Hand book of Information oh Films

S elected and Classified by th e

Ad visory Committee on th e

Use of Motion Pictures

in Ed ucation


25 e 43r e W st d Stre e t, N w Yo rk 36, N. Y.

F e ru ar 1 54 b y, 9


F C nc - I . a Teaching ilm ustodians , , is non profit organization of educators established to distribute to educational agencies and institutions selected motion pictures produced by the following companies :

C P tu C HK O P In c . olumbia ic res orporation Radio ictures , - Educational Pictures Corporation Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ’ n M - - L I c . n M P t Com a In c . oew s , ( etro Goldwyn ayer ) Universal ic ures p y, P P C P Inc . W B . aramount ictures orporation arner ros ictures ,

1989 Filrn C 18 Started in , Teaching ustodians , Inc the oldest of the sev ’ eral educational services of the motion picture industry . It is responsible for making available to schools films which are educationally useful and on which are not available from other sources . The program is carried without profit to the producing companies or to any educational agency

responsible for implementing this service .

Bo a rd o f Dire c to rs

B F C In c . The oard of Directors of Teaching ilm ustodians , are the follow mg :

‘ M s of K T . C C arl ompton , President of the orporation , assachusetts In titute M Technology ( Honorary ember ) .

rk A Ma u a . C H man M y ( hairman ) , Director, Institute of Relations , Yale

University .

P . S . C Arthur Adams , resident , American ouncil on Education i k e Fred er c B m N . H . of w air, Depart ent of Education , State York M C P f C C a . o Stephen orey , rofessor Education , Teachers ollege , olumbi

University . B F m m P . a u S D Royal , Executive Vice resident , Rhode Island chool of esign . G N W E . F S illard ivens , ormer Executive ecretary , ational Education Associa

tion . W o Ne C f w t . illiam Jansen , Superintendent Schools , York i y

N e rk B . N of w Yo . Jay ash , Retired Professor Education , University r E . C . Roy Simpson , Superintendent of Public Instruction , State of alifo nia M N d . A L . . Threlkel , Former Superintendent of Schools , ontclair, . J

Tru ste e s

For the purposes of expediting the executi on of contractual‘ leasing ar r s rangements with schools and fo holding in trust the fees paid by school ,

Film C In . s c . Teaching ustodians , has appointed three trustees The present M A M C E M E . . a W . trustees are ark y , illard Givens and arl illiken , former Governor of Maine and former Executive Secretary of the Motion Picture

Am r Inc . Association of e ica , 3 WHAT FILMS ARE AVAILAB LE ! The pictures listed in this handbook have been selected by teachers and other representatives of the Board of Direbtors on th e basis of th eir relation between the content of the film and the subject matter of the courses in the school curriculum . One reel and two reel sound films released through the theater were care fully analyzed after their period of theatrical distribution , usually about one r year . Those which had inst uctional value were selected and appraised , and then made available for educational use . Some feature films were selected by representatives of national curriculum ni l orga zations as having teaching value , and excerpts from these photop ays have b een edited and reissued in shorter length suitable for use in a single classroom period . Teacher guides have been prepared for some of these films and are i bl to b I ava la e in quantities li raries at per hundred copies . ndividual teachers may obtain single Copies without charge upon request

TO WHOM THEY ARE AVAILAB LE Sixteen millimeter prints are licensed under a restricted agreement to c d u cation al m b - t fil libraries maintained by state educational agencies , y coun y t i and ci y boards of educat on , and to individual schools for periods ranging on from e to ten years .


All film lib ra ries to wh i ch film s a re li c en s ed a re r equ ire d to s ign a n a g reem en t th a t th e film s m u st b e u se d o n ly fo r h o n a fide ed u c a tio n al

u r o s b h o o a n h r a ro e d u c ati o n a n c s a n p p e s y s c l s d o t e pp v d e ge ie , d

a c h a r e d u n der n o c irc u m sta n c es o n o c c a s i o n s wh en an y d m i s s i o n i s g , e ither dire c tly o r i n directly

n r n o c i rc u m sta n c m a th e se film s o r a n a rt th re o f b e U de es y , y p s e ;

n e n ro r m u s ed i t levi s i o p g a s .

New C Inc . contracts in effect between Teaching Film ustodians , and the producing companies n ow permit the use of short subjects and the Human Relations Films ( which are indicated in the Index as se que nces ) in certain types of informal educational programs . Agencies maintaining courses of adult , health , industrial , religious and social education may b r arrange to have these su jects made available upon equest . Th e licensing or u tilization of excerpted versions of feature ph otOph ys erm si e by su ch ag encies or grou ps is n ot p is bl . The producing companies make available all films distributed by Teach o ing Film Custodians as an educational service . This service must n t be misused by exhibiting the films in entertainment programs or in any way contrary to the provisions of the License Agreement ( See page 4 HOW THIS HANDB OOK IS ORGANIZED

Films C are classified by courses listed in the Table of ontents . Some of the subjects which are being distributed have established them selves as having a permanent place in the class materials of some of the subject matter areas . These films; classified as List I under each subject 011 listed , were selected the basis of growing demand over a period of years . In List II th e films have been grouped for which the demand has been 1ess eith er , because of seasonal appropriateness or because of the relatively short time during which the film has been available . Others listed here have been available for a longer time but have n ot had large volume of d istribu tion because of limited but nevertheless significant educational usefulness . New subjects added since the publication of the previous edition of the t 1952 ' ca alog in April , are indicated by a star HOW TO USE THIS HANDB OOK The topical Table of Contents at the beginning and an Alphabetical Index at the end make it easy for teachers to locate subjects .

No appraisals are given . The usefulness of any film can be measured e of It ur only by classroom xperience and in terms learning results . is ged that film librarians license prints only after careful preview by teachers wh o n ca evaluate the materials in terms of their needs . In consid addition to previewing , it is recommended that films under eration b e tried in the classroom before the order is placed for licensing by the film library . City and county libraries may d o this by renting prints in advance from the state university library or by making use of preview C n I c . prints available from Teaching Film ustodians , Prints will be furnished for preview and appraisal without charge other than the return transportation . The list of subjects which film libra rians or administrators desire to examine should be sent to Teaching Fl lm 2 4 Ne Y C In c . 5 r 18 N . W 8 d w . ustodians , , est Street , York , P review prints should be returned express prepaid , and films which have been selected should be indicated in a purchase order or covering letter .

’ In many instances used preview prints may not be available and new In new prints will be provided for preview purposes . such instances the prints need not be returned but may be retained in the evaluating library and a purchase order submitted to cover the license . This will save delay and transportation costs to the licensing library . PROCEDURE FOR LICENSING Copies of the license agreement will be sent to the film administrator when for h arrangements licensing are initiated . T is agreement must be executed and returned before films can b e shipped for license . The license agreement is general in form and covers not only the subjects acquired through the orig inal purchase order b u t also any additional subjects subsequently licensed . e e i reement ( S ee pag e 86 for th e compl te t xt of th e L cens e Ag ) . 5 LICENS E FEES All p ri c e s i n c lu d e d e live ry by P a rc e l P o s t a n ywh e re i n th e Un i te d

S ta te s .

F o r b la ck a n d wh i te film s Films may be licensed on any one of three plans

1. per reel for the life of the print up to ten years . 2 . per reel for a three year period .

3. per reel for a one year period; per reel for an addi ti on al second year; per reel for an additional thi rd and sub sequent year; per reel for extension beyond the fifth year for i n the l fe of the pri t not to exceed ten years . Under Plans 1 and 2 a discount of per reel is given on each reel of 100 licensed in excess reels . Replacements to damaged black and white films are provided at five A la k w ite rin t is orn or ma ed cents per foot . b c and h p t ha t w d a g ma y be returned with in th e period of license and replac ed by a new print 2 e er r at th e rate o 0 er re l or a th ree ear iod or 30 or ten ea s . f $ p f y p $ , f y - F o r o n e ree l Te ch n ic o lo r film s

per reel for a three year period .

In i 100 one reel T e ch ni comput ng reels for purposes of discount , each _ co s color film is computed as three black and white films . Techni lor film

subject to d i scount cost per reel . The license on Technicolor

- ‘ films may be extended beyond the three year period at a cost of

per reel per year for the fourth and subsequent years . - T wo re el Te c h n ic o l o r su b je c ts i n th e Hi sto ri ca l S e rie s - per two reel subjects for a three year period . Libraries licensing nine ( 9) prints of these two-reel subjects receive a discount thus making the cost per subject The license on these Technicolor film s may be extended beyond the three-year period at a cost of per reel or per subject per year for the fourth

and subsequent years . Replacements to damaged Technicolor films are provided at twenty ce nts

per foot .

Technicolor films may be licensed only for the three year period . New prints are provided for the full term of license agreement and de posited in the licensing library for unlimited use within the terms of the

agreement and during the licensing period . m r o n al a c h i n ilm Cu sto d a n s In c . e a se s f l to o c a s ta te o r Te g F i , l i s l l , eg i

u ti o n a l f lm ib ra ri s o n l fo r o n te rm ri o d a n d d o e s n o t e d ca i l e y l g pe s , m ai n ta in a sh o rt te rm re n ta l li b ra ry; S c h o o l s o r i n d iv id u a l te a ch e rs d e s i ri n g to re n t a n y of th e film s i n th i s h an d b o o k fo r d a ily u se o r fo r

‘ e ri o d s o f le s s th a n o n e e a r sh o u ld c o n su t th e i r l o c a ta te o r re io n a l p y l l , s g

r e S e e a e 8 3 fo r th e r c to r o f lm Lib r r e fo r e a c h in lib ra i s . ( p g Di e y Fi a i s T g Film Cu sto d i an s Cl a ssro o m Mo ti o n P i c tu re s ) 6 ‘ TAB LE OF CONTENTS


As ia — People of th e World Travel

Civics — Problems of Democracy Citizenship

General Science Biology Physical Geography and Geology Meteorology Home Economics Psychology

Physical Education and Recreati on

Health and Hygiene Safety Education

Directory of Film Libraries License Agreement Index

Th e Movies an d You Series


A numb er of feature pictures which were based on classic and modern b literature have een made available , in modified form , for use in classes of c English . Ample excerpts are taken from the feature picture and ombined in

“ a schoolroom version short enough to be shown in a forty minute class period .

In selecting these excerpts , the following considerations have been kept in mind :

l —A of complete story is offered , following the story the original book

without adaptations . — 2 The theme of the original b ook is emphasized . 3—The important characters are portrayed and famous quotations and

situations are dramatized . — 4 The essential points of plot development are presented in a smooth

continuity . 5— The setting of the story and its influence upon the characters and plot

are visualized .

These excerpted versions are not intended for entertainment purposes , and their use must be limited to classroom study . Teachers of English will find in them an opportunity to visualize scenes from the book which they are using so that there may b e greater appreciation of literary values by the students .

‘ An effort has been made to include a few works written by other than English and American authors so that teachers of English may introduce

of n on - their students to writers English speaking countries .

e Of ll A complet list these literature films now available follows . They are a - - black and white prints with an average running time of 10 minutes per reel . “ ” T h e h a n d b o o k n h La n u a r — m e , E g li s g g e A ts Fil s fo r Cla s s ro o m Us , wh c h c o n ta n s d e ta d s c r t o n s o f a ll f m s te b l o w i s i i iled e ip i il s li d e , a a la b w th o u t c h r n r v i le i a g e u p o e qu e st. ADVENTURES OF HUCK LEB ERRY FINN ( MGM ) ALICE IN WONDERLAND ( Paramount ) ANNA KARENINA ( MGM ) A CHRISTMAS CAROL ( MGM ) C P P L T HE B OY DAVID O ERFIE D, ( MGM ) C P P E T HE MAN DAVID O ERFI LD, ( MGM ) T HE GOOD EARTH ( MGM ) GREAT EXPECTATIONS ( Universal ) 2 t - HEIDI ( o h Cent . Fox ) T HE HOUSE OF T HE SEVEN GAB LES ( Universal )

9 N 2 t - JA E EYRE ( 0 h Cent . Fox ) 4 reels

K N PP 2o - 8 ID A ED ( th Cent . Fox ) reels

LES M B L S 2o ' - 4 ISERA E ( th Cent . Fox ) reels THE LIGHT THAT FAILED ( Paramount ) 4 reels MAGNIFICENT OB S ESSION ( Universal ) 4 reels MUTINY ON T HE B OUNTY ( MGM ) 4 reels THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD ( Universal ) reels PETER IB B ETSON ( Paramount ) 4 reels



’ TIMOTHY S QUEST ( Paramount ) 8 reels TREASURE ISLAND ( MGM ) 4 reels

Th e fo llo wi n g fo u r film s we re p re p a re d by th e Na tio n a l Co m ifc il o f

T e a c h e rs o E n li h i F S tu d u id e s f g s Co m m itte e to Co o pe ra te w th T C. y g a re a va ila ble o n re t qu es .

! MEET THE FORSYTES ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Ah excerpt from THAT FOBSYTE WOMAN 20 minutes

MEET THE F OBSYTES presents the principal characters of the three T F or t b books of h e sy e Saga . The opening scenes introduce the mem ers of the family . Their conversations and actions clearly indicate the values they m attach to material possessions and social status . The settings and costu es ’ vividly establish the Victorian atmosphere of Galsworthy s novels . S The film sketches briefly the courtship of oames and Irene , and shows ’ S It n incidents which reveal oames possessiveness . also follows Ire e as she ’ t li B osinne P helps June Forsyte mee : Phi p y , and intimates hilip s growing ’ interest in his fiancee s chaperone . The conclusion invites the aud i ence to know these characters better by ’ reading John Galsworthy s F orsyte Saga

T WO YEARS B EFORE THE MAST 2 reels—B&W ( Paramount ) 20 minutes h ’ Excerpted from the p otoplay based on Richard Dana s book, this film ’ stresses the significance of Dana s writing in ameliorating the conditions

of our merchant seamen . Among the sequences at sea are those showing the

10 1 o f b ron men the wooden ships as they clam er in the rigging , make sail, ’ ’ ' fo c Stle splice hawsers , holystone the deck, and fraternize in the . The con ’ ti nu ity is sustained by entries in Dana s log as he records successively the flogging of a seaman , a plague of scurvy, the deaths of two hands , and their

. Followin b burial at sea g his return , Dana pu lishes his account of the voyage , and the conclusion of the film depicts the reaction of an aroused populace which finally resulted in the passage of laws to protect merchant seamen . UNDERS TANDING MOVIES 2 reels—B&W Excerpted from photoplays produced by MGM 17 minutes Designed to serve as an introductory or survey instrument in the study of motion picture appreciation , this film contains sequences illustrating excellence in direction , acting , photography , editing , and art and music .

Ari. NN S NS N excerpt from TE E SEE JOH O , showing Jefferson Davis de clarin S S g outhern secession in the enate , demonstrates good direction; one GOOD L P M from THE EARTH , featuring uise Rainer and aul uni , illustrates E S ISL N H fine acting; a passage from TR A URE A D , showing the ispaniola a getting under weigh , demonstrates beautiful photography ; sequence from DAVID COPPERFIEL D provides an example of effective film edit M AND LI ing ; and the concluding unit from RO EO JU ET, showing the “ ’ ” cross d C meeting of the star lovers at the apulet ball , illustrates the work Of the motion picture art and music directors . ! WASHINGTON SQUARE ( Paramount ) 2 reels— B&W An excerpt from THE HEIRESS 20 minutes This film introduces the principal characters of Henry James’ novel and provides a background for the study of nineteenth century American litera ture .

C S o atherine loper , the shy , awkward daughter of the wealthy and s cially M Dr. prominent widower, Austin Sloper, meets orris Townsend , a charming , C ’ but penniless young man . Encouraged by atherine s romantically minded Mr s . M C aunt , Penniman , orris woos atherine ardently and quickly wins ’ Dr S her promise to marry him . Despite . loper s cold and reserved attitude ’ In t M to . toward his daughter , he resents orris attentions her an interview wi h ’ M the young man s sister, the father satisfies himself that orris is a fortune hunter .

’ ’

M S to . As the film ends , orris arrives at the lopers home ask Dr Sloper s “ ” to consent to the marriage . The open ending is planned stimulate interest in reading the novel and to provoke discussion of the unsolved problems presented .

11 S HORT S UB JECTS LIS T I THE GOOD J OB ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W 10 minutes A character study by William Saroyan in which a young storekeeper in the slum district of an unidentified town philosophizes‘ ab out the people wh o for to to e lk b . come to the store things eat , a place , or simply to ta THE LADY OR THE TIGER ( MGM ) 1 reel— B&W MGM Miniature Series 935 minutes R S ’ Th e dramatization of Frank . tockton s story in which a princess is i b to to m requ red to choose etween sending her lover death or another wo an . THE LAS T LE S S ON ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W MGM Miniature Series 11 minutes ’ The inspirational tale of the patriotism of a French schoolmaster s last class before the German occupation in 1870 MASTER WILL SHAK ESPEARE 1 reel— B&W MGM Miniature Series 11 minutes b of S A rief and somewhat fictionized story the life of hakespeare , beg in ning with views along the Avon in the village of Stratford and depicting ’

M N Q LIET . Shakespeare s entire life . There are scenes from RO EO A D I

' THE TELL-TALE HEART ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W 20 minutes ’ “ - This film presents a dramatization of Edgar Allan Poes The Tell Tale ” ’ wh o Heart , which deals with a weaver s apprentice murders his cruel master to and is driven confession by a guilty conscience and the imaginary , haunt ’ of b ing sound the murdered man s heart eat . LIS T 11 AMERICAN S P OK EN HERE ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes A dramatized history of several slang expressions , showing their origin and h ow they came to b e included in the American idiom CAP TAIN K IDD’S TREASURE ( MGM) I reel— B&W Historical Mystery Series 10 minutes This film dramatically presents conflicting stories concerning the hiding ’ place of the notorious pirate s treasure . NATURE SPEAK S ( Paramount ) 1 reel—B&W Paramount Variety Series 10 minutes An o excellent photographic study of natural mountain , lake and seash re b of scenery , accompanied y readings poetry by David Ross RAINB OW PAS S ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W MGM Miniature Series 11 minutes “ A of R b P C dramatization ain ow ass , a famous hinese play . This film is an of C excellent example hinese drama and production techniques .




