us ISSN 0O27.4100

Bulletin OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology

An Analysis of Variation in the Hispaniolan Giant Anole, Anolis ricordi Dumeril and Bibron



Bulletin 1863- Breviora 1952- Memoirs 1864-1938 JoHNSONLV, Department of MoUusks, 1941- OccAsioNAL Papers on Mollusks, 1945-

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Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder, 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Reprint

Brues, C. T., A. L. Melander, and F. M. Carpenter, 1954. Classification of Insects.

Creighton, W. S., 1950. The Ants of North America. Reprint.

Lyman, C. P., and A. R. Dawe (eds.), 1960. Symposium on Natural Mam- malian Hibernation.

Peters' Check-list of Birds of the World, vols. 2-7, 9, 10, 12-15.

Sprinkle, J., 1973. Morphology and Evolution of Blastozoan Echinoderms.

Turner, R. D., 1966. A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue of the Teredinidae (MoUusca: Bivalvia).

Whittington, H. B., and W. D. I. Rolfe (eds.), 1963. Phylogeny and Evolu- tion of Crustacea.

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Abstract. The nominal Hispaniolan species of from tlie Sierra de Baoruco in the south- is to be in giant anole, Anolls ricordi, considered western Republica Dominicana. Still later, of three distinct allopatric spe- actuality composed Williams (1965) studied an additional 80 cies: A. ricordi, A. barahonae, and A. baleatus. and named A. r. leberi from Subspecies of all three species are described, but specimens Perrin on the extreme distal only A. baleatus is well represented in collections. Camp portion A theoretical history of this species complex upon of the Haitian Tiburon Peninsula. Thus, is presented. with increasing quantities of material from more diverse localities, our knowledge of Anolis ri- The Hispaniolan giant anole, the distribution and variation in this species has been cordi Dumeril and Bibron, 1837, has increased accordingly. known to science for more than a century; A great many problems remain, however, has it become yet only in the hist 35 years when one deals in detail with the variation is not evident that this species homoge- in A. ricordi. Williams (1962, 1965) neous in its characteristics throughout were pointed out that records of the species Dominicana. The and tlie Republica spe- of such a scattered nature (especially on Anolis cies was first named (as ricordii) the Tiburon Peninsula but also elsewhere from Santo as the entire island Domingo, on the island) that intergrades between was known at that historical but period, several of the subspecies remained unknown to have been rare in col- specimens seem and also that there were no specimens lections thereafter. Schmidt 10) re- (1921: available from large areas between named four A. ricordi from two Dominican in ported populations. Williams and Rand (1969), localities. Cochran Hsted 24 (1941: 133) their excellent summary of the geographic but one of which were in specimens (all differentiation in all species of Hispaniolan the National Museum of Natural History) Anolis ri- anoles, pointed out (p. 15) that from 11 localities. Mertens (1939: 68-70) cordi was composed of "several described studied 17 specimens in European collec- are subspecies, some of which sharply tions and was the first to that recognize enough distinct to raise the question of pos- there were two readily distinguishable pop- sible species status." This is most especially ulations that he considered A. subspecies: true of the taxa ricordi, baleatus, and bara- r. ricordi in Haiti, and A. r. baleatus well Cope honae, all of which are extremely in the Dominicana. Williams Republica characterized by both pigmental and struc- 1962 reviewed the in more detail areas ( ) species tural details, but all of which occupy and examined 90 specimens. For this suite and ba- (extensive in the cases of ricordi of anoles, he described A. r. barahonae be- leatus) without known intergradation tween them or without close geographic 1 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, the closest Florida 33167. approximation. Thus, ap- 1974 89 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 146(2): 89-146, April,

\ 90 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

I o 00 CM

i HiSPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 91

proaclu's of the ranges of ricordi and 1)0- material upon whieh A. r. leheri was based. leatits (Copey and Peiia, both in the Our unique experience at Camp Perrin— Republica Dominieana) are separated by namely, of many— A. ricordi received from some 115 kilometers airline. The subspe- local Haitians showed that the species cies harahomie and ricordi (Sierra de Bao- may not be necessarily rare. However, as rueo and associated eastern coastal areas in A. equestris in , the cryptic greens in the Republica Dominieana, and Saltrou of A. ricordi render the species virtually in- in Haiti) are known from localities sepa- visible during the day except to all but the rated by about 115 kilometers, and bara- most experienced observer. In 1963, Rich- honae and balcatus by a gap of about 115 ard Thomas discovered that A. ricordi kilometers (between the Sierra de Baoruco might be seemed at night, since individ- and near , both in the Re- uals sleep quite exposed in a variety of ar- publica Dominieana). boreal situations and are very conspicuous. Schwartz and Garrido (1972) recently Thus, with the knowledge that the agroma showed that the Cuban giant anole, Anolis (as the species is known in Haitian Creole) in a of or the saltacocote as the is equestris Merrem, is, fact, complex ( species known five species; they also suggested (p. 71) in Dominican Spanish) might be common that, as Williams and Rand had pointed and thus easily secured by native collectors, out, there was a good possibility that the and that individuals might be readily se- Hispaniolan Anolis ricordi in time might cured at night while they slept, I had as likewise be shown to be a complex of spe- one of my objectives to secure as many A. cies. It is the purpose of the present paper ricordi as possible in order to clarify the to discuss the variation in A. ricordi, based status of the named subspecies and in an upon the examination of 403 specimens attempt to narrow the geographic gaps that from a broad selection of geographic local- seemed to exist between ricordi, baleatus, ities throughout Hispaniola. Despite my and barahonae. As more material accumu- ha\'ing studied far more material than any lated, we were successful in the latter at- previous investigator, there still remain tempt, but the range of variation in newly many problems that cry out for solution, acquired material showed that the situation As Schwartz and Garrido also pointed out was more complex than was supposed. In in their analysis of Anolis equestris, the addition to specimens in the Albert present paper in no way should be consid- Schwartz Field Series (ASFS), collected ered as the final word on A. ricordi; rather by myself and field assistants, I have ex- it is an attempt to comment in detail upon amined material in the American Museum the known variation and distribution of of Natural History (AMNH), the Museum this species in Hispaniola which may serve of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), and the as a stepping stone for further work upon National Museum of Natural History the For the loans of I am species. ( USNM). specimens Between 1962 and 1971, I and my asso- grateful to Richard G. Zweifel, George W. ciates collected extensively in both Haiti Foley, Ernest E. Williams, and George R. and the Republica Dominieana. Latterly, Zug. In all of these collections there are between 1968 and 1971, my work in His- other specimens that I have deliberately paniola has been under the sponsorship of not elected to study, since many of them two National Science Foundation grants, are from localities that are now well repre- GB-7977 and B-023603. Specimens of Ano- sented by more recently collected lizards lis ricordi collected in 1962-63 were avail- or that have poor locality data. Specimens able to Williams and were reported upon in the collection of the Museum of Com- by him (1965); in fact, the long series of parative Zoology have been collected un- A. ricordi from Camp Perrin, Haiti, secured der NSF grant B-019(S01X and previous the re- for me by native collectors in 1962, was the grants to Dr. Williams. Most of 92 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

cently taken ASFS A. ricordi have detailed His figure 41 shows this character ex- descriptions of color and pattern in life, tremely clearly: in nominate ricordi from but, as in all such endeavors that span sev- Haiti, the nuchal crest scales are low and eral years, it is unfortimate that all details inconspicuous, whereas in Dominican ba- of color and pattern have not been consis- leatiis the nuchal crest scales are long and tently recorded as time has passed. Like- attenuate. In addition, Mertens (1939: 69) wise, there are no color or pattern data on characterized ricordi as having 9 to 12 most old specimens; thus, I feel less secure scales between the eyes; males of this sub- in dealing with these older specimens or species have one or more sharply defined those collected by others than myself and black blotches on the sides of the nape, the parties than I am with those in the ASFS occipital area flecked with black, and often which are carefully documented. However, have black longitudinal stripes on the specimens from other localities must in flanks. On the other hand, baleatus has some way be dealt with, and I have done from 6 to 8 scales between the eyes, and so as carefully as possible, considering de- males are without any black head, nape, or tails of geography and what is known about lateral markings. Williams (1962) com- specimens of A. ricordi from adjacent local- pared these two taxa with barahonae in re- ities. gard to four characters: height and relative I wish to acknowledge with enthusiasm length of nuchal and dorsal crest scales, the efforts on my behalf in the field of the number of snout scales at the level of the following men, without whose efforts the second canthal scale, and body pattern. quantity of A. ricordi presently available Later, when he described A. r. leberi, Wil- to me would be far less: Jeffrey R. Buffett, liams (1965) employed these same charac- Carl Butterfield, James R. Dennis, Danny ters to differentiate that subspecies. C. Fowler, Ronald F. Klinikowski, David The differences in these characters be-

C. Leber, James A. Rodgers, Jr., Bruce R. tween the four recognized subspecies are Sheplan, and Richard Thomas. C. Rhea unequivocal: one can differentiate at a Warren has given me a specimen of A. ri- glance between such distinctive animals as cordi from northern Haiti. My notes on leberi and barahonae or between ricordi coloration and pattern of A. ricordi have and baleattis, without recourse to micro- been greatly supplemented during the scopic examination. The whole a.spects of present study by the color portraits exe- all four taxa are quite distinctive, whether cuted in the field by D. C. Leber; one of one is dealing with living or long-preserved these has been reproduced in black-and- animals. What has been equivocal is the white in Williams 1965 but the as I ( ) , repro- relationships of these four taxa, since, duction hardly does justice to the detailed pointed out previovisly, they have been beauty of all the originals. I have been able known from rather isolated groups of lo- to examine the holotype of Eupristis ba- calities, widely separated from each other. leattis Cope through the courtesy of Alice In only one case (leberi-ricordi) have C. C. Grandison and A. F. Stimpson of the specimens been regarded as intergradient British Museum (Natural History). Holo- between two subspecies: these intergrades types and paratypes have been designated are from a geographically plausible locality or deposited in the above collections and that itself is widely removed from the two in the Caniegie Museum (CM). "parent" populations. As material has gradually accumulated, THE PROBLEM it has become increasingly obvious that the Mertens 1939 was the first to out situation is than has ( ) point even more complex that Haitian and Dominican A. ricordi dif- been previously recognized. For example, fered from each other in one notable char- in 1971, I had occasion to compare long se- acter—the height of the dorsal crest scales. ries of living examples from the Peninsula HisPANioLAN Giant Anoll. • Schwuiu

de Sainana and the adjacent "mainland" at de between and Valle- Cafio Abajo, and I was at once struck with juelo in La Lstrelleta and San Juan prov- the differences between tliese two samples, inces. These latter two regions (the south- both of which have been regarded as ha- ern slopes of the Cordillera Central and the leattis. In this case, the differences are not Sierra de Neiba) are separated by the particularly subtle but they do involve dif- rather xeric Valle de San Juan. Elsewhere ferences in coloration and pattern which to the east and north, the Cordillera Cen- often are evanescent after preservation. tral harbors A. ricordi with long nuchal The same statement may be made about A. crest scales and without black nape and — ricordi from the region near La Vega and head markings in males (i.e., haleatua), those from the Cordillera Septentrional. In as at San Jose de Ocoa, La Vega, and the 1971 I had occasion to collect specimens interior uplands near El Rio, and near Los from both these regions on two successive Montones on the Rio Bao. The fourth lo- days and thus was able to compare freshly cality is perhaps the most significant; there collected material directly. Again, the dif- is one subadult male from Santiago Ro- ferences are ones of pattern and color, but driguez Province near Los Quemados which they are so striking that it is misleading to is clearly a ricordi. Of the haleatus locali- consider both these populations as being ties, this one is closest to Los Montones, a identical genetically. I could multiply the distance of 50 kilometers airline. Thus the above examples but to no purpose; it is ob- gap between ricordi and haleatus in north- vious, when one sees living A. ricordi in the ern Republica Dominicana has been more field, that there are several populations than halved, and there still is no genetic in- presently assigned to haleatus which are fluence of one subspecies upon the other. quite distinctive. To the south, specimens of A. ricordi On the basis of specimens collected by from the Sierra Martin Garcia, and Azua Richard Thomas and myself in 1963, Wil- and Peravia provinces likewise narrow the liams 1965 A. r. ricordi for the haleatus and ricordi on ( ) reported gap there between first time from the northwestern Republica one hand and between haleatus and hara- Dominicana in the region near Pepillo Sal- honae on the other. In the former case, the cedo and Copey in . distance between ricordi and haleatus He noted, however, that, "Despite the new ( and Sierra Martin Garcia) is collections one embarrassment remains. No about 60 kilometers airline, without char- certain intergrades between the two strik- acter dilution. In the instance of harahonae ingly different forms ricordii and ])aleatiis and haleatus, only 20 kilometers separate are yet known. . . . However, the area in known localities (Barahona and Sierra which intergrades may occur is being nar- Martin Garcia) for these two taxa: how- rowed: on the north coast of the Dominican ever, the actual kilometrage is deceiving, Republic between Monte Cristi and Santi- since, lying between these localities, is the ago and in the center of Hispaniola be- Valle de Neiba and the Bahia de Barahona. tween Mirebalais and this eastern of the Valle ( MCZ 68479, 69404) Although extreme Santiago. This still leaves a very wide area de Neiba is rather mesic and supports (or of Since the above was trees in areas that ignorance." written, did support ) large many I have secured specimens of the nominate would presumably be suitable for A. ri- subspecies in four other regions: at Re- cordi, the break between these two popu- stauracion, Dajabon Province, along the lations is sharp despite presumably suitable Dominico-Haitian border and about 40 ki- ecology. I have little doubt that A. ricordi lometers airline south of the Monte Cristi occurs in this intervening region, and the localities; on the southern slopes of the Cor- interaction of harahonae and haleatus dillera Central near Juan de Herrera in San therein will be most interesting to ascertain. Juan Province; and throughout the Sierra Even more intriguing is the fact that the 94 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

Sierra Martin Garcia is an extreme eastern than they are to any harahonae locality (65 isolate of the Sierra de Neiba, which is kilometers at Enriquillo). Secondly, Wil- elsewhere occupied by A. r. ricordi. This liams has recently received a fine se- small range, which reaches an elevation of ries of A. ricordi from Source Carroye 1350 meters, is completely surrounded by near Thiotte; these lizards are quite obvi- extremely arid desert or low rolling xeric ously not A. r. ricordi but are closer in hills, as well as by the Bahia de Barahona many ways to the far-western A. r. leheri. on its southwestern edges. The heipeto- Thus the situation along the southern Hai- fauna of the Sierra Martin Garcia is just tian coast between Saltiou and the eastern becoming knowti, and it supports a remark- coast of the Republica Dominicana at Ovi- able fauna, including an endemic species edo and its environs remains a true puzzle. of Diplog,Iossus (Thomas, 1971) and a new It seems likely that A. r. ricordi does not species of Sphaerodactylus, as well as other cross the high Massif de la Selle, except unexpected novelties. Nevertheless, A. ri- possibly by some circuitous route, and that cordi seems to have reached this range A. r. harahonae occurs up to the Dominico- from the northeast (i.e., the southern slopes Haitian border, to within 11 kilometers of I a station Source another of the Cordillera Central), since regard ( Carroye ) where the Martin Garcia lizards as identical to taxon occurs, without character dilution. those from Azua and Peravia provinces. Interpretations of all these facts are seri- Finally, the geographic relationship of ously hampered by the lack of specimens of barohonae and ricordi has been to some ex- A. ricordi from throughout the Haitian Ti- tent clarified. A. r. harahonae has been buron Peninsula. Material from the penin- known only from the eastern uplands of sula may be divided into four basic lots: a the Sierra de Baoruco and from three short series from the region about Castillon localities the northern of the Massif de la southern lowland ( Enriquillo, on slopes half-way between Enriquillo and Oviedo, Hotte near the tip of the peninsula; a very and Oviedo). Each of the latter localities long series of specimens from Camp Perrin is represented by a single specimen. The on the low southern slopes of the Massif de Enriquillo and Enriquillo-Oviedo speci- la Hotte (the type series of A. r. leheri); mens are quite obviously harahonae, but, a short series from midway along the pen- as Williams (1965: 4) noted, the specimen insula at Miragoane-Paillant; and a moder- from close to Oviedo is quite different in ate number of specimens from near the style of pattern and color from typical base of the peninsula in the region harahonae. To the west, in Haiti, there has of Morne Decayette-Petionville-Port-au- been but a single specimen from Saltrou Prince. The lack of material from such which Williams (1965: 2) considered A. r. well-collected areas as Jeremie on the ricordi and which "narrows the geographic northwestern coast or Jacmel and Les gap between ricordii ricordii and r. hara- Cayes on the southern coast is extremely honae; however, it does nothing to narrow puzzling—we simply know nothing about the character gap." Two additional facts lowland A. ricordi throughout much of the are important. First, in 1971, we secured Tiburon Peninsula, except for the above a pair of A. ricordi from along the Domin- scattered records and the southern coast at ico-Haitian border north of Pedernales; Saltrou near the Dominican border (and these individuals, although differing some- the latter locality is not even on the penin- what from typical harahonae and strongly sula proper). from the single Oviedo specimen, in no To summarize the data from elsewhere way show any tendencies toward A. r. ri- in Haiti and the Republica Dominicana, cordi. They are clearly related to hara- there is a huge distributional hole in cen- honae, a rather surprising fact since they tral Haiti, with but two specimens {ri- are much closer (35 kilometers) to Saltrou cordi) from Mirebalais, widely separated HisPANiOLAN Giant Anoli b.:,/Ui i:

from southern ricordi at and near Port-an- but in others (He de la Gonave, lie dc la Prince, and then a group of seattered local- Tortuc, Ile-a-Vache) there seems no logical ities along the northern littoral of Haiti reason for the absence of A. ricordi, dis- from Port-de-Paix in the west to Terrier counting the vagaries of overseas transpoit. Rouge in the east, and one specimen from The species does occur on Isla Saona, but Marmelade in the interior Chaine de Mar- remains uncollected there. Fowler and melade. All these Haitian specimens have Sheplan saw a sleeping A. ricordi on the low nuchal crest scales, and males variably northern coast of Isla Saona in December possess some black nape and side markings, 1971, but, after it had been shot, it was but there are differences between speci- lost in the undergrowth. The occurrence of mens from the various sections which pres- A. ricordi on any Hispaniolan satellite is ently defy analysis, since the material is noteworthy, and it will be most interesting too meagre and from too scattered locali- to determine the status of the Isla Saona ties. population. The Republica Dominicana fares far bet- ter as far as detailed coverage is con- METHODOLOGY cerned. Aside from the material previously The series of 403 A. ricordi was divided noted as assigned to ricordi or harahonae, into 14 samples on the basis of geography, there are now good series available from as follows: Republica Dominicana: 1) Pe- the eastern half of the country, and, al- ninsula de Samana (54 specimens); 2) though there are certain gaps even within northeastern Republica Dominicana, from this region, they are not so appalling as are Duarte and eastern La Vega provinces east those in Haiti. A. ricordi is rarer (or per- to the haitises region in northeastern San

in Cristobal Province 37 ; 3 extreme east- haps less easily encountered) arid re- ( ) ) gions, and thus the most striking gaps in ern Hispaniola, -Juanillo, Boca

de La Province 16 ; 4 the western half of the Republica Domini- Yuma, Altagracia ( ) ) cana are those involving arid regions on southeastern Republica Dominicana from the one hand or high mountain masses on Higiiey and Las Lisas, La Altagracia Prov- the other. The latter situation, especially if ince, west to and Yamasa, the slopes are pine-clad, does not appear San Cristobal Province (61); 5) lowlands at suitable for A. ricordi. and the species may the northern base of the Cordillera Central be truly absent from the uplands above at Guaigui, (21); 6) 4000 feet (1220 meters), the highest eleva- Cordillera Central at and above elevations tion from which the species is known. In of 2000 feet (18); 7) Cordillera Septentri- Gar- arid A. re- onal and north 15 ; 8 Sierra Martin regions, ricordi appears to be ( ) ) stricted to riverine woods and forests; in cia and Peravia and Azua provinces (6); 9) such situations, the species may not be un- Sierra de Baoruco and associated east coast common, but it may require diligence to of the Peninsula de Barahona (33); 10) secure Province 1 Haiti: even one specimen from a particular Oviedo, Pedemales ( ) ; region. 11) Saltrou and vicinity, Dept. de I'Ouest The detailed discussion should 15 12 above ( ) ; ) region about Port-au-Prince, give the reader a background of both the Mirebalais, northern Haitian littoral, history and present knowledge of the dis- Chaine de Marmelade, and (in the Repu- tribution of A. ricordi against which the blica Dominicana) region about Pepillo Sal- following accounts can be most logically cedo, Copey, Los Quemados, Restauracion, followed. One further point is of interest. and the southern slopes of the Cordillera A. ricordi is unknown by specimens from Central and the Sierra de Neiba (50); 13) any of the large Hispaniolan satellite is- Camp Perrin and Marceline, Dept. du Sud lands. In some cases (Isla Beata) the spe- (54); and 14) vicinity of Castillon, Dept. cies is not expected for a variety of reasons, du Sud (6). This division into 14 regional 96 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

samples was completed after preliminary 10) Number of lamellae on phalanges II examination of the material, scale counts and III of the fourth toe. and detailed review of field notes on color- 11) Height of the nuchal crest scales, ation and pattern were all made. In addi- categorized as very high, high, moderate, tion, two other small lots (eight specimens or low. du from the vicinity of Miragoane, Dept. 12) Height of dorsal crest scales, cate- and seven from El Sud, Haiti, specimens gorized as high, moderate, or low. Seibo Province, Republica Dominicana) 13) Dorsal coloration and pattern of were examined in both cases, separately; males and females, separately. these short series indicate intergradient 14) Ventral coloration of males and fe- tendencies between pairs of the 14 major males, separately. noted above, and they were not in- samples 15) Color of dewlap, in males and fe- cluded with the latter. males, separately. data were taken on each The following of chin and throat 16 ) Color and pattern specimen: in males and females, separately. 1 in millimeters. Color and of surface ) Snout-vent length, 17) pattern upper of in males and 2) Number of snout scales across snout head females, separately. at level of the second canthal scale, reck- 18) Color of eyeskin. oned from the anterior corner of the orbit. 19) Color and pattern of upper surfaces of hindlimbs. 3) Number of vertical rows of loreal scales. 20) Color and pattern of juveniles and subadults. 4) Minimum number of scales between semicircles. supraorbital The above characteristics are variously 5) Number of scales between the inter- useful as far as delimiting the nameworthy parietal scale and the supraorbital semicir- populations of A. ricordi. Detailed com- cles on each this datum written as a side, ments on these characteristics are made be- = five in this fraction ( i.e., 5/5 scales posi- low, with especial attention to pitfalls in tion on each side ) . their reliability and usage. Number of scale rows between the 6) 1) The snout-vent length of mature in- subocular scales and the scales. supralabial dividuals of both sexes is remarkably uni- 7) Number of vertical rows of dorsal form throughout the entire series. Males scales in a distance to that from the equal are easily distinguished from females at of snout to wall tip the the anterior bony any age by the presence of one (occasion- of the this distance measured ver- orbit, by ally two) pairs of enlarged postanal scales. nier laid off on the back about calipers, Many ASFS specimens have the hemipenes three rows the dorsal crest below median extruded. Males in general reach a larger and the number of scales counted scales, snout-vent length than females; the largest under a binocular dissecting microscope. male (ASFS V29284) has a snout-vent 8) Number of horizontal rows of dorsal length of 180 and is from sample (4). scales in the snout-eye distance, the scales whereas the largest female (ASFS V31397) counted at midbody. This count was not has a snout-vent length of 151 and is from

taken in most or on those 12 . difference in juveniles speci- sample ( ) The mean mens that were shrunken or poorly pre- snout-vent lengths between the two sexes served since, under the latter circumstances, is about 10 mm in almost all samples with some smaller ventrolateral or ventral scales the exception of maximally sized individ- will be included. uals in both sexes in sample (2) where the 9) Number of transverse rows of ventral difference is 3 mm, sample (3) where the scales in the snout-eye distance. difference is 27 mm, sample (4) where the HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 97

difference is 32 mm, and sample (7) where (12) between 4 and 8. Most samples have both sexes are of the same size. Whether three or four categories of number of snout tliese exceptions to the 10-mm generahza- scales. I am in no way implying that this tion are meaningful is debatable. At least is an invalid or poor character for differen- samples (2) and (4) include Icmg series tiation of populations of A. ricordi, how- of specimens, and even samples (3) and ever; it is, rather, an extremely useful one (7) include more than ten individuals. but requires amplification and interpreta- Adults of the two sexes are readily distin- tion. guished moi-phologically, since males have If we examine only those samples (1-8) a high tail "fin" that is supported by the which are assigned to haleatus, the amount bony extensions of the neural spines; this of variation in snout-scales is 2-5, exactly feature is lacking in females, although they that assigned to this taxon by Williams. may have a much reduced caudal crest in However, within the broad area covered by the form of a low ridge. The terminal half haleatus, there are strong modalities of of the tails of many males is crestless; I at snout-scales. In samples (1), (4), (5), and first considered that this was due to break- (6), the mode is 2 scales, whereas in sam- age with subsequent regeneration without ples (2), (7) and (8), the mode is 4. Only regeneration of the tail "fin." Many speci- one sample, (3), has bimodes of 2 and 4 mens have this condition, however, without scales. In harahonae (9) the range is 2- any obvious change in basic caudal scale 5 (mode 4). In those samples which are shape and arrangement, and this is the nor- associated with nominate ricordii (samples mal condition in the tails of males. Often 11 and 12), leheri (sample 13) and adja- the uncrested portion of the tail is quite cent Castillon material (sample 14), the differently colored or patterned than the re- range is 2-9, thereby showing complete mainder of the tail; such cases are due to overlap in range of this count with that of regeneration. both haleatus and harahonae. In fact, in of snout scales at the leheri 13 the of snout scales 2) The number ( ) alone, range level of the second canthal has been em- (2-7) almost embraces that for all other ployed as a characteristic to separate the samples and thus the entire species. Mo- dalities in this of are 5 recognized subspecies. Williams ( 1962, complex samples 1965) recorded the following variation in (sample 11), 7 (sample 12), 4 (sample 13) the four subspecies: ricordi, 7-9; Ijaleatus, and 6 (sample 14). Sample (7) is nomi- 2-5; harahonae, 4-6; and leheri, 4-6 (3-6 nate ricordi. on 1965: It should be re- of vertical rows of loreal map, fig. 2, 7). 3 ) The number called that Williams himself pointed out scales ranges from 5 to 10. The greatest that this count alone would not distinguish variability is in samples (1), (2), (7), and all these taxa from each other. Certainly (12), where the row counts in each case overlap between haleatus and ricordi is are 5-9, 6-10, 5-9, and 6-10. Most samples nonexistent, and between haleatus on one have four categories of number of loreal hand, and harahoiiae or leheri on the other rows. The modes vary as follows: 5 (sam- hand, the overlap is small. Counts on 403 ple 11), 6 (samples 8, 9, 13), 7 (samples 1, specimens made by myself do not extend 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 14), and 8 (.sample 2). the parameters of snout scales at all: within 4) The minimal number of scales be- the entire lot of specimens, these scales tween the supraorbital semicircles varies vary from 2 to 9, just as in Williams's data. between 1 and 5; no specimen has the semi- However, the variation within populations circles in contact. Modes in general are may be much greater than Williams antici- very strong, and the usual mode is 3 scales 2 pated. For instance, in sample (13), the (samples 1-7; sample 8 has a bimode of that counts vary between 2 and 7, and in series and 3 scales); these are all samples

