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University Libraries 1125 Risman Drive Room 300 Kent, Ohio 44242-0001 Kent State University theses and dissertations are provided through the OhioLINK ETD Center for research and educational purposes, and may be under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs. Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions or comments. In your email, be sure to include the author, title, and URL of specific item(s). University Libraries 1125 Risman Drive • Room 300 • Kent, Ohio 44242-0001 MSICAL LI OF MUSICIANS VINNA, CA. 1814-1825: A TRANSLATEDATU EDITION OF LEOPOLD IVON SONEITHR'S "MUSILISCH SKIZZEN AUS 'ALT-WN' II (1861-1863) A thesis submitted to the College of Fine and Profssional Ats of Kent State University in partial flfllment of the requirements fr the degree of Master of Arts By Alexandra Vago A December 2001 Thesis written by Alexandra Vago A B.S., Temple University, 1994 M.M., Kent State University, 1998 M.A., Kent State University, 2001 Approved by , Chair, Thesis Committee Accepted by 11 L L V iWg giX Y g g g iggWiig WZ j [[Z Z[i gZ X \h i[ i WZi X Z ii L hii iij jii iii i]i hhi hhh ^ii hji iji iii hj_ hgj jii iji iii hihj jjj jjj hii ii iii jih ihj iii iii hig hgi iih hii hij ijj jii hii ihi ihi jih hih iii iii iii iii ihh hii iig jhi iii iiiiihiv L jjj jj iji hij iij iii jii iii iih jih ihi hih igh iii iii ij1 L `hi ji jhi ihh iii iii giW iii iii igi jai13 L L iib hhi i]j iii iii iii aij gii ijj25 L L L ihi iii iii hii iii hhi hii iih iig cii iii ihh iih5 L T*ɷ ihh iih hgi hhi h^i iii iji iij hid ij jii iih ihi hhi iij j`h h ii130 T|*ɷ L iii hih hi[ hji iii iii igi iii Wii ii Wji iig igg iWg iii134 L iih i hiij ii iih hhh iji iii jih iii i i`i ihi ijj141 L gji iii iij hhjW ii iWh iii jei jWW iii iW ihi gih hi] iiij151 L idj iii ihh hdj jii igi ihi iii aij iii iij ii` j`i hih idi ij jjj i15 {Ɠ L L ijj iii i`` jgi i g i i i i i i i j j W i i W g g Wii165 L hgh hii iji gih i`i ijj hhi f j igi iii iih hhj iih ihi hi` i`i1 L iii iii ihi ij [hi ii iii iii iih hhj iii iii iii iih iii iii iii i i ihi ihi ihh hhh jgg j190 iii Preface Leopold von onnleithner's "usicl ketches fom 'ld-ienn"' contins six sketches; the frst fve represent the specifc lons of Joseph ochendl, phel eor Kiesewetter, herese Prdies, Otto twig, ad gnz onleithner Leopold describes the loction, hosts, pricipnts, nd repertoire perfrmed in the frst fve sketches With less detil thn the previous entries, the sixth sketch encompsses multiple slons mon the people who hosted these lons were lwyers, doctors, nd poets s mteur musicins, they would perform pre-existin rngements of symphonies, ortorios, nd opers, which were sometimes scored fr smll ensemble of pino, strin quret nd fur voices. the text of the musicl sketches, onnleithner comments on the pnvte nd I t amateur musicl therins in the erly 19 - entur ien. y describing the experience with frst-hnd ccounts, onnleithner's intent ws to document these events befre the devoted prticipnts pssed on or they themselves frgot specifc detils. These sketches, s presented in the trnslted version in hpters through depict X, Sonnleither's emic perspective of mteur musicl lif in ienn fom the yeas 1814 to 1825. lthoug his viewpoint ws ctully written fom 1861 to18 63, it refects perod fom his ow youth tht coincides with the fourishin mteur musicl slon in ienn cholrship retly needs moder trnslted edition of onleithner's sketches that is fithl to the oriinl; therefre, hve trnslted Leopold von onnleithner's entries s they ppered in the Recensionen fom 1861to1863 into nlish. hus, tis lV translation shall make the complete articles accessible to a wider scholarly audience. Although the original frmat of the sketches does not provide the reader with a fuid evolution of the amateur musical salon, the translated edition of the sketches has been kept in the original order with minor alterations to the various lists of participants so as not to