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This article originally ran in November Intwo friends and longtime collaborators — and , fresh off success of their recent project Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind — founded a Studio Ghibli that would change animation as we know it. For the Studio Ghibli three decades, Studio Ghibli Ghibli went on to produce some of the most critically acclaimed and financially successful films in its home country of Japan, many of them the highest-grossing Studio Ghibli in the country for the years they were released. Their reach would extend far beyond Japan: Studio Ghibli Ghibli influenced animators and live-action filmmakers around the world. It makes films that appeal to a wide demographic by refusing to talk down to children and allowing adults to explore their own feelings in unexpected ways. Studio Ghibli just under four decades, Studio Ghibli has made arguably a dozen films that could legitimately be called masterpieces. So, how does one begin to compare some of the best films ever made? Take the list below Studio Ghibli the awareness that nearly all of them are worth your time and differences in position are incredibly minute. No one makes movies like Ghibli. A quick note: We are counting Nausicaawhich is technically not a Ghibli film but led to its foundation and has Studio Ghibli reclaimed as such over the years. We are not counting Castle of Cagliostromade before that, even though it was directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Arguably the only true dud in the Studio Ghibli catalogue is this very loose adaptation Studio Ghibli the beloved Earthsea series of books by Ursula K. Le Guin. Based on the of the same name, The Cat Returns gives the magical cat named Baron from Whisper another adventure when he meets Haru, a shy girl who has the ability to talk to cats. Themes of identity and embracing, rather than repressing, our gifts are woven through an adventure that works relatively well Studio Ghibli lacks some of the magic in design and character that defines top-tier Ghibli. Takahata often worked better in a more serious register Grave of the Studio Ghibli, Princess Kaguyaand his sparse visual style when Studio Ghibli to Miyazaki makes for a comedy that feels a little slight. Reportedly, Ocean Waves was a project for younger staff members at Ghibli to work on and to make cheaply, but the result barely shows any inexperience or lack of budget. Tomomi Mochizuki directed this unique entry in the Ghibli canon in that it contains nary a sign of fantasy or magical storytelling. digs deep into Japanese folklore regarding raccoons and their ability to transform themselves Studio Ghibli hide in plain sight. Takahata employs different styles to tell his story, sometimes sketching realistic raccoons and sometimes anthropomorphic creatures. The story revolves around a suburban development threatening the natural world outside Tokyo and the limited resources human beings have a habit of devouring. The image of a flag flying high in the breeze, trying to communicate across the miles to sailors far away is haunting. While the story of the likable Umi and Shun works well enough as teen drama with a few interesting twists, what resonates is the concept of a young girl Studio Ghibli the naval language of flags to, in Studio Ghibli end, try to communicate with an entire lost generation of fathers killed in combat. Yonebayashi and his team use perspective in a way that makes the ordinary seem extraordinary, giving the whole experience the sheen of a classic fairy tale. It is bursting with imaginative visuals, even if they sometimes seem to overwhelm the story and characters. Who better to voice a cynical, world- weary WWI pilot who just happens to have been turned into an anthropomorphic pig? The scenes of flying high above the sea are some of the most technically impressive Studio Ghibli this era of Ghibli. In the end, this film has maintained such a loyal following that Miyazaki was talking about making a sequel earlier this decade, although the current in-flux state of Ghibli makes that seem unlikely. Or does she? The classic tune plays a major role in this coming-of-age tale that was actually Studio Ghibli first Ghibli production not helmed by Miyazaki or Takahata. Blending fantasy with coming-of-age tropes, Whisper Studio Ghibli a deeply empathetic film, a great example of how even when they were dealing in human nature, the people at Ghibli could find Studio Ghibli. The design of the titular Studio Ghibli is stunning, a remarkable creation in Ghibli history, and every image seems to be nearly bursting with visual flourishes. There are frames in this film filled with detail, almost to a cluttering degree, Studio Ghibli Miyazaki brings his fairy-tale Studio Ghibli back to what people love about Ghibli while maintaining one of his most strident messages. Miyazaki reportedly opposed the war in Iraq and made this film in Studio Ghibli — a story of how violence shapes the landscape and can destroy the human soul. Ghibli was suddenly a household name outside Japan, with a lot of its hits of this era resonating with an older, fantasy-driven audience Howl, Mononoke, Spirited. This is a wonderful entry point into the world of Studio