Appendix O Biological Resources Technical Memorandum and Tree Removal Plan


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DATE: May 30, 2019

TO: Ryan Bensley, Associate

FROM: Heather Monteleone, Assistant Biologist Bo Gould, Senior Biologist

SUBJECT: Biological Resources Technical Memorandum for One Metro West (LSA Project No. RSE1901)

This technical memorandum serves as a biological resources assessment for the One Metro West Project (project) in Costa Mesa, California. The purpose of this assessment is to determine whether biological resources—including sensitive and/or special-status and wildlife species—may be present on the project site, whether such resources might be affected by the project, and to make recommendations to avoid, reduce, and/or mitigate any potentially significant impacts to biological resources, as applicable. This technical information is provided for project planning purposes and review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), California Endangered Species Act (CESA), the federal Endangered Species Act (FESA), and other pertinent regulations.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is a mixed-use development that would consist of residential, specialty retail, creative office, and recreation uses. The vision of the project is to create a mixed-use community that would provide housing near jobs in a campus-like setting with on-site amenities, a 1.7-acre open space area, and connection to bicycle trails. In order to redevelop the project site, all existing buildings, structures, parking areas, drive aisles, and hardscape improvements would be demolished, and a number of mature ornamental trees and other landscape improvements throughout the site would be removed. The site would then be cleared and graded for development of the proposed project.

PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING The project site is located at 1683 Sunflower Avenue in Costa Mesa, California (see Figure 1, Project Location; all figures are provided in Attachment A). The project site shown in Attachment A includes the main development area as well as areas consisting of off-site improvements, and measures approximately 19.6 acres. Of that area, the main development footprint measures approximately 15.7 acres.

The site is bounded by Sunflower Avenue to the north, industrial and logistics uses to the west, Interstate 405 to the south, and the South Coast Collection (SOCO) retail center to the east. The project site is currently occupied by Robinson Pharma, Inc. (232,393 square feet), Dekra-Lite Industries, Inc. (35,000 square feet), and South Coast Baking (78,500 square feet).

20 Executive Park, Suite 200, Irvine, California 92614 949.553.0666

LSA is a business name of LSA Associates, Inc. ASSESSMENT METHODS Literature Review and Records Search LSA Assistant Biologist Heather Monteleone conducted a literature review and record search to identify the existence and potential for occurrence of sensitive or special-status1 plant and animal species in the vicinity of the project site. She also examined federal and State lists of sensitive species. Current electronic database records reviewed included the following:

 California Natural Diversity Database information (CNDDB – RareFind 5), which is administered by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). This database covers sensitive plant and animal species as well as sensitive natural communities that occur in California. Records from the following six United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute quadrangles surrounding the project site were obtained from this database to inform the field survey: Newport Beach, Tustin, Orange, Anaheim, Los Alamitos, and Seal Beach, California (herein referred to as the study area).

 California Native Plant Society’s (CNPS) Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular , which uses four specific categories or “lists” of sensitive plant species to assist with the conservation of rare or endangered botanical resources. All of the plants constituting California Rare Plant Ranks 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B are intended to meet the status definitions of “threatened” or “endangered” in CESA and the California Department of Fish and Game Code, and are considered by CNPS to be eligible for State listing. At the discretion of the CEQA Lead Agency, impacts to these species may be analyzed as such, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15125(c) and 15380. Plants in Rank 3 (limited information; review list), Rank 4 (limited distribution; watch list), or that are considered Locally Unusual and Significant may also be analyzed under CEQA if there is sufficient information to assess potential significant impacts. Records from the six USGS quadrangles in the study area were obtained from this database to inform the field survey.  United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Information for Planning and Conservation (IPaC) Online System, which lists all proposed, candidate, threatened, and endangered species managed by the Endangered Species Program of the USFWS that have the potential to occur on or near a particular site. This database also lists all known critical habitats, national wildlife refuges, jurisdictional wetlands, and migratory birds that could be potentially impacted by activities from a proposed project. An IPaC Trust Resource Report was generated for the project site and was used to inform the field survey.

1 For the purposed of this assessment, the term “special-status species” refers to those species that are listed or proposed for listing under the California Endangered Species Act and/or federal Endangered Species Act, or are California Fully Protected Species, California Species of Special Concern, and plant species with a California Rare Plant Ranking of 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B. “Species of Special Concern” is an administrative designation made by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and carries no formal legal protection status. However, Section 15380 of the CEQA Guidelines indicates that these species should be included in an analysis of project impacts if they can be shown to meet the criteria of sensitivity outlined therein.

5/31/19 «P:\RSE1901\Technical Studies\Bio\Update May 30 2019\Draft One Metro West BRTM_053119.docx» 2 Biological Surveys Ms. Monteleone conducted a general biological survey of the project site on March 29, 2019, to evaluate the current site conditions. A supplemental general biological survey covering proposed off site improvement areas along Sunflower Avenue (to the east of the main development footprint) as well as the proposed Santa Ana River Trail connection area (to the west of the main development footprint) was conducted by LSA Biologist Jeremy Rosenthal on May 29, 2019. The purpose of these site visits was to (1) document the presence/absence of any biological resources (i.e., species or habitats) that could be affected by the proposed project and to (2) determine if there is the potential for biological resources of interest or concern to be present on site. The surveys consisted of walking accessible portions of the project site (outside of existing commercial buildings on the property) and recording species present, as well as evaluating the presence or potential for occurrence of sensitive species native to the region.

RESOURCES EVALUATED Attachment B provides tables that identify those special-status plant and animal species known to occur or that potentially occur in the vicinity of the project site (based on the literature review and experience in the region) and includes detailed information about each species’ habitat and distribution, State and federal status designations, and probability of occurrence within the project site. As stated in the methodology section above, the background research included occurrence records from six USGS topographic quadrangles surrounding the project site. A six-USGS quadrangle search covers a large, variable geographic and topographic area containing numerous habitat types not found within or around the project site. Therefore, given the highly developed setting of the project site, no special-status plant or animal species are expected to occur on the project site.

Plant Species and Vegetation Communities Vegetation observed on the project site consisted mostly of nonnative ornamental landscaping, nonnative ornamental trees, and typical nonnative ruderal species within the project site. The site appeared to have been maintained for vegetation control in the form of structural pruning of tree and shrub species present, along with regular mowing. A figure showing the mapped vegetation and other land cover types is shown on Figure 2, and Figure 3 provides representative site photographs taken during the March 2019 field survey.

The following describes the vegetation and other land cover types occurring within the project site using the Orange County Habitat Classification System (HCS) as articulated by Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc.1

 Developed—Urban and Commercial (12.1 of the HCS): Developed sites consist of paved areas, buildings, and other areas that are cleared or graded for human

1 Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. 1993. Methods Used to Survey the Vegetation of Orange County Parks and Open Space Areas and The Irvine Company Property. February 10. (JSA 92-032.) Sacramento. Prepared for the County of Orange, Environmental Management Agency, Environmental Planning Division, Santa Ana, California.

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purposes. The majority of the project site consists of asphalt and existing buildings.

 Ornamental Landscaping (3.6 of the HCS): Ornamental landscaping consists of introduced trees, shrubs, flowers, and turf grass. Planted street trees and turf grass occurs within the project site and adjacent to the project site along Sunflower Avenue. Ornamental tree species noted as occurring in these areas include shiny xylosma (Xylosma congesta*1), white alder (Alnus rhombifolia), Australian willow (Geijera parviflora*), Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius*), Brisbane box (Lophostemon confertus*), Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta*), and jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia*), and pine (Pinus sp.). Because these trees are mostly nonnative and are isolated within a commercial and industrial area adjacent to a major freeway, they do not constitute native habitat. These trees, both on and off site, as well as various existing structures on site, could potentially support nesting birds. A variety of other nonnative ornamental understory species is also present [see Attachment C, Observed Plant Species list, and Figure 3, Representative Site Photos in this memorandum], notably Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon*), English ivy (Hedera helix*), and Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica*) Ruderal plant species observed within the project site include cheeseweed mallow (Malva parviflora*), bristly ox-tongue (Helminthotheca echiodes*), red stemmed filaree (Erodium cicutarium*), prickly lettuce (Lattuca serriola*), and crete weed (Hedypnois cretica*).

The project site does not contain native habitat that would support sensitive plant species, and there were no known candidate, sensitive, or special-status plant species observed directly or by sign on the site. Future surveys for special-status plant species are not warranted.

Wildlife Species Prior to the March 29, 2019 field survey, a thorough search through the CNDDB was conducted to determine if any wildlife species of interest or concern has been documented within a 3-mile radius of the project vicinity. Records indicate that no special-status species have been historically observed within this radius, site observations confirm that suitable habitat for special-status species is not present within the project site, and a thorough investigation of the site did not reveal any evidence of possible occupation by any special-status species. Thus, the proposed project is not expected to result in adverse effects to special-status species or any other species of special concern.

A few common animal species were present on the project site during the biological site surveys. Wildlife species observed on site and in the immediate vicinity included mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans), house sparrow (Passer domesticus), house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), bumblebee (Bombus sp.), funereal duskywing (Erynnis funeralis), and western fence

1 An asterisk denotes nonnative species.

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lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis). These species are typical of those found in developed, commercial areas in Orange County and adapt well to noise and other disturbances associated with temporary construction and urban development. Although some animal species are expected to periodically move about the project site, the site is entirely surrounded by other commercial development and does not function as a wildlife movement corridor or special linkage.

