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   JAMMU, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021

VOL. 37 | NO.143 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Officers should ensure no one goes hungry in J-K: LG Sinha Special Covid vaccination drive for 18-45    =2<9 36?67:4:2C:6D F?56C 5:776C6?E 4@>A@?6?ED "E H2D :?7@C>65 E92E age group to start in J-K from May 25 "?@C56CE@2DD6DDE9667764E:G6:> F?56C "?E6C6DE +F3G6?E:@? 23@FE    C@==@FE H@F=5 368:? :? 82?:K6EH@52JDDA64:2= A=6>6?E2E:@? @7 G2C:@FD H6=72C6   =2<93@CC@H6CD92G6C646:G65:? **14 ?2?E?28 2C2>F==2 G244:?2E:@? 5C:G6D 2E D496>6D :? #$ %:6FE6?2?E DE2==>6?ED@7:?E6C6DEDF3G6?E:@? 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Dwarika Nath SAD DEMISE OF OUR YOU WERE GONE BEFORE Smt. Sheela Koul W/o Sh. Tickoo S/o Late Vishember Nath BELOVED FATHER SHRI. KIS - WE KNEW IT, AND ONLY GOD Shiban Krishan Koul Originally Tickoo originally R/o Shopian HAN LAL NAJAWAN S/O KNOWS WHY. YOU WILL BE resident of Azad Basti Natipora Kashmir at present Lane No-1, LT.SHRI SITA RAM NAJAWAN Block No-3, TRT No.14, Jagti MISSED FOREVER AND AL - MRS JOSHILA Srinagar Presently residing at Smt. Sheela Sh. Dwarika R/O CHACK NAGAR DASS SHRI. KISHAN Jammu on 19th of May 2021. WAYS. REST IN PEACE UP IN PANDITA Shalimar Garden Koul Nath Tickoo TANGMARG KASHMIR LAL NAJAWAN THE HEAVEN! TENTH DAY Ghaziabad(UP). She left for 10TH DAY shall be performed on PRESENTLY R/O H.NO. KRIYA OF OUR BELOVED her heavenly abode on 16th 28th of May 2021 at Muthi Ghat 395/B,LANE NO. 4, SECTOR Jammu at 8 AM. Note:- Due to pre - MRS JOSHILA PANDITA May 2021. The Tenth Day vailing lockdown/ Covid-19 situa - NO.1, DURGA NAGAR JAMMU (BHARTI) W/O MR BHARAT Kriya shall be performed at tion, kindly convey your condo - LEFT FOR HEAVENLY ABODE BHUSHAN PANDITA WILL BE Garh Ganga on 25th May 2021 lences on Phone. (Stay Home ON 16TH MAY 2021 AT JAM - PERFORMED ON TUESDAY GrIef StrIcken Stay Safe) MU. THE 10TH DAY KRIYA 25TH MAY’ 2021 AT GARH Sh. Shiban Krishan Koul (Husband) GrIef StrIcken WILL BE PERFORMED AT MUKTESHWAR GANGA, UT - Sh. Sujay & Smt. Shelfa-Son & Daughter in Law Smt. Usha Tickoo (Wife) MUTHI GHAT (NEAR DIREC - TAR PRADESH. Mob: 8510019971 Smt. Asha ji Koul (Sister) TORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCA - GrIef StrIcken Aayush & Oshma Koul- Grand Children Sh. Shamboo Nath Tickoo & Smt Shashi Tickoo TION) ON TUESDAY 25TH MR BHARAT BHUSHAN PANDITA -HUSBAND Samast Bazaz and Koul Family (Brother & Bhabhi) MAY 2021 AT 9:00AM. ASHITA PANDITA -DAUGHTER (Son & Daughter-in-law) GrIef StrIcken SH PREM NATH PANDITA FATHER-IN-LAW Sh. Sandeep Kumar Tickoo & Smt. Anju Tickoo MR & MRS. RAKESH KUMAR NAJAWAN Sh. Raj Nath Bhat & Smt. Pami Tickoo BROTHERS-IN-LAW & SISTERS-IN-LAW MR & MRS. CHAMAN LAL NAJAWAN (Son-in-law & Daughter)-9796033359 SH MANOJ KUMAR PANDITA & ANITA PANDITA 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA MR & MRS . NARESH KUMAR NAJAWAN With profound grief & sorrow we Sh. G.L Bhat & Smt. Sarojni Bhat SH SUSHIL PANDIT & VEENA PANDIT (Son-in-law & Daughter)-9419285130 MR & MRS MANOJ TICKOO inform the sad demise of our & SAMAST PANDITA PARIVAR Sh. Anil Bhat & Smt. Sunita Bhat ALL NEARS & DEARS (8133012343, 6005268014) beloved Smt Chander Kanta (Son-in-law & Daughter)-9796018249 DUE COVID -19 RESTRICTIONS, CONDOLENCES (Retd ZEPO) Edu Deptt W/o Sh. Ramesh Bhat & Smt. Anita Tickoo WILL BE ACCEPTABLE TELEPHONICALLY Romesh Chander Sharma (Son-in-law & Daughter)-9419270431 CONTACT NUMBER 7889782316,9797209152 KRIYA/UTHALA (Retd Manager J&K Bank Sh. Vinod Tickoo & Smt. Veena Tickoo Kootah Wale), R/o H No. 46 Smt Chander Mr. Prateesh Dhar & Mrs. Shikha Dhar WITH PROFOUND GRIEF AND Maheshpura Jammu who left for Kanta (Grand Son-in-law & Grand Daughter) SORROW, WE INFORM THE heavenly abode on 20-05-2021. Mr. Sumit Bhat & Mrs. Rashmi Bhat KRIYA/UTHALA SUDDEN AND UNTIMELY DE - The 10th Day will be performed (Grand Son & Grand Daughter-in-law) With profound grief & sorrow, we MISE OF OUR BELOVED Grand Children- Khushboo, Chahat, Shuhul, Injila, at our residence on 29-05-2021 inform the sad demise of our MOTHER, SMT. SHARDA Shriya, Shivi, Kishi, Yana, Yuvin at 11 AM. Kriya will be performed beloved Sh. Gulshan Gupta S/o KERNI (MASTER) W/O LATE on 30-05-2021 at our residence. Lt. Smt. Chander Kanta & Lt. Sh. SH. SUBASH KERNI R/O H.NO SMT. SHARDA Uthala will be performed on Amarnath Gupta R/o H.No. 06, 61, LANE NO. 1, TALAB TILLO KERNI 31/05/2021 at 5 PM at our resi - Kaleeth Mohalla, Hari Market, JAMMU ON 16-05 2021. KRIYA 10TH DAY KRIYA dence. Jammu. (Kaleeth wale) Sh. Gulshan WILL BE PERFORMED ON WITH PROFOUND GRIEF AND GrIef StrIcken : Kriya/Uthala will be performed Gupta TUESDAY (25-05-2021) AT SORROW, WE INFORM THE Romesh Chander Sharma (Husband) at our residence on 26-05- 2021 OUR RESIDENCE. UTHALA SAD DEMISE OF OUR RE - Son & Daughter-in-law (Wednesday) Due to COVID WILL BE PERFORMED ON SPECTED FATHER PT. JAGAR Amit Chander Sharma & Smt Manisha Sharma pandemic, we request you to WEDNESDAY (26-05-2021) AT NATH KAUL OF MALIKANGAN, Grand Children : Arnav & Atikksh kindly pray for the departed soul OUR RESIDENCE. DUE TO FATEH KADAL, SRINAGAR AT From All Dhotra Family from your home and condo - COVID PANDEMIC, WE RE - PRESENT B-5/562, UPPER PT. JAGAR lences through phone calls and QUEST YOU TO KINDLY PRAY SHIV NAGAR SUBHASH NA - NATH KAUL message will be appreciated. FOR THE DEPARTED SOUL GAR, JAMMU ON 17-05-2021 GrIef StrIcken FROM YOUR HOME AND - AT 10:30 AM. TENTH DAY ADH BARKHI Mohit Gupta & Nishu - Son & Daughter-in-law CONDOLENCES THROUGH KRIYA WILL BE PERFORMED Ad - Barkhi of our beloved Smt Geetanjali & Rakesh - Daughter & Son-in-law PHONE CALLS AND MES - AT MUTHI GHAT, NEAR DI - Bimla Rani W/o Sh Om Parkash Brothers & Sisters-in-laws SAGE WILL BE APPRECIAT - RECTOR EDUCATION DEPTT. Jagotra AEE (Retd) will be per - Sh. Viney Gupta & Smt. Sushma Gupta ED. JAMMU ON 26-05-2021 AT 8:30 formed at our residence 5/220 Sh. Raman Gupta & Smt. Shama Gupta GrIef StrIcken AM. Indra Vihar Old Janipur Jammu Sisters & Brothers-in-law (SON & DAUGHTER-IN-LAW) GrIef StrIcken: on 25/05/2021 Tuesday. Kindly Smt. Kamla Gupta & Sh. Bodh Raj Gupta SH. SOURABH KERNI & SMT. SONIA SHARMA DAUGHTER & SON-IN-LAW pay your respects telephonically Smt Bimla Rani Lt. Smt. Rani Gupta & Sh. Swantatar Gupta MR. SAKUL KERNI (SON) VIJAY & ASHOK KAUL due to COVID-19 protocols. Smt. Lalita Gupta & Sh. O.P. Gupta MISS SARANYA SHARMA (GRAND DAUGHTER) SONS & DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY Smt. Rama Gupta BROTHER-IN-LAW & SISTER-IN-LAW USHA & S K KAUL Sh Om Parkash Jagotra - Husband Grand Children : Ribhav, Shivane, Moulik & Arihaan SH. MANOHAR LAL SHARMA & SMT. RAMA TEJA & ANUPAM KAUL Sons & Daughters-in-law PERSONALITY SH. SUMAN KUMAR SHARMA & SMT. SAVITA ANEEL KAUL Sh Rakesh Kumar & Smt Kiran AMAR NATH & SONS MOBILE NO. 7006145151, 9643108143 Sh Rajesh Kumar & Smt Anu KADAMBARI & BHUPENDAR TIKU GRAND CHILDREN SHANKER TRADERS Sh Suresh Jagotra & Smt Meenu Raghunath Bazar Jammu Tel: 9797306535, 9419142281, 9796014639 AJAY & MEGHAN, MEENAKSHI & AMIT, SHIVANI & GAURAV, SONICA, SHWETA, Mob. Nos.: 9419186756, 9419156355, 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA SHALEENTA & LOKESH, ROHIT & SONAM, NA - 9419195186, 9419784630 & 7006389824 With profound grief and sorrow, MAN, KANIKA, SUPRIYA we inform the sad demise of our OBITUARY GREAT GRAND CHILDREN beloved father Sh.Haveli Ram We are shaken and in deepest ARYAN, NAITIK, GITA, VEER, DEVANSH, DEV Duggal (Retd.Subedar EME) grief at the sudden and tragic FLEECE AND DHARS & KACHRUS 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA S/o Late Sh Dewan Chand passing away of our beloved 9999225239, 9797490445, 8716076175 With profound grief and sorrow, Duggal R/o E-86, Sainik Prince Sunil Bhat S/o Sh. B.L. we inform the sad demise of our beloved Lt Smt Gayatri Devi wife Colony,Jammu on 17.05.2021. h.Haveli Ram Bhat Ex-MLC on 22-5-21 at S of Sh Shashi Kant Sharma R/o TENTH DAY will be performed Duggal Mumbai. The Tenth Day Kriya 72 Mast Garh Jammu on dated on 26.05.2021 (Wednesday) at will be performed at Muthi Ghat Sunil Bhat 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA 8.30am at Ram Mandir, Sector- near Directorate of School With profound grief and sorrow, 16-05-2021. 10th Day will be D, Sainik Colony,Jammu. KRIYA Education Jammu on 31-5-21 at we regret to inform you the sad performed on 25-05-21, 10 AM Smt Gayatri Devi will be performed on 8.00 am. Due to present COVID demise of our beloved mother at our residence R/o H No. 72 28.05.2021(Friday) at 10.00am Pandemic, condolences on Smt Leela Devi W/o Late Sh Mast Garh. Kriya will be per - at our residence UTHALA will be phone shall be appreciated. Kaka Ram Gupta resident of formed on dated 26-05-21 at performed on 28.05.2021 GrIef StrIcken 251-A/1-A South Extension Laxmi Narayan Mandir Link Road, Dhakki Sarajan Time (Friday) at 4.00pm at our resi - Sh. Bushan Lal Bhat (Ex-MLC) - Father Trikuta Nagar who expired on Smt Leela Devi dence Smt. Lalita Bhat - Mother 16th May, 2021. Tenth Day will 11.00 AM. Uthala will be per - GrIef StrIcken Smt. Megha Raina Bhat -Wife be performed on Tuesday 25th formed on dated 28-05-21 at Smt Vimla Kumari (Wife) Master Reyansh Bhat -Son May at our residence at 11.00 Laxmi Naryan Mandir Link (Sons and Daughter-in-law) Smt. Ratna W/o Lt. Sh. J.L. Bhat -Aunty & Uncle AM. 13th Day Kriya shall be per - Road, Dhakki Sarajan Time 5.00 Sh Rakesh Kumar Duggal & Smt Shashi Duggal Dr. Sheetal Bhat & Sh. Ashish Razdan - formed on Friday 28th May at PM. Sh Ravi Kumar Duggal (Son) Sister & Brother-in-law our residence from 12.00 PM. In GrIef : (Daughters and Sons in law) Smt. Sinduja Bhat & Mr. Kapil - Rasam Pagri shall be performed Sh Shashi Kant Sharma- Husband Shashi & Rajinder Kumar Sister & Brother-in-law on Friday at our residence from Sons & Daughters in law Sarita & Rajesh Kaboo Dr. Deepak Bhat & Dr. Sherali - Brother & Bhabi 4:30 PM to 5.00 PM. Due to the Mr Manik Sharma & Mrs Bhawana Sharma Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren Sh. D.N. Kaul & Santosh Kaul -Mama & Mami current Pandemic situation. We Mr Sachin Sharma & Anita Sharma Vikas Duggal Smt. Bimla & Roshan Lal Bhat -Bua & Fufa solicit your Condolences Daughter & Son-in-law Abhineet & Kamalpreet Smt. Vijay Ambardar W/o Lt. Sham Sunder through Phones. Sh Sanjeev Vaid & Sakshi Vaid Abhimaniu & Priyanka Ambardar -Bua & Fufa GrIeved :- All family members & in-laws Arpana & Vishal Gupta Smt. Dulari Raina & Sh. Radha Krishan Raina - Sons and Daughters in law 9419132045, 9149492804, 7006676165 Ujval, Tarun, Lavyansh, Nidhaan, Sidhaan Massi & Mossa Ji Sh Surinder Kumar Gupta & Lt Smt Rajesh Gupta Due to covid 19 pandemic, the condolences should Contact : 9419110122, 9419162597, 9419121396 (Ex Joint Director Edu. Deptt.) be sent on phone/ messages Sh Narinder Gupta & Smt Anju Gupta Mob:9419142262, 9419110489, 9419211978, Sh Raman Gupta & Smt Vandana Gupta KRIYA/RASAM PAGRI 9682540825, 9149892667 Daughters & Sons-in-law With profound grief & sorrow, we 10TH DAY KRIYA Smt Santosh Gupta & Sh Guru Dayal Gupta inform the sad demise of our With profound grief and sorrow, Smt Vijay Gupta & Sh Om Prakash Gupta beloved Smt. Kanta Gupta W/o we inform sad and untimely de - Smt Neelam Gupta & Sh Vijay Gupta Jugal Gupta R/o Ward No. 3 10TH DAY/UTHALA mise of our beloved father Sh. Deeply Remembered by : Ramban who left for heavenly With profound grief & sorrow, we Chaman Lal Bhat (Bairaj) S/o All Grand Children abode on 14.05.2021. Kriya will inform the sad and sudden de - Late Sh. Neel Kanth Bhat M/s R K Enterprises (Mohalla Paharian Jammu) be performed on 26.05.2021 Smt. Kanta mise of our beloved mother Smt. orginally resident of habba kadal M/s Raman Trading Company (Wednesday) at 10:00 am at our Gupta Parmod Kumari Abrol W/o Late srinagar and presently at Sec 2 Sh. Chaman Lal Ph No. 7006320792, 9419181771, 9419126389 residence. Rasam Pagri will be Sh. Amrit Pal Abrol R/o Ward No. Durga Nagar Jammu, who left Bhat (Bairaj) performed on 26.05.2021 7, Near Shiv Mandir, Samba. for his heavenly abode on satur - (Wednesday at 3:30 pm at our Uthala will be performed on Smt. Parmod day 22nd May 2021. TENTH 10TH DAY/KRIYA/RASAM PAGRI residence Ward No. 3 Upper Mahakali Mandir, Bantalab at Kumari Abrol DAY will be performed on 31st Bazar Ramban. 4:00 pm on 26-5-2021 May 2021. With profound grief and sorrow, GrIef StrIcken (Wednesday) GrIef StrIken: we inform the sad demise of Sh. Jugal Gupta - Husband GrIef StrIcken Smt. Manisha Wali & Sh. Ashwani Bhat Munshi Ram Abrol S/o Sh. Bhabhies & Brothers Sons & Daughters-in-law (Daughter in law and Son) Dewan Chand Wani R/o Majalta Smt. Luxmi Gupta & Lt. Sh. Om Parkash Gupta Sh. Rakesh Abrol & Smt. Rajni Abrol Smt Shanta Bhat and Sh. Ratan Lal Bhat (Jib) Udhampur. Tenth Day shall Smt. Neelam Gupta & Sh. Kasturi Lal Gupta Sh. Ajay Abrol (Sister-in-law and Brother) be performed on 25-05- 2021 Smt. Sushma Gupta & Sh. Vinod Gupta Sh. Arun Abrol Smt Rohini Kalla (Sister) (Tuesday) at 11.00 am at our Smt Chander Smt. Kanchan Gupta & Sh. Sunil Gupta Sh. Sandeep Abrol & Smt. Bandana Abrol Smt Bharti Bhat and Sh. Sameer Kaul residence. Kriya shall be per - Kanta Smt. Usha Gupta & Sh. Jagmohan Gupta Daughters & Sons-in-law (Daughter and Son-in-law) formed on 28-05-21 (Friday) at Sons & Daughters-in-law Smt. Sushma Khanna & Sh. Vijay Khanna Smt Suman Bhat and Sh Sandeep Kaul our residence. Rasam Pagri Mrs. Priya Gupta & Mr. Vikas Gupta Smt. Shivani Sambyal & Late Sh. Rajnesh Sambyal (Daughter and Son in law) shall be performed on 28- 05- Mrs Sakshi Gupta & Mr. Ropesh Gupta Smt. Jyoti Marwaha & Sh. Vishal Marwaha Master Nishit, Rachit, Samar & Jay (Grand Children) 2021 (Friday) at 4.00 pm at our Mr. Varun Gupta Grand Children : Bhavna, Aditya, Aditi, Aditya, Due to covid pandemic,condolences on phone will residence Majalta (Jib). Grand Children - Misty, Ryka, Myra Iyera, Viaan, Viha, Abhay, Arpita be appreciated. GrIef StrIcken Phone No. : Jugal Gupta - 9419353046 Contact No. 9906180108, 6006538108 Contact: 9070494717, 7006570813, 8717057317 Abrol Family Mob.: 9419069458, 9419175708 Kasturi Gupta - 9419167051, 9622867051 LOCAL     3 !$$+*+).$.  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7>?4;4BB 0=3 74;?8=6 ?4>?;4L 5>A A0<'0=270H0CB>5"0CA00=3 820;4@D8?<4=CB<43828=4B0=3?A>C42 )748:7 F8C7 >=6A4BB ;>2: "0B7<8A ?A>027>5C74;4034AB0=303<8=8B )?40:8=6>=C74>220B8>=3E>20C4 A0<'0=270H0CB>5'0=C70;;>2:B>5 C8E4640AB4C28=5DCDA4 'A4B834=C *70C7A8 B60A DBB08= K-4?A><8B4>=;H3>01;4C78=6B CA0C8>=8BA4B?>=B81;45>AD=34A34 /D;:4A=08=)748:7B083 Glimpses of Future 4 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU,TUesdAy, MAy 25, 2021 Testing, vaccination key tools to Covid-19 positivity rate declined from 11.4 % to 8 %: DC Gbl Briefs media on Covid containment measures in the district fight Covid-19: Dr. Geetanjali GANDERBAL, MAY 24: vaccinated at the earliest Kargil at sonamarg and SAMBA, MAY 24: “sampling of persons ing covid-19 spread, as in - adding that sufficient doses said that one check post has suspected to carry infection tensive testing can break The deputy of vaccination are available been installed at sonamarg The key to covid-19 doesn’t stop us from taking the chain, help isolate and Commissioner (dC) in the district.Giving de - and till date 1950 persons control lies in intensive care of their well being. We provide early medical inter - Ganderbal, Krittika tails on the status of tests have been screened and testing and vaccination in have kept tents, chairs, air ventions for positive cases. Jyotsna during a press conducted across the dis - 246 were tested for Covid each block, each village and coolers, masks, sanitizers, “We conduct both RT - briefing today revealed that trict during this week, she out of which 4 tested posi - a sustained hope for en - made provision of social PCR and Rapid antigen test the Covid-19 positivity rate said that over 9500 tests tive and were sent for home couraging result of relent - distancing as we want them in this Centre. The People has declined from 11.4 per - were conducted this week, isolation. less work, says dr. to return with a pleasant ex - come early morning as tem - cent to 8 percent in the dis - and the trajectory of the Regarding Micro Geetanjali Rajput, posted perience and encourage perature soars mid-day trict. positivity rate has shown Containment strategy, the at a covid testing centre in others to visit the center to here, so we start registra - Giving details on the decline in the district which dC said that 15 new Micro district samba. take test and facilitate tion and sampling side by status of tests conducted is a positive development. Containment Zones are dr. Geetanjali Rajput, breaking the chain of trans - side as it saves waiting peri - across the district during Regarding Corona cur - added this week to break Nodal officer for covid-19 mission” said the doctor. od” the doctor said while this week, she said that over few, Jyotsna said that coro - further spread of the virus testing at Bassi Kalan, "district administra - explaining how due care is 9500 tests were conducted na curfew stands extended thus taking Micro Block Purmandal, knows tion samba has fully sup - being taken to ensure con - this week, and