27 ALBEMARLE STREET I MAYFAIR I W1 High Quality Refurbished Office Space To Let 1,339/1,780/2,180 – 5,299 sq ft - Available Location The building is prominently located on the western side of the street, close to its junction with Grafton Street which links well known retail high streets Old and New Bond Street and Dover Street. Green Park and Piccadilly Underground stations are close by. Description The accommodation forms the entirety of the 4th , 5 th & 6 th floors and are undergoing a comprehensive refurbishment to provide highly specified Grade A accommodation. The buildings common areas and entrance lobby are also undergoing refurbishment. Accommodation & OutgoiOutgoingsngsngsngs Floor Area (sq ft) Area (sq m) Rent (psf) Rates (est) SC (psf) Status 6th 1,339 124 £8 5.0 0 5th 1,780 165 £90. 00 £24.00 c.£11.00 Available March 2017. 4th 2,180 *** 203 £90. 00 Total 5,299 492 - * To be measured Amenities/SpeAmenities/Specificationcification * Plasterboard ceilings * New comfort cooling units * Juliette Balconies (4th & 5 th floors) * Passenger lift * Demised WCs * Refurbished double height entrance hall * Recessed LED lighting * Demised Shower *Raised floor (6 th floor) * Under floor trunking Lease A new lease direct from the Landlord is available for a term by arrangement. EPC Rating TBC. Floor planplanssss 4th Floor 5th Floor 6th Floor Viewing sss Strictly by appointment through joint sole letting agents: Edward Charles & Partners / Levy LLP Ian Bradshaw Sean Cunningham Simon Tann Samantha Jones
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 020 7009 2314 020 7009 2310 020 7747 0141 020 7747 0140 www.edwardcharles.co.uk www.levyllp.co.uk No responsibility is taken for any error, omission or mis -stat ement in these particulars which do not constitute an offer or a contract No representation or warranty is made or given during negotiations, in particulars, or elsewhere and applicants should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all information furnished to them .