Dr. Keith Lloyd Kent State University Stark
[email protected] Mythos consists of the stories, Of all the cultural mythos that words, and surround us, the gendered ones images we seem the most prevalent, powerful, use to fit the facts of and “natural.” the world to experience. The Christian faith emerged within a gendered mythos and its theology We often aren’t and philosophy adapted to and aware of shaped them. our own mythos … Then, and now, believers struggle with how gender and theology can I grew up in a home with pretty strict gender boundaries… work positively together. Dad worked long hours and was the enforcer. Mom taught piano, cooked, and All of this is embodied the figures of cleaned. Sophia and Shekinah. My older sister lorded over me and worried about boys and hair. And me, I didn’t seem to fit… Philo “drew on the figure of Wisdom from Judaism’s own intermediary theology… In some biblical and extra-biblical writings, Wisdom, a personified aspect of God, was an agent of creation and salvation, pre-existent with God in heaven. Philo occasionally makes her mother to the Logos. But such language seems to be symbolic only. Certainly, Philo envisioned no incarnation of this “Son” to earth.” Earl Doherty The Jesus Puzzle Supplementary Article No. 5 TRACING THE CHRISTIAN LINEAGE IN ALEXANDRIA The divine Logos is son of God and Wisdom God for father, who is as well Father of all things, and for mother Wisdom, through whom all things came into genesis; De Prof., § 20; M. i.