( MGM)

LES MIS ERAB LES - ( 2oth Ce n tu ry F o x)








( P a ram o u n t)


LIS T 1 2 - 1 —B&W LAND OF THE MAP LE LEAF ( 0mCent . Fox ) reel Road to Romance Series 10 minutes

A general travelogue of th e Dominion of from Quebec to Van


A descriptive film on the industrial development of the State of Washing ton showing the lumber and salmon industries and th e shippin g develop

ments in Seattle . SAN FRANCIS CO— METROP OLIS OF THE WES T ( Columbia ) Columbia Tour Series

A rather complete travelogue of the San Francisco area

THE SOUTHERN STATES LIS T I CAJUNS OF THE TECHE ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W 10 minutes An l t of a s French ' Acad i ans excel ent s udy the life of the descend nt of the , ’ “ L now in th e made famous by ongfellow s poem , Evangeline , who live

Bayou Teche country of . HISTORIC VIRGINIA ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W A Columbia Tour 10 minutes

r i i A very complete t avelogue of the historic state of Virg n a , in which the ‘ co ou t th e h istoric land mmks mmentator points significance of , accomplish e ns C i m nts of personalities portrayed , and the relatio hip of early olon al times to national progress .

N D 2 t - MODER IXIE ( 0 h Cent . Fox ) Along th e Road to ROmance Series

r L u c A trip th ough o isiana showing agricultural industries in sugar , ri e ,

‘ ‘ W flash b acks old w e cotton and lumber ith to colonial days , hich show wom n

O and ! perating spinning wheels carding the cotton strands by h and .

18 OLD AND M N NEW LE N 1 —B&W , ODER OR A S reel ( Columbia ) 10 minutes A typical travelogue of old and new New Orleans with special emphasi s on the French section WESTERN STATES LIS T I ALONG THE TEXAS RANGE 1 reel—B&W -F ox ( 20th Cent . ) 10 minutes A descriptive tour through the Big Bend National Park in Western Texas showing the natural beauties and the life of the goat herders and cowboys wh o inhabit th e region . THE GREAT AMERICAN DIVIDE Columbia ) De L a Varre Travelogue Series i F A trip up the Divide show ng the Petrified orest , the Jackson Hole C W M N e e ountry in yoming , Rocky ountain ational Park and Y llowston

National Park .

N 2 - —B&W WESTERN GRA DEUR ( 0th Cent . Fox ) 1 reel Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes

’ W of ell photographed scenes in two this country s national parks , Yosemite C - M W in Eastern alifornia and Yellowstone in Idaho , ontana and yoming WESTERN WONDERLAND ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Columbia Tour Series 10 minutes

An f C informative study o the Grand anyon and Sequoia Valleys .


L MB P K -F ox — C I ING THE EA S ( 2oth Cent . ) 1 reel B&W 10 minutes This film shows the hazardous sport of mountain climbing in Colorado

L C L 2 - — G A IER TRAI S ( 0th Cent . Fox ) 1 reel B&W Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes

to P M n A visit Glacier ark in ontana , with a trip up the mou tain and views of the Glacier in the distance .

N L — WO DER TRAI ( Lyman H . Howe ) 1 reel B&W Hodge Podge Series 10 minutes S S N P a cenic marvels in equoia and Yellowstone ational ark, with preface referring to the constant changes caused by wind and water erosion which mold the earth in od d forms .

19 NEW YORK CITY LIS T I — NEW YORK P ARADE ( Columbia ) 0 I reel B&VV 10 minutes ’ New r r A panorama of York s bridges , churches , skyscrapers , st eets , t ans ortati on of p and homes , depicting particularly well , relationship individuals et m olis through casual acquaintance in a great m p . LIS T II CITY WITHIN A CITY ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W 10 minutes ’ ‘ Rockfeller C A complete tour of enter, one of the world s centers of


Lyman H . Howe Hodge Podge Series 11 minutes

An New San fu air tour from York to Francisco , with beauti l views of scenic highlights on the way and descriptive commentary interpreting the of significance geographical areas .

L N P S N OF N S IS A D OSSE SIO S. THE U ITED STATE LIS T I CARIB B EAN SENTINEL 1 reel—B&W M C S 2 - agic arpet eries ( 0th Cent . Fox ) 10 minutes Ri c A modern interpretative travelogue on Puerto o , with commentary by i Lowell Thomas , show ng the industrial and military developments at San M Juan and onkey Island . J EWEL OF THE PACIFIC 20 - ( th Cent . Fox ) Magic Carpet Series An Hawau an introductory travelogue to the Islands .


B UENOS AIRES TODAY ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Columbia Tour 9 minutes A rather complete pictorial tour of the largest city in South America show ing something of its grandeur and magnificence

C L C — ENTRA AMERI A ( Warner Bros . ) 1 reel B&W Musical World Journeys Series 11 minutes Random scenes stress the volcanic origin of Central American mountains and reveal various native groups at work and play

G N B 2 t - —B& OOD EIGH ORS ( 0 h Cent . Fox ) 1 reel W ‘ Magic Carpet Series 11 minutes A general travelogue on South America useful as a survey picture in n eleme tary geography classes .

OF M C 2 t -F ox 1 —B& HEART EXI O ( o h Cent . ) reel W Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes

l t u of i This fi m shows life in the towns , ancien r ins former civil zation and ’ natives in their villages

M C N M R 2 — 1 —B&W EXI A U ALS ( 0th Cent . Fox ) reel Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes Social study of Mexico showing remnants of the Aztec civili zation and

v M i C . present day nati e life in Taxco , Xochimilco , Janitzio and ex co ity

! N B L 2 - —B&W TOURI G RAZI ( 0th Cent . Fox ) 1 reel Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes ‘ A grou p of characteristic scenes photographed in various parts of Brazil and showing the varied phases of life of that country


N N Afi O Y 2 t - —B&W ARGE TI E G S ( 0 h Cent . Fox ) 1 reel Magic Carpet Series “ 9 minutes of i t A sweeping panorama Argentina with gl mpses of city life , the grea W cattle ranches and farms , the mountains and lakes in estern Argentina

LD G T M 2 - 1 —B&W IN O UA E ALA ( oth Cent . Fox ) reel Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes A travelogue of Guatemala and Dutch Guiana showing a wide v ariety of elements of native life

21 IN T HE G AN 2 t- 1 —B&W UI AS ( 0th Cen . Fox ) reel Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes A picture showin g the prim itive life and activities of the native families living in the back country of the Guianas



’ — HAITI S B LACK NAP OLEON ( Columbia ) 1 reel B&W Colortour Series 9 minutes A descriptive film of Haiti which has as its background the story Of the - C h i in ex slave , Henri hristophe , who made imself k ng of Haiti the early Nin eteent o n h Century . This st ry presents interesting eth ological implications

ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W De La Varre Travelogue 11 minutes A West Indi es travelogue which is significan t for the excellent narration relating the history and importance of these islands in the world today

HE L F P R - t—B T IS E O LEASU E ( 20111 Cent . Fox ) 1 ree ézW Magic Carpet Series 11 minutes i s After showing the vacation possibilit es of Havana , this film show the r e importance of the sugar and tobacco indust ies in the Cuban conomy .

SOJOURN IN HAVANA ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W De La Varre Travelogue 9 minutes A typical tour of Havana sh owing ‘ th e principal points of interest and con n - trasti g the old Spanish town and the new city . EUROP E

Th e film s a re li s te d a lph a b e tic a lly by c o u n trie s


L M S OLK 2 - — F E I H F ( 0th Cent . Fox ) 1 reel B&W Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes Scenes in the Flemish provinces of Bruges and Ghent stressing the re markable extent to which medieval dress and customs have been preserved


R R NG ND 2 - — U AL E LA ( 0th Cent . Fox ) 1 reel B&W Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes An English countryside picture which shows life in a rural village .


B OF R NC 2 - — B& YWAYS F A E ( 0th Cent . Fox ) I reel W Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes A cross section of peasant life in Brittany and Normandy set in the peacefu l e tempo of the countryside . The film includes detailed views of how the peopl

live , with narration which describes the history of the peasant customs . LIFE IN PARIS ( Columbia ) 1 reel— B&W Andre De L a Varre Travelogue 10 minutes A descriptive travelogue of the city of Paris with unusually intelligent com

mentary which includes historical data . LIS T II SAVOY IN THE ALP S ( Columbia ) 1 reel— B&W Columbia Tour Series 10 minutes / F A scenic study of Savoy , the rench province bordering Italy, with views B Mt. of lanc and adjacent mountain scenery .


N L N M M - 1 — B&W RHI E A D E ORIES ( 20th Cent . Fox ) reel Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes . e l A portrayal of life in Germany before the advent of the NaZ1 r g me .

28 PR W L D F LK 2 —F ox 1 —B&W S EE A O S ( 0111 Cent . ) reel Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes Native life of the peasants alongthe River Spree before the coming of Nazi n influence . Folk songs and dancing are shown in con ection with a wedding and christening procession . GREECE LIS T I AROUND THE ACROP OLIS ( 20th Cent -Fox ) Magic Carpet Series - Thi s is modern Athens and the pre war routine life of LIS T II GLIMP SES OF GREECE 1 reel—B&W M C 2 C - 9 agic arpet Series ( 0th ent . Fox ) minutes M Three sequences show the nomads of acedonia , a monastery m and R G i Thessaly, the oyal uards drilling at the Acropol s

HOLLAND LIS T 1 HOLLAND AND THE ZUYDER ZEE 1 reel—B&W De La Varre Travelogue ( Columbia ) 935 minutes i th e ir n This is l fe in Amsterdam , Holland , and da y i dustry found in the adjacent farm lands . ROAMING THE NETHERLANDS 2 - ( 0th Cent . Fox ) Magic Carpet Series of N s A series glimpses of the countryside and the people of the etherland , showing various industrial and occupational activities of the Dutch

LIS T I P T R 20th C — 1 —B&W IRISH AS O AL ( ent . Fox ) reel Along the Road to Romance Series 9 minutes Random views around Dublin and Limerick portraying much of the tradi tional life of th e people LIS T II

F 2 -F ox — GEM O THE SEA ( 0th Cent . ) 1 reel B&W Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes Views of ancient Irish architecture in and around Dublin with a sequence “ Mell r l on the Church of St. a y where the cari lon chimes play Londonderry ” “ ” Air and the choir sings Missa Cantata .


LIS T II P ICTURESQUE P ORTUGAL 1 reel—B&W - 9 Magic Carpet Series ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes A film reflectin g the beauty of Portugal and providing glimpses of the life i of ts people . — P ORTRAITS OF P ORTUGAL 1 ree l B&W 2 - 10 M C S oth C . agic arpet eries ( ent _Fox ) minutes This picture reviews the art and industries of Portugal with a complete sequence on the making of port wine .

RUSS IA LIS T I 1 — B&W SOVIET RUSSIA ( Warner Bros . ) reel 9 minutes

' The principal cities and d istricts of Russia of thirty years ago are shown . r c e Street scenes , national shrines and some indust ial activities are depi t d

SPAIN LIS T I — ~ MEMORIES OF SP AIN 1 reel BGzW - 10 Magic Carpet Series ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes i al S C War M Th s film , t ten before the panish ivil , pictures life in adrid ,

S a d th e . eville , Segovia n Toledo with views of rural life near these cities SWITZERLAND LIS T I B EAUTIF UL SWITZERLAND ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W 10 minutes ” s z The narration of this travelogue , illustrated by a map , tell how Swit er if land , the oldest republic in the world , is naturally fort ied by the barriers of f i r mountain peaks , beauti ully photographed , surround ng the count y . — GENE VA B Y THE LAK E 1 re el B&W M C 20 C - agic arpet Series ( th ent . Fox ) 10 minutes A typical travelogue of this Swiss city in which modern developments and ancient customs are compared .


(Warner Bros . ) 10 minutes Scenes in and about Jerusalem show aspects of native life and the cere monies of various religious sects . 26 LIS T I — UNVEILING ALGERIA Columbia ) 1 reel B&W A Columbia Tour 10 minutes

A contrast between the ancient native ! city and the modern French metropolis on the beautiful harbor in North Africa LIB YA LIS T I L N B 2 C - — ITA IA LI YA ( 0th ent . Fox ) l reel B&W Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes A travelogue of Libya during the Itali an occupation with an informative n account of gover mental relations with Italy . MOROCCO LIS T I _ — IN MOROCCO ( Columbia ) 1 reel B&VV A Columbia Tour 11 minutes The theme of this visit to Morocco is the contrast between the old and th e i t h as new civilization , with a f ne example of the locali ywhere native culture h e resisted change and remained fixed for more than a thousand years . T commentary gives excellent historical background of Moorish culture and M f points out the influence of ohammedan religion on li e . UNDER MOROCCAN SK IES 1 reel-B&W M C -F ox 10 agic arpet Series ( 2oth Cent . ) minutes An interpretative travelogue of life in Spanish Morocco showing th e strong holds of the Moroccan Chieftains and street scenes with closeups of the natives . TRIPOLI LIS T II

P L 2 - 1 —B&W DESERT TRI O I ( 0th Cent . Fox ) reel 9 minutes

The Roman ruins of L eptis and some native life. in Tripoli are shown TUNISIA LIS T I — JOURNE Y IN TUNISIA ( Colu mbia ) 1 reel B&W And re De LaVarre Travelogue 10 minutes tu nn t in A descriptive film s dy begi ing in the ci y of Tunis , showing the of“ E u S fluences astern cult re , then proceeding to outhern Tunisia and describing the life of the native people .

27 LIS T I FROM S INGAP ORE T O HONG K ONG 1 reel—B&W A De L a Varre Travelogue ( Columbia ) 10 minutes

Although part of this film shows Singapore before the war, the descriptive K photography of Hong ong is informative . LAND OF GHENGIS K HAN 1 reel—B&W - M C S 10 1 agic arpet eries ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes

e in A social review, with informative commentary, of som aspects of life M - M ongolia showing the sun baked cities in anchukuo , the strange dwelling s M s of ongolian nomads and views of life on the edge of the Gobi De ert . — P AGODAS OF P EIP ING 1 reel B&W M - 8 agic Carpet Series ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes A well planned study of Peiping showing the present day social influences

of ancient customs and traditions . — SAMPANS AND SHADOWS 1 reel B&W M C 2 - 10 u agic arpet Series ( oth Cent . Fox ) min tes “ A descriptive review of life among the little pe0p1e of the South China f S o h ow C o F oc . ports watow, , Amoy, and anton WHAT IS CHINA ! ( Produced by the Educational Services D e partment of the Moti on Picture Association ) This general survey film on Ch ina was specially edited for elementary

school social studies and geography classes . Animated maps and sceni c views stress the geography of the land; a sequence reviewing their inventions and cultural development emphasizes C c C hinese history; subsequent s enes deal with the people of hina , showing

their means of earning a livelihood as laborers , farmers , sampan fishermen and skilled artisans ; and the conclusion of the treatment reveals the modern iz ation of China through education and industry LIS T II HONG K ONG HIGHLIGHTS 2 - Magic Carpet Series ( 0th Cent . Fox ) A sight-seeing trip through Hong Kong

K M 201 C -F ox -4 RI C SHA RHYTH ( 11 ent . ) 1 reel B&W Magic Carpet Series 9 minutes on S Random scenes in Shanghai the river front , in the International ettle C ment, in the native city and in a fashionable night club where hinese and

Westerns mingle together . 28 WANDERING THROUGH CHINA 2 -F ox ( 0th Cent . )

C t r n Street scenes in a hinese ci y, as a tou ist might see them , include ative craftsmen and‘ public entertainers

INDIA LIS T I ND OF B NG 2 - THE LA THE E AL ( oth Cent . Fox ) Fox Movietone Series

A series of scenes among the people of Calcutta . LIS T II HIS TORIC CITIES OF INDIA ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W A Columbia Tour 10 minutes A travelogue featuring the old and new Delhi and filled with examples

Hindu architecture . IN FAR MANDALAY M C 20t - agic arpet Series ( h Cent . Fox )

A tour along the Irrawad d i River to Rangoon where strange customs the natives are shown and described

INDO-CHINA LIS T I SP OTLIGHT ON INDO-CHINA l reel—B&W 2 - 9 ( oth Cent . Fox ) minutes

s F -C W War Thi is rench Indo hina during the second orld , emphasizing

o . how little even war disturbs the cust ms of these ancient people Hindu ,

Chinese and French influences are seen in the streets of Saigon . There are unusual views of the building of the Burma Road and detailed scenes of the mighty ruins of Angkor Vat n ow rediscovered after having been forgotten for several centuries .

MALAY STATES LIS T II WHERE EAST MEETS WEST 2 -F ox A Magic Carpet Series ( oth Cent . ) A series of scenes showi ng the extent to which Western customs h ave entered into Singapore .

