Издавач: Publisher: Војни музеј Military Museum Калемегдан бб, 11000 Београд, Србија Kalemegdan bb, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia тел. 33-44-408, 33-43-441 Факс 33-44-915 Phone 33-44-408, 33-43-441 Fax 33-44-915 www.muzej.mod.gov.rs www.muzej.mod.gov.rs e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] За издавача: For Publisher: потпуковник Lieutenant-colonel др Иван Мијатовић Ph.D Ivan Mijatović Уредник: Editor: музејски саветник Museum Counsellor др Мирко Пековић Ph.D Mirko Peković Суиздавач: Co-Publisher Медија центар „Одбрана“ Medija centar „Odbrana“ За cyиздавача: For Co-Publisher: потпуковник Lieutenant-colonel Славољуб М. Марковић Slavoljub M. Marković Језички редактор: Proofreading: Добрила Милетић Dobrila Miletić Слађана Мирчевски Sladjana Mirčevski Ликовно-технички уредник: Typesetting by: мр Небојша Кујунџић М. А. Nebojša Kujundžić Тираж: Printed in: 300 примерака 300 copies Штампа: Printed by: Војна штампарија Military printing-office Ресавска 40 б,11000 Београд Resavska 40 bb, 11000 Belgrade

93/94*067*7 Весник / Војни музеј : часопис за историју, музеологију и уметност ; уредник Мирко Пековић. – 1954, књ. 1 – 1989, бр. 33 ; 2014, бр. 41-.-Београд (Калемегдан бб) : Војни музеј, 1954 - 1989 ; 2007 - (Београд : Војна штампарија).- 24 cm На корицама: Годишње.- Прекид у излажењу од Принц Александар и француски пилот гроф Шарл де Ламбер у лиценцном аероплану Рајт Флајер бр. 1990 - 2006. године. ISСN 0067-5660 = Весник - Војни музеј 1, Вилакубле, Париз, април 1910 (МВ) Београд COBISS.SR-ID 41168903 Front cover Serbian Prince Alexander Kаrađorđević and French pilot Count Charles de Lambert in license-built Wright Flyer CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији No 1, Villacoublay, Paris, April 1910 (MV) Народна библиотека Србије, Београд VESNIK 41/2014 Војни музеј

Београд 2014

Уредник др Мирко Пековић, Војни музеј – Београд

Уређивачки одбор др Синиша Мишић, Филозофски факултет – Београд, др Миле Бјелајац, Институт за новију историју Србије – Београд, др Предраг Драгојевић, Филозофски факултет – Београд, др Мирослав Вујовић, Филозофски факултет – Београд, др Драган Булатовић, Филозофски факултет – Београд, др Радован Радовановић, Криминалистичко-полицијска академија – Београд, др Младен Вуруна, бригадни генерал, Војна академија – Београд, Слађан Ристић, пуковник, Министарство одбране – Београд, др Милан Јовановић, Алфа универзитет – Београд, дипл. инж. Бранко Богдановић – Београд, мр Небојша Ђокић, Центар за војно-политичке студије – Београд, др Андреј Шемјакин, Балканолошки институт РАНУ – Москва, др Чарлс Х. Каритон – Форт Монро, др Роберт Елгуд, Британски музеј – Лондон, др Зоја Бојић, Универзитет Новог јужног Велса – Сиднеј, др Александар Николов Државни универзитет – Софија, др Димитрис Вогиацис, Грчки ваздухопловни музеј – Атина VESNIK41/2014 Military Museum

Belgrade 2014

Editor Ph.D Mirko Peković, Military Museum – Belgrade

Editorial Board Ph.D Siniša Mišić, Faculty of Philosophy – Belgrade, Ph.D Mile Bjelajac, Institute for recent history of Serbia – Belgrade, Ph.D Predrag Dragojević, Faculty of Philosophy – Belgrade, Ph.D Miroslav Vujović, Faculty of Philosophy – Belgrade, Ph.D Dragan Bulatović, Faculty of Philosophy – Belgrade, Ph.D Radovan Radovanović, Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies – Belgrade, Ph.D Mladen Vuruna, Brigadier, Military Academy – Belgrade, Slađan Ristić, Colonel, Ministry of defence – Belgrade, Ph.D Milan Jovanović, Alfa University – Belgrade, ing. Branko Bogdanović – Belgrade, М.А. Nebojša Đokić, Center for military-politics Studies – Belgrade, Ph.D Andrej Šemjakin, Institute for Balkan Studies RАSА – Moskva, Ph.D Čarls H. Kariton – Fort Monro, Ph.D Robert Elgud, British Museum – London, Ph.D Zoja Bojić, The University of New South Wales – Sydney, Ph.D Aleksandar Nikolov, State university – Sofija, Ph.D Dimitris Vogiatzis, Hellenic Aircraft Museum – Atina САДРЖАЈ CONTENTS

Студије и чланци Ессays and Features

Наташа Миладиновић-Радмиловић / Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović Драгица Бизјак / Dragica Bizjak Драгана Вуловић / Dragana Vulović РАНОСРЕДЊОВЕКОВНА НЕКРОПОЛА НА ЛОКАЛИТЕТУ TIMACUM MINUS - КУЛИНЕ 9 Early Medieval necropolis on the site Timacum Minus – Kuline

Оливера Думић / Olivera Dumić ОСМАНСКА ОРДИЈА КРАЈЕМ XVIII И ПОЧЕТКОМ XIX ВЕКА 33 Osmanli Military Forces in the Period of the First Serbian Uprising

Владимир Киреев / Владимир Кирев СЕКРЕТНЫЙ ПЕРСИДСКИЙ ФРОНТ ВЕЛИКОЙ ВОЙНЫ: РУССКИЙ ЭКСПЕДИЦИОННЫЙ КОРПУС В ИРАНЕ 57 Тајни персијски фронт у Великом рату: Руске експедиционе трупе у Ирану

Иван Мијатовић, Небојша Ђокић / Ivan Mijatović, Nebojša Đokić ПРВА НАБАВКА ШНАЈДЕРОВИХ БРЗОМЕТНИХ ТОПОВА У СРБИЈИ 69 Serbia’s First Rapid Fire Schneider Cannon Acquisition

Огњан Петровић / Ognjan Petrović ВАЗДУХОПЛОВНA КОМАНДА И СРПСКИ АВИОНИ 1912–1913. 101 Air Force Command and Serbian Aircraft 1912–1913

Небојша Ђокић / Nebojša Đokić ШКОЛСКИ АВИОН АЕРО-2 149 Аеrо-2 basic trainer aircraft

Александар Коло, Предраг Миладиновић / Aleхandеr Kolo, Predrag Miladinović ВАЗДУХОПЛОВНЕ ОЗНАКЕ СФРЈ, СРЈ И СРБИЈЕ 1956–2013 175 Aviation markings of SFRY, FRY and Serbia 1956–2013

Ђорђе Јојић / Đordje Jojić РАЗАРАЧИ ТИПА БЕОГРАД – БРОДОВИ СЛАВНИХ ПОГИБИЈА 201 Royal Yugoslav of Beograd class – the ships of famous downfalls Branko Bogdanović / Бранко Богдановић YUGOSLAV PISTOL SYSTEM YOVANOVITCH 227 Југословенски пиштољ система Јовановић

Горан Гаврић / Goran Gavrić РАТНО ИСКУСТВО ЈОЗЕФА БОЈСА У ДРУГОМ СВЕТСКОМ РАТУ 243 War experience of Joseph Beuys in the Second World War

Прилози Articles

Љубомир Стевовић / Ljubomir Stevović МЕДАЉА ОБНОВИОЦИМА СРПСКЕ КРАЉЕВИНЕ 1882. 265 Medal to Restituors of Serbian Kingdom 1882

Бојана Илић / Bojana Ilić ПРОЛЕГОМЕНА ЗА МУЗЕАЛИЗАЦИЈУ СТАЛНЕ ПОСТАВКЕ ВОЈНОГ МУЗЕЈА 281 Musealisation thesis permanent exhibitions of the Military Museum

Љубомир Стевовић / Ljubomir Stevović ПРЕСТОНЕ МЕДАЉЕ КРАЉА АЛЕКСАНДРА ОБРЕНОВИЋА 295 King Alexander Obrenović throne medals

Душанка Маричић / Dušanka Maričić ФРАНЦУСКА ОДЛИКОВАЊА ОРДЕН ЛЕГИЈЕ ЧАСТИ И РАТНИ КРСТ ДОДЕЉЕНИ СРПСКОЈ ВОЈСЦИ У ВЕЛИКОМ РАТУ 309 French decorations given to Serbian army in the Great War

Коста Кнежевић / Kosta Knežević БРАЋА 317 Brothers

Конзервацијa Conservation и рестаурација and Restauration


Прикази изложби Reviews exhibitionѕ

Мирко Пековић / Mirko Peković Изложба поводом Дана Војног музеја – Посете познатих личности Војном музеју 341 Мирослав Стефановић / Miroslav Stefanović Изложба Војног музеја у галерији Народног музеја у Аранђеловцу – Занатско оружје Балкана 17 –19. век 345

Вук Обрадовић / Vuk Obradović Изложба у галерији Војног музеја – Историја чешко-српске војне сарадње 347

Наташа Томић / Nataša Tomić Изложба у Војном музеју поводом Дана Војске Србије и манифестације Ноћ музеја – Пиштољи из Збирке западноевропског оружја до 19. века 349

Прикази публикација Reviews edition

Милош Јевтић / Miloš Jevtić Мирко Пековић, Инкрустована керамика бронзаног доба у српском Подунављу Београд 2013, стр. 305 351 Сања Цвркота / Sanja Cvrkota Ирина Нешић, Мирко Пековић, Библиографија часописа Весник Војног музеја (1954–2013), Београд 2013, стр. 169 355 IN MEMORIAM Мирко Пековић ПАВЛЕ ЉУМОВИЋ (1936–2014) 357 РАНОСРЕДЊОВЕКОВНА EARLY MEDIEVAL ­ НЕКРОПОЛА НА ЛОКАЛИТЕТУ NECROPOLIS ON THE SITE ­ TIMACUM MINUS – КУЛИНЕ TIMACUM MINUS – KULINE

На­та­ша П. Ми­ла­ди­но­вић-Рад­ми­ло­вић, Nataša P. Miladinović-Radmilović, Ар­хе­о­ло­шки ин­сти­тут, Бе­о­град Archeological Institute, Belgrade Дра­ги­ца В. Би­зјак, Dragica V. Bizjak, са­рад­ницa Ар­хе­о­ло­шког ин­сти­ту­та, Бе­о­град Contributor of Archeological Institute, Belgrade Драгaна Д. Ву­ло­вић, Dragana D. Vulović, са­рад­ницa Ар­хе­о­ло­шког ин­сти­ту­та, Бе­о­град Contributor of Archeological Institute, Belgrade ­­ ­ Са­же­так: У тек­сту је прика­ ­зан резул­ ­тат ан­ Abstract: In this paper are presented the results of тро­по­ло­шке ана­ли­зе ске­лет­них оста­та­ка са рано­­ the anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from сред­њо­ве­ковне­ некро­ ­по­ле на ло­ка­ли­те­ту Timacum Early Medieval necropolis from the site Timacum Minus Minus – Ку­ли­не. Анали­ ­за је об­у­хва­та­ла ар­хео­ ­ло­шке – Kuline. The analysis encompassed both archaeological и ан­тро­по­ло­шке пара­ ­ме­тре. С обзи­ ­ром на то да у and anthropological parameters. As there were no гро­бо­ви­ма ни­је било­ ар­хео­ ­ло­шких нала­ ­за, већ је ре­ archaeological finds in the graves, but the relative ла­тив­на хро­но­ло­ги­ја некро­ ­по­ле утвр­ђена­ на осно­ву chronology of the necropolis was established after the стра­ти­гра­фи­је кул­тур­них сло­је­ва, антро­ ­по­ло­шка stratigraphy of cultural layers, the anthropological analysis ана­ли­за да­ла је битне­ по­дат­ке за ин­тер­прета­ ­ци­ gave important data for the interpretation. Apart from one ју. На јед­ној ло­ба­њи, поред­ повре­ ­де нане­ те­ оштрим injury inflicted by a sharp blade, most likely with a sword, се­чи­вом, нај­ве­ро­ват­ни­је ма­чем, на­шу пажњу­ при­ву­ on one skull, our attention also attracted a large number кло је прису­ ­ство ве­ли­ког броја­ ано­ма­ли­ја у разво­ ­ју of anomalies in the skeletal development (sacralisation ске­ле­та (са­кра­ли­за­ци­ја L5, са­крали­ ­за­ци­ја os coccygis, of L5, sacralisation of os coccygis, spina bifida occulta, spina bifida occulta, spondylolisis, foramen sternale), spondylolisis, foramen sternale), anomalies of tooth rows ано­ма­ли­ја зуб­ног низа­ и ви­ли­ца (хи­по­дон­ци­ја, фу­ and jaws (hypodontiа, fusion and rotation of the teeth), as зи­ја и ро­та­ци­ја зу­ба), као и неко­ ­ли­ко епиге­ нет­ ских­ well as several epigenetic traits that are not encountered ка­рак­те­ри­сти­ка ко­је се не ви­ђа­ју често­ на ске­ле­ти­ often on skeletal remains from our sites (aperturae ossis ма са наших­ ло­ка­ли­те­та (aperturae ossis tympanici, tympanici, sutura squamomastoidea, torus mandibularis, sutura squamomastoidea, torus mandibularis, torus torus palatinus). This led us to conclusion that this was palatinus). То нас је ве на­ ­ло на закљу­ ­чак да се ра­ди an isolated, blood-related warrior population, most likely о изо­ло­ва­ној, ро­дов­ски по­ве­за­ној рат­нич­кој попу­ ­ла­ from the period of the Great migration. цији,­ нај­ве­ро­ват­ни­је из вре­ме­на Се­о­бе наро­ ­да. Key words: warrior population, Great migration Кључ­не ре­чи: ратнич­ ­ка попу­ ­ла­ци­ја, Се­о­ба на­ period, sharp blade injuries, sacralisation of L5 and os ро­да, повре­ ­да оштрим сечи­ ­вом, са­крали­ ­за­ци­ја L5 и coccygis, spina bifida occulta, spondylolisis, foramen os coccygis, spina bifida occulta, spondylolisis, foramen sternale. sternale. Из­вор­ни рад Наташа Миладиновић- Original article Nataša Miladinović- Радмиловић, Radmilović, Археолошки институт, Archeological Institute, Београд Belgrade, Dragica Bizjak, Драгица Бизјак Dragana Vulović, и Драгaна Вуловић, Contributors сараднице of Archeological Археолошког Institute, Belgrade института, Београд УДК: UDC:

При­мље­но: Кнез Михаилова 35 Received: Knez Mihailova 35 3. марта 2014. године 11000 Београд March 3, 2014 11000 Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но: [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 19. марта 2014. [email protected] March 19, 2014 [email protected] године [email protected] [email protected]


Early Medieval necropolis on the site Timacum Minus – Kuline

Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Dragica Bizjak, Dragana Vulović

he site Timacum Minus is placed on the left (plans 1–3, fig. 1). Male individuals of age categories Tbank of the Beli Timok river, in the village of Adultus (I and II) and Maturus (I) dominate (table 1). Ravna, 8 km north from Knjaževac (plan 1.). The Apart from the injury inflicted by a sharp blade, Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, in cooperation most likely sword, at one skull, also injuries in the of the with the Regional museum in Knjaževac, shape of smaller cuts on mentum and coalesced started in year 1975 systematic archaeological fissured on the ribs can be noted. Out of anomalies research of the Roman fortress and its surrounding. in the skeletal development one must mention These researches, with minor interruptions, are sacralisation of L5, sacralisation of os coccygis, still on-going. Archaeological excavations in Ravna spina bifida occulta, spondylolisis, foramen have established the existence of four medieval sternale. From diseases of the joints were noted necropolises on the following locations: Kuline, osteoarthritis, dislocations of joints and problems i. e., in the interior of the Roman fortress, on the in their joining and Schmorl’s node. Among other eastern slope of the Slog hill, on the southern slope palaeopathological changes, also have occurred of the Podina hill and on the location of Ravanski changes in bones caused by blood disorder, (Zubanov) stream or Turkish graveyard. Early changes in bones caused by circulation disorder, medieval necropolis, on the site of Kuline (plan 2 osteomas, infections, infective osteomyelitis and 3, fig. 1), was partially researched during the and possible sinusitis infection. None of these campaign carried out in September of year 1978. palaeopathological changes (Т. I, 5–6; T. II, 3–6; The detailed anthropological analysis, whose T. III, 3–4; T. IV, 1–5), except in the case of heavy results are presented here, was executed in the tangential injury made by sword on the individual year 2011. The analysis encompassed the context buried in the grave 1 (T. I, 1–2), could not have been of the finds, determination of the degree of the the cause of death of these individuals. preservation of the bones, morphological and Dental analysis demonstrated a large number of metrical elements (tables 1–4), the establishing anomalies of the dental rows and jars: hypodontiа, the sex and individual age, palaeopathological and fusion and rotation of the teeth. Furthermore, dental analyses, noting the epigenetic traits and the decolourisation of enamel, hypoplasia, dental occupational stress markers, taking DNA samples tartar, paradontopathy, ante mortem loss of teeth and determination of the minimal number of the as a result of paradontopathy, ante mortem loss of buried individuals (grave 8). teeth due to caries, periapical cysts (T. I, 3), cysts­ Within the interior of the fortress, on the site and caries were observed. Timacum Minus – Kuline, ten individuals were From epigenetic traits on the cranial skeleton discovered (graves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8а, 8b and 9) were noted sulci frontales, ossa suturae lambdoideae,

30 Early Medieval necropolis on the site Timacum Minus – Kuline

aperturae ossis tympanici (T. III, 1), canalis condylaris, was devastated and burnt. On the other hand, Early foramen zygomaticofaciale, sutura squamomastoidea, medieval necropolis researched on the hill Slog torus palatinus and torus mandibularis. On the appeared at the end of 9th century, and the traces postcranial skeleton from epigenetic traits were of the accompanying settlement were discovered present facies articularis superior atlantis bipartita, on the site of Kuline. Therefore, in the times when foramen processus transversi bipartium, perforatio the interior of the fortress was not inhabited, here- fossae olecrani (T. II, 2) and trochanter tertius. by presented necropolis could have emerged. The markers of occupational stress in the shape Dating is even more difficult due to the fact that the of hypertrophy (cortical defect) are visible on the necropolis is only partially researched and in the muscular attachments of the mandible, on ribs discovered graves there were no offerings. After (Т. I, 4), both clavicles (Т. II, 1), right scapula, left the comparative analyses we conducted, we may scapula, right humerus, left humerus, (T. III, 5), conclude that these individuals differ very much right ulna, left ulna, right radius, left radius, (T. III, after morphological and metrical elements, after 6), both tibias, right femur (T. III, 7) and left femur. their body height and palaeopathological changes The occupational stress markers in the shape of from the members of Antique and medieval hypertrophy (cortical defect) are also visible on populations buried on the near-by necropolis the attachments of ligaments on the right clavicle, Slog. Unlike them, deceased buried on the Podina left clavicle, both pelvic bones and on both femuri. necropolis are anthropologically very close. Also, we Oleocrania of ulnas are slightly separated. From may note, after the extreme robusticity of the body, other occupational stress markers also may be specific anomalies in the skeletal development and noted the deformations of the upper part of the epigenetic traits that on the Kuline were buried humerus body as a result of very emphasized the members of the same tribal-blood related muscular attachments, and the creation of an community, which is a characteristic for the additional facet on the top of the right acromion (Т. necropolises of the Great Migration period. After III, 2) and the so-called „kneeling“ facet. some warrior injuries and markers of occupational The necropolis from the interior of the fortress stress it may be assumed that they often took on the site of Timacum Minus – Kuline can be part in battles and that they were light-armed approximately dated into the period from mid-5th to horsemen. However, more precise dates and more the end of the 9th century AD after the stratigraphy data on the population itself can be provided by of the cultural layers. Namely, the life in the Roman further investigations of this necropolis. fortress of Timacum Minus was cut by the invasion of Huns into Dacia Ripensis in 441/3 AD, when it Translated by Selena Vitezović


Оли­ве­ра М. Ду­мић, Olivera M. Dumić, са­рад­ник Вој­ног му­зе­ја, Бе­о­град Contributor of Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: У ра­ду је прика­ ­за­но ста­ње осман­ Abstract: The paper presents the condition of ске ор­ди­је у вре­ме Првог­ српског­ устан­ка. По­ the Ottoman Army in the period of the First Serbian себно­ је нагла­ ­ше­на раз­ли­ка изме­ ­ђу ре­гу­лар­них Uprising with special attention to difference и не­ре­гу­лар­них је­ди­ни­ца, као и ла­нац ко­ман­до­ between regular and irregular troops and the Army ва­ња у ор­ди­ји. Де­таљ­ни­је су описа­ ­не и кр­џа­ли­ command chain. Detailed study was made about је ко­је су чини­ ле­ окосни­ ­цу ору­жа­них форма­ ­ци­ја Krdzalije (brigands), who were the framework of под коман­ ­дом да­хи­ја а и ка­сни­је су има­ле вр­ло the armed forces led by Dahias and who later had зна­чај­ну уло­гу у ра­зним осман­ским вој­ним фор­ very important role in various Ottoman military ма­ци­ја­ма. Мно­го кр­џа­ли­ја бори­ ­ло се и у са­ста­ formations. Many of Krdzalije fought together with ву српских­ уста­нич­ких сна­га. Serbian rebels. Кључ­не ре­чи: Осман­ско цар­ство, Први­ срп­ Key words: Ottoman Empire, First Serbian Uprising, ски уста­нак, осман­ска ор­ди­ја, спахи­ ­је, ја­ни­ча­ Ottoman Army, Spahias, Yanissaries, Krdzalije, ри, кр­џа­ли­је, левен­ де,­ кум­ба­ра­џи­је, тобџи­ ­је, gunners, Sanjak, Sanjak-bey, levende, kumbaracije, оџак, сан­џак, сан­џак бег, ер­ли­је. erlije.

Изворни рад Оливера Думић Original article Olivera Dumić

УДК: сарадник Војног UDC: Contributor of Military музеја у Београду Museum Belgrade

При­мље­но: Јурија Гагарина 188 Received: Jurijа Gagarin 188 12. марта 2014. 11070 Београд March 12, 2014 11070 Belgrade године

При­хва­ће­но: [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 25. марта 2014. године March 25, 2014


Osmanli Military Forces in the Period of the First Serbian Uprising

Olivera Dumić

t the close of the 18th century, the Osmanli At the very beginning of the 19th century, the A(Ottoman) Empire still had huge military osmanly armies still consisted of kapıkulu ocakları, potentials – a complex structure of military provinces, salaried regular troops – most of whom were the autonomous regions and virtually independent yeniçeriler (janissaries), and a huge variety of „regencies”; the regions on the frontiers were of topraklı or eyalet kuvvetleri, unpaid irregulars. greatest military significance. Several regions were But, being mostly out of the governments control, lost since the „golden age” but, nevertheless, the military men (and mostly the janissary corps) were massive loss of territories had barely begun. unwilling to accept any modernisation of their The main problem of the Osmanli government structure, tactics or weaponry. So, the Osmanli army was the lack of respect of many provincial became the shadow of its own shadow, the Empire authorities toward the Sultan which resulted with a lot of small-scale rebellions, the corrupted state was capable only to raise about 30.000 troops administration and, finally, the economic decline for a major campaign – and, consequently, lost which undermined the Empire’s strength and the the military initiative. Despite all these problems, governments ability to finance military campaigns. Osmanli forces continued to fight hard – and often But the empoverishment of the Empire also gave well. This was the enemy the serbian rebels had to birth to the unsatisfaction, even desperation among fight against during the First serbian uprising. the established military groups as well as among all the classes of the osmanli subjects. Translated by Olivera Dumić


Владимир С. Киреев, Владимир С. Кирев канд. ист. наук, востоковед, Москва, Россия (Историја, Оријенталне студије), Москва, Русија

Краткое изложение: Одной из малоизвестных Абстракт: Персијски фронт представља страниц Первой мировой (Великой) войны једну од непознаница Првог светског рата. Он является Персидский фронт, который можно би се могао назвати и тајним јер су се војне было назвать секретным, поскольку боевые операције тамо обављале под велом тајне, с действия велись в нем негласно, так как в обзиром да је Персија била неутрална током течение войны Персия сохраняла нейтралитет. рата. На овом фронту је дошло до директног На этом фронте непосредственно столкнулись сучељавања интереса свих зараћених страна, интересы всех активных участников Великой тј. Немачке и Турске на једној страни и Русије войны – Германии и Турции, с одной стороны, и и Велике Британије на другој. Руске снаге су России и Англии, с другой. Решающую роль на тамо одиграле одлучујућу улогу. нем сыграли русские войска. Кључне речи: Руске експедиционе трупе, Ключевые слова: Русский экспедиционный Цар Николај II, Генерал Јуденич, Генерал Братов, корпус, император Николай II, генерал Юденич, Гроф Кауниц, Хамадан, Керманшах, Колмар фон генерал Баратов, граф Каниц, Хамадан, дер Голц, Генерал Таунсхенд, Кут Ал Амара, Керманшах, Кольмар фон дер Гольц, генерал Кханакин. Таунсенд, Кут-эль-Амар, Ханекен

Научный доклад Владимир Киреев Извор­ ­ни рад Владимир Кирев

УДК: Москва УДК: Москва Россия Русија

Принято: Примље­ ­но: 3. марта 2014. года 3. марта 2014. године

Одобрено: При­хваће­ но:­ 19. марта 2014. года 19. марта 2014. године

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Тајни­ пер­сиј­ски фронт у Ве­ли­ком ра­ту: Ру­ске екс­пе­ди­ци­о­не тру­пе у Ира­ну