\ 98 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

are assigned to baleatiis. A mode of 3 on the body, I can do no better than once scales occurs also in samples (11) and more to reiterate the cautions previously

13 and of 4 in 12 14 . Garrido ( ) , samples ( ) and ( ) expressed ( Schwartz, 1964; and 5) The number of scales between the in- Schwartz, 1968; Schwartz and Garrido, terparietal scale and the supraorbital semi- 1972) in reference to Anolis equestris and circles varies between 3/3 and 7/7. Modes members of the genus Chamaeleolis. For (which in some cases are quite strong and these standard-distance counts, old and in others less so) are: 4/4 (samples 1, 5, 6, poorly preserved, limp, curled, uninjected, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14) and 5/5 (samples 2, 4, 7, or otherwise distorted specimens are much 12). Sample (3) is peculiar in having the less useful and reliable than properly pre- mode 4/5 (six of 16 lizards), with adjacent served, injected, and positioned lizards. counts of 4/4 (four lizards) and 5/5 (five Luckily, by far the largest quantity of A. lizards). There is high variability in .this ricordi under study are well preserved. count; it can be assessed in another fashion, However, I have abandoned counts of hor- namely, the frequency with which any izontal dorsals on young juveniles, even scale count (i.e., 4, 5, 6, etc.) occurs within well-preserved ones, or on any adults the sample, regardless of its pairing with whose condition precluded taking these another count on the other side of the head. counts meaningfully. The juvenile situation With the use of this technique, the fre- is peculiar in that invariably, despite the quency of involvement of 4 scales in the relatively shorter snout of young specimens, inteiparietal-semicircle contact varies be- laying out this distance to count horizontal tween 43 percent (sample 1) and 67 per- rows involved including several rows of ex- cent (sample 8), and of 5 scales between tremely lateral and ventral scales, which 52 percent (sample 2) and 64 percent are smaller than true dorsals and which

7 . the entire lot of thus tend to increase the horizontal counts. ( sample ) Of specimens, there is only one occurrence of 7/7 in this I have taken vertical dorsals and ventrals 12 but on and do not position ( sample ) many occurrences juveniles, however, they of 3/3 (samples 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, a total skew the data. Of the three standard-dis- of 12 incidences). tance counts, those of vertical dorsals and 6) The number of scale rows between ventrals are much more reliable than are the subocular scales and the supralabials is those of horizontal dorsals. fairly constantly 1, and this is a strong Vertical dorsal scale rows vary between mode or the exclusive category in all sam- 12 and 26, with the low count in sample

13 . In this lot 4 and the count in 12 . ples except sample ( ) ( which ( ) high sample ( ) is the type series, with a few new speci- Means range from 15.4 (sample 4) to 21.1 mens, of leberi), 48 percent of the lizards (sample 12). These two represent, respec- have the suboculars and supralabials in tively, lots assignable to baleatus and ri- contact. Elsewhere, contact is absent in cordi, sensu lato. No generalizations of samples (7) and (11). The frequency of mean number of vertical dorsals in refer- contact varies in all other samples between ence to samples and geography can be 3 percent (sample 9) and 17 percent (sam- made, since the range in samples now as- ples 6, 8, and 14). These three samples are sociated with baleatus varies between 15.4 widely separated geographically and the and 19.2, with ricordi 17.3 and 21.1, bara- frequency in none of them even approaches honae 17.2, and leberi 16.5 and 16.7. Com- the very high incidence of contact in sam- parisons and significance of vertical dorsal

13 . it is scale counts are shown in Table I. ple ( ) However, noteworthy that samples (13) and (14) are adjacent geo- Number of horizontal dorsal rows ranges graphically. from 13 (sample 1) to 34 (sample 7). 7), 8), 9) In reference to all counts in- Means vary between 17.1 (sample 11) to volving laying out the snout-orbit distance 24.6 (sample 12). The latter sample is that HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 99

Table I. Comparison of number of vertical dorsal scales in popxjtlations OF giant Hispaniolan angles

50 M (±2 s c standard c c error of .A a Taxon mean) 100 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

not stiff), with the base much shorter than 13) -19) The color and pattern details of the height of the scale. High scales are Anolis ricordi throughout its range need those which are shorter and less attenuate not be gone into in detail at this point. It is than very high scales, but whose height is now sufficient to acknowledge that these still much greater than the base. Moderate lizards show metachrosis varying from scales are lower and not attenuate, although shades of green and green-gray to brown. they may be pointed, with the height and The pattern elements, however, are quite base about equal in length. Low scales are stable, although the hues involved in the lower than long. The same categories and pattern itself may change with changing interpretations apply to body crest scales, base colors. There is little evidence to in- although no lizard has the body crest scales dicate that a lizard which is, for instance, so high as the nuchal scales. blotched in one color phase will become Several other points are pertinent. I have crossbanded in another. Thus, despite not used this datiun from juvenile and sub- changes in hues and even in base colors, adult lizards all lizards ( below 100 mm patterns remain constant. It is of interest snout-vent length) since it is obvious that, to note that greens seem to be the colors regardless of the taxon or sample, all young that predominate in the wild. The few A. A. ricordi have low nuchal and dorsal crest ricordi that I have seen during the day scales, which, as the lizard matures, be- have always been green. The many lizards come increasingly more specialized until that I have seen and collected at night the adult condition is reached at about 110 were almost always green, and usually at mm snout-vent length. Thus young ricordi their maximum of pattern expression while and young baleatus, two taxa that are re- they slept. It is this nocturnal assumption markably distinct in this feature as adults, of the green phase coloration that renders are identical in crest development. these lizards so very conspicuous at night Secondly, it might be assumed that (es- while they sleep on exposed branches, pecially) nuchal crest scales might be bet- vines, or among the arboreal greenery. ter in adult males than in adult Even in those developed populations ( Boca de Yuma, females; this excessive development might Sierra de Baoruco) in which the greens in- reasonably be assumed or construed as a volved are not bright, the lizards are still sexually dimorphic character, with hyper- quite obvious at night. It is only rarely development in males. Such does not seem that one encounters a brown A. ricordi at to be the case, and many female baleatus, night. I have notes on only one instance of for instance, have very high nuchal crest this condition, a subadult lizard from the scales, as high as those of males. In fact, Cordillera Septentrional. comparisons of males and females of indi- 15) The dewlap coloration in A. ricordi vidual samples show that, within each sam- is variable. In some populations, males ple, there is remarkable consistency be- have a pale yellow to gray dewlap, whereas tween frequencies of the very high, high, in others the males have dewlaps that are and moderate categories in both sexes. peach or vivid orange. It should be noted Thirdly, as one might expect, there is a that both sexes in A. ricordi have dewlaps sequence of crest scale heights in the nu- and that the general hue of the female chal-body series. If the nuchal scales are dewlap is like that of the males, except that very high, the body scales are high; if the basally it is usually streaked with browns, nuchal scales are moderate, the body scales dark grays, or charcoal, and the ground are low, etc. In no case have I recorded a color is less bright than that of males. In transition from very high nuchal crest some regions, the female dewlap is quite scales to moderate body scales, for exam- differently colored than that of males. ple. There is thus a definite correlation be- 20) Juveniles and subadults present sev- tween height of nuchal scales and those of eral problems that are presently insoluble. the body crest. I suspect that much will be revealed once HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 101

the of color dorsal scale's we know repertory pattern and generally small ( 14 to 26 in in yoinig individuals, but these data are standard-distance), ventral scales relatively not axailable nx)w. Although there are large (15 to 32 in standard-distance), nu- many young specimens at hand, they are chal crest scales in both sexes moderate to inconsistent within populations or even low, never \'ery high or high, body crest small samples. The juxenile color is nor- scales usually low, subocular scales usually mally some shade of green (or browns un- not in contact with supralabials but one der stress), most often with two to four population is remarkably exceptional in pale (cream, whitish, pale gray) cross- this character; dorsal body coloration and bands. Many small specimens are a uni- pattern some shade of green, in some geo- form green without any dorsal markings. graphic regions flecked irregularly with In other juveniles, the dorsum has many paler and darker green to give a beadwork conspicuous crossbands with two shades of effect; male body pattern either of irregular greens (or browns), separated by promi- black to dark brown blotches on the neck, nent bands of pale greens (yellow-green, occipital region of the head, and on sides pea-green), to give a very tigroid lizard; (often delimiting two pale longitudinal this condition persists into the adults of one bands) or with three longitudinal dark population, as does the more simply brown stripes on each side or with dark banded juvenile pattern noted above in saddles and a bluish green flank stripe or other populations. The juveniles usually with a powdery pale blue-green lateral have dark gray to charcoal dewlaps, re- stripe; females usually without dark dorsal gardless of their sexes, and often there are or lateral markings although in some areas charcoal or white markings on the neck or females have a darker brown reticulum, aboN'c the forelimb insertion or somewhere three pale gray to yellow narrow cross- anteriorly. These variants are discussed un- bands, longitudinal black lines, or two pur- der each subspecies below, and there is no ple flank stripes; dewlap in males variable, need to go into the details here. However, from yellowish gray to peach, bright or- I do wish to point out that ju\'enile patterns ange, or deep yellow, in females from are more variable than are those of adults, peach to deep yellow or dull orange or and that I do not know how to interpret even inky brown or inky blue-black, chin this situation. and throat dull yellow, yellow-green, or pale blue-green in males, eyeskin dark SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNTS dark to blue ( charcoal, brown ) light ( pale ) AnoWs ricordi Dumeril and Bibron in males, charcoal to pale green in females, Anolis ricordii Dumeril and Bibron, 1837. Erp. and usually with a prominent pale subocu- gen., 4: 167. lar semicircle clearly delineated. Type locality. St.-Domingue; holotype. Distribution. The Tiburon Peninsula in Museum National d'Histoire Natmelle 1272. Haiti, east to the vicinity of Saltron, Dept. Definition. A giant species of Hispan- de rOuest, thence north to the northern iolan Anolis characterized by the combina- Haitian coast from Port-de-Paix east to Ter- tion of moderate size (males to 160 mm, rier Rouge and thence into the Republica females to 151 mm snout-vent length), Dominicana east as far as the vicinity of snout scales at level of second canthal Los Quemados, Santiago Rodriguez Prov- scales variable, between 2 and 9 (modally ince, south to Restauracion, Dajabon Prov- 4, 5, 6, or 7 by population) but usually 4 ince; also extending from Haiti onto the to 9 (97 percent), vertical loreal rows 5 to southwestern slopes of the Cordillera Cen- Sierra 10 (modes by population 5, 6, and 7), tral in San Juan Province and in the scales between supraorbital semicircles 2 to de Neiba in La Estrelleta and San Juan sea 5 (modes 3 or 4 by population), inteipari- provinces; altitudinal distribution from etal feet 1220 scale separated from supraorbital semi- level to elevations of about 4000 ( circles modally by 4 or 5 scales, vertical meters) south of Castillon, Dept. du Sud, 102 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

I little that the Haiti, and to 3500 feet ( 1068 meters ) west Discussion. have doubt of Marmelade in the Chaine de Marmelade, extensive range that I here ascribe to nom- inate A. ricordi is incorrect. There are sev- Dept. de I'Artibonite, and 3400 feet ( 1037 meters) south of Elias Pifia in the Sierra de eral very obvious differences in coloration Neiba, La Esti-elleta Province, RepubHca and pattern between northern and south- Dominicana. ern specimens of A. r. ricordi; thus the defi- nition of the subspecies, in order to include Anofis ricordi ricordi Dumeril and Bibron all pattern variants, is necessarily cumber- Type locality. "St.-Domingue"; here re- some. The problem is presently unresolv- stricted to the vicinity of Port-au-Prince, able since, other than the series from near Dept. de I'Ouest, Haiti. Port-au-Prince and the specimens from Definition. A subspecies of A. ricordi northern Haiti, there are huge areas in characterized by the combination of mod- Haiti whence specimens remain unknown. ally 7 snout scales between second canthal A detailed discussion of the chromatic and scales, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 4 pattern features in the various segments of scales between the supraorbital semicircles, A. r. ricordi is given below. 5/5 scales between the interparietal and the The series of 50 specimens assigned to supraorbital semicircles, high number of the nominate subspecies shows the follow- vertical dorsal scales (17-26; mean 21.1), ing variation. The largest male (ASFS has a snout-vent of high number of ventral scales ( 19-32; mean V31395) length 160, 24.7 nuchal crest scales the female ) , moderate ( rarely ) largest (ASFS V31397) 151; to low (usually), body crest scales moder- both are from 4.1 mi. NW Juan de Herrera, ate (rarely) to low (usually), subocular San Juan Province, Republica Dominicana. scales usually in contact with supralabial Snout scales at level of second canthals scales; males usually with some black lat- vary between 4 and 8; the mode is 7 (22 eral markings on the neck and thoracic re- specimens). The vertical loreal rows vary gion, and on the occipital region of the between 6 and 10, with a mode of 7 (20 head, but at times these markings are ab- specimens). There are between 3 and 5 sent (see discussion below), females green scales between the supraorbital semicircles and without definite black lateral markings (mode 4). There are modally 5 scales be- but at times reticulate with brown, the re- tween the interparietal and the semicircles; ticulum delimiting a pair of clear green lat- 5 scales are involved in 53 percent of the eral stripes or with three pale gray to green combinations; actual counts are 3/3 (1), vertical narrow bars; dewlap variable, in 4/4 (10), 4/5 (8), 5/5 (17), 5/6 (9), 6/6 males from peach or pale peach to gray or (2), 7/7 (1), and 5/7(1). Vertical dorsals yellowish gray, and in females from peach range between 17 and 26 (mean 21.1), hor- to or izontal dorsals between 19 and 30 blue-gray inky blue or inky black ( see (24.6), discussion beyond). and ventrals between 19 and 32 (24.7). Of Distribution. Northern Haiti from Port- 28 adult males, six have moderate nuchal de-Paix east to Terrier Rouge and into the crest scales and 22 have these scales low; Republica Dominicana as far east as the of 11 females, all have the nuchal crest vicinity of Los Quemados, Santiago Ro- scales low. Body crest scales are moderate driguez Province, and as far south as Re- in two males and low in 26, and 11 females stauracion, Dajabon Province, south in Haiti have the body crest scales low. The sub- are the to the Port-au-Prince region ( Morne De- oculars separated from supralabials cayette, Diquini, Petionville), as well as in 45 of 49 instances, and contact between east into the Republica Dominicana in the these scales occurs in four lizards (8 per-

Sierra de Neiba and the southwestern cent ) . slopes of the Cordillera Central in La Es- The southern specimens from the Port- trelleta and San Juan provinces. au-Prince region and including two from HisPANioLAN Giant Anole • Schwart::. 103

Mirebalais, consist of ten adult males, three black blotches occur in this series of males adult females, and two juvenile females also, but the occiput lacks clearly defined (MCZ 60013-14). The latter two speci- black areas, and the black on the body is mens (with snout-vent lengths of 89 and much more extensive than it is in all south- 92 mm) can be easily dismissed in that ern males, the extreme condition being that they are presently patternless green. Color shown by ASFS V31395, which has exten- notes in life on one southern male (ASFS sive black blotching over two-thirds of the V9024) state that in the green phase, the back and sides. The pale subocular cres- lizard had the dorsum a mixture of pale cent is very obscure, but there is a promi- green, brown, and yellow, with green the nent pale preauricular spot in most males. predominant color, the net effect being one The females from this region are plain of beadwork. The upper surface of the green, without dark markings, and there is head was a mixture of pinkish and yellow a prominent pale supralabial blotch in the scales, the mental region and adjacent up- area which in males is occupied by the pale per labials were dull yellow, and the venter preauricular blotch. Dewlaps in males and pale green. The dewlap was peach with females were invariably recorded as peach, the dewlap scales yellow. All males (with and both sexes had charcoal eyeskins. As the exception of MCZ 69404, which is an in southern specimens, the chins and to oc- throats defi- albino ) have some black dark brown are pale green and without any cipital blotching, usually extending onto nite markings, except that the throats of fe- the neck and thence onto the area above males are sufi^used with darker green. The the forelimb insertion. The extent of the eight juveniles and subadults range in dark anterior markings is variable, but they snout-vent length from 68 mm to 92 mm. are present in all males and quite vivid in The two smallest specimens, a male and a freshly taken specimens. A pale subocular female, were rich pea-green in life with crescent is present, often extending posteri- four, narrow, cream transverse crossbars, orly to form a pale preauricular blotch, and the smaller had in addition black bounded above by a large dark temporal streaking in the green areas and a black blotch that may form an occipital chevron postauricular smudge. The ventral color by joining its mate on the other side. was rich pea-green and the dewlap skin Southern females were recorded in life as was blue-black. All juveniles and subadults pale to bright green without any dark pat- with snout-vent lengths of between 76 and tern, with a moderately well-defined pale 92 were bright emerald-green dorsally and subocular crescent that may expand into a without any dorsal dark or pale markings; pale preauricular blotch; the venters were one female juvenile ( snout-vent length 78 ) yellow-green. In one female, the dewlap had a lateral black nuchal spot followed by was reported as blue-gray with yellow- a bright yellow preaxillary bar, as well as green streaks. The hindlimbs are not prom- a bright yellow subocular mark. The dew- inently banded. Neither sex has the throat lap was recorded as black in a juvenile fe- marked with any blotching or dotting, al- male with a snout-vent length of 89. Of though the females have the throat some- the subadults, the most peculiar is a male what clouded with dull dark green. (ASFS V31323) with a snout-vent length The series for the Sierra de Neiba and of 90 which shows, as preserved, a vague the Cordillera Central consists of six males, series of vertical lateral pale and dark four females, and eight juveniles and sub- areas, but as yet no black blotching typical adults. The males were described in life of adult males. as being dark green with pale green cross- The northern specimens are six males and bands, or pale green with four paler green one female from Haiti, five males and two crossbands, or patternless green. The up- females from the Republica Dominicana, per surface of the head was creamy tan. and one Haitian subadult and two Domin- 104 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, \o\. 146, No. 2

ican subadult and juvenile lizards. Haitian dark brown, and the venter was the same males are not only quite different from color as the dorsum. The other Dominican northern Dominican males, but they are female was green without any dorsal mark- also strikingly different from central and ings. southern males. In the Haitian males, the The Haitian subadult (MCZ 66148) is a dorsum is gray-green with yellow-green female with a snout-vent length of 106. It flecking, or a beadwork mixture of dark and is speckled with pale scales on a dark light green scales. The upper surface of the ground like Haitian males. The smaller of head is dark with light flecking, and in one the two Dominican males (ASFS V18008) male the head was recorded as dark brown has a snout-\'ent length of 75 and was with the centers of the scales pale purple. bright yellow-green above with two cream No male has any occipital dark blotching, crossbands and a yellow subocular cres- and any body blotching, if it is at all pres- cent. The second Dominican male (ASFS ent, is extremely restricted and maximally V32160) has a snout-vent length of 103 expressed as small black areas above the mm, and, like Dominican adult males, has insertion extensive on the forelimb ( MCZ 66147). The pale black blotching head, subocular crescent is obscure, but there is neck, and almost the entire dorsum. The a pale postlabial line leading to the auricu- ground color was pale green, and the dew- lar opening. Northern Dominican males, lap was dark brown. on the other hand, are brightly colored and To summarize all the above data, it is have extensive black neck and side mark- obvious that I have included several popu- ings; 'n two males these latter extend far lations in A. r. ricordi which differ rather posteriorly on the body and tend to delimit strikingly among themselves. Southern two lateral stripes on each side. The upper Haitian males are marked with black on surfaces of the head are not mottled but the occiput, neck, and anterior sides, and are pale uniform tan. In life, the pale sub- central Dominican and northern Domini- ocular crescent is bold and pale blue to can specimens increase this tendency to white, and it may extend to the auricular show even more extensive black lateral opening. In Haitian males, the dewlap is markings. On the other hand, northern grayish to yellowish peach (pi. 12C5; all Haitian males as a group show very little color designations from Maerz and Paul, or no black markings and are basically 1950), pale gray-green (about pi. 19B2), green-flecked green lizards. Northern Do- or yellowish gray (about pi. 20B1). In minican males are much more colorful than northern Dominican males, the dewlap is specimens from elsewhere, and much more pale peach to pale yellow or grayish yellow, contrastingly marked. On the other hand, and the dewlap may be speckled with all females are fairly similar, with the ex- brown basally. ception of the remarkably colored and pat- The single Haitian female is presently terned female from the northern Republica unmarked green, with faint scattered cream Dominicana. I suspect that it will ulti- flecking. The larger of the two Dominican mately be shown that there are at least two females was pale green above with a darker more nameworthy populations included in brown reticulum outlining a pair of green A. r. ricordi as here defined by me: a north- lateral stripes on each side. There was a ern Haitian subspecies, a northern and cen- postauricular brown smudge, followed by a tral Dominican population, as well as the pale blue axillary smudge. The temples southern Haitian one. But the specimens were yellow-green, the lores pale blue and at this time are from such disjunct localities brown, the eyeskin pale green, and there and are so limited in number that I am un- was a pale blue subocular crescent that ex- willing to make the suggested nomencla- tended into a preauricular pale blotch. The tural additions. top of the head was marbled pale tan and Remarks. A. r. ricordi occurs in a wide HisPANioLAN Giant Anole • Schwartz 105

