CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2063 HON
November 15, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2063 Admiral Timme’s awards include the Legion payroll system that equalized the pay for both ning of a relationship that would persist, un- of Merit Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, men and women. broken, for three centuries. Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achieve- In 1966, President Johnson appointed Today we also celebrate the people of the ment Medal and several unit and service Judge Heaney to the 8th Circuit Court of Ap- Netherlands who have stood beside us in awards. peals. In that capacity, Judge Heaney has good and bad times since the War of Inde- The Department of the Navy, the Congress, been a champion of protecting the rights of pendence. The Dutch granted the U.S. Con- and the American people have been well the disadvantaged. He is devoted to making gress its first loan, helping to sustain a strug- served by this dedicated naval officer. Admiral sure that every person has an equal oppor- gling Nation at one of its lowest points; in the Timme’s professionalism, superior technical tunity for an education, a job, and a home. He wake of Pearl Harbor, the Dutch were among and managerial expertise and determination to firmly believes the poor, the less educated, the first nations to align themselves with the support the Fleet are unrivaled. He has been and less advantaged deserve the protections U.S. and they fought proudly with the 82nd instrumental in ensuring that the U.S. Sub- provided by the United States Constitution. and 101st Airborne Divisions in the occupied marine force is, and will remain, the world’s As a hard working, well-prepared, and fair- Netherlands during the Second World War.
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