Ghibli for very young viewers, with Studio Ghibli bright colors to keep toddlers entertained and a heartwarming-enough story to make their parents smile too. Miyazaki has been said to have enjoyed drawing the sea and waves, and you can feel his heart beating in a lot of this lovely film. After all, we know that these dreams will lead to nightmares, and Miyazaki took some flak for one of the few times in his career for not making this film sufficiently antiwar. It is about a dreamer who is forced to be a realist. Maybe it was only yesterday. Their Studio Ghibli either need saving or need to stand on their own. As Kiki makes friends along her journey, Miyazaki and his team deftly capture that in-between time in which a young person Studio Ghibli carving out an identity but reliant on adults at the same time. The movie opens with a disturbing scene in which a boarlike Studio Ghibli has been infected by a bullet. The invention of man has disturbed the natural balance of things. It is Miyazaki in a deeply philosophical mode, not making a didactic message movie about taking care of the Earth as much as asking questions about agency, human Studio Ghibli, and moral complexity. Here, we have the theme of destruction of the natural world, how we relate to those different than ourselves, and even some of the visual motifs that would recur for the next three decades. It is Studio Ghibli old-fashioned adventure tale, and it set the foundation for masterpieces Studio Ghibli come. Let me stay a little longer! Just a little longer, to feel the joy of living in this place! Studio Ghibli clear culmination of themes he had explored throughout his career, this is a film that feels simple at first: an old-fashioned fairy tale about a magical girl who grows up quickly. It is like a lovely musical composition for a single instrument — you can hear every heartbreaking note. They lose their mother early in the film after a bombing and face hunger, disease, and worse as Studio Ghibli world around them almost crumbles to dust. You will find two of the most unforgettable animated characters in history. Animation trains the viewer to expect magic, but none comes for Setsuko and Seita, making their tragic end all the more haunting. Studio Ghibli animated films are called magical, but this one truly lives up to that word. Every parent should pick a day and make their young kids watch . They see it as something essential to human life, something beyond our control yet more essential than mere imagination. And Totoro remains one of the Studio Ghibli iconic characters of modern animation. He has taken on a life much bigger than just one film, appearing on Ghibli merchandise for decades now. People hold Studio Ghibli up with beloved Disney animated movies in a Studio Ghibli that makes it feel more a part of cultural history than anything released this millennium. It distills everything we love about Studio Ghibli into one experience. Second, it presents a willful yet vulnerable female protagonist. No animated studio comes close in the department of empowering stories Studio Ghibli young women. Third, it embraces Studio Ghibli in a Studio Ghibli that makes it feel as essential as breathing, not merely Studio Ghibli. Finally, it contains artistry on a visual level that rivals any animated film. You can take frames from and hang them on your wall, and yet it is never merely an exercise in style. It contains everything we love about Ghibli, from its deep empathy for human fragility to its empowering Studio Ghibli of our need for imaginative, inspirational journeys. Studio Ghibli a subscriber? Log in or link your magazine subscription. Learn More. Account Profile. Sign Out. Tags: the race to animate studio ghibli movies animation vulture lists hayao miyazaki vulture picks More. Most Viewed Stories. Promoted links by Taboola. Studio Ghibli - Wikipedia

Studio Ghibli Inc. Studio Ghibli has also Studio Ghibli with video game studios on the visual development of several video games. Five of Studio Ghibli's films have received Academy Award nominations. Totoro, a character from My Neighbor Totorois the studio's mascot. On August 3,Studio Ghibli temporarily halted production following the retirement of Miyazaki. Studio Ghibli to the formation of the studio, Miyazaki and Takahata had already had long careers in Japanese film and television animation and had worked together on The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince Studio Ghibli the Sun in and the Panda! Go, Panda! A year after his phone call with Takahata and his first encounter with Miyazaki, both about Horushe Studio Ghibli a phone call about the first film Miyazaki ever directed: . The origins Studio Ghibli the film lie in the first two volumes of a serialized manga written by Miyazaki for publication in as a way of generating interest in an version. The studio has mainly produced films by Miyazaki, with the second most prolific director being Takahata most notably with . In their book Anime Classics Zettai! Over the Studio Ghibli, there has been a close relationship between Studio Ghibli and the magazine Animagewhich regularly runs exclusive articles on the studio and its members in a section titled "Ghibli Notes. Saeko Himuro 's novel Umi ga Kikoeru Studio Ghibli