The project site does not contain native habitat that would support sensitive species, and there were no known candidate, sensitive, or special-status animal species observed directly or by sign on the site. Additional focused surveys for special-status animal species are not warranted.

IMPACT FINDINGS Special-Status Plant and Wildlife Species The project site does not contain native habitat that would support special-status plant or animal species, and there were no known candidate, sensitive, or special-status plant or animal species observed directly or by sign on the site. The adverse effects of nuisance noise from proposed project demolition and construction activities would be temporary and would not constitute a significant adverse impact to normal (urban) wildlife behavior on site or in the adjacent areas. However, as noted above, the project site and adjacent trees could support nesting birds, especially during the typical active nesting bird season (i.e., February 15–August 15), although special-status bird species are not expected to nest in or near the project site. Nesting birds are protected under the California Fish and Game Code. Depending on when the proposed construction work takes place, nesting by birds could potentially be adversely impacted by temporary construction activities either directly through vegetation removal or indirectly through increased noise, vibration, dust, and/or lighting. With the implementation of the recommended avoidance measure provided later in this memorandum, impacts to nesting birds would be avoided and no significant impacts to special- status plant or animal species would result from project implementation. Given the urban setting of the project, no long-term impacts to wildlife are anticipated and no mitigation is required.

Sensitive Natural Communities The project site is located within a developed urban area with no native habitat in the vicinity. The site itself does not contain sensitive natural communities identified in local or regional plans, policies, or databases administered by the CDFW or the USFWS. No significant impacts related to riparian habitat or other sensitive natural communities identified in local or regional plans would result from project implementation and no mitigation is required.

Jurisdictional Waters and Wetlands The project site is strictly upland in nature and contains no riparian habitat, natural hydrologic or drainage features, or State or federally protected wetlands. The Santa Ana River is approximately 750 feet to the northwest of the project site; the project would have no impacts on the river. The project site and the immediate vicinity are developed. Therefore, no direct removal, filling, or hydrological interruption of a riparian or wetland area would occur with redevelopment of the project site. No impacts on jurisdictional waters and wetlands would occur, and no mitigation is required.

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Wildlife Movement The project site is bounded by existing developments. No portion of the project site or immediate vicinity contains an open body of water that could support aquatic species. Likewise, there is no established native resident or migratory wildlife corridor existing within or adjacent to the project site. Due to the developed and isolated nature of the project site, project implementation would not have an impact on wildlife movement, and no mitigation is required.

Local Ordinances Under Title 15, Chapter 5 of its Municipal Code, the City of Costa Mesa (City) has adopted several ordinances that pertain to trees on both public and private property. For any projects that include construction work in the public right-of-way, plans that accurately depict the public right-of-way will need the approval of the Planning Department prior to any permits being issued by the Department of Building and Safety. All preliminary plans, sketches and drawings should identify all City parkway trees adjacent to the project site. The actual location and canopy diameter of City trees must be shown clearly on the plans. If street trees would be removed and replaced, a permit and tree replacement plan approval by the City would be required. If existing street trees would be protected in place during construction, a City tree protection plan must be included in the initial plan submittal package. The tree protection plan may include a fenced tree protection zone, and must demonstrate how the parkway will be watered and maintained for the duration of the project. If it is determined that the proposed work would jeopardize the health of a street tree, or if the tree protection plan is deemed inadequate, the Applicant may be asked to provide a detailed report by a certified arborist showing the adequate protection of the tree and its value based on the International Society of Arboriculture-recognized standards. With compliance with the aforementioned policies, the proposed project would not result in a significant impact related to local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, and no mitigation is required.

Orange County Central/Coastal Natural Communities Conservation Plan The project site is within the County of Orange Central and Coastal Subregion Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP), but is in an area identified as “developed” and is outside of the designated habitat reserve. Therefore, the proposed project does not conflict with the NCCP/HCP, or any other approved local, regional, or State HCP. No mitigation is required.

RECOMMENDED AVOIDANCE MEASURE Successful implementation of the following avoidance measure would ensure that impacts to nesting birds are avoided during project development activities.

Measure BIO-1 Nesting Bird Avoidance. Any vegetation removal should take place outside of the active nesting bird season (i.e., February 15–August 15), when feasible, to avoid impacts to nesting birds that are protected under the California Fish and Game Code. Should vegetation removal take place during this period, a qualified biologist should conduct a nesting bird survey prior to construction activities to ensure that birds are not engaged in active nesting within 100 feet of the project

5/31/19 «P:\RSE1901\Technical Studies\Bio\Update May 30 2019\Draft One Metro West BRTM_053119.docx» 6 site. If nesting birds are discovered during preconstruction surveys, the biologist should identify an appropriate buffer (i.e., up to 500 feet depending on the circumstances and specific bird species) where no construction activities or other disturbances are allowed to occur until after the birds have fledged from the nest and the nest is no longer active (as determined by the qualified biologist).

CONCLUSION The proposed project would not result in any significant impacts to native habitats or special-status plant species. Project implementation would not adversely impact any special-status animal species. No further biological analyses are necessary.

If you have any questions regarding this report or would like to discuss the project further, please contact Heather Monteleone at (949) 553-0666.

Attachments: A: Figures B: Special-Status Species Tables C: Species Observed

5/31/19 «P:\RSE1901\Technical Studies\Bio\Update May 30 2019\Draft One Metro West BRTM_053119.docx» 7 B I O L O G I C A L R E S O U R C E S T E C H N I C A L M EMORANDUM O N E M E T R O W EST M A Y 2019 C O S T A M ESA , C ALIFORNIA



Figure 1: Project Location

Figure 2: Vegetation and Other Land Cover Types

Figure 3: Representative Site Photos

P:\RSE1901\Technical Studies\Bio\Update May 30 2019\Draft One Metro West BRTM_053119.docx (05/31/19) Service Layer Credits: Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed

¨¦§105 710 605 POrorajengcet Vicinity ¨¦§ 19 ¨¦§ 5 à ¨¦§ County Los Angeles Ã91 County Ã57 Ã55 Ã22 Ã261 Ã241 1 à Ã133 ¨¦§405 Project Site Ã73 ¨¦§5

LEGEND FIGURE 1 Project Site

0 1000 2000 One Metro West FEET Regional and Project Site Map SOURCE: USGS 7.5' Quad - Newport Beach (1981), CA I:\RSE1901\GIS\MXD\ProjLoc.mxd (4/22/2019) CADILLAC








LEGEND FIGURE 2 Project Site Vegetation and Land Cover Type Developed (15.2 acres)

0 162.5 325 Ornamental (4.4 acres) One Metro West FEET Vegetation and Land Cover SOURCE: Google Maps (1/2017) I:\RSE1901\GIS\MXD\LandCover.mxd (5/23/2019) Photo1. View looking southeast along southern border of property, bordered by the Photo 2 View looking northwest along southern border of site, along 405 freeway. 405 freeway. Vegetation consisted of ornamental trees and turf grass, with annual herbaceous weeds.

Photo 3 View looking south along the eastern border of site. This section is mostly Photo 4 View looking west along northern border of site, Sunflower Ave. Except for paved, with a line of ornamental trees planted along property line. the strip of turf grass and ornamental trees, this section is completely paved.


One Metro West Representative Site Photos

I:\RSE1901\G\Site Photos.cdr (4/19/2019) B I O L O G I C A L R E S O U R C E S T E C H N I C A L M EMORANDUM O N E M E T R O W EST M A Y 2019 C O S T A M ESA , C ALIFORNIA



P:\RSE1901\Technical Studies\Bio\Update May 30 2019\Draft One Metro West BRTM_053119.docx (05/31/19) B I O L O G I C A L R E S O U R C E S T E C H N I C A L M EMORANDUM O N E M E T R O W EST M A Y 2019 C O S T A M ESA , C ALIFORNIA

Table B-1: Special-Status Plant Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name Status General Habitat Description Present/Absent Rationale chaparral sand- Abronia villosa var. aurita US: - Annual herb. Occurs on sandy soils in HA Not Expected. There are no known verbena CA: S2 chaparral, coastal scrub, and desert occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 dune habitats between 75 and 1,600 project site, and suitable habitat is m in elevation. absent from the project site. aphanisma Aphanisma blitoides US: – Sandy or clay soils on slopes or bluffs HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: S2 near the ocean, usually in coastal occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 bluff scrub, coastal dunes, or coastal project site, and suitable habitat is scrub below 305 m in elevation. absent from the project site. Ventura marsh Astragalus US: FE Perennial herb. Occurs in coastal HA Not Expected. There are no known milk-vetch pycnostachyus var. CA: SE dunes, coastal scrub, marshes and occurrences in the vicinity of the lanosissimus CNPS: 1B.1 swamps (edges, coastal salt or project site, and suitable habitat is brackish) up to 35 m in elevation. absent from the project site. Coulter’s saltbush Atriplex coulteri US: - Perennial herb. Occurs on alkaline or HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: S1/S2 clay soils in coastal dune, coastal occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 scrub, and valley and foothill project site, and suitable habitat is grassland habitats up to 460 m in absent from the project site. elevation. south coast Atriplex pacifica US: – Annual herb. Found in alkaline soils HA Not Expected. There are no known saltscale CA: S2 in coastal scrub, coastal dunes, occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 coastal playas, and coastal bluff project site, and suitable habitat is scrub habitats below 140 m in absent from the project site. elevation. Parish’s Atriplex parishii US: - Annual herb. Occurs on alkaline soils HA Not Expected. There are no known brittlescale CA: S1 in playas, vernal pools, and occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 chenopod scrub habitats between 25 project site, and suitable habitat is and 1,900 m in elevation. absent from the project site. Davidson’s Atriplex serenana var. US: - Annual herb. Found on alkaline soils HA Not Expected. There are no known saltscale davidsonii CA: S1 in coastal bluff scrub and coastal occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 scrub up to 200 m in elevation. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. intermediate Calochortus weedii var. US: - Perennial bulbiferous herb. Occurs in HA Not Expected. There are no known mariposa lily intermedius CA: S2 chaparral, coastal scrub, and valley occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 and foothill grassland. Often in dry, project site, and suitable habitat is rocky soils, from 120 to 855 m in absent from the project site. elevation.

