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A thesis submitted to the College of Fine and Profssional Ats of Kent State University in partial flfllment of the requirements fr the degree of Master of Arts


Alexandra Vago A December 2001 Thesis written by

Alexandra Vago A B.S., Temple University, 1994

M.M., Kent State University, 1998

M.A., Kent State University, 2001

Approved by

, Chair, Thesis Committee

Accepted by

11 L

L  V  iWg giX Y  g g  g iggWiig WZ   j  [[Z Z[i gZ X  \h  i[ i WZi X Z ii

L hii iij jii iii i]i hhi hhh ^ii hji iji iii hj_ hgj jii iji iii hihj jjj jjj hii ii iii

jih ihj iii iii hig hgi iih hii hij ijj jii hii ihi ihi jih hih iii iii iii iii ihh hii iig jhi iii iiiiihiv


jjj jj iji hij iij iii jii iii iih jih ihi hih igh iii iii ij1

L `hi ji jhi ihh iii iii giW iii iii igi jai13

L L iib hhi i]j iii iii iii aij gii ijj25


L ihi iii iii hii iii hhi hii iih iig cii iii ihh iih5


T*ɷ ihh iih hgi hhi h^i iii iji iij hid ij jii iih ihi hhi iij j`h h ii130

T|*ɷ L iii hih hi[ hji iii iii igi iii Wii ii Wji iig igg iWg iii134

L iih i hiij ii iih hhh iji iii jih iii i i`i ihi ijj141

L gji iii iij hhjW ii iWh iii jei jWW iii iW ihi gih hi] iiij151

L idj iii ihh hdj jii igi ihi iii aij iii iij ii` j`i hih idi ij jjj i15

{Ɠ L L ijj iii i`` jgi i g i i i i i i i j j W i i W g g Wii165

L hgh hii iji gih i`i ijj hhi f j igi iii iih hhj iih ihi hi` i`i1

L iii iii ihi ij [hi ii iii iii iih hhj iii iii iii iih iii iii iii i i ihi ihi ihh hhh jgg j190

iii Preface

Leopold von onnleithner's "usicl ketches fom 'ld-ienn"' contins six sketches; the frst fve represent the specifc lons of Joseph ochendl, phel eor

Kiesewetter, herese Prdies, Otto twig, ad gnz onleithner Leopold describes the loction, hosts, pricipnts, nd repertoire perfrmed in the frst fve sketches With less detil thn the previous entries, the sixth sketch encompsses multiple slons

mon the people who hosted these lons were lwyers, doctors, nd poets s

mteur musicins, they would perform pre-existin rngements of symphonies, ortorios, nd opers, which were sometimes scored fr smll ensemble of pino, strin quret nd fur voices.

the text of the musicl sketches, onnleithner comments on the pnvte nd I t amateur musicl therins in the erly19 - entur ien. y describing the experience with frst-hnd ccounts, onnleithner's intent ws to document these events befre the devoted prticipnts pssed on or they themselves frgot specifc detils.

These sketches, s presented in the trnslted version in hpters through depict X, Sonnleither's emic perspective of mteur musicl lif in ienn fom the yeas 1814 to

1825. lthoug his viewpoint ws ctully written fom 1861 to18 63, it refects perod fom his ow youth tht coincides with the fourishin mteur musicl slon in ienn

cholrship retly needs moder trnslted edition of onleithner's sketches that is fithl to the oriinl; therefre, hve trnslted Leopold von onnleithner's entries s they ppered in the Recensionen fom 1861to1863 into nlish. hus, tis

lV translation shall make the complete articles accessible to a wider scholarly audience.

Although the original frmat of the sketches does not provide the reader with a fuid evolution of the amateur musical salon, the translated edition of the sketches has been kept in the original order with minor alterations to the various lists of participants so as not to distract the reader fom the prose.

Chapter I and Chapter II provide background infrmation on and the

Sonnleithner fmily respectively. Since Sonnleithner's depiction of his musical jourey does not fllow a temporal construct, Chapter (The Pre-Sonnleithner Salons) presents ill a timetable of Sonnleithner's attendance at various salons and the inclusion of Chapter IV lists all the names (570) that appar in the translation with brief biographical infrmation.

Leopold Sonnleithner was clearly an amateur musician; however, he befiended

Fran Schubert in181 6. It is this Schubert-Sonnleithner relationship, although not a primary fcus in the sketches, which promoted much of Schubert's early musical success.

In fct, Chapter {Ɠ illustrates the events, fom Sonnleithner's perspective, as to how

Schubert's Erlkonig frst came into publication.

Many pople have helpd me bring this thesis to fuition, and, at this time, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to those who have ofered their assistance with this project. Hans Zbinden and his wif have been most helpfl to me with the D. t translation process; their overwhelming hospitality and knowledge of19 -Century

German has been most rewarding and benefcial. The members of my committee, D. Albrecht, Mukuna, and Mr. Ferritto have been with me since the beginning of this D.

v project, and I wish to extend my sincere thanks to them. My parents, Richard Vago D. and Susan Vago, deserve special thanks fr being there fr me and always supporting my various endeavors. addition, I wish to tank my brother Ian, his wif Shari, my I nephew Brian, and niece Abigail. Finally, thank you to Zoe, Sage and Zacharias.



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While amateurs imagined the esoteric beauty in art, profssionals fced te mundane reality of their vocation. This diference between ideology and reality is one of the temporal difculties among profssional ad amateur musicias, but they could not survive without each other. "The strength of the talented genius weakens without this interaction and cannot develop completely; the largest masterpieces would have remained uncreated without such and interaction or would have fllen into oblivion. 8€ȵ

The continuum to be traced is that of the private aristocratic musical concert in

Vienna, and its development into the musical salons ofthe middle class in the early 19th-

Century. The transfrmation fom one to the other occurred gradually over the course of nearly a quarter of a century, fom the French Revolution to the Congress of Vienna. As the nobles' patronage declined, the middle class businessmen took advantage of the situation to pursue the social pleasures of music making. Concerts were now privately subsidized by lawyers, doctors, and profssors - those without noble titles: the common man.

To establish this social construct, the traits of this community and their individual roles need to be identifed. The musicians a a group, in the most general sense, consisted of both profssionals and amateurs. The word pofessionl within the context

8 Sonnleithner, "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. 3. €ȵIbid. &í ¶zí£ØŖn–^©íÔÅØ^ êíqt©·ÈtÅí^í¸t¾Å·©í à·í Å^ȖÅ{nÈ·Á êíÅÔ¸¸·¾ÈÅí·©tÅt wí£·©tÈ^¾– êí

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/çř¸!řn on n ino qřZs3ř /¬ř ù+ř D!Ĕřµ Gř ov tionr o n iin sř qř   Cf ‹ sàř /­ř =ř 9ř =ř on L in n nn of loin n o ntitton > §ř ºř ¾›®ř ?ĵř?ř "%"2ř4ř TA ‹ 3ř { ř ř 7ř ř ;ř ř   ř  ř^žř,ř  !ř !4ř ř ř 7 OOř řř ř ř! ř ř$ř ř ř ř,ř ř řˆ l* LřĴ ř +řĩřE!řř Ð +ř,ř &ř  Âř ř `ř ř ř 4ř Dř ĘŒĒ ři !řzÃ+ ř  řř ¢+ř¢ř ř¢ řƒžŌř]  ř,ř •IJĥ  *Õř  ř +řř ř ř įř  ř!4ř weekly &0//Ù/JƩ 1 Prince Franz Maximilian v. regular &0//y/3Ʃ Lobkowitz Mlle Marie Therese v. Paradies weekly &0/3Ʃ

Despite what Morow lists in her book, on Sunday morgs Swieten would gather musicians at his home in the Rengasse ad present concerts. While Mozar and

hs fther were visiting Vienna in &*5*˜50$Ʃ they made the acquaintance of Swieten.

Aong the musicians who participated at Sweten's were Mozar and Starzer ÒƩ&*J5z

1787). As one of the funders of the Tonkinstler Societat, Starzer played ad served as

conductor at Swieten's. Mozart had taken over the task of directing, presumably afer

Strzer's death in &*0*ßƩ Through the eforts of Swieten in &*3/z3&ƩMozart obtained the

d post of2° i at St. Stephen's Cathedral.

The political climate made it difcult fr musicians to regain their positions in a

musical environment. Freelance profssional musicians had only two viable avenues to

pusue fr income: providing lessons (ofen fr the wealthy children) or playing private

concerts. Unlike today, musicians generally did not supply the fe schedule; ofen their

patron, based upon both the generosity and the nature of the occasion, dictated the

payment they received. Musicians were at the mercy of their benefctor. The actual

income in the end is not as imporant as the pains one had to endure to secure its


The burgeoning of war continued with Napoleon's invasion of Vienna in &0/TƩand

then again in &0/3SƩ These sieges deeply afected the nobility and they had to increase the

allocation of money to the Iperial Forces fr their armies ad equipment. With this,

money once spnt fr the luxurious private orchestras declined, and the aristocracy was ((ħ no longe able to support numerous musicians on its payroll (K((€ħPince I oboitz had goe bankupt and to yes later, the shehzy ochesa bega to disband.

o econstrc musical Vienna, the atenion de inad to the family and home. t is duing this pioal ediection of he ars hat Salon music emeged and

ourished beteen (K(¼ħ and (K56*ħAlthou he choice o say close o home existed one had many oprtuiies o entue ouside Pulic concers and theae ee among

he arious ofeings. To mpeial theaes had become moe specialized ih hei

schedule and pogramming. The ugheate became the ofcial enue f eman

sen drama, hile the anerotheate became the pinciple place f opea and

balle Still a prvate heae, he Theae an de ien kep is doo open to all genes

o suburba theaers, Leopoldstadt and osefstadt, supplied he attendee ith local

iennese ular comedies. he Leoldsadt became non as the laugh theate of

uro, a lace ere comedy eaced heights of hilaity, due both o the talents of

indiidl oers and thei capacity to ok as an ensemble The pfmes, ot the

play, ere e ma drag poe of the Theate in de Leopoldsd 0?cą

iena had lost olfgang Amadeus oza, is adopted child podigy in (/^(ħ

alhoug e next of kin soon arived (/^/€ħFanz Schuber died (K5K-ħas bo, and

of musician, one of thei in a shot ile ' ienna ould come to embace a ne class

Ww}bo and aised as a rue Viennese. meging om his societal micocosm of

U®ąaymond ickson, ed nn (e aen ale Univesity Pess, åæܑƷp D®.Ť heae nn (e aen UcąSimon illiams ' The Viennese ale niesity Pess, (^^/-ħp 55U*ħ DŤ l  řřř\řř   XřG’$  ř $11 ř ř X°-¨

¼ †ř ř ‡’ ř $  ř˜řXĆřVX2Yř Iř ř ř$  ř˜ř&¤5&Ʃ

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.ƃƄ=Ɠ"6Ɠ ƓƓ ) ƓƓx  Ɠ )+ IƓ Ġ 'كƓƓƓ

 š ʼnƓ0 Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ  Ɠ ƓļƓ )8 7IƓ P ƓL Ɠ

°Ɠ Z;ÊƓ+ãƓ il o â¾Ɠģ'ýƓ ĜoƓġ+Ō"Ɠ ĝŮÆ..Ɠ(÷¦Ɠ @Ɠ }/bÚ}icàƩ PƐ3MƒƓÀƓ ^GüƓ3@C§Ɠ dƓ )Ɠŗ‰Ɠù _Ɠm ¨Ɠ JczJT.Ʃ Xȵ yƓ¸ƓdƓ oi in ^Ĕ³Ɠ Z Ɠ Ɠ ąhà .ƓāÐ 'Ɠ(2±pƓ NƓ DNƓ 15 6r6nts to come, Schuber had witten in his diay on une 17 1816 'Today I composed

money f the fs ime' Ť He eceived 100 foins f his composition, and a hat fr LWL6Sh}he made the ansition om amaeu to profssional musician.

The yeas 1819 and 1820 became a pivoal time in the elationship between Franz

0@n,6`h}and Leopold Sonnleihner. Schuber's social cicle was beginning to expand,

#S1}in Januay 1819 perhaps paying homage to Schuber in the spii of the private

Z6_9W`N%S/6}om uly 1816 his cantata was presented at he home oflgnaz

WVJ6Eh@S6`} It is not clear if Schubet atended the pefomance, but according to

WTSJ6Eh@S6`}it was peformed with piano accompaniment On 19 November 1819 a

L#J6rWE/6} que of Schubet's with piano accompanimen, on (XV 4 ), was

Z6_9W`N64}fr the frst time at Igaz von Sonnleithner's house by osef ah, osef Goz,

7 "6P{6J}Nejebse, and Johann al Umlauf. On Decembe 1 1820 te Sonnleithner b#JWP} enjoyed a perfomance of Schber's new song Elkoni sung by he amaeu

MnbC0E#S}Agust von Gymnich. In Sonnleithner's recollections, i was this evening that

160C161}the ftue fr Schubert. Afer this pefomance; Sonnleithner took it upon

ACLb6J9}and other iends to pblish Schubet's woks. Fo them, it was moe ha the

Z_8b6`r%hEWS}of art� it was also to aid their iend fnancially f he was living quite pooly

#d}dA#h}dEL6 }

Schubert wa beginning to fnd his place in a new wold beyond that of his youth;

PWu} Ch}wa one desiged by Sonnleithne. Leopold had intoduced Schubet o Anna

ząOtto rich Deusch, T R f o Fn in and Don translated by ric lom New ork: Q$Q@ƓNoron Company, 1947) Z} ÑƷ &

7 insein, il oi p 173. &Ɠ Frohlich, the eldest of fur sisters, and in December %bD#Ɠ Schubert composed fr her

ĮƓ dA6}ôcŰ Psalm, o i in i Anna Frohlich was also the music teacher of Louise

WbL%_}^DcƓs 2_Ɠ who later became Sonnleithner's wif.

Wishing to give [Louise] ... great pleasure on her birthday, [Anna] arranged a serenade in the garden of the country house at Dobling on August #Ɠ b ªƓ At [Ana's] request, had witten fr the occasion the beautifl poem nn (Zor i) and this she gave to Schubert, asking him to set it to music as a Serenade fr her sister Josefne (mezzo soprano) and chorus. 8

d}wa around this time, but perhaps even as early as ŠŠ(#Ɠthat Schubert befiended Franz

Grllparzer who was a cousin of Leopold Sonnleithner. Familial relationships such as

dA6b6}%_6}only one aspect that illustrates Sonleither's aptitude as a social mediator.

!O16_}the guise of the "common man," Leopold served as a liaison between two classes

W9}musicians, the amateur and profssional, with great integrity and genuine concer fr

#_i } The intricate rapprt that developed between Franz and Leopold is at the core of this

6O16#rY_ } To understand the growth of not only their relationship, but also the

emergence of middle class musical lif in Vienna, it is imperative to establish the lineage

of dA6} Sonnleithner family.

Christoph Sonnleithner was bor in Szegedin, Hungary, on May b#Ɠ Š Fv#Ɠ and

3C61}CO}Vienna on December ­#Ɠ  &ªƓ9 In  F&#Ɠhis fther Michael died when

8 t : oi i Fin p. %`©Ɠ Deutsch, @tƓ U Oz, 9 Constant von Wurzbach, Biogi xikon Ki enthatnd di Lnkizn nkiin onnn, i in n 1750 osterreichin onanr on n o in n i� n &DƓ ˆ%&$Ɠ Accordmg o vols (Vienna: K.K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei, %2&æ(_#Ɠ V. F&#Ɠ � Sonle1thner ioration given to Wurzbach fom the Sonnleithner fmily, Christoph December b2#Ɠ §Ɠ However, K#z}A#r6}been bor on December b#Ɠ F‹#Ɠand died on the ov iionr ºÁƷ K#Oz}other refrences cite the dates given in the text, including  Ɠ ĆŊÎ Ɠ  Ɠ4  /Ɠ Ú Ɠ / Ɠ Ɠ OƓū¶ȵ 9 Ɠ ƓƓ 'Ɠ Ɠzƒ Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ

Ɖ!Ɠ!Ɠ Ɠ ƓƓ4 Ɠ" Ɠ Œ 1Ɠ Ɠ  Ɠ   Ɠ ƓƓ in

topolitnki. hhȵ” Ɠ ƓƓ 1ƓƓ"ƓƓ8 Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ

š0: Ɠ Ɠ~ƓƓ ƓG  Ɠ)Ťjŝ; Ɠ^G ?Ɠ  Ɠ _Ɠ  Ɠ

ØlŕƓ Ɠ•Ɠ Ķ ƓƓ ]Ɠz ƓC Ħ Ɠ9 ſ 1Ɠh\ȵħƓ Ɠ ƆƓ Ɠ  Ɠ

RƓ$Ɠ 3  !ƓƓGį   $Ɠ 9 Ɠ 7 ƓƓ!Ɠ ?ƓƓ Ɠ Ɠ!Ɠ Ɠ


.ŻKKƓ Ɠ Ɠ4 Ɠ Ɠ  UƓ4 Ɠ /Ɠ4/ƓPƓÂ>/$Ɠ BƓ

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ĎRK0: 1Ɠc&Ɠ Ŭ 7Ɠ gƓ½ !Ɠ II, Ɠ ~ Ɠ ~ƓŽ 7?Ɠ ^% %2ˆ% &(_Ɠ  Ɠ

Oak, !!Ɠ !Ɠ"ÕƓUÓ$Ɠ 9!Î !Ɠ Ɠµ ƓC  Ɠĉ Ɠ Ɠ! ƓgƓ

.l6.Ɠ:6KƓƋƓ K !Ɠ ƓƓ ƓQ>4 ?ƓƓƓonnlin.

¹ 6>Ɠ{ "Ɠ Ɠ!Ɠ ƓíƓ BƓ4 Ɠ Ɠ  Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ

Sl06 Ɠ /ƓƓ z Ɠ   >ƓƓ Ɠ Ɠ  Ɠ $Ɠ BƓ  Ɠ

Ô0ĭ!KƓ š:/Ɠ 4 'ƓƓ ƓU Ɠ Ɠo Õ7$Ɠ ½!  ƓƓ ƊƓđ  !ƓP 1Ɠ Ɠ

Kapit Ɠ )tƓ )  ?Ɠ 9 !5 IƓ )Ɠ4 Ɠ„Ɠ Ɠ  UƓ  Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ

Music n siin. ºƓijƓC  Ɠ |&´´Ɠç % c&}Ɠ Ɠ4×Ɠ Ɠ“Ţ 1Ɠ4Ɠ Ɠ ÆÒÔ /KƓ Ɠ Ɠ ĸ ƓƓ)VƓgƓŷ/Ɠ/ $Ɠ h¶ȵµ ! ƓƓ Ɠ Ɠ UƓ Ɠ"ƓLƓC  áƓ;f1Ɠ ƎƓ ŒƓ  Ɠ ÌRƓ.˜6ƓƓ ƓƓ9mƓ Ɠ  Ɠ]Ú Ɠ Ɠ #ƓƓƓ "ƓÍƓ  c&$Ɠ 11 m ‘$Ɠ )  ?Ɠ9 ]5 $Ɠ 4 Ɠ hĉȵ9  Ɠ ƓƓ Ɠ) ƓƓƓ”Ɠė  îƓ 9  Ɠ Ɠ!Ɠ lıƓ6 :Kè"Ɠ ƓƓ“jœ ƓC Ɠ9;$Ɠ 18 maried Franz Theser. Anna later maried Wenzel Grillparzer; they were the parents of 13 Franz Grillparzer.

Joseph Sonnleithner, upon fnishing his schooling in Vienna, assumed the task of

maaging a printing ofce fr two years. % Y ƓEmperor Joseph II, with whom his I

fter had been in good standing and later his brother Ignaz, drew

into his personal Cabinet. Afer the death of the Emperor, Joseph then became the

14 Dafsman to the royal and imperial Chancellor. When Franz I became Emperor, he requested that Joseph travel extensively in Germany, Denmark ad Switzerland. He was to obtin materials fr the Emperor's private collections. During these visits abroad, he may have coued his wif Johanna Wilhelmine.

The psition of the Court Theater Secretary, held fom % (YƓto 1804 by August

15 Kotebue †J &JƓs JYJ(pAƓ Joseph took over the position and remained there until von 1814. He was responsible fr two theaters, one of them being the ,

aøƓ s>B->}he maaged until JYW N He worked on preparing German versions of French plays and similarly adapted librettos fom the French into German. He is most remembered fr his libretto that Beethoven used fr the original version of

13 Grillparzer's mother, Anna, apparently committed suicide during the time when >5} working on his trilogy gon V i ( JYu%Ɠ). He was distraught by this wa sittion and it was compounded with his own illness at the time. 14 Hofoncipizt in the k. k. Hotanzlei. 15 Peter Clive n i Wo iori Diionr (Oxford: Claren ¬W,é`WFNƓ Kotzebue was chiefy a dram tist, but also worked don Press, ¬(c p#Ɠ pp. . � *}a lawyer, theater secretary, political jouralist and a magazme editor. 16 Haven: Peter Clive o n i i Biogri iion (New †% 2J s Yale University Press: J((Fp#Ɠ%F&«Ɠ On June %F#Ɠ%YW%#ƓEmauel Schikaneder 1 812) opened the newly built Theater an der Wien. (Ɠ „>!¹DšƷ ą)ą  ąą GS  ą :o ã%ąono, o Lo on

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} mZ5Iu6Ec6^} Iga HƓ· Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ"Ɠ ľ5ƓTƓ<8Ɠ 5ƓƓnƓ„8™Ɠ 8 Ɠ

®® ßďŏ Ũ\Ü\qƓ čH>àƓi-' Enloi ofLi @Ɠ $d>I66P} ēƀ*ŪžƓ†‘ũ\*Ń Ɠ ę AþƓ ĚžŐ <êQ Ɠ¼@Ɠ((2¦Ɠ @Ɠ‹(õIƓ } ¸*HƐƓ t ial oi, AƓ  öIƓ IƓ } +ƓB Ņ OƓ »Ɠ In ¡€ƓĢ0ÖÜ €Ɠ €Ɠ  Ɠ ŚH*ƓƓ  ³Ɠx  Ɠ � ƓśƇ ƈ5Ɠ []5bmM7} ¢MƓ¢MƓ \Ɠ Ɠ *ƓgƓ ƓƓnƓ @Ɠ y+qƓ ƓƓ AƓ T tCd>}Ò0*tĀƓżƓ MƓ Ɠ Ɠ Ɠ ƓU ƓƓ Ɠ Ɠ ƓƓ�Ɠ Ƒ Ɠ Í-Ɠ 5WZWI1} IJƓ\Ɠ *ƓƓŜƓÈ-ƓƓĐ >?Ɠ  ƓƓ- Ɠ ›g-òñƓ Db} ĿŵS i*6$Ɠ «Ɠ AƓ } Ɠ zj Ɠ+5Ɠ›Ɠ óƓƓ ›Ɠ Ė  Ɠ w  nƓn Ɠ Ɠ Ç<Ɠ AƓ Ɠ) - Ɠ åƓ Ÿņ–ƓŞ¡Ɠ ƓiƓū¡\*ƓTƓĊ- Ɠe >Ɠ »tƓ BƓ -īƓ3  Ɠ ƓƓƓ ?ßÅ Ʒ Ē ÌHH?Ɠ*Ɠ ÀÓ Ɠ G¢>ƓƓ< Ɠ ƓB< Ɠ ěf#Ɠ 55d>Xp6Qc} ŇƓHƓĄƒƓĈňŸő ƓŽź  Ɠ¾T$Ɠ 21 ;_}various bass roles. In addition, as Newan Flower nostalgically writes, "He had

11 6 always moved in musical circles; he had walked with the immortals. 2

With a rare and tender bass voice, he effrtlessly sang fom the low D up to the h5ř without frmal voice lessons, but through practice and the model of the geatest trained singers of that time. With active spirit and warm feling, he executed serious well as comic pars wit good efect. He was fiends with Mo:, Hydn and Beethoven, with Salieri [1750 - 1825] Weigl [1766 - 1846] Eybler, Preindl and he personally knew many other respected composers, he sag their works afer their instuction and their spirit. He sang the bass parts in the ortorios of Haydn [1732 - 1809] Handeli [1685 - 1759] Beethoven and Stadler [1748 - 1833] the parts of Figaro, Leporello, Don Alfnso (of course sung in Italian), Osmin, Sarasto, Rocco, Re Teodoro, the role of Pistoflo in the opera oin Richard Boll, Tamburan in Vogler's [1749 - 1814] oi Micheli, Jacob, Maferu, Alido, Pedrigo and many others he delightflly perfrmed. 27

Iga pursued an ambitious career as a amateur musician mainly during his spare fCK5} At the Polytechnicum in Vienna, he was a profssor of commercial law. 28 Igna

[]WqB151}his fam ily with many opportunities to pursue and promote music in the home. Ɠ

5W\I1}had the musical advantage among his siblings since he was the eldest son; he

5OFWx51}the necessary instruction fom early on. "29 It was Leopold who spearheaded f?5} _Bqate concerts held in his fther's home, and acting as a social mediator, he brought p

#K#g5m_} &1} profssional musicians together.

an, Bor in 1797 Leopold was a lawyer by profssion, an accomplished musici

encompassed #O3}an acti ve member of the ssft. His musical training

Preindl, the same compsition, theor, piano, orga� and string instruction fom Joseph

n is i (New York: 26ewan Flower, rn , n ]535_B0G} Stokes Company, 1928) p. 116 A '," (1862): 369. 7 Sonn leithner "Musikalische Skizen aus 'Alt-Wien 2 P· 8 here i� 1 �;5. 2 Karl, Beetho�en's nephew, was � student � . 369· Skizen aus Alt-Wien , ( 1862) So # "Musikalische 29 nnleithner P· ,,Ɠ hƩw ƩƖH CƩ ƩƘ4CƩ Ų.Ʃ 'ħĭ đ4ƩGĸ !ƩƩllir ˆƩ¬SƩ

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So, in essence, the Sonnleithner Salon was a level meeting ground fr both amateur and profssional musicians. This environment ofered them the security of trying new compsitions amongst fiends befre they ventured into the harsh reality outside the connes of these frgiving walls; they were aforded the opportunity to hear their works prfrmed by members who would hear the music fr what it was, rather than what was lacking. As a social mediator, Sonleithner provided access fr the amateur musician to see into the world of the profssional; musical outlets fr tose less talented, and at the same time aple room fr musical growth fr those who technically skilled artisans.

Sonnleithner's puse in participating in these musical salons and writing about the activities of such events was to refect upn the time of his youth and "to portray the quiet endeavors of some private circles, which have as their goal the cultivation of a certain musical taste. "37 He describes his own musical jourey, which exponentially expands fom a close circle of fiends into a strong sphere of musical cohorts, and this Austrian fmily of amateur musicians and lawyers contributed much to the dissemination of music among the common man.

en'," (1862): !ä 6 Sonnleithner "Musikalische Skizen aus 'Alt-Wi ' (1861): P !%ä 7 Sonnleithner "Musikalische Skizen aus 'Alt-Wien'," ' P· 25

aer I Te Pre-Seer Sa

Since the relationship between the aristocrats and the bourgeois was negatively corelated, meaning that as the aristocratic power stcture declined the bourgeois collective identity emerged, it was inevitable that the private music salons of the middle-

7OOawould fourish during the early 19th-Century.

Until about the year 1814 the system of associations which today unites the participating fiends of the musical arts in splendid rehearsals and performances had not yet taken a frm root - because of the public situation in Germany at that time. Activities allotted to dilettantes were limited to House Music (string quartets were common) and participation in Church Music, which, particularly in catholic countries, ofered singers and instruentalists ample oppornity to practice their talent without !+=(asubj ect to criticism. 1

*"a9XO+asalon had become an unparalleled setting fr amateur and profssional

;YO++=Oato gamer intellectual and aristic stimulation. This amalgamation within the

social middle class created a cultural tapestry that not only flflled the social needs of the common man, but also opened creative pathways fr the developing arisan fom the

same class.

Sonnleithner imparts upon the reader a subj ective viewpoint of what in spirit may have been his choice fr the direction of his fther's salon. He, probably uowingly,

C$"JOainsight to the social construct of his class - that of the common man. Social

'U)"K/=(Oaespecially those held in the salons of the middle-class, took place among

aus 'Alt-Wien'," in 1 Leopld von Sonnleithner, "Musikalische Skizen . ): Recenionn n iilngn ur r, ik n iln n Vienna (1862 ?FFƷ p.  ä fi ends and relatives. With such an informal atmosphere, it is naive to presume or

"_H"Wathat any frmal record keeping existed. As Alice Hanson writes.

The best surviving information comes fom travel notes of visitors, who managed to record something of the social engagements. But because many of the trvelers were of the middle class, they rarely came into contact with aristocratic salons, and, because many were freigners, they may have been excluded fom many of Viena's close-knit social circles. 2

It is not Sonnleithner's intention, when discussing the various salons in which he

Hri1ipateato describe the larger musical circles or societies that frmed, nor the salons

C#aV)"a@3"KQaand aristocracy. For him, the "highly placed patron has fr the most par

+PHH"K"ain the 19th-Century, and the muses fed to the protection of the modest

;+ 5"a5QQa"3 In addition, in his fnal chapter he confrms the essence of his introduction with the fllowing statement:

Ě would not be able to conclude these sketches if Ɠcould list and describe 55athe private salons fom the aristocracy and the bankers, ofen driven at that time by true love of the art, but sometimes only by vanity and a passion fr putting on perfrmances on a grand scale. The name Fries, Amstein, Pereira, Geymwler, Henikstein, Herz, Liebenberg, and some ‹Ɛ ,Ɛ BW)"KQaK"astill a fnd memory of the older amateur musicians. PƐ

0Papenultimate remarks above suggest that either it was his personal choice not to

IN11GW"ain these salons, or even more pointedly, he simply was not invited because of

*1PaPC+5aK>3a > afhermore, as Waltraud Heindl writes,

An extraordinary number of ennoblements took place ... but this practice + anot lead to a breakdown of long-standing social barriers: the ennobled

(New York: Cambridge 2 lie Hanson, sil L in Bii inn ?+\"KR+W`aPress,M 1985), p. 109. 8. Sonnleithner "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. 73 ' ä PƐSonnleithner "Musikalische Skzzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. ' *Ʃ $Ʃ " $Ʃ  ƩB $Ʃ   Ʃ  BƩ Ʃ  Ʃ Ʃ)ƩƩ @¦-Ʃ%@ƩƩ@Ė#Ʃ%$@Ʃ Ʃ†Ʃ† ƩƩ)Ʃ†űŠƩ (Ʃ@ü )@Ʃ Ʃ 1Ʃ ā;‘$Ʃ••IƩ ­ Ʃ Ʃ Ʃ Ʃ Ʃ#  Ʃ Ʃ -Ʃ Ʃ#Ʃ Ʃ ƩƩ -Ʃ  #Ʃ"Ʃ ƩƩ Ʃ  Ʃ  EƩ5

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5 Ġ-;Ʃl $Ʃ@F $ƩdƩ:;$Ʃ Ʃ: $@Ʃ ƩSchubert's �ienna, å Ʃ 83tĕƧrƩ¦7\Ʃ xĎƩ§%#íƩ®Ʃĝ % ƩF$Ʃ &33*X$Ʃ |Ʃ ¢&EƩ :  o(dtL'Ʃ 'ƩƩR9Ʃ(Ʃ  Ʃ Ʃ  "Ʃ  Ʃ&00™Ʃ :Pƨ# ƩƩ2~˜ġ2$@Ʃ .Ʃb/TãƩ 6 m - ')Ʃ" @ªP #Ʃ 28 occasionally as an instrumentalist, durng a time when the classifcation between the two was highy distinctive. 7 The exception being, that among the middle class it was quite common to own a piano, resulting in the assumption that everyone could sing or play the piano with just enough knowledge of music to be unreliable. The instruentalists, string players especially, were more apt to break through the barier of amateur and profssional. Overall, the frces needed fr fíorchestra requires numerous string players with only a fw wind instruments.

Sonnleithner, based upon his age at the time and his level of musicianship, only paricipated peripherally in the various salons. He was among the youngest members and as an adolescent interacting with not only his own peers, but also with businessmen fom his fther's generation, the fllowing questions are raised: What was Leopold

Sonnleithner's role in the salon? How well did he associate with his fther's generation as a young member, since the only salon that he was in the frefont was that of his fther's?

For practical purposes, the salons that he visited baely span a twelve-year period of his lif fom the age of 15 to 27. That frmative period in his lif was the very years that he reminisces about in his sketches. His phraseolog of 'musical sketches' conveys an ideal that tended toward the Romantic Age burgeoning among the younger generation with Schubert and Sonnleithner (bor the same year, 1797) at the helm. Among hs cohorts fom this time was also his cousin, Grillparzer, 6 years his senior.

Industrialization and urbanization suppored the gowth of the salon. Had it not been fr the Congress of Vienna, or the Napoleonic wars befre that, the salon would not

7 Sonneithner makes a distinction in his ow writings between the two categories. ,(Ɠ hae emerged The middle class demanded social refrm. With education and uiersit attendance, they had become an educated group that contributed to and paicipaed in the state and society. The workday afected how the salon operated. The eenings were then lef fr socialization among iends, since people did not enture

outdoors as much They brought their entertainment inside the home.

It was the season of the salon, which was most actie in the fll and winter

months, reaching its apex during Caal season. The vitality ad growh of the salon

was dependant on the community that supported its existence, and in terms of logistical

maters, the host's accommodations, or lack thereof, did not necessily determine its

demise. If a certain space was no longer available the group sought out other enues.

Leopold So nnleithner participated in salons that shared three common traits: the

perforances were all held at the hosts' residence, both profssional and amateur

musicians paricipated, and they were held approximately during the same time period

fom $äto E,2IƓ Despite the continity among the salons, each was intrinsically

difere nt in terms of location, repertoire and ultimately their individual agendas. Genuine


spuse reslted in the physical dissoltion, while the precious memories continued to lie

HUthe hearts of the srvivors. These salons, in which Sonnleithner was a member,

coexisted as a musical network of fiends and fy -one that fstered a mutual respect

fr is members and their talents.

parties,' The spirit of these events probably began as spontaneous 'chamber music

their personal where fends gathered and played through various pieces of music om 30 libraries. This concept is preserved today among those who have the desire to sight-

read through quartets, trios, and sonatas - yielding to the available instrumentation. The

ambition among the members to improve upon their skills and enhance their repertoire

relates to what fndamentally becomes fíevolution of the music salon through Leopold

Sonnleithner's own experience. His observations depict three diferent functions of the

salon that overlap: one, as pure social interaction; two, avang oneself to new repertoire;

and three, the opportuty to fne tune rehearsals in preparation fr fture performances.

Ofen the individual eforts, despite the technical abilities, resulted in working towards a

common goal and this social construct is an underlying theme in the salons of

Sonnleithner's musical sketches.

The salons, in the manner presented by Sonnleithner, do not fllow a temporal

matrx. In fct, he buries the beginnings of these musical joureys in sketch number 5,

his fther's salon. It is only afer thorough examination of the sketches, and assimilation

of the infration presented by Sonnleithner, that the true essence of his memories can

be revealed to the reader. For the sake of continuity and overall structure, 1äshall begin

discussing the salons and continue presenting them in the time fame in which he frst


The graphs that accompany th is text illustrate the continuity of the various salons

and pint out three distinct levels of saturation: 1813 to 1815, 1816 to 1818, and 1819 to

1823. The dates indicate the year that Sonnleithner frst attended the various salons,

blishes which is pivotal to the direction and nature of his own salon. The frst group esta the beginnings of the salon in Sonnleithner's home, to his attendance at the Hochenadl 31 (Sketch No. 1 , Paradies (Sketch No. 3 Ž, and Hatwig (Sketch No. äsalons. The second group encompasses a majority of the salons fom the Multiple Salons (Sketch No.

³Ʒ The fnal grouping of years begins with the Kiesewetter (Sketch No. 2) salon, which coincides with the increased activity and presence of Schubert in the Sonnleithner salon

(Sketch No. 5).

