Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority Regular Board Meeting Agenda Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 Time: Regular Session - 4:00 PM Location and Meeting to take place via Zoom Meeting Instructions: Board Members and Staff will receive e-mail notification which will include log-in instructions Anyone from the public or media wishing to be able to listen to the meeting is required to send an e-mail request to the Authority’s General Manager, Michelle Bishop
[email protected] by 11:00 AM of the meeting date. Log-in instructions will be provided. The public and media will be able to listen to the meeting but will not be allowed to participate in the discussions. LIST OF BUSINESS PAGE NUMBERS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call of Board Members Present Marc Bondy Aldo DiCarlo Gary Kaschak Hilda MacDonald Kieran McKenzie Gary McNamara Leo Meloche Jim Morrison Ed Sleiman Regular Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 July 6, 2021 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 4. Approval of the Minutes A. June 1, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes 1-21 5. Business Arising from the Minutes 6. Correspondence – No items 7. Delegations – No items 8. Finance and Administration A. 2021/2022 EWSWA Insurance 22-26 9. Waste Diversion A. Bike Reuse Program 27-29 B. Blue Box Final Regulation – Transition to Producers 30-36 C. Organics Waste Management & Processing Peer Review 37-39 RFP Update 10. Waste Disposal A. Tender Award for the Provision of Refuse Hauling and Public 40-44 Drop Off Area Bin Hauling at the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority Facilities – January 1, 2022-December 31, 2028 B.