variety of situations but is of course always through cactus desert. W'e were assured associated with trees. Its altitudinal range that the lizards indeed occurred there, and is from sea level' at many localities to eleva- we were fortimate in finding a superb area tions of 3500 feet (1068 meters) in the of gallery forest in the steep-sided valley of Chaine de Marmelade in northern Haiti the Rio Guarabo, west of Los Qucmados. and 3400 feet (1037 meters) in the Sierra The Guarabo is a southern affluent of the de Neiba. Almost all specimens taken by Yaque, and we had no doubt that these myself and parties were secured sleeping splendid hardwoods harbored A. ricordi. at night. \\^illiams (1965: 2-3) noted that But it was not until our fifth nocturnal visit in the Monte Cristi region these lizards that a single subadult was secured, despite sleep in viny tangles, especially where there the attentions of four collectors. The woods are dense "mats" or "curtains" of vines un- here present a perfect aspect for A. ricordi der a canopy. Such a situation is ideal in —dense and large trees connected and in- the xeric forests in the Monte Cristi area. terlaced with vines and lianas, all quite At Las Matas de Farfan, the lizards were rich and mesic; still, our experience indi- easily secured at night in a high-canopied cates that, at least at the time of our visit, cafetal, sleeping on limbs, branches, or on A. ricordi was distinctly uncommon or diffi- vines, either vertical or horizontal. A speci- cult to see in what elsewhere surely would men from Morne Calvaire near Petionville have been a typically simple area for col- was seen during the late morning on a lection of these lizards. In this instance, mango tree in an open pasture, about 4 feet demands for at least one specimen from this (1.2 meters) above the base. Thomas com- region forced persistence which ultimately mented in his field notes upon a specimen yielded the requisite animal. Such may from Le Borgne which was observed 8 feet well be the case in many otherwise xeric 2.4 meters above the on the A. is to ( ) ground trunk regions, where ricordi restricted of a tree; this male led the pursuers a merry (and perhaps is rare in) more mesic river- chase through a series of three trees and ine hardwood stands. finally sought refuge in dense grass on the Specimens examined. HAITI: Dcpt. de ground, where it was caught! The male rOuest, Source Leclerc, Morne Decayette from Terrier Rouge was collected with a (MCZ 65729-31); Diquini (MCZ 8619, slingshot while it rested head-down on the USNM 118902, USNM 123347, USNM main branch of a large tree 15 feet (4.6 123988); Port-au-Prince (AMNH 49501); meters) above the ground. South of Las Petionville (MCZ 60013-14); Morne Cal- Matas de Farfan I secured a juvenile sleep- vaire, 1 mi. (1.6 km) SW Petionville, 2300 ing on a horizontal vine in a tree-fern feet (702 meters) (ASFS X1711, ASFS thicket adjacent to a mountain brook. The V8514, ASFS V9024); Mirebalais (MCZ association of A. r. ricordi with rivers or 69404); Lancironelle, nr. Mirebalais (not lakes is certainly fortuitous; the greatest mapped) (MCZ 68479); Dcpt. de I'Arti- concentrations of these lizards occur in such honite, 8-9 km W Marmelade, 3500 feet obviously mesic situations only because (1068 meters) (ASFS V9925); Dcpt. du there is often gallery forest restricted, or Nord Quest, Port-de-Paix (MCZ 63338); limited by man, to streamsides. However, Dcpt. du Nord, 3 mi. (4.8 km) SW Le such a situation is not a guarantee of secur- Borgne (ASFS V10005); 2 mi. (3.2 km) ing specimens. In our effort to narrow the SW Cap-Haitien (ASFS \'10766); Ti previously existing gap between ricordi and Guinin, nr. Cap-Haitien (not mapped) haleatus in the northwestern Republica (MCZ 66147-49); 8 mi. (12.8 km) E Ter- Dominicana, we questioned natives con- rier Rouge (ASFS V10169). RFPOBLICA cerning the occurrence of saltacocotes in DOMINiCANA: Monte Cristi Province, 1 the region along the gallery-forested Rio km W Copey (ASFS V1269, ASFS V1411- Yaque del Norte, which here passes 12, ASFS V1470); Laguna de Salodillo, 7 106 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

km E Pepillo Salcedo (ASFS V1413); on the southern slopes of the Massif de la Dajahon Province, Restauracion (ASFS Hotte, between elevations of 1000 and 1220 V18006-08); Santiago Rodriguez Province, feet (305 and 372 meters), Dept. du Sud, 1.8 mi. (2.9 km) W Los Quemados, 500 Haiti. feet (153 meters) (ASFS V32160); La Es- Discussion. In contrast to the situation r. A. r. is trelleta Province, 6.7 mi. ( 10.7 km ) E in A. ricordi, leberi known from Hondo Valle, 2500 feet (763 meters) a long series of specimens all from the same (ASFS V31428); 11.0 mi. (17.6 km) S general area, at elevations between 1000 Elias Pina, 3400 feet (1037 meters) (ASFS feet and 1220 feet (305 and 372 meters). V31509); San Juan Province, 4.9 mi. (7.8 Williams (1965: 6) assigned a single juve- km) NW Vallejuelo, 2400 feet (732 meters) nile (MCZ 38277) from Tardieu, near Pic (ASFS V31305); 6.1 mi. (9.8 km) S Las Macaya, Dept. du Sud, Haiti, to leberi Matas de Farfan, 1800 feet (549 meters) with some reservation. This locality is (ASFS V14562, ASFS V31469, ASFS northwest of Camp Perrin-Marceline, is on V31319-26); 4.1 mi. (6.6 km) NW Juan de the northern slopes of the Massif de la Herrera, 1600 feet (488 meters) (ASFS Hotte, and is much closer to the known V3139.5-99). distribution of the next subspecies to be described below.

Anolis ricordi leberi Williams The series of 54 A. r. leberi shows the AnoUs ricordii leberi Williams, 1965. Breviora, following variation. The largest male Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 232: 4. (ASFS X3034) has a snout-vent length of Tijpe locality. Camp Perrin, Departe- 147, the largest female (AMNH 98723) ment du Slid, Haiti; holotype, MCZ 80935. 153; both are from Camp Perrin. Snout Definition. A subspecies of A. ricordi scales at level of the second canthal are ex- characterized by the combination of mod- tremely variable, and range between 2 and ally 4 snout scales between second canthals, 7; the mode is 4 (23 specimens). The ver- 6 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 scales be- tical loreal rows vary between 5 and 8, with

tween the . There are be- supraorbital semicircles, 4/4 a mode of 6 (26 specimens ) scales between the interparietal and the tween 1 and 4 scales between the supraor-

of . supraorbital semicircles, low number bital semicircles ( mode 3 ) There are mod- vertical dorsal scales (14-21; mean 16.5), ally 4 scales between the intei-parietal and of low number ventral scales ( 15-28; mean the semicircles; 4 scales are involved in 64 20.2), nuchal crest scales usually moderate, percent of the combinations; actual counts rarely low in males, usually low, occasion- are 3/3 (3), 3/4 (7), 4/4 (25), 4/5 (10), ally moderate in females, subocular scales 5/5 (2), 5/6 (2), 6/6 (1), 3/5 (1), and 5/7

in contact with in almost 50 1 . dorsals between 14 and supralabials ( ) Vertical range percent of the specimens; males either pale 21 (mean 16.5), horizontal dorsals between yellow-green with four dark saddles and a 15 and 24 (18.0), and ventrals between 15 bluish green flank stripe, or with about and 28 (20.2). Of 39 adult males, 30 have three longitudinal dark brown lateral the nuchal crest scales moderate and nine stripes, or simply dark brown, females have them low; of 13 females, five have the bright green (much brighter than males), nuchal scales moderate and eight have them with longitudinal black lines indicated and low. Body crest scales are moderate in 12 at times a greenish tan middorsal wash; males and low in 27 males, whereas only dewlap bright orange or orange with an one female has the dorsal crest scales mod- anterior brown wash in males, and dull or- erate and 12 have them low. The subocu- ange, at times suffused or marbled with lars are separated from the supralabials by brown, in females. 1 row of scales in 28 specimens and are in Distribution. Known only from the vi- contact with the supralabials in 26 speci- cinity of the type locality and Marceline, mens. A. r. leberi is the only population HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Sclnvnrfz 1U7


that has sucli a high incidence (48 percent) from tlie type locahty. The smallest (MCZ of contact. 83982 is a female with a subocular-supralabial ) snout-vent length Males show three basic patterns: 1) dor- of 52. The body is longitudinally streaked, sal ground color pale yellow-green with but there are as yet no definite longitudinal four dark saddles a bluish lines. brown and green The subadults ( MCZ 80949-50, a flank stripe that is complete; 2) about three male with a snout-vent length of 105, and longitudinal dark brown stripes, the ecu- a female with a snout-vent length of 93) tral one being the most prominent and both show indications of the longitudinal complete; 3) and a uniform dark velvety stripes that are characteristic of adults, but brown. In the two lighter phases, the eye- the stripes are better defined in the sub- skin is pale blue, chin and throats are dull adult male than in the female. The two yellow-green, and the subocular crescent is adult males and two adult females from pale blue and very conspicuous. The dew- Marceline agree in all pattern details with laps in males are orange (brighter than any the topotypical series; Marceline and Camp Macrz and Paul designation) or orange Perrin are separated by about 4.5 kilome- with an anterior brown wash. Females are ters airline.

bright green dorsally (much brighter than Comparisons. Although both A. r. ri- males) with longitudinal black lines indi- cordi and A. r. leheri have several features cated. There is a greenish tan wash on the in common, namely, the moderate to low upper surface of the head, and there may nuchal and body crests, the presence of be a greenish tan middorsal zone on the some sort of black body markings, and a body. The dewlap in females is dull or- prominent pale subocular crescent, these ange, often suffused or marbled with two subspecies are eminently distinct, brown, and the eyeskin is green, paler than They differ in: modal number of second that of the dorsum. In males, the venter is canthal snout scales (ricordi 7, leheri 4), and be washed with modal number of loreal rows ricordi pale green may brown ( 7, even in the green phase, and in females leheri 6), modal number of scales between the venter is pale yellow-green, paler than the interparietal and supraocular semicir- the bright green of the dorsum. cles {ricordi 5/5, leheri 4/4), higher means In general aspect, male A. r. leheri are of vertical dorsal scales and ventrals (21.1, lineate dorsally and laterally, the bold dark 24.7 in ricordi, 16.5, 20.2 in leheri, respec- longitudinal lines usually interrupted by tively) and the very high incidence of con- four irregular pale vertical crossbands, tact between the subocular scales and the which are in tinn bordered with darker supralabials in leheri versus the rarity of pigment. Although my field notes indicate this condition in ricordi. In addition, the that there are about three longitudinal dark dewlap in male ricordi is most often some stripes in males, these three stripes are the shade of peach (although the variation in result of modification of two stripes, of dewlap shades and colors in ricordi is read- which the more dorsal is the broader. In ily acknowledged), whereas in male leheri many specimens, this upper flank stripe the dewlap is orange or orange with a maintains its integrity, but in many others brown anterior wash. A ready hallmark be- the upper stripe is hollowed centrally, re- tween the two subspecies is the presence of in suiting three narrow dark stripes, rather a pale preauricular blotch in ricordi, a con- than two stripes, of which the upper is very dition always absent in both sexes of leheri, broad and the lower is narrow. Although with the result that instead of the pale sub- females show some longitudinal striping, it ocular crescent's being incoi-poratcd into a is much less conspicuous than in males, postlabial line or preauricular blotch as it Male throats are immaculate, whereas fe- often is in ricordi, it is a bold and contrast- male throats are suffused with dark green. ing pattern element. There are three juveniles and subadults Remarks. All Camp Perrin specimens of 108 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

A. r. leheri were collected by natives and mean 21.8), nuchal crest scales usually thus I have no precise knowledge of the moderate but occasionally low in both habitat nor habits of this subspecies. Camp sexes, dorsal body crest scales low in both Perrin lies in the lower southern foothills of sexes, subocular scales almost always sep- the high Massif de la Hotte, at about 1000 arated by one row of scales from suprala- feet (305 meters), and the area in general bial scales; males bright green dorsally is very mesic and presumably was once with powdery pale blue-green lateral well forested, although now it supports stripes, throat pale green and unmarked, cafeieres with a high-canopy hardwood venter pale green with pinkish and yellow- shade cover. Williams (1962: 10) cited ish suffusions, females dark olive-green to S. D. to field notes by A. Rand and J. Lazell, bright green with two purple powdery Jr., on A. r. leheri at Camp Perrin and Mar- blue-gray flank stripes edged with dark celine; both accounts involve trees associ- brown, lower sides spotted bright green, ated with coffee plantings. yellow-green, or bright green with four Specimens examined. HAITI: Dept. du bright yellow-green crossbands edged with Slid, Camp Perrin (ASFS X3033-,35, ASFS black, throat pale green; dewlap deep yel- X3038-39, ASFS X3041-42, ASFS X3182, low to orange in males, dull orange (al- AMNH 93713-36, MCZ 80935-37, MCZ most brown) to deep yellow with orange S0939-42, MCZ 80944-53, MCZ 83982); streaking and bluish edge in females. Marceline (MCZ 121115); Marceline area, Distribution. Known only from the vi- ca. 1000 feet (305 meters) (MCZ 122269, cinity of Castillon on the northern slopes MCZ 121779-80). of the Massif de la Hotte at elevations be- tween 2200 and 4000 feet (671 and 1220 Anolis ricordi viculus new subspecies meters) on the Tiburon Peninsula in Haiti; an adult the at Tar- Holotype. USNM 193974,^ probably subspecies occurring male, from Castillon, 2500 feet (763 me- dieu near Pic Macaya (see discussion). ters), Departement du Sud, Haiti, taken by Description of holotype. An adult male native collector on 2.5-26 June 1971. Orig- with a snout-vent length of 143 and a tail inal number ASFS V25059. length of 165 (regenerated); snout scales Parotypes. ASFS V25058, same data as at level of second canthals 6, 7 vertical holotype; ASFS V25060, same locality and rows of loreal scales, 3 scales between su- collector as holotype, 27 June 1971; ASFS praorbital semicircles, 6/5 scales between V24801, ca. 2 km (airline) S Castillon, interparietal and supraorbital semicircles, 3500-4000 feet (1068-1220 meters), Dept. vertical dorsals 15, horizontal dorsals 22, du Sud, Haiti, R. Thomas, 24 June 1971; ventrals 20, one row of scales between sub- ASFS V9335, ca. 5 km (airline) SE Marche oculars and supralabials, fourth toe lamel- Leon, 2200 feet (671 meters), Dept. du lae on phalanges II and III 31, nuchal crest Sud, Haiti, native collector, 15 March 1966; scales moderate, body crest scales low; in MCZ 119035, Castillon, Dept. du Sud, life, bright green above with a pair of lat- Haiti, T. P. Webster, A. R. Kiester, and na- eral stripes on each flank powdery pale tive collectors, 31 August 1969. blue-green, the same color also on the face; Definition. A subspecies of A. ricordi throat and neck pale blue-green; venter characterized by the combination of mod- pale green with pinkish and yellowish suf- ally 6 snout scales between the second can- fusions; dewlap deep yellow, almost or- thals, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 4 ange. scales between the supraorbital semicircles, Variation. The series of three males and 4/4 scales between the interparietal and three females shows the following varia- the supraorbital semicircles, low number of tion. The largest male (ASFS V25058) has vertical dorsal scales (15-19; mean 16.7), a snout-vent length of 148, the largest ventral scales both are from moderate number of ( 19-24; female (ASFS V25060) 141; HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 109

Castillon. Snout scales at level of the sec- present but only in the nuchal region, and ond canthal range between 5 and 9; the the venter, including the throat, was pale mode is 6 (four, specimens). The vertical green. In both females, the dewlaps were loreal rows are 6 or 7, with a mode of 7 recorded as "very dull orange" and "deep

five . There are 3 and almost with or- ( specimens ) be^^veen yellow, brown, anteriorly, 5 scales between the supraorbital semicir- angish longitudinal striae, each edged with cles (mode 4). There are modally 4 scales dark gray-green, between striae pale gray- between the interparietal and the supraor- green and most basal striae greenish; edge bital semicircles; 4 scales are involved in 58 of dewlap grayish (faintly blue)." percent of the combinations; actual counts Comparisons. A. r. viculus is so very arc 4/4 (3), 4/5 (l),5/5 (1), and 5/6 (1). different from A. r. ricordi in both color X'ertical dorsals range between 15 and 19 and pattern that detailed comparisons are (mean 16.7), horizontal dorsals between 17 hardly necessary. The black occipital, nu- and 27 (20.0), and ventrals between 19 chal, and anterior body blotches of male and 24 (21.8). Of three males, two have ricordi are absent in male viculus, and the the nuchal crest scales moderate and one longitudinally striped pattern in both sexes has them low; the same situation applies of viculus does not occur in ricordi. The to the three females. All specimens have two subspecies differ also in scale counts, the body crest scales low. The suboculars as follows: modal number of snout scales are from the at second canthals ricordi viculus 6 usually separated supralabials ( 7, ) , by one row of scales and are in contact scales between interparietal and supraor- with the in one 17 bital supralabials individual ( semicircles {ricordi 5/5, viculus 4/4), percent ) . and much lower means of vertical dorsal Thomas's field notes on three males show and ventral scales (21.1, 24.7 in ricordi, the variation in dorsal coloration and pat- 16.7, 21.8 in viculus, respectively). The tern. The dorsum was bright green with two taxa are similar in number of loreal the flank stripes powdery pale blue- green, rows, number of scales between the semi- this color occurring also on the face. The circles, and in relative frequency of contact throat and neck were also pale blue-green between the subocular and supralabial and the venter was pale greenish with pink scales. and yellow suffusions. One male (ASFS In every way, viculus is much closer to V9335) also had a white shoulder patch, leheri than to ricordi. The basic pattern but other pattern details on this individual elements are comparable in these two sub- were lacking since the specimen was badly species, since both are lineate; however, damaged. The dewlap in the males was re- the longitudinal flank stripes in leheri are corded as almost whereas in viculus are the deep yellow ( orange ) and dark, they light; orange (PI. 11L6). One female was green single banded female viculus is quite dif- to dark olive-green dorsally with two pur- ferent in general aspect from banded le- ple flank stripes, edged with dark brown, heri. As far as scale counts are concerned, which were powdery blue-gray anteriorly. the two subspecies differ in the following The lower sides were spotted and suffused manner: modal number of snout scales at with bright green or yellow-green. The second canthals {leheri 4, viculus 6), num- venter was pale green with a pinkish wash ber of vertical loreal rows {leheri 6, vicu- in the pectoral region. The second female lus 7), and scales between supraorbital was marked in quite a different fashion, semicircles {leheri 3, viculus 4). In mean and the specimen still maintains the pattern number of vertical dorsals and ventrals, the after preservation. The dorsum was bright two subspecies are very similar, and both green with four bright yellow-green trans- have the 4/4 condition as the mode for the verse body bands with black edges; in this interparietal-semicircle relationship. specimen longitudinal stripes were also Discussion. Williams (1962: 7-8) con- 110 BuUetm Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

sidered the four specimens then available interpreted. Since, however, leheri occurs from the central portion of the Tiburon on the southern slopes of the Massif de la Peninsula as intergrades between ricordi Hotte, and viculus on the northern slopes and leheri. A few more specimens have ac- of that range, and since all intergradient cumulated since that time; now there are specimens are from the northeastern re- one adult male, one juvenile male, and six gions of the extreme eastern portion of the adult females from this central region, as Massif de la Hotte, it seems much more follows: HAITI: Dept. du Sud, Pemel, nr. likely that these central Tiburon specimens 66015- Miragoane (not mapped) ( MCZ are intergradient between ricordi and vic- 16), PaiUant, 1800 feet (549 meters) ulus on geographic grounds. They do not (ASFS V26535-37); Fond des Negres disagree with my concepts of how inter- (ASFS V26254, USNM 72631, USNM grades between these two subspecies prob- 72633). As preserved, the adult male ably should appear.^ shows fairly obvious longitudinal streaking of gray and dull green, a few scattered 1 Since the above comments on the intergradi- dark flecks or small blotches above the ent specimens were written, Williams has secured a series of 28 lizards (MCZ 132302-29) from St. forelimb insertion, and a prominent suboc- Croix, 1 mi. (1.6 km) from Paillant, Dept. du ular crescent. The adult male is an pale Sud, Haiti, from this same general region. There almost ideal representation of extreme in- are no color data on the specimens. The measure- ments in and scale counts of these tergradation between viculus and ricordi, ( mm ) lizards, combined with those from the eight previously with both pale longitudinal stripes and available soecimens, follow. Largest male ( MCZ scattered remnants of the typical ricordi 132325) 155, largest female (ASFS V26535) 148. extensive Three body blotching. recently Snout scales at second canthals 4-9 (mode 6);

collected females in life loreal rows 4-8 6 . scales were green with ( mode ) Modally 4/4 between the and the longitudinal stripes, which were delimited interparietal supraorbital semicircles; other counts: 3/3 (2), 3/4 (2), 4/5 by absence of black flecking that occurs (4), 5/5 (11), 5/6 (1), 3/5 (1); 4 scales are in- elsewhere on the In the green ground. volved with 50 percent of the combinations. Ver- brown phase, these longitudinal stripes had tical dorsals range between 14 and 21 (mean a reddish wash. In all females, the pale 17.0), horizontal dorsals between 15 and 24 and ventrals between 16 and 31 subocular crescent is obvious and bold, and (18.3), (21.4). Of the males, four have the nuchal crest scales in one female (MCZ 66016) there is an ad- moderate and 15 have them low; of the females, ditional preauricular pale area that resem- one has the nuchal crest scales moderate and 15 bles the condition in nominate ricordi. I have them low. Body scales are low in all adult The suboculars are have no color data on the male dewlaps, specimens. modally separated from the one row of scales and but that of one female (ASFS V26535) was supralabials by are in contact with the supralabials in seven liz- dull yellow distally and pale blue, smudged ards ( 19 percent). with charcoal, basally; the dewlap scales In scale counts, the entire series is much closer were yellow-green. The juvenile male to viculus than to ricordi; however, in some char- acteristics, the series is closer to lebcri or to the (snout-vent length 79) in life had a pat- subspecies yet to be described from extreme south- tern of longitudinal dorsolateral stripes and eastern Haiti. In fact, comparison of the scale dorsal crossbands, with a pale yellow sub- counts shows that there is little resemblance be- ocular crescent. I interpret these lizards as tween the modes and means between these geo- intergradient between ricordi and viculus. graphically intermediate specimens and nominate ricordi, and as a whole they seem much more The central Tiburon localities, however, closely allied to one of the other Tiburon subspe- are far removed from the known localities cies. of viculus (110 km) on one hand and of The males in the St. Croix series are variable ricordi (70 km) on the other. Williams in pattern but none shows any clear-cut dark of A. r. ricordi. Some males (1965: 7) regarded the Fond des Negres blotching, typical are more or less unicolor (medium brown as pre- and Pemel specimens as ricordi X leheri served), whereas others have longitudinal stripes, and could indeed be so intergrades, they alternating light and dark, with usually one broad HisPANioLAx Giant Angle • Schtvartz 111

