Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Karen Little, Nether Bower, Longsleddale, LA8 9BB 03 April 2019 To Members of and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council You are duly summoned/required to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9 April 2019 at Skelsmergh Community Hall. Light refreshments will be available from 7.15pm.


1. Apologies: To receive apologies and to note the reasons for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. Register of Interests: Councillors are reminded of the need to update their register of interests b. To declare any personal interests in items on the agenda and their nature c. To declare any prejudicial interests in items on the agenda and their nature (Councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room for the relevant items) 3. Minutes: To consider the approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council on 16 January 2019, attached. 4. Open Forum: Residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of Chairman. 5. Matters Arising from the Minutes: a. Website training – Clerk b. Rugby Club lights c. SD – Bee keepers licence d. Parish Walk – summer 2019 6. Formal Announcements by the Chair: a. Parish Elections, 2 May b. Formal ‘thank you’ to Councillor Mary Chapman 7. Grant applications, if any 8. Finance: a. To consider payments to be made as per Clerk’s report, attached b. To receive and note the bank reconciliation and 2018-2019 year end statement, attached c. To receive an update on the Transparency funding float 9. Community Action Plan 2016, to receive update reports on: a. Environment and Community Woodlands: 1. Additional Bee-keeper licence b. Highways and Transport: 1. Update on Laverock Bridge HGV access proposal 2. Highway repairs:  Helm Lane  Otterbank/A6  Joiner’s Lane  Mealbank drain

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3. Progress with highway reinstatement at Gurnal Bridge, c. Communication: 1. Update on the Parish Council contacts list 2. Update on B4MS d. Community: 1. Joint event with Skelsmergh Community Hall, 22.03.2019 10. Report on the District Association meeting, 07.03.2019 (FB), attached 11. Planning Applications: a. SL/2018/0925, flood management scheme. PC: no comment – we would be exceeding our remit to represent the interests of our parish if we made adverse comments on proposals which do not affect us directly. SLDC: Amended plans available 31.01.2019. b. SL/2019/0027, Benson Hall Caravan Park, Benson Hall Scalthwaiterigg KENDAL LA9 6PL. Siting of additional single caravan unit to be used as manager accommodation and extension to opening season to 12 months per annum. PC: object to extending the opening season to 12 months per annum – there would be no impediment to this site becoming a full-time housing site over time. The manager’s caravan should be also be subject to seasonal restrictions. c. SL/2019/0112, Laneside Cottage, Skelsmergh, KENDAL. Detached domestic garage. PC: No objection. d. SL/2019/0113, Land adjacent to Gurnal Bridge Lane, Skelsmergh, KENDAL. Re-routing of a section of Gurnal Bridge Lane and associated works. e. PN/2019/0003, Part OS Field No 7254, adjacent to barn Old Road, Selside, KENDAL, LA8 9JX. Erection of steel pole to support 2 microwave dishes; equipment cabin; and diesel generator. SLDC: Confirm prior approval is not required. f. CU/2019/0004 Building south of Stawberry Bank Skelsmergh KENDAL LA8 9JU. Change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling. g. SL/2019/0251 Parkhead Farm, Road, KENDAL Replacement agricultural livestock building h. SL/2019/0249 Parkhead Farm, Sedbergh Road, KENDAL Replacement agricultural building to form silage clamp 12. Correspondence: To consider correspondence highlighted by the Clerk 13. Date of Next Meetings (venue: Skelsmergh Community Hall, commencing 7.30pm):  Wednesday May 22 2019  Wednesday July 17 2019  Wednesday September 11 2019  Wednesday November 6 2019  Wednesday January 15 2020  Wednesday March 18 2020


Karen Little Clerk to Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg Parish Council Parish Council website:

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