1 ..... ·..... I!)~ r 7 HUDSON DI RY. 1877. DAILY REGISTER


Cer;tral Squa~e, Hudson" N. Y. ------•<9•~

.1111 1 II rhe nlbl'r re4111il'iife:,1 of n Pir!

Ilei,.;t. A.,1 vt•rtli,,;ing l\.I:ct•k:, en• ou the Iludr,;on Itlv •1•. M. PAR.KER WILLIAMS, Proprietor. f

... ->fl, y 'T ,- -, ING CARRIAGES AND SLEIGHS Cor. Fourth and Diamond Streets, lllfJ-


Leading Newspapers in Easten'.\ .



Only paper between Poughkeepsie and .Albany that receives the. Tele­ graphic BeJ)orts of the .Associated Press, er ht fact ANY Telegraphic News Reports. This, In part, aeeouts fer its great popularity and wide circulation.


.M. PARTCER WILLIAMS, Proprietor. •------~--~------( De:rnocrat;tc ID Politics,)

I AS ~stablished in 1784, dating almpst from the foundation of oar Government; and since the J - ~ . ~c;><1 birth of the Democratic party (half a century ago), .it has been a zealous and influential organ of that political organization. It has kept full pace with the progress of the age, and improved from time to time, until it is now one of the largest and best filled weekly journals in th~ 8tate. It contains a complete record of the events of the week, at home and abroad; choice· literary reading; vigorous editorials on the leading topics of the day, an_d is in every respect a first-class family paper.

THE GAZETTE has a larger circulation than ANY

OTHER two PAPERS published in Columbia County. It reaches nearly every family in the county, has a large circulation in the adjoining counties, penetrates nearly every State and Territory in the Union, and has sub­ scribers scattered all over the globe.

M. PARKER "WILLIAMS, -·------•

( Independent In. Polltlcs,J

rI .I AS ~stab'.iohed in 1_866, to supply a want long ~~¥ • · felt m tl11s commumty, for an organ to advance '~·~.i~( 1~~7- the business interests and creditably represent the city ah.road. That it has been true to its mission, and is appreciated by the people, is shown hy the liberal patronage extended to it. Th~ REGISTER is a member of the Associated Press, and the only paper between Poughkeepsie and Albany belonging to that powerful organization-a franchise in which costs TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. It cou­ tains telegraphic Hews from all parts of the worl

It has )IURE THAN DOUBLE THE CIRCULATION ever attained by any other daily journal on the Hudson River south ~f Albany.


EmTon AND PRoPnrhou. of every deso.rlpt;io Bapld.1t7 W)~~M~,n~IPE -~ '~~~~~~ii, l','A~ ~~fflffl Carriage and Sleigh

Cor. ot Nortll Fourth and Diamond Sts., IIUDSlll, N. Y"

First-class \Vork done, and all work warranted. Orders promptly attended to. HOUGHTALING'S MANUFACTORY West Side of Public Square, near Warren St., HUDSON, VOL. CO., N. Y.,

Ma.nufacturer of

Hair Restorative, Washing Compound, Tan and Freckle Lotion, Ringbone Ointment, Green Strengthening Salve, Family Sticking Salve, Uorn Salve, Rheumatic Liniment, Horse and Cattle Liniment, Condition Powders, Har­ ness Varnish, Cough Syrup, Pain Reliever, Silver, ll'urniture and Starch Pol­ ishes, Writing and Marking Inks, Liquid Royal Pearl Water and Pearl Pow­ der for the Complexion, Tooth Paste and Tooth Powder!!, Water-Proof Oil Blackmg, and Gr~ase Rem,)Ver. A guarantee that none of these articles bas a superior, and that they wia sustain their recommend, or no pay. Agents wanted to sell all the above articles. Any article sent by Express to any address on receipt of retail price. For particulars and orders call at the Manufactory, or address ISAAC HOUCHTALINC, Hudson, Col. Co .• N. Y. F. HJ. WI8

~-•HE undersigned is prepared r~ ~ (! to do all kinds of PRINTING in the best manner, with the utmost dispatch and at the lowest possible rates. For the benefit of his cus­ tomers, "The Hudson City Adver­ tiser," with an edition of I ooo, is distributed gratuitously throughout the city. Book Bindery in the same building. The public will find it to their interest to call, when in need of any description of Printing. Respectfully, F. H. WEBB. paily, (Official Paper of the City,) at $8 per year, and ¢o]umhia ~t~uhUtan

Weekly, (Official Paper of the County,) at $1.50 per year,



Nearly Opposite the t Post Office, ) HUDSON, N. Y.

The large and constantly inscreasing circulation of these Journals make them the most valuable means of advertising m Eastern New York.





In a Neat, Cheap and Expeditious Manner.


. jjoot and ,$ho~ (mporium, 192 Watte4 St., HUDSON, N® T@, Sl1n or ·ihe u((tQLDII GAITll~n

A Fine Assortment of Children's, Misses', Ladies' and Gent's· IHil! Sh~11, SUpp1Hr &e. ~ REPAIRING NEATLY DO.NE.

192 WARREN STREET, 6 .ADVERTismrnN'IS. HUDSON 8Pa11lte W oPks, J, S. & N. F. YORK, Pros., H, H. HOPKINS, Agent, ~\ Dealers in all kinds of I ! Monumental and Buildin[ WORK, \MIO'i~l\'iiiT'\U ~Eil'\'li."fffl ~ ,ml .t!li~ 11 M.~Jg~i ~i ~~ ,, lleadl ltones, F"-i CEMETERY COPING, 11_ ,_;!C . Bl k .';;J...GAk.'.:..:~ arnage oc s, &c. -- IW'"' All Orders promptly at. tended to. nor "" •)/ @

NURSERYMAN AND FLORIST~ PROSPECT HILL, HUDSON, N. Y. Fruits, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &c. ADVE!tT!SEl\fENTS. R. D. POTTS, Wholesale an~ Retail Dealer in

Clover cf Timothy Seed, Ba,iletl Hay cf Straw, No. 24 Columbia Street, 1st door balow St. Charles Hotel, Bl'!i)S@N. N. :r. JOSEPH GSCHWIND Designer and Manufacturer of ' ....Q I'!: • i § -+-1 ... i::::; ... ~ ~ :~ -~~ C5 ~ ~ 00 :.. ~ ~s0 ~ -~ neKVIIJDJKTB,i TOMBSTONES, HEADSTONES, &c. In Scotch & American Cranite Made to Order, If! N@~J?M 8B£1?m 8~•• Il'li!IJS@N. N. :V. 8 ADVERTISEl\IENTS. BYRON PABKEB,

PLUMBER, GAS &STEAM FITTER 213 Warren St., Hudson, N. Y. Steam ancl I-Iancl Pumps of all clcscriptlons Put up ancl Repai1'ell at the Shortest Notice.

Dealer in StaP.le and Fancy Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Fruits AND NU'l'8. Arnoug 1he specialties arc Fine 'leas, Fresbly Roasted Cof­ fees, Pure Spices. tbe very best brands of Flour, and the choicest Butter and Cheese. a7'"Sap Sago, Limburger, E


1\1.J: El .A. T 1\1.1: .A. Ft. ~ El T., No. 28 I Warren St., Hudson, N. Y. ~ Dealer in all kinds of MEATS kept in a First-class Market. -41 W@ B~ IIAJIIT1, ===-- .= - ...=-.::.

08.t'ISt't Office, 208 Warren St., Hudson, N. Y. ~ All Dentistry done in t.he best manner, and warranted satisfactory both in quality of work. and price. 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ tro eu, D~~Dft ~® Ve 6 . ~~'ii 6~,>

Dealer in

f ANCY AND ff AIR pooos,


-AND- ADVERTISE1\1El'l TS. 11 HENRY J. TOBEY, 297 I ·2 WARREN STREET, Sign of the Whale's Jaw Bone, Hudson, N. Y., l»AIWt-Sa. GLAZIER & ·GRAINER~ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints, 8111\~ II.ass, la1b, BtltNBS AND BeeBS~ tw' A variety of PAINTS CONSTANTLY MIXED and ready for use. D. HL~NI) & CO., FASHION ABLE Boot &Shoo Store

A goo


WSpecial attention given to Custom Work. 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. BRY GOODS! Eaucg ffloobt~ •t~, Io. 299 · Warr1n StreetJ BUD)S~N~ N~ Y~ B. S. JOI-INSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lackawanna, Lehigh, Pittston and Cumberland KOAL! YARDS AND OFFICES: Public Square and Stean1boat Dock, HUDSON, N. Y. HUDSON CITY DIRECTORY FOR 1877-8.











• Street Boundaries.

Allen St. South. ttorth. Union St. South. North. Corner Front...... 1 2 Corner Front...... 1 2 Corner Second...... 63 62 Corner First...... 31 36 Corner Tbird .•...... 115 116 Corner Second ...... 69 70 Corner Willard Pl.. .121 Corner 'l'hird ...... 129 128 Corner West Court .187 186 Cor. City Hall Pl. ... 157 158 Corner East Court ... 201 198 Corner West Court..187 Corner Fifth ...... 231 224 Oorner Fourtb ... Ct. H. 210 Corner East Court.. 213 212 Corner Fifth ...... 267 266 Corner Sixth...... 325 · 322 Corner Seventh ...... 345 344 Warren St. 'south. North. Diamond St. South. North. Corner Front...... 1 2 Corner Front...... 1 2 Corner First...... 33 32 Cor. First...... 45 Corner Second...... 69 70 Corner Second...... 83 82 Corner Third ...... 129 130 Corx:.er Third ...... 141 140 Cor. City Hall Pl. ... 161 160 Uorner Fourth .•..... 189 190 Comar Fourth ...... 201 202 Corner Fifth .•...... 269 270 Corner Fifth...... 261 262 Corner Sixth ...... 333 332 Corner Sixth ...... "321 322 Corner Sevonth ...... 345 344 Corner Seventh...... 347 344 Corner Eighth ...... 404 Corner Worth av .... 427 426

State Street. South. North. Corner Front...... 1 2 Corner Second ...... 107 106 Corner Third ...... 157 158 Corner Fourth ...... 231 Corner Carroll...... 244 Corner Short...... 274 Corner Fifth ...... 295 296 Corner Sixth ...... 351 352 Corner Seventh .. : ...... 341 842 Corner Green ...... 401 400 Index to Advertisements. ---•----

Alcott & Bro., ...... 17 Brocksbank Wm., ...... 6 Brooksby Alex., ...... 19 Bryan & Goeltz, ...... front fly. DuBois & Brusie, ...... front paster. Gschwind Joseph, ...... 7 Hand D. & Co., ...... 11 Hart W. H., ...... ~ Houghtaling Isaac, ...... · ...... front fly. Johnson B. S., ...... 12 Kertz Henry, ...... 17 Lahr Peter, ...... 9 Lant J. H., ...... opp. 13 Lumazett Joseph, ...... , .....•..... front fly. McClure Jas. E ...... 14 McConnell Geo. F., ...... 19 Macv F. A. & G. H., ...... 15 Merriam G. & 0., ...... 13 Moore M. P., ...... 12 Monell J. D., ...... 85 Mull Isaac, ...... front paster. O'Connell Wm., ...... 16 Parker Byron, ...... 8 Peake Misses The, ...... 18 Philip & Hardy, ...... 5 Philip J. & Son, ...... 14 Potts R. D., ...... 7 Rapp C., ...... 17 Remington R. M. & Son, ...... 15 Roe J. H., ...... 8 Snyder Miller W., ...... 20 Thornton Edward, ...... 168 Tobey H. J., ...... 11 Turner H. C., ...... 10 Waldron B. H ...... 115 Webb F. H., ...... bottom every page. Webber R., ...... 20 Williams M. P., ...... covers and front fly. "fork J. S. &N. F., ...... 6 J. H. LANT,



Directories of Recent Publication, For any State, City or Town

In the ,


227 Warren St., HUDSON, N. Y. H. H. L% D. W. ~t\_LQOTT,

:\!AN l' FA«nTHER8 OF Flour Barrels

North Fifth Street, cor. State Stree1, Hudsou, i\ Y.

W:tl\ etiCafl Hotel, On the European Plan.

Opposite the H. R.. R. Depot, HUDSON, N. Y.

E• THORNTON,••··• •· ······ •Proprietor.

Hood .Acoommoclat10ns for 'l'ravelei-s. .First Cla8s Livery attach eel. _.\.11-0 the <:elebrate

En[ravin[s Pa[es Qto. 1owr P11e1 Colored Pl1te1s A whole Library in H1elf~ In,1hiabl1 in 1v1ry J11mUJe :Most complete, accurate and reliable Dictionary of the English langue.ge -President Woolsey. · Of extraordinary merit and value.-Daniel Webster. Best defining Dictionary.-Horace ilfann. In Etymology surpas-,es any otller.-George Bancroft. Every scholar knows its valne.-W. H. Prescott. A National Standard. The highest authority in Creat Britain as well as the United States. prwarmly recommended by Bancroft, PresCJott, Motley, George P. Marah. Halleck, Whittier, Willis, Elihu Burritt, Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate, H. Colericlge, Smart, Horace Mann, President Woolsey, Wayland, Hopkins, Walker, Nott, Ander- son, (more than 50 College Presidents in all,) and the best American and European Scholars. "THE BEST PRACTICAL E 1YGLISH DICTIOXARY EXTAN'l'."-London Qiiarterly Review, Octobe1·, 1873. Frorn the Chief Justice of the United States. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct, 25, 1875.-Indispensable to every student of the English lang•rn,g-e, anu the Courts look to it as of the highest authority in all questions of deflnition.-M. R. WAITE. 20 to I ,-'l'he sales of Webster's throughout the country in 1873, were 20 times as large as the sales of any other Dictionaries. Proof sent on ap­ plication, and such sale still continues. The Complete Series of Webster's Dictionaries. Quarto Unabridged Dtctionary-s,ooo Illustrations, over 114,0D0 Words in its voeitoulari.es. 10,000 words and meanings not in other Dictionaries. National Pictorial Dictionary-svo., illust'd. $4,50 cloth, $5 sheep, ~µf?lished by C. & C. ME~RIAM, Springfiel~. ,vlass, 14 ADVERTISEMENTS.

JOIDAI PHILIP & SOl1 Fire, Life, Accidental and Plate Glass I11¢uta11Ce Wge11Cy, 3 2 7 W arre11 Street~ HUDSON, N. Y. No Combination. Insure property at the lowest paying rates. JAMES E. McCLURE,


,Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished. ADVJ

Dea,lers in Lackawanna, Cumberland and other

COALSBY THE ______: Cargo or Load, 18 Warren St~, Hwdson, I~ Tfb ALSO, l'Lt)U 1 aa I( 1\ JflllD CONSTANTLY ON HAND.

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCONISTS Also Dealers in Imported and Domestic Cigars, Real and Imitation Meer­ schaum Pipes and Cigar Holders. Smokers' articles constantly on hand. MANUFACTURERS OF A',L KINDS OF KlNDLlNG WOOD~ Also constantly on band and for sale all sizes of Vitrifiod Stono-Prossod Drain PiDB, 206 "\Varreu St., Hudson, N. Y. 16 AbV:mRT:fsE:M:ENlfS. W111~ o,rme• 11ell~ 162 WARREN STREET, Nearly eppesite Pos,t 9 lee, RUDS~N1) Ne Ye


Wrought Iron Pipes and Fittings, Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ilatlls,Copper Boilers,

WATER CLOSETS, Wash Bowls, Gas Fixtures, &c., &c., Furnished at the Lowest Market Prices.

Promptly attended to, and all orders thankfully recehed. ADVltRTtSEMENTS. 17 HUDSON llindlePy, ·••k100 WARREN STREET.

1\1.J:-u.si.c, 1\1.1:agazi.:n.es, &c., lJoun

l••tI I 8 Warren ~ I••• St., Hudson, It••• N. Y. A good assortment of Useful and Fashionable Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. Special attention given to C-Ustom Work.

H. H. &MPu;,A~~RRFLOOTT, Fleur Barrels AND DEALERS IN tiour itmd $tat.tt$, ~ttp$ tuul t~ailhtn$, North Fifth Street, cor. State Street, Hudson, N,Y. 18 ADVERTISEMENTS.


ELI ZABET H PEAKE, (Author ot "Pen Pictures of Europe"} and "History ot German Emperors," Principals, SOPHIA C. PEAKE,

This Seminary, pleasantly situated In the City of Hu

REFERE~CES. Rev. Robert E. Terry, Iluclson. Rev. T. Babcock, D. D., Manlius, N. -Y. lion. Darius Peck, " " ltev. E. S. Porter, D. D.,,Yilliam.sburgh. Ilon. John C. Newkirk, Rev. J. ll. Tuttle, D. D., New York. Casper P. Collier, Esq., " " lion. Josiah Sntherlaud, " " Peters. Wynkoop, Esq., Cyrus Curtiss, Esq., " " Charles H. Stott, Esq., Stottville. Wm. I. Peake, Esq., Henry A. Dubois, Esq., Greenport. Geo. F. Seymour, D. D., " " D. P. Barnard, Esq., Brooklyn. ADYI<)RTISmIENTS. 19

G. F. McCONNELL, ~Etl&:IP.il IN

---·,l B ots,Shoes, Hais,Oap , &o.

NURSERYMAN, HUDSON, N. Y., Filfl'l'P 4i Qft.i•~MTINFil&, 1/itBllll. Sa•rt•a. ~(]. 20 ADVERTISEMENTS. Robert Webber, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in IJUSICAL .a :ERCHANDISE,

And Publisher OF

- 170 Warren Street, ~Yf)SfaNa N. F. MILLBB W@ SNYDBB-, -Dcalci.• in GRAIN, PRODUCE, llh•ltte flt•tt••i•s~ 0 F ALL Ii.INDS, ~J111., Cofrees, Spices andl Su11r1, Foreign & Domestic Fruits, Canned Goods OF ALL KINDS, AND 0•1101 BB"NBl 11 JILIUB, Wholesaling at Miller's Prices, I 28 Warren Street, Hudson, N. V. HUDSON DIRECTORY.

-----•- ..... ----- ABBREVIATIONS.-Ab., above; al., alley; av., avenue; bel., below; b. or bus., boards; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct.,court; do.,ditto; ft., foot; h., house ; la., laJ?-e; opp., opposite; n., near; r., rear; rd., road ; sq., square; tp., turnpike; N .• North: E., East; W., West; s., South; B. & A. R.R., Boston and Albany Railroad; N. Y. C. & H. R.R. R., New York Cen­ tral and Hudson River Railroad.

-•- AOLY HENRY, mason, h 39 Allen. Acly John, painter, bds 27 Union. Adams A. J., dry goods, &c., 217 & 219 Warren, h do. Adams W. G., clerk, bds 217 Warren. Adams ,John G., clerk, h 44 N First. Adams Thomas, laborer, h N Front cor Prison al. Ahearn Patrick, laborer, h Third cor Allen. Aitken Walter, h hd Green. Akins Edward, baker, h 24 Diamond. Akins E. J., boatman, h 29 N Front. Akins Frederick, laborer, b 24 Diamond. Akins Thos., laborer, h 66 Chapel. Alcott D. W., (H. H. & D. W. Alcott,) h 282 State. Alcott Edward, pharmacist! bds 282 State. ALCOTT H. II. & D. W., coopers, State cor Fifth. Alcott H. H., (H. H. & D. W. Alcott,) bds 282 State. 1 Alcott W. H., h 42 N Fifth. • Aldcroftt R. B., (Tilley & Aldcroftt,) h 256 Diamond. 5 26 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Alden Geo. W., auctioneer, h 178 Warren. Alexander A., meat market, 20 S Front, h 10 do. Alger Charles, iron, h 150 Allen. Alger Charles, tinsmith, bds 93 W :uren. Alger Christina, h 12 S Seventh. Alger Frank, tinsmith, bds 93 Warren. ALGER JOHN, stoves and tinware, 93 Warren, h do. Alger J. C., shoemaker, h Union tp. Allen Ethan, shoemaker, 2 Union, h 24 Diamond. Allen George B., (Groat & Allen,) h 65 Columbia. Allen Jas. W., wagon maker, h 60 Union. Allen Richard, gardener, l>ds 181 State. Allen R. N., bds Worth House. Allen Samuel .A.., machinist, h 20 Green. Allen Samuel G., gardener, h 20 Green. Allen Samuel T., fisherman, h 16 State. Allen William P., h 189 State. Allen Wm. T., laborer, h 60 Chapel. Allison R., clerk, h 53 Warren. AMERICAN HOTEL, (E. Thornton, pro.,) Franklin opp Depot. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., 107 Warren. Anable Geo. H., leather, h 34 S Front. ANABLE HENRY, leather, 34 S Front and 48 Colum- bia, h 322 Diamond. Anderson Sanford, laborer, h N Sixth cor State. Anderson Wm., h Robinson bel Third. ANDREWS (R. E.,) & EDWARDS (S.,) , 325 Warren, h 397 do. Andrews R. E. Jr., bds 397 Warren. Arkison Patrick, laborer, h 72 N Third. Armstrong James 0., engineer, h 82 Diamond. HUnsoN DIRECTORY.

Armstrong Wm., h 40 Union. Arnard Jas., laborer, h Cross. Aspin Richard, moulder, h Chapel. Atkins John, h 37 Chapel. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEL. CO., 173 Warren. Atwood W. H., , bds 20 Union. , Aurich Henry, cigar maker, bds 347 Warren_ Austin Artemus, (pro. Franklin House,)S Front cor Allen. Austin Geo. W., restaurant, Warren cor N Eifth, h 20 N Fifth. Austin J. W. Mrs., boarding, h 347 Warren. Austin Stephen, b 18 Green. Avery Bashford, peddler, h 252 Diamond. Avery George M'rs., h 252 Diamond. Avery H. C. Mrs., h 246 Union. Avery Philip, switchman, h 210 E Allen. Avery P. H., architect, h 210 E Allen. Avery Theo., painter, bds 72 Chapel. Avery Wm. A., carpenter, h 15 Promenade Hill. AVERY W. H., grocer, Public sq cor N Seventh, h junc. Columbia and Union tp. Avery W. H. Jr., clerk, h 71 Columbia. Ayrault Daniel, tinsmith, bds 6 S Sixth.

BACH C. H., clerk, bds 205 Warren. BACH JEAN, watchmaker and jeweler, 205 Warren, h do. Bachman Jacob I._Mrs., h 25 Worth av. Bachman John W., h 72 Warren. Bachman Lewis W., clerk, h 25 Worth av. Bachman Peter I., h 353 Warren. 28 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Bachman Peter F., clerk, h E side Public sq. Bachman Samuel Mrs., h 380 Warren. Bachman W. J., clerk, h 25 Worth av. Bade! Louis, laborer, h Carroll. Badgley Alfred D., clerk, bds 17 Warren. BADGLEY WM., coal, steamb't dock, h 17 Warren. Badgley Francis H., carpenter, h Washington n Fifth. Bailey B. F., machinist, h 3£, Allen. Baker Alexander, laborer, h Robinson n Second. Baker A. W., cutter, h 328 Diamond. Baker Geo. W., clerk, bds Worth av cor Warren. Baker Henry, paper hangings, paints, 234 Warren, h 230 do. Baker Henry, h 377 Warren. . Baker Henry P., clerk, bds 328 Diamond. Baker John H., h 269 Union. Baker Marshall M., engineer, h Worth av cor Warren. BALIS E., df3ntist, 189 Warren, h do. Ball John, watchman, h n Evans' Brewery. Ball Wm. F., brewer, h 154 State. Ball Wm. H., painter, h 150 State. Balter Fred., tailor, h 42 N Sixth. Bame Chas., h 368 Warren. Banglow Geo., laborer, h N Second ab State. Barager H. A., bds 218 Union. Baringer F. W., h 38 Chapel. Baringer Geo., moulder, h Green. Baringer H. J., h 117 Warren. Baringer L. M. Miss, tailoress, h 279 Union. Baringer E. Mrs., h 15 Warrcu. Baringer Thomas A., clerk, h 213 State. Barker Thos., h 101 Union. HUOSON DIRECTORY. 29

Barlow William, iaborer, h 120 State. Barnard Geo. Mrs., h 106 Union. Barnard R. P., paintel', h 107 Warren. Barnfather William, clerk, bds 51 Warren. Barrel L. Mrs., h 46 Warren. Barrett Jane Mrs., h N Third ab Diamond. Barrett John, painter, h North Third ab Diamond. Barry David, supt., h 9 Union. Barry Edward, h 41 Union. Barry John, laborer, h 29 Diamond. Barry Thomas, laborer, h 48 Diamond. Barton Edmund, rectifier, h 0 Green ab State. BATCHELLOR JAMER, crockery, house furnishing, fancy goods. &c., 120 Warren, h do. BATHRICK FREDERICK, boots and shoes, 21 War- ren, h 8 do. Bathrick J ., clerk, bds 8 Warren. Barton H. Miss, h 141 Warren. Bates M., agt. American Express Co., 107 Warren, bds Waldron House. Baxter Chas. J., news depot, 290 1-2 Warren, h do. Baxter C. J. Mrs., millinery, 292 Warren, h do. BEALE (Chas. L.,) & DU~TZ, (Mark,) lawyers, 331 Warren, bds 340 Diamond. Beaman Chas. L., engineer, h 290 Diamond. Bear Frank, carpenter, bds First Ward Hotel. Beatty Matthew, laborer, h 19 S Front. BECKER CH.AS. H., harness maker, 21 Columbia. Becker C. H., photographer, 329 Warren, h do. Beekman Tbos. A., carpenter, h 165 Warren. Beglin Patrick, h 38 Chapel. BEHRENS AUGUSTUS, harness manuf. and carriage trimmer, 167 Warren, h do. HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Beirer Michael, uphol:sterer, h 321 State. Belding F. C., h 298 Warren. Bellows E. G., (Miller & B.,) h 126 Warren. Benedict E. M. Mrs., bds 213 State. BENEDICT R. B., hardware and stoves, Franklin sq, cor Ferry, h 7 4 Union. BENHAM J. C., physician, 121 Warren, h do. Benjamin Eliza Mrs., h 22 Warren. Benjamin (G. H. & W. H.,) & Stuppleheen (F. A.,) boots, shoes, hats and caps, 343 Warren. Bennett Ambrose A., engineer, h 216 E Allen. Bentley Wm. N., wagon maker, 59 Columbia, h hd N Seventh. · Benson A. R., bookkeeper, h 182 Union. BENSON G. E., physician, 116 Warren. b do. Benson Joseph, pattern maker, h 151 State. Benson J. D., machinist, h 151 State. Benton Andrew, saloon, 140 Diamond, h do. Benton Harriet Mrs., h. Prison al n Fourth. Benton Isaac, laborer, h Long al E of Fifth. Benton S. B., clerk, F. N. B., h 380 Warren. Benza William W., laborer, h 28 Diamond. Berg Frederick, cigar maker, h hd Warren. Berridge Geo. W., overseer, h 239 Union. Best Benj. R., h 40 Chapel. Best Christina Mrs., h 270 Warren. Best Edgar, foreman, h 276 State. BEST F. M., merchant tailor, 331 Warren, h 2 E Court. Best George H., pilot, h 163 Diamond. BEST HENRY, druggist, 351 Warren . .Best Henry D., keeper qf light house, Light House. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 31