There remains one other specimen from viculus, I have no concepts of their appear- the distal portion of the Tibnron Peninsnhi; ance; on geographic grounds, however, I this is a with have little doubt that the Tardieu male is jnvenile male ( MCZ 38277) a snont-vent length of 7(S, from Tardieu, representatixe of viculus rather than of P. leberi. near Pic Macaya, collected by J. Darling- ton. It is presently dull brown, but there Remarks. It may seem remarkable that are clear indications of black-edged dorsal there should be two distinctive subspecies crossbands that closely resemble the condi- of A. ricordi in such close geographical tion in one of the female paratypes of vi- proximity; Castillon and Marceline are sep- culus. Tardieu is presently unlocatable on arated by only 29 kilometers airline, and if modern maps, but Darlington has indicated the Tardieu specimen is viculus, then the to Williams that this place lies just to the distance between the localities for the two north of Pic Macaya, and thus rather close subspecies is even shorter. However, be- to Castillon. Since there are no juvenile tween Castillon and Marceline lies the high ridge of the La Hotte, including the cul- dark stripe along the upper sides and most prom- minating peak of that range, Pic Macaya, inent. One male has extensive dark brown body with an elevation of 7698 feet (2347 me- markings, vertically oriented and alternating with Such and is paler tannish areas to give a more-or-less verti- ters). high rugged country cally barred appearance. The pale subociilar probably ecologically unsuitable for A. ri- crescent is very obvious in all males, and there is cordi, and the northern and southern pop- no indication of a pale preauricular area. ulations associated with the La Hotte have The females are undistinguished. Most are differentiated because of isolation caused more or less solid green with some scattered paler green scales to give a beadwork effect dorsally, by the intervening massif. but in there are also indications some specimens The known altitudinal range of A. r. vic- of areas to a somewhat longitudinal paler give ulus is between 2200 and 4000 feet (671 longitudinally lined appearance. As in the males, and 1220 meters). The Castillon area, ac- the subocular pale crescent is obvious, and there to Richard is may be a weakly differentiated pale preauricular cording Thomas, generally area. mesic but much of the original forest has This newly collected series of A. ricordi is puz- been cut. Still, enough trees and ravine The entire lot is so in zling. like, general aspect, woods remain to offer haven for such a specimens of leberi and viculus (and the yet-to- in tolerant and adaptable species as A. ricordi. be-named subspecies southwestern Haiti ) and shows so little tendency toward A. r. ricordi that One female from south of Castillon was it is difficult to interpret them as intergradient be- taken by Thomas on the trunk of a large tween ricordi and viculus. The adult male (MCZ tree about 5 feet (1.5 meters) above the 66015) noted above in the body of the text is ground; all other ASFS specimens were se- from "Pemel, near Miragoane," a site that is un- cured natives. locatable on modern maps. Pemel may be "near by Miragoane" in only the very broadest sense. Spec- The name vicidus is from the Latin for imens that are known to have been taken in the "hamlet" or "small village" in allusion to Miragoane-Paillant area show little evidence of Castillon, the type locality. intergradation between vicidus and ricordi, and are much closer to the former subspecies. Anol'is ricordi subsolanus new Everything considered, I strongly suspect that subspecies with additional collecting on the central Tiburon Holotype. MCZ 130270, an adult male, Peninsula it is probable that two taxa will be from Source Carroye, near Saltrou, Depart- found to occur here in sympatry and without ement de I'Ouest, Haiti, one of a series col- wide areas of intergradation, or that ricordi-styled anoles occur close to but lected Whiteman in March 1972. ( do not intergrade with ) by George leberi-styled anoles. The evidence at the moment Paratypes. MCZ 130264-69, MCZ is far from that ricordi and viculus unequivocal 130271-77, same data as holotype; MCZ intergrade in this area. Only much additional 69405, nr. Saltrou, Dept. de I'Ouest, G. collecting along the Tiburon Peninsula will reveal summer 1962. the actuality of the relationships of A. ricordi with Whiteman, its southeastern relatixes. Definition. A subspecies of A. ricordi 112 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

characterized by the combination of mod- has a snout-vent length of 152, the ally 5 snout scales between second canthals, largest female (MCZ 69405) 150; the male 5 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 scales be- is a topotype, the female is from near Sal- tween the supraorbital semicircles, 4/4 trou. Snout scales at level of the second scales between the interparietal and the canthals range between 4 and 7; the mode supraorbital semicircles, moderate number is 5 (six specimens). The vertical loreal of vertical dorsal scales (16-21; mean rows vary between 5 and 7, with a mode of 17.3), moderate number of ventral scales 5 (eight specimens). There are between 2 (18-27; mean 21.0), nuchal crest scales and 4 scales between the supraorbital semi- rarely moderate, usually low in males, low circles (mode 3). There are modally 4 in females, subocular scales always sepa- scales between the intei-parietal and the rated from supralabials scales by one row supraorbital semicircles; 4 scales are in- of scales; males vaguely lineate dorsally volved in 58 percent of the combination; with lateral flank actual two broad grayish stripes, counts are 3/3 ( 1), 3/4 (3), 4/4 (4), or with three in life? cross- and Vertical paler ( green ) 4/5 (3), 5/5 (2), 5/6 (2). bands; females like males, or heavily dorsals range between 16 and 21 (mean blotched with black laterally and on the 17.3), horizontal dorsals between 14 and 23 occiput, the black lateral markings in the (17.1), and ventrals between 18 and 27 areas that are elsewhere occupied by (21.0). Of 10 males, two have the nuchal the gray lateral flank stripes; a pale suboc- crest scales moderate and eight have these ular crescent present and prominent but no scales low; all five females have the nuchal pale preauricular blotch; dewlap color un- crest scales low. All specimens have the known. body crest scales low. In all specimens the Distribution. Known only from the re- subocular scales are separated from the su- gion about Saltrou, in extreme southeastern pralabials by one row of scales. Haiti, but see discussion below. I have no color notes in life nor have I Description of holotype. An adult male seen live specimens of A. r. suhsolanus. with a snout-vent length of 144 mm and a Consequently, my comments on pattern in tail of 209 ; snout this are length mm ( regenerated ) subspecies based solely upon pre- scales at level of second canthals 4, 6 ver- served material. In the series of males and tical rows of loreal scales, 3 scales between females, each sex shows two basic patterns. supraorbital semicircles, 3/4 scales between The more common is a pair of longitudinal the interparietal and the supraorbital semi- flank stripes, the upper being broader, usu- circles, vertical dorsals 18, horizontal dor- ally dull grayish in contrast to a greenish sals 17, ventrals 19, one row of scales be- ground color. In two specimens (one male tween suboculars and supralabials, fourth and one female; MCZ 130267 and MCZ toe lamellae on phalanges II and III 33, 69405) these stripes are very prominent nuchal crest scales low, body crest scales and black; although they no longer have low; as preserved, dorsum dull dark brcwn their integrity in the female, they are still with three prominent blue-green cross- very obvious. In addition, in the female bands, more or less confluent middorsally, there is black pigment in the occipital re- and outlined in dark brown to black; top gion. A pale subocular crescent is present of head brown, paler than sides; throat in all specimens and is usually very con- greenish, dewlap dull gray; belly dark spicuous. In two specimens (the holotypic gray, underside of hindlimbs green; tail male and a female—MCZ 130266) the dor- brown. sal pattern consists of three transverse Variation. The holotype and paratypic crossbands that are green, more or less series are composed of 10 males and five fused middorsally, and outlined with black females. The largest male (MCZ 130274) or dark brown. Many females show the lat- HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schtvartz 113

eral flank stripes much less clearly than do having 5 versus 6 snout scales at second the males, but usually the stripes are at canthal, 5 versus 7 vertical loreal rows, 3 least indicated. • versus 4 scales between the supraorbital Comparisons. In general aspect, sub- semicircles, and higher means of vertical sola nus much more closely resembles far dorsal scales and ventral scales. In addition western leheri and vicuhis than geographi- to the pattern differences noted above cally closer ricordi. The latter subspecies, which differentiate suhsolanus from nomi- however, occurs on the nortliern side of the nate ricordi, suhsolanus has 5 versus 7 snout Massif de la Selle, whereas the localities for scales at the second canthals, 5 versus 7 suhsolamis are to the south of that range. vertical loreal rows, 3 versus 4 scales be- Since I do not know the coloration in life tween the supraorbital semicircles, 4/4 ver- of suhsolamis, I am unable to compare its sus 5/5 scales between the interparietal and pigmentation with that of the other subspe- the supraorbital semicircles, and lower cies. The presence of both longitudinally means in vertical dorsal scales and ventral striped and transversely barred specimens scales. in suhsolamis suggests its affinity with leheri Remarks. I am once more hampered in and vicuhis. A. r. suhsolamis differs from my interpretation of suhsolanus by the A. r. ricordi in that the latter has (in its large distributional gap between its two southern populations) dark anterior mark- stations and any other stations for A. ricordi ings on the occiput and above the forelimb to the west. The absence of specimens insertions, whereas these markings are ab- from the southern coast, from such well- sent in subsolanus. Additionally, southern known areas as Jacmel and Aquin, is truly ricordi are patternless green, whereas sub- puzzling. The nearest locality to suhsolanus solaiius females are longitudinally lined and along the Tiburon Peninsula is Fond des may have heavy dark anterior markings Negres [ricordi X viculus), some 120 kilo- (somewhat like male A. r. ricordi). At the meters to the west. Still further, the area time of Williams's review of A. ricordi known to be occupied by A. r. leheri lies (1965: 2), there was but a single A. ricordi some 205 kilometers to the west, near the from the Saltrou region; by chance, this peninsula's tip. Known stations for A. r. ri- specimen (MCZ 69405) is the heavily cordi are very much closer (40 kilometers) marked female upon which I commented but lie to the north of the Massif de la above. Although Williams (loc. cit.) con- Selle. Closer even than' any of these is sidered it a male, it lacks enlarged postanal harahonae; harahonae and suhsolanus are scales and a tail "fin," and it is a female. known in this region for localities separated Since female A. r. ricordi lack dark anterior by about 11 kilometers (see comments be- markings, this female is really quite differ- low), but there is no evidence of intergra- ent from females of the northern subspe- dation between these two taxa. cies. It is perhaps pertinent that leheri, vicu- From the western subspecies leheri and lus, and suhsolanus all seem closer in most viculus, suhsolamis difi^ers meristically in characteristics to each other than they do the following ways. From leheri, suhso- to nominate ricordi. If it were not for the lanus differs in having 5 versus 4 snout specimens that I interpret as intergradient scales at the second canthal, 5 versus 6 ver- between ricordi and viculus in the Mira- tical loreal rows, higher means in vertical goane-Paillant-Fond des Negres region, I dorsal scales and ventral scales, and also would be very tempted to consider these lacks specimens that have the suboculars in three taxa as a species distinct from A. ri- contact with the supralabials ( leheri has 48 cordi. Much additional material from along percent of the specimens with this condi- the Tiburon Peninsula will perhaps show tion). From viculus, suhsolanus differs in that my interpretation is wrong. 114 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

The name subsolamis is from the Latin chal crest scales in both sexes rarely high, for "eastern," in alhision to the occurrence usually moderate to low, dorsal body crest of this subspecies in southeastern Haiti. scales rarely moderate, usually low, suboc- The precise areas where suhsolanus occurs ular scales rarely in contact with suprala- are a matter of question. I am unable to bial scales; dorsal body coloration basically locate Source Carroye on any modern map. lichenate gray-green, grays, to browns and Williams advised me that Source Carroye black, giving a blotched effect that also oc- is very near Thiotte (according to the col- curs in even the smallest juveniles, and lector, "Source Carroye is located northeast rarely (only in juveniles) with any indica- direction and about V2 mile from the main tion of transverse crossbars, or solid brown road after you leave the place of the to grayish with faintly bluish white dark- 'marche'," that market being at Thiotte). edged ocelli; dewlap pale yellow to peach The elevation of Thiotte is about 900 me- in males, pale yellow to pale peach in fe- ters. The lone specimen from "near Sal- males; pale subocular crescent absent in trou" also poses the problem of just how adults but indicated in juveniles by a pale "near" this specimen was taken to Saltrou subocular spot. itself. Any information on details of local- Distrihution. The Sierra de Baoruco ities or elevations of this and other speci- and associated lowlands on the Peninsula mens taken along the Dominico-Haitian de Barahona, Repiiblica Dominicana, in- border are mandatory. The distance be- cluding (probably) the semi-xeric forests tween the Thiotte locality for suhsolanus of the lowlands south of the Sierra de and the Pedernales specimens of harahonae Baoruco and southern Haiti; altitudinal dis- is about 11 kilometers. It is especially per- tribution from sea level to 2600 feet (793 tinent that harahonae is not known, along meters) northeast of Las Auyamas, Bara- the Dominico-Haitian border, from the low- hona Province. lands (where, incidentally, Anolis coeles- Anolis harahonae harahonae Williams tinus is called saltacocote by the natives), but that harahonae occurs here as an in- Type locality. Polo, Valle de Polo, Bara- habitant of mesic riverine woods at an ele- hona Province, Repiiblica Dominicana.

. A of A. hara- vation of 600 feet ( 183 meters ) Definition. subspecies honae characterized by the combination of Anolis barahonoe Williams modally 4 snout scales between second can- Anolis ricordii harahonae Williams, 1962. Brevi- thai scales, 4 vertical rows of loreal scales, ora, Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 155: 8. 2 scales between the supraorbital semicir- Ttjpe locality. Polo, Valle de Polo, Bara- cles, 4/4 scales between the interparietal hona Province, Repiiblica Dominicana; and the supraorbital semicircles, relatively scales 15- holotype, MCZ 43819. low number of vertical dorsal ( Defiyiition. A giant species of Hispanio- 23; mean 17.2), high number of ventral lan Anolis characterized by the combina- scales (17-29; mean 22.1), nuchal crest tion of moderate size (males to 158 mm, scales moderate to low, body crest scales females to 148 mm snout-vent length), rarely moderate, usually low, subocular snout scales at level of second canthal scales usually separated from supralabial scales 2 to 5 (mode 4), vertical loreal rows scales by one row of scales, both sexes and 2 to 5 (mode 6), scales between supraor- juveniles patterned with varying shades of bital semicircles 1 to 4 (mode 2), inteipa- gray-green, grays, browns and black, giv- rietal scale separated from supraorbital ing a lichenate blotched effect; juveniles semicircles modally by 4 scales, vertical with vague indications of three transverse dorsal scales 15 to in that generally small ( 34 gray bands but pattern only very standard-distance), ventral scales relatively rarely even indicated in adults; dewlap small (17 to 29 in standard-distance), nu- pale yellow to pale peach in both sexes, the HisPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schtvartz 115

female dewlap suffused with gray basally; north of Pedernales, eastern specimens of pale subocular crescent absent in adults but A. /;. harahonae are lichenate or blotclied indicated by a clear white subocular spot in with gray-green, grays, browns, and black juveniles and subadults. in a random pattern, although occasional Discussion. A. b. harahonae has a rela- individuals show remnants of the slightly tively circumscribed range in the Sierra de more obviously banded condition of the Baoruco in the southeastern Republica Do- juveniles. No specimen has been recorded minicana. Until our 1971 collections, the in the field as being bright green, and in taxon had been known only from the east- general the tones of green in harahonae ern portion of that massif, but two speci- are dull and grayish. Some specimens (es- of a re- mens taken 13.0 mi. ( 20.8 km ) N Peder- pecially ASFS V30921, male) were nales along the Dominico-Haitian border corded as being gray, heavily blotched with are unquestionably A. harahonae. These black, and thus without any green tints individuals differ slightly from more east- whatsoever. The dewlap color in males ern specimens of A. h. harahonae in colora- varies between pale peach and peach, and tion, but they are so close to the nominate in females between pale peach and yellow. subspecies that for the moment I have no The Pedernales specimens were recorded hesitancy in regarding them as that taxon. in life as being dark brown to gray dorsally, The series of 33 specimens of A. h. hara- obscurely banded with tannish. The heads honae shows the following variation. The were tan above, the eyeskin pale gray, and largest males (ASFS V29722, MCZ 125504) the female had the upper surfaces of all have snout-vent lengths of 158, the largest limbs banded green and dark brown. The female (AMNH 50256) 148; the males are most noteworthy difference between these from north of Pedernales and near Polo, western specimens and those from the east- and the female is from Barahona. Snout ern uplands of the Sierra de Baoruco and scales at level of second canthals vary be- its associated lowlands is that the dewlaps tween 2 and 5; the mode is 4 (18 speci- in both sexes were pale yellow, that of the mens). The vertical loreal rows vary be- female suffused with gray basally. tween 5 and 8, with a mode of 6 (11 Available juveniles and subadults vary in specimens). There are between 1 and 4 length between 62 and 95. The juveniles scales between the supraorbital semicir- are colored and patterned essentially like cles (mode 2). There are modally 4 scales the adults, except that three pale grayish between the inteiparietal and the supraor- crossbands are vaguely indicated in most bital semicircles; 4 scales are involved with specimens. These bands are quite indis- 58 percent of the combinations; actual tinct and much obscured by the lichenate counts are re- 3/3 (3), 3/4 (6), 4/4 ( 13), 4/5 harahonae pattern. Some juveniles were (3), and 5/5 (5). Vertical dorsals range corded as being banded and mottled pale between 15 and 23 (mean 17.2), horizontal gray, dull pea-green, and black, witli a dorsals between 15 and 24 (18.2), and ven- black nuchal patch and a white nuchal trals between 17 and 19 (22.1). Of 16 crescent on each side, whereas others were males, seven have the nuchal crest scales recorded as crossbanded gray and dusky, moderate and nine have these scales low; with some greenish on the lips, and the tails of 10 females, three have these scales mod- banded gray and dusky to cream. erate and seven have them low. Body crest Remarks. Specimens secured by myself scales are moderate in one male and low in and parties have all been taken in wooded 15, whereas all 10 females have the body situations, between elevations of 600 feet crest scales low. River- The subocular scales are and 2600 feet ( 183 and 793 meters). separated from the supralabial scales in 32 ine woods and the large shade trees in the of 33 specimens (3 percent). upland cafetales of the Sierra de Baoruco Exclusive of the male and female from offer optimum habitat for the species. Both 116 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

adults and juveniles were secured sleeping iates, it is not unlikely that somewhere at night; in general, the juveniles sleep along these northern reaches A. harahonae lower on shrubs and low trees, whereas comes into contact with A. r. ricordi. There adults sleep higher (up to 15 feet—4.6 me- is no obvious reason for A. h. harahonae to ters) on limbs, branches, and woody vines. be promptly replaced by A. r. suhsolanus At night, despite the absence of bright at the Dominico-Haitian border; the polit- greens in the coloration, the lizards are ical boundary on these southern slopes is quite obvious because their pale grayish the Rio Pedernales, a small stream that hues contrast to the adjacent greenery. All surely offers no obstacle for these arboreal ages of A. h. harahonae sleep exposed, as lizards. It follows that A. h. harahonae do other Hispaniolan giant anoles. The must occur in southeastern Haiti. Thus, as pair from 13.0 mi. N Pedernales were se- previously noted, the accuracy of the suh- cured in rich riverine woods at an eleva- solanus localities is more than academic. It tion of 600 feet 183 meters this is is that in southeastern A. ( ) ; purely possible Haiti, a gallery forest situation, since in this re- harahonae is a more lowland lizard and A. gion the open slopes are clad in Acacia for- ricordi (suhsolanus) occurs on the higher est or dry scrubby woodlands, whereas and better forested slopes of the Massif de rivers and creeks support much more luxu- la Selle—the division may thus be altitu- riant arboreal growth. dinal as well as ecological. The precise re- Almost all localities for A. h. harahonae lationships between these two species re- are in the highlands. However, the lizard main to be determined; only further presumably occurs in coastal forested re- detailed collecting in extreme southeastern gions as well. There are specimens from Haiti will reveal the siutation there. As far the of is coastal as A. r. from A. city Barahona ( which ) and distinguishing suhsolanus from halfway between Enriquillo and h. harahonae, there is no problem, since the Oviedo, which is presumed to be coastal or styles of pattern (and presumably colora- nearly so. A third specimen from Enri- tion) are so very different as to preclude quillo likewise is presumably from a coastal confusion. If intergradation between suh- locality. However, in each of these cases, solanus and harahomie occurs (and since I it is possible that the lizards were secured here regard harahonae as a species distinct in the adjacent Sierra de Baoruco; this from ricordi, I am obviously convinced that mountain range comes abruptly to the coast it does not), then it must take place very between Barahona and Enriquillo, and it quickly, in a distance of some 11 kilome- would be a simple matter to label speci- ters, since suhsolanus and the Pedernales mens from non-coastal localities as having harahonae are completely different and come from coastal populated areas. Al- typical of their own populations, without though negative evidence at best, we have any indication of intergradation between never oiuselves secured A. harahonae along them. this coastal region, and residents of Bara- Specimens examined. REPUBLICA DO- hona responded negatively when ap- MINICANA: , Barahona proached to collect this lizard for us. (AMNH 50255-56); 14 km SW Barahona, A. /;. harahonae is known from a locality 1200 feet (366 meters) (ASPS V23460-63, (13.0 mi. N Pedernales) that is only (pre- ASFS V30263-70); Valle de Polo (MCZ sumably) 11 kilometers from a locality 56141, AMNH 51235-37, AMNH 51240, (Thiotte) where A. r. suhsolanus occurs. AMNH 51036); nr. Polo (MCZ 125504-06); There are no other localities where these Las Auyamas (ASFS V30921); 8 km NE two species approach each other, although, Las Auyamas, 2600 feet (793 meters) since the northern slopes of the Sierra de (ASFS X9676); Hermann's finca, nr. Par- Baoruco are confluent with the northern aiso (AMNH 51231-33); Enriquillo slopes of the Massif de la Selle and its affil- (AMNH 51241); , half- HisPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 117

way between Enriquillo and Oviedo ocelli involving from 1 to 4 scales; venter (AMNH 51230); 13.0 mi. (20.8 km) N white with gray mottling or stippling; dew- 600 feet 1S3 meters ASFS its Pedernales, ( ) ( lap pale yellow with pink along outer V29722-23); locality unkno\\ai (AMNH margin; upper surface of head light brown, 51229). with large pale subcircular areas anterior to the ear opening, and a conspicuous pale Anolis borahonoe olbocellotus blotch ])el()w the eye; soles of hands and new subspecies feet conspicuously pale yellow. Holotype. MCZ 125611, an adult male, Comparisons. No mensural nor meris- from 13.1 mi. (21.0 km) SW Enriquillo, tic characters separate aU)ocellatns from Pedernales Province, Republiea Domini- barahoiuie. On the other hand, the distinc- cana, taken by Richard Thomas on 10 De- tive coloration, pattern, and dc^wlap color cember 1964. Original number ASFS of aJhoceUatus are very different from those V4422. of harahonae, and the presence of high nu- Definition. A sub.species of A. hara- chal crest scales likewise differentiates al- honae characterized by the combination of hocellatus from the moderate to low scales 4 snout scales between second canthal in Imrahonae. More detailed comparisons scales, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 are impossible, but certainly aIJ)OceIl(itus is scales between the supraorbital semicir- quite distinctive when compared with ])ara- cles, 4/4 scales between the interparietal honue. and the supraorbital semicircles, apparently Discussion. It may seem foolhardy to relatively high number of vertical dorsal name a subspecies of A. harahonae from a scales (19), high number of ventral scales single specimen whose locality is only 11 (26), nuchal crest scales high, body crest kilometers from a presumed locality for A. scales low, subocular scales separated from h. harahonae (half way between Enriquillo supralabial scales by one row of scales, and Oviedo). The holotype of A. h. alho- male (females unknown) dorsal ground cellatus is that lizard about which Williams color nonlichenate brown to grayish with (1965: 4) commented, saying it "is typical white (faintly bluish) randomly placed in squamation but peculiar in having very dark-edged ocelli, head light brown above, distinct small Ufi,ht spots on the flanks dewlap pale yellow with a pink margin, It will be recalled that it was a specimen and a pale subocular spot. from Enriquillo (AMNH 51241) that DistriJnition. Known only from the type caused some hesitation when harahonae locality, but presumably distributed was first described. In AMNH 51241 the through the semi-arid forests of the Penin- pattern was thought to be obscure banding; sula de Barahona south of the Sierra de the present specimen clearly shows spots Baoruco (see discussion). tending to be vertically aligned—a condi- Description of holotype. An adult male tion which is easily transformed into verti- with a snout-vent length of 150 and a tail cal banding. It is possible that the ricordii length of 265; snout scales at level of sec- populations in the vicinity of Enriquillo ond canthal 4, 7 vertical rows of loreal consistently show a distinctive pattern scales, 3 scales between interparietal and though charact(>ristically harahoiuie in supraorbital semicircles, vertical dorsals 19, squamation." horizontal dorsals 23, ventrals 23, one row The specimen (AMNH 51230) from half- of scales between suboculars and suprala- way between Enriquillo and Oviedo is a bials, fourth toe lamellae on phalanges II young male with a snout-vent length of and III 34, nuchal crest scales high, body 121. Since this lizard presumably came crest scales low; in life, dorsum brown to from the lowlands of the Peninsula de grayish, not lichenate, with randomly scat- Barahona, it might logically be expected to tered white (faintly bluish) dark-edged be alhocellatiis. However, the lizard is now 118 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

