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The meeting convened in Room 5115, Suite 500, 401 9th Street, N.W., , D.C. 20004, at 1:00 p.m., Preston Bryant, Jr., Chairman, presiding.


L. PRESTON BRYANT, JR., Chairman Presidential Appointee EVAN CASH, Office of the Chairman of the City Council of the District of Columbia ARRINGTON DIXON, Mayoral Appointee THOMAS GALLAS, Presidential Appointee GEOFFREY GRIFFIS, Mayoral Appointee PETER MAY, Department of the Interior REBECCA NUZZI, U.S. Senate MICHAEL L. RHODES, Department of Defense

JENNIFER STEINGASSER, Office of the Mayor of

the District of Columbia

BETH WHITE, Presidential Appointee

MINA WRIGHT, General Services Administration

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MARCEL C. ACOSTA, Executive Director MATTHEW FLIS, AICP, Senior Urban Designer CARLTON HART, AICP, Urban Planner JULIA KOSTER, Secretary to the Commission VIVIAN LEE, Community Planner ANNE SCHUYLER, General Counsel


TOM DOUGHERTY, United States Secret Service BRIGADIER GENERAL CARL RIDDELL, Eisenhower Memorial Commission JUSTON SHUBOW, The National Civic Art Society CRAIG WEBB, Gehry Partners

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Report of the Chairman ...... 5

Report of the Executive Director ...... 5

Legislative Update ...... 7

Consent Calendar Items ...... 8 4a Parcel L1 4b DC United Stadium

Action Items

Approval of final site development plans

for phase one of the fence

replacement...... 11

Approval of comments on revised concept

design ...... 25

Approval of final site and building plans. . . . .73

Adjourn ...... 83

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1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S

2 1:02 p.m.

3 MR. BRYANT: Welcome, everyone, to the

4 National Capital Planning Commission. This is

5 our February 2, 2017 meeting. And if you would

6 please, stand with me and join me in the pledge

7 of allegiance.

8 (Pledge of Allegiance)

9 MR. BRYANT: For all in attendance,

10 please note that today's meeting is being live-

11 streamed on the NCPC.gov website. We do have a

12 quorum, so we will call the meeting to order, and

13 we will proceed by the agenda that has been

14 properly publicly advertised.


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2 MR. BRYANT: Agenda item number one is

3 the Report of the Chairman, and I don't have

4 anything of significance to report.


6 MR. BRYANT: So agenda item number two

7 is the Report of the Executive Director who

8 always has something.

9 MR. ACOSTA: I have two things to

10 report today. First of all, I'd like to welcome

11 our guests. We have a group of undergraduate

12 students from the University of Michigan

13 architecture program who are here to do a design

14 study on memorials, so they are here to listen to

15 the Eisenhower Memorial Presentation, so we

16 welcome you to NCPC.

17 Secondly, Lee Webb recently joined our

18 organization as our historic preservation

19 specialist. He brings over 20 years of

20 experience to his work at the Advisory Council of

21 Historic Preservation, the Georgia State Historic

22 Preservation Division. He also served as a

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1 preservation planner for the City of Alexandria

2 and Savannah, Georgia.

3 Lee most recently served as the

4 executive director of Thomasville Landmarks, a

5 50-year historic preservation organization in

6 Georgia, so welcome to you, Lee. So that

7 concludes my presentation. You do have a

8 written report before you.


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1 MR. BRYANT: Yes, thank you, Mr.

2 Acosta.


4 MR. BRYANT: Agenda item number three

5 is the legislative update, General Counsel, Ms.

6 Schuyler.

7 MS. SCHUYLER: Thank you, Mr.

8 Chairman. I do have one item on which I'd like

9 to report. It is a bill, HR216, called the

10 Modification Act, which

11 was introduced in the House on January 3 of this

12 year. It's been referred to the House Committee

13 on Natural Resources.

14 The bill authorizes - this is a very

15 long name for a sponsor - the Scholarship and

16 Memorials Foundation of the Second Indian Head

17 Division Association to place three benches at

18 the second division memorial located in

19 President's Park bordering Constitution near 17th

20 Street NW.

21 The benches honor members of the

22 Second Infantry Division killed in the Cold War

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1 in Korea, the War in Iraq, and the War in

2 Afghanistan.

3 The bill specifically holds that the

4 design and placement of the benches shall be

5 governed by the requirements of the Commemorative

6 Works Act, so this commission will be called upon

7 to review it if passed and enacted into law.

8 MR. BRYANT: Thank you. Any questions

9 for Ms. Schuyler?


11 MR. BRYANT: Agenda Item Number Four

12 is the consent calendar, and we have only two

13 items. Item 4A is for comments on the 35 percent

14 site and building plans for Parcel L1 at the

15 Southeast Federal Center. That's brought to us

16 by the General Services Administration.

17 And Agenda Item 4B is the approval of

18 preliminary and final site building plans with

19 comments for the D.C. United Stadium located in

20 Southwest Washington submitted to us by D.C.

21 United in coordination with the District of

22 Columbia Department of General Services.

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1 If there are no questions, is there a

2 motion on the consent calendar?

3 MR. DIXON: So moved.

4 MR. BRYANT: It's been moved and -

5 MS. WHITE: Second.

6 MR. BRYANT: - seconded. All in favor

7 of the consent calendar, say, "Aye."


9 MR. BRYANT: Opposed no? It carries.


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3 MR. BRYANT: Agenda Item Number 5A is

4 approval of the final site and development plans

5 for phase one of the White House fence

6 replacement. We previously reviewed the concept

7 and preliminary plans in July and December

8 respectively in 2016.

9 Mr. Flis, welcome.

10 MR. FLIS: Yes, good afternoon, Mr.

11 Chairman and members of the Commission. The

12 in cooperation with the

13 United States Secret Service has submitted final

14 site development plans for phase one of the new

15 perimeter fence and gates at the White House

16 complex.

17 As you know, the Commission provided

18 preliminary approval of the project back in

19 December, with comments and recommendations which

20 have helped to guide further refinement of the

21 plans.

22 The White House, as you know, is the

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1 Executive Office of the President and also the

2 primary residence of the First Family. It is

3 located in downtown Washington, D.C. between

4 , E Street, 15th, and 17th

5 Streets NW.

6 The current location of the White

7 House fence is outlined here in yellow on the

8 screen in front of you, and it encloses

9 approximately 18 acres.

10 The White House complex is just one

11 component of the larger President's Park which is

12 outlined here in white, which also includes

13 Lafayette Park, the Eisenhower Executive Office

14 Building, the Treasury Building, as well as the

15 Ellipse which is located to the south.

16 This is a more detailed site plan of

17 the White House complex and surrounding

18 buildings. The Commission again is today

19 considering a new perimeter fence and gates as

20 the first phase of a comprehensive security plan.

21 A future phase will also look at the Eisenhower

22 Executive Office Building as well as the Treasury

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1 Building.

2 The White House has actually had a low

3 wall or fence since around 1803, and over time,

4 it has continued to evolve, eventually reaching

5 the form which you would recognize on the site

6 today.

7 Of course, the White House is a major

8 visitor destination, and the house itself and the

9 grounds are also viewed and experienced through

10 the fence from a variety of perspectives. As

11 such, staff has evaluated the proposed fence and

12 gates based upon a number of considerations

13 including historic preservation, urban design, as

14 well as visitor experience.

15 As I have mentioned, this project is

16 the first phase of security improvements that

17 will eventually include other portions of

18 President's Park, including the Treasury Building

19 and Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which

20 are shown on the screen.

21 As such, staff believes it will be

22 helpful for the Park Service and Secret Service

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1 to provide the Commission an update on the

2 anticipated schedule and scope of future phases

3 of security improvements at President's Park.

4 And further, the unique character and

5 condition of the public spaces surrounding and

6 adjacent to the Eisenhower Executive Office

7 Building as well as the Treasury Building may

8 require different security solutions than those

9 developed for this first phase.

10 So going back to preliminary review,

11 the Commission approved the site plan, site

12 development plans, and provided a number of

13 recommendations and comments. In particular, the

14 Commission supported the use of pencil point

15 anti-climb measures, requested the fence piers be

16 reduced in size where possible, and also asked

17 the applicant to evaluate if the piers could be

18 removed from some locations along Pennsylvania

19 Avenue.

20 The Commission also supported a

21 vehicular gate design with minimal solid elements

22 to maintain views, and did not support the use of

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1 the crash rated wedge barrier.

2 So just as a reminder, the existing

3 fence is six feet tall on a generally two-foot

4 base. The proposed fence will be ten-foot seven

5 inches tall on an 18-inch stone base, and anti-

6 climb measures will be located on top, and they

7 are about a foot in height.

8 The existing stone piers shown here

9 will also be increased in scale. This does

10 reflect the U.S. Secret Service's recommendation

11 for the fence height consistent with your

12 previous review in December.

13 So based upon your comments, as well

14 as those from the Commission of Fine Arts, along

15 with staff discussion, the applicant has further

16 refined a number of the fence details. I'm going

17 to walk you through your previous recommendation

18 and also show you how the design has changed in

19 response.

20 So first, the Commission expressed

21 support for the use of pencil point anti-climb

22 measures as they best balance of security and

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1 design in an unobtrusive manner. The Commission

2 also did not support the use of cross-teeth anti-

3 climb measures as they appeared to detract from

4 the visitor experience.

5 So in response, the applicant has

6 eliminated the cross-teeth design on the left

7 here, and has utilized the pencil point motif

8 shown on the right in a manner that's integrated

9 with the overall design of the fence. Many of

10 the other elements, including the finials and

11 post tops, have also been refined.

12 At preliminary review, the Commission

13 also requested the applicant consider reducing

14 the size of the fence piers where possible, and

15 also consider removing the fence piers from the

16 pedestrian gates located along Pennsylvania

17 Avenue. This request was in response to viewing

18 the scale and the massing of the piers at the on-

19 site mock-up.

20 So in response, the applicant has

21 carefully reduced the size and scale of the

22 piers, considering both their overall mass as

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1 well as their proportion of elements.

2 So here you can see the width and

3 depth of the piers have been reduced about three

4 inches, and again, this is in both dimensions,

5 from about four feet to three-foot nine inches.

6 The height of the pier cap has also been reduced

7 several inches. This is shown here.

8 And further, the applicant evaluated

9 the pier joints, and has also modified them to be

10 better in proportion with the overall scale of

11 the pier. In total, staff believes that these

12 changes are responsive to the Commission's

13 requests, and are appropriate to the design of

14 the project.

15 As I mentioned, the Commission also

16 requested the applicant consider removing the

17 piers from the pedestrian gates along

18 Pennsylvania Avenue, and those are shown here,

19 and then to the right is the vehicular gate.

20 The applicant has concurred with this

21 recommendation, and has removed the piers from

22 the pedestrian gates, so you can see that here.

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1 Staff believes that this change helps to open up

2 views to the White House grounds, and also allows

3 the vehicular gates to stand as distinct features

4 along the avenue.

5 This is just a larger elevation of the

6 fence along Pennsylvania Avenue, again showing

7 the removal of those piers.

8 Moving on, regarding the fence gates,

9 the Commission expressed support for a vehicular

10 gate design that minimized solid elements,

11 reduced clutter, and maintained views to the

12 White House grounds. The Commission also stated

13 it did not support the use of a crash rated wedge

14 barrier due to their visual impact.

15 So just as a reminder, there will be

16 nine pedestrian gates and six vehicular gates

17 located along the fence. That's shown on the

18 site plan in front of you. The vehicular gates

19 will also be improved with crash protection.

20 So in response to the Commission's

21 comments, the crash rated wedge barrier shown

22 here was eliminated from consideration. The

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1 remaining two options were further evaluated.

2 These include a crash rated gate, and then a non-

3 crash rated gate with additional bollards located

4 behind.

5 So here you can see the vehicular

6 gates located on Pennsylvania Avenue located -

7 shown side by side. On the left is the crash

8 rated gate which includes a more solid base, and

9 then on the right is the non-crash rated gate

10 which is somewhat more open at the bottom, but it

11 does include the bollards located behind.

12 The same options would generally apply

13 to East and West Executive Drive. Again, here is

14 the crash rated gate on the left and the non-

15 crash rated gate with bollards on the right.

16 The crash rated gate is supported by

17 the applicant because of maintenance and

18 operational concerns related to the addition of

19 bollards and other equipment, and although this

20 base is solid, this will generally be below the

21 line of view for most people.

22 Regarding the adjacent pedestrian

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1 gates shown here, staff recommends the use of the

2 vertical picket design which is relatively simple

3 and relatively transparent. This recommendation

4 was also supported by the Commission of Fine

5 Arts. The resulting combination of vehicular and

6 pedestrian gates would balance both openness and

7 operations while meeting Secret Service needs,

8 and is consistent with the Commission's original

9 recommendation.

10 And finally, at preliminary review,

11 the Commission noted that the project components

12 would continue to be refined. As shown through

13 this presentation, additional design development

14 has continued to improve the overall project

15 elements, and this includes the piers and gates,

16 which you've already seen, but also elements such

17 as the post tops shown here on the screen, as

18 well as the finials, and I think there's a model

19 that's being passed around.

20 Overall, staff believes that these

21 refinements have continued to improve the quality

22 of the project, and so therefore, it is the

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1 Executive Director's recommendation that the

2 Commission approves the final site development

3 plans for phase one of a new perimeter fence and

4 gates at the White House complex, requests that

5 the Park Service and Secret Service provide an

6 update on the schedule and scope of future

7 improvements at President's Park, notes that the

8 different character and conditions of the public

9 space around the Eisenhower Executive Office

10 Building and the Treasury Building may require

11 different security solutions, and further

12 supports the applicant's preferred design for

13 vehicular gates on Pennsylvania Avenue, along

14 with the more open picket design for the adjacent

15 pedestrian gates.

16 This concludes my presentation. I'm

17 available for questions, and I believe Mr. Tom

18 Dougherty with the United States Secret Service

19 also would like to make a few comments. Thank

20 you.

21 MR. BRYANT: Mr. Dougherty, welcome.

22 Welcome back.

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1 MR. DOUGHERTY: Thank you, Chairman

2 Bryant. It's been a long year. If you think

3 about it, we started this process over a year

4 ago, and over three public hearings and multiple

5 staff meetings.

6 And I want to thank, first of all,

7 Chairman Bryant and the Commissioners for helping

8 us with this process, and also to you, Executive

9 Director Acosta, for all of the counsel and

10 guidance that you have given to both the Park

11 Service and the Secret Service in terms of sort

12 of perfecting this process.

13 The recommendations are all completely

14 in agreement with us. We certainly are open to

15 any other additional discussions. But again, I

16 just wanted to thank you very much for helping us

17 advance this important national security project.

18 As I started off a year ago mentioning

19 that the existing fence was deficient and no

20 longer really relevant to the modern age, we see

21 and feel that particular predicament every single

22 day now at the White House practically.

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1 So in any event, thank you very much

2 for your help in this process, and if you have

3 any questions, I'd be glad to answer them.


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1 MR. BRYANT: Thank you, Mr. Dougherty.

2 We had a long discussion on this in December when

3 we approved the preliminary site development

4 plans. We noted at that time that there would be

5 continued refinements, and those have taken place

6 as Mr. Flis has outlined.

7 With that, are there any additional

8 questions or comments on this? And of course,

9 Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Stan are here for technical

10 planning questions as well.

11 Is there a motion?

12 MR. MAY: So moved.

13 MS. WRIGHT: Second.

14 MR. BRYANT: It's been moved and

15 seconded. Sensing no further discussion - oh,

16 yes, please, Ms. Steingasser?

17 MS. STEINGASSER: Yes, I just want to

18 support the staff's - the Executive Director's

19 recommendation, especially noting the unique

20 character and the condition of the spaces along

21 the Eisenhower and Treasury Buildings, and state

22 that when it comes to stage two, we expect to

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1 have a lot more involvement and concern over the

2 interface with the public spaces and city.