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Table B-1: Special-Status Plant Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name Status General Habitat Description Present/Absent Rationale lucky morning- Calystegia felix US: - Annual rhizomatous herb. Occurs in HA Not Expected. There are no known glory CA: S1 meadows, seeps, and alluvial riparian occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 scrub habitats (sometimes alkaline project site, and suitable habitat is soils) up to 215 m in elevation. absent from the project site. southern tarplant Centromadia parryi ssp. US: - Annual herb. Occurs in vernal pools, HA Not Expected. There are no known australis CA: S2 margins of marshes and swamps, occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 and vernally mesic valley and foothill project site, and suitable habitat is grasslands, sometimes with saltgrass absent from the project site. on alkaline soils. Up to 427 m in elevation. San Fernando Chorizanthe parryi var. US: FC Annual herb. Habitat types include HA Not Expected. There are no known Valley fernandina CA: CE coastal scrub (sandy) and occurrences in the vicinity of the spineflower CNPS: 1B.1 valley/foothill grassland. Often project site, and suitable habitat is occurs in sandy soils between 150 m absent from the project site. and 1,220 m in elevation. salt marsh bird’s- Cordylanthus US: FE Annual herb (hemiparasitic). Occurs HA Not Expected. There are no known beak maritimus ssp. CA: CE in coastal dune and salt marsh occurrences in the vicinity of the maritimum CNPS: 1B.2 habitats between 0 to 30 m in project site, and suitable habitat is elevation. absent from the project site. many-stemmed multicaulis US: - Perennial herb. Occurs in chaparral, HA Not Expected. There are no known dudleya CA: S2 coastal scrub, and valley and foothill occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 grassland usually in heavy, often project site, and suitable habitat is clayey soils. Up to 722 m in absent from the project site. elevation. Laguna Beach Dudleya stolonifera US: FT Perennial herb. Rocky areas HA Not Expected. There are no known dudleya CA: CT (generally north-facing sandstone occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 cliffs) up to 260 m in elevation. project site, and suitable habitat is Known only from Orange County, absent from the project site. California, near Laguna Beach, with most occurrences in Laguna Canyon west of SR-73. Santa Ana River Eriastrum US: FE Perennial herb. Occurs on sandy HA Not Expected. There are no known woollystar densifolium ssp. sanctoru CA: CE substrates within chaparral and occurrences in the vicinity of the m CNPS: 1B.1 alluvial fan scrub habitats between project site, and suitable habitat is 91 and 610 m in elevation. absent from the project site.

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Table B-1: Special-Status Plant Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name Status General Habitat Description Present/Absent Rationale San Diego Eryngium aristulatum US: - Annual/perennial herb. Occurs in HA Not Expected. There are no known button-celery var. parishii CA: S1 coastal scrub, valley and foothill occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 grassland, and vernal pools between project site, and suitable habitat is 65 and 620 m in elevation. absent from the project site. Los Angeles Helianthus nuttallii ssp. US: - Perennial rhizomatous herb. Occurs HA Not Expected. There are no known sunflower parishii CA:SH in marshes and swamps (coastal salt occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS:1A and freshwater) between 10 and project site, and suitable habitat is 1,525 m elevation. absent from the project site. decumbent Isocoma menziesii var. US: - Perennial shrub. Occurs in chaparral, HA Not Expected. There are no known goldenbush decumbens CA: S2 coastal scrub (sandy, often in occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 disturbed areas) between 10 and 135 project site, and suitable habitat is m in elevation. absent from the project site. Coulter's Lasthenia glabrata ssp. US: - Annual herb. Occurs in marshes and HA Not Expected. There are no known goldfields coulteri CA: S2 swamps, playas, and vernal pools up occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 to 1,220 m in elevation. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. mud nama Nama stenocarpa US: - Annual/perennial herb. Occurs in HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: S1/S2 marshes and swamps (lake margins, occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 2B.2 riverbanks) between 5 and 500 m in project site, and suitable habitat is elevation. absent from the project site. Gambel’s water gambelii US: FE Perennial rhizomatous herb. Occurs HA Not Expected. There are no known cress CA: CT in marshes and swamps (freshwater occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 or brackish) between 5 and 330 m in project site, and suitable habitat is elevation. absent from the project site. prostrate vernal Navarretia prostrata US: - Annual herb. Occurs on mesic soils in HA Not Expected. There are no known pool navarretia CA: S2 coastal scrub, meadows and seeps, occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 vernal pools, and valley and foothill project site, and suitable habitat is grassland habitats between 3 and absent from the project site. 1,210 m in elevation. coast woolly- Nemacaulis denudate US: - Annual herb. Occurs in coastal dunes HA Not Expected. There are no known heads var. denudate CA: S2 between 0 and 100 m in elevation. occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site.

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Table B-1: Special-Status Plant Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name Status General Habitat Description Present/Absent Rationale California Orcutt Orcuttia californica US: FE Annual herb. Occurs in vernal pool HA Not Expected. There are no known grass CA: CE habitats between 15 and 660 m in occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 elevation. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. Allen’s Pentachaeta aurea ssp. US: - Annual herb. Occurs in chaparral and HA Not Expected. There are no known pentachaeta allenii CA: S1 coastal scrub openings and valley occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 grassland habitats from 75 to 520 m project site, and suitable habitat is in elevation. absent from the project site. Brand’s star Phacelia stellaris US: - Annual herb. Occurs in coastal dune HA Not Expected. There are no known phacelia CA: S1 and coastal scrub habitats up to 400 occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.1 m in elevation. project site and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. Sanford’s Sagittaria sanfordii US: - Emergent perennial rhizomatus herb. HA Not Expected. There are no known arrowhead CA: Occurs in marshes and swamps in occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 assorted shallow freshwater habitats project site and suitable habitat is between 0 and 650 m elevation, with absent from the project site. a bloom period between May and October. chaparral ragwort Senecio aphanactis US: - Annual herb. Occurs in chaparral, HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: S2 coastal scrub, and cismontane occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 2B.2 woodland habitats up to 800 m in project site and suitable habitat is elevation. absent from the project site. salt spring Sidalcea neomexicana US: - Perennial herb found in alkaline and HA Not Expected. There are no known checkerbloom CA: S2 mesic soils within chaparral, coastal occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 2B.2 scrub, lower montane coniferous project site and suitable habitat is forest, Mojavean desert scrub, and absent from the project site. playas from 15 to 1,530 m in elevation. estuary seablite Suaeda esteroa US: - Perennial herb found in coastal HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: S2 marshes and swamps up to 5 m in occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 elevation. project site and suitable habitat is absent from the project site.