the trajecto - till 31th May, 2021 and Containment Zones to 454 the fear of working in such ported us in keeping this venience of the visitors. ry of the positivity rate has complemented the general in the district. circumstances, and it testing center functional she said on testing pos - shown decline in the dis - public for adhering to she said that district makes no less of her in ex - and we have been provided itive the person is provided trict which is a positive de - Covid-19 sOPs and guide - administration is always velopment. hibiting compassion to - with adequate PPe Kits, covid kit containing oxime - sure he stays in isolated and show empathy towards lines as ordered in the dis - available for the timely re - elaborating on the sta - wards visiting patients to Masks, Gloves, Facesheilds ter, thermometers, masks, room in home quarantine the patients, but I believe trict and said that it has dressal of grievances of the tus of Vaccination cam - her center. "It’s a human and sanitizers to protect do's and don'ts and other or taken to covid care cen - only diamonds can shine proved instrumental in people and sought coopera - paign in the district, the dC touch to every problem that ourselves,” dr. Geetanjali check list provided by tre. and sustain under high bringing down the positivi - tion from all sects of the so - said that 99 percent of vac - resolves most tedious and informed. health and medical depart - When asked about pressure and that is what ty rate in the district. ciety in the same way as cination of people above 45 tangled situations," said dr she opined that testing ment, also provide him workload, she said it is a motivates me to me to keep she also briefed on the they showed cooperation years of age is completed Geetanjali. is primary tool for combat - available ambulance to en - part of duty to be patient going. screening and testing of earlier to contain the pan - and appealed the rest to get persons coming from demic effectively. Covid warrior Som Raj works day & night Modalities for vaccination of people under 18-45 age in Housekeeping section of GMC Rajouri ‘Service done in pandemic is biggest service to mankind’ category discussed at Ganderbal looking after the house - der bank on a daily basis," GANDERBAL, MAY 24: gaged in door-to-door work includ - keeping related responsi - said som Raj and added ing barbers, repairmen, bilities in Government that he also shifts patients The deputy Commissioner drivers/conductors, lawyers, jour - Medical College and at a time when their atten - (dC) Ganderbal, Krittika Jyotsna nalists, faculty/staff/workers of the Associated Hospital dants maintain a dis - today chaired a meeting with con - universities/colleges, Government Rajouri but is also assisting tance."We have our own set cerned officers to discuss the employees on COVId duty, con - authorities in the manage - of tasks drawn under the modalities for vaccination of peo - struction workers registered with ment of COVId patients category of housekeeping, ple between 18-45 age category in Labour department, tourism sec - admitted in the isolation but this is the time when the district. tor workers, people with disabili - ward."We have our own set everyone needs to work be - At the outset, the dC said that ties, widows/single mothers, or - of tasks drawn under the yond routine jobs," said the Government of Jammu and phans and persons with comorbid category of housekeeping, som Raj. In some circum - Kashmir has decided to accelerate conditions. but this is the time when stances, I even accompany the vaccination of people between Regarding collection of related everyone needs to work be - the ambulance driver, 18-45 age category in a focused and data, the dC directed all the officers targeted manner. to conduct surveys wherever neces - RAJOURI, MAY 24: yond routine jobs," said wearing safety gear, for som Raj. He said that the shifting the COVId patient during the meeting threadbare sary to ensure coverage of data of drivers and conductors and dy. share the data of their employees discussion was held upon the data CeO was asked to collect the data of who are on Covid duty under the Notwithstanding his housekeeping staff and pri - from home to hospital or target groups like their name, collection exercise, categorization teachers, lecturers and other staff 18-45 age group. nearly retiring age and vate security personnel in carrying the body of a pa - Aadhar and contact number within of high-risk and vulnerable groups, of schools and universities in the Additional district family expectations, som the medical college are also tient, who dies in an isola - the time frame. eO Municipal establishment of vaccination cen - district. development Commissioner, Raj, Incharge housekeep - assisting authorities in the tion ward. "services ren - Council Ganderbal and Tehsildars ters and other related arrange - The district social Welfare Additional deputy Commissioner, ing in Government Medical transportation of oxygen dered during this pandem - were directed to collect data in their ments. Officer was directed to collect data dy.sP HQ, Assistant College, is working day and cylinders, shifting of pa - ic when people are main - respective jurisdictions as per the The dC informed that for the of persons with disability, widows Commissioner Panchayat, night to ensure that tasks tients and ambulance serv - taining distance from their format besides Tehsildar Kangan 18-45 age group, the higher risk and orphans and dIO was asked to executive engineers of various on his shoulders for treat - ices, by duly following the family members is the was asked to also collect the data of and vulnerable groups have been share data of all journalists working wings, ARO, eO Municipality, dy. ment of COVId patients are safety protocols and Covid biggest service to mankind service providers during shri identified which include shopkeep - in the district. CMO, dy. CeO, Tehsildars, BdOs met well before time. soPs . "I ferry dozens of and I am working on this Amarnath yatra. ers/dhabawallas, hotel waiters and Furthermore, heads of other and other concerned attended the som Raj is not only oxygen cylinders from the principle only" som Raj similarly, ARTO Ganderbal isolation ward to the cylin - added. staff, services sector, people en - was asked to collect the data of departments were also asked to meeting. DC, VC DDC inspect SDH Sogam, review facilities LAWDA installs CCTV cameras to DDC Shopian KUPWARA, MAY 24: The deputy reviews status of Commissioner said that the monitor de-weeding, illegal ferrying The deputy objective of conducting a developmental Commissioner (dC), joint inspection of the Kupwara, Imam din today Hospital was to review the of construction material works inspected sub district facilities for both COVId SRINAGAR, MAY 24: who take the advantage of the same CCTVs cameras SHOPIAN, MAY 24: Hospital, sogam which has and Non- COVId patients current lockdown (Covid- are being installed at vari - been designated as COVId in the Hospital. He also re - The Lakes and 19) and indulged in illegal ous locations to have an The district Reserve Hospital to facili - viewed Covid containment Waterways Authority constructions appropriate extended monitoring sys - development tate health care facilities in measures, sampling and (LAWdA) has installed action will be initiated tem. Commissioner, (ddC) the Lolab subdivision of vaccination process and di - CCTV cameras at various against the violators. Besides, CCTV will also shopian, sachin Kumar Kupwara district. rected CMO and other con - checkpoints to curb illegal The VC also said that help to monitor manual Vaishya today convened a Vice Chairperson, cerned officers to intensify ferrying of construction there is a need for adopting de-weeding/ extraction of meeting here to review pace district development the vaccination and sam - material, encroachment proper procedures for con - lilies and other activities and progress of various on - Council (ddC), Kupwara, pling at sub Centre level. and to monitor de-weed - servation and manage - being carried out in and going developmental proj - Haji Farooq Ahmad Mir, sdM Lolab, Chief ing process in and around ment of dal and Nigeen around Lake in which hun - ects in the district. ddC Member sogam, Nasir Medical Officer, executive the iconic dal Lake. Lakes. dreds of workers have While reviewing project- Nazir Lone were also pres - engineers of R&B, The Vice chairman LAWdA has been been deployed for carrying wise status of works, it was ent at the occasion. Pdd,PHe, dGM PCC, LAWdA dr. Bashir Ahmad mandated to take various out the work. informed that mega devel - The deputy Nodal Officer Covid Bhat said that they have measures in its jurisdic - Besides proper control opmental works are at the fi - Commissioner and the dig - mentation of the Hospital. cussed and directions were Control Room Kupwara completed the installation tion to monitor the de- rooms are also being es - nal stage of completion in nitaries inspected various On the occasion the fa - passed on to augment these and other concerned offi - of 5- CCTV cameras at vital weeding operations of the tablished to monitor and the district. He stressed up - sections of the Hospital and cilities like power, water facilities in a time bound cers accompanied the points and rest will be dal/Nageen lake and to supervise the manual and on the executing agencies to took stock of the basic re - supply, sanitation and oth - manner so that the Hospital deputy Commissioner dur - completed in the near fu - have a check on illegal con - mechanical de-weeding ensure completion of the quirements for further aug - er requirements were dis - is made fully functional. ing the visit. ture. He said the violators structions. As a sequel to operations properly. projects at an earliest, so that the same are dedicated to the public within a fixed JDI Kashmir, employees Advisor Khan hails Union Ministry for adding two more time-line. He said that by commis - condole sad demise of former sioning of these projects, Deputy Director Fida Ali disciplines at JK's Water Sports Centre shopian district will witness a sea change in the develop - SRINAGAR, MAY 24: Efforts afoot to make Jammu, Kashmir as countries’ best water sports destinations ment profile. SRINAGAR, MAY 24: impressive performances in inter - of and the sports Council will Manoj sinha, Union Minister for The ddC also held dis - Joint director Information and Public Relations, national competitions such as the assess the requirements to imple - youth Affairs and sports, Kiren cussions on some new devel - Kashmir division, Haris Ahmad Handoo today expressed Union Ministry of youth World Championships and the ment training in newly added dis - Rijiju, for addition of these disci - opmental projects and the deep grief and sorrow over the demise of former deputy Affairs and sports has approved Asian Championships. The KIsCe ciplines including coaching and plines to the Khelo India state work on these projects is ex - director Information Fida Ali, who passed away on addition of two more water sports Water sports Centre shall help in equipment. she said J&K abounds Centre of excellence. He said that pected to be started soon. Monday.JdIK in this regard convened a condolence meet - disciplines of Kayaking and He directed the line de - ing in his Office chamber to offer his deepest condolences to tapping and nurturing of athletes for water bodies and facilities shall athletes are overwhelmed that Canoeing at the Khelo India state partments to maintain close the bereaved family and prayed for peace to the departed in two new disciplines enabling be added to other places in both they can get world class training in Centre of excellence (KIsCe), coordination and work in soul.Incharge deputy director, PR, Kashmir, Mohammad them to excel in the sport and rep - Jammu and Kashmir divisions to more disciplines under one roof. srinagar, which had earlier only tandem in shifting of utilities Aslam khan while remembering the former deputy resent India in world-class compe - make it countries’ best water Advisor said that with the ad - facility for rowing. for the smooth tendering director, said that Fida Ali was highly versed, qualified and tition.”Farooq Khan expressed sports destinations. dition of these two sporting disci - According to a communiqué and formulation of dPRs as repository of knowledge who guided the Information de - gratitude to Lieutenant Governor earlier, welcoming the deci - plines there is scope for greater partment to new heights as a diversified department. issued by J&K sports Council in of J&K, Manoj sinha, Union sion, secretary General, Indian participation and this shall also well as construction works Meanwhile, the employees, while expressing their grief and this regard, this significant move is Minister for youth Affairs and Kayaking and Canoeing draw sporting talent from all within a shortest possible sorrow over the demise of Fida Ali, highlighted his role as an aimed at to encourage and facili - sports, Kiren Rijiju, for addition of Association, Prashant across the country. He praised the time to facilitate the com - honest, compassionate and dynamic officer.They offered tate the outstanding athletes of these disciplines to the Khelo India Khushwaha, said, “We are thank - teams from UT administration and mon masses who have great their deepest condolences to the bereaved family and Jammu and Kashmir in these dis - state Centre of excellence. He said ful to the Centre Government for Ministry of youth Affairs expectations with the prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul and patience ciplines. that athletes are overwhelmed that this decision. Kayaking, Canoeing to make this Government. for the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss. Pertinently, the J&K sports they can get world class training in and Rowing together have a total possible. He also enjoined upon Council and the UT government more disciplines under one roof. of 63 medals in the Olympics. If we Briefing about addition of two executing agencies to expe - ISM distributes free AYUSH had initiated the request for addi - Advisor said that with the ad - can provide training to youngsters new disciplines, secretary, J&K dite the pace of work, so that tion of these sporting disciplines in dition of these two sporting disci - in these disciplines then India’s sports Council, Nuzhat Gull, in - the prestigious project can medicines among Media the Centre. The KIsCe, which was plines there is scope for greater medal haul in the Olympics can go formed that the sports Authority be completed in a time- launched in April 2021, after re - participation and this shall also up significantly. He also added of India and the sports Council will bound manner. Fraternity at Pulwama vamping facilities in the existing draw sporting talent from all that Kashmir is a very strategic lo - assess the requirements to imple - Among others, the meet - J&K Water sports Academy in across the country. He praised the cation for the KIsCe academy as ment training in newly added dis - ing was attended by Chief PULWAMA, MAY 24: J&K shall now train athletes in teams from UT administration and the weather matches with ciplines including coaching and Planning Officer, shopian, three disciplines instead of one. The department of Indian system of Medicines Ministry of youth Affairs european countries where most equipment. General Manager-JKPCC, Advisor to Lieutenant (AyUsH), Pulwama today distributed free medicines Government of India to make this competitions are held and this will Meanwhile, all the sports en - Assistant Commissioner Governor, Farooq Khan, while among Media Persons at the dC office, here.On the occa - possible. only strengthen the chances of our thusiasts of J&K have termed this development, Chief Medical hailing Center government for this sion, Medical Officer, Ayush, dr Ali Mohammed Reshi said Briefing about addition of two athletes to contend for the decision as a significant develop - Officer, district youth significant decision, said, “The ad - that Media Persons have a vital role in disseminating the in - new disciplines, secretary, J&K Olympic and world title. Farooq ment as far as augmenting sports services & sports Officer, dition of Kayaking and Canoeing formation regarding prevailing situation particularly dur - sports Council, Nuzhat Gull, in - Khan expressed gratitude to infrastructure in J&K is con - engineers and other con - ing the Pandemic. disciplines shall pave way for more formed that the sports Authority Lieutenant Governor of J&K, cerned. cerned. Glimpses of Future 5 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU,TUesdAy, MAy 25, 2021 No case of Mucormycosis in district, situation Dheeraj Gupta visits B'la, reviews being monitored on daily basis: DC Doda development scenario of urban areas Asks to focus on Proper Waste Management at this critical juncture ‘Timing for partially permissible activities revised to 7am to 11am from tomorrow’ BARAMULLA, MAY 24: DODA, MAY 24: symptoms and precautions About setting up of Principal secretary, on the Mucormycosis epi - Covid-19 care centres at Housing and Urban deputy Commissioner demic.”He further added Panchayat level, it