April 19-22, 2018 at the Talon Range in Dale Road, in Victorville, California

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April 19-22, 2018 at the Talon Range in Dale Road, in Victorville, California CONTENTS 3 FROM THE EDIITOR — GUEST EDITORIAL How Do We Stop The Loss of Members and Expand Our Membership? 5-11 COVER FEATURES Tri-State Championship 2017—Massachusetts–Connecticut–Rhode Island Wild Bunch on The Brazos—Texas State Championship 2017 13-23 ANNUAL REPORTS Single Action Shooting Society® Sixth Annual Central Canadian Regional 215 Cowboy Way, Shooting With The Canadians Edgewood, NM 87015 505-843-1320 • Fax 877-770-8687 Heluva Rukus 2017—New York State Championship © 2018 Western Canadian Regional 2017 All rights reserved The Cowboy Chronicle Magazine is Shootout on The Little River 2018 Designed and Printed by The Single Action Shooting Society® 24-26 COSTUMING CORNER Visit the SASS web site at: The World of Steampunk—A New Costume Contest Category for END of TRAIL www.sassnet.com 27-31 FICTION Small Creek: Kid Galena Rides—Continued From the January Issue EDITORIAL STAFF 32 CLUB REPORTS Wartrace Regulators Celebrate Their 20th 1997-2017 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Skinny 33-38 GUNS & GEAR Shooting The Springfield Rifle MANAGING EDITOR Dispatches From Camp Baylor—Project 1860 Part 2 Misty Moonshine 39-41 HEALTH & FITNESS Fitness For Cowboy Action ShootersTM EDITORS EMERITUS Stretching For Cowboy Action ShootersTM Tex & Cat Ballou 42 NEWS ADVERTISING MANAGER Two Hundred of the Best and Fastest Are Gonna Be There! Square Deal Jim Friends of Happy Trail’s Banquet Helps Fight Child Abuse 410-531-5456 | [email protected] 43-44 POLITICS The Real Problem With Mass Shootings Part 1 GRAPHIC DESIGN 45-51 PRODUCT REVIEW Mac Daddy Chey-Cast Bullets High Accuracy on The High Plains STAFF WRITERS Taylor’s & Co. Pietta 1858 Remington & Kenny Howell R&D—.45 Colt/Schofield Conversion Cylinders Big Dave, The Capgun Kid, Capt. George 52 PROFILES Baylor, Col. Dan, Col. Richard Dodge, How I Got My Alias Joe Fasthorse, Justice Lily Kate, Larsen E. Pettifogger, Tennessee Tall & Rio Drifter, 53 TRAILMARKERS Stonehawk West, Texas Flower, Tuolumne Texas Red Dawg, SASS #3288 / Marcus Hooker, SASS #29384 Lawman, Yuma Jack 57-64 SASS AFFILIATED CLUB LISTINGS Monthly & Annual Shooting Schedules The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) is published by the Single Action Shooting Society®, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood NM 80715. Periodicals Postage paid at Platts- burgh, NY and additional mailing offices (USPS #032 Permit #20591). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. DISCLAIMER: The Single Action Shooting Society does not guarantee, warranty, or en- dorse any product or service advertised in this publication. The publisher also does not guar- antee the safety or effectiveness of any prod- uct or service illustrated. The distribution of some products/services may be illegal in some areas, and we do not assume responsibility thereof. State and local laws must be inves- tigated by the purchaser prior to purchase or use of products/services. WARNING: Neither the author nor The Cowboy Chronicle can accept any respon- sibility for accidents or differing results obtained using reloading data. Variations in handloading techniques, components, and firearms will make results vary. Have a component gunsmith check your firearms before firing. SASS® Trademarks TM TM TM PRINTED IN CANADA SASS®, Single Action Shooting Society®, The Cowboy Chronicle , Cowboy Action Shooting , END of TRAIL , The World Championship of Cowboy Action ShootingTM, Founders RanchTM, SASS Western Heritage Museum & Cowboy Action Shooting Hall Of FameTM, SASS Scholarship FoundationTM, Wild BunchTM, Wild Bunch Action ShootingTM — are all trademarks of The Single Action Shooting Society®. Any use or reproduction of these marks without the express written permission of SASS® is strictly prohibited. COWBOY CHRONICLE 1 SASS AFFILIATED MERCHANTS ALABAMA MISSOURI PENNSYLVANIA Old South Firearms James Country Enck’s Gun Barn & & Trading Post Mercantile Indoor Range Single Action Firearms, Cowboy Cowboy Clothing, Gun Cleaning & SA Firearms, Cowboy Leather Products, Ammunition, Cowboy Leather, Cowboy Care Products, Tin Ware, Hats, Special Cowboy Reloading Supplies, Cowboy Clothing, Cowboy Reloading Supplies, Order Clothing, Patterns for Clothing Ammunition, Gun Cleaning & Care Black Powder Firearms, Antiques Products, Gunsmithing Services,Cerakote ____________________________ Missouri Bullet Hydrodripping, Handgun Instruction & Cowboy Reloading Supplies Indoor Shooting Range ARIZONA ____________________________ ____________________________ Wild West Mercantile Cowboy Clothing, Accessories MONTANA SOUTH CAROLINA ____________________________ Choice Ammunition Bullets by Scarlett (Cowboy Choice) Cowboy Reloading Supplies, Cowboy Cowboy Reloading Supplies, Cowboy Ammunition, Gun Cleaning & Care CALIFORNIA Ammunition Products, Handcast Bullets, Custom Ear Protection, Ballistol Dealer, Cleanshot Jax Leather Munden’s Six-Gun Powder Federal Primers, Loaded Company Shooting Magic Ammo-Cowboy Cartridge Canvas Cartridge, Shotgun Belts, Single Action