S CENE All the news for members of Hull Thursday Road Club www.htrc.co.uk

Killer Climbs


Spout Hill


Inside: All the racing news, rider

stories, and more. A Word from the Editor: Welcome to the latest edition of Scene. In this edition, now that the racing season has commenced, we cover the fantastic achievement of our own Jim Trevor, who recently broke the clubs 100 mile record. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to ride a 100 miles, let alone do so at an average speed of over 25 mph! We’ve got the usual features, such as the killer climbs series, featuring Trundlegate Hill, we’ve got tweet of the weeks, all the latest road race updates, and time trial supremo Neil Cleminshaw, taking on a whole different kind of threshold effort up in the French Alps.

Mark Walker Scene Editor

[email protected]



Jim Trevor, the ‘Hellenic Hawk’, annihilates the vets open TT record for ‘100’ miles taking 15 minutes from Gil Foston’s previous time and slices two minutes from Vic Smiths overall senior record which has stood for 39 years being set in 1976.

3:47:56 (26.3 mph average)

Jim recorded 3 hours, 47 minutes, 56 seconds, which relates to 26.3mph average for the 100 miles held on the roads to the South of Middlesbrough, on the course coded as T1002 by the CTT/RTTC. The previous vets’ record stood at 4:02:26, and the overall record 3:50:37. The event promoted by Stockton Wheelers will be the National ‘100’ championship next year, again using the T1002 course, which navigates from Cranthorne, climbing to Osmotherly before descending and turning at Dishforth to return past the high spot of Osmotherly to turn at Cranethorne for the second 50 mile lap, totalling 100 miles.

Jim Trevor in time-trialling action earlier this year.

Four hours of torture Speaking exclusively to HTRC website after the event Jim commented, “I’ve targeted this event all season and sacrificed short distance speed to be able to ride 4 hours at a good intensity. At times it seemed like gambling the whole season on a single event, but it has paid off. Those who have ridden ’100s’ know it is the hardest TT distance of all. You have to ride near to the rivet for 4 hours. It’s mentally and physically hard. You’ve all the normal things to consider and you have to feed and drink as well. At this intensity you don’t want to feed, but you have to force yourself or you just won’t have the power in the later stages of the event. Riding 100 miles solo at over 26mph average is painful. Yeh, just short of four hours of torture. All of your body hurts. Nowhere escapes the pain.”

Demolished it When the HTRC website editor asked Jim to comment on breaking the records he commented, “My feelings are two-fold on the records. Vic Smith recorded 3hrs 50mins on a 1970s 10 speed road bike with toe straps and no aero kit. Vic Smith is a legend, probably the best senior TT rider ever to wear HTRC colours. My new record set with aero kit, cycle computers as well as modern gels and drinks is difficult to be seen as the same as his. But my time it is the fastest ever so I’ll take it. On the other hand Gil’s record was set in the modern era with decent kit, aero equipment and modern food and drinks. I knew when I turned a vet I could beat Gil’s record if I set my mind to it. This season I did set my mind on it and I did not only beat it, I demolished it, taking 15 minutes from it. That’s a massive chunk. It feels good, real good.”

The real test When questioned on the BBAR, Jim commented, “We’re off to a good start with a 1:54 ‘50’ and 3:47 for ‘100’. But the real test for the BBAR will be the ‘12’ (hour). I’m going to try the Swift ‘12’ near Pocklington. I’ve lined up 80s local BBAR legend Andy Fisher as well as my daughter to assist with feeding and mechanical support. Fingers crossed for some reasonable weather.”

Congratulations to Jim from the Hull Thursday Road Club committee and all the club’s members.


The Best of Social Media Involving HTRC

Here at Scene we like to keep things light-hearted. So here’s our pick of tweets of the past few weeks.

Matt Johnson proves he’s not only good at posing for the camera, but he can go uphill fast too. Here he is smiling after dominating the clubs hill climb atop Spout Hill.

It’s July time again, so Hull Thursday were back in full force promoting the hugely successful Beverley Elite Cycle Series, led by club members Andy Cawley & Martin Cockerill. 2015 proved to be a great event more.

If its circuit race time, then that means it’s also BIG G weekend. These hardened warriors took on the classic route and seemed to enjoy themselves.