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Table B-1: Special-Status Plant Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name Status General Habitat Description Present/Absent Rationale San Bernardino Symphyotrichum US: - Perennial rhizomatous herb. Occurs HA Not Expected. There are no known aster defoliatum CA: S2 near ditches, springs, and streams in occurrences in the vicinity of the CNPS: 1B.2 cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, project site and suitable habitat is lower montane coniferous forest, absent from the project site. meadows and seeps, mashes and swamps, and grasslands between 2 and 2,040 m in elevation. Status: Federal Endangered (FE), Federal Threatened (FT), Federal Candidate (FC), Federal Proposed (FP, FPE, FPT), Federal Delisted (FD), California Endangered (CE), California Threatened (CT), California Species of Special Concern (SSC), California Fully Protected Species (CFP), California Special Plant (CSP), California Special Animal (CSA), NCCP Identified Species (IS), NCCP Target Species (TS), NCCP Conditionally Covered Species (CCS), S1 = Critically Imperiled, S2 = Imperiled, S3 = Vulnerable, S4 = Apparently Secure, SH = Historical Records CNPS Designations: Abbreviation/Acronym Definitions: 1B = Rare threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere CA = California 2B = Rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but not elsewhere CNPS = California Native Plant Society 3 = Not very endangered in California m = meter/meters 4 = Plants of Limited Distribution – Watch List SR = State Route US = United States

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Table B-2: Special-Status Animal Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Status Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name General Habitat Description Listing Present/Absent Rationale INVERTEBRATES San Diego fairy Branchinecta US: FE Endemic to vernal pools in Orange and San HA Not Expected. There are no known shrimp sandiegonensis CA: CSA Diego counties. Usually appears in late fall, occurrences in the vicinity of the winter, and spring when rains fill the small, project site, and suitable habitat is shallow, seasonal pools. absent from the project site. Riverside fairy Streptocephalus US: FE Inhabits vernal pools or other seasonal pools HA Not Expected. There are no known shrimp woottoni CA: CSA at least 30 centimeters in depth. Feeds on occurrences in the vicinity of the microscopic organisms (e.g., bacteria and project site, and suitable habitat is protozoa). Dried eggs will survive in the soil absent from the project site. through the dry seasons until pools are formed by rainwater. Native to Southern California and Baja California. Believed extirpated from many locations. REPTILES Southern Anniella stebbinsi US: - Found in wide variety of habitat types, HA Not Expected. There are no known California legless CA: SSC including sandy washes, alluvial fans, sparsely occurrences in the vicinity of the lizard vegetated desert scrub, chaparral, and pine- project site, and suitable habitat is oak woodlands. Requires moisture and leaf absent from the project site. litter/surface objects. Most prevalent in coastal dune habitats in coastal counties to Baja California. red diamond Crotalus ruber US: - Associated with chaparral, woodland, HA Not Expected. There are no known rattlesnake CA: SSC grassland, and desert communities from Los occurrences in the vicinity of the Angeles County to Baja California Sur. Prefers project site, and suitable habitat is rocky areas with dense vegetation. Needs absent from the project site. rodent burrows, cracks in rocks, or surface cover objects for shelter. western pond Emys marmorata US: - Occurs in a variety of habitats, including HA Not Expected. There are no known turtle CA: SSC woodland, grassland, and open forest. occurrences in the vicinity of the Thoroughly aquatic, existing in good-quality project site, and suitable habitat is ponds, marshes, rivers, streams, and irrigation absent from the project site. ditches that have rocky or muddy bottoms. Requires basking sites such as partially submerged logs, vegetation mats, or open mud banks.

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Table B-2: Special-Status Animal Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Status Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name General Habitat Description Listing Present/Absent Rationale coast horned Phrynosoma US: - Occurs in CSS, open chaparral, riparian HA Not Expected. There are no known lizard blainvillii CA: SSC woodland, and annual grassland habitats that occurrences in the vicinity of the support adequate prey species. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. BIRDS tricolored Agelaius tricolor US: - Highly colonial nester largely endemic to HA Not Expected. There are no known blackbird CA: SSC California. Most numerous in the Central occurrences in the vicinity of the (nesting colony) Valley and vicinity. Requires open water, project site, and suitable habitat is protected nesting substrate, and a foraging absent from the project site. area with insect prey within a few kilometers of the colony. grasshopper Ammodramus US: - Occurs in dense grasslands, preferring native HA Not Expected. There are no known sparrow savannarum CA: SSC grasslands with a mixture of forbs and shrubs. occurrences in the vicinity of the (nesting) project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. burrowing owl Athene US: - Burrows in open, dry, annual or perennial HA Not Expected. There are no known (burrow sites cunicularia CA: SSC grasslands, deserts, and scrublands occurrences in the vicinity of the and some characterized by low-growing vegetation. project site, and suitable habitat is wintering sites) Subterranean nester, dependent upon absent from the project site. burrowing mammals, most notably the California ground squirrel. Swainson's Buteo swainsoni US: - Found in open habitats (e.g. grasslands, sage HA Not Expected. There are no known hawk CA: CT flats and prairies) in western North America; occurrences in the vicinity of the migrates south to Argentina during the winter. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. coastal cactus Campylorhynchus US: - Occurs in CSS habitats. Requires tall Opuntia HA Not Expected. There are no known wren (San Diego brunneicapillus CA: SSC cactus for nesting and roosting. occurrences in the vicinity of the and Orange sandiegensis project site, and suitable habitat is counties only) absent from the project site. western snowy Charadrius US: FT Occurs on barren to sparsely vegetated sand HA Not Expected. There are no known plover alexandrinus CA: SSC beaches, dry salt flats in lagoons, dredge spoils occurrences in the vicinity of the nivosus deposited on beach or dune habitat, levees project site, and suitable habitat is and flats at salt-evaporation ponds, river bars, absent from the project site. along alkaline or saline lakes, reservoirs, and ponds.

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Table B-2: Special-Status Animal Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Status Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name General Habitat Description Listing Present/Absent Rationale western yellow- Coccyzus US: FT Nests in expansive riparian forest habitats HA Not Expected. There are no known billed cuckoo americanus CA: CE along the broad lower flood-bottoms of larger occurrences in the vicinity of the (nesting) occidentalis river systems. Nests in riparian jungles of project site, and suitable habitat is willow, often mixed with cottonwoods with absent from the project site. understory of blackberry, nettle, or grape. yellow rail Coturnicops US: - Occurs in shallow marshes and wet meadows. HA Not Expected. There are no known noveboracensis CA: SSC During winter, may occupy drier freshwater occurrences in the vicinity of the and brackish marshes as well as dense, deep project site, and suitable habitat is grass and rice fields. absent from the project site. white-tailed kite Elanus leucurus US: - Breeds in riparian trees such as oaks, willows, HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: FP and cottonwoods in lower-elevation areas, occurrences in the vicinity of the particularly coastal valleys and plains. Forages project site, and suitable habitat is in open areas and grasslands. absent from the project site. southwestern Empidonax traillii US: FE Occurs in relatively dense riparian tree and HA Not Expected. There are no known willow extimus CA: CE shrub communities associated with rivers, occurrences in the vicinity of the flycatcher swamps, and other wetlands including lakes project site, and suitable habitat is and reservoirs. absent from the project site. American Falco peregrinus US: FD Occurs in open habitats, usually near water. HA Not Expected. There are no known peregrine falcon anatum CA: CFP Generally requires cliffs, very tall buildings, or occurrences in the vicinity of the similar situations for nesting. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. yellow-breasted Icteria virens US: - Summer breeding resident usually found in HA Not Expected. There are no known chat CA: SSC dense riparian thickets, bramble bushes, occurrences in the vicinity of the clearcuts, powerline corridors, and shrubs project site, and suitable habitat is along streams. absent from the project site. California black Laterallus US: - Nests in tidal salt marshes, shallow freshwater HA Not Expected. There are no known rail jamaicensis CA: CT, marshes, wet meadows, and flooded grassy occurrences in the vicinity of the coturniculus CFP vegetation. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. Belding’s Passerculus US: - Found in open areas with low vegetation, HA Not Expected. There are no known savannah sandwichensis CA: CE including most of northern North America occurrences in the vicinity of the sparrow beldingii from tundra to grassland, marsh, and project site, and suitable habitat is farmland. absent from the project site.

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Table B-2: Special-Status Animal Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Status Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name General Habitat Description Listing Present/Absent Rationale coastal Polioptila US: FT Obligate, permanent resident of coastal sage HA Not Expected. There are no known California californica CA: SSC scrub habitats below 2,500 ft in elevation in occurrences in the vicinity of the gnatcatcher californica Southern California. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. light-footed Rallus longirostris US: FE Occurs in select coastal marsh habitats in HA Not Expected. There are no known Ridgway’s rail levipes CA: CE, Southern California. occurrences in the vicinity of the CFP project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. bank swallow Riparia riparia US: - Occurs in low areas along rivers, streams, HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: CT ocean coasts, or reservoirs. Nesting colonies occurrences in the vicinity of the require tall vertical cliffs, bluffs, or similar project site, and suitable habitat is situations such as sand/gravel quarries or road absent from the project site. cuts. black skimmer Rynchops niger US: - Occurs on open sandy beaches, gravel or shell HA Not Expected. There are no known CA: SSC bars with sparse vegetation, or along the occurrences in the vicinity of the margins of saltmarsh habitats. Occasionally project site, and suitable habitat is found at inland lakes, such as the Salton Sea. absent from the project site. yellow warbler Setophaga US: - Requires habitats with riparian plant HA Not Expected. There are no known petechia CA: SSC associations in close proximity to water. Also occurrences in the vicinity of the nests in montane shrubbery in open conifer project site, and suitable habitat is forests. Frequently found nesting and foraging absent from the project site. in willow shrubs and thickets and in other riparian plants, including cottonwoods. California least Sternula US: FE Nests on beaches, mudflats, and sand dunes, HA Not Expected. There are no known tern antillarum CA: CE, usually near shallow estuaries and lagoons occurrences in the vicinity of the browni CFP with access to the near open ocean. In project site, and suitable habitat is Southern California, known breeding habitats absent from the project site. include Seal Beach, San Pedro Bay, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, and Ballona Creek. least Bell’s vireo Vireo bellii US: FE Occurs in moist thickets and riparian areas HA Not Expected. There are no known (nesting) pusillus CA: CE that are predominantly composed of willow occurrences in the vicinity of the and mule fat. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site.

