Alyth Voice 106th Edition, October 2006 Tel. 01828 633045 Minimum Circulation 1600 Email address: [email protected] Website: A ROYAL OCCASION TO REMEMBER THE COMMITTEE of the Alfred Anderson Memorial Fund is delighted to announce that The Prince Charles Duke of Rothesay, and The Duchess of Rothesay will unveil the Cairn near the War Memorial on Sunday morning, 1st October. Exactly four years ago, the Voice reported that Prince Charles visited Alfred at his home in Isla Road for tea and a wide-ranging chat, not least about the First World War veteran's personal memories of the Prince's Great Uncle, Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, who was killed in action in 1915. It is a fitting tribute to Alfred, that the future Head of State will once again visit Alyth, this time in an official capacity with his wife, to unveil a lasting Eagle-eyed residents will have noticed the new impressive memorial not only to Alfred, but to the whole generation flagpole erected on 24th August beside the War Memorial, who survived the atrocious First World War. courtesy of the Royal British Legion Alyth branch. Jim A large crowd from near and far is expected in Alyth O’Brien raised the Saltire the same day, which will fly as st standard, but on occasion will be replaced by the Union Jack. on the morning of the 1 , and the Committee hope every- one will turn out to catch a rare glimpse of the Royal ALFRED ANDERSON MEMORIAL COMMITTEE couple, while respecting security measures which will be WELL THE CAT is well out of the bag! And can I say what an in place. Alyth is renowned for its warm hospitality, so honour it is to be involved with a committee paying due respects to the memory of a modest man, representing a generation of our let’s make it a Royal occasion to remember! ancestors, who did and suffered so much, that we could all live the life we have today. Their Royal Highnesses, The Prince Charles Duke of Rothesay, and The Duchess of Rothesay! What an honour to have them visit the town and a day many people will remember for a long, long time. A secret well kept for some time by a small number of people, who said “walls have ears?”! The Committee’s thanks are due to many people, the cairn erection team of Jeff Colville, Andy Wallace, Murray Pennycook and not least Bardon Concrete from Perth who delivered on a Saturday morning to fill the base at short notice. Then we move on to the Town Hall. Under the hardest working volunteer I have met for a long time, Walla Mollison managed and cajoled a team of Ian Strachan, Rab Kidd, Arnie White and Ian Milne. Dennis Melloy, with Sean and Andy Wallace (the joiner), inspects the And Irene Robertson’s research into its past, provided the information concrete pour on 9th September for the cairn foundation. for the foyer display. Now refurbished to a most remarkable standard, it will provide a fine enhancement to the Hall for many years to come. The town crest in the foyer, courtesy of Alan MacFarlane, and Alfred’s bust in the display cabinet, sculpted by Tony Morrow. All A CONCERT TO REMEMBER! things coming together at last! I must mention the Committee – Dennis Melloy - a remarkable BRASS Chairman, Irene Robertson – does she ever stop?! Michael Kay – with providing a central hub and collating donations of over £3000, Jim MacFarlane, Marguerite McKenzie, Prof. John MacKenzie, Nigel ALYTH & DISTRICT Dalziel and Derek Mowatt, all playing their part. PIPE BAND We must not, of course, forget you residents who put your money into the project, and a particular thanks to those Clubs/Associations to celebrate the lifetime of Alfred Anderson both in and outwith the town who provided such valuable support. 1st October 2006 - 7pm I have now finished an enjoyable series, and look forward to the Perthshire Brass/Alyth & District Pipe Band concert on Sunday TOWN HALL evening. I trust that many others will have tales to tell in the coming Donation at door (first come, first served to capacity) weeks and again I look even further forward to reading the planned Buffet ~ Refreshments ~ Raffle special edition of the Voice. I am not begging, but I am sure that the Voice would appreciate any donations to help with a possible colour souvenir edition. Jim O’Brien, Secretary

Useful Telephone Numbers Email: [email protected] CHIANGMAI, THAILAND – September 12th, 2006 Airlie Street Hall (contact-Fiona Dorchester) - 01828 632455 DEAR SIR, Blairgowrie Police Station - 01250 872222 Perth Police Station - 01738 621141 The following epistle is the result of an email I recently sent to a friend, George Davidson, residing in Grangemouth. I was relating my memory of Hydro-Electric Emergencies - 0800 300999 getting lost in Perth en-route to Alyth in 1950. His cousin’s daughter is a cur- Scottish Gas Emergencies - 0800 111999 Scottish Water - 0845 6008 855 rently a teacher at Alyth School, and it has been suggested to me that you may be interested in my memoirs of Alyth from a bygone era. It came as a surprise Alyth Post Office - 01828 632301 to me, as I didn’t realise that Alyth, once again, had a newspaper. From mem- Alyth Health Centre - 01828 632317 Alyth Primary School - 01828 632462 ory the previous one became defunct in the early 60’s. It is good to learn that the old town is still thriving and that the community spirit is as strong as ever. Blairgowrie High School - 01250 873445 I had just started to read through the August issue of your on-line version of Alyth Environmental Group - 01828 632907 NHS 24—new 24 hour health service - 08454 24 24 24 the newspaper, but unfortunately we had a power outage when the monsoon If you offer an emergency or breakdown service started again. The passage asking what a “Mid Yoken” was, caught my eye as I e.g. Plumber, Electrician, Locksmith, Glazier, Central Heating or any other trade, often made up a rather large size sandwich for my Mid Yoken consumption please send us your name and number for our useful numbers section while on my bicycle journeys through the Glens. Hopefully I will get to read more of the local news later. Best regards, Peter Webster Alyth Voice Team MY MEMOIRS OF ALYTH Paul Ramsay 01828 632992 Editor THOUGH I was born and lived all my working days in the outskirts of Glas- [email protected] gow, all my summer holidays, until the age of seventeen, were spent with my Irene Robertson 01828 633045 Compositor/Secretary Mother’s Auntie Jessie at Westpark on St. Ninians Road. Auld Jessie was quite [email protected] proud of the fact that hers was the first house outside the boundary and so she Margaret Stanford 01828 633083 Advertising only had to pay the Perthshire County Rates. Suppose this accounted for the reason why we had to drag the rubbish fifty odd yards down the road to the [email protected] telegraph pole every Wednesday morning so that the Town Council would lift Paul & Barbara Prettyman 01828 633725 Distribution it for free! She was also pleased that she got seventeen shillings and sixpence Margaret MacKenzie Advertising every year from the Hydro Board for the pole that stood on her ground. So too Marjory Macpherson Advertising was I, as the sixpence always came my way. Michael Kay 01828 632252/632690 Treasurer My earliest memory is of getting lost in Perth at the age of four years and ten [email protected] months en-route to Alyth. Perth was where we changed from the train to the Derek Todd Webmaster Bluebird bus. That took us to Blairgowrie where we made the final connection. We always ate lunch in Perth and after my parents had a look at the shops, we [email protected] In order to avoid disappointment please ensure that articles/ads for publication are then caught the bus from the stance at Alexander’s parcel office in Tay Street submitted before the 21st day of each month. Note: The views expressed in the Alyth overlooking the river. Since I liked to see the Beech Hedge, we always took the Voice are not necessarily those of the team nor can they accept any responsibility for 1.30pm bus as it ran via Guildtown. I also liked to get old Christiesons bus accuracy and spelling of any article. from Blairgowrie that ran four times a day to rather than the Blue- bird that went to . Christiesons ran an old bull-nosed Bedford with a ARTICLE SUBMISSION to the Voice Please note ALL articles must be accompanied with a name and address sliding door operated by the driver pushing or pulling on a big lever, and that BEFORE they will be published in the Voice. fascinated me as we had nothing like that in the city. Of course, it might also On request, the name and address may be withheld from publication. have had something to do with the fact that his fare to Alyth was a halfpenny Any submission without these details will NOT be included. cheaper than Alexander and I got the penny. Since I wasn’t yet five, I travelled free – more’s the pity or I would have had another farthing to spend! Anyway this day was to be like no other as one minute we were together in *~*~* Dates for Your Diary *~*~* Perth looking in a shop window and the next I found myself all on my own – OCTOBER ‘lost’. ( In today’s age of political correctness I suppose I should point out at 1st Alfred Anderson Memorial Cairn Unveiling & Concert this juncture, that since I knew where I was, it was actually my parents who 3rd Bothy Loons & Ploomen Chiels Alyth Literary Society were ‘lost’ and not me!) Obviously, I was born with a superior sense of direc- 5th Scone Palace Talk - Airlie St. Hall Alyth Parish Guild tion and lust for travel, as I made it on my own to the bus stance in Tay Street 7th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall Alyth Christmas Lights just before the bus arrived. Being small, I was able to mingle with the other 8th Trophy Present. - Lesser Town Hall Alyth in Bloom passengers and was soon sitting in the front seat by the window – so that I could see the Beech Hedges. The conductress went about collecting the fares. 10th Art Gallery Cheese & Wine Alyth Post Office Though I say it myself, it was somewhat opportune that I had just stuck a Pas- 14th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall St. Ninian’s Church call’s Fruit Bon Bon (fourpence hapnay/a quarter plus a ration coupon – nae 17th AGM, Town Hall Alyth Gala Committee cheap rubbish for me!!) into my mouth as the conductress approached and 20th A Musical ABC, Town Hall Alyth Musical Society asked where my mother was. I pointed towards the back. Strictly speaking this 21st Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall Alyth Bowling Club was not a lie as the bus was by now halfway to Guildtown! 22nd Harvest Thanksgiving Service Alyth Parish Church I also appear to have been born with the gift to create a stushie, and to walk 28th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall Alyth Scout Group away leaving others in it so to speak, since by now, Perth was in turmoil look- NOVEMBER ing for a four year old boy with fair hair, wearing a white shirt, tartan tie, kilt, 4th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall R. British Legion Alyth sporran and black patent leather shoes. That was to be my eventual downfall as 11th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall Blair Cottage Hosp.LofF I was too conspicuous. While I had evaded problems in Perth some smart ass bus inspector tele- 12th Remembrance Sunday Service Alyth Parish Church phoned to Blairgowrie to be on the lookout for a laddie fitting my description, 18th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall Enable since somebody thought they had seen me getting onto the bus. As we arrived 21st AGM - Burnside Inn, Mill Street Alyth Voice at the Wellmeadow I didn’t see the Bobby watching the disembarking passen- 23rd Scone Singers - Airlie St. Hall Alyth Par. Church Guild gers, but I did hear the cry of, “There he is!” as I did a runner for the Christi- 25th Coffee Morning - Airlie St. Hall Alyth & Dist. Pipe Band esons bus. Got nabbed, and this is how I came to be behind the Bar in Blair- 25th Charity Stalls - Airlie St. Hall Victorian Day - ADBA Police Station one sunny day in 1950. Two hours later the next bus arrived from Perth and so too did my anxious parents. I was quite happy though as not only had the Police filled my sporran with pennies to keep me - - - VOICE TEASER - - - quiet, we also managed to catch Christiesons last run to Kirriemuir at a quarter to six, so I got that penny as well! All in all an adventurous day for me and What is Dicht? probably why it stays vivid in my memory. Suppose this also goes to show just Answer to last months Teaser- What is Barkit? Dirty how determined I was to get to Alyth. To be continued next month...