was in - development department, doda Vikas sharma, today that the situation in the formed that locations for dheeraj Gupta, accompa - said that the district ad - district is satisfactory and the same have been identi - nied by director ULB and ministration and health appreciated the role of fied in all the 237 other senior functionaries care system is fully pre - frontline workers, NGOs Panchayats, while staff has today paid visit to pared to deal with black and media persons for sup - been deployed with one Baramulla where he fungus, even as no case has porting administration in medical officer for five chaired a meeting to review been reported from any overall Covid-19 manage - such centres. The beds are overall development sce - presentation. He also high - and others working in in - part of the district so far. ment in the district. being mobilised and all nario of urban areas of the lighted several demands formal sector. Meanwhile, Responding to media He briefed the media centres shall be made func - district.district and sought their timely re - Principal secretary direct - queries about the threat about the current Covid-19 tional in three to four days, development dressal for smooth devel - ed the concerned to ensure posed by Mucormycosis situation, status of vacci - he said. Commissioner, Bhupinder opment of urban effective sanitation (Black fungus) amid Covid nation of target groups, He further informed Kumar, AddC, JdP, AdC, regions.After taking a thor - through proper waste man - pandemic, here at media and preparedness of the that time for partially per - PRIs, Chief executive ough review of various pro - agement adding that sani - briefing , he said “At pres - health care system in the missible activities in the Officers of MCs, district grammes and schemes, tation of our surroundings ent no such case has been district to deal with Black district has been changed and sectoral officers at - Principal secretary is crucial at this critical reported from the district fungus (Mucormycosis) & new timing shall be 7am tended the meeting.ddC stressed to ensure that all juncture emerged out of and the situation is being and the vaccination sites “Moreover the vaccina - epidemic. He informed to 11am from tomorrow briefed the meeting about the eligible beneficiaries COVId-19 pandemic. He monitored on daily bases. have been increased to fa - tion camps have been shift - that at present there are onwards. the status of several devel - are covered under welfare informed that all the neces - Mass awareness has been cilitate the targeted age ed to the areas where the 1101 active covid cases out On Vaccination, he opment projects and issues schemes like PM Awas sities for establishing solid disseminated through so - groups in getting their dos - administration is receiving of which only 64 are symp - added that there was no associated with urban ar - yojana (U), social security waste management plants cial and other media about es at nearest stations. demand,” he informed. tomatic. shortage of vaccination eas through power point schemes for street vendors in all the municipalities. Sarmad Hafeez reviews COVID control measures: DIG chairs Police Darbar at DPL Ramban District Administration ongoing tourism projects Hands over scooties to women help desk of all police stations SRINAGAR, MAY 24: intensifies testing drive in RAMBAN, MAY 24: Rajini sharma, dy. sP, dAR, Jawans to follow the sOPs, the occasion. secretary, Tourism & Culture, sarmad sdPOs, Gool and Banihal, while performing their du - earlier, ssP gave a de - Hafeez today reviewed the pace of work on vari - Kishtwar Town deputy Inspector besides other senior officers ties. He further exhorted tailed briefing to dIG about ous projects being undertaken by the Tourism KISHTWAR, MAY 24: General (dIG) of Police, were also present on the occa - them to be firm and polite to functioning of police depart - department at various tourist destinations.The doda- Kishtwar-Ramban, sion. the public while enforcing the ment, challenges, develop - Tourism secretary reviewed the pace of comple - To effectively contain the spread of COVId Range, Udhay Bhaskar Billa, The dIG, after giving a lockdown in the areas of their mental activities, demogra - tion of multi layer parking at Hazratbal being de - Pandemic, the district Administration Kishtwar, under presided over a police darbar patient hearing to the issues jurisdiction. phy and topography of the veloped at a cost of Rs. 21 crore. He directed the the overall supervision of deputy Commissioner, Ashok and listened to the issues of raised by police personnel Meanwhile, the dIG district besides preparedness concerned executing agency for timely comple - sharma has conducted mass sampling and testing of police personnel at district and officials, assured to ad - handed over scooties to all and measures being taken to tion of the project. He also sought details of the shopkeepers from Jamia Masjid to police station in the Police Lines, Ramban, here dress all the issues at the ear - the police stations to facili - contain spread of second Convention Centre being developed at Gulmarg Kishtwar Township. Tehsildar Kishtwar Pramod today. liest. Issues related to trans - tate the women help desks. wave COVId-19 in the dis - and directed pacing up of the project.Mr. sarmad Kumar informed that 191 shopkeepers/vendors were The darbar marked the fer, promotion and rewards “The initiative of the po - trict. also reviewed the progress of up gradation at tested in two days for COVId19 infection, of which 1 first official visit of dIG, dKR etc will be addressed on pri - lice to provide these bikes to At the culmination of dar - Pahalgam Club and directed all the up gradation shopkeeper, 2 villagers and a health department em - to district Ramban after his ority, he said. police stations aims at to curb bar, the ssP Ramban ex - at the swimming pool and bowling alley.The ployee was tested positive. The Covid positive patients joining. The dIG appreciated the the crimes against the women pressed her gratitude to dIG Tourism secretary also sought the feedback have been kept under medical supervision in home iso - senior superintendent role of Ramban police in con - and increase the outreach of for sparing his valuable time about the sewerage Treatment Plant at lation and contact tracing is being done by surveillance Police, Pd Nitya; Additional taining the spread of this police to women living in dis - and encouraging the jawans Manasbal. teams, he added. As per the officials, the testing has superintendent Police, pandemic and urged the tant areas,” the dIG said on amidst these tough times. been intensified for detecting positive cases and contact tracing to break the chain of transmission.similarly, massive testing is also being conducted in containment Underlying co-morbidities create complications during covid infection zones to contain the COVId-19 infection.district ad - ministration has also appealed the employees and resi - To keep sugar in control, reduce daily intake of carbohydrates to 175gm: Endocrinologist, Dr Shariq Masoodi dents of containment zones to extend full cooperation during the COVId-19 testing. Advises to take protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre & antioxidant rich food and to exercise more SRINAGAR, MAY 24: getting complicated condition everyone because it increases during covid infection. sugar in the body". These medi - Pradhan Mantri Jan Persons having comorbidi - He also said that vaccination cines are used only for those pa - Aushadhi Kendra ties including obesity, hyperten - is very important for the people tients whose oxygen saturation sion, diabetes can increase their living with any comorbidity and has decreased and have been ad - inaugurated at Shopian survival chances by taking pre - further added that vaccine rarely mitted in the hospital, he clari - cautions and adopting covid re - causes adverse effects. fied. Only physicians shall pre - SHOPIAN, MAY 24: lated guidelines perfectly and "Individuals already suffer - scribe steroids when the need strictly, said dr shariq Masoodi, ing from any disease should get arises, he added. To Celebrate the Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi endocrinologist, sKIMs, soura, vaccinated because it will protect While reiterating that asymp - diwas-2021, the Chief Planning Officer (CPO) shopian, srinagar. them from further complications tomatic or mild covid infected Khursheed Ahmed Khatana along with Chief Medical endocrinologist, dr shariq in case of getting a covid infec - persons don't need steroids be - Officer (CMO) shopian, dr.Arshid Tak and Medical Masoodi while putting forth his tion", he stated. cause it will affect their health ad - superintendent, district Hospital, shopian today inau - views on the pandemic said that dr shariq said that most of versely by increasing sugar which gurated Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra at Covid infection is now common the patients recover at home but may ultimately pose threat of district Hospital shopian. speaking on the occasion, among people and majority of the it is imperative to monitor pluse other health issues such as Black the CPO said that considerable progress has been made patients recover immediately in rate and oxygen saturation of fungus or White fungus and vis-à-vis improving facilities for patients in government home isolation. However, he said covid patients with underlying Mocurmycosis. Regarding the measures to carbohydrates to 175 gm in 24 hospitals besides all types of Generic Medicines will be that less than two percent of the comorbidity disease at home. "If Further, dr shariq Masiodi control sugar level, he said there hours and exercise frequently. made available at a lesser price. He urged people to take covid infected patients develop a person has tendency of sugar while providing more informa - are two types of measures includ - While providing additional maximum benefit from the Janaushadhi Kendra and serious complications owing to and has obesity then monitor his tion said Cytotoxic immunity and ing pharmaceutical and non information regarding carbohy - avail the facilities. The CMO briefed about the impor - underlying comorbidities like age sugar level, too", he said while ad - acquired immunity of body helps pharmaceutical. "Non pharma - drates, he said, there are two tance of the scheme and urged the people to take maxi - factor, obesity, blood sugar, hy - vising about the supervision if pa - to fight against fungus infections ceutical methods involve change types of carbohydrates including mum benefits from the Jan Aushadhi store. He said that pertension, cancer or any other tients in home. but prolonged use of steroids de - in diet and life style", he said. complex and refined. these stores would have a great impact on the lives of disease and some of them may He said that steroids includ - crease these immunities in a per - He said that during the lock - The complex carbohydrates people by providing them quality medicines.He added succumb to the infection. such ing dexamethasone, hydrocorti - son. down physical activity has de - are absorbed slowly while refined that the aim of the campaign is to reduce out of pocket patients may need critical care in - sone and prednisone are used to "Increase in sugar level re - creased so energy required is carbohydrates are absorbed expenses in the healthcare system.Meanwhile, the Jan cluding oxygen supply, ventila - treat severe covid patients admit - duces oxygen saturation in the minimum and advised to take quickly. Aushadhi stores were also inaugurated by Block tion and hospitalization. ted in the hospitals. While cau - body which increases acidosis, proteins, vitamin, minerals, fibre He stressed to reduce intake Medical Officer shopian in PHC Vehil, Block Medical He maintained that older a tioning about self medication he formation of acids in à body", he and antioxidant rich food and re - of refined carbohydrates such as Officer Zainapora at CHC Zainapora and Block Medical person is, more are the chances of said, "steroid is not treatment for said. duce intake of carbohydrates. He rice, wheat, bread etc to keep sug - Officer Keller at CHC Keller. suggested limiting the intake of ar in control. ADDC Anantnag directs for Director Horticulture inspects DC Kishtwar discusses COVID care scenario dev works in Dansal block round the clock testing at TC JAMMU, MAY 24: with DDC, BDC members, officers Lower Munda

director Horticulture Jammu, Ram savak, long Urges PRIs to contribute in establishment, operation of isolation facilities at Panchayat level ANANTNAG, MAY 24: that the centre has 11 func - with a team of experts and Chief Horticulture Jammu, KISHTWAR, MAY 24: the Panchayat level and tional Testing Kiosks where today visited dansal block to inspect last year’s work in - was being directly moni - The Additional district more than 19000 Rapid cluding drilling of Borewells, area expansion works, deputy tored by concerned development Antigen Tests of the trav - pack houses, drip and sprinkler irrigation works. Commissioner, Kishtwar, Tehsildar and BdO. He Commissioner Anantnag, ellers, truckers etc have during the tour, some orchardists reported Mango and Ashok sharma today urged the BdCs and ddC Bashir Ahmad Wani today been done besides neces - litchi fruit drop due to recent wind storm and requested chaired an interactive members to come forward, visited Covid Testing Centre sary augmentations are be - director to address their problems. Various techniques meeting with the BdC identify the left out per - Lower Munda and took ing taken to fully cater to the like use of anti-hail nets, low height high density planta - Chairpersons, ddC mem - sons above 45 yrs of age stock of its functioning. He requirement. tion and making of Ambchuran from unripe fallen man - bers and concerned and enlist them so that enquired from the officials The AddC directed the go fruits was discussed in detail. district Officers here at cent percent vaccination is about the status and details concerned officials to en - All precautions for COVId 19 pandemic were fol - conference hall, dC office achieved for the effective of the covid sampling being sure smooth round the lowed and no gathering was allowed during the and discussed the current control of the pandemic. In done there. sdM, dooru, clock testing of travellers, tour.Horticulture development officer dansal, Covid-19 scenario in the the meeting PRI members Gh Rasool Wani who is also truckers etc besides provi - sandeep sharma was asked to gear up the process for district.At the outset, the lauded the efforts of the Nodal Officer for the said sion of all basic facilities at the new plantation that is to be done in July August and meeting held threadbare district Administration for centre informed the AddC the centre. incentive is Rs 50000 per hectare for the farmer. discussion on the existing and on the direction of dC. support, necessary med - effective and timely re - Medicare facility and Regarding bed capaci - ical kits, linkage with near - sponse measures amid the UNION TERRITORY OF JAMMU KASHMIR measures being taken to ty, the CMO informed that est healthcare centres, re - second wave of the IRRIGATION & FLOOD CONTROL DEPARTMENT further strengthen it. the district has sufficient ferral linkage with dedicat - COVId19 and thereby en - Secretary DLSA Udhampur bed capacity at different ed Covid health centres & OffIce Of the executIve enGIneer The Chief Medical suring the safety of people. IrrIGatIOn dIvISIOn nO. II Jammu launches ‘Activity Karona’ Officer informed that the levels. Adding to this, he hospitals, availability of Meanwhile in the positivity rate has declined said that there is no dearth tele-medicine facilities, meeting the issue regard - E-Mail: [email protected], Tel/Fax: 0191-2457756 of oxygen supply, and the power backup and other ********************** campaign due to the stringent ing the restoration of the No: JID/II/748-784 Dated:22-05-2021 COVId care measure en - supply is being daily moni - basic facilities. The dC UDHAMPUR, MAY 24: road and telecommunica - forced by the district ad - tored by the concerned sought the cooperation of tion facility to the far flung cOrrIGendum ministration. He said the team.The dC laid stress on the PRI members to play a Subject: Extension of bid uploading and opening dates. Under the aegis of J&K Legal services Authority, areas of dachhan Marwah Reference: This office Fresh E-NIT No. 03 of 04/2021-22 issued vide endorse - majority of the cases are the early establishment of proactive role in the estab - ment No. JID/II/293-329 dated 23-04-2021. secretary district Legal services Authority, Udhampur and Warwan were also under home isolation and 5 bedded isolation centres lishment and operationali - Keeping in view the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions and as per the re - Rajni sharma today launched “Activity Karona” highlighted. quest of Contractor’s Association of Irrigation Department Jammu, the bid upload - all of them are asympto - at Panchayat level, and di - sation of 5- bedded COVId ing and opening dates of this office Fresh E-NIT No. 03 of 04/2021-22 are hereby Campaign by organizing an Online