Tax Credit Transparency Report

Calendar Year 2018

(Updated on April 16, 2021)

NOTE: The Massachusetts Tax Credit Transparency Report for Calendar Year 2018 has been updated as of April 16, 2021 to reflect 2018 tax credits that were issued after the March, 2020 publication of the 2018 report and other changes. While these credits were issued after 2018, they are considered 2018 credits because, for example, film credit applications received by December 31, 2018 are issued as 2018 credits notwithstanding the fact that these pending applications were processed in 2019 or later years.

I. Introduction

Massachusetts legislation enacted in 2010 requires agencies that administer refundable and transferable tax credit programs to submit an annual public report, by May 15 of each year, to the Department of Revenue with respect to such credits awarded or issued for the previous calendar year.1 See St. 2010, c. 131, §§ 37, 38, 39 and 47, amending G.L. c. 62C, § 1, and adding a new § 89; St. 2010, c. 240, § 118, further amending G.L. c. 62C, § 1. For more information regarding this legislation, see Technical Information Release (TIR) 10-11 and TIR 10-15.

The reporting requirements are effective for credits awarded or issued beginning January 1, 20112. Transfers of credits by the original recipients are not subject to the reporting requirements. Some credits may have pending applications that have not been processed by the time this annual report is issued. If any pending applications are eventually approved, the report to which the pending credit applications relate will be updated during the following reporting years. It is possible that some credits may be decertified or terminated voluntarily after an award has been reported. Readers may refer to the administering agencies’ websites for further information on decertification or voluntary termination.

The following fourteen refundable or transferable tax credits are subject to the reporting requirements for the 2018 calendar year:

1 The Massachusetts legislature amended the confidentiality statute creating a limited exception to the general rule of confidentiality by adding the tax credit transparency statute, G.L. c. 62C, § 89. Any taxpayer information apart from what is disclosed in this report remains confidential under the general confidentiality statute, G.L. c. 62C, § 21. 2 The legislation establishing these reporting requirements provides that these requirements should not encompass credits that were either awarded or issued prior to 2011. 1. Film Tax Credit (90% refundable or transferable at the election of applicant). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(l) and c. 63, § 38X. 2. Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (transferable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6J and c. 63, § 38R. 3. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (transferable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6I and c. 63, § 31H. 4. Brownfields Tax Credit (transferable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(j) and c. 63, § 38Q. 5. Medical Device Tax Credit (transferable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6½ and c. 63, § 31L. 6. Dairy Farmer Tax Credit (refundable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(o) and c. 63, § 38Z. 7. Life Sciences Tax Incentive Program – Investment Tax Credit (90% refundable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(m) and c. 63, § 38U. 8. Life Sciences Tax Incentive Program – User Fees Credit (90% refundable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(n) and c. 63, § 31M. 9. Life Sciences Tax Incentive Program – Research Credit (90% refundable). See G.L. c. 63, § 38M(k). 10. Life Sciences Tax Incentive Program – Jobs Credit (90% refundable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(r) and c. 63, § 38CC. 11. Economic Development Incentive Program Credit (refundable or transferable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(g) and c. 63, § 38N. 12. Certified Housing Development Tax Credit (transferable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(q) and c.63, § 38BB. 13. Conservation Land Tax Credit (refundable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6(p) and c. 63, § 38AA. 14. Community Investment Tax Credit (refundable). See G.L. c. 62, § 6M and c. 63, § 38EE

The credits for Life Sciences – User Fees have no 2018 awards to report.

II. Awarded v. Issued Columns – Three Categories of Credits

The fourteen transferable and refundable tax credit programs have varying processes in awarding or issuing the credits. Generally, an award of a credit is a formal acknowledgement that a particular taxpayer will be entitled to claim a tax credit upon completing certain tasks, whereas issuance is the actual receipt of the credit. You will notice that some tax credit programs have an award process but no issuance process, and others have a process for issuing credits but no award process. Generally, the programs fall into three categories of credit processes:

1. Credits That Require an Award and an Issuance Credit programs that have an annual cap (a limited amount of funds to be disbursed) generally require taxpayers to participate in an award process that involves the submission of an application to the administering agency. After the administering agency chooses how the capped credits are to be disbursed, notices are sent to those taxpayers informing them that they have been awarded a portion of the credit.

Some credits with an award process also require a formal issuance of the credits by the administering agency before taxpayers are entitled to claim or sell the credits.

The Low-Income Housing, Certified Housing Development, and Historic Rehabilitation tax credits have both an award process and an issuance process. After receiving an award and completing the Low-Income Housing, Certified Housing Development or Historic Rehabilitation project, the taxpayer must apply to the administering agency for a formal issuance of the credit. After the administering agency issues the credit to the taxpayer, the taxpayer can use the credit either by taking the credit on his/her tax return or transferring the credit. The issuance of the credit occurs when the corresponding project is completed, which can be a year or more after the credit is awarded. Both the award column and the issuance column are applicable to these credits.

2. Credits That Are Issued With No Award Process

The Film, Brownfields and Medical Device tax credits do not have an annual cap and therefore do not require an award process. The Community Investment tax credit has an annual cap, but does not require an award process. A taxpayer must apply to the administering agency3 before the taxpayer can use the credit. After processing the application, the administering agency issues a credit certificate to the taxpayer, allowing the taxpayer to take the credit on his/her tax return or to transfer the credit. The award column is therefore not applicable to these credits.

3. Credits That Require an Award With No Formal Issuance

The seven remaining credits have an annual cap and therefore have an award process that requires a taxpayer to submit an application to the administering agency. After the administering agency sends an award notice to the taxpayer, the taxpayer can use the credit by taking the credit on his/her tax return or transferring

3 The Department of Revenue is the administering agency for the Film, Brownfields, and Medical Device tax credits, and the Department of Housing and Community Development is the administering agency for the Community Investment tax credit. the credit. It is the date of the award notice that is entered in the Date Awarded column, which is unrelated to the time when the taxpayer may claim the credit on the taxpayer’s return or transfer the credit to another taxpayer. The issuance column is not applicable to these credits.

III. Public Written Statements

In addition to the statutory references cited above, the following general descriptions and DOR public written statements provide detailed information describing the tax credits:

Film Tax Credit

Motion picture production companies may claim (1) a credit equal to 25% of the total qualifying aggregate payroll for employing persons within the commonwealth in connection with filming and production of a motion picture and (2) a credit equal to 25% of their Massachusetts production expenses. Each credit has its own qualification requirements and a taxpayer is allowed to qualify for and claim both credits. The production companies must incur a minimum of $50,000 in qualified expenses during a consecutive twelve-month qualification period. The credits are either transferable or 90%-refundable to the motion picture production companies to the extent that the credits exceed the companies’ Massachusetts tax liability. Transferees do not qualify for the 90%-refundability.

• TIR 06-01, An Act Providing Incentive to the Motion Picture Industry. • DOR Directive 07-01, Questions concerning the Film Credit; Qualifying Expenses, Transferee Liability and Withholding Procedures (updated and clarified by TIR 07-15). • TIR 07-15, An Act Providing Incentives to the Motion Picture Industry. • Regulation 830 CMR 62B.2.3, Motion Picture Production Company Withholding.

Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

Taxpayers’ certified historic rehabilitation projects on income-producing property are eligible to receive up to 20% of the cost of certified rehabilitation expenditures in transferable Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits. The Massachusetts Historical Commission certifies projects and allocates the available credits subject to an annual $55 million cap, through an awards process utilizing selection criteria outlined in the regulations and public written statements cited below.

• Regulation 830 CMR 63.38R.1, Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit. • Letter Ruling 06-02, MHRTC & IRC 501(c)(3) Organizations. • TIR 06-16, Effect of Recent Economic Incentive Legislation on the Personal Income Tax, the Corporate Excise, and Tax Administration. • DOR Directive 08-9, Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Phased-In Projects. • TIR 10-11, Administrative, Personal Income, Corporate, Tobacco, and Sales Tax Changes Contained in Chapter 131 of the Acts of 2010. • TIR 14-11: Tax Changes in the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget, Including Tax Administration Changes in G.L. c. 62C Applicable to Corporations Subject to Combined Reporting. • TIR 14-13: Tax Changes Contained in An Act Promoting Economic Growth Across the Commonwealth. • TIR 15-6: Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit –Transferring Awards, Multi-Phased Projects, and Recapture. • TIR 16-15: Tax Provisions Included in An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development awards transferable low-income housing tax credits, subject to an annual $20 million cap, to taxpayers constructing or developing eligible low-income housing projects. The award can be claimed by the taxpayers in each year of a period of five years. The criteria for eligible low-income housing projects are outlined in the regulations and public written statements cited below.

• Regulation 760 CMR 54.00, Massachusetts Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program. • TIR 99-19, Tax Changes in the Fiscal Year 2000 Budget, Other Than the Capital Gains and the repeal of the “Pay to Play” Provisions. • TIR 10-15, Certain Local Property Tax, Personal Income Tax, Corporate Excise, and Tax Administration Changes in “An Act Relative to Economic Development Reorganization”. • TIR 16-15: Tax Provisions Included in An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development.

Brownfields Tax Credit

Taxpayers are allowed a transferable Brownfields credit for incurring eligible costs to remediate a hazardous waste site on property owned or leased for business purposes and located within an economically distressed area. The tax credit is up to 50% of the “net response and removal costs” as that term is defined in G.L. c. 21E, § 2.

• TIR 99-13, The Tax Credit Provisions of the Brownfields Act. • TIR 00-9, Tax Changes in the Fiscal Year 2001 Budget. • TIR 04-07, Changes to the Brownfields Credit and Investment Tax Credit Contained in Chapter 141 of the Acts of 2003. • TIR 06-16, Effect of Recent Economic Incentive Legislation on the Personal Income Tax, the Corporate Excise, and Tax Administration. • TIR 10-15, Certain Local Property Tax, Personal Income Tax, Corporate Excise, and Tax Administration Changes in “An Act Relative to Economic Development Reorganization.” • Letter Ruling 10-5, Applicability of Brownfields Tax Credit to Solid Waste Facility. • Letter Ruling 12-3: Inapplicability of Brownfields Tax Limitation to Insurance Premium Excise. • DD 13-4, Guidance with Respect to Brownfields Tax Credit Applications. • TIR 13-15, Tax Changes in the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget, the Transportation Finance Act, and the Fiscal Year 2013 Supplemental Budget.

Medical Device Tax Credit

Medical device companies that develop or manufacture medical devices in Massachusetts can claim a transferable credit equal to 100% of the user fees paid by them when submitting certain medical device applications and supplements to the United States Food and Drug Administration.

• TIR 06-22, Medical Device Tax Credit Provisions in St. 2006, c. 144 and c. 145.

Dairy Farmer Tax Credit

Taxpayers holding a certificate of registration as a dairy farmer pursuant to G.L. c. 94, § 16A are allowed a refundable dairy farmer tax credit based on the amount of milk produced and sold. The dairy farmer tax credit is based on the U.S. Federal Milk Marketing Order for the applicable market, such that when the U.S. Federal Milk Marketing Order price drops below a trigger price anytime during the taxable year the taxpayer will be entitled to the tax credit. The cap on the total amount of credits that may be granted was raised from $4 million to $6 million effective July 1, 2018.

• TIR 09-21, Certain Personal Income Tax and Corporate Excise Changes in the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Legislation. • Regulation 330 CMR 29.00, Dairy Farmer Tax Credit Program. • TIR 11-6, Tax Changes Contained in the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. • TIR 18-13: Tax Provisions in the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget, and An Act Relative to Economic Development in the Commonwealth.

Life Sciences Tax Incentive Program

The Life Sciences Center certifies and awards four tax incentives to life sciences companies that enable companies to obtain tax credits. These credits, which are 90%- refundable, together with other life sciences tax incentives, are subject to an aggregate $25 million annual cap.

The Life Sciences Investment Tax Credit is equal to 10% of the cost of qualifying property acquired, constructed, reconstructed or erected during the taxable year and used exclusively in Massachusetts.

The Life Sciences User Fees Tax Credit is equal to 100% of the user fees paid to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S.F.D.A.) upon submission of an application to manufacture a human drug in Massachusetts, and may be claimed in the taxable year in which the application for licensure of an establishment to manufacture the drug is approved by the U.S.F.D.A. To be eligible for the credit, more than 50% of the research and development costs for the drug must have been incurred in Massachusetts.

Taxpayers seeking to claim a Life Sciences Jobs Tax Credit must commit to the creation of a minimum of 50 net new permanent full-time positions in Massachusetts. The amount of the credit is determined by the Life Sciences Center. The Life Sciences Center may authorize a life sciences company to obtain refunds of existing Research Credits. Generally, the Research Credit for research expenses incurred in Massachusetts is based on a formula that measures taxpayers’ year-to-year increases in Massachusetts research expenses. See the regulations and public written statements cited below for a more detailed description of the formula.

• TIR 08-23, Life Sciences Tax Incentive Program under St. 2008, c. 130. • TIR 11-6, Tax Changes Contained in the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. • TIR 13-6, Calculation and Recapture of Certain Tax Incentives from Decertified Life Sciences Companies. • Regulation 830 CMR 38M.1, Massachusetts Research Credit.

Economic Development Incentive Program

Under the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP), the Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) may award tax credits to taxpayers that participate in a certified project as defined in G.L. c. 23A, §§ 3A and 3F. The amount of credit allowed in each case is determined by the EACC based on numerous factors set forth in G.L. c. 23A § 3D. The EACC may designate the credit as refundable for any certified project, subject to a limitation that the EACC may not award more than $5 million in refundable credits per year. The EACC is authorized to specify the timing of the refund. If a certified project is sold or otherwise disposed of, the credit allowed may be transferred to the purchaser of the certified project, provided that the EDIP contract is assigned to and assumed by the purchaser and approved in writing by the EACC. The credits authorized by the EACC are subject to an annual cap of $30 million.

• Regulation 830 CMR 63.38N.1, Economic Opportunity Area Credit. • Letter Ruling 99-7, Application of Economic Opportunity Area Credit under St. 1998, c. 286. • DOR Directive 09-4, Effect that the Expiration of a Project’s Certification Has on the Economic Opportunity Area Credit. • TIR 10-1, Economic Development Incentive Program Credit. • TIR 10-15, Certain Local Property Tax, Personal Income Tax, Corporate Excise, and Tax Administration Changes in "An Act Relative to Economic Development Reorganization". • TIR 14-13: Tax Changes Contained in An Act Promoting Economic Growth Across the Commonwealth • TIR 16-15: Tax Provisions Included in An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development

Certified Housing Development Tax Credit

The Department of Housing and Community Development may award transferable Certified Housing Development Tax Credits equal to up to 25% of the cost of qualified project expenditures, as defined in G.L. c. 40V, § 1, of the market rate units within the certified housing development projects. The awarded transferable credits are subject to a $10 million annual cap.

• TIR 10-14, Certified Housing Development Tax Credit. • TIR 10-15, Certain Local Property Tax, Personal Income Tax, Corporate Excise, and Tax Administration Changes in "An Act Relative to Economic Development Reorganization". • TIR 14-13: Tax Changes Contained in An Act Promoting Economic Growth Across the Commonwealth • TIR 16-15: Tax Provisions Included in An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development.

Conservation Land Tax Credit

Taxpayers are allowed a refundable conservation land tax credit for qualified donations of certified land to a public or private conservation agency. The credit is subject to an annual $2 million cap and is equal to 50% of the fair market value of the qualified donation up to a maximum credit of $50,000 for each qualified donation made prior to August 13, 2014 and $75,000 for each qualified donation made on or after that date. The certification process is conducted by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA). The certification criteria are outlined in EOEEA’s regulation, 301 CMR 14.00, cited below.

• Regulation 830 CMR 62.6.4, Conservation Land Tax Credit. • Regulation 301 CMR 14.00, Conservation Land Tax Credit.

Community Investment Tax Credit

The Community Investment Tax Credit is designed to enable local residents and stakeholders to work with and through community development corporations to partner with nonprofit, public, and private entities to improve economic opportunities for low and moderate income households and other residents in urban, rural, and suburban communities across the Commonwealth. The Department of Housing and Community Development is the administering agency for the credit. The credit is available in tax years 2014 through 2025. The credit is set at 50 percent of the total qualified investment made by a taxpayer. No credit is allowed to a taxpayer that makes a qualified investment of less than $1,000. In any one tax year, the total amount of the credit that may be claimed by a taxpayer that makes qualified investments shall not exceed $1 million. The total amount of the credit was subject to a $3 million cap in taxable year 2014, $6 million in each year of taxable years 2015 through 2018, $8 million in each year of taxable years 2019 and 2020, $10 million in each year of taxable years 2021 and 2022, and $12 million in each year of taxable years 2023 through 2025. The credit is refundable but not transferable.

• Regulation 830 CMR 62.6M.1, Community Investment Tax Credit. • Regulation 760 CMR 68.00, Community Investment Grant and Tax Credit Program • TIR 16-15: Tax Provisions Included in An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development. • St. 2018, c. 99, §§ 21, 25.