Best Hiram, carpenter, h Third n Allen. BEST JAS. R., meat market, 49 Allen, h 51 do. Best John, h 64 Chapel. Best Margaret, h ft State. Best Rhoda Mrs., h 3 Worth av. Best Robert Mrs:, h 29 N Seventh. Best Robert, engineer, h 74 Allen. Best Stephen E., boatman, h 30 Chapel. Best Walter, printer, h 3 Worth av. Best Wm., fireman, h 163 Warren. Best Wm. H., laborer, h 38 Chapel. Bevier J. Il. Rev., h 214 E Allen. Beyer ,Jacob. carpenter, h 124 Union. Beyer Martin, n:achinist, h 247 State. Bingerman E. Mrs., bds :23 Chapel. Bixby Jonathan, agent, vh 9 N Third. Blaco Emmet W., wagon maker, bds 214 E Allen. Blaco Geo. W., (H. Sheldon & Co.,) h Prospect n Franklin. Blaco Joseph E., carriage maker, h 214 E A.lien. Blackburn William, laborer, b Robinson n Second. Blair Napoleon, laborer, h Union tp. Blake Charles W., butcher, h 20 Diamond. Blake Charles, agent, h S Fiftli opp Partition. Blake Clarissa M!'s., h 335 State. Blake Crawford, painter, E side Public sq., h 363 Warren. Blake Fletcher, agent, h 363 Warren. Blake James, laborer, h Loug al E of Fifth. BLAKE SAMUEL E., meat market, 1811-2 Warren, h 168 Union. · BLANCHARD F. A., prof. of music, h 107 Warren. 32 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Blanchard Laura, h 105 Diamond. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS, W side of Franklin sq. Bogardus Abram, h 16 S Fifth. Bogardus Elizabeth Mrs., h 369 Warren. Bogardus Jas. B., salesman, h 11 S Sixth. Bogardus Lottie E. Miss, h 67 Allen. Bogardus Mary Mr£., h 80 Warren. Bogardus Susan Mrs., h 22 Warren. Bohite Peter, laborer, h 104 Diamond. Boies Wm. Mrs., h 48 Warren. Boice Sarah J ., h Union tp. Bold~r Peter, tailor, h 105 Diamond. Bolster John, h N Fifth cor Clinton. Bortle Cornelius, h 255 Union. BOSTON & ALBANY R. R., office ft Broad. BOSTON WM., hats, clothing, &c., 319 Warren, h do. Bostwick Chas. W ., bookkeeper, bds 80 Warren. BOSTWICK E. F., dining rooms, 334 Warren, h do. Bostwick Fitch, h 44 N Sixth. Bostwick W., teller, N. H. R. Bank, bds 97 Warren. Boucher J. Miss and sister, h 345 State. Boucher Nelson F., lawyer, 302 Warren, h 395 do. Bounds Isaac H., h Prison al u Fourth. Bowers N., h Short. Bowles Ann Mrs., h 384 Warren. Bowne J. T., Gen. Sec. Y. M. C. A., 156 Warren, bds 97 do. Boxberry Henry, Jr., clerk, h Dodge. Boxberry Henry, tailor, h Dodge. BOYNTON T. A., boots and shoes, 175 Warren, h do. Boyd John, laborer, h R. R. u :Fair Grounds. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 33

BRABENDER CHAS., h 131 State. Brabender Chas., tailor, h 44 N Sixth. Brabender J., hairdresser, h N side Public sq. BRABENDER P., hairdresser, 308 Warren, h N 6th. Bradley Lyman, h 187 Union. Bradley L. W. Col., cutlery, 411 Warren. Bradley G. W. Mrs., h 71 N Third. Bradley Theo. A., conductor, h 187 Union. Brady John, laborer, h New Road n State. Brandow Augustus S., job printer, bds 15 Warren. Brandow Hattie E. Miss, dressmaker, bds 15 Warren. Branceri Andrew, segar maker, h 16 N Second. Brayman Elizabeth Miss, 57 Diamond. Brayman Wm. H., restaurant, W side Public sq., h 5 Columbia. Braymau Wm. H. Jr., h 83 Allen. Breen Dennis. labol'er, h 52 N Third. Breen Ed ward, teamster, h 129 State. Breen Patrick, mason, h 78 Union. Brennan B. L. Mrs., fancy goods, 120 1-2 Warren, h 15 N Second. Brennen James, mason, h 34 N Third. Brennen John F. X., mason, h 34 N n1ird. Brennen rn10s., mason, h 34 N Third. Brennen rr110s. Jr., mason, h 13 N Third. Bresnahan Margaret Mrs., h Cross. Brewer Henry Mrs., 11 171 State. Brewer Russel P., fireman, h 171 State. Brewster Chas., laborer, h Prison al ab Third. Bridg~t Ed ward, h Rope Walk al E of Third. Brigham A., reporter, bds 244 Union. Briggs A. M., tel. operater, bds 8 Warren. Broderick James, m-ason, h State n New Road. 6 84 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Broderick Jeremiah, laborer, h 14 N Front. Broderick Michael, mason, h State n New Road. Brocksbank Frank, h 176 Statt,. BROCKS BANK WILLIAM, nurseryman and florist, Prospect Bill, h do. • Bronk Benj., teaillster. h Prison al E of Third . Bronk Chas., blacksmith, h Prospect cor Franklin. Bronk Chas., laborer, hr 150 Diamond. Bronk Henry, cl0rk, bds Prospect cor Franklin. Bronk Howard, waiter, h N Second cor Long al. Bronk Jane Mrs., h Prison a] ab Second. Bronk Peter, h 131 Diamond. Bronk Sarah E., h Prison al ab Third. BROOKSBY ALEX., nursery, Union tp, h do. Brosseau Alphonso, laborer, h 175 State. Brosseau John B., carpenter, h 271 State. Brophy Kate Mrs., h N Front cor Pirson al. Brophy Mary Mrs., h 17 Worth ave. Brophy Michael, clerk, bds N Front cur Prison al. Bross .Albert, cooper, bds 41 N Sixth. Brown Christina Mrs., h 363 Warren. Brown Chas., laborer, h Long al N of Sixth. Brown Frank. dyer, h 218 Diamond. Brown Geo. T., bds 363 Warren. Brown John, laborer, h Robinson n Third. Brown John, laborer, h 11 S Front. Brown J. N. Mrs., h 105 Allen. Brown Martin, laborer, h Prison al ab Third. Brown Robert E., master mechanic, .h 68 Allen. Brown Wm., laborer, h Robinson n N Second. Brown Wm., policeman, h 158 Warren. BROWN WM .. lats and caps, 318 W.arreu, h 325 do.


BROWN WM. A., dry goods, &c., 325 Warren, h do. Brown Wm. F., engineer, h N Second n State. Bruce Frank, watchmaker, bds 104 ·Warren. Brunell M. L., music teacher, bds 239 Union. Brush Frederick Mrs., h 104 Union. Brusie Mary Mrs., h Academy Hill. Brusi.e P. A., (DuBois & Brusie,) bds St. Charles. Bryan Henry R., clerk, bds 57 Warren. Bryan Owen, laborer, h New Road n State. BRYAN (Wm.,) & GOELTZ (Louis,) eds. and pros. Hudson Daily Republican, 172 Warren, h 57 do. Bryant Henry J., fish market, 200 Warren, h 102 Diamond. Bryant James, peddler, h 15 Columbia. Bryant Pet€r B., fish, h 102 Diamond. Bryant T. P., policeman, h 134 Diamond. Buckley Henry, laborer, h Academy Hill. Buckley Michael, laborer, h Cross. Buckley Patrick, laborer, h Cross. Buckman Theodore, moulder, h State n Green. Buckman Theodore Jr., bds 46 Columbia. Buddington W. J., supt. Hudson Cement Co., h 14 Union. Budlong H. C., blacksmith, Fifth cor Cherry al, h do. Budlong J. C., blacksmith, Long al n Seventh, h 336 State. Bugel Daniel W., tobacconist, 172 Warren, h 359 do. Bugel F. D., saloon, 359 Warren, h do. Buguey Geo. A., h 120 Union. Bulger James, laborer, h Rope Walk al E of Third. Bulger John, laborer, h S Third n Allen. · Bump Arthur, h 176 State. 36 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Bump A. J., baggage master, bds 54 Union. Bump A. S., h 176 State. Bump Charles H., ticket agent, h 91 Union. BUMP JAMES A., station agent, N. Y. 0. & IT. R.R. R., h 54 Union. Burdock Albert S., laborer, h 26 Diamond. Burdwin Arthur ·w., bds Front cor Chapel. Burdwin Chauncey W., painter, h Front cor State. Burdwin Edward, painter, h Front cor Chapel. BURDWIN J. T., painter, paper hangings, &c., 75 Warren, h do. Burdwin Theo., tinsmith, h 300 Diamond. Burdwin W. C., tinsmith, h 300 Diamond. Burdwin William H., painter, h Carroll. Burger P. K. Mrs., h 26 Union. Burgert Chas. L., bds 97 Warren. Burgert Geo. Mrs., h 7 Worth av. Burke Patrick, laborer, h Prison al n Third. Burmingham M. Mrs., h 72 Chapel-. Burns David, laborer, h 98 Diamond. Burns James, laborer, h N Fifth cor Prison al. Burns Martin, laborer, h Cross. Burns Mary Mrs.~ h Fleet cor Rock al. Burns Patrick, switchman, h Montgomery. Burns Philip, laborer, h Robinson n Second. Burns Robert H., bakery, 13 S Front, bds Fra11klin House. Burns Thos., laborer, h 140 State. Burns Thos., laborer, h Cross. Burns Wm. H., grocer, Third cor State, h 157 State. BUSH ALBERT, billiard rooms,161 Warren, h 122 do Bush Chas., bookkeeper, bds 122 Warren. HODSON DIRECTORY.

Busteed Geo. W. Mrs., h 21 Eighth. BUTLER CHAS. E., watchmaker and jeweler, 327 Warren, h Green E of State. Butler F. M. Col., bds Worth House. Bu tier Nicholas, moulder, h 136 Diamond. Butler Patrick, laborer, h 132 Diamond. Butts Isaac V., carpenter, h 57 Diamond. Byrne Ezra V., h S,tockport rd. Byrne Geo. C., h Stockport rd. Byrne Margaret Mrs., h Robinson n Second.

CADY ELIZABETH J. Miss, h 214 Union. , CADY J. RIDER, lawyer, 302 Warren, h 25 Uuion. Caldwell J amcs, h Green. Caldwell Thomas, moulder, h Green. CALKINS A. L., h 55 N Fifth. CALKINS T. T., physician, 176 Warren, h 174 do. Campbell Chas. F., engineer, h 199 State. Campbell Geo. F._, b ol Columbia. Campbell Patrick Mrs., h 61 Columbia. Campbell Sylvester, salesman, bds 290 Warren. Oaunon Jas., gardener, h 326 State. Capron E. P.H., h 62 Warren. Carl Abraham, veterinary surgeon, h 272 State. Carl .Abram, Jr., h Washington n Sixth. Carl Jacob, tailor, N Third cor Warren. Carl Robert, cal'penter h 272 State. Carley John F., marble cutter, h ·173 State. Carlos John W., grocer, 11 S Front, h do. Carman 0. E. Mrs., h 56 Union. Carney Michael, h N Third cor Ropo Walk al. 38 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Carpenter Anna Miss, h 57 Warren. Carpenter Charles, h 26 Warren. Carpenter E. Mrs., h 35 Warren. Carpenter Geo. W ., bds Waldron House. Carpenter J. G., bookkeeper, h 108 Warren. CARPENTER WM. H., mineral water manufac., 2 Market pl., h do. Carrabine John, laborer, h State bel Second. Carrabine Michael, laborer, h 111 State. Carrique Eli:mbeth, dress making, h 234 Warren . . Carroll D. Mrs., h Penuoyer. Carroll James, laborer, h ft State. Carroll James, barbet·, 6 N Front. Carroll M. Mrs., h 6 N Front. Carroll Phoebe Mrs .• h 15 N Fifth. Carter Abram, h 136 Diamond. Carter Alex., constable, h 60 State. Carter Augustus, painter, bds 29 N Seveuth. Carter Cornelius, painter, h 65 Warren. Carter Frederick, switchman, h 29 Diamond. Carter Gilbert, sand, h 252 State. Carter Joseph, laborer, h 220 Diamond. Carter L., fisherman, h 125 State. Carter Robert, watchman, h 46 Diamond. Carter Wm. H., baker, 47 Diamond, h 60 do. Casey Jas., laborer, h 37 N Sixth. Casey Patrick, h 37 N Sixth. Casey Wm., coachman, h 142 Union. Castle A. M., laborer, h 35 Warren. Caton Jas. H., clerk, h Union u Worth av. Caton Samuel, carman, h Worth av n Union. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 39

CATSKILL & ALBANY STEAMBOAT CO., ft Fer- ry, N side. Oen.gen Michael, h State junc. New Road. Ceagen Thos., h State junc. New Road. CENTRAL HOUSE, (S. W. Ham, pro.,) Warren cor S Fifth. Chace A. Frank B., (Newkirk & C.,) h 4 Willard pl. Champli~1 0. S., h Washington n Fifth. Chard E. M., engineer, bds 104 Union. Chard John, boiler maker, h 104 Union. Charlot John H., cabinet maker, h 304 Warren. Charlot J. H. Mrs., milliner, 304 Warren, h do. Charlot J. H. Jr. Mrs., h 91 Union. Chace Bernard, music teacher, h 238 Union. Chase John, fish, h Prison al w·of Front. Cheney Richard, h 1-1 Warren. Chipp Wm. M. Rev.,. h 174 Union. Clancy John, blacksmith, h 125 St.ate. Clancy Michael H., mail agt., h 14 N Second. Clancy Michael, Jr., clerk, h 127 State. Clancy Patrick, plumber, bds 153 Warren. Clancy Patrick, laborer, h Mill n Brewery. Clancy Thos., laborer, h 127 State. OLA.PP & JONES MANUFACTURING CO., South Bayn H. R.R. Clapp M. R., (Clapp & Jones Manufac. Co.,) h 47 Allen. Clapper Chas. H., watchmaker, h 195 State. Clapper F. H., (Tanner & 0.,) h 22 Eighth. Clapper Geo., carpenter, h Diamond E of Fourth. Clark Julia, h Robinson bel Third. Clark F. Willard, laborer, h Academy Hill. )


Clark Isaac, ca,rpenter, h Union tp. CLARK JAMES, h 6 S Fourth. Clark J oho, laborer, h 162 State. Clark Noah, h Academy Hill. Clark Patrick, laborer, h 136 State. Clark Thomas, laborer, h Robinson bel Third. Clark Thomas, laborer, h Robinson n Second. Clark Wm., h Rock al. CLARK (W. H.,) & HAVILAND (P. W.,) hay, straw, salt and country produce, W side Franklin sq., h 42 Warren. Clarke W. F., lawyer, 329 Warren, h 7 N Sixth. CLARKE W. H., lawyer, h 7 N Sixth. Clough. J. A. Mrs., h 17 Columbia. Cl0ugl1 Julia A . .Mrs .• h 81 Allen. Clum M. Mrs .• h 25 Warren. Clum Jacob H., crockery, &c., 156 Warren. Cobb David S., asst. capt., h 189 State. COCHRAN F. T., physician, 427 Warren, h do. Coe Caleb, engineer, h 137 Union. Cody John C., h 16 N Front Cody Tobias, bds 22 Diamond. Coffee E. Mrs., h 40 Chapel. Coffee John, laborer, h Deer al cor Cross. Coffin C., h State n New Road. Coffin C. Miss, h 118 Union. Coffin E. M. Miss, h 10 Union. Coffin J. B., agent kalsomine, h 22 N Fifth. Coffiu S. Mrs., h 141 Union. Coffin Seth, painter, h 141 Union. Coffin S. B., clerk, h 150 Union. Colbeck Thos., granite cutt3r, bds Farmers' Hotel. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 41

Colby Chas. A., watchmaker, bds 363 Warren. Cole Jeremiah, re~taurant, 204 Warren, h do. COLE J. H., market, Warren cor N Front, h Warren cor Promenade al. Cole Martha Mrs., h Allen cor Third. Cole Russel, conductor, h 63 Allen. Coleman Daniel J., carman, h 65 N Seventh. Coleman Fred., wagon maker, Long al n Pub. sq., h State. Coleman James, blacksmith, h Robinson n Third. Coleman James, laborer, h Tanner's lane. Coleman John, laborer, h State n Second. COLLIER C. P. & I. N., lawyers, 329 Warren. Collier C. P., ( 0. P. & 1. N. Collier,) h 187 Allen. Collier E. 11. Mrs., h 273 Union. Coilier I. N., (C. P. & I. N. Collier,) h 67 Partition. Collins Philip, laborer, h 140 Diamond. Collins Thomas, mason, h 104 State. COLTON A., dentist, 322 Warren, h E side Pub. sq. COLUMBIA REPUBLTCAN & HUDSON WEEKLY STAR, Bryau & Goeltz, eds. and pros., 172 Warren~ Comether Benjamin, laborer, h R. R. ab Depot. Cone J. H., fisherman, h 278 State. CONKLIN THOMAS, millinery and fancy goods, 297 Warren, bd~ 300 .do. Connelly Thos., h Robinson n Second. Connor Daniel, h 10 N Front. Connor James, laborer, h lC N Second. Connor James, h Prospect n opp Franklin. Connor John, moulder, h 136 State. Connor Patrick, blacksmith, h 68 N Third. CONNOR THO.MAS, boots and shoes, 12 Warren, h do 7 42 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Connor Thomas W., carpenter, h 109 State. Connor Wm., laborer, h 16 N Second. Connor Wm., laborer, h S Third cor Montgomery. Conrad Peter, butcher, bds 281 Warren. Conrow Harmon, laborer, h 155 Diamond. Conrow Josiah, laborer, h 278 State. Conrow Walter R., teamster, h 317 Diamond. Conroy Bridget Mrs., h 152 Diamond. Conway Martin, laborer, h Power av. Cook Albert,'farmer, h 278 State. COOK A. P. & C. P., physicians, 111 Warren, h 109 do. Cook C. P., (A. P. & C. P. Cook,) h 109 Warren. Cook Elizabeth Mrs., bds 50 Warren. COOK FRED. J., shoemaker, N Fourth n Warren, h Dodge. Cook George, bds 27 S Front. Cook Mrs., h 74 Columbia. Cook Philip, clerk, 350 Warren. Cook Sheldon B., clerk, Worth House, h Robinson. Cookingham J.M., h 102 Warren. Cookingham Freeman, clerk, uds 11 S Seventh. Cookson W. H., hatter, h 325 Warren. Coon Angeline Miss, h 172 State. Coon Freeman, builder, Diamond bel Fourth, h 181 State. Coon Marshall, machinist, h Power av. Coon Walter, mason, h 343 State. Cooney James, policeman, h Cross n Front. Cooney James, laborer, h New Road n Brewery. Cooney Patrick, h Prison al E of Third. COONS J. A., druggist, h Carroll. Coons John H., gardener, h N Third c Rope Walk al. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 48

Coons Walter, baker, 117 Diamond. Coons Wm. H., laborer, h Promenade Hill. Coons Wm. H., clerk, h Worth av. COOPER JACOB, undertaker and iron railing, 244 ./ Warren, h do. /(Jooper Martin J., brakeman, h Union tp. Cornelius Wm., h 261 Diamond. Cornell James, blacksmith, bds Fifth cor Cherry al. Cornwell E. M. Miss, h 24 N Fifth. Cosgriff John, laborer, .h 192 State. Costa Meliaco, peanuts, &c., h City Hall pl. Costigan John, mason, h Robinson n Second. COUSE L. P., grocer, 403 Warren, h do. Covey E. F., carpenter, h 308 Diamond. Covey E. J ., clerk, h Washington n Sixth. Covey Jennings J., mason, h 111 Columbia. Covey I. C., clerk, h 216 Union. Coyne Michael, grocer, 5 S Third, h d.o. Craft William E., foreman, h 8 Ferry. Craig Robert, hostler, Worth House. Crandall Sarah Mrs., h 58 Warren. Crapser J. M., h 286 Warren. Crapser R. P., clerk, bds 331 Union. CRAPSER WM. H. & CO., (S. Raught,) grocers, 311 Warren, h 331 Union. Crary Wm. E., clerk, bds 11 S Seventh. CRAWFORD JAMES, restaurant, 151 Warren, h do. Crawford John, painter, h 241 Union. Crawford John H., laborer, h Prison al n Fourth. Cripps James, laporer, h 24 State. Cripps Nelson, laborer, h 72 Chapel. Cripps Nelson B., h State W of Front. 44 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

CRISSEY JOHN, real estate agent, plaiting machines, h 164 Warren. · Crock el' Mason I., h 8 W arreo. CROFTS C. L. & CO., (Willis G. Plank,) hats, caps, clothing, &c., 232 Warren, bds 19 do. Crofts John M., h 19 Warren. Crosby Patrick, h 30 N Third. Crossman Arthur H., painter. h 187 State. Crossman E., shoemaker, bds 345 State. Crossman Earl C., carpenter, h 187 State. Crossman Silas D., h 187 State. C:rous C. Mrs., h Tanner's la cor Cross. Crow W. L., tea store, 187 Warren, bds 5 E Court. Cruise John, mason, h New rd n State. CRUISE JOHN Jr., saloon, 125 Warren. Cruise Thos., mason, h 66 Diamond. Cuddy Wm . .Mrs., h 121 State. Cuddy Fenton, laborer, h Second cor Robinson. Culkin Timothy, laborer, h N Second n Mill. Cumiingham F. J. Rev., h 73 Allen. Cunningham John, laborer, h 22 Partition. Cunningham John E., hostler, h Vforth av. Cunningham William, laborer, h State cor R. R. Cure Benj. F., clerk, bds Franklin cor Washington. Cure C. B., carpenter, bds Franklin cor Washington. Cure W. G., machinist, h Franklin cor Washington. Currie John R., h 218 Union. · Curtiss Charles A., clerk, h 40.5 Warren. Curtiss M. Mrs., h 405 Warren. CURTISS HOUSE, (J. W. Hoes,) 42 S Front. Curtiss Marcus, bds 36 S Front. Curtis Wilber, mason, h 405 Warren. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 45

DAGEN JOHN, laborer, h 218 Warren. Dainan Michael, laborer, h Prison al n Fifth. Da in H. P., butcher, bds 74 Warren. DA IN H. W., meat market, 74 Warren, h do. Dakin Paul Mrs., h 143 Union. Dakin Stephen, butcher, h 15 Warren. Dakin Wm., butcher, bds 14 Warren. Daly A., saloon, State cor Second, h do. Dallas J as., laborer, h 74 Columbia. Dallas Stephen, laborer, h 121 State. Danforth Mary A. Mrs., h Prospect n Sh01 t. Darrow Mary Mrs., h Prospect n Sixth. Davis A. N., h N Fourth n Warren. Davis Harriet Mrs., h Deer al. Davis Isaac, barber, E side Public sq., h do. DA. VIS S. W ., stoves and tinware, 13 -N Sixth, h hd Washington. Dawsey Frank, h N -Second cor Rope Walk al. Dawson Allen N., laborer, h 40 N Third. Dawson George F. P., rigger, h 99 Allen. Day Millicent Mrs., h 130 Warren. Dayton L. H., h Union n Worth av. Dearstyne P. R., carpenter, h 199 State. Deady John, h 70 N Third. Decker Stanley, clerk, Central House. Decker Wm. H., laborer, h Mill n Underhill pond. Dederick D., tobacconist, h 423 Warren. Dederick Duane B., stair builder, h 32 N Fifth. Dederick Geo., gardener, h 21 Worth av. Dederick Ida Mrs., h 425 Warren. Dederick Jacob, laborer, h 113 Diamond. Dederick Jacob M., clerk, h 423 Warren. 46 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Dederick P. M., stair builder, 317 State, h 32 N Fifth. Dederick R. Mrs., h New Road n Brewery. Dederick Wm., cigar maker, h 25 N Front. Dee Thomas, laborer, h 25 Partition. DEGNAN, Wm., merchant tailor, 190 Warren, h 62 Diamond. DeLAMATER (E. D.,) & ROCKEFELLER (0.,) law- yers, 24 7 Warren. Delamater E. D., (DeL. & R.,) bds 5 E Court. Delaney Joanna Mrs., h 100 Allen. Delaney Patrick, h 178 State. Delanoy A. Mrs., h 66 N Seven th. Delanoy Wm. R., laborer, h 66 N Seventh. Demyer Sarah Mrs., h 12 S Seventh. Denegar Edmond, carpenter, h Washington c Franklin. Denegar Thos. E., machinist, bds 192 Warren. Dennis Ambrose, h 14 S Seventh. Dennison David, peddler, h Fleet. Dernell C. F., carriage trimmer, bds hd Washington. Dernell Henry, cabinet maker, Long al n N Seventh. h hd Washington. Dernell John 0., cigar maker, bds hd Washington. Deuell Benj. F., supt. water works, h 85 Diamond. Devoe Frank, h 148 Diamond. Devoe Geo. S., small beer mfr., State n Green, bds 363 Warren. Dewelser Chas., florist, l:>ds 222 Warren. DEYO G., hair dressing and furnishing, 79 Warren. DEXHEIMER MARTIN, pro. R.R. Hotel, N side Public sq., h do. Dingman Charles A., carpenter-, bds 165 Warren. Dingman Mary E. Miss, h 81 Allen. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 47

Dickson Eugene, laborer, h 110 State. Donahue Patrick, laborer, h Robinson. Donahue Michael, laborer, h Tanner's la. Donahue Patrick, laborer, h N Third c Rope Walk al. Donavan Dennis, laborer, h Cross. Doolittle Ann Mrs., h 193 State. DORMANDY JOHN C., coal, N Front cor Diamond, h 38 N Front. Dormandy R. R., clerk, hds 88 N Front. DOSENHEIM ~ATHAN, dry goods and carpets, 303 Warren, h do. Doty Henry J ., tailor, h 165 State. Douglass James, ice, h 153 State. Dougherty Chas.,· h 42 Chapel. Dow Geo., teamster, h 27 Diamond. Dow Edward, shoemaker, h 183 State. Downing Daniel, clerk, bd1> 22 N Sixth. Downing John, blacksmith, h 145 State. Doyle Lawrence, laborer, h 134 State. Drowne Mary S. Mrs .• h 54 Warren. Drowne H. W. Jr., bds 54 Warren. DuBOIS (Frank,) & BRUSIE (P. .A..,) hardware and cutlery, 339 Warren. bds St. Charles Hotel. DuBois H. A., pres't N. H. R. Bank, h Greenport. DuBOIS JOHN C., physician, h 134 Allen. DuBois R. V. W., law student, bds Greenport. Duff Hartin, laborer, h Diamond n Front. Duffy Bernard, switchman, h Chapel ab Front. Duffy James, baker, hds Chapel ab Front. Duffy Michael, laborer, h Union n Worth av. Dulen John, laborer, h Tanner's lane. Dunn John, laborer, h S. Third cor Montgomery. 48 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Dunn Thos., laborer, h 27 Diamond. Dunno Peter, laborer, h Cross. Duntz A. I., mail agt., h 181 State. Duntz Herman E., trimmer, bds Pub. sq cor Columbia. Duntz P. H., h 391 Warren. Duntz Mark, (Beale & Duntz,) h 181 State. Duntz William, mason, h 225 Diamond. Dusenbury G. P. D., laborer, h 224 Partition. Dwyre James, laborer, h 96 Diamond. Dwyre Michael, h 96 Diamond. Dwyre Michael, h Robinson n Second. Dwyre Patrick, laborer, h Robinson. Dwyre Patrick, laborer, h Robinson n Second. DwyrP, Thos., laborer, h Montgomery. Dyer James N., fisherman, h 38 N Third. Dyer John S., gardener, h 222 Warren. Dyson Thomas, mason, h State cor Second.

EATON MARGARET Mrs., h Robinson. Eaton P. H., clerk, bds Robinson. · Eckerson Byron, foreman, h hd Warren. Edwards Samuel, (Andrews & Edwards,) h 26 Union. Egan Martin, clerk, bds Diamond cor Third. Eisemann James A., clerk, h 169 State. Eisemann M. L. Mrs., h 169 State. Eisemann Wm. W., printer, bds N Third cor long a.I. Eliff Barney, laborer, h Second N of State. Eliff Patrick, laborer, h New rd n State. Elkenburgh Eugene, brakeman, b 213 Warren. Ellis Levi, veterinary surgeon, h 71 Warren. ELMER E. P. L., books and stationery, 12f:I Warren, b 41 Allen. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 49

Elmer E. Spencer, clerk, h S Third n Partition. Elting Henry, agent, bds 5 E Court. Elting Jas. A., laborer, h 292 Diamond. Elting John H., carman, h 292 Diamond. Elting John, teamster, h 20 Warren. Elting Lilly Miss, bds 279 Warren. Elting Peter, boatman, h 148 Union. Elting Robert, conductor, h 277 Union. Elting Robert, sexton, bds 248 Union. Elting Theo. F., clerk P. O., bds 5 E Court. ELTING WM. R., boots and shoes, 336 Warren, h 288 Union. Ely David J., Ferry House, ft Ferry, h Water c Ferryf Ely James V., clerk, h Water cor Ferry. Engler Henry, cabinet maker, h 314 State. English Michael, ice dealer, h hd Green. Entwistle Jas., farmer, h S Seventh. Esmond Henry A., painter, h 254 Diamond. Esselstyn Cornelius, (Gaul & Esselstyn,) h 179 Allen. ESSELSTYN H. V., surrogate, 300 Warren, h 5 Wil- lard pl, EVA.NS C.H. & CO., (J. H. Gaul & J. H. Phipps,) malsters and brewers, Mill, h 215 Warren. Evans R. W. Mrs., h 115 Warren. Everitts Richard, laborer, h ft N Front. Everson Wm. B., laborer, h Prison al E of Third.