slogan writing and The dC assured that matic. He added that med - rected the CMO to priori - care isolation facilities in the snow clearance and extended. The fresh dates are as under: Painting competition on the topic “do’s and don’ts of i) Uploading stops on : 28-05-2021 (1800 Hrs.) icine kits including pulse tize far flung areas and en - each Panchayat. Covid- 19 Pandemic.” The students of different stan - restoration work on the ii) Tender opens on : 29-05-2021 (1200 Hrs. or Subjective) oximeters have been pro - sure availability of all req - Regarding vaccination, the dards of Bhartiya Vidya Mandir High school, Nainsu Kishtwar-sinthan bye pass Rest of the terms and conditions remain same. vided to them by the desig - uisite facilities for the pa - dC informed that inocula - (er. tirath ram) Udhampur zealously participated and displayed their was in full swing and is ex - nated teams as per the in - tients including proper tion has been intensified executive engineer talent through online google meet. pected to be completed Irrigation division no.II struction of LG UT of J&K ventilation, beds, oxygen by conducting camps at soon. dIP/J-1718/21 Jammu Glimpses of Future 6 JAMMU TUesdAy MAy 25 2, 021 Glimpses of Future Leprosy must not be forgotten amid the pandemic esTABLIsHed IN 1986 BY : YOHEI SASAKAWA spots of leprosy in many countries and some three-four million people Today, we can see parallels in are living with visible impairments Global for Covid vaccines discrimination and hostility be - or deformities due to leprosy. tween the COVId-19 patients and Meanwhile, the persistence of stig - verywhere in Jammu & Kashmir now vaccine those affected by leprosy. The 74th ma and discrimination can inhibit seekers are being turned away from government- World Health Assembly (WHA) people from seeking treatment. takes place from May 24 to June 1. since becoming WHO Goodwill edesignated Covid care health facilities and the sit- This year's gathering is likely to Ambassador for Leprosy uation is affecting the first time vaccine seekers as well as dominated by COVId-19, but here I elimination in 2001, I have visited the beneficiaries of the second dose as well. even those want to talk about a different dis - some 120 countries and observed ease-leprosy-and a resolution that the situation on the ground for my - people who have already registered and got the confirma- was adopted at the WHA exactly 30 self. This has led me to think of lep - tion sMs are being turned away. People are leaving vacci- years ago. This resolution called for rosy in terms of a motorcycle: the the elimination of leprosy as a public ppointed without getting a jab. This front wheel symbolizes curing the nation centres disa health problem at the global level by disease, and the back wheel repre - besides putting the people to undue trepidation is also the year 2000, with elimination de - sents eliminating discrimination. jeopardizing their wellbeing. If the vaccines are available fined as a prevalence rate of less Unless both wheels are turning to - than 1 case per 10,000 population. It gether, we will not reach our ulti - why is it then people are asked to flock to these designated was a landmark resolution for the mate goal of zero leprosy. As regards vaccination centres in the first place? The authorities have time. Leprosy, also known as the front wheel, the WHO recently been maintaining that adequate viles are available with Hansen's disease, is a chronic infec - published its new Global Leprosy tious disease caused by the bacillus strategy 2021-2030, which includes them but the ground situation is contrary to what is being Mycobacterium leprae. It mainly af - misperceptions about the disease, resolution, elimination of leprosy as the ambitious targets of zero leprosy claimed. even the priority groups aren’t able to get their fects the skin and peripheral nerves this has subjected persons affected a public health problem was suc - patients in 120 countries and a 70 first and second dozes done. The prevailing pace of vacci- and is said to be one of the oldest dis - by leprosy as well as their family cessfully achieved at the global level percent decrease in new cases de - eases in human history. Today an ef - tected globally by 2030. In order to unt to avoid further mortalities during members to severe discrimination, by the end of 2000, and almost all nation is of no acco fective treatment exists in the form which continues to this day. sadly, countries, including India, have achieve these targets, there will need the looming third wave of covid infections. JK administra- of multidrug therapy (MdT) and amid the coronavirus pandemic, we replicated that success at the nation - to be commitments and financial with early detection and treatment, tion should, without more ado flaunt global tenders to can see parallels between the dis - al level. Unfortunately, this does not support from governments; this is the disease is completely curable. crimination and hostility toward mean that leprosy has disappeared. not something the WHO can achieve make good of the shortage. Rather than idling away and But if treatment is delayed, leprosy COVId-19 patients, their families each year, around 200,000 new on its own. Concerning the rear twiddling one’s thumbs until the next much-awaited con- can cause impairments to the skin, and health personnel that has been cases of leprosy are reported to the wheel, I have worked hard to have nerves, face, hands and feet, and leprosy recognized internationally signment of vaccine vials reach JK from centre, the in- reported in different parts of the WHO, withIndia accounting for lead to permanent disability. world and society's attitudes toward more than half of these. There are as a human rights issue since the Together with deep-seatedfearsand cumbent administration should take initiatives locally to leprosy. Following the 1991 WHA still endemic areas and scattered hot Leprosy must on Page 7 plug the loopholes. Various Indian states have issued global tenders for procurement of Covid vaccines; the JK administration should take a cue from them to speed up the vaccination in J&K. The states across India are flaunt- rection in Rushing Waters ing separate tenders to procure the vaccines from abroad Seeking Di rather than waiting for and competing against each other BY : VINAYSHIL GAUTAM Instead of comparing protocols, on the quantum of quota being dispatched by the center. it is purposeful to realise that Many protocols in these test - , Uttrakhand, Tamil Nadu, each one is a sincere effort to Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh ing times are at different stages find a solution in terms of the Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra, Telangana, Haryana, of evolution. COVId times will empirical evidence available to and delhi have already decided to go global to ensure a someday get chronicled.The cov - that given agency. It also de - erage will have a special place in pendson research competency. steady supply of vaccines to their respective populace. history. The experience will add Possibly,several of these re - state’s irrespective of whether ruled by BJP or Congress to human endeavour to be spected protocols are among are taking this route in view of the unsteady vaccine sup- healthy. The responses to the themselves at different stages of virus have been diverse in differ - evolution. Illustratively, in one ply from the center. similarly JK administration now con- ent parts of the globe. solutions research environment an elevat - sider going global to ensure rigorous vaccination across in the field to meet the situation ed d-dimer, (a sign of thrombo - Jammu and Kashmir. Administration shall ensure the ac- have somethings in common, but sis), is taken as something which much in diversity. has to be responded to with anti- cessibility of people to vaccines at the facility. Understandable because of the coagulants of different types, Administration shall give attention towards the shortfall changing variables in different compositions and potency. In countries in terms of sophistica - ara Medics across all PHCs and other sec- another environment, research of Medics, and P tion of technology, application points out the abundant use of ondary health care hospitals across the srinagar district, of science and how exhaustive ambulation, plenty of fluid in - calling for the engaging of unemployed medical, and planning is. And then there is the take and letting nature take its pharmaceutical sector, evolving course. In certain other environ - Paramedical graduates to address the manpower defi- from drug producer to vaccine ments, response to Covid re - ciency. Lining up beds only won’t help make any differ- creator, its profit motive never quires quick use of steroids. The tion has become a rarity and ly respond to a patient's need. ence. completely written off. There are pros and cons of these approach - teleconsultation has become the When this is coupled with less many protocols for response to es cannot and need not be norm. It ultimately boils down to than total reliability of the COVId circulatingin the world. analysed here. More to the point, chance as to what kind of doctor screening tests of the disease, From the World Health it is this lack of uniformity which one has access to. It is these is - the level of confidence the line of Organisation to the designated can and does cause a problem in sues that will ultimately deter - treatment evokes becomes am - bodiesin nation states they all the range of responses. Add to it mine the effectiveness of the re - biguous. Under the circum - have some kind of a protocol the fact of bulging numbers and sponse to the disease. each pa - stances, there needs to be a far Corona they have adopted. In India, the tient is unique and whereas stan - greater accessibility of medical ’s cost how there are simply not enough protocol which has the highest qualified doctors. Apart from the dard protocols do go a distance solutions so that the patient has authority is that of the Indian sheer numbers of patients, it is they do not necessarily enable an an intelligent choice of what Council of Medical Research. also because physical examina - organic progression that can ful - Seeking direction on Page 7 The challenge is the missing compassion BY : MANOJ KUMAR JHA taking pride in overstating 'we are the largest democracy' without pay - There were no lessons learnt ing any heed to what constitutes the from the first wave of the pandemic. distinction between 'the largest' Now, though we remain united in and 'the greatest.' These two su - grief, the hollowness of several in - perlatives mean different things, stitutions stands exposed. The last and the disruption caused during eight to 10 weeks have shaken the the pandemic has told us in unam - very foundation of how we per - biguous terms that we have not only ceived and deconstructed the 'idea failed the people that make our of India.' For all our commitment to democracy but have shaken the very inclusive development and 'sabka foundations of our collective con - saath, sabka Vikas,' hopelessness sciousness and all that constitutes and despair are writ large - irrespec - our social capital, elements like Inconvenience, rising prices, job and revenue losses are the byprod - tive of our class hierarchies. From trust, faith, empathy, and confi - ucts of the continuing lockdown. For more than a year now, the Corona the power elite in the metropolitan dence. One can never overlook that pandemic has been playing havoc with people’s lives and livelihood. centres to ordinary citizens in the while the pandemic was ravaging Hundreds of thousands of people have died within the year, and many peripheries, suddenly we have been different parts of India, supposedly have been rendered homeless. The pernicious virus has not only impacted caught unawares; however united the world's largest political party, individuals, but also businesses and normal life. The lockdown, which had in grief. But this united-in-grief mo - was keen on proving its political been seen as an effective tool in the fight against the virus, is now showing ment has exposed us to the hollow - prowess.Words of caution from di - side effects. It has brought the nation’s economy to almost its knees. Many ness of the institutions we thought some recognition and assurance, let abysmal health infrastructure. verse sections of the civil society industries, like aviation and tourism that provided a huge number of jobs, were robust. While the first wave of alone timely assistance. Covid-19 first hit us in 2020. For a and the opposition were not only ig - have been maimed. The indicators suggest that the economy of the country Covid-19 last year brought out the sadly, the establishment has re - country that has a 90 percent-plus nored but ridiculed. suggestions or is going through a grim phase and the lockdown is partially responsible for vulnerabilities of the working-class peatedly failed to take cognizance of workforce employed in the informal ideas for course correction offered it. The biggest effect of the lockdown has been psychological as many peo - population, particularly the labour - how the nation and its people are sector, a country whose mainstay is by anybody, whether a former ple have postponed their business decisions or curtailed their operations, ers and migrant workers, the sec - evolved enough to deconstruct the agriculture; having not considered Prime Minister or any political leading to more job losses and weaker purchasing power in the hands of ond wave transcended these class 'subjectivity' behind the objectivity warning signals hinting at a poor leader, were either ignored or the people. On the one hand, people have lost jobs and their source of hierarchies and barricades and en - of data. Those in power must re - emergency health care system, in - passed off as some 'tool-kit.' livelihood; on the other, the prices of essential commodities are on the rise. gulfed the entire nation. Visuals of member the deaths and cases are no adequate rural capacities, limited Regrettably, 'they' do not wish to This comes as a double whammy for the people. For instance, mustard oil people helplessly running for ICU longer distant or remote. The na - oxygen infrastructure, and grave change their priorities even amid a that sold for around Rs 120/litre is now selling at Rs 180/litre. Arhar dal, beds, oxygen cylinders, and exter - tion, her people - the most impor - implications of Covid-19 on villages pandemic costing us socially, eco - which sold around Rs 90 in March last year, is selling for around Rs 110 a nal institutional support shall re - tant actors in a democracy can now and the urban poor -such absolute nomically, and psychologically. kg. since several expenses, like the home rent, cannot be curtailed, the dai- main etched in our collective mem - see, witness, and perceive the casu - lack of preparedness cannot ever be Voices of opposition or dissent ly earners are leaving for their villages and hometowns. This has led to the ory forever. The spin doctors of the alties up-close - not in a detached or forgotten or forgiven. A mature within or outside the parliamentary migration of the workforce in large numbers, having repercussions for var- establishment have been playing a clinical manner, which the dis - democracy can withstand the structure are denigrated. Limited ious industries. The pandemic, let’s face it, is here to stay. We know that it around with data, numbers, statis - pensation would like us to interpret gravest of challenges because peo - attempts at consensus-building are will not go anywhere, anytime soon. As we approach the end of the second tics. still, the nation's 'collective as. Most regrettably, it will be a trav - ple, as active participants in demo - seen - efforts that would have been wave, a third wave is staring us in the face; experts say in October, proba - conscience' does not always accept esty of truth to club Covid-19 deaths cratic processes feel they have a more inclusive, collaborative, and bly. so the businesses in the revival mode will face another jolt then. It is manipulation from a regime or its and death staking place as a result stake in it.However, substantive participatory for the regime that not clear how much has the lockdown helped in containing the disease. In para-troopers. An alternate dis - of scarcity of healthcare services participation of people is only pos - takes pride in introducing concepts delhi, the number of cases rose and fell with the rest of the country despite course is being woven around emp - and delayed treatments. An over - sible when democracy is perceived of 'cooperative federalism.' And it the lockdown. However, the Government doesn’t seem keen on lifting the ty catchphrases of 'inculcating posi - whelmingly high number is report - to be an entity that does not expire must show in action that there is a lockdown. People are already questioning the rationale for going ahead tivity,' especially when a large part ed to have said goodbye to their right after the counting days of elec - distinction between dialogue and corona’s cost on Page 7 of the nation grieves in want of near and dear ones on account of