Вла­ди­мир Ки­рев­

бог свог ге­ограф­ ског­ по­ло­жаја,­ Пер­сија­ је су испу­ ни­ ­ле све задат­ ке,­ по­разив­ ши­ про­не­мачке­ Зтоком­ пр­вих го­ди­на XX ве­ка била­ пред­мет вој­не трупе.­ суко­ ­ба инте­ ре­ ­са Ру­сије­ и Ве­лике­ Брита­ ни­ ­је. То је У међу­ вре­ ­ме­ну, гар­ни­зон саве­ ­зничког­ гене­ ­ до­ве­ло до Ан­гло-ру­ског саве­ за­ 1907. го­ди­не ко­ рала­ Та­унсхен­ да­ је пао под оп­саду­ у Кут ал Ама­ јим су по­де­ље­не сфере­ ин­тере­ ­са две ве­ли­ке си­ ри (Ирак). По­раз бри­танских­ тру­па би омо­гући­ ­ле ле. Осла­бљена­ персиј­ ска­ вла­дарска­ ди­насти­ ја­ пре­баци­ ­вање­ турских­ снага­ у Перси­ ју,­ чи­ме би се Каџар­ је у иностран­ ству­ тра­жи­ла пот­по­ру сво­јој угрози­ ­ла стра­тегиј­ ска­ си­туа­ ци­ ­јау ре­ги­ону.­ У та­ власти.­ Та­кву потпо­ ­ру им је пру­жала­ ру­ска вла­да. квим окол­ности­ ма,­ ру­ско руко­ ­вод­ство је од­лучи­ ­ По изби­ ја­ ­њу Првог­ свет­ског ра­та, Перси­ ја­ је ло да пру­жи по­моћ бри­танским­ саве­ ­зни­ци­ма. Ба­ за­др­жала­ не­у­тра­лан став. Не­мач­ка је, ипак, та­мо ра­тов је до­био наре­ ­ђење­ да кре­не ка Кхана­ ки­ ну,­ ак­тив­но спро­во­ди­ла сво­ју про­па­ганду.­ Шта­ви­ ко­ји је заро­ ­бљен у апри­лу 1916. го­ди­не. Гар­ни­зон ше, инспи­ ри­ ­сан не­мач­ком пропа­ ­гандом,­ пани­ ­ гене­ ­рала­ Та­унсхен­ да­ се у међу­ вре­ ­мену­ пре­дао, а слам­ски по­крет је до­био под­сти­ца­ја из Турске.­ да ни­је са­чекао­ ру­ску помоћ.­ Без об­зира,­ вештим­ мане­ ­вром ге­не­рал Ба­ра­тов је спре­чио преба­ ци­ ­ Ове окол­но­сти су утица­ ­ле да персиј­ ­ски шах ста­ вање­ турских­ снага.­ не на не­мач­ку стра­ну. Ва­жно је забе­ ­ле­жи­ти да исто­ри­ја не пам­ти Сре­ди­ном 1915. го­ди­не Не­мачка­ је, као наста­ ­ сличну­ акци­ ­ју Брита­ на­ ца­ зарад­ спа­сава­ ња­ сво­јих вак своје­ про­па­ганде,­ фор­ми­рала­ вој­не је­ди­ни­ца саве­ ­зни­ка. у Перси­ ји­ за бор­бу про­тив Ру­сије­ и Ве­ли­ке Бри­та­ Па ипак, ру­ска коман­ да­ је успе­шно спречи­ ­ла ни­је. Не­мачки­ агент тајне­ службе­ гроф Ка­униц­ је ствара­ ње­ анти­ ру­ског фрон­та у Перси­ ји.­ Испу­ ња­ ­ при­крио насил­ ну­ про­ме­ну снага­ у Пер­си­ји. вају­ ћи­ саве­ ­зничку­ дужност,­ ру­ска коман­ да­ је де­ У та­квој си­туа­ ци­ ­ји, на­кон број­них разма­ ­тра­ња, ло­вала­ искљу­ чи­ во­ у ру­ском ин­тере­ ­су и успе­ ­ла да Ру­сија­ је од­лучи­ ла­ да раз­ви­је и от­поч­не специ­ ­јал­ по­стигне­ ци­ље­ве уз ми­ни­мал­не губит­ ке­ у борби­ ну војну­ опе­раци­ ­ју у Перси­ ји.­ У ту свр­ху су у Пер­ са сна­жним про­тив­ни­ком по­пут трупа­ под ко­ман­ сију­ по­сла­те експе­ ­ди­ци­оне­ трупе­ под коман­ дом­ дом Кол­мара­ фон дер Гол­ца. Мно­го го­ди­на слава­ гене­ ­рала­ Бара­ ­това.­ Кра­јем ок­тобра­ 1915. го­ди­ ру­ске побе­ ­де је олакша­ ­вала­ успе­хе ру­ске ди­пло­ не трупе­ ге­не­рала­ Ба­ра­това­ су ушле у Перси­ ју­ и ма­ти­је у Ира­ну. крену­ ­ле ка Хама­ да­ ну­ и Керман­ ша­ ­ху. Од децем­ ­ бра 1915. до фе­бруа­ ра­ 1916. го­ди­не ру­ске тру­пе Превод­ – Де­јан Мили­ во­ је­ ­вић


Иван Б. Мија­ ­товић­ , Ivan B. Mijatović, Вој­ни му­зеј, Бе­о­град Military Museum, Belgrade Небој­ ­ша Д. Ђокић­ , Nebojša D. Đokić, Цен­тар за вој­но-по­ли­тич­ке сту­ди­је, Бе­о­град Center for military-politics Studies, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Срп­ска вла­да је у је­сен 1903. го­ди­не Abstract: The Serbian government ‘s fall in од­лу­чи­ла да за по­тре­бе вој­ске на­ба­ви са­вре­ме­ 1903. decided that for military procurement of не бр­зо­мет­не то­по­ве. То је би­ло мо­гу­ће са­мо modern quick-fire guns. This was possible only by по­мо­ћу ино­стра­них кре­ди­та. Од­лу­ка у ко­јој ће foreign loans. The decision in which the country’s се зе­мљи узе­ти кре­ди­ти исто­вре­ме­но је зна­ borrowings at the same time it meant and where чи­ла и у ко­јој ће се зе­мљи на­ба­ви­ти то­по­ви, а the country will get guns and finally it is determined ко­нач­но то је од­ре­ђи­ва­ло и спољ­но­по­ли­тич­ and the foreign policy orientation of the country. ку ори­јен­та­ци­ју зе­мље. Упра­во због то­га, на­ This is why the issue of procurement of guns became бавкa то­по­ва по­сталa је пр­во­ра­зред­но уну­ a first-class domestic political issue that has grown тра­шње по­ли­тич­ко пи­та­ње ко­је је пре­ра­сло и significantly and in international affairs. Thanks very у зна­чај­но ме­ђу­на­род­но пи­та­ње. За­хва­љу­ју­ћи crisscrossed and conflicting external and internal вр­ло из­у­кр­шта­ним и ме­ђу­соб­но су­прот­ста­ influences first attempt to Serbia during 1903-1905. вље­ним спољ­ним и уну­тра­шњим ути­ца­ји­ма acquire the 47 batteries of field and 9 batteries пр­ви по­ку­шај Ср­би­је да то­ком 1903–1905. го­ mountain guns will end in failure . However, at the ди­не на­ба­ви 47 ба­те­ри­ја пољ­ских и де­вет ба­ end of the following in 1906. the artillery will be те­ри­ја брд­ских то­по­ва за­вр­ши­ће се не­у­спе­хом. ordered. Ипак, кра­јем сле­де­ће 1906. го­ди­не спо­ме­ну­та Key words: Kingdom of Serbia, Army of Serbia, ар­ти­ље­риј­ска ору­ђа би­ће на­ру­че­на. artillery, cannon question, Schneider, Krupp, Ehrhard, Кључ­не ре­чи: Кра­ље­ви­на Ср­би­ја, Срп­ска вој­ Saint-Chamond, Skoda, France, Germany, Austria- ска, ар­ти­ље­ри­ја, то­пов­ско пи­та­ње, Шнај­дер, Hungary, Nikola Pašić, King Petar I Karađorđević. Круп, Ер­хард, Сен Ша­мон, Шко­да, Фран­цу­ска, Не­мач­ка, Ау­стро­у­гар­ска,, Ни­ко­ла Па­шић, краљ Пе­тар I Ка­ра­ђор­ђе­вић.

Из­вор­ни рад Иван Ми­ја­то­вић, Original article Ivan Mijatović, Не­бој­ша Ђо­кић Nebojša Đokić


При­мље­но: Вој­ни му­зеј, Бе­о­град Received: Military Museum 12. мар­та 2014. го­ди­не Цен­тар за вој­но-по­ли­ March 12, 2014 Center for military- тич­ке сту­ди­је, Бе­о­град politics Studies, Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но: Ка­ле­мег­дан бб Accepted: Kalemegdan bb 28. мар­та 2014. го­ди­не Ју­ри­ја Га­га­ри­на 188, March 28, 2014 Jurija Gagarin 188 11000 Београд 11000 Belgrade

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First purchase Schneider quick firing field guns

Ivan Mijatović, Nebojša Đokić

o purchase quick firing field guns for the a higher rate and some other favorable conditions, TSerbian army in early May 1905. obtained a the government on 30 January 1906. withdrew its loan with a group of banks led by the French, the project loan, before he came to the discussion in Ottoman Bank in the amount of 110 million with a the Assembly. Government soon fell and the new maturity of 50 years. At the end of May fell Pašić government formed by Nikola Pašić is determined government and on the 29th of May 1905. a new to acquire guns in France. Therefore, she was forced government have put together self-employed who to get a loan and do in France. However, the political will immediately cancel the loan and start again struggle will be prolonged until the 7th of November with procurement guns with parallel probe. In 1906. when he signed a preliminary agreement with mid-October 1905. Samostalska the government Schneider and on 12th November with the union of acceded to the definitive negotiations and on the Ottoman Bank. It was planned purchase of 45 October 27, entered into a loan agreement with batteries of field guns and 9 batteries mountain a group of Union Bank (Stern Brothers of London guns with 500 to 750 bullets in each gun. Later, the and Hope of Amsterdam). One of the main order is extended with another 2 horse batteries. requirements for obtaining a loan was the purchase Thus on the basis of the order delivered 45 field and of guns from Skoda’s what the self-employed 2 cavalry batteries of QF guns 75 mm Schneider M agreed. However, relations with the Austro - 907 (Schneider PD6 ) and nine mountain battery 70 Hungarian abruptly intensified after the vote mm M 907 (Schneider MD2 ). So a total of 180 field Serbian - Bulgarian agreement on customs union in guns and 8 horse guns 75 mm Schneider M 907 and Bulgarian Assembly. There was no earthly chance 36 mountain guns 70 mm M 907. that the Serbian Assembly to accept a loan with Union Bank. When the old creditor group offered Translated by Nebojša Đokić


Ог­њан М. Пе­тро­вић, Ognjan M. Petrović, Му­зеј ва­зду­хо­плов­ства Сур­чин, Бе­о­град Aviation museum Surčin, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Српско­ вој­но ва­зду­хо­плов­ство, под Abstract: Military Aviation of the Kingdom of слу­жбеним­ на­зи­вом Ва­зду­хо­плов­на ко­ман­да, Serbia, officially known as Air Force Command осно­ва­но je 24. децем­ ­бра (11. по старом­ ка­лен­ (Vazduhoplovna komanda) established on да­ру) 1912. годи­ ­не. Ко­ман­дант је био ма­јор Ко­ December 24th, 1912. Commanding officer was maj ста Ми­ле­тић. Аеро­ ­план­ска еска­дра, прва­ срп­ Kosta Miletić. Two balloons and 11 aeroplanes were ска вазду­ ­хо­плов­на једи­ ­ни­ца, ко­ри­сти­ла је два used operationally during 1912–1913 Balkan wars ба­ло­на и 11 аеро­ ­пла­на то­ком балкан­ ­ских ра­ by the first Serbian air unit Aeroplane Squadron то­ва 1912–1913. го­ди­не. Укупан­ број ва­зду­хо­ (Aeroplanska eskadra). The total of 4 balloons пло­ва на слу­жби у ВК током­ њеног­ по­сто­ја­ња, and 21 aircraft passed through AF Command until од децем­ ­бра 1912. до ја­ну­а­ра 1916. изно­ ­сио је 4 January 1916 when this service ceased to exist. ба­ло­на и 21 ае­ро­план. All Serbian aircraft were the most modern Сви српски­ аеро­ ­пла­ни били­ су нај­мо­дер­ни­ји French types (except Dux and Farman VII) then фран­цу­ски ти­по­ви (осим Дук­са и Фар­ма­на VII), in the process of entering in service with French тада­ у про­цесу­ уво­ђења­ у Фран­цу­ско вој­но ва­ Aéronautique Militaire. Unfortunately, Serbian здухо­ ­плов­ство. На жалост,­ Срп­ска вој­ска из­гу­ Army (Srpska vojska) lost much time and missed би­ла је много­ време­ ­на и није­ купи­ ­ла ае­ро­пла­не purchasing aircraft before The First Balkan War пре из­би­ја­ња Првог­ балкан­ ­ског ра­та. Упо­тре­ broke. бље­не вазду­ ­хо­плов­не сна­ге и средства­ код свих Air power and aviation material of all уче­сни­ка у бал­кан­ским ра­то­ви­ма, као и по­стиг­ participants in Balkan wars were relatively modest ну­ти ре­зул­та­ти, би­ли су ре­ла­тив­но скром­ни. as well as gained successes. It was interesting that Од посеб­ не­ ва­жно­сти је чи­њени­ ­ца да се пр­во the first real aerial warfare between two opposing пра­во ва­зду­шно ра­то­ва­ње деси­ ­ло у бал­кан­ sides occurred in Balkan wars, some two and half ским ра­то­ви­ма, око две и по годи­ ­не пре Ве­ли­ years before the Great War. ког рата.­ Key words: The First Balkan War, The Second Кључ­не ре­чи: Пр­ви бал­кан­ски рат, Дру­ги Balkan War, Serbian Army (Srpska vojska), Air бал­кан­ски рат, Срп­ска вој­ска, Ва­зду­хо­плов­на Force Command (Vazduhoplovna komanda - VK), коман­ ­да (ВК), Аеро­ ­план­ска еска­дра (АЕ), ма­јор Aeroplane Squadron (Aeroplanska eskadra - AE), Ко­ста Ми­ле­тић, змај-ба­лон Ри­дин­гер, сло­бод­ major Kosta Miletić, kite-balloon August Riedinger, ни ба­лон СР­БИ­ЈА, Мерћеп­ Ко­мит­ски, РЕП Тип Ф, free balloon SERBIA (SRBIJA), Merćep Komitski, REP Дукс-би­план, Фар­ман VII, Фар­ман 20, Блерио­ XI, Type F 1912, Dux-biplane, Farman VII, Farman HF 20, XI-2, XI-2bis, Депер­ ди­ ­сен тип Т. Bleriot Type XI, XI-2, XI-2bis, Deperdussin Type T.