drab patternless brown, and there are no have affected A. h. albocellatus adversely. indications that it was ever spotted. Pre- Since persistent visits to this area have sumably albocellatus and harahonae inter- yielded no new material, and since the liz- grade between Enriqiiillo (which Hes at ard may presently be very rare, I have de- the extreme southeastern corner of the Si- cided upon the present course rather than erra de Baoruco) and Oviedo (which Hes wait in hope for someone to secure a sec- or more lizard. well down on the Peninsula de Barahona). ond ( ) Several facts have prompted my naming Remarks. The Peninsula de Barahona this lonely specimen. First, I have exam- has been shown to have distinctive subspe- ined the Enriquillo specimen noted by Wil- cies (or even species) of a variety of rep- liams, and, although it shows some indica- tiles. Species that have described endemic tion of vertical crossbars, they are not any subspecies south of the Sierra de Baoruco more conspicuous than those in some more include: Sphaerodacttjhis difficilis Barbour, recently taken A. /;. harahoruie from the Leiocephalus Imrahonensis Schmidt, Am- Baoruco highlands (Williams examined eiva chrysolaema Cope, Ameiva lineolata only 17 harahoime at the time of its original Dumeril and Bibron, Arnphisbaena gona- description; I have studied almost twice vensis Cans and Alexander, and Dromicus this number). Secondly, the xeric to semi- parvifrons Jan. Endemic Peninsula de arid region south of the Sierra de Baoruco Barahona species are: Anolis longitibialis has come to be known as an area of local Noble, Typhlops sijntherus Thomas, Lep- differentiation at the subspecific level for a totyphlops pyrites Thomas, and Uromacer variety of reptiles; this alone is no reason ivetmorei Cochran. Only one amphibian, for naming albocellatus, of course. Thirdly, Eleutherodactylus alcoae Schwartz, is re- although since 1964 when the holotype was stricted to the Peninsula. To the former collected both I and others have spent con- list can now be added Anolis harahonae. siderable time on the Peninsula de Bara- The eastern half of the Peninsula, although hona and in the vicinity of Oviedo, we have xeric, was originally clothed in dry forest, never seen or secured another A. harahonae much of it upon a series of limestone ter- in this region. In September 1966, the very races, the highest point of which is the severe hurricane Inez passed directly across Loma Gran Sabana, having an elevation of the Peninsula. What had once been high- 1082 meters in the north and descending to canopied semi-arid forest (as at Oviedo) Cerro Caballo, and Loma de Chendo, hav- has been either totally destroyed or been ing elevations of 322 and 233 meters, re- reduced (by 1969) to a landscape of bare spectively, to the south. West of this ridge, snags with some leafy growth just now be- the land descends abruptly to Acacia-cac- ginning to appear but at a much lower tus desert to the east of Cabo Rojo, and canopy-level than previously. The changes this habitat continues to the Dominico- between the Oviedo area in 1964 and 1969 Haitian border at Pedernales. Presumably, are so massive that, upon my first visit there A. b. albocellatus occurs throughout the after Inez, I was unable to orient myself in eastern half of the Peninsula in the for- reference to our older collecting localities! merly high-canopied forests of the lime- Certainly this entire region has suffered stone terraces. greatly, and, with the destruction of trees, The holotype was secured by Richard it seems reasonable to assume that A. hara- Thomas during the day in a viny tangle in honae has suffered equally. The population semi-xeric woods near Oviedo; the lizard may never have been high, since such semi- was in an edge situation, since beyond the arid woods are not at all optimal habitat dense vine tangle the woods thinned to for any of the Hispaniolan giant anoles, and more scrubby and cleared areas. the destruction of the habitat must surely The name albocellatus is from the Latin HisPANioLAN Giant Anole • Schivartz 119

"albus" for "white" and "ocellus" for "eye," Plata, Santiago, and La Vega provinces in allusion to the white spots that are typi- south to San Cristobal Province and the cal of the holotype. , and east to ; also in and near the Sierra Mar- Anolis baleatus Cope tin Garcia and the southern slopes of the Eti])ristis baleatus Cope, 1864, Pvoc. Acad. Nat. Cordillera Central and the Sierra de Ocoa Sci. Philadelphia, p. 168. in Azua and Peravia provinces; occurs on Type locality. Santo Domingo; holo- Isla Saona but unrepresented by specimens type, British Museum (Natural History) from that satellite island. 1946.8.29.22. Anolis boleotus baleatus Definition. A giant species of Hispanio- Cope lan Anolis characterized by the combina- Type locality. "Santo Domingo"; here tion of large size (males to 1

in the eastern extremity of the Cordillera locality of the name to the vicinity of a ma- Septentrional, but the specimens are old jor city that is presumed to lie within the and greatly discolored and I have not con- area to which I ascribe this boldly cross- sidered them as pertaining to the nominate banded subspecies, subspecies. The series of 15 A. b. haleatus shows the Discussion. Eupristis haleatus Cope was following variation. The largest males named from a single specimen from "Santo (ASFS V33558, ASFS V18123) have snout- Domingo." I have examined the holotype, vent lengths of 148, and the largest fe- A. in British male has the dimen- collected by Salle, the Museum ( MCZ 128380) same

. its sion. These three lizards are all from the ( Natural History ) Considering length of time in preservative, it is in excellent Cordillera Septentrional north of Puesto condition and shows a striking pattern of Grande. Snout scales at level of the second three bold pale body crossbands on a canthal vary between 2 and 4; the mode darker dorsal ground color, contrastingly is 4 (eight specimens). The vertical loreal banded hindlimbs and tail, and immaculate rows vary between 5 and 9, with a mode throat. The specimen is a female, and, un- of 7 (six specimens). There are 3 scales fortunately, I have only two adult females between the supraorbital semicircles in all from the range ascribed above to A. h. ha- specimens. There are modally 5 scales be- leatiis: both are without color data in life, tween the interparietal and the semicircles; At least one of them (MCZ 57717) resem- 5 scales are involved in 63 percent of the bles the pattern of the haleatus holotype combination; actual counts are 4/4 (1), 4/5 to a striking degree. (4), 5/5 (7), 5/6 (1), 6/6 (1), and 5/7 Through the courtesy of Ernest E. Wil- (1). Vertical dorsals range between 14 and I a of a 21 17.5 horizontal dorsals between liams, have copy map prepared by ( mean ) ,

William J. Clench which shows the locali- 16 and 26 (19.7), and ventrals between 19 ties where A. Salle is known to have col- and 34 (mean 23.8). Of nine adult males, lected. Considering the era of his travels six have the nuchal crest scales very high, (the mid-1800's), Salle traveled widely two have these scales high, and one has throughout the Repiiblica Dominicana, them moderate. Of three females, the nu- from (in the north) Puerto Plata, Ponton, chal crest scales are very high in two and Santiago, Moca, La Vega and Cotui, east high in one. The body crest scales are high to Higiiey, Cabo Engafio and San Rafael in one male and moderate in eight males; del Yuma, in the eastern interior to Hato in three females, the body crest scales are Mayor and El Seibo, along the southern high in one and moderate in two. All spec- coast from Santo Domingo to San Cristo- imens have the subocular scales in contact bal, Bani, Azua, Barreras, and Barahona, with the supralabial scales, and into the Valle de San Juan to the city Males are usually conspicuously cross- of San Juan. He also ascended the south- banded. Specimens have been recorded as ern slopes of the Cordillera Central near pale green with three irregular darker San Jose de Ocoa. Although much of Sal- green crossbands, brown with three faint le's Dominican travels was in territory of green-brown crossbands, or rich bluish A. haleatus, he was also in the ranges of green with three bright yellow crossbands. A. ricorcli and A. harahonae. The holotype. The lower sides are bright yellow (which as V^illiams (1962: 2, footnote 1) pointed grades into a grayish venter), and this color out, has elongate nuchal crest scales, and also occurs on the throat, which varies there is no doubt that the name haleatus from yellowish to bright yellow or orange, is applicable to some population that pos- occasionally mottled with brown. The dew- sesses this character. Since Salle traveled lap is brightly colored; it has been recorded within the range of the northern population as "vivid orange," "bright vivid orange," of A. healeatus, I have restricted the type "brilliant yellow-orange," and "very bright HisPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schtvmiz 121

orange." The upper siirfaee of the head is above a mountain stream. The specimen reddish brown and the hindhnibs are green from near Sosi'ia was taken in dense hard- substrate. to bhiish green,' barred with bright yellow. woods on a limestone distribution of A. 1). ha- In general, male A. b. haleatus are vividly The altitudinal I eol- leatus is from 1400 to 2200 feet 427 to 671 patterned and eolored lizards. have ( lected no females myself and thus have no meters), but the ta.xon occurs much lower notes on this sex from life; however, one than this, since the specimen from near female Sosua was in limestone hills near sea level. recently (1971) collected ( MCZ 128380) still is dark green with several thin Specimens examined. REPUBLICA DO- Pu- vertical pale crossband remnants on the MINICANA: , 2km N to 2200 feet to 671 sides and back, and another female ( MCZ esto Grande, 1400 (427 57717) is contrastingly patterned in dark meters) (ASFS V18048, ASFS V33557- and pale green, the latter occurring as ver- 59); 5 km N Puesto Grande (MCZ tical crossbands. 128380); 11 km N Puesto Grande, 2100 The series includes three subadults, with feet (641 meters) (ASFS V18123, ASFS snout-vent lengths between 73 and 83. V18292): Puerto Plata Province, 11 km SE One of these (ASFS V33559; snout-vent Sosua (ASFS V1717); Santiago Province, Pena MCZ no lo- length 80) was medium brown dorsally (MCZ 57713, 57715-19);— with a black postocular streak and an or- cality other than Santo Domingo British range dewlap that was streaked with black Museum (Natural History) 1946.9.28.22— basally. None of the subadults as pre- holotype of Eupristis haleatus. served shows any crossbanding or other Anolis haleatus multistruppus pattern elements. It is interesting that the new only Hispaniolan giant anole taken at night subspecies sleeping in the brown phase is the above Holotype. USNM 193975, an adult mentioned subadult. male, from Guaigiii, 3 mi. (4.8 km) S La Remarks. All ASFS specimens collected Vega, La Vega Province, 300 feet (92 me- of a se- by myself and parties were secured at ters), Repiiblica Dominicana, one night while the lizards were sleeping. ries taken by Danny C. Fowler, Albert on No- Typical situations are in gallery forest and Schwartz, and Bruce R. Sheplan 9 cafetales along mountain streams in the vember 1971. Original number ASFS Cordillera Septentrional. Favored sleep- V33680. ing sites for these lizards in the region are Paratopes. ASFS V33681-86, MCZ pendant and semi-pendant woody vines; 125612-15, CM 54107-12, same data as ho- Fowler reported that one adult male se- lotype; ASFS V18547-50, same locality as R. A. cured by him at night was not asleep and holotype, J. Dennis, J. Rodgers, Jr., was slowly ascending a tree trunk as and A. Schwartz, 27 July 1969. Fowler approached. It is possible that this Definition. A subspecies of A. haleatus lizard had been disturbed by the bright characterized by the combination of mod- light from Fowler's flashlight or by unfa- ally 2 snout scales between second canthal miliar movements and noises, since I doubt scales, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 that any of the Hispaniolan giant anoles scales between the supraorbital semicircles, the are normally active at night. However, all 4/4 scales between the interparietal and these lizards waken quickly when dis- supraorbital semicircles, high number of turbed and unless promptly secured, grad- vertical dorsal scales (14-24; mean 18.6), of ventral scales ually wander away into the greenery and moderate number ( 18-29; are lost to view. One of the juveniles was mean 22.3), nuchal crest scales very high secured only 6 feet (1.8 meters) above the to high (usually) to moderate (rarely), ground, whereas one of the adults was body crest scales high (rarely) to moder- ate subocular scales almost al- shot from a tree limb 35 feet ( 10.7 meters ) (usually), 122 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

ways separated from supralabial scales by loreal rows vary between 6 and 9, with a one row of scales, both sexes as adults re- mode of 7 (nine specimens). There are 2 taining the complex juvenile pattern of or 3 scales between the supraorbital semi- many fine dark green, green, and yellow circles (mode 3). There are modally 4 vertical bars, occasionally (in females) scales between the interparietal and the bright pea green with three pale green supraorbital semicircles; 4 scales are in- crossbars more prominent than any other volved in 58 percent of the combinations; dorsal pattern elements, throat green to actual counts are 3/3 (1), 3/4 (2), 4/4 yellow green, dewlap in males very pale (8), 4/5 (5), 5/5 (3), and 5/6 (1). Ver- yellow to very pale peach, suffused basally tical dorsals range between 14 and 24 with pale gray, in females very pale yellow (mean 18.6), horizontal dorsals between to pale yellow, strongly suffused with pale 17 and 25 (20.6), and ventrals between 18 gray to entirely pale gray. and 29 (22.3). All three adult males have Distribution. Known only from the type the nuchal crest scales high, and of ten locality but presumed to occur on the females, three have these scales very high, northern and probably eastern lower faces five have them high, and two have them of the Cordillera Central in proper habi- moderate. All three males have the body tats; possibly extending as far west on the crest scales moderate, whereas two females northern face of this range as the Rio Bao have the body crest scales high, eight have near Los Montones (see discussion below). them moderate, and one has them low. In Description of holotype. An adult male all but one specimen (5 percent), the sub- with a snout-vent length of 146 and a oculars are separated from the supralabials tail length (broken) of 97; snout scales at by 1 scale. level of second canthals 2, 9 vertical rows Adults of both sexes retain the juvenile of loreal scales, 3 scales between the su- multibanded pattern of dark greens, me- praorbital semicircles, 4/4 scales between dium greens, and yellow. One adult fe- the interparietal and the supraorbital semi- male was recorded as bright pea-green circles, vertical dorsals 21, horizontal dor- with three pale green crossbands, which sals 25, ventrals 29, one row of scales be- are remnants of the hollowed yellow cen- tween the suboculars and supralabials, ters of the five or six dark brown to dark fourth toe lamellae on phalanges II and III green crossbands. In general, the total as- 30, nuchal crest scales high, body crest pect of adults and juveniles is of a con- scales moderate; in life, dorsal body pat- trastingly tigroid lizard, the stripes varying tern of fine dark and shades of in many green, green, greens, yellows, and ( the dark yellow crossbands, upper surface of head phase) browns. The upper surface of the grayish tan in contrast to the brighter dor- head is grayish tan in males and tannish sal colors, chin and throat very pale yellow green in females, and the throat is un- or yellow-green with no clearly delineated marked green to yellow-green. One of the darker green markings, and dewlap very most striking features of A. b. multistrup- pale yellow, much suffused basally with pus is the faded dewlap coloration. In gray. males, the colors vary between very pale Variation. The series of 21 A. h. multi- yellow and very pale peach, basally suf- struppus is composed of eight males and 13 fused with pale gray. In females, the dew- females. The largest male has a snout-vent lap is even more drab, with pale yellow length of 146 and is the holotype. The the basic color, but the gray suffusion may largest female (ASFS V33684) has a be so extensive as to limit the yellow pig- snout-vent length of 136 and is a topo- ment to the dewlap edge or to cause the type. Snout scales at the level of the sec- dewlap to be pale gray. ond canthals range between 2 and 5; the The type series includes seven juveniles mode is 2 (15 specimens). The vertical and subadults, with snout-vent lengths be- HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 123

twecn 47 and 99. These prcstMit a imi- lowland forest in this region, hardwood fonii aspect of multiple dorsal bands as forest which abuts upon the lower pine- described above, and even tlie largest of clad slopes of the mountains. This locality, the subadnlts clearly shows this condition. Guaigiii, is separated from the known In life, a small juvenile (snout-vent length range of A. h. haleatus by the Vallc de 53) was recorded as pale gray with a , which here is a moderately arid yellow-green head and about four reversed and broad valley presently very much un- chevrons between the neck and the hind- der cultivation. I have seen no specimens limbs, these chevrons being the pale hol- from this intervening valley but surely the lowed remnants of the darker crossbands, lizards occur there, despite the cultivation. wliich, in this individual, arc obscure. The One other specimen requires mention. small lizard also had a black postocular This is a subadult male (ASFS V33856) line and a charcoal postangular smudge. with a snout-vent length of 55, from 3.4 The juvenile and subadult dewlaps are mi. (5.4 km) SE Los Montones, Rio Bao, pale flesh to very pale yellow, somewhat 1600 feet (488 meters). This locality is on suffused basally with light to very dark the northern slopes of the Cordillera Cen- gray. tral, some 45 kilometers to the west of Comparisom. Meristically, inulfistrup- Guaigiii, but separated from Guaigiii by pus differs from nominate haleatus in hav- intervening, moderately high spurs of the ing 2 (rather than 4) snout scales at the Cordillera Central. The specimen was se- level of the second canthals, 4/4 (rather cured by a local boy in an area of high- than 5/5) scales between the interparietal canopied forest along the Rio Bao. A visit and the supraorbital semicircles, and in by ourselves to this area at night yielded having slightly less ventrals (means 22.3 no A. haleatus, despite exceptionally fine and 23.8). There is also a strong tendency conditions. The lizard in life was all green for both sexes of haleatus to have very except for a white preaxillary bar, and the high nuchal crest scales, whereas these dewlap was dull brownish. This specimen scales are more often only high in midti- in no way resembles comparably sized ju- struppus. It is in color and pattern that venile multistruppus, in either color or pat- these two subspecies differ most strikingly. tern. Its status remains uncertain. In the introduction to the present paper I To the east, multistruppus must come in commented on my having collected speci- close contact or intergrade with the sub- mens from the Cordillera Septentrional and species that occurs throughout the north- Guaigiii on two succeeding days, and on eastern portion of the Republica Domini- the color and pattern differences being at cana; details of this contact will be once very apparent. The bright orange discussed under the account of the latter throat and dewlap of haleatus contrast subspecies. Likewise, to the south, multi- quite obviously with the pale yellow to struppus may come into contact with the gray dewlaps in multistruppus. The body subspecies in the high Cordillera Central; patterns of the two subspecies likewise are details of this association will be discussed quite different, with the finely and multi- under the description of the Central sub- banded multistruppus in contrast to the ir- species. regularly banded dorsum with only three Remarks. All specimens of A. h. multi- bands in ])aleatus. struppus were collected on two occasions, Discussion. A. h. multistruppus is while the lizards slept at night. Young in- known with certainty from only a single dividuals were taken from generally low locality, which lies at the foot of the Cor- situations on shrubs and the lower dillera Central at an elevation of 300 feet branches of trees, whereas adults were ob- (92 meters). The locality is unique in that served sleeping in the higher canopy; the it represents an extensive stand of original total range of heights was between 5 feet 124 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

and 25 feet (1.5 and 7.6 meters). The Rio scales always high, subocular scales al- Camu flows through the Guaigiii woods, most always separated from supralabial and many individuals were taken from scales by one row of scales, both sexes tree limbs that overhang the river. either marbled or blotched with varying The name multistruppus is from the shades of greens or browns, or dark brown Latin "multus" for "many" and "struppus" banded with dull cream, never with many for "thong, strap," in allusion to the many fine crossbars, venter in males pale green, dorsal crossbands in this subspecies. flecked with darker green, and male dew- laps pale yellow-orange to orange, gray Anolis baleatus sublimis new subspecies basally and marbled green anteriorly, fe- Holotijpe. CM 54104, an adult male, male dewlaps irregularly yellow-orange from 0.3 mi. (0.5 km) E El Rio, 3800 feet with brown spotting. (1159 meters). La Vega Province, Repub- Distribution. The uplands of the Do- lica Dominicana, taken by Richard Thomas minican Cordillera Central at elevations on 26 June 1963. Original number ASPS between 2000 and 4000 feet, in the area X8114. between El Rio, La Palma, and . Paratypes. ASFS X8558, 4 km SW El Description of holotype. An adult male 4000 feet 1220 meters La of 143 and a tail Rio, ( ) , Vega with a snout-vent length Province, Republica Dominicana, R. F. length of 167 (regenerated); snout scales Klinikowski, 2 July 1963; USNM 62104-05, at level of second canthals 3, 7 vertical El Rio, La Vega Province, Republica Do- rows of loreal scales, 2 scales between the minicana, W. L. Abbott, 19 May 1919; supraorbital semicircles, 4/4 scales be- AMNH 41294, El Rio, La Vega Province, tween the interparietal and the supraor- Repiiblica Dominicana, G. K. Noble, 31 bital semicircles, vertical dorsals 20, hori- August 1922; ASFS V18594, La Palma, 14 zontal dorsals 21, ventrals 29, one row of km E El Rio, 3500 feet (1068 meters). Re- scales between the suboculars and supra- II publica Dominicana, J. A. Rodgers, Jr., 30 labials, fourth toe lamellae on phalanges July 1969; MCZ 107019-21, La Palma, 14 and III 31, nuchal crest scales and dorsal E El 3500 feet 1068 meters La crest scales in dorsum km Rio, ( ) , body high; life, Vega Province, Republica Dominicana, na- dark brown banded with dull cream, this tive collectors for E. E. Williams and A. S. pattern extending onto the tail, eyeskin Rand, 25-31 July 1968; MCZ 128397, La grayish with a pale yellow eyering, venter 14 El 3500 feet darker chin Palma, km E Rio, ( 1068 pale green, flecked with green, meters). La Vega Province, Republica Do- and throat concolor with and patterned minicana, T. P. Webster and R. B. Huey, like venter, dewlap pale yellow-orange, 6 July 1971; ASFS V18363-69, 8 km W grayish basally and marbled with green an- Jarabacoa, 2000 feet (610 meters). La teriorly. is Vega Province, Republica Dominicana, J. Variation. The series of 18 sublimis A. Rodgers, Jr., 19 July 1969. composed of nine males and nine females. Definition. A subspecies of A. baleatus The largest male (USNM 62104) has a characterized by the combination of mod- snout-vent length of 150, the largest ally 2 snout scales between second canthal female (MCZ 107021) 141; the male is scales, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 from El Rio, the female from La Palma. scales between the supraorbital semicir- Snout scales at the level of the second cles, 4/4 scales between the interparietal canthals range between 2 and 5; the mode

and the is 2 . vertical loreal supraorbital semicircles, high num- (10 specimens ) The ber of vertical dorsal scales (17-21; mean rows vary between 6 and 9, with a mode of