IV. Data

a) Summary Table for Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits a) Summary Table for Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Tax Credit Awarded Tax Credit Issued # Tax Credit Program Count Amount Count Amount

1 Film Tax Credit N/A N/A 159 $51,551,058.00

2 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit 355 $55,890,000.00 46 $48,097,370.00

3 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit 14 $13,814,950.00 17 $22,046,075.00

4 Brownfields Tax Credit N/A N/A 17 $17,882,544.03

5 Medical Device Tax Credit N/A N/A 5 $514,899.00

6 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit 172 $5,993,278.02 N/A N/A

7 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit 6 $2,110,000.00 N/A N/A

8 Life Sciences - User Fees Credit 0 $0.00 N/A N/A

9 Life Sciences - Research Credit 7 $3,230,000.00 N/A N/A

10 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit 7 $11,790,000.00 N/A N/A

11 Economic Development Incentive Program Credit 7 $18,384,800.00 N/A N/A

12 Housing Development Tax Credit 6 $10,100,340.00 4 $3,641,844.00

13 Conservation Land Tax Credit 34 $2,000,000.00 N/A N/A

14 Community Investment Tax Credit N/A N/A 2,019 $5,751,855.50

Total 608 $123,313,368.02 2,267 $149,485,645.53 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Philip W. Goulet $1,973.48 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Philip W. Goulet Farm Irrevocable Trust $4,604.79 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Goulet Family Irrevocable Trust $59,204.50 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Edlin Almedia $15,485.57 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Morven Allen $123,004.04 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A James E. Arooth $6,868.27 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John M. Arooth $6,868.27 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Carl D. O'Neil $6,574.44 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Kenneth M. Baker $8,880.68 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Christopher Sabot $4,638.21 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Judith Sabot $4,638.21 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Steven N. Barstow $71,449.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Steven N. Barstow II $71,449.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A David J. Barstow $71,664.46 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A James J. Larkin $68,819.39 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Margaret Larkin $68,802.26 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A James M. Larkin $33,698.72 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Darryl Williams $86,456.91 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Lucinda Williams $33,852.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Jackson Williams $1,461.24 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Paul Bettencourt $14,490.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Paul H. Shields $16,898.57 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stephen McCray $24,739.59 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Kyle Bostrom $1,539.01 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A William E. Boyden $26,902.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Ronald F. Boyden $26,902.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Louis Aragi Jr. $281,117.67 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Louis Aragi Sr. $281,117.67 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Molly DuBois $13,872.19 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Philip Stevens $13,872.19 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Will Stevens $13,913.85 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Wallace F. Chenail $30,461.99 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Christopher D. Chenail $30,461.99 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Gordon M. Cook Jr. $23,160.48 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Gordon M. Cook III $23,160.48 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Karen C. Herzig $25,123.98 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A James A. Cooper $11,568.69 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Richard A. Cooper $11,568.69 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Karl Heins $76,223.59 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Ronald Belder $7,532.40 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Brian Belder $7,532.40 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Edward DeMolles Sr $9,312.32 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stephen Devine $143,219.36 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Mark G. Duffy $34,582.78 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Tamma Duffy $34,582.78 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Michael Dunajski $16,509.18 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Christine Cochran $16,509.18 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Theodore Dunajski $49,527.53 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Benjamin D. Wells-Tolley $2,052.37 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Edward Ferry $62,174.70 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Andrew Ferry $23,177.43 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert L. Pearson $8,116.05 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John C. Pearson $6,087.04 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert E. Pearson $6,087.04 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert S. Fletcher $36,271.22 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A William P. Rogers $40,638.78 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Daniel J. Galusha $56,292.91 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John D. Galusha $57,998.75 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A William L. Galusha $56,292.91 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stanley Grigas $37,534.58 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Manuel Ferry III $84,148.17 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Carolyn P. Ferry $84,148.17 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Rebecca M. Grover $553.65 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Regina F. Grover $553.65 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Donna E. Grover $276.82 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Philip R. Grover $12,457.10 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stephen F. Gunn $48,097.29 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John Gwozdz $5,472.31 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A David Hanson $23,615.54 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Clifford Hatch $4,727.42 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Peter W. Hawkes $43,284.54 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Kathleen Herrick $40,918.72 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A David S. Herrick $68,197.87 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Kenneth P. Herzig $42,252.99 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John Hornstra $23,541.17 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Lauren Hornstra $23,541.17 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Frederick G. Havill $9,747.33 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A George Hunt, Jr. $85,091.99 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Theodore F. Jayko $59,604.49 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Cynthia M. Joyner $6,545.76 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Wyndom L. Joyner $19,637.28 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Randy E. Jordan $119,298.26 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Brian H. Jordan $119,298.26 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A William E. Davis $27,738.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Sidehill Farm LLC $8,020.35 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Mapleline Farm LLC $71,554.07 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Jon Roy Komarnisky $3,103.22 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Harry S. Komarnisky $3,103.22 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Betty LeGeyt $6,935.44 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Richard LeGeyt $6,935.44 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Lesley McLoughlin $6,935.44 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Karen LeGeyt $13,870.87 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Brian Peila $28,987.73 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Lawrence J Gould $35,280.43 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Leonard F Gould $8,820.11 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Hugh E. McGovern $7,178.11 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A George R. McGovern $7,178.11 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Raymond D. MacMillan $23,285.97 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Mark Meacham $11,939.35 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Gabriela Pedro $720.23 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Sandra Lea Evangelista $2,397.99 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stephen D. Melnik $161,081.66 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Benjamin H. Murphy $5,728.56 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Thomas F. Murphy $5,728.56 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Benjamin Bemis $17,057.81 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Ronald J. Noyes $8,543.53 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Edward J. O'Brien $28,416.15 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Jose DeSousa $23,830.50 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Earl Palmer and Terry Palmer Inc. $89,654.02 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Edward A. Parsons $26,376.25 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Henry M. Parsons $26,376.25 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Harley P. Phelps III $42,440.74 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A James H. Pickard $43,887.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert Richardson $17,710.40 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Randy Pomeroy $19,217.82 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Rachel Pomeroy-Monahan $19,217.82 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John Ferry, Jr. $65,495.02 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert Purington $29,791.57 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Richardson's Farm $108,308.43 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Karen Rida $9,483.31 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Deane A. Roberts $23,458.60 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Bob Robertson $29,070.50 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Chris Robertson $29,070.50 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Raymond G. Robinson, Jr. $5,441.99 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Carl Rossbach $2,852.51 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Norman B. Santos $6,108.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Kevin W. Santos $6,108.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Karl W. Santos $6,108.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Arthur D. Santos $6,108.14 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Paul L. Willis $39,514.83 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A David S. Sears $8,407.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Russell L. Sears III $8,407.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Warren L. Shaw Jr. $49,626.42 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Gary M. Shepard $28,124.01 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Sean Stanton $2,773.04 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stephen W. Szerlag $31,273.31 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Charles W. Tully Sr. Revocable Trust $34,998.52 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Charles W. Tully, Jr. $58,330.87 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Turner Farms Inc. $89,508.32 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Mark Viveiros $27,965.07 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Wayne H. Whittier $58,804.65 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Michael J. Waskiewicz $8,844.80 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Arthur C. West $41,047.37 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Tedd F. White $11,271.40 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Jane E. Wholey $937.42 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A High Lawn Holdings LLC $70,695.83 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Randy L. Facey $30,734.17 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Angie M. Facey $18,626.77 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Warren E. Facey $43,772.91 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert O. Williams $37,890.56 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Barbara E. Williams $37,890.56 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Richard C. Woodger $284,128.97 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Stanley F. Yazwinski $10,812.27 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Chester T. Yazwinski Jr. $10,779.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Samuel K. Yazwinski $10,779.90 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Peter J. Imbier $10,991.81 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Nancy L. Monson $5,495.91 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Neal L. Monson $5,495.91 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Mark R. Ziemba $25,742.80 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Michael J. Ziemba $25,820.10 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Timothy C. Ziemba $25,742.80 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Cori E. Katz $6,842.69 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Matthew Ferry $42,390.43 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Manuel Ferry IV $42,390.43 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A John Catlin $44,918.44 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Alyssa Catlin $44,918.44 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Michael Catlin Jr. $19,250.76 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Leah Catlin $19,250.76 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert B. Kilmer $5,385.68 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Harrison J. Kilmer $5,385.68 N/A 2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Robert C. Kilmer Jr $96,942.31 N/A 2018 N/A

Department of Agricultural Resources 2018 Dairy Farmer Tax Credit N/A Deborah M Barton-Duprey $39,176.13 N/A 2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit N/A Abiomed, Inc. $750,000.00 N/A 6/8/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit N/A Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine $150,000.00 N/A 7/30/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit N/A Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing $340,000.00 N/A 6/8/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit N/A Citra Labs, LLC $450,000.00 N/A 11/14/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit N/A Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc $270,000.00 N/A 7/9/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Investment Tax Credit N/A Spero Therapeutics, Inc. $150,000.00 N/A 6/8/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A Decibel Therapeutics, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 5/31/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A Evelo Biosciences, Inc. $465,000.00 N/A 8/28/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A Instrumentation Laboratory Company $525,000.00 N/A 5/15/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A ProTom International Holding Corporation $150,000.00 N/A 7/10/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A SQZ Biotech $240,000.00 N/A 9/14/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A Vicarious Surgical Inc. $150,000.00 N/A 7/19/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Research Credit N/A WAVE Life Sciences $1,500,000.00 N/A 6/7/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A Alkermes, Inc. $1,500,000.00 N/A 5/30/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. $1,650,000.00 N/A 5/31/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A EMD Holding Corporation $1,350,000.00 N/A 6/4/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A Indigo Agriculture, Inc. $1,125,000.00 N/A 7/31/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A Insulet Corporation $3,690,000.00 N/A 5/31/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A ModernaTX, Inc. $1,725,000.00 N/A 5/22/2018 N/A

Life Sciences Center 2018 Life Sciences - Jobs Credit N/A Rubius Therapeutics $750,000.00 N/A 9/24/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program 99Degrees Custom, Inc. - Expansion 99Degrees Custom, Inc. $2,800,000.00 N/A 4/12/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program Process Cooling Systems, Inc. - Expansion Process Cooling Systems, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 4/12/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company -Expansion Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company $5,000,000.00 N/A 6/20/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program Plastics Distributors & Fabricators, Inc. - Expansion Plastics Distributors & Fabricators, Inc. $30,000.00 N/A 9/19/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program Spencer Technologies, Inc. - Expansion Spencer Technologies, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 9/19/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program Fall River Hat Company, dba Korber Hats - Expansion Fall River Hat Company, dba Korber Hats $30,000.00 N/A 9/19/2018 N/A

Office of Business Development 2018 Economic Development Incentive Program Wayfair LLC - HQ Expansion and Pittsfield Call Center Wayfair LLC $10,324,800.00 N/A 12/13/2018 N/A

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Steven W. & Ekaterina Backus $40,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Helen C. Baldwin $63,100.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Sherry B. Himmelstein & Kenneth S. Bernstein $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Michelle R. Buck $14,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Carla E. Bentzen Irrevocable Family Trust, The $37,500.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Charles R. Wilder & Kathryn M. Casey $41,400.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A John J. & Ann M. Chernoch $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Edward C. and Maryln DeMolles $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Stephen H. Dorrance $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Paul S. & Max A. Eckstein $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Dorothy French $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Hittor, LLC $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A James W. Hoerle $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A William R. Huss $19,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Jaqueline C. Dillon Trust $4,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Anne B. Jencks $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A John W. Dillon Trust $4,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Patricia Lee Lewis $70,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Deborah Menaker Rothschild $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Judith A. O'Brien $53,500.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A James P. & Melinda S. O'Mealia $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Osthaus LLC. $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Robert and Elizabeth K. Pozen $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A William R. & Shalee M. Pratt $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Glenn M. Saunders $37,500.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Vicki R. Saunders $37,500.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Alan Schaffel $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A D. Fraser & Jean E. Sinclair $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Dwight P. Sipler $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Brad K. Sprinkle $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Steen Bentzen Irrevocable Family Trust, The $37,500.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Wayside.Realty Inn, LLC $75,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A Pamela L. Yukna $45,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental 2018 Conservation Land Tax Credit N/A William F. Yukna $71,000.00 N/A 2018 N/A Affairs

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit The Cubit Nestingly 181 LLC N/A $381,049.00 N/A 9/24/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit 47 Pleasant Street 47 Pleasant St Realty Trust N/A $892,045.00 N/A 9/24/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit Power House Lofts WDM Properties, LLC N/A $368,750.00 N/A 9/24/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit Masonic Block Redevelopment 126-150 Pleasant Street Associates, LLC N/A $2,000,000.00 N/A 11/14/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit Harding Green Canal District Partners LLC $2,000,000.00 N/A 3/19/2018 N/A Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit 87 Washington Street 87 Washington LLC $1,879,465.00 N/A 8/22/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit SilverBrick Square 3 Chestnut Street LLC $1,000,000.00 N/A 11/1/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit 45 Summer Street Sterling Hill Holdings LLC $1,740,000.00 N/A 10/10/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit Morningstar WDM Properties, LLC $1,480,875.00 N/A 7/31/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Housing Development Tax Credit Waterhead Heritage Properties $2,000,000.00 N/A 12/18/2018 N/A Development

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit TV Commercials LIBERTY 7/1/16-6/30/17 Allen Roche Group, Inc. N/A $15,515.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit TV Commercials AMESBURY CHEVROLET 7/1/16-6/30/1 Allen Roche Group, Inc. N/A $16,072.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit TV Commercials POST MOTORS 7/1/16-6/30/17 Allen Roche Group, Inc. N/A $14,242.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit TV Commercials TEAM AUTO GROUP 1/1/16-6/30/17 Allen Roche Group, Inc. N/A $16,842.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Sweet Thing Black Horse Productions, Inc. N/A $21,711.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Dana Farber/Brigham Women's Cancer Center Bodega Studios LLC N/A $34,721.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad Brandon's Dads Productions Inc N/A $2,355,156.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Progressive TV Commercial Brickyard VFX Inc N/A $13,915.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Dunkin Advertising Campaign Brickyard VFX Inc N/A $12,526.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Brad's Status College Tour Movie, Inc. N/A $85,497.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Adore Me "Occasions II" Conductor Productions LLC N/A $14,371.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Health IQ Testimonial TV Spots Conductor Productions LLC N/A $25,890.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Bath Fitter "Wow Moment" and "Blown Away" Conductor Productions LLC N/A $30,210.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Fantastic Fanatics & Fanatics Playoffs Conductor Productions LLC N/A $81,816.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Eastern Bank "Join Us For Good" 2018 Campaign Conover Advertising Co. Inc. N/A $15,949.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Milk Street Kitchen - Season 1 CPK Media, LLC N/A $97,999.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Wormwood Deep Creek Productions LLC N/A $203,693.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 17007 VT Element Productions, Inc. N/A $15,538.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 17002 DD Element Productions, Inc. N/A $25,346.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 17005 AB Element Productions, Inc. N/A $32,312.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 16028 LM Element Productions, Inc. N/A $23,862.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 16063 CTL Element Productions, Inc. N/A $81,375.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 17003 HGS Element Productions, Inc. N/A $26,077.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 16066 SF Element Productions, Inc. N/A $21,307.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Hefty Ultra Strong Elite CIS Massachusetts, Inc. N/A $597,889.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Pepsi-"Timeless" Farm League N/A $60,979.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The B Side Fourth Floor Productions, Inc. N/A $33,577.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Umass Lowell "Innovation TV" :30 Full Moon Films Inc. N/A $18,427.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Ghost Light Ghost Light Movie LLC N/A $714,756.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Lowes #1721 GLP Creative LLC N/A $17,817.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Adidas #1719 GLP Creative LLC N/A $30,785.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Titleist Tour Soft #1736/1737 GLP Creative LLC N/A $35,468.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Puma #1722 GLP Creative LLC N/A $22,246.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Titleist #1729 GLP Creative LLC N/A $25,333.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 2018 Hasbro Commericals Greenfield Production Services LLC N/A $16,140.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 2018 WB Mason Hayroad Productions LLC N/A $13,032.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Storybooth Episodes 84-111 Hero4Hire Creative, LLC N/A $18,763.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Ocean Spray Hungry Man, Inc. N/A $131,661.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit New Balance Identity Media, Inc. N/A $75,954.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Nike Kyrie 4/Project Sparkle Imperial Woodpecker LLC N/A $144,601.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit I Am Not Your Daughter INYD Films LLC N/A $109,751.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot Makeshift, LLC N/A $296,840.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Pirates TV Moody Street TV, LLC N/A $19,611.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit BU Terriers ALL ACCESS Moody Street TV, LLC N/A $23,280.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Groundskeeper Mtown Films N/A $43,602.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Across the Pacific Mystery of Matter Inc. N/A $177,342.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Folklorist Newton Communications Access Center, Inc. N/A $53,215.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Folklorist Newton Communications Access Center, Inc. N/A $50,673.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Navy Seals Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $24,186.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Liberty Phase One Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $19,937.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Mystic Whalers Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $21,149.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Army Museum Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $25,120.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Artcirq Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $17,864.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Strangler Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $50,800.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Tech Cybersecurity Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $38,840.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Virginia Historical Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $26,879.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Woodrow Wilson Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $27,017.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit WWI Berlin Linear Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $30,486.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Whitey Bulger Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $44,318.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Gettysburg Lutheran Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $17,444.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Infantry Museum Northern Lights Productions Inc. N/A $20,195.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Race to Kick-Off O Positive LLC N/A $117,264.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 47 Brand-Foundations of Style Part 2 Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $26,870.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 47 Brand-Carhartt Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $22,206.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Falabella Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $117,653.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Boston Interiors Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $28,800.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit HotShot Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $18,214.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Atlantic Broadband-Remote Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $18,082.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Floating Hospital for Children Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $23,908.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Shark Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $45,704.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Men's Warehouse Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $36,144.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit New Balance Trace Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $32,717.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Finally Lightbulbs Old Harbor Productions, Inc. N/A $45,511.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Grace Ouroboros Entertainment LLC N/A $243,152.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Breaking Big Parallax Productions, Inc. N/A $185,781.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Jos A Bank Partizan Entertainment LLC N/A $53,594.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Soliders of Southie Pilgrim Operations LLC N/A $191,600.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Wicked Tuna- Season 4 Pilgrim Operations LLC N/A $503,819.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Yana & Egbert Planet Nutshell Inc. N/A $13,411.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit ntitled Joe Rogan Special (AKA Joe Rogan Strange Time Positive Video Production Group, Inc. N/A $51,966.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Fireflies RA Vision Productions Inc. N/A $30,826.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Beyond The Grid RA Vision Productions Inc. N/A $34,443.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Carpet One RT-1719 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $38,525.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Leica - RT-1718 Redtree Productions Inc N/A $22,693.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Cambridge Savings Bank RT-1729 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $41,839.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Museum of Science Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $14,443.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Athena Health RT-1733 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $25,072.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Atlantic Broadband RT - 1730 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $40,366.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit NE Honda RT - 1801 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $27,566.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Carpet One RT-1734 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $58,083.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit NE Honda Dealers RT - 1803 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $57,608.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit NE Honda RT-1806 Redtree Productions, Inc. N/A $25,066.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit RLMG-01-2018 Richard Lewis Media Group Inc. N/A $72,604.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit RLMG-03-2018 Richard Lewis Media Group Inc. N/A $30,178.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit RLMG-02-2018 Richard Lewis Media Group Inc. N/A $106,680.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit RLMG-04-2018 Richard Lewis Media Group Inc. N/A $43,632.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Proud Mary Screen Gems Production, Inc. N/A $3,222,851.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Jet Blue "Flip The Forecast" Something Ideal Inc. N/A $61,922.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Sound of Metal Sound of Metal LLC N/A $495,427.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "VT Lottery #1719" Stir Films LLC N/A $26,377.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "Prime Auto Group" #1703 Stir Films LLC N/A $15,429.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "al Fresco" #1709 Stir Films LLC N/A $35,492.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "SNHU"#1704 Stir Films LLC N/A $48,543.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "McDonald's" #1718 Stir Films LLC N/A $19,836.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "Liberty Mutual" #1717 Stir Films LLC N/A $30,751.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit "Cape Cod 5" 1711 Stir Films LLC N/A $26,943.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit CT Lottery #1721 Stir Films LLC N/A $20,622.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Dunkin Donuts #1732 Stir Films LLC N/A $14,626.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Santander #1726 Stir Films LLC N/A $15,291.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Catch The Catch Film LLC N/A $110,133.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 2018 Round 1 Hasbro Thunder & Lighting Inc. N/A $91,145.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Katie Fforde 2017 Van Wormer International N/A $620,879.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit ID Channel Viewpoint Computer Animation N/A $16,125.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Dunkin Donuts Wanderlust Content Inc. N/A $46,536.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Antiques Roadshow Season 21 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $225,942.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Rough Cut-Woodworking with Tommy Mac Season 7 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $38,635.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Season 2 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $23,735.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Home Fires Seasons 2 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $17,806.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Endeavour 4 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $18,298.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Endeavour 3 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $21,302.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Weekends with Yankee Season 1 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $48,974.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Ice Warriors: USA Sled Hockey WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $16,345.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Prime Suspects: Tennison WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $19,993.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Poldark Season 3 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $38,176.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit My Mother and Other Strangers WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $17,215.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Sherlock Season 4 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $43,144.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Collection Season 1 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $20,317.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Durrells In Corfu Season 2 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $30,626.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Victoria Season 1 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $34,751.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit America Reframed Season 3 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $20,016.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit America Reframed Season 4 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $28,182.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Eye On The Prize WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $19,565.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Arthur Season 20 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $53,105.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit American Experience Season 29 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $321,373.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Arthur Season 21 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $38,405.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Rare: Creatures of the Photo Ark WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $22,226.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Simply Ming Season 13 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $40,175.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Nova Season 44 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $473,183.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Frontline Season 35 WGBH Educational Foundation N/A $879,661.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Spy Who Dumped Me Zero VFX LLC N/A $23,723.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Milking Table STM Productions LLC N/A $60,756.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit HBO (8 Projects) Various Viewpoint Computer Animation N/A $39,504.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Sanofi Axon Communications, Inc. N/A $223,130.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Boehringer Ingelheim Axon Communications, Inc. N/A $49,417.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Kraft Sports Entertainment - Sponsor Full Moon Films Inc. N/A $20,835.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Wahlburgers S4A Ranger Media LLC N/A $183,243.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit The Great Build All Screens Entertainment Inc. N/A $76,563.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Sweeney Killing Sweeney Sweeney Killing Sweeney LLC N/A $24,236.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Katie Fforde 2015 Van Wormer International N/A $803,376.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit America's Test Kitchen Season 15 Boston Common Press LP N/A $144,823.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit America's Test Kitchen Season 16 Boston Common Press LP N/A $104,876.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Cooks Country Season 10 Boston Common Press LP N/A $190,728.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit America's Test Kitchen Season 17 Boston Common Press LP N/A $145,221.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit 2 Industries Inc. N/A $20,134,945.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Slender Man Screen Gems Production, Inc. N/A $1,451,148.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Growing Pains aka New Mutants Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation N/A $8,123,151.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Skecher "David Ortiz" Kaboom Productions, Inc N/A $29,869.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit Katie Forde - 2016 Van Wormer International LLC N/A $455,132.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Film Tax Credit City on the Hill Possible Productions Inc. N/A $3,012,365.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 100 Ashford Street, Boston, MA 02215, 24 Cummington Trustees of Boston University N/A $4,380,849.00 N/A 2018 Street, Boston, MA 02215, 899 -925 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 266 Main Street, Plymouth, MA 02367 Anderson Realty Trust N/A $151,259.39 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit West Campus Northeastern University N/A $4,609,599.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 130 John Street, Lowell, MA 01852 Boott Mill Developer LLC N/A $120,560.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 10 Essex Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 3MJ Associates, LLC N/A $820,125.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 303 King Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Colvest/Northhampton, LLC N/A $77,678.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 0, 80, 82, and 84 North Main Street, Natick, MA 01760 MCREF Natick Development LLC N/A $789,282.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 6 West Broadway, South Boston, MA 02127 6 West Broadway, LLC N/A $622,152.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 1217 Hyde Park Avenue, Boston, MA 02136 1217 HP Realty Trust N/A $26,128.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 249 Third Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 EQR - 249 Third Street LLC N/A $3,432,343.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 12 Roxton Street, Boston, MA 02121 Oxbow Urban LLC N/A $7,594.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 19 Edson Street, Boston, MA 02124 Oxbow Urban LLC N/A $29,630.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 53 Wentworth Street, Boston, MA 02116 Oxbow Urban LLC N/A $34,775.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 320-330 Middlesex Avenue, Medford, MA 02155 320-330 Middlesex Ave LLC N/A $1,270,020.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 6-26 New Street, Boston, MA 02128 GEGC2 New Street LLC N/A $1,008,013.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 88 Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140 88 Cambridge Street LP N/A $450,932.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Brownfields Tax Credit 651 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA 01603 Salloom Realty Corporation N/A $51,604.64 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Medical Device Tax Credit N/A Nellie Medical, LLC N/A $2,345.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Medical Device Tax Credit N/A Langford IC Systems Inc. N/A $15,291.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Medical Device Tax Credit N/A Zyno Medical LLC N/A $4,690.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Medical Device Tax Credit N/A Boston Scientific Corporation N/A $400,858.00 N/A 2018

