Wonderful Wetland Wildlife Activities for children aged 5-7 years

WWT has a well-established and well-loved education programme that we run across the UK at our ten wetland sites. We’ve designed these short activities based on one of our school activities. We’ve made it to connect you and your family to the natural world and help you to work with your children to feel great about nature and understand some of the things that WWT love and care about.

Why wetlands? WWT works across the UK to save, conserve and build wetlands for wildlife and people. Wetlands are one of the most important habitats on earth – storing huge amounts of CO2, providing a natural way of stopping flooding and serving as a home for huge numbers of different creatures. This activity will help you and your children to learn about a range of wetland and the wetland places (habitats) they live in.

These activities link to the National Currcula for science in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Stuff you need: • Set of 20 wetland wildlife cards (see final pages of this document)

Note: Where you see a Q this indicates a question to ask your child Indoor activities (1 hour)

Wetlands are home to some amazing animals. This first activity will introduce you to some of these incredible creatures. • Take either all of the cards or a random selection of the cards depending on the age and ability of your child(ren). • Place them with the picture side face up.

Q Which animals can you name? • Turn them over to see if your child is correct. Don’t worry if they don’t know the names of all of the animals at this stage. You can simply turn over the remaining cards to reveal their names. Repeating this activity is a good way of helping your child to get to know the name of some of these animals. • Place the cards picture side up again. Get your child to sort in any way they like (e.g. can fly / can’t fly; has legs / doesn’t have legs).

1 Q How have you decided to sort them? At this stage there is no right answer. It’s just to get the idea that animals (and plants) can be classified or grouped in different ways. Again, this can be repeated multiple times if you wish. • Lay out just the following cards: , eel, frog, toad, coot, kingfisher, water vole, otter, grass snake. • Read through the following information together, explaining that these can be put into the following groups:

Key word: AMPHIBIAN - Amphibians spend part of their time in water and part of their time on land. - They are cold blooded: They need to sit in the sun to raise their body temperature or move to a colder place to cool down. - They have moist skin and most can breathe through their skin. - They are born in water (usually in the form of eggs know as ‘spawn’).

Key word: BIRD - Birds have feathers (no other animals have true feathers). - They lay eggs with a hard shell. - Most (but not all) birds can fly.

Key word: FISH - Fish live in water. - They breathe through gills instead of lungs. This means they can take oxygen straight out of the water and don’t need to come to the surface for air.. - They are cold blooded. - They have scales.

Key word: MAMMAL - Mammals have hair or fur. - They are warm-blooded. This means that they can keep the temperature inside them the same even when it is very hot or very cold. - They give birth to live young. - Mothers feed their young with milk.

Key word: REPTILE - Reptiles are cold blooded. - They have scales. - They are born on land. - They breathe through lungs.

• Ask your child to split the cards into these five different groups. Keep back any they are unsure of. Turn them over to find out if they are correct. • Go back to those your child wasn’t sure of. Turn them over to see which group they fit into. Discuss why they fit into this group and not another. • Get your child to describe the similarities and differences between the groups using the names of different body parts (e.g. have legs / don’t have legs; have wings / don’t have wings etc).

2 • Play ‘guess the ’. - Lay out all of the cards. - Get your child to choose one of the animals on the cards without telling you (they shouldn’t pick it up - leave it with the other cards). - Ask your child a yes / no question about their animal (e.g. Does it have fur? Can it fly?). - Once they have answered, remove all of the animals that are now ruled out (e.g. if you ask has it got fur and they say yes, you can remove all of the animals that don’t have fur). - Keep asking questions and removing cards until you only have one card left. - Is this the animal your child chose? - Now swap over so that you choose an animal and they have to guess which you have chosen.

Take it outside: (30 minutes)

• Go to a place outdoors.

Q What animals can you see? Which group do they come into (mammal, amphibian, fish etc)? How do you know? • Ask your child to use the notes and sketches pages to think about some of their favourite animals – can they show what they love about them using drawings, words or maybe even a poem? • Get your child to think about why these are their favourite.