Изворни рад Огњан Петровић Original article Ognjan Petrović

УДК: Ваздухопловни UDC: Aviation музеј museum

При­мље­но: Сурчин Received: Surčin 24. фебруар 2014. године 11000 Београд February 24, 2014 11000 Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но: [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 15. марта 2014. године Mart 15, 2014


Air Force Command and Serbian Aircraft 1912–1913

Ognjan Petrović

n December 24th, 1912, the Kingdom of Detachment was formed with captive kite-balloon OSerbia established its own Military Aviation (spherical balloon not accepted for war-time officially known as Vazduhoplovna komanda (VK service). or Air Force Command), as part of Enginery, at The unit, under the command of cap Jugović, new Niš aerodrome. Initial inventory consisted moved to Pirot area on June 29th and took up of two balloons and 10 aircraft. Commanding positions on location called Jamin rid, SE of Pirot. officer was maj Kosta Miletić. Serbia thus ranked Probe flight was performed on July 2nd, unit among the top of 15 countries in the world which moved to new position Crnodrma on July 5th, introduced airplanes in their military arms. Eleven from which cap Jugović raised the height of 400 aeroplanes were used operationally during 1912– m and accomplished observation of Caribrod 1913 Balkan Wars by the first Serbian flying unit (now Dimitrovgrad) area. The next observations Aeroplanska eskadra (Aeroplane Squadron) while of Bulgarian lines were carried on July 6th and 7th total of 4 balloons and 21 aircraft passed through (the second task from new position near village AF Command until January 1916 when this service Smrdane). During July 8th, balloon removed to ceased to exist. village Dršin, but observation failed because lack of hydrogen. Severe Bulgarian pressure and „Lighter than air“ (Balloons) unsatisfactory results of Detachment finally led th to cease unit work. Detachment immediately was On July 13 , 1909, War Ministry of Serbia brought withdrawn to background, in the Red River area, „Regulation for entire war equipment of enginery” by order of Commander of Pirot fortified camp. On which called for flying company with three flying August 7th, unit arrived to Niš and this was the end detachments, single for each of three existed of Detachment’s war activities in 1913. Serbian Armies. Planned detachment formation During the six years of service in Serbia, until would be consisted of balloon, mechanical and the mid of 1915, the first Serbian kite-balloon was chemical part, balloon part with one captive and raised 49 times (10 tests and 39 battle tasks). After one spherical balloon. Unfortunately, only one July 1915, when two new Russian-built Treugolnik detachment was realized until The Balkan Wars. th kite-balloons arrived to Serbia, old Drache was On December 24 , 1908, Serbia ordered written off from use. Spherical balloon was not used from old German August Riedinger concern two by VK. Both of them were lost during withdrawal of balloons, one spherical free-type Kugelballon Serbian Army late in 1915. № III M.1898 and one captive observation kite- balloon Drache-Fesselballon M.1898. Balloons and equipment officialy accepted during April 1909 in „Heavier than air” (Aeroplanes) Augsburg by two-members Serbian commission. In October 1912, Srpska vojska (Serbian Major Miletić performed probe flight in both of Army) was well-equipped, excellent-trained and balloons. On April 19th, 1909, spherical balloon, disciplined military force with modern infantry named SRBIJA (SERBIA) flew for 3 hours and 45 and artillery weapons. In aviation field, all Serbian minutes over Augsburg and Munich area. Factory aircraft (except Dux and Farman HF.VII) were engineer Scherm, maj Miletić and Mrs Riedinger, most modern French types, then in the process wife of factory owner, were in balloon basket. That of entering in service with French Aéronatique was the first registered flight of aircraft with Serbian Militaire. Number of aircrafts corresponded national insignia. Ballon arrived to Serbia on May to strength of two escadrilles (2 x 6 planes). 19th, 1909 and it was stored firstly at Belgrade, later Unfortunately, Serbian Army lost much time and at Niš. missed purchasing aircraft before outbreak of The During 1909 and 1910 all necessary equipment First Balkan War. including Russian field-type winch of Garut system Air power and aviation material of all participants with 1000 m long steel cable, Oerlikon-built in The Balkan Wars were relatively modest as well hydrogen station, 8 Dillman-built specialized gas as gained successes. It was interesting that the first carriages and 128 steel bottles of German types for real aerial warfare between two opposing sides hydrogen. All equpment laid unused until outbreak occurred in The Balkan Wars, some two and half of The Second Balkan War, when new Balloon years before The Great War.

145 Ognjan Petrović

Serbian Army had already had two planes At the beginning of 1913 VK had at the disposal before forming of VK. One was REP Type F 1912 11 aircraft, 2 balloons, Oerlikon-built Hydrogen monoplane intended to Turkish Army but captured Station, Carrier Pigeon Service, 6 Serbian and 7 hired at the beginning of hostilities during transport by foreign pilots. The first usage of Serbian aircraft in train through Serbia. Because lack of pilots, REP was combat operations occurred in March 1913 when not used until the mid of February 1913, when two new-formed Primorski aeroplanski odred (PAO or hired pilots and Serbian officers performed regular Maritime Aeroplane Detachment) equipped with reconnaissance and noticed Austro-Hungarian 4 machines (Bleriot XI-2, HF.20, Deperdussin and troop concentrations and fortifications behind the Dux) was sent to help Serbian Maritime Army Corps border rivers Sava and . The second plane and Montenegrin Army which besieged Turks-held was Russian-built Dux Biplane, flown by two Russian Skadar (Scuttari). Five Serbian and two hired pilots hired pilots. Pilots and plane arrived to Belgrade at joined to that first Serbian flying combat unit. The the end of November 1912 and immediately were chef d’escadron was VK commander maj Miletić. All sent to the front in Macedonia. Unfortunately, four aircraft carried new national insignia (Serbian Dux could not be used in war operations at Bitolj state flag colours) on rudders and wing undersides. (Monastir, now Bitola) because of bad weather These flags were the first type of Serbian national conditions. On December 10th, 1912, lt Jugović and insignia introduced some 8 months after France sgt Petrović each performed a single flight (the first accepted national insignia in July 1912, as the first flights of Serbian pilots on Serbian plane over the country in the world. homeland) with Dux over Skoplje. Unit was transported to Salonika by train, In preparations for the war against Turkey all then to San Giovanni di Medua (Shëngjin), port Balkan States hurriedly trained their pilots and at NW Albanian coast, by privately owned Greek tried to purchase aircraft. In the spring of 1912 ship “Marika”. In March 12th, during the landing Serbia sent the first six cadets to French private in port, unit survived strong attack by Ottoman pilot schools Farman and Bleriot. All six cadets „Hamidiye” when 150 Serbian soldiers lost (lieutenants Jovan Jugović, Živojin Stanković and their lives. During March 13th and 14th, unit was Miloš Ilić, sergeant Mihajlo Petrović and corporals transported with enormous difficulties to chosen Miodrag Tomić and Vojislav Novičić) completed location near Barbullushi village, some 10 km from their training during August and September. In enemy lines. September, mobilization was announced and the Probe flights were realized on March 17th. Serbian government provided significant funds Three days later, on March 20th, 1913, during the for purchasing of 8 aircraft (3 Bleriot XI and 2 flight from Barbullushi landing airfield, sgt Mihajlo Deperdussin Type T monoplanes and 3 Henry Petrović fell out from his HF.20 and lost his life. He Farman HF.20 biplanes), spare parts and necessary was the first victim of Serbian military aviation and equipment. At the same time, several experienced the second pilot in the world who died in combat foreign pilots were hired to assist Serbian pilots. assignments. On March 29th, successful flight over Eight airplanes arrived to Niš via Italy and besieged Skadar was performed by lt Stanković and Greece not before December 27th, 1912, three days sgt Tomić (with Bleriot biplace) and because of that after VK was established. In the meantime, Serbian Kingdom of Serbia became the fifth country in the Army overpowered the most of the Turkish Army world which used the airplanes in war operations. at the Kumanovo Battle during the end of October, Airplanes of PAO flew until April 5th, when bad so the planes were not used at the most important weather disrupted flights. On April 16th, all activities battlefield during The First Balkan War. In January of Serbian troops against Turks were ceased by 1913 Serbia also received a Farman HF.VII biplane order of Supreme Command of Serbian Army. In as the gift of editorial board of St. Petersburg’s operational log of unit laconic stated: „flying should Novoe Vremya (New Time) papers. The airplane not be carried out more”. Detachment returned was bought in Paris and delivered to Serbia. to Niš and disbanded on May 12th, 1913, during

146 AIR FORCE COMMAND AND SERBIAN AIRCRAFT 1912–1913 strained relations with Bulgaria. Personnel stayed war. Aeroplane Detachment withdrew on July 12th at Niš, pilots periodically flew. to Kumanovo, and then returned on August 5th to In the meantime, Serbian government brought Niš aerodrome. on February 21st, 1913, the first air navigation law Opposite to the common opinions, aerial war („Regulation on Transport Devices Navigating by between opposed opponents firstly happened over Air”) wishing to set a legal framework in the field Balkan during The Balkan Wars, not over Western of civil aviation. front during The Great War. The Second Balkan War broke on June 30, Already in 1912, the first aerial bombing (mostly 1913, when Bulgarian Army attacked Serbian with hand bombs) were carried by Bulgarians forces near Bregalnica river and Greeks in Salonika over Jedrene (Adrianople, Edirne) and by Greeks area. Predicting such Bulgarian move, Serbian over Ioannina. During siege of Jedrene, Bulgarian Supreme Command was ordered VK on June 6th, forces performed corrections of artillery fire from to send balloons to Serbian II Army (opposed to balloons and airplanes. During the next years, Bulgarians) and three aeroplanes to I Army (located Greek hydroplane bombed Turkish war ships with in Macedonia). Two days later, VK formed new small bombs, and this was the first bomb action of Aeroplane Detachment with three Bleriot aeroplanes Aviation in the world. (XI monoplace, and XI-2 and XI-2bis biplaces), three Air Forces and equipment used during The Balkan pilots, three mechanics, two corporals and 12 Wars, as well as gained results, were relatively soldiers. Commanding officer became cap M. Ilić. modest. Reasons included still imperfect and unfitted Landing field was prepared near village Vojnik, east airplanes, insufficient and inexperienced pilots, of Kumanovo. From June 20th until the broke of The insufficient aircraft due to late entering in service, Second Balkan War pilots performed about 20 flights disorientation in aviation use, conservatism of in airfield, and Kumanovo and Stracin areas. Longer military leaders, etc. flights towards the border were not realized because Large land forces were used in operations, while high mountains represent insurmountable barriers. military equipment was mix of ancient, modern and Pilots were often forced to back because strong entirely new materials. Aviation material belonged thermal flows. to the last category. There were two type­s of flying During the second day of war, July 1st, all three machines, older “heavier then air” (balloons and pilots were tried to carry out reconnaissance dirigibles) and newer, still unproved, “lighter then of Ćustendil in Bulgaria and way to Kočane in air” (airplanes). Aviation didn’t have important role Bregalnica valley where crucial battle of that war in The Balkan Wars. Aeronautical material was was in progress. Commander of I Army orders innovation and could not have large military use. could not be fulfilled because „not one plane could Until the end of hostilities in July 1913, Air not be hold in the air“, as written in operational Forces of The Balkan Wars opponents used total of log. Tomorrow, pilots again could not attained to 69 aircraft – Bulgaria 29, Greece 11, Serbia 11 and observe Bulgarian lines in Ćustendil-Samokov- Ottoman Empire 19, while was without Dupnica nor reached Kočane and Štip regions. aviation. To compare, in the time just before The In report of July 2nd, Detachment commander Great War in 1914, great nations were disposed of - quoted reasons for failure (unsuitable planes for UK of 29, Italy 26, Japan 14 and USA 6 airplanes. such flights, long distances, insufficient ability of War aviation really appeared during The Balkan pilots, bad weather and air flows) and noted that Wars. The first experience in aviation operations, recce tasks could be made up to maximum 30 km although modest, was closely studied by armies of all from landing field. Distance of 65 km and mountain countries, especially by forces of the great powers height of over 2000 m were really unattainable of which some were in hurriedly preparations for tasks for Bleriot planes and inexperienced pilots. inbound world conflict. More experienced Bulgarian pilots also could not fly over these regions, except during the first day of Translated by Ognjan Petrović


Не­бој­ша Д. Ђо­кић, Nebojša D. Đokić, ­ Цен­тар за вој­но-по­ли­тич­ке сту­ди­је, Бе­о­град Center for military-politics Studies, Belgrade

Са­же­так: У ра­ду су прика­ ­за­ни раз­вој и упо­ Abstract: This paper presents a history of the требa ави­о­на Аеро­ -2, једне­ од нај­зна­чај­ни­јих development and use of aircraft Aero – 2, one of ле­те­ли­ца дома­ ­ће конструк­ ­ције­ и произ­ ­вод­ње, most important aircraft of domestic design and у ратном­ вазду­ ­хо­плов­ству, у Вазду­ ­хо­плов­ном production. Presented not only used in the Air Force са­ве­зу Југо­ ­сла­ви­је и по­љо­при­вред­ној ави­ја­ци­ји. , but also in the Aeronautical Union of Yugoslavia Пр­ви пут предста­ ­вљен је и дета­ ­љан преглед­ and agricultural aviation. It was first presented, свих вари­ ­јан­ти овог ави­о­на, као и тактич­ ­ко- and a detailed summary of all the models of this технич­ ­ки пода­ ­ци доби­ ­је­ни то­ком ис­пи­ти­ва­ња aircraft and tactical technical data obtained during у ВОЦ-у. testing of Air Force Test Center. Кључ­не ре­чи: Ае­ро-2, Вазду­ хо­ ­плов­ство вој­ске, Key words: Aero-2, Army Air Force, Yugoslav Air Југо­ сло­ вен­ ско­ рат­но ва­здухо­ ­плов­ство, школски­ Force, primary trainer aircraft, plane 211, Laz-7, авио­ ни,­ ави­он 211, Лаз-7, Борис­ Цијан,­ Ђор­ђе Пет­ Boris Cyan, Djordje Petković, Ikarus, Aeronautical ковић,­ Икарус,­ Вазду­ хо­ ­плов­ни са­вез Југо­ сла­ ви­ је,­ Union of Yugoslavia, agricultural aviation, Aviation по­љо­при­вред­на ави­јаци­ ја,­ При­вред­на ави­јаци­ ја­ Industry, JAT. ЈАТ-а.