The Hull Thursday Racing Team where in action at the Blyton Circuit Race in August, where Dan Posnett took another win, with Josh Ravn taking a solid 9th overall. Matt Johnson couldn’t resist a pose however.



Facts: One of the tougher climbs in the area for its topography, Trundlegate is a brute. Perhaps not the Distance: - 1.6km steepest or the longest in the region, but go up here on a windy day and you will in fact trundle up it. Average gradient – 5% Despite starting flat, you soon see the enormity of the task ahead. Past the national speed limit sign, the road Maximum gradient – 11% ramps up to its steepest section, around 11%. It then Height gain – 88 metres kicks right with nothing but sky and the road ahead in view. After toiling with the gradient for a while, the HTRC Category – 1st road eases after yet another right hander before

Killer Climb Ranking - #6 levelling to a mere 2% to the top – where the views are breath-taking. A good time is around 5 minutes.

Neil Cleminshaw’s 22001155 TToouurr DDee FFrraannccee TTrriipp wwiitthh aallppiinneeccaaddeennccee

I was lucky enough to get booked onto a wonderful TDF trip for July 2015, the third cycling Holiday I’ve been on now with cycle tour company alpinecadence.

Our Guide John Thomas is a Ski Instructor by Winter and a Cycling Tour Guide by Summer, his sportive performances are exemplary and getting better with each season; in fact he placed 91st Overall in the 2015 etape with a time of 5:39:46, which to put that into perspective, from 15,000 entrants and 10,000 finishers means he’s bl@@dy good! John has a great personality, extremely knowledgeable having lived and worked in the area for several years, he is supported by Tour Van Driver and fellow Les Arcs Ski Instructor Martin Rowe, Martin also has a great sense of humour, a cycling enthusiast and is also a keen photographer, so there’s always plenty of great snaps taken whilst on tour. Additionally John drafted in Nick McLoughlin as an additional rider to ensure our group had more support and options available during the week.

This trip had everything for the keen cyclist and TDF enthusiast, riding in the Alpes in fantastic weather, covering many km’s the pros were riding that same day, with the added bonus of

watching the race live from several points whilst the Tour hit the Maurienne valley region – I ask you, what’s not to like?

The trip had an option of including the etape du tour, then a recovery ride before the TDF week, this time I opted for the shorter version, which still included 5 epic days riding in probably the best region imho for road riding in the world.

Day 1 Alberville to Allevard - Tuesday 21st July 2015

This was a nice start to the day for me, the other riders having toiled in the 38 degree heat of the Sunday’s etape from Saint Jean de Maurienne to La Toussuire (which would be Stage 19 of the TDF) and had a recovery ride on the Monday. I was relatively fresh in comparison; two groups were selected departing at 8am and 8:30am, with me in the 2nd group.

Lovely descent to ease us in down to Marmaudy with a nice flat road, we soon had the first 13 miles cracked off and then we were at the foot of the HC Giant Col de la Madeleine, feeling good I got into a great rhythm and soon recalled the sensations of climbing for over an hour and a half, taking in the spectacular views, the awesome scale and beauty of the Alpes – we caught up with some group 1 riders as we ascended, and all regrouped for lunch at the café at the summit, which offered welcome refreshments and spectacular views.

The second part of the ride firstly gave the rapid 12 mile descent down to La Chambre, another renaissance for me, greatly enjoying alpine descending, extremely addictive; the more you do, the more you crave! We regrouped at La Chambre (which would be our hotel stop later in the tour). Then we pressed on to Epierre in the afternoon heat, which kept cranking up to make the next climb, a 7.6mile Cat 1 named the Col du Grand Cucheron. With one HC climb in the legs and the rising temperatures up to 38

degrees C, my performance started to fade a little nearing the last mile of the climb. However John and James (my American climbing comrade) stayed together for most of the climb, with John pressing on, James following and me third to the top. Replenished bottles from the van and we were soon off again with a 2nd group forming to be led by Nick.

Another good descent was followed by rolling roads and freshly gritted lanes to our overnight stop in the picturesque Allevard. A great meal that night and free wifi enabled the upload of pics and stats for the day.

76 miles and 9,000ft of climbing.

