Good Practices National Rural Development Network

Issue 11 Year II, February 2015

the roots of europe

Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale REGIONAL OFFICES Support Unit for the National Rural Development Network

BRĂILA Bdul Independenţei, nr. 282, et. 1, PO Box 810124, [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS Tel.: 0339 732 009, Fax: 0339 732 016

CRAIOVA FOREWORD 2 Str. Libertăţii, nr. 19, Facultatea de Agricultură și Horticultură, cam. L-311, et. 2, PO Box 200421,, Tel.: 0251 460 377, Fax: 0251 423 651 PROJECTS FROM 4

ZALĂU CHAPTER 1. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS 6 Str. Kossuth Lajos, nr. 49, PO Box 450010, [email protected] Tel.: 0360 404 056, Fax: 0360 404 158 Ecoleg Inferior LAG. The rural Oltenia with projects which are worth 2.4 million Euro 6

TÂRGU MUREŞ Muscelean and European LAG. Diversity in Argeș projects 10 Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 60, PO Box 540331, [email protected] Tel.: 0365 430 349, Fax: 0365 430 351 CHAPTER 2. FARMS 14

IAŞI Bee culture becomes a more and more often used practice 14 Zona de Agrement Ciric - Complexul de Agrement Ciric, PO Box 700064, [email protected] Tel.: 0332 881 281, Fax: 0332 881 282 High performance machinery for a farm in Iași 17

TIMIŞOARA The land in Cuza Vodă is worked with high performance machinery 20 Bdul Take Ionescu, nr. 53, et. 2, biroul nr. 26, PO Box 300074, [email protected] Tel.: 0356 460 982, Fax: 0356 460 983 CHAPTER 3. PROCESSING 22

TÂRGOVIŞTE Concerned with the quality and taste of the products they lay on our table 22 Str. Vărzaru Armaşu, nr. 7A, PO Box 130169, The Spanish model of dairy products, adapted to Galați 24 Tel.: 0345 100 025, Fax: 0345 100 605 Modernity and taste in the bakery field 27 BUCUREŞTI Str. Nicolae Filipescu, nr. 39-41, et. 6, Sector 2, PO Box 020961, [email protected] CHAPTER 4. NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES 30 Tel.: 031 690 0214, Fax: 031 690 0215 Dental services, in a commune located in Dâmboviţa County 30

Tourism in Bozovici area, the land with the most beautiful waterfall in the world 33

The text of this publication is only for information purposes and shall entail no legal liability. From using the chisel to processing stone with CNC machines 36

Additional information on MARD and NSU may be accessed on the Internet at:, PROJECTS FROM EUROPE 38

NSU, Publication Department CZECH REPUBLIC. Collective interest for tourism development 40 ISSN 2286-1742 ISSN-L 2286-1742 FRANCE. Valorising local raw materials 43 © NRDN, 2015

The texts of this publication may be reproduced only subject to the specification of the source. SWEDEN. Brown bean chips - a Swedish recipe for growing the profits 46 Printed in Romania. ITALY. A winery securing its own energy needs with photovoltaic panels 49

Copyright photographs: the beneficiaries of the projects described in this publication and Copyright cover photographs:

1 FOREWORD Growing competitiveness in the rural Romanian area Agriculture and the rural policy focusing on the development of In this edition of the magazine, handcrafts, promoting local environment continue to be rural areas by ensuring the viability we chose to make successful projects products and combining them with considered “vital problems” for the of agriculture, the food and forestry in various fields available for the innovation, by inserting new future of Europe and, implicitly, of sector, which can lead to an open and reader, highlighting the growth of elements, as truffle cheese Romania. According to a recent Euro durable economy, as well as to the competitiveness in the rural area production, or as onion bread or barometer survey (http://ec.europa. drawing investments and creating and the sustainable development, oregano bred production, following eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm), new jobs in European villages. providing thus a balance between traditional recipes, bean chips, and Europeans attach a high importance economic, social and environmental also many other interesting to the agriculture: approximately Rural development projects aspects. activities. 53% of them consider it to be, along implemented during the programming with the development of rural areas, period 2007-2013 at national and The magazine shows projects The projects described are widely a “very important” stake for the European levels can be taken as targeting the purchase of high applicable, being European future, and most of them opine that models by the future Beneficiaries. performance machines, which participation models to the is important to ensure the diversity They have the role of teaching them the contribute to the growth of the refurbishment of certain factories/ of agricultural sectors and of food stages needed to achieve the results productivity of agricultural facilities, and to the development products within the European Union. expected and to warn them regarding exploitations, the touristic and growth of the competitiveness of These observations are according to the critical aspects which need paying promotion of the rural area, certain enterprises and developing the new European joint agricultural much attention. valorising jobs and traditional rural communities.



The areas from which the examples of good practices have been selected are presented in the following pages