The fllowing fgure shows the salon hosts and the range of dates beginning with

8 the frst yea Sonleithner atended and the probable ending date, if known:

Salons Range of Dates

(Sketch No. 1813-1824 onnleithner 5) Schu bert (Sketch No. 1814-1815 ppner (Sketch No. 6)4) 1814-1840

"Reunion" (Sketch No. 1814-18?? 4) Frischling (Sketch No. 4) 1815-1816

atwig (Sketch No. 4) 1815-1818

Paradies (Sketch No. 1815-1824 ohrer (Sketch No. 6)3) 1815-1824

Hochenadl Sketch No. 1 1815-1825

Warsaw (Sketch No. 6) 1816-18?? utschenreiter (Sketch No. 6) 1817-1822 euling (Sketch No. 6) 1817-1846 ettenkofer (Sketch No. 4) 1818-1820 Gu}jelmo (Sketch No. 6) 1818-1823 ohrich (Sketch No. 6) 1818-1832

·esewetter Sketch No. 2 1818-1845

8 Sonleithner's name is italicized to point out bot his autorship of the sketches and to illustrate that his salon began frst. The names in bold fce indicate those salon hosts who have an entire sketch dedicated to them. The Hatwig salon is quite ambiguous because the development of that paricular group frmed, according to Sonnleithner, fom a nucleus of players fom Schubert's salon. If the ending dates were totally unknown, the number will be listed as 18?? however, if not the ending date is the death date of the host. 32 (Sketch No. 6) 1819-1824 Zius ollinger (Sketch No. 6) 1819-1825 omanovecz (Sketch No. 6) 1819-1833 alconhorst (Sketch No. 6) 1821-1831 tller (Sketch No. 6) 1823-1824

1813 1815

In the year 1813, Sonnleithner began hosting musical quartet gatherings on

Sundays in his fther' s home. Several schoolmates participated, and they at frst played quartets, but soon decided to perfor "quartet arrangements of the and symphonies, ver popular at that time, similarly whole operas and were soon used and incorporated multiple voices including the contrabass, a fute and bugles, etc. 8€ȵ

The desire to include other fmily members and acquaintances encouraged the development of singing rehearsals, which enabled them to perform opera fnales fom

Mozar and Spontini among others. To accommodate these new genres in their reperoire, they used the existing small orchestra fr accompaniment of the larger vocal works and "the conductor had his hands fll with fshing the scores ...and serving as assistant master in rehearsals and sectionals. " bTą Sonnleithner unfrunately does not divulge much information about these early gatherings in his fther' s home, but it is probable that both Leopold and his fther Ignaz sered conductor and organizer fr these rehearsals.

The same year, 1813, developed quartet rehearsals in his fther's home and in 1814, upon retng to Vienna fom military service, Josef Doppler (1792 -

9 Sonnleithner "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'At-Wien'," p. 369. bTąSonnleithne "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. 370. � ' 33 c. 1867) joined Schubert and his fiends� Schubert played viola and his brother

Ferdinand played violin. Doppler was £BĚ amateur and well acquainted with both string and wind instruments." hhȵ Sonnleithner illustrates the development of the Hatwig salon fom a pre-existing nucleus of players that rehearsed quartets. At frst, they were limited to only a fw paricipants, but "soon several [more] came: the violoncello players

Kamauf and Wittmann, the contrabass player Redlpacher, the Haydn symphonies rehearsed were soon presented as quartet arrangements doubled on each part, and they

12 decided to meet two evenings a week." As the personnel increased, Schubert's apaent became too small to accommodate them, and they moved to the apartment of

Franz Frischling, a middle class businessman, at Dorotheergasse Nr. 1105. Once they had setled in their new locatio� Josef Prohaska, a profcient violinist, led what became a small chamber orchestra reinfrced with wind instrument players. The additional members included: "Michael Zwerger (hor), Friedrich August Syre (fute), Augustin

Hawelka (oboe), Anton Fisher and Joseph Doppler (), the Nentwich brothers

*BMaand Johann Petters (bassoon)." hWȵ With the implementation of these players, it was

HBOO+5"afr them to perform smaller symphonies by Haydn, Pleyel, Rosetti, Mozart and

BU*"JOa Their eforts in the Frischling home lasted until the autumn of 1815, and again, the size of the group enlarged to such an extent that they needed to fnd a larger space to rehearse and perform.

^^ƐSonnleithner "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. 177. 12 ' Iid. hWȵ Sonnleithner "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. 178. ' 34 Towards the end of 1815, the Frischg goup had fund their new rehearsal room in the home of Otto Hatwig ( 1766 - 1834) in the Schottenhof Hatwig was a frmer member of both the Theater an der Wien and Burgtheater orchestras. He had taken over these rehearsals as violin director and when he "moved to another apartment in the Gundelhof in the spring of 1818, the society fllowed him." ^PƐ At his new home, the membership expanded even fher, to the extent that they werenow able to perform even larger symphonies of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven's frst two symphonies. They had expanded their reperoire in terms of difculty and instrumentation. "Among the listeners were Herr Blahetka, Josef Czery and other musicians, and upon their request talented schoolgirls occasionally were allowed to perform solo pieces with [full] orchestral accompaniment." ^|Ɛ

Around this time and fr these occasions, Franz Schubert composed a sweet syphony in B-major [D485] 'without trumpets and timpani,' then a larger symphony in C-major [D589], and the known 'in Italian style' [D590 or 591] which pleases many people [so much] that Herr Jall presented them in a [separate] concer which he arranged to be presented in the hall called "Roman Kaiser". [And] the expenses of the rehearsals were fnanced by moderate contributions of the performers in the years ´Ɛ 1815 to 1818. Ž

list of the regular orchestra members includes the fllowing: Ž7Ɛ A First ilin: Otto Hatwig, Berhard Molique, Eduard fall, Berard v. Hohenfelsen, Ferdinand v. Lazer  Ferdinand Schubert! JosefHollauer Nespem Secn ilin: Josef Prohaska, Jakob Regenhar, Filipp Rechel, Konad Kuschel, Fran Niesner, Heinrich Grob ila: Franz Schuber, Johann Peter Neuhauser, Johann Wagner

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· M Oȵ 8| #  ȵ%#..ȵ ȵÐ0 ªÐ8ȵCȵ30 čȵ Žȵ ¸€ȵƈ Cȵ 36 Sonnleithner begins his jouey of musical Vienna (Sketch No. 1) with Joseph

Hochenadl (d. June 26, 1842), an Imperial ofcial who "was a warm admirer of this art without possessing any special musical instruction. 8\¶ȵ His salon was located at Nr. 1100 at the Birgerspital, in a "modest apartment that served as the Hochenadl residence fr a series of years. 8\ ·ȵHochenadl was the defned amateur at that time. However, his children

Katharina (d. March 4, 1861) and Thomas (d. May 19, 1853) became quite profcient and humble musicians. "He had given both his children fom early youth thorough musical instruction. 8\\ȵ Thomas leaed to play the violoncello with some skill and did not profss any viruosity. Katharina studied piano with Anton Eberl and sang alto in the choir. She became an excellent pianist under the tutelage of Eberl. The "rising stars included Anton

Eberl and Eberl's student [atharina], who received consistent praise fr her clarity and strength. "2 Since her mother's death, she had to maintain the household fnancially through music lessons and concert tours. This was an innovative movement fr women at that time; because women usually leared to play the piano or sing solely, fr home enterainment purposes, but she apparently improved her social status by her own merit without getting married. "Every well-bred girl, whether she has talent or not, must lea

UBaplay the piano or to sing; frst of all it's fshionable; secondly, it's the most convenient

20 Sonnleithner 0Musikalische Skizen aus 'At-Wien'," p. 739. Ũȵ ' \ Ibid 22 Ibid. f lop ing 2 Mary Sue Morow, Concert Lie in Haydn 's Venna: Aspects o a deve Pendragon Press, 1989), p. 166. Musical and Social Institution (Stuyvesant, New York: 37 žȭȵÁ ȵ ȵ ȵ$ ȵ& & ȵY ȵȵ & ȵ ȵ  ȵȵȵ ȵ Ǥȵ#ȵȵ

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4 V^ȵƥ #ďȵ 0 î ȵĚ& ȵMe n, Wo men, and Pianos: Social Histor Ġ)š7ȵ M î   ȵ ũ¥Ù‡ōȵ$Ąȵ 138. & 8ȵ 739. 2 M*+  ȵ 8Ə #/ ȵM#ûû&ȵ ȵý0/ ªŅ 6 9ȵR$$ȵAĨ †ȵ ¢ȵ ¢ȵ  ȵǑ# ȵȵ Ȇȵ _7ƐĔij& ȵJȵ ȵ !& ȵ ȵȵ ȵ ȵ  ȵ  ȵ ưú1 ¢ȵ 38 2 Gevatte bi ten 8; [Pietro] Generali's [1773 - 1873) aria in one tone; the � � 30 Papatac1 tno and the frst fnale fom the Italiana 9 and so on.

The selection of instrumental and vocal music very much pleased the paricipants and

listeners, but the "real merit of these performances was the presentation of the oratorios

and cantatas. For example:31

Handel: Judas Ma kkabtus, Der Messias Ph. Em. Bach: Die Israeliten in der Wiste Hasse: Die Pi/grime am Golgatha, Sta. Elena al Calvario Graun: Der Tod Jesu Beethoven: Christus am Oelberge Romberg: Die Glocke A Followed by two operas: Gluck: Oreo Naumann: Cora

Again, the aim of this musical group was to present works that were not commonly heard

CO}Vienna. Since compositions of this sort became the core of the repertoire, "the

performers a well as the regular guests studied them thoroughly and thereby attained a

rare appreciation fr the music fom this period. "32 Many of the outstanding musicians

who participated in the Hochenadl salon were among the fllowing: the Frohlich sisters,

Ludwig Tite (d. January 11, 1850), August Rtter von Gymnich V [ȵOctober 6, 1821),

Josef Gotz (d. March ¥ȵ 1822), and Rafel Kiesewetter (d. January 1, 1850). Kiesewetter

contributed much to the enj oyment of classic music in this salon. He sang in the chorus,

(U3t>`tthe prformances he wrote out piano excerpts fom oratorios. On violin, Georg

28 The Godfthers request. 29 the opera The Jtaliana that Sonnleither is most likely refrring to here is L' ltaliana in Algieri by Rossini, which was composed in 1813. 30 Sonnleithner "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wien'," p. 740. 31 ' Ibid. 32 Ibid. 39 Üĵ =N  ȵV" „ȵ[1800 - 1873] ǡ" ȵȵ  ȵ"ȵ1819. kȵ@ ȵȵ$ȵl"ȵ

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Ɨ- ȵ"ȵ1829.

ġȵ "  ȵȵȵk " ȵ% "ȵ  ȵ $ȵȵȵ" ȵȵ1824-25, N ȵ

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˜>ít ȵaȵß$Bȵ0""ȵ!"ȵƚ  l«ȵ(1739 - 1808). j ȵĨ ȵG ! ȵȵ—$  ȵ

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žÂtȵĜǹ-* ȵá.* ȵ(1747-1818) " ȵģ" ".ȵ‹"ȵ(1756 - 1812) $ ! Ćȵ

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She was blind since the age of three and "became a patient of Dr. 35 Mesmer in 1776, and in January 1777 moved into the clinic which he had set up at his house. Afer three weeks' intensive treatment her sight was partly restored. In the end, however, fr reasons[,] which seem to have been as much of a psychological as a physiological nature, the initial progress was not maintained and blindness retured. She lef his clinic in June 1777."36

Despite her vision impairment, she became an excellent pianist of interational reputation; she toured in Germany, France, England and Holland as a concer virtuoso.

Both her mother and her librettist Johann Riedinger accompanied Fraulein Paradies on her tours.

[Herr Riedinger] lived with [Fraulein Paradies] fr a number of years ... [he] was a retired offcial who accompanied her ... and fithfully managed her domestic afairs. Since her ret to Vienna toward the end of the year 1786, but with fw exceptions, she withdrew fom public performances. She devoted herself extensively to teaching and fartially to her composition, piano pieces, operettas, cantatas, ballads, etc. 3

Fraulein Paradies, among some of her other fmale contemporaries, such as

Marianne Martinez (1744 -1812), was known frst in the public eye as a performer. It was only later in her lif that she decided to compose as an alterative. Her feedom to tour and perform befre the new middle class audiences created a new demand fr

35 Peter Clive, Mozart and His Circle: Biographical Dictionar (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993), pp. 101-102. Dr. Mesmer "studied medicine in Vienna, where he subsequently practiced as a physician and becam known fr his treatment of patienst by 'animal magnetism', which he believed to be transmitted by the hypnotist to the subject. .. He was frced to leave Vienna in 1778, afer being accused of faudulent practice and expelled fom the medical fculty fllowing his - initially benefcial but ultimately unsuccessfl-treatment of the blind Mara Theresia von Paradis." 36 Clive, Mo zart and His Circle, pg. 117 37 en'," pp. 4-5. Sonleithner  "Musikalische Skizzen aus 'Alt-Wi 4 original music the audiences were quite eager fr repertoire that was both new and accessible. She funded, afer her fther's death in 808, a music school in Vienna especially designed fr the music education of women.

In house Nr. 482, where Frulein aradies lived, is also where "she gave most of her lessons she gathered her students to jo int rehearsals and performances. Assuming the principle that the desire to learing is awakened and nurtured by rivalry, she oranized relar musical evening entertainment on Sundays of Advent and Lent. "8

he students performed pieces with and witho accompaniment and intermingled vocal and solo pieces which then evolved into frmal concerts. The audience, as would be expected, con sisted mostly of the proud parents, relatives and fien ds of the students.

he atmosphere then was non -j udgmental and quite supportive of these young students.

t as not unusual that a fw strangers were present ho took part fom pure joy of these eorts of the young and fom seeing their progress in fct, traveling profssionals and amater were glad to accept invitation into he hospitable home "9

eopold Sonnleithner participated in her musical evenings as early as 85. He played the contrabass and other string ents as needed and occasionally accompanied on the piano. Some of the other outstanding musicians who participated are the fllowing: Elizabeth Kupelweiser distantly related to Sonnleithner, who later med Hellmesberger Frau Aloisia Lange, Mozart's sister-in-law Dr. Ignaz von

Soleithner, eopold's fther Johann Nestroy, fiend of Sonnleithner and Schuber

ranz Schober on ute Beard Molique on violin and two blind performers Conradi

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Sonnleiter is discussing the dissemination of music within the culture of aateur musicians in ienna and how their role as amateur musicians is as vital as that of

he pofssional musician fr sustaining music throughout society. ith Soleithner's deterination, he has lef the reader with one more piece to the ple, which aids in the

eonstruction of musical ienna during these pivotal years of 1814 to 1825.

8 aus 'At-ien'," p. 177. 7 Sonnleithner Musialische Sien 58

aer I Bracal re f Pele f e Mucal Skece

This chapter includes names listed in Sonnleither's original document. I have

Wided information to identif and place these people in a cultural context as they pr to the articles written by Sonnleithner. Much of the information was gathered pera

Te New Grove Dictionar ofMus ic and Musicians

The New Grove Dictionar of Op era

Die Mus ik in Geschichte und Gegenwart

Each entr includes: The name, kwn. ' prson s fu ll if (Dates) Th eir occupation, voice, or instrument. The Salons in which their name is listed or they participated. afw biographical statements.

Achleitner. Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Adolfti, Area. (1721-1760) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. acomposer of operas. The Hofibliothek in Vienna has preserved his 1753 La Clemenza di Tito. Aong his other opras are La Gloria ed ii piacere, L'Artaserse L 'rianna and Adriano in Siria. His sacred music consisted mostly of . H; served as conductor of music in the church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. From 1750 to 1760, he served at the Anunizata at .

Ahnschftz, uar. Poet. Salons: Various (Warsaw). He participated at the musical evenings of Friedrich Warsaw by presenting some of his poems. 59 Albrech, Jsef. Soprano. Salons: Kiesewetter.

Allegri, Gregri. (1582-1652) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italia co�pose� who studied with Giovani Maria Nanino. For four years he was a chouboy m Rome (1591-1596). He served as a chorister and composer at the Cathedral at Fermo, and entered the Papal Chapel in 1630.

Anden. Piano. Salons: Kiesewetter.

Anders, Julie vn. Soprano. Salons: Hochenadl.

Andrea, Emu Rter vn. Voloncello. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Ansion, Marie. Soprano/Alto. Salons: Paradies. Maried name is Kraus.

Arnstein, Fanny. (1758-1818) Salons: Various. She is the Jewish Prussian daughter fom the Itig family. Her fther was the baner of Friedrich of Prussia. While she was growing up in Berlin, her fmily's home was quiteIl a social center. She married Nathan Adam Astein, a Viennese banker, in 1776. Four years later she funded her frst salon. Her salon the frst Jewish salon in Vienna� she drew people fom ad all of was Europ. Astorga, Emanuele '. (1680-1757) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. Itlian opera composer fom a noble Spanish fmily. He lived in Vienna fr a year, but lef to become a senator in Palermo. Perhaps his best-known about in 1752 in Oxfrd. is the Stabat Mater it was frst heard work Aumann. Composer. Salons: Hochenadl.

Axfeld , Luise. Soprano. Salons: Kie sewetter. 60 Bach, Ja Sebaa. ( 1685-1750) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. He was the most iportant member of the Bach fa mily. With his exemplary keyboard skills and ingenious compositional techniques, he earned a defnitive position in the history of music. He incorporated in his some of his music a unique system of numerolog. This philosophy of numbers was a common thread symbolism aong other poets ad artists fom his time. His system of 'equal tempermant'of is among many of his inventive compositional techniques. Among his most fmous keyboard works are the We ll-tempered Clavier and the Goldb erg Va riations. His last composition, Die Kunst der Fuge, is epic in nature since it contains fgues, canons, and various counterpoints based on the same theme. It incorporates all ofBach's compositional devices such as: inversion, canon, augmentation, diminution, and triple and double fgues.

Bach, Wlhel Fredea. ( 1710-1784) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. Known as te 'Halle' Bach, he is the eldest son of J.S. Bach. He, like his brother C.P.E., studied at the Thomasschule in Leipzig. J.G. Graun taught him violin in Merseburg. He also studied mathematics, philosophy, and law at the University Leipzig. In Dresden at the Sophienkirche, he was the church organist in 1733. Appointedof the position in 1746, of organist ofthe Liebfauenkirche in Halle, he held that post until 1764. Ten years later he went to Berlin, he remained there until his death in 1784.

Bach, Carl Phl auel. ( 1714-1788) Composer. Salons: Hochenadl. Known as the 'Berlin' or 'Hamburg' Bach, he is the second surviving son of J. S. Bach. He was educated at the Thomasschule in Leipzig with the assistance of his fther's tuition. In 1738, he went to Berlin to study music as his vocation; befre that, he was studying law. Two years later he became a chamber musician to Frederick the Great of Prussia. By 1768, he had assumed the position of cator at the Johanneum (Lateinschule) in Hamburg. He is also known fr his mastery of the Empfindsamkeit style. He put together, along with his student J.F. Agricola, frst authentic posthumous account of his fther's lif. was published as the I Ne krolog fur years afer his fther's death.

Barth, Jsef. es, Sonnleithner, ( 1781-1865) Tenor. Salons: Hochenadl, Kiesewetter, Paradi Various (Falkenhorst). and 6}participated in several perfrmances of Schuber's works both fr private public performances. Prince Josef Johann Nepomuk Schwarzenberg employed the him, most likely as an accountant. Some of his frst performances include fber fllowing pieces: "Das Dorfchen," "Geist der Liebe," "Gesang der Geister 16U}Wassem," and "Die Nachtigall." 61 Barthili, Fraz. j#AƐ ˜TZ Ɛ4, 1861) Guitar. " öƐHũ#)Ɛ" ŃFƐ + Ɛt #ƐƐþ  ¯Ɛ

Bauma, Wilhele. Soprano. " ÷Ɛ–‡ )Ɛ "  FƐ Ď#ƐƐ Ɛ½ ;Ɛ

Bayer. Composer. " “Ɛ"ş  ;Ɛ

Beckers, Jsef. 2ndViolinViola; Composer. " 4øƐQ 4S )Ɛ"44ŕ@4îƐ

Beethve, Lui va. jƐ1770- 1827) Composer. " “ƐQŢ # )Ɛ– )ƐH #)ƐQÎ)Ɛ ›ee  )Ɛ R ƐjVŠ)ƐR Ɛj˜ Š)ƐR Ɛj}4 2ŠFƐ ďTZƐ Ɛ Ɛ Ɛ(ƇƐƐ‰V4)wƐ Ɛ Ɛ  #ƐƐ}  ƐƐ Ɛ Ɛ ‡Ɛ  źƐ #ƐƐ ƐRƐ " Ɛ  ;Ɛ BƐ 1792, k Ɛ #Ɛ  #Ɛ KT ƐƐR;Ɛ QƐ t Ɛ ƐƐ· ġ  Ɛ#Ɛ" ;Ɛ āgƐ @Ɛ Ɛ ğƐƐSƐ ƐQS4)Ɛ Ɛ SƐƐ ÃƐSŀěƐ Ã#Ɛ ą#$‰Ɛ Ɛ  Ɛ  Ɛ##ƐƐ(Ɛ=Ɛk ;Ɛ QƐ T#Ɛ Ɛp Ɛ K!Z Ɛt   ƐƐRƐƐ 1795. GƐ Ɛ  )Ɛ Ɛ #Ɛ ƐG Ɛ ›T )Ɛ Ɛt  Ɛ  Ɛ4Ɛ Ɛ ŞÍ Ɛ ;Ɛ 1809, Ɛ Y#Ɛ g#ƐƐ ƐƐ>Ɛ+ #!(ƐV# t )ƐH Ɛ—Z(2)ƐI #Ɛ še ƐČeŏƐ Ɛ4000 Ĵ ;Ɛ

Belleville, Aa arole. (1808-1880) Piano. "ùƐ "Ó @4;Ɛ aƐƐ Ɛ# Ɛ ƐƐG  ƐZ {Ɛ mƐƐ Ɛ#  Ɛ Ɛ ƐkƐ ÿ‡Ɛ™Ɛ Ɛ < ;Ɛ l Ɛ ##Ɛ=Ɛ= ƐŨ)Ɛ>Ɛ 1816 Ɛ 1820, Ɛ Á‚ÒÒƐ9 Ɛl Ɛl2ÚFƐ  Í Ɛ )Ɛ ƐSƐ Ɛ#ZFƐ ĕ4ƐſƐƐ Á$ƐeƐ 1821-22,  ƐZƐ#Ɛ Ɛ• Ɛ+4#Ɛ "  ;Ɛ l Ɛ Ke#Ɛ ţ †ƐƐ< )ƐH ÎƐ#Ɛ—#FƐ ė Ɛ ƐƐ Ɛ! ƐƐ č$#)Ɛ  ƐTƐüƐ•TƐƐ™)Ɛ Ɛ ¶ƐńƐ #ƐƐ1831. W Ɛ ‡! #Ɛ  Ɛ= Ɛ Ɛ)Ɛ >Ɛ 1831 Ɛ 1839, ƐV)Ɛ”)Ɛ +ż)Ɛ $#ƐG {Ɛ

Bencii. Soprano/A lto. "úƐH #;Ɛ

Bendl, Maalea. Soprano. " “Ɛ–ʼnFƐ 62 Benevi, Orazi. (1605-1 672) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. His fther was Robert Venouot, a confectioner fom Lorraine. For Orazio was a choirboy at St. Luigi dei Fracesi in Rome. While he was there, he studied with Ugolini. He obtained his frst post as maestro di cappela at St. Maria in Trastevere, Rome, in Februy 1624. 1644, he became the Kapellmeister to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in Viena.I He was only in Vienna a short time befre he retued to Rome. 1646, he became the new maestro di cappela of the Cappella Giulia at St. Pietro,I succeeding Virgilio Mazzocchi. Orazio held that post until his death in 1672.

Bennai, Dr. Franz. (d. March 10, 1834) Tenor. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Berg, Krad. Coor Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner.

Berni, Feria Giuseppe. (1725-1813) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer. Padre Martini was his composition teacher in Bologna. 1745, I his frst opera, La vedova accorta, was perormed in Florence. II Cajetto was his frst serious opera; it was privately staged in 1746. His comic operas were much more successfl; Le pescatrici (1751) was produced 14 times in 17 years throughout Europe. Beroni was probably the frst to introduce the cavatina to opra. In 1752, he was appointed the position ofprimo organista at St. Marco in Venice. A year later, he was appointed maestro of the fmale chorus at the Ospedale dei Mendicanti. Bertoni now fvored sacred music and serious opera. Beroni received interational recogition fr his works written fr fmale chorus and orchestra.

Bevilacqua, Paul. Tnor/rton. Salons: Paradies, Sonnleitbner.

Bianchi, Luise. Piano. Salons: Sonnleithner. Maried name is Zeillner.

Bibra, Marie Freii v. Piano. Salons: Paradies. Mried name is Zardahely. 63 Bi, D A ( 1 7667- 1 7 33) Composr, Si gr. Saon: Kie ewetter Itaian compoer who wa appointe te mastro di capplla pot on eruary 5, 1 702, at Saint arco in enice The previou hoer of that pot wa artenio. i ao ee a the masro di coro of the oneratorio ei enicanti.

Bigler onolo alo Pai e

Bihler, Frazis ( . 1 859) Piao. Saon: Paraie, Sonneithner. arrie name i Dor. aybe te e a Biger

Biordi, Givai ( 16911748) Composr. Saon: Kieewetter. taian compoer o in ome. For two year, om 1714 to 1716, he eve a mastro di capp lla of Tivoi athera arina ttooni recommene that he be mae a chapel inger to the pope, thi occurre on ecemer 19, 1717. In 1722, he aume, unti hi eath, the pot of mastro di capplla at t iacomo degli paol i i oe. e a a vocal teacher at e pope micipal coll ege beg in 1 724. At the appea itina, he erve a ecretary om 1730 to 1737,when he ecame chamerlain e retire a a inger in 1 742 om there, but remaied chamerlai. i compoitio conit oly of chch ic.

Bahetka, Jsef Salon: aig. ot iey, he i the fther of Leoine Bletka. e a a oalit an poet an a marrie to Baette Traeg.

Bahetka, Lelie ( 1 809 1 885) Piao, Concr Pianis Saon atwig, So eithner. he tuie piano with oth Ignaz ochee an Jo ef zey A oth a compoer an a pianit, he contriute fvoray to the proiona image of omen mu ician. She conceize extenivey an travee to eany, the etheran, Begium, nglan an France

Blangini, Felie (781181)oo alo ole ither. rench compoer, ut om Itaian irth In h youth, he ang in the Cathera choir an tuie with Bearo ttani e tra vee to Pari in 1799 an ecame popuar a a inger, compoer, an voca teacher. In 1 802, he mae hi eut at the Theatre F eyeau a an opera compoer. Three year ater he ecame the mastro di cappll to the Duke of axeoburg in unich. The e year he a in e ervice of Paie Borghee, apoleon' i ter Apparenty, he ha an affir with her an uequently apoeon tranrre 64 1 ^©‹–©–íȲíD^ÅÅt 햩í1809 ;tíà^Åíp–ºtnȲºí²wíȎtíȎt^Ⱥtí£^ÅÈtºí²wínŽ^£ktºí £ÔŖníȲíBtºµ£tí1³©^¸^ºÊtí E–©‹í²xíZtÅȸ^ –^íà– t햩íD^ÅÅt í ;tí^ Ųí Åtºßtpí ^Åímaestro di ca ell^í 0‡tºíȏtíStÞ² ÔȖ²©í²wí1830, tí ²ÅÈ펗Åín²ÔºÊí¸²Å—È—²ªÅí pp Bchsa, Nilas arles.  1789-1856ƷHarp. T^¡²©Å)í T²©© t–ÈŽ«tºí tí –Åí ©²à©í‚ºítå¸ ²–È–©‹íȎtíŠ íº^©‹tí²wí¸²ÅŖk– –È–tÅí²wí6º^ºpÅí ªtàíp²Ôl tí_nȖ³©í^»¸í 0Åí {ºía –Åíºt¸ÔÈ^Ȗ²©ía _ín²£¸²Åtºí –Èí–Åí £²ÅÈ çí ^ÅŲn—^Ètpíà–Ȑ퐖Åín²£¸²Å–È—²©Åí໗ÈËt©í‚»íg¸í W©y²ºÊÔ©_Èt çí1²nŽÅ^íŽ^pí rt ßtp햩Ȳí pt^ –©‹Åí à–Ȏ킺‹tpíp²nÔ£t©ÈÅ/ítí t‡íȎtín²Ô©È»ç햩í 1817. Vtí Q^º—Åí4²ÔºÈí²wí0ÅŖëtín²©pt£©tp퐖£í–©í1818 Ȳí 12 çt^»Å햣¸º–Ų©£t©Èí^í4000 „^©nÅí©tía«pí^ík»^©p–©‹í²wíȐtí tÈËtºÅí'T.F' Ⱥ^Þ_×æ킺ntÅí²ºí‚»ntpí ^k²»í ᎖nŽíà^ÅíȎtíÅÈ^©p^ºpí¸t©^ Èè킺킺‹tºÅ í ;tíȎt©í€tpíȲíF²©p²©íàŽtºtíŽtí Œ^–ªtpí^íºt¸ÔÈ^k tí©^£tí^Åí ^íŽ^º¸–ÅÈí^­pín²©pÔnȲºí

Bcklet, Krl Maria von  1801-1881ƷlVoln T^ ²©Å*í T²©© t–Ȑ«tºí

Bdgrschek, Karline Alo. T^ ²©Å+íE–tÅtàtÌÊtºí G^×tpí©^£tí–Åí9tntÔºí

Bgh, Paul. Te nor/Baritone. T^ ²©Å,íR^º^p–tÅí

Bgner, Ferinan  1786-1846ƷFle T^ ²©Å*í;^È㖋íT²©«¡t–Ȑ«tºíY_¼–²ÔÅí StÕ®–²© íY^½—²ÔÅí KtÔ –©‹ í í

Bielieu, Fra�ois-Arie. (1775-1 834) ooe Salons: Hatwg, Sonnleithner. A French opera composer who received his musical education fom Charles Broche. He later became an apprentice to Broche at the church of St. Andre in Rouen where he was a assistant orgaist. Aong his compositions are patriotic pieces that were quite popular in France during the revolutionary period. He wrote approximately 40 operas. Some of which he collaborated with other composers such : Mehul, Cherubini, Catel, Keutzer, and Isouard. His frst wif, Clotilde Mafeurai was a dancer. They maried in 1802, but their marriage lasted barely a year. 1826, he married Jenny Phillis. Adrien-Louis-Victor was his son, bor in 1815,I with Therese Regault a the mother. His son also became composer, but was not nearly as prolifc as his fther. a Bscalle, Eresie e. ino Salons: Paradies.

Bscalle, Marie Paulie e. Pno. Salons: Paradies. Married, but no name is given.

Bockig, Wilhel. 2ndVolinVol Salons: Sonnleithner. Author of the chapter V, the Sonnleithner Salon. Close fr iend of the Sonnleithner fmily.

Bockig, Aa. (February 21, 1859) Gi Salons: Sonnleithner. Married name is Marinelli.

Bohm, Fraz. 1t Volin Salons: Sonnleithner.

Brentan, A Freiherr vo. Cline. Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Reunion).

Bscbrner. Clne Salons: Hatwig.

Buberl, A. Fle Salons: Sonleithner. 66 Bury, Betti Alto. Salons: Kiesewetter.

Bussetti, Racela vo. Piano. Salons: Paradies.

Cafr, Pasquale (1715-1787) Composr. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer. He entered the Naples Conservatorio di St. Maria della Pieta dei Turchini in 735. Nicola Fago was his frst teacher at the Conservatorio, he then studied withJ Leonardo Leo. Afer 1737, he studied with Lorenzo Fago, Leo's successor. He mostly composed oratorios: operas: cantatas and church music. At the Teatro St. Carlo, Cafaro conducted operas by Hasse ad Traetta. On August 25, 1768 he was appointed the position of mastro di cappla soprannumrario at the royal chapel. Ultimately, he became te mastro di musica dlla ral camra at the chapel. His most recognized work is the Stabat mater, which dates 1785. Cafro bridges the gap between Leo and Durante and Cimarosa and Paisiello.

Cadara, Antoio. (1670-1736) Composr. Salons: Kieseweter. Caldara was a funder and deacon fr the Cacilien-Bindnis, which he established in Vienna in 1725. Its purpose was to promote sacred music. Members of the Austo-Hungarian nobility commissioned operas and oratorios. Caldaa had extensive duties fr the imperial court, which changed the direction of his compositional output. He became much more acquainted with writing operas since he was required to write one fr the both the emperor's and empress's nameday and birhday. He also wrote one or two oratorios fr the Lenten observance at the court. He was frtunate because he had access to the best instrumentl and vocal performers.

Cami, Antnie (1773-1822) Soprano. Salons: Vaious (Neuling). Maiden name was Miklaszewicz. A excellent coloratura singer fom Poland. In 1788, she was appointed court singer to King Stanislas Augustus. She met, ad Married nae is the bass singer Campi in 1791. Antonie had appeared in both the Warsaw Opera and the Prague Opera, and also sang at Leipzig, Vienna, and Dresden.