tions. For very long, we have been the challenge on Page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU TUesdAy MAy 25, 2021 Won't arrest ex-CP till June 9 if he cooperates in Atrocities case probe: Maha Govt to HC PRESS TRUST Of INDIA that singh should not seek any relief high court and the supreme Court in the court said. withdraw the statement from the peti - Mumbai, May 24 pertaining to this case in the petition the same case. The bench accepted the The bench also noted that singh is tion filed in the supreme Court, he filed by him in the supreme Court. state government's statement that it still in service and is an officer of the said. The FIR against singh is based The Maharashtra government on singh last week filed a petition in the would not arrest singh till June 9, and government's police force. The HC al - on a complaint by police inspector Monday said it would not arrest for - apex court, alleging that he is being directed him to not seek reliefs per - so expressed its displeasure with a Ghadge, now posted at Akola in mer Mumbai police commissioner hounded and continuously harassed taining to this particular case before statement of singh in the petition Maharashtra. Ghadge made a series Param Bir singh in a case registered with multiple cases instituted against the sC. singh's counsel Mahesh filed by him in the sC that says he was of allegations of corruption against against him under the sC/sT him by the Maharashtra government Jethmalani agreed to the directive. constrained to approach the apex singh and other officers when singh (Prevention of Atrocities) Act till June as vendetta, after he complained to The court then posted the petition for court as the high court was not hear - was posted in Thane. The FIR, which 9 provided he cooperates with the in - Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray further hearing on June 9. Ghadge's ing the matter. Khambata pointed out is now transferred from Akola to vestigation into the case. senior coun - against former home minister Anil advocate satish Talekar opposed the this statement to the bench on Thane, claimed singh pressured sel darius Khambata, appearing for deshmukh. He urged the sC to shift interim protection from arrest grant - Monday and said on May 13, the high Ghadge to drop the names of some the state government, made the state - all the enquiries set up against him to ed to singh. The court, however, not - court had heard the matter and ad - persons from a case and when he re - ment before a vacation bench of another state and also sought for the ed that the case dates back to 2016. journed the hearing after the govern - fused, the IPs officer framed him up Justices s s shinde and N R Borkar, FIRs registered against him to be The FIR has been filed after five years. ment made a statement that no coer - in false cases. The case has been regis - which was hearing a petition filed by transferred to the Central Bureau of you (complainant) waited for so long cive action would be taken. We feel tered under various sections of the singh, seeking to quash the FIR regis - Investigation (CBI). nothing will happen if you wait for two sad. How can you (singh) say that Indian Penal Code and the scheduled tered against him on a complaint of Khambata on Monday told the HC more weeks. He (singh) has not been matters are not heard? Justice shinde Caste and scheduled Tribe police inspector Bhimrao Ghadge. that singh cannot ride two horses at a arrested for all these years. What pur - said. Jethmalani apologised and said (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and the Khambata, however, told the court time and seek reliefs from both the pose will it serve if he is arrested now, the statement was incorrect. We will state CId is conducting a probe into it.

Plea against GNCTD Act: HC seeks Over 30 patients under treatment MP allows 'restricted relaxations' stand of Centre, Delhi govt at Kota hospital PRESS TRUST Of INDIA for black fungus in corona curfew in 5 districts New Delhi, May 24 PRESS TRUST Of INDIA PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Additional Chief secretary opened for the entire day in COVId-19 protocols, he The delhi High Court Kota, May 24 Bhopal, May 24 (Home) dr Rajesh Rajora these districts. Besides, 20 said. Chief Minister shivraj on Monday sought re - told PTI. "The restricted re - per cent of other shops can singh Chouhan had said Over 30 patients suf - sponse of the Centre and With the COVId-19 laxations have been al - also be opened, preferably that restrictions will be re - fering from mucormycosis delhi government on a plea positivity rate coming down lowed as the coronavirus in the service sector and re - laxed in those districts are under treatment at a to declare as unconstitu - to less than five per cent in positivity rate in these dis - lated to construction mate - where the positivity rate government hospital here, tional the Government of five districts of Madhya tricts is less than five per rial, he said. standalone will come down to less than a doctor said. Most of the National Capital Territory Pradesh, the state govern - cent. The relaxations are shops located in residential five per cent, he added. On people are Covid sur - of delhi (GNCTd) ment has allowed "restrict - applicable from May 24- colonies too can be opened sunday, Madhya Pradesh vivors, said Rajkumar Amendment Act which in - ed relaxations" in the coro - 31," he said. All government and e-commerce activities reported 3,375 new coron - Jain, who is treating the af - creases powers of the na curfew in those districts offices in these five districts will also be permitted, the avirus cases and 75 fatali - fected in the MBs Hospital Lieutenant Governor. This public order, police and Ministers except in matters from Monday, a senior offi - will be allowed to operate official said. He also in - ties, taking the infection tal - with his team, adding that is the third plea challenging land and for everything of land, police and public cial said. On the basis of the with 100 per cent strength formed that in rural areas, ly to 7,64,338 and the death he did not notice any non- the Act after it came into else, he shall be bound by order. He has alleged that experience in these districts of officers and 25 per cent standalone shops can be toll to 7,558, the state Covid black fungus patient force on April 27. A bench of the advise of the Council of the provisions in the - Jhabua, Alirajpur, strength of other employ - opened, while markets will health department said. so far. At least 30 patients Chief Justice d N Patel and Ministers. In the earlier Amendment Act are also Khandwa, Burhanpur and ees. Government registra - be operated there with cer - Recoveries outnumbered suffering from the fungal Justice Jyoti singh said it plea by a lawyer, it was con - contrary to various funda - Bhind, a strategy for imple - tion offices related to prop - tain restrictions. Labour new COVId-19 cases in the infection are under treat - has already issued notice on tended that the Act would mental rights and Article menting a graded unlock - erty will also be opened, markets will also be opened state, bringing the count of ment in the ward in the the earlier two pleas one by lead to confusion among 239AA of the Constitution. ing process will be consid - Rajora said. shops of essen - and construction activities patients under-treatment MBs Hospital and five-six a lawyer and another by a the citizens as to who would Article 239AA of the ered from June 1 onwards, tial commodities will be will be allowed with below the 60,000-mark. of them are in critical law student and will pass be taking decisions for the Constitution, among other stage, Jain said on sunday. the same order in the latest national capital. The things, provides that LG Most of the patients are petition by a man claiming lawyer's petition claimed would be the administrative from Kota and neighbour - Man kills himself to be an Aam Aadmi Party that vesting of powers in the head of the National Capital supreme Court seeks Centre's response ing districts of Rajasthan, (AAP) member. LG "would not be in harmo - Territory of delhi and while two are from over failed love In the latest plea, the ny with the republican sys - would be aided and advised Madhya Pradesh, a ward on compensation to Covid victims' kin court issued notice to the tem of government" and by the Council of Ministers official said. Meanwhile, a affair in UP village Law Ministry and the delhi sought that it be quashed. in relation to matters on PRESS TRUST Of INDIA 45-year-old coronavirus PRESS TRUST Of INDIA government and sought The petition of the law stu - which the Legislative Assembly New Delhi, May 24 survivor who was suffering Ballia (UP), May 24 their stand on the plea by dent has claimed that the has p ower to make laws. The from black died while on Neeraj sharma. delhi gov - Act "re-defines delhi gov - latest plea, by sharma, has A 23-year-old man al - The supreme Court on way to a hospital in Kota ernment standing counsel ernment as the Lt contended that making it legedly committed sui - Monday sought response from Jhalawar, his family santosh K Tripathi accept - Governor" and curbs the mandatory for seeking the cide by hanging in a vil - from the Centre on a plea said. Ramswroop was in an ed notice on behalf of the delhi Assembly's power to LG's prior opinion before lage here, police said on seeking compensation of Rs advance stage of mu - city government. The peti - conduct proceedings. The any executive action was ar - Monday, adding he was 4 lakh to the families of cormycosis and the mor - tioner has contended that law student has contended bitrary and violated Article upset over a failed love af - those who have died from tality rate of the disease is the amended GNCTd Act is that the provisions of the 239AA and other provi - fair. The incident oc - coronavirus. A vacation very high, Jain said. "It's contrary to various funda - Act are in contrast with the sions of the Constitution. curred in Maharajpur vil - bench of Justices Ashok 100 per cent mortality af - mental rights and Article supreme Court order on the He too has contended that lage and the victim was Bhushan and M R shah also ter black fungus reaches 239AA of the Constitution powers of LG and the delhi the amended Act was in vio - identified as Khalifa asked the Centre to place the brain," he said, adding as well as the supreme government, as the apex lation of the supreme Court sahni, they said. He was before it the ICMR guide - that recovery was possible Court decision holding that court had said that the LG decision on the issue of found hanging from a lines on issuance of death if diagnosed at earlier Lt Governor (LG) would would be bound by aid and powers of the LG and the bamboo pole inside a hut certificates for COVId-19 lies of coronavirus victims certificate stating that the stage. have powers with regard to advice of Council of elected government. here on sunday morning, victims, saying there should as provisioned under the cause of death was Covid, said Virender yadav, in- be uniform policy for issu - disaster Management Act the kin of the victims would charge of sahatwar police ing such documents. The of 2005, and a uniform poli - not be able to claim benefits Man kills 2 sons, commits station. The victim's body apex court was hearing two cy for issuance of death cer - of any compensation Mizoram reports 113 new COVId-19 was sent for postmortem separate pleas seeking di - tificates. The bench said un - scheme, if given. The bench suicide in and further investigation rections to the Centre and less there was a uniform posted the matter on June cases, tally rises to 10,333 in the case was on, yadav states to provide compensa - policy for issuance of any 11 and asked the Centre to PRESS TRUST Of INDIA said. tion of Rs 4 lakh to the fami - official document or death file its reply by then. Jhansi (UP), May 24

A 45-year-old man allegedly killed his two sons here and then committed suicide, police said on Monday. The inci - Contn. from Page 6 ...... dent occurred in the Mauranipur area of the district on saturday, they said, adding, the victims were identified as ...... Rais yadav and his sons, Harsh (12) and Corona’s Ansh (8) residents of Ranipir town. Their with the lockdown in delhi when the positivity rate is 3.5 2,500 a day. It is not only inconvenient to the people but al - bodies were found in a well near a tem - and the total deaths recorded have come down to less than so a great revenue loss for the country. ple, Circle Officer Anuj Kumar singh said, adding that a shaving blade and a brick with blood on it were recovered The challenge ...... from the scene. While the children had monologue. Communication is meaningless if there is no of ownership - essential to physical, emotional, and men - injury marks on the head, yadav had hilt PRESS TRUST Of INDIA from serchhip district, and 2 cases Aizawl, May 24 feedback mechanism between the transmitter and the re - tal healing. simply put in the context of these haunting marks on his head and neck, the CO said. each were reported from saitual and Kolasib districts. ceiver. Least of all the prime minister and his team can do images of the destruction caused by the second wave what According to preliminary investigation, Mizoram's COVId-19 tally is to develop the art of listening. We must remember that people from the hinterland to the big cities need to listen yadav, an alcoholic, had an altercation Over 23 children were among surged to 10,333 on Monday as 113 the newly infected people, the offi - counting out, negating, and vilifying the opposition dents to from the government is --We are sorry!! In times of un - with his wife Archana after she objected more people tested positive for nov - a nation's image as a democracy. There are instances ga - precedented collective grief, healing demands much to his drinking habits. Later, he went out cial said. eighty patients have devel - el coronavirus, an official said. He oped symptoms of COVId-19, while lore when policy-making and legislating are being done more than premeditated wet eyes from the top. It de - for shopping with his kids and decided to said that 811 samples were tested in 33 are asymptomatic, he said. The without the slightest pretence of deliberation. As a result, mands an immediate course correction at every level. It take the extreme step after killing the the last 24 hours and 13.93 per cent number of active COVId-19 cases the judiciary has had to intervene to ensure the basic exec - requires assessing the huge gaps in the public health in - two, police said, adding their bodies were of them came out positive for now is 2,461, while 7,839 people utive functions properly and saves lives. The critical ob - frastructure and work on addressing them at a war foot - sent for postmortem. COVId- 19. Of the 113 fresh cases, 78 have recovered from the infection. servations made by different High courts shall remain a ing. All ambitious projects including the central vista be Process of registration of were reported from Aizawl district, 5 The COVId-19 death toll in the state living testimony to these impossibly difficult times when put on hold and all the resources be diverted to protect life from Lunglei, 3 from Champhai dis - is 33. Mizoram has tested personal grief transcended into a state of collective de - and save livelihoods. Failing which the grief can turn into migrant workers needs trict, 19 from Lawngtlai district, 4 3,67,901samples test till date. spair reeking of abandon, neglect, and apathy. The people anger at a level where it shall be impossible for the regime of this country desperately sought their elected govern - to contain or deal with. It is amusing to see the audacity of to be expedited: SC ment at the centre to acknowledge what should have been some people who keep repeating -yes! The situation is not PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Cyclone Tauktae: 2 more bodies done but could not be done. People also needed to see a good but what is the alternative? Who is the alternative? New Delhi, May 24 genuine sense of regret and remorse so they could have To all of them a piece of unsolicited advice-When people The supreme Court on Monday said found some consolation, empathic resonance, and a sense become an alternative the question is over. the process of registration of migrant found on Valsad coast in Guj workers is very slow and it must be expe - PRESS TRUST Of INDIA ther investigation is underway, the of - Leprosy must ...... dited so that benefit of schemes can be Valsad, May 24 ficial said. "From their uniform and extended to them amid the COVId-19 life jackets, it appears they are the early 2000s when I first approached the Office of the UN around 100 in India. Over the past half-century, in India, pandemic. While stressing on the need to Two more bodies were found on missing victims of the barge or the tug - High Commissioner for Human Rights. One result has the government is working diligently to combat the dis - register migrant workers, the apex court the shore of Gujarat's Valsad district boat that sank off the Mumbai coast beenthe resolution on elimination of discrimination ease, and in the private