19.2 of scales 19- 7 . There are 2 to 4 ) , high number ventral ( ( eight specimens ) 32; mean 25.1), nuchal crest scales very scales between the supraorbital semicir- high (usually) to high (rarely), body crest cles (mode 3). There are modally 4 scales HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 125

between the interparietal and the supraor- above was bright yellow-green in life and bital semieircles; 4 scales are involved in had the venter slightly paler yellow-green; 65 percent of the combination; the actual the concealed surfaces of the thighs were counts are bordered above 3/3 ( 1), 3/4 ( 1), 4/4 ( 10), 4/5 lead-gray, by bufl^y. The (1), 5/5 (3), and 5/6 (1). Vertical dor- absence of pale crossbars in very young sals range between 17 and 21 (mean 19.2), specimens of S'tihli)nis is noteworthy horizontal dorsals between 17 and 24 Comparisons. There are no meristic (20.4), and ventrals between 19 and 32 counts that separate sul)Iimis from adja- (25.1). Of the six adult males, three have cent imiltisfruppus; the means of ventral the nuchal crest scales very high and three scales in the two subspecies difl^er slightly, ha\e them high, whereas all five adult fe- however (22.3 in sul)li77iis, 25.1 in multi- males have these scales very high. All struppus). There is also a tendency for adults of both sexes have the dorsal body su])limis to have more consistently very crest scales Three lizards 17 to crest scales. two high. ( per- high high nuchal The cent) have the subocular scales in contact subspecies diff^er abundantly in body pat- with the supralabials. tern, however, with miilfistruppus having In the green phase, adults of both sexes many fine dorsal crossbands and sublimis are irregularly marbled or blotched with having basically a blotched dorsal pattern varying shades of green or browns, with three bars present in some instances. whereas in the brown phase, the body is The juveniles of these two subspecies are dark brown with three cream crossbands. equally as distinct as the adults are in dor- In males the venter and the chin and sal body pattern. The dewlaps are brighter throat are pale green, flecked or mottled in male su])limis than in male muUistnip- with darker green, the flecking or mottling pus, the latter tending toward pale yellow variably expressed in the series. The dew- and yellow-grays, whereas in the former lap in males is pale yellow-orange to or- the dewlaps are yellow-orange to orange, ange, gray basally and often with marbled although there is a gray basal suff^usion. green markings anteriorly, these markings The ventral and throat flecking or mot- being a continuation of the dark green tling in siihlimis differs from the unmarked throat markings. In females, the dewlap is condition in mtiltistruppiis. irregularly mottled with yellow-orange and A. h. sublimis differs from A. h. hcileatiis has some brown spotting. As preserved, in having 2 (rather than 4) snout scales at the series is remarkably uniform in show- the level of the second canthals, 4/4 or mot- ing vague pale-and-dark marblings (rather than 5/5) scales between the in- and no adult shows indication tlings, any terparietal and supraorbital semicircles, of crossbands. vertical dorsal scales 19.2 higher means of ( The series of paratypes includes six ju- versus 17.5) and ventrals (25.1 versus veniles and subadults, with snout-vent 23.8). Both subspecies have very high to lengths between 49 and 94. The three high nuchal crest scales. In color, haleaius smallest of these (49-70) are presently is much the brighter, with an immaculate patternless, as is also a specimen with a bright yellow to orange throat and bright snout-vent length of 73. Two other sub- yellow to orange dewlap in males, whereas adults (snout-vent lengths 75 and 94) the in sublimis are as as show vague indications of mottled dorsum dewlaps bright those in haleatus but have a basal with (in the larger) three slightly paler gray wash. The throat and venter in dorsal crossbands. The larger of these two patterned specimens was recorded in life as dark sublimis differ from the immaculate throat green dorsally with pale green crossbands, in buleatus. The dorsal patterns of these and the interbars are mottled or marbled two subspecies likewise are quite different, with greens. The smallest juvenile noted that of baleatus regularly consisting of 126 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

three pale crossbands, whereas that of sub- into that area. It is this Los Montones A. limis is mottled or blotched. haleatus which is closest geographically Discussion. A. h. suhlimis is closest (50 kilometers) to an A. ricordi locality to in the geographically miiltistruppus; the two ( Los Quemados ) northwestern por- subspecies are known from localities sep- tion of the Republica Dominicana. arated by only 20 kilometers airline Remarks. All ASFS A. h. suhlimis were (Guaigi^ii and 8 km W Jarabacoa), but taken at night while asleep. All situations, minimally by a 1700-foot (519 meters) dif- as noted above, were stream-associated ference in elevation and by extensive hardwood forest and cafetales, and the liz- stands of pine forest, a habitat which no ards slept on vines and branches in their Hispaniolan giant anole occupies. All spec- customary fashion. The restriction of suh- imens of suhlimis were collected in mon- limis to riverine gallery forest is doubtless tane gallery forest along streams, and the artificial, since it is only along rivers and subspecies appears to be restricted to this streams in this area that any of the original sort of situation. Rand and Williams montane hardwood forests still remain. In (1969: 9) noted that they collected one one case (west of Jarabacoa) the stream juvenile about 10 feet (3 meters) up on a was extremely steep, whereas in others the small branch of a forest tree at La Palma, streams were level. The altitudinal distri- and that two adults to were brought them bution ( to which the name suhlimis refers ) by natives from a large tree in a nearby is high. Only A. r. viculus reaches as high agricultural area. A. h. suhlimis is thus an elevation in the Massif de la Hotte in not known to come into contact with multi- southwestern Haiti. struppus on the northern slopes of the Cor- Anolis baleofus caeruleolatus dillera Central nor with the yet-to-be-de- scribed subspecies to the east in the new subspecies Dominican lowlands. Likewise, it should Holotype. USNM 193976, an adult be recalled that the southwestern slopes of male, from 1.0 mi. (1.6 km) S Caiio Abajo, this range are occupied by A. r. ricordi; >/Iaria Trinidad Sanchez Province, Repub- the nearest localities for ricordi and sul)- lica Dominicana, one of a series collected lirnis (Juan de Herrera; south of El Rio) by native collectors on 28 November 1971. are separated by about 70 kilometers air- Original number ASFS V34486. line, but this intei^vening area is composed Paratypes. CM 54119-26, MCZ 125628- of the rugged and very high massif of the 33, ASFS V34502-13, same data as holo- Cordillera Central whose upper elevations type; AMNH 6017, , Duarte are covered by pine. It seems unlikely that Province, Republica Dominicana, C. R. ricordi and suhlimis come into contact di- Halter, May-July 1915. rectly across the Cordillera. Associated specimens. REPCBLICA The juvenile (ASFS 33856) from near DOMINICANA: Duarte Province, Los Los Montones upon which I commented Bracitos (AMNH 41465-66); ca. 4 km NE in the discussion of A. h. miiltistruppus Ponton (Rio Cuaba) (ASFS V2987); San- may be correctly assigned to suhlimis, since chez Ramirez Province, 1 km SE La Mata the habitat and elevation for that specimen (ASFS V33650-51); La Vega Province, is much more like that for suhlimis than 12.8 km NW , 1200 feet (366 meters) multistruppus. In color and lack of pattern (ASFS V4317); 71 km NW Santo Domingo it agrees quite well with small suhlimis, (= near La Cumbre) (MCZ 128369); San but until adults have been collected in the Cristohal Province, 5.0 mi. (8.0 km) NE Los Montones region (which lies some 30 Gonzalo, 1000 feet (305 meters) (ASFS kilometers to the northwest of Jarabacoa, V29420-21). the closest locality) I am reluc- Definition. A subspecies of A. haleatus tant to extend the known range of suhlim,is characterized by the combination of mod- HisPANioLAN Giant Anole • Schwartz 127

ally 4 scales between second canthal scales, green crossbars, the dark green color 8 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 scales be- blending fjuickly at the junction of the dor- tween the supraorbital semicircles, 5/5 sal and ventral color into a series of diag- scales between the interparietal and the onally directed sky-blue areas that give a supraorbital semicircles, moderate number ragged appearance to the jmiction of the of vertical dorsal scales (14-22; mean dorsal and ventral colors; dorsal crossbands 17.1), moderate number of ventral scales continue onto the tail; cascjue gray-green, (15-32; mean 22.4), nuchal crest scales eyeskin pale pea-green; dewlap pale yel- very high to high (usually) to moderate low-orange, chin slightly deeper yellow-or- or even low (rarely) in both sexes, body ange, throat yellow-orange, immaculate crest scales extremely variable, modally except for some vague pale greenish moderate in both sexes, but with some oc- smudges posterolaterally. cinrences of high and many occurrences Variation. The series of A. b. caeruleo- of low body crest scales, subocular scales lattis consists of 20 males and 17 females. almost always separated from supralabial The largest male (ASFS V34505) has a scales by one row of scales, both sexes snout-vent length of 148, the largest fe- some shade of green (usually dark) with male (AMNh' 6017) 145. The male is foiu- pale green crossbars and with bright from the type locality, the female from sky-bhie blotches along the junction of the Villa Riva. Snout scales at the level of the green dorsal color and the paler venter second canthals range between 2 and 5;

in females than in is 4 14 . The verti- (less prominent males), the mode ( specimens ) dewlap in males pale yellow to orange, in cal loreal rows vary between 6 and 10; the females to but with is 8 15 . There are 2 or pale yellow orange mode ( specimens ) much dark brown to grayish streaking or 3 scales between the supraorbital semicir- smudging, throat in males deep yellow-or- cles (mode 3). There are modally 5 scales ange and immaculate or with very faint between the interparietal and the supraor- greenish dots, in females yellow-green to bital semicircles; 5 scales are involved in bright yellow, always with some darker 52 percent of the combinations; actual green dots, rarely marbled with dark green, counts are 4/4 (3), 4/5 (6), 5/5 (10), 5/6 but never streaked with that color. (7), 6/6 (4), 6/7 (1), 4/6 (1), and 5/7

Distribution. Northeastern 1 . 14 Republica ( ) Vertical dorsals range between Dominicana, from Duarte, Sanchez Rami- and 22 (mean 17.1), horizontal dorsals be- and northern and eastern 19.9 and ventrals be- rez, La Vega, tween 15 and 25 ( ) ,

to the of the . San Cristobal provinces, base tween 15 and 32 ( 22.4 ) Of 16 adult males, Peninsula de Samana (Caiio Abajo); in- four have the nuchal crest scales very high, tergrades with the subspecies to the south 11 have them high, and one has them mod- and east in the region of . erate. Of 17 adult females, four have the Description of holotijpe. An adult male nuchal crest scales very high, ten have with a snout-vent length of 137 and a tail them high, and three have them moderate. length of 250; snout scales between second In the adult males, the body crest scales canthals 4, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, are high in six males, moderate in eight, 3 scales between the supraorbital semicir- and low in two, whereas in the adult fe- cles, 6/6 scales between the interparietal males, these scales are high in five, mod- and supraorbital semicircles, vertical dor- erate in six, and low in six. All but two sals 16, horizontal dorsals 23, ventrals 26, lizards (6 percent) have the suboculars one row of scales between the suboculars separated by one row of scales from the and supralabials, fourth toe lamellae on supralabials. phalanges II and III 30, nuchal crest scales In a series of 12 adult male topotypes, very high, body crest scales moderate; in the dorsal ground color was recorded as life, dorsum dark green with four pale some shade of green (usually dark green) 128 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

with four pale pea-green crossbands. The patterned hke adults except that the sky- dorsal green color blends quickly ventro- blue lower edges to the dorsal color were laterally into a series of irregular sky-blue absent and the dewlap was streaked brown patches or blotches that mark the border and gray basally. The chin and throat between the dorsal green and the pale yel- were immaculate pale green. There are no low to cream venter. These sky-blue color data on the other juveniles, and none patches are often prominently extended of them presently shows any pattern, onto the lateral margins of the venter as a Comparisons. A. h. caeruleolatus dif- series of diagonal, posteriorly directed fers from all previously described subspe- areas, which, upon preservation, are still cies in».having the sky-blug patching along prominent features of the lower sides. The the lower sides. In having four dorsal pale upper surface of the head was gray-green green body bands, caeruleolatus differs to brown, the eyeskin pale pea-green. The strikingly from multistruppus with its mul- dorsal banded pattern of dark and light tiple banding; in addition, the dewlap of green continues onto the tail. The dewlap multistruppus is pale and often grayish, in is pale yellow-orange, yellow, or orange, contrast to the generally brighter dewlaps and the chin is slightly deeper yellow-or- of caeruleolatus. From nominate baleatus, ange, concolor with the throat, which is caeruleolatus differs in having the throat either immaculate (usually) or with very yellow to yellow-green rather than bright faint greenish dots or smudges. Eleven fe- yellow to orange, and female caeruleolatus male topotypes were colored and patterned have the throat with dark green markings, dorsally like the males, with the pattern From high upland sublitnis, caeruleolatus extending onto the tail, but there is only a differs in having the sky-blue blotches ven- vague indication of the ventrolateral sky- trolaterally and in lacking ventral mark- blue pigmentation. The necks of females ings, and whereas caeruleolatus has com- were often streaked with dark and pale parably pigmented dewlaps^ those in greens. The chin and throat were yellow sublimis are generally paler and often suf- to yellow-green, regularly with some fus^d at least basally with gray. The dor- darker green dots, blotches, or occasionally sal patterns of both sublimis and caeruleo- marbled with dark green. The female dew- latus are comparable, since both are lap was yellow to pale orange, streaked crossbanded. with dark brown or grayish. As far as meristic counts are concerned, Two females from the haitises region caeruleolatus differs from the named sub- near Gonzalo were deep to emerald green species in the following ways. Compared in life with yellow dewlaps having varying with baleatus, caeruleolatus has modally 8 amounts of brown streaking or smudging; (rather than 7) vertical loreal rows, and a the limbs were contrastingly banded dark lower mean number of ventral scales (22.4 and pale green. The throats were bright versus 23.8). There is also a strong ten- yellow to bright green, with scattered dency for adult caeruleolatus to have mod- deeper green spots in each case. In a pair erate to low body crest scales, whereas in from La Mata, the dorsa were bright baleatus the tendency is toward high to green, somewhat marbled with yellow and moderate body crest scales. Compared yellow-green, the upper surfaces of the with multistruppus, caeruleolatus has mod- heads were pale fawn, the eyeskin pale ally 4 (rather than 2) snout scales at the grayish green, and the dewlaps orange in level of the second canthals, 8 rather than both sexes. 7 vertical rows of loreals, 5/5 rather than The series of A. b. caeruleolatus includes 4/4 scales between the interparietal and four juveniles and subadults with snout- the supraorbital semicircles, and a lower vent lengths from 60 to 91; the largest of mean of vertical dorsal scales (17.1 versus these is a topotype that was colored and 18.6). With regard to body crest scales, HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 129

these two subspecies show the same situa- (Caiio Abajo and 5 km NW Sanchez); tion as caeruleolatus and baleatus. Com- baleatus—50 kilometers (Los Bracitos and pared with .suJ)limis, caeruleolatus has 4 Pena); multistruppus— 12 kilometers (12.8 (rather than 2) snout scales at the level of km NW Bonao and Guaigiii). Of these the second canthals, 8 (rather than 7) ver- presumed areas of contact, that between tical rows of loreals, 5/5 (rather than 4/4) caeruleolatus and the Samana subspecies is scales between the interparietal and the not unexpected; the area between the two supraorbital semicircles, and lower means known localities is very open and relatively of both vertical dorsals (17.1 versus 19.2) barren and devoid of trees and appears al- and ventrals (22.4 versus 25.1). A. h. suh- ways to have been so. There are fine high limis has not been recorded as having the swamp-forests in the western part of this dorsal body crest scales other than high, intervening region, and it is possible that in contrast to the strong tendency in cae- intergrades between these two distinctive ruleolatus of having these scales moderate subspecies will be encountered in these to low. forests. Most puzzling is the absence of Discussion. A. h. caeruleolatus centers intergradation between caeruleolatus and in the extremely mesic eastern portion of multistruppus. The specimen from north- the Valle de Cibao in that area that has west of Bonao is a juvenile, but it does not the most rainfall in the Republica Domin- show the characteristic multiple crossbands icana. I have already commented on the of both young and adult multistruppus. It specimens from Los Bracitos, Duarte Prov- may be that multistruppus occupies only ince; these specimens are old and pattern- the foothills of the Cordillera Central and less and are from a locality in the Cordillera that the zone of intergradation between Septentrional which is, farther west, occu- multistruppus and caeruleolatus is very pied by A. h. baleatus; I include them with abrupt. caeruleolatus provisionally. The specimen Remarks. A. b. caeruleolatus is known from Ponton, Duarte Province, is a juve- from sea level to an elevation of 1000 feet nile (ASFS V2987; snout-vent 60) and is (305 meters) in the haitises region near no color are north- presently patternless; data Gonzalo and 1200 feet ( 366 meters ) available. It too I only provisionally re- west of Bonao. Specimens were secured gard as caeruleolatus. The two specimens primarily from native collectors; the long from La Vega Province (ASFS V4317, series of topotypes is due to the industry MCZ 128379) are also without color data of the inhabitants of Cafio Abajo. The in life, and the former is a patternless ju- Cafio Abajo area is one of cafetales and venile (snout-vent 69). Specimens from cacaotales with high canopied shade-trees, these last two localities also require verifi- and the lizards apparently are extremely cation as to subspecfic status. abundant in this optimal habitat. The A. h. caeruleolatus presumably inter- pair of lizards from La Mata were secured grades with four subspecies: baleatus, mul- by me while they were copulating on the tistruppus, the subspecies on the Peninsula side of a large shade-tree in a cafetal about de Samana, and subspecies to the south- 4 feet (1.2 meters) above the ground at east. Only in the last case are specimens 1225 hours. The two females from Gon- that I interpret as intergradient known, zalo were taken during the day on large and they will be discussed under the de- trees adjacent to a small spring in the scription of the southeastern subspecies. haitises; the surrounding area was under No intergrades are known between the heavy cultivation, but the doline slopes Samana subspecies, baleatus, or multistrup- were covered locally with undisturbed for- pus. Distance between caeruleolatus and est. the nearest localities for these subspecies The name caeruleolatus is from the are: Samana subspecies—13 kilometers Latin "caeruleus" for "blue" and "latus" 130 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

for "side," in allusion to the sky-blue lower erate or low (rarely) in both sexes, body sides of this subspecies. crest scales high to moderate but often low in both sexes, subocular scales almost al- Anolis baleatus samanae ways separated from supralabial scales by new subspecies one (rarely 2) row of scales; dorsum in Holotype. CM 54105, an adult male, both sexes in life blotched dark green, from 7.6 mi. (12.2 km) NE Sanchez, 1000 greenish, dull gray-green, brown, or black- feet (305 meters), Samana Province, Re- ish, dewlaps in males dull yellow to pale publica Dominicana, one of a series col- yellowish orange, in females very pale yel- lected by native collectors on 28 November low to pale yellowish orange, streaked with

1971. Original number ASFS V34474 . blackish or brown basally, and chin and Paratypes. ASFS V34475-79, same data throat in males cream to yellowish or yel- as holotype; USNM 193990-92, same local- low-orange, mottled with black or gray, in ity as holotype, native collectors, 27 No- females pale green to greenish yellow with vember 1971; MCZ 125634, 5.0 mi. (8.0 dark green to brown streaking or even re- km) NW Sanchez Province, Republica Do- ticulate. minicana, J. Aria, 27 November 1971; ASFS Distribution. The Peninsula de Samana V34495-96, 5.0 mi. (8.0 km) NW Sanchez, in the northeastern Republica Dominicana, Samana Province, Republica Dominicana, and apparently islets in the Bahia de Sa-

J. Aria, 28 November 1971; CM 54127-30, mana. 5.0 mi. (8.0 km) NW Sanchez, Samana Description of holotype. An adult male

Province, Republica Dominicana, J. Aria, with a snout-vent length of 145 and a tail 30 November 1971; MCZ 12563.5-39, length of 222 (regenerated); snout scales USNM 193993-4001, 5.0 mi. (8.0 km) NW between second canthals 3, 6 vertical rows Sanchez, Samana Province, Republica Do- of loreal scales, 3 scales between the supra- minicana, J. Aria, 1 December 1971; ASFS orbital semicircles, 4/4 scales between the V34514, ASFS V34836-38, , interparietal and the supraorbital semicir- Samana Province, Republica Dominicana, cles, vertical dorsals 18, horizontal dorsals native collector, 28 November 1971; ASFS 19, ventrals 21, one row of scales between V1904, 6 km E Sanchez, Samana Province, the suboculars and supralabials, fourth toe Republica Dominicana, R. Thomas, 30 Oc- lamellae on phalanges II and III 30, nuchal tober 1963; AMNH 28651, Samana, Sa- crest scales very high, body crest scales mana Province, Republica Dominicana, J. high; in life, dorsum mottled dull greens King, August 1924; AMNH 39817-23, and gray-brown with whitish (almost AMNH 42285, Laguna, Samana Province, cream but suffused with pale gray); upper Republica Dominicana, W. G. Hassler, Oc- surface of head mixed dark brown and tober-December 1929; USNM 61928, Cayo gray, venter dull greenish, dewlap orange, Hondo, Samana Province, Republica Do- chin and throat creamy to yellowish, not minicana, W. L. Abbott, February 1919. marked with green. Definition. A subspecies of A. baleatus Variation. The series of 54 A. b. sama- characterized by the combination of mod- nae consists of 32 males and 22 females. ally 2 snout scales at level of second can- The largest male (AMNH 39807) has a thai scales, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, snout-vent length of 157; the largest fe- 3 scales between the interorbital semicir- males (CM 54130, USNM 193994) have cles, 4/4 scales between the inteiparietal snout-vent lengths of 145. The male is and the supraorbital semicircles, moderate from Laguna, the females from 5.0 mi. NW of number of vertical dorsal scales ( 13-20; Sanchez. Snout scales at the level the mean 16.6), moderate number of ventral second canthals range between 2 and 5; scales (16-29; mean 22.1), nuchal crest the mode is 2 (24 specimens). The verti- scales very high to high (usually) to mod- cal loreal rows vary between 5 and 9; the HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Scliwartz 131

mode is 7 (25 specimens). There are 2 or even reticulate with dark green to (rarely) 3 scales between the supraorbital semicir- brown. cles (mode 3). There are modally 4 scales There arc one juvenile (AMNH 28651; between the interparietal and the supraor- snout-vent length 40) and two subadult bital semicircles; 4 scales are involved in (snout-vent lengths 92 and 97) A. 1). sa- 43 percent of the combinations: actual manae. The subadults are old and discolored to counts are 3/3 (2), 3/4 (3), 4/4 ( 17), 4/5 but their patterns seem not differ from (8), 5/5 (13), 5/6 (5), 6/6 (1), 6/7 (2), those of full adults. The juvenile on the 4/6 (1), and 3/5 (1). Vertical dorsals other hand, has fom- bold pale crossbars on range between 13 and 20 (mean 16.6), the dorsum, the pattern continuing onto horizontal dorsals between 13 and 27 the tail. This young individual has the (19.3), and ventrals 16-29 (22.1). Of 30 umbilicus still present and is presumably adult males, 14 have the nuchal crest scales near hatchling size. very high, 15 have them high, and one has Comparisons. Since samanae and cae- them moderate; in 20 adult females, nine ruleolatus are adjacent geographically, the have the nuchal crest scales very high, most pertinent comparisons are between nine have them high, one has them mod- them. Examples of these two populations, erate, and one has them low. Body crest as noted in the introduction to the present scales in males are high in three lizards, paper, were available to me simultaneously moderate in 16, and low in ten; in females, and I was struck with their differences in 11 have these scales moderate and ten have life. A. 1). samanae is a blotched lizard them low. The suboculars are separated whereas caeruleolatus is a crossbanded from the supralabials by one row of scales one; the latter subspecies also typically has in all but four specimens (7 percent), sky-blue ventrolateral blotches, a feature which have them in contact, and one spec- absent (or occasionally poorly expressed) imen (2 percent), which has 2 rows of in male samanae. Male dewlap colors are scales in this position. similar in both subspecies, although fe- A. ]). samanae is basically a blotched liz- male dewlap colors in samanae seem some- ard, and no adults show any indication of what paler than those of caeruleolatus. crossbanding. The body is irregularly The chin and throat markings of the two blotched with blackish, dark green, dull subspecies are quite distinct; in male cae- green, gray-brown, and occasionally there ruleolatus, the throat is deep yellow to are sky-blue areas along the ventrolateral yellow-orange, at best with very faint gray- margin of the dorsal coloration in males, ish dots or smudges, whereas in male but these areas are not so prominent as in samanae the throat is yellowish or cream caeruleolatus. Regardless of the dorsal to yellow-orange, mottled with black or shades, the upper surface of the head is gray. In female caeruleolatus, the throat mixed dark brown and shades of gray in is yellow to yellow-green, always with both sexes. The hindlimbs are finely some dark green dots, blotching, or mar- barred with pale and dark green. The bling, whereas in samanae females, the venter is dull greenish in both sexes. The throat is pale green, greenish yellow, or dewlap in males varies from dull yellow or yellow-green, with dark green to brown pale yellowish orange to orange, and the streaking or reticulum. chin and throat are yellowish, cream, or The only subspecies thus far described yellow-orange, mottled with black or gray. which is blotched like samanae is the Cor- In females, the dewlaps are very pale yel- dillera Central suhlitnis, although caerul- low, pale yellow-orange, or grayish orange, eolatus may show a marbled dorsum in at times streaked with blackish or brown some areas. No pigmental or pattern dif- basally, and the chin and throat ground ferences separate samanae and sublimis, color is pale green, marbled, streaked, or since in both dorsal coloration and color of 132 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

the dewlap the major color involved is A. h. samanae is the only Hispaniolan green. However, the throat in male sub- giant anole known by specimens from any limis is pale green, whereas in samanae it off-shore island or islet. The specimen is cream to yellow-orange. Certainly rnulti- from Cayo Hondo, taken by W. L. Abbott, struppus and samanae are easily distin- constitutes this record, although I am un- guished in the field by their very different able to locate this islet. I assume it is one dorsal patterns, for example, and haleatus, of the archipelago within the Bahia de Sa- with its very, very bright chin and thioat, mana. both of which are immaculate, is quite dis- Remarks. All but one A. h. samanae se- tinctive from samanae. cured by myself and parties were native- In meristic data, samanae differs from collected. The exception is a lizard taken caeruleolatus in having 2 (rather than 4) by Richard Thomas, one of two seen on a snout scales, 7 (rather than 8) vertical small tree and in a vine tangle in a steep rows of loreals, and 4/4 (rather than 5/5) limestone ravine east of Sanchez. The area scales between the inteiparietal and the of the type locality is in the uplands of the supraorbital semicircles. From multistrup- Sierra de Samana on the road between pus, samanae differs in having a lower Sanchez and Las Terrenas. Thus newly of vertical scales 16.6 versus road mean dorsal ( constructed passes through superb 1S.6), and the same difference occurs be- mesic high-canopied forest, and much of is tween samanae and su])Umis ( 16.6 versus the area not yet seriously disturbed. Ob- 19.2) and in ventrals (22.1 versus 25.1). viously from the number of lizards secured From haleatus, samaiuie differs in having by natives in this region, A. /;. samanae is 2 (rather than 4) snout scales, 4/4 (rather common. The range is not high, with a than 5/5) scales between the inteiparietal maximum elevation of 1673 feet (510 me- and the supraorbital semicircles, and lower ters) in Monte Las Caiiitas; this mountain in means both vertical dorsals ( 16.6 versus lies between Sanchez and Las Terrenas. 17.5) and ventrals (22.1 versus 23.8). The Specimens from Las Terrenas itself were nuchal crest scales in samanae are more secured by natives from near-coastal mesic consistently very high to high than they cafetales and cacaotales, and lizards from are in any of the other subspecies of A. northwest of Sanchez were in similar situ- haleatus. ations.