Ca rafa Composr. Salons: Sonnleithner. 6"Ť Carissimi, Giacoo (160-1 67) Composer.  IŤ L<©Ť `Ť 'Ť 11 !ŤŕŤ Ť' Ť  Ť ŤŐİŤ  ¨ " ¨ ŗ!Ť a*Ť `ŤŤŤ  ŤŤjŤňŤ*Ť Ť Ť ?Ť4 Ť Ť )4ŤN Ť! ŤœŤ0 Ť Ť Ť Ť*  Ť! Ť — Ť Ť Ť Ó 'ÏŤŤ Ť1Ť Ť  Ť ŤVlŤ1  Ť'hŤJephte, Judicium Salomonis, Jonas,  ŤBalthazar. JŤŤ!ŤÇ Ť 1625 Ť 1627, Ť @d ŤŤ WŤŤ ŤS Ť $   Ť JW Ť 1628 Ť 167, ŤW ŤŤmaestri di cappella Ť Ť B ŤŤŤEÏ Ť Ťa Ť

Castelli, Inaz Fraz (1781-1862) Composer. °Ť:ŤOL 2Ť ĕbŤ Ť Ť ŤŤ ŤŤ  Ť)!Ť )

Catel, Charle-Sion (1773-1830) Composer. ÓIŤo Ť Ť ·W Ť *Ť Ť  ŤŤ Ťü  Ťa!Ť Ť$ ŤŤ0Ť ėŤ ÆW*'Ť Ť Ť$Ť Ť òQ8Ť Ť)  ŤđĤŤŤo !Ť 1808, ŤÖ@   ŤŤR' Ť ÐŤŤ Ť ˜Ť Ö@Ť Ť Ť)ŤI Alexandre chez Apelle. ?ŤŤ ŤŤ ŤŤ  ŤŤ  ' ŤŤ Les Baaderes, Ť*Ť ĭ ŤŤ Ť V  Ť 10  ŤŤ Ť0Ť ĐWŤ `'Ť !*  Ť  ŤŤ VŤşĶ Ť'l Ť!Ť

Cherubini, Liuigi. (1760-182) Composer.  IŤ?  ŤLŤ?eŤ   Ť –ŤeŤw'Ť 'Ť'Ť¸ ŤŤŤ Ť  Ť   Ť‡'Ť Ť Ì Ť5)  Ť ?Ť UŤ   Ť ŤŤ  Ť Ťs Ť ŤŤ Ť maestro al cembalo Ť ŤSŤ  Ť0 Ť ŤJ  Ť ˜ Ť !Ť Ť '¢   Ť9  ŤJ  'ŤJ ' 'ØŤŤ^  Ť Ť  Ť  Ť9'ţŤ Ť µ5 Ť pŤ ‹"&8Ť Ť  Ť ŤUŤŤŤJ Ť T Ť ŤŤ  ŤŤ  Ť    Ť¶ l)ŤŤ ·W Ť ”Ť 9Ť:Ť  Ť őŤ ½'ŤE'Ť ¶ B1'ķŤ ŤÂŤŤ 1805, Ť Ť Ť vŤ Fa niska, e  ŤŤŇŞŤ {  ŤŤ yŤ  ĩ@ Ĝ Ť Ť  Ť ĆĞx7< ŤŤJ)B!Ť 25, 1806. 1822, Ť Ť Ť ŤŤ I Ť ' ŤŤ Ť0Ť$©Ť

Cibbini, Kaharina PrŤ EŤ 12, &8&2Ť Piano.  nŤ   7Ť :Ť P_  =2Ť ½' Ť Ť 'Ťć=  Ť 6&Ť

Ciarsa, m. Composer  nŤK  %Ť 7  Ť kŤŤ•7€Ť$ * %Ť ŤŤ  - ŤŤŤ *Ť ŌŤ Ť 5 ŤŤ Ť0 ==HŤa Ť Ť$   åŤ KŤ UŤ 5 Ť 5 ŤŤ *HŤ 4 XŤ Ť0 %Ť  Ť ÒŤHNŤVŤ Ť 5 Ť ŤŤ Ť ÙŤ 0 Ť $5 Ť "6%Ť ŤŤ   ŤŤ Ť $Ť Ť kŤ ¾ŋŤ jŤ _ŤI Ť   Ť -Ť 5 -Ť ÜŤ Ť Ť   Ť¾7%Ť k %Ť  Ť Ť $ %Ť  Ťaesto di iolio ^   Ť Ť  - Ť Ť  %Ť4X/ §Ť  Ť%Ť $ Ť ŤŤ /  Ť u  ŤŤŤ *.Ť 9-Ť Z ""Y%Ť ŤˆÕŤ Ť ŤŁuŤ  ŤŤ Ť maestro di cappella ;%Ť Ť    ŤĘ Ť Ť”  7.Ť $ Ť)  ŤŤ %Ť4X) Ť -%Ť  ŤŤ.Ť TGŤ Ť ŸŤ  Ť NÒŤ Ť 5  Ť Ť  Ť•Ť ‘A %ŤŤ ÄŖ.Ť $ ŤŤ ;XŤ 4ŤŤŤÄ ´Ť ŤŤ Ť  Ť +Ť U5Ť ĠŤ   Ť Ť Ť Ť Ť  & Ť$ -Ť

Cari, iai a aa. z Œ 6""{ " 8ŽmŤComposer  ôŤLNCŤ º;Ť   Ť oŤ s %Ť $ÕŤ$;€ %ŤŤŤ  ; ŤŤ Ť A GŤŤ  Ť $ Ť ŤŤ Ť Ť0 Ťp Ť $yŤs ŤŤSU HŤ ¿ NNÝŤ  Ťmaestro di cappellaŤ0Ť $   Ť $ Ť U  Ť Ť Ť 0;Ť$;7Ť Ť9;ŤŤ î 6 Q8Ť Ė Ť Ť X%ŤG Ť ļĽŤ saio elirantew ˆŤ* ŤŤ ŤSŤ0/)  HŤ SŤ-Ť Ť Ť/  ŤŤ Ì*)ŤHœŤ Ť ^  *Ť   ŤœŤú Ť ¹Ť  ~ Y3%Ť ŤŤ  Ť bŤ HŤ Ťmaestro di cappella Ť Ť0 Ť$G  Ť T ;Ť Ť Ť Ť Ť  Ť$   Ť Ť  -Ť H  Ť   Ť   Ť Ť ŤŤ ŤHA.Ť ĀŤŤ Ť{   ŤNŤ ŤŤŤ  ~ DY%Ť/Ť Ť4ŤŤ  Ť Ť Ť H)N'¢ Ť ŤŤŤmaestro di cappella Ť Ť0Ť$  ;Ť Ť  "D3 Ť oŤ Ô- Ť Ť Ť Ť  ŤŤ  " Ť 8gŤ

Ca, uie. Soprano A lto  IŤ0 %Ť 7  7%Ť : ŤO 4 mŤ Čč' Ť¢ ŤŤ$=Ð-Ť

Ceent, ra. zŒ~&Y|ŒóDmŤoli  nŤ :5ŤOĎ5+mŤ ¿Ť 4 XŤN Ť Ťý=Ť$  %Ť  Ť; Ť Ť ŤŤ  N Ť7Ť Ē5Ť 5 Ť ŤŤŤL+Ťċ ŤŤT/.Ť $; Ť/Ť;XŤ bŤ ŤŤŤ  Ť Ť ŤŤj Ť5 Ť  ~Q¬ŤŤV ŤŤŤ  öŤ k *Ť ŤoX Ť   Ť  Ťˆ u Ť Ť ^ŸŤ řŤŤÂ%ŤGŤ ŏ Ť ŤÈŤ Å ŤŤGŤ S ŤŤ ÅŤT ŤÇ„Ť  &YDŤ  Ť  &   % Ť Ť H5 Ť•W XŤ  ŤaŤt Ť  &  3 ŤŤ &&Ť KŤˆŤ)Ť3YŤ  Ť ÆŤ Ť ' ŤŤ  Ť Ť  7  Ť  Ť 6QŤ Clement, uo. P"8Dá&3D2ŤComposer. +IŤ  %Ť :>Ť ‘+ıŤ t ŤpŤ /†%Ť [ ŒŤ ŤŤ R+Ť  (>Ť KŤ Ť   ŤE7Ť9 Ť  Ť ”((Ť ›€+>Ť KŤŤ Ť  ŤŤŤ q+ Ť ŤŤ/Ť Ť * +Ť ŤŤ Ť+-Ť.Ť 9-ŤŤ *Ť ŤŤ 3Ť -Ť Ť%ŤŤ Ť  ŤŤ(Ťa ›Ť‚ŤVŤ‡Ť k>Ťj=Ť @ Ť Ť “š >Ť J Ť "66ŤŤ€-Ť "6"Ť[ Ť(ŤŤ-ŤŤŤ9 4ž Ť Ť Ť(+Ť¹Í.Ť TŤ ŤŤ(ŤŤ ĺ-ŤŤŤ Ť œ -Ť Ť(  ŤŤ(  >Ť [ Ť  ŤŤj ŤŤ""ŤŽÞŤ Ť Ť(ŤŤ""8Ť ŤdŤĴŤġʼn Ťƒ×Ť(B/ Ť(@@  .Ť

Cnrad, Pau o. Volin +IŤ 0 >Ť ‘Ť/+ Ť ‚Ť

Cnt, raneso Batoomeo. PŤZ6&|"32ŤComposer. +IŤ L¤>Ť ºľŤ  (ŤŤ +ŤŤŤ-Ťƒ ŤŤ¤Ť  Ť ŤŤ‡/Ť āŤ Ť¤Ť  +Ť ŤŤ/Ť Ť+Ť ŤG‚Ť(ŤŤšŤ//Ť ÊÎl*ÎŤ ˜+-Ť Ť  ŤŤ (Ť/Ť  Ť ŤŤ  Ť * Ť /%Ť eqŤ  q ŤŤŤ "QŤņr ŤŤGalatea endicata. [Ť@Ť+Ť )ŜŤŤ ŤŤ ğdŤ (Ť/Ť "gŤ › Ť"D8%Ť ŤBŤ Ť £(+Ê-Ť VŤŤ Ť *qŤ  >Ť

Cn tin. Violin k²Ť :ŤOď+2.Ť

Csta, Antn Prra da. PqæŤ ‹6Q"{ ‹ ""¬2ŤComposer. IŤ :Ť –Ť Ť ŤŤmaestro de cape/la ŤJB Ť[G @Ťt Ť /Ť "ŽYçŤK‚Ť ŞƷƷConcerto gossi  Ť Ť Ť[.Ť ^ ŤËŤŤ  (ŤŤ DŤ Serenatas fo r the Guitar.

Cui. Composer. +³Ť + }Ť

Cen, Josef. PZ"&8|&3 2ŤComposer, Piano. +³ŤK>Ť ĄŤŤŤ *(%Ť(Ť Ť Ť B Ť(B/÷ŤŤ Ť Ť»Ť µ=Ñ-Ť(/ŤŤŤ:7Ťt Ť ­&D&ŤŤ ­&3èŤKŤŤ+Ť  Ť eŤŤ[((Ť [=Ñ-Ť(/GŤ  (->Ť ^ ŤŤ Ť Ť Ċ( Ť9ĚƒŤ Ť& 9ÚŤ(ŤL.Ť 70 Cerny, Ka. (1791-1857) Piao. Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Neuling). An Austrian pianist, teacher, composer and historian. He was a student of Beethoven, and he became a leading source fr transmitting Beethoven's legacy. Much of his technical exercises are a fundation fr nearly every pianist's taining. He is the son of Wenzel Czery, a pianist, organist, oboist and singer. His public debut was in Viena in 1800 at the Augarten hall. While he was in Vienna, he spent some time studying with Clementi. Among some of his students were Alfed J11, Ninette von Bellevile-Oury, Blahetka and Lisz.

Dalara, Nioas-ai. (1753-1809) Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner. French composer. His main compositional successes include Nia Azemia ad Les de u petits Saoyards. Much of his work was within the opera comique tradition, which frmed a logical continuation to that of Gretry's. He attempted to adapt his musical style according to the subject. One of his librettists, Pixerecourt wrote his biography.

David, ioai. Te nor. Salons: Various (Falkenorst). A celebrated tenor, he was a big hit among the ladies at the Falkenhorst Salon. On March 16, 1823, he consented to sing "Addio ai Viennesi" by Rossini.

Deer et. Piao. Salons: Paradies.

Deket, Peter Ed o. Timpani Salons: Hatwig.

Deer, Elise. ( d. 1861) Soprao/Al to Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner.

Diabelli, Ato. (1791-1858) Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner. Austrian publisher and composer. Diabelli studied music in both Michaelbeuren and Salzburg. He entered the Raitenhaslach Abbey in 1800. In 1803, afer the dissolution of the Bavarian monasteries, he went to Vienna. He taught piano and guitar there, and soon he became known fr his arangements and compositions. His Opus Nos. 1-7 and 12 -14 became the property of Cappi Diabelli. The same also published the Vaterlandischer Kunstlerverein, including the Diabellifr Variati ons, Op. 120, by Beethoven. Opp. 1--7 and 12--14 later became the property of Cappi Diabelli. The frm also published the Vaterlandischer Kunstlerverein, including Beethoven's Diabelli Variations op. 120. Afer June of 1824 the frm which was renamed Anton Diabelli Cie afer Cappi's retirement, beca�e quite productive. Works that were once owned& by Leidesdorf Pennauer, "ZŤ E†Ť Ť T Ť    !Ť  Ť) ěŤ_¡)# ‰Ť†!ŤŤ Ť   Ť ŤU CŤ

Dietrih. Soprano/Alto.  hŤ 0 CŤ

Dinelt, Lepdi. Alto  nŤĈŤ

Diwald, Fay. Piano. F iŤēF Ť

Dollinger, Jsef. #hŤ?<Ť

Doan, Zmekl on. P¼Ť 3Ť &33ŤO"gŤ!22ŤSalon Host F ²ŤÃ@ BŤO_„ =2CŤ EŤŤ  cŤ   Ť Ť  Ť,Ť w Ť Ť   ŤŤ Ť c#,Ť ,Ť9,CŤ ŘŤ9 Ť    Ť,Ť ÁéŤ Q8Ť Ť Ĕ@<\Ť\Ť _„F =Ť „ŤI ŤÃMFŤŤ "&gŤ Ť4Ť\ ŤŤŤ  c!Ť Ťh.,Ť ?Ť$   !CŤ ?Ť , Ť,\ŤŤ Ť &8CŤ EŤŤ *Ť  Ť ŤeŤ ï6ŤįŤw<Ť ŤŤ  )Ť4Ť

Doppler, Aa Maria. PZ"3Qâ&ZY2Ť  Ť eŤ* ŤŤ$ij Ť  Ť S,Ť,!Ť, ŤžŤŤ Ť ŠŤ r cêŤ

Doppler, Jsef. PZ"QãZ &6"2ŤBassoon, Clarinet F MhŤĂF\.Ť EcĿ!Ť ŤŤŤ  ŤŤ ,)ÛŤs Ť Ť, Ť  Ť  )<‰Ť )¡ .Ť ăŤ,Ť F#ŤŤÁ<Ť?¡§Ť ,Ť  ! Ť Ť9Ť Ť$ .Ť ?Ť £ š Ť\ Ť  ŤFŤ\,Ť wBF@\Ť ŤŤ,Ť, Ť Ť ,B)

De61er. Composer  hŤM  .Ť 72 Durate, raes. (16 84-1755) Composer lons Kiesewetter ot much is knon bout Durnte's lif fom his erly youth until round 1728 Tht yer he ws ppointed the primo mesto of the epolitn onservtorio dei overi di esu risto Durnte becme the primo mestro on pril 25, 1742 nd . llo ws ssigned to ssist him s secondo mestro The Loreto conservtory reined mch of its stbility n qulity of ection uner Durnte's direction When Leo died on ctober31 17ggߍ Durnte becme the primo mestro t the onservtorio di t nofio on Jnury 1 1745

Dussek Composer lons: rdies onnleithner

Du61, Therese. (ugust 13 184 1) Piao lons onnleithner. ried nme is setzky.

Ebeer, Karl. 1st Voli. lons onnleithner

Eberl, At. (17 65-1 8 07 Composer; Piao. lons ochendl Kieseetter e produced severl ste orks in Vienn e presented ydn's Creatio in ussi fr the frst time in 180 1 s pinist he begn iving privte recitls s erly s e eiht. ne of his techers my hve incle Mozrt His fr rst public recitl ws in 17 84 nd in 17 87 he presented Die Ma rchade des Mo des, his frst ste ork e toured ermny in 1795- 96 with both onstne Mozrt nd her sister loysi Lne n erlin he performe with Meyerbeer While tourin he visited t etersbur berl served s pino techer, entertiner fr the ussin royl fmily nd s Kpellmeister.

Eberli, Jha Est. (1702-176 2 Composer. lons Kieseeter. Gern composer nd ornist e prticipted school perfornces of musicl plys which he lter spent mch of his timein composin is musicl output vrie n ofen he compose music fr specil occsions lzbur. e befiended both the Mozrt fmily nd the clery of the t eter'si bbey in Slzbur Most of his compositionl infence ws wth his scred vocl music

Ebner, Jha Lepld. (b 17 91 Voli lons rdies e s civil servnt tht lived in Vienn until 1817 e met chubert fer Schuber hd lef the tdtkonvikt. bner ttined senior position in goverent service and in 1823 he mrried erphine chellmnn chber hd styed t the chellmnn house in teyr in 1819 pprently bner collected "3Ť Ť Ť 1<¦Ť#!ŤŤ Ť Ť  Ť1ģńŤ Ť #ŸŤ :}Ť `Ť 1� ŤąŅ ŤR1ŤŤaĥŤŤ v ŤŤ1Ť Ť4ŤŤ Ť ĸŤ1ŤM#!Ť#Ť ŤŤ<É ªŤ pŤ &8&ŤR1Ť  ŤŤ Ť A Ť ŤŤþ ĝ Ťj1ªŤ

Ehnes, Marie. Soprano #nŤLëŤ À Ť M Ť Ť¸#ûCŤ

Eisenhfr. Composer #±Ť  ŠŤ

Ellaurer, Klla. Piano  MiŤŃ# >Ť

Engelhardt, Jue. Guitar. #IŤ0 .Ť

Eppinger, Eauel. Administrator  °Ť:A ŤO™ŝM2fŤ ’ *ŤŤ Ť #ŤŤ Ť ]a ŤR vf ]Ť

Eppinger, Leool Josef. z CŤ ¼#!Ť &Ť 1 8602ŤBass, Lawyer #MiŤ0A Ť:AŤO™ 2ŠŤ ’  ŤŤ # Ť ŤŤŤ   Ť:ŤUŤĻ׍ xb ŤbŤl !Ť #ŚŤ Ť Ť ŤŤ  #ŤŤ

Erann, Baroness Dorotea vo. Piano. #MiŤ :A ŤO“ d =2ŠŤ À Ť Ťÿ .Ť

Eskeles, Dos Freberrr vo. Violoncello #iŤ0A fŤ

Eybler, sef. zŤ"ñ8| &6mŤComposer. #iŤ # CŤ ’xŤ  vfŤ »v Ť`! Ť   Ť u Ť ŤŤ1‡ŤŤĬ  Ť Ť Ť rŤbŤ Ħ l#Ť!ŤŤ Ť  .Ť `! MŤ    Ť ŤŤ ËŤ £ĹŤ Ť Ť  Ť1# Ťù<CŤ —=<¦Ť  Ť   ŤR!1#Ť Ť *#Ť ÉŤ™w }Ť T Ť  Ť A Ť Ť &ðŤR!1#Ť   ŤG ŤŤ –ħ##  «Ť K Ť  !Ť 4Ť AĨ Ť Ť AŤ Ť Ť   #Ť ÔxŢ#ŤĢŤ1 ŤK! Ť Ť—=ìŤ #ŤŤGŤ  1Ť  Ť4Ť Ť1Ť Ŋ fŤ 74 Falkenhr, Ger Schall vn. Ma rshal Lieutenant. Salons: Various (Falkenhorst).

Falkenhr, Krle. Singer. Salons: Various (Falkenhorst). Married name is Senitzer.

Fakenhr, Jseph Schall v. Actor Salons: Various (Falkenhorst). Later changed his name to Forst and dedicated himself completely to the stage.

Farinell, Guepe. (1769-1836) Composer Salons: Sonnleithner. Italian composer. He studied in Este with the local maestro di cappella, Lionelli, and also in Venice with Atonio Martinelli. 1785 he entered the Conservatorio della Pieta dei Turchini in Naples. He also studiedI with singing with Barbiello, harony with Fago, and counterpoint with Sala. Some of his composition lessons were with Tritto. His frst opera, Jl dottorato di Pulcinella, was perfrmed at the conservatory in 1792. Three years later, his frst work fr the public, L'uomo indolente was perfrmed at the Teatro Nuovo.

Fedrigoti, Jhann e. Te nor. Salons: Kiesewetter.

Ferdinan, Prince Lu f Prua. ( 1772-1806) Composer Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner. Louis Ferdinand, the nephew of Frederick the Great, was an accomplished musician despite being educated and trained fr the military. 1804, he met Beethoven at a perfrmance of his Eroica symphony, subsequIently; Beethoven dedicated his thd Piano Concerto to the Prince.

Ferrari, Antnie. Piano Salons: Paradies. Married name is Ster von Felsburg.

Feska Composer. Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner.

Feuerten, Zachara. Clarinet Salons: Hatwig. 75 Fiel, Jh n. ( 17821 87) Cmpser. Salons Sonnleithner He was te eldest son of obert ield a rossionl violist His rst musical insrction was om his grandther o ield an organist He became BĚ esblished virtoso in ondon He worked with Clementi whom required him to assist the maing and sellin of musical instents ield traveled to St etersburg d oscow where he remained In 1822, he met Hummel who was here on a conert tour and together they erformed Hels due sonata

Fier. Composer. Salon: Sonnleithner

Fioraani, ae. ( 1 71 87) Cmpser Salons Hochenadl Ialian comoser who began his studies in literature and art. His rst musical insction was with Greorio oscanelli Counteroint lessons were ten wit iusee annocconi 177, he went to ales to stdy with Sala His rst era Le aenture di ertoldiI n, was comosed in 1 784. he Tearo del ondo in ales commissioned him fr an oera in 1 787 the result was his Gl'inganni ortunati His most olar oera Le cantatrici i/lan, was writen fr ales in 7 amids the olitical turmoil other sucessl oera was Camilla 1 8 1 6 he became the maestr di cappella, a osition that ingarelli had heldI at the alla Sistina er 1 824 ioravanti wrote mostly sacred music aer his eratic creer had nearly become etinct

Fischer, Ann. (17781808) be Clarinet. Salons Hatwig erman comoser and tenor He is the brother of ataus ischer He cmosed Singsiels sang small roles and became assistant aellmeister under Ignaz von Seyied in 1 806 at the heater an der ien as Hausgesinde was one his most iuhnt works; it was erfrmed 1 1 5 times at the heater an der ien Some of his other omositions include Lunara, onigin des Palmenhains, ie ntlarten, ie cheidewand and ie erwandlungen

Fische, Klne. (d. ctober 2, 1 8) pranolto Salons ochenadl Paradies rsuline uns. n cober 28 1 820 she entered into the rder of the

Fam. Alto. Salons: Hochenadl ntonie lamm

Foenin, Auu. ( 181) Pia. Salons Sonnleithner 7

Foggia, Fracec. ( 1-1688) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer. He served many of Rome's most prestigious and published church music extensively. He was a choirboy at the Jesuit church of St. Apollinare, which was under the direction of Ottavio Catalano. He served at the courts of the Elector Ferdinand Maximilian at Cologe, Duke Maximilian pŤ of Bavaria at Munich, and Archduke Leopold of Austia at Brussels.

Forester. Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Forster. Voloncello Salons: Sonnleithner.

Forster, lere. Piano. Salons: Sonnleithner. Married name is Contin.

Fradl, Karl. JstViolin Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Schuppanzigh).

Franchett, Fruaa. Sopranolto. Salons: Paradies. Married name is TŤalzl.

Freyberger, Anna. Soprano. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Freyenwald, Jef Jak v. Bass Salons: Hochenadl, Paradies.

Friedenthal. Volin. Salons: Hochenadl.

Friedlowsky. Wind Plaer. Salons: Various (Reunion).

Fries, Mrt v. (17771 826) anker Salons: Various. He is the son of Count Johann Fries who was quite a successfl industrialist who co-funded the fr 'Fries Co.,' in 17 That fr was one of Vienna's leading fnancial institutions. Moritz was a law student at Leipzig fr three years, fom 1 794 to 1797 He was considered one of the richest men in Vienna since he had accumulated even more than his fther Johann. addition to the fmily business, I 77 he alo managed textile mill and had extenive lad holding. He and hi aria hereia oe her maiden name a rince Hohnlohe-aldenurg Scillingt hoted lavih muical partie. Many ait ere invited including Haydn d Beethoven Moritz a quite generou ith hi m ney and alo held an extenive peronal li rary of art and oo. he Academy of ine made him an honorary member in . gnaz Sonnleithner had wrien rie a leer of inroduction fr Schubert. Schubert dedicated the ong retchen am Spinnarade' to rie. nf ounaI tely the lavih lityle caught up th oritz by he experience extreme nancial difculty He handed the rm over to hi on i but ithin a year oritz r. had led fr banruptcy

Friesler. Composer Salon: Sonnle ithner

Frischl, Fraz Binessman Salon Hatig. Hi apartment became the ne rehearal area hen Schubert place oered inucient pace. F richling lived at Dorotheergae r

Frit, arie Piano Salon: Sonneither

Frohlich, Aa (79-) Sprao. Salon: Hochenadl Kieeetter Sonnleithner. nna a the eldet daughter of Mathia rhich. She tudied inng and piano with iueppe ibon and ohann epomu Hel repectively. She taught at te oneatory of the eellcha der uieunde om 9 until 4. e onervatory a cloed fr three year om 4 to due to the olitical cliate. n 4 her contract a not reneed at the onervatory d Mathilde archei replaced her. Anna alo had a number o private tudent a we a thoe at the onervatory. She and her i ter ere very active in the rvate mucal circe of Vienna t ga Sonnleither home he a the accomanit fr Augut Ritter von ymnich. ogether they preented Sc huert rlig r the rt time on December . She a alo the teacher of ouie omar Leopold von Sonnleither e f

Frohlich, Babee (797-79) AltSoprao Salon: Hochenadl Kieeetter Hatig Sonneithner Se a the econd eldet daughter of Mathia Frhlich At gnaz Sonnleither ome he paticipated in the performance of Schue' etting of alm on anua 9 She participated oen at the conce of the eellcha der Muieunde. ventually her interet ed more tod painting thn to inging and he tudied ith Moritz Michael Dafnger. She a hi aitant r many year. n he married Ferdinand Bogner the autit hom he mot 7 liely met by participating in the private salons that onnleithner discusses in his 'Musikalische kizzen aus 'Alt Wien"

Frohlch, Kahara. (-79) Soprano. alons Kiesewetter She was the third daughter of Mathias Frhlich he participated in the private musical circles of Vienna as a singer and pianist, although she remained an amateur ranz rillparzer became quite smitten with her in -, when he frst met her Their relationship grew to the point of becoming engaged, but they never married because he could not flly commit to her rillpzer was a fiend all of the Frhlich sisters, and he actually took up residence in one of their apamenw ts. He lef in , but reted afer 9 years in 49 He lived there until his death in 7 Katharina was named as his sole heir.

Frohlch, Jefe. (-7) AltoSoprano. alons: Kieseweer, Hatwig, onnleithner ustria family of musicians Josene studied voice with her sister Anna at the esellschaf der Musikeude om 9 to he made her operatic debut in Vienna in ie ntuhrung aus dem Serail. he was appointed the position of private singer to the King of Denmar.

Frolichthal, ue Frolch v. lstVolin 2ndVlinVola. Salons: aradies, onnleithner fler von Frlichsthal.

Fuch, Al. (799- (Marc , )) ass Voloncello alons: Kiesewetter, Sonnleithner ustan musicologist. He attended the school of the Franciscan friary at Opava Wile e was there he studied organ, cello and voice He was an assistant to Kiesewetter as an ofcial in the war ofce. He occasionally sang as a bass in the cour chapel and in he was appointed as a member of the board of the Gesellschaf der Musikfeunde His private collection consists of autographs by Bac, Handel, Haydn, luck, Mozart, and Beethoven As a musicologist, he wored fr the preservation of musical monuments; most of his published articles concer the lives and wors of Mozart and luc

Ful. Composer alons: onnleithner 79 Fux, Jhann Jeh. (1660-1741) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter Austrian composer and music theorist He is the author of Gradus ad Parassum (1725), which is one of the most infuential composition treatises in European music fom the 1700's on His compositions represent the culmination of the Austro-Italian Baroque in music.

Gaupp, Baldaare. (17061785) Comoser Salons Kiesewetter His ther was a barber who also played the violin in small orchestras ost liely he is Baldassare's rst music teacher He had a long-term association and collaboration with the librettist Carlo oldoni, which began in 1749. 1762, aluppi was appointed maestro di coro of St. Mar's, which was the mostI reputable and important position in Venice Later he became the maestro di coro at the Ospedale deg1i Incurabili

Gauster, Martn. Volin Salons: Hatwig.

Gansbacher, Jhann. (d. 18) Tenor/Baritone Salons: Paradies

Gebauer, Fran Xaver. (1784-1822) Piano. Salons: Kiesewetter, Hatwig =a180 he became an organist at Franenstei and later went to Vienna in 181. While in Vienna, he wored as a violoncellist and piano teacher. He was one of te earliest members of the òX1Xţ1ĨňęĻƷĭYƃƷāu1ƑŕYuŲĮ±Ʒ He conducted the frst Spirituel-Concee in 1819, which was held at the Hotel z Mehlgrabe in the Neue Mart. These concerts lasted until 188 nd teir mission was to increase te involvement fom choir rehearsals into meetings fo r music lovers

Geinek, Jef. (1758-1825) Composer Salons: Sonnleithner zec composer pianist and piano teacher. ost ofeline's compositions are piano variations based upon melodies fom various stage wors. Some of his 'borrowed' material came fr om composers such as Gluck, Paisiello, Mozart, Salieri Rossini eber ' Boieldieu and Mehul. uch of Geline's compositions were �rinted d�ng his litime. Other musical infuences show up in his wors fom Viennese fol tunes and his own themes.

Geli. Salons: Sonnleithner 80 General, Per (Mercae). (1773-1832) Composer. aon: Kieewetter, onneithner. Itaian compoer. He tudied counterpoint with Giovani ai. Generai i a graduate of the ongregazione di t. eciia in ome. He frt began hi career by compoing acred muic. Hi frt opera in 1800. oini' popularit overhadowed that of Generali'; he ubequenty went to Barceona a the director of he opera compay at the Teatro de a t. ruz. In 1827, he retued to north of ita1y to become the maetro di cappe11a at Novara athedral. He held that poition unti hi death in 1832.

Gertebra, Therese ie v. Soprano/lto aos: Paradie. arried name i, but no name given.

Geymiller. ( 1754- 1 824) ao: arious. Hi name i metioned in the utipe aon hapter.

Gitchitz, Gabrele. Soprano ao oeither.

Giuian, Maur. (1781-1829) Guitar aon: onneithner, ariou (ohrer), ariou (Neuing). Itaian guitar virtuoo and compoer. He ha been a eader in the caica guitar movement in iea. He taught, perfrmed and compoed a vat repertory fr the guitar. Guiiani ga e the premiere of hi guitar concerto with f orchetra accompaniment in Apri 1808.

Guck, Chrth Wllbal. (1714-1787) Composer aon: Hochenad, Kieeweer, onneither. ohemian compoer. In ienna he wa in ong ervice fr the Habburg' and wa intrumenta fr the refrm of opera and theatrica dace on the part of the European intellectuals. He had much experience in seting Metataian drammi per musica and he erved a muic director in ienna at the Burgtheater.

Goldberg, Jule. Alto aon: Kieewetter. arried name i zebezki.

Goldberg, Fanny. Soprano aon: Kieewetter. arried name i ar i. Gttfrie. Piano. Maried name is Salzmann.

Gottfrie, inzez. (d. 181) Salons: Paradies, Sonleithner, Various (Falkenhorst). Tenor/Baritone. Gottlieb. Voloncellist Salons: Various (Neuling). He performed at the home of Vinenz Neuling.

Got, Jef. 6 7- 22 (March , 22 Ʒ Salons: Hochenadl, Hatwig, Sonnleithner, Various (Reunion), Various (Falkenhorst).Bass. He perfored on the March , , recital of Beethoven's Christus am Olberge.

Graumann, Mahile. 6 23 Ʒoprao Salons: Kiesewetter. German mezo-soprano and singing teacher. She married Salvatore Marchesi. Vienna, she studied with Otto Nicolai and in Fran she studied with Felice I Ronconi. Her concert debut was in Frankfur in . A year later she went to Paris to study with Manuel Garcia, when he lef Paris to go to London, she went with him and sang in various concerts there in . Marchesi became the profssor of singing at the Vienna Conservatory, a position she took over when Anna Frohlich was not reappointed. In 6 she went to Paris and continued her pri ate studio teaching as well as concer appearances. Seven years later she reted to Viena Conservatory and remained there fr the nex ten years, re siging in 17. Moving back to Paris in , she then opened her own school hĸƷsinging. She maintained a positive reputation that spanned into the nex centu.

Graun, Carl Heinrich. ( 70 7 ƷComposer Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner. Singer and Composer. He served a a tenor at the court of Duke August ilhelm of Bruswick-Wolfnbittel. In that position he was also responsible fr opera, cou and church music. As Kapellmeister, Graun mostly worked on composing dramati c stage works. Some of his compositions include concertos, chamber music and Italian cantatas, which were performed in the court. He collaborated with the Musikibende Gesellschaf, a society funded in 7. This society supported cour musicians and amateurs fom the nobilit and the bourgeoisie. razii, Krlne. Alt. Salons: Kiesewetter, Various (Millegg).

(, rillparer, Fran. 1797-1 872 ramatist. Son of Anna Maria Sonnleithner and Wenzel Grillparzer. Cousin to . He frst studied law at Vienna University befre he took up his passion as a dramatist. He spent most of his lif in goverment service and retired in 186. His ie Ahnfr au, a tragedy, literally made him an overght success when it was presented at the Theater an der Wien on January 31, 117. In 10- 21, he had made the acquaintance of the Frohlich sisters. Katharina was the one sister whom Franz truly cared fr and the feling was mutual, but he could never make up his mind to ask fr her hand in mariage.

Grob, Henrch. 2ndViolin Salons: Hatwig.

G ro6, Benek. Tenr. Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner.

G ro8, Frerch. Violoncello. Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Schuppanzigh).

Gro8, Karl 2ndViolin/Vla Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Schuppanzigh).

Grunwald, Krl nzenz. Te nor/Baritone Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner. Also spelled as Grienwald.

iller, Krl. G 2ndViolinViola. Salons: Sonnleithner.

ulielm, Al. . (d. November 3 13 (60 yrs)) Judge Flute alon Hst. Salons: Vanous (Gulielmo ).

m nich, Augu Rer vn. y ( d. October 6, 181) Tenor Salons: Hochenadl, Hatwig, Sonnleithner. 6ɧ Gywetz, Adalbert. ',96Ú<Œ(ɧComposer. wɧ  $ɧ y ɠ/ ɡɧɢ ɧ ɧ ɧA™ɧ ɧ ɧɧ ɧɧa/ ×#ɧ ɧ  � ƧɈ ɧɧ:|ɧ +ɧ™ɧ ɧɧɧ!ɧɧ7#ɧ L#ɧ æč#ɧÐNJɧ  ɧ ɧ Rɧɧ7Ďɧ +ɧɧɧ"ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ"ɧ   ɧ ɧ ɧ   ɧRɧ ɧ7ɧ  ɧ 4ŒŒɧɧ 46Œɧ

Haitiner, Fraz. (d.  ɧ¥#ɧ 4” krɧ Te nor. -wɧ- Ň$ɧ

Hanel, Gr Frederc. '9<Úk,

Hardt, Alber. Bass. ®SɧĎ  #ɧ7 ɧ' q (ɧ

Hart, Albr. ‚ĬƷ 4Z<Ƃ(ɧ2ndViolinViola, Violin. -gɧ: #ɧ- Ň#ɧ7H¯  $ɧ

Hartmuth, Federke. Soprano. Sɧ ® ɧ

Hasline, Jef dler v. Volin. wɧ-ďT  ɧ

Hasse, Jhann Adlh. '±9??j4,ƃ(ɧComposer. Çɧ+ W #ɧMXɧ ÉVpIɧ ƞɧɧ×ɧ! ɧ ɧLɧǀȏ ɧa¼K¬ ɧ ɧɧɧ n/pIɧ"ɧopera seria. Êɋɧ ɧ 4,9Œĝɧ ɧ/o ɧBɧ ɧ ɧ ÕV ĉɧ ɧɧ ɧ+  ɧ Fɧ ɧ7;ɧ

Hassle, Han Le. '4ø¥“j4¥4 rɧComposer. -Çɧ¶ >>$ɧ ɧ É/IÛɧ +ɧɧ ɧɧ"ɧLRɧ+$ɧ + ɧɧ ɧɧɧ¹ ɣ ŕɧ ɧ W ɧ ɧ  ɧɧ "ɧ ɧ\ɧɧ¾ ɧ ɧɒ ɧɧ!ɧ F ɧ"ɧ ɧAɧ ɧ unɧ>| ɧ Wɧÿu. ɧ ×  ɧɧ ƫ  ɧ"ɧ ɧ!Öɧ țɧ/ ɤ ɧ ɧ ɖ ɧ  ɧ ɧą  ;ɧ Ê  ɧ ìɧŠ ɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧ ǩ� ŕɧ ɧ Wɇɧ #ɧ !#ɧɧɧ  ɧ"ɧR  ɧRɧ !ɧ Hȿ | ɧɧ h. Dɧ Hatwi, Ott. stVoli Žɧdɧ

Hauch, Beedk. Bass ßɧ: ɧ

Hawelka, Auut. boe Sɧd#ɧ ɧ

Hayn, Fraz eph. '@E6j@UlrɧComposer x ɧ ɧzɧ  ɧ"ɧ ɧɧ ɧɧ!! ɧ ɧɧ ɧ ɧ  >ɧ [ ɧ ǿɂɧ"ɧ ɧ> Ęɧ ! ɧ ɧc ɧ @ EDɧ ɧ@ElUôɧ OɧɧPPɧ ɧ ɧ\ɧ ɧ"ɧ  ɧ ɧ ɧ ȥ ɧ

Hayn, Jhan Mchael. '†6EjU9rɧComposer gɧMɧ b  ɧO #ɧ ɧP ɧ"ɧˆ #ɧɧPŚɧ ɧ ɧ! ɧ"ɧeCɃɧɧ  ɧÐ ɧ!#ɧɧ ɧ ɧP ɧ"ɧx >ɧ ɧd ɧ dɧ   ɧ ɧ Rɧ"ɧ #ɧd #ɧa ɧ ɧdɧ ƣɧ@ E98ɧ ɧP ɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧ ɧCɧx P ɧtɧqP ɧ zɧ ɧɧ ɧɧɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧɧ «ôɧ «p ~ɧ^  ɧ

Het, heree. Ʒoȟ noɧ žɧM*ɧ bĿŀ ɧ×ɧɧa  ɧ

Heinemann, Flran. Flute gɧ: #ɧ ɧ

Heinrich, erenza. Soprano gɧ #ɧ7  ɧÃhĻĵrɧ bĕ ɧ ɧ ɧ¡ ɧ

Heiterann, elee v. ƑȃȵȝɧgɧØ ɧ bľ ɧ ɧɧ^Ś ɧ

Helleberer, ha r. '@ UUj@ E6rɧolin úɧd  #ɧ: #ɧ #ɧ7  ɧ 'Ʊ rɧ çɧ ɧ #ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ^!ŝɧ"ɧ> ɧaȄ ™ɧ ɧ b ǽœ ɧɧ@ Uɧ > ɧ ɧ>  ɧ! ɧ > ɧıĒ ɧ ɧzĒ>ɧ Lɧ@  @#ɧ CɧP/ɧɧ  ɧ ɧɧ Šɧ ɧɧ 4  66ɧ  ɧ"ɧ ɧ ɧ <ɧ "%  ɧ ɧ ɧˆ%5 ɧ% ɧ¸2 ɧA};ɧ +ɧ % ɧ5ɧ ɧ "ɧ5ɧL 2%ɧ¨2%ɧɧ 8lɧ% ɧ%ɧ%ɧ%&ɧ%ɧ  ɧ"ɧ5ɧ}Fɧ5%2;ɧ

Hellmeberer, Gr. '6UK< rɧVlin %fgɧ+5% &ɧ{Ǯ$ɧ ɧ"ɧˆ5%ɧaɧ+  ;ɧ Aɧ!ɧ% ɧ 2ɧ)5ɧ  ɧ)5ɧ 5ɧ‚5ɧĽ ɧ 5ɧɧ “,ɧ ¡ɧ)%ɧɧ"ɧ5ɧ 2ɧ%5$ɧ þɧ ‚uňɧ%ɍɧ5 ɧ5fɧ\ɧ!ɧffɧ% ɧ ɧ¤šɧ}$ɧ Aɧ ‡ǚđ fɧɧ+%!&ɧ5ɧ)%ɧ2 ɧŅɧ ɧ!% !ɧ% ɧ ˜%ɧ ɧ%ɧ5ɧ Fɧ5%$ɧ %ɧ"ɧ5ɧ 2ɧ)ɧ 2} 5 ýɧ ňɧ 1ɧ 25&ɧ5% ɧ }&ɧ!ɧ2ɧ% ɧ$ɧ +ɧ%ɧɓɧ ȨɄɧ2%;ɧ

Heniktein. %²ɧ7% ɧ ‡ɧǃɧfɧ  ɧɧ5ɧƬ 2ɧ%ɧ^5%2$ɧ

Hensel. Composer %àɧ{5$ɧ

Herbst, Michael. 'lj ɧ <&ɧ 466rɧWaldhrn %Çɧ5ɧ

Hermann. Sopran. %²ɧæ%% ;ɧ

Herrmann, Lue v. SopranAl t %f•ɧæ%%1fɧ İ{ɧ2 ɧ— %;ɧ

Her. H{ûɧ7% $ɧ

Heyne, Fredrich Wlhel. Basson %úɧþ%)&ɧšɧ

Himmel, Friedrch Herch. 'ɧ,9

Hinle, Jha. Contabass -.3ßɧ: 3$ɧ

Hochenal, Jef 'Ĩ,<8Ġ€ D8ɧ ' ɧ€,<8ɧK ɧÎ ɧ8Þ#ɧ€D8((ɧalon Host. -.3àɧ+ . ®;ɧ Ì ɧ"ɧM.F . .ɧ. ɧ[ /3ɧO . Üɧ¸ ! ɧ.ɧ ɧıȅdz32 .ɧ'–*ɧåɧ 1100). Oɧ.3ɧɧĄ .{ɧ.ɧ ɧ– ɧăɧA  ɧ"\ɧ z/ɧ ɧ/* ɧ "ɧ¹!/ ɧɧ   ɧ ɧ ɧ  ɧË3ɧ ɧ 3 ɧ/ 3 .ɧ. *3ɧ ɧ CDz3ɧ /ɧɧ-  .3ɧ.ɧ§$ɧ + 3ɧ\3ɧ "ɧ  ɧ ɧ·. . .ɧ.3ɧ.ɧ { #ɧ W ɧ 3ɧ3 ɧ Šɧ  ɧľ  ɧ48<Űɧ [ ɧF3ɧ  ɧɧ 3ɧ /ɧ.3 ɧ 2ɧuɧ u ɧ ɧ"ɧ€8DK8<űɧ ă ɧ-  ɧ .ɧɧ2.u  2ɧ ɧ ɧÏ .ɧ ƀ€<#ɧ ɧF3ɧ . ɧ.. ɧ ɧ  .ɧBɧ3!.ɧ3ɧ Ï3"ɧO . ɧ  ɧɧÏ £ɧ8Þ#ɧ4D8ɧ ɧ 3ɧ , ɧ;ɧ

Hochenal, Kahara ' Ħɧb ɧD#ɧ4ހ(ɧPiano. -.3Sɧd . ɧ IJ| ɧ"ɧÏ3"O . ɧ –Fɧ2  3ɧ ɧā .ɧ

Hochenal, ha (d. bɧ €?#ɧ €<6(ɧRechnungsrath. -.3Sɧd  ;ɧ ƖI ɧɧM. . .ɧ+  #ɧ3ɧ"ɧÏ3"ɧO . #ɧ 3ɧ

Homann, Ger ƸnjȐȞȩ;ɧ 3Sɧ+  #ɧ· 3#ɧ   #ɧā.  3ɧ'e  (ɧ ƒĉ3ɧ3p{ ɧ.3ɧOǜ.;ɧ

Hofaimer, Paul 'ĨD

Hohenfelen, Jef llauer v st Volin$ɧ -3Sɧ+. $ɧ I Hol, Karl 2ndViolin/Viola -3gɧ   £#ɧ7  3ɧ'- 22.đ  (ɧ †ɧ Hon. Flute.