3 MR. BRYANT: Mr. May?

4 MR. MAY: I would just say we

5 certainly support that, and you know, we want to

6 make sure that we have a good design as we move

7 forward with phase two when that gets moving

8 again, so thank you very much.

9 MR. BRYANT: Additional comments?

10 It's been properly moved and seconded. All in

11 favor of the EDR, say, "Aye."


13 MR. BRYANT: Opposed, no? Then Mr.

14 Dougherty, congratulations.

15 MR. DOUGHERTY: Thank you, sir.



18 MR. BRYANT: Agenda Item 5B is the

19 approval of comments on the revised concept

20 designs for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial,

21 and we have Ms. Lee.

22 MS. LEE: Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman

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1 and Members of the Commission. The National Park

2 Service on behalf of the Eisenhower Memorial

3 Commission has submitted a revised concept design

4 for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial.

5 So the review process for the memorial

6 has been conducted over a period of several

7 years. Congress authorized the memorial in 1999,

8 then in 2006, the Commission approved the site

9 and adopted and set the design guidelines for the

10 memorial.

11 Later in 2011, the Commission provided

12 comments on three concept design alternatives,

13 followed by preliminary reviews in 2014. Most

14 recently, the Commission approved the final plans

15 for the memorial in July 2015.

16 Concurrently, the Commission reviewed

17 our related street closure and the transfer of

18 jurisdiction of a portion of Maryland Avenue.

19 And as a result of further consultation with the

20 Eisenhower family, the applicant is proposing

21 design modifications to the final plan which

22 results in today's revised concept design.

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1 As you may recall, the site is located

2 in Southwest Washington, D.C. a block south of

3 the and approximately four blocks

4 west of the U.S. Capitol. Maryland Avenue runs

5 diagonally to the side, framing a view corridor

6 towards the U.S. Capitol that extends all the way

7 to the .

8 The site is bound by Independence

9 Avenue to the north, 4th Street to the east, 6th

10 Street to the west, and the Lyndon B. Johnson

11 Department of Education Headquarters to the

12 south.

13 The Commission approved the site in

14 2006 because of its size, accessibility, and the

15 unique relationship between Eisenhower's legacy

16 and the fair entities and museums that surround

17 the site.

18 Maryland Avenue divides the site into

19 different parcels, and the site is under three

20 jurisdictions. Currently, reservation five which

21 you can see here, this triangle at the north, has

22 a community garden and a fitness area, and is

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1 under control of NPS. Maryland Avenue right of

2 way is under the control of DDOT, and the

3 triangular plaza here to the south and also the

4 LBJ Building are under control of GSA.

5 Prior to construction, the entire

6 memorial site which you can see highlighted in

7 green would be transferred to NPS to create a

8 unified parcel. Once built, NPS will maintain

9 the memorial. GSA will retain control of a 50-

10 foot buffer area, which you can see highlighted

11 in orange, between the memorial and the site -

12 between the memorial site and the building.

13 As part of the site approval process

14 in 2006, NCPC developed a set of design

15 principles to guide the memorial design.

16 Basically, the intent of the principles is to

17 preserve views of the Capitol along Maryland

18 Avenue, enhance the nature of the site, create a

19 unified memorial site that functions as a public

20 space, reflect plan principles, complement the

21 architecture of the surroundings, respect the

22 building lines and the alignment of trees along

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1 Maryland Avenue, and incorporate significant

2 green space. In general, the current proposal

3 that I will share today continues to satisfy the

4 intention of these principles.

5 So the concept of the memorial is to

6 commemorate Eisenhower's achievements as a

7 military general and the 34th President of the

8 United States, as well as the humble way in which

9 he approached these roles based on a set of

10 values he acquired during this childhood in

11 Abilene, Kansas.

12 The applicant has taken inspiration

13 from the renovation of the and

14 the notion of an object within an open air

15 temple. The design team envisions the Eisenhower

16 Memorial as a commemorative object placed within

17 an open room as you can see here, within a

18 surrounding present. To convey a sense of a

19 layered experienced, the applicant is using

20 several memorial elements listed in this slide.

21 So now I will walk you through the

22 final plan approved by the Commission in the

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1 summer of 2015. So the plan included a central

2 memorial core composed of freestanding bronze

3 sculptures and quotations that recognize

4 Eisenhower's achievements as a general and also

5 as a President, a large, stainless steel tapestry

6 supported by a monumental colonnade, and two

7 freestanding columns that define the park space.

8 You can see the columns highlighted in blue.

9 It also included a landscape design

10 that included several canopy and understory trees

11 arranged in clusters throughout the side to frame

12 the Maryland Avenue viewshed, and entry plazas at

13 the corners to serve as a transition from the

14 busy surroundings, and also wide pedestrian paths

15 leading to the memorial core.

16 The memorial also included a 2,400

17 square foot memorial information center

18 containing a bookstore and an NPS ranger station,

19 and finally, it included a pedestrian promenade

20 between the memorial and the LBJ Building

21 providing outdoor seating areas in front of the

22 cafeteria and also exhibit areas, and a memorial

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1 overlook that could accommodate public

2 gatherings.

3 In general, the current proposal

4 maintains these elements, so now I will show you

5 the changes that are before you today. The

6 revised concept includes three design

7 modifications which change the narrative of the

8 memorial. The current proposal revises the

9 artistic image on the tapestry, you can see here

10 in red, removes four trees, and relocates the

11 statue of Eisenhower as a young man.

12 So now I will describe the refinements

13 in more detail and share our staff analysis that

14 supports the recommendation. I noted that this

15 is the current proposal, and as a concept design,

16 the project will continue to be refined in the

17 future months.

18 Since the Commission's final approval,

19 the image for the tapestry has changed from a

20 landscape scene of Abilene, Kansas, Eisenhower's

21 hometown, which was meant to symbolize his

22 Midwestern values, to a contemporary aerial view

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1 of Normandy, France along the coastline during

2 peacetime where the D-Day invasion took place

3 during World War II.

4 This image includes Utah and Omaha

5 beaches with Pointe du Hoc in the center in

6 remembrance of the sacrifices of D-Day. The

7 image is meant to highlight Eisenhower's major

8 achievement and represent his legacy and

9 commitment to global peace.

10 So you can see in these diagrams, the

11 transparency levels of the tapestry have been

12 maintained to ensure views of the LBJ building

13 and retain the building's identity. The opacity

14 of the tapestry will range from approximately 95

15 percent solid along the bottom of the tapestry

16 here, transitioning to about 50 percent open in

17 the middle, and at the top, about 20 percent, so

18 the tapestry will be more open toward the sky and

19 more dense at the bottom.

20 Here is a section through the side to

21 give you an idea of the relationship between the

22 tapestry and the LBJ Building. As you can see,

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1 the top elevation of the tapestry aligns with the

2 LBJ Building framing the promenade.

3 The tapestry is raised 20 feet above

4 the ground to allow pedestrian circulation

5 underneath. You will notice that the tapestry

6 will mostly be seen by pedestrians looking up,

7 and you can see the viewshed in blue.

8 So here is a picture of the physical

9 model from the 2015 final design. The tapestry

10 serves as a commemorative and open design element

11 providing a visual separation from the LBJ

12 Building. Here is the revised tapestry image.

13 The tapestry continues to provide a backdrop to

14 the memorial.

15 Staff finds that the overall

16 placement, scale, and assembly of the primary

17 elements have not significantly changed since

18 final approval, including the stainless steel

19 tapestry and supporting colonnade, freestanding

20 columns, memorial core, landscaping, and

21 information center.

22 So here is a view of the previous

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1 tapestry along Maryland Avenue. You can see how

2 the trees depicted on the tapestry occupied a

3 significant portion of the tapestry and served as

4 an extension of the landscape, and here is the

5 revised image. The coastline sets low on the

6 tapestry occupying a narrow portion, while the

7 clouds occupy about two-thirds of the tapestry.

8 In 2011, the applicant created a

9 series of mockups of the tapestry to demonstrate

10 its transparency and also artistic quality. In

11 order to ensure that the revised tapestry

12 continues to create a legible image and maintain

13 the level of transparency, staff requests

14 additional visual studies and a mockup of the

15 revised tapestry that addresses any impacts to

16 the LBJ Building.

17 The second change is related to the

18 landscape. To create views to the new tapestry

19 image, in particular the coastline, the applicant

20 has proposed minor modifications to the landscape

21 limited to the removal of four trees. You can

22 see the trees highlighted here in red.

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1 You will notice that the portion of

2 the tapestry that shows the focal point, which is

3 Pointe du Hoc here and the Normandy coastline, is

4 at the same height at the canopy, as the tree

5 canopy, therefore, the applicant has proposed to

6 create these two viewsheds with the removal of

7 the four trees.

8 Staff finds that the proposal strikes

9 a balance between maintaining the approved

10 landscape while creating views to the tapestry

11 image. Staff also finds that the removal of the

12 tree along the Maryland Avenue right-of-way,

13 which you can see here, does not impact the

14 overall alignment of trees along the Avenue.

15 The last change proposed is the

16 relocation of the young Eisenhower sculpture. If

17 you recall, the final design included a life-

18 sized statue of Eisenhower as a young man seated

19 on an overlook wall looking out towards his

20 future achievements with a background of his

21 hometown.

22 At the time, the intent of the

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1 sculpture of young Eisenhower was to create a

2 dialogue between his childhood in Abilene, Kansas

3 in the background looking out towards his future

4 achievements as a general and President. Since

5 the image of the tapestry will be revised, the

6 symbolic connection between the young Eisenhower

7 sculpture and the tapestry is no longer relevant.

8 The current proposal is to relocate

9 the sculpture from the memorial core near to the

10 LBJ promenade in this location near the

11 Department of Education entrance to strengthen

12 the dramatic relationship between the memorial

13 and the Department of Education.

14 Staff supports the proposed relocation

15 of the sculpture at the LBJ promenade because

16 this location will provide a more informal and

17 approachable setting that welcomes visitors into

18 the promenade to learn more about the Department

19 of Education.

20 The sculpture will provide a

21 transition point between the monumental tapestry

22 and the building, and also this location is

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1 consistent with the proposed programming of the

2 promenade.

3 The revised figure will be seated on

4 a low wall looking toward the memorial core. The

5 sculpture can be seen at eye level as you can see

6 here. The associated plans will include an

7 inscription from a homecoming speech that

8 Eisenhower delivered in his hometown. The

9 sculpture will still be in close proximity to the

10 memorial core and the main building entrance, and

11 will continue to be life-sized.

12 Finally, staff recommends that the

13 design team consider how the relocated young

14 Eisenhower sculpture and its associated

15 inscription wall will impact the approved

16 lighting plan.

17 And so with that, the Executive

18 Director's recommendation is for the Commission

19 to commend favorably on the revised concept

20 design for the Eisenhower Memorial, find that the

21 overall placement, scale, and assembly of the

22 primary elements have not significantly changed,

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1 find that the revised concept continues to

2 satisfy the site selection design principles,

3 requests additional visual studies and a mockup

4 of the revised tapestry that addresses any

5 impacts to the LBJ Building, requests a revised

6 lighting plan consistent with the overall

7 lighting design for the memorial that considers

8 the relocated young Eisenhower sculpture and the

9 associated inscription wall, and finally,

10 requests that the applicant conduct additional

11 Section 106 consultations to ensure that the

12 proposed changes will not result in new or

13 intensified adverse effects to historic

14 properties. With this, I conclude my

15 presentation.



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1 MS. LEE: And I note that General Carl

2 Riddell, the Executive Director of the Eisenhower

3 Memorial Commission, is here to speak on behalf

4 of the project. Thank you.

5 MR. BRYANT: General, welcome back.

6 GENERAL RIDDELL: Thank you. Thank

7 you, Vivian, for that helpful presentation. Good

8 afternoon, Chairman Bryant, Executive Director

9 Acosta, and Commissioners. Thank you for the

10 time to speak briefly.

11 We'd previously been here to present

12 final site and building plans, however since our

13 last presentation, we found that we could not

14 move forward without modification to the design

15 plans we previously presented.

16 As you know, we are here today to

17 present three modifications and a revised concept

18 design arrived at with the consensus support of

19 our elected commissioners. We also have the full

20 support of the Eisenhower family as stated in a

21 letter from Susan Eisenhower to Chairman Bryant

22 and given to you this past week. Given other

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1 commitments, Susan could not be with us today.

2 We also have with us today two of the

3 presidentially appointed Commissioners who are in

4 support of the modifications. That's Al Geduldig

5 from New York City and Susan Banes Harris from

6 Washington, D.C.

7 I would now like to take five minutes

8 to make a singular point about General and

9 President Eisenhower before responding to

10 questions along with Craig Webb, senior design

11 partner for Gehry Partners.

12 My comments are from the perspective

13 of a former military officer and a historian, and

14 from that viewpoint, I believe that the central

15 paradox of Eisenhower's public life as a

16 professional military officer and civilian

17 commander in chief was his commitment to peace,

18 not to war.

19 Raised and nurtured in a pacifist

20 family, he became paradoxically both a

21 professional soldier, mastering the weapons and

22 the organization of modern warfare, and also a

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1 passionate champion of peace, an extraordinary

2 duality in a solider who believed that war was

3 not a solution to the nation's or to the world's

4 problems, but that it was mostly brutal, futile,

5 and stupid.

6 His views and heroic stature were

7 formed through the experience of wearing the

8 uniform in both World Wars I and II, the only

9 president to do so, but most importantly, they

10 were shaped and severely tested in the crucible

11 of the invasion of Europe on the beaches of

12 Normandy.

13 And Normandy became the historical

14 hinge point of Eisenhower's transformation into

15 heroic status as a world historical figure

16 resulting in the admiration and adulation of

17 millions of people in the United States and

18 throughout the world for the whole of the rest of

19 his life.

20 This did not happen in one fell swoop,

21 but became evident shortly after victory in

22 Europe when Churchill invited him to London to

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1 speak to the British about the war in London's

2 venerable Guildhall.

3 In Guildhall, Eisenhower elegantly

4 addressed and convincingly explained to the

5 British public why their sons had died under his

6 command as Supreme Commander of the Allied

7 Expeditionary Force in World War II.

8 His heartfelt identification with the

9 American heartland as a son of Abilene, Kansas

10 was expressed then in London to these Brits, and

11 again upon his first return to Abilene after the

12 war ten days later after receiving praise and

13 plaudits in Paris, New York, and Washington,

14 among other stops, before reaching Abilene.

15 Eisenhower's profound personal

16 identification as a child and young man with the

17 values and ideals of Abilene, Kansas, a small

18 town in the American heartland, never left him,

19 and remained a constant influence at the core of

20 his character.

21 However, the growth of his

22 responsibility for the security of millions at

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1 home and abroad changed and grew steadily for the

2 rest of his public life, from Chief of Staff of

3 the United States Army, to becoming the first

4 NATO commander, to being overwhelmingly elected

5 as 34th President of the United States, and to

6 assuming leadership of the free world during the

7 Cold War. He became convinced that American

8 security must be defined and secured in a global,

9 not national context, for America to be as free

10 as possible.

11 Returning to Pointe du Hoc and the

12 shores of Normandy with Walter Cronkite during

13 the Cold War, former President Eisenhower

14 demonstrated his passionate concern for peace,

15 and his humble acceptance of the sacrifices made

16 by soldiers for peace for all to see and hear

17 because he had come to know as a soldier that

18 without peace, you cannot have freedom.

19 It was clear as he walked the beaches

20 of Normandy in 1964, 20 years after D-Day, that

21 Eisenhower wanted the beaches of Normandy to

22 reflect in peacetime the emerging light of the

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1 peace that makes freedom possible, not the dark

2 devastation of war, not the satanic

3 destructiveness of the Nazism he defeated in

4 World War II, and not the bizarre human abuses of

5 Communism that he fought against during the Cold

6 War.

7 In his own words on his visit to

8 Normandy on the 20th anniversary of the invasion

9 of Europe, Eisenhower said, and I quote, "Every

10 time I come back to these beaches, or any day

11 when I think about that day 20 years ago, I say

12 once more we must find some way to work for peace

13 and to gain an eternal peace for this world."

