300 THE LIFE OF JAMESON General Smuts were shy of accepting the honours offered to them by His Majesty's Government. To encourage them Dr. Jameson and Dr. Smartt told them that they also would accept honours. But at the last moment the understanding fell through, Botha fearing the bitter comments of the Republicans, and so Jameson was left with a title which he certainly did not covet. A sharp illness in March made his doctors insist on a change, and Jameson and Smartt together left for England on April 26. We hear of Jameson at Carlsbad in July. To his friend Smartt he writes on August 18, 1911, some little time after his return to London, that he is better in general health except for his shoulders, etc. He has decided, however, 'that I am not coming back to politics. Of course,' he adds, ' I must give decent notice to Grahamstown before Parliament. Don't you think Bailey would do for Albany? He could be made to spend money there and help the Party funds. Ask Hennessy what he thinks .•. he will loyally accept you as leader, taking up our line of friendly support to Botha, but absolutely still on the English side.' Again he writes from the same address, 2 Down Street, on September 2, that he has had to 'chuck my imitation golf for a few days' owing to a gouty eczema which had made his right wrist bad again, and' makes me stand on one leg-very boring. . • • I am surer than ever that I am doing the right thing in the interests of the party as well as my selfish self in replacing the incompetent self by the competent you.' Neither Smartt nor the Party consented easily to give Jame­ son up, as we gather from a letter of November 3, 1911: 'Your cable I take to mean that good or bad result you still want me to come back, and in fact

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 IN OPPOSITION 301 if I don't it would be running away when you think the party is in a tight place, because of Botha's probably relapsing into the arms of Steyn. There­ fore I cabled another tentative reply.' And he goes on to give a reluctant assent to the party call. 'Of course I will do all I can, but it will be a very poor all, probably like last session, a kind of sleeping partner with another supply of new and strange diseases.' And again, 'It does seem a hopeless business getting out of these damned politics, and it is particularly annoying that again I must appear as a complete liar and humbug on this subject, when God knows I am and always have been honestly anxious to get out of it, but I suppose it can't be helped. If only at the last moment Botha should do the 100 to 1 chance and chuck Steyn I suppose you would still let me out. I have begun again the injections with Dawson and neuritis certainly does not get worse.' He leaves London for Edinburgh in November and goes to Biarritz in December. There also his health is still far from good, but he musters strength for the voyage to , which he undertakes in January 1912. In the meantime events there had been going as Jameson feared under a system both partisan and racial. Hertzog and Fischer had been getting rid not of teachers only, but of many other servants of the Government who had the. misfortune to be English, upon one pretext or another. The Civil Service, which had always been mainly English, was being remanned with Dutchmen, many of whom had no qua1i:6.cations for the offices into which they were pushed. The Civil Service as a result was seething with discontent, and the whole country was

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 302 THE LIFE OF JAMESON restless and disturbed. On February 15 Jameson in Parliament makes a protest against these changes 'in confiict with the spirit of the South African Act.' Again he claimed the sympathy of the Prime Minister; again he suggested that he was assisting the moderate Dutch to keep their own fanatics in order. Hertzog he described as a John the Baptist with an ideal, but the vehemence of this ideal had made him forget the bargain to which the two races had come in the Convention. Let them not try to make South Africa bi-lingual in a single year. ' We know,' he said, 'that if you feed a child on jam in moderate quantities he will like it; but if you push a pot down his throat he will probably never eat jam again.' This protest no doubt had its effect on the Govern­ ment, but it was the last effort of Jameson. On March 12 he had written to Sam, ' I am well enough, but have occasional bouts of seediness and rather more stiffening up of the arms; so I have almost decided to come away after the Budget debate in about three weeks; so I should be home by end of April and I hope ready to play goll with you. Still they won't let me resign; but at all events I should have a clear nine months to think: about coming back.' At Wynberg on March 19 he told his followers that he could no longer lead the party, and proposed hls friend Sir Thomas Smartt as his successor. On April 10 a party meeting reluctantly accepted the resignation. On the "morning of April 10 he bade a sad farewell to Smartt and the Prime Minister, and sailed later in the day by the .Arma­ dale Oastle. 'The shadow of Jameson's resignation,' .says the writer of 'Notes in the House,' in the Oape Times,

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 IN OPPOSITION 303 'lay heavy upon all.' General Botha spoke with simple feeling of the loss of 'our friend.' , From the day,' he said, ' I first met him a strong friend­ ship arose between us, and to-day that friendship is even stronger. And after praising Jameson, both his character and his work, he said in that simple way which went to the hearts of men, 'I conclude by wishing him God's blessing.'

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 CHAPTER XLI LAST DAYS

CECIL JOHN RHODES AND LEANDER 8TARB JAlIIEBON Auspioe Ca.ecilio, duee te, dileote, profeans Africa, Leander, dat nova teeta. viris. IDe obdormivit; magno sed numine Jl,ata. Terra memor retinet nomen at ingenium. Hune, freta transvectum. vitae, mors jungit amica Heroum et sedi siduB adesse jubet.1

JAMESON was now at last really free of Cape politics, which we have plainly seen from his letters he had always hated; only the 'duty business' had kept him there so long. His ambition was now the Charter. Company in London and golf with Midge and Sam. But his ' strange and new diseases' made life an intermittent agony. In July he is at Carlsbad, writing on July 19 to Smartt' after twenty hours damnable pain and several morphia injections. But in paving the way to my getting out you may honestly tell our friends that I shall be an invalid

1 D. O. M. transIa.tea hil!l verses into English thus :­ Rhodes for our chief, Leander for our guide, Through Africa we came and here abide. Rhodes Bleeps but dies not; da.ughter of hi! will. Hia country keeps his name and spirit atm. Lea.nder's stormy seas a.re pa.ssed, his end The starry home of Heroes, with his friend. D.O.M. MATOP:!'OS, 22M May 1920. 80&

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 305 for several months to come, if not worse.' On August 15,1912, he is in Harrogate, sharing a house with the Marquis and Marchioness of Winchester, with another dear friend, Lady Muriel Paget, as one of the guests. In such good company he could be happy, but it is plain from his letter to Smartt of that date that he is in wretched health. 'Your politics,' he says, ' are in the lap of the gods, but you must get into combination with Botha against the Labour crowd. And to do this you will have to meet him a bit in managing his difficult people, and that means controlling yours. Fitz and Drummond in a chastened spirit ought to help you. l All this from the arm-chair in England you will say is piffie, and perhaps you are right. Make Hennessy resign my seat, and put up Bailey immediately latter comes out next month and Hennessy can resign my Cape clubs, etc.' On September 27, 1912, he writes from East Lothian, again to Smartt, that 'Botha is behaving pretty well, gradually summoning up courage to tell his people they must pay [for the Navy]. You ought, with patience, to bring about the combination. Just as in the naval question and the Rhodes Memorial question, he has to go slowly, but in the end he comes out, though he best knows how to bring his own people along. • • . Ch~rter affairs so much in the melting-pot that I think I must give up the Indian trip this year and stick to London Wall.' And again he writes to Smartt on November 1,1912, that he had been 'rather pleased with Boths,' s statement as to the necessity of pro­ viding for [naval] protection of ninety millions trade, and think it was unwise to let Long hammer him so

1 Sir Percy FitzPatrick a.nd Sir Drummond Chaplin. VOL. II. U

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 306 THE LIFE OF JAMESON strenuously. 1 If you were keeping up a real party fight with the purpose of succeeding him as a party it would be good business, but that is hopeless, as we hinted at the general elections. That being so, it seems well to foster any sign of good intentions, and after all we know that in subjects of this kind Botha must gradually get his people to come with him. They must be educated and we in decency must recognise that fact. A party attitude on the Navy must give the Hertzog element points against Botha, and tend further to throw the latter back into their hands. I have heard from Botha and seen Graaff. Of course you must keep the party together and keep up a strenuous fight on methods, but I am sure it would be good business if you would meet Botha often and talk and agree upon principles with him. . • • We must frankly acknowledge to ourselves that our best alternative is . . . to choose Botha rather than the Merriman, Sauer, Hertzog combination, and hope for the inclusion of our people with Botha's immediate party. The only way to lead to that is a frank, friendly, personal understanding between you, the leader, and Botha, and your main difficulty of course will be to keep in hand the extremists of your party, like Fitz and, in a lesser degree, the young men like Long. Great cheek the arm-chair lecturing you, but I know you won't mind my giving you my frank ideas.' In the meantime Jameson, in spite of his ailments, had been going more and more deeply into Charter affairs. Since the death of and A1fred

1 Mr. B. K. Long, then a ba.rrister and Member of Parlia.ment on the Progressive side, now Editor of the Oape Times, in mooession to Jameson's old and trusty friend, Sir Maitland Park, who ·died after a long illness, heroically borne, in 1921. .

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 307 Beit the Company had drifted without leadership or policy. Jameson's first task was to organise a competent government. To this end he worked for the appointment of a Committee of All Time Directors. 1 'Just a line,' he writes to Sir Lewis Michell on January 10, 1913, 'as you will hear all news from Maguire. S We have had a strenuous time since you left but are getting fairly under way on a business basis. Fox, Malcolm, and Birchenough make a good Committee, but as one of them is to be always in Rhodesia I want a fourth ...... The presidency, as you know, is in abeyance. My idea of course is Grey, and I have said so.' When things had gone thus far, the Duke of Abercom, the President of the Company, died, and it was plain to all that only Jameson could succeed him. On February 27 he was asked to take the chair at the general meeting, and in his speech the shareholders at once recognised that touch of genius and inspiration lacking since the death of the founder. 3 TheelectionofJameson as President of the Chartered Company was inevitable. He himself would have preferred Earl Grey, but the opinion of the Company was decisive, he was duly elected, and thenceforth the Board had again a policy. Jameson saw very clearly, as Rhodes had foreseen, that Rhodesia must

1 The whole-time Executive Committee consisted of three Directors, Mr. Dougal Orme Malcolm, a Colonial. Office offioiaJ. with experience of South Africa., Mr. Birchenough, a.nd Mr. Wilson Fox, who had been General Manager and was promoted to the Boa.rd. 1& Mr. Rochfort Maguire, then Vice-President of the Company, had gone out to Rhodesia. on 8. visit &8 representing the Company, taking with him the Directo1'8' statement of policy of 1913. 8 'Just come back from the meeting,' Jameson writes to his brother on the 27th, 'which went off very well. They voted all we want and did not heckle.'

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 308 THE LIFE OF JAMESON some day enter the Union, and redress the balance. Therefore he wanted a stronger and a bigger Rhodesia with closer settlement, material progress, and a good understanding between Company and settlers. The chief thing was to get people on the land, and that was no easy matter, for as Rhodesia had a black population the only sort of settlers in the least likely to survive were men with capital who could organise the black labour in large farming operations. One of the Executive Committee whom Jameson liked and trusted most, Mr. Dougal Malcolm, went out to expound a scheme, whioh in brief was the oreation of a Land Board to finanoe the sale of land to 'Settlers upon long and easy terms, to be administered jointly by the Company and the representatives of the settlers. Jameson with Wilson Fox and Hawksley followed Malcolm. On November 26 he writes from BuIu­ wayo:- 'Pretty hot weather, but I do well with it. Plenty of deputations and little bothers, but I am steering pretty clear of functions and intend to get o~t of it if I can with one big meeting before I leave. That ought to have more effect at elections than being constantly on ta.p.' Curious to think of Jameson going over that great country after so many years-nodding to an old acquaintance in the streets of Buluwayo, 300 feet wide because he had laid them out himself so that 'a bullock team could turn anywhere'; where Thomson had cut out the fleet horse from the harness of his cart, there were the first trees of the mile-long nursemaid-shading avenue; where in the goat kraal he had wrestled with the King for days in debate, and cured the royal gout, where he had held his own