ts nity Marke Commu nth of the Mo Strathmore & The Glens h Saturday 4t April PO Box 6621, Blairgowrie PH12 8YF from 22nd lmeadow owrie Wel Blairg E-mail-: [email protected] 0am –3pm 1


Don’t have access to email? Alyth Library is now offering FREE Your Letters access to the Internet for SURFING the WEB/sending EMAILS. Visit the library for more details...

improvements that the NCCC side managed to make over the course of the matches that we played this weekend, and I think that we can all be pleased with the fact that our level of play has advanced and incor- porated more elements of the game. After the tournament the Blair- Oliphants hosted all the players to a wonderful reception. The Provost of Perth spoke and we all enjoyed a great local brew, Ossian! And we also enjoyed the company of several Livermore Scottish Games com- mittee members, who were attending both this event and the previous weekend's Birnam Games - a little bit more of California here in Perthshire.” It has been a great weekend of shinty and we have enjoyed great hospitality here in . The scores of the matches do not reflect Email: [email protected] how hard our side played, and how much we were able to learn and San Mateo, California - September 11, 2006 incorporate into our game during the two days. We are all looking forward to the next opportunity to play at this level! CALIFORNIA SHINTY TEAM VISITS ALYTH AGAIN Bruce Norris

LAST YEAR the Alyth Hotel was fortunate to host the US (California) Shinty team for what was believed to be the first ever US team playing against a Scottish team. The team returned again this year for the second annual bout of matches. Club manager Michael Bentley provides a running commentary… “Hello to one and all in Alyth! It is a sunny Monday morning and I've managed to grab a few moments of Internet at a local computer shop. Just wanted to pass along a brief report on the NCCC's Scottish activities of the past few days. Saturday we played in at the 2nd Annual Levenhall Sixes Tournament. The weather was... um... Scottish - rain! First we faced the Aberdour side, a young team which has grown and im- proved immensely since we saw them last year, and their roster in- cludes several players for the Scotland Juniors side, a bit unfortunate for us. With some solid skills which produced great scoring opportuni- ties and some great shots from angles, Aberdour served us a 7-0 loss to start the tournament. In the second game, East Lothian managed a tightly contested victory over Aberdour 2-0, so we weren't looking forward the final match with EEL! It turned out to be a much 1949 (primary 4 or 5) more evenly contested affair than we might have feared. At the end of the first half we were down 1-0, but with only a single tally needed to Back row: ??(his mum kept the Springbank chippy), Johnny equalize, we were in the game. While we played hard and showed Symington, Mur Smith, Jim McKenna,Grant Hannan, Angus Fleming, some definite improvements over the earlier match, by full time EEL Billie Adamson, Gordon Buick, Ian Munro, Tammy Sidie had added two more goals, the final was 3-0. Afterward we enjoyed 3rd row: Catherine Nicol, Lillian Smith, ??, ??, Elenor Ramsay, ??, ??, Betty Mcnally some refreshments and lots of shinty talk at the local, The Levenhall nd Arms, and presentations were made, including a handmade caman 2 row: Helen Addison, Margaret Pennycook, Charlotte Lundy, from the NCCC's own Ron Blair, which has given to Edinburgh East Finella Farquarson, Joan Stewart, Alma Richmond Jean McCulloch, Lothian's Captain Jon Gerard on behalf of the club. Agnes Gray, Kate Sturrock An interesting note to pass along - MnE Television (who special- Front row: Willie Mann, Willie McKenzie, Douggie White, Jack izes in Gaelic language programming) came to the pitch and filmed a McClive bit of the first match, as part of a documentary on shinty which will be Email: [email protected] Ash Vale, Surrey – September 13th, 2006 broadcast on the eve of the Camanachd Cup. On Sunday we participated in the Blairgowrie Highland Games for FOUND YOUR website recently, thought this might be of interest. the second time, playing matches against Tayforth and Aberdour as With apologies to those I have forgotten or have the wrong name! part of a three team tournament. The day began with some rain, but by Jack McClive the time we were on the field and warming up, the weather was clear- ing. The shinty clubs marched in the opening ceremonies and then headed back to the pitch to begin play. The first match was between Alyth AFC are looking for a Webmaster! Aberdour and Tayforth, with Aberdour fielding a somewhat different ALYTH AFC have had a website linked to the side than they had on Saturday. In the end Tayforth played to a 4-2 Scottish Football Association site for a while now. victory, and both teams were subjected to an American referee (me), Unfortunately, we have not had time to keep it regularly updated. which must have been a first for them! Next up we played Aberdour Do we have anyone in the town who would be willing to keep our and fought to a 4-0 score, a bit of a "comeback" from Saturday's out- website updated? The club would provide regular news items/pics/ come. In the final match we played Tayforth and in the second half results. The structure of the site is in place - all that is needed is Bruce Norris scored the first goal of our trip, slamming the ball into someone who is keen to get experience of running a website. the net from the top of the D. The final score of 4-1 reflected the Anyone interested, please phone Sandy McCurdy on 632744