4 5 CHAPTER 1. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS Ecoleg Olt Inferior LAG. The rural Oltenia with projects The semi-subsistence farm is that in the third implementation year and farm producing especially for its own the growth of the production traded which are worth 2.4 million Euro consumption, but it trades a part of by 20%. The land covered by Ecoleg Olt of approximately 2 360 000 Euro. the production achieved. Inferior LAG is located on the right The distribution of the funds was Project title: Cereal and technical shore of Olt River, in the South Side made within seven selection calls Such a farm is owned also by Ionuţ plants storage unit, of the Romanian Plain and it fits the starting with 2013, by Measure 112 Defta, the beneficiary of the project commune, Olt County limit of nine localities, including (11 projects), Measure 121 (nine), presented here. At the time of filling Project financed through the seven communes in Olt County and Measure 141 (ten), Measure 123 (one the financing application, the Measure 123 – “Raising the added two in . At the project), Measure 312 (seven), semi-subsistence farm covered 1.26 value to agricultural and forestry same time, it is located in the vicinity Measure 313 (one project) and ha of arable land cultivated with products” of important towns as Slatina, Measure 322 (nine). alfalfa and he owned a cow for milk, Beneficiary: SC John Green SRL Craiova and Pitești. The localities in 80 sheep, 39 goats, a sow, four pigs, Project location: Tia Mare commune, Olt cover 87.30% of the total area of In order to better show the good 18 egg laying chicken and other two Olt County the LAG, and the ones in Teleorman practice at a territorial level, we domestic birds. cover 12.70% of this area. continue to present three of all the 48 SC John Green SRL came into projects. The general objective of the being in September 2007, having as The area of Ecoleg Olt Inferior project, contracted through the main activity object cultivating LAG includes 34 995 inhabitants, GAL Ecoleg Olt Inferior – Measure 141, is the growth of the vegetables, mellows, root plants and spread on 506.62 km², and their successful projects competitiveness in the agricultural tubers. It performed its operation rurality level is 100%. exploitation which is under a over time in the field of agriculture, Project title: Semi-subsistence restructuring process, in order to administrating arable lands which The land shows coherence in farm of the self-employed facilitate the transition related were leased on a long term from matters of the geographical area and person Defta Ionuţ, problems, considering the fact that natural persons in the localities of the natural resources, whereas commune, Olt County the agricultural sector and rural covered by the area of Ecoleg Olt lands occupy a very important part of Project financed through the economy are exposed to the pressure Inferior LAG. The types of cultures the total land fund. The same Measure 141 – “Supporting of the sole market competition. and the areas afferent to them were cohesion is found also in relation to agricultural semi-subsistence farms” changed from one year to another, the cultural resources, to the Beneficiary: Self-employed person The non-repayable financial whereas the company tried cultures localities on the LAG, having an Defta Ionuţ support granted, amounting to 7 500 like mustard or sorghum. The immaterial patrimony formed of Project location: Cilieni commune, Euro, will be used for developing and cultivated areas grew, so that in similar traditions. Olt County modernizing the exploitation, for 2013, the year when he filed the increasing the livestock with two financing application, the In order to accomplish the priority cattle, 40 sheep and 11 goats and for beneficiary of the project in the tasks set within the Local purchasing a cow milking machine locality of Tia Mare had 720, 15 ha of Development Strategy on with a milking capacity of 24 cows leased land. strengthening the agricultural and per hour, single phased engine 0.55 forestry sector, developing the kW) and a digital generator In order to work and harvest crops business environment and (single-stage, with the maximum on the lands in use, SC John Green occupational activities in the power of 2.6 kVA). SRL acquired by themselves non-agricultural sector and agricultural machinery and improving the living conditions and The results of the project will be equipment, and for which they did the services for the population, the economic growth of the farm not have in the technological park Ecoleg Olt Inferior LAG had 48 from 7.135 ESU in the first they resorted to the provision of projects contracted, with a total value implementation year to 10.292 ESU services through third parties.

6 7 The main problem that the container for staff will be purchased, aimed to obtain a real economic beneficiary faced was the lack of the having a dining room, locker rooms performance. storage capacity for the production and toilets. This will also be equipped obtained. The impossibility to store with a scale drawbridge and with a The project contracted in April his harvest forced him over the years laboratory having all the equipment 2014 aims to found a service for to sell his production directly from needed for checking the quality of the performing auxiliary works the field, at low prices imposed by projects stored. This unit will be (ploughing works) in vegetal traders or intermediaries, without connected to the power supply production, for the companies and for being able of profiting from the network by a transformer station. the population in the area of Vișina periods when the market prices grow. Also, the existing drilled well will be commune. The general objective of the The fact that he operates in an area rehabilitated and the water supply project is the sustainable development which is exclusively agricultural was household needs and the fire water of rural economy by encouraging another argument for supporting the reserve will be secured as such. non-agricultural activities, for the creation of a storage base for cereals purpose of creating and maintaining and technical plants produced by Implementing the project ensures the jobs in this field. natural persons or by companies the storage of products in optimal which don’t own such spaces, health and food safety related With the help of the grant obtaining a significant decrease of the conditions required. Organizing the amounting to 28 767 Euro, the logistic expenses of producers. spaces for the storage will correspond beneficiary purchased the tractor he to all the hygiene regulations, wanted, managing thus to develop his In order to answer these stringent avoiding thus physical, chemical or microenterprise for growing the The management of the group needs, the beneficiary will create with microbiological degradation, whereas competitiveness of its activity by a stated last year during a press the help of the grant obtained the investment rises to the level of the better use of the production factors conference bearing the title “The amounting to 200 000 Euro, a storage European standards. and of the human resources. implementation stage for the for storing cereals and technical projects financed at the level of plants, composed of two metallic Project title: Purchasing tractor The investment, finished in 2015 Ecoleg Olt Inferior LAG”: “Up to this vertical storage units (with a specific for service provision was needed due to the following moment we have a contracting level capacity of approximately 1 000 Project financed through the Measure reasons: of over 85%, respectively 2 181 tonnes each) and one for horizontal 312 – “Support for creating and • The beneficiary did not own all 867.74 Euro, and an absorption level storage (a shed type one, with a developing microenterprises” the agricultural machinery with of 37.09%, which represents 945 capacity of approximately 1 200 Beneficiary: Self-employed person which to perform its activity 805.26 Euro, amounts paid to the tonnes). The equipment which will be Prodan Aurelian-Alin object; Beneficiaries, and the percentages placed in the two cells for vertical Project location: 83 Renașterii Street, • At that time there was a breach in will grow because the Agency for storage will be last generation Vișina commune, Vișina village, Olt the field of service providing in Financing Rural Investments is still equipment in the field of storing, County his activity field; evaluating submitted projects and conditioning and handling harvests. • The beneficiary already had reimbursement applications”. At the same time, the project At the end of 2013, Aurelian-Alin signed service providing facilitates the employment of two Prodan found out about the promissory contracts which were Contact details: persons who will have the opportunities granted by the National activated at the time of Local Action Group Ecoleg Olt Inferior responsibility of managing the newly Program for Rural Development and implementing the project. 59 Renașterii Street, Room 1 and 3, founded storage unit. decided to apply for a non-repayable Vișina village, Olt County grant by means of Measure 312. At In the near future, Aurelian-Alin President: Gelu Marița In order to provide employment that time he activated as a Prodan intends to create a new and Tel.: 0786 038 913 conditions and the well development self-employed person in the field of complete park of agricultural E-mail: [email protected] of the specific activities, a euro rural services, and his approach machinery. Website:

