Here is an offer you won’t want to refuse…it’s a chance to have a positive impact on CBT—all without having to do a thing.

What if YOU could save CBT money every single month going forward? What if YOU could save CBT volunteers’ time and effort every single month going forward?

You’d do it, right? Sure you would!

Well, it’s not a dream or a wish; it’s reality and it will begin in March! Here are the details:

The Bulletin you are reading is the last one CBT will mail via the United States Postal Service. Instead, everyone in the congregation will take the lead of some congregants who are already receiving their monthly Bulletins electronically. Here’s the procedure to follow, beginning with the March Bulletin:

--Use any device you prefer (smart phone, laptop computer, desktop computer, tablet). --Log in to www.cbtfv.org. --Click on “CBT Bulletins.” --Click on the month and year for the Bulletin you would like to read. --Read it, or if you prefer, print the Bulletin and read the hard copy at your leisure.

Consider the impact of not mailing hundreds of sixteen-page Bulletins every single month:

--No postage expense. Imagine the positive impact on the CBT budget! --No paper expense. Think about the positive impact on the CBT budget and the environment! (Each printed Bulletin requires MANY pieces of paper, 11 times a year. The cost of the paper is over $500 a year.) --Greater time flexibility for volunteers who compose and edit the Bulletin. --No volunteer time necessary to assemble the Bulletin. --No volunteer time necessary to deliver the Bulletin to the post office.

Contact the CBT office at 714-963-4611 or [email protected] with questions. Contact CBT President Shellie Halprin at [email protected] with your feedback.

Let’s join arms as we march into the 21st century and do a mitzvah for CBT at the same time!

If you must have a paper copy mailed to you, contact the CBT office at 714-963-4611 to let us know.

February 2018 16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 Volume 42 Number 2


We offer a Mi Shebeirach Shabbat Services prayer for all who are ill at every Shabbat service. Call This is Your Page

the office, 714- Share your simchas and sorrows with 963-4611, to have a prayer your friends at CBT. Let Rabbi Young offered for yourself, a or the office know about happy events Feb. 2 Family Shabbat member of your family, or to share in our Mazel Talk section. Service 6:30 PM a friend. Names will be If you notify us about the death of a placed on the list for a family member, we will publish the Feb. 9 Brotherhood Shabbat period of two months. name in our In Sympathy section. We also want to know if you or a family Service 7:30 PM member or friend is ill and should be included on the Mi Shebeirach list. Feb. 16 Tot Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat Service 7:30 PM IN SYMPATHY The Congregation extends its condolences to:

Feb. 23 Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Mark (Ilene) Levine, on the loss of his father, Cy Levine

May the source of peace grant consolation to all who are bereaved.

The congregation extends a heartfelt thank you to members and friends who host our Ongei Shabbat. Let us know if you need a partner to help host an Oneg. Call the synagogue office at 714-963-4611 or email [email protected]. Feb. 2 — Available for sponsorship

Feb. 9 — Available for sponsorship

Feb. 16 — Available for sponsorship

Feb. 23 — Marteen and Alan Levin in honor of the Anti-Defamation League

Adult Education and Programs ...... 6 Ongei Shabbat ...... 2 Sister to Sister ...... 9 Advertising Supporters ...... 14, 15 President’s Message ...... 4 Thank Yous ...... 5 Birthdays and Anniversaries ...... 7 Rabbi Young’s Message ...... 3 Tzedakah ...... 12, 13 Brotherhood Beat ...... 6 Reminders ...... 16

16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018

The Amalekites are the eternal bad guys of the Bible. They attack a thirsty, exhausted, confused Israel just after they escape Egypt (Exodus 17:8ff). God commands us to blot out their name from under heaven (Deuteronomy 25:19) because of this attack. They perform raids against the Israelites, ravaging the land just after they sowed their crops and making it impossible to sustain themselves with their harvest (Judges 6:3-5). King Samuel attacks Amalek, and kills everyone but King Agag, for which he is scolded by God for not wiping them out utterly (I Sam 15:2ff).

On , the villain is “, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite” ( 3:1), presumably a direct descendant of King Agag, and therefore an Amalekite. This line provides the rationale behind swinging our graggers in the air, shouting, booing, and stomping our feet (especially if you write the word “Haman” on the soles of your shoes) whenever we hear Haman’s name read from the . Since we are commanded to blot out the Amalekites’ name, and Haman is an Amalekite, we try not to let his name even be heard.