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Table B-2: Special-Status Animal Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Status Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name General Habitat Description Listing Present/Absent Rationale MAMMALS Mexican Choeronycteris US: - Occasionally found in San Diego County. Feeds HA Not Expected. There are no known long-tongued mexicana CA: SSC on nectar and pollen of night-blooming occurrences in the vicinity of the bat succulents. Roosts in relatively well-lit caves as project site, and suitable habitat is well as in and around buildings. absent from the project site. western mastiff Eumops perotis US: - Inhabits many open, semi-arid to arid habitats, HA Not Expected. There are no known bat californicus CA: SSC including conifer and deciduous woodlands, occurrences in the vicinity of the coastal scrub, grasslands, and chaparral project site, and suitable habitat is communities. Roosts in crevices in cliff faces, absent from the project site. high buildings, trees, and tunnels. western yellow Lasiurus US: – Occurs in Southern California in palm oases HA Not Expected. There are no known bat xanthinus CA: SSC and in residential areas with untrimmed palm occurrences in the vicinity of the trees. Roosts primarily in trees, especially the project site and suitable habitat is dead fronds of palm trees. Forages over water absent from the project site. and among trees. south coast Microtus US: – Inhabits tidal marsh habitats along coastal HA Not Expected. There are no known marsh vole californicus CA: SSC Southern California. occurrences in the vicinity of the stephensi project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. big free-tailed Nyctinomops US: – Inhabits low-lying arid areas in Southern HA Not Expected. There are no known bat macrotis CA: SSC California. Needs high cliffs or rocky outcrops occurrences in the vicinity of the for roosting sites. Feeds principally on large project site, and suitable habitat is moths. absent from the project site. pacific pocket Perognathus US: FE Inhabits friable soils along the narrow coastal HA Not Expected. There are no known mouse longimembris CA: CE plains from the northern Mexican border to occurrences in the vicinity of the pacificus Los Angeles County. project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site. Southern Sorex ornatus US: - Occurs in select salt marsh and coastal HA Not Expected. There are no known California salicornicus CA: SSC wetland habitats. occurrences in the vicinity of the saltmarsh shrew project site, and suitable habitat is absent from the project site.

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Table B-2: Special-Status Animal Species Identified as Potentially Occurring or Known to Occur in the Project Vicinity

Status Habitat Potential of Occurrence and Common Name Scientific Name General Habitat Description Listing Present/Absent Rationale American Taxidea taxus US: - Most abundant in drier open stages of most HA Not Expected. There are no known badger CA: SSC shrub, forest, and herbaceous habitats with occurrences in the vicinity of the friable soils. Needs sufficient food, friable project site and suitable habitat is soils, and open, uncultivated ground. Preys on absent from the project site. burrowing rodents. Digs burrows. FISHES Santa Ana Catostomus US: FT Found in select shallow streams with sand, HA Absent. No suitable aquatic habitat sucker santaanae CA: CSA gravel or cobble bottoms. Known only from occurs on the project site. the Los Angeles, San Gabriel, and upper Santa Ana River Basins in Southern California. Southern Oncorhynchus US: FE Federal listing refers to naturally spawned HA Absent. No suitable aquatic habitat California mykiss irideus CA: CSA anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating occurs on the project site. steelhead below natural and manmade impassable (Distinct barriers from the Santa Maria River to the Population U.S.-Mexico Border. Segment)

Status: Federal Endangered (FE), Federal Threatened (FT), Federal Candidate (FC), Federal Proposed (FP, FPE, FPT), Federal Delisted (FD), California Endangered (CE), California Threatened (CT), California Species of Special Concern (SSC), California Fully Protected Species (CFP), California Special Plant (CSP), California Special Animal (CSA) Abbreviation/Acronym Definitions: CA = California CSS = coastal sage scrub ft = foot/feet US = United States HP = Habitat Present HA = Habitat Absent

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The following vascular plant species were observed on or directly adjacent to the project site during the March 29 and May 29, 2019 field surveys. * introduced species not native to California

Scientific Name Common Name Altingiaceae Liquidambar Family Liquidambar sp.* Sweetgum Amaranthaceae Amaranth Family Amaranthus albus* Tumbling pigweed Anacardiaceae Sumac Family Schinus terebinthifolius* Brazilian pepper tree Dogbane Family macrocarpa* Natal plum Marsdenia sp.* Milk vine Vinca major* Greater periwinkle Araliaceae Ginseng Family Hedera helix* English ivy Asparagaceae Asparagus Family Asparagus aethiopicus* Asparagus fern Asteraceae Sunflower Family Bidens sp. * beggarticks Erigeron canadensis Canada horseweed Hedypnois cretica* Crete weed Helminthotheca echiodes* Bristly ox-tongue Hypochaeris glabra* Smooth cat’s ear Lactuca serriola* Prickly lettuce Sonchus sp.* Sow thistle Betulaceae Birch Family Alnus rhombifolia White alder Bignoniaceae Bignonia Family Jacaranda mimosifolia* Jacaranda Bromeliaceae Bromeliad Family Guzmania lingulata* Scarlet star bromeliad Caryophyllaceae Carnation Family Stellaria media* Chickweed Convovulaceae Nightshade Family Ipomoea purpurea* Garden morning glory

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Scientific Name Common Name Stonecrop Family Aeonium sp.* Aeonium Crassula ovata* Jade plant Kalanchoe sp.* Widow’s-thrill/Kalanchoe Geraniaceae Geranium Family Erodium cicutarium* Red-stemmed filaree Geranium sp.* Ornamental geranium Iridaceae Iris Family Dietes bicolor* African iris Malvaceae Mallow Family Malva parviflora* Cheeseweed Moraceae Mulberry Family Ficus elastic* Rubber fig Myrtaceae Myrtle Family Lophostemon confertus* Brisbane Box/Tristania Oleaceae Olive Family Ligustrum japonicum* Japanese privet Pittosporaceae Cheesewoods Family Pittosporum tobira* Mock orange Plantaginaceae Plantain Family Plantago major* Broadleaf plantain Poaceae Grass Family Bromus madritensis L. ssp. rubens* Red brome Distichlis spicata* Inland saltgrass Pennisetum setaceum* Crimson fountaingrass Primulaceae Primrose Family Anagallis arvensis* Scarlet pimpernel Rosaceae Rose Family Rhaphiolepis indica* Indian hawthorn Rutaceae Rue Family Geijera parviflora* Australian Willow Salicaceae Willow Family Xylosma congestum* Shiny xylosma Sapindaceae Soapwood Family Cupaniopsis anacardioides* Carrotwood Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family Myoporum laetum* Mousehole Tree Verbenaceae Verbena Family Lantana camara* Lantana

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Scientific Name Common Name MONOCOTS Arecaceae Palm Family Washingtonia robusta* Mexican fan palm Poaceae Grass Family Bromus madritensis L. ssp. rubens* Red brome Distichlis spicata* Inland saltgrass Cynodon dactylon* Bermuda grass Festuca glauca* Fescue grass Pennisetum setaceum* Crimson fountaingrass and scientific nomenclature generally conform to Baldwin, B.G., D.H. Goldman et al., eds. (2012; The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, 2nd edition; University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California). Common names for each taxa generally conform to Roberts, F.M., Jr. (2008; The Vascular Plants of Orange County, California: An Annotated Checklist; F.M. Roberts Publications, San Luis Rey, California) except where Abrams, L. (1923, 1944, and 1951; Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California, vols. I–III; Stanford University Press, Stanford, California) and Abrams, L. and Ferris, R.S. (1960; Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California, vol. IV; Stanford University Press, Stanford, California) were used, particularly when species-specific common names were not identified in Roberts, F.M., Jr. (2008).

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Retail Lobby








SUNFLOWER AVENUE 25'-0" 5'-7" x6'-7" W.I.C. Master Bath 9'-8" x9'-7" Master Bedroom 8.5% 12'-0" x 11'-2" x10'-11" Kitchen Living /Dining 12'-10" x17'-6" Balcony 17% Room CC Bedroom #2 12'-0" x11'-11" 10'-2" x6'-6" Bath #2 L 8.5% 6'-10" x5'-0" W.I.C. W/D 5'-7" x6'-7" W.I.C. Master Bath 9'-8" x9'-7" Master Bedroom 12'-0" x 5% 11'-2" x10'-11" Kitchen Living /Dining 12'-10" x17'-6" Balcony Room CC TYP 8'-6" Bedroom #2 12'-0" x11'-11" 10'-2" x6'-6" Bath #2 L 6'-10" x5'-0" W.I.C. 18'-0" 25'-0" 18'-0" 18'-0" 25'-0" 18'-0" W/D 5'-7" x6'-7" 5'-7" x6'-7" W.I.C. W.I.C. Master Bath Master Bath 9'-8" x9'-7" 9'-8" x9'-7" Master Bedroom Master Bedroom 12'-0" x 12'-0" x


10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4" 12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10" Bath Kitchen Master 11'-2" x10'-11" 11'-2" x10'-11" Kitchen Kitchen Living /Dining Living /Dining 12'-10" x17'-6" 12'-10" x17'-6" CC FAU