8 9 Muscelean and European LAG. Diversity in Argeș projects Muscelean and European LAG and other non-agricultural economic is a public-private partnership sectors. consisting of 52 partners: administrative units, NGOs, private Muscelean and European LAG has sector companies, schools, a religious obtained a grant of 2 286 000 Euro, place and individuals. aimed at implementing the local development strategy by Axis Its land includes 12 communes 4-LEADER of the NRDP 2007-2013. located in the North-East of the Argeș County and one in the Dâmbovița 40 such projects were contracted, County and it lies on 94 150 ha, having the total grant value of 2 139 360 combining a hilly area adequate for Euro, by means of six measures: being inhabited with alpine hollows • Measure 112: eight projects (268 000 raising up to 2 000 m. It is populated Euro); by 37 590 people, having a density of • Measure 121: one project (7 470 Muscelean and European LAG bee families. Given the knowledge 39.9 inhabitants/km². Euro); – successful projects accumulated, the structure of the • Measure 123: one project (43 930 exploitation and the meetings for The land of Muscelean and Euro); Project title: Installing young promoting the strategy of Muscelean European LAG is featured by the • Measure 312: 12 projects (1 013 191 farmer Rolea Daniel-Ionuț, and European LAG organized by the presence of a natural and cultural Euro); Poienarii de Muscel commune, LAG’s members in November 2014, patrimony, with considerable potential • Measure 313: eight projects (292 716 Argeș County Daniel-Ionuț Rolea decided to access a for rural, ecologic and recreational Euro); Project financed through the Measure grant by means of Measure 112. tourism. Also, it has a considerable • Measure 322: 10 projects (514 053 112 – “Installing young farmers” Having 14.27 ESU recorded and all fund allocated to forestry and Euro). Beneficiary: Rolea Daniel-Ionuț the selection criteria met, he obtained agriculture, especially for ecologic Project location: Poienarii de Muscel the maximum grant in his activity agriculture, namely for breeding Out of all these projects (whereas commune, Argeș County field: 40 000 Euro. animals, shrub planting and fruit trees. five are already completed), the three which are presented below can serve as For the inhabitant of Argeș County The main objective of the young Starting from the good practice examples. Daniel-Ionuț Rolea, the apiary of his beneficiary is growing the incomes by analysis-diagnostic of the land, grandfather was his playground from increasing production meant for corroborated with the joint interests when he was a child. The nostalgia of trading and the size of the exploitation identified at the level of the component childhood and the wish to turn so that it reaches 18.83 ESU. Also, he local communities, the partners in apiculture into a business determined will use the grant obtained for Muscelean and European LAG defined him to found in 2013 an exploitation equipping the company with bee three priorities: valorising the natural, including 30 hives. At the same time, culture equipment ensuring the cultural and geographical potential (for he started studying the fundamental performance of maintenance and the purpose of supporting tourism concepts of apiculture, attending the development works, for harvesting development), facilitating professional training classes for products and transporting hives into transformation and modernization of beekeepers. the pasture: uncapping automatic semi-subsistence farms (in order to bench, a generator for honey extraction, make them more competitive) and In 2014, by taking over the electric stainless steel centrifuge for supporting the development of beekeeping exploitation held by his honey extraction from frames etc. entrepreneurship, at the same time grandfather, he reached having in use with facilitating the transfer of the 1.46 ha of vegetal sector (grassland, Bee farm facilities with modern work force in the agricultural field to family garden and orchard) and 180 equipment make it possible to carry out

10 11 long-term quality work and reduce the The purpose of the project consists Rucăr commune is located among Dâmbovița, from the Roman camp cost price of bee products increasing of raising the added value of the five types of landscapes: mountains Scărișoara, through Sătic, until their competitiveness in the market. company, improving the work yield Iezer-Păpușa, Făgăraș, Piatra Craiului, Marele Grohotiș, located in Piatra and the exploitation conditions, as well Leaota and the Bran-Rucăr- Craiului, and from the statue of the Project title: Modernizing as streamlining the technological flow. Dragoslavele passage, at the confluence hero soldier fallen during the First slaughterhouse and butchery by In this regard, an incinerator for of Râușor with Dâmbovița. The variety World War up to the peak called The purchasing equipment animal waste was purchased (having a of the landscape, the uniqueness of the Captain (1 400 m). Project financed through the Measure high yield up to 350 kg per hour and a fauna and flora, the climate conditions 123 – “Raising the added value to low gas consumption), and a heat and the human resources made Rucăr In order to facilitate the informing agricultural and forestry products” recovery machine (using the gas a prosper locality, where the economic of visitors, the project included the Beneficiary: SC Cosco-Vele SRL resulted after burning the waste to development includes both agricultural elaboration of materials promoting Project location: Rucăr commune, produce hot water for different and non-agricultural activities. Rural local tourism objectives: a website, Argeș County technological processes). tourism and agritourism have a special CDs, DVDs, tourism guides, posters place here, generating advantages both and touristic maps and a brochure for The main activity of SC Cosco-Vele Also by this project, the 27 for each household with such an presenting Rucăr area. Tourists can SRL is the production and preservation employees who were contracted with activity and for the entire community. thus find more easily the information of meat. The company started its undetermined period labour contracts All these aspects were considered in upon the attractions of the area, the activity in 1993 with second-hand were added two other colleagues just March 2014 when filing the grant events calendar (fairs, festivals, and machinery, offering a limited range of like them. request by which this commune would traditional holidays), destination, products. After 13 years, the become the beneficiary of a project by accommodation places, recreation management of the company decided It is to be noted that since 2011, SC Measure 313. places etc. Also, there is a GPS project to access pre-accession SAPARD funds Cosco-Vele SRL holds a certification location for the touristic objectives for modernizing and extending the for traditional products as smoked The general objective of the project, included in the project. mixed slaughterhouse owned. Thus, ham, sheep pastrami, traditional in the amount of 20 055 Euro, is the the processing capacity of started sausages or Rucăr ham. development of tourism and growing During the last fall, Muscelean and growing progressively, reaching in the visibility of Rucăr commune, by European LAG presented for the 2011 a production of 1 227 tonnes per Project title: Living water! showing the existing natural second time the progress recorded by year. The evolution of the company Mountain springs, Life springs landscape and the touristic objectives. the activities financed through NRDP. being obvious, it was resized also on Project financed through the Measure The project’s implementation targets On this occasion, it has achieved the market, by opening several work 313 – “Encouraging tourism activities” the support of tourism related much appreciation for the projects points in Rucăr commune and in Beneficiary: Rucăr commune activities and raising the added value implemented, including the Câmpulung Municipality. Project location: Rucăr commune, of tourism activities and the level of appreciation of Alexandru Potor, Argeș County using local accommodation capacities, president of NFLAG, the person who In order to help the flow of the for increasing the incomes in this stated that the group in Argeș made technological process, equipping it Over time, the area in Argeș County sector. “considerable progress”. with the machinery needed for the called Rucăr enjoyed such transition process and ensuring a high appreciation: “Around this happy nest, The project allowed achieving a Contact details: quality of food products, in April 2014 the mountains show their jewels of a thematic route of 11.7 km (marked for Local Action Group Muscelean and SC Cosco-Vele SRL filed a financing wild grandeur, sharp peaks rise in tourists with 15 indicators) 12 European application through Measure 123. The blue colour from the darkness of the fir touristic information panels, seven 197 Calea Brașovului, Valea Mare financing contract was signed in tree forests and they lie there strung belle view points and three areas Pravăț commune, Argeș County October 2014, the value of the together, as night watches, at the arranged for picnic. All the routs start President: Dan Moșescu non-repayable support received from borders of the horizon, where the from the centre of the locality: from Tel.: 0756090326 the beneficiary amounting to 43 930 earth meets the sky” (Alexandru Podișor Park towards Cheile E-mail: [email protected] Euro. Vlahuță, Picturesque Romania). Ghimbavului and Cheile Mici of Website:

12 13 CHAPTER 2. FARMS Bee culture becomes a more and more often used practice association located in the area of • The access of the beneficiary to Călărași commune. information upon Measure 141.