29 THAILAND ( SIAM) LIS T I MYSTIC SIAM 1 reel—B&W 2 - ( oth Cent . Fox ) 10 minutes

of a s A group scenes showing the native people at work and pl y and wor hip , with commentary by Lowell Thomas which points out the importance of ’ or Siam in the world s struggles f the Orient . LIS T II B YWAYS OF B ANGK OK 1 reel—B&W 2 - 9 in Magic Carpet Series ( 0th Cent . Fox ) m utes ’ A fast movin g review of modern life in Siam s Bangkok Th e commentary includes some historical and anthropological data . PAGEANT OF SIAM 1 reel—B&W - Magic Carpet Series ( 20th Cent . Fox ) 10 minutes A picture showing some -of the natives of Bangkok and ceremonies of the ’ king s court . NEW ZEALAND LIS T 1 L- THE LAND OF CONTENTMENT 1 reel Baw -F ox 9 Magic Carpet Series ( 20th Cent . ) minutes A descriptive film of life in New Zealand with particular emphasis on th e M wh o aoris , original inhabitants have developed into a substantial social unit


ANY WAY 1 — B&W TO, GET THERE reel Lyman Howe Hodge Podge Series 9 minutes r Unusual means of t ansportation throughout the world , showing natives riding donkeys in Greece , burros in Jerusalem , camels in Egypt, etc . — TRAFFIC 1 reel B&W Lyman Howe Hodge Podge Series 10 minutes t A study of types of ransportation all over the world , affording glimpses o as well of nati nal costumes in the countries represented . — THE WORLD AT P RAYER 1 reel B&W - Magic Carpet Series ( 20th Cent . Fox ) 10 minutes Th e u e of niversal urg to pray , as manifested in these sequences a pil ’ rirna e to th e g g to Lourdes , the muezzin s call faithful in Arabia , and a t procession of Buddhist priests and o hers .

30 UNITED STATES HISTORY Many significant episodes in Am erican History have been made into

' i r h e ct11 es . T s b motion p major historical fact have een authenticated , and the dramatic approach in these productions tends to establi sh favorable

attitudes toward basic concepts in American Government . “ n o k i s o r n i al T h e h a d b o , H t y a d S o c Stu d i e s F ilm s fo r Cla s sro o m ” wh i ch c o n tain s m Ore d e t ile e ri i Use , a d d sc pt o n s o f all film s li ste d

lo w i s a a ilab le wi th o u t ch a r e u o n re u e st. b e , v g p q GENERAL SURVEY LIS T I AMERICA THE B EAUTIFUL 2 reels-Technicolor 20 (Warner Bros . ) minutes M R C B L b A E I A THE EAUTIFU is a moving pageant of the wild eauty , ri t the farms , towns , cities , indust es and people of our migh y land . It carries the message of pride in our heritage and our responsibility to keep America

strong and beautiful . — LAND OF LIB ERTY 8 reels B&W 80 minutes A pictorial history of the United States originally prepared for exhibition ’ ’ New W F th e Fran cisco W F at the York orld s air and San orld s air . This sub ject is composed of sequences taken from many historical motion pictures and of coloniz ation ~ of b edited into a complete story the America , the esta lish f b o . ment the Repu lic , and its subsequent history The film is divided into four two-reel parts covering periods of history as follows : Part I—Early Colonial History and the development of the Republic to 5 180 . 2— f S 1805 18 Part History o the United tates to 60. — 1860 t 1890 P 3 o .

art History of the , United States 4— ' 1890 9 8 Part History of the United States to 1 8 .

The entire eight reels m ay. be licensed at a cost of for a three

' year period . The license may be renewed for the fourth and subsequent years

at a cost of per year . COLONIAL PERIOD THE B ILL OF RIGHTS 2 reels—Technicolor 20 ( Warner Bros. ) minutes O of of th e ne the series Technicolor historical films , this picture shows opposition in Parliament to the highhanded policies of George III with respect to the American colonies and the outraged indignation of the

colonists when the Royal Governor dissolves the Virginia House of Burgesses . Patriotic Virginians under the leadership of Jefferson and Madison meet

8] secretly and draw up the Fairfax Resolves which embody the principles of B ll the i of Rights . Concluding sequences show the struggle for the incorporation of the Bill Fairfax of Rights , adapted in part from the Resolves , as the first ten amend C ments to the onstitution .


(Warner Bros . ) 19 minutes

A portrayal of th e meetings in Philadelphia in 1776 which resulted in the F ranklin writing of the Declaration of Independence by Jefferson , , John

Adams , and their colleagues

N T HE M K 2 -F ox — DRUMS ALO G OHAW ( 0th Cent . ) 8 reels B&W _ tu Excerpted from the fea re film of the same name . 81 minutes

This film emphasizes pioneer life in western New York State during the Revolutionary period and presents stirring scenes of the skirmishes between

the settlers and Ind i ans .

The central episode of the film deals with one such battle . Tories lead an mm i V tt . W a u n Indian raid on a illage , and besiege the se lers in their fort hen eth e He tion runs low , a volunteer slips through the Indian lines to g lp. b returns with a militia company from a neigh oring fort , and the settlement

is saved . The film ends when a regular army regiment arrives bearing the new

S . t W C United tates flag They announce hat ashington has defeated ornwallis , a ar and the Revolution ry W is over . - Th is film was prepared in collaboration with th e Au d io Visua l Committee N o n i or e o i tu ie Te h er uid es re available of th e ati na l Cou c l f th S c al S d s . ac g a n re u est o q .

THE FLAG SP EAK S ( MGM) 2 reels—Technicolor 19 minutes d The flag tells , with ramatizations , of abuses of freedom of the press freedom of religion freedom of assembly ( 1904) The final sequences are a gu ide to the correct use of the flag and correct “ ”

B . manners of salute, closing with the singing of America the eautiful

— GIVE ME LIB ERTY 2 reels Technicolor

(Warner Bros . ) 21 minutes

h e t St. m C Ri The story of gathering in Ja es hurch , chmond at which , P atrick Henry delivered his famous address . Instances of colonial govern . n ment oppression which prompted the meeting are also show .


PRE-CIVIL WAR P ERIOD LIS T 1 COMMUNICATIONS WES TWARD 3 reels—B&W Ad apte d fro m WELLS FARGO ( Paramount ) 80 minutes

This excerpted version of a feature photoplay draws together nu merous ’ historical threads and weaves them into a sign ificant pattern of our country s 1845 18 0 I development from to 7 . t stresses the vital part played by com mu nication s O n W ni in the peni g of the est and the settlement of Califor a .

The film Opens with the news of the acquisition of California by the United States following the Mexican W ar and the subsequent migration of th e ort -Nin ers F y .

Fin all 1857 W F C e overmn ent y, in , the ells argo ompany secur s the g con tract to carry mail by an overland route . The film shows the development of r l the route and the original run of the Overland Express , th il ingly depicting the hazards of the journey . Two years later, as the Transcontinental Tele ai s P graph is being constructed across the pl n , a ony Express rider brings L ’ to the West the news of incoln s election . - The concluding sequence shows the importance of th e Overland Express ‘ of to the Union during the war, as a heavily guarded shipment gold is carried - from the sub treasury in S an Fran cisco to finance the Fed eral armies ; - Th is film was prepared in collaboration with th e Aud io Vis ual Committee N iona l il r th Socia l St ies T each er uid e re ila of th e at Cou nc fo e ud . g s a ava ble e on r quest.

DRIVEN WESTWARD 8 reels—B&W M N 2 -F ox 0 Adapted from BRIGHA YOU G oth Cent . ) 8 minutes

Thi s excerpted classroom film presents a stirring visuali zation of the con trib u ti on of a minority group to our national development and demons trates the necessity for respecting the rights of such a group .

' Memorable sequences show the persec ution of Morm ons in ; their ’ haz ardous trek westward under Brigham Young s leadership ; and their to L dramatic struggle survive in the new colony at Great Salt ake . The film concludes with the historic occurrence when sea gulls save the grain fields by devouring hordes of crickets . N to M M o reference is made ormon doctrine in film . The ormons are presented simply as a minority group which made great sacrifices for its O W b eliefs and in so doing helped pen the est . - T his film was prepared in colla boration with th e Aud io Vis ua l Committee o n l or th e Socia l Stud ie Te i e of th e Nationa l C u ci f s . ac he r gu d s are availa ble e on requ st. 34 JEFFERS ON DAVIS DECLARES SECESSION Ad a pte d fro m TENNESSEE JOHNSON MCM

This half—reel subject deals poignantly with the decisive moment when the rift between the North and the South became final and irrevocable with the S b D declaration of ecession y Jefferson avis in the United States Senate . The speech is preceded in this excerpt by incidents on th e floor of the Senate

tt In which reflect the tensions and animosities bese ing the nation . his address ,

‘ Davis expresses simply yet eloquently the determination of the Southern S s to tate withdraw from the Union . His delivery and his words stress the difficulty of this decision and at th e same time reveal the sincerity and con

icti n C v o of onfederate leaders in their beliefs . The concludingscene depicts the pathos of the occ asion as Southern Senators file resolutely from the

Senate chamb er .

MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY 2 reels—Technicolor 21 n (Warner Bros . ) mi utes A faithful filming of the story of the same title by Edward Everett Hale in N t Lt. o which olan , arrested for treason , is sentenced spend the rest of his

life on a ship where he should hear n o reference tohis native land .

MONROE DOCTRINE 2 reels—Technicolor 16 ( Warner Bros . ) minutes

The development of the Monroe Doctrine and subsequent instances of its

application .

2 — r OLD HICK ORY ( Warner Bros . ) reels Technicolo 17 minutes

” A biography of Andrew Jackson from the battle of New Orleans in 1812

through his presidential career .

ROMANCE OF LOUISIANA 2 reels—Technicolor B o 19 ( Warner r s . ) minutes

The story of the Louisiana Purchase from the discussion stage ( Jefferson M th e in and onroe ) , through the conferences in Paris , to final ceremonies Arn erican G New Orleans at which the overnment assumed control .

SONG OF A NATION 2 reels—Technicolor 19 ( Warn er Bros . ) minutes

“ ” A dramatization of th ewriting of The Star Spangled Banner by Francis o e McHenr Scott Key on board a British ship opp sit Fort y. 35 CIVIL WAR P ERIOD LIS T I

ANGEL OF MERCY ( MGM ) 1 reel— B&W 10 minutes C B b n A biography of lara arton , eginning with her organizatio of women

C W ar s to serve in ivil field hospital , through her many attempts and ultimate success in organizing the American Re d Cross as part of the International organization . FLAG OF HUMANITY 2 reels—Technicolor

' W B 1 in ( arner ros . ) 9 m u te s fi b C B sh owm C War This is a iography of lara arton , g her service in the ivil F -P ar M B e and the ranco russian W . iss arton is shown attending the Gen va C I n S t onvention of the new nter ational ocie y and in her many attempts, Re d C ultimately successful , to win recognition of an American ross by the r United States Gove nment . LINCOLN IN THE WHITE HOUSE 2 reels— Technicolor 21 ( Warner Bros . minutes ’ 5 A portion of Lincoln life beginning with his first inaugural address . There are scenes of Lincoln s home life 1n th e White House and finally a dramatiza of P tion the resident speaking at Gettysburg .

HE P C B MGM 2 — B&W T ERFE T TRI UTE ( ) reels . 19 minutes th e M A dramatization based on story by ary Shipman Andrews , showing ’ Lincoln s trip to Gettysburg and his obvious disappointment the following day because of the poor reception given his speech . Lincoln V isits a nearby prison hospital and repeats the Gettysburg Address in full to a wounded Confederate soldier . His conversation with the soldier reveals the spirit of Lincoln and his attitude toward the South . UNDER S OUTHERN STARS 2 reels— Technicolor 18 ( Warner Bros . ) minutes A fictional account of the Civil W ar Battle of Ch an cellorv ille and the I events preceding it on the Confederate side . t portrays the characters of b E L e e Stonewall Jackson and Ro ert . and shows the mortal wounding of

Jackson at Chancellorsville .

LIS T II THE B LUE AND THE GRAY 1 reel—B&W 10 ( Warn er Bros . ) minutes Places and monuments in the South commemorate Civil W ar battles and heroes .

86 L N W B — DIXIE A D ( arner ros . ) 1 reel B&W Se e America First Series 11 minu te e s of th e S A rapid review outh , with emphasis on historical places and per n S “ so ages . The outh and its traditions are presented in an interesting and agreeable fashion P OST CIVIL WAR P ERIOD LIS T I JOHNS ON AND RECONS TRUCTION 8 reels— B&W ' Adapted from TENNESSEE JOHNSON ( MGM) 88 minutes P I This film is a biographical study of resident Andrew Johnson . t stresses his conflict with the Radical Republicans in Congress under the leadership R S . C n of Thaddeus tevens over policies of econstruction limaxi g the film , is the dramatic trial of impeachment in which Johnson was acquitted by one

vote . - This film was prepared in collaboration with th e Au d io Visual C ommittee o th e Nationa l Co n or o i Tea er i r il e f u c il f th e S cial Stud es . ch gu d es a e ava abl on r uest eq .

— TEDDY THE . ROUGH RIDER 2 reels Technicolor n B 19 ( War er ros . ) minutes This biography of Theodore Roosevelt from 1898 to 1914 shows his activity successively as President of the New York Police ! Commission ; as Assistant Secretary of the Navy;his organization of the Rough Riders and participation in the Spanish American W ar; his election as Governor of New York State ;

his nomination and election to the Vice Presidency of the United States . LIS T II THE MAN IN THE B ARN ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W


“ Historical M ster S 10 _ y y eries minutes This is the dramatization of a theory that John Wilkes B ooth successfully 9 escaped in 1865 and finally died in in 1 08 . S ONS OF THE P LAINS 2 reels—Technicolor B 19 ( Warner ros . ) minutes Dramatized fiction telling the story of the struggle between the Indians f and the early Ame rl can s o the West . CONTEMP ORARY HISTORY LIS T I 2 —F ox 2 — B&W ! THE B ERLIN AIR LIFT ( 0th Cent . ) reels An excerpt from THE BIG LIFT 20 minutes The film opens with documentary newsreel shots of the Russian blockade

' ’ ’ i C o f A of Berlin and G en eral L u c u s D . lay s statement merica s resolution f not to be forced ou t o the city .

S F Frankfort to , Giant U. . Air orce planes arrive at , Germany fly food 87 B i “ coal and medical supplies into erl n . The film follows the crew of The W ” hite Hibiscus as they learn the intricacies and hazards of flying th e “ ”

. As i W narrow international air corridor t me passes , The hite Hibiscus “ ” is renamed Der Schwarze Hibiscus and is the plane that completes th e “ ” - -t a one hundred hous ndth flight of Operation Vittles . fl The film shows in detail the operation of the ight program , in particular Fin all the method of guiding a crippled plane to a safe landing by radar . y, L b b “ ” balked by the Air ift, the Russians a andon the lockade as a cold war weapon . - Th is film was prepared by th e A V Committee of th e LIS T II 0 HEADLINE S OF THE CENTURY 5 reels—B&W ( Paramount ) 50 minutes 1897 1982 o A pictorial history from to , taken from newsreels of the peri d

in v : P 1 1897 to . 1905 2 1905 1910 P 8 1910 to 1928 fi e parts art , ; Part , to ; art , ; 4 1928 1928 P 5 1928 9 2 1 8 . Part , to ; and art , to

MEN F OR L E 2 -F ox 2 —B&W THE F E T ( oth Cent . ) reels Adventures of ‘ a News Cameraman Series 19 minutes

Newsreel cameramen record adventures encountered by blu ejaclt etstrain for N ing the United State avy from the time of enlistment .

MEN F P N 2 - 1 —B&W O WEST OI T ( 0th Cent . Fox ) reel 10 minutes P of W P ictorial review the history of est oint , its courses of training , and its emphasis on physical fitness and mental alertness

1 47 F — 9 , YEAR O DIVISION 2 reels B&W ( Paramount ) 21 minutes

. B riefly touching upon headline events , this film delves into the interna

ti on al difficultie s which have set the United States and the at odds . l ’ C It i lustrates the growing threat of inflationary prices , Russia s Iron urtain M P C policy, the effort of the arshall lan to counteract ommunism and the

of UN . attempts the General Assembly to secure peace . TWO DECADES OF HISTORY 2 reels—B&W ( Paramount ) 22 minutes

Sequences depict newsreel coverage of such historically important happen 92 - 4 F D 1 7 19 7 . ings during the period , as the inauguration of Roosevelt and

‘ several incidents of the development of the New Deal ;the growing threat and ’ eventual outb reak of World W ar II ; and America s mobilization for and

conduct of the war . 88 WORLD HISTORY - Th e fo llo wi n g e igh t film s we re p re p a re d by th e Au d io Vis u a l Co m m itte e o f th e Na tio n a l Co u n c il fo r th e S o c ia l S tu d ie s LIS T I THE B EGINNING OR THE END ( MGM ) 8 reels— B&W 80 minutes th e t Excerpted from feature photoplay of the same title , his classroom ' version traces the development of th e atom bomb to the destruction of

Hiroshima . A dramatic but historically accurate presentation is made of i and Th e the personalit es events . following world figures are portrayed r nkli D F a n . L R b Roosevelt, Albert Einstein , General eslie . Groves , J . Ro ert

n e B F ; Oppe h imer, Vannevar ush and Enrico ermi CONQUEST ( MGM) z reels—B&W 28 minutes ’ This classroom version of the feature photoplay depicts Napoleon s ma n eu verin g in p ower politics as well as his efforts to regain the mastery of r hi s mM Eu ope following retreat fro oscow and subsequent exile on Elba . P m s o ri arily a character study , the film present a prov cative soliloquy in which Napoleon analyzes th e forces which motivate him in his driving thirst It th e e for power . also portrays mutually distrustful r lations between him and l ac his minister , Talleyrand , and characterizes forcefu ly his ultimate bitter -’- ceptan ce of defeat as he boards a British man o war for transportation to e r i e t T he u d es r i n re u s . his final exile on St. Helena . ac g a e ava la ble upo q THE CRUSADES ( Paramount ) 8 reels— B&W 82 minutes This excerpted version of the feature film portrays in dramatic sequences the efforts of the peoples of Europe to recapture the Holy Land from th e

v for C Saracens . The moti ation the rusades is shown in the despoliation of

Jerusalem by the Infidel and the preaching of Peter the Hermit . C S Emphasis in the film is upon the Third rusade . tirring episodes show the departure of the English forces under Richard the Lionhearted; th e massing of European armies at Marseilles ; the difficulties encountered in providing equipment and supplies for the vast expedition ; the Battle of Acre ; and the truce with . the Saladin . The film is especially noteworthy for the careful research which resulted

Teac h er uid es are available u on re uest. in exact costumes and settings . g p q T HE HOUSE OF ROTH SCHILD 8 reels—B&W 2 - 88 ( 0th Cent . Fox ) minutes This classroom version of the feature photoplay highlights th e importance of finance in warfare and dramatically visualizes the injustice of discrimina tion against minorities . The film shows the part played by the fiv e Rothschild brothers in contribu t ing their financ ial support to the first defeat and exile of Napoleon . Despite 89 t e i their part in the victory , however, hey still find that pr judice and discr m in ati on O ppress them and their people . ’ W N b hen apoleon escapes from El a , they again support the cause of i P peace by financing the All ed owers , and this time win promises of con sideration which ultimately help to ab olish restrictions upon the civil -rights Te r i re e t . e of the Jews ache gu d s are availa ble upon qu s .