Изворни рад Небојша Ђокић Original article Nebojša Đokić

УДК: Центар UDC: Center for military- за војно-политичке politics Studies, студије, Београд Belgrade

При­мље­но: Јурија Гагарина 188 Received: Jurijа Gagarin 188 3. марта 2014. године 11070 Београд March 3, 2014 11070 Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но: [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 19. марта 2014. године March 19, 2014

149 Nebojša Đokić

1948. Last 3 appliances Aero-2B withdrawn from were delivered 1949. (16 agricultural aviation JAT - the arms in 1958. Was. and 5 JRV) and 3 following in 1950. (all 3 JRV). Since Aircraft for initial instruction Aero-2C, with an the planes shown bad agricultural aviation in 1951. open cockpit, engine Walter Minor-6/III, power 160 was 11 returned JRV and in 1952. still remaining 2 hp. The prototype aircraft Aero-2C was completed (3 planes Aero-2F were destroyed while flying for on 17 July in 1947. Batch of 80 aircraft was put into agricultural aviation). All 13 aircraft Aero-2F, prior production on 14 July 947. Production ended on 15 to submission JRV, converted in the two-seater. At November 1948. All 80 were handed over to the YAF the end of the 1952nd, ie. December 31 in JRV was in 1948. In in 1953. 10 Aera-2F is converted in version 21 pieces. Already following in 1953. dismantled Aero-2C. Over the next two years was continued (in them is 10, while in 1954. yet 9 Aero-2C and the 1954. restated the 9 and 1955. two more Aera-2F remaining two in 1955. ). During in 1957. converted the 15 aircraft Aero- The first prototype seaplane for training and 2B in Aero-2C. However, in 1957. the first 23 were liaison Aero-2H was completed on 14 August in handed over to the VSJ. In the year 1959. yet 42 1949. Hydroplane Aero-2H developed a version were handed over to the VSJ, 11 were submitted as with floats from initial trainer aircraft Aero-2. First taught military aviation technical training center and prototype Aero-2H1 had open seats and the engine 6 were placed in reserve. Finally on 10 January 1960. and propeller Walter Minor-6/III unchangeable past 8 airplanes Aero-2C is placed in reserve. steps. Aero-2H2 differed from the first prototype Aircraft Aero-2D, with a closed cab, engine with a propeller to manually change steps DH Walter Minor-6/III, power 160 hp. The prototype type PD 72/2W1/1 . The prototype Aero-2H3 aircraft Aero-2D completed on 9 September 1948. had the same engine, but closed the cabin, with Series 120 aircraft was put into production on the propeller manually change steps DH type 2/ 1st January in 1948. However, the production of WIT and floats „Pedj“ greater displacement and these planes was quite late and not all completed a different bottom. The prototype Aero-2H1 was as Aero-2D, but only 67 of them (all submitted submitted to JRV in 1949, Aero-2H2 in 1950. The to JRV in 1949. respectively). During the 1950s. first copy of Aera-2H3 in 1951. (converted in Icarus 13 were completed as Aero-2DE, during 1951– in 1951. from Aero -2D) and the other copy Aera- 1954, 39 of them completed as Aero-2BE in the 2H3 in 1952. Scrapped last one in 1959. Aero-2H meantime, in 1953. another completed as Aero- is designed as a seaplane school for elementary 2DE. It is interesting that in 1957. one Aero-2BE flying training with the water surface. Since the was converted in Aero-2D. Meanwhile, in 1952. engine was too weak for normal version, taking off 18 Aera-2D was converted in Aero-2DE. In 1956. 2 was too long and the plane is therefore not mass more have been converted to Aero-2DE. During in manufactured. 1958. all remaining aircraft were withdrawn from Airplane for initial instruction Aero-2BE with the arms where in 20 of them handed the VSJ Gipsy Major 10 engine, power 145 hp. The first copy and 8 were submitted as taught military aviation was produced in 1949. The serial production started technical training center. in 1951. when introduced into the arms 5 aircraft Two seat courier Aero-2E, with a contained, of this version. In 1952. introduced them into the with Gipsy Major 10 engine, power 145 hp. arms 25, in 1953. yet 8 and in 1954. only one. During Produced is only a prototype. The prototype 1957. yaer 21 converted in the version of the Aero- aircraft Aero-2E was completed on December 28 2DE and one version of the Aero-2D. The remaining in 1948. Submitted to the YAF in 1949. Airplane 11 were withdrawn from the arms in 1958. not serially manufactured since the decision was Aero-2DE is a training plane, with a closed cabin made to enter into production courier modification and electric lighting for night flying capability and Aera-2D , which was designated Aero-2DE. Aеro-2E courier equipped with a engine Walter Minor-6/III, remained in arms to in 1955. when converted into power 160 hp. Production the serial began in 1949. Aero-2B . Series 13 devices submitted to the YAF in 1950. and One seat agricultural aircraft Aero-2F, with an one newly submitted in 1953. Aircrafts Aero-2DE open cockpit and a device for spraying, engine were originally ordered as Aero-2D. It is interesting Walter Minor-6/III, power 160 hp. Ordered a batch that the planes seconded VSJ only in 1960. (38 of 25 aircraft and the production was completed devices ) and in 1961. ( only one plane). on May 14th in 1949. Completed 24 aircraft When in 1957. began delivery in JRV trainer (military registration number 9761–9771 and from aircrafts Aero-3 (in addition to two prototypes 9773–9785) and one finished as Aero-2E (military in 1954, during 1957. first 55 planes, in 1958. yet registration number 9772) . Of these 21 aircraft 36 and in 1960. past 20 ie a total of 113 with the

172 PRIMARY TRAINER AERO-2 prototype ) it was decided to most of the remaining CPN to YU – CPR, YU – CRC to YU – CRS by YU – CRV aircraft Aero-2 deliver to VSJ. Already in 1957. to YU – CRZ, YU – CSM to YU – CTS (except YU – CTF the first 23 Aero-2C is handed VSJ, following in that was Kurir) YU – CTW, YU – CTX, YU – CUF to 1958. handed a 20 Aero-2D, in the year 1959. YU – CUH, YU – CUN to YU – CUP of YU – CUV to YU yet 42 Aero-2C, in 1960 38 Aera-2DE and finally – CUX, YU – CVB, YU – CVI, YU – CVJ and YU – CVM. in 1961. another one Aero-2DE, ie a total of 124. Immediately following in 1964. registered another Before delivery aircrafts Aero-2 to VSJ planes were Aero-2 (YU – CVN ) like the last 76. replaced with wings reversing a negative behavior Aero-2 are rapidly withdrawn from use in the on the fly with the angles and increased problem VSJ so that on 31st December 1967. there were streamline that previously existed. Aero-2 in use in only 10 and 31st December 1970. just one YU – the VSJ behaved completely normally in the air in CRC in Sarajevo. He will remain in the register until the whole range of allowed speed operation if they December 31 in 1975. while in the registry for the comply with the pilots. Aero-2 in the VSJ in 1963. next year will be no more. have been registered. For the first 75 of them their civil registration were: YU – COJ to YU – CON, YU – Translated by Nebojša Đokić


Алек­сан­дар И. Ко­ло, Alexander I. Kolo, са­рад­ник Вој­ног му­зе­ја, Бе­о­град Contributor of Military Museum, Belgrade Пре­драг В. Ми­ла­ди­но­вић, Predrag V. Miladinović, са­рад­ник Му­зе­ја ва­зду­хо­плов­ства, Бе­о­град Contributor of Aviation Museum, Belgrade Са­же­так: Срп­ско и Ју­го­сло­вен­ско ва­зду­хо­плов­ство Abstract: Last year it was a full century since the state про­шле го­ди­не за­о­кру­жи­ло је пун век од ка­да др­жав­ни symbols adorn the surface of military aircraft of Serbian сим­бо­ли кра­се по­вр­ши­не вој­них ва­зду­хо­пло­ва. Сти­цај and Yugoslav Air Force. Historical circumstances led to исто­риј­ских окол­но­сти до­вео је до не­у­о­би­ча­је­но ве­ли­ an unusually large aviation heraldic heritage in this area, ког ва­зду­хо­плов­ног хе­рал­дич­ког на­сле­ђа на овим про­ making the country among the wealthiest in the world in сто­ри­ма, што ову др­жа­ву свр­ста­ва ме­ђу нај­бо­га­ти­је this field. In contrast to the richness of its national history, у све­ту. Су­прот­но бо­гат­ству на­ци­о­нал­не исто­ри­је, the historiography was not always on the same level. In ње­на исто­ри­о­гра­фи­ја ни­је би­ла увек на истом ни­воу. У order to highlight and properly interpret this segment of our же­љи да осве­тли­мо и пра­вил­но рас­ту­ма­чи­мо овај сег­ heritage, five years ago we launched a series of articles on мент на­ше ба­шти­не пре пет го­ди­на по­кре­ну­ли смо this topic. се­ри­ју чла­на­ка на ову те­му. The latest part of the story of the markings of military По­след­њи на­ста­вак ове при­че о озна­ка­ма вој­них aircraft covers the period from 1956 on, when in accordance ва­зду­хо­пло­ва об­у­хва­та пе­ри­од од 1956. го­ди­не, ка­да with the model copied from the United States, the је по узо­ру на Сје­ди­ње­не Аме­рич­ке Др­жа­ве уве­ден аси­ asymmetrical system of marking on the wings of the plane ме­три­чан си­стем озна­ча­ва­ња на кри­ли­ма ави­о­на. На­ was introduced. In decades that followed, this system was ред­них де­це­ни­ја овај си­стем при­ме­њи­ван је и мо­ди­фи­ applied and modified according to the needs, trends and ко­ван у за­ви­сно­сти од по­тре­ба, трен­до­ва и ис­ку­ста­ experiences. During the application of the rules, very often ва. У тој при­ме­ни пра­ви­ла че­сто су чи­ње­не ди­гре­си­је у digressions from the system were made. These differences од­но­су на до­не­се­ни си­стем. Од­сту­па­ња су не­ка­да би­ were sometimes justified, but much more often there were ла оправ­да­на, али мно­го че­шћи слу­чај је би­ло сло­бод­но free interpretations and at times even the denial of own ту­ма­че­ње и по­не­кад не­ги­ра­ње соп­стве­них пра­ви­ла. regulations. Ви­ше­де­це­ниј­ско иде­о­ло­шко јед­но­у­мље у Ју­го­сла­ Decades of ideological single-mindedness in Yugoslavia ви­ји на­кон Дру­гог свет­ског ра­та на­про­сто је за­не­ма­ after the Second World War simply ignored the need of ри­ло по­тре­бу про­у­ча­ва­ња хе­рал­ди­ке. Ова скрај­ну­та studying of heraldry. This sidelined scientific discipline на­уч­на ди­сци­пли­на оста­ла је у до­ме­ну ин­те­ре­со­ва­ња remained in the domain of interest of only a handful of са­мо ма­ле гру­пе по­је­ди­на­ца. Ка­да се по­но­во ука­за­ла individuals. When the need for this specific knowledge по­тре­ба за овим спе­ци­фич­ним зна­њи­ма, вр­ло ма­ли arose anew, a very small number of people and institutions број љу­ди и уста­но­ва је на овом пла­ну мо­гао да по­ну­ди was able to offer their services in this field. A similar lack of сво­је услу­ге. Сли­чан не­до­ста­так зна­ња осе­тио се и у knowledge was felt the Air Force as well. рат­ном ва­зду­хо­плов­ству. Key words: Aircraft, aircraft markings, Aviation Кључ­не ре­чи: Ави­он, Бал­кан, бо­је, Бо­сна и Хер­це­го­ Institute, Aviation Museum, Balkan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, ви­на, ва­зду­хо­плов­не озна­ке, Ве­ли­ка Бри­та­ни­ја, Ва­зду­ Cockade, Color, Croatia, Great Britain, Helicopter, Heraldry, хо­плов­но­тех­нич­ки ин­сти­тут, ко­кар­да, хе­ли­коп­тер, Macedonia, Montenegro, Red Star, Republic of Srpska, хе­рал­ди­ка, Ма­ке­до­ни­ја, Му­зеј ва­зду­хо­плов­ства, пе­то­ Serbia, Slovenia, USA , USSR. кра­ка, Ре­пу­бли­ка Срп­ска, СССР, САД, Сло­ве­ни­ја, Ср­би­ја, Хр­ват­ска, Цр­на Го­ра.