Q What is it that you love about these animals? How does watching them make you feel? Are they beautiful? Can you imagine what they might be thinking right now?

Q What could we do to help protect these animals?

3 Wetland wildlife cards • To make the cards, cut the line across the width of your paper then fold each half in half again so you end up with a picture on one side and the information on the other. Stick the two sides together with glue.


Fold Cut

Fold Fold homes here in the UK the in here homes to years three two to or drift their back It takes eels then to young the spawn. miles (4,800 Sea km) to Sargasso the Adult eels migrate know? you Did 3,000 Habitat: Classification: it to enables getbody into crevices narrow Long, adaptations: Wetland invertebrates other fish and Diet: Eel male also builds and protects and builds also nest the male to attract dance amate. The a courtship performs belly and redbright throat and develops a male The know? you Did Habitat: Classification: sea the theylive can both in meaning rivers and to with cope both saltwater fresh and to have adapted able be Some adaptations: Wetland fish smaller Diet: Stickleback Plants, dead animals, fish eggs, fish eggs, animals, Plants, dead Insects, crustaceans, tadpoles and Rivers and ditches and Rivers Ponds, lakes, ditches rivers lakes, and Ponds, Vertebrate - Fish - Vertebrate Vertebrate - Fish - Vertebrate Cut Cut

Fold Fold toads crawltoads Frogs know? you Did whereas hop in winter piles log under or mud pond in hibernate grassland in summer and autumn; woodland, gardens, hedgerows and Habitat: Classification: water the frogthe to whilst see its is under body top allowing positioned on of head the are Eyes adaptations: Wetland amphibians smaller Common frog Common toad Diet: moist slimy skin whilst skin have bumpy frogs usually Toads know? you Did have dry usually crevices stones in piles, or over winter log under hibernate autumn; and summer gardens, hedgerows and grassland in deeper ponds than frogs); woodland, Habitat: Classification: feet to them back help swim webbed Slightly adaptations: Wetland Diet: Invertebrates and and Invertebrates Insects, , slugs and worms and slugs spiders, Insects, Ponds during the spring; Ponds in spring (prefer larger, spring in Ponds Vertebrate - Amphibian Vertebrate - Amphibian

Cut Cut

Fold Fold vertical, sandy riververtical, banks sandy in tunnels nest They dig know? you Did and canals “as bald as acoot”“as as bald front of gave rise its to phrase the head the white on The part know? you Did Habitat: Classification: in mud sinking stop from them and feet swimming when way webbed as toesthe same the in act of Flaps on skin adaptations: Wetland Diet: Coot Habitat: Classification: water the hit they to protectmembrane eyes their when they have aspecial and to surface the tohave closer adapted prey make look eyes Their adaptations: Wetland Diet: Kingfisher Plants, seeds, snails and insects and snails Plants, seeds, Fish, invertebrates,Fish, amphibians Lakes, ponds and rivers and ponds Lakes, Lakes, streams, rivers streams, Lakes, Vertebrate - Bird - Vertebrate Vertebrate - Bird - Vertebrate

Cut Cut

Fold Fold growing due togrowing due improved water quality are of numbers UK the parts from large After know? you Did disappearing Habitat: Classification: Classification: underwater when nose and ears their close to fur can warm; keep them dense Webbed feet; adaptations: Wetland and crustaceans Diet: Otter rats and waterrats and voles brown are -there rats, thing black such referred to a‘Water as Rat’, is there no know? you Did reedbeds marshes, lakes, Habitat: Classification: Waterproof fur adaptations: Wetland Diet: Water vole Fish, waterbirds, amphibians waterbirds,Fish, amphibians Plants Rivers, streams, ditches, ponds, Rivers, ditches, ponds, streams, Lakes, rivers, streams, coasts streams, rivers, Lakes, Vertebrate - Mammal - Vertebrate Despite being sometimes sometimes Despite being Vertebrate - Mammal - Vertebrate