Hony, Amale Soprano Salon: Sonlehner. Marred name Machek.

Hadetky, Frerc (d. April 6#ɧ  D9(ɧaldho. Salon: Solehner.

Hmmel, Jann N e 'kEEjk6E(ɧComposer Salon Hochenadl, Parae, Sonnlehner, arou (Rohrer), arou (Falkehor). Auran comoer and pan. When Hummel a #ɧh fher became he muc drecor of he heaer auf der Weden, ubequenly hey moved o ena. e a a counerpon uden of Albrechberger and a compoon tuden of Saer he alo tuded organ ih Haydn Hel erved a Konzemeer o Prnce Eherhzy and performed he due of Kapellmeer. e raveled exenvely a a concert pan and ved ce uch a S Peerburg, Par, Belgum, Wara and London. For to year '9ġ(ɧhe erved a Kaellmeer n Stutga. In kkƈ#ɧhe ecured a po n Wemar hile here, he befended Goehe.

Htschenete, Jann Batst. enor. Saon: Sonnleihner, ariou (Huchenreer).

Htschenreiter, Jea Siner. Salon arou (Huchereer). aiden name a Melzer. She a marred o Adam uchereer. She a a rong oprano and partcpaed n he alon by preenng muc by Mozart and aydn. er vocal yle demonraed good choolng hou exceve oamenon

Htscheneter, Aam (d. May ¥#ɧkɧ'E“ɧyr)) Salon Host. Salon arou (Huchenreer). muical evening ere raher mple n naure and hey ere uually held o onday evenng a Merrae r. <U;ɧ He marred Joeph Melzer, and her lde on a ohan Bap Huchenreer.

ttenbrenne, Je Salon: arou (Falkenhor). Isoard, Ncola. ( 77-) Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner. Maltese composer of French origin. souard's rst arisian opera comque Le petit page, was given in the heatre Feydeau in February . Rudolphe Kreutzer who acted as souard's manager and patron collaborated with souard on that opera. His rst major success was with Michel-nge om which was set to a libretto by Delrieu Many of his works survived in aris until the late 's. The Opera-Comique revived Les rendez-vous bourgeois and oconde afer orld War Lɧ

Janda, Teree. (6-aer ) lto Salons: Kiesewetter. She was married to Heinrich Marschner in . He was years her senior.

Jansa, Leold. (79-7) 1st Volin. Salons: Sonnleithner. Bohemian violinist and composer who studied law at the niversity of Viena. Since his avocation was more toward music he le his studies at the niversity and continued with a musical career. n 4 ansa became a member of the mperial Orchestra; ten years later he became conductor of music at the Unversity. He wrote a number of works fr the violin including concertos duets and strng quartets

Jail, Eduard ( Jaell). st Volin Violin alons: Hatwig onnleithner. I Jail, Alfed ( Jaell). (-) Piano Salons: Hatwig. ustrian pianst. He spent some time in America aer the Revolution of 4 but pror to that he had appeared in Venice Vienna Brussels and aris. He married Mare Trautmann (46-9) in 66.

Jeckel, Vnenta. Soprano. alons Kiesewetter Married name is Heufeld.

Jenger Piano. alons: Kiesewetter.

Jommell, Ncclo. (74-774) Composer. Salons: Kiesewetter. . Italian composer. He began his musical training with Canon M�1llo who was the director of the cathedral choir at Aɧversa. He fllled comm1ss10ns fr Rome Naples and arma. He gravitated towards composing sacred music around 7 He later continued to pursue writing dramatic works and subsequently cut both ?ɧ Cɧ!ɧ ɧɧc/ɧhɧiP#ɧQQɧ`i ɧɧɧɧ ɧCɧ` Pɧ"ɧPPiɧŤvɧ

Kacnsk. Voloncello -üɧ->C$ɧ

Kamauf, Jann. Voloncelo. -Sɧdvɧ

Kamm, E. Composer. -Ĭɧ->Cvɧ

Kandi er, Franz Sales. '†?8j6 '-/P 89#ɧ6((ɧass -ižɧ¶#ɧ: „ɧ x|Ęɧ/`iɧQ>$ɧ ĹŤ ɧɧ7ɧ ɧ§ɧɧ@@†ɧ ɧ@8ɧɧ a >ɧBɧQɧA`ĘɧmɧĄ„ɧ @6ƅ#ɧCɧCenni storico-critici sulle icende e lo stato attuale della musica in ItalIia ' ɧQ`/`ɧ`PiQ ɧc/ɧ ɧɧ"ɧQɧ >P`ɧ>ɧ |ɧ ‹ɧ dɧ  ɧ"ɧQɧɧ -p/Pɧ8¥#ɧ6@„ɧe‚Tɧ¶>>ɧ> `/œfTɧ`PQ ɧ¶ i~ɧĄer

ds Leben und die e re des Palestrina SSŲɧ @6“„ɧ

Kanne, Fredrc August '††j66(ɧComposer -gɧdQ #ɧ->Ǫöɧ ƙVp#ɧN#ɧ»Ě;ɧ —ɧ`  ɧɧQɧ^ŋɧËŋɧmivɧ ƹpɧV!ɧɧ7ɧɧŒ#ɧQɧP/ɧɧɧ"ɧ:ɧ¸P¬ę„ɧdɧ  ɧ ɧ­ɧȑɧ¯/>ɧ>/>#ɧP`ɧ! ɧ ɧɧɧ/`ɧ>Q„ɧ ƩȖɧ¯ɧ!iɧ¯ɧBɧ>Cɧllgemeine musialische Ze itung ţɧCɧ Vɧ)Ŋɧɧɧ #ɧP`ɧ`"ð`iɧQɧ¯iɧɧ` ɧ;$ɧ

Kappel. Soprano/Al to. -TfĬɧ: „ɧ

Katch, Helene. Piano. soprano. -iûɧ -C$ɧ ưǴ ɧ/ɧɧ-iQ#ɧÿŁɧ'($ɧ

Kafmann, Jsef 2ndVolinVola. -i²ɧ -C„ɧ

Ke6, Pry Cuncllor Franz Bernar Rter vn. І8Uj†l<(ɧPriy Councillor. -fúɧdQ i„ɧ ‡ɧɧ CɧPQɧd ɧ ɧhĜFɧɧɧ /ɧɧ"ɧC ɧ  ɧ ļɧ ɊɧCɧ @Cɧ^|¯vɧ A ɧɧ-Ė#ɧ¶Ɨɧ ɧyɧa"č ɧ !ɧ-)>ɧ¯ ɧȳɧ>C>ɧ  ɧ>Qɧ ɧq ɧ¬ɧ1ɧ )ɧ ɧc/ɧCɧɧ/vɧ ?Yɧ

Kellner, Jann Peter. 'ɧ,YÆĠ ,,8(ɧCmpser Žɧ i ;ɧ ¦ ɧɧ ɧ $ɧ +ɧ ɧ ɧ‚ ɧ"ɧˆ ɧ^  ɧMɧ ·ɧɧ"  ɧǰ   ɧ[ ɧɧɧɧ ɧ Ȫɧ ɧɧ ŏ�/�ɧ ɧ ɧ  ɧ"ɧ ɧ ɧ"ɧÎÅɧ$ɧ  $ɧ ¨!l ɧRº ɧ / ŐɧŐǕɧ ɧ íɧ   ɧ"ɧėɧĢ ɧ$ɧ

Kemnter, Katarna. Piano íwɧ T  $ɧ

Kern, Betty. Sopran Žɧ Ċ¢öɧ b  ɧ ɧɧ:  $ɧ

Kesaer, Jef Ritter vn. '‘;ɧÊ ºɧ?&ɧ Æ8(ɧTenr/aritne Žɧ: &ɧ $ɧ

Kayll, Jefne. «Tgɧ+u $ɧ

Kiersten, Amale. Sopran ŽɧM$ɧ ƭ‘ɧ ɧ ɧ ķ R;ɧ

Kiesewetter, Rafel Ger (dler vn Weenrunn). ',,6ģÆYɧ'Î ɧ #ɧÆYɧ ',,ɧ(((ɧSaln Hst, ass Žɧ+ ‘&ɧ ·&ɧ½ $ɧ x°ɧ/`$ɧ Lɧ Y6ɧ ɧº ɧɧL őɧ^  ɧ+ɧ  ɧɧɧ pp½ɧBɧ ɧĆ/ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧɧ JJ9³ɧ ɧºɧɧ Iɧņ ɧ ɧ ɧ $ɧ A ɧ ɧ! ɧŞőíɧ ɧ ɧ º   ɧŽɧ Catalog uber die Sammlung der Partituren alter Musik ÃD,(³ɧie Musik der Araber '4D8(³ɧUer die ctae des Pythagras '4D(³ɧ ɧGuid n Arezz '“Y(;ɧ þɧ  ɧ ɧ!ɧ ɧ ɧ  ɧº ɧ ɧJJ9ğɧ ɧ  ɧ |Wu TɧI  ɧ JD<#ɧ> ɧɧ ɧŠɧ  ;ɧ At ɧ f ɧ Fɧ ɧ T q ɧ ŏɧȌ ɧĆ/ɧǫɧ‘ɧ ýɧĊōɧ! ɧɧɧĆ ɧMŪɧ ɗɧɧ"ɧ¢ɧɧ"  ɧɧ ɧ  $ɧ

Kirchlener, Fran. lstViolin/Bass Öwɧ &ɧ7  ɧ'Ǭ q  ($ɧ

Kirchlener, Jef. 2ndVolinVla. ²ɧ  &ɧ7 ɧ' q ($ɧ ‚ Klackl, Jsef Vla 59\hcp‚ 29n9AUCp ‚

Klein, Arkius Bass 59]hdp‚ ,UCpC|CssCn ‚

Kleinl, Jsef 2ndVlinVla 59\hcp‚5hef\CUrNcCn ‚

Kleinheiz Cmpser 59_hcp‚ 5hcg\CUsNcCn ‚

Klieber, Therese Singer 59^hcp‚79nUhvp‚4CvcUhd ‚ 5MC‚lCoEhn`CA‚hc‚rMC‚19n@N‚ ‚‚nC@Ur9]‚hE‚!CCrMhzCdp‚Christus am Olberge

Kolbe, Therese Spran/lt 59\hcp‚29n9AUCp‚5hcc\CUrNcCn ‚ /:nnUCB‚c9`C‚ Up‚$|hop@N9Y‚$|hn9Z ‚

Komper, Therese v Spran. 59\hcp‚ -UCpC|CrtCo ‚ 0:ooWCB‚ d9`C‚ Up‚{hc‚ˆɧvoYhzU@p ‚

Koppay, Jsef Alf ‚B ‚ %C@C`>Co‚ ‚Vlin. 59\hcp‚ 5hcf\CVrQcCn ‚

Kotebue, Auust Frierich Feria ‚ German ramatist )e‚ ‚OC‚ |9p‚Ccch>\CA ‚ *hsC?vC‚ sn9{C\CA‚ICmvCds\‚sh‚4vppU9‚9dA‚ \U{CA‚ Gn‚ qi`C‚ rU`C‚ Uc‚ 3;oVp‚9dA‚ 19Vd ‚ "CCrMhzCd‚~hrC‚avpU@‚Hn‚MUp‚ie Ruinen n A then 9dA‚nig Stephan 5h`C‚hE‚rMC‚hsNCn‚@h`jhpCnp‚|Mh‚ pCr‚ `vpU@‚ ri‚ MXp‚ }io[p‚ Ve@\wAC‚"hUC\AUCv‚-oCvsCo‚ .hnrUcJ‚ 4CU@N9nAr‚ 5jhMn‚ 9cB‚ 5@Mv>Cor ‚ %wC‚ri‚ MVp‚ kh\UrU@9\‚ {UC|p‚ 9cB‚MVp‚ nCkhorp‚rh‚rMC‚ 6p9n‚ hE‚4vppU9‚nCJ9nBUdJ‚9@rU{UrUCq‚ Ue‚'Cnb:d€‚ 9dA‚&n9d@C‚ 9‚psvACcs‚pvpjC@sCA‚MUa‚hF‚CpjUhd9JC ‚ (C‚ |9p‚ 9qq9qpVd9rCA‚ Uc‚  ‚

Koeluch, Lepl   ‚Cmpser 59]hdp ‚29n9AUCp‚5hdd\CUudCn ‚ #iOC`V9d‚ @h`jhpCn‚kU9cUps‚ `vpU@‚sC9@MCn‚9cA‚jv>^UpNCn ‚ (C‚ >CJ9c‚SUp‚ psvAUCp‚ Ve‚]9|‚ >vr‚ ]9sCn‚@MhpC‚sh‚@hcrUcvC‚9‚ @9nCCn‚Ud‚`vpU@ ‚ (Up‚ C9n\UCpr‚`vpU@9]‚ Ueqrny@sUhd‚|\UpMCA‚9‚`vpU@jv>\UpQUcJ‚NhxpD‚rN9r‚|9p‚`9c9JCA‚\9rCn‚>‚ hE‚ TUp‚>nhrMCn‚ dshcUd‚6h`9p‚ +hC\v@R ‚ ‚MC‚|9p‚ 9jjhUcrCB‚rMC‚jhpUrUhc‚ I ?8ɧ Kammer Kapellmeister and Hofusi Compositor He held that position until his death in JJ‹ɧ Kozeluch mainly composed secular music, with special emphasis on music fr the piano. His daugter, Catharina Cibbini 'JE

Koni, Freiherr v. Voloncello. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Krat, Niklaus 'JEEĤ J<ĩóɧVoloncellist Salons: Various (Neuling). He is the eldest son of Anton Kraf, and a godson of Prince Nikolaus Esterhazy. His fr rst music lessons began on the cello with his fther at the age of fur. His fther accompanied him on concert tours fom the age of nine. His general education took place at Universitat-Gymnasium in der Josephstadt fom JE?8ɧto JE?øÜɧ In kUɧ Kraff became a student of J.L. Dupor in Berlin. The fllowing year he retedI to Vienna and was employed by Prince Lobkowitz as a Kammerose, performing ofen with his fther. For twenty years, fom JJDɧ to kZ6D&ɧhe served as frst cellist in te Kapelle of the Duke of Wurtemburg in Stuttgart.

Kraus. Clarinet Salons: Sonnleithner.

Krahmer, Erst. Flute. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Krebner, Ger Te nor. Salons: Kiesewetter, Sonnleithner.

Krei61, Lui Volin. Salons: Sonnleithner. Also spelled as Kraill.

Kreuter, ulh 'ɧJE99KJĩJóɧComposer Salons: Sonnleithner. He was the eldest of fve survivng children and received his early musical education fom hs fther. Anton Stamitz taught him violin and composition fom JEE;ɧ On May 8<&ɧ JEUɧhe performed a concerto by Stamitz at the Concert Spirituel, Paris. At this performance he was publicly received as a prodigy. May JEDɧKreutzer performed his own First Violin Concero at the Concert I Spirituel. He made a successfl concert tour ofltaly in JE?9ɧ When Rode le: fr Russia in JUɧ Kreutzer became the solo violinist of the Opera. In JU8ɧhe JOmed. Napoleon's chapelI orchestra and his private orchestra fur years later. 93 Kreuer, Kradi ( 1780-1 849) Cmpser Salons: Sonnleithner. German composer ad conductor. He is the son of a Swabian burgher and received his frst musical training fom J.B. Rieger the local choirmaster. He studied law at the University ofFreiburg. In 1800, afer his fther's death, he devoted himself completely to music.

Kripper, [S f Heirich hrisia]. Bass Salons: Various (Krippner).

Kripper, Heirich hrisia (d. August 13, 1840) Wlesale dealer Saln Hst Salons: Various (Krippner).

Kromer, Fra (1759-1831) Cmpser Salons: Hatwig, Sonnleithner. Czech composer. He was the son of the innkeeper and later mayor ofKamenice Georg Krommer ( J iri Kramar, 173 7--1810}, and the nephew of the composer and choirmaster Aton Matthias He was a temporary organist in Turan afer 1777. Lɧ 1795 he retured to Vienna to teach composition and later he was appointed Kapellmeister to Duke Ignaz Fuchs. He unsuccessflly applied fr a violin position at te Vienna Hofapelle. However, afer 1810 he was employed as Ballett-Kapellmeister of the Vienna Hofheater.

Bar Niklaus v Koft,(1 779-1818?) Cmpser, Pian. Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner, Various (Neuling). Neighbor and fiend of the Hochenadl Family. He perfored piao at the home of Vinen Neuling.

Kupelieser, Elisabeh Piano. Salons: Paradies. Married name is Hellmesberger.

Kupelieser, Leold (1796-1 862) Painter He was a famous painter in Vienna and in 1818; he painted the frst of many portraits of Emperor Franz Lɧ ¨ɧSeptember 17, 1826, he married Johanna Lutz.

Kuschel, Krad 2ndVolin Salons: Hatwig.

Kihnlei Compser. Salons: Sonnleithner. 94 Lablache, Luii. (1794-1858 (January 27, 1858)) ass. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian bass singer of French descent. At the age of 12, he went to the Naples Conservatorio della Pieta dei Turchini. He studied violin, cello, elements of music with Gentilli and singing with Valesi. Mercadente wrote his opera Elsia e Claudio fr him in 1821. 1812 he made his debut with Fioravanti's La Molinara That same yearI he met Teresa Pinotti� they married a fw months later. He perfrmed and traveled throughout Europe. In 1809, he performed the contralto part fom the Mozart's as a part of a memorial service fr Haydn. Similarly, in 1827, he performed the solo bass pat at Beethoven's memorial service.

Lacha, Kostzia. Soprano Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner. Married name is Edle von Thom.

Lacha, Iabella. (d. 1859) Soprano/lto. Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner.

Lagusius, Geor vo. Bass Salons: Paradies, Various (Reunion).

Lange, Aloisia. (1761-1839) Soprano/lto Salons: Paradies. Geran soprano. She was Mozart's sister-in-law, and the sister of Josepha Hofr. She was retained as a leading singer of the Italian troupe in 1782, when Joseph II removed German opera to the neighboring Kamtnertortheater and reinstated Italian comic opera at the Burgtheater. She toured with her sister Constanze in 1795.

Langer, Marie Soprano Salons: Kiesewetter, Paradies.

Lannoy, Baro Composer Salons: Various (Rohrer).

Laua, Therese (d. March 1820) Soprano/lto Salons: Paradies.

Laurent. Soprano Salons: Sonnleithner.

Laer, Berhard. lstViolin. Salons: Hatwig. 5 Leban. Pian. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Lecbleiner, Paulie. pran/Alt. Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner.

Leeb, Kaharia. Soprano. Salons: Kiesewetter.

Leiesrf. Pian. Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Neuling).

Lember, Madalea. Piano Salons: Sonnleithner.

Lemch, inzez. Pian. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Leo, Lenaro. (11 7) Compser. Salons: Kieseweter. He is the son of Corrado de Leo and Rosabetta Pinto. He traveled to Naples in 170 to become a student ofNicola Fago. By 4,6Œğɧwith the death ofHasse, Leo became the dominant fgue in Neapolitan musical lif.

Levy. Piano. Salons: Various (Reunion).

Lhotk, Jha. Te nor/Baritne. Salons: Paradies.

Liebenber. Salons: Various.

Lieber, Jhan. Voloncello. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Lincke, Jseh (Like). Ù,6j46,(ɧ Vlncellist. Salons: Various (Reunion). Silesian cellist and composer. He studied violin with his fther and the cello with Oswald. He mostly supported himself as a music copyist until he became the violinist in the Dominican monastery at Breslau; he was twelve years old. He participated in Schuppanzigh's public concerts and in 449ɧbecame chamber musician to Countess Erdody at Pancovecz, near Zageb. He reted to the theater in 44ɧand became the solo cellist at the Theater an der Wien and the Kamtnertortheater. From 464ɧhe played in the Hofper orchestra. He was quite 96 adored by the Viennese audiences, despite his lack of beautiful tone in a large ensemble.

Linhart, Sofe. Soprano Salons: Hochenadl, Kiesewetter, Sonnleithner. Married name is Schuller.

Lotti, Antoio. (c.1667-1740) Composer Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer. He composed solo motets, choral works and oratorios fr the singers of the Ospedale degli Incurabili. Throughout the 18th century the singing style of this fmale goup was quite well known. He served as the maestro di cappella of Spirito Santo fom 1697 to 1707. During a religious fstival on June 14, 1711, an orchestra of 37 musicians played the music of Lotti, Caldara, Gasparini and other north Italian composers.

Lugano, Peter. enor/aritone. Salons: Hochenadl, Kiesewetter, Paradies, Sonnleithner, Various (Reunion).

Lut, Johana. (1803-1883) Wif of Leopold Kupelweiser (1796-1 862). Sister of Regina Lutz.

Lut, Dr. Matthaus. (d. February 27, 1853) enor. Salons: Kieseweter.

Lu, Reie (Rega Lutz). (d. 1840) Soprano Salons: Sonnleithner. Married Hermann Neef, the son of Beethoven's teacher in Bonn, Christian Gotlob Neef.

Mahir, Laura. Piano. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Maio, ioani. (1732-1 770) Composer. Salons: Kieseweter. Italian composer. His early musical instruction came fom his fter and as a boy he assisted his fther in the royal chapel in Naples as organista soprannumerario without salary. Vienna and Mannheim he worked with librettist whose texts approach the refrmI ideal of Gluck. When he retured to Italy he composed his operas in the traditional structure of alterating recitative and aria. His sacred works incorporate striking harmonic dissonances created by his use of chromaticism. ?,ɧ Maler, Emmy. Pian Salons: Paradies. Married name is Schulz von Stranitzky.

Macello, Benedetto. ( 99j,6?(ɧCmpser. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer. He was the youngest child of Agostino Marcello, a enetian nobleman and the poet Paolina Capello. He is also the brother of Alessandro Marcello ( 99Ů,ɧ4 7), a composer of chamber music. He leared to play the violin fom his fther, but he later discouraged him in his developing in singing ad counerpoint. His fher wanted him o pursue a legal career. In 106 he was elected to serve on the Grand Council of the Republic. This led him to a series of importt posts in the civil service and he also practiced as an advocate and magitrae.

Mareau. Actor Salons: arious (Warsaw), Various (Hutschenreiter). Also spelled as Moreau.

Magait, Marie. Salons: Paradies. arried name is irka.

Magait, Elise. (d. 8(ɧPian. Salons: Paradies.

Mainelli, raz Ede on. ( d. October 8 &ɧ1849) TenorBaritone. Salons: Paradies, Sonnleihner.

Martin, Vinen. C pser. Salons: Sonnleithner. m Matini, ioanni Battista. (106-184) Composer. Salons: Kieseetter. Italian composer, teacher and writer on music. He as also a prolifc historian and theorist who corresponded with eminent musicians throughout Europe and built a library ha became te basis of the Civico Museo Bibliografco Musicale Bologna. His musical output consists mostly of sacred music with many chamberi works in the homophonic style. He also wote fve oeratic works.

Mateigk. Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Mathaus. Salons: Various. 98

Maurer, arianne von. Spran/lt. Salons: Paradies.

Maurer, Ludwig. (1789-1 878) Cmposer. Salons: Sonnleithner. German violinist and composer. He studied with Kal Haack, Frederick the Great's Konzertmeister. 1803 he was admitted to the royal chapel. Aer its dissolution in 1806 MaurerI traveled east. He met Baillot and Rode while he was in Riga. I was with his studies with Rode that he leared much of the French violin style. He played in St. Petersburg and then went to Moscow. While in Moscow, Baillot recomended as the director of Count V sevolozsky's orchestra. From 1819 to 1832 Maurerh directed concers and opera in Hanover whilst maintaining a rigid touring schedule.

Maer, Karoine. Soprano Salons: Kiesewetter.

Maer, Ignaz. H; a ldh. Salons: Sonnleithner, Hatwig, Various (Falkenhorst). He was also a Medical Doctor.

Mar, Simo. (1763-1 845) Compser. Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner. German composer, teacher and writer on music. He was among the leading fgures in the development of p era seria during the last decade of the 18th century and the frst two decades of the 19th. He received his early musical training fom his fther. In 1781 he studied law and theolog at the Universit of Ingolstadt. While he was he supported himself by playing the organ.

Maseder, Joseph. (1789-1863) Compser Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner, Various (Reunion), Various (Rohrer), Various (Neuling), Various (Domanovecz). Austrian violinist and composer; he studied with Suche and Wranitzky. He played second violin in Schuppanzigh's quartet. In 1835, he was appointed chamber violinist to the Emperor. 1815, he, Hummel and Guiliani gave the "Dukaten Konzerte" which were laterI replaced by Moscheles. Most of his compositions consisted of chamber music. He perfrmed with the cellist Merk, but never perfored abroad, and gave up playing in public in 1837.

Meerau, Koumban Shniter vo. Te nor Salons: Kiesewetter. ??ɧ Mehu, Etienne-Nioas. ( ,96ĢJƆ(ɧCmpser Salons: Hochenadl, Hatwig, Sonnleithner Mehul was the son of the Count ofMontmorency's maitre d'hotel, Jean-Fran9ois Mehul. His main goal was to triumph on the stage of the Opera He became widely known as a composer of patriotic songs and choruses, many of which were goverent commissioned, during the Revolution When he became a under­ member of the nstiut de Frnce in 175, he was the frst composer d the second youngest person to named to that body.

Mende, Franz. Guitar Salons: Sonnleithner.

Mende, Marie. Pian Salons: Sonnleithner. Married name is Schmid

Mecadente, Giuseppe Saerio Raffee. ( ,?Æj,Œ(ɧCmpser Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner. Mercadante rst leared to play the guitar and clarinet fom his half-brother. n 4Œ9ɧhis ther took a post in Naples, which proved to be fuitfl r Mercadente because he was then able to have prossional training at the conservatory. hile at the conservatory he studied the violin, ute, singing and gured bass with G. uo and counterpoint with aɧ Trito. Shortly thereafer he was leading the conservatory orchestra He was recognized as a prossional operatic composer

Mek, Josef. (175-1 852) Vlncell. Salons: Sonnleithner, Various (Neuling). Austrian cellist and composer. n ɧhe became the principal cellist at the Opera and a prossor at the Conservatory He perrmed with Mayseder oen, and was the chamber cellist fr the Emperor

Met. SpranAlt Salons: Paradies.

Miai, Atoio onte di. Cmpser. Salons: Kieseweter

Milani, Josef. Alt Salons: Hochenadl.

Minetti, Therese. (d. circa 1846) Alt Salons: Hochenadl, Kieseweter Married name is Sengel. YYɧ Minoia, Ambogio. 'ɧ,ɧ<8K”8<(ɧCmpser àɧM›$ɧ µɧ ɧ ɧ Äɧ A  ćɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧɧ "ɧ“ɧ ɧ  ɧɧ Rɧɧ ɧŠɧ ɧ  ɧɧɧŠɧ µɧ,”?&ɧ ɧɧ  ɧ ɧɧ"ɧ ɧ ɧɧBɧ ɧɧ"ɧɧ ɧ ɧ $ɧ [ɧ%ɧȸ ɧ ɧïɧBɧ ɧ ɧe ɧ'ɧ,”9ɧK 4,”,(ɧ  ɧɧ !1ɧ  ɧ ɧɧ ɧc ɧɧƍɧ !ɧ ɧɧ ɧšēɧ ɧ ɧŅɧɧɧɧhõɧ ”Y9ɧ ɧɧɧɧɧ ɧ › ɧ ¿ɧŃɧA  ɧA ɧ"ɧ!ɧI  ɧ´ ɧ LJ;ɧ

Mohrenhof, Theese Winke on. Violin. Çɧ:1;ɧ Aɧ ɧ ǎɧ

Molique, Bernhad Wihem. ÃkZY8K4Z9?(ɧVilin. Ȇgɧ:1&ɧ+&ɧȗÖȶō&ɧ7 ɧ'§ (ɧ ¦řɧ!ɧ ɧ ‹ɧOɧǖɧ ɧɧQɧÓ &ɧɧ ɧɧ ɧ V ɧ  ɧ +ɧȠB  ɧɧ ɧɧ ɧɧŃɧÁɧ ɧ  ɧ 1ɧ ɧbš ɧ ɧ:¿ɧe!ɧÔ ɧkZ49ɧɧkZk,$ɧ Oɧ  ɧɧ ǡɧ  œɧĎɧ çɧɧÊ ɧ8Z&ɧ Z,ɧ m ɧ ɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧ» ɧ› ɧ  ɧ"ɧ ɧ[ ɧɧ ɧm&ɧ ɧɧƨ ȴɧ ”8Yɧ ɧɧ ɧ Rɧ›ɧ b W ɧɧ  ɧe!ųɧ ã ɧ 4Z89ɧɧ4ZD?ɧ ɧ ! ɧɧɧ œɧ ǵ›ɧ W ɧ ɧ ɧɧ ››;ɧ

Moa. Singer. àɧ 7 ɧ'e (‹ɧ

Moscheles, Ignaz. Ãk,?“jZ,Y(ɧComposer; Piano wɧ+  &ɧ: &ɧȹ&ɧ ç ɧ'M(&ɧç ɧ'¹ (;ɧ ¦řK  ɧ&ɧ ɧ ɧ Ŵɧ :ɧ ɧɧ b  &ɧ ɧ ɧɧŠɧɧɧ!ɧ Ɍ‹ɧ Oɧ ¿ ɧ^ ›ɧË ɧ Wɧ Z89ɧ ɧ ɧÐ ɧBɧ ɧɧ  ɧ µɧ4”D&ɧ ɧ  ›RɧQɧRɧ"ɧ VRWɧɧïï ɧ"ɧ !ÂɧFideli  ɧ ɧ !ɧK ƕɧ ^;ɧ  ɧ ɧ¿ï ȷɧɧ 4”4D‹ɧ [ ɧÑ ɧ&ɧɧ\ɧ V ɧ ɧ¾ ɧ"  ɧɧ ɧ  ɧ‰ɧ+ ɧ^ ¿ɧ·ēē;ɧ

Mosel, Babete Edie on. Sopran/Alt Sɧ: ‹ɧ bÑĕ ɧ ɧɧÐ  ɧ 101 Mosel, Igaz Fraz o. ( 1772-184) Cmpser Salons: Sonnleithner. Austrian witer on music, conductor and composer. He conducted the frst music fstivals of the Gesellschaf der Musikfeunde in the Spanish Riding School in Vienna (1812--16). For nine years (18201 829) he was vice-director of the two court theatres. Many of his compositions were frgotten even during his liftime, ad his arrangements and eitions are basically useless by toay's standards. His ork at the theatres and the Imperial Library enable him to rite authoritatively about contemporary musical fgures.

Mosel, aziie. (. May 17, 1819) pran Salons: Hochenal, Paraies. She died of Typhoid Fever. Her name also is spelled as Cacilie She died in Modling, a suburb of Vienna.

Moser, Igaz. Vlncell Salons Sonnleithner.

Moart, Wofgag Amadeus. (1756-1791) Cmpser Austrian composer. Son of Leopold Mozart. Essentially hs compositional style is a synthesis of many diferent elements, which today is regarded as the height of Viennese Classicism He excelled and composed in every medium current in his time.

Moatti, Josef. Tenor/aritne Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner.

Mozattie, Josef. Te nr. Salons: Paradies.

Mihlauer, erdiad. Volncell Salons: Hatig.

Millegg, erdiad ier o ud zu. aln; Hst Salons: Various (MUHegg).

Muller, Wezel. (1767-1835) Vlin Cmpser Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner. Austrian composer. From an early age he studie all the instruments of the orchestra. His frst mass as ritten when he as 12; it was fr an older brother ho as being ordained. Maurus Haberbauer was his teacher that trained him in ind instruments at te Benedictine fundation of Raigem (Rajhrad), near Bro. Miller, accepte by Marinelli, becae Kapellmeister at the heater in der Leopoldstadt in Vienna in 1786 For the Leopolstadt premiere, Muller 102 conducted Gassman's La cntessina He is most regarded fr his popularity and contributions as a composer fr the Viennese Volkstheater.

