Virtual Graduation Spring 2021 June 2 Dear Graduand

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Virtual Graduation Spring 2021 June 2 Dear Graduand virtual graduation spring 2021 june 2 Dear Graduand, Today’s virtual ceremony celebrates your very real accomplishment. Your graduation began long before this day. It began when you made the choice to study that extra hour, dedicate yourself more deeply and strive to reach for the degree you had chosen to fully commit your life to pursuing. Many of the people that helped you arrive here today— family, friends, classmates—are watching this ceremony with you. While they may not be physically next to you, they stand with you in spirit, take pride in your achievement and share your joy. We are honoured to have given you a place to discover, inspire others and be challenged beyond what you thought was possible. Yours, UBC TABLE OF CONTENTS The Graduation Journey 2 Lists of Spring 2021 Graduating Students Graduation Traditions 4 Faculty of Applied Science 16 Chancellor’s Welcome 6 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 18 President’s Welcome 8 Faculty of Creative and 20 Syilx Welcome 10 Critical Studies Faculty of Education 21 The Board of Governors & Senate 12 Faculty of Health and 22 Medals & Heads of Graduating Class 14 Social Development Faculty of Management 24 The Program of Ceremony 15 Faculty of Science 25 Acknowledgements 30 O Canada 30 Alumni Welcome 31 1 VIRTUAL GRADUATION 2021 THE GRADUATION JOURNEY The UBC graduation journey has been forged by the spirit of the university’s motto, Tuum Est, (meaning ‘it is yours’) since 1915. Today, you, the graduating class of 2021, now shape UBC’s history by making it your own. 1916 1920s 1940s One of the first graduating classes was The twenties saw the student-led Great The forties were an era of tremendous the Arts Class of 1916 pictured here at a Trek to claim UBC’s Point Grey campus change at the university as both students party at the home of Mary Wilons. In and establish the university as a place of and faculty embraced the war effort. UBC’s first year, there were only three mind for students the world over. The In 1943, new President Norman faculties: Arts, Applied Science and AMS incorporated as a non-profit society MacKenzie began in earnest to expand Agriculture with 379 registered students and the university began awarding its the university and new departments and 34 faculty members. first graduate degrees to students. In the were formed along with new buildings Ubyssey, published in September 23, 1925, to house them including Brock Hall, students described the new campus with the first student union building. By the a sense of wonder: “We are dazed with the 1950s, UBC had established itself appearance of architectural cleanliness as a comprehensive university and top and bewildered by our lineal freedom.” choice for students in BC and beyond. 2 VIRTUAL GRADUATION 2021 1960s 1980s 2021 Student numbers continued to escalate With over 34,000 students registered at Overall, the year 2021 is notable for alongside the scholarly activities the beginning of the eighties, UBC began extraordinary challenges. The global that began to define UBC as a leader in attracting scholars from all over the world. COVID-19 outbreak dramatically altered research. The campus was alive with Engineering students were in the news the socioeconomic landscape from sixties counterculture and a sixth frequently for their pranks, which included students assisting frontline workers to president of UBC was elected by the the famous Ladner Clock Tower stunt in researchers developing potential treat- name of Dr. Walter Gage. New student which students pulled off hoisting a white ments and vaccines, this year’s graduates residences were created to respond Volkswagen Bug onto the top of the tower. are making a difference by helping to to the expanding student body as well as Dr. Martha Piper was elected President in combat the global pandemic. Their a new student union building. Students 1997 and ushered in an era of international determination and resilience is helping gain influence at the university and engagement that saw UBC step onto them to achieve their goals and shape a are elected to the University Board of the world stage as an educator and global better future for all of us. Governors for the first time. centre for research excellence. 