Department of Revenue 2018 Medical Device Tax Credit N/A Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics N/A $91,715.00 N/A 2018

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Cambridge Savings Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Peter Munkenbeck and Renata von Tschrner N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Douglas F Bacon and Veronica Bacon N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Karen Soohoo N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Peter N Elton N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Jacque L Friedman and Evelyn Murphy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Resource Management Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Boston Community Capital N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC James P Ferris N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Julie A Taylor N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (The Narrow Gate Architecture Neal Mongold N/A $165.00 N/A 2018 Development Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (The Narrow Gate Architecture Robert Wegener N/A $170.00 N/A 2018 Development Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (The Narrow Gate Architecture Kathleen Ryan N/A $165.00 N/A 2018 Development Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Greater Lowell Community Foundation, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Fallon Community Helath Plan, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Washington Savings Bank N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Richard T Lefferts N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Michael Payette N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Steven G Bucchianeri and Michael G. Nickey N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Leo L. Proulx and Cynthia Proulx N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. ATP Restaurant, Inc N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Hilary K Finucane and Yakir Reshef N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. N/A $2,260.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects, Inc N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Jennifer B Pinck N/A $1,070.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Greenfield Savings Bank N/A $18,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Kathy J Reinig N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Janet G Haas N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Deborah J Estelle N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Charles E Bellinger and Arleen Thomson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Foundation N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Foundation N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Thomas W Tavenner, Jr. and Ann Tavenner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners First Ipswich Bank N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Michael Christian and Diane Christian N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Alan L Temkin and Francine Temkin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners KJP Partners LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Landmark Structures Corporation N/A $1,212.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Claire L Bateman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC David C OConnor N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Kevin Maguire N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation John A Vellone, Mr N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Alex M Hassinger and Alison Hassinger N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Emily A Dertz and John Kozma N/A $515.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Trust

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Penelope Dey N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Bernadette Meyer and Robert W. Meyer, Jr. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Peter L Freeman and Catherine Freeman N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Arthur L Johnson N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation John R Harris N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Peter N Elton N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Anthony L Pangaro and Creelea Pangaro N/A $17,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation David J Hinchen and Karen Hinchen N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Shion C Hung and Bettina Borces N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Nora Bloch and Charles Jones N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start James A Dobrovic N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Edward A Brody and Dena Feldstein N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Mitchell Goldstein and Maria Raneri N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start William F McAvinney and Carolyn Fuller N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Robert L Woodbury, Jr and Mary Woodbury N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Sara L Rosenfeld and Manuel Bonifacio N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,812.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Boston Community Capital N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Andrew C Koines, Sr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Kristen M Harol N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Peter Munkenbeck and Renata von Tschrner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Robert K Triest and Katherine Triest N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Richard Hansen and Janet Bersani N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Karl F Seidman and Deborah Becker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Howard B Burchman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Darin Janoplis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jane I Teixeira-Henry N/A $700.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Lawrence P Cole N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John H Ferring, IV N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jari Rapaport N/A $700.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Priscilla Cornell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Joseph H Bayne, Jr and Sandra Bayne N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Brian E Boyle and Polly Marmaduke N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jack C Kadzik and Cynthia Kadzik N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Neil F Mclaughlin and Nancy Mclaughlin N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Stephen R Reily and Emily S Bingham N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Paul H. Lesniak and Janet Lesniak N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Ira L Seldin and Florence Seldin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Douglas M Freeman and Beth Freeman N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Timothy F Wade and Elizabeth Wade N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Timothy R Counihan and Carol Counihan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Manuel R Smith, Manny Smith and Elisabeth Smith N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Nickerson Lumber Company LLC N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John O'Reilly N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (J.M. O'REILLY & ASSOCIATES, INC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Community Square Associates LLC N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Robert H Smith and Elizabeth Smith N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation John D Spence, Jr and Katherine Yih N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Arthur Winn N/A $37,783.00 N/A 2018 Development (WinnResidential Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Jeff S Wallace and Elizabeth Wallace N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Michael Sherman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Robert P Shay and Melinda Shay N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Julie R Perkins, Ms. and Dwight H. Perkins N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA David Kilnapp N/A $2,725.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Fidelity Cooperative Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Enterprise Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Rollstone Charitable Foundation, Inc N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Hometown Bank Community Foundation Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Peter W Smith N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Richard E Miller and Kathleen Miller N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Andrew J Van Hazinga and Elizabeth Van Hazinga N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $515.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. NPV, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (Chiccarelli Real Redenta Lambergs-Tomes N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Estate,Inc.1)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (Resolution Architects) Paul Martell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC David A Pabich N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC David A Pabich N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Kevin P Martin & Assoc PC N/A $795.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Kimberly A Vermeer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Stephen R Chiacchia and Joanne Turner-Chiacchia N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Freedom Credit Union N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Farmington Bank Community Foundation N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Thomas W Senecal and Jeanne Senecal N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC John A Robinson, jr and Ellen Humphreys N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Boston Community Capital N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Cambridge Savings Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Winter Hill Federal Savings Bank N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation James B Goldenberg N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Thomas E Keane N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Laurie S Goldman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Barbar A Steiner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation James B Goldenberg N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Jeffrey Johnston N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Michael R Martin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Wayne J Oliver and Marie Cullen Oliver N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Benjamin W Moeling and Sandra Huang N/A $525.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ezra Glenn and Melissa Haber N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Larry Miller and Sara Lennox N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Christopher Cotter and Rose White N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Rahul Bhargava and Emily Bhargava N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Edward A Brody and Dena Feldstein N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Stephanie T Richardson and John Moeling N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Rachel D Chagnon and Denis Chagnon N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation David F Myers and Christina Myers N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Joseph A Bearak, Mr and Sandra Rose N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Aaron M Gornstein and Sharon Engelhardt N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Mitchell Goldstein and Maria Raneri N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Leslie Brayton and Gregory Hagan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Patricia A Gibbons and Paul Kafka-Gibbons N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Rita M Schwantes and Carleton Tsui N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Frederick R Mueller and Cynthia Taft N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Needham Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Robert G Murray and Joan B Murray N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Massachusetts General Hospital N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Patrick J King N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Richard H Moche N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Susan B Lambeth N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert A Diefenbacher N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brent Barker N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John H Spencer, JR N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Paul Fruitt N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kathleen Kneram N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jane D Goldstein N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mark R Camus N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James T Curtis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay George R Neble and Sharyn Neble N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gail L Sokoloff and Howard Merkowitz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gail L Sokoloff and Howard Merkowitz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Martin J Rogosa and Elizabeth Rogosa N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Thaddeus V. Stump and Glenda Stump N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert H Ruxin and Margaret Shukur N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert Fraga and Dawn Fraga N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Susan M Curtin and Peter Miller N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert E Schneider and Catherine Schneider N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay William R Kolb and Amy Kolb N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Thomas P Jalkut and Maryann Jalkut N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brian J Flynn and Kim Flynn N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Heydon D Traub and Jodi Traub N/A $1,800.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David M Sobel and Laura S Sobel N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Seth Jaffe and Eugenia Long N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp and Yevgeniya Gorlovsky-Schepp N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Allen K. Gibbs and Martha Gibbs N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay (The Narrow Gate Robert Wegener N/A $255.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay (The Narrow Gate Kathleen Ry N/A $247.50 N/A 2018 Development Architecture Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay (The Narrow Gate Neal Mongold N/A $247.50 N/A 2018 Development Architecture Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Sissela A Bok and Derek Bok N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Anthony L Pangaro and Creelea Pangaro N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Freedom Credit Union N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Freedom Credit Union N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Greenfield Savings Bank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Jennifer Ladd N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Alfred L Griggs N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation John A Hornik and Heather Hornik N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Norman J Levey and Mary Christine Olson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Daniel Kristoffer Lane N/A $375.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis & Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Daniel Kenneth Lund N/A $375.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis & Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Daniel James Bruce N/A $375.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis & Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Daniel Michael Driscoll N/A $125.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis & Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Vietnamese American Initiative for Development Mai t Phan and Tran Luu N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc John D. Howell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Alexandra Killewald N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Holliday C Heine N/A $2,075.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Norma E Wyse and John Ramseyer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Norman J Faramelli and Lucie-Marie Faramelli N/A $2,025.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. (Daniel Dennis and Company LLP) Kenneth Lund N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. (Daniel Dennis and Company LLP) James Bruce N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. (Daniel Dennis and Company LLP) Kristoffer Lane N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. (Daniel Dennis and Company LLP) Michael Driscoll N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Joseph A Bearak, Mr and Sandra Rose N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Joseph A Bearak and Sandra Rose N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Allen J Cavicchi and Lauren Lineback N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC John C Fan N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Yongmei A Chen and Chien Chun Chen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Richard Stanley N/A $1,350.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Thomas K Doyle, Sr. and Paula Doyle N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Dietz and Company Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Peter N Elton N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Citizens Bank National Association N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Glenn B Goldman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Marie Sweeney and William Sweeney N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Anstiss & Co., PC N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Fred C. Church, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Jemadari Kamara N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Bruce M Hampton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Christine H Green, Ed.D. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Lucy A Williams and Faith Perry N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Arthur Winn N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.(WinnResidential Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Trefler Foundation N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc.(The Neal Mongold N/A $165.00 N/A 2018 Development Narrow Gate Architecture Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc.(The Robert Wegener N/A $170.00 N/A 2018 Development Narrow Gate Architecture Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc.(The Kathleen R N/A $165.00 N/A 2018 Development Narrow Gate Architecture Ltd)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc.(ICON Nancy Ludwig N/A $406.50 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc.(ICON Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development Architecture) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc.(ICON Ned Collier N/A $12.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Michael C Liu and May J Louie N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Micky McKinley N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Darren A Gale N/A $575.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Sandra L Holzhauer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Mary L Sirum N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Brian A Renaud N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Nancy Hazard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Nancy Hazard N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Lynn B Ditullio N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Andrea B Nathanson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Toni R Manning N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Mark D Abramson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Elizabeth H Sillin and William Sillin N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Edward W Hathaway and Leda Mahmoodi N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC John Stobierski and Pam Stobierski N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Philip Silva and Jessica Corwin N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Alber Hearing Services N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC David A Tibbetts N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Erin M Staudt N/A $545.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Kristen M Harol N/A $3,920.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Debra E Fox N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Sarah B Young N/A $1,526.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Caitlin T Campbell and Daniel Campbell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Adam B Healey and Jane Healey N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Eli J Levine and Katharine Levine N/A $1,127.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC (Brady Sullivan Pacific Shane Brady N/A $1,357.80 N/A 2018 Development Mills, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC (Brady Sullivan Pacific Arthur Sullivan N/A $676.57 N/A 2018 Development Mills, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC (Brady Sullivan Pacific Christopher Starr N/A $290.63 N/A 2018 Development Mills, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners North Shore bank a Cooperative Bank N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners East Boston Savings Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Cape Ann Savings Bank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Kathleen M Doukas N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Alan L Visnick and Lorinda Visnick N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners William E Robinson and Susan Robinson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Paul Borgman and Paul Borgman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Meridian Associates, Inc. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Jane E Martin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Sandra Epperly N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Deborah J Estelle and Susan Stitzel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Adair Laurel-Cafarella and Tamarin Laurel-Paine N/A $500.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Eleanor S Winston and Victoria Pearson N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Robert L Persing and June Persing N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC G F Hinton and June Hinton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Michele Morris and Christopher Morris N/A $504.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Marianne F Sullivan N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Ralph W Smith and Barbara A Smith N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $1,100.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation William Zammer and Linda Zammer N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation The Cape Cod Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Charles A Glick N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Nancy R Levy-Konesky N/A $2,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Jennifer M Fauth and Michael Wilson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Jeffrey J Fox and Kristin Fox N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (CKG Shawmut CKG Shawmut LLC N/A $75,000.00 N/A 2018 Development LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (CKG Shawmut Timothy LLC N/A $75,000.00 N/A 2018 Development LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Wendy R Harman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Daniel A Sargent N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Beatrice Phear N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Wendy C Wolf N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Mark A Hutker and Carla Hutker N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation (Seth Williams Seth Williams N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Plumbing & Heating Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Kenneth P Sazama N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Todd MacFadden N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation John Stainton and Charleen Regan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Joseph M Vallely and Kathleen Ryan N/A $875.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Andrew P Waxman and Pamela Yosca N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Sharon L Chown N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start James G Stockard, Jr. and Susan Stockard N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Jeffrey M Caputi and Elise R Caputi N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $406.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $12.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Brookline Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Aaron M Gornstein and Sharon Engelhardt N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Boston Foundation, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cape and Islands United Way N/A $4,248.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Thayer Family Trust N/A $90.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Orleans Marketplace, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Tonn, Inc N/A $120.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Orleans Marketplace, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation JBM Family Trust N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Orleans Marketplace, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Todd Thayer N/A $40.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Orleans Marketplace, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Margaret H Blance N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Adele M Blong N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Lisa C Guyon N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Mark G Hollinger and Catherine MacNeil Hollinger N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jonathan Evans and Alison C Evans N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Benjamin W deRuyter and Jacqueline deRuyter N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Shepley Wood Products, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Benjamin deRuyter N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Lola Bean, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Benjamin deRuyter N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Voorspoed Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $23,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Esther Schlorholtz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Peter Munkenbeck and Renata von Tschrner N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Angie E Liou and David Stenson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation (ICON Nancy Ludwig N/A $508.13 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation (ICON Janis Mamayek N/A $101.87 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation (ICON Ned Collier N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development William N Twombly and Susan Twombly N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Maria E Saiz and Athelia A. Tilson N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Ralph T Jones and Sherry Jones N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Henry A Korman and Elizabeth Houston N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Nancy A Callanan N/A $565.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Robert P Nault N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Jane B Ford N/A $665.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Bruce M Hampton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Koren Cappiello N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Thomas J King and Diane King N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA David Budka and Dana Budka N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Richard H Healey and Nancy Healey N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Brandon J Lockyer and Sascha Lockyer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $406.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $12.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Stoneham Bank - A Co-operative Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Community Credit Union of Lynn N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Colin Boyd N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Chase E Duclos-Orsello and Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $813.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $163.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $24.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Groom Construction Co, Inc.) David Groom N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Groom Construction Co, Inc.) Thomas Groom N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Groom Construction Co, Inc.) David Groom N/A $1,147.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Groom Construction Co, Inc.) Thomas Groom N/A $1,147.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Groom Construction Co, Inc.) David Groom N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Groom Construction Co, Inc.) Thomas Groom N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Fletcher Foundation N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Stoddard Charitable Trust N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC (Coghlin Services Fund) Coghlin Services Fund N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC David H LeBoeuf N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Stephen B. Loring and Valerie Loring N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation Kenneth J Cote, Sr N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation Toni L Morelli and Matthew Pfannenstiel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Fleming Family Foudation N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC The Edward and Barbara Urban Foundation N/A $25,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Citizens Bank National Association N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation William J Daniels N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Janine E Fay N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Kathleen McGilvray N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Robert M Hollister and Catherine Donaher N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Jane V Peyrouse and Suzanne Bremer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation David H Margolin and Nancy Bernhard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ian Adelman and Candice Oyer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Elaine K Cope Eatough and Brian Eatough N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Dennis K Fischman and Rona Fischman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Dellbrook Construction, LLC N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Law Offices of Scott D. Kriss N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Foundation for MetroWest N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. The Joan H. Brack Charitable Foundation N/A $40,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Robert J Paysnick N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Dr. Malathi Bhat N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Ronald F Jewell and Janice Jewell N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Thomas H Adams, III and Nancy Marto N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Michael Szabados and Anna Szabados N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Lawrence N Scult and Ellen Scult N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Roger O Jeanty and Tracy Jeanty N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Charles F Deehan, III and A. Sharon Deehan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Dorothy M Kennedy and Dorothy Kennedy N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. John R Parsons, Jr and Karen Parsons N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Bruce S Hulme and Nancy Hulme N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. (Brooks Charles Brooks N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Precision Machining Inc)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. William C Morrison N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Cataldo Ambulance Services, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Alfred J Rossi, JR N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael A Kemp N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Karen P Rankin N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ellen Smolka N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kimberly A Vermeer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joseph P Ransom N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert P Jacobs N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Patrick Good N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Sylvia E Green N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Benjamin H Lacy N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David C Opolon N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert A Licht N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Rachel Scott N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gary E Silacci, Jr N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Paul J Lipsky N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joshua A Zeidman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David G Curtis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher D Bierly N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Stella M Hammond N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Peter P Twining, Hilltop Financial Consult N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Linda L Foss N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mary L Gates N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jonathan B Decker N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kirsten G Schulte N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Sandra L Smales N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Johanna H Ross N/A $8,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Timothy J Wondolowski N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brenda S Diana N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kristine A Farnsworth N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Matthew D Caraco N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Shaun B Real N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Lynn Palmiter N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Domenic L Pallaria N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael H Turpin and Denyse Turpin N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Douglas J Lober and Ann Bitetti N/A $95,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Edward A Hjerpe, III and Macrina Hjerpe N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay H Theodore Cohen and Cynthia Cohen N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Paulo J Prazeres and Ana Prazeres N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Charles M Hamann and Ethel Hamann N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joseph M McLaughlin and Kerry McLaughlin N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Craig E Hallenbeck and Michelle Hallenbeck N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Maxwell D Solet and Jo Solet N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay George F Koehler and Carolyn Koehler N/A $3,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Richard S Rosa and Ann Marie Rosa N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David D Blake and Lynn Blake N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Roger Herzog and Kathryn Madden N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James A Hogue, Jr and Elizabeth Yekhtikian N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kathy M MacVarish and Robert MacVarish N/A $3,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jonathan L Ames and Susan Ames N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kevin J Simard and Linda Simard N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David L Ferrera and Vinita Ferrera N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Carolyn M Moss and Daniel Hawkins N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert Forrester and Marthe Forrester N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joanne R Casper and Wendell Colson N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Sean P Veale and Karen Veale N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Douglas I Plotkin and Andrea Plotkin N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jeffrey S Levine, Mr. and Shawna Levine N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Marc W Myers and Beth Myers N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Giles F Lewis and Joyce H Lewis N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael T Hickey and Cynthia Hickey N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John D Piscitelli and Susan Piscitelli N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brian C Rohrbach and Laurie Rohrbach N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Belinda M Juran and Evan Schapiro N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David E Johnson and Suzette Johnson N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael F Burke and Shelagh Costello N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gregory L Comeau and Launa Comeau N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay George H Collins and Mary Malaszek N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Karl D Briggs and Claudia Sorgi N/A $1,200.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Darin N Lee and Maria Luengo-Prado N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Citizens Bank National Association N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Robert P Nault N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Thomas J OMalley and Beverly Arsem N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Teydin E Romanowsky and Andrew Romanowsky N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $406.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $12.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,375.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation RC Communications N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation William A Breitbart N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Peter W Jessop N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation William H Waldron, Jr. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Patricia C Byrnes N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation David B Wick and Michele Wick N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Joel H Feldman and Pamela Schwartz N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Goggins Patrick Goggins N/A $4,125.00 N/A 2018 Development Real Estate, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Foundation for MetroWest N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Sue L Hickey N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Daniel A Pandre and Paulette Jenner N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Sharon K Antia and Robert Antia N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Peter S Tasker and Antoinette Tasker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) New Bedford Preservation Society, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Peter Hawes N/A $3,160.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Lisa Aldrich N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Diana M Henry N/A $1,375.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Robert J Gauvin N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Peter T Kavanaugh N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Nancy Crosby N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Charles J Smiler N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Lynn P Seymour N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Anthony R Sapienza N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Joan Underwood N/A $875.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Peter J Muise and Robin Muise N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) David C Cameron and Joanne Cameron N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) John Greer McBratney and Elizabeth I. McBratney N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Robert T Goguen and June Goguen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) John K Bullard and Anne Bullard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Cheryl A Day and Randall Day N/A $512.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Harry W Matelski and Faith Matelski N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Nicholas Iwanisziw and Susan Iwanisziw N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Paul R Pawlowski and Ingrid Pawlowski N/A $525.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Paul J Stubbs and Sarah Stubbs N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) LaVerne F Wallace, Mr. and Janet Wallace N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Corey B Pacheco and Elizabeth Kalife N/A $525.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) New Bedford Economic Development Council N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Arthur Winn N/A $998.20 N/A 2018 Development (WinnDevelopment Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Lawrence Curtis N/A $58.65 N/A 2018 Development (WinnDevelopment Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Gilbert Winn N/A $58.65 N/A 2018 Development (WinnDevelopment Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Michael Putziger N/A $34.50 N/A 2018 Development (WinnDevelopment Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Paul & Stephen Connulty N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development Dixon Insurance Agency, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Boutique Fitness Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Law Office Joseph Michaud N/A $1,350.00 N/A 2018 Development of Joseph L. Michaud)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Emily K Yu N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Helen Chin Schlichte N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Hung Cheng and Jill T. Cheng N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Gene Chang and Caroline J Chang N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Salisbury Bank and Trust Company N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Daniel H Mintz and Andrea Winter N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Peter L Puciloski and Alexandra Glover N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Jane and Jack Fitzpatrick Trust N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CEDC-SM Sailors Snug Harbor of Boston, Inc. N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CEDC-SM New Bedford Economic Development Council N/A $6,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Diana J Kelly N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Maria Latimore and Bobby Foster N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (WinnResidential Limited Arthur Winn N/A $17,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. The Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank N/A $4,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Kevin M Correia N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Richard G Bowers, Jr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Stephen R Kahn and Janet Pendleton N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. John Chiesa and Mary Chiesa N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Jonathan K Bynoe N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Jeanne E Richardson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. United Housing Management LLC N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Allen & Major Associates, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. John Jenkins N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development (InsuranceOne insurance agency, Inc, d/b/a West insurance agency)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Downtown Taunton Foundation Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation, Inc. N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Law Offices of Gary D. Gruber N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Diane Jacoby N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Betty K Saunders N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Irene H Clancy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Peter A Garbus and Katherine Robbins N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Van V Wood and Molly Wood N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Mollie Babize and Mary T. Quigley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Institution for Savings Newburyport and Vicinity and its N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Subsidiaries

