road shoes or light trail shoes for this event.

Drop Bags – there will be a collection point at hall for your drop bags when you register. Please clearly label your bag with your name BEFORE you arrive to save time.

Bags will be stored in a tent at Aid Station 4 (so they won't get wet) and therefore will be available to you three times during the race. Please see the below mileage chart. A marshal will assist you with finding your bag at the station. Those with adequate support from a crew are encouraged not to use an unnecessary drop bag.

Only one drop bag per runner please.

The drop bag may be reasonably large i.e. a rucksack/ small holdall – but no excessively large kit bags please as these will not be accepted - one year we has a large suit case - not joking! All drop bags will be transported to the finish line between 10am – 12pm on Sunday. So it may be an idea to use a disposable bag if you are a faster runner / do not want to wait for your bag. This may also affect the contents you choose to put in your bag too! Drop bags not collected at the finish will be disposed of. Please bear in mind not to use anything made of paper / cardboard as if they get damp they tear easily and you will lose your contents – a strong carrier bag tied or taped up is ideal.

Pacers are not allowed drop bags.

Drop Bag Mileage Aid Station 4 (1st time) 22.22M

Aid Station 4 (2nd time) 51.82M

Aid Station 4 (3rd time) 81:42M

Minimum Kit List;

A Fully Charged Mobile Phone (same phone number you have provided on SiEntries) with the race day numbers needed stored on it.

● Water Bottles/Bladder capable of carrying a minimum of 1 litre ● Survival Blanket: 1.4m x 2m minimum ● Print Out Of Route Map (Hard Copy - print off website) ● Waterproof Jacket: Gore-Tex or similar ● Whistle ● *Head torch or Primary Light Source ● *Back Up Light source – Minimum 25 Lumens ● Warm Hat – Beanie Hat or Buff ● Gloves ● *Base layer or fleece top at least 180g in weight (Men's Medium) – This must be carried separately from the start and kept dry, for use only in an emergency. Starting in 2 layers is not a substitute

*Base layer – I will not be weighing your base layer! In essence the point here is to have a warm base layer in case you need it. Please be sensible and consider your safety as well as weight saving.

*Head torches – Both your main head torch and your back up light source must be carried with you from the start until Sunday morning. It will be dark for some by 51.82M when you reach your drop bags for the second time at Aid Station 4. So to keep things fair and safe all participant’s head torches must be carried from the start until Sunday morning.

This is a CUPLESS EVENT!! There are no cups on the race other than for your soup at Aid Station 4 and at the hall/finish. So if you do want a hot drink you will need to carry a cup much like on the LDWA events. Please see the link for a cup I know ultra runners have been using for exactly this reason.... =1516026399&sr=8-2&keywords=light+my+fire+cup

The reason for this is simple, to save on plastic waste. Many ultra race directors have also already taken this decision and after it being brought to my attention I wholeheartedly felt it was the right thing to do.

Pacers – Can join you from Aid Station 4 to begin the second lap from 51.82M to the finish. There must be no pacers before this point. Only one pacer at a time please. Pacers must not carry anything for the runner. Moral support / navigation help only. Sorry but pacers must be on foot not on a bike. You do not need to register your pacer with us and HOBO Pace does not accept any responsibility for them, they are your responsibility only.

Please Note;

The pacer must stay with you at all times. In the past, a pacer got lost running ahead to the crew and went missing for hours at night without proper kit and we had to search for him, so keep them with you – as you have a tracker on you. Pacers are welcome to Aid Station supplies. Please make sure your pacer 'gets it' and is prepared, self sufficient and fit enough for the role as I've seen pacers ruin a runners event on several occasions!

Walking poles – are allowed.


Please arrive in good time with a guide time of 06:00am – 07:00am. There will be ample parking at the hall / farm given the small nature of the event. There is nothing worse than rushing before a race especially a 100 mile so be kind to yourself!

Trail Etiquette

The trail does not close for us to use it. It is of course open to the general public too. Please be courteous to walkers, horse riders, mountain bikers and other runners using the trail at all times.


All of the volunteers will do everything possible to make your day the best it can be. Many spend well over 8 hours on the trail. Please be polite and take the time to thank them all. It's very important as without the volunteers there can be no race!

Medic & Emergency Procedure

We have a first aid medic at HQ / out on route.

What to do in the event of a Medical Emergency:

If there is a problem and you need Medical attention / advice call the HQ numbers.

Our Medic will co-ordinate any response and/or give advice.

If you have a medical issue or have found someone who is in need of medical attention think about what information our medic would need to help you.

- Your phone number

- Your name and/or race number

- Your location – Try to think what you might be near that would be picked up on a sat nav. Check your map.

- What is the problem?

- Please stay with the casualty until help arrives keeping the casualty warm and dry.

Calling 999

If someone is not breathing or looks like they could stop breathing call 999 right away. Then if possible call our Medic too. We may be closer than a 999 response. Plus, we will be able to direct the ambulance as close as possible to you if you are unsure of your location.

Results: Draft results will be published within three days. These will be emailed to you through SiEntries. Then they will be added to once finalised.

Prizes: Top 3 Male & Female winners will be recognised and receive a HOBO Pace hip flask. Due to the nature of the event there is often no awards time slot. I will try to announce the winners at the hall at the most appropriate time wherever possible.

Right, I think I've got it all!!

Thank you for your time and patience.

Keep Roaming...

Ronnie & Team HOBO