So it would seem that the evil antagonist of our Purim story is the heir to a long line of malicious nogoodniks that goes back to the wicked Amalekites who attacked the Israelites for no reason. That is, unless we look a little deeper. The Talmud asks the question, “What made the Amalekites attack the Israelites in the first place?” Its answer comes in the form of a Midrash:

Timna, a princess from Hor, yearned to join the tribe of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but they did not accept her. So she went to Esau and said, “I would rather be a servant to your people than a princess of another nation.” Esau heeded her request and gave her to his son, Eliphaz, as a concubine. Timna then bore Amalek, he who greatly afflicted Israel. And why did this come to pass? Because the patriarchs should not have rejected her for no reason. B. Sanhedrin 99b

Of course, we have no idea what the reason was that Amalek attacked. We do not know if there even was an inciting incident that made them hate Israel with such venom. But the Rabbis of the Talmud ask that we understand there is always something behind what we perceive as animosity. The Amalekites surely did not believe they were doing something evil. Perhaps they thought they were punishing a proud and vain people who rejected their ancestor for no reason. Those who disagree with us or even do things that we see as working against us must not be labeled as evil, or else we might be blind to the truth that lies behind their actions, and the pain they may have suffered that might cause them to act as they do, or believe as they do.

Purim is all about keeping our identities masked. Let us use the lesson of Timna to remember to always attempt to unmask the intentions of others before we judge them.

If you want to unmask details of our own Al Hanissim Purim celebration with TBS and TBT at CBT, look to page 11 for more information.


One of CBT’s most treasured traditions is upon us – Purimspiel!!! I made the decision (or was I coerced?) to become involved in CBT’s Purimspiel in 2012. The theme that year was “Broadway” and was Rabbi Einstein’s final official appearance before retiring from his illustrious spiel career. (He did, however, make a small cameo appearance the following year as one of the Beatles.) We presented him with gifts, including the now-famous Golden Plunger, I mean Scepter. I’ve never regretted a moment spent with other CBTers as we rehearse, laugh, sing, and over-act together. I took a year off last year, but I missed it so much that I’ve come back for a role in the chorus. It’s such great fun and gives each of us a chance to be a ham – the bigger, the better!

Purim spiels, (which comes from a Yiddish word meaning “play”) have been performed popularly throughout Ashkenazic Jewry since the mid-1500s. Public reenactments took the form of a poetic monologue or a story portrayed by several actors. They usually told the story of Esther, but other biblical stories and midrashim (our sages’ stories to add to the Torah) were also incorporated, along with satire directed at the rabbi, cantor, and community leaders. The Purim spiels were acted primarily by poor people, like students, musicians, dancers, acrobats, and artisans in large venues, like yeshivas, or in the homes of wealthy families, in exchange for money or food. The Jewish Enlightenment of the 18th and 19th centuries brought a new genre of parodies and satirization. The amateur folk quality of the Purim spiel, and its ability to be ever-topical and irreverent, has guaranteed its survival in and schools to this day.

Performing the Purim spiel in its current form began at CBT over 25 years ago. Before that, the actual Purim story was acted out by the kids in our youth group (I have a distinct memory of playing Queen Esther in 7th or 8th grade and experiencing a “wardrobe malfunction” that nearly kept me off the stage for good). Our spiels always have a theme, taken from pop culture, notable stage productions, or movies. The scripts have been written by our own Gerald Fleischmann, Eve Gumpel, Jay Seiden, Cantor Ecker, and Rabbi Young, or have been purchased from nationally known spiel writer, Norman Roth. Our rabbis and cantors over the years have always participated and lent us their talents, which is perfect since many have had singing and acting experience! Our current director, Jay Seiden, has been performing in CBT’s spiel since 1996, and began directing in 2011, when the theme was Grease. He works tirelessly, despite being a CPA during tax season, and we are so very grateful and fortunate to have him.

A sampling of themes over the past 23 years includes Disney, Surfin’ Songs, Broadway (twice), El Nino, Beatles (twice), Motown, Frank Sinatra, Rock ‘n Roll, Television, Opera, Oklahoma, Les Miz, Grease, Guys and Dolls, Spamalot, Queen, and West Side Story.