distract the reader fom the prose. Chapter I and Chapter II provide background infrmation on Vienna and the Sonnleithner fmily respectively. Since Sonnleithner's depiction of his musical jourey does not fllow a temporal construct, Chapter (The Pre-Sonnleithner Salons) presents ill a timetable of Sonnleithner's attendance at various salons and the inclusion of Chapter IV lists all the names (570) that appar in the translation with brief biographical infrmation. Leopold Sonnleithner was clearly an amateur musician; however, he befiended Fran Schubert in181 6. It is this Schubert-Sonnleithner relationship, although not a primary fcus in the sketches, which promoted much of Schubert's early musical success. In fct, Chapter {Ɠ illustrates the events, fom Sonnleithner's perspective, as to how Schubert's Erlkonig frst came into publication. Many pople have helpd me bring this thesis to fuition, and, at this time, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to those who have ofered their assistance with this project. Hans Zbinden and his wif have been most helpfl to me with the D. t translation process; their overwhelming hospitality and knowledge of19 -Century German has been most rewarding and benefcial. The members of my committee, D. Albrecht, Mukuna, and Mr. Ferritto have been with me since the beginning of this D. v project, and I wish to extend my sincere thanks to them. My parents, Richard Vago D. and Susan Vago, deserve special thanks fr being there fr me and always supporting my various endeavors. addition, I wish to tank my brother Ian, his wif Shari, my I nephew Brian, and niece Abigail. Finally, thank you to Zoe, Sage and Zacharias. Vl aer ea eee ee a ac 't Wn' o ieeeie to ods tht f to nn n th ly ntury Lopold von onn usd 'lt Wn' s stlgc t of ndrmnt f th dys of hs youth n nn fom to h od ieeeie dogtorly fd to th mddl clss fom th sm tm priod s bng rgnt nd slf-ghtous "drm s dwn fom srs of stcl rcs in th lieene le of hos ho s fctnl schoolmst by th nm ttlb dm ty 'od-lovng common m' 8\ȵ ny spgng nc ssoctd wth ieeeie hs snc fdd no t s ttrbutd to th styl S ðhíf th pod n rmny fom to h y brought th nch voluton ad subsquntly pod h bth th g of son nd th omntc smultnously xstd h symbotc tionshp btn th to hstcl s gv rs to nw md of muscl tivty h ys fom to psntd mcrocosm of lf cmpssd nto Sðqrt of cntury bg ith th nch volutin nd ndng ith th ngrss of n h ssmbly of vous dplomts hld nn fm ptb 4V4iħuntil Jun fund t mptv to cns thmslvs fom th mns o th plonc ws. ntl ths mmnt n hstory th hd not bn pc connc of UƐ Willm Wb ic n e ile l e ocil ce o once e n onon i n enn ok oms blshs p \ȵlc nson icl e in ieeeie enn ok mbd nivsity ss , Oħ3 *ħ=q1!rħ ħħ a%ħS %ħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħ 3ć ħħħ ħ ħħ ħ% ħõ ħħ ħ íħ ħBħ 22%2*ħ8Wȵ 1!Qħ ħħ ħħ@ħMħ ħ ħħħ L ħ ħ ħg *ħ 1 ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ Nħ ,'Oħ ħ ħ ħħ °ħ:ħ ħY ħ ħ ħ Ąyħħ ħ ÿħ *_ħ 3ħ : ħħħħħ ħħ ħ ħ Lc*ħGħħ ħv%ħ ħ B ħ ħħ ħW _ħ ħ8ħ , ħê,ħ,ħ ħó ħ ħ ħ ħ a ħ ħú ħ ħħħ ħ ęc£*ħħħħLħMħħ ħħ ħĖ ħħhħ ħ ħ ħħ ħ ,'ħ3|&¨ħ !ħn ħYħ ħ ħ ħ ­ħ ħ ħ ħ! ħ ħ Lwħg % &ħX ħY%ħħ ħ @ħ ħ!Nħ!ħ ³ħ ;ħ Ä¢Ď'£ħÌwħ ¾ħPƐ Ë3ħħ ħ YY3ħħħ ą ħ!ħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ A2 ħ'2¿ħ ħħ ñ ħB@ħ@ħħĝB @ħħ ħ O3 y ħS øħ ħOħS sħħħ: ħħ ħ ħħ ħħ ç3 ħCħ ħï ħĈ3Nħħħħ ħ áħ -&ħ9ħ%ħ 'ħħyħü@ħ ħsħ _ħ <ħħ ħ N ħ : ħ Bħ 3ħg ħħ ħħ ħ ħMħ ħ. ħ Ěħ&*jħ ħ ħ ħO ħ ħħ ħ ħ O8:ħħ ħ ħ4/K+Rjħ X ħ ħ±ħs Ğ ħħħċħ ħ !<ħ ħħħ ħħ |!2 !ħ ħ% ħ ħ% ħ ħ ħħħ ħ ħ2 ´ħ ;ħ ħ[)7+}ħ ħ ħ ħåöýħS ħ ħB Bħ ħ ğħ èħ ħ <NħNĊħé ħS ħ ħħħ ÷&ħ ÅħE ħh1 ħòħħ×<3hħbħces enn @kħ ħ Æ2Lûw3ħ~ħn%mħ ħÖbħÒħ(77)«ħ *ħ66&ħ PƐ; ħÍħen oen n inos Cħmħ ?ħ ħ? ħ º½6¬ &4U4ħ 3Ť 1 ħ ħ ħ ħ ħħ8ħ ħ ħħ HħħG_ħ ħ ħħħħħ ħħ ħ &ħ 1 ħħ ħ ħ ħħ! ħ ħ ħħ ħuħ ħ ħħħf$ħ= ħ iħ ħ ħg ħq rħ ħ ħ Iħ ħ ħħħħ $ħ µħ@kƩ Ø!ħ ħ$$ħħdħħħ ħ ħ ħħħ ħħ ħ ħ ħ ħ $ħħĒ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħ ħ ħ¶ħ =Èħħ ħħĢħ ħ ħħħ!ħ ħ ħ ,'ħ<ĕħĠ !ħħħ ħ ħħħ ħħ ħ 8ħ ħħ ħ ħħ!ħ!BRħ ħÚ ħjħ¥Ť Ô ħuħâħ ħ ħħħ$$ħ.
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