بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم (قرآن الفجر) Fajr 10 April 2016 – 03 Rajab 1437

ۡ ً۬ (سورة التوبة) – At Tawbah – (إِ ن ُق ۡر َءا َن ٱل َف ۡج ِر َكا َن َم ۡش ُہو دا)

Background about Surah At Tawbah

and some scholars (جاءت في ترتيب المصحف بعد سورة األنفال) Surah At Tawbah comes after Surah Al Anfal . say it’s a continuation of Surah Al Anfal and Allah (swt) knows best. آخر سورة نزلت على ) before his death (ﷺ) This is the last complete surah revealed upon the Prophet . The surah is firm in addressing matters because it’s before his death, as if it’s .(النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم the last chance to change themselves. . Surah Al Anfal talks about the which is the first battle for the Muslims in which 300 Surah At Tawbah talks about the last .(سورة األنفال تتحدث عن أول غزوة وهي بدر) Muslims participated نزلت ) which was the Battle of Tabuk and 30,000 Muslims participated (ﷺ) battle for the Prophet .subhan Allah ,(سورة التوبة بعد آخر غزوة النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم غزوة تبوك سورة ) (بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم) Surah At Tawbah is the only surah in the Quran which does not begin with . :Some scholars said the reason for this is because .(لم تبدأ بالبسملة ألنها أكثر السور عن المنافقين و ) o The surah speaks so much of the disbelievers and hypocrites .subhan Allah ,(بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم) that they’ve been deprived of (الكافرين .(بدأت ببراءة) o The first ayah of the surah is freedom from the mushrikeen

Names of Surah At Tawbah

. Some names of Surah At Tawbah are: it exposes the characteristics of the hypocrites :(الفاضحة) o The Exposer it reveals the faults of the disbelievers : (الكاشفة) o The Revealer due to the sharpness of the ayat and the call to battle :(السيف) o The Sword . The hypocrites were afraid of what the ayat would reveal about their hearts. Surah At Tawbah It also .(سورة التوبة بها أكثر من 55 صفة للمنافقين) reveals more than 55 characteristics of the hypocrites Allah (swt) is not exposing just for .(سورة التوبة بها عيوب الكافرين) reveals the faults of the disbelievers the sake of exposing, but in order to know yourself because someone might not know they have traits of hypocrisy, and there is an invitation to repent and return back to Allah (swt). and this is so (اسم السورة التوبة) ’which means ‘repentance (التوبة) ’The name of the surah is ‘Tawbah . encouraging despite exposing the characteristics of the hypocrites and revealing the faults of the disbelievers, subhan Allah. Even if there is exposure and revealing, never forget that the door of repentance is still open and we can return back to Allah (swt), alhamdulliah. it is ,(تكررت التوبة في سورة التوبة 71 مرة) in this surah 17 times (توبة) You will find repetition of the word . the most in any surah. Imagine it is speaking of the great sin of hypocrisy where if died upon then he will be in the lowest level in the hellfire, yet a person can still repent. This gives so much hope. If a hypocrite can return back to Allah (swt), so what about a sinning believer? Subhan Allah. o Tawbah is mentioned 13 times in Surah Al Baqarah o Tawbah is mentioned 3 times in Surah o Tawbah is mentioned 72 times in Surah An Nisa’a

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بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم (قرآن الفجر) Fajr Quran 10 April 2016 – 03 Rajab 1437

(الفكرة المحروية) Theme of Surah At Tawbah

(فضيحة المنافقين) Exposure of the hypocrites .

(محاور سورة التوبة) Surah At Tawbah Overview

البراءة من عهود ) Freedom from the covenants of the mushrikeen and ruling on how to deal with them .1 Ayat 1 to 6 – (المشركين وأحكام معاملتهم صفات المشركين وتعاملهم مع ) Characteristics of the mushrikeen and how they deal with the believers .2 Ayat 7 to 15 – (المؤمنين Ayat 16 to 19 – (الحض على الجهاد وعمارة المساجد) Encouragement to the battle and building of mosques .3 Ayat 20 to 22 – (فضل وجزاء المجاهدين) and reward for those who fight in the battle .4 Ayat 23 to 24 – (تحريم تولي الكافرين) Prohibition to take kafireen as awliya .5 Ayat 25 to 27 – (فضل هللا على المؤمنين بالنصر) Allah’s favor upon the believers by granting them victory .6 تحريم دخول ) Prohibition of mushrikeen’s entry to Masjid Al Haram and the command to fight them .7 Ayat 28 to 33 – (المشركين للمسجد الحرام وقتالهم 8. Knowledgeable ones from the People of the Book stealing people’s wealth and their punishment Ayat 34 to 35 – (نهب األحبار ألموال الناس وعقابهم) Ayat – (األشهر الحرم وتالعب المشركين بها) The sacred months and the mushrikeen’s playing around with it .9 36 to 37 األمر بالجهاد و ) for the struggle and the reminder of Allah’s victory (ﷺ) Command to the Prophet .10 Ayat 38 to 41 – (التذكير بنصر هللا Ayat 42 to 59 – (فضح المنافقين) Exposure of the hypocrites .11 Ayah 60 – (أهل الزكاة الثمانية) Eight groups of people whom zakat is given .12 Ayat – (صفات و جزاء المنافقين و المؤمنين) Characteristics and recompense of the hypocrites and believers .13 61 to 72 for the struggle and types of hypocrites and those who give excuses (ﷺ) Command to the Prophet .14 Ayat 73 to 102 – (األمر بالجهاد و أنواع المنافقين و المعتذرين) Ayat – (فضل الصدقة و التوبة و التجارة الرابحة) of the sadaqah and tawbah and the winning trade .15 103 – 112 Ayat 113 to 116 – (تحريم اإلستغفار للمشركين) Prohibition of seeking forgiveness for the mushrikeen .16 Ayat 117 to – (توبة هللا على أهل غزوة تبوك) Allah’s repentance upon the people of the Battle of Tabuk .17 119 فضل أهل المدينة و فضل ) Superiority of the people of Medina and superiority of the people of knowledge .18 Ayat 120 to 123 – (أهل العلم موقف المؤمنين و المنافقين من نزول ) State of the believers and the hypocrites when are revealed .19 Ayat 124 to 127 – (السور Ayat 128 to 129 – (بعض صفات الرسول صلى هللا عليه وسلم) (ﷺ) Some of the virtues of the Prophet .20

May Allah (swt) keep us firm on the guidance. Ameen.

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