Firearms, Gunsmithing ____________________________ Loading Bags, Suspenders, Shell Bags Services, Shooting DVD’s Scully ____________________________ Apparel, Handbags, Leather, Accessories SOUTH DAKOTA Shotgun Boogie NEW MEXICO Black Hills Ammunition Gunworks Diamond J Cowboy Ammunition Single Action Gunsmithing Services Technologies ____________________________ ____________________________ Gun Cleaning and Care Products, Single Action Gunsmithing Services TEXAS COLORADO ____________________________ Cimarron Firearms Online Outpost Hand Guns, Custom Guns, Rifles, Cowboy Action Shooting Gun Parts OHIO Shotguns, Gun Leather, Accessories ____________________________ Up Range Exchange Texas Jacks Cowboy Clothing Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Guns, FLORIDA Vandalia Range & Knives, Dry Goods Twilight Firearms Armory, INC. Two Wright Arms Co. Single Action Firearms, Cowboy Single Action Firearms, Cowboy SA Firearms, Cowboy Leather Products, Leather, Cowboy Reloading Supplies, Ammunition, Gun Cleaning & Care Cowboy Reloading Supplies, Cowboy Cowboy Ammunition Products, Gunsmithing Services Ammunition, Gun Cleaning and Care Products, SA Gunsmithing Services your website • Display our membership application BECOME A SASS • A Listing in The Cowboy Chronicle in the supplied counter top display SUPPORTING STORE • Access to post promotional sales container on the popular SASS wire forum • Display your SASS Supporting & WE’LL REFER OUR merchants corner Sticker where referrals can see it MEMBERS TO YOU! • A SASS Affiliated Merchant sticker • Be helpful, friendly and attentive with year to place proudly in your when a customer mentions SASS It’s Simple. Become a SASS Support- store • You must be a SASS Member ing Store and we’ll refer our mem- • A Certificate that shows you are a bers directly to you. supporting dealer in good standing How Do I Qualify? That’s right. With our fast growing • We refer our members to you for population of Cowboy Action Shoot- related goods & services If you are a retail store that sells ing™ Members, SASS would like to • Your Logo and Business info will Single Action Firearms, ammo, Cow- support you by referring our mem- be added to a flyer which will be in- boy Clothing or other Cowboy prod- bers to you. Why? Because we need cluded in each new member package. ucts and you are a SASS member, You SASS and Cowboy Action Shooting™ (Please send hi-res logo to amber@ Qualify! It’s that simple! knowledgeable Gun Stores, nation- sassnet.com) wide, to refer our members. • Affiliated Merchants will be fea- How Do I Sign Up? tured in Email Blasts to all active How Does it Work? members with an email address. On a Visit the SASS Affiliated Merchants quarterly basis. Page at http://www.sassnet.com/Af- SASS supplies you, with: filiated-Merchants-App-001A.php to • SASS Membership Applications What Do You Have to Do to Be A download an application. • Informational Brochures SASS Supporting Store? • A listing on our website with a link For more information contact Am- to your website • Educate yourself to how SASS ber Oakley at the SASS Office: • A Listing in The Cowboy Chronicle functions by reading your SASS In- (505) 843-1320, or email her direct- monthly digital edition with a link to formation Packet ly at [email protected] 2 COWBOY CHRONICLE From The keeps them from continuing or from same time teach them the other aspects joining in the first place. of the sport. They would have a time We need to not only replace the limit on how long they could be in each Editor loss of members, but to keep and add class before they would have to move members to keep the sport active. The up to the next class. These classes would question is how. I don’t think local not be official SASS categories, but just clubs do a good job promoting SASS. a starting point. These categories could I think at least once a year we should be used at a local club match or maybe invite the public to our clubs to show included at an annual club match. I was GUEST and describe what SASS is all about. just looking at the Gila Rangers website Clubs in large cities may actually have and noticed they have a similar catego- EDITORIAL to limit the number of visitors. This ry, so my idea turns out to be a tested year my club, the Rio Grande Rene- strategy. gades, had a ladies-only shoot with the Who should we invite into SASS? HOW DO WE STOP THE men fixing lunch. When we see new- Well everybody, of course, but the bies in the crowd, we encourage them 50-plus age group will have grown kids LOSS OF MEMBERS to try a stage. I think we could go one and may have the extra time and money AND EXPAND OUR step further. When we get new mem- for the hobby. I joined SASS late in life bers, we should have someone in the so I would have retirement hobby. Let’s MEMBERSHIP? club mentor them. How many of us face it, we, the 65-plus age group, grew By Fire Eater, SASS have run out and bought our guns and up with all the cowboy heroes. Mine #74495 leather because the get-up looked neat was Sundance starring Earl Holliman. or because it was cheap, to find out later Unfortunately, there are few western e can’t stop the loss. All clubs they weren’t the best choices.
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