FA.HEY JAMES, laborer, h 16 Diamond. Fahey Lawrence, laborer, h n Fair Ground. Fahey John Mrs., h 16 Diamond. Fahey Thos., segar maker, bds 16 Diamond. Fairfield E. M., bookkeeper, bds W Court cor Allen. 8 50 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

FAIRFIELD GEORGE B., broker and insurance, 98 Warren, h Allen cor W Court. FAIRFIELD J. W., h Allen cor W Court. Fais Lucas, shoemaker, h 190 Warren. Falk Wm. C., fancy goods, 309 Warren. Fallon Stephen, h Second ab Robinson. Fallon Bridget Mrs., h Tanner's la. Faning Thos., laborer, h New Road n Brewery. FARMERS' HOTEL, (E. Lasher, pro.,) Es Pub. sq. FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK, 302 Warren. Farrel Peter, h 5 Market sq. FARRY JOHN, saloon, 177 Warren, h do. Farry Sylvester, shoemaker, Third cor Diamond. FAXON E., real estate and insurance, 1 N Sixth, h 54 N Fifth. Fehl Phillip, se~ar box mfr., 46 N Sixth, h do. Feller Freeman, clerk, h Green ab Frederick. Feltz Michael, h 29 N Fifth. Feltz Walter, cletk, bds 29 N Fifth. Fenton Norris A., tel. repairer, h 81 Allen. Ferguson Henry, stone cutter, h 179 Warren. Ferguson James C., surveyor, h Prospect n Franklin. Ferguson Mary E. Mrs., h Prison al W of Fourth. Ferguson A. ff. Rev., h 69 Allen. Feroe H. A., bookkeeper, h 74 Allen. Ferry Michael, carpenter, h 62 Chapel. FIERO J.C., dry goods, 124 Warren, h 116 Allen. Filkins Martin, brakeman, h 177 State. Fingar Charles, ice cream, 243 Warren, h do. Fingar S. D., bds 61 Warren. Fingar Valentine, h 61 Warren. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUDSON, City 1:Iall. tro'DSON DIRECTORY,

FIRST WARD HOTEL, F. Maisenbacher pro., 23 S Front. Firth Alexander, harness maker, h 127 State. Firth Chas., harness maker, h 104 State. Firth Isaac. h 123 State. Fischer Frederick, tailor, h 277 State. Fitzgerald ,James, mason, h 258 State. Fitzgerald James, laborer, h Green. Fitzgerald John, carman, h Robinson. Fitzgerald John, mason, h 150 Diamond. Fitzgerald Wm., laborer, h Prison al n Front. Fitzpatrick John, laborer, h 62 Chapel. Fitzpatrick Thomas, laborer, h 62 Chapel. Flagg Richard, saloou, 19 S Front, h do. Flanigan John, laborer, bds 21 S Front. Flanigan rrhomas, saloon, 21 S Front. Flarety Hugh, laborer, h Second ab Strawberry al. Fleahman Jacob G., cabinet maker, h Worth av car Union. Flint L. M. Mrs., h 375 Warren. Flynn Michael, laborer, h Rope al E of Third. Flynn Michael, mail carrier, h 191 Diamond. Fogerty John, laborer, b Chapel W of Front. Foley James, laborer, h 41 N Third. Foley Morris, helper, h Prisori al ab Front. Foley Palirick, laborer, h N Second c Rope Walk al. Folger Amiel, builder, h S Fifth opp Partition. ],olger Amiel Jr., bookkeeper, bds S Fifth opp Partition Folger Eliza Mrs., h 56 N Fifth. Folger :B1. F., h Prospect av. Folger Mary Mrs., h Warren cor Prospect av. FOLLEWIDER JACOB, distiller, N Fourth c Pl'ison al 52 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Fonda C. W., butcher, 14 Columbia, h E side Pub. sq. Fonda Norman, mason, h 203 State. Fonda Robert clerk, h 331 State. Forshew Chas. A., photographer, bds 239 Warren. FORSHEW F., photographer, 241 Warren, h 239 do. Forshew John H., photographer, bds 239 Warren. Fowler Adelia Mrs., h 146 Warren. Fowler Lafayette, clerk, h 146 Warren. FOX JOSEPH, butcher, 127 Warren, b do. Franklin Christina Mrs., h 35 N Fifth. FRANKLIN HOUSE, (A. Austin, pro.,) S Front cor Allen. Franklin Wm. F., printer, bds 35 N Fifth. Freeborne Geo. Mrs., h 41 Warren. Freeborne S. M., sculptor, bds 41 Warren. Freeman Ellmore, laborer, h 220 Diamond. Freeman W. H.~ barber, bds 154 Warren. French John W., h 147 Allen. Frisbee Wm. H. engineer, h 58 Unio!!. Frisbee Samuel H.,-engineer, 11 Cross. FRISS JOHN, grocer, "headquarters" Cc.,lumbia Park, Academy Hill, h do. Fritts C. E., physician, 164 Warren. Fritts Wm. Jr., butcher, h 3 Market pl. Fryer E. A. Mrs., h 193 State. Funk Nelson, mason, h 48 N Sixth.

GAFFNEY B. Mrs., h Robinson n Second. Gage Chas. H., clerk P. 0., bds 321 Warren. GAGE H. D., Dept. Post Master, h 321 Warren. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 58

Gage J.A., clerk, bds 10 S Sixth. Gage Richard, h 10 S Sixth. Gage Sarah Miss, h 269 Warren. GALLAGHER EDWARD, station agent, B. & A. Ry, h 297 Warren. Gallagher John, laborer, h Mill cor Second. Gallagher Patrick, laborer, h 172 State. Ganley Jas., laborer, h 113 State. Gannon Edward, laborer, h 138 State. Gannon R_ose Mrs., h 138 State. Gantley Thos. H., h ft S Seventh. Garity Joseph, blacksmith, h 20 Green. Garity Malachi, laborer, n 31 Worth av. Gardinier David S., foreman, 11 27 Union. Gardner 8. W., fishermar., h 58 Chapel. Gardner P. J., h 232 Warren. Garner John, laborer, h Cross. Garrison Charles, mason, h 327 State. Garron John, laborer, h Prison al E of Front. Gaskell William, gardener, h 191 State. GAUL (John Jr.,) & ESSELSTYN (Cornelius,) law- yers, 9 S Fourth. Gaul John .Jr., (Gaul & Esselstyn,) h 15 S Fourth. Gaul John A., clerk, h Washington cor Sixth. GA.UL J. R., grocery, 13 and 15 Columbia, h N Sev- en th ab State. Gaul M. Mrs., fancy goods, 265 Warren, h do. Gaul Michael, h 265 Warren. Gaul Ray, saloon, 105 Warren, h do. Gaul Thos., gardener, .h 138 Diamond. Gaul Thomas Jr., h 33 N Third. Gauvreau Oliver, clerk, bds 8 N Fourth. lttJ:t)soN lHRECToRY.

Gayle Matthew, h 171 State. Gaynor George, printer, bds 171 Diamond. Gaynor Thomas Mrs., h 171 Diamond. Gearett James, moHlder, h P1'ison E of First. GEBHARD CHAS. W., insurance agent, 1 N Sixth, h 373 Warren. Geiger Albert, clerk, bds 58 N Fifth. Geiger Frederick, bds 58 N b,ifth. Geiger Leonard, h 58 N Fifth. George 0. R., bookkeeper, bds N Fourth n Warren. George C. M. Miss, dress making, h 394 Warren. George Lewis H., bookkeeper, h 28 Eighth. George Stephen G., bookkeeper, h Third cor Diamond Getty Edmo. Chas., deputy county clerk, h Greenport. Gibson Geo. W., h 111 Union. Gifford A. A., h Fourth cor Union. Gifford Abram J., (Gifford, Johnson & Co.,) bds 336 Diamond. Gifford A. W., flagman, bds 314 Union. GIFFORD BROS., (W. H. & James,) foundry and machine shop, 31 Columbia. Gifford Chas., clerk, bds 336 Diamond. Gifford Elihu, h 337 Diamond. Gifford Elihu Jr., clerk, h 227 E Allen. GIFFORD E. H., ice, h 11 Warren. Gifford F. A. Mrs., h 330 Diamond. Gifford James, (Gifford Bros.,) h 332 Diamond. Gifford (Julian,) Johnson (J. M.,) & Co., (A. J. Gif• ford,) agricultural implements, 22 Columbia. Gifford Julian, (Gifford, J. & Co.,) bds 336 Diamond. Gifford Mary Miss, h 182 Union. Gifford Malcom, clerk, h 332 Diamond. HUDSON DffiECTORY. 55

Gifford Wm. H., (Gifford Bros.,) bds 337 Diamond. Gillespie Francis Jr., h lnl State. Gillespie Francis, laborer, h 161 State. Gillespie William, clerk, bds 161 State. Gilmartin Michael, saloon, 5 S Front, h do. Gindele John, (O'Hara & G.,) 262 Warren, h State. Glazier Edward. h Priso!l al E of Second. Glazier Geo., laborer, lt Chapel. Gleason Patrick, laborer, h Diamond W of Fourth. Goeltz Louis, ( Bryan & Goeltz,) bds Worth House. Goff Chas. F., blacksmith, h 17 N Fifth. Goff Fred. B., painter, h 290 Warren. Goff J. W., wagon maker, N Fifth cor Diamond.

Goff Martin, wagon maker1 19 N Fifth, h 17 do. Goodwin S. Miss, l>ds Hudson House. Goodwin Wm., hackman, Worth House. GROAT (R. F.,) & ALLEN (Geo. B.,) groceries, 332 Warreu, h 372 do. Groat R. F., (Groat & Allen,) h 372 Warren. Groesbeck Geo., mouldei\ h hd N Seventh. Groesbeck L. Miss, bds 54 Warren. Groesbeck Samuel, machinist, bds 363 Warren. Gross John, laborer, h Washington n Underhill pond. Grossman Geo., h 91 Diamond. Grosshantz Gottleib, saloon, 226 Warren, h 106 State. Grossman Jacob, h New Road n Brewery. Grubgelt B., h Union cor S Front. GSCHWIND JOSEPH, granite and marble works, 19 N Sixth, h 23 do. GUERNSEY (L. G.,) & TERRY (W. II.,) dry goods and carpets, 317 Warren. Guernsey L. G., (G. & Terry,) h 235 Warren. 56 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

GRAY R., furniture, &c., 307 Warren, h 156 Allen. Gray Thos. S., h Prospect av. Green Gottleib, cabinet maker, h Carroll. Green John, fo:·eman, h Cross. Green Thos., laborer, h 7 Union. Green Wm. H., hairdresser, 154 Warren, h do. Greene Alon:':o, lawyer, h 151 Union. Greene H. A. Miss, h 151 Union. Greenthal M., clothing, &c., 341 Warren, h do. Griffiu Wm., laborer, h R. R. av n State. Groat A. H., billiards, &c., 90 Union, h 94 do. Groat A. R., bill poster, h 31 N Fifth. Groat Edgar, bds 94 Union. Groat E. 0., h 31 N Fifth. Groat Jacob H., machinist, h Robinson. Groat Jacob M., shoemaker, 320 Warren. Goouey John, laborer, h Chapel bel Second. Gordon Solomon, cook, Worth House. Gorman Michael, h Diamond west of Front. Gory Will., laborer, h Montgomery. Goss Webster, law student, bds 11 S Seventh. Gould Frank, laborer, h Robinson n Third. Gould J. H., sign and 0rnamental painter, 240 War- ren, h do. Gould J. S., Mrs, h 47 Warren. Grace Catheriul) Mrs., h Green. Grace Wm., laborer, h 216 Diamond. Graham Christopher, farmer, h u Fair Ground. Grampp Martin, saloon, 286 Warren. Gravel M., shoemaker, E side Public sq, b do. GRAVES R., JR., pianos and musical merchandise, 243 Warren, h 107 do. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 57

GUERTIN 0. N., saloon, 157 Diamond, h do. CTuinan Michael, laborer, h New road n State. Guinan Michael, grocer. 78 Chapel, h do. Gunn Sarah, Mrs., h Pfison al n Fourth. Gunning Jas., blacksmith, h 40 Diamond. Gunning John, hostler. bds 121 Warren. Gunning Patrick, h 128 Diamond. Gustin John, musiciau, Diamond E of Third. Guthriea William. laborer, h 25 Partition. Gutcheus D. Mrs:, h 130 Diamond.

HA.ARSTRICII AUGUST, tailor, h 107 Diamond. Haarstrich Chas., hairdrGsser, 4 Warren, h do. Baarstrich Joseph, tailor, h 107 Diamond. Hagerman Geo. W., tailor, h 150 State. Haggerty Margaret Mrs., h 3 S Seventh. Haight Edward, jnuk, h Sec0nd cor Robinson. Hakes J. N., city sexton, h 4 Frederick. HAKES W. B., carriage painter, b Green c Frederick. Haley C. Mrs., h 42 N Third. Haley Jas., saloon, N Third cor Rope Walk al. Haley Patrick, saloon, N side Franklin sq, h do. Hall David, printer, h 24 N Fifth. Hall Martin, laborer, h Academy Hill. Ball Robert, clerk, bds Academy Hill. Halloran James, h 132 Diamond. Halloran John, laborer, h Front cor Diamond. Hallenbeck Allen, soda maker, h 9 Warren. Hallenbe9k Allen '11., carpenter, h 43 N Fifth. Hallenbeck Anthony, carpenter, h 328 State. Hallenbeck Charles E., marble cutter, h 298 Diamond. Hallenbeck Ohauucey B., h 366 Warren. 7 ~8 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Hallenbeck DeWitt, carpenter, h 279 State. Hallenb~ck E. Mrs., h 127 Warren. Hallenbeck Edward H., clerk, bds Prospect av. Hallenbeck Geo. M., boiler maker, h Chapel 11 Second. Hallenbeck Geo. P., painter, h Second opp Robinson. Hallenbeck George W., carpenter, h 166 State. Hallenbeck Hannah Mrs., h N Third ab Diamond. Hallenbeck Henry P., laborer, h 60 Chapel. Hallenbeck Harvey Mrs., h ~5 Warren. Hallenbeck Jacob, farmer, h Prospect av. Hallenbeck Jacob A., policeman, h Third 11 State. Hallenbeck Jacob V .• carpenter, h 253 State. Hallenbeck Jane, h 8 N Fourth. Hallenbeck Jerome I., fishermau, h 42 Chapel. Hallenb~ck John C., carman, 11 154 Union. Hallenbeck John T., h Cross. Hallenbeck .John A., mason. h 8 N Second. Hallenbeck Kate Mrs., h 141 State. Hallenbeck Norville, printer, bds 245 State. ·Hallenbeck Peter G., carpenter, h 264 Diamond. Hallenbeck R. Mrs., h New Road n State. Hallenbeck Thomas, h 214 Union. Hallenbeck Thomas H., laborer, h 66 Chapel. Hallenbeck William, laborer, h 60 Chapel. Hallenbeck Wm. D., machinist, h 173 Warren. Hallenbeck Wm. E., baker, h 134 Diamond. Holloran James, laborer, h 132 Diamond. Ham Ellen J. Mrs., h New Road n Brewery. Ham Emeline Miss, hr 175 Union. . H.A.M (G. M.,) & W.A.RDLE (F. R.,) druggists, I Warren. 'Ham G. M., (Ham & Wardle,) h 2 S Front. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 59.

Ham Henry, hostler, h 236 Union. Ham Mary R . .Mrs .• boarding, h 2 S Front. Ham Peter F .• photographer, Frederick. HAM P. L., grocer~ 359 Warren, h 40 Greeu. Ham P. S. Mrs., dress making, h 297 1-2 Warren. Ham Stephen W., pro. Central House, Fifth cor War- ren, h 298 Warren. Ham W.R., clerk, hds Warren cor Front. Hamilton B. F., clerk, h 68 Union. Hamilton Chas., laborer, h N Second cor Long al. Hamilton E. J., supt. N. Y. & H. T. Co., h 68 Union. Hamilton J as., gardener, h 173 State. Hamlin Henry M., h 63 Warren. Hamlin H. Mrs., h 68 Chapel. Hammond Sarah Mrs., h 38 Warren. HAND D. & CO., boots and shoes, 181.Warren. Hand David, (D. Hand & Co.,) h 56 Union. HAND URIAH, carpenter and builder, 10 N Second, h 50 Union. Haukes A. M. Mrs., bds S Fifth cor E .Allen. Bankes C. M. Mrs., h S Fifth cor E Allen. Hankes F. C., clerk, bds S Fifth cor E Allen. Hannagan John, laborer, h 33 N 'l'hird. Hannagan Timothy, laborer, h 11 S Front. Hannah ,Jas. M., jeweler, bds Central House. HANNAH W. W. Jr., watchmaker and jeweler, 293 Warren, bds 15 S Sixth. Hannah W. W., bds S Fifth cor E Allen. Hannan Michael. teamster, h Robinson n Second. HANOR HENRY M., sheriff, Conrt IJouse, h do. HANWAY THOMAS, grocer, Diamond c Third, h do. HARBISON WM. E., ,Jr., boots and shoes, 307 1-2 Warren, h 2i9 do. · ' 60 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Harden G., restaurant, 179 VVarren, h do. Harder Ann C., dressmaker, Washington n Sixth. Harder Frank, clerk, h Green ab Frederick. Harder Henry, machinist, h 114 Allen. Harder Mary Mrs., h 12 S Sixth. Harder Philip, farmer, h 63 Chapel. Harder Robert, (Thomas & H. ,) h Un iou tp. Hardick Mary A. Mrs., h 99 Columbia. Hardwick Frank, carpenter, h 314 State. Hardy John, tailor, h 150 Diamond. Hardy John C., (Philip & H.,) bds N Sixth. Hardy Robert, tailor, h Washington cor Carroll. Harell Richard, agent, b hd Worth av. HARMONY HALL, (Gottlieb Wurster, prop.,)Carroll. Harp John, h Pub. sq. cor Warren.· . Harrington Joshua D., laborer, h New Road. Harris Al>ram. clothing, 77 Warren, h do. Harris Wm. W., pattern maker, h 42 Union. Harrison Peter, h Second n Strawberry al. Hart Geo. A., segar maker, h Short. HART W. H., dentist, 208 Warren, h 14 do. Harvey Asahel, boatman, h 251 do. Harvey Geo. E., boatman, h 197 State. Harvey Hiram, boatman, h 251 State. Harvey John, laborer, h 51 Diamond. Harvey Michael, laborer, h 51 Diamond. Harvey Wilson T,, boatman, h 245 State. Hatch E. T., h 22 Chapel. Haviland A. C., (Lyou & Haviland,) h 2 N Fourth. Haviland F. C., teller Farmers' N Bank, h 133 Union. HAVILAND J. rr., grocery, Union cor Fifth h 271 Warren. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 61

Haviland D. Martin, h 374 Warren. Havjland P. W., (Clark & Haviland,) bds 330 War- ren. Haviland R. C., bookeeper, h 271 Warren. Hawver C., lawyer, 327 Warren, bds 11 S Seventh. Hawver Maria Mrs., bds 23 Chapel. Hawver William H., blacksmith, h 384 Warren. Hazel Nancy Mrs., h Long al W of Third. Hazelton Charles L., carpenter, h 193 State. Hazelton Philemon, carpenter, h 193 State. Heath Andrew Mrs., h 2 n Sta to. Heath John E., mason, h 11 N Third. Heath S. E., mason, h 46 Union. Heath S. E. Jr., h 54 Warren. HEATHS. E. Mrs. Jr., millinery, 51 Warren, h 54 do. Beath Wm. Il., pattern maker, h 122 Diamond. Hedges Mariette Miss, h 137 Union. Heiser Geo., laborer, h Prospect opp Franklin. Heiser Chas., harness maker, bds Prospect opp Frank- lin. Helms Alexander, laborer, h 71 Chapel. Helms J. R., clerk, Franklin House. Helms Mrs. P ., h Academy Hill. Helms Spencer H., candy maker, h 273 State. Henabery Mary Mrs., h 115 State. Herichey Michael, laeorer, h 239 Diamond. Henderson Jas., laborer, h Cross. Hennesy G., laborer, h 13 S Front. Henry Martin, h 108 Warren. Herbs Casper H., (Herbs & Bro.,) h 338 Warren. Herbs F. & M., (F. C. & M. D. Herbs,) cigar manuf'!,, 338 Warren. 62 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

HERBS F. & M. & BRO., (C. H. Herbs,) tobacconists, 338 Warren, h do. Herbs Wm., cigar maker, bds 338 Warren. Hermance Ebenezer, h Tanner's la. HEERMANS G. H., pictures, variety, toys, &c., 225 Warren, h 221 do. Heermance H.P. Mrs., h 5 E Court. Hermance Andrew, h Prison al W of Front. Heermance E. B., clerk, Curtiss House. Becrmance E. Jr., plumber, bds Tanner's la. Heermance H. W. M1 s., h 33 N Fifth. Heermance John H., scavenger, h 12 Diamond. Beermance L. Mrs., h 297 Diamond. Heermance Lewis H., h State junc New Road. Heermance M. J. Miss., h 224 E Allen. Herrick L. M. Mrs., h 224 E Allen. Herrick Wm. C., manufacturer, h 26 N Sixth. Hester Dennis, saloon, h 133 State. Hickey Wm., laborer, h Montgomery. Hicks B. E., laborer, h 248 Union. HICKS E. P., h 284 Union. HICKS P. R., wholesale confectionery, W side Public sq. h 286 Union. Hicok R. C. Mrs., h 236 Union. Higgins James, h Mill n Brewery. Higgins Michael, flagman, h Chapel W of Front. Higgins Morris, moulder, h 21 S Front. Higgins Patrick, laborer, h Mill. Higgiston Patrick, h Cross. Hildreth 8. M., paper hanger, h 7 Warren. HILDRETH C. E., carpenter and builder, Third cor Partition, h 7 Warren. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 63

Hildreth Charles G., carpenter, h 224 Union. Hildreth W. Mrs., h 14 Union. Hill Ed., h 22.5 Diamond. Hill George, h 140 Diamond. Hill John, h Long al E of Second. Hill Lorenzo D., laborer, h 16 State. Hills Granville, bookkeeper, h 178 Union. Hinchey Michael, Diama.1d, E of Third. Hinchey Patrick, carpenter, h Diamond cor Front. HINMAN L. S., cutter, h 164 State. Hinman W. S., medical student, bds 164 State. HINSDALE C. W. & CO., (S. W. Tobey, Jr.,) drug- gists, &c .• 305 Warren, h 337 Diamond. Hirst Hobert, watchmaker, 183 Warren, h rlo. Hoag Charles P., agent, h 27 Union. Hobby C. B., painter. h 17 U11ion. Hobby Geo., clerk, St. Clair Hotel. HODES FRANCIS, constable, h 258 State. Hodge Albert M., blacksmith, h 12 Eighth. Hodge Charles Mrs., h 42 Union. Hodge Edward J., city editor, h 185 Union. Hodge Ferdinand, foreman, h 185 State. Hodge F. A., printer, h 124 Union. Hodge P. Miss, dress maker, h 161 Warren. HOES J. WESLEY, (pro. Curtiss IIouse,) 42 S Front cor Aile~, h do. Hoffer Fred, shoemaker, 13 Warren, h do. Hoffman Caroline Mrs., h 188 State. Hoffman Robert, maehinist, h 188 State. Hoffman Daniel P., capt., h 101 Allen. Hogan Daniel, h 129 State. Hogan Dennis, laborer, h N Second cor Rope Walk al. 64 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Hogan Edward, laborer, h 22 Diamond. Hogan John, machinist, bds 168 State. Hogan Patrick, laborer, h 40 Diamond. Hogan Thomas Mrs., h 168 State. Hogan Thomas Jr., clerk, bds 168 State. Hogan William, carpenter, h 168 State. Hogaboom Chas. F., laborer, h B. & A. R. R. ab Depot. HOGEBOOM JOHN C., wholesale coal dealer, 210 Warren, h 410 do. Holdridge Abner, carpenter, h n Fair Ground. HOLDRIDGE S. W., carpenter, 30 N Fifth, h do. Holgate Ella Miss. dressmaker, bds 160 Warren. Hollenbeck Chas. A., carpenter. h 42 N Sixth. Hollonbock cE. Il.,> &Plank cN. S.,) merchant tailors, 163 Warren. Ilollenbeck E. D., (H. & Plank,) bds Central House. Hollenbeck E. :Mrs., h 250 Union. Hollenbeck Jared, h 19 Diamond. Hollenbl3ck Lavina Mrs., h 57 Diamond. Holley Arthur, clerk, h 95 Union. Holley Edmund, baker, &c., 106 Warren, h 110 do. Holley Edward, laborer, h 47 Diamond. Holley Margaret, h Diamond cor Front. Holmes Edwin Mrs., h 99 Union. Holmes Lemuel, h 11 Union. Holmes Wm. C., shoemaker, h 15 N Fifth. Holsapple Franklin P., sash maker, h 22 N Sixth. Holsapple George, clerk, bds 316 Diamond. HOLSAPPLE J. W., com. merchant, h 316 Diamond. Holsapple Wm. F., law ~tudent, h 316 Diamond. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 65'

Holsapple W. D., ornamental painter, bds 363 Warren. HOLSAPPLE Wlf. M., physician, h 22 N Sixth. Hopkins Homer H., stone cutter, h Academy Hill. Hopper John 0., carpenter, h 64 Diamond. Horan Richard, clerk, h 71 Allen. Horn John, foreman, h 71 Allen. Horton Wm., gardener, h 164 Union. Hosford David, farmer, h Stockport rd. Hosford Webster, clerk, bds Diamond. Hosmer Stephen Mrs., bds 97 Warren. Houghtaling A.aron, h 11 S Sixth. Houghtaling Calvin, gardener, h 313 Diamond. Houghtaling Conrad J., carpenter, h 314 Union. Houghtaling Henry, laborer, h Mill n Brewery. HOUGHTALING ISAAC, green salve manufacturer, W side Public sq, h do. Hougbtaliug Samuel J., printer, h 313 Diamond. House (Henry) & Wattles (A.,) grocers, 322 Warren, bds St. Charles Hotel. Hover John, laborer, h Rock al. Hover M. Mrs., h 154 State. Howard Byron G., city editor, h 96 1-2 Warren. Howard Henry, carpenter aud builder, 159 Diamond, h 38 N Fifth. Howard John, grocer, 146 Warren, h do. Howard J. Mrs., Hudson House. Howard Manfred A .• foreman, h 298 Union. Hoysradt Albert, law student, bds Allen cor Second. Hoysradt Delia Mrs., music teacher, bds 46 Union. Hoysradt Frank, engineer, bds Curtiss House. HOYSRADT J. W ., General Agent Hudson Iron Company, h Allen cor Second. 8 66 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Hubbard C. A., bds 43 N Fifth. .. Hubbard Wm., painter, h 205 State. HUBBEL CHARLES C., wholesale and retail grocer, Ferry cor Water, h 235 Warren. Hubbel George Mrs., bds Waldron House. Hubbel Henry, h 31 Union. Hudson City Savings Institution, 98 Warren. Hudson Cement Co., Old Distillery. HUDSON CLUB, 207 Warren. HUDSON DAILY REPUBLICAN and Columbia Re­ publican and Star, (Weekly,) Bryan & Goeltz, proprietors, ] 7 2 W a:·ren. HUDSON EVENING REGISTER AND WEEKLY GAZETTE, (M. Parker Williams, editor and proprietor.) Ceu tral sq. HUD;--;ON FERRY OFFICE, Ferry Slip. Hudson Gas Co., (G. B. Fairfield, supt.,) 9~ \Varren. HUDSON HOU:-,E, (Walter Ro~ers, pro.,) Fraukliu sq. HUDSON IRON CO., (J. W. Hoysradt, geu. agent.) Hudson Paper Car Wheel Co., South Bay. HUDSON WATER WORKS, office W side Franklin sq Hudson Wm. H., plumber &c., h Green ab Frederick. Hughes Edward, laborer, h Cross. Hughes James, laborer, h 179 State. Hugh es Thomas, h 177 State. Hughes Thomas, blacksmith, h N Second n Straw- berry al. Hull W. Rev., h 321 Diamond. Hull Wm. E., law student, bds 321 Diamond. Hulme Charles, baker, bds 277 Warren. Hulme George, baker, bds 277 Warren. Hulme Henry, clerk, bds 277 Warren. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 67

HULME JOB, baker, 277 Warren, h do. HUMPHREY (Lorenzo,) & LEGGETT, (Chas. F.,) coal, &c., State cor N Seventh, h 351 State. Hunt A. Rev., h 5 Worth av. Hunt Charles, butcher, h 269 State. Hunt Edwin, designer, h 25 S Third. ·l Hunt George E .• plumber, bds 269 State. Hunt William H., butcher, h 269 State. HUNT (Z.,) & MILLER (Wm. J.,) stove manufac- turers, Water. Hunt Z., (ifont & Miller,) h 299 1-2 Warren. Hurley Jeremiah, laborer, h Robinson n Second. Hutchings Charles H., clerk, bds 1-18 Warren. Hutchings Frank:, clerk, bds 148 Warren. Hutchiugs Henry, h 148 Warren. Hutton Elizabeth Miss, bds 50 Warren. Hyatt Amelia Miss, bds Hudson House. Hyatt D. M. Mrs., h 50 Warren. Hyatt Sarah A., h Prison al ab Third. Hyns Mary E. Mrs., h New road.