Из­вор­ни рад Александар Коло, Оriginal article Alexander Kolo, сарадник Војног музеја, Contributor of Military Београд Museum, Belgrade Предраг Миладиновић, Predrag Miladinović, сарадник Музеја Contributor of Aviation ваздухопловства, Museum, Belgrade Београд УДК: 11000 Београд UDC: 11000 Belgrade

При­мље­но: Received: 24. марта 2014. године March 24, 2014 При­хва­ће­но: aeroart.sr@gmail. Accepted: aeroart.sr@gmail. 3. априла 2014. године [email protected] April 3, 2014 [email protected]


Aviation markings of SFRY, FRY and Serbia 1956–2013

Alexander Kolo, Predrag Miladinović

n most cases, Yugoslav aviation historiography made the classic reasons for introduction of aircraft Iis deprived of the names of the people who insignia completely senseless. For that reason, created some of the most recognizable symbols of the downward trend in the size of the insignia, the Air Force. Let us remember the pilot badge from minimization or complete removal of paint with 1922, the Yugoslav cockade of 1924, or a range of unmasking „signal” colors (such as white, yellow and original flying badges from 1927 on. Many of these red) is noticeable for decades. Lately, under similar have grown to become the recognized symbols of influences, the Serbian air force is beginning to use aviation, and so far no one has figured out who stylized markings in less contrasting shades of color came up with their appearance. One of the tasks in represented in the camouflage of the aircraft. this study was that, at least in its last part, we find The dissolution of a country like Yugoslavia, the creators of these markings and symbols. after more than seventy years of existence, caught Although the youngest, the last stage of the its peoples largely unprepared for independence. story about the markings on the territory of Apart from declarative wish for preservation of Yugoslavia and Serbia, was equally difficult for their own traditions, most of the new states had research and treatment in many aspects. In a no historical foundation, or government continuity way, sources proved to be inaccessible. Part of from which to draw their symbols. On the other the archival material has not been processed yet hand, because of the need for international legal and isn’t available to researchers, and the other is continuity, Serbia and Montenegro rejected their still a part of living archive. Therefore, the contact authentic symbols, which they possessed when with prominent individuals which were directly entering into the state union of the Southern Slavs. or indirectly involved in the events portrayed has That’s why they continued fostering the Yugoslav been invaluable for the treatment of this subject. heraldry after 1992. Yugoslav flags without stars The example of the Yugoslav Air Force clearly remained on the tails, whilst cockades with red represents how significant influence on small states stars gave place to circular slice of the Yugoslav flag, in the field of heraldry can be generated by major also without the red star. powers and military alliances. In the mid-fifties of Serbia was in position to reject any reason for the last century, under the influence of the most withhold of the use of its own traditional symbols powerful state of the West, Soviet-style positioning in 2006, after the secession of Montenegro. of wing insignia, adopted back during the World Unfortunately, it can be concluded that the original War II, was abandoned. Instead of it, the American intention of establishing a continuity between the asymmetric marking system was introduced, and modern and the old Serbian Army leaves much it still holds for almost 60 years, despite many to be declarative. Renewed state institutions and ideological shifts, social upheavals and wars. associations were not included in this important During the period in question, specific problems process. For example, in the case of the selection of that usually occur when applying insignia with aviation insignia no one consulted Aviation Museum complex geometric forms, have been identified. - Belgrade, experts from the Serbian Heraldic Society Unlike traditional cockades (with circles and rings) „White Eagle”, nor numerous museum assistants which are, in addition to simple forms, recognizable and researchers. A bastard symbol, that has no from every angle of view, the use of insignia that historical or heraldic foundation in the tradition contain geometric shapes with two or more axes of the Serbian Air Force, was adopted. Instead of symmetry (triangle, rectangle, star, cross etc.) of knowledge and professionalism, voluntarism requires additional attention in the orientation of and individual positions based on connections the aviation markings with respect to the axis and to political decision-making prevailed. So went direction of the flight. The appearance of the aircraft the opportunity to return to Serbian aircraft the with swept wings caused some controversy in the symbols, under which the Serbian army and its implementation of these orders in the Yugoslav AF young Air Force came to fame on the Salonika & AAD . Such frequent deviations from the official front, as discussed at the beginning of this series. rules survived as a bad practice to this day. By abandonment of the self-proclaimed nourishing Throughout the history the aviation markings of Serbian military traditions and invention of some had to fulfill two conflicting requirements­ ­­ to be sort of revolutionary solutions, the space has been clearly visible and identifiable, and not to violate the left for the eternal debate on the issue of Serbian camouflage scheme. Today’s warfare, at high speed, aviation insignia. variety of modern forms of identification of aircraft in the air and a huge range of modern weapons has Translated by Boris Ciglić


Ђор­ђе C. Јо­јић, Đorđe Ѕ. Jojić, са­рад­ник Вој­ног му­зе­ја, Бе­о­град Contributor of Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Те­ма овог члан­ка је исто­ри­јат слу­жбе Abstract: This article covers the reasons of building, и суд­би­на ра­за­ра­ча – тј. ве­ли­ких тор­пи­љар­ки Кра­ service record and fate of the destroyers, dubbed „big љев­ске ју­го­сло­вен­ске рат­не мор­на­ри­це – ти­па „Бе­ boats”, of „Beograd” class, of the Royal Yugoslav о­град”. Пр­ви брод у се­ри­ји, на­зван упра­во „Бе­о­град”, Navy. The lead ship of the class, named „Beograd” has гра­ђен је у Фран­цу­ској, а сле­де­ћа два – „За­греб” и been built in France and the subsequent two ( „Љу­бља­на” у Ја­дран­ском бро­до­гра­ди­ли­шту у Спли­ and Ljubljana) were built in the Adriatic shipyard in ту. Гра­ђе­ни у вре­ме ка­да је но­ви рат у Евро­пи већ Split. Their construction has begun when the new war in Europe was already in sight, and their brief service until био на ви­ди­ку, њи­хо­ва крат­ко­трај­на упо­тре­ба до the Yugoslav catastrophe in the April war of 1941 was by рас­па­да зе­мље у Април­ском ра­ту ни­је ни по че­му no mean distinctive. These ships became famous for two би­ла зна­чај­на У исто­ри­ји рат­не мор­на­ри­це ју­го­сло­ significant events. The first was sinking of the вен­ских на­ро­да ови бро­до­ви оста­ли су упам­ће­ни по „Ljubljana” just in front of Šibenik harbour, due to the два до­га­ђа­ја – пр­ви је по­то­ну­ће ра­за­ра­ча „Љу­бља­ severe navigational mistake, and the second was the на” 24. ја­ну­а­ра 1940. на ула­зу у лу­ку гра­да Ши­бе­ни­ка, explosion and complete destruction by blowing up of the услед гру­бе на­ви­га­ци­о­не гре­шке, а дру­ги је ди­за­ње у destroyer Zagreb, in Bay of Cattaro, near , on 17th ва­здух ра­за­ра­ча „За­греб” у Бо­ки Kо­тор­ској, 17. aпри­ of April 1941, to prevent her falling in the italian hands. ла 1941, ка­ко би се спре­чи­ло да га за­у­зму Ита­ли­ја­ни. After she sank on 24th december 1940, until beginning По­сле не­ко­ли­ко ме­се­ци ве­ли­ка тор­пи­љар­ка „Љу­ of july, Ljubljana was salvaged and towed south to the repair бља­на” по­диг­ну­та је са дна и оте­гље­на у Ти­ват­ски shipyard in Tivat, but her refit hasn’t been completed until ар­се­нал на по­прав­ку, ко­ја ни­је би­ла за­вр­ше­на до из­ the yugoslav capitulation, so both Beograd and Ljubljana би­ја­ња ра­та. Та­ко су „Бе­о­град” и „Љу­бља­на” ре­кви­ were requisitioned by the Italians, who completed the refit ри­ра­ни од Ита­ли­ја­на и ка­сни­је увр­шће­ни у Ита­ли­ of Ljubljana (renamed Lubiana) and soon put both ships in јан­ску рат­ну мор­на­ри­цу, у чи­јем је са­ста­ву „Љу­бља­ service of the italian navy. When still in the italian hands, in на” стра­да­ла у про­ле­ће 1943. го­ди­не пред оба­лом the end of march 1943, Ljubljana ran aground and perished Ту­ни­са, док је „Бе­о­град”, та­да под на­зи­вом „Се­бе­ in storm the day after off the coast of Tunisia while „Beograd”, ни­ко”, до­че­као ка­пи­ту­ла­ци­ју Ита­ли­је. Нем­ци су га renamed „Sebenico”, in september 1943 was in refit in Venice под на­зи­вом ТА-43 увр­сти­ли у сво­је по­мор­ске сна­ге,, when Italy capitulated, and, captured by , she was а у ма­ју 1945. је ми­ни­ран и по­то­пљен у лу­ци гра­да very soon put on the service list of . Renamed Тр­ста. Те­шко оште­ће­ни труп бро­да по­диг­нут је из TA-43 (Torpedoboot ausland – foreign ) she took part in some actions, although severely hampered by мо­ра 1946, али ни­је пре­дат ФНРЈ, већ је на ли­цу ме­ fuel shortage and allied advance. In the beginning of may ста исе­чен у ста­ро гво­жђе. 1945., german crew mined and scuttled the destroyer in Кључ­не ре­чи: Кра­љев­ска ју­го­сло­вен­ска мор­на­ри­ the Trieste harbour. Badly damaged hull has been raised on ца, Дру­ги свет­ски рат на Сре­до­зем­ном мо­ру, ра­за­ра­ surface in 1946, but the diplomatic standoff between british, чи и тор­пи­ље­ри фран­цу­ског про­јек­та. italian and new yugoslav authorities prevented her return to Yugoslavia. The hulk of ex. Yugoslav destroyer was later scrapped in Trieste. Key words: Royal , Second World War in the Mediterranean and Adriatic, Destroyers and torpedo boats of the french projects. Из­вор­ни рад Ђорђе Јојић Original article Đorđe Jojić

УДК: сарадник Војног музеја UDC: Contributor of Military Museum При­мље­но: Светозара Радића 7а Received: Svetozara Radića 7a 23. фебруар 2014. го­ди­не 11000 Београд February 23, 2014 11000 Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но: [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 19. мар­т 2014. го­ди­не Mаrch 19, 2014


Royal Yugoslav destroyers of Beograd class – the ships of famous downfalls

Đorđe Jojić

his article covers the history of the three capturing her. Although they could have arranged TYugoslav destroyers, officially named „big fuses to initiate charges after they leave the vessel, torpedo-boats”. These medium-sized destroyers, they both decided by their free will to die with apart from eight motor torpedo boats ordered their ship. Some time before Noon, the enormous From Luerssen Bremen shipyard, where the first explosion tore the hull of the destroyer in parts. units ordered after five year pause in shipbuilding Elements of ship’s structure and gun mountings program, owing to severe economic crisis in the flew several hundred meters around. „Zagreb” was country. Owing to the results of the economic completely destroyed, explosions have been heard recovery, the Yugoslav navy pushed it plans to build for two days on, and only after few days the Italians three medium sized destroyers, fast and well armed braved to examine the wreck, which has been vessels. The international competition has been subsequently scrapped in situ during the war. won by French shipbuilders Ateliers et chantiers de „Ljubljana” completed her refit while already la Loire, from Nantes, which had to build the first of in Italian hands, and has been pressed into service, three vessels in France, while the subsequent two escorting Italian convoys in Ionian sea and on the route ships were to be built in Yugoslav shipyard in Split, to Tunisia. In the end of march 1943, she took part in in which French A&C de la Loire had the majority of escorting convoy to Bizerta, when she ran aground stocks. The task dedicated to the yugoslav shipyard on cape Ras Ahmet, off cape Bon, where the ship appeared tremendous, but the Yugoslav engineers was damaged beyond repair. The hull was completely and workers coped with it successfully. Beograd destroyed in storm some days later, and the wreck has was launched on 23.12.1937 in Nantes, Zagreb on been subsequently scrapped after the war. 30.03.1938, and Ljubljana on 28.06.1938. All three „Beograd”, renamed „Sebenico”, completed units were completed and handed over to the Navy brief refit to bring her up to the Italian standards, on time, until November 1939. In engineering terms and entered service providing convoy escort to these ships were of an original project, not much North Africa. Owing to the limited radius of action, similar to the French „1500 tonners” built 1926– she was later relegated to route Italy – Greece, 1930, with major differences in hull properties and where she saw rather intensive sevice until the internal arrangements, with Czech main artillery, summer 1943. The italian capitulation found her 40mm Bofors AA twins, French torpedoes and in refit and modernisation in Venice. She was British machinery of the finest type available at then handed over to Kriegsmarine, renamed TA- the time. All three steamed over 39 knots on their 43, and modernised with altered AA artillery and trials, and were considered good sea boats despite communications to suit german standards. Two of their structural weakness (hull plating above the 120mm guns where landed, two 105mm/45 fitted waterline was not more than 5mm thick). instead, and 37mm and 20mm FlaKs added. One set Their service under Yugoslav flag was brief, and of TTs was also landed in order to enhance light AA, unmarked with any peculiarity, except the fact that on while not hampering stability. In the closing days of 24. january 1940, entering Šibenik harbour, Ljubljana WWII she sailed little, owing to fuel shortage and ran aground dangerous rocks, ripping her right side allied offensive. Although planned to take part in wide open, and subsequently sinking few hundred the evacuation of German troops from Istria, she meters from the pier. Until July 1940 she has been sailed back to Trieste owing to problems with the salvaged by the Triestine company Tripcovich&Co steam pipelines. In the harbour of Trieste she was and towed to the Tivat arsenal for refit. scuttled on the second May 1945. The hull was During the brief period of the „April war” salvaged in 1946, but British and Italian authorities in 1941, all three ships were inactive and used refused returning the badly damaged hull to mainly for AA defense role, in which they were Yugoslavia. The hull was then lowered once again, rather successful. On 17th april 1941 it became and later scrapped. obvious that Yugoslav capitulation is imminent. Such was the end of three Yugoslav destroyers, Only few vessels managed to escape the chaos of state of the art vessels of their time, which, pitifully, defeat by evacuating to , and all other didn’t have an opportunity to show their combat ships were handed over to the Italians, most of merits under Yugoslav flag, but one of them served them completely fit and undamaged. Two captain- adequately both Italian and German until lieutenants from „Zagreb”, Milan Spasić and Sergey the bitter end. Mashera, a Serb and a Slovenian, decided in the end to blow the ship up in order to prevent Italians Translated by Đordje Jojić


MscME Branko Ž. Bogdanović, Expert consultant Бранко­ Ж. Бог­да­но­вић, стручни­ са­рад­ник Вој­ног of the Military Museum, Belgrade, музе­ ја,­ Бео­ ­град, Expert consultant of FGUK Historical and Culture са­рад­ник ФГУК Исто­ ­риcко-ку­льтур­но­го Museum Preserve „The Moscow Kremlin” музея­ запо­ ­вед­ника­ Мо­сков­ский Кремь, Мо­сква

Abstract: One of the prominent Serbian and Са­же­так: Лазар­ Јова­ но­ вић,­ један­ од најпо­ ­зна­ Yugoslav gun constructors, and sporting shooters, тијих­ срп­ских и ју­госло­ вен­ ских­ кон­струк­тора­ Lazar Jovanović (Yovanovitch), who represented оруж­ја и спорт­ски стре­лац ко­ји је пред­стављао­ the at the Olympic Games Краље­ ­вину­ Ју­госла­ ви­ ју­ на Олим­пиј­ским игра­ма у in Berlin, are virtually unknown inside professional Бер­лину,­ практич­ но­ је не­по­знат струч­ној јав­но­ circles. Lazar Jovanovic was the son of Professor сти. Ла­зар Јо­вано­ вић­ је био син про­фе­сора­ Љу­бо­ Ljubomir Jovanović and brother in law of Dragiša мира­ Јо­вано­ ви­ ћа­ и зет Дра­гише­ Сто­јади­ но­ ви­ ћа,­ Jovanović. He has designed and patented more than који­ је нај­више­ ути­цао на ње­гово­ про­фе­сио­ нал­ но­ 20 guns. About Jovanovic solution of the blowback опре­де­ље­ње. Констру­ ­исао­ је и па­тенти­ рао­ ши­ pistol exists today a number of delusions. In fact, he ром све­та ви­ше од 20 раз­личи­ тих­ вр­ста оруж­ја. made only three prototype of the pistol. Today it is О Јо­вано­ ви­ ће­ вом­ ре­ше­њу пи­што­ља да­нас вла­да preserved only one specimen. низ заблу­ ­да. У су­шти­ни, он је на­пра­вио са­мо три Key words: Lazar Jovanović, Carl Widmer, Julius про­тоти­ па,­ од ко­јих је са­чуван­ само­ је­дан. Gottfried Anschütz, King Aleksandar I Karagеorgevich, Кључне­ ре­чи: Лазар­ Јо­вано­ вић,­ Карл Вид­мер, M1930 blowback pistol; M1931 blowback pistol. Гот­фрид Аншиц,­ краљ Алек­сандар­ Ка­рађор­ ђе­­ вић, пи­штољ М1930, пи­штољ М1931.

