Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1998 No. 152 House of Representatives ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED AFTER United States and the Republic of Poland, ment in favor of the Mississippi Sioux Indi- SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT and for other purposes. ans, and for other purposes. H.R. 3633. An act to amend the Controlled S. 417. An act to extend energy conserva- Mr. THOMAS, from the Committee Substances Import and Export Act to place tion programs under the Energy Policy and on House Oversight, reported that that limitations on controlled substances brought Conservation Act through September 30, committee had examined and found into the United States. 2002. truly enrolled bills of the House of the H.R. 3723. An act to authorize funds for the S. 459. An act to amend the Native Amer- following titles, which were thereupon payment of salaries and expenses of the Pat- ican Programs Act of 1974 to extend certain signed by the Speaker pro tempore: ent and Trademark Office, and for other pur- authorizations, and for other purposes. poses. S. 759. An act to amend the State Depart- H.R. 379. An act for the relief of Larry H.R. 3910. An act to authorize the Auto- ment Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to require Errol Pieterse. mobile National Heritage Area in the State the Secretary of State to submit an annual H.R. 633. An act to amend the Foreign of Michigan, and for other purposes. report to Congress concerning diplomatic Service Act of 1980 to provide that the annu- H.R. 4083. An act to make available to the immunity. ities of certain special agents and security Ukrainian Museum and Archives the USIA S. 1132. An act to modify the boundaries of personnel of the Department of State be television program ``Window on America''. the Bandelier National Monument to include computed in the same way as applies gen- H.R. 4110. An act to amend title 38, United the lands within the headwaters of the Upper erally with respect to Federal law enforce- States Code, to improve benefits and services Alamo Watershed which drain into the ment officers, and for other purposes. provided to Persian Gulf War veterans, to Monument and which are not currently with- H.R. 378. An act for the relief of Heraclio provide a cost-of-living adjustment in rates in the jurisdiction of a Federal land manage- Tolley. of compensation paid to veterans with serv- ment agency, to authorize purchase or dona- H.R. 1023. An act to provide for compas- ice-connected disabilities, to enhance pro- tion of those lands, and for other purposes. sionate payments with regard to individuals grams providing health care, compensation, S. 1134. An act granting the consent and with blood-clotting disorders, such as hemo- education, insurance, and other benefits for approval of Congress to an interstate forest philia, who contracted human immuno- veterans, and for other purposes. fire protection compact. deficiency virus due to contaminated H.R. 4164. An act to amend title 28, United S. 1364. An act to eliminate unnecessary antihemophilia factor, and for other pur- States Code, with respect to the enforcement and wasteful Federal reports. poses. S. 1397. An act to establish a commission of child custody and visitation orders. H.R. 1794. An act for the relief of Mai Hoa to assist in commemoration of the centen- H.R. 4283. An act to support sustainable ``Jasmin'' Salehi. nial of powered flight and the achievements and broad-based agricultural and rural devel- H.R. 1834. An act for the relief of Mercedes of the Wright brothers. opment in sub-Saharan Africa, and for other Del Carmen Quiros Martinez Cruz. S. 1408. An act to establish the Lower East purposes. H.R. 1949. An act for the relief of Nuratu Side Tenement National Historic Site, and H.R. 4501. An act to require the Secretary Olarewaju Abeke Kadiri. for other purposes. H.R. 2070. An act to amend title 18, United of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Inte- S. 1525. An act to provide financial assist- States Code, to provide for the testing of cer- rior to conduct a study to improve the access ance for higher education to the dependents tain persons who are incarcerated or ordered for persons with disabilities to outdoor rec- of Federal, State, and local public safety of- detained before trial, for the presence of the reational opportunities made available to ficers who are killed or permanently and to- human immunodeficiency virus, and for the public. tally disabled as the result of a traumatic in- other purposes. H.R. 4821. An act to extend into fiscal year jury sustained in the line of duty. H.R. 2204. An act to authorize appropria- 