Bangor Public Library Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl World War Regimental Histories World War Collections 1945 War diary of CL 57 U.S.S. Montpelier, September, 1942-December, 1945 United States Navy Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation United States Navy, "War diary of CL 57 U.S.S. Montpelier, September, 1942-December, 1945" (1945). World War Regimental Histories. 175. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the World War Collections at Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. It has been accepted for inclusion in World War Regimental Histories by an authorized administrator of Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. PUBLISHED DECEMBER, 1945 CAPT. W. A. GORRY, USN, Commanding COMDR. R. A. MITCHELL, USN, Exec. Officer Co. Editors LIEUT . .J. B. CRALLE, II, USNR ENs . .J. R. CHADWICK, USNH Photographs By I WoRTHINGTON, C. L., PhoM 2/c, USNR TRIPP, W. W., PboM 3/ c, USNR BERERS, M. L., PhoM 1/c, USNR STEVENSON, D. L., S l / c, USNR ENs . .J . R. CHADWICK, USNR Special Contributors: BEESON, S lie, USNR LIEUT. CoMDR. R. W. FooTI-IORAP, USNR LIEUT. G. w. HESSER, USNR ' FOREWORD This so-called War Diary is an honest attempt to record a brief chapter in the young life of a gallant ship. No effort has been made to glamourize her deeds; no claim has been made that she fought the war single-handed; no single incident or group has been intentionally empha sized or omitted.