14 This was Eisenhower's final goal and

15 his ultimate passion, to enable and to ensure

16 global peace so that his fellow citizens could be

17 free, to balance security and freedom so that

18 democracy would survive and flourish in America

19 and in as much of the world as possible, and this

20 is his legacy for all of us as it is represented

21 and symbolized in the Eisenhower Memorial. Thank

22 you for your attention.

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1 MR. BRYANT: Thank you, General

2 Riddell, very much.

3 MR. DIXON: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to

4 thank the General for those comments. I think

5 they're very timely as a citizen, and as a

6 Commissioner, and as a retired 06. We appreciate

7 that, and I think they're very timely, your

8 comments about peace, and because comments about

9 peace are always timely. Thank you.

10 MR. BRYANT: We do have one person

11 signed up, Justin Shubow, welcome back.


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1 MR. SHUBOW: Mr. Chairman and

2 distinguished Commissioners, my name is Justin

3 Shubow. I speak on behalf of the National Civic

4 Art Society, a nonprofit dedicated to the

5 classical and humanistic tradition in public art

6 and architecture.

7 What we are looking at today is a

8 radically changed concept for the memorial.

9 Indeed, last month, Fine Arts Commissioner

10 Elizabeth Meyer said the change was radical. The

11 memorial used to be a narrative of a young

12 Eisenhower symbolically looking ahead to his

13 future accomplishments.

14 That narrative no longer exists. The

15 new concept is confused, illegible, and weak.

16 Indeed, more than one Fine Arts Commissioner said

17 that the revised design is less coherent than the

18 previous one.

19 The applicant used to say that

20 America's heartland is at the core of this

21 memorial. This applied both to the tapestry and

22 to the heart of the memorial core which featured

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1 the statue of Eisenhower as a young man. That

2 statue, we were told, was essential to the

3 design. We were told that from the very

4 beginning.

5 Now however, it has been placed

6 behind, hidden behind the tapestry as if to say,

7 "Pay no attention to the boy behind the curtain."

8 We get the confused phenomenon of young

9 Eisenhower sitting smack dab in LBJ promenade, a

10 site already dedicated to another President.

11 The applicant previously described the

12 memorial as being based on the model of an object

13 in a temple as in the Lincoln Memorial. The

14 young Eisenhower now sits to the rear of that

15 temple.

16 Furthermore, as you know, the Kansas

17 landscape on the tapestry has been replaced by an

18 image of the Normandy coastline, which oddly

19 constitutes the second depiction of Normandy

20 Beach in the memorial, the other one being on the

21 bas relief behind General Eisenhower.

22 The new tapestry image is banal and

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1 bland, lacking any beauty or obvious symbolism.

2 It's a work of geography, not art. I've seen

3 more striking landscape photos on my friends'

4 Facebook pages. It's not even recognizable as

5 Normandy Beach, and neither as Normandy Beach

6 today at peace, and it also features a harsh

7 horizon line that extends the entire length of

8 the tapestry.

9 In sum, we believe that the radical

10 changes to the design have resulted in a

11 confused, incoherent proposal with an uninspired

12 tapestry. This should be no surprise since it is

13 the result of a political compromise brokered by

14 former Secretary of State James Baker. It is the

15 quintessential example of design by committee.

16 Although my organization did not and

17 does not support the previous design, it was at

18 least far superior, and this Commission should

19 require that that design be reinstated. Thank

20 you.


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1 MR. BRYANT: Thank you, Mr. Shubow,

2 very much. The EDR notes that that was - its

3 principle finding is that the major elements have

4 not changed, those major elements being the

5 tapestry structure, the colonnade, the columns,

6 landscaping, etcetera, so that which is before us

7 mostly is that which has changed is the imagery.

8 Mr. Webb, I have a couple of questions

9 if I might, and I did see the CFA letter, and I

10 would say and I would acknowledge that the

11 aesthetics and the imagery as art is not really

12 before us. That's more of the CFA jurisdiction.

13 How that imagery and art impacts other buildings

14 is something that is properly before us, and I

15 know that legibility, and in my case, I guess,

16 more transparency if I'm a DOE employee looking

17 out.

18 And I remember when we have the mockup

19 of the tapestry before and we were inside the DOE

20 building looking out. I was pleasantly surprised

21 at how transparent it was. Can you help me or us

22 understand the new design and its transparency,

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1 and how you are in the design process assessing

2 it for its impact on those who are in the

3 building?

4 MR. WEBB: Sure, so we are continuing

5 to work with Tomas Osinski, who is the artist

6 that has developed the process and the art, you

7 know, for the tapestry. He is right now taking

8 the image that you have seen here and starting to

9 work that image, as he had done before with the

10 previous image, in terms of creating the line

11 work that would then become the woven stainless

12 steel mesh that will compose the tapestry.

13 And so I think you may be able to see

14 in this image that the new image has more sky

15 than the previous image. There are not the trees

16 that are extending up into the sky, and we think

17 that this image is actually going to have more

18 transparency than the previous image which will

19 do two things, one, give the Department of

20 Education building and the LBJ Building its

21 presence within the urban composition, creating

22 the urban space of the room that this sits in,

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1 and secondly, give views from the building out

2 towards the memorial, so we think this is going

3 to be somewhat more transparent.

4 He is now working on a number of

5 sections of this which mainly focus on the

6 horizon line and the sky to start to test how to

7 create the light, and shadow, and the contrast

8 that's going to be necessary to create the

9 readability of mainly the clouds in this

10 landscape image.

11 So as we move along, and I think we

12 have a lot of confidence that we're going to

13 achieve the same degree of transparency, and

14 perhaps even a little more.

15 The image that was shown before of the

16 degrees of transparency, the percentages, these

17 percentages were established to create the

18 opacity for a wind tunnel test, which is really

19 necessary for the structural design of the cable

20 net and the columns, and these were established

21 as maximum densities in terms of how wind load

22 would actually hit the tapestry.

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1 We're expecting the density to be

2 actually less than these values, but this would

3 establish the maximum value that each of these

4 sections of the tapestry could have.

5 MR. BRYANT: And I guess a little bit

6 of a CFA type of question is on the horizon line

7 and the landscape, given proximity of a passerby,

8 a visitor looking up at it, how confident are you

9 that that will be, getting back to the word

10 legibility, how distinctive will the viewer be

11 able to say, "Ah, I can easily see what that is,"

12 versus not being able to see, and understand, and

13 drink it in as to what it is?

14 MR. WEBB: So I believe there's an

15 image from the memorial core looking toward the

16 tapestry, so the focal point of the tapestry is

17 Pointe du Hoc, which is the cliffs that the U.S.

18 Army Rangers scaled in the invasion, and those

19 become a third point in a composition between the

20 sculptural elements on the right side, the

21 General Eisenhower side, and the left side, the

22 President Eisenhower side.

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1 You can see Pointe du Hoc in this

2 image becomes the third piece of that

3 composition, which is the main part of the kind

4 of ground plane of the image. In other parts of

5 the core, you're going to get views through the

6 trees toward the image.

7 Mainly I think though what you're

8 going to see is the sky, which we think is really

9 part of the kind of uplifting part of the

10 memorial, the memorialization of the tapestry,

11 and so it's going to mainly provide a skyscape

12 from further back focused on this central piece,

13 and then the coastline then becomes a kind of

14 datum at the lower part, so you're going to get

15 glimpses through the trees. This is the main

16 focus of the artwork.

17 MR. BRYANT: Commissioner White?

18 MS. WHITE: First, to the General, I

19 also want to commend you for your comments and

20 your message about peace, which is, as

21 Commissioner Dixon said, is always relevant and

22 very appreciated today.

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1 And I have a deep personal connection

2 to Normandy and President Eisenhower. I have

3 several family members who served under him, an

4 uncle who is buried at Normandy. I've been to

5 the site many times.

6 The most recent visit was for the 70th

7 anniversary of the D-Day invasion. I've seen the

8 site from the air, and I'm puzzled, and it's

9 really hard to read this image. I don't know

10 that I would have recognized that that's Normandy

11 Beach.

12 So it could be just the presentation

13 materials or the scale, but I would love to see

14 how this develops so that people instantly

15 recognize it, and I'm not sure that I get it even

16 with you explaining it, which I really

17 appreciate, but maybe when you're further along

18 in the creation of this, it will be helpful to

19 see that.

20 The second thing, and I would love to

21 ask Mr. Webb to come back up, is I was really

22 perplexed by the movement of Eisenhower, of the

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1 statue of Eisenhower as a young boy. I wasn't

2 convinced that the importance of the relationship

3 to Abilene as the contextual part of the tapestry

4 was a reason.

5 I still think him looking out at his

6 future and making that a relevant piece of what

7 you're trying to portray here, especially

8 Normandy and looking to the future. I'm just

9 puzzled why he's placed in a spot where you don't

10 see him.

11 And with all due respect to the staff,

12 I don't see that making that esplanade side a

13 more friendly place or inviting place to visit

14 the memorial overrides the concern I have for the

15 boy, who the statement says so eloquently is part

16 of the man, is removed from the context. So I'm

17 really curious to hear how that came about.

18 And then just my final point is I was

19 really glad to see a letter from the Eisenhower

20 family, and I commend you for working through the

21 issues with the family. It's very important to

22 my mother that the Eisenhower family be happy

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1 with this.

2 I've heard from her on numerous

3 occasions about this, so thank you. I can report

4 to her tonight that that's all settled. So if

5 you wouldn't mind responding, I'd love to hear

6 the thinking behind the why.

7 MS. KOSTER: And Mr. Webb, could you

8 also identify yourself for the record, and speak

9 a little closer into the microphone so we can

10 pick you up? Thank you.

11 MR. WEBB: How about that? Okay, so

12 as we have been developing the design for the

13 memorial, we've had quite a few conversations

14 with the Department of Education, a lot of it

15 about the transparency of the tapestry, but also

16 about the programmatic use of the promenade, and

17 a lot of that discussion focused on their

18 interpretive programming of that space.

19 The western portion of the promenade

20 which you see in this image moving off in the

21 distance there will be devoted to interpretive

22 programming about the Department of Education

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1 that is based - that is intended as educational

2 programming for schoolchildren that are visiting

3 the site.

4 And so we felt that by placing the

5 sculpture of Eisenhower as a young man in this

6 position in association with an interpretive

7 program, that schoolchildren visiting the

8 Department of Education following the

9 interpretive programming there might be inspired

10 to see this life-sized sculpture of Eisenhower

11 maybe, you know, close to what their age might

12 be, that they would be able to relate to it,

13 maybe even kind of sit down beside it or get very

14 close to it, and so we felt like this is a more

15 intimate setting for this piece.

16 It is definitely challenging. Sergey

17 Eylanbekov is working on this piece as we speak

18 because we basically picked the sculpture up off

19 of the wall and moved it, and the gesture and the

20 placement is not quite right, so he is now

21 rethinking the gesture. This is our photo

22 montage, and he is definitely going to make some

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1 modifications to it.

2 But we felt that that movement and

3 kind of creating this more intimate setting would

4 allow particularly schoolchildren to relate more

5 closely. Susan Eisenhower herself really

6 supported this move, and she was quite pleased

7 with this position.

8 MR. BRYANT: Other comments from

9 Commission members?

10 MR. DIXON: Mr. Chairman, I would like

11 to say that I noticed that you were very careful

12 in trying to deal with our position as opposed to

13 the Fine Arts Commission's position, and I think

14 that was very important, and I support that, but

15 I do think, I got to just say I liked the first

16 one better because I think that the second one is

17 about war, this one, and the first one is about

18 peace in my view, and tranquility.

19 And I think the fact that Eisenhower

20 kept coming back to his roots at home showed his

21 appreciation for that more than the image of a

22 battlefield, and I think we did a lot with that

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1 with the World War II Memorial. They've got a

2 lot of that there, and I think this would be a

3 great statement to young people about the value

4 of the tranquility and peace of where he came

5 from. And we may be moving out of range here,

6 but I'll just make the comment.

7 MR. BRYANT: Mr. Gallas?

8 MR. GALLAS: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

9 Again, I also want to thank the General. I was

10 very moved by your words, and Eisenhower is a

11 national hero, that it's an honor to be a part of

12 celebrating his life.

13 I do have a couple of questions

14 thinking about - and I'm new here in terms of -

15 I'm not new anymore. I know that, okay, but in

16 terms of this particular application, I am new to

17 it, and so I will start with that.

18 But I guess if we could go to the

19 comparison of the transparency of the old one,

20 the original one to the new one, I just have a

21 couple of questions. I think it's 23 or

22 something like that, 23? There we go.

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1 So my eye tells me a few things. I

2 guess the first one is that the 95 percent line

3 looks bigger on the top than it does on the

4 bottom, and I think that's very important, at

5 least the way I register this image. I didn't

6 put a scale to it, but my eye is telling me that

7 the one on the bottom is lower.

8 And there was an earlier comment about

9 the ability to register what we're looking at,

10 and I believe that if that red line on the bottom

11 was as high as it is on the top one, we'd have a

12 better understanding of what's going on, and the

13 difference between water, and land, and sky. So

14 I wonder, Mr. Webb, if you could comment on that,

15 and then I'll follow with some other questions?

16 MR. WEBB: Yes, you are correct that

17 the 95 percent line is lower on the lower image.

18 This was, the composition of this is like a

19 painting, is like a landscape painting, and we

20 spent a lot of time working with Tomas Osinski

21 and other stakeholders in terms of - including

22 Robert Wilson who has been advising us along the

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1 way here.

2 And also trying to select the height

3 of the viewpoint, we originally - well, we

4 started actually with an image from the shoreline

5 looking out to the sea, which we felt that ocean

6 horizon line was very powerful in terms of

7 emotional content. However, we felt that this

8 image looking from the sea toward the beach was a

9 better image because it showed more of the

10 landscape of Normandy.

11 And then we started more at eye level

12 as you would be on a boat on the water, and in

13 that case, the cliffs of Normandy were very much

14 a straight, horizontal line, and so the

15 composition was tuned by coming up which gave us

16 more of a sense of the land beyond the beachhead,

17 more of a horizon line, and also more of shape to

18 the coast, accentuating Pointe du Hoc more as it

19 came forward. So there was a lot of time spent

20 in terms of creating this composition, and we

21 also felt that the sky was very important.

22 So I might add another point that this

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1 artwork gets transformed a lot when it becomes

2 woven in stainless steel wire. The lighter

3 portions are the voids between the wire. The

4 darker portions become where the wire is, and the

5 wire is layered in seven or eight layers to

6 create the light and shadow and darkness, and so

7 there's - this is, you know, not intended as a

8 photographic image.

9 It's intended as a work of art, and

10 right now, what Tomas is working on is the kind

11 of shade and shadow and the subtlety of the line

12 work because it's really like a line drawing.

13 The wire is like the lines on an etching, and so

14 there's a lot of work, and this image is going to

15 change quite a bit. This is kind of the basic

16 canvas we're working off of and it's going to

17 change from there forward.

18 MR. GALLAS: Yeah, so, and I don't

19 know if the pressure for sort of the transparency

20 that Commissioner Bryant talked about earlier is

21 what caused you to lower, if you will, the

22 horizon from the original, but I do think it's at

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1 the risk of coherency. So we are maybe gaining

2 transparency with a lot of sky, but the ability

3 to understand what we're looking at is that, and

4 so, if you're looking for comments, that's a

5 comment that I'd like to offer, that I'd

6 recommend at least being able to see the horizon.

7 And the magic of the original, and I'm

8 not going to comment on the theme one way or the

9 other because I wasn't involved in that one, and

10 I love this theme too, I'll just say, but the

11 magic of the other one was that the trees started

12 at 95 percent and then they went on to 50 and 20.

13 Here, there is a demarcation at 95

14 where the land stops, and so your mind in the

15 other version, you registered this tree

16 continuing even though it's less coherent as it

17 moves up to the top, and whereas here, it's sky

18 and more sky, and so I believe that we'd benefit

19 more in understanding it with more density of the

20 image itself.