JACKLIN BENJ .. laborer, h State. Jacklin Etta Miss; h 177 State. Jacklin Wm. H., laborer, h Mill. Jackman Peter, h 113 State. JACKMAN PHILIP, farmer, h Power av. Jackson Ann Mrs., h 106 Diamond. Jackson Elijah, fisherman, h Old Distillery. Jacks.on James, teamster, h 303 Diamond. Jackson Sarah, h Prison al bel Third. Jack.son W. J., h New road n Brewery. Jack.son Washington W., h 117 State. 68 11t1DSO~ DtR:ElOTORY.

Jacobie J. S., pro. Columbia Hotel, 33-i Warren, h 73 Columbia. Jacobie Eugene, carpenter, bds Prospect n Sixth. Jacobie H. N., carpenter, h Prospect n N Sixth. Jacobie Wm., clerk, bds i3 Columbia. Jacobie W. H., millinery, 889 1-2 Warren, h do. Jacobs M. A,, hats, &c., 102 Warren, h do. James Henry, foreman, bds 22 N Sixth. Jaquins R. W ., pre·ssman, h 243 State. Jeffers Emma .Mrs., h 24 S Seventh. Jenkins S. M. Miss, bds Hudson House. Jessup E. Mrs., h 32 N Front. Jessup John H., stove mounter, h 32 N Front. Jessup Sade B. Miss, clerk, 169 Warren. JESSUP FREDERICK, coal, 100 Diamond, h 2 Wil• lard pl. . Jessup Henry, clerk, bds 2 Willard pl. JOHNSON B. S., coal, W side Pub. sq anrl steamboat dock, bds Worth House. JOHNSON J. M., revenue collector, W side Pub. sq, h E Allen n E Court. Johnson Theo., barber, bds 79 Warren. Johnson Wm. H., barber, h 127 .Diamond. Jones Albert, laborer, h 117 State. JONES (Chas. F.,) & VAN WYOK (Jas. P.,) jewel• ers, 189 Warren, h 172 do. Jones D. A. Mrs., h 329 State. Jones Elizabeth Miss, Matron Orphan Asylum. Jones Ellen Mrs., h N Second cor Long al. Jones Geo. H., cabinet maker, h 308 Diamond. Jones N., cooper, h 313 Diamond. Jordan H. A., clerk, bds 278 Union. iitt:t:,so~ btnEcfot:r~.

Jordan M., grocer, 158 Warren, h do. JORDAN PETER M., lawyer, 302 Warren, bds Worth House. Joseph Francis, laborer, h Short n State. JOSEPH WM. D., segar manuf., 290 Warren, h 25 N b1ifth. JOSLEN CHAS. E., bakery and confectionery,- 59 Warren, h do. June Wm., stone yard, Dock, bds Waldron House.

KAHOE JOSEPH, laborer, h 170 Diamond. Kane James, grocer, 25 S Front, h do. Kane Mary Mrs., h Montgomery. Kane N. T., hosiery manufac., Water cor Ferry. Kane Pierce, knitting works, h 34 Allen. Kane Kate Mrs., h Cross. KAVANAGH P.H., fish, h 16 S Front. Kay Henry, tobacconist, 17 Columbia, h 339 State. Keagel Wm., laborer, h Cross n Front. Kearney Frank, granite cutter, bds Farmers' Hotel. Keating Thos., weighmaster, h Chapel W of Front. Keating William, machinist, h 31 Allen. Keefe John, laborer, h 248 Diamond. Keegan John E., clerk, b 16 S Front. KEEN AN P., saloon, 31 S Front, h do. Kells Daniel, laborer, h n hd Mill. Kells Fred., h Second cor Rope Walk al. Kells John H., laborer, h Prison al E of First. Kells John F., (Link & Kells,) h 12 N Front. Kells William, h Dodge. Kells Wm. H., laborer, h Warren cor Promenade al. Keleher Thomas, h Robinson n Second .


Keller W. T., blacksmith, Green c State, h 13 S 6th. Kelly Edwin T., foreman, lJ 100 Uuion. · Kelly James, laborer, h Second cor State. Kelly J.E., music teacher, h 187 Warren. Kelly John, laborer, h Montgomery. Kelly W. Mrs., h Front cor Diamond. Kelts Theo., brakeman, h B. & A. Ry. ab Depot. Kendrick D. E., liquors, &c., 44 Columbia, h 17 Union. Kendrick Geo. D., bookkeeper, h 17 Union. Kennedy Bernard, laborer, h 109 Diamond. Kennedy Cornelius, clerk, h Robinson n Second. Kennedy Dennis, clerk, bds 109 Diamond. Kennedy E. Miss, h 216 Union. Kennedy James, painter, h 109 Diamond. Kennedy Mary Mrs., h Robinson n Second. Kennedy M. Mrs., h 268 Warren. Kennedy Matthew, h 109 Diamond. Kennedy Richard, bottler, h Robinson n Second. Kennedy Thomas, brakeman, h Robinson n Second. Kennedy Thomas, laborer, lJ Cross, c Deer al. Kent James Jr., printer, Green opp Frederick. Kenyon J. W., carpenter, h 140 State. Kenyon N. R., carpenter, Partition, h 253 Union. KERTZ HENRY, boots & shoes, 118 Warren, h do. Kertz J. E1., plumber, bds 118 Warren. Kertz Susan Mrs., h 188 Warren. Keyes Andrew, switchman, h 4 Uniou. Keyes Th0mas, h 26 S Seventh. KIDNEY RICH.A.RD, carriage manufac. and livery, Union cor S First, h 58 1-2 Warren. KIERE GEORGE, saloon, 30 S Front, h 28 do. Kilduff John, laborer, h 72 N Third. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 71

Kilfoy Patrick, h 152 Diamond. Killcollin B. Mrs., h 11 S Front. Kilmer Catharine A. Mrs., h 34 N Front. Kilmer G. G., clerk, bds 123 Warren. Kilmer Sarah, h 65 N Third. Killmer Thomas, boarding stables, h S Fifth cor Union. Kilroy Patrick, laborer, h N Second cor Strawberry al KIMBALL (K W.~) & VAN GAASBEEK (W.,) hardware, stoves and tinware, 160 Warren. Kimball E. W ., (Kimball & Van G.,) h 128 Allen. King John, laborer, h 275 State. King John Jr., clerk, h 275 State. KING MICHAEL, saloon, 4 S Front, h 30 Diamond. Kiug Patrick, laborer, h 121 State. Kiu ney Michael, carpen tor, h State cor Second. Kinnie Harvey G., clerk, h 49 Warren. Kinsley Lawrence, laborer, h 13 S Fro1Jt. Kipp Martin, laborer, h Partition 11 Third. Kirby T. M., butcher, h 289 Diamond. Kirkpatrick James, laborer, h 52 Diamond. Kirkpatrick William, carpenter, h 62 Diamond. Kirtland Geo. M., agent, h 157 Union. Kirtland Sarah Mrs., h 102 Uuiou. Kirtland W. E., cigar manuf'r, h 143 Warren. Kiselburgh Abram, mason, h 126 Diamond. Kiselburgh Augustus, mason, h Academy Hill. Kiselburgh Austin, mason, h 17~ State. Kiselburgh E., mason, h 126 Diamond. Klebes Joseph, carpenter, h 18 Green. Klein Andris, laborer, h 34 Diamond. Klein Henry, barber, bds 06 S Front. 72 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Klein Christian, cooper, h 118 State. Klein John, hair-dresser, 36 S Front, h do. Klein Samuel, cabinet maker, h 327 State. Klemmer G., butcher, h Cross. Kuickerbock.er (A. T.) & Spencer (F. B.) grocers, 10 Warren, h do. Knickerbocker Mrs., bds 340 Diamond. Knickerbocker Philip H., h 340 Diamond. Knickerbocker R. Mrs., h 317 Diamond. Konold A. Mrs., h 120 Union. Rooold Fred. W., h 120 Union. Kraf Robert, mason, h Tanner's lane. Kritzman J ., clothing, 325 1-2 Warren, h 24 N Sixth. Krous Adam, lab0rer, h N. Second ab Strawberry al.

LA BRIE L. M., pilot, h 42 Chapel. LAHR PETER, butcher, 281 Warren, h do. Lamasurc Albert H., carpenter, h 210 State. Laird John P., books, stationery &c., 317 1-2 Warren, h 895 do. Laird J. S., harness maker, h 271 Union. LAMB JOSEPH T., physician, h 32 Warren. Lambert E. A. Mrs., h 97 Warren. Lambertson Alfred M., painter, bds 187 Warren. Lamont Hugh, baker, bds 139 State. Lamont Isaac, clerk, h 139 State. Lamont Samuel, cooper, h 139 Stati,. Lamp Henry, cigar maker, h Warren cor Prospect. Lane Daniel, laborer, h N Front cor State. Lane John, h 17 Partition. Lane Miahael, grocer, Cross, h do. Lang Lawrence, laborer, h 74 N Third. HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Lansing Seymour C. Mrs., h 38 Union. LA.NT FRANK P., student. bds 227 Warren. LA.NT J. H., publisher, h 227 Wal'ren. Lape Jacob J., laborer, h State W of Front. Lape M. Luther, teamstel', h N Second ab State. Lape Rachael, h 98 Diamond. Lape Wm. H ., clerk, h Columbia Park. Lasher A. W. Mrs., h 278 State. LASHER E., prn. Farmers' Hotel, E side Public sq. Lasher F. W ., h 335 State. Lasher G. I., groce1', Eighth cor Columbia, h do. Lasher Remus E., watchmaker, bds Farmers' Hotel. Lasher Robert W., blacksmith, h Short. Lasher SLepben H., h 2-±7 StaLe. Lassar J., peddler, h 2 N Front. Lassar Monis, saloon, 9 S Front, h do. Latham T. M1·s., fancy ~oods, 143 Warren, bds do. Lavary Patrick, gas maker, h 54 Allen. Law Edward, machit11st, h 177 State. Law Ellen Mrs., h 294: Diamond. Law James, h 294 Diamond. LAWRENCE S'l'EPHEN, (W. U. T. Co.,) h 104 Allen. Lawson Wm., carpenter, h Robinson ab Second. Lawton Beuj. P., caulker, h 29 N l!1 ront. Lawton Chas., shoemaker, h 16 State. Lawton B. A.. Miss, h 182 Warren. Lawton Robert, h 126 Diamond. Leary Miss, h 27 N Third. Leidinger Frank, shoemaker, 40 S Front, h do. Levey James, blacksmith, 138 Diamond, h do. Levey Mary Mrs., h Third cor Diamond. 9 74 HUDSON DIRECTORY • .. Levey Wm., tailor, h N Third cor Diamond. LEBRECHT ERNEST, shoemaker, 18 Columbia h do. Lee Edward, musician, h 392 Warren. Leggett Charles F., (Hubmphrey & Leggett,) h 379 Warren. . Leggett F. R., farmer, h Gre,m. Leggett Jas. I., clerk, bds 40 Green. Lehmann E., watchmaker, bds 285 Warren. LeMay Louis, blacksmith, bds 33 Union. Leonard Thomas, grocer, 125 Diamond. Lewis Jas., laborer, h 4 N Front Lewis Jas., grocer, h 15 N Second. Lewis J., grocer, State cor Second, h 15 N Second. LEWIS P., grocer, feed, &c., 22 State, h do. Lewis William H., clerk, h Green ab Frederick. Lilly Thos., h 113 State. Lilly William, laborer, h 172 State. Limbrick Daniel, h Cross cor S Front. Linacre John Jr., farmer. h N Second 11 Mill. Linden Lizzie Miss, bds i54 State. Link Henry E., engineer, h 48 Allen. Link (Martin) & Kells, (J. F.) fish market, 70 War- . ren, h Partition ab S Front. Lisk Edward H., bookkeeper, bds 163 Warren. Lisk Solomon, auctioneer, h 163 Warren. Little C. B., clerk, h 186 U uion. Little F. B. Mrs., h 186 Union. Little Geo. H., carman, h R. R. av ab Depot. LITTLE GEORGE L., paints, oils, &c., 171 Warren, h 46 N Fifth. Little J. J., clerk, h 186 Union. Little L. B., painter, bds 46 N Fifth. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 75

Little Wm. H., painter, h 183 Union. Little Wm. R., boatman, h 41 Diamond. LITTLEWOOD JOHN, arnsic store, 313 Warren, h do Livingston Cornelia .Mrs., bds 5 E Court. Livingston Frank P., h 130 Diamond. Livingston Jacob, h 110 State. Livingston Seneca, laborer, Long al W of Third. LIVINGSTON WATSON, hairdresser, 271-2 Warren; h do. Lockwood F. c.;h 241 Uniou. Lockwood M. E., h 241 Union. Loeffler Frank, butcher, bds 312 Warren. Loeffler Peter, meat market, 818 1-2 Warren, and saloon and h 312 do. Loeffler Stephen, (Urig & L.,) h 350 Warren. LONGLEY E. A., tobacco and segars, 215 Warren, h Fifth cor Cherry al. LONGLEY JOH~ B., lawyer, 208 Warren, h 280 Union. LONGLEY L. F., county clerk, bds 282 Union. Longley S. M. Mrs., bds 282 Union. Longwell John Mrs., h 42 Chapel. Loomis E. Miss, bds 54 Warren. Loomis E. Mrs., h 224 Union. Loomis Lewis I., granite polisher, h hd N Seventh. Loop P. A., miller, h 63 Columbia. Lottridge Chas. H., (Miller & L.,) h 90 Warren. Louck Margaret Mrs., h 265 Warren. Loudon Henry, stove mounter, h New road n State. Loughrin John, laborer, h New road n State. Luddington T., steward, bds Water cor Ferry. Ludlow Wm. J., carpenter, h 315 Union. 76 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

LUMAZETT JOSEPH, carriage painter, Fourth cor Diamond, h 187 Warren. Lynch Henry, h 40 Chapel. Lynch Luke, laborer, h N side Franklin sq. Lynch Phillip, h 15 Diamond. LYON (CHAS.,) & B.A. VILAND (A. C.,) bottlers, ft Allen, h 103 Warren. Lyons .Michael, laborer, h 7 Union.

McARTHUR ALEX., machinist, h ·95 Partition. McArthur Chas., clerk, bds 10 Union. McArthur C. W., engineer, h Green. McArthur G. C., book keeper, IJds 10 Union. McArthur G. P., (S. C. & G. P. McArthur,) h 227 E Allen. McArthur Henry L., doormnn, h 98 Union. McArthur J.! painter, h 213 Warren. McArthur Mary L. Mrs., h 231 E Allen. Mc.Arthurs (S. C. & G. P.,) & Bostwick (0. W.,) insurance ageuts, 75 1-2 Warren. McArthur S. 0., (S. C. & G. P. Mc.A.. & Bostwick) bds Worth House. McCabe B. Mrs., h Strawberry al n Second. McCabe Owen, laborer, h 110 Allen. McOann Michael, laborer, h N Second ab Strawberry al. McCarty Dennis, h Robinson n Second. :McCarty Patrick, ]aborer, h 46 N Third. McCarthy Chas., reason, h 32 Allen . . McCarthy DauieJ, mason, h 32 Allen. McCarthy M. Mrs., h Montgomery n 8 Third. McClelland Wm., laborer, h Diamond W of Front. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 77

:McClelland R.' D. Mrs., h 340 Diamond. McChtre l!\ A., agent, uds 66 Warren. McClure Jas. E., builder, 146 Union, h 84 Allen. McCONNELL GEO. F., boots, shoes aud gents' furn- ishing, 69 Warren, h 93 Diamond. McConnell Jas. B., boots and shoes, bds 93 Diamond. McConnell Richard, carman, h 93 Diamo11d. McCord Diautha Mrs., h-75 Warren. McCormick B., cooper, h 2 N Fron_t. McCrosson John, hackman, bds 264 Diamond. McOrosson Wm. E., carpenter, h 264 Diamond. McCue tfohn, laborer, h 25 Partition. McCue Owen, saloon, 11 S Front, h do. McCune P., foreman, h Chapel W of Front. McCULLOUGH B.UGH, ice dealer, N First cor Pris- on al, h do. McDonald- Patrick, saloon, 13 N Front, h do. McDowall David, laborer, h Cross. McDurmott John, laborer, h 10 N Front. McElroy Houry, laborer, h 112 Diamond. McEneuy P., machinist, h 1 l Partition. McEvoy Jas., melter, h n hd N Seventh. McEvoy Catherine Mrs., h 201 State. McEvoy Dennis, clerk, bds 201 State. McEvoy John, clerk, bds 334 Warren. McEvoy Thomas, printer, bds 201 State. McEvoy Wm., clerk, bds 201 State. McGee John, laborer, h New rd n Brewery. McGiffert Martha Mrs., h 209 State. McGown Hugh, h New road n brewery. McGraw B. Mrs., h Tanner's la. McGraw Thos., laborer, h 41 Chapel. 78 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

McKenzie Gerard L., lawyer, h Pro11pect av. McKinstry Augustus, (Rossman & McKinstry ,) h Academy Hill. McKinstry Edward, bds Central House. McKinstry George A., artist, 302 Warren, bds Acad- emy Hill. McKinstry John, bds 14 S Sixth. McKinstry J. E., clerk, Central House. McKinstry M. A. Mrs., h 13 Worth av. McKinstry Robert, h 384 Warren. McKinstry William H., h 14 S Sixth. McKitrick John laborer, h hd Green. McKitrick John Jr., laborer, h lid Green. McKown Chas., h Fifth cor Prospect. McKown Charles E., carpenter, h 33 N Fifth. McLaughlin D. H .• moulder, h r 320 Diamond. McLaughlin Daniel, watchman, h hd N Seventh. McLean Jacob, machinist, h 50 Allen. McMahan James, h Diamond W of Fourth. McManamy Cornelius, h State W of Front. McManus Joseph, shoemaker, h 1-13 State. McNamara C., butcher, bds 3 S Third. McNamara Eliza Mrs., h 3 S Third. McNamara John, laborer, h 18 N Front. McNamara Lawrence, saloon, 14 N Second. McNamara Michael, grocer, 11 S Third, bds n do. McNamara Thos., h New road n Brewery. McNeill Neil, h .Academy Hill. McQuillen Patrick. polisher, h Robinson n Second. McShane Frank, blacksmith, h 132 State. McShane Peter, blacksmith, ft Allen, h 31 Diamond. MACKEY A. E., (pro. and principal Hudson Business College,) 203 Warren, h 43 Union. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 79

Mackey Gilbert, laborer, bds Warren cor Market pl. Mackey H. H., fireman, h 3 Market pl. Mackey J. W., laborer, h Warren cor Market pl. Mackey Mary A. Mrs., saloon, Union cor S Front. Mackey Oliver B., laborer, bds Warren cor Market pl. Mackey Robert, shoemaker, h 170 State. Mackin C. Mrs., h N Second n Mill. Macy Abram Mrs., h 102 Allen. Macy Aaron C., h 200 E Allen. Macy Alex. T., h B. & A. R. R., ab Depot. MACY A. 0., 3rd, h 145 Union. Macy Alexander W. ~Irs., h 206 Warren. Macy Chas. 0., cashier, Farmers' National Bank, h 97 Union . .Macy Chas. W., (fl. Macy & Son,) h 63 N Fiftth. Macy Cyrus. h 65 .Allen. Macy Ellen Mrs., h R. R. av n Fair Ground. MACY F. A. & CT. H., tobacconists, tile and kindling wood, 206 Warren, h 23 N Fourth. Macy G. H., (F. A. & G. H. Macy,) h 206 Warren. Macy Geo. B., pattern maker, h 62 Union. MACY H. & SON, (0. W. Macy,) lumber, 310 Union. Macy H., (H. Macy & Son,) h 309 Union. Macy Homer C:, bds 309 Union. Macy 8. R., insurance agent, 310 Union, h 287 do. Macy Jacob, carpenter, 69 Partition, h 181 Un!ou. Macy Richard, clerk, h 181 Uniou. Macy Sylvester, carpenter, Partition, h 182 do. Macy Wm. H., clerk, h Prospect n Short. Macy Wm. H., h Prison al E of Second. Macy W. P., bds 181 Union. Macy Wm. S., h 37 Warren. 80 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Madden John, moulder. h S Third n Allen. Magee Miss, bds 12 N Third. Maionn(E. P) &Thompson (Smith,) insurance agents, 322 Warren. MAGOUN E. P., lawyer, 322 Warren, h Union cor S Seventh. Magoun S. L. lawyer, 322 Warren, h 324 Diamond. Mahan John, laborer, h Partition ab Secoud. Mahan John, h Robinson u Third. Mahar Thomas, laborer. h Montgomery. Mahaney Patrick, h Diamond W of Front. Maiu John, harness maker, bds Farmers' Hotel. 1laisenhachcr F., pru. First Ward Hotel, 23 S Front. Maisenbacher Fred., butcher, bds 281 Warren. Makely Ha1111ah, h 213 State. Mallery J. E., marble yard, 275 Warren, h 184 do. Malleson C. H., sec. and treas., P. S. C.H. Co., h 177 Union. Malone James, h 84 Diamond. . Maloney James Jr., segar mfg. 91 Diamond, h 84 do. Moloney Peter, h Rohinson. Malone Peter, laborer, h 235 Diamond. Malone John, laborer, h Cross n S Front. Maloy John, laborer, h Cross 11 S Front. Maloy Mary, h 148 Diamond. Mandeville Agnes Mrs., bds 50 Warren. Mann C. H., engineer, h 17 Eighth. Mann Robert, moulder, h Middle road. Mann Wm., laborer, h 17 Eighth. Mann Wm. A., barber, h Academy Hill. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 81

Manning Jeremiah, laborer, h Front cor State. Manyon B. Mrs., h Second ab State. MARKELL URIAH, shoemaker, h 298 Diamond. Mars John Mrs., h 212 Union. Mars Wm. J., barber, E 5ide Public sq, bds 212 Union. Marshall J as., laborer, h 28 Chapel. Marshall John H., tailor, h 267 Union. Marshall Obed, painter, h 132 State. Marshall Richard, machinist, h 114 Allen. Marshall 8., packer, h 48 N Sixth. Marshall Wm., fireman, h 21 S Front. Marshall Mrs., h 21 S Front. Martin Claudius R., carpenter, h E side Pub. sq. Martin Daniel, h Strawberry n Second. Martin H. 0., tobacconist, 326 1-2 Warren. Martin Jas., laborer, h 105 Diamond. Martin Joho, laborer, h 9 8 Front. Martin Jol111, laborer, h 46 N Third. Martin John, clerk, h 8 N Second. Martin Luke, carpenter, b S Third n Allen. Martin Polyen, laborer, h N Second c Strawberry al. Martin Timothy, laborer, h 18 N Front. Maxwell Ann, h Second ab State. Mayher Edward B., cigar maker, h 278 Stlte. Mead Patrick, la.borer, h 40 Chapel. Meikel Samuel .0., saloon, 282 Warren, h do. Meissner F. G., cigar maker, h Warren cor Prospect. Melius Frederick N., brakeman, h 179 Warren. Melius Jane Mrs., h 351 Warren. Melius John, shoemaker, h 333 State. Melius John If., carpEmter, h 156 Union. Melius Owen, h S Front cor Union. 10 82 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Mellen C. M., h tobacconist, 221 Warren. Mellen J as. L., hds 221 Warren. MELLEN JOHNS., hay, h 8 Allen. Mellen Louise Miss, h Union cor S Third. Mellen L. R. Mrs., h Union cor S Third. Mellen Samuel L., alderman, bds 26 Union. Mellen William H., h 26 Union. :Membert Albert, carpenter, h 229 Partition. MENICK JOHN, dry goods and carpets, 309 Warren, h do. MENICK SEBASTIAN, millinery & fancy goods, 287 Warren, h do. . Merictski N., peddler, h 19 S Front. Merrill A. W. Mrs., h 98 Allen. :Merrill Wm. A., cle1·k, bds 9d Allen. MESICK W. H., tobacconist, 355 Warren,. h 379 do. Michaels Robert J., hackmau, State cor Green. Michael Wm., h 26 Eighth. Miles Eugene, engineer, h '16 Allen. Milham M. H., clerk, h 13 Worth av. Millard Benjamin R., h 68 Warren. Millard Charles, h 68 Warren. Millard George, h 68 Warren. Miller Abram, pilot, Ii 29 S Third. Miller Albert, laborer, h 72 Warren. MILLER (8. 0.,) & BELLOWS (E. G.,) dry goods, 126 Warren, h do. Miller Calvin, h 185 State. Miller Chas., h Academy Hill. Miller C. E., house painter, h 332 State. Miller C. H. Mrs., Worth House. Miller Christian, saloon, 27 S Front, h do. ,.. ~, HUDSON DIRECTORY. 83

MILLER CHAS. B., (pro. Worth House,) 81 and 83 .Warren. Miller Christopher, farmer, h 173 Union. Miller E. C. Miss, bds N Front cor Chapel. Miller Edward L., bds Partition. Miller Elizabeth Miss, h 161 Warren. Miller Enoch, pork packer, h 229 Partition. :Miller Geo. G., cutter, h 280 Warren. Miller Grove, moulder. h Washington, cor N Fifth. Miller H. Mrs., h 30 N Front. Miller Isaac D. Mr8., h 6 N Second. MILLER HENRY, lawyer, 180 Warren, h 178 do. Miller Harry 0., clerk, bds Worth House. Miller H. II., cigar maker, h 113 Diamond. Miller H. L., (K. & H. L. Miller,) bds 178 Warren. Miller Jacob E .• farmer, h 9 Worth av. MILLE& JACOB P., lawyer and real estate, 305 1-2 Warren, h 250 Union. Miller James G., miller, h Washington cor N Fifth. Miller John, laborer, h Cross,. Miller Johu, bds 27 S Front. Miller J. Edward, laborer, h 61 N Seventh. MILLER K. & H. L., custom laundry, 224 Warren, h 178 do. Miller Lawrence, laborer, h Roqk al. Miller Madison, clerk, h 255 Union. Miller Maria Mrs .. , h 66 N Seventh. Miller Mary A., Mrs., h Prison al E of Third. Miller Mary Mrs., h 1 N Sixth. Miller Mellen, painter, h 4 Frederick. Miller Myron, bds 9 Worth av. MILLER MARTIN A., fruits, vegetables, &c., 40 Co­ lumbia, h do. 84 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Miller N. Mrs., milliner, 257 Warren, h 1 N Sixth. Miller Norman, h 1 N Sixth. Miller-Peter, h Academy Hill. Miller (Peter A.,) & Lottridge (Chas. H.,) merchant tailors, 130 Warren. Miller Peter A., (Miller & Lottridge,) Ii 132 Warren. Miller Peter S., train dispatcher, h 337 Stace. Miller R. A., bds 6 N Second. MILLERR. F., hairdresser, 278 Warren, h do. Miller Susannah Mrs., h 118 Diamond. MILLER S. B., books, stationery aud paper hangings, 294 Warren, bds Worth House. Miller S. C., h 317 Diamond. MILLER THEO., Associate Judge Court of Appeals, h 155 Allen. Miller William, blacksmith, 59 Columbia, li do. Miller W. fl., e11gineer, h 6 N Second. Miller William J., (Hunt & Miller.) h 32 Warren. Miller W. S., h 53 Allen. Miller Wm. T., bookkeeper, h State n Green. Minkler Stephen D., stone cutter, h 313 Diamond. Mitchell Edwin, h 135 Allen. Mitchell R. H., h 135 Allen. Molloy Arthur, laborer, h Partition ab Second. Monahau Michael D., laborer, h 11 S Front. Monahan Thos., laborer, h 11 S Front. Monday Coon, h 63 Chapel. Monday William, h New Road 11 Brewery. MONELL (J. D.,) & MALLESON (0. H.,) insnrauce agents. Second car Partition. MONELL J. D., florist, Second cor Partition aud 256 Warren, h 53 Union. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 85

MONELL (RB.,) & VANWYCK (S. M.,) lawyers,. 256 Warren. Monell R. B., (Monell & Van Wyck,) h 53 Union. Moon J amcs W ., clerk, h E side Public sq. Moore Alex., laborer, h 131 Diamond. Moore Arthur, law student, bds 289 Warren .