sector, NGOs such as the said the benefit of schemes can be ex - on sunday and they are suspected to during cyclone Tauktae," Jhala said. against persons affected by leprosy and their family mem - sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation and the Association tended to them after they are identified be of the missing victims of the barge He said out of the four bodies found on bers, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2010.But the of People Affected by Leprosy (APAL) have an important and registered by authorities. A bench of P305 and a tugboat that sank in the saturday, one was identified as that of real measure of success will be when principles and guide - role to play. But challenges remain. especially now, during Justices Ashok Bhushan and M R shah Arabian sea during Cyclone Tauktae, a the captain of tugboat 'Varaprada' that lines accompanying the resolution are fully implement - the COVId-19 pandemic, it is important that we do not lose said the government must ensure that police official said. With this, six bod - sank last Monday. We are trying to ed.This must include abolishing or amending laws that dis - sight of leprosy and continue to build on the progress benefit of schemes reach beneficiaries, ies have so far been recovered from identify the other five bodies," he said. criminate on the grounds of leprosy, of which there are made. including migrant workers, and the two places here in south Gujarat since Barge P-305, which housed personnel process must be monitored and super - saturday evening, Valsad superintendent engaged in maintenance work of an vised. The top court said it is not satisfied of Police Rajdeepsinh Jhala said. On offshore oil drilling platform of the Seeking direction ...... with the efforts of the Centre as well as saturday, four bodies were washed state-run oil and gas major ONGC, the states on the issue of registration of ashore- three on the Tithal beach and sank on Monday evening off the works for him or her. One can make out some of the say. The point is a simple:one has to collectively cre - workers in unorganised sectors. The one on a beach in dungri village here. Mumbai coast after it went adrift due complexities of and shortcomings in our Covid re - ate a climate of evidence-based protocols making al - bench was hearing an application filed by Two more bodies were found at the to the high-speed winds and huge tidal sponses. singapore, Taiwan and now in the United lowances for individual characteristics of body sys - three activists who have sought direc - Tithal beach on sunday morning. The waves caused by the extremely severe states of America have succeeded in overcoming the tem. There is no crash course to achieve this target. tions to the Centre and states to ensure police have recovered their identity cyclone which brushed the Mumbai problems. so much so that in parts of the Us they are What can be done is strengthen a policy framework food security, cash transfers. cards and some documents and fur - coast on its way to Gujarat. considering stopping usage of masks, media reports for enabling it. It will take time. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU,TUesdAy, MAy 25, 2021 In Brief Researchers at China's Wuhan bio lab sought Iran agrees to extend deal on hospital care before COVID-19 outbreak: Report cameras at its Beijing/Washington, May 24 (PTI) China's Wuhan city, where the intelligence as stronger. The Wuhan virus . China asserts virus first emerged in late 2019 information that we had com - that the COVId-19 broke out in nuclear sites Three researchers from the and became a pandemic. ing from the various sources different places in the world Wuhan Institute of Virology Former Us president was of exquisite quality. It was and China only reported it first. Vienna, May 24 sought hospital care in donald Trump was among very precise. What it didn't tell Zhao reiterated China's as - November 2019, weeks before those who supported the theo - you was exactly why they got sertions that the Us should Iran and the UN's nuclear Beijing disclosed the COVId- ry that the virus might have es - sick, he said, referring to the re - open up its bio-lab at Fort watchdog agreed on Monday to a 19 pandemic, a Us media re - caped from a bio lab in China. searchers. detrick in Maryland and 200 one-month extension to a deal on port said, citing a previously "Three researchers from China, however, denied the other such labs for WHO ex - surveillance cameras at Tehran's undisclosed American intelli - China's Wuhan Institute of WsJ report on Monday, with perts visits as China did. atomic sites, buying more time gence document that could add Virology became sick enough Foreign Ministry spokesman Also yuan Zhiming, direc - for ongoing negotiations seeking weight to growing calls for a full in November 2019 that they Zhao Lijian saying the WIV re - tor of the WIF, told the state- to save the country's tattered nu - scale probe of whether the sought hospital care, the paper leased a statement on March 23 run Global Times that the WsJ clear deal with world powers. The coronavirus may have escaped said. that made it clear that there report is an outright lie that last-minute discussions further from China's top bio lab. The disclosure of the num - were zero COVId-19 infections came from nowhere . economies.The evidence adds COVId-19 could have emanat - underscored the narrowing win - The details of the reporting ber of Chinese researchers, the at the institute. "I've read it, it's a complete up to a serious case that the ed from a bio lab "remained dow for the Us and others to go beyond a state department timing of their illnesses and "The report that you men - lie," yuan said. "Those claims sARs2 virus could have been open". WHO director-General reach terms with Iran as it press - fact sheet, issued during the fi - their hospital visits come on tioned about three people get - are groundless. The lab has not created in a lab, from which it dr Tedros Adhanom es a tough stance with the inter - nal days of the Trump adminis - the eve of a meeting of the ting sick, that is not true," Zhao been aware of this situation then escaped, wrote Wade, Ghebreyesus, while receiving national community over its tration, which said that several World Health Organization's said. [sick researchers in autumn who refers to sARs-CoV-2 the report of the international atomic programme. The Islamic researchers at the Wuhan lab, a decision-making body, which To this date none of the 2019], and I don't even know virus as sARs2 in short. experts' team which visited Republic is already enriching and center for the study of coron - is expected to discuss the next WIV's staff and graduate stu - where such information came earlier this month, a group Wuhan, said on March 30 that stockpiling uranium at levels far aviruses and other pathogens, phase of an investigation into dents have been affected with from."In a detailed article ti - of leading UK and Us scientists as far as the WHO is concerned, beyond those allowed by its 2015 became sick in autumn 2019 Covid-19's origins. the virus, he said. tled The origin of COVId: did called for more investigation to all hypotheses remain on the nuclear deal.speaking at a news "with symptoms consistent The paper said that current Zhao sought to refute the people or nature open determine the origin of the table . "This report is a very im - conference Monday in Vienna, with both Covid-19 and com - and former officials familiar WsJ report citing the observa - Pandora's box at Wuhan' pub - COVId-19 pandemic, includ - portant beginning, but it is not IAeA director-General Rafael mon seasonal illness," the Wall with the intelligence about the tions of the joint expert group lished in the prestigious ing the theory of an accidental the end. We have not yet found Mariano Grossi told journalists street Journal reported. lab researchers expressed dif - of China and the World Health Bulletin of the Atomic release from a lab in Wuhan. the source of the virus, and we that came after a discussion with The origins of the COVId- fering views about the strength Organisation (WHO) who vis - scientists early this month, In May 2020, the World must continue to follow the sci - Ali Akbar salehi, the head of 19 remain a widely debated of the supporting evidence, ited Wuhan, that it is extremely noted British science writer, Health Assembly requested ence and leave no stone un - Iran's civilian nuclear pro - topic, with some scientists and with one person saying it was unlikely coronavirus has es - editor and author Nicholas that the WHO director-general turned as we do, he said. gramme. Kazem Gharibabadi, politicians maintaining that provided by an international caped from the bio lab. Wade raised several questions work with partners to deter - significantly, Tedros said Iran's representative to the IAeA, the possibility of a lab leak of partner and was potentially Beijing has also been vehe - on the origin of the novel coro - mine the origins of sARs-CoV- the team has concluded that acknowledged the deal at the the deadly virus exists. The significant but still in need of mently denying that the coron - navirus that has disrupted lives 2. A team of WHO experts, leak from the WIV as alleged by same time on Twitter. Under a Wuhan Institute of Virology further investigation and addi - avirus broke out in Wuhan and the world over for more than a which probed the origin of the former Us president donald confidential agreement called an (WIV) is near the outbreak's tional corroboration. took exception to Trump's ref - year and caused over three mil - coronavirus, concluded in Trump is the least likely hy - Additional Protocol with Iran, known epicentre of Huanan Another person described erence to it as China virus or lion deaths and wrecked global March that all hypotheses in - pothesis but it requires further the IAeA collects and analyzes seafood Market in central cluded the allegation that probe. images from a series of surveil - lance cameras installed at Iranian nuclear sites. Those cameras helped it monitor Tehran's pro - Myanmar''s Suu Kyi makes first in- Blinken off to Mideast to push peace gram to see if it is complying with the 2015 nuclear deal.Iran's talks after Gaza truce hard-line parliament in person court appearance december approved a bill that Washington, May 24 Bangkok, May 24 allowed to meet in person with largely procedural. would suspend part of U.N. in - any of her lawyers. There are two counts of vio - Us secretary of state spections of its nuclear facilities if Myanmar's ousted leader, Min Min soe said suu Kyi lating the Natural disaster Antony Blinken is heading to european signatories did not Aung san suu Kyi, appeared in wanted to tell Myanmar's people Management Law for allegedly the Middle east to press the provide relief from oil and bank - court in person Monday for the that her National League for violating COVId-19 pandemic Israelis, Palestinians and re - ing sanctions by February.The first time since the military ar - democracy party will stand by restrictions during the 2020 gional players to build on last IAeA then struck a three-month rested her when it seized power them. election campaign; illegally im - week's Gaza cease-fire by lay - deal with Iran in February to have on February 1. she said that "since the NLd porting walkie-talkies that were ing the groundwork for an it hold the surveillance images, One of her lawyers, Min Min was founded for the people, the for her bodyguards' use; unli - eventual resumption in long- with Tehran threatening to delete soe, told The Associated Press NLd will exist as long as the peo - censed use of the radios; and stalled peace talks. them afterward if no deal had by phone that suu Kyi was able ple exist, Min Min soe said after spreading information that President Joe Biden an - been reached.Iran since has bro - to meet with her defence team the hearing. she appeared to be could cause public alarm or un - nounced Blinken would de - ken all the deal's limits after then- for about 30 minutes before the referring to the ruling junta's rest. part on Monday for a short President donald Trump in 2018 hearing began at a special court threat to dissolve the party. The most serious charge that visit to Israel, the West Bank, unilaterally withdrew America set up inside the city council Khin Maung Zaw, head of suu Kyi faces is breaching the Jordan and egypt for what The administration had The administration has from the accord. Negotiations building in Naypyitaw, the capi - suu Kyi's legal team, said she colonial-era Official secrets Act, will be the Biden administra - been roundly criticised for its defended its response by say - continue in Vienna to see if both tal. seems fit and alert and smart, as which carries a penalty of up to tion's highest-level in-person perceived hands-off initial re - ing it engaged in intense, but the U.s. and Iran can re-enter the The lawyers also met with lways.daw Aung san suu Kyi is 14 years' imprisonment, but that meetings on the crisis that sponse to the deadly violence, quiet, high-level diplomacy to deal, which limited Tehran's en - Win Myint, who was president always confident in herself, and is being handled by a separate erupted earlier this month. including from democratic support a cease-fire, which richment of uranium in exchange of the government suu Kyi led as she is confident in her cause and court. In a statement, Biden said allies in Congress who were was ultimately arranged last for the lifting of economic sanc - state counsellor and faces some confident in the people, he said, suu Kyi's supporters say the Blinken will also work with demanding it take a tougher week after egyptian media - tions.Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia's of the same charges. using an honorific for a respect - proceedings are politically moti - regional partners to ensure line on Israel and its response tion. Blinken said sunday ambassador to the IAeA, called suu Kyi's only previous ed older woman.Monday's hear - vated and are meant to discredit the coordinated international to rocket attacks from that the behind-the-scenes Monday's agreement commend - court appearances have been by ing concerned several of the six her and legitimize the military's effort to ensure immediate Palestinian militant groups in effort led by Biden paid off, able. It will help maintain busi - video link and she had not been charges suu Kyi faces and was seizure of power. assistance reaches Gaza. Gaza. securing a truce after 11 days. nesslike atmosphere at the Vienna talks on #JCPOA and fa - cilitate a successful outcome of Merkel, Macron back efforts to improve WHO as meeting opens the diplomatic efforts to restore China defends contentious CPEC, says it the nuclear deal, he wrote on Geneva, May 24 demic response, stabilise must be robust and flexible portant to act, she said. Twitter, using an acronym for the is economic initiative and has not WHO's funding and ensure in times of emergency and The resolution a copy of deal. French President greater access to health crisis. which was obtained by The affected its stand on Kashmir issue emmanuel Macron and care including to vaccines, And it must be com - Associated Press cites German Chancellor Angela tests and treatments linked pletely transparent to make COVId-19 two dozen UN watchdog says Merkel on Monday were to the coronavirus. sure that people trust the times. among leaders rallying The european Union organization." It breaks little new Iran agrees to 1- around efforts to strength - and Vanuatu were behind "There must not be any ground and aims mostly to en the World Health the resolution, which was political pressure and there garner consensus and com - month extension Organization and the to be considered during the must not be any suspicion monality of purpose in the world's ability to prepare eight-day assembly. of pressure that has been aftermath of the economic of deal for and defend against pan - It would create a work - exerted, he added. and human devastation demics. Vienna, May 24 ing group on strengthening Merkel threw her back - wreaked by the pandemic. It came as the U.N. WHO's readiness and re - ing behind the idea of a The resolution, which The head of the International health agency opened its sponse to health emergen - global health threat council would set up a six-person Atomic energy Agency says Iran annual assembly, with a cies. and said leaders should working group to report to has agreed to a one-month exten - draft resolution in the We have to have insti - provide WHO with lasting the assembly next year, ac - sion to the deal on surveillance works that acknowledges tutions that are up to the financial and personal sup - knowledged serious short - cameras at nuclear sites. missteps in the response to task, that meet our ambi - port. comings in the world's abil - speaking at a news conference COVId-19. tions, Macron said by video We have been talking ity to prepare, prevent, de - Monday in Vienna, IAeA The sweeping proposal during the mostly virtual about this for years, but tect and respond to health director-General Rafael Mariano would seek to boost pan - meeting. WHO, he said, now it is all the more im - emergencies. Grossi