Day 2 Allevard to Alpe d’huez - Wednesday 22nd July 2015

The 2nd day of our trip was to take us towards Grenoble, then climb up out of the valley from Domene over a 2nd Category climb of the Montee de Revel and over some rolling roads to

have an early stop at Saint-Martin-d’Uriage (Through which took the Yellow Jersey from in the Stage 20 TT to seal the 2011 TDF victory with an impressive TT performance, only 7 seconds behind Stage winner ). After a pleasant stop in the village square, with bottles again replenished, we descended down to the main Valley road, destination Le Bourg-d’Oisans, which is nestled at the foot of the Cycling Mecca that is Alpe d’Huez.

John and I had forged ahead on the gently rolling valley roads and arrived at Bourg with time to get an ice-cold coke whilst the rest of the tour group joined us. After a stop we were soon headed to the official Chrono start of this legendary HC climb. I took the opportunity to refill my bottles again and ensure I had a couple of energy Gels for the climb, not wanting to do a Froome al-la Stage 18 of the TDF 2013!

Then it was all systems Go, and bearing in mind this was Wednesday and the TDF wasn’t

scheduled to arrive until Saturday, it was already getting busy up the Alpe! I saw ‘Thomas’ Corner, with the Welsh flag resplendent upon the rock face, got cheered on by many fans from all nationalities on my ascent – on Dutch Corner where the beer drinking had already commenced, a welcome hose pipe handling Dutchman offered some temporary cooling relief as I toiled up the famed mountain.

I was climbing pretty well, but realised from my average climbing speed that my previous ascent time of 56:38 to the 7.4 mile “Vieil Alpe” @ 7.9mph average back in 2012 would be safe. In 2012 I attacked it with fresh legs, first thing in the morning after a gentle descent from an overnight stop at les Deux Alpes. Due to the excessive heat (peak 45 Celsius, average 39!) and cumulative effect from my day’s efforts this ascent took 1:02:45 to the same point @7.1mph average. Pressing on to the official Chrono finish point with 1:08:04 @7.6mph (Three days later won Stage 20, finishing it off with an extremely impressive

ascent time of 42:09 @12.3mph average and another Strava KOM for his collection!). Pinot had a more palatable 26 Celsius, but even accounting for that, I somehow think I wouldn’t have been anywhere near his Stella performance!

I still managed to climb the Alpe for a second time with no other cyclist passing me, which is quite a satisfying achievement, conversely catching and passing others I found extremely motivating, as was the encouragement from fans who had staked their claim on a viewing spot well in advance of TDF Stage 20, what a great experience. The added benefit of having a nice cold beer and watching the last 37km of Stage 17 on TV with Team Giant Alpecin’s bearded Simon Gescke taking the honours, another fantastic day.

67.7 miles covered today with 7,818ft of climbing.

Day 3 Alpe d’huez to La Chambre - Thursday 23rd July 2015

Today we awoke to a fresher morning with the overnight thunderstorms having cleared the air, however the sun was still shining and it was market day in the town. I’d pity anyone going for a good time up the Alpe and having to weave their way through a bustling market!

We were above the cloud base which was clinging to the bowl over Bourg, we descended a little down to join the balcony road after Bend No.5, the spectacular views unfortunately hidden from our sight due to the thick cloud (I recall glimpses of the Alpe snaking its way up the mountain from a previous trip). Our route today then got underway with a long descent to Allemont, where the reflection on the reservoir was like a mirror reflecting the church and village across the opposite side, Beautiful. Our next challenge was to climb the epic D526 climb past the Lac de Grand’Maison with its imposing Dam. I had good climbing legs today and soon

found myself forging well ahead, this climb is in 2 parts with a brief zig-zagging descent before hitting a ‘brick-wall’ of a gradient to scale upwards toward the Dam. The views see the Dam wall emerge, massive ahead and to the right, then before you know it your half, then level with the top of it, then forging on above it! Unfortunately as I got nearer the other end of the Lac I was stopped by the Gendarmes! It was a road closed, proceed on foot scenario, and there’s no arguing with an armed Gendarme! Compliant I walked my bike until out of sight, then back on until the process was repeated with the next Officer! This continued until I reached the junction of the , where I could press straight ahead through the barriers and throng of Tour Supporters and on to the café at the summit of the Croix du Fer, with a nice cold coke and ham and cheese sandwich was my prize!

