



SESSION 8: Collision Parameters Collision Diameter, 

• The distance between the centres of two gas at the point of closest approach to each other is called the collision diameter.

• Two molecules come within a distance of  - Collision occurs

0 0 0 • H2 - 2.74 A N2 - 3.75 A O2 - 3.61 A Collision Number, Z

• The average number of collisions suffered by a single per unit time per unit volume of a gas is called collision number.

Z = 22  N  = Number () – Number of Gas Molecules per Unit Volume V

Unit of Z = ms-1  m2  m-3 = s-1 Collision Frequency, Z11

• The total number of collisions between the molecules of a gas per unit time per unit volume is called collision frequency.

Collision Frequency, Z11 = Collision Number  Total Number of molecules

ퟐ Collision Frequency, Z11 = ퟐ흅흂흈 흆  흆

Considering collision between like molecules

ퟏ Collision Frequency, Z = ½  ퟐ흅흂흈ퟐ흆  흆 = 흅흂흈ퟐ흆ퟐ 11 ퟐ

-1 -3 Unit of Z11 = s m The number of bimolecular collisions in a gas at ordinary T and P – 1034 s-1 m-3 Influence of T and P

ퟏ Z = 흅흂흈ퟐ흆ퟐ 11 ퟐ

 RT Z = 222 11 M

ZT11  at a given P

2 Z11   at a given T

2 ZP11  at a given T

2 at a given T , P Z11  For collisions between two different types of molecules. 1 Z = 2  2  2  2 122 1 2 MEAN FREE PATH, 

FREE PATH – The distance travelled by a molecule between two successive collisions.

MEAN FREE PATH – The average distance travelled by a molecule between two successive collisions.   == Z 22 

1  = 22 

Larger the size of molecule – Smaller will be the mean free path

Mean freepath is of the order 10-7 m EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND ON MEAN FREE PATH 1  = 22 

‘’ is the collision diameter and ‘’ is the number density

Relation between Number Density and Pressure: PV= nRT nP = V RT nP NN00 =  V RT nN0 = Total no. of molecules in n moles of the gas. P  =N nN0 0 = Total no. of molecules per unit volume of the gas =  RT V P P  =  = (RNT0 ) kT 1  = P 22   = kT kT  = 2 2P

 is independent of temperature and pressure.

  T at constant P

1   at constant T P OF GASES • Viscosity is the resistance one part of a fluid offers to the flow of another part of it. • Internal friction operating within a fluid due to the shearing effect. • Gas is moving in layers – LAMINAR FLOW OR STREAMLINE FLOW • Adjacent layers of gas molecules move at different rates.

• The velocity changes gradually from one layer to other. • The velocity increases with increase in distance from the stationary surface. • Each layer experiences a frictional force called viscous drag. • Retarding influence of the slower-moving layer on the adjacent faster-moving layer – Manifested as resistance to flow or viscosity. The viscous force depends on area of contact and velocity gradient d FFA dz

d FA= −   dz  = coefficient of viscosity or viscosity.

F d = when =1 A dz

Coefficient of viscosity is defined as the force per unit area required to maintain a unit velocity difference between two adjacent parallel layers of a fluid unit distance apart. Unit of Coefficient of Viscosity

F dz  = −  Ad

Unit of 휂 = Nm-2 s or Pa s

In CGS system the unit is Poise

1 Poise = 0.1 Pa s Relationship between Coefficient of Viscosity and Mean Free Path 1 =   d   3

Where, ‘d’ is the density of the gas

mass mN M N M d = = =  =  VVNVN00

kT 8RT  =  = 2 2P  M

2 MRT  = 2 3N0   Dependence of Viscosity on Temperature and Pressure

2 MRT  = 2 3N0  

  T

Viscosity is independent of Pressure BAROMETRIC DISTRIBUTION LAW • The molecules in a very large column of gas under the influence of gravity. • Due to this the molecules are not distributed evenly. • More molecules at the lower levels than at higher levels. • Pressure of the gas will be different at different vertical positions in the container. • Variation in pressure is explained by Barometric Distribution law.

ph= Pressure at height above the reference level

p0 = Pressure at some reference level Mgh − M= Molecular Mass RT p= p0 e g = Acceleration due to gravity R = Universal T = Kelvin Temperature