870 sf 870 Balcony Balcony 6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1" Room Room W.I.C. 1B1 L 12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" 16'-0" x 11'-0" W.I.C. Living / Dining / Living Bedroom Master 6'-1" x 7'-0" CC CC Bath 5% Master 10'-4" x 7'-0" Bedroom #2 Bedroom #2 12'-0" x11'-11" 12'-0" x11'-11" FAU 10'-2" x6'-6" 10'-2" x6'-6" Bath #2 Bath #2 L L 6'-10" x5'-0" 6'-10" x5'-0" W.I.C. W.I.C. W/D W/D W/D 11'-0" x 16'-0" L CC Master Bedroom Balcony W.I.C. W.I.C. 7'-4" x 5'-0" 7'-4" x 5'-0" 6'-8" x 10'-5" 6'-8" x 10'-5" Master Bath Master Bath 870 sf 1B1 11'-10" x 12'-9" 11'-10" x 12'-9" Kitchen 12'-10" x 8'-4" Master Bedroom Master Bedroom 12'-6" x 17'-2" C.C. C.C. W/D W/D Living / Dining Balcony 5% 870 sf 870 sf 1B1 1B1 12'-0" x 15'-7" Kitchen Kitchen 12'-0" x 15'-7" Balcony Balcony 9'-0" x 12'-11" 9'-0" x 12'-11" Living / Dining Living / Dining Living /Dining Living /Dining 9'-0" x12'-11" 9'-0" x12'-11" Balcony Balcony 12'-0" x15'-7" Kitchen Kitchen 12'-0" x15'-7" 1B1 1B1 870 sf 870 sf C.C. W/D W/D C.C. Master Bedroom Master Bedroom 11'-10" x12'-9" 11'-10" x12'-9" Master Bath Master Bath 6'-8" x10'-5" 6'-8" x10'-5" 7'-4" x5'-0" 7'-4" x5'-0" W.I.C. W.I.C.



CC CC Living /DiningKitchen

10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4" 7'-0" x 10'-4"


10'-2" x 6'-8" x 10'-2"

Balcony 6'-8" x 10'-2"

Bath 10'-2" x6'-8"

12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10" 8'-4" x 12'-10"

Bath Master 19'-0" x12'-0" W.I.C.

Kitchen Bath Master

7'-4" x 5'-0" Kitchen Bath

6'-8" x 10'-11" x 6'-8" 6'-8" x 10'-5" 6'-8" x 10'-11" 6'-8" x 10'-11" Master Bath 10'-6" x Bedroom

11'-10" x 12'-9" sf 870

CC FAU CC FAU Master Bedroom

C.C. W/D sf 870

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1" 7'-0" x 6'-1"

W.I.C. W.I.C.


10'-6" x 10'-6" x 10'-6" 10'-6" x 10'-6"


Living / Dining Bedroom 14'-1" x 19'-0" Kitchen 1B1

870 sf 8'-5" x 12'-10" 1B1

1B1 CC

12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" W/D

11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0" 17'-2" x 12'-6" 16'-0" x 11'-0"

Master Bedroom Master W.I.C. Dining / Living W.I.C.

6'-1" x 7'-0" Dining / Living Bedroom Master 6'-1" x 7'-0" W/D 12'-0" x 15'-7" Bath Bath Balcony Kitchen 9'-0" x 12'-11" Master Master

10'-4" x 7'-0" 10'-4" x 7'-0"

Living / Dining SOCO Bedroom W/D CC

FAU FAU 12'-7" x 11'-0"

19'-0" x 12'-0" x 19'-0" 12'-0" x 19'-0" Living / Dining / Kitchen / Dining / Living Kitchen / Dining / Living




Master Bedroom 13'-6" x 11'-8"

W.I.C. L 11'-0" x 16'-0" 11'-0" x 16'-0" L

CC W/D W/D CC W.I.C. 19'-0" x 12'-0"

Living / Dining / Kitchen

5'-0" x 5'-0" Master Bedroom Master Bedroom

Bedroom #2 5'-0" x 6'-0"

Balcony Balcony 12'-0" x 11'-11"

10'-6" x 10'-6" Bedroom

6'-8" x 10'-11" Bath Bath 19'-0" x 12'-0"

10'-2" x 6'-8" 5'-8" x 10'-0" Balcony

Master Bath

W.I.C. Balcony

10'-7" x 10'-0" Living / Dining / Kitchen


6'-10" x 5'-0"

Living / Dining

10'-6" x 10'-6" Room

L 19'-0" x 12'-0"

Living / Dining / Kitchen 870 sf 870 sf

1B1 1B1 L 12'-10" x 17'-6"

Balcony Kitchen Kitchen 12'-0" x 12'-0" W/D

12'-10" x 8'-4" 12'-10" x 8'-4"

12'-6" x 17'-2" 12'-6" x 17'-2" Living / Dining

W/D Master Bedroom CC.

Living / Dining Living / Dining

12'-6" x 17'-2" Balcony Balcony


Living /Dining 6'-8" x 10'-11" 9'-0" x12'-11"

Balcony Kitchen 12'-0" x15'-7"





10'-6" x 10'-6"

10'-2" x 6'-8"

Bath #2 Living / Dining

10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4" Bath 10'-2" x 6'-6"

870 sf 12'-0" x 15'-7" 1B1

W/D Kitchen 12'-10" x 8'-4" Master 870 sf

W.I.C. W/D

5'-7" x 6'-7"

CC Master Bedroom

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1"

6'-8" x 10'-11" Living / Dining Kitchen


11'-0" x 16'-0"

FAU 12'-6" x 17'-2" Master Bedroom 11'-2" x 10'-11" Bath 11'-10" x 12'-9" W/D C.C. Bath Bath

1B1 Master Master Master Bedroom 10'-4" x 7'-0" 10'-4" x 7'-0"

10'-2" x 6'-8"


11'-10" x12'-9" CC

1B1 CC

12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10"

Master Bedroom Master Bath Kitchen

6'-8" x10'-5"

L 11'-0" x 16'-0"

CC 870 sf 870 7'-4" x5'-0"


Master Bath

9'-8" x 9'-7" W.I.C. 19'-0" x 12'-0" CC. 870 sf Living / Dining / Kitchen Kitchen 7'-4" x 5'-0" 5'-0" x6'-0"

9'-0" x 12'-11" Balcony W.I.C.


870 sf 12'-7" x11'-0" Bedroom

11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0" L Kitchen

Master Bedroom Master 12'-10" x 8'-4" C.C. 1B1 5'-8" x10'-0" W.I.C.

CC 7'-4" x 5'-0"


6'-1" x 7'-0" Master Bath

10'-2" x 6'-8" x 10'-2" Master Bath Bath

10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4" 10'-4" x 7'-0" 6'-8" x 10'-5"

Bath FAU

Bath 6'-8" x 10'-5"

Master Bath

W/D 6'-8" x 10'-11" Master

12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" FAU W/D Bedroom 11'-10" x 12'-9" Living /Dining

W.I.C. 9'-0" x12'-11"

W/D Kitchen 12'-0" x15'-7" Balcony 10'-6" x 10'-6" Living / Dining / Living 6'-1" x 7'-0" Master Bedroom

Xref .\Xrefs\Architect\archive\19-0506_eir site plan\unit 3ba.dwg C.C. W/D L

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1"


10'-6" x 10'-6" x 10'-6"

FAU Living / Dining Bedroom Master 1B1 W/D 870 sf 12'-0" x 15'-7"

Bath Bath

10'-4" x 7'-0" 7'-0" x 10'-4" Master CC

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1" 6'-8" x 10'-11"


Master Bath

W/D 10'-7" x10'-0"

870 sf 12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10"

9'-0" x 12'-11" x 9'-0" 1B1 Kitchen

Bath 8'-5" x12'-10" Kitchen L Kitchen W/D sf 870 10'-2" x 6'-8" FAU Master Bedroom 5'-0" x W/D W.I.C. W/D C.C.

11'-10" x 12'-9" Master Bedroom 12'-0" x 15'-7" Kitchen Balcony

1B1 9'-0" x 12'-11"

11'-10" x12'-9" Living / Dining


10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4"

Bath Balcony

11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0" Master Bath


19'-0" x 12'-0" x 19'-0" 6'-8" x10'-5"

W/D sf 870 C.C. 6'-8" x 10'-5" x 6'-8" Bedroom Master 7'-4" x5'-0"

Master Bath Master CC 1B1 W.I.C. Living / Dining / Kitchen / Dining / Living


W.I.C. 19'-0" x 12'-0" 9'-0" x 12'-11" x 9'-0" Master Bedroom Living /Dining

870 sf Living / Dining / Kitchen

Kitchen 7'-4" x 5'-0" 14'-1" x19'-0" 9'-0" x 12'-11" x 9'-0" 17'-2" x 12'-6" Living /DiningKitchen 11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0" Kitchen 9'-0" x 12'-11"

Kitchen 13'-6" x11'-8" 1B1 Dining / Living Master Bedroom Master

W/D 10'-2" x6'-8" W/D 19'-0" x12'-0" 7'-4" x 5'-0" x 7'-4" C.C. Bath 12'-0" x 15'-7" x 12'-0" Living / Dining / Living W.I.C. 10'-11" x 6'-8" Master Bath 5'-7" x6'-7" Living / Dining W.I.C. 6'-8" x 10'-5" Bedroom 10'-6" x 12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10" sf Kitchen 870 Master Bath C.C.