Mier-oenhofr. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Muner, Josefa. (d. January 19, 1843) Harp . Salons: Sonnleithner. Married name is Gollenhofr.

Naderman. Cmpser Salons: Sonnleithner. French fmily of musicians, publishers and instrument makers.

N asoini, Sebastiano. ( c. 1768-1798 or 1799) Cmpser Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer who most likely studied in Venice ad completed his studies during the 1780's. At the Cathedral of St. Guisto in he was appointed the position of maestr di cappella. Befre April of 1789, he became the maestr al cembal at the Teatro St. Pietro in Trieste. He set Metastasio's Nitteti, and presented it during spring of 1788.

Nauann, Johann ottieb. (1741-1801) Cmpser. Salons: Hochenadl. Composer and conductor. His most fmous opera, Cra, is notable fr its melodies. In contrast, the composer thought that his best work was Gustaf mɧasa� it contained popular march tunes and refected the stle of Baroque music.

N ej ebse, Johann. ass. Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner.

N entwich, Johann. Trumpet Hrn. Salons: Hatwig.

Nentwich, Josef. rumpet H Salons: Hatwig.

Nespern, erdinand von. stVilin Salons: Hatwig. I Nestro, Johann. (d. May 25, 1862) ass. Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner, Various (Hutschenreiter), Various (Falkenhorst). Austrian playwght, actor, director and singer. He frst studied law at te fom 1817 to 1822, but lef the program to pursue a singing @U6ɧ $ɧ Èɧ ɧɧ"ɧ@,ɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧɧ ɧɧɧo ɧo" ɧ"ɧ +‘~ɧÈÁ ~ɧzƎɧɧÈ Ǩɧ8“&ɧ@88ɧ ɧ  ɧ ɧ  ɧɧ-ȼɧɧ  ɧ– ’ɧäɧ   ɧɧɧɧɧ ɧtɧ7ɧo ɧɝ � ƿ $ɧ GH ȇ$ɧ ƥ  ɧm Ƿɧoðȫɧ)ɧoɧÔ ɧ ɧ  Ú Ñ ɧɧ @ ɧ  ’ɧ

Neuhauser, Johann Peter. Vola. -Sɧä)$ɧ

Neulig, Therese. Singer -Žɧ7 ɧ'Ā (’ɧ b‘ɧ ɧ)ɧ§ qR$ɧ - ɧ)ɧ ɧKK)ɧɧ7Ŧqɧ§ $ɧ

Neulig, Vie. '‘;ɧ ɧÝ&ɧ@Ý9(ɧVolin, Salon Host. -ĭɧ- &ɧ7 ɧ'Ā ($ɧ +ɧ ‘ɧ ɧð ɧɧ ɧ  ɧɧ[  ɧ!ɧÔ ɧ@@,ɧ ɧ @ī÷8$ɧ äɧ)ɧɧon\ɧ!ìɧ ɧ ɧ"ɧˆo ɧh‘ɧ

Nicolii, iuseppe. '±†9÷ĥ@Ý8(ɧComposer. -ĭɧd  &ɧ- ɧ µuWɧ $ɧ Ɵɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ) ɧ ɧÓ &ɧ  ɧ ĸ’ɧ   ɧ)ɧ ɧɧ ɧmaestro di cappella ɧ:ŗŦɧ z ɧ ±††ɧɧ   ɧ @,Ƅɧ¢ɧ  ɧɧ ɧáěɧ ɧ -ɧ ÔɧɧƲo’ɧ Èɧ Ŋɧ–n!&ɧ ɧ ɧ  ɧL}ɧ ɧá $ɧ aniele nel !ao de i leoni '@,@&ɧƳ(ɧ ɧ ɧazione sacra Giuditta '@,ø&ɧ7(ɧ)ɧ VWéɧLjɧǗɧ;ɧ Lɧ @,?6&ɧ¢ɧ   ɧ ɧɧLa fa miglia straagante. ƠɧV½ &ɧBɧɧ÷Uɧ&ɧɧɧB)ɧ) ɧ ɧo ɧ ɧ ɧ Vǥ½ɧtɧ¡½~ɧ $ɧ Lɧ @@?&ɧåɧ)ɧoo ɧ ɧɧ"ɧ maestro di cappella "ɧ ɧǁÀ  ’ɧ Āɧ  ɧɁ ɧ ɧuɧÔ ɧoɧ nɧ ɧ×}Ƕɧ ɧ @6@’ɧ

Niesner, ranz. 2ndVolin. -üɧO)ɧ

Obeleitner. Guitar -Sɧ: ɧ

Opitz, Therese. '±īÝ9(ɧPiano -Sɧ - ɧ

Olandi, erdnando. (1771 88) Composer -Sɧ- ’ɧ ;ɧ $ɧ µuHWɧ oŵɧ+ɧ\ɧ ɧéɧ)ɧ) ɧaoɧe éǭɧ ɧŖɧ äɧ)ɧɧ: ɧɧu ɧ) ɧƝɧ uɧ–ċɧ ɧ ɧ)ɧɧ: ɧ 104 Ghiretti ad Paer and later went to the Conservatorio di St. Maria della Pieta dei Turchini in 1793 to 1799 hile he was at the Conservatorio he studied with Sala and Tritto. His frst opera, La pupila scozzese, was produced in Paa at the Teatro ucale. Between 18 and 1825 he comosed 25 operas he also wrote church music and chamber music.

Otte, Josef. Salons Hatwig.

Otte, Ludwig. Volin. Salons: atwig, Sonnleithner.

Pae, erdiado. ( 1771-1839) Composer Salons Hochenadl, Sonnleither. His frst musical training was with his ther Giulio, a hor layer in the Parma court theate orchestra ater he studied with Gian rancesco ortunati, the court maestro di capella. His frst nown stage wor was rphee et Euridice, written in 1791, and a year later he wote Circe, his earliest Italian oera.

Paisiello, ioai. (1740-1816) Composer. Salons: ochenadl, Sonnleithner. Italian composer. He was among the most successl and infuential opera composers om the late 18th century. His rst education was at the esuit school in Taranto and then, between 1754 and 1763; he studied at the Conservatorio di St. nofio in Naples.

Palestina, ioai Pieruigi da. (1525-1 594) Composer Salons Kiesewetter. Italian comoser. He is among the rans of assus and Byrd as one of the leading fges in the music of the late 16th century. He composed mostly masses and motets, but also was an imortant madrigalist. Ofen he is noted as being the ideal Catholic comoser because of his success in uniting the nctional and aesthetic aims of the Catholic Church in the post-Tridentine period.

Palma, Silestro.

( 17540 1834) Composer. Salons: Sonnleithner. Italian composer. e entered the Conservatorio di St. Maria di oreto in Naples at the age of 16. His frst musical instruction is assumed to be with Carlotta di Sango, the daughter of the Prince of Sansevero. In the late 178'2 he became a student of Paisiello. Palma became know mostly fr his oeras, which were quite popular until aound 1813. It has been surmised that the musical tastes of te public had changed and that his style no longer suited the public's apetite. U<ɧ Paradies Therese. ',

Paris, eriette. ian. £wɧ© ɧ b ɧ ɧ*ɧa  $ɧ

Paesi, Stefano. Ù@EE?K Z

Payer, eroimus. Cmpser. wɧ+ &ɧ ɧ

Pechaczek, raz. Ù ± ,?6j ZDUrɧComposer locello Piao. Žɧ+  &ɧM*F&ɧ «WȈÕ &ɧ7Õ ɧ'å  r&ɧ7  ɧ'hǹ(ɧ ijȜɧ©q­ɧƽ© ­ƾɧɧɧA  ɧ! ɧ ɧ $ɧ +ɧ˜ɧ nɧśɧɧ!**ɧɧɧɧ"ɧB ɧ ɧ˜ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧɧ &ɧ ɧB  ɧɧ ɧ Vȡ ɧ ɧ Íɧ ZZ&ɧ ɧɧ  ɧ ɧ  ɧtɧ ɧ+!ɧ Fɧ nȬ$ɧ

Pechatschek. ÙEZZĤZED(ɧPia. Ɖɧ+  &ɧ¶&ɧ7œ$ɧ

Pec r. Ato. 2ndVlinVla. .T•ɧ© &ɧê£$ɧ Ɠ ěn;ɧ

Pewager, Babete. lt. Ɗɧ£TŌɧ 106 Pensel. Cmpser. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Pereia. Salons: Various.

Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista. (1710-1736) Cmpser. Salons: Kiesewetter, Sonnleithner. The family name 'Pergolesi' is derived fom their town of origin. His fther was a sueyor. Pergolesi received his earliest musical training fom Francesco Santi. He studied the violin with Francesco Mondin. 1732 Pergolesi became maestr di cappella to Prince Ferdinando Colonna Stigliano.I As a sign of atonement, (fom the earthquakes of 1731 and 1732) the theatres in Naples were closed during Carval 1733. Pergolesi was commissioned to write an opera fr the empress's birhday (28 August 1733), he entitled it II priginier superb, afer Silvani 's libretto La fde tadita e vendicata.

Perotti, Giovanni Agostino. (1769-1855) Cmpser. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer, teacher and writer on music. His earliest musical training was with his older brother Giovanni Domenico Perotti. Around 1790 he studied under Mattei in Bologna. In 1794 his setting of Metastasio's Abele was performed in Bologna. The fllowing year in Pisa his one-act comic opera, La cntadina nbile, was presented. That same year he went to Vienna as a keyboard player fr the court. From 1798 he went to London fr fur yeas; he reted to Italy and settled in Venice in 1801.

Perti, iacomo Atonio. (1661-1756) Cmpser. Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian composer. He began to study music in Bologna with his uncle Lorenzo Perti and also with Rocco Laurenti. With the latter teacher he leared the rudiments of organ playing. In 1670 he began to study singing and also took up humanistic studies with the Jesuits at St. Lucia. Five years later he studied counterpoint with hs uncle and later with Petronio Franceschini. He achieved fa e both as a composer of sacred music, opera and oratorio and as a teacher during his 60 years as maestr di cappella of St. Petonio in Bologna.

Petenkofer, Anton. (1788-1834) aln Hst. Salons: Hatwig. Since Hatwig's healt had declined by Spring 1818, Pettenkofer then opened his apament on Bauenarkt Nr. 581 to those members ofthe Hatwig Salon. Josef Otter became the new violin director fr these concers and rehearsals. On April der 16, 1819, they perormed ie ieben rte, er Messias and Gewalt . to wm Tnunst. According to Sonnleithner, Pettenkofer had the good frtu�e . the lottery. actuality, it was misfrtunate that he won the lottery. Smee he did I 107 ɧ ƒɧ ɧ)ƒɧǓ !ɧCɧ  ɧɧŠ)ɧɧɧ  ɧ  ɧǏȍ$ɧ

Petters, Johann. Bassoon. -•ɧ+)ƒÄɧ

Pfifer, Leopod. Bass. -²ɧ7  ɧ'¹ ƒ(;ɧ

Philidor, ran�ois Andre. (1726-1795) Composer. -gɧM)F$ɧ ‡ɧ  ɧ)Cɧ ^ Nɧɧ a tre de chapelle. AC ƒɧɧ)ɧɧ Ade i Ɛ/pɧ"ɧɦɧ)Rɧɧ)ɧ ɧ ɧ"  ɧBɧɧɧN ƒɧ¼ƒɧ ǸɧȎNȒÅɧ 1740 ɧ™ɧ7 ɧBɧ: vɧ : ɧɧNB¼ ɧ }éCɧ ɧN ɧ  ɧI ɧÓ¼ɧ  ;ɧ I

Pinschof, riederike. Soprano. -SɧM )ɧ

Piinger, erdinand. «ȉîgɧ7  ɧÃ- NNq ƒ($ɧ

Pitenberg, Anna. SopranoAlto. -žɧ: $ɧ

Piuckher, Ignaz. Violin. -wɧ- CÄɧ

Pixis, ohann Peter. ( 1788-187 4) Composer. -Įɧ+ ɧ - ɧ æWɧ ɧ/N$ɧ +ɧ! ɧ ɧķ  ɧc ɧ 1809  ɧ 1825. ãɧ)ɧ ťɧ(1825-1845) Cɧ)ɧ ɧ:ɧ ɧ  ɧɧɧ A ɧc ɧɧŠ)ɧ îpɧ¼Fɧ"ɧɧ¼N  ɧɧǞɧɧN Üɧ + ɧNɧAlmazinde )ɧ pG} ɧɧƻɧɧŞCɧ[ɧɧ ɧm ɧɧANɧ 11, 1820. Lɧ1845, ɧ /îɎ ɧɧy ůy ɧ) ɧ DŽɧ ɧ\ɧ ƒɧNɧ

Pleel, Ignaz Josef. (1757-1 83 1) Composer. -Įɧ: ɧ+)ƒ$ɧ É/pɧ/ ɧN  ɧ ɧNɧ/ǂöɧ+ ɧ N  ɧ!ɧ ! ɧ ) N ɧNN  ɧɧ´ Nɧ ɧ¹FɧA  ɧ +ɧB   ɧɧ »ɧ p  ƒɧC ɧ ɧɧNɧ ÓɜÄɧ + ɧ\ɧNɧ )ɧ ɧ Rɧɧ ·N/ɧɧ^ ɧ´  ýɧ ɧ-ƒɧƶ ɧNɧ 1 ɧ   ɧɧCɧ Éî}ɧ 108 Pockh, Josef. ass Salons: Paradies, Sonnleithner.

Porges, Josef. 2ndVilinVila Salons: Sonnleithner.

Porpora, Antonio Nioa. (1686-1 766) Cmpser Salons: Kiesewetter. Italian musician. Caterina and Carlo Porpora were his parents. During his liftime he was interationally famous as a composer and as a singing teacher. Two of his notable students include Farinelli and Caffrelli.

Preind, Josef. (1756-1 823) Cmpser Salons: Sonnleithner. Taught composition to Johanna Lutz, Leopold's Aunt, and to Leopold. Preindl became Kapellmeister of St. Stephan's Cathedral in 1809, succeeding his teacher Albrechtsberger. His musical training in Vienna was with Albrechtsberger. He wa also an organist at Marbach, the church of Maria am Gestade, and at the Carmelite church in Vienna-Leopoldstadt.

Peisiger, Josef. Bass Salons: Hatwig, Sonnleithner.

Pohaska, osef. Vlin. Salons: Hatwig. In Otto Hatwig's orchestra, Prohaska played 2nd violin. When the small orchestra moved to Franz Frischling's, Prohaska led the orchestra fom the 1st violin section. The orchestra was actually of a larger size when it was reinforced with some of the corp wind players.

Puccita. Cmpser Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner.

Pittlingen, r. Johann Vesque von. (1803- 1883) Pian. Salons: Various (Neuling), Various (Mullegg). Austrian composer. From 1827 to 1872 he studied law and worked in the civil and diplomatic service. He was made a baron in 1866 and ten years later he became a member of the German Herrenhaus. Among his music teachers are Sechter, Moscheles, and Vorisek; Vogl was his singing teacher. He became an accomplished tenor and supported musical lif in Vienna as a patron and artist. His authoritative book on musical copyright, as musikalische Autrrecht, was published in 1864. 109 Rabel, Fraz X. Voloncello. Salons: Paradies.

Racisk, von. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Radichi, Juius. (d. September 16, 1846) Tenor. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Rafel. Composer Salons: Sonnleither.

Randhartiger, Beedikt. (1802-1893) Tenor. Salons: Kiesewetter. He studied at te Stadtkonvikt in Vienna fom 1812 to 1819. While he was there he became acquainted with Schubert. He was then schooled at the University of Vienna where he studied law and philosophy. While at the University, he also studied composition with Salieri. From 1825 until 1832, he worked as a secretary to Count Louis Szechenyi, and as a singer at the court Kapelle.

Rechel, Filipp. 2ndVolin. Salons: Hatwig.

Redlpacher. Contrabass. Salons: Hatwig.

Regenhart, Jakob. 2ndVolin. Salons: Hatwig.

Reggla, ottfrie. (d. March 16, 1836) Bass. Salons: Kiesewetter.

Reich, Josef. Voloncello. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Reissiger, Krl ottlieb. (November 7, 1859) Bass. Salons: Sonnleithner, Vaious (Falkenhorst). He studied at the Thomasschule in Leipzig. His teacher, Schicht, advised him to frego his theological studies at the Universit and to pursue a musical career. He stdied with Salieri in Viena and while he was in Munich he studied with Winter. In 1842 he gave the frst performance of Wagner's Rienzi at the Dresden Opera. ±4Yɧ Reschny. 0Sɧ7_*0 ɧ'= ŧ*(‹ɧ

Redinger, oann H0wɧ:HH1 $ɧ z*1ɧ0‰ɧɧ‰ *ɧ':_1*(ɧ1ɧ*1ɧ= ɧ0Ą= $ɧ

Ries, erdinand 'EĪK46rɧPianist, Composer H0•ɧ+0= 1#ɧ:H1 #ɧ0 $ɧ xɧɧɧ0‰ɧ\!ɧ ɧ ɧ 1*ɧ!*0=0ɧ) ɧŸȰ_1ɧe $ɧ z_ŧ&ɧ *ɧ‚Ė#ɧ  ɧ* ɧ! 0 ɧ1ɧ*$ɧ Ʀɧ4 Y4#ɧ ɧ 1*1ɧ)* ɧm ɧ*ɧ hɉ = ŷɧ 4Y4&ɧ ɧ)ɧ0ɧ7 Hɧɧ 1ɧ*0ɧ) ɧŸ 0!ɧ x˜=I _ɧ = ɧ ɧ=ɧB_ɧ=0 0 *0ɧ0$ɧ Lɧ Y#ɧŸ!ɧ Čèɧ_ ɧ0ɧ!ɧe*ɧ =Čɧɧ *ɧ0ɧ^0 ɧŸ0ɘɧ*ɧŸ1$ɧ e*ɧ = ɧɧ  ɧBɧ:_*=ɧƪ =C)¬ɧ1 ŒɧĖɧɧ0tɧ4Y<ɧ ‡)!_#ɧ ɧ4 YĪ#ɧɧ 1ɧ *ɧ1˜ ɧɧŸ0!~ɧ 1ɧɧ ɧx ɧ ‡ɧ }1ɧÁ*!ɧB_ɧB _ɧ&ɧc0 ɧ 4 Ylɧ0ɧ   4 6#ɧ*ɧM#ɧ+ &ɧ ^ &ɧèɧ0=­0í $ɧ m ɧɧ)ɧ0ɧ$ɧ : &ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ)*ɧ yȱH1ɧe0 &ɧH1ɧ ɧ 1ɧe  Hɧɛf !$ɧ ĺ0ɧ ɧĚɧɧ ­0 &ɧɧ)1 ɧe0ɧx=1 ɧ0‰ɧh  =ɧ 1ɧ * ɧɧ  ɧ Ÿɧx*ɧ tɧ6#ɧe*ɧ)ɧɧÐ010ɧ) ɧ ɧHèɧBɧɧ4 4 ɧ$ɧ Lɧ  4D#ɧ ɧ ČHȲ 1ɧ‡H ɧhHɧ

Rige, Andeas. Voloncllo Ƌɧ*Ŷɧ

Riote, hii akob ЍEE¥ĥ <¥rɧComposer. H0gɧ0  ɧ ¦ȯɧ= 0ɧ1ɧ=1 =0ɧ +ɧ)ɧɧ 1ɧ0‰ɧx0ɧx1ɧɧ ǔ H=‹ɧ Lɧ 4 YDɧɧ1ɧɧ*H*ɧ1ɧ =0 0ɧɧHɧ==ɧ*ɧ ƛHȕɧ ƘɧɧB0)*ɧɧ ɧ H1ɧ =0 ɧ f =ɧ1 =ɧHɧ¦ H$ɧ +ɧ )WɧɧƼ*ɧ1ɧ)_­1ɧɧɧ=0 _ɧ0_ɧ1ɧɧɧ[ɧɧ1ɧm $ɧ xC ɧɧ)ɧ¾ *ɧ ==Ǣɧ*ɧɧ!ɧ *=ɧB_ ɧ ɧɧ=0 1#ɧ Cɧ)ɧ 0ɧ  0 ɧB_ɧ *ɧɧ)0¬ɧ1ɧ¬ 01ɧ =ɧ [ ɧ ¦=™ɧ1_ɧh  Ȃ 1&ɧ7 #ɧ1ɧɧ_ɧ=0=*0ɧ‰ɧ *ɧ)­ɧ*ɧ VW}=*ôɧ

Ripei, Kar Bass 0üɧ+0= H1$ɧ

Riy, Dr. Theobad Tnor. 0ƌɧM*)_$ɧ eèɧ0ɧ0ș ǯ‹ɧ 111 Ri, Marie. (d. 1852) Pian. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Rode, Piee (ode). (1774-1830) Cmposer Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner, Various (Domanovecz). Pierre (Jacques Joseph) Rhode [Rode] was a French violinist and composer. Beethoven's Op. 96 violin Sonata was written fr him. He has contributed much to the study of the violin and his caprices are widely used in violin pedagogy along with those of Paganini and Kreuter. Rode made his Paris debut in 1790 perorg Vioti's Concerto No. 13. Ten years later he was named as solo violist to Napoleon Bonaparte. He traveled to Germany perforing extensively, and by 1803 he had gone to Russia. By 1814 he had married and settled in Berlin.

Rodewad, a. Compser Salons: Kiesewetter.

Roha, Josef. (d. 1861) ass. Salons: Sonnleithner.

Rohrer, Anto. Pian Salons: Various (Rohrer). Son of Ignaz Rohrer and brother of zȮđɧRohrer.

Rohrer, raz. Violin Salons: Various (Rohrer), Various (Schuppanzigh). Son of Ignaz Rohrer and brother of Anton Rohrer.

Rohrer, Ignaz. (August 3, 1824) aln Host. Salons: Various (Rohrer).

Rolla, Aessandro. ( 1757-1841) Cmpser Salons: Sonnleithner. Italian composer, violinist and viola player. He was very active in te field of instental music. In 1813 he performed excerpts of Prometheus by Beethoven at . Private performances of Beethoven's 4th, 5th, and 6th symphonies were given by Rolla in .

Romberg, Ato. ( 174 2-1814) Basson. Salons: Hochenadl, Hatwig, Sonnleithner. As to which Romberg Sonleithner is refrring to is unclear. If it is to be Anton Romberg,A he was known more fr his bassoon playing and not a a composer. Later in Sonnleithner's entries, he lists another Romberg whom actually Andreas Romberg. The one listed above should beA thought of as Andreas since he is mentioned later as the composer of Die Glck  ɧ

Robrg, Adreas akob. ',9,K (ɧCmpser.  wɧ— &ɧ—  Xɧ 7  ɧ Gɧ Åɧ Oɧ ɧɧɧtɧa  ɧO  ɧª Xɧ O ɧ ®ɧ  Ȕɧɧɧ!ɧ ɧc ɧɧ‚Xɧ mɧɧ ɧ!ɧɧ ɧ ɧ Gł ɧ ɧɧ &ɧŜ  ɧ— ɧª &ɧɧhǻXɧ —ɧ   Fɧ ɧ ɧ!  ĈɧǑ  ɧ Gɧɧ  ɧ ɧ ɏ! ɧ šɧ  ɧ ɧ Xɧ e Gce ɧe ~ɧÀ ɧtɧT~ɧ¸Gɧ!ɧÒɧaRŸɧ ª ~ɧ Ⱦ ɧ"ɧĈɧɧ ɧ¾ ɧ  ɧ  ɧ"  ɧ ɧ ³ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ FKRəɧRXɧ

Ro brg, Berhard. ',9,KD(ɧVlncellst.  žɧ&ɧĂ   ɧ'M (Xɧ «Ț šɧǘɧ ɧª ɧ ɧɧ ɧtɧO¿ɧ–  ɧM ɧ ɧɧ ñFñ ɧ"ɧ  DXɧ –ɧ  ɧ 2&ɧɧɧšɧ  ɧ"ɧƔȓ  ɧÎ R ɧ ªV Xɧ — ɧ\ɧ   ɧ ɧɧɧTɧ ɧc ɧ ɧ‚vɧ ƺ Tɧ  ɧ  ,llɧɧ ɧ ɧ` ɧO  ɧ Gɧa vɧ Íɧ  ,<ɧɧ !ɧ Áɧ t ɧ ɧɧ^ɧ  À|Tɧ ɧ:DžÅɧ Ĵɧ>ɧ ȭɧ'  ,lUKl (ɧɧ  ɧ ÕɧFɧF ɧ ɧɧXɧ Oɧ ɧ ɧBɧŢœǣ ɧɧɧ F  ɧɧ Gċɧ  ɧ  ɧ Gɧ! ɧ ɐ  ɧɧɧ  ɧ Gɧ Fë ȧ ɧ ɧ GŢ ɧɧ ~ Òċ~ɧ | ɧ\ŠXɧ

Rosetti, Antono. 'ɧXɧ  ,<ŒK  ,l (ɧCmpser.  ®žɧd F&ɧXɧ yë ɧ ɧ GɧG Tɧ ɧ® XɧOɧ !Òɧìɧ\ɧG  ɧ  ɧ Vñ  ɧ ɧc ɧɧÎ ɧ ɧ ɧ ÈÀ ɧɧGɧɧ   &ɧ ëɧ!ɧł ɧ ɧ  ɧ vɧ

Rossini, ioaho. 'Ƈ? j 9(ɧCmpser.  ßɧO GT&ɧM F&ɧ-švɧ Ķ Õ ɧ ɧ A ɧ ɧ   ɧɧ ɧ qGɧ ɧɧ Àɧ ĶF Ȋ ɧ ɧtɧ ɧ Xɧ Oɧ  ɧɧ   ɧ ɧɧ ɧɧ Fɧ ɧ» GGvɧ ĺTɧɧ G!ɧ"ɧĂG &ɧª ɧ ɧɧ Gɧ Òɧ Gɧ ɧ Fëɧɧ"ɧÍ ® ɧ  ɧ ŠXɧ

Rottr. Bass. - ²ɧ— GT&ɧ &ɧĂ   ɧŬhǺ(ɧ İGHT ɧªFXɧ

Roussau, Jeaare. 'ɧɧ Tɧ  ɧ^ ɧK  ,D(ɧCmpser  wɧ Ħɧ Ìɧ Xɧ Oɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧÊœ»ɧ Òɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ y ñ! ɧ Ĵ ɧ ,9 ɧ ɧ ɧG šɧɧɑGɧ ɧÀšɧ[Ě ħɧ–   vɧ —ɧ V ɧ ɧ ȋɧ G&ɧ ɧT ɧ  9 ɧ ɧ(3 ɧ¾  ɧɧ 113  ɧ6 ɧ2   ɧ ɧy°(ɧ Aɧ   ɧɧɧ ɧ"ɧɧ[ɧ â° ɧ ɧ1 ]ɧ

Rolli, Pieto. 'ɧ1793-1 83 8) wɧ7  ɧ'â Ñ!Ĝɧ(]ɧ L ɧ!  ɧ ɧ 2I]ɧ +ɧɧ śɧ ɧɧ  ɧ‚ Ûɧ + ɧ  ‚ sɧƜ ! ɧy ɧ¡! sɧɧ ɧ\ɧ!  ɧŹɧ + ɧ‚Iɧɧ ɧ ¤ɧ¤ɧɧ ɧ‰ɧm ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧɧɧirtuoso da camera ɧɧ °Iɧ‰ɧ: źɧ M Ĝsɧɧ‰¡! ūɧ!  ɧIsɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ¢ɧ )ɧ ɧ© ]ɧ ŸŜ ɧ  ¾ ɧɧ ɧɧ ɧ "ɧ¡! ɧ h  ɧ ÌIɧ  ɧ¡! Âɧ Šɧ  ɧ1 82  ɧ ɧėɧ  ćȺɧ‰ɧ´/ ɧAɧ ÌIÜɧ

Rhrich, Anton. Contrabass gɧ+ ]ɧ

Rudolf, Archuk. 'ɧ1788-1831) Composer žɧ+ ]ɧ 'ˆɧˆ"ɧ¡ I(]ɧLɧ1790, ɧ/! ɧɧ7 ɧ ɧ ɧ‚ Iɧ¸2 ɧ ˜ ɧɧ´ 2I]ɧ +ɧ\ɧ¤  ɧ ɧAɧ[ ɧ( 1754-1 822). §ɧɧ ¢‘ɧɧ ɧ  ɧ/2  sɧ2 sɧ ɧ ŝɧ ɧy!sɧ ɧɧ °2ȣð ɧ /ɧɧɧņ  ɧ ɧ  ɧ2]ɧ yʼn!ɧ  1ɧ ɧǐɧ ɧ ɔIŔɧɧşQɧA Ŕsɧ  ɧ ɧB ßɧ ¨2Żɧ 58, : Ñɧ^ɧ ɧaįɧ Ĕżɧ 73, : ɧ^Iɧ ɧ´ɧǛįɧ¨2]ɧ 96, 7  ɧɧ ɧasɧ ɧ¨2]ɧ 123, şɧ Missa olemnis [ɧ2 ɧBIɧ ɧ ɧ2 ɧɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ɧ ơ¢ ɧɧ ɧ2I  ɧɧ2 ɧ ɧA œȁɧ)¤ɧ ɧ   ɧ¤ɧ É°ɧzI  ɧ[IIsɧɧ/ Iɧ  ɧ ɧ ɧ ˜ ]ɧ

Rue. Tenor žɧ Isɧ7  ɧ'+   (]ɧ

ehack, Aa. Piano •ɧÖ  ďIsɧ7  ɧ'm(sɧā  ɧ'§ Ö (sɧ7  ɧ 'bǼ(]ɧ ¢ɧ  ɧ/  ɧ! ɧɧ ɧQ ɧ"ɧz  I  ɧmdž]ɧ

ck, rolie. Soprano. ďÇɧM ¤IŽɧ bĿŀ  ɧ/ɧ ɧy°I]ɧ

cken, arolin Friin o. Soprano •ɧM ¤]ɧ bĕ  ɧ ɧ ɧ!ɧmǾ’ɧ 114 ait-Lube, Leo de. 2nVliVla Salons: Sonnleithner

alieri, Atonio. (1750-1 825) Cmpser Salons: Kieseweter, Sonnleithner. Itaian coposer, who ainly resided in Vienna. He was a aor contributor to the Viennese usical li fo 1 770 to 1 820. Fro 1 74 to 1 790 he was a director of Vienna opera and with his reputation the Paris Opera coissioned thee wors fo hi.

aloa, ay. iano Salons: Various (Warsaw), Various (Doanovecz). She attended usical evenings at the hoe of Frierich Warsaw.

ala, oried. iano Salons: Sonnleithner

ati, iueppe. 17291802) Cmpser Salons: Kieseweter, Sonnleithner. He was the seventh of 1 1 children of a eweler who was also a violinist. is early musical educaon was with F. Vallotti in Padua� when he was ten he went to sdy with Padre Martini in Bologna.A Fro 1 748 to 1 752 he was organist of Faeza Cahedral. Deceber 1752 he bece usic director of Pietro Mingotti's opera troupe.I When the Itaian opera was closed in 173 he becae the director of cout usic. While he was in that position he had the opportniy to compose instumental usic.

calatti, Pietro Aesadro Gaare. (16601725) Cmpser Salons: Kieseweter. Composer. e is usualy associated as a funder of the Neapolitan school of 1 8th-cenury opera

calatti, iuee oeio. (16851757) Cmpser Salons: Kieseweter. Coposer and harpsichordist He is the sih child of Alessandro Scarlatti and Antonia Anzaloni.

chad, ai. Pin Salons: Sonnleithner.

chad, Aloiia. iano Salons: Sonnleithner. Mied nae is Sobota. 115 chall, vo. Siner Salons: Various (Falkenhorst).

cha, Aa. a. Salons: Paradies.

chauf, Juie. Soprano, Piano Salons: Hochenadl, Paradies, Hatwig, Sonnleither. Married Schmedel.

cheib ute Salons: Sonnleithner.

cheidlei, Therese Ede vo. Soprano Salons Sonnleithner.

chee. Alto Salons: Kiesewetter.

chille, Josef Augus Tenor. Salons: Sonnleithner

chilling, Eise. Piano. Salons: Sonnleithner. ied name is Oberleitner.

chindle, Ato. Salons: Sonnleithner.

chindlcker, Fra. Voloncello Salons: Sonnleithner.

chid, Ato. oloncello Salons Sonnleithner.

chied, Josef. Bass Salons: Hochenadl.

chiedel, Joha. (d. 1849) ass Piano Salons: Paradies, Hatwig, Sonnleithner, Various Hutschenreiter). 9ɧ chitt, Joseph. 'ɧ,6DK,l(ɧComposer Sɧɧ ¦ ɧ Ȥɧ ɧ ɧ #ɧ!ɧɧɧå ɧ Eɧ)ɧ ɧzÁɧƮɧ>ɧ"ɧA   ɧ ɧɧ)ɧ  #ɧ ŠɧI )ɧ ĔĔ ɧ ɧ"ɧɧ ɧɧ Ĺɧɧ ɧą ɧɧ  ɧɧ ɧ¬ɧɧɧA ɧ ɧɧą ɧ"ɧɧƯØ ɧ  >ɧ

chober, Fanz. Flute Sɧ: #ɧɧ

choberlechner, KaL Bass. •ɧMɕ>>#ɧ: #ɧȘ#ɧ7 ɧ'hĻĵ(ɧ

chodl, Rosalie. ' ɧ ɧl#ɧ 

choll. Composer. Sɧ ŗĊɧ

chonz, Anna. harp. Sɧɧ

chller, Fraz. Horn Wa ldhorn. •ɧO)#ɧ-ɧ

chnebeck. Composer. Sɧ Øɧ

chnpichle, Joha. 2ndViolin!Viola. gɧ >ɧ

chubert, Fedinand. 'ɧ,?Dģ ɧ Ƣɧ  ɧ ɧ!nɧ #ɧ 1ɧBţɧ!ɧ Vɧ 117 chubert, Franz. (1797-1828) Vla Cmpser Salons: Hatwig Sonnleithner. Schubert participated in the Hatwig salon. He befiended Leopold Sonnleithner in 1816. He probably began writing his rst opera in 1811. A year later he studied with Atonio Salieri.

chultz, Andeas. (November 13, 1860) Gutar, 2ndVlnVla. Salons: Sonnleithner. Also spelled as Schulz.

chunke, hristian Ludwig. (1810-183) Cmpser Salons: Sonnleithner erman pianist and composer. He was bor into a mily of prossional musicians; his ther (Johan Gottfied) and ucle (Johann Michael) were distinguished hor players. March 1822 he performed Hummel's A minor Piano Concerto under the direction of Spohr.

chunke, Kar. (d. December 16, 1839) Pian Salons: Sonnleithner.

chup, Anna. Pian. Salons: Paradies.

chupp, Amaie. Pin Salons: Paradies.

chupp, Alexande. Pian Salons: Paradies.

chuppanigh, Ignaz. (1776-183) JstVlin Salons: Sonnleithner Various (Reunion) Various (Schuppanzigh) Various (Domanovecz) Variou (Millegg). Austrian violinist and conductor He was the so of a prossor at the Realschule. Altough he began his career as a violist he switched to the violin by 1793. His earliest meeting of Beethoven probably dates fom his informal qurtet concerts in Prince Lichnowsks apartment. Schuppazig was almost solely responsible fr shaping the fture of the string quartet as a standing ensemble.

chuster, Vinzenz. Guitar. Salons: Sonnleithner.

chuster, Josef. (1748-1812) Cmpser Salons: Paradies. German composer and conductor. He is the son of a court musician in Dresden. His earliest musical trainig came fom his ther and J. . Schurer. Shuster 118 composed operas, church musc, ncludng oratoros, masses, smaller sacred wors and secular songs, Italan songs and nstumental mu sc. The cantata Lb der usi wa one of hs fw publshed works and was perfrmed tl the md- 19th centur.

chwarz, Therese. Alt Salons: esewetter.

chwarz, Julie. Sopran. Salons Sonnlethner Med name s tomsk. edlacze ohann. (1789-1866) Flute Salons Varous (Neulng). He became a member of the Court Orchestra n 1 8 20.

eea. Bas. Salons Para des.

eille, Fraz. t Vilin Salons Hochenadl, Sonnlethner. etred n Graz as an Oberfnanzrat (Se nor Fnancal Councllor).

e, Ludwig. ( c.1486-1543) Cmpser Salons: Hochenadl. Specfc brth and death dates fr Sen are not own, however, he was most ke bo n 1486 and ded n Munch between ecember 2, 1 5 42 and August 1, 1 543. As s the case wth Paul Hoamer, Sen s only mentoned n Sonnlethners entres to clar the tme perod that Sonnlethner s not dscuss ng n s mus cal sketches of 'Old Venna.

egel, histine. Sopran/Alt. Salons Parad es. ed name s Esenmaer.

iboi, iusee. (178-1839) Tenr. Salons Varous (Reunon). talan tenor snger, ther of the ansh panst, Er Sbon 797, he made hs I dbut n Florence. He also appeared n the ng's Theatre n ondon n 1 806. Guseppe sang n Prague n 1813, and at the end of 181 8, when he fnished hs perfoances n St. Petersburg and Naples, he moved to Copenhagen n October of1819. 119 Sicca, Moriz. Pia Saons: Sonneithner.