Ian Miller Local Councillor. SURGERY AT ALYTH TOWN HALL (Old Council Chambers) on 1st TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 7.00PM

OR CONTACT BY Tel: SNP OFF: 01250 876576 Home 01250 873304 P&K Council Tel: 01738 475018 Email: [email protected]

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Irvines Butcher Meat Personal service guaranteed Market Square, Alyth, Perthshire, PH11 8AA Dry Cleaning: Shoe Repair Tel : 01828 632309 Fax : 01828 632609 Credit/Debit card facility now available Pat McAuley

FREE HOME DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE Open Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm Telephone Orders Welcome Director Saturday 9am -5pm

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* Special Offer on Compost - Levingtons 75Kg * Garden Cottage, Bardmony House, * Buy 3 for £12.00 * Alyth PH11 8NY En ers LUNANS velop spap N es ew es otepa N azin Pen ds J. & M. KAY Mag s, Pe oys ncils Tel: 01828 633831 T & G ifts Mobile: 07712 732 909 Ladies & Gents Newsagents Hairdressers 8-10 Airlie Street 13 Airlie Street Alyth We offer all year round newspaper and THE ALYTH magazine delivery. Tel: 01828 632252 A great selection of cards TRADITIONAL for every occasion. FISH BAR David Scott Ltd A good selection of stationary, toys, Telephone Orders Welcome wrapping paper and gift bags. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 01828 632000 & MONUMENT AGENTS Also Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Fish Suppers £3.00 on Wednesday 7 Toutie Street Alyth for OAP’s Shop Open- 5.30 am - 5.30 pm Mon-Fri Open Tuesday Mornings 9 a.m.-11.45 a.m. 5.30 am - 4 pm Sat Monday – Thursday 4.30-9 pm Or by appointment 7.00 am - 1 pm Sun Friday 4.30-10 pm Our staff are happy to assist with all enquiries Telephone – 01828 632330 Saturday 4.30-10 pm A 24 hour service is maintained on Sunday 4.30- 8 pm 01828 633 433



59 Airlie Street, BEDS– from £69; 2 and 4 Drawer Divans; Metal and Pine Alyth Beds; Mattresses; Headboards; Pine Bedroom Furniture; Ex-Catalogue Suites; Tel: 01828 632097 Pine and Beech Look Bedroom Furniture; 19 High Street Blairgowrie Dining room Sets and all types of furniture and furnishings. Open Tues - Sat Tel: 01356 623006 Stock Changes Weekly

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Traditional Acupuncture in Blairgowrie GEO’s BAR MEG’S MINI MARKET GEO’s BAR 22Commercial Street & Acupuncture can help a variety of symptoms Alyth THISTLE LOUNGE and health problems Free 15 minute consultations available in Blairgowrie Tel: 01828 633143 AIRLIE STREET, ALYTH to discuss whether acupuncture may be helpful. Tel : 632276 Fax: 633939 OPEN: Mon Tues Thurs Fri - 9am to 4:30pm Email: [email protected] Practitioner is fully qualified and insured and is a member of the British Acupuncture Council. Sat - 9am to 5pm Lounge available for Wed – 9am to 1pm meetings Judith Bryden MA(Hons)LicAc.MBAcC. Contact Judith at 01250 876345 or *Winter Bedding Plants Now in Stock* FOOTBALL ‘LIVE’ on Digital & Five 07762 188418 (mobile)

4 2ND ALYTH BROWNIES THE 1ST HALF of 2006 has been a very busy year for us. The girls have all worked on several badges, enjoyed quiz nights, game nights and party nights. HOBBIES The younger girls, aged 7-8, have worked hard towards and gained their Brownie Holiday Badge, Home 19 Airlie Street Alyth Safety, Home Skills, and Hostess Badge. Tel: 01828 632565 The 8-9 year old group all worked extremely hard and have gained their Cook’s Badge and Speaker’s Badge. The older group, aged 9-10, have also worked really well and they have gained their Writer’s Badge, Pack

Holiday Advance, and Sports Badge.

I would say that the favourite badges gained so far this year, have been the Hostess Badge – the younger girls Closed Wednesdays were in their element serving refreshments and chatting to their guests. The middle group had great fun preparing prop: Muriel McNicoll lots of different food including fruit kebabs, ice-cream smoothies and cakes. The older girls enjoyed spending some time improving their tennis skills, and our thanks go to Alyth Bowling & Tennis Club for letting us use the tennis courts. Our Young Leader and 3 past Brownies, who are working towards Duke of Edinburgh Awards with us, planned activities for the World Culture Badge. The whole pack worked towards this badge, and we all enjoyed finding out about different cultures. We made flags relevant to different countries, sampled food from other coun- tries, and carried out dances and other activities from these countries, including games and quizzes. Well done to Jeraldine, Lindsey, Kirtsen and Rachael for all the hard work they put into this badge. We celebrated ‘Thinking Day’ by renewing our Brownie Promise at the Parish Church and then chilling out in front of a DVD with lunch at my house. Mrs Susan Marsh (Cert Ed) We held a successful Coffee Morning in May which gave our funds a great boost and helped to subsidise our Cherrybank, Lands of Loyal Pack Holiday. During the coffee morning, the girls entertained us with some camp fire songs, and then all the Tel: 01828 633501 girls were presented with a medal for all their hard work and effort over the last year. The ‘Tripney Trophy’ for ‘Brownie of the Year’ was presented to Eryn Sinclair, and the ‘Ian Fotheringham Trophy’ for the ‘Most Promis- ing Brownie’ was presented to Jennifer Boyers. Well done to all the girls. The Brownies joined us for an evening in June, where we had a mixture of quizzes, some more fun than others. We then enjoyed some cakes and juice and we finished with a good old sing song. A.A. ROGERROGER We set off to Pack Holiday on 23rd June for a weekend at Newbigging. Our theme for the weekend was ‘Winnie the Pooh’. All the guiders were named after characters from our theme e.g. I was Winnie the Pooh, Decorators Christina was Heffalump, Kimberley was Piglet, etc. The girls were divided into 3 groups and again each group 3 Bank Street, Alyth, PH11 8DB was named appropriately to our theme. All our crafts, quizzes and activities also revolved around our theme. The weekend was great fun, the weather was good, the food excellent and we did manage some sleep!! FOR INTERIOR DECORATING AND We currently have places available for new Brownies, so if you know any young ladies, aged between 7-10, EXTERIOR PAINTING, ALL TO THE who are looking to have some fun on a Tuesday night, you can contact me on telephone number 633589. HIGHEST STANDARD Sheena Fotheringham, Guider call 01828 632879 for free estimates BEAVERS AND BEER IN BAVARIA Glenfernate Fresh Meats THE FOURTH triennial European Beaver Symposium (and third Euro-American Beaver Congress) took place recently just outside the historic town of Freising in Bavaria. The setting for the meeting Enochdhu, Blairgowrie PH10 7PL was the Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences. Tel: 01250 881 215 Wondering about the proper title of this university, I visited its web site and found myself drawn Fax: 01250 881 780 Email: [email protected] into it, clicking here and there as interesting possibilities suggested themselves. One of these was a course in mathematical modelling for beginners. To make this attractive to students the module started with the subject of the excretion of alcohol from the human system. ‘How long would it take Beef, Lamb & Venison for the level of alcohol to drop in the systems of three students who had drunk different amounts, Direct from a Local Perthshire Farm through an evening, to the point where it would be legal for them to drive?’ Various bits of informa- delivered to your door Bred here and raised naturally with no intensive rearing, tion were given and the student could download some mathematical software to help with prediction hormones or additives. Properly hung, cut and prepared on and the making of the model. Considering that our symposium took place in the week before the the farm. Just good meat that is tender and full of flavour great Oktoberfest in Munich this seemed very suitable. with no fancy seasonings needed to give it taste. The venison is from our own wild deer from the same hills The buildings of the forestry department, where our lecture theatre was sited, were constructed of that the sheep and cattle graze. wood and glass, steel and concrete. The interiors were light. The halls and corridors were generously If you are not satisfied, we will replace or refund in full. proportioned and decorated with sculptures. The campus, its grounds and buildings were beautifully designed and laid out, the paths lined with upward branching oaks and hornbeam, while interesting BEEF PACK £35 LAMB PACK £30 3x 450g (lb) Steak Mince Leg of Lamb approx 1.5kg greenhouses gleamed in the sunlight of early autumn. Part of the Weihenstephan campus included, as 3x450g Diced Shoulder (3lb) seemed only right, the oldest continuously running brewery in the world, established in 1040 by 1kg Topside Rst 1kg (2lbs) Rolled Shoulder Benedictine monks. On our last day we visited various sites of interest to ecologists with a special 1kg Silverside Rst 450g Diced Shoulder leaning towards the beaver and finished the day with a visit to the monastery at Weltenburg on the 450g Braising Stk 4 Dble loin chops 230g Frying Stk 4 Leg Steaks banks of the Danube, still complete with monks and a brewery, and claiming also to be the oldest 450gStk Saus. 4 Noisettes brewery in the world. The monastery’s dark beer was truly delicious. 450g Lorne Saus. 1 Pack Lamb Burgers I learned a lot from the three days of the symposium. There were talks about the function of the 1 Pack Steak Burgers (1/4 pounders) ( 1/4lb) beaver’s tail, seasonal changes in the beaver’s diet, the evolution of monogamous mating in beavers. On the second day we heard about beavers and bats from a Polish contributor, a Canadian from Al- BBQ PACK £25 berta spoke to us about the part played by beavers in regulating wetlands in times of drought. A 2 Packs of Stk Burgers 1 Pack of Lamb Burgers 1 Pack of Venison Burg. 1 Pack of Pork & Apple Swedish contributor spoke about beaver dams and the fish fauna in forest streams. Later one of our Burg. Russian colleagues delivered a paper on the beaver pond’s role in the processes of self-purification 1 Pack of Stk Saus.450g 1 Pack Lamb Saus.450g. on a small river. A Czech spoke about his country’s plan for the management of their beaver popula- 1 Pack Venison Saus 450g 1 Pack Pork Saus. 450g 1 kg Frying Stks appx.6 450g Lamb Leg Stks tion and the Belgian eco-tourism entrepreneur, Olivier Rubbers, regaled us with his description of the appx.4 beaver’s part in Belgian ecotourism: the animal’s close association with the purity of water and the brewing of some of the best beers in the world. VENISON PACK £30 Joanna Bierla, a Polish PhD student gave a beautifully illustrated presentation about beaver sperm. 1 Haunch of Venison 1.5kg(3lbs) 2 Venison Stks. It seems that the beaver’s sperm is unusually variable for a mammal: there being only one other 3x450g Diced Ven. 3x450g Ven. Mince mammal (the Indian Bandicoot Bandicota indica) with similar variability and, like the beaver, known 450g Venison Saus. 1 pack Ven. Burgers for its faithful monogamy. Apparently, human sperm is much more uniform than that of the beaver, which suggests that our species is not the equal of the beaver in monogamy. Our speaker hadn’t sug- Plus free delivery in the local area gested this during her talk, but agreed that this could be the case when some of us discussed the mat- We deliver every Friday in the Blairgowrie/Alyth Area. ter later in the bus on our way back to our lodgings. For more information, for a price-list with all our cuts and produce, or to place an order, contact Ann, by telephone, We had a wonderful time in Freising, thanks to our hosts and their helpers and have come away, fax or email. having made new friends, consolidated older friendships, and full of excitement and more questions ‘Glenfernate Fresh Meats are licensed Game Dealers’ about the biology of our fellow mammal, the beaver. Paul Ramsay