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 309 in the perilous game with savage indunas and hostile conces8ionaires, where he had been arrayed in the savage insignia of the feather cloak, the shield and the spear, there was now a pleasant garden with trim box hedges, and the white walls of Government House shining through the shrubbery. And in those great tawny plains where he and his servant, Garlick, had fought wild dogs, or made fires to keep off lions, the smoke rose from English homesteads, and Rere­ ford cattle grazed in peace. The savage land had become a civilised colony, with its towns and rail­ ways, its mines, its commerce, and even its industries. And, sad to say, there were also its politics, for there were now 30,000 white settlers, many of them with a grievance against the Company, all of them keen to debate questions of policy and government--an active, alert, energetic people, with the confident, arrogant views natural to young communities. They came to Jameson, the old pioneers, and Jameson greeted them in that drily humorous way of his own: 'Rullo, Bill! ' he said to one, 'you have got damned ugly since I saw you last.' To another who came full of grievances, after listening in silence for ten minutes, 'And now, Tom, don't you think you are a --fool Y' And Bill and Tom went away swearing that not for years had they heard such wisdom and common sense in Rhodesia. The great event of the trip was the meeting in Salisbury of December 22, 1913, at which Jameson came to grips with all the questions then at issue between Company and settlers. 'I am going to be perfectly frank,' he said; 'I am not going to adopt the tactics of the ostrich, who buries his head in the sand and imagines that another and prominent portion of his body is not seen.' And from these

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 310 THE LIFE OF JAMESON opening words the settlers knew at once that it was really and truly their old Dr. Jim speaking to them as of old as man to men. By univer~al testimony it was a wonderful triumph. The Colony began by being hostile, but Jameson pulled it round by virtue of his humour and his courage. The unalienated land, he said, belonged to the shareholders. It had been suggested that he should hand it over to the people; 'but my answer to that is that I represent the Charter Company Board and the Board repre': sents 40,000 shareholders. The property is not mine, and I have no inclination to go back to Holloway.' Then, logically and reasonably, as his manner was, he took his audience step by step through the great question of their political future. The Imperial Government had the opportunity of revising the Charter· from the following year, 1914, twenty-five years from the time it had been granted. But the Charter would go on. Why! Because the alterna­ tive was absorption in the Union. ' The Dutchmen,' he continued, 'are great friends of mine, and I believe that the Englishmen and the Dutchmen will be mixed up in a heap together some day. But in the meantime let them settle their troubles down below before they come up here. We do not want their racial, their bi;.linguistic, or any other troubles, to add to our own.' They were not yet ready for the Union. ' What is going to happen to this young vigorous Rhodesian child when it gets into the bed of that large and corpulent mother.... Your aspirations are going to be killed, and at the inquest next morning the verdict will be, overlaid by the Union.' He put the altel'D:ative before them of a greater Rhodesia, stretching from Mafeking to 300 miles north of the Zambesi. 'With that great State

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 311 before you,' he said, ' surely it is an inspiring thing, not only for you, but for your children and your children's children.' Better that than to allow their identity to sink in the vortex of the troubles of the Union, Asiatic, Native, and racial. ' ••• Let it right its own affairs and allow you to develop your affairs, and it is in the lap of the gods in future whether we shall go to the Union or whether we shall not.' A vigorous speech; but the weariness and sickness cannot be kept out of his letters. ., Got through first big meeting here all right,' he wrote to Sam; 'the audience were extremely good-natured, and I hope the only really bored person was myseH. Things generally are going pretty well. . • .. I believe they will vote Charter all right at the election.' The speech at Buluwayo on January 26,1914, dealt more with the business, the mining, and the develop­ ment of the country. One sentence from his dis­ cussion of the land question suggests the spirit of the speech: 'There is nothing more attractive to a human being than having been able to convince him­ self that somebody else's property is his own.' Jameson was at home among his Rhodesians. Sir Starr had to defend the Company not only from the envy of settlers, but from the hostility of the Colonial Office. The Company had always acted on the belief that it owned the land of Rhodesia by right of concession, conquest and occupation. Some it had assigned to the natives, some it had granted to the pioneers, some it had sold; but there remained great tracts of unalienated land, not indeed the best, the ownership of which Mr. Harcourt now made a bone of contention between the Company and settlers. His first move was a letter of January 1, 1914,

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 312 THE LIFE OF JAMESON addressed to the High Commissioner, suggesting that the question be made the subject of a Privy Council case, and offering on behaH of the Government, , every facility for its determination.' The Company, upon its side, as the question had been raised, was willing enough to have it settled, and only stipulated that the decision should be final. It even waived all legal objections to the settlers, who in law had no sort of status, being made a party to the suit. It is not part of our purpose to follow the manifold intricacies of this case, which in the end was decided much on the principle of ~sop's fable of the two cats, the monkey, and the cheese. The land which had been claimed by the settlers and by the Company was declared to be the property of the Crown. 1 Sufficient to say that it upset Jameson's plan for land settlement in Rhodesia, for the settlers refused to come to any arrangement which they thought might possibly prejudice their title to the land, and so the Company's carefully arranged scheme fell through. Then came the great war, making these and all other issues small by comparison. On November 13, 1914, Jameson writes to Smartt from London:- 'Yes, you are having a peck of troubles, but Botha will come out. The rebels can't haTe much in the way of ammunition and general supplies. It should only make the South West campaign slower. Still we were all wrong about the question of disloyalty .... What a tiresome speechifier Schreiner will make as H.C. [High Commissioner]. General idea that war will finis4 up at end of spring. Of course we will win, but most of us will be ruined in the process. The Government are damnable, but it is a lucky thing they are

1 It followed, however, as a logioal, if unwelcome, oonsequence that the deficits of the Company became the liability of the Crown.

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 313 in power so as to ensure of loyal opposition. Dawson [his doctor] is sending me to Bath to-day for a fortnight.' In the speech which Sir Starr Jameson, now Presi­ dent, addressed to the Nineteenth General Meeting of the Company on December 17, 1914, there is very little but war and the preparations for defence. In the north-east the Germans had raided the border, and Rhodesian troops were working with the forces of Nyasaland and Belgian Congo. In the south­ west, where German territory projected a long tongue to the Zambesi, the Company's troops had occupied the Caprivi strip. Jameson was cheered to the echo when he said that' practically the whole manhood of Rhodesia volunteered for service within or outside our territory.' A bequest of £25,000 left to him, with thoughtful kindliness, by , put him beyond all need, with his simple tastes, to consider ways and means of life, and in these latter years Jameson moved from 2 Down Street to the larger house of 2 Great Cumber .. land Place, which he shared with his brothers, Sam and Midge. There they were generally to be found of a late afternoon, Jameson hunched up in a huge arm-chair before a roaring fire even when the weather was warm. with his eternal cigarette, arguing more or less impatiently with one or other of his brothers on the political questions of the day. There were eternal arguments, not so much with Sam, who was much of Lanner's way of thinking, as with Midge, who, either from devilment or from a natural habit of mind, always and upon every question took the other side. Not that they were quarrelling, as might appear to the uninitiated; they were merely whiling away the hours of tedium and of pain now habitual to the Doctor, although he never spoke of, nor even

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 314: THE LIFE OF JAMESON betrayed, his sufferings, except for an odd grimace or one of his favourite expletives. Goll became more and more difficult owing to a gouty eczema in the arms, but he contrived to play nevertheless, and was never happier than when wagering a box of new go1f balls with such old friends as Jim Taylor or with Sam. He found delight also in the visits of various South Mricans-magnates of the Rand, whom he chaffed unmercifully; Lionel Phillips, with whom he was again on friendly terms; Sir Percy FitzPatrick, and the rest. But his chief delight was when Sir Thomas Smartt came home with eloquent accounts of South African politics. This loyal­ hearted Irishman, whose natural gift of rhetoric was carried into private conversation, was his perpetual delight, and it is recorded that even when they were together in the House of Assembly, or on a political platform, when the other was in his sublimest rhetorical :Bights, Jameson would be quietly and maliciously and continuously interrupting 80tto voce with 'Oh I for God's sake, stop it, Smartt! Dry up and sit down!'--interruptions which Smartt took with imperturbable good-humour. On January 22, 1915, in a letter to this friend, Jameson refers to pessimistic reports of disaffection among the Dutch. , But,' he goes on, 'so long as there is an "if" I would not bother about the pessimistic view. Over here there will be practically no change for the next couple of months, weather and preparation of reinforcements preventing. Then things will begin to hum, and I still think it will be over in the summer. Damnable weather here, and with a good deal of rheumatism I am going to spend these two slack months in going to India, starting to-morrow and returning in end of March. Metcalfe and Jim Taylor are going with

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 315 me. The Govemment, especially our particular one (Har­ court !) as damnable as ever, but our Charter is now on a level keel for the next ten years,l and except pin-pricks they cannot do us much harm. Hawk back at work-a little more obstinate and idiotic, but otherwise as before.' I On May 21 of the same year he writes again to Smartt:- , On the whole was rather bored in India, but am glad to have been there. It was hot at all events, and my chest had been bothering me. Now I am all right. The end of the war seems to get further and further away. Of course the usual muddling on a bigger scale. The eventual success, of course, is all right, and the rapidly coming compulsory service and its attendant advantages is almost worth the sacrifice from a national point of view.... The new Government at all events will have a sprinkling of honest men and will muddle along better. I dined with Asquith the other night in the middle of the crisis, and he was much more interested in his Bridge than in anything else. • . • But still, no doubt, he is the best man to run the new mixed show, that he is pre-eminently good at from long practice and no principles of his own to intenere. Botha's show is the only well done thing in the war.' Again on August 17 he writes to Smartt :- , Your cable only another evidence of the hopelessness of the authorities. I am going down to see Bonar Law about it this aftemoon. It is our next hope, but even he seems to have been mesmerised into a semi-mandarin since the Coalition. Funny thing to say, but as far as England is

1 It had been renewed. by the Imperial Govemment. I This affectionate reference to Mr. Hawksley, the respected and beloved solioitor of the Chartered Company, must not be taken au pied de la Zettre. He had returned to work after a serious illness. Broadly speaking, the measure of Jameson's love for his friends may be gauged by the strength and invention of the affectionate abuse he launched upon their devoted heads.

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 316 THE LIFE OF JAMESON concerned, this Russian debacle is the best thing that has happened. It is even putting the fear of God into the Government, and I hope they will be punched into com­ pulsory service in the next few weeks. The Balkans is the interesting point at the present moment and the only possible solution of this huge Dardanelles blunder. Lionel Phillips is very busy getting together a Committee and funds for a Hospital for the B.A. Contingent. That will be done all right. We are having great trouble with the Colonial Office about our war expenditure in the north. Bonar a little sticky, and the permanent staff declared enemies. Alto­ gether life is not a happy one at present ....' Jameson made one more visit to South Africa. He left with his friend Mr. Dougal Malcolm on October 23, 1915, with two main ends in view, one the organisation of the north-eastern border against the Germans in German East Africa, and the other the administrative amalgamation of all the Rhodesias. Jealousies and local interests stood in the way, and his scheme of a Greater and United Rhodesia had to be postponed. 1 He returned to London on February 16, 1916. Possibly the journey had been rather much for his health, and in March he under­ went another, and this time a very serious, opera­ tion. At the Annual Meeting of the Company on April 6, 1916, Mr. Lyttelton Gell, the Chairman, had

1 A statement oonoerning the a.malgamation of Southern and Northern Rhodesia. was made by the visit.ing Directors in the Rhodesian press on December 31, 1915. They pointed out the advantages of a. single unified administration for the whole of Rhodesia, inoluding the territory north of the Zambesi, the chief advantage to the settlers being that their voioe would be stronger if it was the voice of a single community tha.n if Rhodesia were divided into two territories. Moreover, the people of Northern Rhodesia., who were not yet sufficiently numerous to have their own Legislative Council, could join in the Legislative Council of the Southern Province. There would be a oommon law, for the law of Southem Rhodesia. is Roman Dutch, whereas the law of Northern Rhodesia. is English. There would be prospective economies, n. stronger Civil Service, a.nd other advantages.