Project title: Semi-subsistence farm for self-employed person Duculescu Ciprian- The specific factors determining the In the case of a similar project, a Adrian, Călărași commune, Călărași village, good practice within such a project minimum level of knowledge in the Project financed through the Axis 1 of the National Rural Development Programme, are offered by the economic results of field is required and the initiation Measure 141 - “Supporting agricultural semi-subsistence farms” the exploitation, under the conditions with the help of an experienced Beneficiary: self-employed person Duculescu Ciprian-Adrian Project location: Călărași village, Călărași commune, Dolj County of minimum expenses. beekeeper is recommended. Also, it is Development region: South-West Oltenia recommended to start from a small Implementation period: 2011 – 2014 The success factors of the project number of bee hives and grow while Total budget: 7 500 Euro consisted of: achieving the abilities needed to Grant: 7 500 Euro • The previous experience achieved maintain the apiary in good Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 0 Euro in the family; conditions. Subjects: Valorising the agricultural potential and/or growing the productivity of • The existence of material grounds agricultural farms, growing competitiveness in the agricultural and forestry sectors offering advantages in its As already known, apiculture can successful implementation; support itself with a minimum of The purpose of the project was to The general objective of the project • Frequenting apiculture classes human, material and financial grow the incomes of the bee keeping was to increase the incomes of the which gave theory fundaments to resources. It can ensure the occupation exploitation held by the beneficiary agricultural exploitation by improving the practical aspects which were of a variable number of persons and it and lowering the expenses needed for general performances (including already known and which offers a series of natural products ideal performing his activity. based on the apiculture classes that contributed to improving the for the food and health of the the beneficiary attended), adapting activity and optimizing the work population. Aside from the fact that After obtaining the information production to the market time; honey is a high biological and caloric upon the opportunity to invest in requirements and complying with the • The support received from the value product, it was one of the most apiculture with the help of Measure European regulations in the field. All Chamber of Agriculture Dolj in popular “medicines” in Ancient Egypt, 141, such as to pass from the amateur these were possible by using an creating and submitting the for example being mentioned over 500 beekeeper level to the specialist level, apicultural inventory and by financing application; times in 900 recipes. the beneficiary performed all the purchasing modern machinery so that procedures needed to reach the in the third year of the project’s objective aimed for. Thus, he contacted implementation, the capacity of the the Chamber of Agriculture of Dolj for farm grew considerably. obtaining precise information upon this subject and together with the On the date of submitting the Chamber’s representatives, he created project, the beneficiary held 25 bee the financing file. families giving for trade 300 kg of honey. In the third year, after In November 2010, the beneficiary purchasing by means of the project 40 submitted the financing application. bee families, he reached 65 bee hives After being evaluated, the application from which he obtained 1 625 kg of was declared eligible and the honey: 1 400 kg were destined to be financing contract was signed. The commercialized, raising thus beneficiary met no difficulties in production by 1 100 kg compared to applying the project, whereas the year zero. The honey is delivered support of the Chamber of Agriculture either on the internal market, or at the was decisive in this regard. collection centre of the apicultural

14 15 High performance machinery for a farm in Iași

Project title: Purchasing tractor for modernizing vegetal farm, Andrieșeni commune, Iași County Project financed through the Axis 4 LEADER, Measure 411.112 – “Founding and modernizing agricultural exploitations” Beneficiary: SC Agromixt SRL Project location: Andrieșeni commune, Iași County Development region: North-East Implementation period: 9 April 2013 – 21 March 2014 Total budget: 81 344 Euro Grant: 39 960 Euro Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 41 384 Euro Subjects: Valorising the agricultural potential and growing the productivity of agricultural farms

SC Agromixt Spineni SRL was sunflower, barley, corn for seeds, founded in 2005. In 2012, when the sunflower for seeds, melons and financing application was submitted, watermelons and different kinds of the unit developed agricultural inter-specific vineyards for wine, activities on approximately 930 ha, and another approximately 128 ha within a vegetal production farm being occupied by temporary or where different types of cultures permanent grasslands and plants for were obtained: corn, wheat, soy, forage.

16 17 The activity of the vegetal farm was company which dealt with collection market requirements; the Area Disfavoured by Specific performed under relatively difficult and drafting the financing file. Being a • Growing the income of agricultural Natural Conditions. conditions, whereas the main reason for simple machine purchase, not many supported exploitations; this was that the machines owned by approvals were necessary, yet the most • Supporting the members of the Currently, the company has 11 the applicant which were insufficient for important thing turned out to be the producer groups; permanent employees (eight are the entire area used. They were mostly existence of co-financing. The file was • Lowering production costs and mechanization persons) with full time used, leading to a low productivity, submitted in October 2012, whereas the growing the profitability and jobs and it is a member of the Cereal quantity and quality losses and request was selected two months later. viability of the agricultural Producers Group “Lunca Prut” obstructing the achievement of the exploitation. headquartered in Bivolari commune, agricultural works. During the The general objective of the project is located on the land of Valea Prutului campaign period, the applicant needed modernizing the existing vegetal At the end of the project, all LAG. to resort to contractors where he rented production farm, for growing indicators were reached, the project agricultural machines from, so that the productivity and improving work being implemented according to the The cropping plan of SC Agromixt modernization targeted by purchasing a conditions. chart. All the costs performed were Spineni SRL was forecasted for a five tractor was absolutely necessary. declared eligible and they were year period, after the implementation of The specific objectives of the project reimbursed, whereas the investment the project. Thus, in 2012 they started The beneficiary found out about a are the following: was made in a priority sector: field with an arable land submitted to the session for submitting projects within • High performance machinery crops. FEADR analysis, covering 913.28 ha, an action for animating Valea Prutului purchase; and in 2013 it reached 982.29 ha, LAG organized in the Iași commune • Adjusting the profile, the level and The agricultural exploitation in estimating the maintaining of this area Andrieșeni. He called a consulting the quality of production to the Andrieșeni commune is fully located in until 2018.