870 sf 870 9'-8" x9'-7" 12'-0" x 15'-7"

C.C. Master Bedroom 6'-8" x 10'-5" x 6'-8" W/D Bedroom

870 sf 870 12'-0" x Master Bath Master 11'-10" x 12'-9" x 11'-10" Master Bedroom Master Bath 10'-5" x Master 6'-8" 1B1 10'-6" x 10'-6"

CC. W/D 12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" 1B1 Master Bedroom Bedroom Balcony 12'-7" x 11'-0"

Living / Dining / Living 11'-10" x 12'-9"

1B1 CC Balcony 1B1

12'-0" x 15'-7" x 12'-0" 5'-0" x 7'-4" 6'-8" x 10'-11" L Dining / Living W.I.C. 12'-0" x 15'-7" x 12'-0" 5'-0" x 7'-4" CC

Balcony Dining / Living W.I.C. W/D 10'-7" x 10'-0" x 10'-7" Bath

Master Bath Master 7'-0" x 10'-4" Bath 10'-2" x 6'-8"

5'-8" x 10'-0" x 5'-8" Master Kitchen 11'-2" x10'-11" Master Bedroom 12'-9" x Master 11'-10" W.I.C. 8'-5" x 12'-10" Kitchen Balcony 5'-0" x 6'-0" Living /Dining 11'-10" x 12'-9" x 11'-10" Bath 12'-10" x17'-6" Master Bedroom Master 870 sf W.I.C. Kitchen 7'-4" x 5'-0" 9'-0" x 12'-11" FAU Room Balcony

5'-0" x 6'-0" x 5'-0" 5'-0" x 5'-0" x 5'-0"

W.I.C. 8'-4" x 12'-10" W.I.C. W.I.C. C.C. 7'-4" x 5'-0" Kitchen 13'-6" x 11'-8" x 13'-6" Master Bath Living / Dining 6'-8" x 10'-5"

Master Bedroom Master Master Bath FAU 6'-8" x 10'-5" 14'-1" x 19'-0" Balcony Balcony Bath Balcony 5'-8" x 10'-0" 11'-10" x 12'-9" W/D

W/D Master Bedroom C.C. W/D

870 sf 870 CC 12'-7" x 11'-0" x 12'-7" CC. Bedroom 10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4" Bedroom #2 12'-0" x11'-11" CC Bath

Master 10'-2" x6'-6"

W.I.C. Bath #2 5'-0" x 5'-0" 870 sf

L 1B1 12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" L Living / Dining / Living 1B1 L

FAU 6'-10" x5'-0"

8'-5" x 12'-10" x 8'-5" W/D W.I.C. Master Bath W/D Kitchen 10'-7" x 10'-0"

14'-1" x 19'-0" x 14'-1" Balcony 12'-0" x 15'-7" Kitchen

Master Bedroom 9'-0" x 12'-11"

Living / Dining / Living 7'-0" x 6'-1" Living / Dining W.I.C. 13'-6" x 11'-8" Master Bedroom 16'-0" x Master 11'-0" CC. 5'-0" x6'-0" W.I.C. 12'-7" x11'-0" Bedroom

Balcony 5'-8" x10'-0" Bath

Balcony W.I.C. FAU 6'-1" x 7'-0" W/D L

MasterBath FAU

10'-4" x 7'-0" Balcony

11'-0" x 16'-0" W/D

Master Bedroom 6'-6" x #2 10'-2" Bath Master Bath 10'-7" x10'-0"

L 6'-10" x 5'-0" x 6'-10" W.I.C. 8'-5" x12'-10"

L Kitchen Balcony CC W/D 5'-0" x W.I.C.


CC Bedroom #2 12'-0" x 11'-11" 1B1 12'-0" x 11'-11" x 12'-0" Bedroom #2 Bedroom 12'-6" x 17'-2" Living / Dining W.I.C

870 sf 10'-0" x 5'-8" Master Bedroom Living /Dining 14'-1" x19'-0"

W.I.C W.I.C. Living 13'-6" x11'-8"

5'-0" x 5'-5" 14'-3" x 12'-0"

6'-10" x 5'-0"

Living / Dining Kitchen Master Bedroom

Room 10'-11" x 11'-2"

15'-9" x 12'-0"

Kitchen Balcony

L 12'-10" x 8'-4" 12'-10" x 17'-6"

12'-0" x 12'-0" W/D

Master Bedroom

Room Bedroom #2

Balcony 12'-10" x 17'-6" x 12'-10" 12'-0" x 11'-11" 15'

Living / Dining / Living Bedroom #2 W.I.C. 12'-0" x 11'-11"

6'-10" x 5'-0" Dining

CC W/D Bath #2 Bedroom 12'-0" x 9'-7"

9'-8" x 9'-7" x 9'-8" Balcony L 12'-4" x 11'-0"

10'-2" x 6'-6" Bath Master Balcony W.I.C.

6'-10" x 5'-0"

Living / Dining

Room W.I.C.

Master Bedroom

11'-10" x 12'-9"

Balcony Kitchen W/D L 5'-7" x 6'-7" Bath #2 12'-10" x 17'-6"

Bath #2 13'-0" x 10'-0"

13'-11" x 7'-0" Kitchen 12'-0" x 12'-0" 10'-2" x 6'-6" W/D

11'-2" x 10'-11"

5'-7" x 6'-7" x 5'-7" W.I.C. Master Bedroom



Living / Dining

12'-0" x 15'-7" CC Balcony 7'-4" x 5'-0"

12'-0" x 12'-0" x 12'-0" Master Bedroom Master 1B1 Room

Living / Dining W/D

12'-10" x 17'-6" CC

10'-2" x 6'-6" x #2 10'-2" Bath

Bath #2

Bedroom #2 20'

12'-0" x 11'-11"

10'-2" x 6'-6"

Master Bath Bedroom 9'-8" x 9'-7" W.I.C.

6'-10" x 5'-0" x 6'-10"

L 12'-7" x 12'-6" W/D

Master Bath

6'-8" x 10'-5"

19'-0" x 12'-0" FAU W.I.C. Living / Dining / Kitchen

C.C. 870 sf 5'-7" x 6'-7"


Bathroom Kitchen

W.I.C. 12'-7" x 6'-6"

Kitchen W.I.C

11'-2" x 10'-11"

6'-10" x 5'-0" 5'-0" x 5'-6"

11'-2" x 10'-11"

Living / Dining

Room W/D 12'-0" x 12'-0"

L Master Bedroom

12'-10" x 17'-6" 11'-11" x 12'-0"

Kitchen #2 Bedroom

12'-0" x 12'-0"

9'-0" x 12'-11" W/D



Master Bedroom Bedroom #2 W.I.C. 10'-6" x 10'-6" W/D 12'-0" x 11'-11"

6'-10" x 5'-0"

W/D Master Bath Balcony Kitchen 9'-8" x 9'-7" W.I.C. 10'-11" x 11'-2" L

5'-7" x 6'-7"


Bath #2 15' CC

10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4" Bedroom #2 Bath 10'-2" x 6'-6"

Balcony 6'-8" x 10'-11"

12'-0" x 11'-11"


9'-8" x 9'-7" Master

Master Bedroom

Master Bath Room Bath #2 11'-10" x 12'-9"

10'-2" x 6'-6" Bath

12'-10" x 17'-6" x 12'-10" W.I.C.

Living / Dining / Living 10'-2" x 6'-8" 5'-7" x 6'-7"


6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1" Kitchen

W.I.C. Living / Dining


12'-0" x 15'-7"

7'-4" x 5'-0"

W.I.C. Balcony 11'-2" x 10'-11" 9'-8" x 9'-7" x 9'-8" Room FAU

CC Bath Master 6'-10" x 5'-0" Balcony Living / Dining

Living / Dining Bath 1B1 Room 12'-10" x 17'-6" 10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4"


19'-0" x 12'-0" 7'-0" x 6'-1"


12'-10" x 17'-6"

Bedroom #2 12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10"

Kitchen 12'-0" x 12'-0"

12'-0" x 11'-11"

W/D Living / Dining / Kitchen Bedroom

10'-6" x 10'-6" L

Master Bedroom CC CC

W/D sf 870 Master Bath


Master Bath

6'-8" x 10'-5" Balcony 6'-7" x 5'-7" W.I.C. 9'-8" x 9'-7" C.C. 870 sf

6'-8" x 10'-11" 12'-0" x 12'-0"

Master Bedroom Master Kitchen

11'-2" x 10'-11" W.I.C.

11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0"

CC Bath 12'-0" x 12'-0"

Bath #2

6'-10" x 5'-0"

Living / Dining

Master Bedroom Bedroom Master 10'-2" x 6'-6" W/D 10'-2" x 6'-8" Room

CC 1B1


12'-10" x 17'-6"

10'-2" x 6'-8" x 10'-2" L Bath Kitchen


12'-0" x 12'-0"


Master Bedroom 9'-0" x 12'-11"

11'-10" x 12'-9" 6'-8" x 10'-11"

5'-7" x 6'-7"

Master Bedroom

11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0" 17'-2" x 12'-6"


W.I.C. Dining / Living

Bath 6'-8" x 10'-11" Bedroom Master

11'-2" x 10'-11" W/D

5'-7" x 6'-7" 10'-2" x 6'-8" x 10'-2"


Living / Dining 10'-6" x 10'-6" 12'-0" x 15'-7"

7'-4" x 5'-0"

Balcony Bedroom

10'-6" x 10'-6" x 10'-6"


Bedroom Bath #2

1B1 8'-4" x 12'-10" Kitchen

9'-8" x 9'-7" sf 870 Master Bath 10'-2" x 6'-6"


Bedroom #2

12'-0" x 11'-11"

Bedroom #2 W.I.C. 12'-11" x 9'-0" W.I.C.