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Robert W Mitchell, Jr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Suzanne S Gruhl N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Adam M Winn and Shannon Winn N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Michael J Schaaf and Carolyn Britt N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners William R Redford and Patricia Redford N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Robert J Gillis, Jr and Patricia Harrington N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners John C Thomson and Loyce Thomson N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Siemasko + Verbirdge LLC N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners (Regnante Sterio & Paul Crochiere N/A $312.50 N/A 2018 Development Osborne LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners (Regnante Sterio & David Gallagher N/A $312.50 N/A 2018 Development Osborne LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners (Regnante Sterio & Seth Hochbaum N/A $312.50 N/A 2018 Development Osborne LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners (Regnante Sterio & Michael Murphy N/A $312.50 N/A 2018 Development Osborne LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Dr. Barbara A Tinker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Felicity Barry N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC John D Nelson, Jr. and John Nelson Jr. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington DeAnne B Dupont, MCAN Board Member N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Richard A Duffy N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Anastasios Daskalakis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Michael J Nesler and Natalie Nesler N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Kate A Casa and Joel Olicker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Jerad D Bales and Carolyn Oblinger N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Barbara D Stevens N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Paul S Jensen and Cecil Barron Jensen N/A $500.50 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Paul A Wolf, Jr and Linda Wolf N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Patrick S Leiker and Nina Schwarzschild N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Landmark Structures Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Andrew A Goldman and Susan M Heilbron N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Lorre B Polinger and Donald Wertlieb N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Thomas Kieffer and Patricia Feeley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Reuben C Kantor and Miriam Kantor N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Andrew Low and Si-Tien Wang N/A $2,754.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Patrick S Leiker and Nina Schwarzschild N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Seamens Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John L Yingling N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Donna McCaffery and Robert McCaffery N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation The Cape Cod Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation The Cape Cod Foundation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation The Cape Cod Foundation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John Simonian N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Beanstock Coffee Roasters)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Paul Messina N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Beanstock Coffee Roasters) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Toni L Morelli and Matthew Pfannenstiel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Pius X Kirrane and Linda Kirrane N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Melinda B Donovan and William Donovan N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC LDS Consulting Group, LLC N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Francis A and Jacquelyn H Harrington Foundation N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Dedham Institution for Savings N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Dedham Institution for Savings N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Bank of Canton N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Barbara A Case N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Helen B Connaughton and Thomas Connaughton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Jeremiah J O'Connor and Jacquelyn Burke N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Stephen T Pike and Maureen Pike N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA THE HARBORONE FOUNDATION N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (The Edwad A. Fish Gretchen Fish N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Marital B Trust)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (The Edwad A. Fish Gretchen Fish N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Marital B Trust) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Matthew D Fournier N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. William J Brassard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Sailors Snug Harbor of Boston, Inc. N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Beverly Bank N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Kenneth J McPartland and Sarah McPartland N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Roger J Roberge, II N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Dietz and Company Architects, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC (Phil Beaulieu and Sons Home Fran Beaulieu N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Improvement, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Cassandra Arnaud N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Edwin D Cashwell, Jr and Richard MacDougall N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Robert S Fields N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Susan T Tripathy N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Robert Fields N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development (Commonwealth Creative Associates)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Needham Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development ARS Restoration Specialists N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development ARS Restoration Specialists N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Diana J Kelly N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Ellen M Caracciolo and John Mills N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Delphi Construction, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. KJP Partners LLP N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Katherine C Phillips N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Alexandre Valentin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Amr A El-Moselhy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Arthur R Marshall N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Dewang Shavdia N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Douglas P Fiebelkorn N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Stephen W Carr N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kaitlin B Driscoll N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher F Dunn N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael S Greene N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brian Christie N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Susan Dickason, United Way N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Anthony J Cabeca N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michelle B Mittelsteadt N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John D Knightly N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Victoria A Forward N/A $3,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Stephen B Bandini N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Winna Brown N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James A Repa N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Peter F Demuth N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jon Swan and Robin Swan N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Juliana Lisi and Patrick Carter N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David D MacKinnon and Catherine MacKinnon N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Marc D Draisen and Sara Barcan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David A Cane and Aleta Cane N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brendan N LeBlanc and Stephanie LeBlanc N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mark M Melito and Christine Melito N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay F Trenery Dolbear, Jr and Ann J Dolbear N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Eric S Price and Pamela Price N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Susan D Klink and Oliver Klink N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay William E Brown and Robin Brown N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joseph X Bruno and Kristan Bruno N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David S Lee and Lucinda Lee N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert Alkon and Helen Alkon N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jeffrey B Blumberg and Jeffrey Blumberg N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay William M Constable and Julie Constable N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John M Patek, Jr and Vi Patek N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Toby R Kramer and David Kramer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Carol P Winig and Andrew Winig N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Carlo Bertucci and Adrianna Bertucci N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Reza M Hakimian and Margaret Hakimian N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Donald R Ware and Susan Ware N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jane C Steinmetz and John Steinmetz N/A $3,800.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Charles S Karp and Sharon Karp N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Susan M Esper and Jeffrey Esper N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jeffrey C Fuhrer and Mary Fuhrer N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Paul R Simms and Ellen Simms N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ramesh Narayan and Vani Narayan N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Irwin M Heller and Sheila Heller N/A $6,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jonathan M Ettinger and Teresa Ettinger N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay William G Constable, AW Perry, Inc and Nancy Constable N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Dane A Poeske and Ann Poeske N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John W Hussey , Jr and Kimberly Fletcher N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James N Calvin and Vikaneda Phothibout N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael Shanahan and Yelena Burdan N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (WinnResidential Limited Partnership) Arthur Winn N/A $5,450.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Mary C Higgins N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Diana Young N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Anastasios Daskalakis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Katharine Randel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Kristine A Mackin and Reid Gilman N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) D.F. Pray, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,293.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) The Upstream Foundation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Elizabeth A Saulnier N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Danielle N Poyant N/A $1,075.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Sharon L Chown N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Mark S Hess N/A $525.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Joyce D. Lopes N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Edward F Kurtz and Nancy Kurtz N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Neal H Weiss and Marjorie Waite N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Samuel B Knight, Jr and Anna Whitcomb N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Thomas R Gidwitz and Gail Davidson Gidwitz N/A $1,850.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Larry T Shwartz and Louise Shwartz N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Ian Duff and Kathryn Duff N/A $1,050.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Christina R Connelly and Sean Moriarty N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Michael F Linehan and Martha Linehan N/A $1,005.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) David A Wyss and Grace Wyss N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Andrew P Burnes and Amy Burnes N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Armand Fernandes, Jr and Patricia A Fernandes N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Demarest Llod MacDonald and Ann Godfrey MacDonald N/A $1,375.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Michael A Tucci and Ellen Tucci N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Gerald Pietsch and Janet Pietsch N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) John Wolkowicz and Hertha Wolkowicz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Christopher W Quintal and Sara Quintal N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Commercial Drywall & Construction Co., Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Lanagan & Jason Lanagan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Co. Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Sylvia & Maureen Armstrong N/A $412.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Insurance Agency, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Sylvia & John Beauregard N/A $50.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Insurance Agency, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Sylvia & Andrew Armstrong N/A $25.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Insurance Agency, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Sylvia & Rosemarie Lopes N/A $12.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Insurance Agency, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) (Turowski2 Peter Turowski N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Felicity Barry N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Stephen E Elman and Joanne Dalcomo N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Paul K Chan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC James S Lee and Marian Tse N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Joseph H Hannigan and Susan Hannigan N/A $700.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Landmark Structures Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Martin E Conway and Kimberly Conway N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Law Office of Vesper Gibbs Barnes & Associates PC N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Downtown Taunton Foundation Taunton Federal Credit Union N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. The Jones Payne Group, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Renay D Peters N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. William F Bonnice N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Keila S Barros N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Sutton E Kiplinger and Heidi Stucker N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Nathan T Hixson and Kathryn Hixson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. John F Barros and Tchintcia Barros N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Steven A Cohen and Donna Cohen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Jacquelyn Cefola and Penn Loh N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Andrew R Ferguson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Kenneth P Kahn N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Helen Makarewicz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Michael McCusker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Catherine V Stevens and Juliette Meeus N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Steve C Erickson and Martha Erickson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Mary A Swedlund and Alan Swedlund N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Alfred J Siano and Mary Siano N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Steven H Golden and Carol Tanski N/A $862.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Jonathan D Penni N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Matthew Whitlock N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Nathalie S Binney N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Christopher D Haight and Delanne Haight N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners William E Rosser, III and Deborah Rosser N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners William S Wasserman, Jr and William S. and Mary D. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Wasserman Jr.

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners David B Constantine and Pamela Walch N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Donald E Kelley and Margaret Kelley N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Julie S Low and Andrew Low N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners (Groom Construction David Groom N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development Co, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners (Groom Construction Thomas Groom N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development Co, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Linda G Katz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Robert R Rivais N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Allen K Petersen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Andrew B Forbes and Jennifer Lewis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Mustafa K Ahmed and Susan Barney N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Andrew P Doyle and Julie Doyle N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington William Eykamp, unconsolidated sludge and Myriel Eykamp N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Stuart W. Galley and Fredrica Galley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Vernon R Brown and Wendy Stewart N/A $575.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington John A Martin and Kendra Martin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Aaron Weber and Liane Weber N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Henry Nieder and Miryam Gerson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation James H Wallace, Jr. and Patricia Rissmeyer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Jaclyn P Korb N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Shane M Steffens and Jessica Steffens N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Tamar Kotelchuck N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Bhaskar Ray and Poonam Ray N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Herbert E Morse N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Tim H Davis N/A $515.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Robert Cunningham N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Robert Cunningham N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Hyannis Air Service, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Jaime Pullen and Michael Blasnik N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Philippe P Jordi and Randi Baird N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Henry A Korman and Elizabeth Houston N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Henry T Winkelman and Marianne Winkelman N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Jay H Coburn and John F. Guerra N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Nolan Sheehan Patten LLP N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Boston Medical Center N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Lisa M Morishanti N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Ivelise Rivera N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Landmark Structures Corporation N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Watertown Community Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Jennifer Esencourt N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Helen E Bakeman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Ian L Todreas and Alisa Gardner-Todreas N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA North Easton Savings Bank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Michael J Curtin N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Richard H Peterson and Karen MacDonald N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Klein Hornig LLP N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Leominster Credit Union N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Donovan Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC William J Vigneux N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Vincent J McCaughey and Jean McCaughey N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Daniel P Boyle N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Rockland Trust Company N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Michael Firestone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Sean R Eisnor N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Michael Firestone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ellen R Stone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation David H Strasburger and Abigail Laber N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Mary Cassesso and Peter Miller N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Krysta E Chauncey-Allen and Lee Chauncey-Allen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Amy E. Glasmeier and Thomas E. Bell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Karl M Marks and Amal Marks N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Allan B. Isbitz and Ellen Isbitz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Elizabeth M Lovance and Rachel Carlson N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Dedham Institution for Savings N/A $2,875.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Ellen M Caracciolo and John Mills N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Steven H Laferriere and Janna Cohen-Rosenthal N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Jaime Pullen and Michael Blasnik N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Peter R Hollands and Lisa F. Bouchard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Andrew Majewski N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert J Souza N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Thomas M Schnitzer N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kimberly M Crowley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Douglas R Gooding N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Acheson H Callaghan N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Dennis E McKenna N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Shannon E Hawley N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher M Leich N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay D. Brooks Zug N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay helena s Clifford N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Alison Glover N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Lisa M Blanchard N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Lorenna D Buck N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kriss Basil and Sarah Kelly N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Andrew K Machado and Alison Machado N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay William J Campbell and Karen Campbell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kevin J Sullivan and Regina Sullivan N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mark A Roth and Josephine Roth N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John A McBrine and Marisa McBrine N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert V Fogel and Ellen Mahoney N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ana C Dordea, Mrs and Chris Nicholson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Arnie Bauchner, Mr and Eda Spielman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Glenn Brewster and Susan Brewster N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kenneth P Brier and Marcia Brier N/A $875.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John R Shea and Liza Stutts N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Dayton Nordin and Leslie Nordin N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Molly M Cunningham and Patrick Cunningham N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jared J Welsh, II and Gail Welsh N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ramona Nee and Adam Nee N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Charles M Brown and Rachel Brown N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jonathan M Feigenbaum and Lisa Foster N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Matthew J Connolly and Pamela Van Dort N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Florence Bank N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation David P McGrath and Michael DiPasquale N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Jennifer Esencourt N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Farhad Sadr N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Laura J Goldin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc William H Fowler and Maureen Fowler N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) R.P. Valois & Company, Inc N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) The 1772 Foundation, Inc. N/A $46,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Macey L Dunbar, Ms N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Robert E Bernert and Mart Jane Bernert N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Stephen L Fletcher and Michael Walden N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Felicity Barry N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Dave Traggorth N/A $300.00 N/A 2018 Development (Traggorth Companies LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Dan Hubbard N/A $200.00 N/A 2018 Development (Traggorth Companies LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Peter E Madsen and Betsy Madsen N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC (Traggorth Companies LLC) Dave Traggorth N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Harwood D Harwood N/A $887.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Eric J Carlson and Patricia Carlson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. DCU for Kids N/A $27,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Hubert Jones and Katherine E. Jones N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Taylor Consulting and Contracting LLC N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Adam C Roberts N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Alicia L Ianiere and Paul Cullen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Samuel Hurtado and Britta Hiester N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Andrew L Papia and Laura Papia N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Pamela A Rogers and Andrei Joseph N/A $525.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. Maria Jobin-Leeds and Greg Jobin-Leeds N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. (Traggorth Companies LLC) Dan Hubbard N/A $200.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dudley Neighbors, Inc. (Traggorth Companies LLC) Dave Traggorth N/A $300.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Thomas Ewing N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Michael Garfield-Wright N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Cheryl L Dukes N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC John E. Taylor and Sherry Taylor N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Elizabeth G Johnson and Douglas Johnson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Merrimack Valley Federal Credit Union N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Anthony J Bellissimo and Jessica Bellissimo N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Christopher M Tweed and Jocelyn Hesse N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Amanda Cochrane and John Raser N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Peter E Simonsen and Diane Simonsen N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Thouis Jones and Ann Jones N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Oakes Plimpton and Patricia Magee N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington John A Cooper and Willia Cooper N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Cambridge Savings Bank N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation James Feiner and Deborah Dunn N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation (Nelson Mechanical David Sprague III N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Design, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation (Nelson Mechanical Brian Nelson N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Design, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Lisa Dobberteen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Andrew C Koines, Sr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Lauren S Holleran and Katherine Salter N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Karen E Carmean and Thomas Doane Perry N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Amanda Cochrane and John Raser N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cregg G Sweeney and Karen Sweeney N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Related Beal LLC N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation David A Barcomb N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Dellbrook Construction, LLC N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Darshna Varia N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development James G Propp and Alexandra Gubin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Hackett Feinberg P.C. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Jane L McNiff N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Steven K Borgerson and Sandra Borgerson N/A $587.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Dellbrook Construction, LLC N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Daniel Dennis and Kenneth Lund N/A $312.50 N/A 2018 Development Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Daniel Dennis and Kristoffer Lane N/A $312.50 N/A 2018 Development Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Arthur Winn N/A $2,170.00 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Lawrence Curtis N/A $127.50 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Gilbert Winn N/A $127.50 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Michael Putziger N/A $75.00 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnResidential Arthur Winn N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. THE LUCILLE FOUNDATION C/O GREENBERG, N/A $65,185.00 N/A 2018 Development ROSENBLATT, KULL & BITSOLI