MARC ANTONY OF ROME 2 reels— B&W Adapted from CLEOPATRA ( Paramount ) 28 minutes This film traces the part played by Caesar’ s impetuous general in the to crucial period which preceded the rise of Octavius Augustus power . ’ C to R 44B C su e . b Opening with aesar s triumphal return ome in . and his s

' S r quent assassination , the film depicts the formation of the econd Triumvi ate . The inimical relations between Antony and Octavius foreshadow the course

. C e of history Antony becomes infatuated with l opatra , neglecting his plan to b on him E su jugate Egypt , and Octavius declares war and the gyptian

Queen . Antony suffers defeat at Actium and commits suicide leaving R Octavius master of the oman world .

Painstaking research resulted in authentic sets , costumes and war equip of ea i e are a ilable u on ment the period throughout the film . T ch er g u d s va p r e equ st.

N N 20t C - 2 — ! RE AISSANCE I TRIGUE ( h ent . Fox ) reels B&W An excerpt from PRINCE OF FOXES 20 minutes O C B C As the film pens , esare orgia reveals to his henchman , ount Orsini , C M his plan to gain control of itta del onte , an independent principality He sends Orsini ostensibly as his ambassador to spy out the defenses of the mountain stronghold . t of A proto ype the Renaissance man , Orsini is accomplished as an artist , C M statesman , and soldier . During his stay at itta del onte , he is influenced W B by the enlightened government of the principality . hen orgia sends his ultimatum , Orsini revolts against his vicious , corrupt policies and joins M forces in the defense of Citta del onte . The defenders withstand an attack i ’ B or a s . and siege , defeating g forces

Although based upon a fictional incident , the film provides a rich , of authentic b ackground for the study of Renaissance Italy . Details the life of the times are vividly reproduced .

THE RIS E OF A DICTATOR 8 reels— B&W Excerpted from THE HITLER GANG ( Paramount ) 80 minutes Reproducing the characters and personalities of Hitler and his principal w ’ follo ers with amazing fidelity , this film traces the dictator s rise from an obscure corporal in the defeated German Army to ab solute ruler of the


THE K ING WITHOUT A CROWN 1 reel—B&W Historical Mystery Series ( MGM) 11 minutes Stimulating spe culation about the mysta y surrounding the fate of th e son L F of ouis XVI of rance . THE MAN ON T HE ROCK 1 reel—B&W Historical Mystery Series ( MGM ) 11 minutes ’ Dramatization of a theory that it might have been Napole on s double who

St. . died at Helena , instead of the Emperor himself SONG OF REVOLT ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W Tabloid Musical Series 11 minutes ” Despite the historical inaccuracy of depicting the Marseillaise as in spir B 1789 u l 1792 t ing the attack on the astille in rather than the T i eries in , his film presents an interesting background of the writing of the French national anthem by B ouget .


42 DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK - 20th Ce n tu ry F o x )


Ad apte d fro m THE HO WARDS OF VIRGI

( Co lu m b ia )




IARC ANTONY OF ROME THE CRUS ADES l fro m CLEOP ATRA ( P a ra m o u n t) ( P a ra m o u n t)



CIVICS LIS T I A series of pictures the Washington Parade Series—has b een produced in cooperation with v arioUs government agencies to show the purposes and of nm procedures by which some the gover ent functions are performed . This n ot series does , of course , give a complete view of all government depart ments but does serve a purpose in presenting reality to some of the govern ment institutions which are otherwise quite remote to many students

N D — S N . C. B& WA HI GTO , ( Columbia ) 1 reel W washington Parade Series 9 minutes : An aerial view of the city of Washington followed by brief visits to the ’ buildings of many of the government s departments . THE ARCHIVES ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 10 minutes to sBu This film , after showing the approach the Archive ilding , pictures the n - im various rooms and their uses , fi ally giving close ups of the originals of

portant American documents .

INSIDE THE CAP ITOL ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 10 minutes A detailed trip from cellar to dome of the nation’ s capitol building showing

S . S C interesting spots in the edifice . essions of the enate and ongress are

visited . INSIDE THE FEDERAL B UREAU OF INVESTIGATION ( Columbia ) Washington Parade Series A fihn showing the exhaustive program of the Federal Bureau of Investiga

F . B . I tion with a descriptive portrayal of the training of . agents . INSIDE THE LIB RARY OF CONGRES S 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 1034 minutes The various rooms and departments of the Library of Congress in which of are shown original editions famous books and historic documents . INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 10 minutes A visit to the various official rooms of the White House and the Executive

Offices with descriptions of some of their uses . THE MINT ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W 5 Washington Parade Series 101 minutes The inside story of Uncle Sam’s newest coinage plant at San Francisco 46 SMI’I‘H S ONIAN INSTITUTE ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 1015 minutes fih n A of the many exhibits on view at the Smithsonian Institute . SOCIAL S ECURITY ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 10 minutes This film interprets the operation of the Social Security Act from the tirne to of its passage through its various steps final payments of checks . UNITED S TATES MILITARY ACADEMY 1 reel— B&W Washington Parade Series 10 minutes fihn i M A documentary presenting l fe in the United States iltary Academy . UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 11 minutes of S N A factual presentation life in the United tates aval Academy . UNITED STATES TREAS URY ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Washington Parade Series 10 minutes A descriptive account of the making of paper money and the handling of old money returned to the Bureau LIS T II F RIEND INDEED ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes A dramatization of the events underlying the Fe d eral L aw which permits

Seeing Eye Dogs to ride in railway coaches with their masters . GUARDIANS OF THE SEA 1 reel—B&W - 9 ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes The story of the various‘ services of the United States Coast Guard in for defending shorelines and in keeping open the sea lanes shipping .

‘ HOW TO VOTE ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W MGM Miniature Series 10 minutes A satirical presentation of a political meeting with exaggerated emphasis on the buncombe present in some political speeches . THE ICEB ERG P ATROL 1 reel—B&W -F ox 10 ( 20th Cent . ) minutes Glimpses of th e work done by the United States Iceberg Patrol with de tailed presentation of life on the patrol boats — P ROPHET WITHOUT HONOR ( MGM) 1 reel B&W MGM Mini ature Series 11 minutes of M A biographical description the work of Admiral aury, out of which B has developed the United States Weather ureau . SENTINE LS OF THE SEA 1 reel—B&W - 9 ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes A visit to lighthouses and lightships With emphasis on the romantic rath er “ ” than the practical aspects of these sentinels of the sea . 47 PROB LEMS OF DEMOCRACY

Th e o llo wi n i il f g s x f m s we re p re p a re d by th e Ci tiz e n s h ip Ed u c a ti o n P ro e c t T e a c h e rs Co lle e Co lu m b ia n i v e r it j , g , U s y

CITIZENS HIP LIS T I ! FIRS T SEIZE HIS B OOK S ( MGM) 2 reels— B&W An excerpt from T HE MORTAL STORM 19 minutes This film deals with the suppression of academic freedom in atotalitarian P - . B . b state rofessor oth , a non Aryan German scientist , is honored y his on S b . to me students his irthday hortly thereafter , Hitler comes power , and sp R ’ of oth s students join the Nazis . They denounce him for his refutation of ’ b of Hitler s racist theories and burn his ooks with those other scholars .

' W R to hen oth is sent a concentration camp , his wife obtains permission to wh o h is visit him through a former student now, too late , regrets betrayal

. In to e B of the professor and his teachings a final farewell his wif , oth o expresses his unswerving devoti n to his principles .

C - ! THE LAW P ROTE TS THE PEOPLE ( MGM) 2 re elsr B&W An excerpt from A FAMILY AFFAIR 20 minutes When an unpopular citizen of the town of Carville petitions Judge for to of Hardy a restraining order prevent the building an aqueduct, the b u t to judge has no alternative under the law grant the order . Townspeople are enraged , and political pressure is exerted to prevent his renomination . Judge Hardy reveals that the enabling act permitting the construction had a been rushed through the state legislature at closing session . This act off C l R b would permit drawing all the waters of the arvi le iver, there y ’ He imperilling the survival of the town s industries . therefore declares the

o . enabling act to b e unconstitutional . The judge is renominated unanim usly NO HEAD S TART I reel —B&W An excerpt from T HE HUMAN COMEDY ( MGM) 8 minutes

M Akel III for Homer acauley and Hubert y , , are rivals a place on the b high school track team . Hubert is favored y the coach b ecause of his ’ ’ c family s social position , but the boys history tea her sees to it that Homer for has an equal chance to compete the championship , which he wins . THE S EA OF GRASS ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W An excerpt from the feature photoplay 10 minutes B ion e ere d th e New M Colonel Jim ruton , who p settlement of the exico “ b of r n Territory , elieves that any effort to cultivate the sea grass as fa m la d will be fruitless and will ruin it for grazing . He ruthlessly opposes settle ment by the “ nesters” until the Federal Government in the person of 164 Judge Chamb erlain enforces their right to stake claims for acres each . 48

Bu t C M ‘ ’ li r. convin ces his o L . harles al son, J uncle, a lawyer, f ucas innocence

The boy, the lawyer, and a fearless _sheriff then bring the real murderer n to justice and thwart the ly ch mob . Th is lm - fi was prepared jointly by th e Aud io Visual Committee of the N tion l o a a C unc il for th e S ocia l Stud ies and th e Citiz enship E d ucation Pro e j ct.

YOU T HE — , PEOPLE ( MGM) 2 reels B&W 21 minutes

t of t in A dramatiza ion the operations of a corrup city political machine , i of ll clud ng methods coercion , stuffing ba ot boxes , and persuading citizens n that voti g is futile . WORLD AFFAIRS LIS T I NEIGHB OR TO THE NORTH 134 reels -B&W ( Paramount ) 16 minutes Thi s film tells the story of the Canadian dollar shortage and the efforts m - r ade to restore a balanced export import p ogram . The depletion ’ of Canada s European markets after the war is shown to b e the primary a factor in the crisis , and animated charts and graphs are used advant geously to clari fy and simplify the problem

GEOP OLITIK ! P LAN FOR 2 reels— B&W DESTRUCTION] ( MGM) 20 minutes

d escib e s of This propaganda short the influence Haushofer , German

e o oliti cist hi s W W ar II . g p , upon Hitler and consequent strategy in orld WATCHTOWER OVER TOMORROW 1 reel— B&W ( MGM) 10 minutes A fibu which explains the Dumbarton Oaks proposals for international l t the N C security , and shows the responsibi i y of United ations ouncil to insure permanent peace . SOCIAL JUSTICE DUE P ROCES S OF LAW DENI ED Adapted from THE OX-BOW INCIDENT 8 reels — B&W 2 - 29 ( 0th Cent . Fox ) minutes This film is a dramatizati on of the kin d of unlawful trials which were sometimes held in the early days of the West ( Nevada It pictures the dangers of denying due process of law and illustrates convincingly the necessity to recognize the rights of individuals as guaranteed by the Con stitu tion . In the film an unsubstantiated report of the murder of a popular ranchman b t ff w . e is brought into a to n A posse, illegally organiz d y a depu y sheri , 50 seizes three strangers wh o claim to have bought cattle from the presumably

‘ murdered man . The posse summarily lynches the three men H e Then the sheriff arrives . informs the lynch mob that the rancher had n ot died from his wounds ;those who had shot him are in jail; and the victims of the lynching were innocent . - Th is tibn was prepared in collaboration with th e Aud io Vis ual C ommittee o th e Nationa l Cou nc il or th e S o l St ie Te er i r e f f cia ud s . ach s gu d es a e availa bl on re u est q .

FURY ( MGM) 115 reels— B&W Lyn ch in g Sequ en c e 17 minutes L f b o mo . ynching , study formation and behavior


B M R NG 2 -F ox 8 — B Adapted from OO E A ( 0th Cent . ) reels &W 80 minutes Filmed in documentary style , this excerpted version of a—feature photoplay emphasizes the ideal of justice under American law ana the importance of ’ C weighing evidence carefully to protect the individual s onstitutional rights .

' I n simple and direct fashion the film tells the story of the murder of a P beloved clergyman . ublic outrage at the brutal crime demands quick arrest

of . an d and punishment the killer A suspect is picked up in the police dragnet, “

I an . seven witnesses identify him . t seems open and shut case Interesting sequences depict the working of legal machinery in such a ’ -u case , including the police investigations and line p of suspects , the coroner s hearing and the arraignment . W - hen the prosecutor appears at the arraignment , he dumb founds the f He to e court by entering a plea o innoce nt for the suspect . proceeds disprov

each piece of evidence which seemed to doom the man to conviction . The adherence of the prosecutor to the ideal of his office frees an innocent of man and provides a reassurance faith in American justice . - Th is film was prepared in collaboration with th e Aud io Visua l Committee o o t i s of th e Nationa l C uncil for th e S cial S ud e . SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT LIS T I B ARGAINING COLLECTIVELY ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Excerpted from AN AMERICAN ROMANCE 9 minutes - S et e i in the p riod of the nineteen thirties , th s film presents arguments c of labor and management for and against union re ognition , as a committee No of workers meets with the plant directors to settle a strike . conclusion b is reached in the film , which ends with the oard chairman provocatively

c alling for a vote on the issue . - m mi e N V . Co ttee o th Th is film was prepared by th e A. f 51 HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY 8 reels— B&W 20t - ( h Cent . Fox ) 82 minutes Excerpted from the feature photoplay based on the novel by Richard l of Llewellyn , the fi m tells in retrospect the life story a miner as he prepares

' ‘ b o h oo e to leave the valley where he had labored for fifty years . His y d m m c n ries are happy, but i creasingly the influence of the implacable mine brings

tragic hardship and poverty to him and his family .

LIS T II — MET N . . MGM B LIFE IN S O OW , U S A ( ) 1 reel &W MGM Miniature Series 11 minutes A co medy presentation of what would happen in almost any American town if all the obsolete laws on the statute books were suddenly enforced

— N L N K AIR 1 1 . B&W MR . GROU D I G TA ES THE ree ( Paramount ) 11 minutes fl Mr. to Grounding , a timid soul who is scared of ying , is obliged make “ ” ir i l a . a quick business trip by Once aloft, his suspicions that the worst w l inevitably happen and his ignorance of flight procedure provide a series of t n S no e amusing si uations , while acquainti g the pectator with a k wl dge of

travel conditions in a giant commercial transport plane .

OUR OLD CAR ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes John Nesbitt traces the development and stages in the history of the American motor car from the early days of the Stanley Steamer to the

streamlined auto of today .

THIS IS TOMORROW ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes Th is subject stresses community development and sets forth objectives for the construction of model homes .