told journalists that came after a discussion with Ali Akbar Beijing, May 24 (PTI) ects under the BRI has made impor - salehi, the head of Iran's civilian tant and major progress in infra - nuclear program.Under a confi - China on Monday again defend - structure, energy, ports and indus - New UK study indicates trained dogs could dential agreement called an ed its controversial Usd 60 billion trial parks. Additional Protocol with Iran, CPeC project with Pakistan, disre - He said the Belt and Road sniff out COVID-19 infections the IAeA collects and analyses garding India's protests as it is being Initiative is an open international London, May 24 testing means we face potential con - odour of human disease. Our robust images from a series of surveil - laid through Pakistan-occupied economic cooperation initiative with tinued disruption for some time to study shows the huge potential for lance cameras installed at Iranian Kashmir, saying it is an economic objectives of enhancing regional People who are infected with the come. That's where these amazing dogs to help in the fight against nuclear sites. Those cameras initiative and has not affected its connectivity and achieving common sARs-CoV-2 virus that causes dogs could play a role, said Professor COVId-19, said dr Claire Guest, Chief helped it monitor Tehran's pro - principled stand on the Kashmir is - development. COVId-19 have a distinct odour that James Logan, Head of the scientific Officer at Medical gramme to see if it is complying sue. "We are also extending the CPeC can be detected by trained dogs with a department of disease Control at detection dogs. with the 2015 nuclear deal.Iran's Leaders of China and Pakistan to regional countries, including high degree of accuracy, according to LsHTM, who led the project. Knowing that we can harness the hard-line parliament in have praised the progress of the Afghanistan. This will not only boost new research in the UK. Further research is needed to see amazing power of a dog's nose to de - december approved a bill that China-Pakistan economic Corridor faster economic development in In what has been described as the if the dogs can replicate these results tect COVId-19 quickly and non-inva - would suspend part of UN in - (CPeC) in recent days as the two Pakistan, but also regional connec - most complete study of its kind to in a real-world setting, but these find - sively gives us hope for a return to a spections of its nuclear facilities if close allies celebrated the establish - tivity," he said. date, combining dog trial, odour ings are hugely encouraging. The ad - more normal way of life through safer european signatories did not ment of 70 years of their diplomatic Asked how China sees regional analysis and modelling, the London vantage of using this method is being travel and access to public places, so provide relief from oil and bank - relations. prosperity being furthered by the school of Hygiene & Tropical able to detect COVId-19 with incredi - that we can again socialise with family ing sanctions by February.The India has protested to China over CPeC in view of India's position that Medicine (LsHTM) led collaborative ble speed and good accuracy among and friends, she said. IAeA then struck a three-month the CPeC, the flagship project of it passes through Indian territory il - research with the charity Medical large groups of people, even in Accompanying mathematical deal with Iran in February to have China's Belt and Road Initiative legally occupied by Pakistan, Zhao detection dogs and durham asymptomatic cases," he said. modelling highlights the potential for it hold the surveillance images, (BRI), as it traverses through said the project has not affected University to find that specially The dogs were trained by the team dogs to be used at ports-of-entry or with Tehran threatening to delete Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). China's principled position on trained dogs can rapidly and non-in - at Medical detection dogs to identify other sites, with preparatory work them afterward if no deal had The massive infrastructure proj - Kashmir. "China has stated its prin - vasively detect the disease with up to COVId-19 using body odour samples suggesting that two dogs could screen been reached.Iran since has bro - ect connects China's Xinjiang cipled position on Kashmir many 94.3 per cent sensitivity and up to 92 which were sent to the research team 300 plane passengers in around 30 ken all the deal's limits after then- province with Gwadar port in times. The CPeC is an economic ini - per cent specificity. by members of the public and minutes as part of a "Rapid screen President donald Trump in 2018 Pakistan's Balochistan province. tiative that targets no third country. The dogs were able to detect National Health service (NHs) staff, and Test" strategy. unilaterally withdrew America China has been defending the It is not about territorial disputes odour from individuals who were consisting of masks, socks and t- Only individuals who are identi - from the accord. Negotiations CPeC, saying it is an economic proj - and does not affect our principled asymptomatic, as well as those with shirts. The team at LsHTM collected fied by the dogs would require a PCR continue in Vienna to see if both ect not aimed at any third country. position on the issue of Kashmir, he two different strains of COVId-19, and processed a total of 3,758 sam - test. Use of the Bio detection dogs the Us and Iran can re-enter the Answering questions on the said. On the CPeC's extension to and with both high and low viral ples and chose 325 positive and 675 plus a confirmatory PCR test are esti - deal, which limited Tehran's en - CPeC at a media briefing on Afghanistan, he said, "on third party loads, the study released last week negative samples for testing. mated to detect more than twice as richment of uranium in exchange Monday, Foreign Ministry participation in the CPeC, China is said. These fantastic results are further many cases and prevent more onward for the lifting of economic sanc - spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the having discussions with third par - With the threat of new variants evidence that dogs are one of the most transmission than isolating sympto - tions. CPeC as one of the pioneering proj - ties, including Afghanistan". entering the country, the need for reliable biosensors for detecting the matic individuals only. Glimpses of Future 9 health JAMMU,TUesdAy, MAy 25, 2021 High Immunity, proper Black fungus: From symptoms to causes of Hygiene key safeguards against all fungal infections, infection, here are key facts about the disease says AIIMS Director Randeep even as the second wave of as mucormycetes. COVId. fungal lesion, according to The disease? Andhra Pradesh, COVId-19 continues in India, It has been seen in countries How serious is black fungus? Indian express. All fungal and Telangana, Gujarat, Haryana, Guleria concerns are rising over cases of like India and China, particularly The symptoms of black fun - necrotic tissue is removed from Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, black fungus among those recov - among patients suffering from di - gus/mucormycosis are the nasal cavity and medical man - Rajasthan, and Maharashtra are ering from the viral infection. abetes, cancer, or immune com - pain/stuffiness in the nose, in - agement is carried out with anti - among the states highly affected Till 22 May, India has report - promising conditions like HIV flammation on cheeks, fungus fungal drugs, namely injection by black fungus infections. ed about 8,848 cases of black fun - AIds. patch inside the mouth and Liposomal amphotericin-B. Maharashtra tops the list among gus or mucormycosis, according Now, COVId-19 survivors ‚" swelling in the eyelids. Why India is at great risk? affected states with 2,000 black to a statement by Union minister especially those having co-mor - Can black fungus spread from Mucormycosis has a high fungus cases. Have other coun - sadananda Gowda. bid health issues like diabetes, one person to another? mortality rate and was already tries also reported cases of black The Central government has heart and kidney ailments and The disease is not contagious present in India before the pan - fungus? India is not the only sought to expedite the allocation cancer ‚" have been found to be and doesn't spread from one per - demic. The fungal infection preys country facing the crisis, even as it of vials of Amphotericin-B, a key susceptible to the disease. son to another. on patients with weakened im - accounts for 71 percent of the total drug to treat mucormycosis, as re - How does black fungus enter What you should do if you ex - mune systems and underlying cases worldwide. As noted by a re - ported by The Tribune. the body? perience symptoms? conditions, particularly diabetes, port in India Today, Pakistan and Following are some key facts As noted by an article in In case of symptoms, medical and irrational usage of steroids, Russia are also seeing a surge in about black fungus ‚" Firstpost, the underlying cause of advice should be sought immedi - The Associated Press said, quot - black fungus infections. Russia What is mucormycosis? the disease in India is the unhy - ately. doctors perform MRI and ing experts. Both these factors are confirmed reports of black fungus As per the Us Centers for gienic way of delivering oxygen to CT scan of the nasal cavity, sinus - prevalent in India, which is wit - among the COVId patients on disease Control and Prevention, patients in many places, com - es and brain is performed, follow - nessing a devastating second May 17, though ruling out a possi - New delhi [India], May 24 (ANI): dr Randeep Guleria, this is a rare fungal infection bined with the indiscriminate use ing which endoscopic evaluation wave of coronavirus.Which states bility of a person-to-person director of All India Institue of Medical sciences (AIIMs) caused by a group of molds known of steroids in the treatment of of the nasal cavity can confirm a have been most affected by the spread. delhi on Monday said that people with low immunity are the ones affected by mucormycosis (black fungus) adding that maintenance of hygiene is the major safeguard against fungal infections. After Black & White, Yellow Fungus Case in UP: Usually ‘Found dr Guleria says it is better not to use the term black fungus while talking of mucormycosis, as it leads to a lot of avoidable confusion. in Reptiles’, Know its Symptoms, Causes, Cure Addressing a Union Health Ministry briefing on COVId-19, Guleria said "Black fungus is another family; to weight loss. subsequently, the weight of this term got associated with mucormycosis due to the the patient starts decreasing rapidly and it presence of black dots among the culture of white fungal becomes quite fatal. Reportedly, it later re - colonies. In general, there are various types of fungal in - sults into internal bleeding and multiple fections such as candida, aspergillosis, cryptococcus, organs failure. histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis." WHAT IS ITS TREATMENT "Mucormycosis, candida and aspergillosis are the Anti-fungal drug Amphotericin-B is ones observed more in those with low immunity. These being considered as a primary treatment of fungi are mainly found in sinuses, nose, bone around the yellow fungus. The same injection is being eyes and can enter the brain. They are occasionally found used currently to treat black or white fun - in lungs(pulmonary mucormycosis) or in the gastroin - gus cases in the country. testinal tract," he added. IS YELLOW FUNGUS MORE "Mucormycosis is the fungi mostly seen on COVId-19 DANGEROUS THAN BLACK OR recovered patients, Occasionally Aspergillus is reported WHITE FUNGUS and very few instances of Candida are being seen," he fur - In case of black fungus or white fungus, ther said. the symptoms are facial swelling, blacken - "The colour of fungus can be seen differently if it devel - ing or discolouration over the nose, ops in different areas." he said adding that "the number of blurred or double vision, chest pain, cases being reported is increasing, but it is not a communi - breathing difficulties, coughing blood and cable disease, meaning it does not spread from one person severe headache. However, the doctors to another like COVId-19 does." have reportedly said that the yellow fungus Guleria said that 90 - 95 per cent of patients getting in - starts infecting the patient internally. fected with Mucormycosis are found to have been either Hence, the patients are advised to seek the diabetic or taking steroids. medical treatment at the earliest once they "some warning signs for mucormycosis such as experience symptoms such as body fa - headache, rusting or bleeding from nose, swelling below tigue, low appetite and weight loss. the eye, lowering of facial sensation, if observed in high- Meanwhile, Union Health Minister dr risk patients or those taking steroids, need to be informed Harsh Vardhan on Monday said that so far, to doctors so that early diagnosis and treatment can be giv - 5,424 cases of mucormycosis have been re - en," he warned adding that immediate medical attention ported in 18 states and Union Territories, should be sought in such cases. news agency ANI reports. several states At a time when several states are wit - the patient is infected with all three kinds It is believed that poor hygiene stan - "Candida fungal infection can manifest with symp - and union territories in the country has de - nessing surge in number of black and white of funguses – black, white and yellow. “A dards or consumption of unhygienic food toms such as white patches in the mouth, oral cavities and clared black fungus as a notified disease fungus cases, a 45-year-old patient in 45-year-old patient’s sinus was normal in causes yellow fungus infection. excess use tongue. It can infect private parts and can also be found in under epidemics disease Act, stating that Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad was on Monday CT scan but after performing endoscopy of steroids or anti-fungal medicines are al - the blood (in which case it can become serious). the infection is leading to prolonged mor - found infected with yellow fungus, which is we came to know that he contracted three so a possible reason behind sudden surge Aspergillosis, which is relatively not common, affects and bidity and mortality among Covid-19 pa - said to be more dangerous than the other types of fungi (black, white and yellow). in such infections in Covid-19 patients, invades the lungs by creating cavities in the lungs," he tients. two fungal infections. The person is cur - yellow fungus is generally found in rep - even if recovered. added. Both white and black fungus infections rently being treated at a city-based private tiles. I found this first time in human,” he WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS Guleria reminded that regular washing of hands and are caused by fungi moulds called ‘mu - hospital under eNT surgeon dr Brij Pal said. Initially, the patient suffering from yel - ensuring that Oxygen apparatus being used are cleaned cormycetes’ which are present in the envi - Tyagi’s supervision. WHAT CAUSES YELLOW FUN - low fungus complains of extreme tired - regularly is imperative. ronment. speaking on the same, dr Tyagi said GUS INFECTION ness, low or no appetite at all which leads Regarding Post COVId-19 symptoms, Guleria said, "There are few symptoms that are seen post COVId. If the symptoms are seen for 4-12 weeks, it is called ongoing Diet Management In The Times of Self-isolation symptomatic COVId or post-acute COVId syndrome. If symptoms are seen for more than 12 weeks, it is called Despite Cost, Indian As India battles the second wave of the post-COVId syndrome." Covid-19 virus, we have again started to "Chronic fatigue syndrome is seen, which requires quarantine in our houses, with many state symptomatic treatment. There is another symptom gener - Consumers Now Shifting governments declaring partial to full lock - ally termed as 'brain fog' on social media, seen in COVId downs. In this scenario, we need to protect recovered who find difficulty in concentration & suffer our daily routine from getting disrupted es - from insomnia & depression," he further said. pecially during self-isolation. It is impor - "It has been said that children will be infected the most To Organic Food tant to maintain a healthy diet and consume in the third wave but Pediatrics Association has said that The Covid-19 pandemic hit global economies adversely - Many industries took a fiber rich foods for the fourteen days of this is not based on facts. It might not impact children so heavy blow on their operations and a large number of companies shut-shop due to quarantine period. people should not fear," he added. the lockdown. However, owing to the health benefits of organic foods, the consump - Here, are some budget-friendly sugges - With 4,454 more fatalities in the last 24 hours, India's tion levels are believed to have increased. With the absence of the vaccine in 2020, tions on what food items to purchase in or - official death toll due to COVId-19 has reached over 3 people recognized immunity as