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC William L Elsbree and Susan Elsbree N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Boston Medical Center N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC (Shaevel & Krems, LLP) Kenneth Krems N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Health New England N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ilene J Cohen N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Danielle J Kinkel and Benjamin Wang N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Christopher D Howe and Christine Stone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Jacob S Taylor and Janet Taylor N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development David Traggorth N/A $300.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation (Traggorth Commpanies LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Dan Hubbard N/A $200.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation (Traggorth Commpanies LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. (Traggorth Dan Hubbard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Companies LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher A Pereira N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Susan Garfield and Steven Noyes N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David C Crawford and Bernadette Crawford N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Philip R Rosenblatt and Nancy Rosenblatt N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Peter R Brown and Susan Vogt N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Timothy J Becker and Sarah Becker N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay William McMorrow and Margaret McMorrow N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (WinnResidential Limited Partnership) Arthur Winn N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Vietnamese American Initiative for Development Andrew Kerivan N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Christian W Dame and Constance Stubbs N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (MassAmerican Energy LLC) Anthony Vale N/A $8,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (MassAmerican Energy LLC) David Ellis N/A $8,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Rebecca A Lee N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Geoffrey G Why and Annamarie Why N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Joseph D Feaster, Jr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Greenfield Cooperative Bank N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Lisa M Torrisi N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Paul P Erhard and Susan Tomases N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Peter B Loring and Elizabeth Loring N/A $3,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation (Coblyn Realty LLC) George Coblyn N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Sailors Snug Harbor of Boston, Inc. N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Nathan J Cooper and Jacqueline Cooper N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Matthew M Camp and Melanie Camp N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Belmont Savings Bank Foundation N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC East West Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Lisa Donfrancesco N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Henry A Korman and Elizabeth Houston N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Kevin P Martin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Burns F Stanfield and Lorraine Stanfield N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Lorie Skolski N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation (DMS Design, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Deborah J Manus N/A $1,875.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Douglas M Fici N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Marianne Ajemian N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Adam P Kahn and Kimberly Smith N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David P Rockwell and Debra Hall N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Lawrence J Goodman and Penny Goodman N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael E Boussy and Susan Reppucci N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kaleigh R Conway and Patrick Conway N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Deborah Lawrence-Swallow and George Swallow N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Pamela A Kelleher and Arthur Kelleher N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Simon C Bartletta and Brooke Bartletta N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Greenfield Coooperative Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Vietnamese American Initiative for Development East West Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Eugene Ho N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $406.50 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $12.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Darryl S Settles and Lisa Owens N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Downtown Taunton Foundation Shafer Development Services N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Baystate Franklin Medical Center N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Sean P Neill N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Deborah J Lewis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Citizens Bank National Association N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Scott R Pollack and Amy Pacheco N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Eric W Ekman and Carly Ekman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Cynthia A Koebert N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Cynthia J Larose N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Timothy S Egan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Wendy M Fiscus and William Fiscus N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Paul J Duda and Patricia Duda N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Thomas M Johnson and Sharon Johnson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation James N Hailey N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Lisa J Drapkin N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Barbara A. Strom N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Stratford Capital Group LLC N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start (Capstone Communities, LLC) Jason Korb N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Arthur Winn N/A $5,425.00 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Michael Putziger N/A $187.50 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Lawrence Curtis N/A $318.75 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Gilbert Winn N/A $318.75 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Robert A Corley and Denise Corley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC (Peabody Properties, Inc.) Karen Fish-Will N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Boston Community Capital N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation George F Huggins, Mr and Sharan Holas-Huggins N/A $800.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Barbara A Brammer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. David A Bois N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Maike Scharp N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Denzil D McKenzie N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. James N Hailey N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Eagle Bank N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Edward Malone and James Pipilas N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Bonnie Friedman and David Merfeld N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Timothy J Connelly N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gail M Walker N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brenda McAuliffe and Jerry McAuliffe N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Boston Foundation, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Cape Save, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Richard E. Schott N/A $7,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation G. Curtis Barry N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Theodore M Jellinek and Marie Jellinek N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (CKG Shawmut CKG Shawmut LLC N/A $25,125.00 N/A 2018 Development LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (CKG Shawmut Timothy LLC N/A $25,125.00 N/A 2018 Development LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Judith H Obermayer N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Geoffrey T Stewart and Joyce Stewart N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation John H Caldwell and Sally Appenzellar N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Linehan Family Foundation, Inc N/A $16,666.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Francine J Price N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation David W Townsend N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Eileen P Quinn and Anthony Aloi N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Denise S Guarino N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael Bentinck-Smith N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Chad M MacPherson and Kristina MacPherson N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Jeanette A Callahan and Allen Callahan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Keith M Gilbert N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Noam D Shore and Noam Shore N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Dietz and Company Architects, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Koya Leadership Partners, LLC N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Tunney F Lee N/A $501.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Ivy Nagahiro and David Nagahiro N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Hieu N Nguyen and Timothy Burke N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Greater Lowell Community Foundation, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Greater Lowell Community Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Greater Lowell Community Foundation, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Douglas W Knotts N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Downtown Taunton Foundation Chas Gilman & Sons, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Richard L Roth and Sharon Roth N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Chester F Sidell N/A $2,257.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Dane A Poeske and Ann Poeske N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Richard P Sias N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Susan Mikula N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Marc Greenwald and Karla Greenwald N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Steven M Baker and Alice Baker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Paul S Szwed and Anita Zlatev N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation (512 Main Street Inc) David Oppenheim N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation (512 Main Street Inc) Shane Coughlin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington M Katherine Krister N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Community Foundation for Nantucket N/A $27,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Boston Foundation, Inc. N/A $125,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Sandy Paws Holding, Inc N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation William S Weil N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Boston Foundation, Inc. N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Daniel I Rosenthal and Jacqueline Rosenthal N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Dane A Poeske and Ann Poeske N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Frank Nitkiewicz and Leslie Nitkiewicz N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC (WinnResidential Limited Partnership) Arthur Winn N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC (J Stolar Insurance Agency Inc.) Renee Niedziela N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC (J Stolar Insurance Agency Inc.) Christopher Stolar N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC PeoplesBank N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Barbara J Hamilton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Dane A Poeske and Ann Poeske N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mikhail Klassen and Sheila Klassen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Joy Street Design) Sharon Gentges N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Joy Street Design) Trea LaRaia N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation PeoplesBank N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Ellen M Cohen and James Klopper N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Cyrus Mozayeni and Susan Luo N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Enterprise Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Progressive Electrical Systems, Inc N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Bruce M Hampton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Jane Kaplan Peck N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $950.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. CHAPS Building Management and Maintenance Services Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Foundation N/A $40,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC John F Begley and Mary Begley N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Jonathan M Payson and Beth Payson N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners John C Thomson and Loyce Thomson N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Kevin Maguire N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Community Foundation for Nantucket N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation (Sandpiper Realty, Courtney Marek N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation (Sandpiper Realty, Lesley Heidt N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start East Cambridge Savings Bank N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Richard P Grudzinski and Julie Bowden N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Boston Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Marshall Home Fund N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Boston Capital Holdings Limited Partnership N/A $795.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Mortgage Network, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation PeoplesBank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development The Preparatory Foundation, Inc. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Metro Credit Union N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Judith H Obermayer N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David J Breazzano N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Richard Abbott N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Milton Yanofsky N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Julie A Nelson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Brookline Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Jeffrey Wong and Jeffrey Wong N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Salisbury Bank and Trust Company N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Gilbert E O'Connell N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Sandra O'Connell N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Michael E Pulitzer, Jr and Ramelle Pulitzer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Nancy L Donahue N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Charles V. Sullivan and Sandra Sullivan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. William J Gilet, Jr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Evelyn Darling N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Edward W Forry, Boston Neighborhood News N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (Daniel Kenneth Lund N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis and Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (Daniel Kristoffer Lane N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis and Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Allen & Major Associates, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Taylor Consulting and Contracting LLC N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (Bilt-Rite Chris Sullivan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Construction, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (Bilt-Rite John Sullivan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Construction, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Brookline Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Mathew Thall N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Arlene S Ash N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Wendy S C Marsden and Ben Marsden N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program N/A $35,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners nstitution for Savings Newburyport and Vicinity and its Subsidiarie N/A $75,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Suzanne S Gruhl N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Daniel V Bakinowski N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Matthew G Ulrich N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Joseph D Short N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Robert W Stowe and Cheryl L Stowe N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Florence Bank N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Caleb K Harris N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Trust N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation (Shepley Wood Hamilton Shepley N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Products, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Watertown Savings Bank N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Susan S Fish N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Eric G Schwartz and Linda Robinson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Gerald J Sussman and Julie Sussman N/A $8,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Roger L Tobin and Barbara A Payne N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Bowes Corporation N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Tupancy-Harris Fdn. - 1986 N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Mario Family Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Rachel R Alpert N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Jeane Ungerleider N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Robert L Green, Mr N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Robert L Green, Mr N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Richard J Leonard N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Robert R Kendall N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Robert H Rosenbaum N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Lionel B. Spiro and Vivian Spiro N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Marshall Katzen and Bari Boyer N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Keith S Heller and Honey Heller N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Sidney N Franks and Bonnie Franks N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Henry M Yager and Felice Yager N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation James Pickman and Elizabeth Pickman N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Elaine M Pace and Daniel G. Pace N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Barbara J Seidman and Kimberly Fuson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation RJV Construction Corp N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Michael J Gondek and Leslee Klein N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Silja S Kallenbach and Beatriz McConnie Zapater N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation John Stainton and Charleen Regan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Kevin Cradock Woodworking, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Karen Fish-Will N/A $6,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Peabody Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Melissa Fish-Crane N/A $6,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Peabody Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Brookline Bank N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation David M Ennis and Kathleen Ennis N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Seamens Bank N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Seamens Bank long point charitable foundation N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation William A Opel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Robert Cunningham N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Brian N Michaelan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation David I Oppenheim and Gail E. Decker Oppenheim N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Clyde K Hanyen, JR and Anne hanyen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation James T Dewing and Sally A. Dewing N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation David Roberts Jr. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Truro Vineyards of Cape Cod, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation David Roberts Sr. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Truro Vineyards of Cape Cod, LLC) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Kathy Roberts N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Truro Vineyards of Cape Cod, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Stephanie Hartung N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Truro Vineyards of Cape Cod, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Kristen Roberts N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Truro Vineyards of Cape Cod, LLC)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Hamilton Shepley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Shepley Wood Products, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Secure Networks for Small Business Inc N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Land Ho Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation The Cape Cod Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation The Cape Cod Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cove Road Real Estate Inc N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation David Oppenheim N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (512 Main Street Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Shane Coughlin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (512 Main Street Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cove Road Real Estate Inc N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation (Peabody Karen Fish-Will N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation (Peabody Melissa Fish-Crane N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Marshall Home Fund N/A $9,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Hackett Feinberg P.C. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Bruce M Hampton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Jeffrey M Graeber and Patricia Graeber N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Marc C Savatsky, New Boston Ventures and Jessie Franco N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation PeoplesBank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation Jose T Almonte N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Baystate Wing Hospital, Corp. N/A $30,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC PHCC, Inc. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Quabbin Wire & Cable Co., Inc. N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Katherine Campbell N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ellen R Stone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Gregory Bialecki, Mr. and Mary Herlihy N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation (WinnDevelopment Arthur Winn N/A $2,170.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation (WinnDevelopment Lawrence Curtis N/A $127.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation (WinnDevelopment Gilbert Winn N/A $127.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation (WinnDevelopment Michael Putziger N/A $75.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Luke W Fallon N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Marc D Cumsky and Linda Whitlock N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Marc D Cumsky and Linda Whitlock N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Gregory Bialecki, Mr. and Mary Herlihy N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Paul A Klein and Tracy Klein N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Lawrence H Curtis N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Bradley Routhier N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mario A Svirsky and Elizabeth Sosenke N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert H Ruxin and Margaret Shukur N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David C Crawford, Mr. and Bernadette Crawford N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Richard D Skaggs and Barbara Skaggs N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Neil M Ungerleider and Diane Stern N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mark A Roth and Josephine Roth N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert A Fishman, Mr. and Glenda Fishman N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jonathan M Ettinger and Teresa Ettinger N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Kevin P Martin & Assoc PC N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Katherine Campbell N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation David W Shearer and David Shearer N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Vietnamese American Initiative for Development Donald L Hafner and Donald L Hafner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Brookline Bank N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Farhad Sadr N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Stephen L Matson and Stella Matson N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Judith A Ferretti, Ms and August Ferretti N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc (Prospect Hill Executive Office Park) Carl Nelson N/A $825.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc (Prospect Hill Executive Office Park) Frances McSherry N/A $825.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc (Prospect Hill Executive Office Park) Pamela Nelson N/A $850.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc (Prospect Hill Executive Office Park) Carl Nelson N/A $825.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc (Prospect Hill Executive Office Park) Frances McSherry N/A $825.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc (Prospect Hill Executive Office Park) Pamela Nelson N/A $850.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $4,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $4,750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Ody Brouillette N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Matthew Whitlock N/A $2,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Dane A Poeske and Ann Poeske N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $95,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Brookline Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Lourie August and Loren Bernardi N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Jessica S Scott N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Thomas Kieffer and Patricia Feeley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Arthur Winn N/A $2,712.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Gilbert Winn N/A $159.38 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Lawrence Curtis N/A $159.38 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnDevelopment Michael Putziger N/A $93.75 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation (WinnResidential Arthur Winn N/A $3,125.00 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lowell Community Loan Fund Inc d/b/a Mill Cities Susan E Fink and Edward Fink N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Community Investments b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Alison Parker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Vervaine Design Studio Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation Trust N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Judith Keller N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John P Bueker and Catherine Bueker N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Paul F Berry and Frances Schofield N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Hirschel D McGinnis and David O'Dowd N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Richard M Goligoski and Susan Goligoski N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Timothy C Reed and Andrea Reed N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Ira L Seldin and Florence Seldin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Nickerson Lumber Company LLC N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Jack Osgood N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Southwest Boston Community Development Ellen M Caracciolo and John Mills N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Metro Credit Union N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Anthony G Ostler N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ann Bersani and Michael Durkin N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Richard N Stillwell and Katherine Stillwell N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brenda McAuliffe and Jerry McAuliffe N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Kevin T Cleary N/A $17,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Arthur Winn N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (WinnResidential Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC John F Cormican N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Daniel R Shermeta and Patricia Metcalf N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $6,175.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Groundwork Lawrence CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $5,700.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Beverly Bank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Cape Associates Inc N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Scott Stuart and Lisa Stuart N/A $42,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Delos W Lander, Jr N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Mary Elizabeth Pratt N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Judith H Mopsik and Frederick Mopsik N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Richard A Bonomo and Holly Bonomo N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation William A Zucker and Laurent Delli-Bovi N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Lee C Bromberg and Pamela Bromberg N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation John J Fitzgerald and Peter Owens N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation David H Bor and Henrietta Barnes N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lowell Community Loan Fund Inc d/b/a Mill Cities Reading Cooperative Bank N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Community Investments

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lowell Community Loan Fund Inc d/b/a Mill Cities Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Community Investments