SOCIAL WELFARE LIS T I CITY OF LITTLE MEN ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W 10 minutes THE CITY OF LITTLE MEN pictures the work of Father Flanagan of - N b h e 275 h B . t b o oys town , e raska The varied activities of y in abitants are

h . n . s own Amo g these are dairying , farming , shoe repairing and carpentry These activities enable the town to b e largely self suppo rting through the il l sale of surplus goods . The f m is an excel ent example of constructive

o w s cial erk . 52 THE GREAT HEART ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W MGM Miniature Series 10 minutes Father Damien’s work in the leper colony at Molokai is presented in c dramati episodes . STRANGE DESTINY ( MGM) 1 ree l— B&W Carey Wilson Miniature 10 minutes

G . A K Y M. . . wh o The inspiring story of Asa Jennings , a worker, saved lives in the evacuation of Smyrna in 1922 LIS T II THE GIANT OF NORWAY ( MGM) I reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 11 minutes F rid t of N N The biography of j ansen , orwegian scientist and explorer , emphasizing particularly his relief work for Russia 4 — THE . GOOD MGM _ EARTH ( ) 111 reels B&W Fa m in e Sequ en ce 18 minutes F C — amine in hina migration of farmers to city . — THE . GOOD EARTH ( MGM) 2 reels B&W Wo m a n S e qu e n c e 18 minutes

Status of peasant women in China . SOCIAL ATTITUDES Th e following two films were prepa red by th e Intergroup Committee on Hu n Rel io ma at ns . LIS T I ! ACTION AGAINST THE LAW ( Paramount ) 8 reels— B&W An excerpt frrom THE LAWLESS 28 minutes

' In this film a-‘ series of minor incidents aggravated by intergroup frictions to mob results in an ugly crisis as misguided citizens resort violence . Introductory sequences establish the atm osphere of tension existing M “ C ” between the people of arta and the fruit pickers , whom they call holos , “ on the other side of the tracks . ’ of i A group town boys invade a fru t picker s dance , and a fight ensues . An In fle ein excitable reporter exaggerates the story . g the fight , a young fruit “ ”

to . picker startles a girl , causing her fall and injure herself A sob sister n id e expands this i c nt into a case of criminal assault . - A posse captures the youth . When a level headed editor . attempts to sift e n the facts in the interest of justice , irr sponsible tow speople decide to storm the jail and lynch the youth . Only the quick action of the sheriff and the to t e e editor in smuggling him out of jail safe y, av rts a terrible miscarriag of justice .

C R M M N P 2 — B&W ! HA LEY ARTIN, A ERICA ( aramount ) reels An excerpt from A MEDAL F OH BENNY 20 minutes The town of Pantera is startled to learn that the son of old Charley 58 M i C Me art n , a paisano , died a hero . The ongressional dal of Honor is to be awarded posthumously to his father . T o PantePa B C b C glamorize the ceremony, the oosters lu persuades harley to hi s i b move from shack into a palat al residence . They also plan a cele ration to W e r publicize the town . hen Charley realizes th ir intention to comme cial ’ to i ize his son s heroism , he returns his shack . The visit ng general comes to C s there award the medal . After this simple ceremony harley speak ou t M movingly, pointing that heroes can come from all sorts of homes . ore C ’ significant than his words , however, are old harley s dignity , integrity, and courage . THE GREENIE ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W MGM M ur S 11 iniat e eries minutes : As a group of boys come to know and understand a newcomer to their i neighborhood , a Pol sh refugee lad , they overcome their initial prejudice and r ridicule , and accord him a place in thei circle . THE INF ORMER ( HKO ) 135 reels— B&W 14 minutes Am hi Excerpted from one of the most successful erican photoplays , t s fihn N n - an I depicts the disintegration of the character of Gypo ola , rish to to th e B rebel , who succumbs temptation and betrays his friend lack ” and Tans for the twenty pounds reward offered for the capture of ‘ the revolutionary leader . LIS T II THE DEVIL IS A SISSY ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W Ga n g Sequ e n ce 10 minutes

B oy from a different background trying to become a member of a gang . FURY ( MGM) 115 reels—B&W Tri al Sequ en ce 14 minutes

Perjury by entire community agreement Presents U. S . lynching problem . THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA 8 reels— B&W B 82 ( Warner ros . ) minutes

Racial prejudice ( Dreyfus case ) . SOCIAL AWARENESS LIS T II COFFINS ON WHEELS ( MGM ) 2 reels— B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 20 minutes

An expose of unethical dealers in the used car business . WHAT P RICE SAFETY ( MGM) 2 reels— B&W

' Crime Does Not Pay Series 22 minutes “ ” The police investigate and convict a gang of racketeers wh o muscle into

the construction business , using faulty materials and intimidation . 54 WHIS P ERS ( MGM) 1 reel- B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes This short concerns organized whispering campaigns and the spreading of rumors for commercial advantage

CRIME P REVENTION LIS T I A CRIMINAL IS B ORN ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 20 minutes ' A judge relates a cas e demonstrating the effect of parental neglect in the development of adolescent criminals

' T IIE LAST INSTALLMENT ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 20 minutes

installrn ent A young convict, influenced by reading all but the last of a

’ an lord serialized biography of a g g , is dissuaded from returning to crime “ th e n ow by warden , who has him meet the former big shot; a prisoner for life .

T HE P ERFECT SETUP ( MGM ) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 21 minutes An a embittered youth , eager to get rich quick , uses his talents illeg lly ,

m . involves himself in a serious cri e , and finally commits murder

THE DEVIL IS A SISSY ( MGM) 114 reels— B&W Co u rt Sequ e n c e 16 minutes

Treatment of boys by judge and parents .

EASY LIFE ( MGM ) 2 reels— B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 20 minutes ’ “ n A youth s craving for an easy life i volves him with gangsters , deprives

of . him wholesome associations , and causes his death in a gun fight

THE WRONG WAY OUT ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 18 minutes A dramatic presentation of the fate of a young couple whose impatience to marry and enjoy life leads them to disregard parental advice and follow

a tragic career of crime .

55 CHANCE DATE 1 reel—B&W Excerpted from T HE HUMAN COMEDY ( MGM) 8 minutes “ Two girls on their way to the movies are accosted by a couple of street ” c orner wolves , whom they ignore . Then three sold i ers greet them in a

' humorous but respectful manner . The spokesman asks the girls to pity three to lonely soldiers and permit them to accompany the girls the show . After i considerable hesitation the girls laugh ngly agree . One girl has to stot) at th e telegraph office, and the soldiers decide to send wires to their moth ers

and sweethearts . Then they all go to the show and part afterwards in front - of the theater, as the boys kiss the girls good bye . ! CRISIS FOR COOK IE ( Paramount ) 2 reels—B&W An excerpt from THE PERFECT MARRIAGE 10 minutes - - C h The parents of nine year old ookie plan to be divorced . T ough they - i to e e n have not revealed the r intention her, she senses th ir estrang me t and s i B is di tressed and confused by t. y comparing her situation to that of her , r i companions whose pa ents are divorced , and quest oning her parents about i t t . , she elicits the tru h When her mother and father realize the effect of ‘ their decision upon C i bu li h ook e , the fi closes with the imp cation that t ey will reconsider DAD’S WISH ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Excerpted from OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAPES 7 minutes Martiniu s on n Selma and her father , , stop their way to tow to see the ’ if neighbor s new barn . Father admits to Selma that one of the things in l e S n . l M he wants is a new bar e ma says she will pray for one . other and Selma ’ f r M talk about Dad s wish o a new barn . other tries to explain the relation n t Dad ship between ow ing things and increased responsibili y . comes from his duties in the old barn and he and Selma talk in fantasy leading to a repeat for to d i scussion of his wish a new barn . Father helps Selma understand

his desire for material things and his feelings about his family . DANNY REB ELS Columbia ) 1 reel— B&W Excerpted from RUSTY LEADS THE WAY 8 minutes 0- too r r When 1 year old Danny decides his parents exercise st ict cont ol , be brashly states that he has decided to leave home and be his own boss ’ ’ To his utter surprise his father agrees it s a fine idea and stampedes Danny s ’ reluctant mother into helping pack the boy s bag . Outside the front door - Danny decides he has been too hasty and re enters the house to join hi s

of r . parents at dinner , unaware their anxiety lest their shock t eatment fail


' b b ” the li rary , Ulysses is fascinated y a mechanical man in a shop window “ ” h e r to o . L and efuses g home with his friend ater, the mechanical man ff o . He frightens Ulysses , and he runs crying is stopped by some adults , of to bi b Ou and with the aid a policeman he is returned g rother Homer . the way home Homer calms Ulysses and teaches him a song .

HOMER S TARTS TO WORK 1 reel— B&W Excerpted from THE HUMAN COMEDY MGM) 10 minutes

. Mr S Homer is employed as a telegram messenger His employer, . pangler ,

- L Mr discusses school and extra curricular activities with him . ater . S pangler asks Homer about his ambitions and future plans and indicates h ow he may in ' b be successful his present job . Homer b ecomes etter acquainted with W b th e illie Grogan , the elderly telegrapher , when he rings a snack from

. to t e bakery A death message comes over the wire , and Homer takes it h M S home of a exican mother . ince she cannot read English , Homer is obliged t o W o t . read it her hen he returns home after work , Homer discusses with his mother the sadness of people and the loneliness he feels. Sh e tells him that he is growing up and that he has many things to learn .

OF S K S AND L P N S MGM 132 — B&W ATE E E HA T ( ) reels . Excerpted from OUR VINES HAVE TENDER GRAPES 15 minutes Selma and her cousin Arnold bicker over whose turn it is to skate on ’ ’ Br h e S . elma s new skates una , Selma s mother , attempts to settle t argu i i ’ Mart n u s S . ment but relinquishes the arbitration to , elma s father Arnold ’ S ehn a s e clouds the issue by lying, and father orders her to giv Arnold a turn or go to bed without supper . Selma assumes that if she goes to bed k h er without supper she may refuse to give up the s ates to her cousin , but father then orders her to give the skates to Arnold and go immediately to “ F of for bed . ather is confused by his disciplining his daughter being selfish , L M b u t is determined to teach Selma a lesson . ate in the evening other tells Father that a circus is passing through town . Father takes Selma to see the circus , and thus a reconciliation is effected .

LIS T II - EDUCATING FATHER ( 20th Cent . Fox ) ’ ’ Fath er s attempt to choose son s vocation .

A FAMILY AFFAIR ( MGM ) 2 reels— B&W 19 Everyday family relationships . minutes

MAK E WAYFOR TOMORROW 12 reels— B&W ( Paramount ) 18 minutes b A Human Relations excerpt on indigent old age , showing pro lems ’ created when an elderly widow goes to live with her sons s family .

58 SOCIAL B EHAVIOR LIS T I ALICE ADAMS ( HKO ) Dan c e S e qu e n c e A girl’s unhappy wallflower experience at a dance

ALICE ADAMS ( HKO) 1 32 reels—B&W Mo n ey Sequ e n c e 15 minutes Effect on girl of being poorer than her friends

— CAP TAINS COURAGEOUS ( MGM) 1 reel B&W Fi sh h o o k S e qu e n c e 12 minutes .

Excellent adult guidance of child when he does something wrong .

CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W S ch o o l Sequ en ce 12 minutes W School relationships of a boy hose controlling value is money .

THE DEVIL IS A S IS SY ( MGM) Elec tro c u ti o n S e qu e n c e Boy’s reaction to father’s electrocution


' 15 minutes

Choice between marriage and further training for young medical intern .

D 2 - 1 — B&W SAN HOGS ( 0th Cent . Fox ) reel Adventures of a News Cameraman Series 10 minutes A graphic portrayal of the various Operations incidental to the building of

' n n l an u n d ergrou d tu n e .

LIS T II THREADS OF A NATION ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W Cin es00pe Series 9 minutes

History of the cotton industry from ancient times to the present , showing

of . modern methods laboratory testing , drying , and designing





Th e fbllowi ng seven films were prepared by th e Motion Picture Com mittee of th e Nation al Science Teach ers Association LIS T I ! EXP EDITION TO ANT ARCTICA An excerpt from SECRET LAND ( MGM)

U S N This excerpt presents highlights of the . . aval expedition to Antarctica i E B R ch ar . under the command of Admiral d yrd . orrestal Se D . N As the film opens , James F , then cretary of the avy, ex c plains the purposes of the expedition , and sequen es show some of the

. W preparations hen the fleet sets out, excellent maps explain the route and e ture n the goals of the exploration . F a s of the trip to the South Polar Co tin ent include views of icebergs , whales , and penguins , and the passage i e B a through pack c in the y of Whales . At Little America the film records activities such as setting up base camps and the capture of animal life including seals and varieties of penguins . Sequences of polar exploration by airplane reveal the discovery of P An c a warm oasis near the South ole . Antarcti blizzard is filmed in all its fury . Animated maps and intelligent commentary summarize the

' Stu d ui e r la l o re e t . a results of the expedition y g d s a e vai b e h qu s . ! THE FIRST ATOMIC PILE — An excerpt from THE BEGINNING OH THE END 2 reels B&W MCM 17 minutes

This film is a dramatization of the first test of“ th e atomic pile at the 2 M M P C 194 . University of hicago in any of the anhattan roject scientists ,

F C . such as ermi and ompton , are portrayed

US . bu th e . As the fi opens , an observer from Army arrives for the test ’ f r One o Dr . Fermi s assistants briefs the Army observer in a blackboa d “ ” for chalk talk . This briefing clarifies and simplifies the test objectives the fihn audience as well ” W h r ith everyt ing eady , including a suicide squad at the control rods , i Fermi signals the start of the experiment . As meters wh r and panel lights

“ in ll . F a flash , the tension of the scientists is depicted y Fermi cries “ ”

r It ! . t iumphantly , multiplies as he terminates the test

. As the film closes , the social implications of the project are introduced Three of the scientists ask and receive permission to terminate their participa tion since their religious scruples forbid their taking part in a munitions t Teach er e re a ila le on re ues . project . guid s a va b q

61 MADAME CURIE ( MGM) 2 reels— B&W An excerpt from the feature photoplay 28 minutes ' This excerpted version of the fe ature ph otOplay tells the story of the c M “ P C dis overy of radium by arie and ierre urie . The film opens in the laboratory of Pierre Curie at the Sorbonne where , Marie Sklad owska is doing research on the magnetic properties of various steels . They become interested in the phenomenon of radiation from pitch b B . ll . Fo owin a M lende , reported by Dr ecquerel g their marri ge , arie is Pi to encouraged by erre make a study of this phenomenon . The film then traces the laborious process by which the Curies succeeded b in separating and identifying radium from pitch lende .

! PIONEER OF FLIGHT 2 reels—B&W An excerpt from CALLANT JOURNEY ( Columbia ) 18 minutes M - . t fl The work of John J ontgomery , a li tle known pioneer of ight, is i presented in th s excerpt . The film describes h ow Montgomery observed the flight of birds and made measurements of their bodily structure and W wingspread . ith this information he built a glider in which he made a 188 8 . of successful , though uncontrolled , flight in As a professor physics S C at anta lara University he continued his experiments with model gliders . Fin ally he completed a glider with curved wings and flight Eontrols in 1905 Th e film ‘ c n which the first controlled winged flight was made in . o ’ eludes with a recapitulation of key scenes stressing Montgomery s scientific e e i e r ila est . h r l m thod T ac e gu d s a e ava b e on requ . ! P ROGRESS ON TRIAL 2 reels— B&W An excerpt from THE HILLS OF HOME ( MGM) 17 m1nu te s This film deals with the problem of overcoming resistance to social and S scientific progress . The story takes place in a cottish village during the It wh o O n Victorian period . concerns a doctor must perate o a young man

n s h tiz . He to a e t e for acute appendicitis plans the youth with chloroform , ’ then the latest medical discovery . The patient s father refuses permission until the doctor proves the effectiveness of the chloroform by successfully ’ of d o anesthetizing his d og . The awakening the g convinces the boy s ’ father; he then gives his permission , and the boy s life is saved . The film concludes with flashbacks to key scenes and suggested topics for discussion .

' e t Teach er guid es are available on requ s . ! RAINB OW OF STONE 2 reels—Color An excerpt from TALE OF THE NAVAJOS ( MGM) 20 minutes

N b o When drought threatens the tribal flocks , Ziki , a avajo y, tell his

of friend Jimmy , the son a white trader, the tribal legend of a land of ” abundant grass and water b eyond the Rainb ow of Stone . They ask ’ to Ziki s grandfather about the legend , and he encourages them seek the 62 e fabled pasturage. H gives them an eagle feather to help them on their journey . e ’ As th y proceed along the trail , the grandfather s voice is heard advising to them how interpret the omens they encounter . Every bird or a nimal has its significance , and even the rock formations represent fables of Navajo

’ lk . W for i fo lore hen the boys camp the night , a raven steals Z ki s eagle feather to line its nest . Ziki fears they will b e lost without the feather; so b i they clim to an aerie to pluck another feather from a l ving eagle . After of b they catch a young eagle and pluck one its feathers , they see the Rain ow S ’ ’ of tone from the height of the eagle s nest . Jimmy says they would have a found it by climbing to ; point of observation , but Ziki attributes their success to the new eagle feather . Each b oy is satisfied with his own explana i t on , and together they lead the tribal sheep over the newly discovered to trail rich grazing lands . Th is film was prepared to emphas ize some of th e less tangible g oals of scienc e teachin related to critical thinkin e r i g g . T ach e gu d es are available on re u e q st. YELLOW J ACK ( MGM) 8 reels—B&W An excerpt from the feature photoplay 29 minutes e C . R Depicting the work of Dr ed and his colleagues in uba , this excerpt ’

, U S . from the feature photoplay visualizes the manner in which the . Army s “ ” Yellow Fever Commission wiped ou t yellow jack .

B to . R alked in his efforts find a cure , Dr eed decides to test the theory of C Dr . arlos Finlay , a resident of Havana , whose studies had convinced him o u it i m s o s . R that the stegomyia q the carrier of yellow fever Dr . eed calls n wh o for volu teers will risk their lives in an experiment, and five American o soldiers agree t submit themselves to the test . The results proved that the ou t C am stegomyia was the carrier , and by wiping the mosquitoes , the

h e C mission eliminates t disease in uba .


68 B ROTHERS IN B LOOD ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W 11 minutes 0 A doctor at a Blood Bank tells the story of the origin and development of the scientific research that made possible the saving of human lives by blood transfusions .

M R C M K R W — I A LE A E S ( arner Bros . ) 1 reel B&W 10 minutes

n After traci g the development of water, steam , and electric power, this fihn r th e of C , th ough shots of the cyclotron at University alifornia , stresses u tu the potential importance of the atom as a so rce of fu re power .