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 317 to regret the absence of their President owing to continued ill-health, and from then on his friends noted a continually ebbing strength of body, although the spirit burned as brightly as ever, and his courage even in the darkest days of the war never faltered. On May 16, 1916, he writes to Smartt :- , This operation has been a devil of a business, and though it was very successful and healed practically by first [inten­ tion], still the irritation and stiffness of side persists and won't be right for another couple of months. At the same time it leaves me more or less " gaga " as to energy for doing anything, and only one advantage, it makes it impossible for the present for me to go into the House, which some of our friends are still urging. The point about the operation which I did not realise is the extent of the incision . . . whioh, of oourse, means a horrid tightening up of my fibrous tissue, which must take time and trouble to get over. The political position still damnable, but Asquith may come to grief over the Irish affair. Bonar Law's loyalty to Asquith has been a hopeless handicap. He has & backbone like Rosebery, I am afraid.' These last letters serve to show the ardour of the dying man in the cause of his country. He was never too ill to listen to news from any of the battle fronts, and his chief delight was when some old soldier friend dropped in upon him with tidings of the war. He would even speak with envy of his old friend Sir John Willoughby, 1 who organised an armoured motor battery and took it to East Africa to fight under the command of his old enemy, General Smuts. Invalid as he was, Jameson forced himself to work. In September, 1916, the War Office formed a Com­ mittee which included representatives of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John, the

1 Sir John Willoughby died on Aprll16, 1918.

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 318 THE LIFE OF JAMESON Prisoners of War Help Committee, and the Indian Soldiers Fund, to take charge of the welfare of British prisoners, and Sir Starr Jameson was made Chairman. He had loyal colleagues, and if he had no longer the strength for such a burden, his insight and habit of quick decision were of service. On December 31, 1916, he wrote to Smartt:- 'Your interview and Botha's subsequent speeoh most satisfaotory. Hope you will be able to keep him oontinu­ ously up to the mark, and espeoially before he oomes home you must impress him to take the strong line on the peaoe terms with the Bosohes, and not let him be influenoed by the International Jews and his Radioal friends over here. 'The ohange was brought about by the Northoliffe Press and the Morning Post, espeoially the latter, putting pluok into Lloyd George ...• So far it is working well, and I really think they have got the best brains and energy a vail­ able in the oountry. Milner is, of oourse, the main faotor in the War Counoil, and I think we may say the whole show is being run by him and L. G. .Altogether there is a olea ring of the atmosphere sinoe Asquith has gone. Every one more hopeful and feel that business is being done.' On June 21, 1917, he writes again from the old address :- 'I suppose your session is about finishing with a grand finish off by Merriman as to his horror of his old friends the "baok velders." Smuts, of oourse, has made a great hit, and from my talks with him I really believe he will be a oonsiderable strength to our War Cabinet, whioh has lately been slaoking off like all oabinets. Even our great stand-by, Milner, can only shrug his shoulders on the R. Maodonald episode, Tino, etc. In the old days he would have seen them all damned first before he would have agreed to any weak measures. Russia, of course, won't make peaoe, 'but she may be ruled out for fighting this year and we must

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 LAST DAYS 319 wait for next year for America to fill the gap.. The one bright spot is Haig and our Army, of which nothing is too good to say. Tell Hennessy, Crewe, and Walton and Fitz I know I am a. beast not to write, but really I can give no news that you do not see in the pa.pers, and with these damned Committees one is sick of everything except going to bed. Old Michell is going wonderfully strong. . . • With love to Lady S. and the " puppies, "-Yours, L. S. JA.MESON.' Then on September 25, 1917, he writes, again to Smartt, this time from 2 London Wall Build­ ings:- 'Michell left to-day ... younger tha.n I have seen him for a long time. He tells me Lady Michell writes tha.t you were going to take a rest a.fter the Session and it only lasted thirty-six hours. Do stop this rot, and vegetate at your beastly farm-the world won't come to an end if you do, but if you don't you will come to an end. Things very sticky over here, a.nd even optimist as I am an ominous compromise looks more and more likely. Both naval and military don't seem to be a.ble to get out of the playing for safety a.ttitude. The order of the day seems to be no risks, and if that goes on the Hun will never be knocked out. It is 0.11 very de­ pressing. I a.m going to Ireland for the week-end to hear from Dunraven what is going on a.t the Convention. Ia.m a.fraid it is only a talking out [word indecipherable 1] to keep things quiet.' And now the end was near. Jameson took to his bed on Friday, November 16. The neuritis from which he had so long suffered, the effects of malaria in Rhodesia, .and dysentery in the trenches of Ladysmith, had gradually poisoned all the nerves of the body, and now took the form of attacks of almost unbearable pain. Once he said to his doctors, with the dreadful knowledge of an expert, 'Since

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 320 THE LIFE OF JAMESON you have done everything to satisfy medical punc­ tilio, cannot you give me something and let me go.' Sam had died the year before, but Midge,l a brother even more dear than Sam, was constantly at his bedside. One morning Midge thought the doctor's face and views more cheerful, and he whispered that there was hope of recovery. ' No,' said Lanner, with his old smile, 'thank God, there is no hope.' The pain left him as he grew weaker, and when he could no longer speak he could still recognise his friends and signified farewell by a little press1lI'e of the hand. Thus he died on the afternoon of Monday, November 26, of the year 1917. On the 29th of that month his body was laid in a vault at the Kensal Green Cemetery until peace should return to the earth. Then it was carried to Rhodesia and on May 22, 1920, laid in a grave cut in the granite on the top of the mountain which Rhodes had called The View of the World, close beside the grave of his friend. , Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end where I begun.' There on the summit these two lie together.

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ABBBCOBN, Duke of, Director of Ajacoio, ii. 183 British South Africa. Company, Albany, Jameson's candidature, i. 10S-9, 111 i present of bulls ii. 296, 298; Jameson member to Lobengula, i. 133-li i death, for, ii. 298, 300; Abe BaiJ~ ii.307 suggested by Jameson as oandi­ Aborigines Protection Society, op­ date, ii. 300, 305 position to grant of Charter to Alexandria, ii. lS3. British South Africa Company, Algiers, ii. lS3 i. 106, 110; opposition to Aliwal, electioneering at, ii. 231 Rhodes's scheme for future of - North, Sauer defeated by Col. Matabeleland, i. 298; ii. 17 Ctewe, ii. 232 Adendorff, Louis, alleged concession Amaveni regiment, Matabele army, from chiefs of the Banyai and attack on British, i. 277 note interview with Rhodes re, i. Anderson, Tom, , i. 150, 192-3,195-6; trek into Mashona­ 167 land organised by, i. 193-202, Anderson and Murison of Cape 206; ii. 127 Town, i.167 Africa, scramble for, i. lOS; tropical, d'Andrada, Colonel, Portuguese, f0sition of, in 1889, i. 103-5 taken prisoner at Umtasa's African Lakes Corporation, i. 102; kraaJ, and sent to Kimberley, taken over by British South i. 172, 175 Africa Company, i. 107 Angel, Moses, Spital6.elds school­ Afrikander Bond, ii. 270; support of master, i. 64: Rhodes's Mashonaland soheme, ArmadaZe Oasel6, ii. 302 i. 136-7; steps taken by, Asquith, Rt. Hon. H. H., M.P., against Adendorff trek, i. 194:-7 ; ii. 2S4:; opposition to Imperial co-operation of Rhodes with, Preference, ii. 256-7, 258, 259; ii. 112 ; relations with the Jameson on, ii. 2S9, 3US, 317, Transvaal, ii. 130 ; struggle 3lS with the Progressives, ii. 179-82 ; Association for German Colonisa­ support of the Republics by, tion, i. 103. ii. 200; attitude towards Sir Assouan Dam, ii. 206 Gordon Sprigg and Jameson, Atherstone, Dr. Guybone, geolo­ ii. 212-15; Chamberlain's rela­ gist, i. 20 tions with, ii. 216-17; and defeat Auret, J. G., Reformer, on deputa.­ of the Government, ii. 220-3, tion to Pretoria, ii. 96-S 224:; Tengo J abavu employed A.~, Portuguese warship, a.t to attack Jameson, ii. 231; Beira, i. lS8 policy of protection of agri­ culture, ii. 236; and the Ad­ BAILEY, Abe, ii. 275; and Uitlander ditional Representation Bill, ii. rising, ii. 4:2-3, 4:4:-5, 93, 96-S; 239-4:1 • at Groote Schuur, ii. 21S ; .dgn6B, S.S., expedition to the suggested by Jameson as candi­ Pungwe, i. 185-6, 188-90; jour­ date for Albany. ii. 300, 30lS ney up the Pungwe, i. 211, Baines, Thomas. visit to Marasta­ 212" bad, ii. 4:5, 4:8. Agrioulture, protection question, Baird, ii. 17 ii. 236, 250-1, 262-3 Baldon House, Oxfordshire, i. lS6 VOL. U. X

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Balfour, Rt. Hon. A.. J., M.P., ii. Bechuan.aland Concessions Com 277 pany, i. 102 Balkans, ii. 315 - Exploration Company, absorp. Balmo.raI, Jameson at, ii. 277, 287 tion by British South Afrioa Bamangwato, foroe of, at Tuli Company, i. 107, 122, 123 camp, i. 14:1 - Police, i. 95, 120, 121, 14:1,206, Bantjes, gold prospecting, ii. 7 265; ii. 23 noee, 53, 169; attack Banyai, chibes of, alleged oonaea· OD, by Matabele, i. 267; in the Bion to A.dendorfl and others, Matabele war, i. 284:, 286, 287, i. 192·3, 195; flared alive by 296·7; and the Raid, ii. 34:, 50, Lobengula, 1878. 1. 193; killed 61, 58, 59, 61, 106 by Matabele, 1892, i. 218, 24:3 Bechuanas, i. 98; chiefs' deputation Baralong, tribe, fighting at Male· to England, ii. 30, 31; defeat king, i. 93·4: of Matabeles Dear Lake Ngami, Barberton, pioneers from, pros. i. 112·13 fecting on the. Witwat~~srand, Beira, i. 168, 198; ii. 175, 176, 1. 80; q,uartz discovery, 11. 3, 4: 196, 211, 232; Portuguese :Baring crims, ii. 13, 4:1, 85 agreement to allow way through, Barkly West, Rhodes as member to Mashonaland, i. 184, breach for, i. 78.. 105; election, ii, 232 of, i. 184:-91, 198; English ships Barnato, Barney, i. 114:; early life detained at, i. 188-9; British and activities in diamond fields, Consul, i. 191; Major Sapte i. 64:·7; character, i. 65·6 ; obliged to give up attempt to Rhodes'. struggle with, for con· take, i. 205; attempts to open trol of Kimberley Mine, i. 68.75, road from Mashonaland, i. 210; 84:; opposition to Rhodes's rail. railway, i. 228-9, 305 way scheme, i 76; at Neville -- Bay, British warships in, i. 191 Pickering'S funeral, i. 81 ; - island, i. 166 Jameson's warning to Sam re, Beit, Alfred, ii. 4:3; connection with i. 100.1; and the Raid, ii. 14:7·8 diamond fields, i. 59-60; pur. - Brothers, i. 66 chase of shares by De Beers in - Diamond Mining Companr, i. 66 Viotoria Company through, i. Baronet, Jameson created, h. 299 62·3; and negotiations for oon· Barotse tribe, i. 98 trol of Kimberley Mine, i. 71·2; Barreto, Francisco, expedition in and railway to the North, i. 76; search of the Monomotapa gold Director of British South Afrioa mines, i. 152,207·8 Company, i. 107, 109; .and Barry, Inspector, death in the Uitlander rising, ii. 38-9, 4:2, 4:7, Raid, ii. 108 . 4:9, 52, 92; at the Inquiry, ii. Bartisollode, mining camp, i. 151, 162; Mediterranean tour, ii. 153, 177 183, 185; Egyptian trip with Basutoland, i. 29; breaking up of, Rhodes and Jameson, ii. 205·6; proposed by General Both&, ii. death, ii. 307; bequest to 227, 228 Jameson, ii. 313 Bates, Arthur, Bechuanaland - (now Sir) Otto, with Rhodes at Police, ii. 69 tIOl6 Groote Schuur during Raid, ii. Bath, Jameson to visit, ii. 312 132·3 Baxter's Gully Company, incor. Belgian Congo, fighting with Ger· poration with De Beers Com· mans, ii. 312 . pany, i. 69 Bennett, farmer of Victoria dis· Beach, Sir Michael Hicks, ii. 184: triot, assault and robbery of, i. Becbuanaland, i. 29, 85, 105, ii. 227·8 195; railway, Rhodes's scheme, Bere's kraal, people of, accused of i. 76; British protectorate, i. stealing Lobengula'i cattle, i. 24:5 78·9, 87; description, i. 92; Berlin Conference, 1884, i. 104: transfer to the Chartered Com. Berry, Sir Bisset, ii. 234 pany, ii. 20, 30·4:, 168, 169; Bethell, Christopher, support of Dr. Jameson appointed Adminis. MontBioa in defence of Mafeking, trator, ii. 34: and death, i. 94:

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Bethlehem, ii. 183 Jameson &1!1 leader of the opposi­ Bettelheim, Henri, i. 205, 24:0; tion against extremists of his Mediterranean tour, ii. 183 party, ii. 292, 293, 294:; first Bettington, Colonel, and Uitlander Prime Minister of the Union, H. rising, ii. 14:, 100.1, 137, 138·9; 294; Ministry, ii. 294:·303, 304:, expedition from 305 ; on Jameson, ii. 294:·6; to meet Jameson, ii. 101·3 Jameson on policy and position Bettington's Horse, ii. 4:0 of, and need for supporting, H. Bezuidenhout, i. 237, 239 296-7,304:,305-6,317; defeated Biarritz, Jameson at, ii. 301 at Pretoria East by Sir ~erc7 Birchenough, Mr., member of FitzPatrick, ii. 298; and educa­ Chartered Company whole-time tion oontroversy, ii. 299; re­ Executive Committee, ii. 306 fusal to accept honour, ii. .299- Bird, Dr., of Potchefstroom, ii. 7 300; on Jameson's resignation, Biscoe, Lieutenant Tyndale, at ii. 302·3; and operations in Salisbury, i. 14:8 Africa, ii. 312, 315 Bismarck, Prince, schemes for Ger­ )3owden, M. P., cricketer and shop­ man Commercial Empire in keeper at Umtali, meeting with Africa, i. 103 Rhodes on road to Mashonaland, Blennerhassett, Rose, hospital of, 1. 212-13; Chartered Company's at Umtali, i. 211·16 Police, ii. 39 Blignaut's Pont, on Vaal River, i. Bower, Sir Graham, Imperial Secre­ 138 tary, ii. 17; and the Raid, ii. Bloemfontein, ii. 4:9, 28.2; Confer­ 66·7, 119-20, 121, 122, 128; ence on Ocean Freights, ii. 261 ; at the Inquiry, ii. 162; interview National Convention, ii. .285·6; with Jameson in London, ii. Progressive Congress and forma· 168 tion of Unionist Party of South Boyd, Charles, 205 . Africa, ii. .293 Boyes, Lorenzo, magistrate, i. 20, Bodenstein, Field Cornet, ii. 73, ii. 63; message to Cape Town 73·4 and reply, ii. 123·4 Bodle, Inspeotor, Mashona1and Brabant, Mr., native Commissioner, Mounted Polioe, and the Raid, i. 218, 257; interview with ii. 56, 108 Banyai chief, i. 193 note; at Boer citizen army, ii. 136-7 interview between Jameson and Boon's store, meeting at, between Matabele indunas, i. 254:, 255, Raiders and smaIl Boer force,. 255 note ii. 70·1 Brand, President, Orange Free Borckenhagen, ii. 188 State, illness and treatment by Borrow, Corporal (afterwards Cap­ Jameson, i. 27 tain), Bechwma1and Police, i. - Speaker, li. 24:1 121, 1.22, ii. 53; attempts to Brandy, excise on, ii. 243, 24:5 open road to Beira, i. .210; 'Bray's Golden Quarry' (now the Matabele war, i. 280, 286, 289, Sheba Mine), ii. 3 290 Bridge, Sir John, proceedings against Botha, General Louis, President of the Raiders before, ii. 14:2·9 the Afrikander Bond, support of Brindisi, ii. 205 Rhodes's schemes, i. 137; pro­ Brisk, H.M.S., in Beira Bay, i. 191 posal re breaking up of native British South Africa Company reserves, ii. 227, 228; at Colonial (Chartered Co.), i. 76; ii. 268, Conferenoe, ii. 255; at Ooean 272, 280, 287, 304:, 305; forma­ Freights Conference, ii. .261; tion, i. 107; Charter, i. 107-11 ; position of, ii. 270; delegate to shares allotted to Jameson, 1890, National Convention, ii. 279, and sold shortly after, i. 119 279-80, 280, 284: ; Jameson on, note; refusal of Frank Johnson ii. 280; oharacter and policy, to serve under, i. 1.23-4; head­ ii. 287-8 ; and 'Best . Men quarters to be in Mashona1and. Government' scheme, ii. 287-8, i. 198; Rhodes's speeches, i. 289, 290, 291, 292; support by 228·9,. 232; ii. 17.18; Mataoele

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British S. Africa. Company (coni.) Burchell, William J., i. 4:8.7 war, lee th~ Rtle; administra· Bumaby, death at Abu K1ea, i. tion of Matabeleland, i. 294:· 187 305 ; and Uitlander reform Burnett, Ted, afterwards Oaptain, movement, ii. 15; Jameson's i. 121; death in Matabele war, speeches to, ii. 18·20, 312·13; i.276 transfer of the BechuanaJand Burnham, American scout, Matabele Protectorate to, ii. 20, 30·4:; war, i. 283, 285, 288, 289, 289· police, ii. 50; administration by, 290 inquiry into, ii. 161; new issue Burton, Henry, ii. 24:4:; defeat of of shares, ii. 184:; whole·time the Government on question Executive Committee, ii. 307: raised by, ii. 220 - 1, 222 i Presidency question, ii. 307, Minister for Native Affairs in J &meson elected, ii. 307; policy first Union Cabinet, ii. 294: under Jameson, ii. 307·8; reo Busi River, i. 167, 177, 179, 189 newal of Charter, ii. 310, 314:; Button, Edward, gold prospeoting annual meeting, 1916, Jameson's in the Transvaal, i. 4:5, 4:8 absence, ii. 316 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, i. 2 Brocklehurst, Colonel (afterwards Major. General Sir J. F.), ii. 187 CJIIlsn's OAHP, Boer attack, ii. 192 Brora, ii. 272 Cairo, ii. 183, 205, 206 Brougham, Henry, Lord, influence Caldioott, A. E., lawyer to the Com. on R. W. Jameson, i. 2 pany, shooting trip, i. 222; at Brown, Sub.Inspector, ii. 63 Mining Conference with repre· Browne, the Hon. A., I.S.O., M.L.C., sentatives of Transvaal Govern· delegate to National Convention, ment, ii. 9 ii.279 Caldiootts, the, at Salisbury, i. Brummer, Comelis, aJIeged Banyai 230 ooncession to, i. 192·3, 195 Campbell, Sir John, afterwards Brussels, ii. 183; Conference on Lord Chanoellor, i. 2 ' Tropical Africa, 1876, i. 103 - Captain John Alexander Living. Bu.llalo, Portuguese armed tug, stone, R.A., wound and death, at Beira with British prisoners, i. 274:, 276 i.189 Campbell·Bannerman, Sir Henry, Buller, General Sir Redve.rB, relief ii.170 of Ladysmith, ii. 191, 192 Cape, annexation by two English Bultfontein Mine, i. 17, 62; discovery sailors'in reign of James I., i . .of diamonds, i. 21; fall of reef, 109 note, i. 56; oombination of claims, - Colony, i. 105, 138, ii. 19, 238 i. 56; control, acquisition of, by 11016, 282; railway system, i. De Beers, i. 75 136; relations with the Trans. Buluwayo, i. 36, 90, ii. 33, 194:; vaal, i.136.196,ii. 21·2.23·9.167, description of native town, i. 187, 198; Dutch of, support 96·7; Thompson's :fti$ht from, of Rhodes's Rhodesian policy, i. 113; J ameeon at, I. 113·20, ii. 16, attitude ,e Raid, ii. 130·1; 128; entrance of British troops, railway and telegraph, Rhodes~1 i. 282·4:; Jameson in, i. 283· schemes, i. 76, ii. 184:; relations 305, ii. 186, 187, 202·3, 299, between white races in, ii. 218; 308; destruction of the king's Chinese labour question, ii. 227. kraal, i. 283; death of Captain 229·30, 230; economic di1Boul­ Raaff at, and funeral, i. 292 note ; ties, ii. 242, 24:8, 262; readjust. building of new township, i. ment of railway rates, ii. 250, 299, 304:; railway, i. 305, ii. 252; wine trade, ii. 254:, 257; 181; siege by Matabele, ii. 158; and the Union, ii. 279, 283, 286, Rhodes in, ii. '202·3; Govem· 286,287; Jameson's tour, ii. 295 ment House, avenue planted - Politics, conditions, i. 14:·16, by Rhodes, ii. 207.8; conces· debates on epidemics, i. 36; sions to settlers, ii. 268; descrip. support of Rhodes'. oIaim "' tion of new town, ii. 308·9' government of Matabelela.nd, - River, i. 96 i. 297; Republioan movement

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in, and opposition by Progres· Convention, ii. 280·2; City Ball sives, ii. 178·82; Kru~r's in. meeting, Jameson's apeech urJ.' fluence for ~ublioaniSID, ii. ing I Best Men Government,' li. 178, 179; question of Jameson's 291·2 : Harbour Division, Jame· oandidatare, ii. 179·80; eleotions, son elected, ii. 298; Sir Henry ii. 181.2,225,229, 269.73, 295·8, Juts. as member, ii. 298 note 332·3; Sohreiner Ministry, ii. Cape Town, lettel'S' from, i. 199, ii. 182, 200; Rebel Bills, ii. 200, 17,193·5,217·18,218·20,229·31, 202; Moderates v. Neutralists 232, 240, 26.2·3, 264, 266, 280·2, or • Mugwumps,' ii. 200; Sprigg 284, 291, 2Q5, 297, 30.2 Ministry, ii. 201·25; Jame· - wagon, description, i. 46·7 son's first appearance in Parlia· Caprivi strip, occupied by Chartered ment, ii. 201; Parliament, pro· Company's t~oops, ii. 312 rogation, ii. 202, ~ning, ii. Carlsbad, Jameson at, ii. 247·8, 211; position, session of 1902, 277, 287, 300, 304 ii. 212·15; prorogations, ii. 212; Carnarvon,4th Earl of, attempt to Progressive Party, Jameson as federate South Africa, i. 84 leader, ii. 215·16, 218·23, 224- Carrington, Colonel, ofter " ocou, 233; Jameson Ministry, ii. 234· pation of Mashonaland, i. 120, 252, 261.76; Additional Re· 122 presentation Aot, ii. 239-41, 242, Carrington's Horse, i. 1.21; ii. 53 243 ; Better Administration Cartagena, ii. 183 of Justice Bill, ii. 245; Prime Cashan Mountains, 8U Magalieaberi Minister, Jameson's policy as, Cawston, George, Director of British ii. 247·52, salary never drawn, South Africa Company, i. 107, ii. 248; Progressive Party, 109, 123 I!Iplit, ii. 251-2; meat duties, Calliers, oarrier of despatches from ii. 262 • 3 ; and taxation of Johannesburg to the Raiders, mineral profits, ii. 263-4; Ap. and return, ii. 73·7 propriation Bill, ii. 265; conver· Central Company (Kimberley '!!:I' sion of Progressive Party into sinking of shaft, i. 55·6; . South Afrioan Unionist Partl' gamation with Barnato Diamond ii. 266·7; session of 1909, Ii. Mining Company, i. 66; position 285; I Best Men Government,' of claims and subterranean war Jameson's scheme, ii. 287·8, with French Company, i. 67; 289·92 ; Unionist Party of sale of claims of French Company South Africa, formation, ii. to, by Rhodes for Kimberle7 293; opposition, Jameson as shares, i. 71; opposition to leader of, and policy, ii. 293- consolidation of diamond mines, 303 i. 76·7; purchase by Rhodes, i. Cape Mounted Rifles, ii. 61 77 - Town, i. 121, ii. 33, 239.40, CephaJonia, Jameson at, ii. 183 268,' 282; description, i.. 14; Cetewayo, i. 131 Government Avenue, i. 123; Chadwick, J. Cooper, trader in Poole's Hotel, i. 124; recep. Buluwayo, i. 130; attempt to tion of Rhodes a.nd. Jameson leave Matabeleland and preven.. in, after Matabele war, ii. tion, i. 132; carrier of message 16·17 ; reception of Rhodes, from Lobengula to Jameson at ii. 158; telegraph line to Cairo, Tuli, i. 140, 141. route ,\uestion, ii. 173·4, Jame. Chalk, Sergeant, in Matabela war, son's Journey along line, ii. i.257 174·5; Jameson in, ii. 200; Chamberlain~ Rt. Hon. Joseph, anxiety,.. Rhodes', illness, ii. M.P., ii. 127, 128 twee, 186; 207; Chamberlain in, ii. 217; and. closure of the drifts by stronghold of the British Party, Kruger, ii. 28; and the Raid, ii. 235; banquet in Jameson's ii. 66, 115, 120, 143 note, 145, honour, ii. 237·9; reception 161. 162, 166.72; refusal to of Jameson on retum from suspend South African Con­ Colonial Conference, ii. 260 ; stitution, ii. 213; attitude te elections, ii. 272; National South African politics, ii. 216-18;

