IPDC Finance Limited Financial statements (Un-audited) as at and for the quarter ended 31 March 2017 IPOC Fln.nc. untt d B.LM Shit (UHudn d) 31llrE!29!Z !l-Aeee!rl:!1! rn h4d (ircrudin! to6rln @4je.) 205,000 g.la@ gank $ln B3nol6d6.n and iE .est b.nt(B) (irdiring toBron @ftft:iB) 2?6.125.597 u;\aaa,a4 x83a6.697 aab@ rdh otlEr b€.l3 end fnqi.l iN0lljllm 1,7f0_151,46A 1.632.372.469 1,77o.i6l,aac t 3t2.372ra69 d.y n 6 .nd .hdl noUc. ldG,.d€rcs.nd l..G q€dit LeB,6h , ovardEtts, eic 23,469.439,036 23,3Bt.at9,Ota 11,aa0.6r5.090 Flx.d.s.6& hctldtng t.nd, bo dtn!, fumttur..nd fiiurc N,o. llnan.l.t h.ttritoEt.$6 3,752,a05 2r.r84.348.521 22.578.949.615 U.b ftL! .nd .h.nhdir.r equiy Borelngs lrff olhd banK, fnsci.t iNttuiton. dd agent3 2,O24 412,623 DeF6.1s aid othd @unts 20,755,i52,699 1,562,763.75A 1t81,1e€_639 2494.320.030 i 9.aot 3a!.936 12 1,515,005,670 1,515,005,670 A.!.ll Baruallon ls^€ 634.172,23r rot l .h.Fhold.F .qdt 2.t!a.03t!.l|t tor.r rr.bftl€ .nd .hlrhotd.c oqltt 27.tL.tt,,a2t 22,t6.9a0.315 lot l cq|dngdt ttruttt . Iot l olh.r @mnnn.nb Tot l
[email protected]@t li.m.