Sina. Vli Saons: Various (Reunion). Member of Schuppanzigh's string quartet.

Soini, Pau. Te nor. Salons: Hatwig, Sonnleithner.

Soini, Peter. Ter. Saons: Hatwig, Sonneithner.

Sommer. Alt. Saons: Hochenad.

Somssich. Compser Saons: Sonneithner.

Sonnleithner; Igaz. Boy Spra. Saons: Sonneithner.

Sonnleithner, hristoh. (1734-1 786) Salons: Sonnleithner. Athough bo in Szegedin, ungary, in 1736, he was taken to Vienna to live with his Aunt and her husband. is uncle, eopold (Leopold's great ce) gave him his frst musica instruction. Christoph participated in his uncle's church choir at UaJoseph n Leopodstadt, there he eaed to pay the violin. Later Christoph became a barister empoyed by Prince Esterhazy He also composed music fr the Prince including several symphonies. Christoph married Anna Maria Doppler (1739-1810); together they had fur sons and si daughters.

Sonnleithner, raz Xaer. (1759-1832) Cucillr ad agistrat Secretar. So of Christoph and Anna Sonnleithner Specialized in aw and poitical science. .[äpubished many books in his area of epertise.

Sonnleithner, Josef. (1766-1835) Librettist, archivist and tansator. He is the son of Christoph Sonnleithner. From 1794 to 1796 he edited of the ieer Theater-Almaach For ten years he was the secretary to the court theatres in succession to Kotzebue. He wrote a number of ibrettos that include: Ages Srel by Gyrowetz, Kaiser Hadria by Weigl and his most fa ous libretto Fideli by Beethoven. 120 onnleithe, Aa (177 - 1819). She married Wenzel rillparzer.

onnleithe, Igaz ( 1770-1831) Bass.. Salons: aradies Sonnleithner. ather to Leopold Sonneithner. Son of Christoph Sonnleithner. Doctor of aw' a scientist ad bass singer r the Geselschaf der usikeunde Chorus. He married Anna utz Ʒ1773-1824) and together they had thirteen children but lost three in infancy. On May 2, 1815 he held the rst perrmance with amateur musicians in his home. he equent performances lasted up util the death of his wif in 1824.

onnleithe, Joanna. ( 1777 - 1861) Salons: Sonnleithner. Daughter of Christoph and Anna Maria Sonnleithner. She later married ranz Theser.

Sonnleithne, Lold. (1797-1873) Bass Salons: Hochenadl Kesewetter aradies Hatwig Sonnleithner Various (Krippner) Various ('Reunion') Various (Rohrer) Various (Warsaw) Various (ettenkoer) Various (ulielmo ) Various (Domanovecz) Various (alkenhorst) Various (Dollinger) Various (euling) Various (Hutschenreiter). uthor of the "Musialische Skizzen aus 'lt'-Wien." He was a school friend of Scubert's and later aided the young composer in publishing some of his works. He had gathered any of Schubert's early works and had written them in to clean coies r use in the salon and r later publication. He participated in the frst erformance Prometheus, a cantata by Schubert. Sonnleithner conducted three concerts of Schube's works r the esellscha der Musikeunde in 1821 and 18. Sonnleithners early musical instruction was with Josef reindl. reindl ad urged Sonneitner to pursue a career in music but Sonnleithner chose to ecome a lawyer by profssion. He married Louise osmar a student of Anna rohlich in May 1828.

Spina. Volin. Salons: Various (Reunion).

Spoh, Louis. (1784-1859) Cmposer Salons: Hochenadl Sonnleithner. He has been regarded by many conteporaries as worthy of a place beside Haydn Mozar and Beethoven. His compositional style refects the rmalism and clarity of the Classic tradition whilst looing inovatively toward Romanticism. 121 Sontii, Gaspae. (1774-1851)Cmpsr. Salons: Hochenadl, Hatwig, Sonnleithner. talian comser. He was a central fgure of the serious grand opera during the early centry in Paris and later in Berlin.

in, Aa. Pian Salons: Paradies, Sonnleither, arious (Reunion). Married name is Rosas.

aler, Ato. (17531812) Cmpsr Salons: Sonnleither. Ausian clarinetist, composer and inventor. Joseph Stadler, a iennese musician and shoemaker, and Sophie were ton's parents. He beiended ozart and ofen perfrmed in his Masonic works, especially those with basset-hor.

aer, Josef. €êƷ1726-1787) Salons: Introduction. Josef Starzer, an Austrian composer and violinist who aided in the funding of the otlersociett, as an administrator, composer and director. He equently perfrmed at the home of Baron van Swieten's. ith the aid of choreograper Franz Hilverding, together they helped to lay the fundations of the iennese rerm of ballet by Gluck and Gasparo Angiolini. This refrm of ballet indirectly inuenced the Gluckian refrm of opera.

Sauinger, Eleooe. (June 28, 1 821) p an. Salons: Hatwig, Sonnleithner, arious (Reunion). Sehel. nor/Bariton. Salons: Paradies. Franz Stehlick.

Seibelt, Daiel. (1765823) Cmposr Salons: Paradies, Soleitner. French composer of German birth. In 1 784 he deserted the Prussian ary and ed the country since his fther had frced hi to oin the army in the frst place. 1799 his ther ad obtained an offcial pardon fr his son's deserion 1 5 years earl er. Among Steibelts published works are hundreds of compositions fr piano . solo and piano with accompaniment of fute, violin, cello, harp, tamboure or other instruments. He also composed a set of string qrtets, a piano quartet, a w piano quintets and numerous vocal works.

Sinet, Kaoine. Sopran. Salons: Sonnleithner. Married name is Hoinser. ä Stoger, Ktharie. Alt Pian Salons: Various (Falkenhorst). Mried name is Huber.

Stoger, ohann Freiherr o. Guitar. Salons: Paradies, Sonleithner. Also splled Steger.

Stradella, Aessanro. (162-1 682) Stradella was bor into a noble fmily fom Fivizano in Tuscany. His fther Marc' Antonio was a member of the Cavalieri di St. Stefano and during the War of Castro he became a the vice-Marquis of Vigola. He collaborated with Aplloni on the erenata Se desio curioso (La Circe), which was presented on Ma 16 1668 at Olimpia Aldobrandini Pamphili's palace in Frascati. The piece o(t comp d to c lebrate Leopldo de' Medici's investiture as cardinal.

�tranitzky Jo f ntoo. ìơƢƷ A t r. al : Ki wetter. Mari d aria nika Ii din what was called the Hanswurttische Haus at alzgri r. I M4. In 1717 the house was the property of Strantitzky, but \ r lat r l d th r . Ki tti i �tuoz onnl i thner. mp �wieten Baron tie EÇƷ -1 03 ns: Hochenadl. Swi Ʒ a ut h mu ic patron who was quite active in Vienna. Hi s fther much time o,ttht r nal ph ician to Empress Maria Theresa. Gottfied spent a post as in Br l Pari and ngland. For seven years (177-77) he held until his ambassad rt rlin. He ered as the Prefct of the Imperial Library and at leastten TĘq)Ʒ+Ʒ1803. B an amateur musjcjan, he composed two operas ociated wit Haydn, ˆ$Xɧ Ɔƫi)h+ıƷ . A a patron of music, he is most closely ass � 179 until hs death, Sweten wor�ed íħ)˜Ʒ Q P R h and Handel. From about publishing and work with ƩqƇ_Ʒ el E Ba·th Ha dn. He had much input regarding Swieten fom English to libret. H dn's reation was translated by a ell aThe Gea The easons. iydow. Salons: Various Krippner . O P Q . Chnstian P nts at the home of Hemnch acipated in declamatory enterinme úl+ƀil¯Ʒ 12 Sye, Ferc Auust Flue Salons: Hatwi g.

Taubr,(17 Ele-1 81) Piano. Salons: Sonnleithner. Daugter of Teyber. Mt� She studied with Hasse and Tesi. During the 1760's she made a senes of performances in Vienna. Most of her career was in Italy where she appared at Naples, Bologna, Milan and u.

Telemann, Gr Pl (1681-1767) Composer. Salons: Kieseweter. He bcame the director of the civic opera in Leipzig shortly afer 1701. He had visited Berlin in 1702 and 170 to hear opera perormances. While he was in Leipzig, it is uncertain as to how many works he composed befre he lef in 1705 ?ut accord to him he had writen 'several and ? twenty.' He settled permanently  m Hambug m 1721. The frst public opera house in Germany, the Gansemarkt opra, may have been what drew him to Hamburg despite his numerous positions at the fve main churches in Hamburg.

Teriani, Pietro. (175-181 ompo er. Salons: Sonnleithner. Italian comp er. He was a student of G.B. Casali in Rome. At the Cons rvatorio di t. Onofio in Naples, Terziani studied with Carlo Cotumacci and iac m I angujne. In 178 he attended the Bologna Accademia Filar nica. Around th same time he became a member of the Rome Congazi n di t. C cilia. Upn retng to Rome in 181 he became the m� tr di ap lla at t. Giovannin in Laterano. His compositions utilize both stri t and mpani d tyles; he was highly regarded as a contrapuntist.

Tewils ali . iran . al on : Ki etter, Sonnleithner.

n lli ·t . on of atthauV I b r and brother to Elisabeth. Anton began his early studies in Vienna but lat r went to Bologa to study with Padre Martini. He toured to pain and P rtugal with his sister Elisabeth. Around 1781, he retured to Vi nna. Thr ar lat r he became a member of the Viennese Tonkunstler- ozietat, and th n in 1787 he became the frst organist at the Hofapelle at Dre den. In cemb r 1791, he became the deputy to Joseph Weigl at the to cuts made ational- ofheater in Vienna but that position soon dissolved due in addition he b Franz II. T 0 years later, h� was appointed court composer, Archd e Rudol h was a tutored the imprial children with their keyboard skills. � . � C mmor fr student of Te ber's, and Anton also composed the Missa solemms 1� 1 819 – the Arch pintment as Cardinal and Archbishop of Olmutz duke's ap m

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Uml uf,Jhan Baptist Krl. (186 1) Tenor. Salons: Sonnleithner. later Ritter von Frankwell.

Unger, Kaolie. (1803-1 877) Soprano. Salons: Hochenadl, Sonnleithner. ok&}contalto. S e studi d � � �t Aloysia Weber, ˆÛ hÛɧVogl and D. Roncini. ” Se made her debut m 1821 m Vienna • She marri ed the M L French wri·t er F ranc01s at m 1 8 1 Sa ier� . Not only was she a fne singer of operas, she was also an excellent mterpreter of Mozart and Schubert songs.

Unkrehsber, Weil o. Salons: Varous (Falkenhorst).

',ancesco Atonio. (1697-1780 omposer. Salons: Kiesewetter. Itlian compser and theorist. He studied with G.A. Bissone, maestro i cappela. Wen he was he went to Chambery to join the Franciscan order, he took vows December 1716. Four years later he was ordained a priest. As a composer he developdin a strict contrapuntal style based upon his study of 16th Century masters. Duri ng the course of 30 years he transcribed masses by Palestrina and intoits of Co tnzo Port among other Renaissance works.

&  , Tma u· e. c. 5 er. Salons: Kiesewetter. mp Spa i h comp r and organist. He was also partly active in Italy. Victoria was te n nth childr n who became the greatest Spanish Renaissance ] in comp rand on of th most renowned composers of church music of his day Europ. admired fr his motets and his Ofces fr the Dead and fr ol h n tudied music as a choirboy at Avila Cathedral under Geronimo deH Ey Wpina r and rardino de Ribera.

,Michael. (1768-1 840 Te n r. alons: Kiesewetter. of Vienna befre he Auan bariton . e fr t studied law at the University yr, a fr iend fom his pursue am ical career. He was prsuaded by Sussma ran Schu?e . They h d shol year . In 1817 Vogl made the acquaintance of � i � The maJonty of Vogl s spnt three ummer vacations together in Upper Austna. was instrumental in career later re oJ ed around Schuber's songs. He composer. He demonstrated estblishing chuberts reputation as a serious e in the conce hall and Scubr's ongs as being versatile fr perfrmanc : t� tic. songs was dramatic and opera salon. His approach to prfrming Schubert's *_ % % r Jeh. z ËIœ½ ¾Ì‹Ʒoose %wð % ÑÈ :ð Ÿ ^ ð  $, Hð\ð ð( ðW( :ð ˆZðWXð $ð ð L ð# Dð O%‚ÃðÆðð ð èð  O i> X  ð'ðRIÙð > ð  $Bð¨ð ð `ð "(ð\ð   ð ‰ð <00uhð ððð ð ™&Ï ¬&ð žð  )ð ð   ð$ ã ðO ð  ð ðQ ð ‚ð  $ð‹ *ð'ð ð€ ð% ð ð“ ð” ð 7: $ ð ð$ð ð–)ð / $ $ªA,ðð ,3ð Uð ð1  ð Jð1Ø  ð R ð ð H ð𠐑» ,ð ð<00v)ð!ðð ð "ÁðÞðð  ðD ð › ð ð åð ð ðJ6ðð  cð KÂð ð Qð  ð on ð•[)ðŒÓ ð ðŽ !#  $ .  ð ƒð  # ðì # ð  ð~6ð ½-ð  $ð#   ð $  I<{ƅ–Ʒ  ð1·ð 1Cçð  ðL ðKÅð'ð „&__&j}Ú!ð Õ  ð ðM ð.2ð  #9ð  Dð ´ ð &TT&Ý ¦[ð ° ð P ð ð ð 'ð ð  ®ð ð ð  ð  ð /ð Éé «ð¤GBðA` Cð ß  ð

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Wehub, Fea.  '"*. 3.yǺ{¹†+Ǻ

W &&n$er F ĮǺF ^ +Ǻ Wldhm.

 &$*?JhaDD Batit (178-185) Composer. 3 ;ÈǺ{  9ǺÕ4MǺÞ 4¹Ɠï +Ǻ i µTǺ %_ $Ǻ łZǺż÷ Ǻ"  ǺǺ '\ Ǻ ' ;ǺǺǺǺ ] ¶Ǻ0Ǻ€ "0U+Ǻ ÔǺǺǺ Ǻ 4ǺǺ186. AǺǺǺǺ  Ǻ iĄˆìǺǺ&¸ ǺǺǺ&a Ǻ†Ǻh dǺ {éǺ ǺIǺǫ ¸4ǺǺ4Ǻ =„8 =Ǻ„ ¶ǺǺ ­ Ǻ Ǻ ǺǺJ Ǻ a ǺǺÜ  cǺ AǺ ǺǺ ƪ ]¢ Ǻ0Ǻ Ǻ=  5Ǻ Jp  ǺǺ1837

 &,?;&9!? ' ". At ėǺ3&­ÉǺ€ CǺ

 '? iran Alto; Piano. F& įǺØ<Ǚ 9Ǻ€ 9Ǻ‚  9ǺG Ǻ ũ Ǻ< ĎǺ ß 8Ǻuœƞ&&EcǺ žǺ ŊǺ¥5Ǻ ǺǺ Ǻ%ǺǺ~ Ǻ~J.ǺX›+Ǻj † ǺǺǺ  ǺŰ(Ǔ Ǻ%8 5Ǻ#  ǺǺJǺJǺ0Ľ    ǺX +Ǻ

 &? 7/>? 1778-18 35 ÉǺH ǺuŠE$Ǻ ž ]ŷǺ ƷŽǺ V 8p la.p VćǺ´8 ($Ǻ

 7:% &-? teio ofie Eie vn. At $Ǻ &®İǺ ®& cǺ žljZ¥£ǺT% ǺǺō´8$Ǻ

&.: 7? Peter 1754-1825 ompo rdǺ3.šǺ3®. $Ǻ $Ǻ +Ǻ m  Ǻ i µ Ǻ %õǺ +Ǻ |Ǻ  ƫǺǺ'   Ǻ?ǺǺ  ǰǺ jƮ ǺDZDzǺ 78. 1787, ǺǺdz; ǺQQǺ% & = 5Ǻ NJǺ%#Ǻ  ǺǺ17 ŋǺ “ f á  Ǻ ǀǺǵ±m \ǶÄǷ Ǻ 178 *Ǻ 0 tR*¥Àŏűƻ..ìR 9Ǻ< ǺJǺ¸Ǻ Ǵ m )ýǺ  ǺǺ  #'ǺQǺJÿQ\ĘǺ {QǺǺǺǺǺ ó  Ǻ< ¬Ǻ Ǻ ǺǺ =]ö Ǻ½Ń 5 Ǻ" £Ǻ€ EǺǺǸ ǹƍ $Ǻ ǺǺ   Ǻ! bǺ ]ý5Ǻ  Ǻ%" ǺǺǺǺƎƬǺƭ   ęǺ  t a Ka oonceo F  ıǺÔ $Ǻ

Joha Huo (oek). ueĪĬeÀe@—˜Ǻuh êǺeÇDǺe@—˜EEǺna an ÞêIJǺA* DǺ ő`  ďǺF;^  DǺG Ǻ¾ř EDǺG ǺċĸUă*LEĐǺŧ 1Ǻ ‘ÚƟ &B $Ǻ ψ Ǻ*õ ǺûǺ4ǺH‰ ƣǺǺ*‰Ǻ*‡Ǻk4Ǻ4Ǻńˆ&DǺ ÚĄ ¢ ǺǺŔ* ĚǺ j*Ǻ?ǺǺ*Ǻ4ǺmǺǺǺ *#Ǻ ǺǺ e c er ene 4UǺH¯^CǺ A *^\±  !Ǻ0ǺN #UǺǺ ţ=ǣ ǺǺ‹źǺ Ǻ±ǺºǺǺ Ǻ*‰ CǺ ÕǺǺǺ4DǺ =n1*  Ǻn'Ǻ * ǺǺǺeeca ƸǺ^Ǻģ@f@+Ǻ â ǺŸL1DǺǺ æǺƊR 'Ǻ0ǺÐ #DǺ#Ǻ! ǺX L*[Ǻ Ǻ#*Ǻ Ǻ‡#Ǻ 1ǺUǺ æǺ Ǻß- Ǻ-ǺÅ @ÅwdǺ |Ǻ ['Ǻ ſƦ!Ǻ ǺŐ4º ǺǺǺ*  [ǺUǺ Ǻ` Ǻ ƅ*$Ǻ

ar o. +Ǻ à5 ǺijǺ <  ÂǺ ŗŘǺl Ǻ íǺ ǺЋ ǺĹUCǺ

aadn & ÊǺ  &-   dǺ r ½~Ơ&ƥECǺ 8 ƛǺěǺ


ir Ʒ *1_ V-Č$Ǻ

igall lo oo $Ǻ «; EÏßƷ‚ , er 3& šǺF;;&C �% Ǻ F  ‡Ǻ F LDǺh¯žǺ öƓ_Ʒ íƾǺ ‹Ǻ £Ǻ * ĜǺ|Ǻ '« 1 đǺèǺ  4 $Ǻ CǺ L  ǺºǺCǺ 1772 ƌ Ǻø' ' † F Ǻ“ jƴǺ'ĤǺ à==- -ǺƐƷŽǺ œ Ǒ  ƳǺ  4ǺŪ4 Ǻ11« Ǻ Ž* Ǻ Ǻťø Ǻ ^ L4CǺ ĺ ğŪƷ ŽŻǺ‹BŴRǺ;'Ǻă& Ǻ •gĭǺ P !Ǻ 9ǺǺ :Ǻ:î aǺvǺ AǺãǺ9ǺMontezuma, Ǻ Ƈ· ǺôIdžǺǺWx@f$Ǻ

Zistler, Lepl Maxlan.  "%'.3 yǺ3;;mƙvǺ

Zizius, Johann. ‘WxxgÁW@gĦ’ǺSaon Hot; rofeor. 3 ËǺG"Ǻ¾ŸL"’$Ǻ Ņ Ǻ`ǺüǺǺN:ǺǺŎ" aǺ™9ǺW™™g+Ǻ AǺ#Ǻ:ǺǺǺǺ P¤t  ǺǺG;$Ǻ NYǺǺǺ :ǺǺ âǺIǺ3 9ǺǺ t Ǻ ²Zt Ǻ " Ǻ Ǻ" Ǻ¨: $Ǻ O"ǺŸL"9ǺGlǺǺ ǺǺ ]PƤ ǺǺ ƿ"( ǺIǺA"::mdǺ NǺǺ" Ǻ ( ǺǺƂǺ ūǭ"»Ǻ ǺǺØŲƯ›ǺŚ+ǺWĢw@$Ǻ

Zumsteeg, Johann Rulf. ‘•xĨġÁf@”g’ǺCompoer. 3 ÌǺ3 ƚ$Ǻ ņ Ǻ %öǺǺ "%ǺIǺù": Ǻ[9Ǻá"ǺèǺ : Ǻ""ǺIǺ t=PëǺ%1 Ǻ"BǺǺ$Ǻ IǺǺ Ǻl9Ǻ ǺǺ : Ǻ ¤1úZƵBǺZǺ " Ǻa9Ǻ&aǺ(Ǻ0Ǻ  Ǻ   Ǻ"##vǺ AǺǺǺŒ " Ǻ ơĀ Ǻ Ǻ3 8ŸŒǺǺJǺëǺǺ +Ǻ 3 "ŒĈǺ:" mǺ""Ǻ ¤ĀƶBǺ–@f–ǺǺ•@–ĩǺùƈ ǺŬ":B»Ǻ;ä" +Ǻ ŕŵ!ǺIǺƜǺ ;:ŶǺ ú BPǺZǺǺ Ǻ Ǻ(Ǻ%&ǺåǺ(#ǺǺB+Ǻ

Zwerge icbael. Flute. &­šǺŇBcǺ 3



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the so-calle d Birgerptal (city Nr. 1100) in the ffh couryard, ninth staircase, I

HVtthe third storey, 1 is a modest apartent that served as the Hochenadl fmily residence fr a series of years. Through a small kitchen, one reached a room of middle size  which

ogeher wth the adjoining rooms, was very ofen a meeting, place fr select amateurs and used fr successfl musical perforances. Herr Josef Hochenadl, an ofcial of the

2 3 k. k. Hofegsbuchhaltung (retired as the Hofriegs-Vizebuchhalter and died on June

4 in his eighty-seventh year ) was a warm admirer of this art, without possessing 26, 1842 any spcial musical knowledge. From early youth, he had had thorough musical

instrction gi en to his children. Fraulein Katharina Hochenadl (died on March 4, 1861

at the ag of v nty-fve was, in the standards of that time, an excellent pianist and had

received h r fnal trai ning under the Kapell meister Anton Eberl. In choirs, she

paricipated a an alto. Her brother Thomas Hochenadl (died at the age of sixty-fur on

Geranic tra slation is 1 The original text reads as Stockerke The literal � d itten storey is the third storey, however, the American equivalent to the European third gound actally the the European system calls the frst foor �s t�e furh storey since . the foor. Throughout the document, it will be refrred to as it is above, mamta1mng Europan terinology. UąCourt War Accounting Ofce.

3 Cou War Vice-Accountant. . K had reached his ei hty 4 In his eight-seventh year means that he died befre h� � kept as was wntten eighth birday. Throughout the document, the terminolog will be Sonnleithner. by t `›1 ¬a¬ a ¬ '720n™nJ‰,ŒO  ¬‰aVccIcª¬zd,ª74¬ŒN7¬ŸVwcwn27ccw¬¦VŒOw˜Œ¬ y S*Bt,oª¬2e,Vi¬wo¬Ÿ] ›w‰Wª ¬

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Öų.ÌǺJud Makbiu, er Mea LŇ«Ʒļ%$ǺN zǺe lraelen n er ue ÖǒÍǺe Pgme am laa, Sa[San} Elena al Calar i /yǺDer T Jeu ķ#ÊǺru am Oelbere A. Ţ% ƐzǺe le

Followed !Ǻ<ǺŜ ÍǺ

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Ûoð>ǺoƀǺsǺ<¬Ǻ 1.ǺǺ ǺǺGbǺ1Ǻ Ǻ  Ǻ0Ǻ# !Ǻ bǺǢǂǺ ƒoǡŠǺƼ Ɖ %Ǻ%!Ǻ§Ǻ%ĞǺ 3 Ǻ!Ǻ ǜǺkǺǺǺǺǺǺ bǺ rƖ>ǺŠ>ǃoµǺǺ55ǺǺǺ 15 Ǻ1ǺǺǺ Ƙƨ!ǺǺ !ǺǺ a ae Š³ -TǺåǺǺ%1 Ǻ©%ǺǺq $Ǻ OǺ1 .ǺǺ0ǺǺ0.!ǺǝǺ ÆħǺ to caic muic, sǺ<- ǺǖǺqǎ- -q-Ǻ§Ǻ|ƋƗ Ýŭ¨.ůǺÙ<Ž Ǻ contibuted -5!CǺ ʼnǺǏ- -qǺǺǺ- bǺǺY ǺǺ Ǻ0ǺǺ Š>DŽoLJ  Ǻ Ts1ǺsǺ< -ǺqǺǬ  Ǻ©%Ǻ  $Ǻ A ǺA  Ǻ<Ǻ tiele -TǺ-Ǻ ³³TǺó 55!ǺǺ< Ǻ1Ǻ#Ǻ# .Ǻ +Ǻ Œ>rǺS>ǺSTs-ǺǺ%Ǻƒ5Ǻ- ǺǺ  ǺǺǺ Y  zǺ

ÆĥǺŦǺŁƺ§ ĊǺÝ´1vǺ 14 Ñ ǺÑ .. ğǺ 139 Sprao: (1815-16) Fraulein Karoline Fischer• Fraulein Julie von Anders(18 16-19) Fraule� Cailie Mosel**(1817 -2 1), Fr�ule� Sofe Linh� (1818-22)later married name Schuller Fr�ule�n Anna Frohlich . Fr�ule� K�oline Unger, later married name Sabatier Fraulem Julie Schauf later married name Schmiedel Alt: (1815-16) Fraulein Flamm (1818-22) Fr�ule�n Babette Fr�hlic�, later married name Bogner 1846) Fr�ule� �eiT 1 are�e Minetti, later married name Sengel (died around Fraul em M Fraulein Sommer Tnr: t 20, 1860 85 Herr Mathaus Tuscher (died June in his year) Herr Georg Hofann 6, 1821) Her August Ritter von Gymnich (died October Her JosefP Barth H rr t r Lugano (Baritone, dead)11 , 1850 52) Herr udwig Titze (died Januar at the age of Herr n dikt GroB Ba t 1, 1850 77 year) H rr RafGÂ Kie ewetter (died9, Jan 18uar22) in his H rr Jo Uɷ otz (died March H rr Jo f Jonak von Freyenwald (dead) H rr JoW. t chmied (dead) Herr Rotter Herr Karl Rip lli Many other e cellent amateurs participated in the chorus and smaller parts.

on the Order of the Ursulin18 Nuns60. (Ursulinerinnen) Octber· 28,Fra ule1820in Fischer entered into 20, and died as Mother Johanna on October t of a Oberfeldkri25 egstommiffrs, died in M •• Fraulein Mosel, suriving daughter 17, 1819= O ing year fom typhoid :6m6^ t [toay, a suburb of Vienna] on May in her ice, and lively temperaent, fD6t With a ver high, light and supple, strong soprano vo f(U@t her most excellent the most difcult pieces Sngtwith bremilli agttlicennt success. Pr Fromfeten, and the Cherub in prorances were: Graun's aria: 66  tu. B thoven s Chri  t

e iace of hese concerts lasted up o te win er  #the deah of he secod

e W9 6a}Hocenadl brough e oners o a end In March  tthe aempt as

ae dW}s the over again however, h e os aive ebers of he earlier sociey

ha alredy passed aay, oher irles hadfred, oer direions and oher msical

nee ee the order of te day ha is as far as i go

f Josef Hohenadl's faily only hree grandsons and a gra nddaugter are livig

ey re eseng their andfaher's enire music collecion filly. he

aae om tat riod ho are sill living retain a iendly emo abou he

e eases that this aristi family organ ized t

Caer U

Keeeer Salo

Wit m memories, ¬ leave the Birgerspal and walk to the opposite end of the 1 cit Te Hanu ti e Haus (Salzgries Nr. 184) on te second storey is whee k. k

2 Hfth Rafael Geog Kiesewette (late named Edler von Wiesenbrunn) resided fr

eve eas and presented his fa mous concerts of old music The house was know by thi nm f some decades, and it owes this to the fct that in the year 1717 the house h cm th poprty and esidence of the popular player of the Harlequin, Josef b and his Maria Monika. The apartment was fiendlie and more wf

pcius than ch nadl's and was especially suited fr accommodating small orchestra H

eh al .

a mu ical schola in te best sense of te wod; his name and 1PcwPtt 11 as hi biogaphy, belong to the istory of te ars. Theefre, I

ect excellent musical e t m t hi histoical eseach, which led him to coll t music wk f th ùSƷ uo an music piod. He single-handedly gatered

parts, transcribed te nucrp űSƷ qu ntly ewote individual voices into chorus

music accessible to music into nt mpary not s and keys, and thus made the

personal contacts wth excellent everne Though meticulous use of his ee time,

succeeded throughout his liftime to ch connois eu and co1lectos in Euope, he

most beautifl music that the Middle ctlg a orted selection of te greatest and

Ae hd poduced.

1 Te Harlequin House 142 T oio, i o 1, 1850, t to 3 Hofibiok in Vin , oing o i i, i i k t and i on o the gene i i o o otig k it i

no o o desire t ii, o t o ii g seecting oi fo gt o ilf it t o o

onscieno , g o o t i oo ook t o fnn cor o g oo o i oi Loog,

Chrsm, E, P , Good o o

A f to og o h ork, i g his coeon 1816. or i o g o , I

ysef ws nod No 1818, o l i swing T pofo g d or or,

I ust cof , I q o o oo , o peope it d i r . x iig or enthusit o g o 1838. oi i t ig, ser c of gr p q onr io rehers i f of o o . I 2, unfrese i g tig itr i to the prfo r, i o h f o 10, 1845, t i o his ow , fr o oi oig, w fo

2 o Mb 3 o Lirar 143 Kesewetter's own notes, is a regi ster that contains the listing of all musical pieces perored at these concers of old music.

Adolfti (Andrea) II Salmo sesto di David; 4 voices with instruments

Allegri (Gregorio) Miserere; 2 core spezzati Astorga (Emanuele) Stabat mater; 4 voices with instruments Bach (Joh. Seb.) Motetto, Jesu, meine Freude; 5 voices Magifcat; 5 voices with orchestra (5 times) Kyrie· ˜Ǻvoices with Basso continuo with a Choral Ricercare a sei, over a theme by Friedrich Ǻ Missa in G (Kyrie and Gloria) 4 voices with orchestra Bach (Wilh. Friedrich) Kyrie in min.; voices with Basso continuo Motett: Cantate Domino Benevoli (Orazio) Rega terra· Psalm fr 12 Sopranos (2 times) B rtoni ÓǺ rd.) · a 4 voice with organ (3 times) Nðrucifxua· tvoic e a capplla I Mi r re· 4 voice concertino with Violin Bif Ant. D.P alm fr 2 and 3 voices, Nr. Ʒ and Nr. 12 Biordi Chri tus fctus est; a Canto solo Cafaro Pasquale . . P alm CVI· Soprano and Tenor, concerino and choir fr 4 voices with instruments Caldara Antonio) Te Deum ; 4 voices (2 times) Regina Coeli; 4 voices (2 times) tabat mater· tvoice with instruments Madrigale; 0 Battista innocente; 4 voices 1 Motetti ’ and 3 voices, Nr. Carissimi Giacomo)fr Sacred Concerto; Nr.3 Turbabuntur impii; 3 voices 13 . A T. Motetto Nr, 2. Ardens est cor meum; tvoices Jefe, Oratorio; voice and chorus Cherubini (Luigi) 1 Madrigale: Ninfa crudele; 5 voices Clari (Giov. Carlo Maria) Madrigali buf; 2 and 3 voices Conti (Francesco) Cantata; 2 Sopranos with instruments Il Don Chis�iotte nella sierra Morena; tragi-comedy in 5 parts (choice of scenes) David, azione sacra in 2 pars Durante (Francesco) Litanie de B. V.; 4 voices with instruments Laudate pueri; 4 voices with in ents Magnifcat; 4 voices with instrumentss Misericordias Dom. Nr. 2; 8 voices Beatus vir; 4 voices with strings Eberlin Joh. Erst) ‘ sericordias Domini, Ofertorio; 4 voices with instruments ‘serere sopra il canto frmo; 4 voices with instruments rancesco) al R gina· 3 voices +¬ B., Nr. 1. A Joh. I Fux J

Ʒ an o r n r· 8 voices JPat Ad Ift . r r 2 Sopranos and 2 Altos with jnstruments j nft ġ · Ʒ 4 voices with instruments times) Mi r r ‘ 4 voice concertino with instruments (2 2 Altos) . P et Magdalena, Oratorio; 5 voices (3 Sopranos, Ʒtgr im al Seplcro di Nr. Sge, Oratorio in 2 parts dn I. P ƒƷ Ha Joals e Regina; 4 voices with instruments lla on nobis Domine, Oferory; 4 voice a cape Michael) Haydn Requiem Fragroentum posthumum) Jomelli icol6) . . and 4 pieces with Organ Victimae paschali; 6 voices concertino 2 times) Organ Confrma hoc Deus; 5 voices with La passione; Oratorio in 2 pars t Requiem· 4 voices with instruments (2 times) Magcat a 2 Cori ( detto con l'Eco) (2 times) (Leonardo Miserere a due Cori (2 times) Intoito e Graduali per le Domeniche di Quaresima; 4 voices with Organ Dixit dominus; 2 choirs with instruments essa yie e Gloria) 5 voices with instrments anta Elena al Calvario, Oratorio in 2 parts; 5 voices with strings Terzeto, estratto da un Motetto; 5 voices S. A T. with instruments t Antonio Gloria in G 5- 14 pieces, with ients (2 times) Ad Dominum cum tribularer; 4 voices (2 times) Madrigale· 5 oices: In una siep ombrosa. Terzeto: Lamento di tre amanti; 2 Sopranos and Bass oto crudele Oratorio Majo Franc1 co di 5 D .t

·th strings

u rz tto dell' Oratorio: Davide penitente a lini P alm unict. o· 2 voices T., B.) with Organ