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Janet C Taylor N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Michael MacIntyre N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Adele M Blong N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Lisa M Westervelt N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Emily J Miller and Andrew Stern N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cape and Islands United Way N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Jason Korb N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Richard P Robinson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Gail J Franck N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC James Callanan N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. William C Morrison N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Merrill Davidson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Denise S Guarino N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Carolyn S Murphy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher A Maher N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James M Medeiros and Jennifer Medeiros N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gregory E Hisenberg and Karen Hisenberg N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Shimoga R Prakash and Rajini Prakash N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Gordon M Orloff and S. Annie Cole N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Justin T Vogel and Marie Vogel N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher E. Dipetrillo and Colleen Dipetrillo N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Derek T Wessel and Kimberly Reinert N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jeremy M Welford and Michelle Welford N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Darryl S Pelton and Xenia Barahona N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Insource Services, Inc.) Bruce Hain N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Waterfront Historic Area League (WHALE) Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,360.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit ACT Lawrence James Jennings and Lenora Jennings N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Diane S Kline and Bruce Kline N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Terry Kwan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire James N LoMonaco N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Richard Stanley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Susan Haas and Donald Fisher N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (Daniel Dennis and Company Kenneth Lund N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development LLP) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (Daniel Dennis and Company Kristoffer Lane N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Wingate Development N/A $1,030.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Medical Academic & Scientific Community Organization N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Medical Academic & Scientific Community Organization N/A $12,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Eric Tingdahl and Joseph Haley N/A $3,458.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Claire Chang N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners Landmark Structures Corporation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Jerad D Bales and Carolyn Oblinger N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington John Deyst and Mary Deyst N/A $5,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Alan E Linov and Pamela Linov N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Erica L Drazen and Jeffrey Drazen N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Nantucket CDC Cape Cod Express, Inc. N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Walter A Looney and Diane Looney N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Douglas Ruskin, Dreamcatcher Assoc. LLC and Ginger Norton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Linehan Family Foundation, Inc N/A $16,667.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation David J Hinchen and Karen Hinchen N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Cape Associates Inc N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Sara L Whiteley N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Hannelore F Meyer N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Alan McClennen, Jr. and Frances McClennen N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Douglas M Freeman and Beth Freeman N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jon H Holt and Barbara Holt N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Sally S Digges and James W. Arnold N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Nicholas Norman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (3 Harbors, Inc., d/b/a 3Harbors Realty)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jacob Simmons N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Delphi Construction, Inc.) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Madison Park Development Corporation Landmark Structures Corporation N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Workers Credit Union N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Victoria A Bok and DeWitt Jones N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Ronald P Christensen and Debra Christensen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC (Fire Service Group, LLC) Daniel Belanger N/A $2,450.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Susan Hegel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Timothy F Lenicheck and Emese Soos N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation William Fried and Marlene Fried N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Robert G Murray and Joan B Murray N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. The Joan H. Brack Charitable Foundation N/A $40,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. James R Cole N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Alice Murillo N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Miriam L Callum and Jeffrey Callum N/A $700.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James T Belliveau N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joseph R DeQuattro N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ellen Smolka N/A $6,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Stephen E Leichtman N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Douglas P Hanna and Sara Hanna N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Richard S Rosa and Ann Marie Rosa N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher D Kelley and MyLang Kelley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert G Murray and Joan B Murray N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert G Murray and Joan B Murray N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael J Coviello and Lynne Coviello N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Richard Capasso and Jane Capasso N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John M Patek, Jr and Vi Patek N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Eva F Marx and Thomas I Marx N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jeffrey P Johnson and Martha Johnson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Guy M Weyl, Dr. and Eveline Weyl N/A $9,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Peter C Milner and Lesley Milner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kenneth B Sampson and Shirley Sampson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joseph A Kriesberg and Dina Brownstein N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay J&M Brown Co. Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Delphi Construction, Inc.) Jacob Simmons N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Ruth V. Elcan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation David K Veleta and Paula Veleta N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Robert G Murray and Joan B Murray N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Mary C Jigarjian and George Jigarjian N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Robert D Carter and Gail Bolte N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc. N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit ACT Lawrence Denise Molina and Guillermo Molina Jr. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Karen M Smith and Karen Smith N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Janet Frazier N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Maloney Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Michael Frazier N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Maloney Properties, Inc.) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Diana Kelly N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Maloney Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Maloney Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Celeste Vezina N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development (Maloney Properties, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Peter E Madsen N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Jacque L Friedman and Evelyn Murphy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Klein Hornig LLP N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Janet Frazier N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Michael Frazier N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Diana Kelly N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Celeste Vezina N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire David Rich N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Thomas K Doyle and Paula Doyle N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Thomas J Whalen and Kim Whalen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Richard I Kabel and Janice Kabel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Peter L Puciloski and Alexandra Glover N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Dietz and Company Architects, Inc. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Klein Hornig LLP N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Janet Frazier N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Michael Frazier N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Diana Kelly N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Celeste Vezina N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Janet Frazier N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Michael Frazier N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Diana Kelly N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Coalition for a Better Acre (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Celeste Vezina N/A $250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Willie E Tucker N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Baker/Wohl Architects, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Nancy Ludwig N/A $292.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Ned Collier N/A $36.50 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON David Stockless N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Michelle Apigian N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Michelle Waldon N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Kevin O'Neil N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Kendra Halliwell N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Dorchester Bay Economic Development Inc. (ICON Matthew Marotta N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Rosaria E Salerno N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Evan S Ramsey N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Deborah J Lewis N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Richard M Pendleton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC James P Hoben, III N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Klein Hornig LLP N/A $1,031.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC (W.S. Cummings Realty Trust) William Cummings N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC John R Ward N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Linda Schechterle N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Franklin County CDC Kathy J Reinig N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners William V Hobbie and Virginia Rogers N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Harborlight Community Partners John D Colucci and Lisa Colucci N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC William M Schusser N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Liam Cahill N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation John T Shields N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Paula M George, Ms. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Bernadette C Waystack N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Peter J Muise and Robin Muise N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation james c wick and helen wick N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Paul J Ruchinskas and Loretta Ruchinskas N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation C. William Carey and Ruth Ann Carey N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation James Peterson and Ellen Peterson N/A $6,150.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Leader Bank, NA N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Winchester Cooperative Bank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington John S Huitema N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Trevor D Mendez and Carol Mendez N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Jane O Youngren and Marianne Hanley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Scott Paxton and Christine Rice N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Mary-Anne M Morrison and John Morrison N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington William Eykamp, unconsolidated sludge and Myriel Eykamp N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Andrew B Forbes and Jennifer Lewis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Brian H Rehrig and Sheila Rehrig N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Mark D Halliday and Ellen Aikenhead N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts THE HARBORONE FOUNDATION N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Nancy R Levy-Konesky N/A $2,567.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Klein Hornig LLP N/A $3,562.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $2,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Douglas O Kant N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Peter G Snajczuk, II and Margaret Snajczuk N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Mary E Horowitz and Stuart Kendall N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Peter L Freeman and Catherine Freeman N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation John W Cipolla, Jr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation William H Shaevel N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Zachary DeClerck and Madeline DeClerck N/A $597.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Ross Gelbspan and ANNE GELBSPAN N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Phyllis Kantor and William Kantor N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Oliver Rosen and Oliver Rosen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Sarah R Maxwell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Zoe R Weinrobe N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start John H Henn N/A $4,940.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Edward A Brody and Dena Feldstein N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Robert L Woodbury, Jr and Mary Woodbury N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Lauren S Holleran and Katherine Salter N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Janet Frazier N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Michael Frazier N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Diana Kelly N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start (Maloney Properties, Inc.) Celeste Vezina N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works David Dreyfus, Dr. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Karl F Seidman and Deborah Becker N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Austin S Carroll and Melissa Carroll N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Diane B Gordon and David Koven N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works David G Cook and Cynthia Cook N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lawrence Community Works NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Eric L VanDusen and Faith VanDusen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $292.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $36.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) David Stockless N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Michelle Apigian N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Michelle Waldon N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Kevin O'Neil N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Kendra Halliwell N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC (ICON Architecture) Matthew Marotta N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Boston Foundation, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Carol A MacDonald N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Robert F Roda N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Mary C. Leonard N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John H Ferring, IV N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation William U Shipley and Jenot Shipley N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation John P Murphy and Paul Hastings N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Gerald E Cerasale and Janine Cerasale N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Robert L Vivian, Jr. and Barbara Wood N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Philip G Smith and Beryl Smith N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jeffrey E Cusack and Jennifer Cusack N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Jason D Stoots and Alison Alessi N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Terry Kwan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Miriam I Brooks N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Diane B Gordon and David Koven N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit MACDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Virginia A Rice N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Rachel A Heller and Adeshina Baptista N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Maria E Saiz and Athelia A. Tilson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Andrew J Van Hazinga and Elizabeth Van Hazinga N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Richard W Dutton and Susan Swain N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (Resolution Architects) Paul Martell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Klein Hornig LLP N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH (Resolution Architects) Paul Martell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC The Willow Tree Fund N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Beverly Bank N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (Bolden & Bonfiglio LLC) Joseph Bonfiglio N/A $885.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Oak Hill CDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts, Inc. N/A $18,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC John A Robinson, Jr and Ellen Humphreys N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Benjamin I Leonard and Rebecca Lorimer N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Benjamin S. Ewen-Campen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation David Dreyfus, Dr. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ellen R Stone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Janine E Fay N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Timothy M Wright N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Edward A Brody and Dena Feldstein N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Aaron M Gornstein, Mr. and Sharon Englehardt N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Maria C Balestrieri, Mrs. and Matthew Balestrieri N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Jerome M Shapiro and Natalie Shapiro N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Roberta Bauer and Richard Bauer N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Jeffrey R Swanson and Kristyn Newhall N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation (Resolution Randy Johnson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Architects)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Michael L Berman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc. Charles F Deehan, III and A. Sharon Deehan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Eagle Bank N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Joseph W Mahoney and Carolyn Mahoney N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. (Resolution Daniel Brainerd N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development Architects)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $6,590.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Paul Fruitt N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Steven A Connors N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David I Begelfer N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David I Begelfer N/A $4,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Alan S Barry N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Brent Barker N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kristine A Stranahan N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Benjamin H Lacy N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael E Mooney N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert P Jacobs N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay D. Brooks Zug N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Marianne Ajemian N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christian M Hoffman N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David Thornton N/A $4,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kenneth R Berman N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Patrick J King N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay George G Schwartz and Martha Schwartz N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Lisa Rowan-Gillis and Gary Gillis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Daniel P Farley and Cheryl Farley N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay James A Hogue, Jr and Elizabeth Yekhtikian N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay DONALD S BARTON and BARBARA R BARTON N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Merrill J Mack and Nancy Mack N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Zaiming M He and Ciara He N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Wendy M Fiscus and William Fiscus N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Raphael L Deferiere and Charlotte Maon N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Martin J Rogosa and Elizabeth Rogosa N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Glen T Giovannetti and Lisa Giovannetti N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Bourdillon Apreala and Patricia Latimore N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Beth H Mitchell, Select Prefix/Title and Karl Mitchell N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert Rifkin and Barbara Rifkin N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Kurt D Flory and Cynthia Flory N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Alexander Glovsky and Cheryl Glovsky N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert H Smith and Elizabeth Smith N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Peter G Meyersohn and Annette Needle N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Ramesh Narayan and Vani Narayan N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Mark M Melito and Christine Melito N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David L Ferrera and Vinita Ferrera N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay State Street Foundation N/A $125,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $25,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Needham Bank N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge BlueHub Capital N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Johanna Smith N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge David Chilinski N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Susan A Curry N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Mark E Splaine and Joyce Splaine N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Diane B Gordon and David Koven N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Anne M Rousseau and Nancy Sableski N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Klein Hornig LLP N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Resolution Architects) Daniel Brainerd N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $292.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $36.50 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) David Stockless N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Michelle Apigian N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Michelle Waldon N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Kevin O'Neil N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Kendra Halliwell N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (ICON Architecture) Matthew Marotta N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype) Joel Bargmann N/A $612.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge (Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype) Carolyn Hendrie N/A $637.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Mary E Murphy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation John W Hornor N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Margaret M Murray N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Daniel Kristoffer Lane N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis and Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation (Daniel Kenneth Lund N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development Dennis and Company LLP)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Klein Hornig LLP N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Dietz and Company Architects, Inc. N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Vietnamese American Initiative for Development, Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Laura C Streichert, Ms. and Christopher Roberts N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. William F Malloy, Mr. and Fidele Malloy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. (Resolution Architects) Randy Johnson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Jeff S Wallace and Elizabeth Wallace N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester East Side Community Development Jonathan Juhl N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Corporation

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit ACT Lawrence Jonathan Pearlson and Gillian Pearlson N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Needham Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Mark A Sullivan and Grace Sullivan N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Silverman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Allston Brighton Community Development Corporation Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Helen P Tang N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Asian CDC Steven T Chen N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit CDC of South Berkshire Barbara Cutler and James Emden N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC Andrew J Falender and Jacquelyn Lenth N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Codman Square NDC (Boston Cooling & Heating Co. Kevin Reid N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Theodore Edson Parker Foundation N/A $45,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Greater Lowell Community Foundation, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Ody Brouillette N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Steven C. Panagiotakos N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Steven G Bucchianeri and Michael G. Nickey N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Community Teamwork, Inc. Henry J Peront and May R Melanson N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Downtown Taunton Foundation Webster Bank, N.A. N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Downtown Taunton Foundation Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation, Inc. N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Douglas P Fiebelkorn N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Related Beal LLC N/A $1,031.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Fenway CDC Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $2,354.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Hilltown CDC John D Nelson, Jr. and John Nelson Jr. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Peter L Freeman and Catherine Freeman N/A $1,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation John P Paone, Jr and Mary Paone N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Jack C Kadzik and Cynthia Kadzik N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Louis J Dimeo and Louise Dimeo N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Jan A Miller and Carol Miller N/A $5,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation William Zammer and Linda Zammer N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Gerald H Stanney, Jr and Susan Stanney N/A $900.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Assistance Corporation Klein Hornig LLP N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Anne L Quaadgras N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Daniel H van Leeuwen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Alex M Hassinger and Alison Hassinger N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Corporation of Arlington Daniel M Flaherty and Linda Lynch N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts Hackett Feinberg P.C. N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Housing Solutions for Southeastern Massachusetts DeCelle-Burke-Sala & Associates, Inc. N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $3,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (Maloney Properties, Janet Frazier N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (Maloney Properties, Michael Frazier N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (Maloney Properties, Diana Kelly N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (Maloney Properties, Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion (IBA) (Maloney Properties, Celeste Vezina N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Daniel A Sargent, Mr. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Island Housing Trust Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Silverman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Maksim Glikman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Paul J Casilli and Eileen S Hyman-Casilli N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Tara M Rousseau and Michael Rousseau N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Emily P Achtenberg and Benjamin Achtenberg N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Anthony L Pangaro and Creelea Pangaro N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Kevin P Martin & Assoc PC N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Chris Sullivan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development (Bilt-Rite Construction, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation John Sullivan N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development (Bilt-Rite Construction, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Nancy Ludwig N/A $292.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Ned Collier N/A $36.50 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation David Stockless N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Michelle Apigian N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Michelle Waldon N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Kevin O'Neil N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Kendra Halliwell N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation Matthew Marotta N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development (ICON Architecture)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $12,500.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Ellen M Semonoff N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Rebecca A Weinrobe N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Paul W Brassil and Karen Brassil N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Mitchell Goldstein and Maria Raneri N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start William F McAvinney and Carolyn Fuller N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Just-A-Start Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation N/A $50,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Jerome L Rappaport, Jr N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lena Park CDC Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Local Initiatives Support Corporation Citizens Bank National Association N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lowell Community Loan Fund Inc d/b/a Mill Cities Kristen M Harol N/A $3,900.00 N/A 2018 Development Community Investments

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Brian Sosner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Richard J Francolini, Jr and Joan Francolini N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Peter L Freeman and Catherine Freeman N/A $1,100.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Manuel R Smith, Manny Smith and Elisabeth Smith N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Eric Whiteley N/A $787.50 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Chatham Sheetmetal, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Sara Whiteley N/A $787.50 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Chatham Sheetmetal, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Eric Whiteley N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Chatham Sheetmetal, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation Sara Whiteley N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development dba Community Development Partnership (Chatham Sheetmetal, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Main South CDC Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Julie R Perkins, Ms. and Dwight H. Perkins N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Judith D Feins and Bruce Bell N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Metro West Collaborative Development Ralph T Jones and Sherry Jones N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA David Budka and Dana Budka N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA Curtis Construction Company, Inc. N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Maloney Properties, Janet Frazier N/A $100.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Maloney Properties, Michael Frazier N/A $100.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Maloney Properties, Diana Kelly N/A $100.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Maloney Properties, Kathleen Tyrrell Luce N/A $100.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (Maloney Properties, Celeste Vezina N/A $100.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Arthur Winn N/A $1,085.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Gilbert Winn N/A $63.75 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Lawrence Curtis N/A $63.75 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Michael Putziger N/A $37.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Arthur Winn N/A $434.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Gilbert Winn N/A $25.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Lawrence Curtis N/A $25.50 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnDevelopment Michael Putziger N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development Company Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NeighborWorks of Southern MA (WinnResidential Arthur Winn N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development Limited Partnership)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Hackett Feinberg P.C. N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Rollstone Charitable Foundation, Inc N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. Phaedra Bell and Daniel Dohan N/A $600.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $584.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $163.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $73.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) David Stockless N/A $30.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Michelle Apigian N/A $30.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Michelle Waldon N/A $30.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Kevin O'Neil N/A $30.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Kendra Halliwell N/A $30.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NewVue Communities, Inc. (ICON Architecture) Matthew Marotta N/A $30.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH HarborOne Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Needham Bank N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH BlueHub Capital N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Hackett Feinberg P.C. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Citizens Bank National Association N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH East Boston Savings Bank N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Rose M Fiore N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Lauren E DeMayo N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Anthony L Pangaro and Creelea Pangaro N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH George F Koehler and Carolyn Koehler N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Richard J High and Anne G. Perkins N/A $9,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Michael Lake and Hale Lake N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation N/A $7,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit NOAH Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Hackett Feinberg P.C. N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Daniel Fox N/A $625.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Christine M Zampell and James zampell N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Gary R Leach and Maria Leach N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Robert S Dorfman and Miriam M. Dorfman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC NEI General Contracting, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC Kevin P Martin & Assoc PC N/A $770.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Nancy Ludwig N/A $292.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Janis Mamayek N/A $81.50 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Ned Collier N/A $36.50 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) David Stockless N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Michelle Apigian N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Michelle Waldon N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Kevin O'Neil N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Kendra Halliwell N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit North Shore CDC (ICON Architecture) Matthew Marotta N/A $15.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Peter L Freeman and Catherine Freeman N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Klein Hornig LLP N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Nuestra CDC Davis Square Architects, Inc. N/A $2,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Denise A Pols and Polly Prunuske N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Quaboag Valley CDC Vincent J McCaughey and Jean McCaughey N/A $550.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Revitalize CDC Denise M Schoen and David Schoen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Winter Hill Federal Savings Bank N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ellen G Friedman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Monica Luke N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Anne L Quaadgras N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Kathleen McGilvray N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Laurie S Goldman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation David S Thompson and Bonnie A Thompson N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Daniel A Schmidt and Liza Daly N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Erik L Nygren and Ksenia Samokhvalova N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Ann L Silverman and Israel Fridman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Somerville Community Corporation Cory Mian and Nicholas Mian N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit South Boston NDC Matthew B Kirk and Heidi P Auerbach N/A $1,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Mark S. Schuster Family 2005 Irrevocable Trust N/A $1,250.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit The Neighborhood Developers, Inc. (Irwin Engineers, Lana Carlsson-Irwin N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jason P Covy N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John H Spencer, JR N/A $3,750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Joshua A Zeidman N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michele Rosiello N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Helena S. Clifford N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Robert J Paysnick N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay David S Lipman and Jessica Lipman N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Christopher B Renner and Connie Gao N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Frances J Dixon and Jeremy Ng N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Steven D Krichmar and Karen Krichmar N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Michael A Panzara and Emanuela Gussoni Panzara N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Thaddeus V Stump and Glenda Stump N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Jon K Hampton and Lucy Hampton N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay John W Hussey , Jr and Kimberly Fletcher N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Peter F Weller and Anne Nicholson Weller N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit United Way of Massachusetts Bay Rosa Yoon and Jae Young AHN N/A $1,345.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Citizens Bank National Association N/A $20,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Daniela A Carusi N/A $750.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Andrew C Koines, Sr N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Bruce H Freeman and Barbara Sachs-Freeman N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Thomas J OMalley and Beverly Arsem N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Anthony L Pangaro and Creelea Pangaro N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Andrew Scott and Hilana Scott N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Urban Edge Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation N/A $5,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Florence Bank N/A $15,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Frances C Volkmann N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Carol B Walker and Paul Davis N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Miriam Moss and Sidney Moss N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Valley Community Development Corporation Berkshire Bank Foundation, Inc. N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Needham Bank N/A $3,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Boston Private Bank & Trust Company N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Jennifer Van Campen N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Carolyn F Werner N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Brian D Cummings and Kelly Cummings N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Gary Madison and Martha Ahrens N/A $1,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit WATCH Inc Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation N/A $2,500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Way Finders, Inc. Santander Bank, N. A. N/A $10,000.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. BlueHub Capital (formerly Boston Community Capital) N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Joseph A Bearak and Sandra Rose N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Community Investment Tax Credit Worcester Common Ground, Inc. Gloria D Hall and Joseph P Karpicz N/A $500.00 N/A 2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit 370 Harvard Street TBD (Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly III, Inc.) $1,100,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Bentley Apartments TBD (Community Development Corporation of South $700,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development Berkshire, Inc.)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Chestnut Park Preservation Project TBD (Related Beal) $3,500,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Coolidge at Sudbury Phase II TBD (B'nai B'rith Housing New England, Inc.) $700,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Downtown Brockton T.O.D. TBD (Neighborhood Housing Services of the South Shore, Inc.) $1,500,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Four Corners Plaza TBD (Codman Square NDC) $277,450.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Hearth at Four Corners TBD (Hearth, Inc.) $400,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Little Pond Place TBD (Falmouth Housing Corporation and Affirmative $400,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development Investments) b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Lydia Square TBD (NewGate Housing) $700,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Lyman Terrace Phase II TBD (The Community Builders, Inc.) $1,500,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Old Colony Phase 3A- 4% TBD (Beacon Communities) $987,500.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Robert Hill Way Senior Apartments TBD (RHW Development LLC) $1,000,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Shirley Commons- Devens TBD (Women's Institute for Housing and Economic $650,000.00 N/A 8/23/2018 N/A Development Development)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Brook Ave Coop TBD (EA Fish) $400,000.00 N/A 8/15/2018 N/A Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Kendall Apartments (fka The Kendall) Kendall Apartments LLC N/A $311,730.00 N/A 1/31/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit E. Henry Twiggs Estates- Phase I BH EHT 1 LLC (for 2017 allocation) N/A $133,621.00 N/A 3/6/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit E. Henry Twiggs Estates- Phase I BH EHT 1 LLC (for 2018 allocation) N/A $1,350,118.00 N/A 4/11/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Lenox Schoolhouse Apartments (fka Cameron House) Lenox Schoolhouse LLC N/A $538,712.00 N/A 6/15/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Maple Green (aka Maple Commons Apartments) Maple Green Limited Partnership N/A $2,569,758.00 N/A 1/26/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Gateway North (aka Gateway Residences on Washington Gateway Associates, L.P. N/A $604,200.00 N/A 10/26/2018 Development Washington)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Live 155 Live Pleasant Limited Partnership N/A $1,000,000.00 N/A 10/25/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Quincy Tower Apartments BC Qunicy Tower LLC N/A $3,000,000.00 N/A 10/15/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit The Beverly (fka Beverly Street Parcel 1B) Beverly Street Residential II 1B, LLC N/A $1,900,000.00 N/A 12/7/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Stratton Hill Park (aka Stratton Apts) BC Stratton Hill LLC (for 2018 allocation) N/A $500,000.00 N/A 12/5/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Ludlow Mill Ludlow Mill Housing Limited Partnership N/A $1,396,500.00 N/A 7/3/2018 Development b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Tenney Place Phase II Tenney Place Apartments II, LLC N/A $950,000.00 N/A 12/12/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Ashmont TOD (aka Unit One of the Ashmont Two Trinity Ashmont Two Mixed Use Limited Partnership N/A $3,000,000.00 N/A 12/12/2018 Development Primary Condominium)