., tor tttut$, ~,H ~nu at t. t. l~hf; 1J~iufi~g •ffi~,. 86 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Moore Charles, bds 11 S Seventh. Moore James, cooper, bds 29 Allen. Moore John, teamster, h Columbia tp. Moore Lucius, coal, South Bay, h 201 Allon. Mooro M. Mrs., h 150 State. MOORE M. P., dr:r goods and carpets, 299 Warren, h 349 State. Moore Pt;tcr B., h 289 Warren. MOORE P. B. Mrs., fancy goods, 289 Warren, h do. Moore Sarah A. Mrs., bds Washington cor Franklin. Moore Stewart, shoemaker, h 68 Diamond. Moore Thomas, laborer. h 42 Diamond. MOORE WM., cooper, N side Frankljn sq, h 29 Allen. Moores George, printer, bds 157 Union. Moores Robert H., acting supt., h 157 Union. Morey John, laborer, h Cross. Morgan George F., watchman, 344 State. Morgari John, h 29 S Third. Morgan John Jr., h 29 S Third. Moroney Jas . .Mrs., tin, &c., 19 N Front, h do. Morris C. Mrs., h r 170 Diamond. Morris Mattison, porter, h 6 S Third. Morris R. Mrs., h 4 Warren. Morris Thos., b 68 N Seventh. Morrisey Daniel, laborer, h 25 N F1·ont. Morrison C. V. H., commission, 134 Warren. Morrison Henrietta Mrs., h 134 Diamond. Morrow Wm., laborer, h Cross. Morse Samuel, bds Central House. Moseley Geo. W ., bds 229 W arreu. Moseley Hope S. Miss, h 375 Warren. Mosely Joseph, h Green. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 87

Mosier C. H., clerk, bds 145 Union. Mosier N. E., machinist, h 145 1-2 Union. Mosier Richard M., tinsmith, h Front cor State. Mosier R. F. Mrs., h 91 Warren. Muldoon S. Mrs., h Second cor Long al. Muld,n\'ney Edward, mason, h State ab Front. :Muldowney John, h Mill n Brewery. Mui! Frank, book keeper, bds 103 Allen. MULL ISAAC, carriage manuf., 14 and 16 N Fourth, h 103 Allen. Mullany Michael, laborer, h Cross. Mullen Thomas, h Second cor Strawberry al. Mullins D1Jnnis, laborer, h 50 N 'l'hird. Mullins Owen, laborer, h Montgomery. Mundy M. B. Mrs., h 140 Warren. Murphey Cha~. A., law student, bds 121 Warren. Murphy Cbristopher, saloon, 27 S Third, h do. Murphy Henry, gas fitter, h 26 State. Murray E. Mrs., h 42 Chapel. Murray Wm., machinist, h 42 Chapel. MYERS CHARLES, h Stockport rd.

NACK JOHN, horse collar manuf., 192 Warren, h do. Nary Peter, laborer, h 28 Diamond. Nary Peter, laborer, h 11 S Front. Nash C. Mrs., bds 11 S Seventh. Nash E. Mrs., h 305 Diamond. Nash J. J., agent, h 102 Unicn. Nash Thomas P., bookkeeper, h 305 Diamond. Nash Thos. S., tinsmith, h Prospect n Franklin. . NATIONAL HUDSON RIVER BANK, 99 Warren. Naughtin Michael, laborer, h Diamond W of Front. 88 HUDSON DIRECTORY~

Neenan Daniel, laborer, h Fleet. Nevin Daniel, h 19 Diamond. Nelson Susanna Mrs., h 245 Union. Newbery E. D., h 12 N Second. Newbe1y John T., h 13 Warren. Newbery Margaret Mrs., h 13 Warren. Newbery Thos. P. Mrs., h 13 Warren. NEWCOMB S. B., fish, oysters, &c., 149 1-2 Warren. NEWKIRK (J.C.,) & CHACE (A. Frank B.,) law- yers, 302 Warren, h 151 Allen. NEW YORK & HUDSON TRANS. CO., ft Ferry. Niblett John W., clerk, bds 303 Diamond. Niblett W. C., machinist, h 303 Diamond. Nichols J. P.. h Prospect opp Franklin. ~icho!s011 Wm., marble works, 29 Allen, h 23 Parti- tiou. Nicholson Wm. Jr., stone cutter, h 23 Partition. Nicholson Wm. R., stone cutter, Ii 23 Partition. Niver Ezra D., (Oakley & Niver,) h 285 Warren. Nolan Ann, washerwoman, h Tanner's lane. Nolan Eliza Mrs., h Robinson. Nolan James, laborer, h S Third bel Montgomery. Nolan John, laborer, h N Second n Mill. Norton John, laborer, h Second ab State. Nye Valentine C. Mrs., h 22 Chapel.

OAKLEY (C. W.,) & NIVER (E. D.,) grocers, 353 Warren. Oakley C. W. (Oakley & Niver,) h Green. Obermeyer Augustus, mason, bds 242 Wan·en. O'Connor Jennie Miss, bds 54 Warren. O'CONNELL WILLIAM, plumber and gas fitter, 162 Warren, h do. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 89

• O'Connor B. E., engineer, h Diamond n Fourth . O'Connor James, h Prospect opp Franklin. O'Connor Jas N., engineer, h Diamond n Fourth. O'Connor, John, h New road n State. O'Donnell Michael, laborer, h Mill. ODY THOMAS, bleacher, &c., 266 Warren, h do. O'Hara (Wm.) & Gindele (J.,) butchers, 262 War ren, bds 279 State. O'Hearn Daniel, laborer, h 74 Columbia. O'Hollorau Daniel, blacksmith, h 15 N Front. Olcott C. Miss, h 77 Union. Olcott E. H., h 75 Union. Olm Charles, laborer, h 19 N Front. O'MERA JAMES, plumber and gas fitter, 272 War- ren, h 106 Diamond. O'Mera Michael, gardener, h 106 Diamond. O' Mera Patrick, teamster~ h Robinson n Second. O'Neal Daniel, laborer, h 38 Diamond. · O'Neal Edward, laborer, h 17 Diamond. O'Neil B. H., h 371 Warren. O'NEIL GILES ff., lawyer, 324 Warren, h Washing- ton n Sixth. O'Neil Morris, laborer, h 78 Partition. Orsor Geo. H., clerk, bds 66 Warren. Orsor S. F. Mrs., h 66 Warren. Orton Elizabeth, h 1 o Diamond. Osborne H. A., copductor, h Washington n Fifth. Osborne E. Mrs., h 161 Warren. Osborne Edward A., clerk, bds 85 Union. Osborne John R .. hr 115 Allen. Osborne Mary M~·s., h Union n Worth av. Osborne Selleck Mrs., h 85 Union. 11 90 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Osborne Willis J., clerk, bds 85 Union. Osborne Wm., clerk, bds 85 Union. O'Shea Michael, h 41 N Sixth. Ossman Fred, baker, h 139 Diamond. Ostrander C. F., painter, h 70 ·chapel. Ostrander Hannah Mrs., h 183 State. Ostrander H., wago11 maker, 9-S Third, h 150 State. Ostrander W. A., carpenter, h 248 Union. Overbaugh Goo. B., conductor, h 38 Warren. OVERHISER JOHN H., police justice, City Hall, h 163 Union. Owens Wm., shoemaker, h 128 State. Oxbrough C., laborer, h N Second ab Strawberry al. Oxbrough Mary, h Second ab Strawbery al.

PADDOCK E. B. Miss, h 47 Union. Palen Joseph G. ~lrs., bds 97 Warren. Palen R. J., bds 97 Warren. Palmer Geo. H., blacksmith, h 27 4 State. Panigot Chas. G., carpenter, h 337 State. Panush R., grocer, 7 S Front, h do. PARKER BYRON, plumbing, gas and steam fitting, 213 Warren, h ~36 do. Parker Charles, clerk, bds 236 Warren. Parker Geo. N., clerk, bds 236 Warren. Parker John A., ice, h 122 State. Parker John P. Mrs., h 351 Warren. Parker Samuel M., ice, 122 State. PARKER WM., ice dealer, h 122 State. Parkman H. D., jeweler, 104 Warren, h do. Parkman Wm. E., h 53 Warren. Parlow A. C., select school, h 98 Diamond. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 91

Parmenter Henry, clerk, bds 204 Warren. Parmenter Rufus H., painter, h 187 Warren. Parmenter Wm., h 138 Allen. Parsons Eliza Mrs., bds 300 Warren. Parsons Phoebe, bds 300 Warren. Parsons Sanford. farmer, h 406 Warren. PARSONS SMITH, h 300 Warr~n. Parsons Walter A., baggage master, h 341 State. Parton George Mrs., h Prospect av. Patten Anthony, laborer, h Second cor Long al. Patten John, laborer, h 44 Diamond. Patterson David C., contractor, h 83 Allen. Paul Charles Mrs., h 139 Warren. Paul Thomas, machinist, bds 139 Warren. Payne Ann Mrs., h 5 N Third. Payne Geo. A., clerk, bds 5 N Third. PAYNE HORACE, grocer, 135 Warren, h do. Payne William H., clerk, bds 135 Warren. Peabody A. H., (Waterbury & P.,) bds 56 Warren. Peake Sarah E. Mrs., h 279 State. PEA.KE MISSES, ladies' seminary, 84 Warren. Peake Silas R., painter, h 279 State. Pearson John M., agent, bds Worth House. PECK DARIUS, lawyer, 104 1-2 Warren, h 76 do. Peck Horac~ R., lawyer, 101: 1-2 Warren, bds Worth House. PECK WILLARD, lawyer and real estate agent, 147 Warren, (up stairs,) h 6 Willard pl. PEEPER JOHN, saloon, Hl6 Warren, h 8 N Fourth. Pt!et Clara J. Miss, music teacher, h 160 State. Peet Abram S., book keeper, h lo0 State. PEIRSON CHARLES, paints, oils, &c., S Fifth cor Cherry al, h 242 Union. 92 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Pei'rson Chas. F., painter, bds 242 Union. Peirson Geo . .M., clerk, bds 242 Union. Peirson Silas W., painter, bds 242 Union. Pendergast Patrick, saloon, h 25 Partition. Percell Andrew, printer, bds 137 State. Percell Michael, laborer, h 137 State. Percell Richard printer, bds 137 State. Perkins C. A. Mrs., h 242 Union. Perry 0. H., clerk. h 184 Warren. Perry Thaddeus. clerk, bds 105 Warren. . Perry Wm. D. Rev., prin. Hudson .Academy, bds 344 Diamond. · PERRY WM. H., ice cream, &c., 101 Warren, h do. Perry Wm. H. Jr., clerk, bds 101 Warren. Petrie Fannie Miss, teacher, h 137 Union. Petrie Kate Miss, dressmaker, h 137 Union. Peyton James J. Rev., h 73 Allen. Philip cFrank J.,) &Hardy cJ. C,) boots and shoes. 192 Warren, h 9 N Sixth. Philip Geo. P., (J. Philip & Sou,) h 57 N Fifth. PHILIP,JORDAN &SON, (GEO. P.,) general insurance agents, 327 Warren, h 57 N Fifth. Philip's Spiral Corn Husker Co., 32~ Warren. Philip Theron, clerk, h 45 Green. Phillips Anna, h 140 Diamond. Phillips Belle Miss, h 337 State. Phillips Eliza A. Mrs., h 337 State. ..


PHILLIPS FRANK, butcher, 345 Warren, h do. Phillips Samuel A., laborer, h 37 Chapel. Phillips Wm. J., bookkeeper, h 276 State. Phrnnix Lloyd, h Worth av. Phrnuix Philip, h Worth av. Pbarnix S. Whituey, h Worth av. Pierce Phebe Mrs., h 315 Diamond. Pindar W. H., printer, h 50 N Sixth. Pinkham George A., grocer, 27 Warren, h do. Pitcher L. W., agent, h 2-79 Union. Pitcher Samuel, wagon maker, h Green. PITCHER W. L., h 279 Union. Pitts William B., coachman, h 41 Diamond. Plank Ernest, bds 8 N Fifth. Plank N. S., (H. & Plank,) h 95 Union. Plank Philo Mrs., h 8 N Fifth. Plank Willis G., (C. L. Crofts & Co.,) bds 8 N Fifth. Plass Andrew, baker, h 58 Diamond. Plass Casper, laborer, h 222 Warren. Plass Eliza Mrs., h 94 1-2 Warren. Plass Geo. H. Mrs., h 7 Worth av. Plass Martha Mrs., h 26 S Seventh. Plass Sophia, h 270 Warren. Platner, 0. E. V. Mrs., h 4 E Court. Plumb Richard, laborer, h 189 1-2 State. Police Court, City Hall. Police Read Quarters, City Hall. Porter Albert, laborer, h 112 Diamond. Porter Geo., painter, h Prison al n Sixth. Potts Geo, h 265 Warren. Potts Jonas, bookkeeper, h 21 Eighth. Potts Jonas, farmer, Phrenix Farm, Worth av. 94 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

POTTS R. D., grain, flour, feed, &o., 24 Columbia, bds 11 S Seventh. Potts W. H., mason, h 56 N Fifth. Poultney Chas., expressman, h 77 Allen. Poultney Frank F., carpenter, h 111 Stato. POULTNEY JOHN H.,~~, h 77 Allen. Power Anna and Mary, h Green. POWER GEO. H., pro. Hudson Ferry, office Ferry Slip, b State opp N Fourth. Power Luke, carpenter, h 43. N First. Power Robert, machinist, h Chapel W of Front. Power Robert Jr., engineer, h Power av. POWER THOMAS, grocer, 270 Warren, h 293 do. Power Thomas W., carpenter, 90 Diamond, h 86 do. Power Wm. H., h Clinton N of Fifth. Powers Philip Mrs., h 133 Wari·en. Prentiss Charles H., machinist, h 16 S Seventh. Price Chas., labore!', h Prison al E of Second. Price Frank, mason, h Academy Hill. Prince Geo. W ., shoemaker, h 115 State. Prince Joy, h Long al E of Second. Pultz David G., h 1 N Fifth. Pultz Emma C., teacher, bds 1 N Fifth. Pultz Norman G., h 278 Union. PULVER A., segar manuf. and tobacco, 55 Warren. Pulver Chas. E., segar maker, h 44 Diamond. Pulver Hawkins, laborer, h 149 State. Pulver Hattie Mrs., h 12 S Sixth. Pulver Henry, peddler, h Dodge. Pulver Jas. E., laborer, h 86 Diamond. Pulver Kate Mrs., h N Fourth n Warren. Pulver Peter, laborer, h N Fifth cor Prison al. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 95

PULVER PETER S., livery, 168 Warren and Worth Honse, h 146 do. Pulver Wm. R., carpenter, bds N Fourth n Warren. Punch Daniel, laborer, h 152 Union. Punch John T., switchman, h 152 Union. Punch Henry, laborer, h Prison al ab Third. PuPderson F. T., clerk, bds 125 Union. Pund€rson J. H., clerk, bds 125 Union. PUNDERSON J.M., condition powders, h 125 Union. Punderson R. M., clerk, bds 125 Union. Putney Andrew F., h 325 State. Putney Joseph, h 325 State.

QUICK J. W., printer, bds Fifth cor Prospect. Quigley Wm., laborer, h Montgomery. Quinlan Patrick, h New road.

RAAB V., centre market, Warren cor N Fourth, h 262 State. Race Abram H., cooper, h State cor Third. Race Al~x., laborer, h Pennoyer. Race Allen J., painter, h 34 Eighth. Race Charles, clerk, h 335 State. Race Charles, M., h 73 Warren. Race Edward T., h New Road n State. Race Elizabeth Mrs., h 12 Eighth. RACE B. W., law st1.1dent and copyest, h 2S2 Union. Race Jane A., Mrs., h 23 Cbapel., Race John Mrs., h 72 Warren. Race John A., switchman, h 16 Diamond. Race ,John T., laborer, h N Front ab State. Race Peter, boatman, h 14 Diamond. 96 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Race Peter G., laborer, h 34 Chapel. Race Richard J., bookkeeper, h 321 State. Race Silas Mrs., h N Fifth cor Washington. Race Wm. H ., shoemaker, City Hall pl., h 143 1-2 Union. Raidy Morris, laborer, h 18 N Front. . RAIL ROAD HOTEL, (Martin Dexheimer, pro.,) N side Pub. sq. Rainey Mary Mrs., h 153 State. Rainey S. R., gen. man. C. & J. M. Co., h 108 Union. Rankin Joseph, laborer, h 15 Worth av. Ranson! Frank P., clerk, bds 23 N Fourth. Ransom Mary A. Mrs., h 23 N Fourth. RAPP CHRISTIAN, book bindery, 100 Warren, h 98 Diamond. Rassow M. Mrs., h 318 Diamond. Raught Benj. F., mason, bds 296 Union. Raught John, mason, h 296 Union. Raught S., (Wm. H. Crapser & Co.,) h 18 N Fifth. Ray Alexander, carpenter, bds Hudson House. RAY BENJAMIN Hon., bds 29 Allen. Ray John S., supt., h 6 Warren. Raymond Thos. E., peddler, h 234 Diamond. Redding Philip, carman, h R. R. opp Freight House. Redding T. W ., laborer, h Washington ab N Fifth. REED D. N., h 160 Warren. Reid George E., dra.ughftsman, bds 8 ·Warren. Reid John, laborer, h Clinton. Reid John Jr., printer, bds Clinton. Reid L. W., teacher, h Washington 11 Sixth. Reid Wm. R., clerk, bds 149 1-2 Warren. Remington Chas., h 262 Diamond. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 97

REMINGTON R. M. & SON, coal, flour and feed, 18 anrl 20 Warren, h 37 do. Remington R. M. Jr., (R. M. Remington & Son,) bds Waldron House. Renz C. J. Rev., 11 Prospect ab Short. Reynolds A. H., mason, -h State n Green. REYNOLDS E. D., stoves, tinware, 349 Warren, h 97 Columbia. REYNOLDS H., leather and findings, 19 Columbia, h 227 Partition. Reynolds Jane Mrs., h 5 N 1,hird. Revnolds Frederick, h N Seventh 11 State. Reynolds Abiram, cal'pentcr, h 3 S Front. Reynolds James S., fireman, h ~45 State. Reynolds Reuben, clerk, h 221 Partition. Rice A.rthur W., tinsmith, h 24 S Seventh. Rice Lewis R., machine agent, h 342 State. Richards Solomon, h 108 Diamond. Richardson J arivus, h 187 Warren. Richmond Eli, h 316 Union. Richmond Henry, clerk, bds 316 Union. Richmond P., pedler, h 18 S Front. Richmond Samuel, salesman, h Partition 11 Third. Ricker E., saloon, N Fourth cor Prison al, h do. Ricker J ., clerk, h N Fourth cor Prison al. Rider William, ca;-penter, h Diamond W of Front. Rifenbergh E. F. Mrs., h 271 Uuion. Rifenburgh Crawford~ carpenter, h 39 Chapel. Rightmyer Wm. H., conductor, h 122 Union. Riley B. Mrs., h 136 Diamond. Riley Jas., laborer, h 24 Partition. Riley James, laborer, h Robinson. 12 98 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Riley Owen, laborer, h 257 Diamond. Riley 'rhos., h Mill n Brewery. Ring John, h 12 Diamond. Riphenburgh Jacob H., engineer, h Third n Allen. RIVENBURGH J. M., grocer, 72 Warren, h 32 do. Rivers Walter, h Washington n Sixth. Roberts E. H., h 66 Warren. Roberts Franklin, carpenter, h 297 Diamond. Robinson Ann, h 68 N Seventh. Robinson Alex., laborer. h 159 Diamond. Robinson Geo., porter, h 129 Diamond. Robinson Wm., laborer, h 121 Diamond. Roche James, laborer, b 15 Diamond. Roche John, laborer, h 15 Diamond. Roche Patrick, labo:·er, h Cross cor Deer al. Roche Richard, engineer, h 247 Diamoud. ROCKEFELLER ALLEN, merchant tailor, 330 War- ren, h do. Rockefeller Claudius,(DeLamater & R.,) bds 97 War- ren. Rockefeller D. H., h 16 N Fifth. Rockefeller H. H., sewing machines &c., 289 Warren. Rodney John, h 220 Diamond. Roe Chas. E., clerk, bds 135 Union. Roe Herbert S., clerk, bds 135 Union. Roe Jas., teamster, h Second cor Robinson. ROE J. H., grocer, 207 Warren, h 135 Union. Roe James Jr., shoemaker, h N Second cor Robinson. ROE N. S. h 27 4 State. Roe Peter H., h 40 r Warren. ROGERS C. S., wrapping paper and grocer, Colum­ bia cor Eighth, h 46 Columbia. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 99

Rogers Gertrude Mrs., h 36 S Front. Rogers H. W., paper manuf., h Green cor State. Rogers Walter, (pro. Hudson House,) Franklin sq. ROGERSON JAMES 0., hardware and cutlery, 335 Warren, h Green. Root Sidney E., carman, h 61 Columbia. Roraback E. A., h Diamond cor N Seventh. Roraback Frederick, carman, h 191 State. Roraback Uriah, harness maker, 314 Warren, h do. Rose David A., pattern maker, h 238 Warren. Rose David D., pattern maker, h 28 Eighth. Rose Henry, baker, h 390 Warren. Rosenberg J. A. Rev., h 6 W Court. Ross 0. D., machinist, h 423 Warren. Ross E. Mrs., h Green. Ross Nicholas, tailor, h 262 Diamond. Rossman cA.) &McKinstry cA) druggist, 329 Warren. Rossman Allen, (Rossman & McK.,) h Prospect av. ROSSMAN L. J., druggist, Warren cor Fourth, h 159 Union. Rossman J. Mrs., h 290 Union. ROSSMAN REFINE L., stoves, tin and house fu~nish- ing good8, 315 Warren, bds 40! do. Rossman S. A. Mrs., h 25 Eighth. Rossman W.F., stoves and tin, 20 N Sixth. h do. Rote Chester, clerk, bds 261 Diamond. · Rote Henry, clerk, h 261 Diamond. 100 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Rourke Patrick, h Mill n Brick yard. Rowe Elizabeth Mrs., h 12 N Front. Rowe Frederick, dyer, h 13 N 1.'hird. Rowe H. Mrs., h 243 Stat~. Rowe Henry V., brakeman, h hd N Seventh. Rowe Mary A. Mrs., h 310 Warren. Rowe Mary J. Mrs., h 70 N Seventh. Rowe William, h State n Green. Rowe W. S. Rev., h Partition cor Fifth. Rowles & Bro., (A. J. & S. G.,) bakery, 169 Warren, h do. Rowles A. S., harness maker, bds 60 Warren. Rowles W. S., baker, h 60 Warren. ROWLEY ALEXANDERS., lawyer and solici!or of patents, 324 Warren, h 333 Union. ROWLEY E. C., lawyer, 324 Warren, bds 333 Union. Rowley Geo. W., bds 124 Warren. Rowley Henry A., bds 63 Allen. Rowley Henry Mrs., h 63 Allen. Rowley James B., bookkeeper, h 15 Warren. Rowley Jesse L., clerk, h 12':l: Warren. Rowley Sarah Mrs., h 273 Union. Rumpf Charles Mrs., h 329 State. Ruo Albert, segar maker, bds First Ward Hotel. Russell A. S., lawyer, h 1 E Court. Russell James, lamp lighter, h State W of Front. Russell F. B., h 1 E Court. Russell John, laborer, h Front cor Diamond. Russell Wm. A., clerk, bds 1 E. Court. Ryan David, laborer, h 70 N Seventh. Ryan Edward, laborer, h 56 Allen. Ryan Edward, h 108 Diamond. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 101

Ryan James, laborer, h Robinson n Second. Ryan James, mason, h 234 Diamond. Ryan James, laborer, h 76 Partition. ~yan Jeremiah, laborer, h 10 S Front. Ryan John, laborer, h Diamond bel N Fourth. Ryan John, printer. h B. & A. Ry., ab Depot. Ryan Margaret, h B. & A. Ry., ab Depot. Ryan Patrick, h New Road n State. Ryan Thomas, moulder, h 8 Union. Ryan Wm., h 65 N Third. Ryan Wm., laborer, h t9 Worth av. Ryder B. H., clerk, 309 Warren. Ryder Ira, carpenter, h 112 Allen.

SACKETT EDWIN, h 207 Warren. Sackett J. S., sewing machines, bds Central Honse. Sackett Sophrona Mi8s, bds 154 Warren. Sagendorf Chas., carpenter, h 296 Union. SAGENDORF NATHAN, farmer, h Stockport rd. SALMON GEO. P., phy~ician, 208 Warren, h 257 do. Salisbury Frank A., carpenter, h 24 Eighth. Salisbury W. F., carpenter, h S Second cor Union. Sands James, grocer, 2 Warren, h do. Sanford A. H., mer. tailor, 299 Warren, h 341 State. Scanlan Thos., laborer, h Tanner's la cor Third. Sar~ent Daniel, h 20 Union. SARGENT T. H., news depot, 173 Warren, h 286 do. Saulpaugh Alva B., laborer, h Union tp. Saulpaugh Elizabeth Mrs., saloon, h Columbia tp. Saulpaugh H13nry :M., mason, h 24 Eighth. Saulpaugh Hattie V. Mrs., h 29 S Third. Saulpaugh John, laborer, h ft State .