After lunch I dropped down to the Glandon junction again and found the remainder of the

group, they also were understandably hungry, so back to the Café I went with them.

We headed down the other side of the Croix de Fer and on to Saint Jean de Maurienne where the end of the stage would be that afternoon.

John found us a great Café Bar, and a seemingly endless Set Menu for the maeger sum of 14 euro’s! We were in good company because on the next table was Mrs resplendent in a white Movistar Gilet Official TDF Pass and their little girl on her lap!

We were able to watch stage 18 progress and see AG2R’s hold off the chasers to fly up the Lacets de Montvernier and down the Chaussy and crack a marvellous stage victory. We were well positioned as the official finish line was just around the corner, and all the riders individually filtered up past us to meet their team busses. I was right in front of whilst Sky News interviewed him and got some great photos. It was Tour supporters paradise, with Froome’s bike being

wheeled by a member of Team Sky, Contador, Valverde, Nibali, Pinot, Majka, Yates, Porte, Voeckler all emerging one after the other. The Team Cars trying to get through the mayhem, it was great.

Then it was just a 6.4 mile ride to La Chambre for our Final Hotel of the tour, selected due to its proximity for the final TDF alpine action.

62.4 miles covered today with 6,500ft of climbing.

Day 4 Lacets de Montvernier + Col du Chaussy, Maurienne valley loop, Saint Jean de Maurienne to the TDF Depart, then back to LA Chambre. - Friday 24th July 2015

Beautiful day for cruising around and watching the TDF! First had a 6 mile Cat 1 climb starting with the outstanding Lacets de Montvernier (as featured at the end of the previous days TDF Stage, with Roman Bardet AG2R cresting the climb with enough lead intact to descend the

foot of the Chaussy and take a well-earned stage victory in Saint Jean de Maurienne). At the top of the Lacets a left turn joins you onto the Col du Chaussy as utilised in the etape, this combination of the climb has some steep sections at circa 16% and averages 8% to ascend 2,438ft in 6 miles. As the tour stage headed over here later in the day all the barriers and staging was taking place at the summit, it adds to the interest and excitement of riding the same roads that the peleton will scale only hours later.

A regroup at the top had us then descend to intercept the lower slopes of the Madeleine and back to La Chambre. We opted for a nice ride up the Maurienne valley, taking in the Skoda sprint point and acquiring some freebies on offer there. Then on to cross to the other side of the valley and south, some opted to return to the Hotel as the peleton was due to ride right past later in the day. Four of us opted to press onto the Start town.

Glad we did as Saint Jean de Maurienne was absolutely buzzing, with time to explore we found all the team busses and saw riders going about their pre-race rituals; Nibali and team Astana all warming up on turbos, looking cool and relaxed, signing Autographs and getting his bike ready, many riders were having media interviews, and taking it in turns to go and sign on – the atmosphere was fantastic.

Then we managed to get to the other side of town and picked a great spot to see the whole peleton roll out, with managing to appear from a side street and having to ride toward the peleton and make a hasty u-turn to join his fellow riders!

Once we saw them off, we followed and then as we could see the whole caravan zig-zagging up the lower bends of the chaussy, we gunned it back to La Chambre, in good time to get a place for their arrival.

The 3rd chance to spectate of the day was a brief 1.3 mile ride around to a roundabout, which would see the peleton head off towards the Col du Glandon. Then back to the hotel in La Chambre to watch the stage progress, a sterling performance by defending champion in 4:22 raised a few eyebrows with the tour group as that was the etape stage they had all suffered over the previous Sunday.

58.7 miles covered today with 5,500ft of climbing.