18 19 The land in Cuza Vodă is worked with high performance machinery

Project title: Agricultural machinery purchase by SC GEOAGRA SRL Project financed through the Axis 4 LEADER of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 411.121- “Modernizing agricultural exploitations” Beneficiary: SC Geoagra SRL Project location: Cuza Vodă village, Sălcioara commune, Dâmbovița County Development region: South Muntenia Implementation period: 19 July 2013 – 19 December 2013 Total budget: 72 353 Euro Grant: 22 200 Euro Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 33 300 Euro (to which 16 853 Euro are added, as ineligible expenses) Subjects: Valorising the agricultural potential and/or growing the productivity of the agricultural farms

This project, of which the of the company he holds, Gheorghe project was completed five months purchased with the help of the grant beneficiary is an agronomist engineer Cioaru aimed to purchase high later, respectively in December 2013. obtained allowed the development of in the Dâmbovița County, was performance machinery: a tractor and the activity in optimal conditions. submitted during the session held on a hay seeder. To this purpose, in May Purchasing the machinery was the 1st of December 2012, afferent to 2013 he submitted a financing request based on an analysis of the activity The project implemented in Cuza Measure 411.121, opened by Cornățelu and in July of the same year he signed volume and the chart for work Vodă village is as opportune as possible, Conțești Sălcioara LAG. the financing contract. development. Taking into account whereas the structure of the crop plants these factors and the adequate periods found here (wheat, barley, sunflower, Out of the wish to improve the yield Considering the limited number of for performing agricultural works corn, soy, colza) fitting completely into of the works and the work conditions the activities suggested for it, the specific to the crop plan, the machines the area with high potential.

20 21 CHAPTER 3. PROCESSING Concerned with the quality and taste of the products they lay on our table

Project title: Building a factory for meat products Project financed through the Axis 1 of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 123 - “Raising the added value to agricultural and forestry products” Beneficiary: SC Maris Prod Carm SRL Project location: Vălureni commune, Mureș County Development region: Centre Implementation period: 2 March 2011 – 20 March 2013 Total budget: 1 103 959 Euro Grant: 551 979 Euro Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 551 980 Euro Subjects: Valorising the agricultural potential and growing the productivity of agricultural farms, growing the competitiveness in the agricultural and forestry sector

The investment in Vălureni meeting the consumer needs and are traded in the beneficiary’s own The success factors for the commune started out of the necessity protecting the environment, all these stores (60% of the production being implementation of the project lay in to comply with European being reflected in the superior aimed to the markets in the Mureș providing various high quality requirements in the field of meat quality and product variety. County), and in the stores of products and raising the market products, a fact which leads to partners, gained over time based on share. building a new competitive factory on The beneficiary owns a modern the high quality products offered. the market. meat product factory since 2012, In regard to this aspect, an equipped with last generation Socially, by the project 38 jobs advantage is the fact that SC Maris The general objective targeted by equipment. The flawless taste of the were created and from an economic Prod Carm SRL produces products this project was growing the products is given by carefully point of view, the added value of the according to traditional recipes as if production and the sales and the selected ingredients and by the product has raised. they were “homemade”. specific objectives were materialized compliance with the original recipes. by maintaining the existing jobs and The spices used are natural, chosen by creating others as well as by individually. The products are constantly providing high quality flavoured only with fresh garlic and products. pepper, in order to have an intense red colour, and the salt used is In the opinion of the beneficiary, natural, whereas the products being in order to be among the best meat smoked traditionally in smokers products producers on the Romanian based on hard sawdust made of market, the qualitative parameters beech, oak, hornbeam. The drying is must be maintained by innovation, made naturally, in storages continuous investments and preserving the humidity and the attention paid to selecting raw temperature specific to each product. material suppliers. Also, the investment made gives the possibility Currently, production is made at of combining tradition with European standards, in compliance innovation, complying with the with quality management, in optimal national and European legislation, hygiene conditions. The assortments

22 23 The Spanish model of dairy products, adapted to Galați

Project title: Founding milk processing unit in Tecuci Locality, Galați County Project financed through the Axis 1 of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 123 - “Raising the added value to agricultural and forestry products” Beneficiary: SC Dodali SRL Project location: Tecuci Municipality, Galați County Development region: South-East Implementation period: 15 February 2011 – 22 September 2012 Total budget: 2 680 991 lei Grant: 1 082 313 lei Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 1 598 678 lei Subjects: Processing and marketing of food products

Two young entrepreneurs in the that in Tecuci area there are many food products (including ecological The practical activities were the Galați County decided in 2007 to goat breeders. products), improving production and consolidation and subdivision of the develop their own dairy products adequate marketing. The economical existing building and equipping the business after visiting a dairy farm Founding the milk processing aspects of the investment have factory with machinery and in Spain. Their company imported factory, improving the technology for distinguished themselves by lowering equipment specific to the and distributed initially in processing and selling the products production costs, raising the gross technological flow afferent to products from the obtained in modern conditions and value of the enterprise and making producing ripened cheeses, fresh or Spanish company. After prospecting in full compliance with the European the use of resources more effective. acidophilus products (yogurt, the market of the dairy products standards upon food safety was the At the same time, the investment buttermilk and kefir) and cream. The manufactured according to general objective of the project. The determined the improvement of the equipment purchased form a traditional Romanian recipes, they beneficiaries considered reaching cooperation between processors and next-generation production line, decided to build a production unit certain technical objectives, in animal breeders. The milk needed for consisting of cooling tanks, with the help of non-repayable regard to creating and modernizing production is collected from seven pasteurizer, cheese processing valves, funds. The necessity of the networks for the creation, collection suppliers in Tecuci, the furthest one machine for packing in glasses, bags investment was based on the and modernization of collection being only 40 km away from the and PET, fat separator, cold storage, significant growth of the demand for networks, receiving and using local factory and the whey resulted from tanks for collecting whey, power healthy products, with superior networks, introducing new the technological process is offered to generator , ventilation plant and nutritive qualities and on the fact technologies for creating high quality animal breeders. sewage treatment plant.