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Congress Street Residences Congress Street Residences Limited Partnership N/A $729,600.00 N/A 1/11/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit New Leyden Woods (fka Leyden Woods) New Leyden Woods I Liminted Partnership, New Leyden N/A $278,462.00 N/A 4/11/2018 Development Woods I, Inc. General Parner

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Island Creek Village North Age Unrestricted ICVN Age Unrestricted LLC N/A $3,000,000.00 N/A 7/20/2018 Development

Department of Housing and Community 2018 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Wayne at Bicknell Wayne at Bicknell, LLC N/A $783,374.00 N/A 12/13/2018 Development

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Arlington, Arlington Heights Methodist Church, 20 Housing Corporation of Arlington $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Westminster Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Arlington, Arlington Heights Methodist Church, 20 Housing Corporation of Arlington $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Westminster Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Athol, The Union Twist Mill, 134 Chestnut Hill Avenue L.P. Athol Corporation $400,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Attleboro, Watson, Newell & Company, 67 Mechanics Mechanic Redevelopment Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Attleboro, Watson, Newell & Company, 67 Mechanics Mechanic Redevelopment Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Attleboro, Watson, Newell & Company, 67 Mechanics Mechanic Redevelopment Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston/Brighton, Charles River Speedway Architectural Heritage Foundation $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Headquarters, 1420-1440 Soldiers Field Road

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, International Harvester New Beacon North Village LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A England Branch Headquarters, 61 North Beacon Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, International Harvester New Beacon North Village LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A England Branch Headquarters, 61 North Beacon Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, International Harvester New Beacon North Village LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A England Branch Headquarters, 61 North Beacon Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, St. Gabriel's Church, 159 CCF-BVSHSSF Washington 1, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Washington Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, St. Gabriel's Church, 159 CCF-BVSHSSF Washington 1, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, St. Gabriel's Church, 159 CCF-BVSHSSF Washington 1, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, St. Gabriel's Monastery, 159 CCF-BVSHSSF Washington 1, LLC $400,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Allston-Brighton, St. Gabriel's Monastery, 159 CCF-BVSHSSF Washington 1, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Beacon Hill, Saint John the Evangelist Mission 33-35 Bowdoin Street LLC c/o Ad Meliora $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Church, 35 Bowdoin Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Beacon Hill, Saint John the Evangelist Mission 33-35 Bowdoin Street LLC c/o Ad Meliora $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Church, 35 Bowdoin Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Charlestown, Chain Forge Building - Building First Avenue Hotel LLC $400,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A 105, Charlestown Navy Yard

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Charlestown, Chain Forge Building - Building First Avenue Hotel LLC $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A 105, Charlestown Navy Yard

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Charlestown, Chain Forge Building - Building First Avenue Hotel LLC $400,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A 105, Charlestown Navy Yard

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Charlestown, Ropewalk Building 58, 5th Street Frontier Enterprises Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Charlestown, Ropewalk Building 58, 5th Street Frontier Enterprises Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Charlestown, Ropewalk Building 58, 5th Street Frontier Enterprises Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 105-111 Lawrence Avenue Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 105-111 Lawrence Avenue Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 105-111 Lawrence Avenue JPNDC Pitts LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 129 - 135 Intervale Street Wayne at Bicknell, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 129-135 Intervale Street Wayne at Bicknell, LLC N/A $400,000.00 N/A 6/14/2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 22-24 Thane Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 22-24 Thane Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 2-6 Dudley Terrace Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 35 Wales Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 35 Wales Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 35 Wales Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 358-360 Walnut Avenue Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 358-360 Walnut Avenue Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 358-360 Walnut Avenue Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 40-42 Lawrence Avenue Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 40-42 Lawrence Avenue Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 40-42 Lawrence Avenue JPNDC Pitts LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 41 Intervale Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 41 Intervale Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 41 Intervale Street JPNDC Pitts LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 97 - 103 Norfolk Street Wayne at Bicknell, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, 97-103 Norfolk Street Wayne at Bicknell, LLC N/A $420,000.00 N/A 6/29/2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, Blake and Amory Building, 59 Walton Oxford Temple Owner, LLC N/A $1,600,000.00 N/A 2/26/2018 Temple Place and 1-3 West Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, The Pierce Building, 592-598 Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Columbia Road

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Dorchester, The Pierce Building, 592-598 Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Columbia Road

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Boston Post Building, 15-17 Milk ECU2002 Milk Street LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Boston Post Building, 15-17 Milk ECU2002 Milk Street LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Boston Post Building, 15-17 Milk ECU2002 Milk Street LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Boston Young Men's Christian St. Francis House Inc. $400,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Union Building, 48 Boylston Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Boston Young Men's Christian St. Francis House Inc. $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Union Building, 48 Boylston Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Boston Young Men's Christian St. Francis House Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Union Building, 48 Boylston Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Custom House Block, 62-70 Long Capital Long Wharf LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Wharf

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Custom House Block, 62-70 Long CAP Long Wharf LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Wharf

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Transcript Building, 322-328 One Transcript LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Washington Street & 5-11 Milk Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Transcript Building, 322-328 One Transcript LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Washington Street & 5-11 Milk Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Downtown, Transcript Building, 322-328 One Transcript LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Washington Street & 5-11 Milk Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / East Boston, East Boston Branch Library, 280- East Boston Community Development Corp. $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A 282 Meridian Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / East Boston, East Boston Branch Library, 280- East Boston Community Development Corp. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A 282 Meridian Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / East Boston, East Boston Branch Library, 280- East Boston Community Development Corp. $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A 282 Meridian Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / East Boston, Engel-Cone Shoe Company, 183 Hudson 62 Realty LLC $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Orleans Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Fenway, The Riviera Building, 270 Huntington 270 Huntington Ave Associates L.P. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Fenway, The Riviera Building, 270 Huntington 270 Huntington Ave Associates L.P. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Fenway, The Riviera Building, 270 Huntington 270 Huntington Ave Associates L.P. $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Mattapan, Fowler Clark Epstein Farm, 487 Fowler Clark Farm LLC/Historic Boston Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Norfolk Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Mattapan, Fowler Clark Epstein Farm, 487 Fowler Clark Farm LLC/Historic Boston Inc. $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Norfolk Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Mattapan, Fowler Clark Epstein Farm, 487 Fowler Clark Farm LLC/Historic Boston Inc. N/A $450,000.00 N/A 11/6/2018 Norfolk Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 2101-2115 Washington Street Madison Park Development Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 2101-2115 Washington Street Madison Park Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 2101-2115 Washington Street Madison Park Development Corporation N/A $2,600,000.00 N/A 12/19/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 22-24 Greenville Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 22-24 Greenville Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 22-24 Greenville Street JPNDC Pitts LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 24-26 Gardner Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $20,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 24-26 Gardner Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $30,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 249 Humboldt Avenue Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 25 Wayne Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 25 Wayne Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 25 Wayne Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 275-277 Roxbury Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 275-277 Roxbury Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $30,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 279-281 Roxbury Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $10,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 288-300 Roxbury Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 288-300 Roxbury Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 288-300 Roxbury Street JPNDC Pitts LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 34 Crawford Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 34 Crawford Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 34 Crawford Street JPNDC Pitts LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 39 Schuyler Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 39 Schuyler Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 39 Schuyler Street Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 548-550 Warren Street/2 Elm Hill Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $30,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Park

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 81 Walnut Park Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 81 Walnut Park Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, 81 Walnut Park Wayne at Schuyler, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Hotel Vine, 46 Vine Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Hotel Vine, 46 Vine Street Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Hotel Vine, 46 Vine Street JPNDC Pitts LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, James W. Woodward Apartment Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A House, 35 Mount Pleasant Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, James W. Woodward Apartment Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A House, 35 Mount Pleasant Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, James W. Woodward Apartment JPNDC Pitts LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A House, 35 Mount Pleasant Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, James W. Woodward Apartment Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A House, 39 Mount Pleasant Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, James W. Woodward Apartment Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A House, 39 Mount Pleasant Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, James W. Woodward Apartment JPNDC Pitts LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A House, 39 Mount Pleasant Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Louis Prang Lithograph Factory, 1 Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Gardner Street/286 Roxbury Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Louis Prang Lithograph Factory, 1 Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Gardner Street/286 Roxbury Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Louis Prang Lithograph Factory, 1 JPNDC Pitts LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Gardner Street/286 Roxbury Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Sewall Building, 41 Dimock Street Dimock Support Corporation N/A $1,400,000.00 N/A 6/12/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Sewall Building, 41 Dimock Street Dimock Support Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, Steam Engine Company No. 12 Fire Firehouse Lofts LLC N/A $250,000.00 N/A 3/28/2018 Station, 407 Dudley Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, The Gables, 49-51 Cheney Street Urban Edge $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / Roxbury, The Gables, 49-51 Cheney Street Urban Edge $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South Boston, Building 16, 25 Fid Kennedy 25 Fid Kennedy, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South Boston, Building 16, 25 Fid Kennedy 25 Fid Kennedy, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South Boston, Building 16, 25 Fid Kennedy 25 Fid Kennedy, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, 527 Massachusetts Avenue Gullwing Realty LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, Camden Street Development, 575 Beacon Communities Services LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Shawmut Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, Camden Street Development, 575 BC Camden Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Shawmut Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, Camden Street Development, 575 BC Camden Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Shawmut Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, Lenox Street Apartments, 136 Beacon Communities Services LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Lenox Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, Lenox Street Apartments, 136 Beacon Communities Services LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Lenox Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Boston / South End, Lenox Street Apartments, 136 Beacon Communities Services LLC $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Lenox Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Bourne, Bourne High School/Coady Middle School, 4 Coady School Residences Limited Partnership N/A $1,700,000.00 N/A 5/14/2018 (85) Cotuit Road

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Brockton, Anglim Building, 93 Centre Street Youmar Realty Trust $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Brockton, Anglim Building, 93 Centre Street Youmar Realty Trust $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Brockton, New England Telephone and Telegraph South Shore Property Management, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Building, 47 Pleasant Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Brockton, New England Telephone and Telegraph South Shore Property Management, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Building, 47 Pleasant Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Brockton, New England Telephone and Telegraph South Shore Property Management, LLC N/A $500,000.00 N/A 10/1/2018 Building, 47 Pleasant Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Cambridge, George Close Company Building, 243 Just-A-Start Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Broadway

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Cambridge, George Close Company Building, 243 Just-A-Start Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Broadway

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Cambridge, George Close Company Building, 243 Just-A-Start Corporation $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Broadway

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Cambridge, Squirrel Brand Company Building, 8 Just-A-Start Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Boardman Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Cambridge, Squirrel Brand Company Building, 8 Just-A-Start Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Boardman Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Cambridge, Squirrel Brand Company Building, 8 Just-A-Start Corporation $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Boardman Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Clinton, Lancaster Mills, 1-55 Green Street Clinton Mill Works II LLC N/A $1,400,000.00 N/A 12/17/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fairhaven, The Oxford School, 347 Main Street SCG Development Partners LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fairhaven, The Oxford School, 347 Main Street SCG Development Partners LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fairhaven, The Oxford School, 347 Main Street SCG Development Partners LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Bradford Durfee Textile School, 64 Durfee 64 Durfee LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Bradford Durfee Textile School, 64 Durfee 64 Durfee LLC $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Cornell Mills, 649 Alden Street Cornell Mill LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Cornell Mills, 649 Alden Street Cornell Mill LLC N/A $1,200,000.00 N/A 6/18/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Wampanoag Mill No. 2 - Mill No. 2, Picker Knitting Mill Apartments LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A House No. 2, Boiler House No. 2, & Engine Room No. 2

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Wampanoag Mill No. 2 - Mill No. 2, Picker Knitting Mill Apartments LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A House No. 2, Boiler House No. 2, & Engine Room No. 2

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fall River, Wampanoag Mill No. 2 - Mill No. 2, Picker Knitting Mill Apartments LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A House No. 2, Boiler House No. 2, & Engine Room No. 2 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Academy Street School, 82 Academy Street NewVue Communities $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Academy Street School, 82 Academy Street NewVue Communities $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Academy Street School, 82 Academy Street NewVue Communities $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, B.F. Brown Junior High School, 62 Academy NewVue Communities $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, B.F. Brown Junior High School, 62 Academy NewVue Communities $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, B.F. Brown Junior High School, 62 Academy NewVue Communities $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Fitchburg City Stable, High Street NewVue Communities $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Fitchburg City Stable, High Street NewVue Communities $30,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Summer Street Fire Station, 15 Summer Rees-Larkin Development LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Summer Street Fire Station, 15 Summer Rees-Larkin Development LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Syndicate Block, 10 Main Street Rees-Larkin Development LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Fitchburg, Syndicate Block, 10 Main Street Rees-Larkin Development LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Framingham, Tribune Apartments, 46 Irving Street Preservation of Affordable Housing Inc. N/A $800,000.00 N/A 4/9/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Gardner, Greenwood Block, 297-301 Central Street GAAMHA Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Gardner, Greenwood Block, 297-301 Central Street GAAMHA Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Great Barrington, Monument Mills, 174 Front Street Monument Mountain Management Trust $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Great Barrington, Monument Mills, 174 Front Street Monument Mountain Management Trust $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Great Barrington, Monument Mills, 174 Front Street Monument Mountain Management Trust $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Abercrombie Building, 56 Bank Row Abercrombie Greenfield LLC $150,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Abercrombie Building, 56 Bank Row Abercrombie Greenfield LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Abercrombie Building, 56 Bank Row Abercrombie Greenfield LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Abercrombie Building,56 Bank Row Abercrombie Greenfield LLC N/A $800,000.00 N/A 10/9/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Sears Building, 102 Main Street Center for Human Development $150,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Sears Building, 102 Main Street Center for Human Development $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Greenfield, Sears Building, 102 Main Street Center for Human Development $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Hanover, Kennedy Building, Cardinal Cushing Center, Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Inc. $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A 369 Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Hanover, Kennedy Building, Cardinal Cushing Center, Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Inc. $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A 369 Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Hanover, Kennedy Building, Cardinal Cushing Center, Planning Office for Urban Affairs, Inc. N/A $2,100,000.00 N/A 12/7/2018 369 Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Hatfield, General Cigar Factory, 65D Elm Street Diamondback Properties, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Cogswell School, 351 South Main Street Creative Haverhill, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Cogswell School, 351 South Main Street Creative Haverhill, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Newcomb Brothers Block/Ellis and Hussey 16 Wingate Street LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Building, 24-26 Essex Street/8-16 Wingate Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Newcomb Brothers Block/Ellis and Hussey 16 Wingate Street LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Building, 24-26 Essex Street/8-16 Wingate Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Newcomb Brothers Block/Ellis and Hussey 16 Wingate Street LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Building, 24-26 Essex Street/8-16 Wingate Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Pentucket Mills, 12-14 Stevens Street Pentucket Mill Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Pentucket Mills, 12-14 Stevens Street Pentucket Mill Limited Partnership $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Rugg Building, 81-87 Washington Street 87 Washington LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Rugg Building, 81-87 Washington Street 87 Washington LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Rugg Building, 81-87 Washington Street 87 Washington LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Shoe and Leather Associates Building, 98 - AHSC Essex Street Associates LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A 112 Essex Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Shoe and Leather Associates Building, 98 - AHSC Essex Street Associates LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A 112 Essex Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Haverhill, Shoe and Leather Associates Building, 98 - AHSC Essex Street Associates LLC $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A 112 Essex Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Holyoke, Farr Alpaca Mill, 130 Appleton Street Appleton Redevelopment Limited Partnership $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Holyoke, Farr Alpaca Mill, 130 Appleton Street Appleton Redevelopment Limited Partnership $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Holyoke, Farr Alpaca Mill, 130 Appleton Street Appleton Redevelopment Limited Partnership $400,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Holyoke, Lafrance Block, 348 Chestnut Street/48-52 Voces de Esperanza Limited Partnership $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Franklin Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Holyoke, Lafrance Block, 348 Chestnut Street/48-52 Voces de Esperanza Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Franklin Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Arlington Mills, Building 14, 15, and 16 (Van Trinity Van Brodie Four Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Brodie Mill)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Arlington Mills, Building 14, 15, and 16 (Van Trinity Van Brodie Four Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Brodie Mill)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Arlington Mills, Building 14, 15, and 16 (Van Trinity Van Brodie Four Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Brodie Mill)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Kunhardt Mills Building 11: Dye Works Community Works Hold & Control $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Building, 50 Island Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Kunhardt Mills Building 11: Dye Works Community Works Hold & Control $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Building, 50 Island Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Kunhardt Mills Building 11: Dye Works Community Works Hold & Control $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Building, 50 Island Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Lower Pacific Mills, 300 Canal Street Brady Sullivan Pacific Mills LLC N/A $1,140,000.00 N/A 10/5/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Lower Pacific Mills, 300 Canal Street Brady Sullivan Pacific Mills LLC N/A $760,000.00 N/A 12/18/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Upper Pacific Worsted Mill #10, 5 Franklin Taom Heritage Lawrence, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Upper Pacific Worsted Mill #10, 5 Franklin Taom Heritage Lawrence, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill - Building F 280 Riverwalk LLC N/A $5,200,000.00 N/A 7/27/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building C 200 Riverwalk LLC N/A $2,852,684.00 N/A 9/11/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building C (formerly 200 Riverwalk LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Office Building)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building C (formerly 200 Riverwalk LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Office Building), 200 Merrimack Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building E, 250 250 Riverwalk LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Merrimack Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building E, 250 250 Riverwalk LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Merrimack Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building E, 250 250 Riverwalk LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Merrimack Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lawrence, Wood Worsted Mill Building F, 280 280 Riverwalk LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Merrimack Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Leominster, James G. Carter Middle School (Leominster NewVue Communities $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A High School), 261 West Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Leominster, James G. Carter Middle School (Leominster NewVue Communities $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A High School), 261 West Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Leominster, Jewett Piano Case Factory, 140 Adams L.D. Russo, Inc. N/A $2,150,000.00 N/A 9/26/2018 Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Leominster, Reed Toy Factory, 45 Summer Street Sterling Hill Properties, LLC $150,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Leominster, Reed Toy Factory, 45 Summer Street Sterling Hill Properties, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Leominster, Reed Toy Factory, 45 Summer Street Toy Factory Apartments LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Hamilton Manufacturing Company Mill #6 Unit Lowell Community Health Center Inc. N/A $3,000,000.00 N/A 6/19/2018 B, 101-106 Jackson Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Hamilton Manufacturing Company Mill #6 - Unit Lowell Community Health Center Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A B, 101-161 Jackson Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Hamilton Manufacturing Company Mill #6 - Unit Lowell Community Health Center Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A B-3 (Floors 5 and 6), 101 Jackson Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Hamilton Manufacturing Company Mill #6 - Unit Lowell Community Health Center Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A B-3 (Floors 5 and 6), 101 Jackson Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Hamilton Manufacturing Company Mill #6 - Unit Lowell Community Health Center Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A B-3 (Floors 5 and 6), 101 Jackson Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Massachusetts Mills: Mill No.3/Picker House & Massachusetts Mills III Limited Partnership $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Boiler House