Original article Branko Bogdanović Изворни рад Бранко Богдановић

UDC: expert consultant УДК: стручни сарадник of Military Museum Војног музеја Expert consultant сарадник ФГУК of FGUK Historical Историcко-культурного and Culture Museum музея заповедника Preserve „The Moscow Московский Кремь, Kremlin” Москва

Received: Tadeuša Košćuška 89 Примље­ ­но: Tадеуша Кошћушка 89 February 24, 2014 11000 Belgrade 24. фебруар 11000 Београд 2014. године

Accepted: Прихва­ ­ћено:­ Mаrch 19, 2014 [email protected] 19. март 2014. године [email protected]

1 Тhis article was published in Small Arms Review, Chipotle Publishing, LLC, Henderson, USA, May 2013 and Мастер­ Ружьё­ №№.188–189, Москва,­ 2012.

227 РЕЗИ­ МЕ­

Ју­госло­ ­вен­ски пи­штољ си­сте­ма Јо­вано­ ­вић

Бран­ко Бог­дано­ вић­

азар­ Јо­вано­ вић­ је ро­ђен 1898 го­ди­не у Бео­ ­ па­тенти­ ­рао у Фран­цу­ској и лично­ изра­ дио­ само­ Лграду,­ у по­ро­ди­ци по­лити­ ­чара­ и исто­ри­ча­ је­дан про­то­тип, са којим­ је учество­ вао­ на Олим­ ра Љубо­ ми­ ­ра Јо­вано­ ви­ ­ћа. Растао­ је под сна­жним пи­јади­ у Бер­лину,­ 1936 го­ди­не. Мо­дел 1931 про­ утица­ ­јем јед­ног од пр­вих срп­ских спорт­ских стре­ извео­ је у два при­мер­ка: је­дан за личну­ упо­тре­бу, лаца­ – Дра­ги­ше Сто­јади­ ­нови­ ­ћа. Чи­таву­ кари­ ­је­ру а други­ као по­клон кра­љу Алек­сандру­ I Кара­ ђор­ ­ по­све­тио је спорт­ском стре­љаштву­ и констру­ и­ ­са­ ђеви­ ­ћу. На­кон уби­ства кра­ља Алек­сандра,­ кнез- њу спорт­ског и вој­ног оружја.­ Међу­ најпо­ ­зна­ти­ја наме­ ­сник Павле­ Кара­ ђор­ ­ђевић­ је 1937. го­ди­не ре­шења­ спа­дају­ њего­ ­ви пи­што­љи ка­ли­бра 9 мм ово оруж­је по­клонио­ Вој­ном музе­ ју.­ Но, 1944 го­ (к) М1930 и М1931. Јова­ но­ вић­ је пи­штољ М1930 ди­не, пи­штољ је непо­ ­врат­но нестао­ из му­зеја.­


Го­ран Т. Га­врић, Goran T. Gavrić, са­рад­ник Вој­ног му­зе­ја, Бе­о­град Contributor of Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Глав­ни пред­мет ис­тра­жи­ва­ња у Abstract: The main objective of this study is овом ра­ду је нео­би­чан до­га­ђај у Дру­гом свет­ an unusual event in the Second World War which ском ра­ту ко­ји је од­ре­дио не са­мо суд­би­ну не­ determined not only the fate of German artist мач­ког умет­ни­ка Јо­зе­фа Бој­са, већ је ути­цао и Joseph Beuys, but also influenced the formation of на фор­ми­ра­ње ње­го­ве умет­но­сти. Иа­ко је лет his art. Although the flight of that snow 16th March тог сне­жног 16. мар­та 1944. био ко­бан за ње­ 1944 was fatal to his colleague in the plane Junkers го­вог ко­ле­гу у ави­о­ну Junkers Ju 87 – „шту­ка” и Ju 87 Stuka and friend Hans Laurinck, for Beuys this при­ја­те­ља Хан­са Ла­у­рин­ка, за Бој­са је овај до­ event meant a turning point in his life and art. His га­ђај зна­чио пре­крет­ни­цу у жи­во­ту и умет­но­ surviving the destruction of aircraft and subsequent сти. Пре­жи­вља­ва­ње ру­ше­ња ави­о­на и ка­сни­ји events in the care of felt, fat, wax and milk by the до­га­ђа­ји у ве­зи са не­гом ко­ју су му пру­жи­ли Та­ outpouring of Tartars, have shed light on his way in та­ри, осве­тли­ли су му пут у умет­но­сти и де­ art and defined problems and style which will lead фи­ни­са­ли про­бле­ма­ти­ку и стил ко­ји­ма ће се in his creativity. во­ди­ти у свом ства­ра­ла­штву. Key words: Joseph Beuys, Second World War, Кључ­не ре­чи: Јо­зеф Бојс, Дру­ги свет­ски рат, decline of war plane, Junkers Ju 87 Stuka, Crimean пад рат­ног ави­о­на, Junkers Ju 87 – „шту­ка”, Tartars, shamanism, shamans, fat, felt, art. крим­ски Та­та­ри, ша­ма­ни­зам, ша­ма­ни, лој, кло­ бу­чи­на, умет­ност.

Из­вор­ни рад Горан Гаврић Original article Goran Gavrić

УДК: сарадник Војног музеја UDC: Contributor of Military Museum При­мље­но: Војводе Степе 8/4 Received: Vojvode Stepe 8/4 12. децембра 11000 Београд December 12, 2013 11000 Belgrade 2013. године

При­хва­ће­но: [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 19. марта 2014. године March 19, 2014


War experience of Joseph Beuys in the Second World War

Goran Gavrić

oseph Beuys is one of the few well-known artistic expression. Thus, shamanism became the Jartists who participated on the first front line original inspiration for his performances, actions in war, and probably only as a pilot, while he is not and happenings, in which he mainly used as the only a survivor of the almost hopeless situation, but main elements fat and felt. He also often used on the unpleasant experience of destruction of his these elements in his installations and sculptures, plane Junkers Ju 87 Stuka he built his art and career as well as in drawings and paintings. Beuys has as a professor. He was the last gunner and managed become a kind of shaman thanks to the unpleasant somehow to survive, while his colleague and friend, and painful experience of the Second World War, pilot Hans Laurinck was not so lucky. Crimean and thus risen art beyond a common framework. Tartars and shamans who saved him, as fat, felt and milk that they used to keep him warm in order Translated by Goran Gavrić to survive, have become key elements in Beuys’


Љу­бо­мир С. Сте­во­вић, ­ Ljubomir Ѕ. Stevović, ­ са­рад­ник Вој­ног Му­зе­ја, Бе­о­град сontributor of Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Краљ Алек­сан­дар Обрено­ ­вић имао Abstract: King Alexander Obrenović had two је две пре­сто­не меда­ ­ље. Прва,­ „У спомен­ Ми­ throne medals. First one, „In Memory of King ро­по­ма­за­ња Кра­ља Алек­сан­дра Обрено­ ­ви­ћа Alexander Obrenović Christmation 1889” was issused 1889”, изда­ ­та је по­сле сту­па­ња на престо­ и after he camo on throne and Christmation on 20. ми­ро­по­ма­за­ња 20. ју­на 1889. у ма­на­сти­ру Жи­ june 1889, The second medal, „In memory on April ча, а дру­га – „У спомен­ 1. апри­ла 1893.” након­ 1th 1893” was stuct as memory on „coup d’ court” „двор­ског удара”­ којим­ је краљ Алeксан­дар пре­ that brougt King Alexander to rule the country. у­зео власт. Key words; King Alexander Obrenović, throne Кључ­не ре­чи: краљ Алек­сан­дар Обрено­­ medals, Christmation 1889, 1. april 1893. вић, престо­ ­не ме­да­ље, ми­ро­по­ма­за­ње 1889, 1. април 1893.

Кратко саопштење Љубомир Стевовић Short report Ljubomir Stevović

УДК: cарадник Војног UDC: Contributor ­ музеја Београд of Military Museum

При­мље­но:­ Кнегиње Зорке 9 Received: ­ Kneginje Zorke 9 1. марта 2014. године 11000 Београд Mаrch 1, 2014 11000 Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но:­ [email protected] Accepted: ­ [email protected] 21. марта 2014. године Mаrch 21, 2014


King Alexander Obrenović’ Throne Medals

Ljubomir Stevović

ing Alexander Obrenović came on throne Young King and Ex-king Milan took adventage Kafter his father King Milan abdication on of the situation and with loyal officers organized 22. february 1889. He was only 13,5 years old. coup d’ court to throw off incomplete Regency and Obrenović family hadn’t dinasty crown and instead Liberal Cabinet on April 1, 1893. New ellections were of corronation the main inauguration ceremony was organized and Radicals again got large Parlament Christmation on 20. june 1889 in monastery Žiča. majority. On 4th of june, 1893. King Alexander gave In the memory of Christmation special medal „In his Royal Oath on Constitution in the Parlament, and Memory of King Alexander Obrenović Christmation became regular King. Month later, in memory of this 1889” with king Alexander portret was issused for occasion the medal „In memory of 1th April 1893.” present guets. was stucked for King Alexander, Ex-King Milan, According to Constitution, instead of young King ministers and Parlement members. Alltogather 140 three Regents three Regents performed kings authority persons were deorated. till his legal age in the middle of 1894. Suddenly, one Month later, on 1. august 1893, the eve of King Regent died in 1892. and elections for new Regent had Alexander birthday, War minister general Sava to be announced. Instead of that, incomplete Regency Grujić deccorated with the medal „In Memory of announced Parlamentary ellections in order to change King Alexander Obrenović Christmation 1889” all Radical with Liberal Cabinet. noncommissioned officiers and soldgers. Liberals got questionalble Parlamentar majority with lot of incinets, and problems started to rise up. Translated by Ljubomir Stevović


Бо­ја­на М. Илић, ­ Bojana M. Ilić, ­ Вој­ни му­зеј, Бе­о­град Military Museum, Belgrade Са­же­так: Пред­мет овог ра­да је са­гле­да­ва­ Abstract: The subject of the paper deals with ње по­тре­бе му­зе­а­ли­за­ци­је стал­не по­став­ке possible ways of considering the need for musealizing Вој­ног му­зе­ја ко­ја је отво­ре­на 1961. го­ди­не и the Military museum permanent display first showed ко­ја је, уз пре­тр­пље­не из­ме­не и до­пу­не, ак­ту­ in 1961. and which, with subsequent alterations and ел­на стал­на по­став­ка Вој­ног му­зе­ја. У том additions, actually presents the current permanent сми­слу да­ју се прет­по­став­ке стал­не по­став­ке display. In light of this, the work offers suggestions као све­до­чан­ства раз­у­ме­ва­ња му­зеј­ске ко­му­ and ideas as to how the current display can testify ни­ка­ци­је, др­жав­не ре­пре­зен­та­ци­је и др­жав­ to understanding museum communication, state не иде­о­ло­ги­је. Утвр­ђи­ва­њу све­до­чан­стве­них representation and relevant ideologies. The вред­но­сти стал­не по­став­ке при­сту­пи­ли смо assessment of the evidential values of the permanent из по­зи­ци­ја кри­тич­ке му­зе­о­ло­ги­је, те­о­ри­ја ко­ exhibition has been addressed from different points лек­тив­ног пам­ће­ња, сту­ди­ја ви­зу­ел­не кул­ту­ of view such as critical museology, collective memory ре. У ра­ду се ука­зу­је и на нео­п­ход­ност по­зна­ва­ theories and studies of visual culture. The paper also ња осо­бе­но­сти стал­не по­став­ке као прет­по­ emphasizes the importance of being familiar with став­ке за при­ме­ну прин­ци­па до­бр­ог до­ку­мен­ the specifics of the display as the major prerequisite то­ва­ња, ства­ра­ње мо­гућ­но­сти про­у­ча­ва­ња for applying the general principles of museum стал­не по­став­ке са ста­но­ви­шта­ ра­зли­чи­тих documentation thus creating possibilities for further на­уч­них ди­сци­пли­на и при­сту­па и оства­ри­ва­ research into the exhibition from different scientific ње ко­му­ни­ка­ци­је стал­не по­став­ке као кул­тур­ and other aspects, as well as its communication as a ног до­бра. На тај на­чин оства­ру­је се за­шти­та cultural heritage. Therefore, the way the permanent стал­не по­став­ке чи­ји је циљ да ње­на му­зе­ал­ display is safeguarded is aimed at viewing the ност бу­де по­сма­тра­на као ре­сурс за са­зна­ња exhibition as a recourse which helps understanding о од­но­си­ма чо­ве­ка пре­ма ствар­но­сти у ко­јој relations of man towards the real time within which је стал­на по­став­ка на­ста­ла и тра­ја­ла. У ра­ду the display started and endured. Finally, the paper се по­себ­но ука­зу­је на при­ме­ну са­зна­ња и ис­ку­ particularly stresses the possibilities of applying ства, ко­ја по­ти­чу из ис­тра­жи­ва­ња му­зе­ал­но­ experiences and knowledge resulting from the studies сти стал­не по­став­ке, у од­го­во­ру на ак­ту­ел­не made into the display museality in order to meet the по­тре­бе Вој­ног му­зе­ја, тј. кон­цеп­ци­ји и ре­а­ли­ requests made by the Military museum in view of its за­ци­ји но­ве стал­не по­став­ке Вој­ног му­зе­ја и new permanent exhibition concept and future mission мо­гу­ћој но­вој ми­си­ји и ви­зи­ји Вој­ног му­зе­ја. and vision. Кључ­не ре­чи: Вој­ни му­зеј, стал­на по­став­ка, Key words: Military museum, permanent display, му­зе­а­ли­за­ци­ја, му­зеј­ска ко­му­ни­ка­ци­ја, др­жав­ musealisation, musuem communication, state на ре­пре­зен­та­ци­ја, др­жав­на иде­о­ло­ги­ја. representation, state ideology