Cut Cut

Fold Fold actually skate, jump and fly and jump skate, actually can skaters Pond know? you Did rivers flowing Habitat: Classification: detecting vibrations this in film film ofsurface water. the by They hunt to them the walk on feet, enabling bottom the on repellent of hairs their water- Have adaptations: Wetland Diet: skater Pond Britain’s largest reptile largest Britain’s are snakes Grass know? you Did grassland, woodland Habitat: Classification: very strong technique swimming developed Have adaptations: Wetland and birds Diet: snake Grass Small insects Small Amphibians, fish, small mammals mammals small fish, Amphibians, Ponds, lakes, Ponds, lakes, ditches slow- lakes, and Ponds, Invertebrate - Insect Vertebrate - Reptile - Vertebrate

Cut Cut

Fold Fold inside them inside You beating even heart their can see transparent. are They know? you Did Habitat: Crustacean Classification: swimming for in developed use Antennae have adaptations: Wetland Diet: (water flea) Daphnia closely related to woodlouse the is water The hoglouse know? you Did Habitat: Crustacean Classification: mud in is buried its when breathe head ofat its back the body, allowing it to are gills Its adaptations: Wetland Diet: Water hoglouse Plants, bacteria Decaying animals and plants Lakes and ponds Ponds and ditches Invertebrate - - Invertebrate Invertebrate - - Invertebrate

Cut Cut

Fold Fold around for 300 million years for 300 around have been know? you Did Habitat: Classification: of allowsbody direction fast change Bullet-shaped adaptations: Wetland Diet: a ram’s horn of resembles which shell their shape the from comes name Their know? you Did Habitat: Classification: shells their store inside air Can trap and adaptations: Wetland Diet: snail Ramshorn Small insects Small Plants Ponds Ponds, lakes, canals and ditches Invertebrate - Insect Invertebrate -Mollusc Cut Cut

Fold Fold by scientists by widely been has memory studied abilities snail’s the brilliant learning and It to is thought have know? you Did Habitat: Classification: the surface without theybreathe so to can coming thatrespiratory acts like tube asnorkel a Have adaptations: Wetland Diet: Pond snail heavily polluted water survive in They can know? you Did Habitat: Classification: through their skin breathe Can adaptations: Wetland Diet: worm Sludge Plants Bacteria Rivers, ponds lakes and Ponds, lakes, rivers lakes, Ponds, Invertebrate -Mollusc Invertebrate -Worm

Cut Cut

Fold Fold Classification: through their bodies breathe Can adaptations: Wetland worms tadpoles, killing them) killing of (without blood the other animals feed on leeches Many know? you Did Habitat: Diet: Leech life under water under life its world the in that spends only water is the The spider know? you Did slow-flowing streams Habitat: Classification: underwater breathe it to its enabling on hairs body the Traps adaptations: in air Wetland fish smaller Diet: Water spider Fish, freshwater snails, snails, freshwater Fish, Insects, crustaceans, tadpoles and Ponds and streams Ponds, lakes, very Invertebrate -Worm Invertebrate -

Cut Cut

Fold Fold reach their prey their reach down stems the ofby running plants to known to underwater have been hunt Great raft know? you Did spiders Habitat: Classification: water the of to them surface the walk on enable legs Hairy adaptations: Wetland water spiders Diet: Great wing cases so it can breathe under water it so under breathe cases wing can its underneath trap air can boatman The greater know? you Did water Habitat: Classification: swimming aid to shapes intohave developed paddle legs Hind adaptations: Wetland fish small Diet: boatman Greater water Invertebrates, small fish, fish, small Invertebrates, Invertebrates, tadpoles and Ponds, ditches and canals Ponds, ditches, bogs Ponds, Invertebrate - Insect Invertebrate -Arachnid