Day 5 - descend the Glandon, Lacets de Montvernier - Saturday 25th July 2015

Another fantastic Day to be out on the bike, first we toiled up the Col de la Croix de Fer all the way to the Iron Cross at the summit, this time from the Saint Jean de Maurienne side, what an epic HC climb this is, it has wonderful variation from Tree lined slopes, to tunnels picturesque

alpine villages and stunning vista’s. We had the added excitement of TDF fans lining the route and cheering us on as we ascended. James my American friend shared the workload and probably pulled more out of each other up this climb. John caught up with us after Entraigues where the grade eased and the pace lifted however we were still only at 4,200ft and had to progress to nion 6,700ft to crest the summit. We all three pushed on and the Gendarmes had barriered the road, but were allowing cyclists to continue (thankfully and rightly so!). The climb was truly beautiful and really enjoyable (if you like this terrain, and I love it). As we neared the summit the KOM livery came into view, with John doing Froome (elbows out) and Contador (bobbing out of the saddle) impressions as the line approached. We managed 1:50:07 for the 17.7 mile ascent 5% average grade, that’s 4,809ft of vertical ascent at an average speed of 9.7mph. We were pretty pleased with that. Later Strava would reveal that Thibaut Pinot had bagged yet another Strava KOM and

clocked 1:08:20 @ 15.6mph average on the same climb – incredible!

James and I managed to find Dustin who had set off in an earlier group and we waited for Miriam to join us before descending the sinuous Col du Glandon (neautralised in the Marmotte sportive due to being perilous). This is the second time I’ve descended it, so knew what it was about, again most enjoyable 

After another regroup at the foot of the descent, we couldn’t resist another ascent of the incredible Lacets de Montvernier, and why not? Then a quick descent of the Chaussy saw me overtake a silver , much to the annoyance of the driver and fly down to Saint Jean de Maurienne. This gave us an opportunity for a spot of lunch, then get to the South West of the Town to see the breakaway group followed by the peleton on their way to climb the Croix de Fer in pursuit of Alpe d’huez. Back to a café bar in the town for us to see them ascend to the summit, with fireworks happening

for the GC battle with Movistar’s getting a gap and then alarmingly being joined by Columbian teammate Nairo Quintana. Even Nibali had a dig before the crest, but left it a little late to make anything stick. Fortunately the panic didn’t set in for and thankfully he was reunited by two teammates as the GC skirmish was neutralised on the descent.

The brief ride back to La Chambre saw John and I doing huge powerful turns into a very stiff breeze, what awaited us was a well-earned ice- cold beer (or two) in the packed hotel bar and the amazing spectacle of Alpe d’huez on the TV screen. The home grown stage winner in Thibaut Pinot proved immensely popular accompanied by a huge round of applause, so we all joined in – what a great day, Vive le Tour!

58.8 miles covered today with 7,9010ft of climbing.

Neil Cleminshaw



Once more the Hull Thursday Racing team headed south of the Humber for the 9th Blyton circuit race on Wednesday 12th August. We had a strong team present, with recent 3rd cat Josh Ravn, Matt Johnson, Neil Dean, myself (Mark Walker) & Dan Posnett.


Beautiful sunshine presented itself to us on the start line at 7.30pm. As the event was

handicapped, first off were the 4th and 3rd cat's over 50's containing Neil & Matt. Mine & Josh's group, which contained just 10 or so 3rd cat riders, were next and had around a minute deficit on the previous group but with around 2 minutes advantage on the scratch group containing Danny.

Having ridden the 7th edition a few weeks earlier I'd anticipated a fairly easy pace to begin with, so I was somewhat shocked at the initial pace as within a few hundred metres I was gapped, requiring something of a sprint to get back on. The group wasn't working particularly well it must be said with just a few riders taking turns but the pace was high nonetheless. I managed a couple of stints on the front, but I wasn't too keen to repeat my efforts from the previous event where it was an inevitability that we'd be caught, and time on the front was a bit of a waste. That was the mind-set I had for the night, but I should have perhaps guessed that with the faster pace of tonight's group, that the inevitability of getting caught was anything but inevitable.

We soon caught group 1, but despite this I wasn't feeling particularly strong. My recent good form seem to have deserted me and whereas in previous races the pedals felt light and easy to spin, tonight they felt like blocks of lead with any gear feeling one too many. The wind had something of an effect as it was pure crosswind for a lot of the course meaning shelter was at a premium.

In the group behind they were a little bit all over the place by all accounts, with individual riders attacking perhaps in a bid to bridge solo to us up front. It got worse when two riders collided and a crash ensued. As far as I'm aware nothing was damaged other than pride but it hardly did the group any favours in their pursuit of us.

