DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA JUDICIAL NOMINATION COMMISSION DC SUPERIOR COURT The Honorable Emmet G. Sullivan 515 5th STREET, NW Chairperson SUITE 235 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 Bianca Garcia (202) 879-0478 (Phone) Executive Director (202) 737-9126 (Fax) Website: http://jnc.dc.gov Email:
[email protected] February 11, 2019 The Honorable Charles Allen Chairperson, Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety Council of the District of Columbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 110 Washington, DC 20004 Dear Chairperson Allen: On behalf of the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission (“Commission”), I respectfully provide the following responses to the questions set forth in your letter dated January 15, 2019. General Questions 1. Please provide a current organizational chart for the agency, including the number of vacant, frozen, and filled positions in each division or subdivision. Include the names and titles of all senior personnel, and note the date that the information was collected on the chart. a. Please provide an explanation of the roles and responsibilities of each division and subdivision. Response: See Attachment 1, the Commission’s organizational chart. b. Please provide a narrative explanation of any changes to the organizational chart made during the previous year. Response: There were no organizational changes made during the previous year. 2. Please provide a current Schedule A for the agency which identifies each position by program and activity codes, with the employee’s name, title/position, salary, fringe benefits, and length of time with the agency. Please note the date that the information was collected. The Schedule A should also indicate if the position is continuing/term/temporary/contract or if it is vacant or frozen.