Discussion. As pointed out in the dis- Only three other reptiles (Diplo^lossus cussion of A. h. caeruleolatus, there are no sternurus alloeides Schwartz, Leiocephalus and intergrades known between that subspe- personatus pyrrholaemus Schwartz, cies and samanae. The isthmus of the Pe- Dromicus parvifrons niger Dunn) are known to have differentiated at the ninsula de Samana is much cleared and subspecific level on the Peninsula de Samana. Sphaero- locally even barren, but there are large clactylus clenchi Shreve and Sphaeroclac- western swampy areas that support mag- samanensis Cochran both occur there nificent hardwood forests toward the land- tijlus and have as yet unnamed populations, one ward side. These forests may well support of which in each case is limited to the pen- intermediates between samanae and cae- insula. It is also of interest to note that in ruleolatus, or, because of their proximity Anolis clisticJius Cope, the Samana popula- to the mainland, be inhabited they may by tion is identical to the population on the caeruleolatus. Specimens from 5.0 mi. NW soutliern shores of the Bahia de Samana that for samanae which Sanchez, locality (ignigularis Mertens), but that the range of is closest to a known locality for caeruleo- this subspecies is interrupted at the head latus 18 kilometers show no tendencies A. cl. domini- ( ) , of the Bahia de Samana by toward the crossbanded condition of cae- censis Reinhardt and Liitken (see Schwartz, ruleolatus. 1968: 280-81, for details). HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Sclucmiz 133

Anolis baleatus litorisilva new subspecies Distri])ution. Extreme eastern Repub- lica Dominicana in La Holotype. USNM 193977, an adult Altagracia Province, from Punta Cana to the of male, from 1.2 km SSW Piinta Cana, La \'icinity Boca de Yinna. Altagracia Province, Rcpviblica Domini- An adult male cana, one of a series collected by Danny Description of holotype. with a snout-vent of 136 and a tail C. Fowler and Bruce R. Sheplan, on 24 length of 183 snout scales November 1971. Original number ASFS length (regenerated); V35095. between sc^cond canthals 2; 6 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 scales between the Paratypes. ASFS \'35096-100, same supra- orbital semicircles, 5/5 scales between the data as holotvpe; CM 54113-14, MCZ and the semicir- 125616-17, 5.5 km SSW Punta Cana, La interparietal supraorbital cles, vertical dorsals 15, horizontal dorsals Altagracia Province, Republica Domini- 16, ventrals subocular scales in contact cana, D. C. Fowler, 27 November 1971; 25, witli the scales, fourth toe la- ASFS V29090, Juanillo, La Altagracia supralabial mellae on II and III nuchal Province, Republica Dominicana, native phalanges 31, crest scales dorsal crest collector, 24 July 1971; ASFS V961-62, 0.5 very high, body scales in dorsum blotched mi. NW Boca de Yuma, La Altagracia high; life, light blue-brown and venter Province, Republica Dominicana, R. F. light green-brown; and Klinikowski, R. Thomas, 2 September 1963; pale gray-green; chin, lips, dewlap ASFS VI 136, 2.5 km NW Boca de Yuma, bright orange. Variation. The series of 16 A. h. litori- La Altagracia Province, Republica Domin- silva is of six males and ten fe- icana, native collector, 4 September 1963; composed male ASFS V17573, 4 km NW Boca de Yuma, males. The largest (MCZ 125616) has a snout-vent of the La Altagracia Province, Republica Domi- length 158, largest female 131. The male is nicana, A. Schwartz, 13 June 1969; ASFS (ASFS V961) female V17616, 2 km NW Boca de Yuma, La Al- from 5.5 km SSW Punta Cana, the from 0.5 mi. NW Boca de Yuma. Snout tagracia Province, Republica Dominicana, B. scales at the level of the second canthals J. Strong, 15 June 1969. 2 5; there are t\vo Definition. A subspecies of A. I)(ileatus range between and characterized by the combination of 2 or 4 modes, 2 and 4, each with five individuals. scales at level of the second canthal scales, The vertical loreal rows vary betwe(Mi 6 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 scales be- and 9; the mode is 7 (nine specimens). tween the interorbital semicircles, 4/5 There are 2 to 4 scales between the supra- scales between the interparietal and the orbital semicircles (mode 3). There are supraorbital semicircles, low number of modally 4/5 scales between the interpari- vertical dorsals (13-19; mean 15.9), low etal and the supraorbital semicircles; 5 of ventral scales 59 of the number ( 18-26; mean scales are involved with percent 21.3), nuchal crest scales always very high combinations; actual counts are 4/4 (4), to high in both sexes, body crest scales 4/5 (6), 5/5 (5), and 5/6 (1). Vertical high (rarely) to moderate or low, suboc- dorsals range between 13 and 19 (mean ular scales usually separated from supra- 15.9), horizcmtal dorsals between 14 and labial scales by one row of scales; dorsum 22 (18.5), and ventrals between 18 and 26 in life varying from light blue-brown to (21.3). Of four adult males, three have light greenish brown in males, dull brown the nuchal crest scales very high and one to olive-brown in females, blotched with has them high; of five adult females, two creamy to gray, dewlap in males bright have these scales very high and three have orange, brownish in females, and chin and them high. In the males, the body crest throat (including lips) bright orange in scales are high in one and moderate in males, pale yellow-green in females. three, and in the females, these scales are 134 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

moderate in two and low in three. The the neck. Two male subadults with snout- siiboculars are separated from the siipra- vent lengths of 71 and 83 (ASFS V35099- labials by one row of scales in all but one 100) from the type locality were recorded specimen (6 percent). by Fowler as follows: "One with a strong A. h. litorisilva is essentially a blotched vertical banding pattern alternating brown- lizard whose colors do not include bright green and white-gray, which extends from or even medium greens. The color notes tip of tail to the head where it becomes on the holotype apply equally well to the slightly more diffuse; on the other, the dor- other adult males—the dorsum is blotched sal groimd color is dull brown with rem- with bluish browns and light greenish nants of banding pattern only around head; browns, without any clear greens, and the ventral ground color of the first is gray- the blotching is often more pronounced on green with brown mottling, the second is the head than on the body. In females, the dull gray-brown; in both juveniles, the dorsum is dull brown to olive-brown with dewlap is orange-green and the chin and only occasional slight remnants of a lighter lips are green." The largest subadult green pattern on the head; the blotching (ASFS V29090) was patternless green in the female involves creamy to gray pig- above, and the dewlap was orange with mentation. The venter is pale gray-green charcoal stripes; the specimen is a female. or whitish green in males, pale greenish Comparisons. Because of its blotched gray in females. The dewlap in all adult (rather than crossbanded) pattern, litori- males was recorded as bright orange, and silva requires comparison with samanae brownish in females. In males, the chin and suhlimis. The general effect of the (including the lips) is bright orange, and dorsa of all three subspecies is quite sim- pale yellow-green in females. The upper ilar, but samanae and suhlimis are much surface of the head in males is blotched the brighter lizards, with greens predomi- like the body and is dark chocolate in fe- nant in the dorsal pigmentation. On the males. In females, the upper surfaces of other hand, litorisilva is a much more drab the hindlimbs were recorded as olive- lizard, without clear greens in the adults, brown, blotched with cream to gray like the tendency being toward more sombre the dorsum. hues, primarily shades of browns. From The series of A. h. litorisilva contains all other described subspecies, litorisilva seven juveniles and subadults (snout-vent differs in being blotched rather than cross- lengths 45 to 88). The smallest juvenile banded and also in having much less (ASFS V17573, female) was bright green gaudy dorsal colors. In meristic counts, in life with four pale buffy crossbands and litorisilva differs from the remaining sub- dark green shadow-bars between the cross- species in the following ways. From cae- bands; the tail was ringed cream and dark ruleolattis, litorisilva differs in having 7 gray, and the venter was pale green. The (rather than 8) vertical loreal rows, and dewlap was yellow-green and gray. A lower means of vertical dorsals (15.9 ver- slightly larger female (ASFS V17616) with sus 17.1) and ventrals (21.3 versus 22.4). a snout-vent length of 57 was yellow-green From rnultistruppus, litorisilva differs in and dorsally without bands, the head was lower means of vertical dorsals ( 15.9 ver- brown; the eyeskin was green, and the sus 18.6) and ventrals (21.3 and 22.3). venter yellow-green. The tail was banded From stihlitiiis, litorisilva differs in having black and and the lower means of vertical dorsals 15.9 ver- yellow-green, dewlap ( was mainly brown with the scale rows yel- sus 19.2) and ventrals (21.3 versus 25.1). low-green. A still larger female (ASFS From haleatus, litorisilva differs in having with a snout-vent of V1136) length 67 was lower means of vertical dorsals ( 15.9 ver- green, faintly crossbarred with grayish sus 17.5) and ventrals (21.3 versus 23.8). green, and there were charcoal smudges on Meaningful comparisons of litorisilva with HisPANiOLAN Giant Anole • ScJiwartz 135

other subspecies in counts of snout scales, sleeping on the woody vines; the advan- and scales between the interparietal and tage of this situation was made (piite ob- the supraorbital semicircles, are impossible vious wIkmi I attempted to catch a large since litorisilva has a bimodal condition in adult at night by hand. The light from my the former (and the bimodes are 2 and 4, flashlight wakened the lizard almost im- those counts which occur singly as the mediately, and although 1 was extremely mode in the other subspecies) and has a careful not to jar any of the vines, this was mode of 4/5 in the latter (whereas all a vain endeavor. At the first jostling, the other species have either 4/4 or 5/5). lizard jumped to the ground and escaped Considering the fairly large series of litori- in the dry leaf litter and understory. silva (16 specimens), these two "abnormal" Anol'is haleatus scelestus new conditions are puzzling. At least in the subspecies case of 4/5 counts, the absence of 3/3 or Holotype. CM 54106, an adult male, 3/4 counts in litorisilva suggests that this from 5.1 mi. (8.2 km) E Santo Domingo subspecies tends toward a 5/5 count. (from Rio Ozama), Distrito Nacional, Re- Discussion. A. /;. litorisilva appears to publica Dominicana, one of three collected be the extreme eastern isolate of the more by David C. Leber and Richard Thomas widespread A. haleatus stock. It occupies on 18 June 1964. Original number ASFS semi-arid forests on and near the coast (as V2460. at Juanillo and Punta Cana) and on the Paratopes. ASFS V2461-62, same data as limestone ridge behind Boca de Yuma. holotype; MCZ 125618-27, 8.4 mi. (13.4 Both situations are far more xeric than is km) NE La Romana, 100 feet (31 meters). customary for A. haleatus, and the faded La Romana Province, Republica Domini- nongreen coloration of the adults is doubt- cana, B. R. Sheplan, 22 November 1971; less a response to the dry and open to CM 54115-18, USNM 193981-89, 8.4 mi. dense forest conditions of this region. (13.4 km) NE La Romana, 100 feet (31 Nevertheless, individuals are quite con- meters). La Romana Province, Republica spicuous at night as they sleep exposed. A. Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, b. litorisilva presumably comes into con- 17 July 1971; MCZ 16321, La Romana, La tact with the subspecies to the north and Romana Province, Republica Dominicana, west (named below) but intergrades are E. Leider, 1922; ASFS V29284-300, 0.2 mi. presently unknown; in the vicinity of Hig- (0.3 km) N Otra Banda, 350 feet (107 me- iiey (the closest locality for the adjacent ters). La Altagracia Province, Republica subspecies) the lizards are more brightly Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, A. Schwartz, colored and crossbanded and quite unlike 26 July 1971; ASFS V21699-700, 1 km NE litorisilva. Higiiey, La Altagracia Province, Republica All li- R. R. 16 Remarks. but one specimen of Dominicana, J. Dennis, Thomas, torisilva were collected by myself and par- August 1969; USNM 193979-80, 0.7 mi. ties. Individuals were found sleeping in (1.1 km) W Higiiey, La Altagracia Prov- primarily coastal forest (to which the ince, Republica Dominicana, R. Thomas, name, from "litus" for "shore" and "silva" 29 August 1963; ASFS V1038, 1 mi. (1.6 for "forest," refers in Latin) at elevations km) W Higiiey, La Altagracia Province, from 4 to 15 feet (1.2 to 4.6 meters) above Republica Dominicana, R. Thomas, 3 Sep- the ground. Generally, juveniles sleep tember 1963; ASFS V28757, 15.5 mi. (24.8 closer to the groimd and in more dense km) E San Pedro de Macoris, Rio Cumay- situations than adults. One juvenile was asa. La Romana Province, D. C. Fowler, taken from a roadside Acacia, a most un- 12 July 1971; ASFS V28910-16, 15.5 mi. usual situation (since Acacia is a distinct (24.8 km) E San Pedro de Macoris, Rio xerophyte) for any giant anole. Several Cumayasa, San Pedro de Macoris Province, adults were taken in dense viny tangles, Republica Dominicana, D. C. Fowler, A. 136 Bulletin Musewyi of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

Schwartz, 16 July 1971; ASFS V28847, 15.5 pastel green crossbands, tail and venter mi. (24.8 km) E San Pedro de Macoris, La light green; dewlap dark yellow. Romana Province, Repiiblica Dominicana, Variation. The series of 61 A. b. sceles- A. Schwartz, 15 July 1971. ttis consists of 27 males and 34 females; a Associated specimens. REPUBLICA large number of the specimens are juve- DOMINICANA: La Altagracia Province, 1 niles and subadults. The largest male km SE Las Lisas (ASFS V17434-35); San (ASFS V29284) has a snout-vent length Cristobal Province, 8 km N Yamasa, 200 of 180, the largest female (ASFS V29286) feet (61 meters) (ASFS V28656). 147; both are from near Otra Banda. Snout Definition. A subspecies of A. haleatus scales at the level of the second canthals characterized by the combination of mod- range between 2 and 4; the mode is 2 (32 ally 2 scales at level of the second canthal specimens). The vertical loreal rows vary scales, 7 vertical rows of loreal scales, 3 between 5 and 8, with a mode of 7 (25 scales between the supraorbital semicircles, specimens). There are 1 to 4 scales be- 5/5 scales between the interparietal and tween the supraorbital semicircles (mode the supraorbital semicircles, low number of 3). There are modally 5/5 scales between vertical dorsals 15.4 the and the semi- ( 12-20; mean ) , low interparietal supraorbital of 5 scales are involved in number ventral scales ( 17-28; mean circles; 49 percent 21.1), nuchal and body crest scales always of the combinations; actual counts are 3/4 very high to high in both sexes, subocular (2), 4/4 (14), 4/5 (14), 5/5 (17), 5/6 scales usually separated from supralabial (11), 6/6 (1) and 4/6 (1). Vertical dor- scales by one (occasionally two) row of sals range between 12 and 20 (mean 15.4), scales; dorsum in both sexes either green horizontal dorsals between 15 and 25 with three pastel green crossbands or dark (18.8), and ventrals between 17 and 28 green flecked with light green, cream with (21.1). Of 11 adult males, nine have the some greenish to brownish green smudges, nuchal crest scales very high and two have dewlap in males deep yellow to deep or- them high. Of 16 adult females, nine have ange, streaked or smudged with dark these scales very high and seven have them brown to charcoal, and throat in females high. Body crest scales in males are high dark green marbled with yellow and pale in two lizards, moderate in eight, and low green (males unrecorded). in three; in females, the body crest scales Distribution. Southeastern Republica are high in two, moderate in eight, and low Dominicana, from the Sierra de Yamasa in six. Fifty-three specimens have the sub- and the vicinity of Santo Domingo in the oculars separated from the supralabials by west, east to the region about Higiiey and one row of scales, whereas in four lizards in 7 these scales in Las Lisas La Altagracia Province. ( percent ) are contact, and Description of Jiolotype. An adult male in two lizards (3 percent) they are sepa- with a snout-vent length of 152 and a tail rated by tv/o rows of scales. length of 267; snout scales between second In general, both sexes of A. b. scelestiis canthals 4; 8 vertical rows of loreal scales, show a pattern of about six or seven fine 2 scales between the supraorbital semicir- crossbands that are often obscured by dor- cles, 4/5 scales between inteiparietal and sal blotching. Colors are shades of greens, supraorbital semicircles, vertical dorsals with brighter green the base color and the 16, horizontal dorsals 16, ventrals 22, sub- blotching tending toward darker shades. ocular scales separated from supralabial The crossbands are lighter pastel shades of scales by one row of scales, fourth toe la- green, and in some lizards the dorsal mellae on phalanges II and III 34, nuchal ground color is olivaceous. Another vari- crest scales high, body crest scales moder- ant, which is somewhat more prevalent in ate; in life, dorsum olive-green with six females, is an olive green to dark green HisPANioLAN Giant Angle • Schwaiiz 137

dorsum, flocked with pale green. Two fe- crossbands on a green ground. The largest males from near Higiiey showed still an- subadults, however, (ASFS V21699-700; other style of body pattern and color, with snout-vent lengths 94, male and female) the dorsal ground color cream with some are both presently unicolor and show no dark green to brownish green snuidges, indications of the adult body banding. and the neck with alternating pale blue That a single juvenile may demonstrate a and charcoal markings, the pale blue mark- pattern change is shown by the following ings persisting onto the cheeks. In males notes on ASFS V28757, a female with a the upper surface of the head is brown, snout-vent length of 54: "Alive, emerald and in females it is mixed brown and green with about foiu' pale yellow cross- green, with the snout and supraocular bands on body; dead—seven narrow brown scales deep green in some lizards. In fe- body bands which are hollowed, and the males, the chin and throat are dark green, dorsal groimd color now pale yellow- marbled with yellow and pale green. The green." The dewlap in young males is or- dewlap is rather \'ariable; in males it has ange, in young females from dull yellow been recorded as dark yellow or deep yel- streaked with charcoal to charcoal. low to orange or dark orange, whereas in Comparisons. In color and pattern, A. females the dewlap varies from yellow to h. scelestus differs from all other subspe- dark orange with dark brown, olivaceous, cies. No other named population has six or charcoal streaking, marbling, or smudg- or seven narrow dorsal crossbands; even ing. Although there are no color notes in multistnippus is much more conspicuously life, in the preserved lizards the eyeskin is banded than scelestus and lacks any sort regularly pale gray, and I presume that in of dorsal blotching. A. h. scelestus is life the eyeskin is set off from the rest of known to intergrade with more northern the head color in some pigmental fashion. caeruleolatus and is presumed to meet li- Many specimens of both sexes have the torisilva. In each case, there is no difficulty lower sides tigroid with "stripes" extend- distinguishing the adjacent forms chromat- ing conspicuously onto the lateral sides of ically. A. h. caeruleolatus typically has (in the abdomen. males) sky-blue blotches along the junc- There are 34 juvenile and subadult A. b. tion of the dorsal and ventral colors, and sceJestus, with snout-vent lengths between is prominently crossbanded with three dor- 46 (USNM 193989) and 94 (ASFS sal crossbands. A. h. litorisilva is a blotched V21699-700). Three juveniles (snout-vent lizard, the dorsal colors much more drab lengths 46-61) have umbilici still present. than those of scelestus, tending toward This entire suite of young lizards shows a browns and brownish greens. Perhaps remarkable diversity in dorsal pattern. scelestus most closely resembles multi- Even small specimens may be either uni- stnippus, but, although both are banded, color green (usually with a vertical nuchal the bands in multistruppus are much finer white crescent and a white subocular and much more numerous than the six or with three or four seven in scelestus. spot ) , green yellow body pale dorsal crossbars bands, or there may be many more bands A. h. scelestus, with modally 2 snout resulting from the inteiposition of pale scales, differs from caeruleolatus, which body bands between the primary pale has 4 snout scales. In having 7 vertical lor- body bands. One specimen (ASFS \'29296; eal rows, scelestus differs from caeruleola- snout-vent, length 70, male ) has both pale tus, which has 8 rows. In having 5/5 scales body bands and interstitial pale blotching, between the interparietal and supraorbital whereas another lizard (MCZ 125621; semicircles, scelestus differs from samanae, snout-vent length 86, female) already multistruppus, and .mhlimis, all of which shows the adult pattern of several fine pale have 4/4. A. h. scelestus has the lowest 138 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