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Massachusetts Mills: Mill No.3/Picker House & Massachusetts Mills III Limited Partnership $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Boiler House, 95 Bridge Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Massachusetts Mills: Mill No.3/Picker House & Massachusetts Mills III Limited Partnership $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Boiler House, 95 Bridge Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Putnam Building, 205-207 Market Street Athenian Corner, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Putnam Building, 205-207 Market Street Athenian Corner, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Putnam Building, 205-207 Market Street Athenian Corner, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lowell, Waterhead Mill, 850 Lawrence Street New England Heritage Properties, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Ludlow, Ludlow Manufacturing Company Mill #8, 8 State Ludlow Mill Housing 2 Limited Partnership $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Ludlow, Ludlow Manufacturing Company Mill #8, 8 State Ludlow Mill Housing 2 Limited Partnership $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Ludlow, Ludlow Manufacturing Company Mill #8, 8 State Ludlow Mill Housing 2 Limited Partnership $400,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lynn, Cobbet Hill Apartments (formerly Cobbet Junior Cobbet Hill School LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A High School and English High School), 500 Essex Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lynn, Cobbet Hill Apartments (formerly Cobbet Junior Cobbet Hill School LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A High School and English High School), 500 Essex Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Lynn, Cobbet Hill Apartments (Formerly Cobbet Junior Cobbet Hill School LLC N/A $3,000,000.00 N/A 12/5/2018 High School and English High School), 500 Essex Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Malden, Malden City Infirmary, 341 Forest Street VOA Malden Assisted Living LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Malden, Malden City Infirmary, 341 Forest Street VOA Malden Assisted Living LLC N/A $2,400,000.00 N/A 11/30/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Malden, The Browne - Masonic Building, 126-150 126-150 Pleasant Street Associates LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Pleasant Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Malden, The Browne - Masonic Building, 126-150 126-150 Pleasant Street Associates LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Pleasant Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Malden, The Browne – Masonic Building,126-150 126-150 Pleasant Street Associates LLC N/A $1,450,000.00 N/A 12/3/2018 Pleasant Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Mansfield, Lowney Chocolate Factory, 150 Oakland Chocolate Factory LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Mansfield, Lowney Chocolate Factory, 150 Oakland Chocolate Factory LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Montague, Amidon Block, 41 East Main Street East Main Street Realty, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Montague, Amidon Block, 41 East Main Street East Main Street Realty, LLC $40,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Montague, Griswold Mill Annex, 15 Power Street Power Street, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Montague, Millers Falls Inn, 38 East Main Street East Main Street Realty, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Montague, Millers Falls Inn, 38 East Main Street East Main Street Realty, LLC $70,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Montague, Powers Block, 26-28 East Main Street Powers Block Properties, LLC N/A $150,000.00 N/A 2018 b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, 137 Union Street Waterfront Historic Area League N/A $200,000.00 N/A 5/25/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, 141 Union Street Waterfront Historic Area League N/A $200,000.00 N/A 5/25/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, Cloth/Harness Room, 61 Wamsutta Street Wamsutta II, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, Cloth/Harness Room, 61 Wamsutta Street Wamsutta II, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, Cloth/Harness Room, 61 Wamsutta Street Wamsutta II, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, John Howland, Jr. House, 38 South 6th WHALE Development Corp N/A $474,686.00 N/A 4/23/2018 Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, Manomet Mills #1, Bays 31-55, 200 Riverside Lofts Limited Partnership; by: Riverside Lofts GP $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Riverside Ave LLC, its general partner

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, Manomet Mills #1, Bays 31-55, 200 Riverside Lofts Limited Partnership; by: Riverside Lofts GP $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Riverside Ave LLC, its general partner

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, Manomet Mills #1, Bays 31-55, 200 Riverside Lofts Limited Partnership; by: Riverside Lofts GP $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Riverside Ave LLC, its general partner

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, The Bookstore Building, 222 Union Street New Bedford Urban Renaissance II LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, The Bookstore Building, 222 Union Street New Bedford Urban Renaissance II LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, The Bookstore Building, 222 Union Street New Bedford Urban Renaissance II LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit New Bedford, The Bookstore Building, 222 Union Street NB Hotel LLC N/A $1,050,000.00 N/A 2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Newton, Miller Block, 287 Auburn Street Auburn Street Realty Partners, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Newton, Miller Block, 287 Auburn Street Auburn Street Realty Partners, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Newton, Nathaniel Allen House, 35 Webster St Newton Cultural Alliance $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Newton, Nathaniel Allen House, 35 Webster St Newton Cultural Alliance $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit North Adams, Blackinton Mill, 1470 Massachusetts Blackinton Mill LLC $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit North Adams, Blackinton Mill, 1470 Massachusetts Blackinton Mill LLC $400,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Avenue

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit North Andover, Davis and Furber Machine Shop RCG West Mill NA LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Complex West Mill, 4 High Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit North Andover, Davis and Furber Machine Shop RCG West Mill NA LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Complex West Mill, 4 High Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Northampton, Gawith Hall, 46 Round Hill Road Historic Round Hill Summit, LLC c/o OPAL Real Estate Group $50,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Pittsfield, White Terrace Apartments, 592-596 North White Terrace Realty, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Pittsfield, White Terrace Apartments, 592-596 North White Terrace Realty, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, 14-16 Hodges Court Salem Residential Rental Properties LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, 14-16 Hodges Court Salem Residential Rental Properties LLC $30,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, 59 Federal Street Renewal Ventures LLC N/A $150,000.00 N/A 5/23/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, 90 Washington Street Nine Zero Washington, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, 90 Washington Street Nine Zero Washington, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, 90 Washington Street Nine Zero Washington, LLC N/A $400,000.00 N/A 10/10/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Joshua Loring House, 55-57 Federal Street Renewal Ventures LLC N/A $150,000.00 N/A 5/23/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Pickering Dodge House, 35 Chestnut Street Philip Gillespie N/A $200,000.00 N/A 9/28/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Saint James Convent, 162 Federal Street 162 Federal Street LLC/Cougar Capital Management $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Saint James Convent, 162 Federal Street 162 Federal Street LLC/Cougar Capital Management $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Saint James Convent, 162 Federal Street 162 Federal Street LLC/Cougar Capital Management $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Saint James Convent, 162 Federal Street 162 Federal Street LLC/Cougar Capital Management N/A $600,000.00 N/A 2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Salem, Thomas Butman House, 14 Cambridge Street 14 Cambridge Street, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Shelburne, Pratt Memorial Library Building, 60 Bridge Arms Library Association, Inc. $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Somerville, Somerville Main Post Office, 237 Union Square Partners, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Somerville, Somerville Main Post Office, 237 Union Square Partners, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Somerville, Somerville Main Post Office, 237 Union Square Partners, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Washington Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, American Optical Company Complex: Southbridge Housing, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Building 12, 5-15 Case Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, American Optical Company Complex: SBC Energy, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Building 7, 60 Optical Drive

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, American Optical Company Complex: SBC Energy, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Building 7, 60 Optical Drive

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, American Optical Company Complex: SBC Energy, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Building 7, 60 Optical Drive

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, Hamilton Mills Buildings 6, 7, 9,10 and 14, Mill Street Realty, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A 62-64 Mill Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, Mary E. Wells High School, 80 Marcy Wells School Limited Partnership $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, Mary E. Wells High School, 80 Marcy Wells School Limited Partnership $250,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Southbridge, Mary E. Wells High School, 80 Marcy Wells School Limited Partnership $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Court Square Building, 13-31 Elm St Historic Court Square LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Court Square Building, 13-31 Elm St Historic Court Square LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Court Square Building, 13-31 Elm St Historic Court Square LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Dr. William H.A. Young House/Hiram M. Maple Redevelopment LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A French Row Houses, 184 Maple Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Eli A. Hubbard House/Hiram M. French Row Maple Redevelopment LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Houses, 178 Maple Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Elias Brookings School, 367 Hancock Street Home City Development, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Elmira T. Brewer House/Hiram M. French Facta Non Verba, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Row Houses, 174 Maple Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Jesse F. Tapley House/Hiram M. French Facta Non Verba, LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Row Houses, 176 Maple Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 1, 24-26 High Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $650,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 Street General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 2, 25-31 High Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $700,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 Street General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 3, 33-35 High Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $750,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 Street General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 4, 52 High Street Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $550,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 5, 56 High Street Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $550,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 6, 57-59 High Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $550,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 Street General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 7, 61 High Street Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $250,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Maple Commons Building 9, 86-92 School Maple Green Limited Partnership (Maple Green LLC its N/A $550,000.00 N/A 3/15/2018 Street General Partner)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Mason Square Apartments - Indian Mason Square Apartments Limited Partnership (Mason Square $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Motocycle Building #3 & #4 (east end) & Building #6 LLC its GP)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Mason Square Apartments - Indian Mason Square Apartments Limited Partnership (Mason Square $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Motocycle Building #3 & #4 (east end) & Building #6, 851- LLC its GP) 891 State Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Mason Square Apartments - Indian Mason Square Apartments Limited Partnership (Mason Square $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Motocycle Building #3 & #4 (east end) & Building #6, 851- LLC its GP) 891 State Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Mason Square Apartments II - Indian Mason Square Apartments II Limited Partnership (Mason $400,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Motocycle Building #4 (West End) Square II LLC its GP)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Mason Square Apartments II - Indian Mason Square Apartments II Limited Partnership (Mason $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Motocycle Building #4 (West End), 851-891 State Street Square II LLC its GP)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Mason Square Apartments II - Indian Mason Square Apartments II Limited Partnership (Mason $400,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Motocycle Building #4 (West End), 851-891 State Street Square II LLC its GP)

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, New Court Terrace: William Lay Block, 84- Way Finders, Inc. $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A 88 Byers Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Parsons Apartment House, 169 Maple Facta Non Verba, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Parsons Apartment House, 169 Maple Facta Non Verba, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Springfield Innovation Center (Trinity Block), Develop Springfield, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A 270-276 Bridge Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Springfield Innovation Center (Trinity Block), Develop Springfield, Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A 270-276 Bridge Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Springfield Innovation Center (Trinity Block), Develop Springfield, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A 270-276 Bridge Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Springfield YMCA, 122 Chestnut Street 3 Chestnut, LLC $250,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Springfield YMCA, 122 Chestnut Street 3 Chestnut, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, The Saint James, 573 State Street/5 Oak St. James Commons Apartments Limited Partnership by St. N/A $900,000.00 N/A 11/26/2018 Street ames Commons Apartments, LLC

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Van Der Heyden Apartments, 774 State Van Der Heyden Associates LP $250,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Van Der Heyden Apartments, 774 State Van Der Heyden Associates LP $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Wigglesworth Building, 7 Lillian Street/23 St. James Commons Apartments Limited Partnership by St. N/A $500,000.00 N/A 11/26/2018 Oak Street ames Commons Apartments, LLC

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, William G. Newell House/Hiram M. French Maple Redevelopment LLC $40,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Row Houses, 182 Maple Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, William N. Newton House/Hiram M. French Maple Redevelopment LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Row Houses, 180 Maple Street b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Willy's Overland Block, 151-157 Chestnut Chestnut Acquisitions, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Springfield, Willy's Overland Block, 151-157 Chestnut Chestnut Acquisitions, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Monsignor James Coyle High School/Taunton SCG Development Partners LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Catholic Middle School, 61 Summer Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Monsignor James Coyle High School/Taunton SCG Development Partners LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Catholic Middle School, 61 Summer Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 13-19 Main Street Taunton Antiquies Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 13-19 Main Street Taunton Antiquies Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 13-19 Main Street Taunton Antiquies Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 1-7 Main Street Union Block Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 1-7 Main Street Union Block Realty Trust $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 21-25 Main Street 21 Main Street Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 21-25 Main Street 21 Main Street Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 27-31 Main Street The 27-31 Main Street Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Union Block - 27-31 Main Street The 27-31 Main Street Realty Trust $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Walker School, 135 Berkley Street Walker School LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Walker School, 135 Berkley Street Walker School LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Taunton, Walker School, 135 Berkley Street Walker School LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Uxbridge, The Virginia Blanchard School, 65 Hartford Blanchard School LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Avenue East b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Westborough, The Arcade Building, 1 West Main Street Holbrook Investments Realty Trust, c/o Stonegate Group N/A $50,000.00 N/A 10/24/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Westfield, Moseley School Apartments, 25 Dartmouth Domus Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Westfield, Moseley School Apartments, 25 Dartmouth Domus Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Westford, Building 9, Abbot Mill, 1 Pleasant Street Abbot Mill II, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Westford, Building 9, Abbot Mill, 1 Pleasant Street Abbot Mill II, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Westford, Building 9, Abbot Mill, 1 Pleasant Street Abbot Mill II, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester , Bancroft Hotel, 50 Franklin Street 50 Franklin LLC $400,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, 98 Beacon Street 98 Beacon LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, 98 Beacon Street 98 Beacon LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Abby's House, 52 High Street Abby Kelley Foster House Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Abby's House, 52 High Street Abby Kelley Foster House Inc. $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Abby's House, 52 High Street Abby Kelley Foster House Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Bancroft Hotel, 50 Franklin Street Fifty Franklin, LLC $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Bancroft Hotel, 50 Franklin Street Fifty Franklin, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Central Building, 322-332 Main Street The Central Building Development Group LLC $200,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Central Building, 322-332 Main Street The Central Building Development Group LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Central Building, 322-332 Main Street The Central Building Development Group LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Cheney-Ballard Building, 517 Main Street Five Seventeen Main, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Duprey Building, 16 Norwich Street Wallachia LLC N/A $250,000.00 N/A 12/11/2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Houghton Building, 82 Franklin Street Worcester Franklin Holdings LLC $50,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Houghton Building, 82 Franklin Street Worcester Franklin Holdings LLC N/A $700,000.00 N/A 2018

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Indian Hill School, 155 Ararat Street North Village Lofts LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, MJ Whittall, Mill Building #2, 6 Brussels MJ Whittall, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Park Building, 507 Main Street Main Five Zero Seven, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Park Building, 507 Main Street Main Five Zero Seven, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Park Building, 507 Main Street Main Five Zero Seven, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Paul Revere Life Insurance Company Paul Revere Chestnut Redevelopment LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Building, 18 Chestnut Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Paul Revere Life Insurance Company Paul Revere Chestnut Redevelopment LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Building, 18 Chestnut Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Quinsigamond Firehouse, 15 Blackstone Quinsigamond Firehouse LLC $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A River Road

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Quinsigamond Firehouse, 15 Blackstone Quinsigamond Firehouse LLC $50,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A River Road

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Swedish Lutheran Home for the Aged (Henry Worcester Health Group, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Goulding Mansion), 26 Harvard Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Swedish Lutheran Home for the Aged (Henry Worcester Health Group, LLC $300,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Goulding Mansion), 26 Harvard Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Swedish Lutheran Home for the Aged (Henry Worcester Health Group, LLC $200,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Goulding Mansion), 26 Harvard Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, T.J. Barrett Apartment House, 37 Wellington HRI Matheson Apartments LLC $80,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A b) Details of Transferable or Refundable Tax Credits

Amount of the Authorized Tax Date that Authorized Tax Credit Credit: Was: Period Administering Agency: Tax Credit Program Project Name/Title Identity of the Taxpayer Receiving an Authorized Credit: Covered:

Awarded Issued Awarded Issued

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, The Buckingham, 91 Murray Avenue HRI Matheson Apartments LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, The Florence, 49 Wellington Street HRI Matheson Apartments LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, The Kensington, 87 Murray Avenue HRI Matheson Apartments LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, The Windsor, 720 Main Street HRI Matheson Apartments LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, W.E. Hall Apartment House, 45 Wellington HRI Matheson Apartments LLC $80,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Street

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester Boys Club, 2 Ionic Avenue Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston, Inc. $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester Boys Club, 2 Ionic Avenue Arts & Business Council Real Estate, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester Boys Club, 2 Ionic Avenue Arts & Business Council Real Estate, LLC $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester Boys' Club, Lincoln Square B & G Club Redevelopment LLC by Preservation Worcester $100,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Inc.

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester Boys' Club, Lincoln Square B & G Club Redevelopment LLC by Preservation Worcester $100,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Inc.

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester Boys' Club, Lincoln Square B & G Club Redevelopment LLC by Preservation Worcester $100,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Inc.

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester County Courthouse, 2 Main Street Trinity Worcester Courthouse Limited Partnership $800,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, Worcester County Courthouse, 2 Main Street Trinity Worcester Courthouse Limited Partnership $800,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, YWCA of Worcester, One Salem Square Young Women's Christian Association of Central $300,000.00 N/A 4/19/2018 N/A Massachusetts, Inc.

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, YWCA of Worcester, One Salem Square Young Women's Christian Association of Central $400,000.00 N/A 7/26/2018 N/A Massachusetts, Inc.

Massachusetts Historical Commission 2018 Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Worcester, YWCA of Worcester, One Salem Square Young Women's Christian Association of Central $300,000.00 N/A 12/21/2018 N/A Massachusetts, Inc.