21 My second question is related to that,

22 and it has to do with the 447 feet, okay? Now, I

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1 know that that must have been magic when it first

2 was designed because it, you know, it fits the

3 space. It was an image that had three different

4 groves of trees and all of that. I understand

5 now the focus on Utah Beach and what is it, Omaha

6 Beach, and Pointe du Hoc in the middle.

7 I would like to know, and I don't know

8 if you could show us visually, where - no, no,

9 no, stay, please stay, please stay where we were

10 - where is Omaha Beach and where is Normandy

11 Beach? Could you show us?

12 MR. WEBB: So actually that statement

13 is not entirely true - I have to - we have found

14 since this was written. The image, I think, and

15 I have to get my notes, but I think that Omaha

16 Beach is on the left side and Utah Beach is on

17 the right side, and I think that Omaha Beach is

18 actually cut off in this image.

19 And I think that looking toward, you

20 know, there's a longer view to the left, I mean

21 to the right, and I think that we actually are

22 getting parts of it, but the beachheads are

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1 actually separated by a couple of miles from

2 Pointe du Hoc, so I think that statement is not

3 entirely correct.

4 MR. GALLAS: So what I'm getting at

5 is, and I'm really not interested in trying to

6 start a new design process, but you asked for our

7 comments and so I have to give them, but it seems

8 like we have tried to make 447 feet work here, it

9 seems like to me, particularly on the right side

10 where the image going beyond sort of an equal

11 amount of landscape on the left to the right

12 would also help us register more what's going on.

13 And as the beach fades off, it seems

14 less important, and so I feel like we made it

15 stretch to make 447 work, and I don't know where

16 447's magic is in this process, but I think it

17 hurts the understanding of what we're looking at.

18 MR. WEBB: I'm not exactly sure what

19 your question is, however I'll address the -

20 MR. GALLAS: It may not be a question.

21 MR. WEBB: So the proportions and the

22 shape of the memorial, for those of you who have

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1 been here for the last seven or eight years, or

2 however long it's been, have changed quite a bit

3 in the process.

4 I could talk a little bit about that

5 if you go back to the plan, however the original

6 tapestry was the entire length of the Education

7 Building, and there were side tapestries in

8 previous designs and many different

9 configurations.

10 At the direction both of NCPC and CFA,

11 there was a desire to have the Department of

12 Education building as more of a piece of the

13 composition, and so from 4th and 6th Streets, you

14 see the ends of the building, so the tapestry,

15 the two end bays of the tapestry were removed.

16 We felt that, you know, in this

17 process, we think that the design of the memorial

18 has improved because that particular move brought

19 what's been called the temple in from the edges

20 of the site, and so it made it stand more as an

21 object within the site. The threshold, what we

22 call threshold is where you pass between columns

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1 and come inside of the space, became more

2 carefully defined.

3 So through that process which took

4 years to perfect, we support this, and so when we

5 were given the charge to modify the image on the

6 tapestry, we did not want to rethink that whole

7 proportionality. It is a landscape and it does

8 lend itself to very horizontal reading, and so we

9 believe the composition we've got now is the

10 right one for this image.

11 MR. GALLAS: Okay, I'll just say I'm

12 not convinced. I'll say that 447 was there and

13 we needed to make an image that seemed to want to

14 get to it, but, and I think it shows that, but,

15 so, in terms of - but that's a comment that I'm

16 offering for this debate. Well, thank you very

17 much. I appreciate it.

18 MR. BRYANT: Other questions or

19 comments? Yes?

20 MR. CASH: I just wanted to go back to

21 the placement of the young Eisenhower. I mean,

22 I'm just kind of still struggling with this

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1 because I think it makes a lot of assumptions

2 like number one, that the Department of Education

3 building will always be the Department of

4 Education. There will be children's programming

5 going on in that area.

6 I mean, I think it's like the FBI

7 Headquarters where it may be GSA next year, or

8 maybe we abolish the Department of Education and

9 we decide to sell the building and redevelop it,

10 and now this new condo building has a young

11 Eisenhower sitting out in front of it.

12 I mean, it's kind of odd, and this

13 also just struck me and I have to say it. I

14 mean, he has his - he's turning his back on

15 education here too. I mean, it just feels like

16 moving him back here and not somewhere in the

17 memorial core in that room that you're talking

18 about creating, it just seems really ad hoc.

19 And it kind of reminds of there's,

20 down on the wharf project, there's actually a

21 thing called the Maine Lobsterman Memorial that

22 had to get moved because we're redeveloping all

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1 of that federal space down there, and it actually

2 became the subject of federal oversight

3 legislation on the Senator from Maine that was

4 worried about whether it would look out on the

5 water.

6 So I think that not making this kind

7 of such an afterthought by placing it outside the

8 core, I think maybe that should be rethought.

9 MR. BRYANT: Ms. Wright?

10 MS. WRIGHT: Well, we had some

11 conversation earlier today about how appropriate

12 it is that today is Groundhog Day, and it felt

13 like that for a minute, and then I heard Mr.

14 Shubow's testimony, and I thought well, no, it's

15 not exactly like the conversations we've had

16 before.

17 I'm disoriented because it sounds like

18 even though you did refute that you're not

19 supporting the old design, the former design

20 either, so we're back to Groundhog Day with the

21 size of the memorial and all of that.

22 So I too have to say that I'm sorry to

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1 see the trees in the tapestry go. Part of what I

2 think has been so successful about the landscape

3 depiction in the tapestry was because it had such

4 the potential to play so beautifully off the

5 natural landscape in the park.

6 However, having seen the mockups in LA

7 and here in various stages, I have every

8 confidence in the artist's ability to take the

9 opportunity that's presented in the proliferation

10 of clouds and not only achieve the transparency,

11 but a different but still stunning effect from an

12 aesthetic point of view with the landscape and

13 the sky.

14 The placement of the boy, I understand

15 that people - I can understand that it seems a

16 little puzzling, but I can't even remember what

17 year we did a design charrette. GSA sponsored a

18 charrette for design opportunities in the LA that

19 would be created by the tapestry, and my

20 recollection is that the Department of Education

21 uses and intends to use this space for what they

22 call read-alouds and all kinds of programming for

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1 kids visiting.

2 So while it does kind of seem a little

3 bit odd perhaps in the context of the previous

4 design, I think it does present some

5 opportunities for programming, and the Department

6 of Education and GSA can and will work together

7 to see that the composition on the west side of

8 the LA makes sense.

9 So I've been very supportive of the

10 design from the beginning. GSA continues to

11 support the design with enthusiasm, and I think

12 it's a cardinal change to be sure, but I think

13 it's one that given the talent of the artist

14 that's been commissioned to do this work, I'm

15 confident that he can pull it off.

16 MR. BRYANT: Anything else from any

17 Commissioner?

18 MS. STEINGASSER: I just want to

19 express my agreement with Mr. Evans on the

20 placement of the boy. It does seem very awkward,

21 and if there is cause to put something there,

22 perhaps something else could be designed to be

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1 placed there, but I agree. To me, it has always

2 - it has felt very unusual.

3 MR. BRYANT: I'm sensing we're nearing

4 a vote. I'll just say my final word. If I were

5 a CFA member and the central question before me

6 was the imagery, I may well vote against this.

7 Properly before us though is the fact

8 that the design plan itself has not significantly

9 changed, and it does continue to be in keeping

10 with the design principles. So I will base my

11 hesitant vote in favor of this. Is there a

12 motion on the EDR?

13 MS. WRIGHT: So moved.

14 MR. MAY: Second.

15 MR. BRYANT: It's been moved and

16 seconded. All in favor of the EDR, say, "Aye."


18 MR. BRYANT: Proposed, no? Thank you,

19 Ms. Lee.



22 MR. BRYANT: Action Item Number 5C is

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1 the approval of final site and building plans for

2 the Visitor Screening Facility at the Washington

3 Monument. Mr. Hart, welcome.

4 MR. HART: Good afternoon, Mr.

5 Chairman, and Members of the Commission. The

6 National Park Service has submitted the final

7 site and building plans for the Visitor Screening

8 Facility at the .

9 The project was last before the

10 Commission in March of 2014, and at that time, it

11 was at a preliminary design level. The project

12 is before you today because NPS is looking to

13 align this construction project with the current

14 elevator renovation project now underway.

15 Since I'm assuming we all know where

16 the Washington Monument is, I'll just show this

17 image that identifies the components that make up

18 the Washington Monument grounds. These

19 components include the vehicular perimeter

20 security barrier. That's this pink area, the

21 area that's the granite plaza and flag pole area

22 which is directly adjacent and then surrounds the

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1 Washington Monument, then there's the temporary

2 Visitor Screening Facility that exists there

3 currently.

4 It's at the base of the monument on

5 the eastern side of the monument, and finally

6 there's the Jefferson Pier which is a small stone

7 marker that demarcates a symbolic center of the

8 National Mall, and it's really that point that is

9 due south of the White House and due west of the

10 U.S. Capitol, and that Jefferson Pier is located

11 here, and I'll be talking about that in an

12 upcoming slide.

13 Early in the design process, NPS

14 identified a number of important program

15 requirements. These are just the summary of

16 them. They are the main topics. There were

17 about 10 to 12 of these requirements.

18 Overall, they concerned design,

19 security, the facility itself and the capacity of

20 the new building. NPS noted that the new

21 facility that they're proposing would have to

22 meet these requirements for it to be able to

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1 replace the existing temporary screening

2 facility.

3 Over a few years up until 2012, NPS

4 conducted an EIS process to fulfill its need for

5 responsibility. The EIS included six options,

6 and NPS also identified the characteristics that

7 the preferred option would need to have, and

8 these are listed here.

9 It would have to be the least

10 intrusive option. It would have to be

11 reversible. It would have to minimize impacts to

12 the historic fabric. And I'll note here that the

13 Washington Monument, as you're probably well

14 aware, is a national historic landmark. It has

15 that designation.

16 It would also have to have a direct

17 route from the east, and would have to avoid

18 impacting the existing vehicular perimeter

19 security elements, and the option that they were

20 looking at was a glass cube or box.

21 After NPS identified this preferred

22 option, it began to develop alternatives, and the

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1 options that you see here are these alternatives.

2 The option in the upper right was chosen by the

3 Park Service and the consulting parties as it

4 would be the least intrusive. It was reversible.

5 It minimized impacts to the historic

6 fabric. It provided a route from the east, and

7 it did not impact the existing vehicular

8 perimeter security, and so it met all of the, or

9 addressed all of the characteristics I described

10 in the previous slide.

11 So back in 2014, you saw this design,

12 which is the preliminary design, and now before

13 us is the final design. I'll toggle between that

14 so you can see that really we're talking about

15 some fairly minor changes, again 2014 and 2017.

16 The east facade has changed, and

17 really we're talking about in the preliminary

18 design, there was a door in the center. Now

19 there are doors on either side of the east

20 facade. One is one that you enter. One is an

21 exit.

22 Also note that the granite base, it

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1 used to be in the preliminary design, it was, the

2 base was really just a metal emollient, and now

3 there is a granite base, and this granite base is

4 necessary to address the sloping. The plaza

5 actually slopes from the monument towards the

6 edge of the granite plaza.

7 The final floor plan is shown here.

8 The red arrow is the visitors' entrance sequence.

9 The blue arrow is the exit sequence. The

10 entrance route as you'll note is purposefully not

11 straight. It has a serpentine look to it, and

12 this is really so that visitors would slow down

13 and allow time for them to be properly screened

14 before entering into the monument.

15 NPS is also proposing to relocate some

16 geothermal wells it had proposed at the

17 preliminary design. In the preliminary design,

18 these wells were located to the north of the

19 monument, and now they're being proposed to the

20 west.

21 In case you're wondering, geothermal

22 wells are used to - they utilize the fairly

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1 stable temperature of the earth. Deeper than

2 five or six feet, the earth's temperature is a

3 constant 55 degrees, and it uses this in tandem

4 with mechanical equipment.

5 That mechanical equipment is going to

6 be located in vaults east and west of the

7 underground vaults, east and west of the

8 monument, and these will be used to both either

9 heat or cool the building throughout the year.

10 The well field, excuse me, each of

11 these wells, there are approximately 64 of them

12 or 60 wells that they're talking about. Each one

13 of these wells is 12 inches in diameter,

14 approximately 20 feet apart, and between 200 and

15 400 feet deep.

16 As was explained in the staff report,

17 NPS is increasing the number of these wells so

18 that the heating and cooling loads for both the

19 Washington Monument and this new facility can be

20 accommodated, as well as reducing costs.

21 So the staff analysis was fairly

22 straightforward. Since there were only minor

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1 changes or below grade components, staff focused

2 on the Commission action from March of 2014 at

3 the preliminary review.

4 The Commission had three requested

5 items. The first is detailed plans of the

6 geothermal wells identifying any impacts

7 associated with them. The second is the blast

8 and ballistic analysis to inform material

9 selection, and finally, lighting design for the

10 new facility.

11 So here is a more detailed plan of the

12 new geothermal wells which will be, as I stated

13 earlier, now sited west of the monument. These

14 will be fully located below ground with

15 approximately 12 inches of soil above them and

16 then grass planted on top of them. So really

17 from the monument looking west, you won't see

18 anything at all. It will just be what you see up

19 there now.

20 A below grade conduit will connect to

21 the below grade vaults that house the mechanical

22 equipment, and you can see the conduit there

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1 indicated here.

2 The geothermal well field that NPS

3 presented at preliminary design had fewer wells

4 as I noted because it only was supposed to

5 accommodate the new screening facility. This is

6 a larger well before again because they are

7 looking to condition the air for the monument as

8 well as the new facility.

9 In addition, I'll note that the well

10 field is south of the Jefferson Pier, so it will

11 not impact that marker, and staff is supportive

12 of this change.

13 NPS also provided information

14 including these drawings that show the walls

15 which would be composed - and this is a section

16 here on the left - which would be composed of two

17 laminated glazing units that are on either side

18 of a steel frame structure. In effect, these

19 glazing units would sandwich the steel frame.

20 The exterior laminated glazing unit

21 will incorporate a metal mesh, and it will be

22 used with an interior laminated glazing unit to

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1 provide ballistic and blast protection for

2 visitors and employees inside the new facility.

3 Staff is satisfied that NPS has provided the

4 necessary information and supports the proposed

5 design.

6 And finally, NPS states that it hired

7 an architectural lighting specialist to ensure

8 that the site lighting is designed in accordance

9 with the Illuminating Engineering Society of

10 North American guidelines, and that it is

11 compatible with the nighttime illumination of

12 other monuments and memorials on the National

13 Mall.

14 NPS also stated that the primary

15 design intent for lighting is to provide adequate

16 ambient light for circulation and security

17 without obstructing nighttime views of the

18 monument. Staff is satisfied that NPS has

19 addressed this issue as well.

20 And with that, it is the Executive

21 Director's recommendation that the Commission

22 note that NPS is proposing only minor design

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1 changes in moving the geothermal wells to a site

2 west of the monument.

3 Also note that NPS responded to the

4 Commission's request from the preliminary review,

5 and that the Commission should approve the final

6 site and building plans for a new Visitor

7 Screening Facility at the Washington Monument and

8 the associated below grade geothermal wells

9 located west of the monument, and that concludes

10 my presentation, and we have some NPS staff here

11 to answer questions or I could answer the

12 questions.

13 MR. BRYANT: Perfect, thank you. And

14 the geothermal wells, they will serve only the

15 Washington Monument?

16 MR. HART: They will serve both.

17 MR. BRYANT: Both.

18 MR. HART: Yeah, the monument and the

19 new facility, the entrance facility.

20 MR. BRYANT: Okay, questions for Mr.

21 Hart? Is there a motion on the EDR?

22 MR. MAY: So moved.

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1 MR. GALLAS: Second.

2 MR. BRYANT: It's been moved and

3 seconded. All in favor of the EDR, say, "Aye."


5 MR. BRYANT: Opposed, no? It is

6 approved.


8 MR. BRYANT: And that is maybe almost

9 a record time in the efficiency today. Thanks to

10 everyone. We had a good meeting and we are

11 adjourned.