Suddenly, with the sun setting in the distance, we'd hit the time limit and the laps were now counting down with just 3 to go. We were still out front but now only just. The attacks came by the time we hit the 2 to go sign with Matt hovering over the back wheel of one particular rider. When he eased up, Matt countered and gradually gained an advantage. The guy on the

front of our group was getting no help in his chase of Matt, and having been on the front almost all race was now tiring. Matt pressed on and by the bell lap he was still away with a good lead. Could he hold it to the line?

As we headed out of the first few corners the scratch group had caught us and Danny was now itching to make his move, repeating 'I wanna go, I wanna go'. We all were, as both me and Josh had felt that we had enough in the tank to go for a long one. However we were loyal enough to Matt not to bother whilst he was away, and onto the back straight he still had a 100 metre gap. Unfortunately, with an impending sprint about to start, the pace was ramped up considerably and Matts advantage diminished and then evaporated completely. However this was the time to pounce. Danny was 2nd in the group, I was 3rd and Josh 4th. As soon as Matt was caught Danny wasted no time in attacking. His initial acceleration gained little, but as soon as the turbo kicked in he was off. Game over surely.

Coming up to the last corner I was swamped left right and centre with nowhere to go. I don't like sprinting and banging elbows at the best of times, but tonight seemed particularly fraught. Josh had done well to get in the mix but would the bunch catch Danny? It was close, but looking through the riders I could see a celebratory punch in the air from Danny clearly showing he'd made it ahead in 1st. Josh did well to get 9th with myself 18th, unable to make any ground once an opening presented itself on the outside of the pack. Neil was around 25th with Matt a little further behind, perhaps a bit crestfallen after his magnificent effort.

But the accolades went once more to Danny who's proving something of a dominator of the Blyton circuit. 2 out of 2 for him and up to a total of 92 BC points for the year. He'll be back for the final edition in the Blyton series a week on Wednesday I'm sure, where he'll be looking to make it a hat trick of wins.

Mark Walker HTRC RR Secretary



 Danny Posnett preceded his Blyton win in August with his 1st victory in the series in July with a last lap solo attack. Josh Ravn took second and gained his 3rd cat in the process : http://htrc.co.uk/2015/08/04/blyton- circuit -race-htrc-dominate/

 The 2015 TT Season is drawing to a close and its tight at the top. The standings after the Weedly TT can be found here: http://htrc.co.uk/2015/09/01/tt-series-14- weedley -epilogue/

 HTRC Racing Team Member Neil Dean carries on flying the flag for Hull Thursday in the vets races. His latest race report sounded like a tough event: http://htr c.co.uk/2015/07/13/condor-buckstone- flanders-rr/  Hull Thursdays premier racing team now has amassed 137 British Cycling points, keeping us in the top 10,

with 9th place in the Yorkshire Club Rankings. LATEST RANKINGS Road Racing: Danny Posnett’s form continues to improve, and along with it are coming some fantastic results. He leads the BC rankings unsurprisingly 1. Danny Posnett 98 points 2. Graham Morgan 32 points 3. Josh Ravn 18 points 4. Will Thomas 18 points 5. Mark Walker 6 points 6. Jim Trevor 2 points 7. Matt Johnson 1 point

HTRC Regional Club Ranking: 9th (137 points*) * Regional club points only come from races where points are scored within that region.

Time Trialling: Steve Guymer has reclaimed the lead of the senior category in the HTRC TT Series from Will Thomas with a 24 point lead over the long- time leader. Will it stay this way to the end of the series?

Danny Posnett is well ahead in the lead of the standard road bike category, with a 59 point lead over Mark McKeown.

One constant is in the veteran’s category where Neil Cleminshaw still leads, but has seen his margin reduced since the last Scene from 59 to 20 points over Richard Dean. Amanda Dean has since taken over at the top of the ladies and juveniles category and looks set to win.


Time Trial Series

 Saturday - 19/09/15 10 Club Bubwith Circuit 1.00pm – followed by prize presentation

Open Events

 HTRC ‘25’ – TODAY 12/09/2015 from 12pm (Marshals may be required, please contact Rich Guymer on [email protected] if you can help on the day)

Special Events

 Downhill Competition Date TBC (believed to be one Saturday in October)

 Annual Club Dinner – Friday 27th November Organiser Rachel Codd Full details to be made available shortly