Saulpaugh Robert, R., mason, h 9 Eighth. Saulpaugh Sylvester, fisherman, h 12 N Front. Saulpaugh Thos., It 36 Eighth. Sausbier J. V., moulder, h Rock a1. Schermerhorn Horace, laborer, h Fleet cor Rock al. Schermerhorn Jacob fl., mason, h New road n State. Schiffer Henry, hds 188 Warren. Schiffer L. Miss, h 188 Warren. Schiffer Jacob, clerk, bds 188 Warren. Schile Antony, hairdresser, 63 Warran, h do. Schnack Henry 0., farmer, h 61 N Seventh. Scholes Bertram, clerk, bds 280 Warren. SCHOLES M. J., dry goods, 230 Warten, h do. Schools Anna N. Mrs., h 182 Union. Schreiber A. P., tobacco, h B. & A. Ry. ab Depot. Schreiber Philip, saloon, 328 Warren, h do. Schultz Allen, shoemaker, bds 2 S Second. Schultz E. E., shoemaker. bds 2 S Second. Schultz Jordan, shoemaker, bds 2 S Second. Schultz N. N., bds 2 S Second. Schultz Philip, shoemake·r, 4 S rrhird, h 2 S Secoud. Scism Peter, porter, Worth House, h 70 Chapel. SCISM WM., saloon, 123 Warren, h do. Scott A. B., cashier, N. H. R. Bank, h 229 Warren. Scott Frederick A., h 34 Diamond. Scott John, h 275 State. Scovill W. H., h Union cor S Second. Scryver Chas. Mrs., h 34 N Front. Sears Henry, h 42 Diamond. Secor Charlotte Mrs., h Fifth cor State. Secor David W ., grocer, 64 Chapel, h 66 do. Secor Abraham, h n N Front. HUDSON DffiECTORY. 103

Sedgwick Wm., pattern maker, h 69 Union. Seeber Geo., laborer, h Fleet cor Rock al. Segall Joseph, clothing, &c., W side Public sq. Seib Philip, frnit, bds 190 Warren. Seigler George, hackman, h 314 State. Seymour E. S., book-keeper, bds 24 S Second. Seymour G. E. Mrs., h 267 Warren. Seymour Sidney, treasurer H. I. Co., h 24 S Second. Seymour Wm. St. J., cashier aud notary public, F. N Bank, bds 2o7 Warren. Shadell Chas., laborer, h 116 State. Shaffer A. D., p:iinter, h 35 N Fifth. Shaffe1· A. E., carpenter, h 323 State. Shaffer Daniel, foreman, h Prospect cor Short. Shaffer Geo. H., machinist, h Green. SHARP A. G., boots and shoes, 324 \iVarren, h Pros- pect 11 Franklin. Sharp A. W., clerk. h 415 Warren. Sharp Mrs., h 347 Warren. Sharp Nelson, clerk, h 339 State. Sharp S. L., tallyman, bds 168 Union. Sharples Jas., saloon, 6 N Front, h do. SHATTUCK F. W. & Co., (Geo. II. Tator,) boots and shoes, 330 1-2 Warren, h do. Shattuck R. C. Mrs., drbssmaker, h 3 N Sixth. Shattuck, carpenter, h 3 N Six.th. Shaver Mary, b 4 Union. Shaver M. Mrs., h 351 Warren. Shaver Peter, carpenter, h 19 Eighth. Shaw Cyrus E., machinist, h 17 Diamond, Shaw C. Mrs., h Union tp. Shaw Sylvia Mrs., h 41 N Six.th, 104 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Sheedy Thomas, laborer, h 11 S Front. Sheedy Thomas, laborer, h Prison al bel Fourth. Shelden Chas. A., brakeman, h 71 Columbia. Sheldon Abram, h Union tp. Sheldon C. J., variety store, 323 Warren, li 5 N Sixth Sharples Wm., saloon, 34.5 Warren, h do. SHELDON HENRY & Co., (Geo. W. Blaco & Chas. Moore,) grocers, bakers, confectioners, &c., 326 Warren, h 11 S Seventh. Sheldon Henry R., dentist, bds Fifth cor Prospect. Sheldon P. H., livery, Fifth cor Union, h 300 Union. Sheldon Silas, undertaker, h 242 Union. Sheldon Silas A., bookkeeper, h 242 Union. Rheean Ann Mrs., h 6 N Front. Shephard Frank, policeman, h 226 Union. Shepard R. B., pres. F. N. Bank, h 245 Warren. SHEPARD R. M., china hall, 321 Warren, bds 245 do Sherman Geo., cooper, h Short. Sherman Levi clerk, h 98 Union. Sherman William, laborer, bds 70 Chapel. Sherman Wilson, laborer, h 34 Diamond. Shill Georgo Mrs., h 44 N First. Shill Jo~erh, baggage master, h 58 Union. Shook Hiram, engineer, h 40 Warren. Shook Edgar, engineer, h 40 Warrem. Shultis Z., laborer, h 285 State. Shultis James H., carpenter, h 23 Eighth. Shultz Edward, 'shoemaker, h 26-1 State. Shultz Edward F., paiuter, h B. & A. R. R., ab Depot. Shurragar R. H., shoemaker, hr 166 State. Shurragar Sarah Mas., h Academy Building. Shutts M . .A. Mrs., h ft State. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 105

Silvernail Franklin, pro. St. Clair Hotel, Public sq cor Warren. Silvernail John H., laborer, h 41 Union. Silvernail Maria Mrs., h 14 Green. Silverman M., clothing, 18 S Front, h 10 do. Simon Thomas, laborer, h 21 S Front. Simons Hiram, clerk, bds 319 Warren. Simons Morris, clothiug, 337 Warren, h do. , SIMPSON E., physician, 302 Warren, bds 11 S 7th, Simpson George N., bds 344 Diamond. Simpson J. T., h 175 Allen. Simpson W. A., chemist, h 21 Columbia. Simpson W .. K., student, bds 344 Diamond. Sipperley A. E., dross making, h 35 N Fifth. Sisters of St. Joseph, h 72 Allen. Sivers T. P., cigar manuf., Ohel'l'y al, h 12 N Front. Skinner H. P. Mrs., h 142 Warren. SKINNER THE MISSE;::,, Young Ladies' Seminary, 281 Union, h 142 Warren. SKINNER (W. B.,) & FAIRFIELD, (GEO. B.,) brokers. 147 Warren. Skinner W. 'B., (Skinner & Fairfield,) h 205 E .Allen. Slawson Wm. C., clerk, bds 97 Warren. Slater Alexander, laborer, h ft N Front. Sloan Wm. P., h 316 State. Slocum Mary Mrs., h 9 N Third. Sluyter Henry H., carpenter, h 254 Diamond. SLUYTER. WILL.A.RD, grocer, 33 Warren, h 51 do. Sluyter Wm. H., carpenter, h ·25 N Fifth. Smith Catherine Mrs., h 42 Diamond. Smith E. D., bookkeeper, N. H. R. Bank, h 275 Union. 13 106 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Smith Geo. S., shoemaker; h 320 Diamond. SMITH H. LYLE, physician, !14 WatTen, h 184 Union SMITH J. A., manag. A. & P. T. Co., bds 4 N Fourth Smith James, saloon, 29 S Frout, h do. Smith Jas. W., boatman, h 110 State. Smith Leonard, saloon, h 283 Warren. Smith Leonard, clerk, h 283 Warren. Smith Mattie Miss, tel. oper., bds 37 Warren. Smith M. A. Mrs., fancy goods, &c., 219 1-2 Warren Smith Martin L., carpenter, h 27 Worth av. SMITH R. J .• restaurant, 338 Wanen, h do. Smith S. P. Mrs., h 184 Union. Smith Timothy, carpenter, h 201 State. Smith Wandie, tailor, h Washington, n Sixth. SMITH WM. J., grocer, Diamond cor Third, h 174 Warren. Snow Chas. H. Jr., tanner, h Power av. Snow John, laborer, h 6 Uuiov. Snyder Auna M, Miss, h 316 State. Snyder Auna. Miss, dressmaking, h 29 N Fif'th. Snyder Almon, chief of police, bds 423 Warren. Snyder Elizabeth Mrs., h 34 Diamond. Snyder Jas. H., lahorer, h 316 State. Snyder John Q., ag13nt, h 343 State. SNYDE~ M. W., grocer, 128 Warren, h 98 All~n. Snyder Wm. R., teacher, h 12 N Third. SOLOMON BROS., (Joseph & Julius,) clothing, hats, &c., 185 Warren, h do. Solomon Louis, clerk, bds 341 Warren. Sours Peter, h 75 Columbia. Spanburgh W. H., machinist,, h Washington n N 6th. Spaulding A. E., Mrs,, h 24 7 Diamond. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 107

Spaulding E. T., engineer, bds 247 Diamond. Spaulding John F., bds 247 Diarcond. Spaulding N. A., salesman, bds 238 State. Spaulding Robert G., finisher, h 317 Diamond. Spaulding Solon, h B. & A. Ry. ab Depot. Spaulding Wm. A., printer, bds 247 Diamond. Speed B. Jr., clerk, bds 18 Columbia. Speed B. M. A., carpenter, h 18 Columbia. Spencer Chas., fireman, bds 68 Allen. Spencer Chas. E., h 49 Allen. Spencer Edmund, jeweler, 285 Warren, h do. Spencer F. B., (Knickerbocker & S.,) h 10 Warren. Spencer F. P., hatter, bds 285 Warren. Spencer Wm. H., engraver &c., 285 Warren, h do. Stackpoole Michael, laborer, h Cross. Stafford Spencer, hackman, h 32 Eighth. Stall M. Mrs., h 347 Warren. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, F. Silvernail, pro., Warren cor Public sq. Steward Edward, machinist, h 26 S Seventh. Steward Ellen, h 26 S Seventh. Steward E. J. Miss, h Prison al E of Second. Stewart J olrn, laborer, h Prison al n Sixth. Stewart Wm., laborer, h Prison al n Sixth. Stewart Wm. E., baggage master, h 325 State. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (H. Sweet, pro.)34 Columbia. Steel Henry H., paper hanger, h 222 Warren. Stevens A. A., gunsmith, 286 Warren, h 347 State. Stevens A. C., h 89 Warren. Stevens Edward, Mrs., h 295 Warren. Stevens Hale, fish, h 36 Chapel. Stevens H. G., watchmaker and jeweler, 286 Warren, bds 89 do. 108 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Stevens John A., butcher, h 34 Chapel. Stevens Wm., h Academy Hill. Stevens Wm. T., butcher, h 42 Chapel. Stickles Eugene, h 236 Union. Stickles M. Mrs., h Carroll. Stickles Orlando, clerk, bds 11 S Sernnth. Stickles P. H., peddler, h 333 State. Stiubirg Isaac, peddler, h 6 N Front. Stoddard Heorgo R., printer, bds 131 Warren, Stoddard Sarah Miss, h 131 Warren. Stoddard Wm. B., job printer, 131 Warren, h do. Stoll J"oseph P., laborer, h 32 N Third. Storm H. B., clerk, h 228 Warren. STORM JAMES, lawyer and civil justice, City Hall pl cor Cherry al, h 6 S Seventh. Storm James Sr., billiards, City Hall pl, bds 6 S Sev­ enth. STORM R. B., livery, 228 Warren, h do. STORRS GEORGE, druggist and grocer, 150 War- ren, h 152 do. Storrs Robert H., clerk, bds 152 Warren. Stotts Richard H., clerk, bds 145 Warren. Stowe Jonathan Mrs., h 4 Willard pl. Stranahan H. G., jeweler, bds 104 Warren. Stupplebeen Fayette A., clerk, bds 11 S Seveuth. Sullivan C. Mrs., h 98 Allen. Sullivan Dennis, laborer, h 175 State. Sullivan F., photographer, bds 98 Allen. Sullivan John, laborer, h Robinson n Second. Sullivan Patrick, h 24 Chapel. Sullivan Thomas, laborer, h 86 State. Sullivan Wm. P., clerk, bds 98 Allen. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 109

Sutherland Robert M., h 243 State. Surfleet E. Mrs., h 9 Warren. Swain Thomas, engineer, h Prison al W of Front. Swart E. Mrs., h 15

TANNER (ALEX.) & CLAPPER (F. H.,) grocers, 36'1 Warren. Tanner Alex., (Tanner & Clapper,) h 11 Eighth. Tansey Mary, h 11 S Front. Tator Chas. M., segar maker, bds 22 N Sixth. Tator Eliza .Mrs., h 22 N Sixth. Tator G. H., (F. W. Shattuck & Co.,) h 78 Columbia. Tator Peter, h n hd Washington. Tator Silas S., hackman, h Partition n Second. Taylor Alouzo, h Green ab Frederick. Taylor Iseman h 125 Diamond. Taylor Robert R., laborer, h 22 N Sixth. Taylor Samuel, laborer, h State cor Sixth. Taylor Wm. S., h 121 Union. Teal John, shoemaker, h 121 State. TenBroeck Everts, bds 232 Warren. TenBroeck Jacob, h 404 Warren. TEN BROECK JAY D .• soda water manuf.acturer, S Front cor Ferry, h i3 Promenade Hill. · TenEyck E. Mrs., h 164 Union. TenEyck Joseph M.,'fireman, bds 176 State. 110 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

TenEyck M. L., engineer, h 176 State. TenEyck S. C. Miss, h 16! Union. Terry Conklin Mrs., h 166 Warren. TERRY CHARLES C., dry goods, 144 Warren, h 169 Union. TimRY EDWIN C., h 55 Allen. Terry R. E. Rev., h 231 Union. Terry Robert M., h 166 Warren. Terry Wm. H., (Guernsey & Terry,) h 325 Union. The Albany & Rensselaer Iron & Steel Co., Water. Thomas Jacob W ., cook, h 112 Diamond. Thomas M. Mrs., h Cross. THOMAS (R. E.,) & HARDER (R.,) stoves, tinware, &c., 20 Columbia, h do. Thomas Solomon, h 20 Columbia. '11HOMAS WM. & CO., (Isaac Van Bergen,) grocers, 67 Warren, h do. Thomas Wm. F., brakeman, h Cross. Thomas W. ff., clerk, bds 67 Warren. Thompson A. H., carpenter, h Union tp. TBOMPSO~ BENJAMIN, carpenter, h Union tp. Thompson Issac, h Prison al ab Fourth. Thompson Joseph, cook, h 68 N Seventh. Thompson J. R. Mrs., h Union tp. Thompson Smith, (Magoun & T.,) h 276 Warren. THOMPSON THOS., cooper, Columbia tp, h Uuion tp Thompson Theo. A., laborer, h 110 State. Thompson Wm., teamster, bds Union tp. Thompson Wm. F., painter, h n Fair Grounds. Thompson M. H., peddler, h n Fair Grounds. Thornton Chester, painter, h 190 Warren. Thornton C. Mrs., American Hotel. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 111

Thornton Edward, pro. American Hotel, Franklin opp Depot. Thornton Henry, bds American Hotel. Thurston Geo. H., musician, h 21 Columbia. Tice M. B., cigar maker, h 333 State. TIFFANY C. D., tobacconist, &c., 3 Warren, bds at W aldrou House. Tiffany Edward, druggist, h 3 E Court. Tiffany Theo., agent, h 818 Diamond. Tiffany Wm. J., wood, h 318 Diamond. Tilden M. B. Mrs .• h 269 Union. TILLEY (THOS.,) & ALDCROFTT (R. B.,) mer- chant tailors aud clothiers, 201 and 203 Warren. Tilley Thomas, (Tilley & Aldcroftt,) h 85 Union. Tillman Lawrence, labor-er, h 249 State. 'fillman Lloyd, gardener, h 262 Diamond. Tipple M. L., cl~rk, bds 403 Warren. TOBEY HENRY J-., paints, oils, &c., 297 1-2 War­ ren, h 369 do. Tobey S. W., h 369 Warren. Tobey S. W. Jr., (C. W. Hinsdale & Co.,) bds 47 Al- len. TOMLINSON CHARLES W. Rev., h 246 Warren. Tompkins Carrie Miss, bds 58 Warren. Tompkins Charles Mrs., h 44 Warren. Tompkins Theodore D., hatter, bds 44 Warren. 1,ouhey Martin, h Robinson n Third. Toolan Ann Mrs., h New rd. Toole John, h State bel Second. Town Edgar 8., blacksmith, bds 11 S Seventh. - Towue Nels_on, bootmaker, 415 Warren, h 413 do. Townsend J. G., h 223 Alleu. 112 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

TOWNSEND JAMES N., marble yard, 238 and 240 Warren, h 218 do. Tracy John, granite cutter, bds Farmers' Hotel. Tracy Thos., granite cutter, bds 334 Warren. Traver David H., gate-tender, Phcenix gate, Worth av. Traver Ezra, ins. agt., h 292 U uion. Traver Theodore, h Diamond cor N Fourth. Traver William H., bootmaker, h 121 State. Traver Wm. H., (W. I. T. & Son,_) h 1 Willard pl. 'l.,RAVER WILLIAM I. & SON, (Wm. H.,) lumber and plani1~g mill, Diamond cor. N Fourth. Traver Wm. I., (W. I. Traver & Son,)h Diamond cor N Fourth. Tremble Wen., stone cutter, h 334 Warren. Troy Patl'ick, laborer, h 205 State. ·Turner Bethtael, carpenter, h 6 S Sixth. Turner Charles W ., clerk, bds 320 Diamond. TURNER H. C., millinery and fancy goods, 279 Warren, h do. Turner H. M. Mrs., h 320 Diamond. Turner 0. Mrs., h Academy Bill. Turner Ward, cigars, &c., 291 Warren, bds Central House. Tyler l!.,ranklin W., small beer, h 364 Warren. '!)nan Thomas, blacksmith, 12 N Fourth, h 10 do. Tynan Thomas F., painter, bds 10 N Fourth.

UHRIG (JACOB Mrs.,) & LOEFFLER (S.,) saloon, 350 Warren, h do. Utter Edgar, engi11eer, h 43 Union. UTTERWELCOM~h84 All~. I


V ALLETT EDGAR, clerk, h 99 Columbia. Vallett Stephen, book keeper, h 99 Columbia. Van Allen Libbie Miss, bds 300 Warren. Van Allen R. Mrs., h 220 Diumond. Van Alstyne Hiram, laborer, h 302 Diamond. VAN BECK WM., hairdresser, 145 Warren, h do. VAN BECK WM. Mrs., hair work, 145 Warren. VAN BENSOHOTE~ DAVID, shoemaker, 65 War- ren, h do. Van Benscboten E., shoemaker, h 142 State. Van Benschoten Frank, engineer, h 59 Columbia. Van Benschoten H., boot maker, E side Pub. sq., h do Van Bergeu I., (Wm. Thomas & Co.,) h 49 Warren. Van Buren M. Mrs., h 123 Diamond. Van DeBogart Albert, clerk, 46 Columbia. Van DeBogart Jacob h 345 State. Van DeBogart John Mrs., h 249 Warren. Van DeOar M. P ., carpenter, h 233 Diamond. VANDERPOEL P., harness maker, 347 Warren, b do. Van Deusen Alfred G., h N E'ifth ab Washington. Van Deusen Anthony, cigar maker, bds St. Clair Ilotel. Van Deusen Chester, foreman, h 114 State . . Van Deusen C. A., (S. & C. A. Van Deusen,) h 347 State. Van Deusen 0. 0., law student, h 279 Union. Van Deusen Harmon, h 421 Warren. VAN DEU8EN s1<1~'11""['."" B., ins·. agent, 305 1-2 War- V ren, h 413 do. Van Deusen John, boatman, h 63 Chapel. Vau Deusen J. C., shoemaker, 3-:13 Warren, h 279 Union. 14 114 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Van Deusen Jas. B., cigar maker, h 394 Warren. VAN DEUSEN J. D., grocer, 842 Warren, h do. Van Deusen M. A., cigar mfg., 318 Warren, bds 39-1 do. Van Deusen Robert, bds N Fifth ab Washington. Van Deusen Russell, brakeman, h 328 State. VAN DEUSEN S. & C. A., pork packers, flour, feed, &c., W side Pub. sq. Van Gaasbeek W.,(Kimball & Van G.,)h Stockport rd. Van Boesen Abram, conductor, h 1!15 State. Vau Boesen Almern, carmau, h 14 Diamond. Van Boesen Henry, Jaw student, h Academy Hill. VAN BOESEN MARSHALL, blacksmith, 9 S Third, h 126 Union. Van Boesen Wm., millwright, h 111 Columbia. Van Loan Peter, h 49 Chapel. Van Loan Richard, farmer, h 140 Diamond. VAN NESS SHERMAN, city surveyor, 324 Warren, h 70 Union. Van Rensselaer Peter, bds 340 Diamond. . VAN RENSSELAER R. BARNARD, druggist, 103 Warren, h 106 Union. Van Slyke Baltus, h 12 Union. Van Tassel Mahala Miss, milliner, 312 1-2 Warren. Van Valkenburgh A. Mrs., h 79 Union. Van Valkenburgh Chas. A., machinist, h 79 Union. Van Valkenhurgh M., h N Fifth cor Prison al. Van Vleck Chas. K., dentist, bds 296 Warren. VAN VLECK WM. B., dentist, 294 1-2 Warren, h 296 do. Van Wyck James P., (Jones & Van Wyck,) h 44 N Fifth. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 115

Van Wyck P. Rev., h 44 N Fifth. Van Wyck S. M., (Monell & Van W.,) h Claverack. Vedder Rudolph, cigar maker, h 425 Warren. Villie C . .Mrs., h 221 Warren. Vincent Martin, policeman, h Fifth cor Union. Vivash Henry, painter, h 179 State. Vlanagan Thos., fireman, h 21 S Front. VOLK EMANUEL, saloon, 14 S Front, h do. VOSBURGH A. G.,carpet weaver, 13 N Fifth, h 11 do. Vosburgh Elizabeth Mrs., h 347 Warren. Vosburgh Henry B., clerk, bds 11 N Fifth. VOSBURGH J. K. & CO., dry goods, &c., 280 War• ren, h 265 Diamond. Vosburgh Maggie A. Miss, teacher, bds 11 N Fifth.

WAGfJAN JEREMIAH, h 116 State. WAGONER A., undertaker, 284 Warren, h do. Wagoner Jeremiah, gardener, h 425 Warren. Wagoner John, clerk, h R. R. cor State. Wagoner R. A., undertaker, h 283 Warren. Waldo Henry, inspector of customs, h 276 Warren. Waldorph Jas., laborer, h 3 S Seventh. WALDIOI COR. WARREN AND FIRST STREETS, HUDSON, N. Y. BENJ. H. WALDRON, Proprietor. Centrally located, and convenient of access to Railroad Stations and Steamboat Landings. Good water. Stabling for Horses. 116 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Waldron B. H., (pro. Waldron House,) 31 Warren. Waldron Erskin, clerk, Waldron House. WALDRON HOUSE, (B. H. Waldron, pro.,) 31 Warren. Wallace Gary, ma-son, h Union tp. Wallace Peter, segar maker, h Union tp. Wallace Phillip, mason, h Union tp. Walsh Michael, foreman, h 120 State. Walsh Patrick, mason, h 141 State. Walters Joseph, machinist, h Power av. Wangler John, tailor. h Carroll. Ward B., laborer, h Cross. Ward Michael, laborer, h 7 Union. Wardle (F. R.,) ( Ham & Wardle,) bds 5 E Court. Waring Geo., watchmaker, 342 State, h do. Warsher A., h 21 Warren. Warsher A. Mrs., milliner, 23 Warren, h do. Waterbury (Romine,) & Peabody (A. H.,) brew·ers, Second cor Chapel. Waterbury E., malster, N Second cor Diamond, h 56 Warren. Waterbury Romine, (Waterbury & P.,) h 56 Warren. Waterman E. M., clerk, h 136 Allen. Waterman Fred., clerk. h 136 Allen. Waterman H., 2d, dyer, Third cor Diamond, h do. Waterman Henry, machinist, bds 136 Allen. Waterman Jacob, bakery, 223 Warren, h do. WATER.MAN J. T., R. R. agt., h 136 Allen. Waterman Stephen Mrs., h 10 Warren. Waterman William, bookkeeper, h 149 Union. Wattles A., (House & Wattles,) h 298 Warren. Wattles Seward, bookkeeper, bds St. Charles Hotel. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 117

Way Geo. H., h 131 Rtate. Way Joseph M., mason, h hd Green. Way P. Mrs., h 58 Diamond. Way Sallie Mrs., h 16 State. Way Tl.lamas, mason. h 58 Diamond. Weaver John, carman, h 185 State. Weaver Nancy_Miss, h Long al E of Fifth. Weave1· Richard, laborer, h Diamond bel Fourth. WEBB F. H., job printer, &c., 100 Warren, h 98 do. Webb Frank R., printer, bds 98 Warren. WEBBER HENRY, locksmith and repairer, 31 N Seventh cor State, h do. WEBBER R., music store, 170 Warren, bds Waldron House. Webster Ashley, carpenter, Green, h do. Webster G., carpenter, h Green ah Frederick. Webster Henry .M., carpenter, h Green. Webster James, carpenter, h Union tp. Weeks Eliza, h 63 Columbia. Weir L. H. Mrs., h 151 Union. Welch Catherine Mrs., h 74 Columbia. Welch Geo., carman, h Short. Welch Mary Mrs., h Robinson n Second. Welch Jeremiah, blacksmith, h Montgomery. WELCH J. M., lawyer, 305 1.2 Warren, h 186 do. Welch Joseph, laborer, h Cross. Welch Michael, h 19 S Front. Welch Mary, h Robinson n Third. Welch Michael, laborer, h 120 State. ·w elch Michael, fireman, h Robinson n Second. Weldon Calvin, h 267 Union. 118 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Weldon Geo. W., laborer, h State E of Fifth. Wells R. I., Mrs., h Partition cor Second. WELLS THOS. 0., furniture, &c., 288 Warren, h 53 N Fifth. West Jacob, saloon, Cross, h do. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 171 1-2 Warren. Whalen J awes, laborer, h 16 N Front. Whalen Lawrence, laborer, h Montgomery. Whalen William, laborer, h Montgomery. WHEELER J. P., physician, 141 Warren, bds Worth House. Wheeler John R., block maker, Partition, h 95 Allen. Wheeler L. C. Mrs., h Green E of State. Whippler Henry, mason, h n hd Green. Whippler Jacob, mason, h n hd Green. Whippler Wm. A., mason, h n hd Green. WHITBECK A. McK., physician, 264 Warren, h do. WHITBECK CHARLES, insurance agent, 210 War- ren, h Clinton E of Fifth. WHITBECK JOHN V., lawyer, 300 Warren, h 50 F Fifth Whitbeck Sarah E. M., h Academy Hill. WHITBECK VOLKERT, physician, 220 Warren, h do Whitbeck Volkert Jr., photographer, bds 220 Warren. White Bridget, h N Second n Mill. White Fred. A., bds 165 Warren. White Jacob Mrs., h 292 Union. White· Michael, mason, h Second cor Robinson. White R. H., bds 46 Warren. Whiting S. Mrs., h 292 Union. Whitfield S. A., carriage mfg., S Fifth c Union, h do. HUDSON DmECTORY. 119

Whitford Chas. H., laborer, h Prison al E of Third. Whitney J. Whitney, hat presser, h 222 Warren. Weismer Hannah H. Mrs., h 33 Eighth. WIGHT WM. H., dry goods, &c., 149 Warren, h do. Wilcox Edward M., dept. sheriff, Court House. Wilcox Geo. S., brakeman, h 55 Diamond Wilcox Obediah, shoemaker, 272 Warren, h 315 Dia- mond. Wilcox W. C., teacher, h 109 Columbia. Wild John, machinist, h S Third n Allen. Wilev Platt, blacksmith, h 4 Diamond. Wilkinson H. H., clerk, bds 11 S Seventh. Williams A. H. Mrs., h Fifth cor Prison al. Williams Geo., waiter, Worth House, h N Second. Williams Mary Mrs., h 1-18 Diamond. WILLIAMS M. PARK ER, editor aud proprietor Hud­ son Eveniug Register aud Weekly Gazette, Cen­ tral Square, h 244 Uuion. Williams Robert, coachman, h 4 Spring. Williams Thos., laborer, h 15 N Front. Willson R. E. Rev., h 26 Union. Wilson Alexander W ., collector, h 15 S Sixth. Winans Abner, engineer, h 116 Allen. Winans C. I., billiards, 211 Wanen, h do. WINANS EDWARD, h 148 Warren. Wiuaus Geo., moulder, h 115 Allen. Winans James, h Chapel n Second. Winans Peter, Jauorer, h Eighth cor Columbia. Winchell Jane Mrs., h B. & A. R'y ab Depot. WINES WM. H. Rev., h 10 N Fifth. Winkler Mrs., h Cross. · Winslow C. Mrs., h 38 Union. ·"' 120 HUDSON DIRECTORY.

Winslow Charles A., clerk P. 0., bds 36 Eighth. Winslow Egbert L., carman, h 203 State. Winslow Gorham, carman, h 36 Eighth. Winslow Leonard C., h 187 Warren. Winters Casper, h 234 Union. Winters J. J., piano tuner, h 3 S Third. Wise Andrew, teamster, bds Dodge. Wise WilJiam, laborer, h 21 S Front. Wolcott Warden, teamster, h 344 State. WOLF JOHN, saloon, 209 Warren, h do. Wolfor_d Sa.mue°I H., carpenter, h 96 Warren. Wolke M., tailor, 12 S Front, h do. Woods Geo., laborer, h Diamond W of Front. Woolsey Catherine Mrs., h N Fifth cor Prison al. Work.iug Men's Club, 302 Warren. Worth George B., eugiueer, h 18 ~ Front. Worth Geo. W., cigar mfg., 320 Warren, bds St. Charles Hotel. WORTH HOUSE, (C. B. Miller, pro.,) 81, 83 and 85 Warren. Worth J. D. Mrs., h 294 Union. Worth R. M., blacksmith, h 38 Union. Worth Walter E., boatman, h 3 S Front. Worthy C. B., restaurant, 70 1-2 Warren, h 5 N Third. Workman Chas. C., mason, h State cor R. R. Wortman Wm., h 33 N Third. Woulfe James M., grocer, 198 Warren, h do. Woulfe Maurice, h 168 Diamond. Wright A. Miss, h Columbia, Academy Hill. Wright Chas. E., (W. L. Wright & Son,) h Elm Tree cottage, 103 Columbia. HUDSON DIRECTORY. 121

Wright Geo., machinist, bds 20 Green. Wright L. R., h 20 Green cor :Frederick. . Wriirbt S. A., clerk, bds Elm Tree cottage, 103 Co- lumbia. Wright W. R., bds 43 N Fifth. WRIGHT W. L. & SON, (Chas. E. Wright,) grocers, 334 Warren, h Elm Tree cottage, 103 Columbia. Wright W. L .• bds 20 Green. Wronski Jacob, clothing, 340 Warren, bds Central House. Wurster 0., pattern maker, h 77 Allen. WURSTER GOTT.LEIB, pro. Harmony Hall, Carroll. Wyant Jasper, blacksmith., h Tanner's la. WYNKOOP PETERS., h 251 Union. Wynkoop S. M., clerk, bds 251 Union.

YEISLEY GEO. C. Rev., bds Worth House. YORK J. S. & N. F., granite works, State cor R.R., h Union tp. York Nelson F., (J. S. & N. F. York,) h Green. YOUNG CHRISTIAN, fish, h Carroll. Young F. Miss, h 26 S Front. Ynun~ Mon's Christian Association rooms. 156 Warren. Young Me~1's Temperance & Literary Society, rooms St. Mary's Hall, Allen cor Third. Young Milton, harness maker, h 156 Warren.

ZIESENITZ CHAS., furniture and upholsterer,W side Pub. f.q, h 296 Diamond. Ziesenitz Charles A., clerk, bds 296 Diamond. 15 122 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.


-----•----- ACADEMIES, COLLEGES AND SEMINARIES. Hudson Academy, (Rev. Wm. D. Perry, principal,) Academy Hill. Hudson Business College, ( A. E. Mackey, pro. and prin.,) 203 Warren. Peake Misses, (Elizabeth & S. C.,) 84 Warren. Skinner Misses, 281 Union.

AGENTS, EXPRESS • .American Express Co., 107 Warren.

AGENTS, INSURANCE. Charlot Caroline T. Mrs., 91 Union. Faxon E., 1 N Sixth. Gebhard Charles W., l N Sixth. McArthurs & Bostwick, 75 1-2 Warren. Magoun & Thompson. 322 Warren. Macy Hiram R., 810 Uuion. Monell & Malleson, Second cor Partition. Philip Jordan & Son, 327 Warren. Skinner & Fairfield, 147 Warren. 'ferry Charles C., 144 Warren. 'fraver Ezra .A., (Life,) 292 Union. Van Deusen Henry B., 305 1-2 Warren. Whitbeck Charles, 210 Warren. BUSIN~SS DIRECTORY. 128

AGENTS, REAL ESTATE, Crissey John, 164 Warren. Faxon E., 1 N Sixth. Miller J. P., 305 1-2 Warren. Peck \Villard, 147 Warren. Rowley Alexander S., 324 Warren.