Прегледни рад Бојана Илић Rewiev article Bojana Ilić

УДК: Војни музеј UDC: Military Мuseum

При­мље­но:­ Калемегдан бб­ Received: ­ Kalemegdan bb ­ 28. фебруара 2014. године 11000 Београд February 21, 2014 11000 Belgrade

При­хва­ће­но:­ [email protected] Accepted: ­ [email protected] 19. марта 2014. године Mаrch 27, 2014


Musealisation thesis permanent exhibitions of the Military Museum

Bojana Ilić

he study of the political and social context meaning, is applied based on the same principles, and Tthat determined the permanent exhibitions in accordance with the documenting standards of in the museums in the former Yugoslavia, and the the museum fund, and that it cannot be approached re-examination of their functional identity in the simply as one would approach documenting the changed context of the 1990s and 2000s pointed museum activities as a cultural institution. out the need for the permanent exhibitions of the In order to apply the principles of good museums in Serbia from the time of the former documenting55 of the permanent exhibition, it is Yugoslavia to be dismissed in order to replace them necessary to examine its integrity, i.e., to view it as with a museum practice in line with the changing a system. needs of society and new presentation techniques.51 In addition to documenting, the protection of It is in this sense the permanent exhibition of the the meaning of the permanent exhibition includes Military Museum in Belgrade is also viewed. If it is „strengthening the respect for items of high cultural true that „museality dies with objects”,52 then the heritage importance”.56 The first step is that the vulnerability of the current permanent exhibition of already organized guided tours through the current the Military Museum initiates the need to consider permanent exhibition of the Military Museum do not the material structure of the permanent exhibition just entail the communication of the main message as the carrier of testimonial values and hence its of the Military Museum, but also the testimonial preservation. values of the permanent exhibition that result from We have selected the permanent exhibition of knowing all of its identities. the Military Museum as the resource of information The permanent exhibition of the Military Museum about the values of man’s relationship with the reality in its meta-narrative relies on the previous experience in which the objects were created and in which they of the Military Museum: „Since its formation, our lasted. Recognizing the testimonial values (museality) Military Museum’s nature has been the historical is a gradual process with assumptions that are based representation of war. This inherited orientation on our knowledge located in its initial phases.53 The should definitely continue”.57 The knowledge of assumptions about museology presented here are the terms and conditions under which a fight in a recognized as possible routes for the „reconstruction museum message became the foundation of identity of biographies”54 of the permanent exhibition which integration, which gave us access to the permanent can be the source of various types of knowledge that exhibition of the Military Museum as a document of are of interest to different scientific disciplines and reality may be of interest to reflections on the new approaches. orientation of the Military Museum. We believe it is important to note that the musealisation of the permanent exhibition implies Translated by Alkemist translation agency that documenting, as one of the ways to protect the

51 Krivošejev 2009, 86–87; Га­ври­ло­вић 2009; Степан­ ­чић 2008, 9–16. 55 On good documenting principles, in: Maroević, 1993, 193– 52 Maroević 1993, 97. 194. 53 Stransky 1970, 51. 56 Ibid, 177. 54 Maroević 1993, 133. 57 Чеј­ван 1961, 505.


Љубомир С. Стевовић, Ljubomir Ѕ. Stevović, сарадник Војног Музеја, Београд сontributor of Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: На­род­на скуп­шти­на је 22. фе­бру­ Abstract: On 22. february 1882 Parlament а­ра 1882. про­гла­си­ла Кне­же­ви­ну Ср­би­ју за Кра­ proclaimed Princedom Serbia to Kingdom, and ље­ви­ну, а Ми­ла­на Обре­но­ви­ћа Че­твр­тог кне­за Milan Obrenović IV. Serbian Prince to Milan the First срп­ског за Ми­ла­на Пр­вог кра­ља Ср­би­је. За успо­ King of Serbia. In memory, the special medal „To ме­ну је из­да­та спе­ци­јал­на ме­да­ља „Об­но­ви­о­ Restitutors of Serbian Kingdom“ was issused only ци­ма Срп­ске Кра­ље­ви­не”, ко­јом су од­ли­ко­ва­ни for King Milan, Ministers and Parlament members са­мо краљ Ми­лан, ми­ни­стри и на­род­ни по­сла­ of 22. february 1882. ни­ци од 22. фе­бру­а­ра 1882. Key words; King Milan Obrenović, restitutor, Кључне­ речи­ : Краљ Ми­лан Обре­но­вић, об­но­ Kingdom Serbia, medal 1882. ви­тељ Кра­ље­ви­не Ср­би­је, ме­да­ља 1882.

Кратко саопштење Љубомир Стевовић Short report Ljubomir Stevović

УДК: cарадник Војног UDC: Contributor музеја Београд of Military Museum

Примље­ ­но: Кнегиње Зорке 9 Received: Kneginje Zorke 9 1. марта 2014. године 11000 Београд Mаrch 1, 2014 11000 Belgrade

Прихва­ ­ћено:­ [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 19. марта 2014. године Mаrch 19, 2014


Medal to Restitutors of Serbian Kingdom 1882

Ljubomir Stevović

title „Milan The First King of Serbia”. rincedom Serbia was Turkish vassal till Wars Kingdom Proclamation was announced in Pfor Liberation and Indenpendence 1876–7–8. Parlament on 22. February 1882. Cosequently, International Peace Conference, in Berlin 1878, state symbols had to be reformed. Old Princedome confirmed Serbian Indenpendence and enlarged coat of arms was substitued with Royal coat of borders. Indenpendence was proclaimed od 9. Аugust arms, as well as Obrenović family coat of arms, 1878, on Prince Milan Obrenović birthday. The same on 20. june 1878. The new „Law of Orders and day War Museum in Belgrade was established. medals” was proclaimed in january 1883. As The next step in Serbian state developement memory of Kingdom Proclamation, new Law was to become Kingdom. Russia was not against introduced „Order of White Eagle” - illustration of Kingdom proclamation, but considered that there Royl coat of arms - and special medal „To Restitutor is no need for hurry. Austria accepted Kingdom of Serbian Kingdom“ - with white eagle between proclamation, under one condition; the King Milan medal and royl crown. Medal „To Restitutors of title must relate only on Serbian state teritory, Serbian Kingdom” was issused only for King Milan, not on whole Serbian nation like his Prince title Ministers and Parlament members of 22. february „Milan Obrenović IV Serbian Prince”. Gouverment 1882. Alltogather 183 persons were deorated. accepted Austrian condition as notorious formality that will never interfiere on National task to Translated by Ljubomir Stevović liberate enslaved brothers, and Prince Milan took


Ду­шан­ка И. Ма­ри­чић, ­ Dušanka I. Maričić, ­ Вој­ни му­зеј, Бе­о­град Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Вр­хов­ног ко­ман­дан­та, вој­ско­во­ Abstract: Supreme commander, military ђе, ис­так­ну­те офи­ци­ре и при­пад­ни­ке Вој­ске leaders, prominent officers and members of the Кра­ље­ви­не Ср­би­је у Ве­ли­ком ра­ту од­ли­ко­ва­ли Army of Kingdom of Serbia were decorated in the су са­ве­зни­ци за сво­је за­слу­ге, до­при­нос и успе­ Great War by Allies for merits, contribution and шност у бор­бе­ним деј­стви­ма на Со­лун­ском success in battles at Salonika front. French highest фрон­ту. Нај­ви­ша фран­цу­ска од­ли­ко­ва­ња за decorations: Legion d’honneur (Legion of Honor) рат­не за­слу­ге, Ор­ден ле­ги­је ча­сти и Рат­ни and Croix de guerre (War Cross) were also shining крст, за­си­ја­ла су на гру­ди­ма срп­ских рат­ни­ on chests of Serbian soldiers. French War Cross has ка. На пу­ков­ским за­ста­ва­ма Вој­ске Кра­ље­ви­ a special place on Serbian regimental flags because не Ср­би­је по­себ­но ме­сто при­па­ло је Рат­ном it was given not only for individual contribution, кр­сту, од­ли­ко­ва­њу ко­је је осим за по­је­ди­нач­ни but also for joint effort in allied operations. French из­у­зе­тан до­при­нос до­де­ље­но и за ко­лек­тив­ни high decorations given to distinctive individuals as до­при­нос у са­ве­знич­ким вој­ним деј­стви­ма. Ви­ well as to certain Serbian regiments are displayed со­ка фран­цу­ска рат­на од­ли­ко­ва­ња ко­ја су до­ in Military Museum in Belgrade. де­ље­на ис­так­ну­тим по­је­дин­ци­ма и не­ким од Key words: the Great War, public acknowledgment, пу­ко­ва Вој­ске Кра­ље­ви­не Ср­би­је из­ло­же­на су у French war decorations, Order Legion d’honneur, стал­ној по­став­ци Вој­ног му­зе­ја у Бе­о­гра­ду. French War Cross, commanders, military leaders, Кључ­не ре­чи: Ве­ли­ки рат, јав­но при­зна­ње, officers, decorated war flags. фран­цу­ска рат­на од­ли­ко­ва­ња, Ор­ден ле­ги­је ча­сти, Рат­ни крст, ко­ман­дан­ти, вој­ско­во­ђе, офи­ци­ри, од­ли­ко­ва­не рат­не за­ста­ве.

Кратко саопштење Душанка Маричић Short report Dušanka Maričić

УДК: Војни музеј, UDC: Military Museum, Београд Belgrade

При­мље­но:­ Калемегдан бб Received: ­ Kalemegdan b.b 28. фебруара ­ 11000 Београд February 28, 2014 11000 Belgrade 2014. године

При­хва­ће­но:­ [email protected] Accepted: ­ [email protected] 27. марта 2014. године March 27, 2014


French decorations given to Serbian army in the Great War

Dušanka Maričić

upreme commander, military leaders, prominent Cross has a special place on Serbian regimental flags Sofficers and members of the Army of Kingdom because it was given not only for individual contribution, of Serbia were decorated in the Great War by Allies for but also for joint effort in allied operations. French high merits, contribution and success in battles at Salonika decorations given to distinctive individuals as well as front. French highest decorations: Legion d’honneur to certain Serbian regiments are displayed in Military (Legion of Honor) and Croix de guerre (War Cross) were Museum in Belgrade. also shining on chests of Serbian soldiers. French War Translated by Dejan Milivojević


Коста Ђ. Кнежевић, Kosta Đ. Knežević, сарадник Војног музеја, Београд Contributor of Military Museum, Belgrade

Са­же­так: Ка­пе­тан Бо­жа Ђа­ја оже­нио се Дел­ Abstract: Captain Boža Djaja married Delphin фи­ном Де­поа-Ан­же. Њи­хов син био је ака­де­мик Depoa-Ange. Their son was Ivan Djaja academician. Иван Ђа­ја. То­ком при­прем­не ма­ту­ре у Ру­а­ну, During the preparation examinations in Rouen, упо­зна­је бра­та од уја­ка Пје­ра. Пјер, као фран­ he met his cousin (uncle’s son) Pierre. As a French цу­ски вој­ни об­ве­зник, ги­не 1918. го­ди­не у Мла­ recruit, Pierre was killed in 1918 in Mladenovac. He де­нов­цу. По­чи­ва у Фран­цу­ском вој­ном гро­бљу у rests at French Military Cemetery in Belgrade. Бе­о­гра­ду. Кey words: The Great War, Boža Djaja, Делфина Кључне­ речи:­ Ве­ли­ки рат, Бо­жа Ђа­ја, Дел­ Депоа-Анже, Ivan Djaja, Rouen, Christmas Eve, фи­на Де­поа-Ан­же, Иван Ђа­ја, Ру­ан, Бад­ње ве­че, Pierre, Mladenovac, Belgrade. Пјер, Мла­де­но­вац, Бе­о­град.

Прегледни рад Коста Кнежевић Rewiev article Kosta Knežević

УДК: cарадник Војног UDC: Contributor музеја Београд of Military Museum

Примље­ ­но: Војислава Илића 14/III Received: Vojislava Ilića 14/III 21. фебруара 2014. 11000 Београд February 21, 2014 11000 Belgrade године

Прихва­ ­ћено:­ [email protected] Accepted: [email protected] 27. марта 2014. године Mаrch 27, 2014



Kosta Knežević

cademician of the Serbian and French by his friend Langloa. In 1931, Pierre’s body was AAcademy of Science, Ivan Djaja had a cousin moved to French Military Cemetery in Belgrade, Pierre, who lived with his family in village Saint because his widow Alphonsa didn’t want to move Pierre de Manneville in the vicinity of Rouen. Ivan him back to France, knowing that Ivan will be visiting Djaja met him on Christmas during his preparation his grave. And it was as she said. Ivan was visiting examinations in 1902/1903 for further studies at Sorbonne. Pierre was very glad that, as French his grave until his sudden death on Christmas 1957, recruit, he was participating in liberation of his the same day when they first met. Unfortunately, cousin’s fatherland in 1918 and that he will meet Pierre’s last name is still unknown. Ivan again. He was killed by German stray bullet in a church yard in Mladenovac. He was buried on site Translated by Dejan Milivojević