5 THE ALYAN ‘You are not alone’ GREETINGS EARTHLINGS. What can one say about the continuing spell of good weather? The harvest is well in hand and there are a lot of satisfied Police Update looking farmers about. No doubt, they’ll find something to moan about. A bit like myself! BOGUS WORKERS ‘Jiminy Crivens and halp ma boab’, as Oor Wullie would say, it seems IT HAS recently come to our attention that Bogus Workmen that major crimes are going on in Alyth! A safecracking, no less, at the Alyth have been at large in the Alyth area. These individuals are an endemic blight Hotel! And here was me thinking this was such a pleasant, quiet, wee town on us all when they target our homes, as they are vultures who prey on the where nothing much ever happens! No doubt the local gendarmerie are hot more vulnerable people in our communities including the elderly. They do on the case. Which reminds me of various comments that I have heard since not care who they rip off and their activities need to be curtailed. Bogus PC Jack went to his great re-assignment. Not much to be seen of Constable workmen cold call and offer to carry out work in the garden such as cutting Stewart. We could do with some more localised presence. ‘Nuff said. down bushes, lopping trees, offering to clean moss from driveways and roofs I heard a member of the Alyth Gala Committee expressing their concern at with power washers, fix roof guttering and slates as well as tarring drive- the lack of interest in the AGM, which was due to be held on August 7th but ways. Those responsible are very plausible and gain your trust saying they has had to be postponed until October, due to insufficient attendance. Appar- can carry out the work to a `good standard` at `reduced rates`. A common ently this was despite an appeal in ‘The Voice’ for new members or inter- pretence being, they have tar left over from another job and they can do you ested residents to attend. The harsh reality is that 3 or 4 people cannot possi- a good deal. They are `cowboys` out to make a fast buck at your expense. bly organise and present an event of this size and significance, without more They always ask for money up front to purchase materials and they always people in the community taking part. The simple fact is Earthlings - that if want payment as soon as possible. Often they will agree a price with you and the Gala Committee cannot attract more people willing to take part, then once it comes to payment the price has dramatically increased and they dis- there will not be a Gala next year! Surely you can spare a little time or ex- appear. Those responsible use all types of vehicles, normally vans that are perience…so get yourself along to the Town Hall on Tuesday October 17th or themselves sometimes quite new. Vans may even have lettering on the sides contact any committee member or Councillor Ian Miller. advertising gardening work. They also issue cards and flyers purporting to be Nice to see the boys from the bridge ‘Parliament’ getting their picture in a bona fide company. If you, your family, friends or neighbours are aware or the last issue of the Voice and nice to know that people are sending them concerned about bogus workers/callers in your area, note down their descrip- postcards, and that the Postie is actually delivering them to the bridge. That’s tions, registration marks of vehicle used, any distinguishing lettering, marks, fantastic! ladders etc and keep any flyer they shove through your letterbox and contact Now a chuckle to finish with: A young city couple bought a smallholding Blairgowrie Police. They will fully investigate the incident and if a crime has near to Bridge of Cally. To live the ‘Good Life’ they went and bought chick- been committed and there is sufficient evidence, the perpetrator will be ens, ducks, a couple of sheep and a big 3-year-old sow. A little confused at charged with fraud. Lastly, I know people who have been targeted are em- how they could produce piglets, being former city dwellers, they asked a barrassed as they feel they have been `taken for a ride and ripped off` and farming neighbour as to how they could go about it. He informed them that don’t want to waste police time. All I can say is, do not feel embarrassed and he had a boar and if they brought the sow up the hill in the morning, he please contact police, as you are not wasting our time. Your information and would let the sow run with the boar until evening, then they could take the help will help us to reduce and eradicate the bogus callers/workmen. Make sow home. As they didn’t possess any transport, the farmer suggested that them the prey, not the law abiding. they place the sow in a wheelbarrow and wheel it up to run with the boar in FALL BACK the morning and at night they could wheel it back to their smallholding. ‘But With the evenings already drawing in, it is nearly that time of year again how will we know if it has worked? They asked. ‘Simple’ said the farmer. when the clocks go back. It is that time of year when we remind of the need ‘In the morning, if she’s eating grass, it hasn’t worked and you’ll need to to check on your house and garden security. Crime Prevention starts at the bring her back, however, if she’s rooting in the mud, then you’ll know that outermost boundary so it pays to check your fences, walls and gates are in it’s worked.’ The next morning, they loaded the sow into the wheelbarrow good order, if not, repair any damage. As far as possible, boundaries at the and pushed her up the hill to the boar and that night, they wheeled her back front of the property should be lower, about waist high. This discourages down. The next morning, peering through the window they could see the sow thieves because they cannot work without being seen. Also check security of munching grass. This went on for a whole week until one morning the man sheds and outhouses, and keep garden furniture and tools secure. Remember went to the window and loudly exclaimed ‘I don’t believe it!’ His wife that garden furniture can be used as a climbing aid to gain entry to your springing from her bed shouted excitedly ‘Is she rolling in the mud? It’s home. If upgrading or changing paths and driveways consider using gravel or about time.’‘No’ replied her husband dejectedly, ‘She’s sitting in the bloom- chips as an alternative to slabs or lock-blocks. If laid fairly deeply it will ing wheelbarrow!’ See you all next month. Enjoy this fine autumn weather. crunch underfoot and no thief wants to be heard walking up to your property. Lighting can enhance your garden, as well as acting as a deterrent. If you are ROY DAVIDSON of Tayside Fire and Rescue said “This is a fascinating installing decorative lights consider putting up floodlights, in conjunction time of year for children. Watching fireworks and bonfires can be great fun with passive infra red sensors, to light up the area if movement is detected. If for children and adults alike. But figures show that, more often than not, it’s you require any advice on security then please contact us. children rather than adults who get hurt by fireworks. Over the past 5 years Constable Mark Stewart over 350 pre-school children, some as young as 1 year old, were treated in Tel. Numbers: Emergency 999, Crime-stoppers 0800 555 111, hospital for firework injuries.” So don’t put your family at risk. Follow our Blairgowrie Police Station 01250 872 222 easy checklist for a safe home firework display. Before the display Sparklers • Only buy fireworks from a legitimate retailer • Inform neighbours • Unsuitable for children under five • Light one at a time • Hold spar- and be aware of their concerns • Check fireworks are British Std klers at arm’s length and wear gloves • Put used sparklers hot end BS7114 and suitable for garden size • Read the instructions in day- down into a bucket of sand or water light or with a torch • One person – clearly identified – should be Bonfires responsible for fireworks • Should be at least 18 metres (60ft) away from Things you will need on the night houses/trees/hedges/fences/sheds • Use domestic firelighters • Never • Torch for checking instructions • Bucket of water • Eye protection and use petrol, paraffin or other flammable liquids gloves • Bucket of soft earth to stick fireworks in • Suitable supports for Fire Safety Information for Kids: catherine wheels, proper launchers for rockets During the display Legal Awareness th • Don’t set off fireworks after midnight on 5 November (11pm other nights) • You must be over 18 to buy fireworks, except for caps, cracker • Don’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks • Light fireworks at arm's length snaps, novelty matches, party poppers, serpents & throw downs with a taper • Stand well back and keep others back • Never go back to a where the legal age of purchase is 16. firework after it has been lit. EVEN if it hasn’t gone off • Never put fire- • It is an offence to throw or set off fireworks in a street or public works in your pocket or throw them • Always supervise children • Store place-it is illegal for anyone under 18 to possess fireworks in public. fireworks in a metal box, kept closed between use • Keep pets indoors • It is an offence for people who aren't firework professionals to buy After the display and possess category 4 fireworks. These are only to be used at pub- • Wear strong gloves and use tongs to collect spent fireworks lic displays by firework professionals JOHN SWINNEY Your local Member of the for North Tayside is here to help you. You can contact John at 35 Perth Street, Blairgowrie, PH10 6DL Tel. 01250 876576 Fax. 01250 876991 email [email protected]