AGENTS, SEWING MACHINES. Batchello1· James, 120 Warren. Fiero J.C., 124 Warren. Heath S. E. Jr. Mrs., 51 Warren. Rockefeller H. H., 289 Warren. Singer Mauuf. Co., 303 Warren.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Gifford, Johnson & Co., 22 Columbia.

AUCTIONEERS, Lisk Solomon, 163 Warren. Sheldon C. J., 323 Warreb. Traver Ezra A., 292 Union.

ARTIST. McKinstry George, 302 Warren. BAKERS. Burns Robert, 15 S Front. Holley Edmund, 106 Warren. Hulme Job, 277 Warren. Rowles Brothers, 161 Warren. 124 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Sheldon Henry & Co., 326 Warren. Waterman Jacob, 223 Warren. Joslen Chas. E., 59 Warren.

BANKS. Farmers' National Bank. 302 Warren. First :National Bank, City Hall. Hudson City Sa,·ings Bank, 98 Warren. National Hudson River Bank, 99 Warren.

BAZAAR. Batchellor James, 120 Warren.

BILL POSTER. Groat Allen R., 31 N Fifth.

BILLIARDS. Bush Albert, 169 Warren. Groat Abraham H., 90 Union. Storm James Jr., City Hall Place, Winans C. I., 211 Warren.

BLACKSMITHS. Budlong H. C., Fifth cor Cherry al. Budlong J. C., Long al 11 Seventh. Keller Walter T., Green cor State. Kidney Richard, Union cor First. McShane Peter, ft Allen. Miller Wm., Columbia cor Green. Mull Isaac, N Fourth cor Diamond. Tynan Thomas, 12 N Fourth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , 125

Van Boesen Marshall, S Third cor Cherrv al. Whitfield S. A., S Fifth cor Union. .

BLEACHER .AND PRESSER. Ody Thomas, 266 Warren.

BOOK BINDERS. Rapp Christian, 100 Warren. Williams M. Parker, Central sq.

BOOKS .AND STATIONERY. Elmer E. P. L., 129 Warren. Heermans George H., 225 Warren. Lai1·d John P., 317 1-2 Warren. Miller Stephen B., 294 Warren. Sargent Teunis H., 173 Warren.

BOOT .AND SHOE DEALERS. Allen Ethan, 2 Union. Bathrick Frederick, 21 Warren. B,:,njamin & Stupplebeen, 343 Warren. Bovnton Theodore A., 175 Warren. Cook Fred. J ., N Fourth n Warren. Connor Thomas, 12 Warven. Elting William R., 336 Warren. Gravel M., E side Public sq. Haud D. & Co., 181 Warren. Harbison Wm. E., Jr., 307 1-2 Warreu. Kertz Henry, 118 Warren. Lebrecht Ernest, 18 Columbia. McConnell Geo. F., 69 Warren. 126 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Philip & Hardy, 192 Warren. Race Wm. H., City Hall pl. Schultz Phillip, 4 S Third. Sharp A. G., 324 Warren. Shattuck F. W. & Co., 330 1-2 Warren. Towne Nelson, 415 Warren. Van Benschoten E., 142 State. Van Benschoten H., E side Public sq.

BOWLING SALOON. Groat Abraham H., 90 Union.

BREWERS AND MALSTERS. Evans C. H. & Co., Mill. Waterbury & Peabody, N Second cor Chapel. Waterbury Ezra, N Second cor Diamond.

BROKERS. Skinner & Fairfield, 147 Warren.

BUTCHERS. Alexander A., 20 S Front. Best James R., 49 Allen. Blake Samuel E., 181 1-2 Warren. Fonda C., 14 Columbia. Cole J. H., N Front cor Warren. Dakin Henry W., 74 Warren. Fox: Joseph, 127 Warren. Lahr Peter, 281 Warren. Loeffler Peter, 318 1 2 Warren. O'Hara & Gindele, 262 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 127

Philips Frank, 345 Warren. Raab Valentine, Central sq.

CAR WHEEL MANUFACTURERS. Hudson Paper Car Wheel Cl°>mpany, South Bay.

CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Acly Henry, 47 Allen. Avery Wm. A., Promenade Hill. Coon Freeman~ Diamond bel Fourth. Coon Walter, 343 State. FolgP.1· Amiel, S Fifth u Union. Hat:d Uriah, 10 N Second. Hildreth C _ E., S Third c Partition. Heath Sylvenus E., 46 Union. Hal'dwick Frank, 314 State. Holdridge Sidney, N Fifth c State. Howard Henry, 159 Diamond. Kenyon Nathan R., Partition bel S Fifth. McClure J. E., 146 Union. Macy Jacob, 69 Partition. Macy Sylvester_ 9 Partition. Raught John, 296 Union. 'l'hompson Benjamin, Columbia tp. Webster Ashley H., 119 Green. Webster George, Green.

CARPET WEA. VER. Vosburgh A. G., 13 N Fifth. 128 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

CARRI.A.GE MANUFACTURERS. Cole1:nan Frederick, hd Long al n Pub. sq. Goff Martin, 19 N Fifth. Kidney Richard, Union cor S First. Mull Isaac, 14 and 16 N Fourth. Ostrander Henry, 9 S Third. Whitfield Samuel A., S Fifth co1 Union.

CARRI.A.GE PAINTERS. Gould J. H., 240 Warren. Blake Crawford, E side Pub. sq. Lumuzett Joseph, Fourth cor Diamond.

CARRIAGE TRil\1ilIERS. Behreus Au~nstns, 167 Warren. D_ernell Chas. F., long al cor N- Seventh. Nack Jolrn, 192 Warren. Roraback Uriah, 314 Warren. Vanderpoel Philip, 347 Warren.

CEMENT. Benedict R. B., Franklin sq coi· Ferry. Clark & Haviland, W side ~.,ranklin sq. Hudson Cement Co., old distillery. Macy H. & Sou, 310 Union. N. Y. & Hudson Trans. Co., ft Ferry. rrraver Wm. I. & Son, N .Fourth cor Diamond.

CHINA AND GLASS WARE. Batchellor James, 120 Warren. Clum Jacob H., 156 Warren. Shepard R. M., 321 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 129

CO.AL .AND WOOD DEALERS. Badgley William, Steamboat Dock. Dormandy John 0., Diamoud cor N Front. Hogeboom John C., (wholesale,) 210 Warren. Humphrey & Leggett, N Seventh cor State. Jessup .Ihederick, 100 Diamond. Johnson B. S., Pub. sq cor Diamond, and at Dock. Moore Lucius, (wholesale,) junc. HR & B & A R R. Remington R. l\'l. & Son, 20 Warren.

COOPERS. Alcott H. H. & D. W., N Fifth cor State. Moore William, Fleet cor Water. Thompson Thomas, Columbia tp.

CONFECTIONERS .AND ICE CREAM. Fingar Charles, 242 Warren. Holley Edmund, 106 Warren. Hulme Job, 277 Warren. Joslen C. E., 59 Warren. Perry Wm. H., 101 Warren. Rowles Brothers, 169 Warren. Sheldon H. & Co., 326 Warren.

COUNTRY PRODUCE. Clark & Haviland, W side Franklin Square. Haviland John T., Union cor Fifth. Potts R. D., 30 Columbia.

CORN HUSKERS. Philip's Spiral Corn Husker Co., 329 Warren. 16 130 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

DENTISTS, Balis E., 189 Warren. Colton A., 322 Warren. Bart Wm. H., 208 Warren. Van Vleck Wm. B., 294 1-2 Warre11.

DISTILLER. Follewider Jacob, N Fourth cor Prison al. DRUGGISTS. Best HP.nry, 351 Warren. Ham & Wardle, 1 Warren. Hinsdale C. W. & Co., 305 Warren. Rossman & McKinstry, 329 Warren. Rossman L. J., Warren cor Fourth. Storrs George, 150 W arreu. Van Rensselaer R. B., 103 Warren.

DRY GOODS. Adams A.. J., 219 Warren. Brown Wm. A., 325 Warren. Dosenheim Nathan, 303 Warren. Fiero J. C., 124 Warren. Guernsey & Terry, 317 Warren. Menick John, 309 Warren. Menick Sabastian, 2ts7 Warren. Miller & Bellows, 126 Warren. Moore M. P., 299 Warren. Scholes M. J., 230 Warren. Terry C. C., 144 Warren. Wight Wm. H., 149 Warren. Vosburgh J. K. & Co., 280 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 181

DYERS AND SCOURERS. Brown F.ranklin, Diamond E of Fourth. Waterman Henry, 2d, N Third cor Diamond.

EATING HOUSES. Brayman Wm., W side Pub. sq. Bostwick E. F., 334 Warren. Perry Wm. H., 101 Warren. Rowles Brothers, 169 Warren. Smith R. J., 338 Warren.

F.NGRA VERS. 8pencer Wm. H., 285 Warren. Williams M. P., (wood, steel and copper,) Central sq.

FANCY GOODS. Baxter C. J. Mrs.~ 292 Warren. Brennan B. L., 120 1-2 Warren. Conklin Thos., 297 Warren. Gaul M. Mrs., 265 Warren. Heath S. E. Jr. Mrs., 51 Warren. Falk Wm. C., 309 Warren. Latham T. Mrs., 143 Warren. Moore .M. P .• 29& Warren. Moore P. B. Mrs., 289 Warren. Smith M. A. Mrs., 219 1-2 Warren. Turner H. C., 279 Warren. Vosburgh J. K. &; Co., 280 Warren.

FISH DEALERS. Bryant Henry .J., 200 Warren. 132 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Newcomb S. B., 149 1-2 Warren. Link & Kells, 68 Warren.

l!""URNITURE DEALERS. Gray Rensselaer, 307 Warren. Wells Thomas 0., 288 Warren. Ziesenitz Charles, W side Public sq.

GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED. Clark & Haviland, W side Franklin sq. Potts R. D., 30 Columbia. Remington R. M. & Co., 20 Warren. Van Deusen S. & C . .A., W s~do Public sq_.

GROCERS • .Avery W. H., Public sq car N Seventh. Burns Wm. H., Third car State. Carlos John W., 11 S Front. Couse Levi P., 403 Warren. Coyne Michael, 5 S Third. Crapser Wm. H. & Qo., 311 Warre11. Crow W. L., 187 Warren. Friss John, "Headquarters" Columbia. Park. Gaul Jacob R., 13 and 15 Columbia. · Groat & Allen, 332 Warren. Guinan Michael, 78 Chapel. Ham P. L., 259 Warren. Hanway Thos., Diamond cor Third. Haviland John r_r., Union car S Fifth. Hinsdale C. W. & Co., 305 Warren. House & Wattles, 322 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 133

Howard John, 146 Warren. Hubbel C. C., (wholesale and retail,) 8 and 10 Ferry. Jordan M., 158 Warren. Kane James, 25 S Front. Knickerbocker & Spencer, 10 Warren. Lane Michael, Cross. Lasher G. I., Eighth cor Columbia. Leonard Thomas, 125 Diamond. Lewis John, N Second cor State. Lewis P., 22 State. McNamara Michael, 11 S Third. Milier Martin A., 40 Columbia. Oakley & Niver, 353 Warren. Pauush R., 7 S Front. Payne Horace, 135 Warren. Pinkham George A., 27 Warren. Power Thomas, 270 Warren. Rivenburgh Jacob M., 72 Warren. Roe J. H., 207 Warren. Rogers Chas., Columbia cor Eighth. Sands J acnes, 2 Warren. Secor David W., 64 Chapel. Sluyter Willard, 33 Warren. Sheldon Henry & Co., 326 Warren. Smith Wm. J., Diamond cor Third. Snyder M. W., 128 Warren. Storrs George, 148 Warren. Tanner & Clapper, 403 Warren. Thomas Wen. & Co .• 67 Warren. Van Deusen J. D., 342 Warren. Woulfe James M., 198 Warren. Wright W. L. & Son, 344 Warren. 134 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

GUN AND LOCK SMITHS. Stevens A. A., 286 Warren. Webber Henry, N Seventh cor State.

HAIR DRESSERS. Bra bender P., 308 Warren. Deyo Garret, 79 Warren. Davis Isaac, E side Pub. sq. Green -Wm. H., 154 Warren. Haarstrich Chas., 4 Warren. Johnson Wm. H., 125 Warren. Kline John, 36 S Front. Livingston Watson, 27 1-2 Warren. Mars Wm. J., ·E side Public sq. Miller R. F., 287 Warren. Schile Antony, 63 Warren. Van Beck Wm., 145 Warren.

HAIR WORKERS. Green Wm. H., 154 Warren. Van Beck Wm. Mrs., 145 Warren.

HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Benedict R. B., W:ater cor Ferry. DuBois & Brnsie, 339 Warren. Kimball & VanGaasbeek, 160 Warren. Rogerson J. C., 335 Warren.

HARNESS AND SADDLES, Becker Charles H., 21 Columbia. Behrens A., 167 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 135

Nack John, 192 Warren. Roraback U., 314 Warren. Vanderpoel Philip, 347 Warren.

HATS, CAPS AND FURS. Boston Wm., 319 Warren. Brown Wm., 318 Warren. Crofts C. L. & Co., 232 Warren. Jacobs M. A., 102 Warren. McConnell Geo. F., 69 Warren. Solomou Bros., 185 Warren. Tompkins Charles estate, 100 Warren.

HOTELS. America:1 Hotel, Franklin opp R R Depot. Ceutral House, Warren cor::, Fifth. Columbia. Hotel, 334 Warren. Curtiss House, 42 S Frout. Farmers' Hotel, E side Public sq. Franklin House, Front cor Allen. Ferry House, ft Ferry. First Ward Hotel, 23 S Front. Harmony Hall, Carroll. · Hudson Bouse, Franklin sq. Railroad Hotel, N side Public sq. ' St. Charles Hotel, 34 Columbia. St. Clair Hotel, Warren cor Public sq. Waldron House, 31 Warren. Worth House, 81, 83 and 85 Warren.

ICE DEALERS. Douglass James, 153 State. 136 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Gifford E. H., 11 Warren. McCullough Hugh. N First cor Diamond. Parker Wm., 122 State.

IRON FOUNDERS. Gifford Brothers, 31 Columbia. Hudson Paper Car Wheel Co., S Bay.

IRON MANUFACTURERS. Hudson Iron Company, S Bay near B. & A. R.R. Tbe Albany & Rensselaer Iron and Steel Co., Water.

JEWELERS, Bach Jean, 205 Warren. Butler Charles E., 827 Warren. Hannah W. W., JI'., 293 Warren. Jones & Van Wyck, 189 Warren. Parkman H. D., 104 Warren. Spencer Edmund, 285 Warren. Stevens H. G., 286 Warren. Waring George, 342 State.

KINDLING WOOD. Macy F. A. & G. H., 206 Warren.

KNITTING MILL. Kane N. T., Water cor Ferry.

LAUNDRY, Miller K. & H. L., 224 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 137

LA.WYERS. Andrews & Edwards, 325 Warren. Beale & Duntz, 331 Warren. Boucher Nelsou F., 302 Warren. Cady J. Rider, 302 Warren. Clarke W. F., 329 Warren. Coilier C. P. & I. N., 329 Warren. Delamater & Rockefeller, 247 Warren. Esselstyu H. V ., 300 Warren. Gaul & Esselstyn, 9 S Fourth. Hawver C., 32~ Warren. Jordau Peter M., 302 Warren. Longiey J. B., 208 Warren. Magoun Ed ward P ., 322 Warren. Magoun S. f.J., 322 Wa.rI'e11. Miller Henry, 1~0 Warren. Miller Jacob P., i305 1-2 Warren. MUler T11eodorc, 155 A.llen. Monell & Van Wyck, 258 War-ren. Newkirk & Chace, 302 Warren. O'Neil Giles H., 822 Warren. Peck Darius, 10-! 1-2 Wa1-ren. Peck Horace R., 104 1-2 Warren. Peck Willard, 147 Warren. Rowley Alexander S., 32-! Warren. Rowlcv E. 0., 82-1 Warren. Storm .. J an::es, City Hall pl. Welch John M., i)05 1-2 Warren. Whitbeck t,r ohn V ., 300 Warren.

LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Anable Henry, 3-1 S Front and 48 Columbia. 17 188 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Reynolds H., 19 Columbia. LITHOGRAPHER. Williams M. P., Central sq.

LIVERY ST.ABLES. Kidney Richard, Union cor S First. Pnlver Peter S., 168 Warren and Worth House. Sheldon P. H., Fifth cor Union. Storm R. B., 328 Warren.

LOCKSMITH. Webber Henry, 31 N Seventh.

LUl\IBER DEALERS. Macy H. & Son, 310 U11ion. Traver W. I. & Son, N Fourth cor Diamond.

MACHINISTS. Clapp & Jones Manufac. Co., South Bay. Gifford Brothers, 31 Columbia . .Hudson Paper Car Wheel Co., S Bay.

l\IARBLE YARDS. Gschwind Joseph, 19 N Sixth. Mallery J. E., 275 Warren. Nicholson Wm., 29 Allen. Towns"er:d Jas. N., 238 and 240 Warren. York J. S. & N. F., State cor R.H.. av. tn1SINESS DIRECTORY. 139

MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Boston Wm .. 319 Warren. Best F. M., 331 Warren. Crofts C. L. & Co., 232 Warren. Degnan Wm., 190 Warren. Grcenthal Morris, 341 Warren. Harris Abram, 77 Warren. Hollenbeck & Plank, 161 Warren. Kritzman J., 325 1-2 Warren. Miller & Lottridge~ 130 Warren. Moore M. P., 299 Warren. Rockefeller A., 330 Warren. Segall Joseph, W side Public sq. Silverman M., 18 S Front. Solomon Brothers, 185 Warren. Simons Morris, 337 Warren. Sy Ivester Marks, 333 Warren. Tilley & Aldcroftt, Warren cor S. Fourth. Wronski Jacob, 340 Warren.

MILLINERS. Adams A. J. Mrs., 217 Warren. Baxter C. J. Mrs., 292 Warren. Charlot J. H. Mrs., 30,! Warren. Conklin Thomas, 297 Warren. Heath S. E. Jr. ~1rs., 51 Warren. Jacobie W. H., 389 1-2 Warren. Meuick Sebastian, 287 Warren. Miller A. N. Mrs., 257 Warren. Smith }1ary Mrs., 219 1-2 Walfen. Turner H. C., 279 Warren. 140 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Van Tassel Mahala, 312 1-2 Warran. ·warsber A. Mrs., 23 Warren.

MINERAL WATER l\I.A.NUF.A.CTURERS .A.ND BOTTLERS. Carpenter Wm. H., 2 Market place. Lyon & Haviland, ft Allen. Ten Broeck Jay D., Ferry cor S Front.

l\IINER.AL SPRINGS. Hudson Mineral Water, 142 State.

MUSIC STORES. Graves R. Jr., 243 Wat·ren. Heermans George H., 225 W arrc11. Littlewood Jolin, 313 Warren. Webber R., 170 Warren.

MUSIC ll'EA.CHERS. Blanchard F. A., 107 Warren. Bryan Lizzie, 57 Warren. Calkins Lizzie, 50 N Fifth. Chase Bernard, 238 Union. Graves R. Jr., 243 Warren. Hoysradt Delia, 46 Union. Peet Clara J ., 160 State. Rowley E. C., 333 Union.

NEWS DEPO'IS. Baxter C. J., 292 Warren. Laird John, Jr., 3111-2 Warren. Sargent Tunis H., 173 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 141

NURSERIES AND FLORISTS. Brocksbank William, Columbia tp. Broksby Alexander, Union tp. Monell J. D., 256 Warren and 28 S Second.

NEWSPAPERS. Columbia Republican and Weekly Star, 172 Warren. Hudsou Daily Register, Ceutral sq. Hudson Daily Republican, 172 Warren. Hudson Gazette, Central sq.

PAINTERS, CARRIAGE, HOUSE AND SIGN. Baker Henry, 234 Warren. Blake Crawford, E side Public sq. Burdwiu John 'r., 75 Warren. Gould J. B., 240 Warren. Little George L., 171 Warren. Lurnazett Joseph, Fourth cor Diamond. Peirson Chas. S., Fifth cor Ch~rry al. 'fobey H. J ., 297 1-2 Warren.

PAPER HANGINGS. Baker Henry, 234 Warren. Burdwin John T., 75 Warren. Miller Stephen B., 294 Warren.

PIANO DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS. Graves R. Sr., 243 Warren. Littlewood J(>hn, 313 Warren. Webber R., 170 Warren. 142 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

PICTURES AND FRAMES. Forshew Frank, 241 Warren. Gray Rensselaer. 307 Warren. Heermans Geo. H., 225 Warren. Miller S. B., 294 Warren. Sheldon C. J., 323 Warren. Wells Thomas 0., 288 Warren.

PHYSICIANS. Benham J.C., 121 Warren. Benson G. E., 116 Warren. Calkins T. T., 176 Warren. Cochran F. T., 427 Warren. Cook A. P. & C. P., 111 Warren. DuBois John C., 134 Allen. Holsapple Wm. M., 22 N Sixth.:,J Lamb Joseph T ., 32 Warren. Salmon George P., 208 Warren. Simpson E., 302 Warren. Smith H. Lyle, 94 Warren. Wheeler J. P., 141 Warren. Whitbeck A. McA., 262 Warren. Whitbeck V., 220 Warreu.

PHOTOGRAPHERS. Becker C. H., 329 Warren. Forshew Frank, 241 Warren.


O'Mera James, 272 Warren. Parker Byron, 213 Warren.

PORK PACKERS. Van Deusen S. & C. A., W side Public sq.

PRINTERS, BOOK .A.ND JOB, Brvan & Goeltz, 172 Warren. Stoddard William B., 131 Warren. Webb F. H., 100 Warren. Williams M. Parker, Central Eq. RECTIFIERS. Kendrick David E., 41 Columbia.

SALOONS A.ND RESTAURANTS. Austin Geo. W., Warren cor N Fifth. Beu ton Autlrew, 140 Diamond. Bostwick ~lijah F., 334 Warren. Brayman Wm. H., W si

Groat .A. H., 90 Union. Grosspantz Gottleib, 226 Warren. Guertin 0. N., 157 Diamond. Haley James, N Third cor Rope Walk al. Haley Patrick, N side !franklin sq. Hanway Thomas, Diamond cor 'rt1ird. Harden G., 179 Warren. Hester Dennis, 133 State. Keenan Patrick, 31 S Front. Kiere George, 30 S Front. King .Michael, 3 8 Front. Lassar Morris, 9 S Front. Loeffler Peter, 312 Warren. Mc Cue Owen, 11 S B'ron t. McDonald Patrick, 13 N Front. McNamara Lawrence. 14 N Second. Mackey .Mary A., Uuion cor S Front. Moikel Samuel D., 282 Warren. Miller Ohl'istiau, 27 S Fro11t. Murphy Christopher, 27 S Third. Peeper John, 190 Warren. Pendegast Patrick, 15 N Front. Ricker E., N Fourth cor Prison al. Salpaugh Elizabeth Mrs., Columbia tp. Scism Wm., 123 Warren. Sharples James, 6 N Front. Sharples William, 315 Warren. Shereiber Phillip, 328 Warren. Smith James, 29 S Front. Smith Leonard, 283 Warren. Smitl1 R. J., 338 \tVarren. Uhrig & Loeffier, 350 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 145

Volk Emanuel, 14 S Front. West Jacob, Cross. Worthy 0. B., 70 1-2 Warren. Winans C. I., 211 Warren. Wolf John, 209 Warren. Wurster Gottlieb, Carroll.

SA.SH, BLINDS A.ND DOORS. McClure J. E., 146 Union. Traver William I. & Son, Diamond cor N Fourth. Tobey H. J., 297 1-2 War~·en.

SCULPTOR. Freeborne S. M., 41 Warren.

STA.IR BUILDER, Dedrick Peter M., 317 State.

STEAMBOAT COMPANIES, Catskill & Albany Steamboat Co., 1st Pier ab Ferry. II ndson and Athens Ferry, ft Ferry. Newburgh & Albany Steamboat Co., 1st Pier ab Ferry New York & Hudson Trans. Co., 1st Pier bel Ferry.

STEAM FIRE ENGINE MANUFACTURERS. Clapp & Jones Manufacturing Co., South Bay.


STOVES AND TIN WARE • .Alger John, 93 Warren. Benedict R. B., Water cor Ferry. Davis Samuel W., 13 N Sixth. Kimball & Van Guasbeek, 160 Warren. Reynolds E. D., 349 Warren. Rossman R. L., 315 Warren. Rossman W. F., 20 N Sixth. Thomas & Harder, 20 Columbia.

SURVEYORS. Snyder Wm. P., 12 N Third. Van Ness Sherman, 32-! Warren.

TANNER AND CURRIER. Anable Henry, 34 S Front and 48 Columbia.

TELEG 8.APHS. Atlantic & Pacific Co., 173 Warren. Western Union Co., 1711-2 Warren.

TOBACCONISTS. Bu gel Daniel W ., 172 Warren. Herbs F. & M. & Bro., 338 Warren. Joseph Wm. D., 290 Warren. Kay Henry, 17 Columbia. Longley E. A., 215 Warren. Macy F. A. & G. H., 206 Warren. Martin H. C., 326 1-2 Warren. :Mesick Wm. H., 355 Warren. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 147

Pulver A.., 91 1-2 Warren. Sivers T. P., Cherry al. Tiffany C. D., 3 Warren. Turner Ward, 291 Warren. Worth Geo. W., 320 Warren.

UNDERTAKERS. Cooper Jacob, 244 Warren. Wagoner Alanson, 286 Warren.

UPHOLSTERERS. Dernell C. F., Long al cor N Seventh. Gray R., 307 Warren. Wells Thomas 0., 288 Warren. Ziesenitz Charles, W side Public sq.

VETERINARY SURGEON. Ellis Levi, 71 Warren.

WINE AND LIQUOR DEALER-WHOLESALE. Kendrick David E., 44 Columbia.

WRAPPING PAPER. Rogers C. S., Columbia cor Eighth. 148 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.


New York State Covernment. --•---- EXECUTIVE DEPA.RTMENT. Governor-. Lieutenant-Governor-William Dorsheimer. Private Secretary-David 0. Robinson.

GOVERNOR'S STAFF. Ad}utant General-Franklin Townsend. Inspector-General-.John B. \V oodward. 0/iief of Ordinance-]. D. Wylie. Commissary-General of Subsistence-C. H. Smyth. Judge Advoacate General-Charles Hughes. Surgeon General-Austin Fliut, Jr. Quartermaster General-Olat'ence Campbell. Paymaster General-Herman Uhl. Engineer in C!tief-Edgar M. Cullen. Military Secretary-J osoph E. Lord.

STATE OFFICERS. Secretary of State-John Bigelow. Comptroller-Frederick P. Olcott. Treasurer-Charles N. Ross. Attorney-General-Charles S. Fairchild. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 149

State Engineer and Surveyor-John D. Van Buren Jr. Canal Commissioners-C. A. Walrath, Adin Thayer, D. A. Ogden. ----•·•--- Columbia---- County Covernment. Uounty Judge-John Cadman. Surrogate-Herman V. Esselstyn. County Clerk-Levi F. Longley. IJeputy County Clerk-Edmo. Chas. Getty. IJistrict Attarney-Gershom Bulkley. Sheriff-Henry M. Hanor. Under Sheriff-Chester Miller. County Treasurer-Charles W. Hinsdale. Deputy Slierijfs-.James Smith, Hoffman Sweet, Ja­ cob Willetts, Homer Miller, Jordan Clapper, James Waldorph, John C. Va11 Hoc;sen, Henry L. Warner, Reuben Van De Bogart, Edgar M. Wilpox. Uoroners-William M. Holsapple. Hudson; William McGill. Clermont; Chas. Bame ; P. W. Mull, Gheut. School Corn,,missioners- -Richard M. Whitbeck, Isaac Van Valkeuburgh. Superintendents of Poor-Cyrus Link, Philip Niver, Ephraim Kendall. Justices of Sessions-John H. Smith, John Busby. Court Drier-Harvey W. Gott. Supervisors-Wm. Hoag, A11cran ; Henry C. Pier­ son, Austerlitz ; Chas. W. Havens, Canaan ; Perkins F. Cady~ Chatham; John Sagendorf, Claverack; 150 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Harold Wilson, Clermont; John D. Langdon, Copake; Jacob H. Duntz, Gailatin; Erastus Coons, German­ town; Wm. G. Kittle, Ghent; Wm. Coons, Green­ port; Allen Sheldon, Hillsdale; Sherman Van Ness, ·First Ward; Michael Guinan, 2nd Ward; F. F. Fol­ ger, 3rd Ward; Magnus D. Herbs, 4th Ward; Chas. W. Trimper, Kinderhook; Samuel Shultz, Livings­ ton; Franklin Baud, New Lebanon ; Jas. Dingman, Stockport; A. L. Schermerhorn, Stuyvesant; S. L. Myers, Taghkanic. ---•••---

City____ Covernment. ,___ _ Mayor-Cornelius H. Evans. Recorder-John B. Longley.