L$dƷ tna Pieri uigi G H, 6 voices urbae e pass1one N secundum a : M thadis sanctae V rsiculi· 3 voices ad Respons. hebdom Bened. D. Deus Israel· 4 voices Ve ·na regis Hymn· 4 and 5 voic�s · 6 voices . . T n· b u arer st· nescir· em , Mot , . . . . · tano nella Cap. S1stma d1 Le tre1 prima Lamenta10m co�e �1 can . voices Palestrina, Allegri e B1ordi, } ɷÌžÜɷ ŵeɷ  ɷ Ê' ' zɷ]ƒȊ'ɷ'!ɷɷ+•ɷ5  ɷ }'  ĺɷ +ɚȫLjɷ:ɷL :Iɷ8  ɷ SYYɉĻɷ Ʀ ɷÌ Ȯÿ Iɷ ‚ ɷ + ! ɷ TuƧȩłɷ 8  ɷ Ţ(' ɷ0Ȓɷ Üȋ:eɷ8  ɷ63ɷ  -ɷ }ǍDáɇĿɷ D ɷ ż(ljV ɷ ťǗ€žɏç4 -ɷ +Vɷg0£ȏƓŀɷ'V'ɷ ɷ ' ɷ63ɷ'p -ɷ ɵ ɷÿƨȰeɷ] ɷ ɷ ɷ ɷ p ɷ63ɷ : -ɷ S Iɷ ɤȓ ɷ ɷ a:a ɷ 4 +.'·ɷ'ɷ ɈƩ!Vɷ:ɷŚp•ɷ 5  ɷ ɷM0ɷ Í(' Dɷ f.0 'ǙȌȔ-ɷ ËYɎŁɷ ȕ‚ ɷƽɷ ɷŝƖ´Yɷ ǬǼ /ɷ S ɷ ƁƪȦeɷ 4  ɷ ɷM0ɷ ͲDɷ fW-ɷd ĊDïï«ɁȖɷD0ɷ}D §Iɷ5 ȗǘ ɷ ŽȬɛ"i(ɷ0 J«i(ƫɷɞȍç-ɷ ]±ǽ.ɷ ƬƜɜVɷŪ ɷɷV0ɷ]  ɷ'ɷҤ ɷ ]ǑȘȺ  ɷ.ɷM ɷ "-ɷ  · ɷ(ɳɷ ɥ ɷ ɷ '±.0 ɷ Ŷi(NJƔǭ5 Iɷ  ɷZ ɷ  ' ɷǀ:ɷ ɷM ļɷŦɷ u Yɷ ȡɷɷ .ɷ‚ɷf ɘɷ]‚ Yɷ i u|h} 63ɷ : -ɷ ɷ WȈə »ɷ 4  ɷ. .ɷ ɷ p ɷ (ɷ .ɷ ȴǝ*-ɷ  ɷ'ɷ :' ɷ ¨ɷ1 (¨¿ɷ C ɷ r 3ɷ +*ɷZ @ɷ .0 ɷ6ź(* $ɷ ɷ *-ɷ " A.t mat .ɷWȣǚƕɃɷ W Iɷ ɷDž0ɷ6Åɷ., ÅɷB.) ŧɷ a ɭ±Aɷ8 æƝÝɷţ0·ɷ ((ɴɷ ɦșɷ ɷ 3 T§ɷT§ɷɷM0ɷ Mi 4 ňƭ´ Ĩđɷ cɷ *ɷ *ɷ *ɷ *ɷ carlat ɷ ɷ +Hɷ .iɷ A ȷ.ɷ­ɷ4 ȉĭǹɷè ɷ ɋî0 ɷ Do(4minu Ǻ¡ -ɷs; Ë ¨ĽɷœȚɷ D +cɷ ņ.m ưIɷ3ɷ; 1 ɷA.  ɷ< (ɝɂľɷ ĩɷ . F î ȭɟp' ɷ Tu+i Ęɷ f VėɷM Iɷ5 Īà ɷZè'ɷ 63ɷReYǛǻ¡ ¿ɷ di +(. eɷ5 ɧț ɷZ ɷ :' ɷ­ɷ3ɷ' ɷ Éɩ •ɷ 5 ƟÝɀɷ¤ ɷM0.ɷ Ƅ("ɍDɷ ½śW.ƞȜĒɷ *ɷ + ! ɷ ¡Ȫɶɷ 10 ɷ¤ ɷM ɷ63ɷaɞȎ -ɷ 47 5 (2 4 čŝŹƚƷ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 II 5




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)D=Z1>¿FÁÂ 148 ?YPtu ar a aa a w fn gave try u pra ' a a a taken by ar O a

=KKYqBtw :


Fa K a a am u (a) Fan f r a ar na Fan na Fol Fa Ka o F Ca a, a a i Fau ari iB, ar arrd a Ray Fan h Baa, a a a a Fa n k a ai a Hr Fa Ka Ma Fan E a a a F Fa F n Glb a r na Fal Ma La Fa J ?¬ Fa a wi a Fa a J k, a a a H Fau Kar ak a arrid a Ba Fa Th Hf a a am n Fa K, a ai a Faui id urba Fa M B (a) Fa Gan a a a Fa L f (a) Fa k Pnf (a) Fa Khna L (a Knn) F al l ( b ã—Ʒ 1854)

#% Fan M a a a (a) Fa Bb o a a a B Fal Jfin Fol . Fan a o a a am Ba Dm Fa Kn G (a) . Faln J lb a a bi Fau Ld a mard) . Fan Ka B, a ram a Fh 149 Fraulein Therese Janda, later married name M arsc hn er F raucdf femef ferese . . Schwarz ' later mam·ed nam e G rm· s Fraulem. Scherer Fraulein Betti Bur

 027? Herr Georg Krebner (dead) Herr Georg Hofann Herr Peter Lugano (Bariton, dead) Herr Josef Bath Herr Benedikt Randnger Herr Johann Conte Fedrigotti (dead) Her Michael Vogl (died November 20, 1840) Herr Ludwig Titze (died January 11, 1850) Herr Kolumban Schnitzer von Meerau Dr. Theobald Rizy Dr. Matthaus Lutz (died February 27, 1853)

 ##, Herr Rafel Kiesewetter (died January 1, 1850) Herr Franz ales Kandler (died September 26, 1831) Herr Aloi Fuch (died March 20, 1853) Herr Karl choberlechner H rr uigi ablache (died January 27, 1858) Herr Gottfi d Reggla (died March 16, 1836) Herr Arkadius Klein (dead)

Tho ho did not know Kiesewetter personally thought of him as a serious, dry, pedantic man that easily Jives, beside his ofcial duties, only in that period whose

,40]Q$dƷtreasures were only of interest to him and recognized that as the golden age of

,40]Q¬Ʒ reality there was not the slightest evidence of all that in He was cheerful, In . ars, œ^fRƷin his interaction, humorous� he participated in all branches of the sciences and his NfRƷespcially fll acknowledgment of the newest advances in music throughout his admiration of a liftime. More than once I heard fom his mouth the assuance of m blind to the ĆNŜİ0ƘƷDurante, J omell(, Scarlatti, Handel, whch did not make hi and brought it to achievements of their fllowers who actually developed completely a 150 e¤›Âhighest maturity. He was an admirer of Haydn, Mozar, and Beethoven, and gave fll justice to Rossini, of whom he said that Rossini ofen gave him greater pleasure than r/y¼Âof Rossini's contemporaries.

He far removed fom the view that there will ever be a time when we go back wa ¤¤ZDÂstyle and prformance practices of the old masters. We will regard their works as i«›¤Âhistoric memories and studies, and to some extent will seek out and perform them as

examples of noble simplicity and pure idea. It was in the sense that he dedicated loving

=/ŽDÂZ1rd work and diligent study to these early works. His collection of musical scores

´`pp /pµ1½›Â remain a treasure of the Royal Viennese Library. The memory of his

=y=D™›Âof early music wi ll remain a precious memory fr the surviving fiends of his

W«›D 51


Parade Sao

e well nwn ius and pian eachr rulin hrse aradis belngs

WD«¢›©{Ac{QÂmusical rsnaliis inna whs inunc nds fm he

ŽD°`¬›Âcen in the pre sn. r accmplishmns as a irus and cmpsr

9DlyR£€Âan earlier ime Sh was acie up until her dah n bruary 4as a

D/=WDÂ 1{A as a center a musical circle creaed by her er li sry is fund in all

9`0`cal wrks hrefre, I shall ny briey uch upn a whings amely h

œWD ´1›Â€ May 1 5 1 759 in inna and she bcam blind ah age f hre er r­a=0mÂalet deld arly and was culiaed ctiey She receivd celln

ŽD=ń£b€zÂz r trips Grmany, rance, ngland and lland a pianis ince her

ŽDªÂ¡€Â iena twards he nd f he year 1 76 but wih w ecpins she wihdrw

MsÂlic rrance She dd hrsel ensily aching and parially

XDŽÂ=t›b£b€zÂf ian pieces pereas canaas, balla ds, etc n her laer years, she

ŽD=Da±EAÂa stind f —””Ǻguldns a yar m th mprss aria heresia hes w

œ ŽD/s›Â€GÂbz>€uFÂridd her with a cfrabl living bu hr mannr, her

?s†›bzSÂer way f li, and hr gnera ducatin and persnal indnss, rer

XDŽÂjy€µz iraies, and l ii yslf hre nly prray he musical circle ha she

KŽrDAÂi er me, ad t which I myselbeln gd sinc 5 el n e use . 4 in h ci y a he Bergl as he chabdenss ld fiend y WD stre, herse aradis id fr a numbr years wh an 152

¥WDÂƯƗ7/AɷŨ ɷL ɷg  ġɷ ™ ɷɷɷ  ɷ1ƶɷ ɷ ɷ ɷɷ ɷ

‡ŽD°`‚¬›Â =ɷɷ1 dž)ɷ ɷ ɷ©ɷƳ Ģɷ ™ ɷ ɷ  ɷ#ɷ1ɷ ɷ

ǧÚ³³ôȁ;”ɷ;ɷNjɷ ɷȿ #ɷɷƒɷ   ɷɷ 1øPɷ K ɷ# ɷ

‡Ž`y=`ˆnEÂɷɷ  ɷɷȲɷɷ¥ɷɷɡ ɷ!/ɷ Ǯɷ ɷ ɰ ɷ

ŽDT«n/ŽÂDz4ɷG ɷȸɷɷ+)ɷ1ɷKaɷɷš#Hɷ ™ ɷɷ

2yB³Ÿä ɷȢ U ɷɷ ɷ ɷɷ ɷ¬#ɷ Ðɷ /ɷ ɷ

‡Ž‚TŽ/xÂGF4ɷ74ɷɷɷ4 ɷɷ ɷ øý/ɷ# ɷ©¥ ɷ ɷ

D°Dyd|U›Â&ɷƹWɷ4 ɷ Ñ ɷ7# ɷɷ/ɷ1ɷ# ɷ #ɷɷãɷ

H¤WD›¤ h ɷ^ɷ@ɷkɷɷ#ɷ4#ɷ 4 ɷ ɷ ɮ  ɷ# ɷ u e r‚‚B‚IÂ^ɷä^ 7% ɷUɷU E7")ɷɷ â& Oɷ |ɷɷɷɷɊɷɷƱɷ# ¬  ɷ ɷ

‡ŽD›Dy¡Âr_Fɷ €ɷ Ȼhɷ @ɷ= ɷƒ)ɷÞɷɷ UjùɷUɷ ɷ/ ɷȄɷƒ/ɷ ¬ ɷ  ɷ

‡Ž‚TŽD››  ūXɷß4ɷ Gɷ "&% ɷ=Ʋ&%ɷɷE# ɷ ɷ ɷ#ɷ #ɷ#ɄɷȂ#ɷ

¤WDÂh‚›ˆN¡8€"ɷ _WŒɷ

4&8"ɷ=&4ɷ ɷÞɷ@ɷ %ɷ¸ɷ  ɷj ɷ ɷ ɷ1ɷcɷ The ‚‚BÂȞǨ^/&Xkɷrɷ_(hɷâEɷ <"/"ēɷű>ĕɷŕ ¥ɷɷ+#!#ɷɷ#ɷɷ!/ɷ

%‚¾/Ž¤Â8XØɷŌ@G%Ĉɷ& ɷ¸ǢAɷɷſ7ɷ?ǵ ɷɷS Oɷ ƅ ɷ

öÚȯôȱ^×;ɷrɷEɷ"/ɷ4 DŽɷ! ɷ ɷ ɷ ɷȟ  #ɷj ɷ

¥WD¤«ØXs  8€N&&Oɷ JE ɷɷE/ɷ7ɷɷ|ɷɷ#ɷǣɷ# ɷƺ ɷ ɷ


{(ɔ&Xɷ?ó ýɷ< 7Àɷɷ  ɷ© ɷŤ  #ɷ {(ɕ" 7ɷŃȃɷ+ɱAɷɅ ɷȶ7 ɷ ɷžȾɷ Oɷ Ĕɷ 1859) Şþ¦Nɷş>ǡɷōǕ@¦Àɷ¦ ɷ¯¯ ɷdz ɷŖ¯ ɷ6Ƣǖɷ {ȧƐɖnƤ`óɷ˜Ƙȅ)ɷŗ`¸nɷČ -ɷ ģɷ Šþ7ɷŷɷ<ǩ7ɷɷŎ ɷč# ɷȵǴ -ɷ 153 Fraulein Erestie de Boscalle Fr�ule� arie .Freiin �n Bibra, later married name Zardahely Fr�ule� Atome Feran, later m�red name Stainer von Felsburg (dead) Fraule�n Em�y Ā#cWkÆƷlater mamed .#ũWƷĊĥņƟcvƷƧŸ.Ʒċok#ë.ŏovŖªƷ Fraulem Frenn on Trenk Fraulein achela on Bussetti (dead) Fraulein Marie argarit, later married name ira Fraulein Elise Margarit (died 1821) Fraulein Anna Schupp (dead) Fraulein Amalie Schupp Fraulein Elisabeth Kulwieser, later married name Hellmesberger (dead) Herr Aleander Schupp

Loyal fiends o the house supplied the instrumental accompaniment with ind

BD° eƒz  Dr. Anton Peck, adocate (dead), later err Eugen Frolich on Frolichsthal,

WDz Georg Hellmesberger, played the frst iolin. err JoseKlcl (dead) the Her °el/  Her Franz {ðƓ Rabel (dead) the i oloncello. ogether with others, helped with

/ll ŽezSÂistruments and sometimes I een played the contrabass in the concert tutti's.

$/ DŽÂphe contrabass changed to the much more copetent hands o Herr Johann Hinle.

-WDÂm /cant Herr Franz Schober worked tirelessly as fautist; rulein Julie Engelhardt e /zBÂ Franz Barthioli represented the guitar section. Her Amon many other prossionals and amateurs, indiidual solo perormances

Molique, ¶DŽDÂh a/AÂby the fllowing men: [ on] Dratschmid, lbert ardt, Berhard e Ebner boys WDÂblid Conradi, then Frau Therese Winkler [on] ohrenho andthe two d rulein Schanz °elezÀ H rr Diois Freiherr on skeles, 1815, ioloncello; the blin e on Steger W/Ž†ÀÂH Florian Heinemann (fute); Herr Oberleitner, Herr reiherr er to the change and ~Ľ4^pė/Š­Ʒ For the presentation o the ocal pieces, which contributed err eter Decret and enlivement of the program, there were always willing amateurs   D—Â#€^_ )

257/3? an Fa K 1 8). Fa , Fa E ) Fa Fa b Fau B F ) Fa a ) Fau B E L ) Fa Fa L 1 82), Fa Fa Fa Dh Fa , Fa L Fa F F Fu , , ) Fa E 81) Fa M D Fa Fa P ) Fa ) Fa K Fa r L Fa )

".27?/? Baitne K V () P ) P () K m 1 52) 22 84) a 1 844) ) P .¬ V 181) 155 Her Jsef Mozati (dead Her Jhann Lhotzky

 ##, Herr Leop. Jos. Eppinger (died 60) Dr )K=‚Edler vn Sonnleither (died 13) Her Georg von Lagusius Her Seeman Her Jsef Pocl (dead Her Jsef Jonack Edler von reyenwald (dead Her Ben Hauscha Herr Jhann estroy Herr Franz Sales Kandler (dead Her Karl Schoberlechner Herr Jhann ej ebse Her Jhann Schmiedel (dead 14)

T analyze the rfrmances of all individuals or o menin heir oher

ŽDl0¦e‚zœYe‰›Â wuld distract om the present course. s amaeurs in a modes circle,

œrD· b gan here had reached a signifcant level of profciency as pracicing artiss. h -WDÂresented ocal piec s frst consisted of songs, arias, dues and rios fom he ms

oular ras o the time. Also rormed were vocal quartes, choruses, he frs fnale

MrÂDon Juan 120 with rau Aloisia Lange singing he par ofDonna Ana, and

¦WDŽÂlarger wrks. An outstanding prduction n December 25, 6 of'Das Lob der

&«œejÂa cantata o Jose Schuster in two parts, and on March 25, 'Die chopfng' Ansin JÂ#œDIÂHaydn was rrmed The young women Herman, izenberg, and alo and Herr DŽJ‚–DAÂthe sl parts in the frst work with rau von Maurer singing in he second wrk ŽeDz·1mAÂand Dr. Ignaz von Sonnleihner [singing bass]. ingers eihner. he ¶DŽDÂFraulein Babette von Mosel, Herr rol and Dr. gnaz vn Sonnl was performed by he Ž=WDœ¢1‰1˜Âwas arranged fr two pianos fr fur hands and Bwɷ outsding schoolgirls of the house. Other schoolgirls participated diligently in the

@XaŽ You 4Ôɷimagine what happy and joyous impressions such perforances and reheasals made on the young students.

other ways, Fraulein Paradies sought to strengthen the bond that kept her group I

¢TD¢\E I LÔɠɷ $,$xAɷfr them, she gave a ball in her aparment that tued out to be

H Dat sisfaction fr everyone involved. She herself participated with enthusiasm; she g D±DyÂdced some Ecossaise and Contratinze. Lan d,d,Aɷtwo house theater I u prorances took place with her adult schoolgirls, and some musical house fends

paicipated in small comedies. The blind violin player, Paul von Conradi, supplied an

improvision on a scene fom the little play, Heirath

›®@=D››  Febr $ɷ $Èɷsh organized a Piquenique Ball fr her young group the i 'hppD’a›>Y n building Ʒ th bal l delighted al l the participants.

In thi h maintained with her circle a nurtured, warm and fendly

/¢s›ˆYE’E but on that n v r exceeded the bounds of propriety. When public beneft

On May dwĖɷ @y=D¢›Â]a ’ Sg n, sh wa glad to have her better students paicipate.

›YEÂoSaniz d a musical soiree in a room of the archbishop's palace; proceeds fom

members of her ¢XD zE t suppred th por. In this beneft, only her pupils and other b f respect, and this D±DyazSE>a¢3p The success was satisfctory in every ›Â paricipated. i last musical evening ¶/º ¢YDÂexcellent Paradies worked until the end of her lif. Her

number of her pupils and fends ŽD=e¢4p¢ o place a fw weeks befre her death. Kɷlarge o tear fowed in her memory. Kpp´DAÂ[EÂfneral procession. and many an earest

^ƐMarriage through the weekly newspapr. Bxɷ

aer I Ot Ha Sa

The enjoyment of pursuing usic on a sall and non-prossional level is one of

¥WDÂmzV ŸCc{QÂcharacteristic hallarks of Geran and Vienese usic lovers France

/yBÂItaly use the word lettat to describe only te acive atendees of musical

ŽT‘6Âthe enthusiastic concert and theater going public. However, on te other hand

´WDyÂe Gerans speak of usical dilettantes, we are tinking of people wo

¥WDvEm²EÂsig, pay a strig or wind instruen, direc or copose. Even if te results

H«‘ÂAale tes ca ot easiy copete with the ore careful perforances of t «¥¥/zAazVÂrofssioal artists, when they are efectively prepared suc results contute to the sread of the knowedge of solid usical works of art and ereby to BĚ

DyW/}>EtEz§Âof £8£Â as a whole.

.z§am about th y ar 84 the system of associations which today unites the

/Ž¥a@aŠ/£azS d of the musica arts in spedid rehearsals and perfrances had not f ºD¥Â¥/kEz / root-b case of the pubic situation in Germany at that tie. Activities fr /om¥¨DAÂto dilettes ere limited to House Music (string quarets were comon) and

ered singers /Ž¥a@aŠ/£a€zÂi Church Music, which, particularly in catholic countries, of

subject to L!‚instetalists ample opprtunity to practice their talent without being

@Ža¥a@at Â

"zÂthe year 1813, the young Fraz Schubert fnised is sudies at te imperial

œDrfy7  I orchestra rehearsas with the young pupils, he a times led te frst violin

œD@¥az  Duing the years that he spent here in the boys choir he ook vacations mostly 5 ;ɷß ɷɷ    ɷ ¹¤Z ɷ ɷ ! !ɷ ɷš  ɷ  ɷ ɷ ɷà ɷ ǂɷ /yBÂɆrFɷ!F  ɷ ) ɷɷ  ɷ  ɷ÷ú *ɷ Ŭɷ 3 — Āɷƒɷ ɷàɷjɷ

œD±D’1pÂɬ^;ɷ;ɷɷɷ ɷ ɷɷ £ɷɷɷɷ!Ĥɷ Šɷ ɷ/Ȩɷ 114, ɷǁ ɷƾɷ+ǐ! ĉûɷ) ɷLû1ɷŘ íɷ!éɷƿoɷ I ¤ZDÂ%E"AÂǃ ɷo ɷ )ɷa)ɷɷ! ɷɷɷɷɷɷ!Žɷ ?ɷɷ

/yÂa1Euɷ"ɷ÷ ɷ ɷɷ! ɷ1ɷ  ɷɷɷ ɷɷ ɷǜɷ

¤WD’EE1 ;1";ɷɷ+!ùŽɷ Kɷ ɷoɷ ɷ   ɷ ɷɷɷɷǶɷ ɷ

H EyHɷ ř=" ɷ)ɷ ɷ!  ɷúɷɷɷɷɷ ɷ ɷL1?)%ɷ f ÙNɣÛȹɷƻɷ ɷ%ɷɷɷ! ɷɷɷj ɷ   ɷ6  ɷ =ɷ

ODy  *„yÂɷ  &%ɷo ĸɷ ɷ ɷ) ɷŲ1ɷɷƋ# íɷ

¤ZDÂ=y¢’1;5››Â=")ɷƀh=”ɷ ɷ?)%ɷ) £ ɷ ɷ )ɷ   ɷ ɷɷ

‡ŽDœDy¢EAÂ1›Âȥ¶²ɷ(% E%ɷ!ɷ%ɷ ɷ ɷɷ )ɷɷɷ ɷɷ


{F(ɷɷ l% ɷ ¶!²2ɷ= Ǹ%ɷƴ ɷƵɷ”ɷ ɷ ɷ m =q/œœÂ;u;NyE;ɷ ˜%>ɷ˜ &ɷ &% ɷ@Ƽ ɷǤɷ ɷɷɷ ɷ ɷ man ŠŠɷ •¤]EE“V5›Â ɷ@ ɷá` %ɷ`n`ɷů1ɷ<  ǥ nɷ  ɷ r. 115. ńɷ@ɷ &% ĥɷ 1ɷɷ üǷƑ""ɷF°Ÿ_;ɷ &Öɷw %ɷ% hɷ ɷ ɷ ɷãɷ ɷ õɷ  ɷɷ NȇüɌXɷ="/ɷ Ħɷ Ñ_ɷ&l%ɷoE! ɷ Ĺɷ? ɷS  ɷƍ ɷ

—  ɷɷL ɷ š°NÛÙ°&Ÿ_ɷŅ¶ ɷ+)ƥɷ Ʒɷ ɷ K ɷ? éɷ 6!-ɷKɷ

<  ɷ6!-Žɷ Ð  ɷ ‡ö"E’½"ɷ ɷ %Öɷ! ɷ6 ȳ-ɷɷL ɷ

)ɷg a ɷ?)ɷSĀ ɷ ¤WDºÂ,1Aɷ&ɷȤ;l!"ɷɷ ")ɷ ɷ ɷ) ­ ɷ1ɷ<

• C Ž A  +Ƞħɷ Ï 1ɷ ɷũƸɷlǦɷɷ1·Ã ɷ nɷ ǪɗȆ ɷ • • ɷ&ɷ&l% ɷE ɷ !EÂr´ɷnɷɷ`%ɷ @Hɷ ‘BCɷ L!‚ot&rs * d up to the autumn $,$uɷthey were already well rehearsed so a number

A#al`i¤&n&rs came to hear them.

The area here became much too cramped and by the end of the year $,$Bɷthey

/!‚8B[&"‚into the apartment of Herr Oto Hatwig in the Schottenhof Hatwig was a

F]o%+&nt [,B6+=adirector and frmer member of the Burgtheater orchestra who took over n/'‚!+\&ction of these rehearsals. Wen Hatwig moved to another apartment in the

uL!'@1R+‚in Spring ‘,$,ɷthe society fllowed him. They had already played so well

L!‚z&\&‚enlarged wth skilled members, that they could play the larger symphonies of

}!L‚ Mozrt, Krommer, Romberg and so on. Also, the frst two symphonies of

Beethoven, then the overtures of these masters, and those of Cherubini, Spontini, Catel,

'/u>‚BBi&ldieu + Weigl Winter and others could be presented efectively. Among the

?5in'L'\i‚{&\‚ H r Blahetka, Josef Czery and other musicians, and upon their request n@'Lo&"‚O)BD5&-J5Oaoccasionally were allowed to perform solo pieces with orchestral

C8G<+9!=Sa Th r citals of Fraulein Leopoldine Blahetka and Josefne Khayll were

5L @u!&#‚ Violin olo of Herr Eduard ÷KƎƷ(fther of the pianist Alfed Jall) and

'e0\"‚Moliqu th n concert pieces fr fute, hor and so on.

Around this time and fr these occasions, Franz Schubert composed a sweet

jor, s}8p0o

that, Herr Jall L!‚o0&‚2=B]=aoverture 'in Italian Style' which pleased many people. With

hall called "Roman W]'i'Lo&"‚t)&m in a concer, which he arranged to be presented in the

contn·b utions · 0 fthe 5i'\‚ &‚expnses of the rehearsals were fnanced by moderate

time, aside fom pero rers in the years $,$uɷto $,‘,*ɷ The orchestra was at that

AP+B<6aguests, compsed of the fllowing members: 160 First Violin: Otto Hatwig, Be rhard Molique, Eduard Jall, Berhard Lazzer, Ferdinand Schubert, Josef Hollauer von Hohenf elsen' Ferdinand von Nespem

Second iolin: Josef Prohaska, Jakob Regenhart, Filipp Rechel, Konrad Kuschel, Fra iesner, Heinrich Grob

Viola: Franz Schubert, Johann Peter Neuhauser, Johann Wagner

Violoncello: Johann Kauf, Karl Wittmann, Ferdinand MUhlauer

Contra ba : Anton Rohrich, Redlpacher

Flute: ·cha Z erger, Hom 1

Obo : ugustin Haw lka, Anton Fischer

Clarin : Zacharia u rt in, Ferdinand Weghuber, Bschomer

Ba oon: J hann <ɷ r Friedrich Heyne, Josef Doppler

Horn: Ignaz Ma r, Franz choller

Trumpet: Johann and Josef Nentwich

Timpani: Peter Edler von Dekret

. . . gentlemen were businessman, i6!'‚,SF‚$Ʒfw profssional mus1c1ans, most o f t h ese n^!'iF&‚ S\‚minor cit ofcials. . . d so 1t wen untl·1 th e sp  nng of $,$,Aɷwhen Hatwig's health A : began to decline and z‚t)erere unable to continue. This did not end the society however, but they moved into the aparent of Herr Anton Pettenk ofer, on the third foor of house No. B,ǫɷ

the X!LK4awhere a beautifl parlor at stood fr rehearsing and two spacious rooms

Herr fr the listeners. Joseph Otter, at that time the violin director ofthe Hofapelle, entered into Hatg's psition as director. His son Ludwig Otter, in addition to several other respctable profssional and amateurs, among them was the excellent fautist

Ferdinand Boger, reinfrced the orchestra.

In S)!ameantime, concer pieces were included in the repertoire aong which we can name S)!amusic of pianist and composer Hieronimus Payer. addition, there was I the desire to e pand the sphere of activity even more, so they decided to present an oratorio fom S.:a to tim . At frst Die ieben Wo rte by Joseph Hayd on April 6 $,Csɷ then Handel' ·ia and ewaft der To nkunst and fm ally on April dRsɷd,3tsɷe

miedel conducted all of these ĉĤŅŷſķƞ ŰƷ ; Jo ph a dn. or these  Herr Johann Sch

er, Josefne and Babette perfrance E Among th ing r were: Miss Eleonore Stauding

Ludwig Frohbch and Juli cha then Herr Peter Soini, August Ritter von Gymnich,

Tite, Josef Preising r, Jo ef Gotz and others.

had already Now the underaking had reached its culmination and actually

fom rehearsals into exceeded, si ce it had lef its original purpose, which was chaged n music. was a accident productions, playing with oratorio and fnally mixed orchestral I held a Pettenofer who until then, that brougt about the breaking up of the group. Herr Äw3ɷ HU!'kp‚psition in a wholesale business> had the good ¬ C‡7 to win the lottery.

(‚ UvĿt hself a place in the countr and move there C„¬Vienna. Because of this b p &p€‚ lost fee use of his aparent s4(‚kU 9 . Since the fnds were not available to rent

\‚ oms, fher practices l;J9D r and performances of the circle came to an end in Autumn

1820. The soiety, whose 'fre had ended' that have had the honor to describe was

PTn‚o3'‚;4f one of its kind. There were other societies active at that time. myself had

TW[ht‚to know to similar societies. An ofciat Herr Josef Dollinger gathered an

Go'v\‚orchestra fr rehearsals on Sundays at 0 o'clock in the moring, in his spacious

Wg&Qp‚ euburg rgass o. QQQ‰ɷon the furth foor. Excellent symphonies and

Ty(\ov\&m‚as w pianofrte concert pieces were performed. Herr Dollinger himself 11 W>}'!‚th ol žƯƷ inc h was an accompl ished pianist> and heard him perform quite

P: (>~‚RN‚ a B nc r in th year ,QÈ*ɷ Several of the men named above

 W]n8 8Xr‚d in th tra and the e practices continued fr several years; but am not

>'‚oU‚ŁƷ u th ginning and ending dates. b who It was t Ii I and most merry in the apartment of Herr Anton Rohrich m E8y Weiden') known as the Golden Press. '!‚ 5N‚ 1 honest, V/]8 0‚was ‚ plendor e ample of a real Viennese of that time;

but was gifed with |(>A‚oU‚do he was atisfed with his status, without higher education,

tic of being a tireless fiend ‚.TU!‚Qpw\*‚ On top of tha1 he had the special characteris

requirement that he could join in of Ivk= ‚ te Faat a ma, always with the a per

••• to e  but did not know how Or > fr he had won t h e @í0 Óí rather the misfrtune ‰ D r d m ances Wc at e r under constrame TZ]C‚manage it" he subsequently died a fe w years · f I R"f!;YCf '†`e\  J†aJ'$†q;(† {@\J@T†T$†q;(†{@\J\T ‹ !(JJ†\†q;†(n(† LnqexS(Uqn† f Mw!<†q\\†@Tn@7T@.!Vq†@T† \e$(e†q\†nq@n6†;@n† ^E ann@\T†r \TJ‚†q;'†U\ J(† n('M'$† q\† ;@N† † ~\ft;†\ F (!q†\)† ;@n† ģg-ƗĕOĖnnƷ 'T(f7‚† ;(f'† ~n† T\† ;ye!;† (nqA|K†

(† V\†!\T!(j† `g"q@! T$† T\† Je7(e† n'f(W$'† @T†~>@!;†];e@!;†$@$† U\q†qI(† RBnn'$† V\†\V(† nx!;† \admq† T$†~n† T\q† 3@$† \)†T‚†$@nqT!'†\e† $† ^ R&Ff I '†n''[† ;@S† @q?† N† \€V† ((n† J\$† ;En† @YnvQ(Tq† \T†;@n†n;\xJ$'en†5(h†

<8fBE@YS-;4f -4f \g$'e†q\†8'q†q\†T\q;(e†e';'enJ† Y$†¬ n~†Rč $e77@T7†q;e\w7;†

/+ "PfP"K;Y f<K*†q;'†r\~T† 

^//f ^KK BV8'e† xq† \+†!\xhn(†q;@n†J\T'†$@$†T\q† ny-!'† (†nq@JJ†\e7T@„($†;@n†


Vf=R"Ffn_B'q@(† e† $†X%† <$† KBNBq($†q? (Be†e';(enJn† ;(‚† '7T†\T† y(n$‚† @T† q<(†

XBV7† =\xen† †!T$J'J@7;q† $†q;(†nue''q†~n†

0ZN)f_";f`Gf `K† -4f s†\X†s='† e\~† U† q;@n†;\qq'nq†n(n\T†\)†q;(†‚(†q;(†

N(T†@U† PAf s<† *GfG† X$†*Pf~n† †H \ƒ†q\† n'(†q;@n†7e\ya†\)†0 q;'†T\ J'† L(M/]f &(† ^sB Z9† s<† s† e† =(hnBV7†U$†q\† q;(† ;eQJ'nn†bJ(nye(†\)† m gĶƷOznB"†

q;(† (:ATT@T7†T$† 5OEa^T)as?B† g!=† qe† I !XU\q†$(!Ke(†q;(†q@N(†\)†

c'e2eQ'$† (T(/q†!\T!'kn†q† 5,6 faP/f )^]a B† q† % B X† s=(†ƒ(g† ;(‚†

\{(lf'n† T$†q;'ue@!J† Q#f $>%7JY44Gf !@n†\e!;(n IM /f)7f 2 \,!BK† (i† eq@V†xpq(e† 164 violin section. The remaining participants, particularly with the wind instruments 

as Hatwig's orchestra ¸D‘DÂthe se . Anton Rohrich, although seemingly in best health, in early 1830's was overcome by a lung ailment, to which he succumbed to on t ,D‹¤Dw<Â 13, 1832.

The chaf keue of the Austrian Emperial state, whose main Ge el der

ŽDŒš€cFÂconsisted of symphonies and choruses, opened their concerts on December 3,

in the small Ball Room. Franz Gebauer established the concert spiritual frst held 181 on (=¡€<Â 1, 1819 in the hall 'zu der Mehlgrube' (now the hotel Munsch). In these somewhat gander prforances, the better members of the smaller music groups were a~±a¡DAÂto prticipate. In this way, there was an established supply of devoted friends of music, well train d and thoroughly fa m iliar with the standard repertoire. The presence and 0=¡a it of musi group had a lasting and benefcial impact on the participants

¤WDr Fp F as th larg r mu ical scene in Vienna itself 1 165

haer X

naz Sonneihner Salon * By Wilhelm Boclg

M‚the series of sketches fom old Vienna, the portrayal of the musical prorances is given by the council member, advocate, change notary, and profssor Dr.

Iga Edler von Sonnleithner (bor July 30, 1770, and died November 27, 1831). An

5G[fMp‚Mx`‚of amateurs and profssionals were involved during the years 1815 util including the son of the respected jurist and composer Dr. Christof 1824, Sonleithner (bor December 25, 1785). His fur sons and six daughters were all more

T_‚less tlented artists· Chri stof had an innate sense and love fr the music and this was

$'y'>SY"‚through training.

With a rar and t nd r bass voice, he effrtlessly sang fom the low D up to the n'LT\‚ without ormal oic instruction, but through practice and the model of the G geatest train d that time. With active spirit and warm feling, he executed j'_5Svi‚ ]a c mic pars with good efect. He befriended Mozart, Haydn and a 1 Beethoven wth ali ri W igl Eybler, Preindl, and he personally knew many other

spirit. He respcted comp r . He sang their works afer their instruction and in their Stadler, the parts of jL-‚the bass a† in th oratorios of Haydn, Handel, Beethoven and Sarastro, Rocco, Re 7-\S‚Leprello Don Alfnso (of course sung in Italian), Osmin, in Vogler's Samr, T'Tdo o‚the role of Pistoflo in Mo ara, Richard Boll, Tamburan r rily perfrmed many others. Micheli, Jacob, Maferu, Alidor, Pedrigo, and he satisfcto It was there that his wif s*}also ofen invited to participate in the church choir. He

• , Dr. šPɷœPɷSonnleithner, fr Here the valued author of the frmer sketches . s of s fther's fmil� obvious the musical pe frmance � reaso�, has refsed to discuss � yea end o� the fmily fr many Boking the k. k. Sek:ionsrat, an old fn Her W cal fmily. 2i‚'a- ilhrlyelm ofe red to wite the prrayal of this musi e 66 e lo of music < 0Jthe s o it was natural fr his thirteen children, of whom rl in o� ere enco C0Jded ea uraged and driven with the desire and 1 ove to work

0Jat their musical di . The talent of the siblings  was unequal, but the older children had the ach at because they enjoyed the necessary instruction fom early on.