This year, Purim comes on Wednesday, February 28, and our spielers are preparing for a fun and entertaining evening. This year’s theme – the Megillah According to the Muppets – will include cheesy acting, familiar songs with Purim-themed lyrics, and lots of merry-making! Our service, megillah reading, and spiel will begin at 7:00 PM. Bring your grogger, come in costume, and be ready to make a l’chaim or two (responsibly, of course)!

Chag sameach, Shellie Halprin, President


16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018

Mark your calendar! SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, March 18 at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary Agenda: CBT Constitution Revisions

The Board of Directors invites you to a special session dedicated entirely to reviewing a spectrum of revisions to our Constitution, which defines the guidelines by which we operate as a synagogue. Your input is valuable and necessary. There will be motions to accept the revisions and we require a quorum to vote on any motions, so your attendance is vital. A letter will go out to all congregants approximately one month in advance of the meeting with a summary of the proposed changes. Anyone who wishes to receive a full copy of the Constitution with the proposed changes shown in color may do so in one of the following ways:

• Go to www.cbtfv.org/images/Constitution_Proposed_Revision.pdf and open the document. • Call Yesi in the office and she will email the link to you. • The link will appear in CBT’s weekly emails beginning in mid-February. • A limited number of paper copies will be available in the CBT office beginning in mid-February for those who do not have access to a computer or color printer. If you have any questions, please contact Shellie Halprin at [email protected].


The Shalom Squad of Greeters and Ushers for January were Bob Collen, Gary Hopkins, Martin Heimlich, Gerald Fleischmann, Stephanie Korenberg, Shana Winokur, Holly Gordon, and Pam Zinner.

Many thanks to them all!





Tuesdays, 4:30 PM Marlene Churgel Smith Hebrew Class. Class is ongoing.

Tuesdays, 7:00 PM to 7:55 PM Dwight Borses Canon, Apocrypha, and Pseudepigrapha facilitated by Dwight Borses. The class continues to examine various specific hidden and pseudonymous Jewish texts that were not included in the Tanakh.

Tuesdays, 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM Rabbi Young Talmud 101

Saturdays, 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM Rabbi Young Torah Study Join us for a line-by-line study of the Torah.

Heather and Gary Miller are excited to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcy Miller, to Michael Pechman, son of Karen and Paul Pechman, from Scarsdale, New York. Marcy, a graduate of UC Davis, works on the Strategy and Innovation team at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Michael graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and works at Thrive Capital on improving business operations with the firm’s portfolio companies.

The couple met in San Francisco at a mutual friend’s Passover Seder. They started dating in October 2014 and have been inseparable ever since. They currently live in New York City and keep very busy with their work, working out, and traveling together. They are planning a spring 2019 wedding and couldn’t be more thrilled!


16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018

Brotherhood's big event for February will be Sweetheart Night on February 17 at 7:00 PM in the CBT Social Hall. Don't be misled by the event's title. We would LOVE for everyone to come! The evening will feature live music from The Copy Cats, who play '50s rockabilly and rock and roll songs from artists like Johnny Cash, Ritchie Valens, and Buddy Holly, and a catered dinner of tri-tip, chicken, and sides by Newport Rib Company, and dessert by Polly's Pies. Dancing to the music is highly suggested! Admission is only $18 per person and must be paid to CBT Brotherhood by February 12. Such a deal! Thanks to Lari Davis and Maury Shulman for setting up the event. Please see the event flyer in the CBT lobby for additional information.

On February 9, Brotherhood members will take part in the Shabbat service under the direction of Rabbi Stephen J. Einstein and coordination by Al Davidson, our religious practices chairman. During the service, this year's CBT Brotherhood Man of the Year will be announced by Al, last year’s Man of the Year. The winner will be honored by the Southwest Area Men of Reform Judaism, a regional brotherhood group, on March 10 at a dinner at Temple Beth Tikvah in Fullerton along with winners from other synagogues. The dinner is open to all CBT members at $40 per person. RSVPs with menu choices (chicken, salmon, or vegetarian) and checks payable to MRJ-West are due by February 23 and must be sent to Mike Kibel directly or to CBT to Mike's attention. All Brotherhood members and congregants are urged to attend Brotherhood Shabbat on February 9 to find out who will be named this year's Man of the Year and to be on hand to congratulate the winner. Please also plan on attending the dinner event to help support CBT's Man of the Year!