6 Classic • Mechanical • Electrical Classified • Panel Work Restorations • Ashframe repairs • Paintwork Pitnacree Street, Alyth Perthshire • Interior Trim Phone: 01828 633293 Mobile: 07885 316689 MUIR Fax: 01828 632529 Stewart MacDonald DRIVING SCHOOL

Dave Muir Electrical Contractor DSA Approved Driving Instructor

Pass Plus Registered Tel: 01828 632995

Intensive Courses Available Tel: 01250 870725 Mob: 07732-531767 8 Cambridge Street Jaguar XK140 Roadster Book Ten Lessons Only- Pay For Nine Alyth Fully restored by our expert team of committed craftsmen PH11 8AW Email : [email protected] R. D. Builders

Driving rk wo s . ne ns ion Etc Sto sio vat ng ten eno arli Made Ex R H easy For Free Estimates Tel: 01828 632231 or Contact Colin Sidley Mobile 07729924784 Home: 01828 633 017 19 Tay Road Alyth, Perthshire PH11 8EB Mobile: 07751072408 Text: ‘PRICE’ to my mobile number for information G CLARK Email: [email protected] PLASTERING & TILING Lessons available by the hour or in block Walls & floor tiling bookings Pass Plus Registered Harling Member of the Driving Instructors Association Coving Plastering AIRLIE GARAGE Dry Lining Ames taping ALYTH Wet Dash

Telephone: 01828 633363 NO JOB TOO SMALL Servicing, Mechanical &, MOT Repairs FREE QUOTES Welding & Steam Cleaning Specialised Dementia Care

Panel Beating, Spray Painting and TEL:01828 633970 in a Domestic Setting Restoration. . RESPITE CARE All Jobs Considered or 07821294678


Carpet Care All bedrooms en-suite: Beautiful Enclosed Gardens : Carpet, Upholstery and Leather Home Cooking & Baking with Choice of Menu: Cleaned and Protected Trained Staff to promote independence and choice. Free Estimates Tyres at competitive prices Winter Tyres Studded and Wheels Balanced Neil Stewart Breakdown Recovery and Car Transportation Service Call for a Free Quote: 01828 632771 or 01250 875216 Quality Used Cars For Sale Tel 01250 872349 Open 9 am ‘til late Balmoral Road, Rattray, Blairgowrie CHIROPODIST H.P.C. REGISTERED


HOME VISITS 4WD Specialist 01828 640229 Cars & Light Goods Vehicles Servicing and Repairs Bike & Car MOT Testing GRANGEMOUNT Tyres & Exhausts Bike & Car Oils CATTERY Aberbothrie, Alyth SPECIAL DIETS CATERED FOR INDIVIDUAL HEATED CHALETS Set in the quiet rural setting of beautiful Strathmore PERSONAL ATTENTION FROM THE OWNERS DENNIS & LIBBY MELLOY Tel: 01828 632284

7 TEDDY BEARS’ TRAIL ALYTH & DISTRICT BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, who sponsored the Teddy Bears’ Trail are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s competition as follows: - 1st prize of a large Teddy Bear Lorna Cairns, Barhead, Glasgow Consolation prize of a small Teddy Bear Andrew Cairns, Lochinblair Gardens, Blairgowrie

Thanks must be expressed to all who entered the competition and the Committee hope that all participants enjoyed the trail. It was in a different format this year, which was fun as well as educational for all. Many parents and grandparents were spotted assisting the entrants and we all learned something new. Michael Kay

ALYTH CHORAL UNION The Royal visit on Sunday THE CHRISTMAS Concert takes place in morning 1st October will be a very Alyth Parish Church on Sunday 10th December. Under the guidance of local man memorable occasion James Robertson as Musical Director and ~~~ Conductor, the programme is sure to delight both seasoned audiences and those new to PLEASE share your photos, choral music. Complete with Christmas favourites and a comments & anecdotes of the day in touch of the looming festivities, Alyth Cho- November’s special Voice edition. ral Union will be once again accompanied by Perthshire Brass conducted by Mr Whether it be an evening meal, lunch or a relaxing DEADLINE WELL BEFORE 21st OCTOBER George Annan. drink, enjoy our warm, friendly atmosphere. The varied programme will include some We also cater for small functions, private parties & buffets *Daily pensioners’ special SCOUTING REPORT well-known carols, as well as a short *Traditional Sunday roast ONE OF the major assets our Scout Group has, performance by the choir of Haydn’s St. *Families welcome is the adult support we receive. One way this Nicholas Mass. Full details of the concert Mon - Sat Lunch 12-2.30pm Dinner 5-9pm materialises is in the form of support for our will follow next month. Janey MacFarlane Sunday - 12.30-8.30pm fund raising events and the dedication shown by Alyth Road, Rattray members of our committee. Consequently it is a WHUT WULL THE GUID LORD Telephone: 01250 875502 pleasure to acknowledge the success of our Jum- DAE WI’ ME? ble Sale raising £760 for our funds. Under the by Dan Dewar chairmanship of Stewart Hendry with Pauline