12 (Whereupon, the above-entitled matter

13 went off the record at 2:26 p.m.)

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A aesthetics 49:11 appreciated 53:22 Aye 9:7,8 25:11,12 Abilene 29:11 31:20 Afghanistan 8:2 appreciation 58:21 72:16,17 83:3,4 36:2 42:9,11,14,17 afternoon 11:10 25:22 approachable 36:17 B 55:3 39:8 73:4 approached 29:9 ability 60:9 63:2 70:8 afterthought 69:7 appropriate 17:13 B 27:10 able 50:13 52:11,12 age 22:20 57:11 69:11 back 11:18 14:10 21:22 57:12 63:6 74:22 agenda 3:1 4:13,15 5:2 approval 3:10,14,17 39:5 44:10 45:11 52:9 abolish 68:8 5:6 7:4 8:11,17 11:3 8:17 11:4,18 25:19 53:12 54:21 58:20 above-entitled 83:12 25:18 28:13 31:18 33:18 66:5 67:20 68:14,16 abroad 43:1 ago 22:4,18 44:11 73:1 69:20 76:11 abuses 44:4 agree 72:1 approve 82:5 backdrop 33:13 accentuating 61:18 agreement 22:14 71:19 approved 14:11 24:3 background 35:20 36:3 acceptance 43:15 Ah 52:11 26:8,14 27:13 29:22 Baker 48:14 accessibility 27:14 ahead 46:12 35:9 37:15 83:6 balance 15:22 20:6 accommodate 31:1 AICP 2:2,3 approves 21:2 35:9 44:17 80:5 air 29:14 54:8 80:7 approximately 12:9 ballistic 79:8 81:1 accommodated 78:20 Al 40:4 27:3 32:14 78:11,14 banal 47:22 accomplishments Alexandria 6:1 79:15 Banes 40:5 46:13 align 73:13 architectural 81:7 barrier 15:1 18:14,21 achieve 51:13 70:10 alignment 28:22 35:14 architecture 5:13 28:21 73:20 achievement 32:8 aligns 33:1 46:6 bas 47:21 achievements 29:6 allegiance 4:7,8 area 27:22 28:10 68:5 base 15:4,5 19:8,20 30:4 35:20 36:4 Allied 42:6 73:20,21,21 72:10 74:4 76:22 77:2 acknowledge 49:10 allow 33:4 58:4 77:13 areas 30:21,22 77:3,3 Acosta 2:2 5:9 7:2 22:9 allows 18:2 Army 43:3 52:18 based 13:12 15:13 29:9 39:9 alternatives 26:12 arranged 30:11 47:12 57:1 acquired 29:10 75:22 76:1 ARRINGTON 1:15 basic 62:15 acres 12:9 ambient 81:16 arrived 39:18 basically 28:16 57:18 Act 7:10 8:6 America 43:9 44:18 arrow 77:8,9 battlefield 58:22 action 3:8 11:1 25:16 America's 46:20 art 2:8 46:4,5 48:2 bays 66:15 72:20,22 79:2 American 42:9,18 43:7 49:11,13 50:6 62:9 beach 47:20 48:5,5 ad 68:18 81:10 artist 50:5 71:13 54:11 61:8 64:5,6,10 add 61:22 amount 65:11 artist's 70:8 64:11,16,16,17 65:13 addition 19:18 80:9 analysis 31:13 78:21 artistic 31:9 34:10 beaches 32:5 41:11 additional 19:3 20:13 79:8 Arts 15:14 20:5 46:9,16 43:19,21 44:10 22:15 24:7 25:9 34:14 ANNE 2:4 58:13 beachhead 61:16 38:3,10 anniversary 44:8 54:7 artwork 53:16 62:1 beachheads 64:22 address 65:19 77:4 answer 23:3 82:11,11 asked 14:16 65:6 beautifully 70:4 addressed 42:4 76:9 anti- 15:5 16:2 assembly 33:16 37:21 beauty 48:1 81:19 anti-climb 14:15 15:21 assessing 50:1 becoming 43:3 addresses 34:15 38:4 anticipated 14:2 associated 37:6,14 began 75:22 adequate 81:15 anymore 59:15 38:9 79:7 82:8 beginning 47:4 71:10 adjacent 14:6 19:22 apart 78:14 association 7:17 57:6 behalf 26:2 39:3 46:3 21:14 73:22 appeared 16:3 assuming 43:6 73:15 believe 21:17 40:14 Adjourn 3:20 83:7 applicant 14:17 15:15 assumptions 68:1 48:9 52:14 60:10 adjourned 83:11 16:5,13,20 17:8,16,20 attendance 4:9 63:18 67:9 Administration 1:22 19:17 26:20 29:12,19 attention 44:22 47:7 believed 41:2 8:16 34:8,19 35:5 38:10 authorized 26:7 believes 13:21 17:11 admiration 41:16 46:19 47:11 authorizes 7:14 18:1 20:20 adopted 26:9 applicant's 21:12 available 21:17 benches 7:17,21 8:4 adulation 41:16 application 59:16 avenue 12:4 14:19 benefit 63:18 advance 22:17 applied 46:21 16:17 17:18 18:4,6 best 15:22 adverse 38:13 apply 19:12 19:6 21:13 26:18 27:4 BETH 1:21 advertised 4:14 appointed 40:3 27:9,18 28:1,18 29:1 better 17:10 58:16 advising 60:22 Appointee 1:14,15,16 30:12 34:1 35:12,14 60:12 61:9 Advisory 5:20 1:16,21 avoid 75:17 beyond 61:16 65:10 aerial 31:22 appreciate 45:6 54:17 aware 75:14 bigger 60:3 aesthetic 70:12 67:17 awkward 71:20 bill 7:9,14 8:3

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bit 52:5 62:15 66:2,4 cafeteria 30:22 chosen 76:2 37:18 39:3 48:18 58:9 71:3 calendar 3:5 8:10,12 Churchill 41:22 73:5,10 79:2,4 81:21 bizarre 44:4 9:2,7 circulation 33:4 81:16 82:5 bland 48:1 call 4:12 66:22 70:22 citizen 45:5 Commission's 17:12 blast 79:7 81:1 called 7:9 8:6 66:19 citizens 44:16 18:20 20:8 31:18 block 27:2 68:21 city 1:14 6:1 25:2 40:5 58:13 82:4 blocks 27:3 canopy 30:10 35:4,5 Civic 2:8 46:3 commissioned 71:14 blue 30:8 33:7 77:9 canvas 62:16 civilian 40:16 Commissioner 45:6 boat 61:12 cap 17:6 classical 46:5 46:9,16 53:17,21 bollards 19:3,11,15,19 capacity 74:19 clear 43:19 62:20 71:17 bookstore 30:18 Capital 1:1,12 4:4 cliffs 52:17 61:13 commissioners 22:7 bordering 7:19 Capitol 27:4,6 28:17 climb 15:6 16:3 39:9,19 40:3 46:2 bottom 19:10 32:15,19 74:10 close 37:9 57:11,14 commitment 32:9 60:4,7,10 cardinal 71:12 closely 58:5 40:17 bound 27:8 careful 58:11 closer 56:9 commitments 40:1 box 75:20 carefully 16:21 67:2 closure 26:17 committee 7:12 48:15 boy 47:7 55:1,15 70:14 Carl 2:7 39:1 clouds 34:7 51:9 70:10 Communism 44:5 71:20 CARLTON 2:3 clusters 30:11 community 2:4 27:22 briefly 39:10 carries 9:9 clutter 18:11 comparison 59:19 BRIGADIER 2:7 case 49:15 61:13 77:21 coast 61:18 compatible 81:11 brings 5:19 CASH 1:14 67:20 coastline 32:1 34:5,19 complement 28:20 British 42:1,5 cause 71:21 35:3 47:18 53:13 completely 22:13 Brits 42:10 caused 62:21 coherency 63:1 complex 11:16 12:10 brokered 48:13 celebrating 59:12 coherent 46:17 63:16 12:17 21:4 bronze 30:2 center 8:15 9:10 30:17 Cold 7:22 43:7,13 44:5 component 12:11 brought 8:15 66:18 32:5 33:21 74:7 76:18 colonnade 30:6 33:19 components 20:11 brutal 41:4 central 30:1 40:14 49:5 73:17,19 79:1 Bryant 1:10,13 4:3,9 53:12 72:5 Columbia 1:15,20 8:22 compose 50:12 5:2,6 7:1,4 8:8,11 9:4 certainly 22:14 25:5 columns 30:7,8 33:20 composed 30:2 80:15 9:6,9 11:3 21:21 22:2 CFA 49:9,12 52:6 66:10 49:5 51:20 66:22 80:16 22:7 24:1,14 25:3,9 72:5 combination 20:5 composition 50:21 25:13,18 39:5,8,21 Chairman 1:11,13,14 come 43:17 44:10 52:19 53:3 60:18 45:1,10 49:1 52:5 3:2 5:1,3 7:8 11:11 54:21 67:1 61:15,20 66:13 67:9 53:17 58:8 59:7 62:20 22:1,7 25:22 39:8,21 comes 24:22 71:7 67:18 69:9 71:16 72:3 45:3 46:1 58:10 59:8 coming 58:20 61:15 comprehensive 12:20 72:15,18,22 82:13,17 73:5 command 42:6 compromise 48:13 82:20 83:2,5,8 challenging 57:16 commander 40:17 42:6 concept 3:14 11:6 buffer 28:10 champion 41:1 43:4 25:19 26:3,12,22 29:5 building 3:17 8:14,18 change 18:1 31:7 34:17 commemorate 29:6 31:6,15 37:19 38:1 12:14,14,22 13:1,18 35:15 46:10 62:15,17 commemorative 8:5 39:17 46:8,15 13:19 14:7,7 21:10,10 71:12 80:12 29:16 33:10 concern 25:1 43:14 28:4,12,22 30:20 changed 15:18 31:19 commend 37:19 53:19 55:14 32:12,22 33:2,12 33:17 37:22 43:1 46:8 55:20 concerned 74:18 34:16 36:22 37:10 49:4,7 66:2 72:9 comment 59:6 60:8,14 concerns 19:18 38:5 39:12 49:20 50:3 76:16 63:5,8 67:15 conclude 38:14 50:20,20 51:1 66:7,12 changes 17:12 31:5 comments 3:14 8:13,19 concludes 6:7 21:16 66:14 68:3,9,10 73:1 38:12 48:10 76:15 11:19 14:13 15:13 82:9 73:7 74:20 78:9 82:6 79:1 82:1 18:21 21:19 24:8 25:9 concurred 17:20 building's 32:13 character 14:4 21:8 25:19 26:12 40:12 Concurrently 26:16 buildings 12:18 24:21 24:20 42:20 45:4,8,8 53:19 58:8 condition 14:5 24:20 49:13 characteristics 75:6 63:4 65:7 67:19 80:7 built 28:8 76:9 commission 1:1,3,12 conditions 21:8 buried 54:4 charge 67:5 2:3,7 4:4 8:6 11:11,17 condo 68:10 busy 30:14 charrette 70:17,18 12:18 14:1,11,14,20 conduct 38:10 chief 40:17 43:2 15:14,20 16:1,12 conducted 26:6 75:4 C child 42:16 17:15 18:9,12 20:4,11 conduit 79:20,22 C 2:2 childhood 29:10 36:2 21:2 26:1,3,8,11,14 confidence 51:12 70:8 cable 51:19 children's 68:4 26:16 27:13 29:22 confident 52:8 71:15

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 86

configurations 66:9 correct 60:16 65:3 definitely 57:16,22 11:14 14:12 20:13 confused 46:15 47:8 corridor 27:5 degree 51:13 21:2 24:3 48:11 costs 78:20 degrees 51:16 78:3 develops 54:14 congratulations 25:14 Council 1:15 5:20 delivered 37:8 devoted 56:21 Congress 26:7 counsel 2:4 7:5 22:9 demarcates 74:7 diagonally 27:5 connect 79:20 couple 49:8 59:13,21 demarcation 63:13 diagrams 32:10 connection 36:6 54:1 65:1 democracy 44:18 dialogue 36:2 consensus 39:18 course 13:7 24:8 demonstrate 34:9 diameter 78:13 consent 3:5 8:10,12 9:2 Craig 2:8 40:10 demonstrated 43:14 died 42:5 9:7 crash 15:1 18:13,19,21 dense 32:19 difference 60:13 consider 16:13,15 19:2,3,7,14,15,16 densities 51:21 different 14:8 21:8,11 17:16 37:13 create 28:7,18 34:12,18 density 52:1 63:19 27:19 64:3 66:8 70:11 consideration 18:22 35:6 36:1 51:7,8,17 Department 1:17,18 dimensions 17:4 considerations 13:12 62:6 8:22 27:11 36:11,13 direct 75:16 considering 12:19 created 34:8 70:19 36:18 50:19 56:14,22 direction 66:10 16:22 creating 35:10 50:10,21 57:8 66:11 68:2,3,8 directly 73:22 considers 38:7 58:3 61:20 68:18 70:20 71:5 director 2:2 3:3 5:5,7 consistent 15:11 20:8 creation 54:18 depicted 34:2 6:4,9 22:9 39:2,8 37:1 38:6 Cronkite 43:12 depiction 47:19 70:3 Director's 21:1 24:18 constant 42:19 78:3 cross-teeth 16:2,6 depth 17:3 37:18 81:21 constitutes 47:19 crucible 41:10 describe 31:12 discussion 15:15 24:2 Constitution 7:19 cube 75:20 described 47:11 76:9 24:15 56:17 construction 28:5 curious 55:17 design 3:15 5:13 8:4 discussions 22:15 73:13 current 12:6 29:2 31:3 13:13 14:21 15:18 disoriented 69:17 consultation 26:19 31:8,15 36:8 73:13 16:1,6,9 17:13 18:10 distance 56:21 consultations 38:11 currently 27:20 74:3 20:2,13 21:12,14 25:6 distinct 18:3 consulting 76:3 curtain 47:7 26:3,9,12,21,22 28:14 distinctive 52:10 containing 30:18 cut 64:18 28:15 29:15 30:9 31:6 distinguished 46:2 contemporary 31:22 31:15 33:9,10 35:17 District 1:15,20 8:21 content 61:7 D 37:13,20 38:2,7 39:14 divides 27:18 context 43:9 55:16 71:3 D 25:17,20 26:4 38:16 39:18 40:10 46:17 division 5:22 7:10,17 contextual 55:3 D-Day 32:2,6 43:20 47:3 48:10,15,17,19 7:18,22 continue 20:12 31:16 54:7 49:22 50:1 51:19 Dixon 1:15 9:3 45:3 37:11 72:9 D.C 1:10 8:19,20 12:3 56:12 65:6 66:17 53:21 58:10 continued 13:4 20:14 27:2 40:6 69:19,19 70:17,18 DOE 49:16,19 20:21 24:5 dab 47:9 71:4,10,11 72:8,10 door 76:18 continues 29:3 33:13 dark 44:1 73:11 74:13,18 76:11 doors 76:19 34:12 38:1 71:10 darker 62:4 76:12,13,18 77:1,17 Dougherty 2:6 21:18,21 continuing 50:4 63:16 darkness 62:6 77:17 79:9 80:3 81:5 22:1 24:1,9 25:14,15 contrast 51:7 datum 53:14 81:15,22 downtown 12:3 control 28:1,2,4,9 day 22:22 44:10,11 designation 75:15 dramatic 36:12 convened 1:9 69:12,20 designed 64:2 71:22 drawing 62:12 conversation 69:11 days 42:12 81:8 drawings 80:14 conversations 56:13 DC 3:6 10:9 Designer 2:2 drink 52:13 69:15 DDOT 28:2 designs 25:20 66:8 Drive 19:13 convey 29:18 deal 58:12 desire 66:11 du 32:5 35:3 43:11 convinced 43:7 55:2 debate 67:16 destination 13:8 52:17 53:1 61:18 64:6 67:12 December 11:7,19 destructiveness 44:3 65:2 convincingly 42:4 15:12 24:2 detail 31:13 duality 41:2 cool 78:9 decide 68:9 detailed 12:16 79:5,11 due 18:14 55:11 74:9,9 cooling 78:18 dedicated 46:4 47:10 details 15:16 Dwight 25:17,20 26:4 cooperation 11:12 deep 54:1 78:15 detract 16:3 38:16 coordination 8:21 Deeper 78:1 devastation 44:2 core 30:2,15 33:20 36:9 defeated 44:3 develop 75:22 E 37:4,10 42:19 46:20 Defense 1:18 developed 14:9 28:14 E 12:4 46:22 52:15 53:5 deficient 22:19 50:6 earlier 60:8 62:20 69:11 68:17 69:8 define 30:7 developing 56:12 79:13 corners 30:13 defined 43:8 67:2 development 3:10 11:4 Early 74:13

