Innovation Case Study Griffith Mates Leadership Program
Innovation Case Study Griffith Mates Leadership Program Katie Hanna, Student Linx Coordinator, Griffith International CONTEXT The Griffith Mates leadership program is coordinated by Griffith International’s Student Experience team with the aim of enhancing the overall experience for international students at Griffith University. The program is an integral component of the University’s English Language Enhancement Scheme and Internationalisation strategy. Participants in the program are selected for demonstrated leadership qualities and willingness to contribute to an improved student experience. Whilst supporting the initial transition and orientation of new international students is a primary focus for the Griffith Mates program, it continues throughout the academic year to deliver a vibrant calendar of events, activities and community engagement initiatives. In a recent focus group, the Griffith Mates collectively developed a shared vision for the program: WE ARE… leaders, connected, diverse, involved, 2016 Participation Snapshot individuals, mates to each other and the community. 159 Griffith Mates WE STAND FOR… students, friendship, unity, inclusion, From 41 countries diversity, community and acceptance. Speaking 39 languages Studying 37 programs TOGETHER WE… promote diversity at Griffith, harmonise, can accomplish more and are a united community. Across 5 campuses In 2016 Griffith Mates registered 4,660 volunteer and paid hours and 3,751 registered student engagements across 5 campuses. In addition, the Griffith Mates social media channels actively engage current and prospective students with timely information about the program, peer advice through Meet a Griffith Mate videos and social engagement opportunity. 1 w Charles Darwin University // Flinders University // Griffith University// James Cook University // La Trobe University // Murdoch University RATIONALE The program was initially launched as an initiative within the Griffith University English Language Enhancement Strategy in 2010.
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