ATTENTION LANDLORDS Adamson and Trish Wheatley taking on the role Ah sometimes winder: whin ah dee… of secretary, they planned and carried out the Does equipping your Whut wull the Guid Lord dae wi’ me? event with the rest of the committee. We, of properties take up too Ah like tae think ah tried ma best course rely heavily on other parents and helpers much of your time? but, wull that pass the Hindmaist Test? coming forward and where would we be without PL8 has selected ranges of Ah’m no sae shair, ah must confess… the Alyth public? So the net of adult support Wull He slup me Auld Nick’s address? Kitchen and furnishing widens and we are extremely grateful to all con-

packs for all types of cerned in whatever capacity they care to give. Ah shudder at the very thocht, property. Thank you. Kennin weel ‘His Bluid’ yince bocht All sections are back in action after the sum- Call or email PL8 Dundee Ltd anither chance tae dae whut’s richt, mer holidays. Yule organised a camp for the an’ shame Auld Clootie oot o’ sicht! on 01382 458 400 or 07706 137 466 Scout Troop at which involved

or [email protected] a Town Quiz in , a visit to the Natural But, whin life’s snod an’ trouble-free and Cultural Heritage Experience in Kinross, and Don’t complicate...Furnish with PL8 ah tend tae dwell ower much on Me, just to keep everyone busy a visit to Lochleven forgettin’ ithers, an’ neglectin’ Castle. Not exactly a life on the ocean wave, but the very things the Lord’s expectin’. the Scouts really enjoyed the wee 12 man ferry

which took 10 minutes to get there. Despite at- Yet, whin ah’m hit wi’ grief an’ pain tempts of bribery and corruption by the leaders, ah rin tae Faither, like a waen, the ferryman did return said party to the safety of expectin’ aye tae be forgiven – the mainland. Not having sufficient transport on whut must they think o’ me in Heaven? site, the older Scouts used public transport. Their October Silver Ball Saver nonchalance was somewhat dented when we 18 Holes on the Rannaleroch Course Ah shiver whin ah coont ma sins – reminded them to stand on the right side of the followed by a Soup & Sandwich Lunch in Heav’n they’ve noted every yin… road or they would end up in Stirling and if they Ach weel! if they send me tae Hell * £17 per person * missed the bus, not to worry – the next one was 2 ah’m shair, ah’ll no be there masel’! Please quote ref. av1006 when booking hours later! Being presented with these basic ~~~~~~ facts, they decided to listen a bit more carefully! In an attempt to put the “out” in Scouting, as CONGRATULATIONS DAN! Visitors Always Welcome!! nd part of a meeting the Scouts were at the War Dan Dewar won 2 prize at a recent Our restaurant is now open to 8pm Memorial studying land features which could be competition by Perth Museum and Art every night and meals are produced seen on the ground and also on the map. Norman Gallery. Entrants were asked to create in using the best fresh local ingredients. West’s group exclaimed “Site of Antiquity” and words and pictures, a vision of what they upon asking where, they pointed in a southerly thought was important and interesting about Reserve a table to avoid disappointment direction ‘Ron!’ Had the instigator of this ‘Perth – Past, Present & Future’. Councillor heinous crime been identified there might have Eleanor Howie, Vice Convenor of Lifelong been another name etched onto the Memorial!!! Learning, will present prizes on Saturday Telephone 01828 633322 th Ron Kirkpatrick 14 October at 1.30pm.

8 THE ORGANIC HUT Classified Charles A Davidson

South West Fullarton, Blacksmith, Welder and Fabricator Alyth Pet Shop Tel - 01828 640391 Gates and Rails made, erected and repaired 17 Airlie St, Alyth All fabrication and farm work undertaken Wednesday 1pm—6pm Tel: 01828 633555 Tel: 01828 632948 Friday 1pm—6pm OPEN: Mon Tues Thurs Fri - 9am to 4.30pm Saturday 10am—5pm Sat - 9am to 5pm Mobile: 07957-766546 Wed - 9am to 1pm

Half mile south of Meigle on Dundee Large Selection of Tropical Fish, Established 1975 Road. Follow signs Accessories and Foods MURRAY PENNYCOOK

Good selection of Dog Foods PLUMBING & HEATING

Visit us for a wide range of organic GAS, OIL & SOLID FUEL Tinned Foods for Dogs and Cats Clar-Innis, Meigle Road, Alyth

fruit and vegetables. Other organic Pet accessories Tel: 01828 632135 Mobile: 07850-733-481 goods include eggs, various teas, Oil –Gas –Solid Fuel oatmeal and chocolate. We also If not in stock we can order Corgi & SNIPEF Registered stock Ecover products, soaps and Rhones - Lead Work –Drains Free Estimates recycled paper goods. THE BURNSIDE INN 4/6 Mill Street Alyth Tel: 01828 633 356

***** All joinery work undertaken Beers, Wines, Spirits For more information contact Covered Smoking Area Derek Fairweather on Beer Garden Children welcome 07740 986 069 Baby changing facilities ROBERTSON’S DAIRY Parties catered for - golf, fishing, etc BALKEERIE Airlie Computers BY GLAMIS ***** Tel/fax 01307 840431 Simon Bogle FULL RANGE OF COMPUTER SERVICES FOR Suppliers of milk, cheese, butter, cream, eggs, HOME & SMALL BUSINESS USERS yoghurts, rolls, and many other dairy products to I&D Insurance Private Houses, Hotels, Restaurant, schools, Repairs - Maintenance - Upgrades - Networking Nursing Homes, etc. in Alyth, Blairgowrie, Services New & Used Computer Sales - Tuition - Web Design Coupar Angus, , Woodside, Meigle, Tel: 01828 632244 Mob: 07732y524139 We have secured special rates for and All PH, DD and KY postcodes

Extremely competitive premiums for both Ash Chimney Household and Private Car MURDO FRASER MSP

Quotes provided without obligation. Systems MID SCOTLAND & FIFE Going on holiday? Professional Chimney Sweep Let us arrange your travel insurance. For help and advice. Look for details of regular surgeries in the local Press, Prompt and reliable – Your local broker serving your local community a clean sweep guaranteed. or you can contact Murdo on 01738 553 990 16 Airlie Street Pots, Bird guards and Cowls fitted. to arrange a meeting; or write to him at- Alyth Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP; Call Simon on 01828 633000 or email him at - 01382 580245 or 07709-340575 Email: [email protected] [email protected] GEORGE W. RENNIE 2 St. Malcolm’s Wynd BIG GAV Kirriemuir BARONY VIEW GROUND Tel: 01575 573292 MAINTENANCE HAY STREET Mobile: 07711 818238 ALYTH

Repairs Spares & Servicing Washing Machines, Cookers, Tumble dryers & Vacuums. Cycle Repairs & Spares by Post For all the usual garden services including [email protected] gravelling, paving and fencing.

• Drystone Dyking It is now time to book your hedge • Stone Garden Features cutting • Stone Planters and Seating • Wall Repairs Winter bedding is now available for plant- • and Pointing • Patios, Paths and Decking ing and can be arranged for you • Roof Repairs and Guttering

Robert Miller Cherrybank Cottage, Tel Big Gav on 07739 833595 Leitfie Terrace, New Alyth, PH11 8NF