serialised in the magazine and subsequently adapted into Ocean WavesStudio Ghibli's only animated feature-length film created for television. Studio Ghibli was directed by Tomomi Mochizuki. The "no cuts" policy was highlighted when Miramax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein suggested editing to make it more marketable. A Studio Ghibli producer is rumoured to have sent an Studio Ghibli Japanese sword with a simple message: "No cuts". Between andStudio Ghibli was a subsidiary brand of Tokuma Shoten; however, that partnership ended in Aprilwhen Studio Ghibli was spun off from Tokuma Shoten and was re-established as an independent company with relocated headquarters. On February 1, stepped down Studio Ghibli the position of Studio Ghibli president, which he had held sinceand Koji Hoshino former president of Walt Disney Japan took over. Suzuki said he wanted to improve films with his own hands as a producer, rather than demanding this from his employees. Suzuki decided to hand over Studio Ghibli presidency to Hoshino because Hoshino has helped Studio Ghibli to sell its videos since and has also aided the release of the Princess Mononoke film in the United States. On Sunday, September 1,Hayao Miyazaki held a press conference in Venice to confirm his retirement, saying: "I know I've said I would retire many times in the past. Many of you must think, 'Once again. The series is computer-animatedproduced by Polygon Picturesand co-produced by Studio Ghibli. In MarchToshio Suzuki retired as producer and assumed the new position of general manager. replaced Suzuki in the producer role. On August 3,Toshio Suzuki announced that Studio Ghibli would take a "brief pause" to re-evaluate and restructure in the wake of Miyazaki's retirement. He stated some concerns about where the company would go in the future. On November 7,Miyazaki stated, "That was not my intention, though. All I did was Studio Ghibli that I would Studio Ghibli retiring and not making any more features. In FebruaryToshio Suzuki announced that Hayao Miyazaki had come out of retirement to direct a new feature film with Studio Ghibli. Hoshino was then appointed as Chairman of Studio Ghibli. Manson International and Showmen, Inc. The voice actors and actresses were not credited and were not even informed of the film's plotline, and the film was heavily edited to market it as a children's action-adventure film Studio Ghibli, although the film received a PG rating just like Disney's later English dub. Most of the characters' names were changed, including the titular character who became Princess Zandra. Dissatisfied with Warriors of the WindStudio Ghibli eventually adopted a strict "no-edits" clause for further foreign releases of the company's films. Carl Macekthe head of Streamline, was disappointed with this dub, deeming it "adequate, but clumsy". Studio Ghibli AprilTroma Filmsunder their 50th St. In the early s, an English dubbed version of Porco Rosso was produced by an unknown company, again for Studio Ghibli Japan Airlines flights. InWalt Disney Studios acquired Studio Ghibli distribution rights to the Studio Ghibli library, with Disney redubbing all previously dubbed Studio Ghibli. It was said to have taken four years for Disney and Studio Ghibli Ghibli to reach a distribution deal. Originally, Studio Ghibli Ghibli films were meant to headline a line of videos called Animation Celebrationhighlighting critically acclaimed animated films from around the world. The film, which Disney passed on to GKIDS due to dealing with potential incest, marked the first time since that Disney handed a Studio Ghibli Ghibli film off to another distributor. Finally, in JulyDisney relinquished its home video rights with the exception of The Wind Riseswhich remained with Disney until due to a distribution clause to GKIDS, which currently handles all theatrical and home media distribution of Ghibli films in North America along with Mary and the Witch's Flower. GKIDS' home media releases have been handled by multiple distributors. Factory has distributed all subsequent releases thus far. Disney formerly held the international sales rights as well until 's purchase in Prior toStudio Ghibli opted not to make its films available digitally, feeling that physical Studio Ghibli and theatrical events like GKIDS ' Studio Ghibli Fest would work more towards their goal of mindful care and curation for their films. Disney had previously lobbied for a streaming deal with Ghibli during their distribution tenure, but such attempts were never materialized. Seven of twenty-one films in the studio's catalogue were released on February Studio Ghibli,with the others following on March 1 and April 1. Most Studio Ghibli the above deals exclude Grave of the Fireflies ; unlike most of the other films, which were published by Tokuma ShotenGrave of the Fireflies Studio Ghibli produced and is owned by Shinchoshawhich also had published the short story it was based on, Studio Ghibli as such, fell into different rights holdings. It was Studio Ghibli released on a two-disc DVD set which once again included both the English dub and the original Japanese with English subtitles as well as the film's storyboards with the second disc containing more extensive Bonus Features on October 8, It was released by Central Park Media one last time on December 7, Go Panda! As a result, the Studio Ghibli has often been rereleased Studio Ghibli marketed as a Studio Ghibli movie. For the purposes of the list below, only films fully produced and released by Studio Ghibli are listed. Other Studio Ghibli productions are Studio Ghibli here. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Japanese animation studio. Romanized name. Koganei, Tokyo. Net income. Three of the four Studio Ghibli of Studio Ghibli. Main article: List of Studio Ghibli works. Retrieved on February 26, Archived from the original on May 8, Retrieved May 3, Archived from the original on July 30, Retrieved September 3, July Anime Classics Zettai. Berkeley California: Stone Bridge Press. Retrieved February 14, Volume 2, No. Page Translated by Animerica from: Takahata, Isao. Originally published in AnimageJune This Studio Ghibli a translation of a conversation between Studio Ghibli and Akiyuki Nosaka. The New Studio Ghibli Times. Retrieved May 28, Retrieved October 11, Studio Ghibli World Magazine. August Archived from the Studio Ghibli on September 29, Retrieved July 19, The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on March 5, Retrieved May 21, Archived from the original on August 20, Retrieved August 12, Archived from the original on December 1, Retrieved April 17, The Guardian. Archived from the original on June 25, Retrieved May 23, There is a rumour that when Harvey Weinstein was charged with Studio Ghibli the US release of Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki sent him a samurai sword in the post. Attached to the blade was a stark message: 'No cuts. Archived from the original on February 2, Studio Ghibli Retrieved February 1, Asia Pacific Arts. OFFICIAL Studio Ghibli Merchandise & Clothing | Ghibli Shop

This is a list of works films, television, shorts etc. These are short films, including those created for television, theatrical release, and the . Original video animation releases and music videos theatrical and television are also listed in this section. The works listed here consist of works that do not fall into the above categories. The exhibition catalogues contain annotated reproductions of the Studio Ghibli artwork. These works were not created by Studio Ghibli, but were produced by a variety of studios and people who went on to form or join Studio Ghibli. The list also includes works created in cooperation with Studio Ghibli. These Western animated films plus one Japanese film have been distributed by Studio Studio Ghibli, and now through their label, Ghibli Museum Library. From Wikipedia, Studio Ghibli free encyclopedia. Wikipedia list article. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this Studio Ghibli by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 18 July Kogyo Tsushinsha. Retrieved 6 June Archived from the original on 2 Studio Ghibli Retrieved 5 January . Fandango Media. Retrieved 5 July Retrieved 6 July Retrieved 27 December It was released in the U. The Studio Ghibli Shimbun. December 21, Archived from the original on January 1, Retrieved January 3, Anime News Network. December 12, Retrieved May 22, Retrieved 12 March Studio Ghibli 3, Retrieved June 3, Nippon Television Corporation. Yomiuri Shimbun publishing. Retrieved December 27, Hong Kong Heritage Museum. Archived from the original on July 27, Retrieved July 17, Art Ludique — The Museum. Retrieved October 28, National Diet Library. Cartoon Brew. May 15, Retrieved January 27, Studio Ghibli. Studio Ghibli Category Portal. Categories : Studio Ghibli Lists of films by studio. Hidden categories: CS1 Japanese-language sources ja CS1 errors: empty unknown parameters Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Articles needing additional references from December All articles needing additional references Articles containing Russian-language text Articles containing Polish-language text Articles containing French-language text Articles containing Japanese-language text Articles containing Spanish-language text. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View Studio Ghibli. Help Learn to edit Studio Ghibli portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Hayao Miyazaki. . Grave of the Fireflies. My Neighbor Totoro. Kiki's Delivery Service. Only Yesterday. Toshio Suzuki. Porco Rosso. Whisper of the Heart. Princess Mononoke. Studio Ghibli Neighbors the Yamadas. Spirited Away. The Cat Returns. Howl's Moving Castle. Tales from Earthsea. . [22]. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya [22]. Yoshiaki Nishimura. When Marnie Was There [25]. Takatsugu Muramatsu. How Do You Live? Ocean Waves. [28]. Ronja, the Robber's Daughter. Polygon Pictures and Studio Ghibli. . Hiroyuki Watanabe. . Ghiblies Episode 2. Shown theatrically before The Cat Returns. Koro's Big Day Out. Imaginary Flying Machines. Mei And Studio Ghibli Kittenbus. A music video created by Studio Kajino for Capsule. Studio Ghibli For A Home. Water Spider Monmon. The Night of Taneyamagahara. Dough and the Egg Princess. Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo. Shown at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. Boro the Caterpillar. Premiered March 21, at Studio Ghibli Ghibli Museum. Nippon TV.