NE W ROADWAYS ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parrad e Series 10 minutes

“ ” New Roadways stresses the scientific discoveries and inventions which to never make the front pages , but which contribute a better standard of living . OSMOSIS ( Produced in collaboration with C Henry Holt and ompany . )

wh o A young high school student, is having difficulty understanding the e textbook explanation of osmosis , discuss s the problem with his policeman i . h friend They go to a pol ce lab oratory . There a tec nician demonstrates ’ tu osmotic pressure and clarifies the s dent s questions . Illustrations of the Operation of osmosis in forms familiar to the student o of help t create interest in and understanding this phenomenon . ROMANCE OF RADIUM ( MGM ) 1 reel— B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes

C B . The story of radium , dealing with the work of the uries and ecquerel

SERVANT OF MANK IND ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W 9 minutes f A o . A brief pictorial biography Thomas Edison , showing some of his amazing achievements and their effect upon home and industrial life

THE S TORY OF ALFRED NOB EL ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W ’ Passing Parade Series 1012 minutes

’ r N be to A port ayal of o l s research which led the invention of dynamite , and the events which influenced him to establish the Nobel Prize Awards o for contributions t world peace .


RECORDING MODERN S CIE NCE 2ot - h Cent . Fox ) Adventures of a News Cameraman Series of of b i A series newsreel shots developments y modern nventors , includ ’ in P w nn g icard s stratosphere balloon flight , developments in glass , ind tu els ,

and transoceanic telephony .

THEY’RE ALWAYS CAUGHT ( MGM ) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 21 minutes

The chief of a crime laboratory illustrates laboratory techniques which u establish the g ilt of a murderer .

W RLD OF N C 1 —B&W THE O SOU D ( olumbia ) reel . Cin eSCO e p Series . 1035 minutes O n a The importance of sound , the peratio of sound waves on the hum n i ear, and the operat on of types of hearing devices are vividly demonstrated

DOMESTIC AND TRAINED ANIMALS LIS T I - ’ — B AR RAC S NIGHT OUT ( MGM ) 1 reel B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 11 minutes

r A raccoon sea ches for food and encounters a bobcat, a rabbit , an owl i He . and a frog . enters a cabin and meets a parrot and some pupp es

F HE N L 2 -F ox I —B&W GIANTS O T JU G E ( 0th Cent . ) reel Magic Carpet Series 11 minutes A highly informative film showing the work of elephants trained as beasts of burden in India .

E N 2 —B&W TH SEEI G EYE ( Warner Bros . ) reels 21 minutes

i M N . of s The story of the tra ning at orristown , J German sheep dog

o which learn t lead the blind .

LIS T II THE GREAT MEDDLER ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 11 minutes of H r B S t P The story en y ergh , founder of the ocie y for the revention of

Cruelty to Animals . P LAYMATES FROM THE WILD ( Paramount ) I reel—B&W Grantland Rice Sportligh t 9 minutes This Sportligh t is devoted to the adventures of a group of tame otters i on Th ey sl de down sand dunes , frolic the beach and display remarkable ’ obedience to their trainer s commands .

66 L OF R NG 20111 C n - — ROYA TY THE A E ( e t . Fox ) 1 reel B&W L owell Thomas Movietone F eatures 10 minutes This film shows agricultural college students b eing instructed in the fine points of judging cattle and reveals the qualities sought by judges of blue

ribbon cattle , sheep and hogs W NT M — A ED , A ASTER 1 reel B&W ( MGM) 10 minutes The story of a stray dog which is seeking to find a master before a dead line when unlicensed dogs will be impounded .

WILD ANIMALS LIS T I DESERT DEMONS 1 reel—B&W Battle for Life Series 9 minutes e American des rt animals , quiet all day , venture forth in the cool of the

. of night The film shows some of the natural habits the tortoise , the gila

e . monster, the snake , a horned toad , a badger and many oth r desert animals SANCTUARY OF THE SEALS 2ot -F ox ( h Cent . ) Adventures of the News Cameraman Series An interesting study of seals on the Pribiloff Islands in the B ering Sea t The commentary con ributes observations on the conservation of seals . WILD LIFE ON THE VELDT 1 reel—B&W 20th C -F ox 10 ( ent . ) minutes Magic Carpet Series A clever cameraman brings back a record of the enchantment and terror

K P S . in an average day in the lives of wild animals in ruger ark, outh Africa LIS T II THE ANIMAL FAIR 1 reel—B&W 10 Lyman H . Howe Hodge Podge Series minutes

Glimpses of many unusual animals from all over the world .

NCL N 1 —B&W J U E GIA T/S reel S 10 Lyman H . Howe Hodge Podge eries minutes n An intimate study of African wild life in its native habitat . Aimals include commonly known wild beasts with unusual close-ups of lions and elephants THE VELDT 1 reel—B&W 10 Lyman H . Howe Hodge Podge Series minutes

S of , cenes on the plains near, the foothills an African mountain range - A - With close ups of many of th e native animals and b irds . volcanic explosion

Th e of fires the veldt . natives and all the animals flee together , their fears fl each other lost in their greater fear of the devastating ames . 67 B IRDS LIS T I

B S OF T HE S EA 20111 C -Pb x — IRD ( ent . ) 1 reel B&W 10 minutes lm - This fi was photographed from a four masted sailboat . ou a trip to a observe oceanic birds in various p rts of the world . INSECTS LIS T I — B ATTLE OF THE CENTURIES 1 reel B&W Battle for Life Series 10 minutes

A descriptive picture of a colony of termites , including a b attle in which s d i the termite repulse inva ng ants . B ENEATH OUR FEET 1 reel—B&W Battle for Life Series 9 minutes i lot e n Gl mpses of the insect world as it exists in a typical grass p . Th e . lightening commentary makes this a highly informative film K ILLERS 1 -reel -B&W Battle for Life Series 9 minutes lm of s A fi showing the activities the praying mantis , the hunting wa p , e r the cricket, the spider and the scorpion as they devour each oth r and othe ns i ects in their search for food . MARINE LIF E

BENE E 1 —B&W ATH TH SEA ( Warner Bros . ) reel 9 minutes The cameraman photographs a variety of undersea life and records a

Anirn ate dramatic battle between an octopus and a shark . d diagrams and microphotography are used to show the development of a fish from the

embryo stage to maturation . THE SEA 1 reel—B&W The Battle for Life Series 10 minutes - Under water photographs of many marine forms rarely seen by students - Descriptive commentary brings important information about under sea life N OF 2 -F ox 1 e —B&W WO DERS THE SEA ( 0th Cent . ) r el Adventures of the Newsreel Cameraman Series 10 minutes A descriptive film of the marine wonderland of the Great B arrier Ree f 1100 of t r in Australia , extending miles off the northeast coast the sou he n fihn th e c . ontinent In addition to marine life , the shows the techniques of deep sea diver exploring the depths with scientific equipment LIS T II HARVEST OF THE SEA 1 reel— B&W - 10 ( 20th Cent . Fox ) minutes Scenes show the men of many racial origins who earn their livelihood by

of ls s . fishing . Interesting customs these sea farers are a o hown 68 THERE AIN’T NO SUCH ANIMAL 1 reel—B&W

( Warner Bros . ) 10 minutes This marine life short subject deals with the origin and habits of th e : n following unusual fish Stone fish , gia t mantis , prawn , barrier reef starfish, t gekko , walking fish, mud skipper , and green urtle . W HO W B — HALE ( arner ros . ) 1 ree l B&W 9 minutes ’

This is a dramatic record of a day s whaling , which includes the locating , pursuing and harpooning of a whale by fishermen in a small boat

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY LIS T I AGHILEEN P NN C 20th C - — I A LES ( ent . Fox ) 1 reel B&W Father Hubbard’ s Adventure Series 11 minutes Father Hubbard and his associates are seen climbing the Agh ile en Pin n acles to of h n solve the mystery t eir resistance to erosion and volcanic actio . B PL C OF C B 2ot -F ox — IRTH A E I E ERGS ( h Cent . ) 1 reel B&W Father Hubbard’s Adventure Series 11 minutes ’ An excellent study of the world s largest tidewater glacier, with presenta

tions of the theories of iceberg formation . C OF F RD 2oth C - 1 — B& SE RET THE J O ( ent . Fox ) reel W Father Hubbard’ s Adventure Series 10 minutes ’ A photographic record of Father Hubbard s expedition to an Alaskan I e fjord and a glacier to study remnants of the c Age . THE VALLEY OF T EN THOUSAND SMOK ES 1 reel—B&W

’ ’ 2ot -F ox 1 Father Hubbard s Adventure Series ( h Cent . ) 0 minutes The Glacier Priest explores the Alaskan region where gas vapors left

by volcanic action give the appearance of smoke .

METEOROLOGY LIS T I EVERYB ODY TALK S AB OUT IT 1 reel—B&W ( Paramount) 9 minutes U B This film illustrates vividly the work of the . S Weather ureau . It shows h ow the Bureau cooperates with professional and amateur field agents all 8 f ’ over the country as well as with scientists who are developing man s e to . ability not only predict , but also to create his own kind of w ather — EXPLORING SPACE ( Columbia ) 1 reel B&W Cin esc0pe Series 9 minutes h A trip t rough space , photographed in the Hayden Planetarium , showing the major planets and an eclipse of the sun scientifically explained by excel

lent commentary . 69 WEATHER WIZARDS ( MGM) Pete Smith Specialties Series 5 This film shows the work of a modern weather bureau HOME ECONOMICS PENNY ’S P ARTY ( MGM) 1 reel—Technicolor Pete Smith Specialties Series 9 minutes

P P b s rudence enny, author of a column on culinary pro lems , cook a “ r W W supper at home as a basis for w iting an article , Do orking omen Have Time To Cook! ” P ENNY ’S P ICNIC ( MGM) 1 reel—Technicolor

' Pete Smith Specialties Series 9 minutes

A picturization of the right and wrong ways to prepare food in the open . PENNY WISDOM ( MGM ) 1 reel— Technicolor Pete Smith Specialties Series 9 minutes Prudence Penny brings order ou t of culinary chaos created by a nervous wife whose husband brings an unexpected guest home to dinner .

PSYCHOLOGY LIS T I THE B OSS DIDN’T SAY GOOD MORNING 1 reel—B&W MGM Mini ature Series 11 minutes ’ on A study of the effect of a boss s behavior employee morale: OF P UPS AND P UZZLES ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 11 minutes i A study in individual differences , and techniques to be followed in fitt ng applicants to the positions of their greatest usefulness . STAIRWAY TO LIGHT ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes P l P 18th C F th e of . A dramatic portrayal of work Dr hi ip inel , entury rench

physician , whose pioneering efforts pointed the way to modern , humane treatment of the insane . WILLIE AND THE MOUSE ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 11 minutes !

Implications for educational procedure in the classroom , illustrated by experiments in learning processes with laboratory mice LIS T II MEMORY TRICK S ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 9 minutes

The audience is given a memory test, and various ways of remembering

n . faces , ames , and numbers by mental association are suggested — WE DO IT B ECAUSE ( MGM) 1 reel B&W 7 Passin g Parade Series minutes

This subject deals with alleged explanations of various social customs . 70 MUSIC LIS T I ANNIE LAURIE ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Tabloid Musical Series 10 minutes “ hi th e L The story of writing of the song , Annie aurie , showing significant aspects of Scottish folklore

MM NI N 8 NO 7 — CO U TY SI G SERIES , . 1 reel B&W ( Columbia ) 10 minutes Don Barker at the organ playing Christmas hymns and carols i C All Ye Faithful S Ni h t Ni h t Oh , ome, ilent g , Holy g Hark, the Herald Angels Sing The First Noel It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

FAMILIAR PATRIOTIC SONGS 1 reel B&W ( Columbia ) 10 minutes A typical Community Sing including the following songs ’ S - & M ing , Am ica , Sing You re y Uncle Sam ’ You re a Grand Old Flag My Own American Home Yankee Doodle Dandy America the Beautiful

THE GREAT WALTZ ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W An excerpt from the feature photoplay 20 minutes This classroom version of the feature photoplay presents outstanding S melodies of Johann trauss , the younger, with dramatizations of the sources S of many of his inspirations . uccessive sequences show his startling debut, B B his continued musical successes , his composition of The eautiful lue ” W of Die F led ermaus Danube altz , portions the operetta , , the apocryphal “ ” W i W and ride hich supposedly inspired Tales from the V enna oods , the to S tribute paid trauss by the City of Vienna . Th is film was prepared in collaboration with th e Music Ed ucators National Con er e Te h er i re a ila e e t enc . r f ac g u d es a va ble on qu s . INSIDE OP ERA WIT H GRACE MOORE 8 reels -B&W Adapted from ONE NIGHT OF LOVE ( Columbia ) 28 minutes

“ The action of th eclassroom film occurs prior to World W ar II in the early

’ - M B M s M nineteen thirties . ary arrett , portrayed by is Grace oore , wins a

for l b radio contest singers , which enab es her to study a road for opera Sh e in then goes to Italy , and has numerous escapades and adventures “ ” S L b La Traviata the course of which she sings empre i era from , the tenor “ i ” S Lu cia Ciribirib n . role in a burlesque of the extet from , and Then Mary begins operatic study and eventually appears in provincial to opera . After a series of preliminary engagements , she is scheduled sing m en s M Car . the feature role in In a beautifully staged pre entation , ary gives n e a brilliant interpretation of the role . Her performance attracts the otic 71 M e New h e of a representative of the etropolitan Op ra House of York, and _

‘ offers her the cherished opportunity to ake her successful debut at th e “ ” - - Met as Ch o Ch o San in Mad am Butterf Th is film was prepared by th e Mus ic Ed ucators Nationa l Conference LITTLE FUGUE IN G MINOR— B ACH Excerpted from THE BIG BROADCAST OF 1987 34 reel—B&W ( Paramount ) 5 minutes In this classroom excerpt Leopold Stokowski leads the Ph iladelphia Sym ’

B . s phony Orchestra in ach s composition As a prelude to the fugue it elf, “ ”

m M Fortress Is God . B the orchestra plays the hy n , A ighty Our rief super imposed titles identify the in struments of th e orch estra as each one takes

up the movements of the fugue . - This film was prepared by th e Aud io Vis ua l Committee of th e Music e Ed ucators Nationa l Confer nc e . NAUGHTY MARIETT A ( MGM s reels—B&W An excerpt from the feature photoplay 88 minutes ’ The excerpted version of the feature fih n based on Victor Herbert s operetta tells the story of the French princess who flees the court of Louis ”

to New . XV and goes Orleans as a casquette girl There , she meets and

falls in love with a handsome captain of militia . After numerous mishaps ’

c . and despite her uncle s opposition , the princess and the aptain are married Throughout the fih n numerous Herbert melodies are sung by Jeannette “ MacD on ald N i and elson Eddy, among the most beaut ful being Ah , Sweet L ” “ I’ F L Mystery of ife and m alling in ove with Someone . - Th is film was prepa red by th e Aa d io Visua l Committee of the Music or t o e Ed ucat s Na i nal Conf renc e .

THE SCHUMANN STORY 8 reels—B&W Adapted from SONG OF LOVE ( MGM) 80 minutes ’ The heartwarming story of Robert Schumann s immortal compositions C and the devotion of lara , his wife , is told in this excerpt Although Schumann won limited recognition in his lifetime as evidenced L B his in the film by the approval of iszt , his contemporary , and rahms , to to pupil, he had struggle support his large family . Despite his objections , l C . lara resumes her concert career, aiding him financial y In hi s k her concerts she plays numerous selections from wor s , including “ ” “ ‘‘ ’ T rau merei Carnivale f , Dedication , and for the a i be As conditions improve Schumanns , the ment l illness , wh ch ’ C c . louded the close of Robert s life , afflicts him Following his death , lara n of dedicates herself to winning recog ition his genius . This film was prepared in collaboration with th e Music Ed ucators Natiand l i e e on ere e . Te h er u d es r i e C f nc ac g a ava la ble on r qu st.



P n d i s ( ictures which have been fou d most useful are in cated by an a terisk . ) B ASEB ALL ! B IG LEAGUE GLORY 1 reel—B&W ( Paramount ) 10 minutes This fibu shows the workings of the New York Giants baseball farm i - system and helps to explain the methods of developing b g league talent . Interesting views of the plaques honoring baseball immortals in the Base w S C N . Y. ball hrine at oopersto n , , end the film INSIDE B ASEB ALL 1 reel—B&W Bill Cunningham Sports Review Series 9 minutes B aseball strategy as revealed by closeups and slow motion photography C B in a game between the ardinals and the raves . P LAY B ALL ( Columbia ) 1 reel— B&W News World of Sports Series 9 minutes of o W Various aspects the Yankees in spring training and views f_ a orld

S eries game . B ASK ETB ALL ! B ASK ETB ALL TECHNIQUE ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W Sports Parade Series 9 minutes Demonstration of basketball technique and strategy shown in slow motion FOOTB ALL GRID RULES ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 8 minutes Sequences emphasizing unusual plays and situations in old and modern games illustrate the reasons for existing football rules .

TRACK AND FIELD DECATHLON CHAMP ION ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes

An bu of M inspirational fi , depicting the development Glenn orris into a ’ er world s champion decathlon winn . MINOR S P ORTS ARCHERY ! FOLLOW THE ARROW ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes This study explains th e Egyptian origin of archery 1n clu d e s a demon i tration by Champ on Howard Hill . 74 B ADMINTON G D B M OO AD INTON 1 reel—B&W W B ( arner ros . ) 10 minutes An explanation of the game and a brief discussion of its history accompany b an exhi ition match in which champions Jess Willard and Cliff Sawyer m m de onstrate correct ti ing , fast foot work and accurate placement .