24 25 Modernity and taste in the bakery field The difficulties experienced in truffles, kefir, yogurt and implementing the project were buttermilk. Harnessing the regional Project title: Refurnishing the bread factory by the state aid scheme mainly technical, because the resources of raw materials through XS13/123/A/2008 manufacture of ripened cheese was the processing of 624,000 litres of Project financed through the Axis 1 of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 123 -“Raising the added value to agricultural and forestry little known to the two milk per year and the creation of 11 products” entrepreneurs. Initially, the jobs are other results recorded in Beneficiary: SC Inan Impex SRL technological flow was designed on the company, through the project. Project location: Bacău Municipality, Bacău County the model of cottage cheese. It was Development region: North-East later adapted to ripened cheese Every weekend, the two Implementation period: October 2010 – October 2012 manufacturing technology. The entrepreneurs take their products Total budget: 910 714 lei reluctance of banks in granting a to traditional fairs in Bucharest. Grant: 455 357 lei loan to the company that is just Annually, they are present at fairs Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 455 357 lei starting out was another obstacle, in Romania and abroad. The factory Subjects: Processing and marketing of food products which the beneficiaries have distributes dairy products to a managed to overcome. major supermarket in the country, “From a new perspective on increase labour productivity and but also to natural products stores. keeping the Romanain traditions occupational safety. The factory has a single The products come from the factory combined with taste evolution and production line, which processes in Galati and they reach even Spain, daily habits” – this is the motto The beneficiary of the automated about 1000 litres of daily milk, with so that the value of exports in the of the owners of SC Inan Impex equipment purchased, which a maximum capacity of 10 000 litres country reaches 3 000-4 000 Euro SRL, who decided to refurbish the enabled him to produce a larger per day. A range of products from per month, which is about 15-20% bread factory in Bacău by accessing quantity of bread, to establish a goat’s milk, sheep and cows is of the sales recorded. The non-repayable funds. pastry shop, and a cafeteria and to produced daily in the company: beneficiaries want to expand to develop its network of transport. semi-matured and ripened cheese other countries, such as Germany, With 18 years of experience in The investment company consisted with mold, cream or simple but currently they focus on the the bakery, the beneficiary felt it of three internal silos for flour additions (garlic and parsley in olive domestic market. In 2012, SC was time to invest in the production (with a capacity of 30 tonnes), a oil), and nuts, with pepperoncino Dodali SRL had a turnover of 2.6 diversification by making pastries spiral mixer, a hydraulic lifter, a olive oil, ripened cheese with black million lei. and cakes.

“It took a bit too long, but it was worth it”, the beneficiary states regarding the application, contracting and implementation process.

The general objective was to increase the company competitiveness as a result of the refurbishment, showing improvement processes by adapting to European standards of quality and food safety and reducing utility consumption by the high level of automation. Another important factor considered was to

26 27 volumetric divider, a static pre-yeast shaping machine and machines for the transport of finished products.

Upgrading the sections of bread and pastry, through provision of improved technological lines determined the permanent maintenance of the products’ quality.

The company implemented the ISO 9001/2001 quality assurance and product safety management system.

The most appreciated product assortment SC Inan Impex SRL is whole wheat bread, which has six times more fibre and 15% fewer calories compared with white bread flour.

Other recipes are produced at the Bacău factory are evening bread (for those who want to keep the control of their weight), onion and oregano bread, multigrain bread, round bread, house loaf or silhouette bread. In the pastry sector, the company prepares daily a variety of cakes, cookies, candy, cakes products, Danish pastry etc.

The project led to the development of production, product quality and strengthening the company’s position in the market.

The development of the department and the modernization of the pastry section, and the bakery line resulted in increased turnover and profit, positively influencing the number of customers.

28 29 CHAPTER 4. NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES Dental services, in a commune Establishing the dental office is and 24 (including those who are in an important benefit to the local education institutions in the located in Dâmboviţa County community. The target group of the neighbouring towns) and retired project consists of people who work people of three villages: Aninoasa, in Aninoasa commune (staff of state Săteni and Viforâta. Project title: Optimizing medical dental assistance by founding a dental clinic institutions and education, the and a dental technical laboratory in Aninoasa commune, Dâmboviţa County Project financed through the Axis 3 of the National Rural Development employed in various sectors of the The implementation of this Programme, Measure 312 – “Support for creating and developing local economy), children who are project plays an important role in microenterprises” studying in an education institution ensuring a good quality of life in the Beneficiary: SC Aldent Center SRL in the area, people aged between 15 countryside. Project location: Aninoasa commune, Dâmboviţa County Development region: South Muntenia Implementation period: 28 February 2011 – 28 September 2012 Total budget: 808 852 lei Grant: 429 873 lei Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 378 979 lei Subjects: developing and diversifying non-agricultural services in the rural area, growing the quality of life in rural areas and diversifying the rural economy

This project comes to support the promoted especially by the young necessity of covering an important people and women (the beneficiary field for the development of any being a woman), creating a micro community, which is the field of non-agricultural sector in rural medical services. The lack of a areas and reducing the dependence dental clinic and a dental technical on agriculture. laboratory in the activity area was the aspect which encouraged the By implementing the project the beneficiary to access European following dental appliances were funds and set the grounds for an purchased: compact dental unit ambitious project. (includes: PB turbine NSK electric micro-motor, a piece for opposite The general objective of the angles, Photo lamp, a device for project was to optimize dental care scaling, compressor, medical chair , in rural areas through the surgical suction device) kit establishment of a dentist and a autoclave, sandblaster, micro-motor, dental laboratory in Aninoasa device for steam degreasing, commune of Dâmboviţa County. Poly-Mat termobaro device, press baropolimerizabile resins, photo The specific objectives were to polymerization oven for spoons, an create six jobs in rural areas, adding oven for preheat, a vibrating table, value in non-agricultural activities centrifuge, a base device, polishing and creating and diversifying the engine, compressor V1 and Bunsen population. The specific objectives of bulb. To optimize the activities IT Measure 312 have been achieved by equipment was also bought: two encouraging business initiatives computers and two printers.

30 31 Tourism in Bozovici area, the land with the most beautiful waterfall in the world

Project title: Founding a local Tourism Information Centre and marketing for the services related to rural tourism in Bozovici commune, Caraş-Severin County Project financed through the Axis 3 of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 313 - “Encouraging tourism activities” Beneficiary: Bozovici commune Project location: Bozovici commune, Caraș-Severin County Development region: West Implementation period: 15 June 2010 – 13 March 2014 Total budget: 854 392 lei Grant: 854 392 lei Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 0 lei Subjects: Development/diversification of tourist services and tourism potential, improving the quality of life in rural areas, and the development and diversification of non-farm activities in the rural environment

Bozovici village, located only 10 Here, on the keys of Rudăriei, km from Parallel 45, is the largest declared protected areas, 22 bucket settlement in the area Almăjului, mills were preserved miraculously, located on the banks of the River from the 40 existing ones. Placed as Miniş. beads along the course of water on a length of three km in the village Historians remember that it is and outside it, the mills use the “the first village with a teacher and (low) energy potential of Rudăria a school”. River. Taking the most out of the land’s advantages, correcting it by Being a land of history and a tunnels and barriers, the peasants priceless natural wealth, in 2009, here kept after centuries a complex the local town hall filed a project of water mills which are picturesque, that which called for financial aid to ingenious, monumental and capable promote tourism activities. of solving the grains grinding needs of the few hundreds of families in The project aimed at tourism potential and improving quality of life in rural areas. It was materialized by setting in Bozovici a Tourist Information Centre, for the operation of which two persons were employed, respectively a tour guide and a travel agent.