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Clumlberlain, Rt.Hon. Joseph (com.) ley Mine) (6e8 also Kimberley visit to South Africa, ii. 216-18 j Mine), i. 4:8; • New Rush t to, Imperial Preference advocated i. 21, 22; claim. ;pegged out by by, ii. 228, 254:; Dr. Jameson Herbert Rhodes, 1. 42; value of made Prime Minister, ii. 233 claims, i .. 42·3, 67 Cha.plin, Sir Drummond, ii. S04: Colonial Conferences, Bee Imperial Charlestown, South Ca.rolina, branch Conferences of Pringle family in, i. 4: Colquho1Ul, Archibald, career, i. Charter, Fort, i. 217; built by 149; as Administrator, Mash· Pioneers, i. 14:6; starting-place onaland, and Jameson's rela. of column in Matabele war, i. tions with, i. 14:9-50, 161, USS, 265, 266, 268, 271-2 168, 173, 198, 202; Treaty Chartered Company, Bee British secured with Umtasa, i. 174·5 South Africa Company Compton, diamond digging at De ChAtea.u Royal d'Ardenne, Jameson Beers, partnershi~ and forma­ at, ii. 182-3 tion of Company, 1. 68·9 Chatham, Earl of, ii. 17 Confidence Reef, discovery, ii. G Chiloane Island, i. 167 Congo,ii.299 Chimoio, i. 153, 205, 237, ii. 176; - basin, .Ace gmdrale of Berlin communications, i. 305 Conference, 1884, i. 104 Chinde, Jameson's journey down - River, i. 103 the Zambesi to, ii. 175 Consolidated Goldfields of South Chinese' labour question, ii. 220, Africa, origin of, ii. 10 226.8, 229-30, 230, 231 Constantinople, ii. 183 Chirumziba, chief, punitive ex· Coope, Lieut. Jesser, and the Raid, pedition against, i. 227 ii. 60 note Churchill, Lord Randolph, i. 278 note Corinth Canal, ii. 183 - Rt. Hon. Winston, M.P., ii. 284:; Cornish miners, on the Witwatem. opposition to Imperial Prefer. rand, ii. 11 ence, ii. 258-9 Couftte8, oj Camat'11on, tug, on the Cilliers, -, ii. 24:4: Limpopo,i. 182,185 CiYil Servjce, dismissal of English Coventry, Captain Charles John, from, and discontent in, ii. SOI-2 i. 292 note; the Raid, ii. 62, 108, Clarke, Sir Edward, defence of the 14:6; trial in High Court and Raiders by, ii. 154:--5 sentence, ii. 149-55 Clemenoeau, M., meeting with Crewe, Colonel, ii. 318; returned 81 Jameson, ii. 287 member for Aliwal North, ii. Clive, Robert, ii. 17, 165 232 ; Colonial Secretary in Coates Hall estate, Edinburgh, i. 4: Jameson Ministry, ii. 237 ; Cobden Treaty with France, ii. speech at East London, ii. 264: 254:, 257 nolS Coghlan, Mr., delegate to National Crocodile River, Bee Limpopo Convention, ii. 279 Cromer, Lord, ii. 205 Cohen, Louis, connection with Cronje, Commandant Piet, ii. 74.; Barney Ba.rnato, i. 64:, 65 surrender of the Raiders to, U. Coke, Chief Justice, ii. 162, 24:6 llO-H, 135 Colenbrander, Agent at Buluwayo, Crook, Dr., report on Kimberley i. 128, 130, 24:4:, 24:5, 24:9; epidemio, i. 33 carrier of message from Loben· Cullinan diamond, ii. 269 note, gula -to Jameson at Tu1i, i. 14:0, 281 fWte 14:1; telegram and letters re Currie, Sir Donald, ii. 183; and intended Matabele expedition, Ocean Freights, ii. 261 i. 24:6, 247; Jameson's reply to Curzon and sister at Groote Schuur, Lobengula through, i. 249-60; ii.281 departure from Buluwayo, i. Customs, negotiations, etc., between 263·4: and the Transvaal, Colenbrander's store, Buluwayo, ii.23·6 i.283 - Convention, ii. 219, 247, 256, Colesberg Kopje (later the Kimber- 279

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DAN,Jameson's !ervant,death,i. 237 De Wet, General Christian, delegate Davies, (noW' Col.) Walter Karri, to National Convention, ii. 279. preparations for reception of 280 Raiders, ii. 103 7IOte; interviewa -- Sir JaoobWl, British Agent with De Wet and Shippard, ii. at Pretoria, i. 201; telegram to 141; trial and sentence, ii. 146-7; Reform Committee, ii. 96-7; at Ladysmith during siege, ii. 191 message to Jameson, ii. 103; Dawson, J. W., trader, Buluwayo, negotiations with Reform Com­ i. 138, 263-4; with mission from mittee, ii. 141 Lobengula, i. 268; letter to Dea.d Sea, ii. 183 Viotoria re intended Matabele Deakin, Alfred, Prime Minister of expedition, i. 246-7 Australia, at Colonial Confer­ Dawson's store, Buluwayo. i. 113, enoe of 1907, and friendship 283 with Jameson, ii. 255-60 DaW'AOD, Dr. (now Baron Dawson of Delagoa Bay, i. 182, 183, 211, Penn). ii. 301, 312 236, ii. 1, 24 i smallpox in­ De Aar junotion, ii. 49 fection from, i. 31 i Rhodes'. De BeArs Mine, i. 17,61, ii.10; small­ attempts to purchase, from pox, i. 32; oontract by Rhodes Portuguese, i. 86, 211, 312, and Budd to pump water out ii. 2-S, 15 i railway, i. 86, 137, of, i. 49-50; falls and adoption 313, ii. 24-5,26,26.7; competi­ of Bubterranean mining, i. 56; tion for Johannesburg trade, oombination of olaims, i. 56; ii. 235-6; readjustment of rail­ description, i. 57-8; Sohwabe's way rates, ii. 250, 252 Gully, i. 59; amalgamation, i. Diamond Mines (885 o},so I'twHcuZar 62-3; produotion, i. 68, 73, 74 Mm88), description of, i. 17.18, - Mining Company, ii. 39, 194, 23, 54; ownership and C claims ' 195, 196, 268, 272, 280, 287; systems, i. 22, 23-4. 54-5; oon­ formation, i. 58-9; amalgama­ solidation, i. 54-77 tion soheme presented to, by Diamonds, discoveries, i. 19-22 I Rhodes, i. 61-2; origin of Life early discoveries and rush from Governorships of, i. 74-5; Trust Natal, i. 39-40, 41; need fo~ Deed, i. 76-7; use of profits to regulation of sup-ply, i. 56·7; build Beohuanaland l'.ailway and slump in sale of, li. 269 finanoe the Chartered Company, Diokens, i. 237 i. 76; membership of British Dingaan's Day monlUD8nt, ii. 13S South Afrioa Company, i. 107; Dinizulu, ii. 285 Jameson as Director, ii. 18671Ote, Doornfontein farm, gold mine on, 212, 263; Mr. Logan on, ii. i.80 244 note; taxation, ii. 264 Doornkop, i. 36, ii. 109, 158; de­ de Crano, E. G., i. 69 soription of position, ii. 108; De Kaap Valley, quartz disoovery, Raiders at, and surrender to ii.S Cronje, ii. 110-11. 135 de la Bey, General, delegate to Doornport, raiders at, ii. 68 noU, 68 National Convention, ii. 279 noee, 70 de Maijer, Florious, alleged Banyai Domooh, Jameson at, ii. 277 ooneession to, i. 192-3, 195 Douglass, Mr'J oontest for Grahams­ De Pass, George, i. 114 town seat and defeat by Jame­ de Villiers, Sir Henry (afterwards son, ii. 225-6, 231 Lord), President of the Legisla­ Doyle, Dr. Denis, i. 32; misaion to tive Council, ii. 244-5; negotia­ Lobengula, i. 115; at BuIu­ tions in London re ratifioation wayo, i. 128, 130; attempt to of National Convention, ii. 287 lea.ve Matabeleland and pre­ de Waal, D. C., interview with vention, i. 132; journey to Banyai chief, i. 195 note; Gazaland with Jameson, i. 177- in Mashonaland, i. 211-18, 274 182, 183 noee; with Rhodes on - N. F., ii. 245, 273; opposition visit to Mashonaland, i. 211 to Additional Representation Drake, Sir Franois, ii. 165 Bill, ii. 241 Drakensberg Mountains. i. 28. 42

Digitised by the University of Pretoria, Library Services, 2011 328 THE LIFE OF JAMESON Dreyer, Johann Frederick, trans· and smaJIpox soare at KIerb­ :port; rider, i. 112, 113, 115; dorp, 1883, i. 31 Journey to Buluwayo with Dyer, General, i. 168 Ja.meson, i. 116 i ca.ttle from Dyke, Chartered Companytl Police. Duke of Abercom taken to ii.39 Lobengula. i. 133-5 Driechard, Commandant, ii. 74: EAST AmICA, operations in, ii. 317 Drlefontein, gold discovery, ii. 6 - India Company, i. 76, 88 Drifts, He under Va.a.1 River - London, i. 232; J &meson at, i. ~ndOa&a6,i. 12, 13 169, ii. 297; elections, ii. 220, Drury, Captain, the Raid, ii. 81, 107 224,231, 232, 273: stronghold of du Pret\z, Johannes, alleged oon· the British Party, ii. 236: oom­ cession from Banyai ohi&fs, i. petition for Johannesburg trade, 192-3, 195; and Boer trek into ii. 235-6: readjustmeJ).t of rail. Mashona.1a.nd, i. 195-6 way rates, ii. 251, 262 Dudley, Lord, purchase of 'Star of - Lothian, Jameson in, ii. 305 South Africa..' i. 20 Eastern Provinoes, ii. 225; tour Duke of EdiD;burgh's .RiBes, Ca.~ of, by Jameson and Smartt. Town regunent, 1. 121; 11. Ii. 295 . 34 note, 58 Eokstein, H., and Co., ii. 14 Duncan, Andrew Henry Farrell, Edgelow, Dr., with Matabeleland Surveyor.General, Mashonala.nd, expedition, i. 274 i. 231, 232, 240, 260; horses Edinburgh, i. 11; and Jameson oommandeered by, i. 265 family. i. 1·5 ~ Jameson's visits Dunraven and Mount-Earl, 4:th Earl to, i. 7 - 9, ii. 301; Jameson of, ii. 319 given freedom of, ii. 259 . Dunrobin, ii. 272 Education controversy, ii. 292, Duplessis, Hans, farm of, gold 296, 299, 302 mine on. i. 80, ii. 147 Edward VII., as Prince of Wales, Durban, i. 184, 188, 190, ii. 192, welcome to Jameson. ii. 18; 216; departure of Jameson and dea.th, ii. 293 note other officers from, ii. 146· Edwards, Major Sam, at Tat', i. 14:6; oompetition for Johannes· 96; message sent to Lobengula burg trade, ii. 235-6; National from Jameson, i. 116; Jameson Convention, ii. 277·80 i letters presented to Lobengula by. i. 116 from. ii. 279·80; Jameson's Egypt, Jameson in, ii. 183, 185; speech, ii. 296 Rhodes in, with Jameson and - Roodepoort. the, ii. 7 others, ii. 205·6 . Dutch farmers, national sentiment, Elebi, Beohuanaland Border Police i. 15 i Jameson's polioy of at. i. 141 friendship with, ii. 236-7, 239, Elgin, Lord, President of Colonial 242, 248-9 Conference of 1907, Ii. 260 - Eaat India Company, ii. 113- Elliott, Major, murder, ii. 14:5 114. Ellison, Jeannie, of Stranra.er, i. 6 - Party, growing power of. i. Elma Company, i. 59 15 - mine, purchase by De Beers, i. 62 Du Toit, Abra.ham Pauls, i. 19 Eloil, Saul Johannes. meetiJ?g with Dutoitspan Olub, publio meeting Raiders at Boon's store, ii. 70·1 'for the purpose of oonsider· England, lI66 Great Britain ing the oonsequen.oes of the English, Mr., diamond digging at smaJIpOlt aca.re, I 1. 33 De Beers, partnership and for· - Diamond Mine, i. 17, 62 j dis· mation of Company, 1. 58-9 oovery and early workings, Erasmus, Commandant, Ii. 74 i. 20-2, 42; faJI in, i. 56 i com­ Esselen, Ewald, ii. 88; gold pros· bination. of claims, i. 56; acqui. p'eoting on the Witwatersrand, sition of oontrol by De Beers, li. 8; interview with J amason, i. 'l5 ii.31 Dyer, Dr., Chief Medical Officer European. Wart Jameson on, ii, 1iO the Transvaal Government, 312, 310, 318, 3J9