:?Js) Lopld on onnleithner•• J! demonstrated an early aptitude and n inclination J B ·th a good oprano to $D; voice and a good ear, he became a sure hit e l oi e icti wtou ac on, despite his frst difculties with piano playing. He dgent! žV 'O High as e ery Sunday and was still invited to some other t prorac in ' hi h h got to know quite well the best works of serious music. Now,

ŋmƷ;4Jals mo d O\ ard pla ·ng the organ and an interest in composition. His piano

C 5J h !. r r r indl gave him instruction on playing fgured bass, score Kap t 0 (J )F%BJ rint in t ntation, and harmony. He also pursued the string

&?=J ' ra i ·th m t 1. o-natur d indl] was so content with his pupil, that he T r <6*D;!J -1)/J d nnl ithn r h uld devote himself to the art completely. The boy,

his own talent, and howe er air ad had u ha atur judgment that he did not overrate

a mediocre artist. The J@7%J d that h " uld r th r b come a profcient jurist than

year 113' he organized #E;Jr i%J d hi ri t t tim and in the autumn of the m fa the course of the fllowing E' GJ h ar al re diligently continued in qu tr *** of the The quartet arrangements H 2;Jwith e h lmat in hi fther's home. eral . and i·1 ar 1 y, whole operas overtures %J yphoni ppular at that time, sim· . contrabass, a ,3 voices · 1 ding the @*5+:Jwre on incorporated multiple us d and me u E @J (Jbugles tc.

of .. . d collaborators cate Vienna an )8Jon o ember Quɷ$xCxAɷnow advo A m 9Jp es. i de � known as 'am er later became • • winter of Q,QĮ\ $uɷAnton Schindl BeethovnIn'. the 1 6 ir at d to be satis fed. n the amilyand among lose ēĩƠƕƷ ho anted to sing lso the younger son Ď|njƚĐɷhad a r m thi nuleus there develo ĞƥƷ ped singing rehearsals in whih i ho in pclar rƪƷƤƷ he inales om the operas o ozart h , erub ·

ti r B I as the desire to connet both singing and plaing in mpim nt o he la rmƷ rger voal works was arranged r the l r and th condutor had his hads ll ith shig the sores tou h n as as istt h oir master in rehearsals ad setionals . ïƦůƷƖŶtľƷ€” re initia lly poor, they imp roved gradally d fiends

li t ners to attend. rom this it beame neessar to

o t earate the rehearsals om the perrmaes, to

h %J J and o deermine the days o performanes. † · th tdio in he frst oor of the delhof f their

ĔƁįŮƍƷ ōśƷ &/ÅThis larger, more spaious apartment oered a

o r h ae house eekly rida meetings began

o d hroh he summertime ti l the ed o e 1816 u ar he small soie had i reased ad

. rned out that they had to have a break durig

r i uld however alread be alled perormaes to

ae ol i r r h ar al . rom tober 1816 o, this took pl eve .  were mainl ery o h er wee k , i the al ears e

anwhile, they ame to the realizatio tat e . fr . rtain level of proie r th all or h tra ere mataed atae vertres ts. d ua ll the o u r n t uited r prely artis ti resl was resrited to @*J et voa 1 iees aual ets and the acompan P . . the o, pure e d out a d om he Za 1818 his conversn was a  *0_ ƔƷĦʼnP Ʒ Ě =FĚ Û,Ě :WĚ } FĚ 6Ě �èƮ¶Ŏu ...ŨV- ñü$ĚtĚ 0Ě    Ě m Ě $Ě Ě ell ‚coru Ě FeĚ ìe,Ě:Ě 5.*:a w  Ě$Ě ĚkĚ ĚĚ Ě  ĚD0Ě 1 . lswhere. Ě j† 4GĚ  Ě :e ,$ ĚĚ ,Ě Ě S =$ĚRĚ0 $7_Ě 2+:ear =F: ) :f G Ě SĚ= ½Ě Ě  pĚ 1 /Ě ĚĚĚ Ě 6 / # +:؁òßĚ ,Ě  Ě F¦Ě ÙĚ éĚ Ě Ě   #,$Ě Ě uXĚ

The reputation åĚ Ě  mĚ Ě kĚ Ěq/ ,Ě rĚ   ĚĚ

te &Üč-Ě 'e Ě »ɷŒ @Ě ‡ Ě/ Ě Ě  Ě  Ě Ě kĚ pĚĚ iprt in #&:prfrmers. G,:ĚfĚ +4> Ě Ě Ě G ĚĚ Ě Ě  Ě Ě li�eners to GĚ eãĚ Ě ĠVƷ-IJƷ  S Ě $ Ě Ě /Ě  Ě/Ě Ě s p

120 pople. The progam m +Ě h-ĚæĚĚ 4 Ě 0Ě RĚ Ě / Ě   $Ě ha r Ě QĚ *fĚ 0&Ě Ě‘ ĚĚ Ě Ě

h'Ě *ĚĊĚ#/ĚĚ ̍ ĚHĚĚ a \ m n th 'Ě QĚ 0̙>m ĚĚ ™  ĚRĚ_HĚ2VpJĚ syhonic :Ě 'fĚ i(Ě ÂWĚ ~ Ě2HĚcJĚ c@Ě

Hen iĚ €&&$ĴĚBĚ @Ě bĚ Keter wa p 5t &iĚ Ě=+ ĚĚĚ#/Ě#Ě ‘Ě ; Ě music la w 'Ě Q@Ě ‡*>(ĚĚ Ě & 4$Ě#ĚĚó;{Ě

ƒĚ Mz f $ = Ě -*̀ĚcĚNĚ^SĚ Conceros by: r a ĚĚĚH{Ě Steibelt, ĚÀ>(ĚÖĚÕ>  Ě Czery, Ra bVĚ ËĚ4Ě Beethoven, + W 8ªĚÐ ,Ě_;;Ě Moz ar, arl a a b r Ě  vĚ ˆmĚ ýƷ A+Ě °Ě ðĚ 83(ĚÅ0 VĚ^Ě Pre un, Kann o Ě Ě  Ě } +ns A & •Ě 8QĚ }ĚĚ Ě©Ě a pies Va bHĚ a Š Ñ0Ě ÆvĚ fom  e àĚ û +Ě ĚĚĚ  ĚĚ Ě ' ccompaent Y h Ě OSĚ m. For ƒVĚ  Ě ĚtĚ 7; ster, Wr c ejĚ :&Ě 9 *+ oĚ ÌRĚ E ć Ʒ  A. I ' h Sch +4@Ě M unke A"Œ¡Ě Ě ~>Ě 7“ oriz Sicca, Ä wCɷ pieces fr o o other instruments ere also included fr variety. Besides the

e ioloncello, wo other popular ents ere heard naely te ute

ermore, solos r harp recorder ob oe clarinet, bassoon keyed trumpets

ere prormed. The comp ositions fr the vi olin ere by Rud ruetzer

seder ode, eka Worzi 4'> schek Jan sa Maurer Pechaczek Rovelli Bohm

r the · oloncello B. omberg Schnebeck Matiegka and others; r t rel r Bayer, Sch oll Scheibl Mer Heineann Schulz Bogner

fr the guitar on Giulian elli Bevilacqua ier Schulz Diabelli

h ŊçƷ Bochsa and Frau llerollenhofr. Together ith other r pi came Beethovens Septet t1 h al n id rable carelness as spent regarding the selection

ntti n. ging a iends liked to perorm opera arias and duets but

train themselves om seizing applause om this

h m d r ognition as much then as they do today. The most

o to unite erts and elcoed the oppounity to sing

there as at v i horu . At Sonnleithner's musical evenings

ere in th progam. There n ales ad other enseble pieces

and omeno om ozar h e aro, o fan tutte

o herubini a Meea, a n and aertrer ortez om etan and Fernan t o am r om Vogler; rte om B 0 · ldie eu orneme om luc oann on Par o r u un ae om t om u; Fat om Spohr e  Ěc€;fX;m;•Xm•dOXHxX•ŽĚ 1Ě wzYĚ ¤Ě † ĚŸĚ   ĚĚ  D Ě ï%%ĚĚ

?i>B=& ?4;FH—  ĚĚă Ě C  Ě 6Ě Ô Ě Þ Ě˜Ě Ě ?Ě  Ě

 Ě!qCqmEH•Ě`  ŽĚ Ě Xm•;m•O ~• “ • ŽH•ĚĚ ēý |Ě · <•H•e< DXq•0ĚNĀ»Ě 1x=_;mq• Xm•;X;•̄ ¼Ě.HjXx;kXDH• Ě >iϐ"Ě œ Ě ˜U Ě ĚĚ Ě#Ě2q Ě  ĚĚÁ  èĚ Ě

É"ĕĘ"Ě ĚíîĚĚ9 -ĚĚ  ĚĚ Ě#Ě ) Ě  Ě H~;mP•DHx•

"H 9;• Hl• §Ï Ě H  H ̏Ě5 a Ě#Ě #Ě”r Ě   Ě D3$H L.yy¨WĚ ‰ĚT Ě  ĚĚ#«E-Ě āĚĚNdĚ2̆IĚ ̍Ě .BM`!UiFH¾á*&"ĐĚ ] œ(Ě] Ě7ÚĚ7 ĂĚOĚ_d ̂ 1Ě

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B= KXhiX-#i 3>6[#iž ¥Ě T•  ĚĚĚ EĚ  Ě

< Ě -Ě-*Ě AEL3 6i 4 !  L 7(Ě < ĉĚXH•.XH@Hm•:qxH•DH~•HXd;mDH~• \Ě

Y. i3C

 Ě =i(KiX- ""Ě ė 5šöĚ Äd›TĚ 3<Ě Ē 3<)"Ě )Ě Ě ĚUnXĚ ĚÇĚ xµĚx .³YĚ r  ĚC” KĚ \% Ě TF4M4X\6i>X mE• ĚÊE% ĚPôĚ Ě2Ě?Ě 4=iX/ ie!Mi L.L¶Ěù Ě úĚ •-Ě h'Ě Ě' Ě  Ě Ě ĚĚN–Ě

.HmXmHfdH• ĚDHx• F RBS!i >i ‹>[ !.![Ě XH•kX€• Tqx• Ě¿ Ě Ě J ĚCl ĚĚn Ě lKĚ < Ě Ě 3' Ě Ě ĚE  Ě 1Ě ­Ě 1Ě  Ě C ; Ě?ĚÝ)Ě Ě Ò"šĚ5g‹&Ě —’  (Ě 'TĚÿ Ě  ĚĚ Ěþ

KĚ 1Ě O5?IJĚ A ^ž ĚsĚ OĚ .-HBb:)i÷’ ®Ě -Ě5äĚg5'ą  ºĚ])D ċĚ7ê  Ě 7ĚĖIDĚ¯Ě

Ě Ć Ě a(Ě a % Ě óô!6i 2” P'ĚÍĚ Î Ě2   |Ě  Ě XĚ 6Ě Š)Ě ×)% -/ øĚ9oĔ–ĚT IDďęĚĚ sĚ H "= ) A› 3đuĚ 8%%Ě 8  uĚ 9± i iab '?77fiO?9 Mfby D elli, Feske, Hmel, Kesaer Kleinh •'t-l :Ʒ ' ainz, KUllem, Riotte, 1 71 . 0]iGa Somssich, Ignaz Sonnleithner (son)' ' Stunz  Worzischek , an dzumsteeg.

!ishould note at this pint, particu larly in this group, the works of the

,im s were presered. However, N$B decisive new talents were taken up and a

$?B^P)!i Their orls were presented befre us and brought to our hearing.

'.Mfholds particularly true fr Franz Schubert, whose works were frst


0B]W iwa knov to this goup through his schoolmates. Copies of Schubert's earlier

VB?+Wiw!9t fom hand to hand, were collected by Leopold Sonleithner and were written ito clean copies. onnleithner had participated in the frst perfrmance of the cantata

ąƂŴŧUƌ['ƣƷ \l 24 !M!·Ě which has since been lost. In this way, Sonnleithner became J IPWB=66eiD\-:Tf d wth chuber. As the musical practices had thrived in the

^= 7-D%i o did ch ub r' compsitions as they gradually came to rehearsals. In

but presented EH1819 P m €TIˆ•was prfrmed only with piano accompaniment,

vocal quartet 2["f M\f n th ovember ![Ě ZMZ[Ěthey performed the wth Das and a shiny îŵƄĢ[Uŭ:Ʒ 3Gf !Ě !M´YĚ the xd`rmXQ•received a splendid perforance

Schubert's compositions. Not Q  EX5D@i "3Mfevening confrmed the decision to publish T of material needs, to B?7giwa 5XifD\MU-;:fof the honor of the but also a question a, The xdasoXO•was ofered to GPBa4!i@iincome fr this artist who was living in poverty. the of them was willing to accept V a P6ilocal music dealers fr publication, but none

Sonnleithner c us. Her Leopold cBPi Of?fW@Mfyoung compser who was not yet Jamo k at their own publish Schubert's works 5 i3@iconj unction with two other fiends, to

s without royalty. ed to se11 te w ork dJAU!i hf of Diabelli and Company agre T f €” č ač# å e ?č $!:the  čč!Yč >č  ¸)č$č čf )č

+:su , č + čôč PBčč č 4 6:7#& & eč$č 00 g 4č  č p č)č- č

¾U č & Tûč #čQ č  ':pbs 800 g 4čča  )č  * čč

!č č D&D  D#'č £č  č* <čQ č$č)č$%-

#-:á Àč BTĂ#čQč&0B  čÕ#č 8 k'č ®Í4č č   č) č %(,!03#":#:s +č0EE!3+ččč -sč# č - 'č

#": ¼õ č #č ?&T? čččÅăäčč` Ö×č¯4č ąjßč

¿ö 1üč ud ač §č # !<4č  čč č- č-ÿ č Îč âĚ Kč Êč  čÄčÔÚ#č&p%ččp  čĀN <čč ¶IčUƐ

19: a d  č  č,čð čhč ta ana n er  č _ ¹čafč*č y č 3č &!& wčh7č Tanre  $ - č<č

Ċč +č373!!sčč 7čič - č Ąč

'č vč~•[č H葒“č˜čċz H™„xčH–[č p 1Áč a a þ mč +č ØC72č†č + č 2č && r 5č .č ÙŽč  1

e #:pa a č  2#2č70# !č &%  Jč >č  č   čč seen n  č č  č āEYč !&, u č n! č !?2čŸ+!črč¡n!3 #)%!}č d ©č u,č qča n ª q Þ@ 2 č n @Cč #Nč  č a Kì mč a ¬ñ č *č KD l!@č a NÃ@č ¦Ðĉč±1 0E&ĈB jč +3 č —” Òč 1 0

e %č ÆÛ )čÓO% č O č6 Vč 86 Vč anr ee w É)č  č č ­ĆOའÝ Ø8Ʒ '2+2/? o




di d. AA‰Ʒ

lars, but other solo prts were taken by te

(2+(1 ?

r H

KŃĜƷ r al B ou hi '2+3/? **3 ? 174 Her ton jyŒ}kÅdead) Jo f Aer died June 16, 1852) Edmund Riter on Andrea

+<:# ? H rr Franz cyober Anton Bub rl ied 1860) d erdinand oger died June 24, 1846) cheibl ?¬ÅI \yŒÅ r recorder� dead)

Ob: Herr Aug Ha elka (dead)

+7'/#: ? H rr F rd inand Graf von Troyer (dead) t n r ih rentano | e ) r . d a K 27/ ? ad tzk (died. April 13, 1846) di d ctober 15, 1833)


4/ ? B r i h ilh lm H eyn (dead) d <):7 ? Fraul in nna oc ing (later married von Marinelli, brua 21, 1859 ) r dl HFra nz Andr hultz died ovember 13, 1860) ranz Bathioli d ed ovember 4, 1861) r ih r( ion Steger Joihannnzenz chuster dead)

76 ? Fraulein Anna Schonz (dead) §Ʒ 1 19, 184 œ ˆƷ ed Gollenhofr (died January Frau Josef Millner marri

Ulœ¡mÅ m–³~–uÅ t `Å n¢nÅ ]ő¾Œgn¢Åšrűš‘±Å ^”kÅk^ºvy³n£±Å šrųynÅyšº±n8Å

En¢¦Å šªÅ ~jj]Å kn]kÅ B¢_»†n~’Å †o‘nÅJ]³´~jy ņ]³n¤ÅŒ]¤¥nkÅ Qe~]ÅPc´y~‡knÅ nƒ‹Å ¢„ Ň]²n¢ÅŒ]¤¢~nkő]ŒnÅ Áš‘Å Vš±]Å B¢ÅH›y]’‘]ÅZyo±n¤ Ō] kn‘Å‘]ŒnÅXš‘™†n€³ y‘n¥Åk€nkÅ 31) B¦‡Å YiÅ ¢nÅ TŸ~³ÃÅ k~nkÅ 8) athaa pŒ‘~¶Ãn¢Å La~††aÅ@†† ]¾¢n¢Å T ¢qÅ D ‡]³n¤Å]¯pkœ]ŒnÅ T±n¹Åk€nkÅ:¼v¿±³Å , Å 8) Re~Å ¤¶ÃÅ ?†Å Y]½hÅ ¤Å ‡] ´n¢Å]°nkő]ŒnÅCšvšˆ^¢~Å M»Å <~]—Å {Å ‡]´n¢Å]¢¢nkő]ŒnÅ [n‰€“n¢Å y~Š‡~’wÅ †]´n¢Å]¢¢nkŒ]ŒnÅ Tgn¢‡n€³‘n¢Å lEÅ ­Å;½Å D†š¢Å ’´‘Å k~nkÅ 3 , Å D¦‡Å knkÅ! 3/*Å †]´Å ¢Å]§¢nkÅ ‘]nÅXjyŒkÅ ‡]Å ¢Å]§¢nkő]nÅXšgš³ ]Å

B¦_»ŠÅ ’Å ]Å Ma½¦b O]y ¦Å

šŒn“9Å µzmÅ š†šÅž]¢³Å n¢nÅ ·ynÅ t††šÂ‘vŌn‘Å^“kÅ al

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n ertei mei n aer aed ae ae

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g ded s kg Sachsscher opel l meser r 2Å &Å d d Ó»†Ʒ I

an th r ur t k a the chors he lo secton ws t r g n gong through the bove nmes, it becoes tat h ch d a ortnt rtsc step lter hey hd their nd d d h taet The ae sngers nger and Linhor, l t and r th a gers ro and aznger, estroy and oz, an P ng r partcpated here egerly, nd mde themselves o re th nt red the theatrcl world t ze, laer a very highly ar o nded to the Sonnlethner mily upon his rrival in ienn t sl sngng prt, but soon he becme highly respected becuse wz.Ě ƉƷeissiger liked to dly remember his .H h t i this musical circle rfoed o the piaore llmaer ellev ille,

aid ur opa recoitio he violist, eorg i !Ě !¸¬ZMĚle his post at the boys choir, becase he r l iers e eig cocerts ad achieved throgh his r du aio which opeed to him a hoorble artists way

to idicate the cosiderable iece on the art

h olither family hese eforts mst ot be d i a 9 Cater X

aru Sal

reprs ha I these e shown fve diferent musical circles, which made an efort to fster, enjo ad promote music. Since early youth, I participated at all these

and no� am able to prtray endeavors a considerable number of related illustrations.

Several circles ha e pur ued the same or similar goals, and since the outstanding prsonalities \ ere highlighted earlier, I fnd it appropriate to depart fom the previous detail and to conclude ·th brief reprts of some fmilies and fiendly connections whose aendea or blon to th characteristics of the musical hustle and bustle in Vienna at that time. I wll fllo\ th m ame in which became acquainted with them. In the autmn I came to know the wholesale dealer Heinrich Christian 1 14 Kippner (died Augu t 13 2 40 . In his apartment at PreBgasse Nr. ./. Åmusical declamatory ent rinm n t place on Sundays at noon. Although the premises lef much to b de ir con ming th ize and elegance, these performances were, however, more atended by numerous and choic members of society. Declamation was presented

others achieved at that time than i t i toda and the gentlemen Sydow, Castelli and

perfrmed the vocal, something outstnding in this feld. The best artists and amateurs

nally met Moscheles the pianofrte and the string instruments. It was there that I perso

an e was known later in private d Berd Romberg fr the frst time. \Ě son of the hous

circles a a profcient bas singer. rly d in that winter, particula I the Oame time, the group called 'Reunion' frme ey = aiser", and th du † ca 11 e d "Roman K nng Lent, a small club of music lovers the ha 11 m  H amoerat m i al sub cription series on orge Tuesday evenings. Usually, . r music 'asp n1 d th pianofrte or string ine nts. At times, a larger chambr tok pla fll orchestra. .č was invited to participate proucton t as a singer in the

March held a recital of the oratorio UyY~ ~•am +d@HyOH• Fraulein choir. O Kliebrprormed· then Herr Matthaus Tuscher and Josef Gotz carried the solo Therese enhim lf ond dBeho ucted the prformance fom the podium. We were all pas, tlled enhusiamthrou th prsonal participation of the master, and the wt

fl. uall in the evenings, Schuppanzigh ofen played with

qetcompon . ma i1 and Lincke, Frau Levy and Fraulein Anna Sprinz at his

o Ma  rand ma 't the violin solos, Friedlowsky, Boger, and Baron the pi

Brenano ' · t n intrum nts together with many others performed selected Anton

h ing r in lu raul in Th r se Klieber, Mora and Staudinger, Herr piecs. 1 . Kameval, Lugano u < t Lagusius, and Eppinger. During Siboni

ball o pla rth fth 'Reunion,' and these balls were regaded as some Emauel dee n an m ul r a that time. The entrepreneurs, Her the most broter Joseph adminitra r t t t "Roman Emperor," and his Eppinger, 1 a lawyer, was a hand] d i al arrang nts. Joseph Eppinger, Eppinger m and his characterisicVienn through his pushy personality

at songs pres notebooks of insigifc umptuousne inm ical tt e published some

sang Italian c a Jewish accent, he alledhimselfJcom r. With a nasal voice and and p " Despite these B,,f e " goo d old school · parts�hewantedto ‚ regarded as a singer o f th uuo

1 Carival |x¿¿y¿Ü %)=J ^jōYÜ č  č  Xč   čč # 4 $Å Õ  薝 i ¤č  č čč č č/č$č . 9Ö čč kč  č ? _fi J č$č č  č$č č W=5Wč

Jdº "č d耔 č č č = òč č îč č Ýč I Ačč */č

âUý b'č ´ č č Pč č čč L éč  č]ç č= 5č L êč čč ­´§~k‹wŸÃÜ9GCJ »ɷ,  č  č \ččč  'č > č ùč {= è œč

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d§ÇwµÜ81CJ 9č \: "č ++ Å % 4++Å č( (č(č›%č«(č č

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J++("6#J G č  b č·č č|÷č & 252Å čč č6 č *č$č8 č

0J #J ¨ č č č 9 čč  č " ;'č M č  č č č/  čč ïč ‡č :D&:J ^®a¾Ü 9č 0Ï č ć"č   č čM (č *6‚čč %č ¿ÃÜ1CJ : č " č &62Å  č  č čFú č F (6č:  č č :3: >=J µ č oGÇGCč9 č " čč8(č  :J ƒččč č ! I5H JE;>,/J č "lč č  čt6či 'č M Ë

Zč ˆč I AB4< ‹č č8 čÈ;'č ?&*2 JE$EJC#J1 "č:";(č:*S" č8ččč č

Å ;č : č $5$1Å% č %5$2Å% č 7 @2EJEJ E#>J 1Ì"č ø čìɷ č (»

„ ; ƒ (č 6%čč  Sčč č%ččč !-J.J J 'J 1  č$č čÑFčF  č Zč tč ³8č č —šl•ÈqwÜE$ čFS‰čãŠčččč_ JEC;Jj/ C "čo,  č č č th alo nger ahilde 18 ei ” n the dearture o mo etd solo nng tring uaet and variou overture frmed the

f ucl on Among the orator wa the lendid actor areau he

arod em n a ewih dialect œ . addition, duard Anchtz I o s uccel pem and even the woman o the houe ought o

n aan oraor. The very old man now a widower, i till aid to lve in

ts o enna.

hgher el ere the muical evening tht took lace at thehome of 1 $ n h ear 8 unl 1 during the winter month on Tueday

a profc n volnitand had peruaded hi teacher Joeh

a h nng and had made available to him accomlihed

h m h

a larg r nmber of voice u tothe Setet by eethoven.

nn d o expand here by including the ianofrte a

h n addng voce, and at lat, even ome oratory wa

or . h prncple had remained the ame erform only

reaon, heard the wk n th m h he bet uician. or thi

the ianit r among her Conin ellmeber ger, Cl ement,

ff, Karl Czey d dorf Veque v. Pttlin gen, aron Kr

the gitarit Giuliani, the eae he aut Sedlaczek and ogner, mot Among the inger were the 2( echacze r on and ottleb. inger e ece oratura o hat me and of he opra ger, th llent col w of the hot rau : iterɞɧ ɟɧ ġɧa he ba nger Leopld Pfeifer, and the y in‚Ü maiden nam ieme 3 czek). From the year 12 Teres u , she [Therese

pleasant song presentations. . Neuling died at the age

© ÜOŨh¶Ü4 1846. of 52 TˆyÜyÜ ening gatherng at the home of the merchant Adam Hutschenreiter

”·ÂÜ ¶Ü58 had a simpler more old-fashioned character. .č was involved there

rσ ÆyÜÙy^¶ÀÜof 1817 until 1820. The housew if, Josepha (maiden name Melzer) was

œ¨Ãˆz¶Üof adult on · he pari cipated as a sturdy soprano singer and showed, aead a in ¯µw¿y Ã^̨¡Üof older music ozart, Haydn\ the remnants of a pleasant voice and t ¿k†¬–Œ¡‚ ZÜ ·thout omar ntation and dramatic Afekation. The eldest son, Johann good

ere invited. At these meetings, usually held on

¿Ü v zÜfn d th d ound, which consisted mostly in presenting Monda

©ic ical pi rfnned the opera fnale without many rehearsals fu v mu

vwsÜèÜtk with quintet accompaniment. The men, Herr and

QÉwD ÜMy¿Ã·¨Ü and r among the prfrmers fr that occasion.

I less y Ã^–Ü Œzce mad up th r ÃÜ f the program, and they were performed by p nb¯bf•yÜ as orator. The number uŒia¡s 9 In additi n rr Moreau stepped frward m

} · € of this 0 •ŽÜ¿Æw y·¿Üwa ¡¨ÃÜ no frma 1ties. Cle arly' the purpose at and there were I . e g . . . . ting  These meetings v th pl asur of good music mad ome c se convivtal goup s 74 ‡bqÜw q 2, 122 at the age of · ysÜ֌ÈÜà e death of th Herr Hutschenreiter on May h 00 Å the quartet evenings with S¨ÜÈzÜcompletion of m pictures, .č may not over1

‚ .  in the JÊq„wÜA– 1. Gu ie1 mo, a judge ¨Œ¿ÜGulielmo to which .č was invited in Apnl 1

. . . ntle soul. He n¢¦ _˜Ü goo d ɷe ƙɷand ge o¨ÐÜad already quite old, was a man with a 0(Ö MÖgeat l˜Y™`³³Öm©ÖÆ³ UÖN–YÖ`³£aU N‹‹ÐÖnªÖ·z`Ö had iÇ¿` Ö ªY`©Ö·ÖwªN¸†vÖ·{ ´Ö I µµ ž”Ö»}Ÿ©ŸÃx~ÔÖ z`֝©wN• Ò`Y֎ij UN‹Ö ¢M `Ë`•‡•w´ÖYĪ†—wÖ΃U{Ö{`Ö£`ªb®`YÖ

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›ÑÖthe rats N—Z֑ U`Ö¸Ö ‰``£Ö OÎNÐÖ RÄ¸Ö ¸{`Ö ‹ ´·`—`©³Ö]‡Y֕·ÖU`Ö RNU‰ÖNt`ªÖ¸{`†©Öhª´»Ö visit. A}e H»~`Öx`˜¸Œa`˜Öz´¸´KÖ Ä³`YÖ `—· U``•·´Ö N•YÖ{P•Y`Y֝ķÖR`·Î``•Ö·{`Ö´`U—ZÖ and º ©\Ö§ÃO©¾`¸´Ö Ö ³‘‰`YÖ³NijNw`³ÖÏ ·zÖ{©³`ªN] ´{ÖN•YÖ¸{`Ö_ •ŠÖbÖ7N“R©†–Ä´Ö

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‹N·»`ªÖÐ`Nª´Ö04ÖN—YÖ Hofpmtheater ©`֝dÖNÖY g`©`˜»Ö´©»Ö 9Ö ˜ŒÐÖ¤Nª» U†£N·`Yֆ–Ö¸z`Ö w bÖÐ`N®´Ö 6ªÖ F‡Ó†Ä³ÖÎN´Ö 1 820) afer a `© `³ÖdÖ£©wªN³Ö |NYÖ »Q‰`˜Ö£ŒNU`Öq©Ö N֖ŎR`ªÖ

†–´·ªÄU· •Ö·Ö `YÄUN·`YÖ Tž¯Ö in Bohemia ˜Ö

0Ö {`Ö{NYÖR`U`Ö=ªb`³´ªÖbÖ fmilies. By 0Ö |`ÖÎN³Ö N˜ÖNY̝UN»`Ö –Ö D `–šNÖ :—Ö 

pÉYւ‡³`‹bֆ—ÖUpª»NR‹`Ö >À» µ» WµÖM»Ö»|`Ö ŒUN‹Ö Ę Ëa©³ ¸ÐÖN˜YÖ R` –yÖĖNª© `YÖ

V¬­WȶX`³Ö 18 A a eaer uc lover ad def a of te od, e ateed aod

e mt dg ar himself th t ad a vey coe ocety fo u te pepe f

uthorit and fm te ealty cla. e ke o a to e ate an eeant

ch so the prrmer ad lteer ee tou ot er app. Hi ter e o to proprly do the 'hnneur' and a ale to te a grop of attacte e to te evenings. The t f te dlettate ad aater cce, cd oe opea e, flt honored t prrm clasc pece ad te eet pat pao c. Te e and uow at had th m el e todced ere to ae te ft tet of te taet On ocasion, a small ball frmed te end of te eve coveato t ppe, ad tere was not a lack opprni to add inteet oteort tdt of ao d.

Zizius was ickl and mall i ily fern fo meta e. e e, ao

those who did n him w how to e te impreo tat ece a the

quiet ofa de p think r. di don Aprl 5, 18.

The fnc r · n qu t wa i fll loom toard te ed ofte peo

century. Withut thi fndn fr quartet, uc a fcat er f edocre

Mozat ad compsers would n t ha mered. Amon te excepto are Had,

ao te atit Beethoven. In m outh Ina chuppazi a te o oe

artet podcton. At remained so long in ienna He orazed relarl ced

ate te ee ed at te d first, they were held in the hotel to te Roma Kaer,' ad

a e atteded. At tat te, Musikereinssaale. Tee were qute popa ad ver

priate a, a k” a bundance o amater played tned et W 1 t ·t I Coci d ece. Te Maitrate quartet ractice were held oth th and Wito. t a a p . . Kar Fad, Ka1 H 0 1 z, Aet Hardt, members, Reschy and er, Ferdad Pmer, H @)$Hbrothers ti” %iLt;t”*c8” Pt6LX;Nd;t” *z”‹;XX” . ” *z”Z*b”i{L;”t”Zit;”it”1 ;zz”JOH<9”

Ěƈ“Ʒdedicated |L;Rt”F;;”{RZ;”{i”r*w;{” lX*PdJ”.9” ltj96;9”[zP6”i?”LPJL”r‚*XR{ ”

)$7$Hwould f|ii”XR{~X;”Pd{;t;z{”Rd” l‡zPbJ” {L;z;”;b8;*ˆitz” Pb”9;{*PX ” (L;t;Dt<” XP`P{” 1 0G>$-%Hto mentiong *c”*wRz|P6”FP;b8”FiZ”{L*{” {P[;”‹Liz;”PZliw/6<”z{:T6*{;8”LRz” ^Peit”$*t};{”#l ” 4)Ö {i” RJč ]č 8;H”ˆPiXib6

Domanovecz. 'ii”]i8;z|”|i”mƒ4YQzL”LPz”i‹b”6iZlizP{Pibz”L;”X;H”{L;Z”{i”{L;”+t6LPˆ<” of @*$Hñ'Ʒ'řŚƷ%(đĺƷĪ&Ʒ \őĴ&Ɯūī&¤Ʒ ;t”^”iŒd”;Ž*ZPb*{Pid”.č 6.”ibX”*zz‚t<”{L+}” Mu hs three s K” t mY+6;”MQ]”*]ieJ”{L;”!*z{;tz” i?”{L;”&;6id9”Ra Pz”‹itWz” t qu deserved to heard m r iI” c”|M*c”zi];”i?”|M;”c;‹;t”^zP6”{L+{”‹;” *t;”i4XPJ<9”{i” b listen to. Thi. amat ƒu” ƒc]+vvQ” 9”*e9”Rc”B‰it+4Y;”Ce*d6P+X”6Pt6 Zz}*d6;z”itJ+dP‘<9”

'6Ha numbr i@” at” i n hi +m*x” c|” VJ;tzlR{*Y”"t ” 00) [zP6*X”;b{

{i”{PZ<”+”4PJJ;t” 6$)$8=-=Htoik nY,” Qc”|M” 6Yi” z|”6Qt6Y; ” i‹;‰;t”Fi^”{P[;”

dJ”1Pz{z”09” p6odutQon was itK+cQ’” 9”ic” ƒc8*”*|” eiic”|i”‹LP6L” bi{”idX”lt*6{P6P

LPJL;t”6X+zz;z ” aateurs were Qf” R|” 9” 4ƒ|” +Y” i”+” ‰;v” 6Miz;c”*ƒ9P;c6;” FiZ” {L;”

Jtil”Et”{L;z;”s1<{” Schuppanzigh, +” ;9” t” i9;” *c8”%iŠ;YXR”Ev^;9”{L;” 6it;”

‹P{L”09”‹P{Li„{” prformances. 7;YY;c|”mY+;tz”pvAiva;8”lR*ci”mP;6;z” 4i{L”

” iti{L<+”ˆid” accompaniment, \iz|”ci4Y”}M;”;;{Li‰;d”lX*;t””t*” *tid;zz” +9[Pt+4X” *”lS;6;”Et”E t”L09z” (maiden f+];”t+ƒ]*cc” .č ^z;Y?”L;*t9” Er� X;Pd”0d” e Ji”ŠĚit“Pz6”L”;”W” t- xecuted there 5” t+ƒ” +|M*vRg+”P44RdR”*b8”;vv” ” 6t;+zPdJ”PXX”L<+X{L” S . . ” 1 *_J ” (L;”Pd alomon on k73Ric”mY;+z;8”}L;”zi6P;~”{M” L;t”‹U{{ P 1,Ö weakness fm l g r Zm i m n a " zmeskall died Ju &Ö0&Ö&Ö 4.

I would b l t l I u Ii a n· h

salons m ro , private d u f l the sometimes of a ga scale. Te names Fi, An, P, Gmi, , ,

Liebenbrg, and some r r ll f mm r

‚w n r rc l r r w m r wi `Ě However, myself was acti

In the ar Ö " Ö l 0")Ö I k m w

rg hll F lr o for. His daught r r r mri ) w

l p T ,

t w Falconhor , had a p r h hr r

L, which they even r t h Afau f t C w name to Forst and m mll w Director of the thr h J T , w w x directed toward hmr Ol q , th w e other hand, singng r. T 8 Ž Y  al zĹƷ a tutte so took on r-fl f vai c b g ~   e m wi sn q 1 fÜarked upn prg t n ; . ' Jarezete a Ö H ic pated there, n Jr ""Ö 0"" w P r i · t<ð Lč ŸĚ !<<Ü Ewf·ÍÜ

4JÀ¡ł  9; ¸wwœi¶Ü


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Algemin muski he Ztung. 4 Ü . Lg: B f , "7><\"<3<]Ü ()Ü C_ÃyÌºÜ  6 e egae cnar, � d. P B. Web fer' gfeÅ + : ” ” mm ^ŒIčC•Ʒ+2+5Å

, ' n Gre' cnar f Muc and Mucan, " Üs, . ' rk: St Min' P ">5" ÜI, 47< Ü47>Ü

oegae cnar, d. P. B g, ^XčCƷ+-+Å riam

Hµ••²_ºÚzºÜ FºÛ*+Üin rram-eb ter' Encclpeda f teraure, . ee K̒³ºÜ pri 1 ld : Mrrim- ">>4 Ü3>1Ü

ctonr f Muc and Mucan, " Üs. . E Press Ʒ " 5 Ü "8 Ü arin' IV, ctonar of Muc and Mucan, " Ü. e E rin' Pr I ?5 & ܆ 1"4Ü

PµwŒ¤s™Ü Ü ¡Ü r "3Ʒc and Mucan, " Ü. d E B. New H¨Ʒ York: , VI, Ie ate Dctonar, . P. Be. ge Ü #?45Ü573Ü

 . ed. E B New RØwÆy¡ Ü Œ¡Ü r 1 11 `Ʒ"3s c and Mucan, " Ü narH Ʒ +.Å York: VIII, an, - Ü s. e. R©¥yŒÆŠ¡zºÜ r tonar of Muc and Muc 7Ü Stnl adi n: Mmill, &>< Ü "7 Ü 4-54/

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