Currently, in this centre, tourists who come in the valley of Almăj can get all the information about the objectives in the area which are especially beautiful.

32 33 the area. The wheels operated by Maybe the most famous objective the force of water, representing remains Bigăr Waterfalls, one of the the heart of the mill were made most spectacular water buildings of wood at the beginning, but due of the world, located near Bozovici to durability reasons they were commune, in the National Park replaced with the metal ones. Nera-Beuşniţa Keys, at half distance between the North Pole and Ecuador, Other objectives are Miniș keys right on the 45°N Parallel. The World located between Anina and Bozovici Geography appreciated that “it is the communes, along the Miniș River, in most beautiful in the world”, and the Mountains of Anina and Cheile the renowned American news site Nerei, located along Nera, between Huffington Post called it “a fairy tale localities Sasca Română and Șopotul place”. Nou. This area is renowned for the flower richness, for the diversity Bozovici is an area towards which and uniqueness of the landscape and the spiritual and cultural energies the wildness state, kept due to this of the area have oriented, being a difficult path towards the keys. reference locality in the entire Banat.

34 35 From using the chisel to processing stone with CNC machines

Project title: Purchasing machinery for trimming and finishing stone in Ghindari commune, Mureş County Project financed through the Axis 3 of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 312 - „Support for creating and developing microenterprises¨ Beneficiary: self-employed person Molnar D. Denes Project location: Ghindari commune, Mureş County Development region: Centre Implementation period: 22 April 2013 – 19 March 2014 Total budget: 808 852 lei Grant: 429 873 lei Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 378 979 lei Subjects: Developing and diversifying non-agricultural services in the rural area, growing the quality of life in rural areas and diversifying rural economy

An important factor that beneficiary, the entire application determined the investment of process, from the time of submitting Ghindari commune from Mureș the project to its completion, went County was the need to maintain the smoothly. population in the territory. For the idea of achieving this goal, the most The need of project implementation important is to improve the range of was mostly the fact that, at the time, services, their quality and on the territory of Târnava Mică- accessibility. Sărăţeni-Bălăuşeri LAG was no stonemasons who held an advanced The financing of this project file equipment, most of whom working was recorded at the County Office in with obsolete, inefficient tools and the the third session for Measure 312, for material processing can be imprecise The general objective of the project individual authorized to receive the the year of 2013. As reported by the and require a long time. mentioned involves the sustainable funding development of the rural economy by encouraging non-farm activities in The direct results of the project order to increase the additional were reflected in increasing income. productivity and improving working conditions through the introduction The specific objective was achieved of advanced technologies. However, through the achievement of modern the project implementation brought equipment, with numerical control. the beneficiary a substantial increase This makes it much easier to shape, in revenue due to business grind and burn of stone (granite), diversification. leading to increasing the added value of non-agricultural activities in the After the period of implementation area. the successful factors that gave added value to the project did not fail to Sales market is the population in appear, being they were highlighted rural areas, this segment is the main by a significant costs reduction and beneficiary of services rendered by the increased production.



The states from which the examples of good practices have been selected are presented in the following pages

38 39 CZECH REPUBLIC Collective interest for tourism development The main idea of the project was traditions, culture and history of the Project title: Improving local identity and tourism to strengthen the local identity by region and the purchase of eight Project financed through the Axis LEADER, Measure 421 – “Inter-territorial and focusing on the natural and cultural video projectors, eight laptops, eight transnational cooperation” potential, and promoting it to the projection screens, video systems Beneficiary: Transnational cooperation project between two LAGs in Czech Republic: residents of the region. This was and eight demo CDs that were Podralsko LAG and Turnovsko LAG Project location: Podralsko LAG (municipalities Bělá pod Bezdězem, Kravaře, considered a first step in achieving displaying the project presentation. Mimoň, Jablonné v Podještědí, Stráž pod Ralskem) and Turnovsko LAG long-term goals: developing an (municipalities Malá Skála, Kobyly, Radostná pod Kozákovem), Poland attractive tourist offer, attracting as Carrying out the activities Development region: Liberecky many tourists as possible, contributed to increasing the Implementation period: 29 June 2009 – 5 November 2010 contributing to the local economic knowledge of the residents, but also Total budget: 181 221 Euro growth. of foreigners, about the culture, Grant: 181 221 Euro traditions and objectives of the Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): not applicable The main activities of the project region’s natural objectives. Subjects: Cooperation in strengthening local identity and promoting tourism related consisted of the renovation of the potential of the area existing buildings, creating a The cooperation between the two network of eight showrooms located LAGs led to a better organization The inter-territorial project natural heritage, the region is in different municipalities, purchase and a rationalization of the types of initiated by the two LAG in the Czech considered a transit area for tourists of furniture and supplies for activities designed to bring tourists Republic aimed at strengthening who prefer to visit the famous nearby equipment exhibition halls, to the area (e.g., festivals and local identity and promoting the areas such as mountains Český ráj developing promotional materials exhibitions of handicrafts). Such tourism potential of the region to (Czech Paradise) or České Švýcarsko for visitors (tourist guides, media events were already in the region, which they belong. Participation of (Czech Swiss National Park). materials) and creating a project but were not promoted enough. local people in project website. implementation determined Local groups that initiated this The joint participation of increased capacity to work together project have experience in The actual results recorded residents to the location of the for a common goal. inter-territorial cooperation and following the implementation of the exhibition rooms, the layout and considered appropriate the initiative project consisted in the arrangement the dissemination of information The two LAGs territories are to promote the region both locally of eight exhibition spaces (with a have improved their ability to work characterized by high unemployment. and in an attempt to attract potential minimum area of 25 m²), the and find solutions through Despite the high tourism potential foreign tourists expecting positive construction of eight exhibitions cooperation and continuous with a significant historical and results in this regard. that have been highlighting the communication.