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 87

earth 78:1 employees 81:2 experienced 13:9 29:19 35:17 39:12 44:14 earth's 78:2 enable 44:15 explained 42:4 78:16 55:18 72:4 73:1,6 easily 52:11 enacted 8:7 explaining 54:16 76:13 77:7 82:5 east 19:13 27:9 75:17 encloses 12:8 express 71:19 finally 20:10 30:19 76:6,16,19 78:6,7 ends 66:14 expressed 15:20 18:9 37:12 38:9 74:5 79:9 eastern 74:5 Engineering 81:9 42:10 81:6 edge 77:6 enhance 28:18 extending 50:16 find 37:20 38:1 44:12 edges 66:19 ensure 32:12 34:11 extends 27:6 48:7 finding 49:3 EDR 25:11 49:2 72:12 38:11 44:15 81:7 extension 34:4 finds 33:15 35:8,11 72:16 82:21 83:3 enter 76:20 exterior 80:20 Fine 15:14 20:4 46:9,16 education 27:11 36:11 entering 77:14 extraordinary 41:1 58:13 36:13,19 50:20 56:14 enthusiasm 71:11 eye 37:5 60:1,6 61:11 finials 16:10 20:18 56:22 57:8 66:6,12 entire 28:5 48:7 66:6 Eylanbekov 57:17 first 5:10 12:2,20 13:16 68:2,4,8,15 70:20 entirely 64:13 65:3 14:9 15:20 22:6 42:11 71:6 entities 27:16 F 43:3 53:18 58:15,17 educational 57:1 entrance 36:11 37:10 fabric 75:12 76:6 60:2 64:1 79:5 effect 70:11 80:18 77:8,10 82:19 facade 76:16,20 fitness 27:22 effects 38:13 entry 30:12 Facebook 48:4 fits 64:2 efficiency 83:9 envisions 29:15 facility 72:21 73:2,8 five 27:20 40:7 78:2 eight 62:5 66:1 equal 65:10 74:2,19,21 75:2 78:19 flag 73:21 EIS 75:4,5 equipment 19:19 78:4,5 79:10 80:5,8 81:2 Flis 2:2 11:9,10 24:6 Eisenhower 2:7 5:15 79:22 82:7,19,19 floor 77:7 12:13,21 13:19 14:6 especially 24:19 55:7 fact 58:19 72:7 flourish 44:18 21:9 24:21 25:17,20 esplanade 55:12 fades 65:13 focal 35:2 52:16 26:2,4,20 29:15 31:11 essential 47:2 fair 27:16 focus 51:5 53:16 64:5 35:16,18 36:1,6 37:8 establish 52:3 fairly 76:15 77:22 78:21 focused 53:12 56:17 37:14,20 38:8,16 39:2 established 51:17,20 family 12:2 26:20 39:20 79:1 39:20,21 40:9 42:3 etcetera 49:6 40:20 54:3 55:20,21 follow 60:15 43:13,21 44:9,21 etching 62:13 55:22 followed 26:13 46:12 47:1,9,14,21 eternal 44:13 far 48:18 following 57:8 52:21,22 54:2,22 55:1 Europe 41:11,22 44:9 favor 9:6 25:11 72:11 foot 15:7 28:10 30:17 55:19,22 57:5,10 58:5 evaluate 14:17 72:16 83:3 Force 42:7 58:19 59:10 67:21 evaluated 13:11 17:8 favorably 37:19 form 13:5 68:11 19:1 FBI 68:6 formed 41:7 Eisenhower's 27:15 EVAN 1:14 featured 46:22 former 40:13 43:13 29:6 30:4 31:20 32:7 Evans 71:19 features 18:3 48:6 48:14 69:19 40:15 41:14 42:15 event 23:1 February 1:7 4:5 forward 25:7 39:14 44:14 eventually 13:4,17 federal 8:15 9:10 69:1,2 61:19 62:17 either 69:20 76:19 78:8 evident 41:21 feel 22:21 65:14 fought 44:5 80:17 evolve 13:4 feels 68:15 found 39:13 64:13 elected 39:19 43:4 exactly 65:18 69:15 feet 15:3 17:5 33:3 Foundation 7:16 elegantly 42:3 example 48:15 63:22 65:8 78:2,14,15 four 8:11 17:5 27:3 element 33:10 excuse 78:10 fell 41:20 31:10 34:21 35:7 elements 14:21 16:10 executive 2:2 3:3 5:5,7 fellow 44:16 frame 30:11 80:18,19 17:1 18:10 20:15,16 6:4,9 12:1,13,22 felt 57:4,14 58:2 61:5,7 framing 27:5 33:2 29:20 31:4 33:17 13:19 14:6 19:13 21:1 61:21 66:16 69:12 France 32:1 37:22 49:3,4 52:20 21:9 22:8 24:18 37:17 72:2 free 43:6,9 44:17 75:19 39:2,8 81:20 fence 3:11 11:2,5,15 freedom 43:18 44:1,17 elevation 18:5 33:1 exhibit 30:22 12:7,19 13:3,10,11 freestanding 30:2,7 elevator 73:14 existing 15:2,8 22:19 14:15 15:3,4,11,16 33:19 eliminated 16:6 18:22 75:1,18 76:7 16:9,14,15 18:6,8,17 friendly 55:13 Elizabeth 46:10 exists 46:14 74:2 21:3 22:19 23:4 friends' 48:3 Ellipse 12:15 exit 76:21 77:9 fewer 80:3 front 12:8 18:18 30:21 eloquently 55:15 expect 24:22 field 78:10 80:2,10 68:11 emerging 43:22 expecting 52:1 figure 37:3 41:15 fulfill 75:4 emollient 77:2 Expeditionary 42:7 final 3:10,17 8:18 11:4 full 39:19 emotional 61:7 experience 5:20 13:14 11:13 21:2 26:14,21 fully 79:14 employee 49:16 16:4 41:7 29:22 31:18 33:9,18 functions 28:19

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 88

further 11:20 14:4 ground 33:4 53:4 79:14 historical 41:13,15 58:14 60:4 61:21 15:15 17:8 19:1 21:11 Groundhog 69:12,20 hit 51:22 65:14 74:14 24:15 26:19 53:12 grounds 13:9 18:2,12 hoc 32:5 35:3 43:11 importantly 41:9 54:17 73:18 52:17 53:1 61:18 64:6 improve 20:14,21 Furthermore 47:16 group 5:11 65:2 68:18 improved 18:19 66:18 futile 41:4 groves 64:4 holds 8:3 improvements 13:16 future 12:21 14:2 21:6 growth 42:21 home 43:1 58:20 14:3 21:7 31:17 35:20 36:3 GSA 28:4,9 68:7 70:17 homecoming 37:7 inches 15:5 17:4,5,7 46:13 55:6,8 71:6,10 hometown 31:21 35:21 78:13 79:15 guess 49:15 52:5 59:18 37:8 include 13:17 19:2,11 G 60:2 honor 7:21 59:11 37:6 73:19 gain 44:13 guests 5:11 horizon 48:7 51:6 52:6 included 30:1,9,10,16 gaining 63:1 guidance 22:10 61:6,17 62:22 63:6 30:19 35:17 75:5 Gallas 1:16 59:7,8 guide 11:20 28:15 horizontal 61:14 67:8 includes 12:12 19:8 62:18 65:4,20 67:11 guidelines 26:9 81:10 house 3:11 7:11,12 20:15 31:6 32:4 83:1 Guildhall 42:2,3 11:2,5,15,22 12:7,10 including 13:13,18 garden 27:22 12:17 13:2,7,8 18:2 16:10 33:18 60:21 gate 14:21 17:19 18:10 H 18:12 21:4 22:22 23:4 80:14 19:2,3,8,9,14,15,16 happen 41:20 74:9 79:21 incoherent 48:11 gates 11:15 12:19 happy 55:22 HR216 7:9 incorporate 29:1 80:21 13:12 16:16 17:17,22 hard 54:9 human 44:4 increased 15:9 18:3,8,16,16,18 19:6 Harris 40:5 humanistic 46:5 increasing 78:17 20:1,6,15 21:4,13,15 harsh 48:6 humble 29:8 43:15 Independence 27:8 gatherings 31:2 Hart 2:3 73:3,4 82:16,18 hurts 65:17 Indian 7:16 Geduldig 40:4 82:21 indicated 80:1 Gehry 2:8 40:11 Head 7:16 I Infantry 7:22 general 1:22 2:4,7 7:5 Headquarters 27:11 idea 32:21 influence 42:19 8:16,22 29:2,7 30:4 68:7 ideals 42:17 inform 79:8 31:3 36:4 39:1,5,6 hear 43:16 55:17 56:5 identification 42:8,16 informal 36:16 40:8 45:1,4 47:21 heard 56:2 69:13 identified 74:14 75:6,21 information 30:17 52:21 53:18 59:9 hearings 22:4 identifies 73:17 33:21 80:13 81:4 generally 15:3 19:12,20 heart 46:22 identify 56:8 inscription 37:7,15 GEOFFREY 1:16 heartfelt 42:8 identifying 79:6 38:9 geography 48:2 heartland 42:9,18 46:20 identity 32:13 INSERT 4:15 6:9 9:10 Georgia 5:21 6:2,6 heat 78:9 II 32:3 41:8 42:7 44:4 10:9 23:4 38:16 45:12 geothermal 77:16,21 heating 78:18 59:1 48:21 79:6,12 80:2 82:1,8 height 15:7,11 17:6 illegible 46:15 inside 49:19 67:1 81:2 82:14 35:4 61:2 Illuminating 81:9 inspiration 29:12 gesture 57:19,21 help 23:2 49:21 65:12 illumination 81:11 inspired 57:9 getting 52:9 64:22 65:4 helped 11:20 image 31:9,19 32:4,7 instantly 54:14 give 32:21 50:19 51:1 helpful 13:22 39:7 33:12 34:5,12,19 integrated 16:8 65:7 54:18 35:11 36:5 47:18,22 intended 57:1 62:7,9 given 22:10 39:22,22 helping 22:7,16 50:8,9,10,14,14,15,17 intends 70:21 52:7 67:5 71:13 helps 18:1 50:18 51:10,15 52:15 intensified 38:13 glad 23:3 55:19 hero 59:11 53:2,4,6 54:9 56:20 intent 28:16 35:22 glass 75:20 heroic 41:6,15 58:21 60:5,17 61:4,8 81:15 glazing 80:17,19,20,22 hesitant 72:11 61:9 62:8,14 63:20 intention 29:4 glimpses 53:15 hidden 47:6 64:3,14,18 65:10 67:5 interested 65:5 global 32:9 43:8 44:16 high 60:11 67:10,13 73:17 interface 25:2 goal 44:14 highlight 32:7 imagery 49:7,11,13 interior 1:17 80:22 governed 8:5 highlighted 28:6,10 72:6 interpretive 56:18,21 grade 79:1,20,21 82:8 30:8 34:22 impact 18:14 35:13 57:6,9 granite 73:21 76:22 hinge 41:14 37:15 50:2 76:7 80:11 intimate 57:15 58:3 77:3,3,6 hired 81:6 impacting 75:18 introduced 7:11 grass 79:16 historian 40:13 impacts 34:15 38:5 intrusive 75:10 76:4 green 28:7 29:2 historic 5:18,21,21 6:5 49:13 75:11 76:5 79:6 invasion 32:2 41:11 grew 43:1 13:13 38:13 75:12,14 importance 55:2 44:8 52:18 54:7 GRIFFIS 1:16 76:5 important 22:17 55:21 invited 41:22

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 89

inviting 55:13 larger 12:11 18:5 80:6 36:22 maximum 51:21 52:3 involved 63:9 law 8:7 locations 14:18 Mayor 1:19 involvement 25:1 layered 29:19 62:5 London 41:22 42:10 Mayoral 1:15,16 Iraq 8:1 layers 62:5 London's 42:1 mean 64:20 67:21 68:6 issue 81:19 LBJ 28:4 30:20 32:12 long 7:15 22:2 24:2 68:12,14,15 issues 55:21 32:22 33:2,11 34:16 66:2 meant 31:21 32:7 item 5:2,6 7:4,8 8:11,13 36:10,15 38:5 47:9 longer 22:20 36:7 46:14 measures 14:15 15:6 8:17 11:1,3 25:16,18 50:20 64:20 15:22 16:3 72:20,22 leadership 43:6 look 12:21 69:4 77:11 mechanical 78:4,5 items 3:5,8 8:13 79:5 leading 30:15 looking 33:6 35:19 36:3 79:21 learn 36:18 37:4 46:7,12 49:16,20 meet 74:22 J Lee 2:4 5:17 6:3,6 25:21 52:8,15 55:5,8 60:9 meeting 1:3,9 4:5,10,12 James 48:14 25:22 39:1 72:19 61:5,8 63:3,4 64:19 20:7 83:10 January 7:11 left 16:6 19:7,14 42:18 65:17 73:12 75:20 meetings 22:5 Jefferson 27:7 74:6,10 52:21 64:16,20 65:11 79:17 80:7 member 72:5 80:10 80:16 looks 60:3 members 1:12 7:21 JENNIFER 1:19 legacy 27:15 32:8 44:20 lot 25:1 51:12 56:14,17 11:11 26:1 54:3 58:9 Johnson 27:10 legibility 49:15 52:10 58:22 59:2 60:20 73:5 join 4:6 legible 34:12 61:19 62:1,14 63:2 memorial 2:7 5:15 7:10 joined 5:17 legislation 69:3 68:1 7:18 25:17,20 26:2,4 joints 17:9 legislative 3:4 7:3,5 love 54:13,20 56:5 26:5,7,10,15 27:7 Jr 1:10,13 lend 67:8 63:10 28:6,9,11,12,15,19 JULIA 2:3 length 48:7 66:6 low 13:2 34:5 37:4 29:5,13,16,20 30:2,15 July 11:7 26:15 letter 39:21 49:9 55:19 lower 53:14 60:7,17,17 30:16,17,20,22 31:8 jurisdiction 26:18 level 34:13 37:5 61:11 62:21 33:14,20 36:9,12 37:4 49:12 73:11 Lyndon 27:10 37:10,20 38:7,16 39:3 jurisdictions 27:20 levels 32:11 44:21 46:8,11,21,22 Justin 45:11 46:2 48:21 life 40:15 41:19 43:2 M 47:12,13,20 51:2 JUSTON 2:8 59:12 magic 63:7,11 64:1 52:15 53:10 55:14 life- 35:17 65:16 56:13 59:1 65:22 K life-sized 37:11 57:10 main 37:10 53:3,15 66:17 68:17,21 69:21 Kansas 29:11 31:20 light 43:22 51:7 62:6 74:16 memorialization 53:10 36:2 42:9,17 47:16 81:16 Maine 68:21 69:3 memorials 5:14 7:16 keeping 72:9 lighter 62:2 maintain 14:22 28:8 81:12 kept 58:20 lighting 37:16 38:6,7 34:12 mentioned 13:15 17:15 kids 71:1 79:9 81:7,8,15 maintained 18:11 32:12 mentioning 22:18 killed 7:22 liked 58:15 maintaining 35:9 mesh 50:12 80:21 kinds 70:22 limited 34:21 maintains 31:4 message 53:20 Korea 8:1 Lincoln 29:13 47:13 maintenance 19:17 met 76:8 KOSTER 2:3 56:7 line 19:21 48:7 50:10 major 13:7 32:7 49:3,4 metal 77:2 80:21 51:6 52:6 60:2,10,17 making 55:6,12 69:6 Meyer 46:10 L 61:6,14,17 62:11,12 Mall 27:3 74:8 81:13 MICHAEL 1:18 L 1:13,18 lines 28:22 62:13 man 31:11 35:18 42:16 Michigan 5:12 L1 3:5 8:14 LIST 45:12 47:1 55:16 57:5 microphone 56:9 LA 70:6,18 71:8 listed 29:20 75:8 manner 16:1,8 middle 32:17 64:6 lacking 48:1 listen 5:14 MARCEL 2:2 Midwestern 31:22 Lafayette 12:13 little 51:14 52:5 56:9 March 73:10 79:2 miles 65:1 laminated 80:17,20,22 66:4 70:16 71:2 marker 74:7 80:11 military 29:7 40:13,16 land 60:13 61:16 63:14 live- 4:10 Maryland 26:18 27:4,18 millions 41:17 42:22 landmark 75:14 load 51:21 28:1,17 29:1 30:12 MINA 1:22 Landmarks 6:4 loads 78:18 34:1 35:12 mind 56:5 63:14 landscape 30:9 31:20 Lobsterman 68:21 mass 16:22 minimal 14:21 34:4,18,20 35:10 located 7:18 8:19 12:3 massing 16:18 minimize 75:11 47:17 48:3 51:10 52:7 12:15 15:6 16:16 mastering 40:21 minimized 18:10 76:5 60:19 61:10 65:11 18:17 19:3,6,6,11 material 79:8 minor 34:20 76:15 67:7 70:2,5,12 27:1 74:10 77:18 78:6 materials 54:13 78:22 81:22 landscaping 33:20 49:6 79:14 82:9 matter 83:12 minute 69:13 large 30:5 location 12:6 36:10,16 MATTHEW 2:2 minutes 40:7