9 ALYTH PARISH CHRUCH GUILD Alyth Parish Church PUBLIC NOTICES MANY THANKS to all who helped, donated and FLOWER THANKS supported our Autumn Fayre on FESTIVAL I would like to take this opportunity to thank 16th September. ~~~ Strathmore, Glenisla and Alyth Golf Clubs, Ag- The total raised was £888. rico UK Ltd., local artist Brenda Reiss, Costcut- THANK YOU ter’s, Lunan’s, Scotmid, Dorward Butchers, to all who participated in Spar, David Sim, Dundee F.C., Dundee United ALYTH~in~BLOOM making the flower festival a wonderful F.C., Rangers F.C., Frank Baazmirowski, Tesco, Garden Trophy Presentation weekend, and great social occasion for and George Wilson for their fantastic gifts of Lesser Town Hall, Alyth the whole community to enjoy. raffle prizes to raise money for the Guide Dogs Donations amounted to £710 for the Blind. We raised £300. Since they rely on Sunday, 8th October 2006 and work is now underway to provide donations, it was great to be able to do this with 2.30pm ~ All Welcome new storage facilities in the lower hall. all of your help. Thanks again, Dot Appleby ALYTH PLAYGROUP ALYTH MUSICAL SOCIETY Play-Leader(s) Wanted presents THANKS No qualifications needed but Jimmy & Moira Ferguson would like to “A MUSICAL ABC” applicants must be enthusiastic and flexible. thank everyone most sincerely, for Experience of working with young children On Friday their good wishes, cards and gifts, th would be an advantage. This post is subject 20 October at 7.30pm to checks by Disclosure Scotland. received on the occasion of their in Alyth Town Hall For more details and an application form Golden Wedding. (Tickets £5 (unreserved) at the door or from members) contact Nihoma Macfarlane on ANNIE said to her friend ANNIE GET YOUR 01828 633655. ST. NINIAN’S COFFEE MORNING GUN and we’ll go on THE BANDWAGON th ‘cos ANYTHING GOES with THE ARCADI- October 14 ANS who are hoping to find ASPECTS OF MOTHERS & TODDLERS Do you enjoy a cuppy and a natter? If so, come Airlie Street Hall LOVE but BEAUTY AND THE BEAST say along & join our group. New members welcome. 10-12 noon BYE BYE BIRDIE so off they go to see We can be found in the Ogilvy Rooms, Commer- USUAL STALLS BLOOD BROTHERS at the CABARET where cial Street, on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays from D. Oldham, St. Ninian’s Church there is a CHORUS LINE playing CHESS on a 9.45-11.15am. Children welcome from birth to CAROUSEL in CAMELOT. pre-school. So come along & join us soon. Info? Call Kathleen (633266) ALYTH PLAYGROUP ALYTH & DISTRICT PIPE BAND is held within the Community Wing of Alyth Primary School. We are open Tuesday

Coffee Morning & Thursday 9.15-11.15am. Playgroup is Saturday 25 November 2006 open to all children aged 2-preschool Airlie Street Hall, Alyth 10am - 12 Noon (no need to be out of nappies). Usual Stalls - Raffle Call Kathleen on 633266 to enrol. All donations greatly appreciated Alyth Parish Church Contact: Jackie Macintyre on 01828 633369 Scottish Country Dance Group October Alyth Literary Society 5th Guide Hut, Airlie Place The 2006/2007 season of talks 12th Airlie Street Hall presented by the Alyth Literary Society, 19th Airlie Street Hall begins in the Ogilvy Rooms, Commercial Street, Alyth, at 7.30pm on 26th Airlie Street Hall (Live music by Jimmy Boal) COME ONE, COME ALL – 3rd October 2006 ‘Bothy Loons & Ploomen Chiels’ 7.30 - 9.30 pm NEW COMMUNITY SCOTTISH Jim Black, Burntisland For further information, please call COUNTRY DANCING Class in the Anne on 632971 or Moira on 632770 An illustrated talk on rural life as it was in YMCA, William Street, Blairgowrie rd Perthshire and Angus from a speaker whose 3 Sunday of each month forebears lived and worked in this area. Marilyn Galbally will be taking the class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alyth Springs A warm welcome will be extended to anyone and would like to encourage families, newcomers to the area, people living alone, wishing to join the Society or to attend is moving from Westfield to individual talks. visitors and “old hands” to come along for a Tillywhally House sociable afternoon of fun dancing. The class is ideal for those who are not keen to FESTIVE EVENING Kinross-shire venture out on a cold dark Winter’s night, to TH THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER from an evening class. It will cater for all ages & 6pm until 9pm 1st November 2006 stages & is an ideal weight loss exercise for A great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping those who find regimented exercise boring. plenty of gifts/crafts to buy including stall by and would like to take this opportunity Come along and enjoy the lively atmosphere Paula from House of Farnell to thank all customers for their support and sociability of our National Dance. Wine and Nibbles during the past few years, and hope to Enquiries to Marilyn Galbally £5.00 from Strathmore Golf Centre Tel: 633322 see them in the near future. 01250 874 667

10 THE ALYTH POST OFFICE GALLERY THE ALYTH sub-post office, already known for its wide range of beautiful and innovative greetings cards, including National Geographic, The Scot- tish National Trust, and Medici ranges, has now branched out further into original paintings and outstanding prints. The majority of the pictures are by Scottish artists of the 20thC and encompass works in various mediums – oils, watercolours, pastels and etchings. As sub-postmaster, I am an art lover and the idea of having a gallery in the Post Office came from wishing to share my interest in good quality art with the wider population. I am of the opinion that art can be of excellent quality, yet still be readily affordable. The first display is now on show. A wine and cheese afternoon/evening has been arranged for Tuesday 10 October from 3 to 7.30pm where the paintings on show can be discussed over a drink with local art lovers and enthu- siasts. The gallery development is one way of developing the post office in Alyth, as an important part of the local community, and ensuring its future survival. All are welcome and heartily invited to your post office. Bill Pidsley, Sub-Postmaster

ALYTH POST OFFICE Airlie Street Tel: 632301


GREETINGS CARDS National Geographic, The Scottish National Trust, Medici

NEW ART GALLERY Oils, watercolours, pastels, etchings ALYTH & DISTRICT PIPE BAND The Band’s first official engagement - Braemar Day in Blairgowrie on Saturday by Scottish artists 2nd September 2006. The band are wearing their new Black Stewart Kilts, sup- plied by Robert Nicoll of Perth. This was only possible due to hard work fund LOCHSIDE LODGE raising by band members and supporters, the generosity of the local community

and kind donations of £500 from both Scottish & Southern Energy, Perth, and J B & Roundhouse Restaurant

Corrie & Co Ltd, Fencing Contractors, Blairgowrie.

However, there is still a long way to go to raise enough funds to purchase Jack- ets and Capes and all the other necessary kit, the band still so desperately needs! Bridgend of Lintrathen, By Kirriemuir Jackie McIntyre, Secretary Tel: 01575 560340 Fax: 01575 560251 E-mail: [email protected] BARNARDO’S BOXES Alongside Lintrathen Loch, just 10 minutes from Alyth, Lochside Lodge THE BOXES of the ‘out of school’ Barnardo’s Group, which includes a few & Roundhouse Restaurant is an ideal venue whether for Lunch or boxes from Blairgowrie and Newtyle were opened recently. Along with money Dinner – our menus are modern and imaginative using the best of from well-supported ‘Helter Skelter’ type boxes, which were emptied in February Perthshire & Angus produce, beautifully created and presented. as well as this week, a total of almost £450 was realised. Lunch: 12noon to 1.30pm This money will go to help the most vulnerable children and young people Dinner: 6.30 to 8.30pm

transform their lives, and fulfil their potential. Barnardo’s helps these young peo- Closed Sunday evenings and all day Monday ple to overcome severe disadvantage by enabling them to address their various problems, and supports others while they tackle the challenges of disability. Many thanks to my friends who came along to help count the money (mainly 1p, 2p and 5p coins) from each individual box, and to the many loyal supporters of Barnardo’s, some of whom have been donating money to the charity for nearly 50 years. 4 Mill Street . Alyth . Blairgowrie . PH11 8BJ If anyone would like a box, or who has a box in their home from the time their Tel. 01828 633477 children were at school and would like to bring it back into use, please contact me ~ PICTURE FRAMING ~ on telephone number 632456. Dorothy Lothian TONY FLAVELL ‘FANCY DRESS’ VICTORIAN FUN DAY Watercolours . Oils . Prints . Photos . Certificates . Tapestries VICTORIAN FUN DAY, which will take place on Saturday the 25th November ~ G A L L E R Y ~ 2006, is a fun day that is sponsored by Alyth & District Business Association. On Original artworks, paintings & photographs (local artists) this day, Alyth business staff and proprietors will be working in ‘Fancy Dress’ Rosslyn Moran . Original art & children’s book illustrations from opening time till late. This is the same format as last year, come along and OPENING HOURS take photographs of all the participants. As part of Victorian Day, which has taken 1-6pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday &Sunday place over the previous nine years, and brought a great deal of fun and jollity to all that have been involved, there is a ‘Fancy Dress’ Costume Competition for busi- ness personnel, which will be judged during the day by the Alyth Citizen of the THE PROPERTY SHOP Year 2006, and the Young Citizen of the year 2006. The winner(s) will be pre- ALYTH sented with the Victorian Costume Shield and there will also be framed certifi- cates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. It is hoped that all businesses and business per- A & R Robertson & Black, W.S., sonnel will be taking part, and that there will be many locals in fancy dress to add 11 Airlie Street, Alyth, PH11 8AH to the fun of the day, including the helpers and assistants holding the Coffee Tel: 01828 632 116 Morning that day. Also any Charity or Charitable Organizations from Alyth and District are invited to have a stall with items for sale etc. in the Airlie Street Hall Email: [email protected]