40 41 FRANCE Valorising local raw materials

Project title: Creating a line for raising local breed chickens in France Project financed through the Axis LEADER, Measure 411 – “Growing the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sectors” and Measure 413 – “The quality of life and diversifying rural economy” Beneficiary: The grains farm in the Natural Regional French Park Gâtinais Project location: Prunay-sur-Essone, from the Region of the Regional Natural French Park Gâtinais Development region: Île-de-France Implementation period: 5 July 2010 – 15 December 2010 Total budget: 27 660 Euro Grant: 10 940 Euro Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 16 720 Euro Subjects: Implementing the LEADER approach, implementing the local development strategies, competitiveness

The beneficiary is a grain farm the environment, the beneficiary whose owners are installed for three started a project to create a line generations in the municipality of rearing poultry “Gâtinais” and of Prunay-sur-Essone, the French the development of processing and Regional Natural Park from the marketing facilities on the farm. region called Gâtinais. Led by the intention to develop new The project objectives were business opportunities through the providing additional income on introduction of local products on the the farm, chicken meat production market and being concerned about recovery and the creation of jobs in

42 43 the area, also taking into account the The marketing space was opened further promotion of local products, a few days before Christmas in according to a specific initiative of 2010, leading to the duplication and the French Regional Natural Park making farm incomes become very Gâtinais where the local breed of popular. Since then, many customers poultry is valued. often visited the farm. Its revenues have increased, so that a temporary The main activities for the place of work was created. project consisted in location of the line/battery of poultry (drainage, The use of local raw materials separation rotating water troughs), (e.g. grain) allows better the control creating a food processing facility of production costs and helps and the construction of several to improve the farmer’s market buildings: hall rearing chicken, position, increasing his revenues at slaughterhouse, packing space and its the same time. Also focusing on the own shop. Also, information boards local products or on the local species were installed to guide people to the creates the advantage of approaching farm. niche markets.

44 45 SWEDEN Brown bean chips - a Swedish recipe for growing the profits

Project title: Modern crisps from the traditional brown bean of Öland Project financed through the Axis a of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 123 – “Raising the added value to agricultural and forestry products” Beneficiary: Svenska Bönchips AB Project location: Färjestaden, Öland Island, South-East of Sweden Development region: Kalmar Implementation period: 1 August 2010 – 30 June 2012 Total budget: 78 334 Euro Grant: 23 500 Euro Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 54 834 Euro Subjects: Competitiveness in agriculture and forestry, restructuring, developing the physical potential and promoting innovation

Organic brown beans are completely new product: bean traditionally cultivated in the chips, high in fibre and nutrients, sunny island of Öland Swedish, in and also environmentally friendly. The main objective of the Most people enjoy the chips the Baltic Sea, usually being found After several years of development, initiative was to increase the produced by the beneficiary, in local diets. Beans of this type in 2009 the company Bönchips turnover of the company four times considering them a delicious snack are protected in areas where they Svenska AB (trademark) was within three years after the every day and knowing that, are grown and they are recognized founded. investment. The general objective through their consumption, they worldwide for quality given by the of the project was to increase provide the body with protein, Slow Food organization. With the help of grant, the production and sales of brown minerals and carbohydrates slowly company has managed to purchase beans chips and improve the giving energy. Chips do not contain The beneficiary of this project new equipment and machines working environment of the gluten, milk, artificial colours or aims to achieve bean brown chips which led to an increase in factory. flavours. They are a good source of after a special recipe. Experiencing production and sales throughout iron, zinc and magnesium, it began in 2002, resulting in a Sweden. The main activities were the containing only natural spices and purchase of new equipment: a car sea salt. and a baking packaging, with specific accessories. In addition, This project has shown that the the ventilation system was time needed to develop new modernized in the production unit. products and processes is often underestimated in relation to the The main results of the project financial resources needed, are given by increases in especially in a new field, and production and sales. Also, the networking with people having working environment was specific knowledge is really useful significantly improved. Seven in such an approach. products are obtained with different tastes, four of which are In 2011, the Swedish company seasonal. Chips with natural taste AB Svenska Bönchips was and aroma of herbs and chilli are nominated for national award available all year round. “Rural Innovation”.

46 47 ITALY A winery securing its own energy needs with photovoltaic panels

Project title: Solar care for social farming Project financed through the Axis 3 of the National Rural Development Programme, Measure 311 – “Diversifying non-agricultural activities” Beneficiary: Placido Rizzotto Libera Terra Soc COOP, Italy Project location: San Ciprinello commune, Palermo province Development region: Sicilia Implementation period: 2 January 2010 – 31 October 2012 Total budget: 122 645 Euro Grant: 24 529 Euro Co-financing (beneficiary’s contribution): 98 116 Euro Subjects: Producing energy from renewable sources

Part of project Libera Terra (free that includes the production of land) the Centopassi viticultural energy from renewable sources. areas represent the soul of wine cooperatives, named after I Cento The project objectives were to Passi (One hundred steps), a movie install a system of energy production dedicated to Giuseppe “Peppino” from renewable sources, addressing Impastato, a radio who was killed the principles of organic farming as a result of his perseverance in and sustainable management of the the fight against organized crime. holding. Purchase of photovoltaic The founders of Centopassi vineyard panels provided the electricity are pioneers in this field. They grow needed for the winery activities and grape-vine traditionally restituted reducing the time and costs for the land in the town of Corleone, technological operations. promoting Sicilian wine. By the project photovoltaic panels The beneficiary of this project is were installed on 157 m². The the cooperative Placido Rizzotto, system has a capacity of 19.3 kW of part of the consortium Libera Terra. Located in the province of Palermo, it was established in November 2011 at the initiative of 15 young people in the area. After a difficult start, it gradually developed, focusing on promoting organic Sicilian products, especially wine. For the production of quality wines in 2011 a modern winery was founded. Given the high costs and energy requirements to ensure the technological processes young people have decided that it is necessary to implement a project

48 49 power energy. “The system provides has proved useful and convenient in about 80% of the energy needs of financial terms, and the main lesson the wine cellar, respectively about learned was that the installation 30,000 kWh, but most importantly, of the photovoltaic power plant through this project, our business remains the easiest part of a project has reduced its carbon dioxide of this kind, the heavier and longer emissions by 15.2 tonnes per year, one being the connection to the and the energy bill dropped by power supply grid. about 10 000 Euro per year”, said Giorgio Schultze, president of the In the future, the Italian cooperative. cooperative San Ciprinello aims to develop similar initiatives The project was conducted over a by installing solar panels and period of 14 months. According to other areas of the vineyard areas the Employer, its implementation Centopassi.

50 51 52 Open to the Future

The Roots of Europe

CONTACT: The National Office for Network Support Unit (NSU) Str. Nicolae Filipescu, nr. 39-41, et. 6, Sectorul 2, Bucureşti, PO Box 020961 Tel.: 031 690 0214, Fax.: 031 690 0215 E-mail: [email protected], Internet:

This material was drafted by the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, within the project “Setting up and supporting the National Rural Development Network”. Project co-financed through EAFRD, Measure 511 from NRDP 2007 - 2013. 2015 The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of European Union. Free copy.