Master Bath 12'-0" x 11'-11" 1B1 9'-8" x 9'-7"

6'-10" x 5'-0" Kitchen 5'-7" x 6'-7"


Master Bath W/D

19'-0" x 12'-0" x 19'-0" 6'-8" x 10'-5" Bedroom #2 L Kitchen

870 sf 17'-2" x 12'-6" W/D 12'-0" x 11'-11" C.C. 11'-2" x 10'-11" Living / Dining / Living

Living / Dining / Kitchen / Dining / Living Balcony W.I.C.


6'-10" x 5'-0"

19'-0" x 12'-0" x 19'-0"

Living / Dining

W/D C.C. W/D Balcony Room sf 870

Bath #2

Living / Dining 10'-5" x 6'-8"

L 10'-2" x 6'-6"

Master Bath Master W.I.C. Living / Dining / Kitchen / Dining / Living 12'-10" x 17'-6"

Kitchen 12'-6" x 17'-2" W/D

12'-0" x 12'-0" 6'-10" x 5'-0"

W/D Living / Dining

9'-0" x 12'-11" 6'-6" x #2 10'-2" Bath

Master Bath

CC Balcony Room Master Bedroom 9'-8" x 9'-7" L 1B1 W.I.C. 12'-10" x 17'-6"

Room 5'-0" x 6'-10"

L 8'-4" x 12'-10"

12'-0" x 12'-0"

Living / Dining 1B1 Kitchen W/D 12'-10" x 17'-6" Master Bedroom

870 sf 5'-0" x 7'-4"


12'-10" x 8'-4" 15'-7" x 12'-0"

CC CC Dining / Living W.I.C. Bath #2 W/D

10'-2" x 6'-6" sf 870

CC Master Bedroom

Living / Dining 12'-9" x 11'-10" Bath #2

W.I.C. 11'-11" x 12'-0" Bedroom Master 10'-2" x 6'-6"

12'-6" x 17'-2" 11'-0" x 16'-0" #2 Bedroom 5'-7" x 6'-7" 7'-0" x 10'-4" Kitchen


11'-2" x 10'-11" CC

Kitchen 12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10" Master

12'-0" x 12'-0"

L W.I.C.


11'-2" x 10'-11" Master Bedroom CC 1B1 5'-7" x 6'-7" 12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" Living / Dining / Living 1B1 L Master Bedroom 10'-11" x 11'-2" Kitchen


11'-0" x 16'-0" Kitchen

870 sf 870 Balcony 11'-2" x 10'-11" Living / Dining / Living 12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6"

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1"

1B1 W.I.C. W.I.C.

Room Bedroom 16'-0" Master x 11'-0"

Master Bath 5'-7" x 6'-7" FAU W/D 9'-8" x 9'-7" 870 sf 12'-10" x 17'-6" x 12'-10"

L Kitchen Dining / Living

12'-10" x 8'-4"

Master Bath Balcony

CC 9'-8" x 9'-7" 9'-8" x 9'-7"


6'-1" x 7'-0" Master Bath

Master 9'-7" x 9'-8" 10'-4" x 7'-0"


W/D CC Bath Master Balcony

FAU L Balcony W.I.C.

6'-1" x 7'-0" Master Bedroom Master W.I.C.

6'-1" x 7'-0" 11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0"

CC 10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4"

5'-7" x 6'-7" x 5'-7" W.I.C.

Master FAU Master W/D Bath Bath 10'-4" x 7'-0" 12'-0" x 12'-0" x 12'-0" Master Bedroom Master MasterBath FAU

10'-4" x 7'-0"

11'-0" x 16'-0"

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1"

W.I.C. Master Bedroom Balcony L

CC W/D 6'-8" x 10'-5" x 6'-8"

Master Bath Master

Balcony Bath 6'-8" x 10'-11" W/D W/D 10'-2" x 6'-8" x 10'-2" 5'-0" x 7'-4" W.I.C.

10'-6" x 10'-6" x 10'-6"

Bedroom C.C.

Master Bedroom 11'-0" x 16'-0"

W.I.C. 1B1 6'-1" x 7'-0"

12'-6" x 17'-2" Living / Dining

870 sf 12'-9" x 11'-10"

Balcony FAU Bedroom Master

1B1Living / Dining

L 12'-0" x 19'-0" 12'-6" x 17'-2" sf 870


Master 12'-10" x 8'-4" 9'-0" x 12'-11" x 9'-0" CC Bath Kitchen

Living / Dining / Kitchen / Dining / Living

10'-4" x 7'-0" 1B1

Balcony Living / Dining

870 sf 12'-6" x 17'-2"

W/D W.I.C. CC Bedroom12'-0" x 11'-11"#2 1B1 6'-10" x 5'-0" 12'-0" x 15'-7" x 12'-0" W/D

L Dining / Living


12'-10" x 8'-4"

870 sfKitchen 12'-10" x 8'-4"


Bath #2 Balcony 10'-2" x 6'-6"

Living / Dining Master Bedroom

12'-6" x 17'-2" 11'-0" x 16'-0"


12'-10" x 8'-4" x 12'-10" Room Bath 6'-8" x 10'-11"

L W/D Kitchen 6'-8" x 10'-2" Living / Dining

1B1 CC

12'-10" x 17'-6" 10'-6" x 10'-6" Master Bedroom Bedroom

Master 11'-0" x 16'-0" sf 870


10'-4" x 7'-0"

Living / Dining / Living 12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6"


870 sf W/D

L Kitchen Kitchen 12'-0" x 19'-0"

12'-10" x 8'-4" 11'-2" x 10'-11"

12'-0" x 12'-0" 8'-4" x 12'-10"

CC Balcony

W.I.C. 6'-1" x 7'-0"


Master Master Bedroom Kitchen / Dining / Living

10'-4" x 7'-0"



FAU L W.I.C. sf 870

6'-1" x 7'-0" W/D

Living / Dining / Living

Master Bedroom Master

12'-6" x 17'-2" x 12'-6" 11'-0" x 16'-0" x 11'-0" W.I.C. 1B1

5'-7" x 6'-7"

10'-4" x 7'-0" x 10'-4"

Master FAU Master W/D Bath

10'-4"Bath x 7'-0" 9'-8" x 9'-7" Balcony

Master Bath



6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1"




Master Bedroom Master CC 16'-0" x 11'-0"

19'-0" x 12'-0" 7'-0" x 10'-4"




W/D Living / Dining / Kitchen Bedroom

10'-6" x 10'-6"

Master Bedroom 11'-0" x 16'-0"


6'-1" x 7'-0"

6'-1" x 7'-0" x 6'-1"

6'-8" x 10'-11" W.I.C.

Bath Balcony FAU

1B1Living / Dining

L 10'-2" x 6'-8"

12'-6" x 17'-2"




10'-4" x 7'-0"

19'-0" x 12'-0"

Living / Dining / Kitchen

Master Bedroom 11'-0" x 16'-0"

870 sf W.I.C.

6'-1" x 7'-0"



Balcony FAU

1B1Living / Dining

Bedroom #2



12'-6" x 17'-2"

12'-0" x 11'-11"

Bedroom 12'-10" x 8'-4"

Bedroom #2

10'-6" x 10'-6"



12'-0" x 11'-11"


Balcony 10'-4" x 7'-0"

W.I.C. 870 sf


6'-10" x 5'-0"


Living / Dining


6'-8" x 10'-11" Room Balcony

L 6'-10" x 5'-0"

Living / Dining Living / Dining 12'-10" x 17'-6"



12'-6" x 17'-2"

12'-0" x 12'-0" W/D


Kitchen 10'-2" x 6'-8" 12'-10" x 17'-6"

Master Bedroom

12'-10" x 8'-4"

12'-0" x 12'-0"


1B1 Master Bedroom

870 sf

CC Kitchen 12'-10" x 8'-4"

Bath #2

10'-2" x 6'-6" CC

Bath #2

10'-2" x 6'-6"

Master Bedroom

W.I.C. Living / Dining 5'-7" x 6'-7"

12'-6" x 17'-2" 11'-0" x 16'-0" W.I.C.

Kitchen 5'-7" x 6'-7"

11'-2" x 10'-11" L


1B1 CC Master Bedroom 11'-2" x 10'-11"

11'-0" x 16'-0"

Master Bath

9'-8" x 9'-7" FAU

870 sf W/D

L Master Bath Kitchen 9'-8" x 9'-7"

12'-10" x 8'-4"


6'-1" x 7'-0"


10'-4" x 7'-0" Bath

FAU W.I.C. 6'-1" x 7'-0"

W/D Master 10'-4"Bath x 7'-0"