between 1.00. p.m. and 4.30.p.m. Some of the charities that have taken part in FREE VALUATIONS the past on this fun day were Perthshire Brass Band, Alyth Scouts, Alyth Parish It’s knowledge of your local patch, Church, Alyth Christmas Lights, Pads, Cat Protection League, Alyth Voice, Help- which makes the difference! ing Hand Enable, Open Minds, Alzheimer and M.S. Therapy Centre, Representa- tives of the charities will also hopefully be in ‘Fancy Dress’. If you wish to have a BLAIRGOWRIE PROPERTY SHOP IS OPEN 7 DAYS! charity stall please contact Michael Kay on telephone 01828 632252/632690. There will be no charge for anyone/group as ADBA pay all rental costs. M. Kay Call Mel on 01828 632 116

11 ALYTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL ALYTH Y.M.C.A. BAZAAR 1921 ALYTH TOWN HALL was jumping to the music of the Morrison’s Continuation of the extensive second article in the Alyth Guardian Academy Swing Band on Friday 15th September. A good capacity regarding this event, published on 2nd September 1921. crowd clapped and stamped their feet through the tunes of the 40’s, CONCERTS AND AMUSEMENTS 50’s and 60’s, played with great youthful vigour by the band. The Business at the stalls was brisk right from the start, and the crowd Swing Band has delighted many Fifty Plus Club members over the diminished only slightly in the evening when heavy rain fell outside. last two or three years at the Fifty Plus Club’s New Year The auxiliary money-making agencies, or amusements as they were Party. The Alyth Club has always had a coach load of members advertised, were under the supervision of Mr D.B. Lawson, who was enjoying the fun and the music in Crieff, and many were in Friday’s ably assisted by Messrs Grey, A. Forsyth, G.S. Gellatly, and C.A. audience. The concert organised by Alyth Community Council was Lunan, &c. The nimble 3d had a fascination for most, and the hat opened by Chairman Jim Adam, introducing the Academy’s Direc- trimming, washing, and candle-lighting competitions were success- tor of Music, Howard Duthie, who went on to conduct the Swing ful diversions, while clock golf was very popular. In candle-lighting Band with huge enthusiastic activity. His friendly rapport with the James Low had first and Alice Coubrough second. On Friday A. youngsters was very evident. He presented the show with a warm Henderson trimmed the best hat and on Saturday the prizes went to humour that the audience loved. Harry Todd and John Ferguson. Harry Todd, also distinguished In addition to the Swing Band, the school Chamber Choir sang a himself in the washing competition, gaining first, with David Tasker gaelic song and two Songs of the Isles arranged by Michael Neaum. second. At the clock golf on Friday, W. Turnbull, Ruthven, and C.A. Then up beat pieces by Irving Berlin and Rossini, finishing with the Lunan were first equal, and on Saturday C.A. Lunan had first and showstopper, The Rhythm of Life, thus not only showing versatility G.S. Gellatly second. Besides other amusements there were numer- but musicality of a very high quality. ous guessing competitions on both days. Young Soprano, Emily Harrison, sang the traditional Scots song - The palmists, El Sitt Lateefah (with attendant in Egyptian dress) By Yon Castle Wa’ beautifully, and was followed by the String and Gipsy Lee, were decidedly popular, and a long queue waited to Orchestra, again up beat, playing Pamela Wedgewood’s Jazzin’ consult them in the seclusion of the gallery. About Suite. Tunes with names like Broken String Blues, Pink Lady Excellent concerts arranged by Miss Smart. St. John’s; Mr J.W. and Strawberry Flip. Another young artist Rachael Smart, played the Howe, and Mr A.B. Lunan, were held at intervals on both days and violin virtuoso piece, Manuel de Falla’s El Pano Maruno. proved immensely popular and successful. The artistes who gave A central moment in the concert came when the Corp of Drums their services were:- The Misses Keay, Milnacraig; Mrs. Ferguson, from the Academy’s Pipe Band, in full highland regalia, played Auchnacraig; Miss Heron, Hillview Cottage; Miss Smart; the selections from their repertoire. They nearly brought the house Misses Buick, Mornity; Miss Weightman, Miss Jean Howie, Miss down. Drum officiandos surely couldn’t fault the discipline and skill Tannahill, Broughty Ferry; Messrs A.B. Lunan, James Buick, with which they played their riffs and rhythms, their whole presenta- ; Charles Mitchell, P.L. Storrier, John McBain, George tion of the Drum Fanfare and Salute. Donald, Jack Ogilvie, Mr Donald, Dundee; Mr Gordon, Blairgow- Kim Donaldson stepped out from the Band to play on her clari- rie; and the Messrs Campbell and Burton Walker. The Alyth Silver net, the piece many in the audience would have heard on the BBC’s Band also gave assistance and under Mr John Walker’s conductor- Last Night at the Proms, played by the BBC’s Young Musician of ship rendered pleasing selections on both days. the Year. Mr Duthie’s joke that Kim’s version of the Prelude from The Boy Scouts, Wolf Cubs, and Girl Guides, all in uniform, Five Bagatelles by Gerald Finzi was better, was not too far from the proved useful messengers at the stalls, the latter also running the truth! parcelling and delivery stall. The penultimate act was by Fiona Stephen, yet another quality The drawings for the day announced shortly after nine o’clock soprano, who sang Show Me from My Fair Lady. amounted to £376 16s 6d* – a most gratifying result. The Swing Band closed the concert with rip-roaring versions of To be continued again next month! more swing tunes, Jumpin’ At The Woodside, Blues in the Night, *This total equates to £11,134.86 in today’s money! Killer Joe, and the audience participation one, Tequila. When the [source:] uproarious applause died down they had everyone stomping, clap- ping and singing to Rock Around the Clock. TOWN HALL FOYER REFURBISHMENT When Mr Adam proposed appreciation to ‘Mr Howard Duthie and the entire Music Department of Morrison’s Academy’ the ap- plause nearly did lift the roof off! A great night and two of the town’s charities will benefit greatly. REST AND BE THANKFUL

WALLA MOLLISON of the Town Hall Committee surveys the new display cabinet in the Town Hall foyer. The Napoleonic Bell will be housed here along with the replica bust and medals of Alfred Ander- The family of the late Alfred Anderson donated a bench to son. the town on Sunday 3rd September. On behalf of Alyth, The foyer and kitchen have been decorated with new lighting and Councillor Ian Miller accepted the bench, which is situated at cooker. A display of history relating to the building of the Town the corner of Kirk Brae/Bamff Road. A short dedication was Hall will adorn the wall opposite the main entrance, along with a given by the Revd Jack Campbell (associate minister of Alyth hand-painted Town crest (by Alan MacFarlane). A number of pho- Parish). Dennis Melloy and Jim O’Brien of the Alfred Ander- tos relating to the late 1800s will complete the story of Alyth around son Memorial Committee assisted the family in organising the time the Town Hall was built. Although one piece of essential the bench. For those of you who remember the peeling, un- history is missing...the ceremonial foundation stone which is docu- comfortable metal seat which donned this site before, this mented in the Alyth Guardian in 1887 - a plea to anyone with infor- mation of its location in the Town Hall, please contact the Voice. new wooden model is a delight to sit on, rest and be thankful.

Printed for Alyth Voice by Blair Copy Shop Copyright©alythvoice 2006