1999 the visa processing period for diversity S. 1693. An act to provide for improved tions for fiscal years 1998 and 1999 for the applicants whose visa processing was sus- management and increased accountability Coast Guard, and for other purposes. pended during fiscal year 1998 due to em- for certain National Park Service programs, H.R. 2263. An act to authorize and request bassy bombings. and for other purposes. the President to award the congressional f S. 1718. An act to amend the Weir Farm National Historic Site Establishment Act of Medal of Honor posthumously to Theodore SENATE ENROLLED BILLS AND Roosevelt for his gallant and heroic actions 1990 to authorize the acquisition of addi- in the attack on San Juan Heights, Cuba, JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED tional acreage for the historic site to permit during the Spanish-American War. AFTER SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT the development of visitor and administra- H.R. 2744. An act for the relief of Chong Ho The SPEAKER pro tempore an- tive facilities and to authorize the appro- Kwak. nounced her signature to enrolled bills priation of additional amounts for the acqui- H.R. 3267. An act to direct the Secretary of sition of real and personal property, and for the Interior, acting through the Bureau of and a Joint Resolution of the Senate of other purposes. Reclamation, to conduct a feasibility study the following titles: S. 1733. An act to amend the Food Stamp and construct a project to reclaim the S. 191. An act to throttle criminal use of Act of 1977 to require food stamp State agen- Salton Sea, and for other purposes. guns. cies to take certain actions to ensure that H.R. 3461. An act to approve a governing S. 391. An act to provide for the disposition food stamp coupons are not issued for de- international fishery agreement between the of certain funds appropriated to pay judg- ceased individuals, to require the Secretary b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H11707 . H11708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE November 12, 1998 of Agriculture to conduct a study of options certain special agents and security personnel H. Con. Res. 224. Congress urges inter- for the design, development, implementa- of the Department of State be computed in national cooperation in working to resolve tion, and operation of a national database to the same way as applies generally with re- cases of children abducted by family mem- track participation in Federal means-tested spect to Federal law enforcement officers, bers who are foreign nationals. public assistance programs, and for other and for other purposes. H. Con. Res. 185. Congress reaffirms the purposes. H.R. 1023. To provide for compassionate commitment of the United States to the fun- S. 1754. An act to amend the Public Health payments with regard to individuals with damental human rights enunciated in the Service Act to consolidate and reauthorize blood-clotting disorders, such as hemophilia, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. health professions and minority and dis- who contracted human immunodeficiency H. Con. Res. 277. Recognizes Mark Rich, advantaged health education programs, and virus due to contaminated antihemophilic David Mankins, and Rich Tenenoff. for other purposes. factor, and for other purposes. H. Con. Res. 254. Congress resolves that the S. 2129. An act to eliminate restrictions on H.R. 1794. For the relief of Mai Hoa Government of Cuba return to the United the acquisition of certain land contiguous to ``Jasmin`` Salehi. States Joanne Chesimard and any other indi- Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. H.R. 1834. For the relief of Mercedes Del viduals who fled the United States to avoid S. 2241. An act to provide for the acquisi- Carmen Quiroz Martinez Cruz. prosecution. tion of lands formerly occupied by the H.R. 1949. For the relief of Nuratu H. Con. Res. 352. Corrections to H.R. 3461. Franklin D. Roosevelt family at Hyde Park, Olarewaju Abeke Kadiri. H. Con. Res. 351. Corrections to H.R. 3910. New York, and for other purposes. H.R. 2070. To amend title 18, United States f S. 2272. An act to amend the boundaries of Code, to provide for the testing of certain Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site in persons who are incarcerated or ordered de- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS the State of Montana. tained before trial, for the presence of the APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT S. 2375. An act to amend the Securities Ex- human immunodeficiency virus, and for PRIOR TO SINE DIE ADJOURN- change Act of 1934 and the Foreign Corrupt other purposes.