3 VIRTUAL GRADUATION 2021 GRADUATION TRADITIONS 4 VIRTUAL GRADUATION 2021 The University Mace is a symbol of the authority of the Chancellor. It is displayed on ceremonial occasions, most notably during the convocation ceremonies but also during the installation of a president or chancellor. THE UNIVERSITY MACE original people. Roughly translated, it Chrystal Sparrow, a third-generation means “the ones who stand on the hill and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) artist and The Mace is carried by the ‘Macebearer’ are seen and heard from far away.” carver from the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm who leads the Platform Party, which The University Mace, which was carved in (Musqueam) Indian Band, was selected by includes the Chancellor, the President and the shape of a paddle, representing the a committee with representatives from other dignitaries, onto the stage for the importance of Okanagan Lake to the each campus and Host Nation, and she Convocation ceremonies. region’s people, is also inlaid with silver, designed the new regalia for the applied by First Nations silversmith artist Chancellor, members of the Board of Created by First Nations artist Sheldon Justin Terbasket of the Lower Similkameen Governors and the President and Louis of the Okanagan Indian Band, the Indian Band. The Mace was used for the first Vice-Chancellor. These new regalia were University Mace is carved from a single time at the 2009 Convocation ceremonies. introduced to the UBC community and piece of alder wood, and combines worn for the first time at UBC’s fall 2020 Okanagan Nation traditions with THE PROCESSION academic ceremonies. university customs. The main artwork on the Mace features three symbolic spirit President Santa Ono shakes the hand of icons—a mother bear with her two cubs, every student that crosses the stage— THE CHANCELLOR’S OKANAGAN the image of the mountains, and water— that’s over 10,000 students each year. CHAIR given to UBC Okanagan in 2005 by This handshake signifies the transition Okanagan Nation elders. The spirit icon from student to graduate. In 2007, UBC’s Okanagan campus gifts were selected by a group of First commissioned the creation of a new Nation elders, led by Andrew McGinnis, CEREMONIAL REGALIA Chancellor’s chair for use in Okanagan an Okanagan Traditional Medicine Keeper Convocation ceremonies. Handcrafted by The hoods, gowns and hats worn by those from the Penticton Indian Band, and Victor master furniture maker Dennis Weidman participating in the academic ceremonies Antoine, an elder of the Okanagan Indian of Lake Country, BC, the chair was are lined with colours to indicate the Band. Each spirit icon was chosen fashioned from cherry wood, a species degree they have been conferred, a carefully for its special significance to the selected for its significance in tradition dating back to the Middle Ages region, reflecting local Okanagan Nation the Okanagan’s long history as a fruit– when the first universities were founded. tradition, culture and knowledge. growing region. In 2019, UBC approached the The Mace also features a number of The chair’s front panel features UBC’s xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) and Syilx university symbols, including the UBC motto, Tuum Est, the UBC logo laser Okanagan Nation to collaborate on a Okanagan logo, the University coat of arms engraved in the headrest panel, and UBC’s project that would add Indigenous and the UBC motto Tuum Est – It’s Yours. In coat of arms on each side panel. symbols of Host Nations of each addition, the back of the Mace displays the respective campus to the academic regalia word Suknaqinx, which is of the Nsyilxcen of senior administration. language, spoken by the Okanagan’s 5 VIRTUAL GRADUATION 2021 CHANCELLOR’S WELCOME On behalf of all UBC alumni, it is my pleasure to welcome graduates and your families and friends on what we hope is a joyful virtual celebration. On behalf of more than 370,000 UBC unique way of fostering greater measures alumni from around the world, it is my of much-needed prudence and gracious- pleasure to bring greetings and congratu- ness. But only if we are relentless in the lations to members of the graduating pursuit of truth, and of corresponding class. At the same time, the occasion is actions that serve the greater good of admittedly bittersweet, for nothing would humankind. Only then can our spirit and have been more enjoyable than to be to be our character truly prevail. together with friends and families to I also encourage you to regard your UBC celebrate your achievements. graduation not as the end of a journey but Indeed, the completion of degree as the beginning of a new one, as alumni requirements exemplifies intelligence, of one of the world’s most renowned discipline and resourcefulness. But beyond centres of learning and research. We hope these traits, my greatest hope is that your that you remain engaged with your university experience has taught you new university and your fellow alumni, and that ways of thinking, and specifically a greater you will work together with them to create understanding of the importance of a more just, compassionate and sustain- reliable evidence in the pursuit of truth able world. and informed opinion. Again, warmest congratulations and best Irrespective of what program or degree wishes to all. you have completed, you have invariably been asked to examine divergent theories and then present your own conclusions — hon. steven point (xwĕ lī qwĕl along with evidence to support them.
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