Brotherhood enjoyed an afternoon of billiards and bowling at Fountain Bowl on January 21. On March 4, Brotherhood will be packing and mailing candles to the entire congregation in commemoration of Yom HaShoah. Later in March, Brotherhood will tour California Faucets’ manufacturing plant, owned by Brotherhood member and CBT Past-President Fred Silverstein. More information will be available as we get closer to the event. All CBTers are invited to attend.

As announced in January's Bulletin, Brotherhood member Martin Heimlich donated to CBT the funds to purchase a defibrillator or AED, in memory of his wife, Isabelle Ruth Heimlich, and his son, Paul Andrew Heimlich. The AED was installed in late January in the Social Hall. A number of synagogue leaders were trained on the use of the machine. Brotherhood committed to underwriting the maintenance and bi- annual training on the use of the machine. Thank you to Brotherhood's Martin Heimlich and Gary Miller for coordinating the effort to bring this valuable device to CBT.

Martin, our membership chairman, reports a total of 51 paid-up Brotherhood members, a new high in recent years. He adds that men joining or rejoining CBT are honorary members of Brotherhood during their first year and are encouraged to come to Brotherhood events and get to know the guys.

Speaking of members, we now have the youngest member ever. Aiden Cohen, age six, son of Brandi Cohen, asked to join and was granted an honorary membership. Welcome to the Brotherhood, Aiden!


February Birthdays and Anniversaries

2 Mark Winnik 11 Sherri Coons 19 Sheldon Liebman 3 Paige Dubrow 11 Rochelle Kaplan 20 Maia Manley 3 Steve Gilbert 11 Ava Orsbern 20 Bonnie Rogoff 3 Andrew Kessler 12 Ronald Krasnitz 21 Mira Adler 3 Rebecca Yaël Schorr 13 Mark Kopit 21 Alice Castillo 4 William Braverman 13 Steve Ostrin 21 Robin Einstein 1 Rod Fruchter and Roberta 4 Cindy Cole 13 Wendy Selin 21 Andrew Mars Fruchter-Reaoch 4 Lyra Miller 13 Lois Shernoff 22 Lari Davis 8 Brian and Trish Ofner 5 Cindy Kolsin 15 Kalynn Gordon 22 Jenna Sagan 14 Michael and Gloria Zwibel 5 Jay Spencer 15 Miriam McGorrin 23 Raquel Bonilla 15 Douglas and Mary Alice Bendell 7 Amy Taxin 15 Eddie Priesand 24 Beverly Pastore 15 Michael and Susan Kibel 8 Carol Bloom 15 Alexander Young 25 Gerald Fleischmann 20 Kelvin and Georgia Thompson 8 Ezra Leonard Fruchter 16 Gita Fisher 25 William Geltman 21 Mort and Phyllis Fried 9 Phyllis Fried 17 Joshua Garcia 24 Larry and Terry Schnitzer 9 Edith Gollay 17 Carole Gordon-Willis 9 Michael Wellborn 17 Jonathan Zinner 10 Deborah Biebelberg 18 Jacob Singer 10 Keith Kushner 19 Tina Bauer

Congregation B’nai Tzedek Funds To make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one or friend, select the fund that you prefer and fill in the donor card below. Send it to the CBT office with your donation.

General Fund, Music Fund, Yahrzeit Fund, Rabbi Stephen J. Einstein Youth Education Fund, Rabbi Young’s Discretionary Fund, Serena Gore Memorial Campership Fund, Iris and Mel Kaplan Adult Education Fund, Mildred Kessler Chesed Fund, Torah Fund, Library Fund, Building Fund, Betty Silverman Memorial Fund, Richard and Meta G. Windmiller NFTY Fund, Temple Beautification Fund, Social Action Fund, Lillian Rubin Adat Noar Scholarship Fund, Outreach Fund, Prayer Book Fund, and Oneg Fund.

I would like to make a donation of $ ______to the ______Fund

In Memory of: ______

In Honor of: ______

Please send a card to: ______

Address: ______

Donor’s Name: ______Donor’s Address: ______

City, State, Zip:______CBT donor acknowledgement required? ____Y ____N 8

16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018 Sister to Sister

Ladies’ Night Out For the shortest month of the year, we’re planning a Ladies’ Night Out at Olive Garden. Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 22, at 6:00 PM. Relax and enjoy comforting Italian food and a hamisch time together with your CBT sisters. RSVP to Cindy Hirsch at [email protected] no later than Friday, February 16.

