AGENDA COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2012 Antici- pated Time Item Action 1. OPEN SESSION AUDITORIUM 8:30 AM A. Pledge of Allegiance Action B. Approval of Agenda C. Approval of Minutes for March 21, 2012 Action D. Retirees E. Communications Video F. Comments: Commissioners / Public / Media 2. STAFF REPORTS 9:00 AM A. General Manager's Office Information Monthly Report 9:30 AM B. Internal Audit Office Monthly Activity Report Discussion 3. APRIL BRIEFING/ACTION CONTRACTS Discussion 9:45 AM A. Finance 1. Public Hearing Dates – Proposed Fiscal Years 2014 – 2019 Capital Improvements Program 2. Resolution 2012-1957 Authorizing the Issuance of Water Quality Bond, Series 2012-B

B. Customer Care 1. Contract 981000102, Water Management and Stream Restoration

C. Production 1. Contract 6116, Repairing & Repainting Hill Road Reservoirs No. 1, 2, & 3

D. Logistics 1. Contract 6120, Adaptor Type Fire Hydrants 2. Contract 6023, Change Order Mechanical Joint Gate Valves 10:20 AM E. Engineering and Construction: Architect and Engineering Contracts Discussion 1. CM4626A07, Amendment 3, Utility-wide Master Plan IA, 30-year Order of Magnitude Infrastructure Plan 2. PM0007A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the , Broad Creek, Northwest Branch and Cabin John Sewer Basins 3. PM0008A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Beaverdam, Patuxent Center and Northeast Branch Sewer Basins 4. PM0009A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Piscataway, Mattawoman and Parkway Basins 5. PM0010A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Western Branch and Horsepen Sewer Basins 6. PM0011A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the , Oxon Run and Lower Anacostia Sewer Basins 7. PM0012A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Rock Creek, Dulles Interceptor, Seneca Creek, Monocacy Creek, Little Falls, Watts Branch, Rock Run and Sewer Basins F. Engineering and Construction: Construction Contracts 1. BF5024A09, Potomac WFP Phase II Disinfectant Byproduct Rule 2. CI5183A11, IDIQ Sewer Main, Sewer House Connection and Manhole Repair, Replacement and Renewals for the Parkway, Little Falls, Watts Branch, Rock Run and Rock Creek Basins

G. Engineering and Construction: Policy Resolution 2012-1955: Amendment 2, 2011 Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code Vote

12:05 PM 4/13/2012 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution 2012-1956 Action 11:50 AM A. Finance Public Hearing Dates – Proposed Fiscal Years 2014 – 2019 Capital Improvements Program B. Customer Care 1. Contract 981000102, Stormwater Water Management and Stream Restoration C. Production 1. Contract 6116, Repairing & Repainting Hill Road Reservoirs No. 1, 2, & 3 D. Logistics 1. Contract 6120, Adaptor Type Fire Hydrants 2. Contract 6023, Change Order Mechanical Joint Gate Valves E. Engineering and Construction: Architect and Engineering Contracts 1. CM4626A07, Amendment 3, Utility-wide Master Plan IA, 30-year Order of Magnitude Infrastructure Plan 2. PM0007A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Sligo Creek, Broad Creek, Northwest Branch and Cabin John Sewer Basins 3. PM0008A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Beaverdam, Patuxent Center and Northeast Branch Sewer Basins 4. PM0009A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Piscataway, Mattawoman and Parkway Basins 5. PM0010A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Western Branch and Horsepen Sewer Basins 6. PM0011A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Paint Branch, Oxon Run and Lower Anacostia Sewer Basins 7. PM0012A10, Change Order 1, Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program Support BOA to Provide Contract Documents for the Rock Creek, Dulles Interceptor, Seneca Creek, Monocacy Creek, Little Falls, Watts Branch, Rock Run and Muddy Branch Sewer Basins

F. Engineering and Construction: Construction Contracts 1. BF5024A09, Potomac WFP Phase II Disinfectant Byproduct Rule 2. CI5183A11, IDIQ Sewer Main, Sewer House Connection and Manhole Repair, Replacement and Renewals for the Parkway, Little Falls, Watts Branch, Rock Run and Rock Creek Basins 12:00 PM LUNCH

5. POLICIES AND REGULATIONS 12:30 PM Acquisition Office WSSC Regulations for Acquisition of Goods, Services, and Supplies (Approval May 2012)

Engineering and Construction Information Briefing on Anaerobic Digestion/Septage Studies

General Counsel's Office Clarification of the Abstention Vote

Intergovernmental Relations Office Legislative Update

Corporate Secretary's Report

Committee Reports 1. Bi-County Infrastructure Funding 2. Personnel & Governance 3. WSSC Employee Pension Fund Board of Trustees

6. CLOSED SESSION COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM 1:30 PM Closed pursuant to State Government Article 10, Subtitle 5, Section 10-508(a)(13) to approve the March 21, 2012 Closed Session Minutes; Section 20-508(a)(1) to discuss a personnel matter related to a direct report; and Section 10-508(a)(7) to receive legal advice on litigation 7. OPEN SESSION COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM 2:00 PM Unfinished Business Adjournment Vote 8. FUTURE MEETINGS OF NOTE May 9, 2012 WSSC Customer Advisory Board, 7:30 PM 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707, RM. 6104 May 10, 2012 WSSC Board of Ethics, 2:00 PM 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707, Commissioners Conf. Rm May 16, 2012 Personnel and Governance Committee, 8:00 AM 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707 May 16, 2012 WSSC Monthly Commission Meeting, 8:30 AM 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707 May 30, 2012 WSSC Employee Retirement Board, 3:30 PM 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707, 6109

12:05 PM 4/13/2012