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 90

mock-up 16:19 near 7:19 36:9,10 obvious 48:1 pages 48:4 mockup 34:14 38:3 nearing 72:3 occasions 56:3 painting 60:19,19 49:18 necessary 51:8,19 77:4 occupied 34:2 paradox 40:15 mockups 34:9 70:6 81:4 occupy 34:7 paradoxically 40:20 model 20:18 33:9 47:12 need 75:4,7 occupying 34:6 parcel 3:5 8:14 28:8 modern 22:20 40:22 needed 67:13 ocean 61:5 parcels 27:19 modification 7:10 needs 20:7 odd 68:12 71:3 Paris 42:13 25:17 38:17 39:14 neither 48:5 oddly 47:18 park 7:19 11:12 12:11 modifications 26:21 net 51:20 offer 63:5 12:13 13:18,22 14:3 31:7 34:20 39:17 40:4 never 42:18 offering 67:16 21:5,7 22:10 26:1 58:1 new 11:14 12:19 21:3 Office 1:14,19 12:1,13 30:7 70:5 73:6 76:3 modified 17:9 34:18 38:12 40:5 12:22 13:19 14:6 21:9 part 28:13 53:3,9,9,14 modify 67:5 42:13 46:15 47:22 officer 40:13,16 55:3,15 59:11 70:1 montage 57:22 49:22 50:14 59:14,15 old 59:19 69:19 PARTICIPANTS 9:8 month 46:9 59:16,20 65:6 68:10 Omaha 32:4 64:5,10,15 25:12 72:17 83:4 months 31:17 74:20,20 78:19 79:10 64:17 particular 14:13 22:21 monument 73:3,8,16 79:12 80:5,8 81:2 on- 16:18 34:19 59:16 66:18 73:18 74:1,4,5 75:13 82:6,19 once 28:8 44:12 particularly 58:4 65:9 77:5,14,19 78:8,19 nighttime 81:11,17 opacity 32:13 51:18 parties 76:3 79:13,17 80:7 81:18 nine 17:5 18:16 open 1:5 18:1 19:10 partner 40:11 82:2,7,9,15,18 non- 19:2,14 21:14 22:14 29:14,17 Partners 2:8 40:11 monumental 30:6 non-crash 19:9 32:16,18 33:10 parts 53:4 64:22 36:21 nonprofit 46:4 openness 20:6 pass 66:22 monuments 81:12 Normandy 32:1 35:3 operational 19:18 passed 8:7 20:19 mother 55:22 41:12,13 43:12,20,21 operations 20:7 passerby 52:7 motif 16:7 44:8 47:18,19 48:5,5 opportunities 70:18 passion 44:15 motion 9:2 24:11 72:12 54:2,4,10 55:8 61:10 71:5 passionate 41:1 43:14 82:21 61:13 64:10 opportunity 70:9 paths 30:14 move 25:6 39:14 51:11 north 27:9,21 77:18 opposed 9:9 25:13 Pay 47:7 58:6 66:18 81:10 58:12 83:5 peace 32:9 40:17 41:1 moved 9:3,4 24:12,14 note 4:10 39:1 75:12 option 75:7,10,19,22 43:14,16,18 44:1,12 25:10 57:19 59:10 76:22 77:10 80:9 76:2 44:13,16 45:8,9 48:6 68:22 72:13,15 82:22 81:22 82:3 options 19:1,12 75:5 53:20 58:18 59:4 83:2 noted 20:11 24:4 31:14 76:1 peacetime 32:2 43:22 movement 54:22 58:2 74:20 80:4 orange 28:11 pedestrian 16:16 17:17 moves 63:17 notes 21:7 49:2 64:15 order 4:12 34:11 17:22 18:16 19:22 moving 18:8 25:7 56:20 notice 33:5 35:1 organization 5:18 6:5 20:6 21:15 30:14,19 59:5 68:16 82:1 noticed 58:11 40:22 48:16 33:4 multiple 22:4 noting 24:19 original 20:8 59:20 pedestrians 33:6 museums 27:16 notion 29:14 62:22 63:7 66:5 pencil 14:14 15:21 16:7 NPS 28:1,7,8 30:18 originally 61:3 Pennsylvania 12:4 N 73:12 74:13,20 75:3,6 Osinski 50:5 60:20 14:18 16:16 17:18 N.W 1:10 75:21 77:15 78:17 outdoor 30:21 18:6 19:6 21:13 name 7:15 46:2 80:2,13 81:3,6,14,18 outlined 12:7,12 24:6 people 19:21 41:17 narrative 31:7 46:11,14 81:22 82:3,10 outside 69:7 54:14 59:3 70:15 narrow 34:6 number 5:2,6 7:4 8:11 overall 16:9,22 17:10 percent 8:13 32:15,16 nation's 41:3 11:3 13:12 14:12 20:14,20 33:15 35:14 32:17 60:2,17 63:12 national 1:1,12 2:8 4:4 15:16 51:4 68:2 72:22 37:21 38:6 74:18 percentages 51:16,17 11:12 22:17 26:1 27:3 74:14 78:17 overlook 31:1 35:19 perfect 67:4 82:13 43:9 46:3 59:11 73:6 numerous 56:2 overrides 55:14 perfecting 22:12 74:8 75:14 81:12 nurtured 40:19 oversight 69:2 perimeter 11:15 12:19 NATO 43:4 NUZZI 1:17 overwhelmingly 43:4 21:3 73:19 75:18 76:8 natural 7:13 70:5 NW 7:20 12:5 period 26:6 nature 28:18 P perplexed 54:22 Nazism 44:3 O P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S person 45:10 NCPC 2:1 5:16 28:14 object 29:14,16 47:12 4:1 personal 42:15 54:1 66:10 66:21 p.m 1:10 4:2 83:13 perspective 40:12 NCPC.gov 4:11 obstructing 81:17 pacifist 40:19 perspectives 13:10

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 91

PETER 1:17 52:17 53:1 61:18 64:6 Prior 28:5 question 52:6 63:21 phase 3:11 11:5,14 65:2 probably 75:13 65:19,20 72:5 12:20,21 13:16 14:9 pole 73:21 problems 41:4 questions 8:8 9:1 21:17 21:3 25:7 political 48:13 proceed 4:13 23:3 24:8,10 40:10 phases 14:2 portion 26:18 34:3,6 process 22:3,8,12 23:2 49:8 59:13,21 60:15 phenomenon 47:8 35:1 56:19 26:5 28:13 50:1,6 67:18 82:11,12,20 photo 57:21 portions 13:17 62:3,4 65:6,16 66:3,17 67:3 quintessential 48:15 photographic 62:8 portray 55:7 74:13 75:4 quite 56:13 57:20 58:6 photos 48:3 position 57:6 58:7,12 professional 40:16,21 62:15 66:2 physical 33:8 58:13 profound 42:15 quorum 4:12 pick 56:10 possible 14:16 16:14 program 5:13 57:7 quotations 30:3 picked 57:18 43:10 44:1,19 74:14 quote 44:9 picket 20:2 21:14 post 16:11 20:17 programmatic 56:16 picture 33:8 potential 70:4 programming 37:1 R piece 53:2,12 55:6 powerful 61:6 56:18,22 57:2,9 68:4 radical 46:10 48:9 57:15,17 66:12 practically 22:22 70:22 71:5 radically 46:8 pier 17:6,9,11 74:6,10 praise 42:12 project 11:18 13:15 raised 33:3 40:19 80:10 predicament 22:21 17:14 20:11,14,22 range 32:14 59:5 piers 14:15,17 15:8 preferred 21:12 75:7,21 22:17 31:16 39:4 ranger 30:18 16:14,15,18,22 17:3 preliminary 8:18 11:7 68:20 73:9,11,13,14 Rangers 52:18 17:17,21 18:7 20:15 11:18 14:10 16:12 proliferation 70:9 rated 15:1 18:13,21 pink 73:20 20:10 24:3 26:13 promenade 30:19 33:2 19:2,3,8,9,14,15,16 place 7:17 24:5 32:2 73:11 76:12,17 77:1 36:10,15,18 37:2 47:9 reaching 13:4 42:14 55:13,13 77:17,17 79:3 80:3 56:16,19 read 54:9 placed 29:16 47:5 55:9 82:4 properly 4:14 25:10 read-alouds 70:22 72:1 presence 50:21 49:14 72:7 77:13 readability 51:9 placement 8:4 33:16 present 1:12 2:1,5 properties 38:14 reading 67:8 37:21 57:20 67:21 29:18 39:11,17 71:4 proportion 17:1,10 rear 47:14 70:14 71:20 presentation 5:15 6:7 proportionality 67:7 reason 55:4 placing 57:4 69:7 20:13 21:16 38:15 proportions 65:21 REBECCA 1:17 plan 12:16,20 14:11 39:7,13 54:12 82:10 proposal 29:2 31:3,8,15 recall 27:1 35:17 18:18 26:21 28:20 presented 39:15 70:9 35:8 36:8 48:11 receiving 42:12 29:22 30:1 37:16 38:6 80:3 proposed 13:11 15:4 recognizable 48:4 66:5 72:8 77:7 79:11 preservation 5:18,21 34:20 35:5,15 36:14 recognize 13:5 30:3 plane 53:4 5:22 6:1,5 13:13 37:1 38:12 72:18 54:15 planner 2:3,4 6:1 preserve 28:17 77:16,19 81:4 recognized 54:10 planning 1:1,12 4:4 president 12:1 29:7 proposing 26:20 74:21 recollection 70:20 24:10 30:5 36:4 40:9 41:9 77:15 81:22 recommend 63:6 plans 3:10,17 8:14,18 43:5,13 47:10 52:22 protection 18:19 81:1 recommendation 15:10 11:4,7,14,21 14:12 54:2 provide 14:1 21:5 33:13 15:17 17:21 20:3,9 21:3 24:4 26:14 37:6 President's 7:19 12:11 36:16,20 53:11 81:1 21:1 24:19 31:14 39:12,15 73:1,7 79:5 13:18 14:3 21:7 81:15 37:18 81:21 82:6 Presidential 1:14,16,21 provided 11:17 14:12 recommendations planted 79:16 presidentially 40:3 26:11 76:6 80:13 81:3 11:19 14:13 22:13 plaudits 42:13 presiding 1:11 providing 30:21 33:11 recommends 20:1 play 70:4 pressure 62:19 proximity 37:9 52:7 37:12 plaza 28:3 73:21 77:4,6 Preston 1:10,13 public 14:5 21:8 22:4 record 56:8 83:9,13 plazas 30:12 previous 15:12,17 25:2 28:19 31:1 40:15 red 31:10 34:22 60:10 pleasantly 49:20 33:22 46:18 48:17 42:5 43:2 46:5 77:8 please 4:6,10 24:16 50:10,15,18 66:8 71:3 publicly 4:14 redevelop 68:9 64:9,9 76:10 pull 71:15 redeveloping 68:22 pleased 58:6 previously 11:6 39:11 purposefully 77:10 reduced 14:16 16:21 pledge 4:6,8 39:15 47:11 put 60:6 71:21 17:3,6 18:11 point 14:14 15:21 16:7 primary 12:2 33:16 puzzled 54:8 55:9 reducing 16:13 78:20 35:2 36:21 40:8 41:14 37:22 81:14 puzzling 70:16 referred 7:12 52:16,19 55:18 61:22 principle 49:3 refined 15:16 16:11 70:12 74:8 principles 28:15,16,20 Q 20:12 31:16 Pointe 32:5 35:3 43:11 29:4 38:2 72:10 quality 20:21 34:10 refinement 11:20