ammunition against coronavirus. This contributed der to prepare a healthy meal: lakh. immensely to the growth of the organic food industry across the globe. essential groceries, that should help in The country saw 2,22,315 new cases in the last 24 Organic food is priced slightly higher than conventionally produced food. an emergency or when you lack the energy hours. A total of 2,40,842 fresh infections were reported However, it is interesting to know that due to the raised awareness about the health to whip up a full meal, some of which are: on sunday and 2,76,070 new COVId-19 cases on benefits of these products, esp. in the Covid-19 era, consumers are not shying away Oats: They are high in soluble fiber, saturday. from shelling a little extra for organically produced food. The return of ‘home-made’ which may help lower blood cholesterol lev - healthy food has also contributed towards the consumption growth. els. They can be also prepared with milk or As we see a responsible shift in the consumption patterns from non-organic to or - curd. Avoid Cola, Packaged Food, ganic, this has been an opportunity for many startups to enter the organic food space. Whole-grains and ready-to-eat cereals In India, the second wave of Covid-19 in 2021 is stronger than in 2020 and the num - such as ragi flakes, quinoa flakes, muesli Include Protein, Vegetables: ber of cases is a record high, however, according to the data observed by AssOCHAM, with nuts can be consumed for breakfast as the Indian organic food market is going to grow by 40,000 million to 10,0000– well as for other meals of the day as they are Healthy Eating Must Start 1,20,000 million in 2021. fiber rich and provide the needed nutrition In Rajasthan alone, at least 91 percent of organic sellers and 89 percent of con - for the body. Early For Kids sumers have confirmed that there has been substantial growth in both sale and con - Beans and lentils are a great alternative Children are particularly vulnerable to the tempta - sumption of organic products during the pandemic, according to a survey by CUTs source of protein for chicken and meat. tions proffered by our media-minded culture through food International. There are several factors responsible for this growth like greater These can be soaked overnight and stored your mind are– advertisements and sedentary video games. Neither the awareness, ease of access through e-commerce, innovation, and rise of exports. in refrigerator after being boiled for later Consider cooking in batches. If you are media nor the educational system has a strong well-fi - With the greater penetration of smartphones and access to the Internet, aware - consumption. you can use them in salads, lucky enough to be doing well, spend ample nanced program that encourages healthy alternatives ness about the goodness of organic produce is on the rise. This has also helped in - soups, or even pasta. The ones available in time in making healthy quick fixes that can such as exercise and healthy foods – you’ve got to protect crease the consumption in Tier II and III cities in India. especially in the pandemic, cans should be rinsed, to flush away any be consumed later. For example: roasting and teach them yourself. Here are some of the specific the awareness about the benefits of organic products has increased manifold. Many sodium contained. sprouts of these makhanas, making granola or nut bars, problems we have created for our children and a look at people have switched to an organic lifestyle as a preventive measure. legumes can be prepared at home or bought chopping vegetables and making spreads how we can undo certain things. e-commerce and e-tail marketplaces have made it easier for homegrown organic from supermarkets as well. and sauces for later use. Fritters can be Avoid Cola: sugar is a significant problem. The link be - product brands to sell their products online and reach a wider audience. With a dairy products such as milk, paneer, made and refrigerated so they can be just tween high-fat diets in children is less clear. soft drinks, strong logistical network and user base, marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart are cheese spread come in handy for a quick fried when needed. other sweetened beverages, and fruit juice can be singled perfect to launch and sell organic products. Apart from these, tech startups like meal. Non-dairy items such as almond Increase liquids intake by drinking co - out as major contributors to childhood obesity. American Grofers, Big Bazaar, and swiggy are helping the offline stores reach the last mile dur - milk, soya milk, oat milk can be made into conut water, lemon water, buttermilk and scientists have reported that drinking sugar-laden soda ing the lockdown. The convenience of such services contributes immensely towards sweet delights such as yoghurt or flavored sattu water. Having soups made from regularly increases a child's risk for obesity by 60%. An av - the growth of organic food startups.startups are now innovating with their offerings curd or consumed as it is.Whole-grains and pumpkin, broccoli, tomato, beetroot, corn, erage adolescent consumes 15 to 20 extra teaspoons of to ease the consumption of herbs, superfoods, beverages, and botanicals. From or - ready-to-eat cereals such as ragi flakes, spinach, lentils are also nutritious ways to sugar a day just through soda and sugary drinks. While ganic tea to Ashwagandha capsules and organic beetroot powder, there are a plethora quinoa flakes, muesli with nuts can be con - for fluid intake. juice is still better than soda, it is still filled with sugar. of innovative offerings.India being an agricultural country, has been exporting food sumed for breakfast as well as for other Packaged thepla (Besan chapattis) or Avoid Packaged Food: Packaged food can be very dan - to the rest of the world. during 2020, the country exported 6.38 lakh tonnes (lt) of or - meals of the day as they are fiber rich and wheat chapattis can be purchased and re - gerous as they contain a lot of preservatives and some - ganic food products valued at ₹4,685.90 crores in 2019-20. The startups are provide the needed nutrition for the body. heated prior to consumption. times sugar. Children should eat less from packaged food taking leverage of the growing number of export of organic food from India. Nuts, seeds and dry fruits act as best op - Using disposable utensils for your and more from the kitchen. A study printed in the book ‘Predictive and Preventive Measures for Covid-19 tions to snack on. Other munchies include, meals will also help when self-isolating. Add protein: Parents should make sure that their chil - Pandemic’ estimated that even though Covid-19 brought an economic slowdown of puffed rice, soya puffs, poha, puffed barley some people may experience indiges - dren’s plates should include a variety of ingredients and −3% in the world but the organic industry clocked in a robust growth from 25 to 100% or multigrain high fiber biscuits. tion due to high doses of medication. In this make them more colourful. They should make sure they in 2020. In India, online retailers are witnessing 100% growth in their sales during Peanut butter, humus, hung curd are situation, it is important to be consuming have some sort of protein food be it in the form of plant- the same period. several reasons are contributing to the growth of the organic food quick fixes that can be used as spreads on more probiotics. Packaged prebiotic drinks based or animal proteins. industry. Apart from building immunity, people realized that preventive care helps in bread and save you from cooking a full like yakult/ Nutrifi are good options. It is Include Vegetables: Vegetables are a must during saving money spent on medical bills later. meal. recommended to keep your body hydrated some basic tips for cooking to be kept in at all times during this period. every meal, if the child disliked them, parents have to be creative with their recipes. Glimpses of future 10 JAMMU TUesdAy MAy 25, 2021 When Priyanka Chopra Aishwarya Rai Bachchan celebrates mother's These witty memes of Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone revealed about having a 70th birthday and we cannot take our eyes off 'lesbian encounter and others by Mumbai Police the pretty and all grown up Aaradhya will leave you ROFL

The Mumbai Police is known for its wit and humour when it comes to handling cases on so - cial media. Their posts have often left netizens rolling on the floor laughing while passing some valuable social information to them. And while the entire country is gripped by the ongoing sec - ond wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Mumbai Police shared a series of witty memes on their of - ficial Instagram account featuring Bollywood stars to remind people to take precautions. These memes that feature dialogues of Amitabh Bachchan, deepika Padukone, Rajesh Khanna, Ayushmann Khurrana and Kajol to sum up our every day situation will surely leave you in splits. The meme featuring Amitabh Bachchan reminds people to wear masks properly. It reads, 'Big- Bollywood actress tures on her Instagram and LOVe yOUUU." Aishwarya the lovely picture. "We LOVe B'lunder wearing your mask below nose.' While the meme featuring Kajol says, 'you can't 'Kajol' Aishwarya Rai recently rang we cannot take our eyes off donned a beautiful tradition - yOUUU INFINITeLy yOU us into thinking getting chocolates is essential' in her mother Vrinda Rai's the beauty. In this picture, al outfit and glammed her ARe OUR WORLd GOd and wrote, "Cheater, cheater, cheater. That's birthday on sunday night Vrinda was sitting at a dining look with red lipstick. In the BLess yOU OUR ANGeL," what you are!" a popular dialogue of Kajol bor - along with husband table, surrounded by three second picture, the grand - she captioned the post. rowed from her hit film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Abhishek Bachchan and cakes and bouquets. mother and granddaughter Abhishek and Aishwarya tied The meme featuring Ayushmann Khurrana daughter Aaradhya. Aaradhya was seen giving her (Vrinda and Aaradhya) were the knot in 2007 and became warns people against stepping out. The note Aishwarya made her mother grandma a bear hug, while seen hugging each other and proud parents in 2011. On the alongside the meme reads, "Be 'Zyada saavdhan' feel special and pampered. Aishwarya holds them tight. looked cute. They created the work front, Aishwarya will be today to ensure everything's ‘shubh Mangal' They celebrated her mother's sharing the photo, most beautiful and amazing seen next in Mani Ratnam's everyday." While the meme featuring late actor birthday with cakes, flowers, Aishwarya wrote, "HAPPy moment on camera. In the project Ponniyin selvan Rajesh Khanna's photograph urges people to or - and decorations. Aishwarya 70th BIRTHdAy dARLING third picture, Aishwarya, which will be released in two der food at home instead of stepping out. It shared the celebration pic - MOMMyyy-dOddAAA Aaradhya, Vrinda posed for parts. reads, 'Rajesh' order 'Khanna' at home.

Jacqueline Fernandez The desi Girl of Bollywood, Priyanka Chopra, Shah Rukh Khan set rules for daughter who took India to the global map with her several leaves us awestruck with achievements and milestones, once hit on by a woman. The Bajirao Mastani actress revealed Suhana Khan's future boyfriend her yoga poses, but her cats this thing, when she graced the sixth season of Koffee With Karan along with deepika The megastar of steal the thunder Padukone. When asked about if she was of ever Bollywood, shah Rukh facing a lesbian encounter , PeeCee replied, Khan is a doting father and "encounters, I wouldn't know, but I've been we have always seen his propositioned." she revealed, “It could've been. It protective side when it was at a nightclub, a few years ago. And this girl, comes to his kids. While who clearly didn't know that I don't swing that sRK's daughter suhana way, was being extremely sweet, and very flatter - Khan turned 21 yesterday, ing, and very flirtatious. And I didn't know how to we take you through the tell her... Because she was somebody I knew.” The moment, when the dilwale actress also revealed that she was the girl, who actor made rules for his even Karan Johar knows. Priyanka revealed that daughter's future she got out of the situation by lying that she is al - boyfriend and warned him ready in a relationship. “I just had to be like, suhana is dad's princess 'Babe, I kinda have a boyfriend, which I didn't at and not his conquest. the time. It could have been... But I prefer boys," speaking about that 7 rules said the dil dhadakne do star. On the work front, for suhana Khan's future Priyanka Chopra was last seen in The White Tiger boyfriend, the dilwale opposite Rajkummar Rao, which was a Netflix dulhania Le Jayenge actor film. It was adapted from Aravind Adiga's prize- told NdTV, "It's false winning novel of the same name. The film was bravado. I know that when helmed by Ramin Bahrani. It follows the extraor - it will come down to it, dinary journey of a self-made man from being a when my daughter likes tea-shop worker in a village to a successful entre - somebody, I'll not be able preneur in a big city. The global icon also has an to say anything and just ac - international web series under her belt titled cept it. Before it happens, I Citadel, which will be produced by Avengers: thought I'll just put this endgame makers Russo Brothers and also fea - out, just in case somebody ture Richard Madden in a key role. It will be di - reads it and thinks they rected by Raj and dK, who are known for The should respect me a little Family Man, Go Goa Gone and others. Recently more than they can, and in a Q & A session on Twitter, the actress revealed take it seriously. But I that her next Bollywood film will be out in 2022, don't think it's serious at which cheered up all her fans. all. sushmita sen's daughter Renee sen opens up about her ex, current boyfriend and upcoming acting project

sushmita sen's elder boyfriend ke bare may batao daughter, Renee sen, appears (reveal something about your to have taken after her es - ex-boyfriend),” and pat came Jacqueline Fernandez is known for her love for well - teemed mother both in terms her response, “No point talking ness. The actress is deeply into yoga. Throughout the lock - of wit and class. Why do we say about it.” The boyfriend ques - down, she has been practising yoga at home. As we know, this? Well, there's proof. The tions didn't stop there though, she lives alone in Mumbai. Giving Jacqueline Fernandez lass recently conducted an with yet another trying to dig company are her cats. she has around six of them. she has shared a video where we can see her perform some of the 'Ask Me Anything' live session something by asking, “Future most amazing asanas and poses. However, the stars of the on Instagram, where she field - boyfriend?” which was met with show are her cats, Urus and the white one. We are unsure if ed a great many questions another smooth reply: “I wish I it is Milo or yoda. The cats seem to be as interested in the ranging from tips on skincare could time travel to answer this. yoga session as her. One of them also does a perfect stretch and her daily routine in lock - Coming to her acting stints, pose. Jacqueline Fernandez has been a cat lover since ages. down to several queries about Renee revealed during the in - she often posts her moments with them. As many pet lover her ex, current and future rela - teractive session that her next with vouch, her cats act like her stress-buster. A couple of tionships as also curiosity project is on the way though she them are gorgeous Persian cats with long hair. The actress' about her plans of following in didn't share much details about has been busy professionally with movies like Cirkus, Ram her mother's footsteps. We it. “It’s under post-production,” setu, Bachchan Pandey, Bhoot Police and Kick 2 in her kit - wonder if Renee, too, was was all that she was willing to ty. she has also started the yOLO Foundation to help peo - ready for this barrage when disclose at this point in time. ple in the pandemic. The actress has been distributing she began the session, but For the uninitiated, Renee had masks, sanitizers and other stuff to needy people and front - what we can say for certain is made her acting debut earlier line workers like cops and traffic policemen in the pandem - that she emerged from it like a this year in a short film titled ic. she also tied up with a Roti bank to feed the poor. The ac - boss just as sushmita sen al - suttabaazi, wherein she por - tress believes that she coming from a position of privilege, ways has. One Instagram user trayed a rebellious teenager at a she must do her bit for society. Jacqueline Fernandez has inquired, “do you have a crossroads with her parents. always believed in philanthropy. during the first lock - boyfriend? Pls tell,” to which directed by Kabeer Khurana, down, she was seen at salman Khan's farmhouse for a long Renee replied, “Focus is the movie had premiered on time. The superstar and she are good buddies for a long work.” Another asked her, “ex disney+ Hotstar. time.     11 LOCAL !$$+*+).$. 

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