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Euxna military kraal. i. 255 nota; Fisoher, Abraham, delegate to attack on British. i. 277 note National Convention, ii. 279; at Groote Scbuur, ii. 281; opposi. tion to • Best Men Govemment: FAIRBAIRN. • Jimmy,' ail Bulu­ ii. 291; Minister for Lands in wayo. i. 245. 282. 283 first Union Oabinet, ii. 294:; Fairfield. Edward, O.B.. O.M.G., remanning of Civil Servioe with ii. 167; letter to Chamberlain. Dutchmen, ii. 301 ii.168·9 Fitchat, l\lr., returned for Grabams. Farmer. Surgeon Oaptain, and the town with Jameson, ii. 272 Raid. ii. 60 note. 82 Fitzherbert, English sailor, annexa. Farrar, Sir George, ii. 45 note; tion of the Cape in reign of and Uitlander rising. ii. 31. James I., i. 109 noee 36 note, 89, 98; trial and sen· FitzPatrick, Sir Percy, i. 28, ii. tence, ii. 146; dele~ate to 13, 33 note, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, National Convention. Ii. 279; 75, 90, 94, 100, 101, 102, 103, at Groote Schuur, ii. 281. 290; 304, 306, 318; delea:ate to Mr. Hull defeated by, ii. 298 National Convention, Ii. 279: - Lady George, at Groote Schuur, at Groote Schuur, ii. 281: Botha ii.281 defeated at Pretoria East. ii. Fashoda, ii. 183 298; visits to Jameson at Great Faure, Johannes Albertus, informa· Cumberland Place, ii. 313 tion of Raid, ii. 124: Floris Drift, Boers at, and opposi. - Sir Pieter, ii. 28; Minister for tion to by Company, i. 206 Agriculture in Jameson Minis· Flowers. ii. 123 try, ii. 271 Foley, Captain, and the Raid. ii. Federation, talk of, in 1878, i. 15; 46,60 Rhodes's schemes and imaginarr Forbes, Major Patrick William," conversation with Jameson, 1. biography, i. 261 note; hostilities 84:·8; conversations between with Portuguese at Umtaaa'. Rhodes, Jameson, and Ham· kraal, i. 175, Matabele war, i. mond during tour through 260-7, 271~ 273, 274, 276 note, Matabelela.nd and Mashonaland, 277, 278 note, 279, 282 note, 283· i. 306·14; Jameson on, ii. 19- 292,294-6 20, 218, 219, 228, 249, 260, 272 ; Foreign Enlistment Act, trial of negotiations between Rhodes Dr. Jameson and others under, and Reformers, ii. 45 note, 91; ii. 14:8-55 Rhodes on, ii. 187, 202; Jame· Fort Seymour, i. 37, 114, 131 nole, son's intention to complete ii. 175, 176, 192 Rhodes's work, ii. 210·11; Trans· - Beaufort District, electioneering, vaal and, ii. 263; Inter-Colonial "ii.231 Conference of 1908, ii. 279; Fox, Dr. Tilbury, assisted by Union, Bee thM titl6 Jameson, i. 10 Felstead's farm, quarantine station, - Wilson, member of Chartered i.32 Company whole-time Executive Ferguson, OaJ;>tain, mission to Committee, ii. 306 Lobengula, I. 119·20 France, position in, i. 103, 104 Fernspruit gold mine, i. 208 Francis, Dr., and smallpox scaroe Ferreira, Colonel, crossing of Lim· at Klerksdorp, 1883, 1. 31 popo by, i. 206; camp of, ii. 7, 8 French, Somerset (now Sir), Post· - Captain, ii. 100 note" master-General ot the Cape, ii. - Gold Mining Company, ii. 7 60 note Fiennes, Lieut. the Hon. Eustace, - Company (Kimberley Mine), i. operations against Portuguese, 71; shaft sinking, i. 56; posi. i. 175,205 tion of claims and subterranean Fife, Duke of, Director of British war with Central Company, i. South Africa Company, i. 109 67; purchase of, by Rhodes anet. Finch, horses commandeered by, sale of claims to Kimberley ,·365 Central, i. Qg.7J ~

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Frere, Sir Bartle, Governor of Cape Gifford, Lord, Director of British Colony, ii. 234 J and federation, South Africa Company, i. 107 i. 14-15 109, 123 ' Frost, the Hon. John, ii. 234: Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., M.P., Fry, Ellerton, i. 88; and Mashona. i.230 land expedition, i. 14:1 - Lord, ii. 293 note, 294:; Jame. Fuller, A. J., ii. 180, 251; Minister son in Pretoria as guest of, for Agriculture in Jameson ii. 293 Ministry, ii. 237, 239; Minister Glasgow, Jameson's visits to, i. 8, without portfolio, ii. 271 ii.20 - Harry, ii 297 Glenmuick, Jameson at, ii. 277 - Captain, ii. 63, 123; refusal to Gold, discoveries and early histo1'1 join in Raid, ii. 62 note of mines, i. 4:4:'0, 4:7, 48, ii. 3·10; - Inspector, of Mafeking, ii. 124: concessions from Lobengula to -- at East London, i. 169 Rhodes, i. 79, to Jameson, i. 117-18; Mashonaland, i. 122 Gold-fields, the, of South Afrioa, GABERONES, i. 95 membership of British South Gambo, sent by Lobengula against Africa Company, i. 107 Goold-Adams and defeated, i. Golodaima, Chief, murder and 271,283 theft by, and· punishment, i. Garlick, Jameson's servant, ii. 14:5, 227 175, 308; journeys, i. 302.4:; Gomalla, Mashona ohief, telegraph the Raid, ii.· 109-10; Rhodes wire taken by people of, and sent for by, to Bee Jameson, ii. fine paid in Lobengula's cattle, U58·9 i. 24:3·5 Garrett, Edmund, ii. 129 Goodenough, General, ii. 170 Garstin, Norman, i. 4:3 note Gooding, Matabele war, i. 289·90 Ga.scoyne, Major, mission to Loben· Goold-Adams, Colonel, Bechuana· gula, i. 119-20 land Police, i. 206, ii. 01; Gazaland, Jameson's visit to, i. Matabele War, i. 260, 268, 271, 170-82; ooncession to British, 283, 290; arrest of indunu 182 by, i. 268·9 Guas, tribe, i. 175; army, i. 179 Gordon, General, i. 94: note, 187, Rote, 181; expedition against ii. 168; conversation with Spelenyama, i. 179; siege of Rhodes, i. 107 Portuguese by, ii. 1·2 Goshen, Republic of, i. 78, 85 Gearing's post-cart, i. 92 Gosling, Captain, ii. 68 Geldenhuis's farm of Wilgespruit, Gouveia, Mor, Portuguese offioer, purchase by H. W. Struben, taken prisoner at Umtasa's kraal and discovery of gold on, ii. and sent to Kimberley, i. 172, 175 4:-0 Graaff, D. P. de Villiers, Minister Gell, Lyttelton, ii. 316 for Public Work in first Union Gem Mine, purchase by De Beers, Cabinet, ii. 294:, 306 i.62 Graham, J. J., ii. 124 George, Rt. Hon. David Lloyd, M.P., - Robert, diamond digging a. H. 289, 318; at Colonial Con· De Beers, partnership and for­ ference of 1907, ii. 208 mation of Company, I. 58·9 Genna", ship, i. 269 - Captain, CoIDlJlissioner of Polioe, German Colonial Compan1 for Mashonaland, punitive expedi­ South-West Africa, i. 103 tion after murder of Guerold, -East Africa Company, i. 103 i. 227 - Empire, protection invoked by Grahamstown, i. 20; Jameson's KrUger, ii. 167; support of speeches at, ii. 218, 249, 268, Transvaal against British, ii. 283, 296·7; J~eson's candi­ 180, 187 dature, ii. 220; elections, ii. Germans, fighting against, in South 231, 232, 272; stronghold of Africa, ii. 312-13, 310, 316 the British Party, ii. 235 i Gibsop.'s coach. ii. 8 Jameson at. ii. 28~

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Oraat Britain (IU oUo Imperial Jameson's journey to, and in. Government), Privy Council, terview with, i. 175.83; oen· Jameson made member, ii. cession to British, i. 181·! ; 259; politica, Jameson on, Gungunhana tribe, rebellion of por. ii. 815, 317-18, 318 tion aga.inst Portuguese, ii. 2 Greenfield, Ca.ptain, pUl'luit of Guthrie, David, of Stranraer, i. 6 Lobengula, 1. 288 Greer, Mr., ii. 273 HAGGA.RD, Rider, i. 96 Gregorowski, Judge, trial of Re· Haig, Field-Marshal Earl, ii. 318 formers by, ii. 146 - of Bemersyde, i. 5 Grenfell, Lieutenant, and the Raid, Hamilton, F. H., and Uitlander ii. 60 note, 78 rising, ii. 45, 51, 91, 116, 121, 211 Grey, Albert Henry George, Direc· - Surgeon Captain Heaton, ii. 60 tor of British South Africa note Company, i. 109, 111 Hammond, John Hays, Amerioan - Colonel (now Sir) Raleigh, mining engineer. ii. 13, 15; tour Bechuanaland Border Police, through Matabeleland and Mash. at Mafeking, ii. 35, 67; and onaland with Rhodes and Jame­ the Raid, 34, 39, 59 note, 62, son, i. 305, 306-14, ii. 1; and 63, 68, 75 note, 80-2, 84, 105, Uitlander rising, ii. 31, 32, 36, 107, 108, 123; trial in High 4:1, 50, 54, 89, 92 ; trial and Court and sentence, ii. 149·55 sentence, ii. 146 ; visits to - Earl, ii. 207 ; desired by Jameson at Down Street, ii. Jameson as President of the' 160 Chartered Company, ii. 307 Hand'. store, ii. 7'1; Raiders at, Grimmer, • Johnny,' joumeythrough ii. 78 Rhodesia with Rhodes, i. 199 Harcourt, Lewis (1st Viscount), ii. Griqualand West, i. 42, 47; an· 314; and Rhodesia, ii. 311 nexation by British, i. 46 ; - Sir William, ii. 169-70 Boundary Commission, i. 78 HQII'lech OaatZe, ii. 14:6 -- Diamond Mining Company Harris, Colonel (now Sir David), (afterwards reformed as the­ Director of De Beers, ii. 180 i French Com:pany), oonnection Jameson introduced into Houaa of Beit with, 1. 71-2 by, ii. 201 Groote Schuur, Rhodes's house - .Dr. Rutherfoord, i. 237, 24'1 at, ii. 117, 211; description, note, 266, ii. 168; journey to ii. 113-14; conversation at, be· Buluwayo with Jameson, i. tween Rhodes, Leonard, and 91; description of Lobengula Phillips, n. 43-4; life at, ii. and Jameson's meeting with, 114·15; fire, ii. 159; Jameson i. 97, 98-9; at Tuli, i. 205, 208 ; at, and letters from, n. 186, shooting trip and bite by 192, 194, 195, 201-2, 203; hos. crocodile, i. 222, 223, 224:-6 ; pital and convalescent home, in Cape Town, i. 229; Jameson ii. 193, 194; left to Prime on, i. 229-30, 231; mission to Ministers of a United South England, ii. 31, 38; retum, ii. Africa, ii. 212; grounds, left 43; and the Raid, ii. 33 nole, to people of Cape Town, ii. 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 93, 117, 118, 212; use of by Jameson as 122; at the Inquiry, ii. 162, trustee, life at, and letters from, 167; resignation as member for ii. 212, 215, 215-16, 218, 220, Kimberley, ii. 196 224, 228, 243, 275, 281, 289; Harrogate, Jameson at, ii. 205,211, transferred to Botha, ii. 295 not8 805 Gubbins, Dr., Minister without Hartley Hill Gold Mine, i. 202, 208, p'ortfolio in firat Union Cabinet, 231 Ii. 294 Harvey, Sir Robert, i. 18'1 Gubuluwayo, 88IJ Buluwayo Hawke, Lord, at Groote Schuur, ii. Guerold, Frenchman, murder of, 122 at Wahtas Hill, i. 227 Hawkins, Mr. Justice, trial of Dr. Gungunhallft, Gqa chief, i. 197; J ameBon and others, ii. 149-6G