Mitzvah Day Project? Mitzvah Day is Sunday, April 15. Sisterhood is always an enthusiastic participant during Mitzvah Day. Contact Brandi Cohen at 714-614-5006 or [email protected], if you have an idea for a Mitzvah Day project.

Mah Jongg Madness Heather Miller is planning another Mah Jongg tournament. July’s tournament was an unqualified success, so stay tuned for the date and details. If you don’t know how to play, join our Mah Jongg Monday group, held each week from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Previews of upcoming events Watch this space for details on Roberta Harris’ personalized presentation about ovarian cancer and Sisterhood’s reprise of last year’s Quartermania event. Quartermania is a cross between an auction and a raffle, where you use quarters to bid on various items. If the auctioneer picks your number and you bid on that item, you win.

Celebrating the Trees Sisterhood celebrated the New Year for Trees with its annual Harriette Herman Memorial Tu B’shevat Seder, ably led by Director of Religious School Education, April Akiva. In addition to partaking of the fruits and nuts abundant in Israel and tasting four cups of wine, Sisterhood collected cans of fruits and nuts for the needy. As always, a heartfelt thank you to Barbara Stein for organizing the Seder in honor of her mother.



SAVE THESE DATES! MITZVAH DAY 2018 is Sunday, April 15, 8:00 AM-2:00 PM. If you would like to be on the planning committee, please contact Amy Kaskel at [email protected]. Our first meeting is Sunday, February 4, at 10:00 AM in the CBT Library.

DINNER PREP AND SERVICE AT THE RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE IN ORANGE on Thursday, May 10, 4:00 PM-8:00 PM. If you would like to participate, please contact Amy Kaskel at [email protected]. Open to 12 people, ages 13 and over.

Dear CBT Congregants, Thank you for your continuing support of our Suppers4Shul fundraisers. The totals for 2017 are in! Together, we earned $2,786.14! We are delighted to announce that Shana Winokur has volunteered to be our new Suppers4Shul Coordinator.

Watch for information from Shana about the many opportunities you’ll have to support CBT, just by eating!


16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018

Once again, we are joining forces with Temple Beth Sholom and Temple Beth Tikvah for a celebration of the miracles of our holiday cycle. On February 28, Erev Purim will begin at CBT at 7:00 PM. We will hold an abbreviated evening service, then enjoy time drinking and taking in the megillah reading/spiel combo. The current working title is “The Muppet Megillah,” and we leaned on a pre-written script acquired for us by Albert Davidson, wrote some new songs for it, and look forward to sharing it with “CBTBTBS” that evening. On Saturday, March 3, we will travel to TBS for an adults-only Purim party. We will begin the evening with an abbreviated Megillah reading and a couple of songs from the spiel, and then we will enjoy food, drink, and some sort of entertainment with the three communities. We will start the evening at 7:00 PM. More details to come.




Al, Zipora, and Arielle Shifberg-Mencher ……………..In memory of Zipora’s mother, Aliza Shifberg


Martin Heimlich ………………………………………..In memory of Isabelle Ruth Heimlich, Paul Andrew Heimlich, Mildred Hoppin, and Irving Hoppin Richard and Alyssa Colodny …………………………...In memory of Betty Kroker Richard and Alyssa Colodny ………………………….. In honor of Gabriel Young’s Bar Mitzvah Richard and Alyssa Colodny …………………………...In honor of Mike Tucker and Karlee Hughes Mindy Edberg …………………………………………..In memory of Rubin Haftarczyk and Sender L. Edberg Adeline Klempner ………………………………………In memory of Robert Klempner Eve Gumpel


Al, Zipora, and Arielle Shifberg-Mencher ……………..In memory of Al’s mother, Irma Natalie Mencher


Stephen and Sandra Maybaum and Family ……………In memory of Herbert Rosenfeld Stephen and Sandra Maybaum and Family ……………In memory of Alvan Crumb Eve Gumpel


Ben and Carol Colodny ………………………………...In memory of Annette Grawoig Eve Gumpel


Sue Rosen …………………………………………..…..In memory of father, Albert G. Myers Sue Rosen ………………………………………………In memory of brother, Albert G. Myers Jr. Sue Rosen ………………………………………………In memory of brother, Walter Myers Sue Rosen ………………………………………………In memory of Clarice Rappeport Rosen, mother of Charles Rosen, remembered by Sue Rosen


16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018

continued TZEDAKAH


Marilen Steiger ………………………………………………..In honor of Isabella Ann Lopez’s 1st birthday