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 92

refinements 20:21 24:5 responded 82:3 Scholarship 7:15 Service 2:6 11:12,13 31:12 responding 40:9 56:5 schoolchildren 57:2,7 13:22,22 20:7 21:5,5 reflect 15:10 28:20 response 15:19 16:5,17 58:4 21:18 22:11,11 26:2 43:22 16:20 18:20 Schuyler 2:4 7:6,7 8:9 73:6 76:3 refute 69:18 responsibility 42:22 scope 14:2 21:6 Service's 15:10 regarding 18:8 19:22 75:5 screen 12:8 13:20 Services 1:22 8:16,22 register 60:5,9 65:12 responsive 17:12 20:17 SESSION 1:5 registered 45:12 63:15 rest 41:18 43:2 screened 77:13 set 26:9 28:14 29:9 reinstated 48:19 result 26:19 38:12 screening 72:21 73:2,7 sets 34:5 relate 57:12 58:4 48:13 74:2 75:1 80:5 82:7 setting 36:17 57:15 related 19:18 26:17 resulted 48:10 sculptural 52:20 58:3 34:17 63:21 resulting 20:5 41:16 sculpture 35:16 36:1,7 settled 56:4 relationship 27:15 results 26:22 36:9,15,20 37:5,9,14 seven 15:4 62:5 66:1 32:21 36:12 55:2 retain 28:9 32:13 38:8 57:5,10,18 severely 41:10 relatively 20:2,3 rethink 67:6 sculptures 30:3 shade 62:11 relevant 22:20 36:7 rethinking 57:21 sea 61:5,8 shadow 51:7 62:6,11 53:21 55:6 rethought 69:8 seated 35:18 37:3 shape 61:17 65:22 relief 47:21 retired 45:6 seating 30:21 shaped 41:10 relocate 36:8 77:15 return 42:11 second 7:10,16,18,22 share 29:3 31:13 relocated 37:13 38:8 Returning 43:11 9:5 24:13 34:17 47:19 shoreline 61:4 relocates 31:10 reversible 75:11 76:4 54:20 58:16 63:21 shores 43:12 relocation 35:16 36:14 review 8:7 14:10 15:12 72:14 79:7 83:1 shortly 41:21 remained 42:19 16:12 20:10 26:5 79:3 seconded 9:6 24:15 show 15:18 31:4 64:8 remaining 19:1 82:4 25:10 72:16 83:3 64:11 73:16 80:14 remember 49:18 70:16 reviewed 11:6 26:16 secondly 5:17 51:1 showed 58:20 61:9 remembrance 32:6 reviews 26:13 Secret 2:6 11:13 13:22 showing 18:6 reminder 15:2 18:15 revised 3:14 25:19 26:3 15:10 20:7 21:5,18 shown 13:20 15:8 16:8 reminds 68:19 26:22 31:6 33:12 34:5 22:11 17:7,18 18:17,21 19:7 removal 18:7 34:21 34:11,15 36:5 37:3,19 Secretary 2:3 48:14 20:1,12,17 51:15 77:7 35:6,11 38:1,4,5 39:17 46:17 section 32:20 38:11 shows 35:2 67:14 removed 14:18 17:21 revises 31:8 80:15 Shubow 2:8 45:11 46:1 55:16 66:15 RHODES 1:18 sections 51:5 52:4 46:3 48:21 49:1 removes 31:10 Riddell 2:7 39:2,6 45:2 secured 43:8 Shubow's 69:14 removing 16:15 17:16 right-of-way 35:12 security 12:20 13:16 side 19:7,7 27:5 30:11 renovation 29:13 73:14 risk 63:1 14:3,8 15:22 21:11 32:20 52:20,21,21,22 replace 75:1 Robert 60:22 22:17 42:22 43:8 55:12 64:16,17 65:9 replaced 47:17 roles 29:9 44:17 73:20 74:19 66:7 71:7 74:5 76:19 replacement 3:12 11:2 room 1:9 29:17 50:22 75:19 76:8 81:16 80:17 11:6 68:17 seen 20:16 33:6 37:5 signed 45:11 report 3:2,3 5:1,3,4,5,7 roots 58:20 48:2 50:8 54:7 70:6 significance 5:4 5:10 6:8,9 7:9 56:3 route 75:17 76:6 77:10 select 61:2 significant 29:1 34:3 78:16 runs 27:4 selection 38:2 79:9 significantly 33:17 represent 32:8 sell 68:9 37:22 72:8 represented 44:20 S Senate 1:17 simple 20:2 request 16:17 82:4 sacrifices 32:6 43:15 Senator 69:3 single 22:21 requested 14:15 16:13 sandwich 80:19 senior 2:2 40:10 singular 40:8 17:16 79:4 satanic 44:2 sense 29:18 61:16 71:8 sir 25:15 requests 17:13 21:4 satisfied 81:3,18 sensing 24:15 72:3 sit 57:13 34:13 38:3,5,10 satisfy 29:3 38:2 separated 65:1 site 3:10,17 8:14,18 require 14:8 21:10 Savannah 6:2 separation 33:11 11:4,14 12:16 13:5 48:19 saw 76:11 sequence 77:8,9 14:11,11 16:19 18:18 requirements 8:5 74:15 says 55:15 Sergey 57:16 21:2 24:3 26:8 27:1,8 74:17,22 scale 15:9 16:18,21 series 34:9 27:13,17,18,19 28:6 reservation 27:20 17:10 33:16 37:21 serpentine 77:11 28:11,12,13,18,19 residence 12:2 54:13 60:6 serve 30:13 82:14,16 38:2 39:12 47:10 54:5 Resources 7:13 scaled 52:18 served 5:22 6:3 34:3 54:8 57:3 66:20,21 respect 28:21 55:11 scene 31:20 54:3 73:1,7 81:8 82:1,6 respectively 11:8 schedule 14:2 21:6 serves 33:10 sited 79:13

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 93

sits 47:14 50:22 81:3,18 82:10 Suite 1:9 technical 24:9 sitting 47:9 68:11 staff's 24:18 sum 48:9 telling 60:6 six 15:3 18:16 75:5 78:2 stage 24:22 summary 74:15 tells 60:1 size 14:16 16:14,21 stages 70:7 summer 30:1 temperature 78:1,2 27:14 69:21 stainless 30:5 33:18 superior 48:18 temple 29:15 47:13,15 sized 35:18 50:11 62:2 support 14:22 15:21 66:19 sky 32:18 50:14,16 51:6 stakeholders 60:21 16:2 18:9,13 24:18 temporary 74:1 75:1 53:8 60:13 61:21 63:2 Stan 24:9 25:5 39:18,20 40:4 ten 42:12 63:17,18 70:13 stand 4:6 18:3 66:20 48:17 58:14 67:4 ten-foot 15:4 skyscape 53:11 start 51:6 59:17 65:6 71:11 terms 22:11 50:10 slide 29:20 74:12 76:10 started 22:3,18 61:4,11 supported 14:14,20 51:21 59:14,16 60:21 slopes 77:5 63:11 19:16 20:4 30:6 58:6 61:6,20 67:15 sloping 77:4 starting 50:8 supporting 33:19 69:19 test 51:6,18 slow 77:12 state 5:21 24:21 48:14 supportive 71:9 80:11 tested 41:10 smack 47:9 stated 18:12 39:20 supports 21:12 31:14 testimony 69:14 small 42:17 74:6 79:12 81:14 36:14 81:4 thank 7:1,7 8:8 21:19 Society 2:8 46:4 81:9 statement 48:21 55:15 supposed 80:4 22:1,6,16 23:1 24:1 soil 79:15 59:3 64:12 65:2 Supreme 42:6 25:8,15 39:4,6,6,9 soldier 40:21 43:17 states 2:6 11:13 21:18 surprise 48:12 44:21 45:1,4,9 48:19 soldiers 43:16 29:8 41:17 43:3,5 surprised 49:20 49:1 56:3,10 59:8,9 solid 14:21 18:10 19:8 81:6 surround 27:16 67:16 72:18 82:13 19:20 32:15 station 30:18 surrounding 12:17 14:5 Thanks 83:9 solider 41:2 statue 31:11 35:18 47:1 29:18 theme 63:8,10 solution 41:3 47:2 55:1 surroundings 28:21 things 5:9 50:19 60:1 solutions 14:8 21:11 stature 41:6 30:14 third 52:19 53:2 somewhat 19:10 51:3 status 41:15 surrounds 73:22 THOMAS 1:16 son 42:9 stay 64:9,9,9 survive 44:18 Thomasville 6:4 sons 42:5 steadily 43:1 Susan 39:21 40:1,5 thought 69:14 sorry 69:22 steel 30:5 33:18 50:12 58:5 three 7:4,17 17:3 22:4 sort 22:11 62:19 65:10 62:2 80:18,19 swoop 41:20 26:12 27:19 31:6 sounds 69:17 Steingasser 1:19 24:16 symbolic 36:6 74:7 39:17 64:3 79:4 south 12:15 27:2,12 24:17 71:18 symbolically 46:12 three-foot 17:5 28:3 74:9 80:10 stone 15:5,8 74:6 symbolism 48:1 threshold 66:21,22 Southeast 8:15 9:10 stops 42:14 63:14 symbolize 31:21 THURSDAY 1:7 Southwest 8:20 27:2 straight 61:14 77:11 symbolized 44:21 timely 45:5,7,9 space 21:9 28:20 29:2 straightforward 78:22 times 54:5 30:7 50:22 56:18 64:3 streamed 4:11 T today 5:10 12:18 13:6 67:1 69:1 70:21 street 1:10 7:20 12:4 taken 24:5 29:12 29:3 31:5 39:16 40:1 spaces 14:5 24:20 25:2 26:17 27:9,10 talent 71:13 40:2 46:7 48:6 53:22 speak 39:3,10 42:1 46:3 Streets 12:5 66:13 talk 66:4 69:11,12 73:12 83:9 56:8 57:17 strengthen 36:11 talked 62:20 today's 4:10 26:22 SPEAKERS 45:12 stretch 65:15 talking 68:17 74:11 toggle 76:13 specialist 5:19 81:7 strikes 35:8 76:14,17 78:12 told 47:2,3 specifically 8:3 striking 48:3 tall 15:3,5 Tom 2:6 21:17 speech 37:7 struck 68:13 tandem 78:3 Tomas 50:5 60:20 spent 60:20 61:19 structural 51:19 tapestries 66:7 62:10 sponsor 7:15 structure 49:5 80:18 tapestry 30:5 31:9,19 tonight 56:4 sponsored 70:17 struggling 67:22 32:11,14,15,18,22 top 15:6 32:17 33:1 spot 55:9 students 5:12 33:1,3,5,9,12,13,19 60:3,11 63:17 79:16 square 30:17 studies 34:14 38:3 34:1,2,3,6,7,9,11,15 topics 74:16 stable 78:1 study 5:14 34:18 35:2,10 36:5,7 tops 16:11 20:17 Stadium 3:6 8:19 10:9 stunning 70:11 36:21 38:4 46:21 47:6 total 17:11 staff 2:1 13:11,21 15:15 stupid 41:5 47:17,22 48:8,12 49:5 town 42:18 17:11 18:1 20:1,20 subject 69:2 49:19 50:7,12 51:22 tradition 46:5 22:5 31:13 33:15 submitted 8:20 11:13 52:4,16,16 53:10 55:3 tranquility 58:18 59:4 34:13 35:8,11 36:14 26:3 73:6 56:15 66:6,14,15 67:6 transfer 26:17 37:12 43:2 55:11 subtlety 62:11 70:1,3,19 transferred 28:7 78:16,21 79:1 80:11 successful 70:2 team 29:15 37:13 transformation 41:14

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 94

transformed 62:1 41:17 43:3,5 34:14 38:3 width 17:2 transition 30:13 36:21 units 80:17,19 visually 64:8 Wilson 60:22 transitioning 32:16 University 5:12 Vivian 2:4 39:7 wind 51:18,21 transparency 32:11 unobtrusive 16:1 voids 62:3 wire 62:2,3,4,5,13 34:10,13 49:16,22 unusual 72:2 vote 72:4,6,11 wonder 60:14 50:18 51:13,16 56:15 upcoming 74:12 wondering 77:21 59:19 62:19 63:2 update 3:4 7:3,5 14:1 W word 52:9 72:4 70:10 21:6 walk 15:17 29:21 words 44:7 59:10 transparent 20:3 49:21 uplifting 53:9 walked 43:19 work 5:20 44:12 48:2 51:3 upper 76:2 wall 13:3 35:19 37:4,15 50:5,9,11 62:9,12,14 Treasury 12:14,22 urban 2:2,3 13:13 50:21 38:9 57:19 65:8,15 71:6,14 13:18 14:7 21:10 50:22 walls 80:14 working 51:4 55:20 24:21 use 14:14,22 15:21 16:2 Walter 43:12 57:17 60:20 62:10,16 tree 35:4,12 63:15 18:13 20:1 56:16 wanted 22:16 43:21 Works 8:6 trees 28:22 30:10 31:10 70:21 67:20 world 32:3 41:8,15,18 34:2,21,22 35:7,14 uses 70:21 78:3 war 7:22 8:1,1 32:3 42:7 43:6 44:4,13,19 50:15 53:6,15 63:11 Utah 32:4 64:5,16 40:18 41:2 42:1,7,12 59:1 64:4 70:1 utilize 77:22 43:7,13 44:2,4,6 world's 41:3 triangle 27:21 utilized 16:7 58:17 59:1 worried 69:4 triangular 28:3 warfare 40:22 wouldn't 56:5 tried 65:8 V Wars 41:8 woven 50:11 62:2 true 64:13 value 52:3 59:3 Washington 1:10 8:20 Wright 1:22 24:13 69:9 trying 55:7 58:12 61:2 values 29:10 31:22 12:3 27:2 40:6 42:13 69:10 72:13 65:5 42:17 52:2 73:2,8,16,18 74:1 written 6:8 64:14 tuned 61:15 variety 13:10 75:13 78:19 82:7,15 tunnel 51:18 various 70:7 wasn't 55:1 63:9 X turning 68:14 vaults 78:6,7 79:21 water 60:13 61:12 69:5 two 5:6,9 8:12 19:1 vehicular 14:21 17:19 way 27:6 28:2 29:8 Y 24:22 25:7 30:6 35:6 18:3,9,16,18 19:5 44:12 60:5 61:1 63:8 year 7:12 22:2,3,18 40:2 50:19 66:15 20:5 21:13 73:19 weak 46:15 68:7 70:17 78:9 80:16 75:18 76:7 weapons 40:21 years 5:19 26:7 43:20 two-foot 15:3 venerable 42:2 wearing 41:7 44:11 66:1 67:4 75:3 two-thirds 34:7 version 63:15 Webb 2:8 5:17 40:10 yellow 12:7 type 52:6 versus 52:12 49:8 50:4 52:14 54:21 York 40:5 42:13 vertical 20:2 56:7,11 60:14,16 young 31:11 35:16,18 U victory 41:21 64:12 65:18,21 36:1,6 37:13 38:8 U.S 1:17 15:10 27:4,6 view 19:21 27:5 31:22 website 4:11 42:16 46:11 47:1,8,14 52:17 74:10 33:22 58:18 64:20 wedge 15:1 18:13,21 55:1 57:5 59:3 67:21 ultimate 44:15 70:12 week 39:22 68:10 uncle 54:4 viewed 13:9 welcome 4:3 5:10,16 undergraduate 5:11 viewer 52:10 6:6 11:9 21:21,22 Z underground 78:7 viewing 16:17 39:5 45:11 73:3 underneath 33:5 viewpoint 40:14 61:3 welcomes 36:17 0 understand 49:22 views 14:22 18:2,11 wells 77:16,18,22 78:11 06 45:6 52:12 63:3 64:4 70:14 28:17 32:12 34:18 78:12,13,17 79:6,12 70:15 35:10 41:6 51:1 53:5 80:3 82:1,8,14 1 understanding 60:12 81:17 went 63:12 83:13 1:00 1:10 63:19 65:17 viewshed 30:12 33:7 west 19:13 27:4,10 71:7 1:02 4:2 understory 30:10 viewsheds 35:6 74:9 77:20 78:6,7 10 74:17 underway 73:14 visit 44:7 54:6 55:13 79:13,17 82:2,9 106 38:11 unified 28:8,19 visiting 57:2,7 71:1 western 56:19 11 3:12 uniform 41:8 visitor 13:8,14 16:4 wharf 68:20 12 74:17 78:13 79:15 uninspired 48:11 52:8 72:21 73:2,7 white 1:21 3:11 9:5 11:2 15th 12:4 unique 14:4 24:19 74:2 82:6 11:5,15,22 12:6,10,12 17th 7:19 12:4 27:15 visitors 36:17 77:12 12:17 13:2,7 18:2,12 18 12:9 unit 80:20,22 81:2 21:4 22:22 23:4 53:17 18-inch 15:5 United 2:6 3:6 8:19,21 visitors' 77:8 53:18 74:9 1803 13:3 10:9 11:13 21:18 29:8 visual 18:14 33:11 wide 30:14 1964 43:20

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com 95

1999 26:7 8 8 3:5 2 83 3:20 2 1:7 4:5 2,400 30:16 9 2:26 83:13 95 32:14 60:2,17 63:12 20 5:19 32:17 33:3 63:13 43:20 44:11 63:12 9th 1:10 78:14 200 78:14 20004 1:10 2006 26:8 27:14 28:14 2011 26:11 34:8 2012 75:3 2014 26:13 73:10 76:11 76:15 79:2 2015 26:15 30:1 33:9 2016 11:8 2017 1:7 4:5 76:15 20th 44:8 23 59:21,22 25 3:15

3 3 7:11 34th 29:7 43:5 35 8:13

4 400 78:15 401 1:10 447 63:22 65:8,15 67:12 447's 65:16 4a 3:5 8:13 4b 3:6 8:17 4th 27:9 66:13

5 5 3:2,3 50 32:16 63:12 50- 28:9 50-year 6:5 500 1:10 5115 1:9 55 78:3 5A 11:1,3 5B 25:16,18 5C 72:20,22

6 60 78:12 64 78:11 6th 27:9 66:13

7 7 3:4 70th 54:6 73 3:17

Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc. (202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com



This is to certify that the foregoing transcript

In the matter of: Commission Meeting

Before: National Capital Planning Commission

Date: 02-02-17

Place: Washington, DC

was duly recorded and accurately transcribed under my direction; further, that said transcript is a true and accurate record of the proceedings.

------Court Reporter

NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 www.nealrgross.com