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Hawksley, Bourchier F., Company's politica, ii. 178, 200, 212, 218, solioitor, refusal to produoe tele· 217; polioy before South Afri. FamB to Committee of Inquiry, oan War, ii. 187; Imperial Ii. 168; in South Africa, ii. 266, Preference advooated by, ii. 268, 308; Jameson on, ii. 314 228, 253·4, 256; and Union, ii. Hay, Colonial farmer, journey from 260, 282·3, 284, 281S; death., ii. Salisbury to the sea with Jame. 289 BOn and Johnson, i. 150·68, Holden, Oaptain E., and the Raid, 174·5 ii. 34 Heany, Sergeant (afterwards Major), - Lieut. Harry, and the Raid, ii. Bechuanala.nd Polioe, i. 121, 122; 60 biography, ii. 53; attempts to Holland, (now Sir) Reginald Sothem, open road to Beira, i. 210; Jameson's private secretary, ii. meeting with Rhodes at Umtali, 269·70 i. 2l3j Matabele war, i. 277, ii. Holloway Gaol, Jameson in, Ii. 156, 1S2; and the Raid, ii. 49, 51, 167, U58·9; Jameson's meetinl 52, 53, 1S4 note, 60, 67, 92·3, 118 ; with tramJ? from, ii. 174 at the Inquiry, ii. 162 Hope Fountam Mission Station, i. Heidelberg, Trimble at, ii. 14:3 113 Hellott, trader in Matabeleland, Hope Town Jews, and' Star of South 1.132 Africa,' i. 20 Hennessy, A. D., friend of Jameson Hoste, Captain, oommanding B and Party Agent, Cape Town, Troop of Pioneera, i. 141, 14:1·2, ii. 300, 305, 318 144,230 Herft, German Consul·General at Hull, the Hon. H. C., delegate to Pretoria, ii. 65 National Convention, ii. 279; Hertzog, General, ii. 291, 296, 305, Treasurer, in first Union Cabinet, 306; delegate to National Con· ii. 294; defeated by Sir George vention, ii. 27Q; compulsory bi· Fa.rraT, ii. 298 lingualism forced by, on Orange Human, tr8l1$port driver, i. 150, Free State, ii. 292, 299; Minister 153 for Justice in first Union Hutchinson, Sir Walter Hely.letter Cabinet, ii. 294; remanning of from J &meson ,.. federation, Oivil Service with Dutchmen, ii.278·9 ii.301·2 - G. T., i. 45 note; ii. 102 Beyman, Oaptain (now Sir Melville Heyman, Managing Director of the Willoughby Company at IB:LATI REGDmN'l\ Matabele armY', Buluwayo), commanding in attack on British, i. 277 note Manico, i. 177 ; operations Ikaneng, Chief of the Bamalite, aga.iJ;lst Portuguese, i. 202·5 Ramoutsa, negotiations with, ii. Hillier, Jameson's partner at Kim. 33 berley, i. 118·19, 142, 173, 233, Imbembesi, battle. i. 278, 279·82 . 267 - Valley, i. 279 Hofmeyr, A. B., Secretary of the Imperial East Africa Company. i. Afrikander Bond, manifesto 102 against threatened Adendorft Imperial Conferences, 1887, ii. 253· trek, i. 196·7 254; 1907, 253, 255·60 - Jan, leader of the Afrikander - Government, Rhodes on, i. 87; Bond, i. UH, ii. 112, 113, 313; Charter to British South Afrioa and the North, i. 87; relations Company, i. 108; and Kim· with Kruger, i. 136·7, '138, ii. berley Railway, i. 137; and 198; and extension of I'ailwar Swaziland, i. 138; and future of from Kimberley, i. 137; ma,m. Matabele1and, i. 296·9; Delagoa festo against threatened Aden· Bay negotiations, ii. 2·3; reo dorft trek, i. 196·7; and the lations with the Transvaal, ill Raid, ii. 126·7, 128·32; release 21·9,167; and Uitlander reform of Woolls·Sampson and Karri movement, ii. 22·3, 31; and the Panes on advice of, ii. 147; Raid, ii. 66, 120, 140, 143 nott,

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lllO, USl, 1~3, un, 18~, 188-72 j Irvine, storekeeper, King William'. relations with Rhodes, ii. 113 j Town, i. 11, 100 Raiders handed over to, ii. 14:5. Isaacs, Barnett, 8M Bamato, Barney 148 j claim to ownership of land - Emanuel, storekeeper, Mafe. in Rhodesia, ii. 311-12; Jame· king, ii. 53 80n on, ii. 314:, 315 - Henry, life in Kimberley, and Imperial Institute, banquet given in adoption of name of Bamato, Jameson's honour, ii. 18 i. 64·5, 65·6 " Imperial policy in South Africa, lseyeba regiment of Matabele army, Jameson on, ii. 18-20 i.282 Im]?erial Preference, Jameson on, Ishlati regiment ot Matabela- army, U. 218, 219, 228, 24:9 j 1887 pro· i.282 posals, ii. 253-4:, 258; efforts Isi·meon.qu-mungwane, i. 31 towards, ii. 254-5 j fight for, at Israel Molemmow, son of Bara· Colonial Conference of 1907, long obief, fighting at Male· ii.255-60 king, i. 94 Imperial troops, in the Cape, ii. Iverson, i. 226 23 Ineogone, Jameson's letter from, JAOK, Zulu boy, journey from January 1890, i. 118-19 Salisbury to the Pungwe with Independent Company, incorpora­ Jameson and Johnson, i. 150, tion with De Beers Company, 154, 157 i.59 Jacobs, , I.D.B.,' ii. 87·8 India, Jameson's visit, ii. 314:-15 Jacoby's farm of Sterkfontein, Induba military kraal, attack on p1ll'Ohase by H. vy. Struben, British, i. 277 note ii. 4 j discovery of gold, ii. 6 Ingandan, induna, sent into Ma· Jaffa, ii. 183 " shonaland by Lobengula, i. J agerafontein Kop, ii. 63 245 Jagger, Mr., ii. 262, 263, 264; Ingram, Matabele war, i. 283, at Johannesburg Railway Con. 289-90 ference, ii. 250; delegate to Ingubo, induna, mission from National Convention, ii. 279 Lobengula, and death at; Tati, Jameson oousins, ii. 20 i. 268·9 - family, history, i. 1·7 Ingubu regiment., Matabele army, - Blanche, i. 169, 199, 225, 237, boasts of, i. 278; battle of 267; Jetter "to, i. 240 Imbembesi, i. 281·2 - Bob, wanderings and adven· Inbambane, i. 211 " tures of, i. 10-11, 223 j ex· Insingwen military kraal, aban. pedition to Mashonaland, i. 142; doned by Matabeles, i. 279 in South Africa, and behaviour Insukarileni regiment, Matabele of, i. 28, 173, 223, 225, 231, army, i. 282 j attack on British, 234; in Umtali hospital, i. 229, i.277·8 230, 231 j return to England, Intaba-gi.Konga, i. 284 i.231 International African Association, - Christian, i. 6, 7; character, i. i. 104 " 5 j letters to, i. 8; death, i. Inyanga plateau, Rhodes's farm 38 on, ii. 175·6, Jameson's visit, - Edward, death in infancy, i. 10 ii. 176-7 j tick fever among - John, drowned at sea, i. 10 oattle, ii. 299 - Julius, i. 234 ; J>a.rtner of lolafAoe, S.S., Jameson's trip in, Ii. Irvine at King William's Town, 183 i. 11, 100; Jetter to, i. 114; Ireland, Jameson in, ii. 186, 319 " death. i. 118 Irene, ii. 101 - Kate, i. 267; education, i. Irish Home Rule, Jameson on, 7; marriage to Robert Pringle, i. 230, 238 i. 11 - Party, relations with Rhodes, - Lizzie, i. 267; letter from Sam, III i. 115 note, 116 note, 117; letter Iron Mine Bill, i. 272 from Middleton, i. 222·3

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Jameson, Middleton ('Midge'), i. 267; Jenner, Sir William, Jameson under ii. 183, 220, 269, 270, 285, 304; i. 10 ~tters to, i. 8, 118-19, 129-30, Jericho, ii. 183 14!, 14:4-5, 169-70, 171-2, 197, J erusaiem, ii. 183 231, 264, 301; in Paris, i. 11; Jim, Zulu, murder of O'Grady ftnanoial assistance, i. 38,118-19, family and Mackenzie, i. 234-6 142, 197, 264; South African Jingen military attack on British, visit, i. 199 note, 202, 221-6, i. 277 not8 229-32; on the Nile, i. 239; Joel, S. B., ii. 148 note at St. Ivea, i. 300, 301; at 2 Johannesburg, i. 136, 232, 295, ii. Great Cumberland Place, ii. 313, 33; origin and development of, 819-20; death, ii. 183 note ii. 3-12; Kruger's visit to, i. - Robert, grand-uncle, i. 5 308; Jameson's visits to, ii. 3, - Robert, Sam's BOn, illness, ii. 13-15, 21, 31, 33 note, 34-8, 46, 201 268, 269 note; railway, ii. 13, - Bobert William, Writer to the 26-7 Signet, i. 1-3, 5; literary works, - Political revolution, events lead­ i. 2-4, 7; politioal views, i. 4, ing up to, i. 307, 310-14, ii. 13- I ; marriage with Christian 15, 21-9; preparations, ii. 31, Pringle, 1835, i. 4-5; as editor 40, 152; armed support, first and proprietor of newspapers, proposals and arrangements with i. 6, 6-7; death, i. 7 . Jameson, ii. 32-3, 34, 35-8; - Ross, death in infancy, i. 10 delays and Jameson's im­ - Sam, i. 142, 178, ii. 77, 304; patience, ii. 41-62, 86-7, 91-2, letters to, i. 6, 100-1, 128-9, 115-16; flag question, ii. 42-5, 132, 168-9, 176-7, 199, 202, 61, 52, 91, 93, 116; Jameson's 205-6, 207, 223-7, 229-31, 232, raid (Bee the Raid); Reform 234.5, 237-40, 266-7, 294, 300; Committee, despatches sent to ii. 17, 21, 159-60, 179, 180, J &meson after start and reply, 182·3, 183, 186, 187, 193- ii. 73·7; events in, dlll'illg the 194, 195, 196, 199, 201-2,204.5, Raid, ii. 85-106, 137; non­ 216, 217, 218, 220, 224-5, 228, support of J &meson and at­ 229-31, 232, 237, 240,. 244, tempts to stop, ii. 92-4, 103-4, 249-50, 250·1, 262-3, 264, 266, 109, 137-8; negotiations with 26S-70, 272, 277, 279-80, Kruger, ii. 94, 95-8; military 280·2, 283, 284, 288-9,. 290, measures, ii. 98-9, 137; tele­ 291, 293 note, 295, 297-9, graph from Reformers to Sir 302, 310-11; in South Africa, Hercules Robinson, and negotia­ i. 11, 92, 100; letters to Lizzie, tions by, ii. 131, 139; attitude i. 115 note, 116 note, 117; of crowds, ii. 138-9; flight from letter to Tom, i. 178, 179 note, town, ii. 139, 152; disarming, ISO, 183, 198-9; as Director, ii. 139-45; arrest of Reform j. 240; illneBB, ii. 34, 138; Committee, ii. 144; trial in and the Uitlander rising and Pretoria, ii. 146-7; reference to, Raid, ii. 47-S, 69, 92, 93, 138, by MJ.o. Fairfield, ii. 168-9 161; at 2 Great Cumberland - Competition between ports for Place, ii. 313; death, ii. 319 trade of, ii. 235-6; Railway - Thomas, great-grandfather, i. 1 Conference, ii. 250, 251.2; Pro· - Thomas, grandfather, i. 1 gressive Conference, ii. 293; - Tom, i. 267, naval doctor at Wanderers' Hall, political meet· Plymouth, i. 7, 9, 10; letters ing, speech by Jameson, ii. to, i. 9, 37-8,. 91, ii. 168; at 295-6 Tulse Hill, i. 91; letter from • Johannesburg lambs,' i. 295, 304 Sam, i. 178, 179 note, ISO, 183, John Jacobs, Lobengula's clerk, i. 19S-9 284 Jarvis, Colonel Weaton, ii. 184 note Johnson, Frank, i. 168 note, 173, J effrays, Francis, Lord, i. 2 185, ii. 53; biography, i. 120-2, Jebb, Richard, Hi8tory oj the 168 note; exploration for gold, 1tnpeNaZ Oonjere:noe, ii.. 239 note and concessions from Khama