Arnold and Mira Adler ………………………………………..In memory of Rita Montgomery Barbara, Michele, Steve Horowitz and Family ……………….In memory of Jean Silverman Rabbi Stephen and Robin Einstein ………………………...….In memory of Selma Einstein and Ester Frankel Tania Klugman ………………………………………………..In memory of Fanny Klugman


Joe Rotcher ……………………………………………………In memory of Fay Rotcher Bernard Kessler ……………………………………………….In memory of Al Lassoff David and Patti Duner …………………………………...……In memory of Jason Levine Barbara, Michele, Steve Horowitz and Family …………...…...In memory of Jean Silverman Larry Kutinsky …………………………………………….…..In memory of Blanche Kutinsky Arnold and Mira Adler ……………………………….……….In memory of Charles Adler and Morris Steiner Marcia McReynolds …………………………………………...In memory of Dorothy Band Harris and Eileen Stutman …………………………………….In memory of Dorothy Letson Martin Heimlich ……………………………………………….In memory of Isabelle Ruth Heimlich, Paul Andrew Heimlich, Mildred Hoppin, and Irving Hoppin Ivan and Marcia Kass …………………………………………In honor of the birth of our granddaughter, Gracie Ella Kass Steve and Cathy Gilbert ………………………………………In appreciation of Rabbi Young Susie Katz, Linda Woodberry, Jay and Susanne Seiden, Sue Gelerter, and Jeff and Cindy Kolsin ………………...……For donating Chanukah gift cards Bienstock Family ……………………………………………...In memory of Cleo M. Phillips Susan Ruth Gelerter …………………………………………...In memory of Irving Gelerter Avi and Rachel Peri …………………………………………...In celebration of life and health


Mike and Myrna Capsuto ……………………………………..In memory of Elias Capsuto Linda Goldsheft ……………………………………………….In memory of Freda (Babs) and Al Naim Mort and Phyllis Fried ………………………………………...In memory of Stella Fried The Kaskel Family …………………………………………….In memory of Neal T. Kaskel Jerry and Diana Kaufman ……………………………………..In memory of Nadine Sue Kaufman Stan and Renie Bassin ………………………………………...In memory of father, Yale Bassin


[email protected]

Shalom and Good Wishes from California Faucets

Fred and Sonia Silverstein


16 Shevat — 13 Adar 5778 February 2018

I m a g i n e … Your Ad Here

Email Michelle Matusoff to find out how to make that happen.

[email protected] 15

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Upcoming Events SAC Monthly Movie Matinee February 5, 2018

Brotherhood Shabbat Service February 9, 2018

Suppers4Shul at BJ’s Restaurant February 12, 2018

Experience Mishkan HaNefesh March 4, 2018

Suppers4Shul at Dickey’s Barbeque Pit March 12, 2018

Family Campout April 6—8, 2018

CBT Spring Fundraiser April 21, 2018

Trip to Israel April 25—May 6, 2018

The Bulletin is published monthly by: Winter Office Hours:

Congregation B’nai Tzedek Monday ...... 9:00 AM ...... to ...... 5:00 PM 9669 Talbert Avenue Tuesday ...... 11:00 AM ...... to ...... 5:00 PM Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Wednesday ...... 9:00 AM ...... to ...... 5:00 PM Thursday ...... 11:00 AM ...... to ...... 5:00 PM Rabbi ...... David N. Young Friday ...... 9:00 AM ...... to ...... 2:00 PM Cantorial Soloist ...... Jenna Sagan Saturday ...... Closed Director of Education ...... April Akiva Sunday ...... Closed Founding Rabbi Emeritus ...... Stephen J. Einstein Bulletin Advertising Rate Cantor Emerita ...... Linda Ecker Ad Size Per Issue Annual Office Manager ...... Yesi Barreto Bookkeeper ...... Lisa Alvarez Business card ...... $ 25...... $ 270 Office phone ...... 714-963-4611 1/4 page ...... $ 50...... $ 540 Fax ...... 714-968-2521 1/2 page ...... $ 100 ...... $ 1080 Full page ...... $ 200 ...... $ 2160 Congregation B’nai Tzedek is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR A LIST OF ALL EVENTS: WWW.CBTFV.ORG

The deadline for bulletin articles and advertisements is the first of the month prior to the month of publication. The deadline for flyers is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. E-mail articles and flyers to [email protected]. 16