! GYMNAS TICS ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Sports Parade Series 9 minutes Champions of the Amateur Athletic Union perform various exercises

with gymnasium apparatus . SOCCER

K ING SOCCER ( Paramount ) 1 reel—B&W Grantland Rice Sportligh t 9 minutes w B This sport travelogue sho s a soccer game in uenos Aires , with out

standing plays executed in slow motion . S WIMMING

! AQUATIC ARTIS TRY ( MGM ) 1 reel— B&W Sports Parade Series 8 minutes S S A diving exhibition by Olympic champion , Harold ( Dutch ) mith , how S ing his technique in normal and low motion . TAB LE TENNIS ! TAB LE TENNIS ( MGM ) Sports Parade Series

Experts demonstrate table tennis in detail . TENNIS

! T HE TECHNI QUE OF TENNIS ( Columbia ) 1 reel— B&W News World of Sports Series 9 minutes A demonstration by Lloyd Budge of tennis fundamentals for the b e

ginner . TENNI S RHYTHM ( Columbia ) 1 reel— B&W News World of Sports Series 9 minutes Sequences of Bobby Riggs winning national tennis championship and later explaining his technique . ! TENNIS TACTICS ( MGM ) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties S eries 11 minutes

F P th e red erry illustrates service and stance , pivot shots , short placement and volleys in slow motion .



B OWLING SK ILL ( Paramount ) 1 reel—B&W Grantland Rice Sportligh t 10 minutes

A demonstration of lawn bowling , spider and duckpin bowling with an , exhibition of trick shots by a champion .

PL P R AND S K S — S ITS , S A ES , TRI E ( Columbia ) 1 reel B&W News World of Sports Series 10 minutes

s Tillie Taylor, a leading woman bowler, demon trates right and wrong techniques . GOLF ! GOLF MISTAK ES ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 11 minutes L Good and bad golf form is demonstrated by Horton Smith , awson Little , C Harry ooper, and Jimmy Thompson .

SAVING STROK ES WIT H SAM SNEAD ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W News World of Sports Series 10 minutes a Golf champion Sam Snead illustrates his grip , stance , and swing in e ch of several golf situations

— HOW TO B REAK 90 Series of 5 reels B&W

( Warner Bros . ) Each reel 10 minutes “ B obby Jones tells golfers how they can improve their game to break 90 Each reel is complete in itself and can be used separately or in combination S . : B S with others Units are The Grip; Down wing ; Impact; ack wing, and

Hip Action . HORSESHOE P ITCHING HORSESHOES ( Paramount ) 1 reel—B&W Grantland Rice Sportligh t 9 minutes ’ ed nu T Allen , world s horseshoe pitching champion , demonstrates some usual timing and pitchin g as well as some remarkable trick shots

SKATING RHYTHM ON B LADES ( Paramount ) 1 reel—B&W Grantland Rice Sportligh t 10 minutes ” Skating stars and potential stars demonstrate rhythm on blades . Gustav Arn on Lussi puts some of his championsh ip pupils through their paces . g B S r these are arbara Jones , Aileen eigh , and Olympic champion Richa d

Button . 76 B EAUTY AND THE B LADE 1 reel—B&W 20th Cen -F ox ( t . ) 9 minutes B arbara Ann Scott is fe atured in some of th e graceful and spectacu lar h er O u gyrations which won for the lympic fig re skating championshi p . Th e concluding episodes are scenes from an ice show with Miss Scott skatin g the lead role . SK IING

S K I L W B -é F IGHT ( arner ros . ) 1 reel BGzW 10 minutes

Usin t slow L g motion sequences , Otto ang demonstrates the six funda mentals of skiing according to the Arleb erg technique of the Hannes

Schneider system .

SK IING IS B ELIEVING ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W News World of Sports Serie s 9 minutes Skiing enthusiasts board a snowtrain to their destination where they r w u pe form many do nhill r ns .


CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS ( Paramount ) 1 reel—B&W . Grantland Rice Sportligh t 10 minutes This Sportligh t is devoted to th e training of youngsters in various sports r including football , boxing , t ack and riding

MAK ING THE VARSITY 1 reel—B&W ( Paramount ) 10 minutes This film provides interesting scenes of the year round sports activities at Yale . Sequences show candidates trying out for the football team on Anthony Thompson Field in the shadow of the famous Yale Bowl ; baseball players practicing in the Coxe Memorial Cage ; track and field athletes

' i Field s work ng out on Lapham ; and swimmers , oarsmen and ba ketball players in action in the Payne-Whitney Gymnasium

T 2 - 1 —B&W SP ORTS IMMOR ALS ( oth Cent . Fox ) reel Sports Review Series 11 minutes

e Thumbnail biographies of famous sport figures , such as Red Grang ,

W M K B . Helen ills oody , nute Rockne , and obby Jones , among others

SP ORT STAMINA ( Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W News World of Sports Series 9 minutes Short flashes of various athletic activities stress the need for endurance and fortitude in sports . 77 HEALTH AND HYGIENE LIS T I ANESTHESIA ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes The discovery of anesthetics and their application to medicine is told in an enlightening series of episodes

FIT TO WIN Columbia ) 1 reel—B&W News World of S ports Series 10 minutes of A portrayal of various athletic activities , all which are aids to health

MAN’S GREATES T FRIEND ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes ’ Pasteur s great work with vaccine against hydrophobia highlights this i treat se on dogs and their service to mankind .

ONE AGAINS T THE WORLD ( MGM) l reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 11 minutes M . acD owell Dr Ephraim , ridiculed by his profession and opposed by ’ on society , performs the world s first major operation a human being in K C t 1809 Danville , entucky , on hris mas Day , . NN — THE STORY OF DR . JE ER ( MGM) 1 reel B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes

As the dread plague of smallpox advanced across Europe , Dr . Jenner, an e of English physician , tested and proved his th ory immunization through vaccination despite opposition and brought the scourge under control . ! THE STRATT ON STORY 8 reels—B&W An t MGM 80 excerpt from the fea ure photoplay . ( ) minutes of M S This film is based on the true life story onty tratton , ace pitcher of the Chicago White Sox . W M t hen on y loses his leg in a hunting accident , his outlook on life h b . ecomes embittered Eventually , however, his wife and his mother elp M t hi s him to overcome his despair and to adjust to his handicap . on y and infant son learn to walk together when the father determines to master his M b new artificial limb . Ultimately onty achieves such agility that he egins

to . n to . practice pitching agai , throwing a ball into a bucket nailed the barn n n M t U k own to his family , on y accepts an invitation to pitch in a post - - S . season , All tar game Encouraged by his team mates and the fans , he H e overcomes a shaky start and goes on to pitch in winning form . leaves “ the field a living proof of what a man can do if he has th e courage not to ” admit defeat . This film was prepared by a committee of th e Americ an Association for ion t d uid es are available H ealth Ph sic al Ed uc ati n and Recr at . S u , y o e y g e e on r qu st. 78 THAT MOTHERS MIGHT LIVE ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W MGM Miniature Series 10 minutes A dramatization of another great contribution to human Welfare— Dr ’ - S emmelweiss s fight against child bed fever THEY LIVE AGAIN ( MGM) 1 reel— B&W MGM Miniature Series 11 minutes of B of The biography anting , telling of his discovery insulin as a cure

for diabetes . TRACK ING THE SLEEPING DEATH ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W MGM Miniature Series 10 minutes ’ The story of David and Mary Bruce s search for the cause of sleeping

sickness . TRIUMP H WITHOUT DRUMS ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W 10 minutes ’ r e A dramatization of D . Harvey W . Wiley s great work in ffecting the of Foo L aw passage the Pure d and Drug . A WAY IN THE WILDERNESS ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Passing Parade Series 1032 minutes Dramatic conflict is shown in the discovery of the cause and cure of tu G pellagra , fea ring the work of Dr . oldberger of the United States Public

Health Service . LIS T II ARROWSMITH Goldwyn )

n Issue of experimenting o human beings . FIRST AID ( MGM)

' De ons r ti h m t a ons of proper Re d Cross First Aid tec niques . MIRACLE MONEY ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 22 minutes - A specialized investigator exposes the activities of a quack doctor who

advertises a cure for cancer at his private hospital . RESP ECT THE LAW MGM) 2 reels—B&W C Not 20 rime Does / Pay Series minutes -A bribetaking health ‘ inspector endangers the welfare of an entire city - when he fails to enforce the law on rat proofing of waterfront property, with consequent spread of bubonic plague by rats from incoming ships . THE STORY OF LOUIS PAS TE UR 112 reels—B&W

r 17 An th a x S e qu e n ce (Warner Bros . ) minutes

Th e conquest of anthrax germs in face of opposition . THE STORY OF LOUIS PASTEUR 112 reels—B&W ‘ 17 Hyd ro ph o b i a S e qu e n c e ( Warner Bros . ) minutes — Ca u est of hydrophobia issue of experimenting on human beings .

79 _ SAF ETY EDUCATION LIS T I DRUNK DRIVING ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 21 minutes An e v r in s n c effective l sson on the e ils of d unken driv g, howi g th e tragi ’ f th e i t n e ef ects of an accident upon a man s family and bl gh i g of h is care r . GOING TO B LAZES ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W 21 minutes ’ fihn n I This examines the natio s annual fire loss . t shows i L os tn the routine of l fe in a Angeles fire house , with the firemen inspec i g, cleaning and preparing their equipment for the inevitable alarm .

A sequence concerned with extinguishing fires sh ows ~ th e courage ahd devotion of the fire fighters and emphasiz es th e various types of equipment used in extinguishing blazes . are ct ns Salient safety rules illustrated , as fire inspe ors point out the mea i z of eliminat ng fire ha ards .

HIT AND RUN DRIVER ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Crime Does Not Pay Series 21 minutes - - A dramatizati on of a hit and run case describes the meth ods of appre hending such drivers .

NE T O ! 1 —l-B&W O , WO, THREE , G ( MGM) reel 1012 minutes “ - t : o and Our Gang demonstrates the well known safe y rule Stop , L ok, ” Count Three before crossing the street . — SAFETY SLEUTH ( MGM) 1 ree l B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes The s afety expert detects and eliminates the causes of industrial accidents SEVENTH COLUMN ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 10 minutes —“ ”— A study of accidents Th e Seventh Column caused by carelessn ess in the home , at work , or on the road . TRAFFIC WITH THE DEVIL ( MGM) 2 reels—B&W Theater of Life Series 21 minutes “ ’ ” The fihn analyzes the causes of traffic casualti es an d shows the do s and “ ’ don ts for motorists and pedestrians to eliminate the traffic tragedi es . WRONG WAY B UTCH ( MGM) 1 reel—B&W 10 minutes A farcical Pete Smith Specialty in which a careless mechanic who d isre - gards safety rules suffers near fatal mishaps .


THE SEASONS 2 reels—B&W or Color Produced in collaboration 22 minutes with the MacMillan Company

Designed to show the reasons why th e seasons change throughout the l a year, this film uti izes anim ted drawings as effectively simplified illustra ’ 3 exis tions of such factors as the tilt of the earth , rotation of the earth upon

e v e its axis , r volution of the earth around the sun and effects of these mo ’ ments upon the sun s rays .

WESTWARD B Y PRAIRIE S CHOONER 9 minutes BR G M N 20t C -F 0x — Excerpted from I HA YOU G h ent . ) 1 reel B&W

P for o th e repared use in elementary grades , this film sh ws the life of en pioneers in a covered wagon train route westward . Vivid sequences depict the wagons drawn by horses and bullocks making their way across a deserts , through mountain country , and across wide rivers . The p rt played n s by each pioneer is also show , with the children doing les ons in a wagon o k converted into a schoolro m ; women doing washing , coo ing , and d even some of the driving and cattle her ing; and the men serving as scouts , drivers , cobblers , and hunters .

LIS T II HONE YLAND ( MGM) 1 reel—Technicolor Happy Harmonies Series 11 minutes in An animated fantasy about bees and their honey mak g .

LET ’S GO ( Columbia ) 1 reel—Technicolor 8 minutes A fantasy in which a hive of bees perform tasks approximating the activi ti es of human society

N r B 1 —B&W ONE DAY STA D ( Wa ner ros . ) reel 10 minutes - A complete twenty four hour record of a circus on tour from th e time ni the train arrives before dawn until it is rolling again at ght .

SAWDUST SIDELIGHTS S Lyman H . Howe Hodge Podge eries - Authentic background scenes of the Rin gling Brothers B arnum and Bailey

C . ircus at winter quarters , in transit , and in performance


Most county and city school systems maintaining film libraries h ave Teaching Film Custodians subjects available for the use of their own S l fihn s teachers . chool systems can icense these for long term periods or rent them from the libraries listed below . This directory lists only those educa tion al agencies which distribute Teaching Film Custodian subjects re ion all g y and are not devoted to the exclusive service of a school system . Teachers living in states not listed in this d i rectory can rent Teaching Film Custodian films from any one of the four regional film libraries of

Films New C n S an or Association in York , hicago , Dallas a d Francisco , M N New C from the American useum of atural History in York ity . These agencies distribute nationally

B M P r. C P ALA A A ueblo J ollege , ueblo University of Visual Education Service

Visual Aids Service , University CONNECTICUT

ARIZONA State Dept . of Education Central Arizona Film C00p Hartford i C Ar zona State ollege , Tempe University of Connecticut RK N C S A A SAS Visual Aids enter, torrs State Dept.of Education DELAWARE S Audio Visual ervice, State Department of Public L ittle Rock r Instruction , Dove CALIFORNIA FLORIDA Association Films Uni versity of Florida 5 t S a F rancisco 8 1 S . n Turk , F L l / ilm ibrary , Gainesvi le University of California GEORGIA B Extension Division , erkeley of State Depart . Education S A Audio Visual ervice, tlanta C L . University of alifornia , A D Extension ivision University of Georgia

COLORADO Audio Visual Aids , Athens University of Colorado IDAHO Bureau of Visual Instruction Boise Junior College B t B oulder Visual Education Depar , oise ILLINOIS Films M . b Association U of ichigan , Ann Ar or 2 M 06 S . C . a C ichigan Ave , hicago Visual Educ tion enter ,

U of . C M i S C Illinois , hampaign ich gan tate ollege S . L Visual Aids ervice , Depart of Effective iving , Southern Illinois University East Lansing C Wayne University Audio Visual Aids , arbondale 4841 C 1 ass Avenue , Detroit INDIANA M NN S U B I E OTA Indiana . , loomington Audio Visual Aids University of Minnesota B ureau of Visual Instruction , B all State Teachers College Minneapolis F b M ilm li rary , uncie MIS S OURI M ' C W U. IO A of issouri , olumbia D e M t D s o . rake Universi y, ines Dept of Effective Living College of Education P C . Iowa State ollege , Ames Dept of ublic Instruction S S b e Visual Instruction ervice , tate Film Li rary , Hel na C State Univ . , Lowa ity NEB RASK A B f ureau o Visual Instruction University of Neb raska i Ai L K ANSAS Aud o Visual ds , incoln Kan a . ce Univ of s s , Lawren NEW HAMP SHIRE B I t ureau of Visual ns ruction , Dartmouth College F L ilm ibrary , Hanover University of University of New Hampshire Filrn v School Ser ice , C Audio Visual enter , Durham Lexington New Jersey

Ed . S . tate Dept of , Trenton t M Universi y of aine P P . rinceton Univ , rinceton S Audio Visual ervice , Orono Rutgers University M R ND A YLA Audio Visual Department , d of E . B State Dept . , altimore New Brunswick State Teachers College NEW MEXICO Towson 4 U of New M . exico , Albuquerque MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK

S D . tate epart of Education American Museum of Natural 2 e B0ston 00N St. wbury , History

B t 77th St C P W oston Universi y . entral ark est S B New C t 24 chool of Education , oston York i y Association Films S OUTH DAK OTA 85 West 45th New York 18 South Dakota State College

. Ed . B Dept of Audio Visual , rooking Columbia University Educational Film Library TENNES SEE th t New 418 W 117 S . est , York U . Knoxvfll of Tennessee , e Y U L N ° - Film ibrary School Community Service 26 W P ashington lace , New York 8 TEXAS S tate Dept . Of Education S S U. yracuse , yracuse D n Visual epartment, Austi Educational Film Library Association Films NORTH CAROLINA 8012 M D aple Avenue , allas N C C U. . of arolina , hapel Hill Bureau of Visual Instruction Baylor Film Service B W aylor University , aco NORTH DAK OTA C S am N Dakota Agric . ollege Houston State Teachers

Filrn F C Library, argo ollege

Audio Visual Aids , Huntsville OHIO of State Depart . Education University of Texas , Austin S B lide Film Exchange , Visual Instruction ureau Columbus

B . E . Texas ureau of Vis Ed K M K C K O LAHO A ilgore ollege , ilgore U of N . Oklahoma , orman

n D . UTAH Visual Educatio ept , “ B 8ham Y(>a U. Provo OREGON ’ ' ' Aud 10 V1sual Instruct1ou State System of Higher Education . Cl t U' Of S L of Utah , alt ake y Dept . Visual Instruction , B Corvallis ureau of Visual Education PENNSYLVANIA WAS HINGTON Pennsylvania State College Central Washington College

State College of Education , Ellensburg

Visual Education Dept . PCW S Film ervice , Pittsburgh C W n Pennsylvania College for Women State ollege of ashingto C Audio Visual enter , Pullman RHODE ISLAND W 5 U. f . Ed . , S . o of ashington Seattle tate Dept , Providence Instructional Materials Center Audio Visual Aids , SOUTH CAROLINA S C W M U. University of outh arolina of isconsin , adison C B Audio Visual Aids , olumbia ureau of Visual Instruction 85 LICENSE AGREEMENT

5 AGREEMENT of license under Copyright made in one or - a e W L RD E . N M more counter p rts betwe n I LA GIVE S , ARK MAY C M A. L K and ARL E . I LI EN as Trustees for Teach in g C F . ilm ustodians , Inc ( hereinafter referred to as the Trustees

party of the first part, and the School or Schools ( hereinafter m e to r na ed and referr d as the School ) , party of the second pa t . WITNESSETH : The parties hereto agree as follows :

Li ce n se FIRST : Subject to th e terms and conditions hereinafter st ated , the Trustees grant the School and the School accepts , a hmited li cense under the respective copyrights of the motion t S pic ures designated and described in the chedule hereof, to tu i exhibit such motion pic res for educat onal purposes , but only at the said School and during the period of time spe cified in

the Schedule and for no other use or purpose . If more than one

' th e said School is hereinafter designated , motion pictures are licensed for exhibition at each of such Schools in the Schedule

specifically designated or described in writing .