ALDERMEN. First Ward-Samuel L. Mellen, Isaac Van Bergen. Second Ward-'rhomas Connor, Wm. H. Bart. Third Ward-Ezra A. Traver, Samuel G. Rowles. Fourth, Ward-Charles B. Cure, Robert J. Smith. Clerk-Edward J. Hodge. Messenger-Obed .Marshall.

CITY OFFICERS. City Treasurer-Richard Kidney. Health Officer-Dr. H. Lyle Smith. City Surveyor-Sherman Yan Ness. Assessors-George L. Little, Alexander W. Wilson, Thomas W. Power. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 151

Superintendents of Comrnon Schools-Cyrus Macy, L. ,J. Rossman, Willard Peck, T. T. Calkins, Wm. R. Elting. Police Justice-John H. Overhiser. Justice of the Peace-James Storm. Chief of Police-Almon Snyder. Policemen-William Brown, Frank Shepard, James Cooney, Thomas P. Bryant, Jacob A. Hallenbeck, Martin Vi11cent. Special Policemen-Obed Marshall, Henry L. McAr­ thur, Francis Hodes, Elijah F. Bostwick, Alexauder Johnson, Thomas L. Saulpaugh, Tl1omas H. Gantley, 1 John C. Ball, Wm. Ste\~ens, George 1! • P. Dawson, E. Barry, George Schell. Edwin Humiston, Leonard C. Winslow, Robert M. Worth. Alexander Carter, Frank Price, Walter R. Taber, Smith Parsons, Wm. F. Ball, Wm. Horton. Constables-Elijah F. Bostwick, Leonard Winslow, Alexander Carter, Robert M. Worth. Overseer of the Poor-Horace Payne. Sexton--John N. Hake. Sealer of Weights and Measures-Walter G. Cure. City Weigher-Abram J. Gifford. Keeper of Powder House-Teunis Sargent. City Grier-George W. Weldon. Scavengers-1st and 2d Wards-John Hermance ; 3d and 4th Wards-Egbert Winslow. Keeper of Promenade Hill and Bell Tower-Benja­ min HildrP.th. Keeper of City Clocks-Charles Clapper. Physicians to City Poor-Joseph F. Lamb, Wm. M. Holsapple. 152 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Librarian of Joint IJist1·ict Schools-E. P. L. Elmer. Fence Viewers-S. F. Bostwick, (vacancy.) Sup't of Wharves. Piers and Slips-(vacancy.) Lamp Lighters-1st and 2d Wards-James Russell; 3d and 4th Wards-Patrick Arkison. Pound Master-Egbert Winslow.

ST.ANDING COMMITTEES: Burying Ground-Smith. Cure. Rowles. Ferry-Mellen, Connor, Van Bergen. Finance-Hart, Mellen. Smith. Fire-Van Bergen, Traver, Connor. Lamp-Cure, Van Bergen, Hart. Marlcet-Connor, Melle11, ~mith. Police-Recorder, Mayor, Traver, Poor ReliPf-Co1111or, Sruitb, Vau Bergen. Public Buildings-Traver, Oounor, Cure. Street-Mayor, Truver, Cul'e, ~ellon, Rowles. Schools-Rowles, Cure, Hart. Water-Recorder, .Mayor, Tra.ver. Buard of Healtlt-Mayor, Recorder, Cure, Mellen, Rowles. COMMISSIONERS m~ DEEDS. Wheeler F. Clarke, Byron G. Howard, Stephen L. l\Iagoun, Alexander S. Rowley, Horace R. Peck, M. Parker Williams, William Bryan, Peter M. Jordan, Thomas P. Nash, Isaac N. Coll~er, Darius Peck, 13en­ jamin F. Duell, Jacob W. Hoysradt, Stephen Vallett, John M. Welch, Willara Peck, John V. Whitbeck, Julian Gifford, John Gaul Jr., Hiram R. Macy, Hen­ ry W. Race, George W. Austin, Edward P. Magoun, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 153

Casper P. Collier, Samuel Edwards, Ezra A. · Traver, Robert B. Monell, Sherman Van Ness, Nathan Dosen­ heim, Henry Miller. Cornelius F. Ostrander, A. Frank B. Chace, Samuei R. Rainey, John B. Longley, Thos. Kilmer, Horman V. Esselstyn, Claudius Rockefeller, Antipas Brigham, George W. Gibson, John C. DuBois, George B. Fairfield, John C. Dormandy, James Storm, Benoni S. Johnson, William H. Power, William W. Hannah, Jr., Robert E. Andrews, Elias P. Hicks, Charles H. Malleson, Amos H. Peabody, Ferdinand Hodge, Mark Duntz, DuBois Collier, Chas. W. Hins­ dale, Manfred A. Howard, John C. Newkirk, William: 1 ,J. Phillips, Lemuel Holmes, Nelson !! • Boucher, Ed­ ward J. Hodge, 0ha11cellor Hawver, Henry Van Boe­ sen. Frederick A. White, Cortland 0. Van Deusen, F. H. Webh, Cornelius Essclstyn, E. Spencer, Elmer, Charles Millal'd, Henry C. Link, J oon a. Overhiser, Elihu Gifford, Jr .• Aaron .Macy, 3d, Seth 0. McArthur, Webster Goss, Frank A. Macy, Levi F. Longley, E. Faxon.

BOARD OF HEALTH. President-Cornelius H. Evans. Messrs. John B. Lougley, 0hades B. Cure, Samuel L. Mellen, Samuel G. Rowles. Clerk-Ed ward J. Hodge.

WATER COMMISSIONERS. Messrs. Thomas S. Gray, Frederick F. Folger, Wm. H. Gifford, Edwin 0. Terry, Ezra Waterbury, Willia~ J. Miller. 19 154 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

BURIAL GROUND COMMISSIONERS. Messrs. Capt. Lemuel Holmes, F. F. Folger, Allen Rossman, D. Martin Haviland.

BOARD OF EXCISE. Messrs. Thomas A. Beekman, Abram G. Vosburgh, Abijah C. Stevens. ·

WARD OFFICERS. First Ward-Supervisor, Sherman Van Ness; In­ spectors of Elections, James Kane, Philip H. Karnn­ agh. Charles B. Hobbie. Second Ward-Supervisor, Michael Guinan ; In­ spectors of Elections, Wm. Kirkpatrick, John A. Park­ er, John B. McNarnara. Third Ward-Supervisor, Frederick F. Folger; In­ spectors of Elections, Lewis H. George, Burgess Speed, E. Spencer Elmer. Fourth Ward-Supervisor, Magnus D. Herbs ; In­ spectors of Elections, Charles R. George, John F. X. Brennan, Wm. J. Phillips.

FIHE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer-Peter Loeffler. Assistant Engineers-Mason I. Crocker, George G. -Millar-lL Captain and Secretary of each Hose and Hook and Ladder Company. Edmond Hose No. 1-Lewis H. George, Captain, James Allen, Secretary. BUSINESS DffiECTORY. 155

Rogers Hose No. 2-Henry L. Miller, Captain, Fred. Waterman, Secretary. Hoysradt Hose No. 8-Henry Waterman, 2d, Capt., Charles Van Hoesen, Sec'y. Washington Hose, No. 3-James Lewis, Captain, Thomas Connor, Secretary. Plwenix Hose No. 5-Crawford Blake, Captain, W. D. Holsapple, Secretary. Hook and Ladder, No. 3-Norris A. Fenton, Cap• tain, F. Carrol Hankes, Secretary.

POST OFFICE, ASSOCIATIONS, &C. Post Office- Wm. Bryan, Post Master. Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M .. , April 1st to November 1st, and 7 1-2 A. M. to 8 P. M. from November 1st to April 1st. Sundays from f1 to 10 A. M. Holidays from 8 to 8:30 A. M., 1 to 2 P. M., and 6 to 6:30 P. M. Franklin Library Association-171 Warren. S. R. Rainey, President; Willard Peck, Vice President; Fannie Power, Librarian. Th~ Library is open every Saturday from 2 to 5, and 6 to 9 P. M., for the use of its members. The terms of membership aro $3 per annum, payable semi•annually, which entitles mem• hers to all privileges. Yoimg Men's Christian Association-Free Reading Room, Library and Parlor, 156 Warren- street; open from 9 A . .M. to 10 P. M. Monthly meeting and Re• ception, first Tuesday evening i11 each month. Sun­ day: 9 A. M. Young Men's Conversational Bible Stu­ dy; 3:30 P. M. Service of Song; 4:45 P. M., Open-air meetings (in Summer.) Monday, 8:45 P. M., young 156 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. men's meeting; Wednesday, 7:30 P. M., union prayer meeting. Rooms free to all. Young men especially invited. Public School Library-Warren cor S Third. Un­ der the qharge of Superintendents of Public Schools. Open Fridays, 3 to 5 P. M. E. P. L. Elmer, Librarian. Number of volumes, about 1~200. rrhis library is free to all. Hudson Club-207 Warren St., Wm. H. Traver, Presideut; Cornelius Esselstyn, 1st Vico President ; J. M. John~on, 2nd Vice President ; C. W. Bostwick, Sec'y; 'fhos. 0. Wells, Treasurer; J. C. DuBois, V. Whitbeck, Jr., E. P. Magoun, Directors.

CHURCHES. Chri.rst Uhurch (P. E.)-East Court, bet Union and Partition. Rev. Robert E. Terry, Rector; h 231 Union. Reformed-253 and 255 Warren. Rev. ---­ Pastor. Baptist-Union cor City Hall Place. Rev. W. H. Wines, Pastor. Friends' Meeting, (Orthodox)-S side Union bet S Third and W Court. . Methodist Episcopal-S Third cor Union. Rev. A. H. Ferguson, Pastor, h 69 Allen. Presbyterian-Warren cor S Fourth. Rev. G. C. Yeisley, Pastor, bds Worth House. Lutheran-N Sixth cor Diamond. Rev. William Hull, Pastor, h 321 Diamond. German Lutheran-State bet N Fourth and N Fifth. Rev. C. J. Renz, Pastor, h Prospect ab Short .


St. Mary's, (R. C.)-8 Third cor Montgomery. Rev. Jas. J. Peyton, acting Pastor, and Rev. F. J. Cunningham, assistant Pastor, h 73 Allen. Uni-versalist -248 and 250 Warren. Rev. Charles W. Tomlinson, Pastor, b 246 Warren. Jewish Church Congregation A!iavas Sholem.-Dia~ mond b13t N Fifth and N Sixth. Zion, (M. E. colored,) State cor N Second. Rev. E. J. Miller, Pastor. St. John's M. .E.-(colored,) Diamond bel N Third. Rev. Wm. P. Snyder, Pastor. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Baptist-A. E. Mackey, Superintendent. Christ Church (P. E.)-Rev. R. E. Terry, Superin• ten dent. Reformed-R. M. Shepard, Superintendent. Methodist Episcopal-J. E. McClure, Superintend• ent. Mission-Diamond n N First. A. S. Peet, Super• intendent. Presbyterian-S. S. Rainey, Superintendent. Protestant Episcopal-Chapel, Academy Hill. 8t. Mary's-(R. C.)-J. J. Peyton, acting Superin• tendent. Universalist-Rev. Charles W. Tomlinson, Superin• tendent. Lutheran-Rev. William Hull, Superintendent.

N.F.WSPAPERS. Hudson Evening Register-Published every evening at $7,00 per annum, payable in advance. M. Parker Williams, editor and proprietor, Central Square. 158 BUSINESB DIRECTORY.

Hudson IJaily Republican-Published every morn­ ing at $7,00 per annum, payable in advance. Bryan & Goeltz, editors and proprietors, 172 Warren. Columbia Republican and Hudson Weekly Star­ Published every Thursday, $1,50 per annum, in ad­ vance. Bryan & Goeltz, editors and proprietors, 172 Warren. Hudson Gazette-Weekly, published every Thurs­ day, $1,50 per annum, in advance. M. Parker Wil­ liams, editor and proprietor, Central sq.

SECRET SOCIETIES. Hudson Lodge No. 7 •F. j A. M.-Meets at St. Joh n's Hall, Union cor S Third, first and third Wed­ nesday evenings of each month. Officers-Henry Kertz, W. M.; Richard Kidney, S. W.; W. J. Phillips, J. W.; W. S. Wattles, Treasurer; Chas. Champlin, Secretary; John K. Vosburgh, S. D.; Wen. A Spauld­ ing, J. D.; Erskin Waldron, S. M. of C.; George E. Reid, J.M. of C.; John K. Vosburgh, organist; W. R. Elting, Marshall ; J. W. Kenyon, Tiler. Aquilla Lodge No. 700 F. &f A. M.-Meets second and 4th Wednesday of each month, at No. 302 War­ ren. Officers, Wm. Bostwick, W. M.; Abram J. Gifford, S. W.; Chas. Whitbeck, J. W.; C. H. Malleson, Treasurer; Hiram R. Macy, Secretary ; E. Spencer Elmer, S. D.; Nelson F. Boucher, J. D.; Walter A. Par:soni, S. M. of C.; Mason I. Crocker, J. M. of C.; Rev. C. W. Tomlinson, Chaplain; W. B. Scovill, Mar­ shall ; B. Chace, Organist; C. H. Evans, T. S. Gray and J. C. DuBois, Trustees ; W. C. Niblet, Tiler. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 159

Hudson Royal Arch Chapter No. 6-Meets at St. John's Hall. Regular convocation second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. Officers-Richard Kidney, M. E. H.P.; A. J. Gifford, E. K.; Setli Mc­ Arthur, E. S.; Jean Bach, Treas.; J. M. Punderson, Rec.; Henry Kertz, C. of fl.; Almond Snyder, P. S.; L. B. Little, R. A. C.; W. II. Scovill, M. 3d V., John Leonard 2d V.; Robert Moores, M. 1st V.; J. K. Vos­ burgh, d'rgunist; John W. Kenyon, Tiler. Hudson Council No. 62 R. & S. M.-Meets at St. John's Hall first Monday eveniu~ of each month. Of­ ficers-W. H. Scovill, T. I. M.; Henry Kertz, R. I. D. M.; E. P. Magoun, I. P. C. W .; Henry Miller, Recor­ der ; Richard Kid 11ey, Treas. ; A. J. Gifford, C. of G; Edward Hodge, C. of C. ; Wm. Van Beck, Steward ; J. W. Kenyon. Sentinel. I<,, J Lafayette Oommandery No. 7-Meets at St. John's Hall. Stated conclaves first and third Friday even­ ings of each month. Officers-E. P. Magoun, E. C.;, Henry Kertz, Gen.; Richard Kictuey, C. Geu.; Jolin K. Vosburgh, P.; John M. Pearson, S. W.; W. S. Wattles, J. W.; Alhert Bush, Treas.; Almon Snyder, Rec. ; Samuel Mellen, St. B. ; S. G. Rowles, Sw. B.; _,,. Jas. Armstrong, W.; Lewis B. Little. John T. Burd­ win, J. 'M. Puuderson, Guards; John K. Vosburgh, -- Organist; John Nack, Capt. of the Gu ads. Aller,. Lodge No. 92, L 0 of 0. F.-Meets at Odd Fellows' Ball, 173 Warren street, every Monday even­ ing. Hudson City Lodge No. 142 L 0. of 0. F.-Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall every Tuesday evening. 160 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Lindenwald Lodge, L 0, of 0. F. No. 442-Meets every Thursday evening at No. 225 Warren St. Union Encampment, L 0. of 0. F.-Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall,second and fourt.h Friday of each month. Knights of Pythias-Meets every second and fourth Thursday evenings at Odd Fellows's Hall, 178 Warren. Sons of the Covenant-Meets in Covenant Ball over Jewish Synagogue, Diamo11d street between Fifth and Sixth, every first, third and fifth Sunday afternoons of every mouth. Father Mathew Total Abstinence Benevolent Society No. 1 of Hudson, N. Y.-Meets at St. Mary's Hall, S Thil d corner A lien streets, every Wednesday eveuing. Young Men's Temperance and Literary Society-­ Rooms St. Mary's Hall cor Alleu and Third. Regu­ lar meeting every Tuesday evening. Rooms open every evening. BANKS. Farmers' National Banlc-302 Warren St. Capi­ tal $300,000. J. W. Hoysradt, President; Allen Rossman, Vice-President; C. C. Macy, Cashier; F. C. Haviland, Teller and Notary; Harper W. Rogers, F. F. Folger, Jacob Ten Broeck, Heury House, Allen Rossman, Peter Mesick, Abraham Bedell, L. G. Guern­ sey, C. W. Hinsdale, Jacob W. Hoysradt, Hiram Macy, William H. Crapser, Wiliiam H. Crapser, Di­ rectors. Number of shares, 3,000 ; par $100 ; dis­ count day, Monday ; dividends, May and November ; banking hours, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. lf'irst National Banlc of Hudson-City Hall, War­ ren Street. Capital $200,000. R. B. Shepard, Presi~ dent; Milton Martin, Vice-President; Wm. St. John BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 161

Seymour, Cashier and Notary Public; R. B. Benedict, D. Crapser, Milton Martin, I. N. Collier, Lucius Moore, Wm. I. Traver, R. B. Shepard, J. C. Rogerson, Ed­ mund Rockefeller, Directors. Shares, $100. Dis­ count day, Thursday. Banking hours, 9 A. M. to 3 P.M. National Hudson River Bank-99 Warren street. Capital $250,000. Henry A. DuBois, President; Ezra Waterbury, Vice-President; A. B. Scott, Cashier; William Bostwick, Teller and Notary Public. Henry A. DuBois, Henry J. Barringer, Edwin C. Terry, A. McKinstry, L. Holmes, C. fl. Evans, Wm. Bryan, W. J. Miller, C. P. Collier, Ezra Waterbury, H. Hubbel, G. B. Fairfield, A. P. Cook, Directors. Number of shares, 5,000--par value $50. Discount day, Thurs­ day; banking hours, 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Hudson City Savings Bank-98 Warren Street. Darius Peck, President; P. S. Wynkoop, H. J. Bar­ inger, Vice-Presidents ; Geo. B. Fairfield, Secretary and rrreasurer; James Clark, Wm. B. Skinner, Sam. uel T. DuBois, John E. Gil!ette, A. P. Cook, George H. Power, J. W. Hoysradt, William Bryan, J. W. Fairfield, Edmund Holley, Trustees. Incorporated April 4th, 1850; charter expires 1900 ; deposits re­ ceived from $1 upwards ; interest 6 per cent. on all sums over $1 payable semi-annually.

COURTS. Court of Appeals-Sanford E. Church, Chief Judge, Wm. F. A.Hen, Theo. Miller, C. A. Rapello, Chas. J. Folger, Chas. Andrews, Robert Earl, Associate Judges .. Supreme Court, Third Judicial .Department-Gen- 20 {

162 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. eral Terms during the year 1877. At the Capitol in the City of Albany, on the first Tuesday of January and April, and second Tuesday of November. Justices of Third Judir.ial .District-Chas. R. lugalls, Wm. H. Learned, T. R. Westbrook, A. M. Osborn. Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer­ Fourth Monday of January, Justice Osborn; fourth Monday of .March, Justico Westbrook; first Monday of October, Justice Ingalls. Special Terms-Held at City Hall, in the city of .Albany, on the second Tuesday of every mouth ; first Tuesday of e~ery month at Troy ; third Tuesday of every month at the Court House in the city of Hud­ son ; and third Saturday of every month at Saratoga Springs. Columbia County Court and Court of Sessions, for the year 1877-A.t the Conrt House in the city of Hudson, on the third Monday of April; 011 the third Monday of June; on the fourth Monday of November. Terms of the County Court at which no jury will be required to attend are appointed to be held at said Court House on the last Monday of February, last Monday of August and fourth Saturday of October. RAILROAD DEPOTS. Boston and Albany-Water n S Bay, and State cor N Seveuth. Edward Gallagher, station agent. Hudson River-Front n S Bay, J. A. Bump, station agent. STEAMBOAT LINES. MaManus, for New York, every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 7 P. M. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 168

Returning from New York, on alternate days, at 6 P. M. Redfield, for New York, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 P. M. ' Returning from New York, on alternate days, at 6 P. M. Day boats from Albany and New York, stop daily, each way. City of Hudson, for Albany, every morning ( except Sunday) at 7 o'clock. Hudson and Athens Ferry-Every one-half hour ' from foot of Ferry.

INCORPORATED COMP .ANIES. Hudson Orphan and Relief Association ....:...... This insti­ tution is situated on the N side of State, corner N Sev­ enth. It was organized October, 1843, and has been the means of doing a great amount of good. Hudson Aqueduct Company-Benjamin F. Duell, President ; C. II. Evans, Secretary and Treasurer; B. F. Duell, General Superintendent ; R. H. Moores, Active Superintendent ; A. W. Wilson, Collector. Capital $14,000. Number of shares, 400. Par Value $35. American Express Oompany-107 Warren. M. · Bates, agent. Columbia Turnpike Company-75 Warren. Benja­ min F. Duell, President ; Henry Hubbel, Secretary and Treasurer. Capital $25,000. Number of shares, 1,000. P~r value, $25. Hudson Gas Oompany-98 Warren. Works, Water n Broad. Chartered 1853. Expires 1903. Capital 164 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

$50,000. Number of shares, 500. Par value, $100. Charles H. Stott, President ; Jacob W. Hoysradt, Vice-President ; George B. Fairfield, Secretary, 'l'reas­ urer and Superintendent. Price of gas to citizens, $3,50 per 1,000 feet ; to corporation, for street lights, $3.00 per 1,000 cubic feet. Hudson Iron Company-S Bay uear B. & A. R. R. depot. J. W. Hoysradt, President; S. Seymour, Sec­ retary and Treasurer; J. W. Hoysradt, General Ag't. Capital $375,375. Number of shares 3,753. Par val­ ue $100. The Albany / Rensselaer Iron and Steel Co.-Wa ter n Ferry. John M. Pearson, ager1t. Clapp / Jones' Manufacturing Co.-South Bay. J. W. Hoysradt, President; J. S. Ray, Vice-President; S. R. Rainey, Secretary and General Manager ; .M. R. Clapp, Superintendent. Capital $100,000. Number of shares, 1,000. Par value, $100. Directors-F. F. Folger, J. W. Hoysradt, E. D. Jones, G. B. Fairfield, Dr. A. P. Cook, John S. Ray, William H. Gifford, C. P. Collier, Wm. Bryan. Hudson Paper Oar WheelCo.-South Bay. President, 1 John E. Gillette. Vice-President, 1! • F. Eolger. Di­ rectors-fl. W. Guernsey, New York; J. C. Beach-, New Jersey; R. N. Allen, F. F. Folger, Geo. B. Fair­ field. Number of shares, 500. Par value $100. Pliilips' Spirat Gorn Hy,.c~ku Co.-George B. Fair­ field, President; C. H. Malleson, Sec. and Treas. ; Capital $100,000. Shares 1,000. Par value $100. Columbia Agri:·ultural a·11,d Horticultural A.-:sociation -J. W. Hoysradt, President; H. S. Van DeCarr, Lemuel Holmes, Silas W. Tobey, H. W. Rogers, S. ~. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 165

DuBois, Vice-Presidents; B. S. Johnson, Treasurer; W. H. Traver, Secretary ; D. M. Haviland, R. Kid• ney. Cyrus Groat, Thomas IT. Gantley, Cyrus Macy, J. E: Gillette, Directors. _ Building and Loan Association-President, C. W. Macy ; Vice-President, R. Kidney; Treas. C. S. Champlin; Sec .• G. Hills; Att'y, E. P. Magoun ; Trustees-Wm. F. Rossman,A. Colton, Smith Thomp­ son. Directors-W. R. Eltin!!, C. W. Hinsdale. W. H. Spanburgh, J. Wro_nski, ._F. C. Haviland, F. A. Macy, E. Spencer Elmer, W. H. Sluyter. Regular meeting, second Monday in every month. Meeting to loan money, second Wednesday of every month. Office 305 Warren. SCHOOLS. Hudsoti Acctdemy-Academy Hill, Rev. W. D. Perry, Principal. Hudson Business College-A. E. Mackey, Principal, 203 Warren. Hudson Young Ladies' Seminary-84 Warren St., Miss S. Peake, Principal. Hudson Female Academy-281 Union, Misses S. R. and C. Skinner, Principals. St. Mary's School-Corner of Allen and Thitd Sts., Sisters of Charity, Teachers. rrhe city is divided into four school districts, viz. : School No. 1-North side Allen, bet S Front and S Second, L. W. Reid, Principal. School No. 2-State cor N Fourth, Mary Gifford, Principal. School No. 3 -N side Diamond bet N Fifth aud N Sixth, W. C. Wilcox, Principal. School No. 4 (colored)-S side Diamond bet N Third and N Fourth. Fannie Petrie, Principal. 166 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.


Allen street, from 42 S Front E to S Fifth. Anable street, from Eighth east to Farmers' tp. Broad street, from Hudson River and B. & A. R. R. Freight Depot easterly. . Carroll street, from State opp N Fourth N E to Mill. Central Square, Warren cor Fourth. Chapel street, froll,l Water east to N Second. Cherry alley, from Promenade Hill ,ea.st to Worth av. Clinton street, from N Sixth westerly. Columbia street, from Public Sq. N E to Columbia tp. Cross street, from S Front E to S Second. Cross lane, from Montgomery north to Partition. Deer alley, from S Second to S Third. Diamond street, from Water E to Columbia. Dock street, from Hudson River east to Little Mill. Dodge street, from State north to Prospect. Dugway road, from Mill east to Stockport road. East Court, from Uuion southerly. Eighth street, from 402 Warren north to Columbia. Ferry street, from S Front west to the Ferry. Fleet street, from S Front west to Water. Franklin square, S Front between Fleet and Ferry. Franklin street, north from Prospect to Washington. Frederick str\)et, from Green southeast to Columbia. Green street, intersection of Columbia northeast to Farmers' tp. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 167

Little Mill, from State north to New Road. Lombard street, frow State north to Mill. Long alley, from N Second E to Green. Market street, frotn Warren to Prospect la. Mill street, from Lombard east to Short. Mont~omery street, from S Second east to S Third. New Road, from State n Front northeast to intersec• tion of Mill and N Second. North Front street, from 2 Warren north to Dock. North First street, from 32 Warren to Diamond. North Second street, from 68 Warren north to N Bay. North Thh·d street, from 128 Warren north to Mill. North Fourth street. from 200 Warren north to Stat~. North Fifth street, from 260 Wurren north. North Sixth street, from 320 Warren north. North Seveuth street, from Warren north. Pennoyer street, from S Front west to Water. Partition street, from 32 S Front east to S Fifth. Power avenue, from South Bay east. Prison alley, from N Front east to Prospect av. Promenade hill, on the river, ft Warren. Promenade alley, from ft of Prison alley south along Promenade hill. Prospect avenue, from Warren to Columbia tp. Prospect street, from Carroll east to N Sixth. Public Square, from 844 Warren to Diamond east of N Seventh. Robinson street, from N Second east to N Third. Rock alley, from Pennoyer south to Fleet. Rope alley, from Lombard east to Oreen. South Front street. from 1 Warren south to Broad. South First street,'from 31 Warren S to Union. 168 BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

South Second street, from 67 Warren S to S Bay. South Third street, from 157 Warren S to S Bay rd. South Fourth, from, 199 Warren S to Court House. South Fifth street, from 259 Warren S to Allen. South Sixth street, from 319 Warren S to Union. South Seventh street, from 345 Warren S to Union. State street, from Water E to Columbia. Short street, from State N to Carroll. Strawberry alley, from N Second E to N Third. Tanner's lane, frc:,m S Second E to S Bay rd. Union street, from 18 S Front E to Worth av. Warren street, from Promenade hill E to Worth av. Washington sq., ft S Fourth bet E and W Court. Washington street, from Under hill Pond road east. W a.ter street, from S Bay N to N Bay. West Court street, from Allen N to Union. Woath aveuue, from Warren to Ancram tp.

w:tll etica:q Hotel, On the European Plan. Opposite the H. R. R. Depot, HUDSON, N. Y.

E• THORNTON, ...... Proprietor.

Good Accommodations for Travelers. First Class Livery attached. Also the celebrated RUPPERT'S BOTTLED LAGER on hand f.or famUy use.