all all mean of vertical dorsals ( 15.4 ) of Remarks. Almost ASFS scelestus named subspecies, being most closely ap- were secured while the lizards were asleep proached by litorisilva (15.9). A. b. sceles- at night. Typical situations are lowland tus males are larger than those of any other cacaotales and cafetales with their high 180 in in litori- subspecies ( scelestus, 158 canopied shade-trees, along lowland silva, which is second largest) and in fact streams (as at Otra Banda and Yamasa), this subspecies exceeds all other Hispanio- and in woods associated with limestone lan giant anoles in size, being most closely cliffs (east of Santo Domingo). The long approached by male A. r. ricordi, which series from the Rio Cumayasa is from the reach a snout-vent length of 160. high riverine woods along that stream; re- Discussion. I am uncertain that all markably, we secured only juveniles and specimens included in scelestus should be subadults at this locality, despite three so associated. This is especially true of the nocturnal visits. One juvenile from this lo- specimen from near Yamasa (ASFS cality was taken on the exposed branch of V28656); this is a juvenile male and its an Acacia tree along an open road. Per- taxonomic status remains somewhat in haps the most remarkable place whence A. doubt, since it is young. It is also possible b. scelestus has been taken is the locality that specimens from Santo Domingo like- northeast of La Romana. This place is a wise are not identical with more eastern deep and well-wooded ravine through lizards, although the two samples agree which flows a clear stream; however, the fairly well. ravine is completely surrounded on all A. b. scelestus and A. b. caeruleolatus in- sides by cane fields, and the ravine woods tergrade in the region of El Seibo Prov- are completely isolated at the ravine rim ince; I have examined the following mate- from other such ecologies, if they even still rial from El Seibo which I consider exist in this area. A. b. scelestus was ex- intergradient: 3.5 mi. (5.6 km) S Sabana ceptionally abundant in this particular and de la Mar (ASFS X7877); 2.1 mi. (3.4 km) very restricted strip of riverine gallery for- N El Valle (ASFS X7861-62); 3 km N El est. Elevations above ground recorded for Valle (ASFS V3157-58); 10.5 km N Hato sleeping scelestus range from 2 to 20 feet Mayor (ASFS V35329-30). This series (0.6 to 6.1 meters), with juveniles usually consists of three juveniles and four young sleeping much lower than adults. The alti- adults (with snout-vent lengths between tudinal distribution of A. b. scelestus is in 112 and 127). The single adult male general low, with recorded elevations from (ASFS X7877) was tannish gray in life sea level to 200 feet. It is likely that this with darker brown blotches, a pale green subspecies also occurs in the uplands of venter, and an orange dewlap. Two adult the Cordillera Oriental, but as yet there females (ASFS X7861-62) were pale pea- are no specimens from areas within that green with vertical gray bars, the upper rather low-lying but mesic and well-for- surface of the head grayish tan, venter ested massif. green, and dewlap grayish orange. The The name scelestus is from the Latin for lower jaw and throat were green mottled "unlucky, wretched," in allusion to the dif- with darker green. In general this series ficulties involved with collecting this sub- seems closer to caeruleolatus than to scel- species at the La Romana ravine noted estus, but the male lacks sky-blue ventro- above. lateral markings. On the other hand, the The transition betu'cen scelestus and //- vertical gray bars, recorded for the female, torisilva must be very abrupt; the two sub- resemble the pattern of scelestus rather species are known from localities separated than that of female caeruleolatus. It seems by only 28 kilometers. The habitats of the likely that caeruleolatus and scelestus in- two subspecies are quite different, with tergrade in this region. scelestus inhabiting very mesic situations HisPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 139

and litorisilva xeiic coastal woods. Inter- reras, , Repiiblica Domini- estingly, this same eastern region of the cana, R. Thomas, 20 July 1969; ASFS Repiiblica Dominicana is also an area of V31207, Sierra Martin Garcia, above Bar- abrupt changes in subspecies of Anolis di- reras, between 2000 and 2800 feet (610 stichus, where the subspecies ifi,ni

circles, 4/3 scales between the interpari- spots. The dewlap was charcoal with etal and the supraorbital semicircles, verti- white scales. The next largest individual cal dorsals 17, horizontal dorsals 24, (snout-vent length 74), a male, had the ventrals 21, subocular scales separated dorsum pale green with irregular trans- from supralabial scales by one row of verse barring; the upper surfaces of the scales, fourth toe lamellae on phalanges II limbs were pale green and gray-green, and and III 33, nuchal crest scales high, body the tail was banded pale green and gray- crest scales moderate; in life, dorsum mot- green. The venter was whitish. The dew- tled pale and dark gray, blotched with yel- lap was very dark yellowish with an or- low-green and with three irregular white ange wash posteriorly. A slightly larger crossbands, labials dull yellow, top of snout male (snout-vent length 85) was pale and lores straw, and dewlap nearly white green, much marbled and shaded with tan with a yellowish or cream wash. to gray and with some faint evidence of Variation. The only adult is the holo- transverse crossbands; the chin and throat type; the remainder of the paratypic series were gray-green, and the dewlap pale gray- is composed of juveniles and subadults ish orange. A female from the Sierra Mar- with snout-vent lengths between 74 and 96 tin Garcia (snout-vent length 88) was (three males, two females). Snout scales green and brown dorsally and without pale at the level of the second canthals range markings; the dewlap was marbled with between 2 and the is 4 four subadult 4; mode ( spec- charcoal. Finally, the largest imens). The vertical loreal rows vary be- (snout-vent length 76), a male, had the tween 5 and 7, with a mode of 6 (three dewlap dirty yellow with orange streaking. are 2 or 3 scales al- specimens). There be- In the case of fraudator, the very pale ( tween the supraorbital semicircles; both most white) adult fem.ale dewlap appears categories have the same frequency. There to be preceded ontogenetically by brighter are modally 4/4 scales between the inter- and more typically A. haleatus hues. parietal and the supraorbital semicircles; 4 Comparisons. No other subspecies of A. scales are involved in 67 percent of the haleatus approaches the pale colors of combinations; actual counts are 3/4 (2), fraudator, nor does any other subspecies 4/4 (3), and 5/6 (1). Vertical dorsals have such a pale dewlap. Although frau- range between 17 and 21 (mean 18.8), dator combines the blotching and trans- horizontal dorsals between 20 and 24 verse crossbands in the same fashion as (21.4), and ventrals between 18 and 26 does scelestus, fraudator is in all ways a adult fe- (20.7). The only specimen (a paler lizard. Comparisons in details of has the nuchal crest scales and male) high color and pattern with all other subspecies the dorsal crest scales moderate. Five body of A. haleatus are unnecessary. A. h. frau- have the suboculars specimens separated dator differs from samaime, scelestus, multi- from the supralabials by one row of scales struppus, and suhliinis in having 4 rather and one lizard has these scales in contact than 2 snout scales at the second canthals,

17 . ( percent ) and only fraudator has a mode of 6 verti- The details of the color and pattern of cal rows of loreals (7 or 8 in all other sub- the only adult, the female holotype, have species). In having 4/4 scales between the already been given. The juveniles and and the supraorbital semicir- subadults show the same general pattern inteiparietal differs from configuration as does the adult. The small- cles, fraudator caeruleolatus, and all of which have est juvenile (snout-vent length 72), a fe- scelestus, haleatus, has a mean male topotype, was gray with yellowish 5/5. Although fraudator high in it is mottling and a pat*"ern of three irregular (18.8) of vertical dorsals, which crossbands, a faint white scapular stripe, exceeded only by suhlimis (mean 19.2), and black postauricular and postorbital fraudator has the lowest mean (20.7) of HisPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 141

ventrals of all subspecies, being approached resemblances between this sui)species and most closely by scelestus (21.1). A. harahonae. In fact, my decision to re- Discussion. Apparently A. h. fraudator gard fraudator as a subspecies of baleatus is a pale subspecies that is restricted to fa- rather than harahonae is based more upon vored situations in the xeric regions asso- the juveniles than the adults of fraudator; ciated with the Llanos de Azua along the this is not exclusively due to the fact that southern slopes of the Cordillera Central there are more juveniles of fraudator than and the Sierra de Ocoa, a southern affiliate adults but rather that the patterns shown of the former range. The subspecies ap- by juvenile fraudator are more typically parently also occurs in the Sierra Martin those of A. Jjaleatus than of A. harahonae. Garcia, an eastern isolate of the Sierra de A. J), harahomie and A. h. fraudator are Neiba (which, it will be recalled, is else- alike in modal numbers of scales at the where occupied by A. r. ricordi) and sur- level of the second canthals (4), vertical rounded by extreme desert. The specimen loreal rows (6), and scales between the in- from Barreras, which lies at the foot of the terparietal and the supraorbital semicircles Sierra Martin Garcia, is interesting in that (4/4), and they do not differ strikingly in it a for of scales 18.8 in vertical seems most unlikely locality any means body ( 17.2, giant anole; however, I assume that the dorsals; 18.2, 21.4 in horizontal dorsals; specimen, which was native-collected, was 22.1, 20.7 in ventrals). In these means, taken either in nearby Cocos groves or on harahonae is lower in dorsal body counts, the lower wooded slopes of the range it- but higher in ventral coimts. The moder- self. Two specimens from the higher eleva- ate nuchal crest scales of fraudator occur tions of the Martin Garcia are from dense also in harahonae, but most female hara- woods, and the specimen from San Jose honae have these scales low. No female de Ocoa was taken from a large tree at the harahonae has moderate dorsal body crest edge of a pasture. The type locality is scales as does the female fraudator, semi-xeric woods with vine tangles and whereas moderate body crest scales occur mango trees in an otherwise cultivated but in females of most subspecies of A. halea- xeric A. b. is ttis suhhniis lack . Tak- region. Probably fraudutor ( only female them ) widely distributed in suitable situations ing all evidence into consideration, I have through much of this region, but the lizard elected to consider fraudator a subspecies appears to be rare; Buffett and I collected of A. ])aleatus, but its resemblances to A. in semi-mesic riverine woods at a locality harahonae are acknowledged. The distance 4 km W and 17 km N Azua at an elevation separating these two species in this area of about 500 feet 153 meters both dur- is 20 kilometers ( ) , only (see introduction), ing the day and at night, without seeing and it is not unlikely that A. harahomie has any giant anoles. Natives just south of San been derived from fraudator across the Jose de Ocoa at an elevation of 1400 feet strait that is now the Valle de Neiba (see (427 meters) did not secure specimens for discussion). On the other hand, A. h. us in semi-mesic woodlands. Since the al- fraudator is removed by some 60 kilometers titudinal distribution of fraudator extends from the nearest A. ricordi locality in the from sea level to about 3000 feet (915 me- nearby Sierra de Neiba. There is no ques- ters) in the Sierra Martin Garcia, the ele- tion that fraudator is not correctly associ- vations of the above-mentioned localities ated nomenclatorially with A. ricordi. are within the known altitudinal range of The apparent geographic isolation of the subspecies, and indeed our San Jose de fraudator in relation to other subspecies of Ocoa locality was quite close to where A. haleatus is probably artificial. The near- Klinikowski secured one of the paratypes. est records for other subspecies are: cae- Remarks. — The name fraudator is from ruleolatus 38 kilometers ( San Jose de the Latin for "deceiver" in reference to the Ocoa and La Cumbre); scelestus—55 kilo- 142 Bulletin Museum of Comparaiive Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

meters (San Jose de Ocoa and Yamasa); two very different animals. The differences and sublimis—50 kilometers (San Jose de here are much greater, for instance, than Ocoa and south of EI Rio). There are between Anolis distichus Cope and Anolis suitable habitats for giant anoles between hrevirostris Bocourt, two species that were caertileolatus, scelestus, and fraudator, but long confused and that resemble each specimens are lacking. The intervening other moiphologically to a very great de- high Cordillera Central between the ranges gree. Yet once one learns what the char- of sublimis and fraudator probably acts as acters are for separating them, he experi- a barrier to prevent contact between these ences little difficulty in dealing with both two subspecies. populations or individuals, either alio- or sympatric, of these two species. The dif- DISCUSSION ferences in life, as far as pattern and color My decision to consider Anolis ricordi are concerned, are not particularly subtle, as three species rather than one has some and the details of scutellation are not di- precedent in the Schwartz and Garrido chotomous, but the modal differences are (1972) treatment of the Cuban Anolis so well correlated with the pigmental and equestris, wherein that species was divided pattern traits that we now recognize these into five species. However, the two situa- two species with assurance. tions, although comparable, are far from An even more obvious parallel is Anolis identical. In the A. equestris complex, carolinensis Voigt and Anolis allisoni Bar- there are at least a few incidences of sym- bour in Cuba. These two species of green patry between members of the species- anoles, long confused as A. porcatus Gray complex which give clues to the facts of (or A. c. porcatus), were shown by Ruibal the situation; there are sti'ong differences and Williams (1961) to be a sibling pair, in size of dorsal scales; there are some fairly allopatric but both widely distrib- strong differences between details of pat- uted throughout much of Cuba, and to tern and coloration of the axillary stripe differ structurally by the condition of the and the dewlap which likewise suggest postauricular area. The presence (allisoni) that we are there dealing with more than or absence (carolinensis) of a deep and one species. But on the other hand, the elongate postauricular groove in these two Hispaniolan giant anoles show absolute species is correlated with very striking dif- differences in the nuchal and body crest ferences in adult pattern and coloration scales and differences in the pattern of the and other details of scutellation. body itself, as well as modal differences in The same situation, that of two species scutellar details. In addition, there are no masquerading under a single name, can cases as yet known in Hispaniola of sym- also be demonstrated in Anolis alutaceus patry between the three entities that I re- Cope and Anolis clivicola Barbour and gard as full species. The gaps between Shreve (Schwartz and Garrido, 1971), and them are narrow, however, and I feel the two species recently confused under strongly that it is merely a matter of get- Anolis spectrum Peters; both these situa- ting into the intermediate areas and, once tions pertain to Cuban species. Sr. Gar- there, being fortunate enough to encounter rido also advises me that he has much giant anoles. evidence to indicate that Anolis cyanopleu- It should be obvious from my systematic rus cupeyalensis Peters is in fact a sym- treatment that I am convinced that we are patric sibling, rather than a subspecies, of dealing in Hispaniola with three distinct A. cyanopleurus Cope. species—ricordi, barahonae, and baleatus. I could cite other examples in Antillean Surely the differences between ricordi and iguanids (Leiocephalus) and anguids baleatus are such that, when taken in sum, (Diploglossus) which demonstrate quite one has no doubts that he is involved with clearly the above trend. As more material HisPAXioLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 143

from more diverse localities becomes avail- more) subspecies. Appar(Mitly Williams able, and as this material is subjected to and Rand (1969) had the same inclina- re-evaluation with differing and more mod- tions, since they indicated that the differ- ern philosophies, our impressions of rela- ences between some of the then-named tionships among Antillean anolines have populations of A. ricordi were such as to been modified or changed. A major factor suggest that there might be more than one in such revisions has invariably been a species involved. great quantity of new material from areas Once the above assumption has been that had previously been unsampled, cou- made—namely, that A. ricordi is composed pled with pigmental, ecological, and etho- of more than one species—then the prob- logical data from the living specimens. A lem first becomes one of differentiating and second general line of evidence, equal to delimiting the component species. There or possibly suipassing morphological and is no difficulty here in separating A. ricordi distributional data in importance, is karyo- and A. haleatus on the basis of crest scales. typic and electrophoretic information. One None of the populations of A. haleatus has or both of these areas of investigation are the moderate (rarely) to low (usually) increasing our knowledge of the complex- nuchal crest scales of A. r. ricordi. In ad- ities within such a genus as Anolis. When dition, the narrow geographical gaps that these two areas of research—morphologi- exist between A. ricordi and A. haleatus cal and biochemical—can be brought to also suggest that these two taxa may be bear simultaneously upon a single species either allopatric or may meet and occur or species complex, the results may be even sympatrically without intergradation. more meaningful than either is alone. As The status of the Tiburon populations yet this has not been done in any of the that I associate nomenclatorially with A. Antillean giant anoles, so that my conclu- ricordi and that of A. harahonae as a dis- sions, based upon morphology and distri- tinct species are less clear than the ricordi- bution, remain to be verified by other evi- haleatus relationship. First, the named dence. Yet I feel as secure as any populations leheri, viculus, and suhsolamis systematist can be when he is dealing with have in common a suite of pattern and data that are incomplete. color features that ally them more closely As pointed out in the introduction to the to each other than to A. r. ricordi. The present paper, the taxa ricordi, haleatus, only evidence for this relationship is the harahonae, and leberi are, on inspection, occurrence of presumed viculus X ricordi unequivocally distinct. But the degree or intergrades in the Miragoane-Paillant re- level of differentiation of these four taxa gion. Were it not for these specimens, I seems to be two-fold. On one hand (ri- would be strongly tempted to consider the cordi and haleatus), the two populations three Tiburon taxa as comprising a sepa- are easily separable on the basis of a struc- rate species. Any interpretation of the re- tural feature (the nuchal crest scales), a lationships of the Tiburon taxa suffers character that is strongly correlated with from paucity of material from a variety of obvious pigmental and pattern traits. On localities. the other hand, the differences between The situation with A. harahomie is in harahonae or leheri and ricordi are pri- some ways puzzling. Although there is no marily ones of pigmentation and pattern, question that it is distinct from A. ricordi, with morphological differences much less its relationships to A. haleatus are much trenchant than between ricordi and ha- less certain. This uncertainty is caused by leatus. At the outset such a dichotomy sug- A. h. fraudator, that population assigned to gests that it might be more proper to con- A. haleatus which is closest geographically sider "A. ricordi" as a complex of full to A. harahonae. It is particularly unfortu- species than as one species with four (or nate that fraudator is known from only 144 Bulletin Museum of Coinparative Zoologij, Yo]. 146, No. 2

one adult and several juvenile and sub- local population differentiations in response since adult the adult specimens, males ( primar- to various ecologies within the area oc- ily) would be most instructive in compar- cupied, with two major integumental ing frattdator with barahonae. On the trends (coloration and pattern) and details other hand, the closeness of fraiidator and of scutellation of the head and body (al- barahonae in characteristics may be rather though the latter is not so clear as the for-

reflection of the of A. . a ancestry bara- mer ) honae—namely, that it is a south island There seem to have been two subse- (sensu Williams, 1961) invader from the quent invasions of the south island. To the north, and that the parent population has west, a (presumably) early invasion of the been fraudator rather than any other sub- A. ricordi stock crossed what is now the species of A. baleatus or A. ricordi from the Cul de Sac Plain into the Port-au-Prince west. area. It is pertinent that many north island It might be more proper either to con- species have made this same crossing and sider A. barahonae as conspecific with A. have extended their ranges but little fur- baleatus (the two taxa linked through ther. These species with more restricted fraudator) , or to consider fraudator a sub- ranges have been handicapped either by species of A. barahonae; either interpreta- competition with already established spe- tion has merit. The course that I have cies, improper ecological situations, or rela- taken seems satisfactory at the moment but tively recent arrival. A. ricordi seems to surely is subject to reinterpretation with have been an early arrival, without local the acquisition of more material from this competitors, and with abundant proper critical geographic area. ecology (mesic forests). The species has The history of the Hispaniolan giant thus expanded its range after the original anoles appears to be correlated with the crossing to cover the entire Tiburon Penin- two palaeo-islands that have been fused at sula, having somewhere succeeded in cross- the level of the Cul de Sac-Valle de Neiba ing the mountainous spine of the Massif de plain with lowering Pleistocene sea levels. la Hotte-Massif de la Selle. Local differ- I suggest the following history for the com- entiation along the Tiburon in response to plex; the reader should keep in mind that lack of genetic contact across the interior such a history is based upon taxonomic mountains has also taken place. Further premises that are inductive, and the cau- speculations on details of the history of A. tions and uncertainties that I expressed ricordi on the Tiburon Peninsula are point- above have special application here. less, since the specimens upon which any Distributional evidence suggests that the generalisations may be made do not as yet giant Hispaniolan anole stock was origi- exist in collections. nally restricted to the north island (north A second invasion to the east occurred of the Cul de Sac-Valle de Neiba plain). presumably at a later date, after the estab- In this region, two distinctive species arose, lishment of A. ricordi on the Tiburon Pen- ricordi in the west and baleatus in the east. insula. This latter invasion resulted in the There apparently has been local differen- differentiation of A. barahonae (from a tiation on the north island at a subspecific fraudator or pre-fraudator stock on the level in that in ri- of island in the both these species, but southern portion the north ) cordi remains unanalyzed because of too Sierra de Baoruco and its subsequent ex- few specimens. On the other hand, differ- pansion onto the southern portion of the entiation in A. baleatus is now fairly well Peninsula de Barahona and east along the known and documented. This species oc- southern slopes of the Sierra de Baoruco. curs east of the Cordillera Central and on With the previous establishment of A. ri- the southern slopes of that range and in cordi to the west (as at Thiotte), the the Sierra Martin Garcia. There have been western movement of A. barahonae was HisPANiOLAN Giant Angle • Schwartz 145

halted by the presence of the related spe- de Yuma, La Altagracia Province, Repu- cies. I have no doubt that both A. ricordi blica Dominicana. Etheridge (op. cit.: 87- and A. barahonae will be found to be 88) also noted pre-Columbian giant anole closely allopatric or synipatric in extreme remains from a cave at Cerro de San Fran- southeastern Haiti between the Dominico- cisco near Pedro Santana, La Estrelleta Haitian border and Saltrou, and also that Province, Repiiblica Dominicana. From the these two species meet and interact along suite of about 80 cranial elements and the northern slopes of the Sierra de Bao- eight pelves, Etheridge extrapolated that ruco and the Morne des Enfants Perdus. the maximally sized individuals in the cave One other distributional detail requires deposits had a snout-vent length of 190- comment. The occurrence of A. r. ricordi 192 mm, some 30 mm larger than any liv- A. in the main mass of the Sierra de Neiba on ing ricordi recorded ( 159 mm, fide Eth- the northern side of the Valle de Neiba eridge, op. cit.: 88). The maximally sized and of A. h. fraudator in the Sierra Martin Hispaniolan giant anole recorded in the Garcia, an extreme eastern isolate of the present paper reaches a length of 180 mm Sierra de Neiba, has already been noted. (male A. b. scelestus from Otra Banda, La The Martin Garcia seems to have been Altagracia Province, Republica Domini- long isolated from not only the Sierra de cana). The difference between this mod- Neiba but also from all other Hispaniolan ern living lizard and the maximally sized mountain masses; it is ideally a montane pre-Columbian lizards is not so great as island in a sea of desert. It seems likely Etheridge's data suggest. Intriguingly, the that this range was unoccupied by giant Cerro de San Francisco area lies within the anoles of either species (A. ricordi or A. known range of A. r. ricordi, and the larg- the fact that est this baleatus), despite the range specimens of subspecies ( male with forms a portion of the Neiba uplift. Inva- a snout-vent length of 160 mm, female 151 sion of the Martin Garcia was possible mm) are from the southern slopes of the from either the northwest (ricordi) or the Cordillera Central, veiy close to the Cerro northeast (baleatus). Of the two species, de San Francisco area. Although there A. baleatus was the more vagile and seems to have been some change in maxi- reached the Sierra Martin Garcia from the mum size in Hispaniolan giant anoles with relatively more mesic southern slopes of the passage of time, these changes have the Cordillera Central before A. ricordi not been of the magnitude that previous reached it across the deserts and xeric hills data suggested. between the Sierra de Neiba and the Mar- tin Garcia. This upland population in LITERATURE CITED turn was responsible for the invasion of the Cochran, D. M. 1941. The herpetology of Sierra de Baoruco across the better for- Hispaniola. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus., 177: 398, ested and more mesic eastern end of the 120 figs., 12 pis. Valle de Neiba. Cope, E. D. 1864. Contributions to the herpe- Wetmore and Swales (1931: 235) re- tology of tropical America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 166-181. ported the finding of recent Anolis ricordi Philadelphia, pp. DUMERIL, A. M. C, AND G. BiBRO.N. 1837. skeletal material in Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Erpetologie gcnerale ou histoire naturelle pellets from L'Acul, du Sud, Haiti, Dept. complete des reptiles, vol. 4. 571 pp., 14 pis. on the Tiburon Peninsula, and Hecht Etheridge, R. E. 1965. Fossil lizards from the (1951: 23) noted the abimdant remains of . Quart. Jour. Florida the species from deposits in "Deep Cave," Acad. Sci., 28(1): 83-195, 3 figs. Garrido, O. H., AND A. Schwartz. 1968. Cu- near St. Michel de I'Atalaye, Dept. de I'Ar- ban lizards of the genus Chamaeleolis. Quart. tibonite, Haiti. Etheridge (1965: 101) re- Jour. Florida Acad. Sci., 30(3): 197-220, 2 A. ricordi remains from recent owl ported figs. pellets near the mouth of a cave near Boca Hecht, M. K. 1951. Fossil lizards of the West 146 Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 146, No. 2

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