Resource Enhancement Project Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline Revised: February 11, 2005

Brad Olson Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline is a 739- The acre area of shoreline and wetlands that lie along potential the southern edge of . Arrowhead problems Marsh is a portion of the shoreline that was were restored from developed land to wetlands in 1997. addressed Since that time, the marsh has evolved into quality as much habitat for the endangered California clapper rail, as possible and other native plants by the and wildlife. Port of Looking across the Arrowhead Marsh to the Oakland Pardee Parking Lot. A New Neighbor for the Marsh through changes to the parking lot's design. The The Port of Brad Olson Port will install fencing and plant appropriate native Oakland trees and shrubs to screen the lot. The parking lot relocated lighting system will be modified to reduce light and parking spaces glare at night. A grassy swale will collect and filter that were close parking lot runoff. to the terminals Pardee Parking Lot at Oakland Mark Taylor Project Activities International Airport so that To ensure that these efforts they could successfully protect the construct a new marsh, the Port provided Arrowhead Marsh multi-story $60,000 to the District and parking garage. $15,000 to the Golden Until a permanent lot can be built, these cars will Gate Audubon Society. park in a temporary parking lot, the 38-acre Pardee Clapper rail find habitat in The funding will be used for Arrowhead marsh. Parking Lot, which will be constructed adjacent to Arrowhead Marsh. wetlands monitoring. Should problems be detected, other marsh protection Projects will be Having a parking lot adjacent to wetlands raises considered. The Quick Facts many concerns: will oil and other car-related runoff funding will ensure from the parking lot pollute the marsh? Will the Action: Wetlands that the District has monitoring parking lot lighting system keep the marsh so bright the resources that it alters animal behavior? Will the parking lot Acres: 70 necessary to monitor Funding: $75,000 traffic disturb the animals and degrade the park the health of the visitors’ experience? Provided by: Port of wetlands and respond Oakland Brad Olson to concerns that may Completed: [In progress] arise. It helps pre- Target habitats: tidal serve the advances in marsh habitat and ecological Target species: California health that were clapper rail, salt marsh made with the harvest mouse restoration of the Improvements: Water Arrowhead Marsh. quality monitoring and responsive action A biker enjoys Arrowhead Marsh at MLK Shoreline.