Term SECOND : The term of this Agreement shall begin with th e date fixed or determined for the exhibition at the said School

’ of the first motion picture deliverable hereunder and sh all con nu e ti for a period of thereafter,

unless otherwise in the Schedule provided . stees to The Tru agree during said term deliver to the School , and the School agrees to exhibit at said School during the said of term , but only during the period time herein provided for,

a positive print of each of said motion pictures .

Paym e n t THIRD : The School agrees to pay for such license as to each such motion picture the fixed sums specified in the Sch ed ule at least three ( 8 ) days in advance of the date of delivery ’ of a print thereof at the Trustees office or of the date of ship o S th e ment to the School fr m another chool , unless after acceptance of this application by the Trustees such payment shall be otherwise agreed to by the Trustees in writing signed th e by the Trustees or any persons duly authorized by

FOURTH : ( a ) The Trustee s shall make deliveries here ’ e an d Re tu rn under to the School or to th School s authorized agent, by ’ c or o f P ri n ts delivery at th e Trustees offi e , to a common carrier , or to

th e United States Postal authorities .

86 ( b ) Th e School agrees to return immed i ately after the last h exhibition on the last date of ex ibition licensed , each print

received hereunder, with its reels and containers , to the office of the Trustees or as otherwise directed by the Trustees in the

same condition as when received , reasonable wear and tear to S due proper use excepted . The chool agrees to pay all costs n and of transportation of such pri ts , reels containers from the Trustees ’ office or the last previous School having possession ’ th e of same , and return to the Trustees office ; or if directed

by the Trustees , to ship such positive prints elsewhere than to ’

the Trustees office , transportation charges collect .

Lo ss an d FIFTH : The School shall pay to the Trustees a sum equal a m a e to D g to the cost of replacement for each linear foot of any print , P rin ts or i lost , stolen or destroyed injured in any way n the interval between the delivery to and the return thereof by the School of in full settlement all claims for such loss , theft , destruction

or injury .

SIXTH : The School shall exhibit each print in its entirety

and shall not copy , duplicate , subrent or part with possession not of any print . The School shall cut or alter any print , ex i cept ng to make necessary repairs thereto .

SEVENTH : The School during the whole of the license exhibition period of each of the motion pictures exhibited

hereunder, agrees not to directly or indirectly by any method

or means make any charge for admission to said exhibition . If n during any such period an admissio price is charged, the Trustees in addition to -all other rights hereunder shall have the right to terminate immediately the license of the motion to picture then being exhibited , by written notice such effect

t e to h School and upon the giving of such notice , the license / of su ch motion picture shall forthwith terminate and revert to

the Trustees .

Acc e pta n c e EIGHT : Until accepted in writing by an officer of or any by person authorized by the Trustees and notice of acceptance Tru ste e s sent to the School this instrument shall b e deemed only an C application for a heense under opyright , and may be with

drawn by the School any time before acceptance . Unless such

' notice of acceptance is sent th e Sch ool by mail or telegraph

87 hi 15 if s wit n fifteen ( ) days after the date thereof, the aid S e th e M Ri i chool is locat d East of ississippi ver, and with n thirty ( 80) days after the date thereof if located West of said

river, said application shall be deemed to h ave been with

drawn . NINTH : This license agreement is complete and all prom ises e , representations , understandings and agreements in r N ference thereof have been expressed herein . o change or modification hereof shall be binding upon the Trustees unless u in writing signed by the Trustees , or a person duly a thorized

by the Trustees .


( City an d State )

( Date ) b executed this application , which upon written acceptance thereof y the Trustees shall be deemed to be the license of the said School for the ex h ibition t ci th e S b u t of the motion pic ures spe fied in chedule , only at the said School in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof

Sch ool )

Position )

Accepted , C MILL K N MAY R E . D N M RK A. WI R E . LLA GIVE S , A , A L I E

Tru stee s

e i 25 N Down from V suv us Good eighbors o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i Driven Westward 84 Great American Div de Th e th e M h 82 Gr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Drums Along o awk eat Expectations 0 80 Drunk Driving Great Heart , The 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P of D 50 M Due rocess Law Great eddler, The 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

W o o o o o o Great altz , The o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Earni ng and Giving Greenie, The Easy Life Grid Rules Educating Father Guardians of the Sea Eskimo Trails Gymnastics Gypsy Revels Evergreen Empire , Everybody Talks About It ! to c ’ Expedition Antar tica Haiti s Black Napoleon Exploring Space Harvest of the Sea Headlines of the Century F B i M Heart of Mex1co ace eh nd the ask, The Famili ar Patriotic Songs A Here Comes the Circus Family Affair , F W as L Historic Cities of India ilm That ost , The First Aid Historic Virginia ! ! Th e History Brought to Life First Atomic Pile , ! First Seize His B ooks Hit and Run Driver l Zu d er F it to Win Ho land and the y of t Homer and the Kid Brother Flag Humani y, The Homer Starts to Work Flag Speaks , The Hone lan d Flemish Folk y K h Follow th e Arrow Hong ong Hig lights Fri end Indeed Horseshoes s From Singapore House of Roth child , The to Hong Kong H ouse of the Fury Seven Gables , The How W s M Lynching Sequence Green a y Valley B 90 Trial Sequence How to reak

How to Vote 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

G R th e O ang aids rchard , The Se a P Gem of the Iceberg atrol , The Geneva by the Lake In Far Mandalay Geopolitik In Morocco N In Giant of orway, The Old Guatemala Giants of the lung] In the Guianas n r The Gift from Dad , A I fo mer, Give Me Liberty Inside Baseball Glacier Trails Inside Opera Glimpses of Greece Inside the Capitol

B B . I . Going to lazes Inside the F . Golf Mistakes Inside the Good Badminton Library of Congress W Good Earth , The Inside the hite House Th e P Good Earth , Irish astoral Famine Sequence Islands of the Woman Sequence Woman Sequence ob 12 of P Good J , The Isle leasure , The i L M W S 0 0 0 0 0 Ital an ibya aster ill hakespeare 0 0 0 New M M Italy, and Old editerranean emories ! M r o s e O O O O O O O F O O O O O O O O O O O O eet the yt s O

M O S O s; O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Jane Eyre emorie of pain O O O Jefferson Davis Men F O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Declares Secession 85 for the leet

Men 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 26 in hite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jerusalem , the Holy ity Men W P O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 20 of est oint O O O O O Jewel of the Pacific M 87 exican Murals Johns on and Reconstruction M 27 int, The Journey in Tunisia M M Journey to Denali 17 iracle akers 67 Miracle Money Jungle Giants M Justice 51 iracle of Hydro , The Modern Dixie ! M M ‘ oments in usic Kidnapped 10 M r O O O O O O O O O O onroe Doct ine , The O O Killers 68 M M K 75 oscow oods ing Soccer ! M v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ies Are Adventure 0 0 0 K W t C 42 ing i hout a rown , The Mr 12 . Groundling Takes the Air Lady or the Tiger, The M 0 0 utiny on the Bounty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Land of Contentrn en t 80 Mystery of Edwin Land of Ch en gis Khan 28 Drood , The Land of Liberty 81 Mystic Siam Land of the B en al 29 Land of the Map e Leaf 18 N L In stalhn ent 55 ature Speaks ast , The N L L 12 ast esson , The ! L aw P 48 rotects the People , The — New Horizons Alaska L es Miserables 10 ’ New w L et s Go 82 Road ays ! ’ New York Parade Let s C c to the Movies 94 N B C Life in Paris 28 ight efore hristmas , The 52 N0 Head Start S . A. Li Sometown U. fe in , f E e 54 Li e of mil Zola , The L 10 Of P z ight That Failed , The Pups and u zles Lincoln in the White House 86 Of Skates and Elephants o o o o o o o o M New Little Fn gue Old and odern in G Minor—Bach Orleans L C ost hick , The Old Glory Old Hickory

W o o o o o o o o o o o o Madame Curie One Against the orld M b One Day Stand agic Alpha et , The

Go! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o One , Two , Three , Magic on a Stick

o o o o o P An o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Magnificent Obsession Optical oem , Make Way for Tomorrow Osmosis

o o o o o o o o o o o o o Car o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Maki ng the Varsity Our Old

O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M n in Ba Over the Viking Trail a , , the rn The

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Man Over the Yuk n Trail on the Rock , The Man Wh o Changed the World The Pageant of Siam C Th e P o P g Man Without a ountry , ag das of eipin ’ Man s Greatest Friend Peace on Earth ’ P Marc Antony of Rome 40 Penny s arty S o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o easons , The S cret of the Fjord The P Se t-U S in erfect p, The g Eye , The P S Sea erfect Tribute, The entinels of the P s S M i eter Ibbet on ervant of ank nd , The P P S P Th icturesque ortugal ervant of the eople , ! Pioneer of Flight S eventh Column The Play Ball Ski Flight Playmates from the Wild Skiing Is B elieving Portraits of Portugal Smithsonian Institute Pride and Prejudice Social Security ! Progress on Trial Sojourn in Havana Prophet Without Honor Some People Stayed Home S N ong of a ation o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ’ S Qu icker n a Wink 65 ong of Revolt Songs of Stephen Foster S of L ! Rainbow of Stone The ons iberty S of P R ons the lains ainbow Pass ! S C Recording Modern Science panish onquest New W ! Renaissance Intrigue in the orld Soviet Russia Respect the L aw ! S Man Rhineland Memories ound , The S S S t B plits , pares , and trikes“ Rhy hm on lades S ports Immortals o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Sport Stamina Rise of a Dictator, The - Spotlight on Indo China Roaming the Neth erland s Spreewald Folk Rock of Gibraltar, The S L R L tairway to ight omance of ouisiana , The S of N b R tory Alfred o el , The omance of Radium , The S of tory an Immigrant , The Romance of S C B tory of harles Robert urns , The Goodyear, The Romeo and Juliet S . C tory of Dr arver , The Royalty of the Range S Rural England tory of Dr . Jenner, The S of tory Elias Howe , The S of L P tory ouis asteur, The Safety Sleuth Anthrax Sequence Sampans and Shadows Hydrophobia Sequence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S an Fr n cis o ’ a c Story That Couldn t Met1' 0polis of the West B e P o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o rinted , The Sanctuary of the Seals Strange Destiny Sandhogs ! S o o o o o o o S o o o o o o o o o tratton tory , The Saving Strokes with S am Snead Savoy in the Alps Table Tennis Sawdust Sidelights Tale of the Vienn a W ood s . S S of C chumann tory , The Tale Two ities , A ! Screen Actors Technique of Tennis ! S r creen Di ector, The Teddy the Rough Rider ! S W - creen riter, The Tell Tale Heart,The

Sea , The Tennis Rhythm S ea of Th e Grass , Tennis Tactics 49 Th at Mothers Might Iiv e There Aint N0 Such Animal “ Wandering Th rough China L W M They ive Again anted , A aster ’ D C . re C W . They Always aught ashington , ! Thi s Is Tomorrow Washington Square ! This Theater and You Watchtower over Tomorrow Threads of a Nation W ay in the Wilderness A ’ Timothy s Quest W e Do It B ecause Touring Brazil -Weather Wizards Tracking the Sleeping Death Western Grandeur Traffic Western Wonderland Traffic with the Devil Westward by Treasure Island Prairie Schooner ‘ Triumph Without Drums Whale Ho l Two Decades of History What Is China! Two Years Before the Mast What Price Safety

Where East Meets West o o o o o o o o o o o o Whispers M Under oroccan Skies Wild Life On the Veldt o o o o o o o o o o o o S h S l M W O O O O O O O O O O O O Under out ern tars il ie and the ouse O O Understanding Movies Winning Our Independence

d o o o o o o o o W o Unite States inter in Eskimo Land o M W ilitary Academy o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o onder Trail , The S

d W e o o o o o o o Unite tates onders of the S a o o o o o o o o o Naval Academy W orld at Prayer, The United States Treasury W of orld Sound , The Unveiling Algeria Wrong Way Butch W W a O rong y ut , The Valley of T e n Thousand 1947 Smokes , The Year of Division ,

Veldt, The ” Yellow Jack ’ Venetian Holiday You Can t Run Away P Viking Trail , The You , The eople

98 THE MOVIES AND YOU SERIES B y special arrangement with the in d ustfy Short Subject Project of the

M m C s otion Picture Association of A erica , Teaching Film u todians Inc . , “ ” M e t - distributes The ovi s and You Series , welve one reel fih n s designed to i - i present beh nd the scenes activit es of the motion picture industry . Each u i n t develops an aspect of the sociological , technological vocational and , , professional background of the American cinema .

r with the e ce tion t Exhibition of these films is unrest icted , x p tha none may ’ b e televized r ; they may be screened for se vice clubs , veterans organizations , ’ womens clubs , discussion and study groups , and social gatherings where - - - . All 16 no admission is charged units are one reel , mm . black and white n u sou d films with an average r nning time of ten minutes . “ Prints of The Movies are You Series may be licensed for the life of the print up to ten years on either of the following plans

1. S n i gle print , 2 . Any three or more prints , each .

’ LET S GO T0 THE MOVIES E K O Ra d i o t of m This film presents a general pic ure the background , develop ent , and technical advances made by the motion picture throughout the years Stars and scenes from milestones of film history are shown: Mary Pickford in THE HILLS OF OLD KENTUCKY; Charlie Chaplin in EASY STREET; THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY; th e beginnings of the newsreel ; th e genesis of sound exempli fied by AI Jolson in THE JAZZ SINGER; and N NG classical music from IGHT SO . - THE ART DIRECTOR 20th Cen tu ry F o x

This short subject explains the work of the set creators , providing an interesting view of the research required to provide authentic settings and backgrounds for the different types of production The film shows these craftsmen at work and presents every step in the creation and construction of the motion picture set .

THE CINE MATOGRAP HE R P ara m o u n t s The motion picture camera tran forms lifeless film into vital , moving images which one sees on the screen . That it does so with artistry and effectivenes s is due to the creative and scientific abilities of the cin emato

o to . grapher . This film sh ws how he brings the screen a high art

THE COSTUME DIRECTOR RK O Ra d io of of a The mood the scene , the economic standing the ch racters , the

a n d th e of tu country , era , are the problems the cos me designer, and all of l b e . these details must completely accurate This film shows the ski l , the of o n research , and the sense the appropriate which must g into the desig ing of costumes for th e screen . 94 HISTORY B ROUGHT TO LIFE P a ra m o u n t C B DeMille N . t arrated by ecil , this subjec shows the work done by Hollywood research experts in bringing accuracy of mood and detail to

motion picture versions of significant historical periods . - - MOMENTS IN MUSIC Me tro Go ld wyn Ma ye r The great range of musical talent—from Beethoven to “ boogiewoogie” which Hollywood is constantly recording on film for the entertainment of i its audiences is stirringly illustrated in this f lm .

MOVIES ARE ADVENTURE Un ivers a l In tern a ti o n a l

Flashes from some of the greatest pictures , of other days , as well as h ow scenes from more recent ones , show these films appeal to every member of the family and how their enjoyment is increased through identification

with the screen characters . - - S CREEN ACTORS Me tro Go ldwyn Ma ye r

‘ th e S - Treating creen Actor as an individual , a tax payer , and a citizen of n o the picture making community , this subject contains acting . The players n are seen in their homes , conducti g private businesses , engaging in hobbies , of and meeting the problems everyday living .

C N C Wa rn r B ro THE S REE DIRE TOR e s . In THE SCREEN DIRECTOR one follows a typical director through his work and watches him weave the many threads of the motion picture pro l m . cess into a moving , vital fi - THE SCREEN WRITER 20th Ce n tu ry F o x T o b ook or take a a story , strip it down to its elements , and put it together h so W again so t at characters move and live , that the printed ord is trans formed into visual and audio pattern s is the task of the screen writer . To n “ accomplish this task , he must know all about the tech ical aspects of pic T E C N ture making . H S REE WRITER pictures a typical writer and

analyzes his job .

THE SOUND MAN Co lu m b i a THE SOUND MAN graphically illustrates the manner in which th e experts use their vast resources to create th e effects taken for granted S NDM N i sd u nd by motion picture audiences . THE OU A traces the h story of

. in movies , from the days of the tinny piano accompaniment to the elaborate of electronic equipment today .

ro THIS THEATER AND YOU Wa rn e r B s . wh o it This film explains the role of the theater and the man manages , to not only in relation the motion picture industry , but also in relation to the community .