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and Lobengula, i. 122: M i. 283: interview with Jame· :Managing Director of Bechuana· Bon, ii. 31; mission to England land Exploration Company, i. ii.31 12.2; trial for murdering :Ma.ta· Khartoum, ii. 181, 208 bele with • white poison t and K ildoncm OGBtle, ii. 253 return to Beohuanaland, i. 122; Kilimanjaro, i. 187 negotiatioD.II with Rhodes and Kimberley, i. 80, ~OO, ii. 188, 194, oontract to occupy Hashona· 281, 286, 289, 296 ; Jameson'. land, i. 122·5 ; oommanding journey to, i. 15.16; desoriptioD Pioneer Corps, i. 139; on im. of, in 1878, i. 16.17; early portanoe of East Co~t route diamond diggings, i. 16·24; from Mashonaland, 1. 149 ; diamond industry, i. 16·18 ; journey from Salisbury to the sea Jameson's life in, as dootor, i. with Jameson, i .. 150-70, 174·5; 27·39; smallpox epidemio and attempts to open road to Beira, oontroversy over, i. 29·36; de· i. 210; with Rhodes on visit to pendence for fuel-supplies and Mashonaland, i. 211 labour on oountry outside, i. 29· Johnson, Heany, and Borrow, i. 185, 30, 34; vacations as an under. .211 ; ii. 53 graduate spent in, by Rhodes, i • Jones, Edward, minin~ engineer, 49-52; opposition to uni1i~ation work a.t Kimberley, 1. 55 scheme, 1. 60·1; Club, 1. 74; Jorissen, Dr., Transvaal, ii. 5 Cemetery, funeral of Nevilla Joubert, General J. C., i. 78, 193, Piokering, i. 81; Jameson's de­ ii. 55, 69, 95, 96; and threatened parture from, for the North, i. Boer trek into Mashonalanci, i. 90, 91; Club, oonversation be· 201; conferenoe with gold tween Rhodes and Frank John· miners, ii. 9; message to J ame· son, i. 120, 122-3 ; railway, i. son, ii. 65 136, 137; Pioneer Corps at, i. Jourdan, Mr. Philip, ii. 132, 199, 139; British South Afrioa Com­ 200, 204, 205, 206, 209 pany's office olosed, i. 198; Judd,. Commandant, Viotoria British prospectors from, gold Burghers, i. 253 disooveries in the Transvaal, ii. Juta, Sir Henry, member for 8·4 ; Jameson in, ii. 39, 283; Harbour Division of Cape Town, Deteotive Force, ii. 88; Rhodes ii.298 in, during siege, ii. 192, 193; Jameson's oampaign. against ltAJoms, Rhodes's opinion, i. 41 militaryhospitals,ii.195: Jame· Katanga Copper Deposits, ii. 299 son's eleotioneering, ii. 195, 196· note 199; Jameson as member for, Kan, Dr., and smallpox soa.re at ii. 201·2,212·15, 218·20 ; Rhodes Klerksdorp, 1883, 1. 31 and Jameson in, ii. 202, 203: Karoo, the, i. 15, 16 stronghold of the British Party, Kekewioh, Colonel, ii. 193 ii. 235; miners and high oost of Kenilworth, departure of Pioneer living, ii. 236; statue, ii. 269 Corps from, 1. 139 - Letters from, i. 169-70, 171·2, Kennedy, Captain, and the Raid, 197; ii. 46, 180, 195, 196, 225, ii. 60 note 231, 272, 283, 283·4, 293 Kensal Green Cemetery, Jameson - Mine, i. 61; description and buried in, ii. 319 history, i. 16-24 ~ financial Khama, Chief of the Bamangwato, diffioulties, i. 55; crumbling of i. 121, 131, 140, 141; frontiers· pit and flooding- of olaims, men offered to, by Vryburg for diffioulties and adoption of war a.gainst Lobengula, i. 93; subterranean mining, i. 55·6; diplomacy of, i. 95; mineral oombina.tion of claims, i. 56; ooncession to Frank Johnson, Barney Barnato's interest in, i. 121·2; men of, road-cutting i. 66, 66·7; production, i. 67·8, with SeIoue, i. 140, 141; visited 73; control of. struggle between by Rhodes, i. 228; men. of, in Rhodes and Barna.to, and vic· M:atabele war, i. 271, desertion, tory of Rhodes, i. 68·75

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King William's Town, i. 11, 100; ii. 73, '14:, 75, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 251; stronghold of the British 95, 99, lOtS, 106; Raiders' Party, ii. 235 attack on Boers near, ii. '19- Kipling, Rudyard, letter to J ame· 82, 99; Raiders in, as prisoners, son, oritioism of Logan, ii. 265 ii. 135·6 Kirton, Captain Argent, i. 261; pursuit of LobeIlguIa, i. 288 LA.:B0170BEBE, Henry, i.lll; opposi­ Kitchener of Khartoum, Earl, ii. 181 tion to Rhodes's scheme for Klein Paardekraa.l, i. 80·1, ii. 8 future of Matabeleland, i. 298; Klerksdorp, i. 105; smallpox scare, ii. 17; policy of, i. 298; examina­ i.31 tion of Rhodes at the Inquiry, Klip River, ii. 190 ii. 163-4, of Jameson, ii. 165 KIipfontein Mine, acquisition of Lace, J. Dale, message taken to control by De Beers, i. 75 Jameson from Reform Com­ Knight Bruce, Bishop, i. 205 mittee, ii. 103·4 Knut.sford, Lord, i, 184; Jameson Lady Wood, S.S., i. 167 rebuked for treatment of natives, Ladysmith, ii. 319; siege of, and i.228 Jameson at, ii. 190·2 Koffyfontein Mine, acquisition of Lange, Judge J. H., i. 114 control by De Beers, i. 71i Langermann, Mr., deputation to Kosi Bay, i. 137 Pretoria, ii. 96-8 Kroonstad, ii. 201 Langlaagte, ii. 100; gold on farm of, Kruger, Paul, President of the ii. 7 . Tra.nsvaaI (866 ril80 Tra.nsvaal), Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, at Colonial i. 87, 193, 308, 313, 314, ii. 19, Conferenoe of 1907, ii. 258 20, fitS, 119, 127, 128, 130, 163, Law, Rt. Hon. Bonar, M.P., Jame. 186, 287; desire for the North, son on, ii. 315, 317 i. 84:·6; :protection of Kim· Lawley, A. L., and Uitlander mia by, 1. 93; refusal of rising, ii. 50, 54, 93 Jan Hofmeyr's overtures, i. Lawrenoe, James, Jameson intro­ 136·7; negotiations of Rhodes duced into House by, ii. 201 with, i. 137.8; meeting with Ie Sueur, Gordon, ii. 281 note Sir Henry Loch and Rhodes, Lee, Charles, Member of Progressive i. 138 ; convention with, i. Party, ii. 251 138; and threatened trek, i. Leith~ Jameson family long settled 200·1 ; Jameson on, 201.2; in, i. 1 difficulties of the Uitlanders Lendy, Captain, punitive expedi­ with, i. 308·12; ii. 13·15, 21·2; tions, i. 227,227·8; Matabeleforce visit to Johannesburg, i. 308; sent back by, i. 245, 246; and interviews with Rhodes, ii. 3, Mat-abele raid, i. 246.7,247-58 9·10; negotiations with gold Leonard, Charles, ChairmBD of miners, ii. 6·6, 9; and the the National Union, ii. 14 ~ Uitlander rising and Raid, Uitlander reform movement and ii. 65, 93, 94, 95·8, 152; and the Raid, ii. 31, 32, 35-7, 43·4:, Andrew Trimble, ii. 88·9; meso 45, 47, 51, 52, 54, 65, 91, 92, uge from Hofmeyr, ii. 126; 116, 138, 152; at the inquiry, Sir Hercules Robinson's visit ii. 162 to confer with, and negotiations, - J. W., ii. 31, 138 . ii. 131.2, 139·4:0; declaration Leopold, King of the Belgians, of amnesty, ii. 14:3·4:; treat· Central Mrica schemes, i. 103·4: ment of Raiders by, ii.I4:6·7; in· Leshie, induna, trial and execu· terview with Barnato re punish· tion, i. 112·3 ment of the Raiders, ii. 14:8; Levi's store, ii. 71 relations with Imperial Govern· Lewis, Jameson's election agent, ii. ment, ii. 167; support by 24:3 German Emperor, ii. 177, 178; Leydenburg, rush to, for gold, i. 4:8 work for republicanism in Cape Leyda, Dr., i. 200·1; ii. 104 Colony. n. 178, 179 Liberal, Portuguese gunboat, at Krugersdorp, ii. 59, 69, '10, '71, Beira, i. 188, 189

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Lichtenburg, ii. 65 Gomalla, i. 243·5; message Limpopo River (Crocodile. Tuli), from Jameson f'6 Matabele raid i. 95, 98, 103, 113, 115, 148, into Victoria, i. 24:8; J ame· 175, 181, 182, 184, 185, 193, son's attempt to make peace 220 i gold found near head· with, i. 262·3; Sir HeDl7 waters, i. 44·5; country between Loch's negotiations with, 1. the Zambesi and, alleged Banyai 263·4 ; mission to sue for concession of, i. 192·3, 195; peace, i. 268·9; war with, 86. ooncentra.tion of Boer trekkers Matabe1e war; flight from Balu­ on, and attempt to cross, i. wayo, i. 282·3; message from 192,206 Jameson to return to Bulu· Lindsell, Captain, and the Raid, wayo, and reply, i. 283·4; desire ii. 60 note, 64 for peace, i. 287; pursuit of, Lippert, of Hamburg and Port to Shangani River and escape. Elizabeth, i. 60 i. 292-5; death and buri81, Little, Archibald, ii. 45 twte, 91 note i.293 Livingstone, David, i. 44, 95, ii. Loch. Sir Henry, High Commis. 175 sioner, i. 184, 189, 269, 270; LobenguIa., King of the Matabele, and extension of railway from i. 88, 89, 95, 177, 192, 193, Kimberley, i. 137; negotiations 218, 230, 2.96, 301; descrip­ with Kruger, i. 138; wa.rning tion, i. 97; gold concessions issued against threatened Boer by, i. 79, 117.18, 122, ii. trek, i. 197; Company's forces 53; Vryburg's attempted sup­ ordered to withdraw from Mas. port of pretender against, i. sikessi, i. 205 note; negotiations 93 ; Moffat Treaty with, i. 87, with Lobengula, i. 263-4:; and 174; rifles and ammunition Matabele war, i. 265, 267·8; for, from Rhodes, i. 89, 90. policy of, i. 296; and future of 99, 112, 276; Jameson's visits Matabelela.n.d, i. 296·302; visit to, i. 91·101, 113·2(), 128·32; to Pretoria, i. 309-10. 310, ii. mission from, in Engla.n.d, i. 22 ; and grievances of the 105.6, 107, 119, 131; dis· Uitlanders, i. 310, 311; ii. 22· oontent amongst people, i. 112 ; 23; conflict with Rhodes over gout, and treatment by Jame· future of Bechuanaland, ii. 20: son, i. 116, 131; Jameson's succession by Sir H. Robinson, influence over, i. 116.17, 130·1 ; ii. 42 not.' J &meson granted permission for Logan, James, ii. 272; railway trek into Mashonaland, i. 118, refreshm~t oontract, i. 236 128, denial, i. 128; Guards' mis­ note ; trouble with, in the sion to, from Queen Viotoria, i. Upper House and departure 119·20, 131; indUDBB, hostility for England, ii. 243·4; intrigues to Frank Johnson, i. 122; with Bond supporters, ii. 264·5 ; permission to Selous to shoot Kipling on, ii. 265 great game, i. 126·7; inter. Lomagundi, i. 223, 231 J Matabele view with Selous and refusal attack on, i. 223; Chief killed to grant right of way, i. 128, by Matabele, i. 243 129; last interview with Jame· Lombard's store at the Lead Mines, son, i. 131 note; present of ji.64 bulls from Duke of Aberoom, London, Bow Street Polioe Court, i. 133·5; refusal to allow white Raiders in. ii. 148·9; Burling· men to leave country, i. 133; ton Hotel, letter from, ii. 168; message to Jameson not to Chelsea, i. 7; Down Street, proceed on Mashonaland ex· Piccadilly, Rhodes's visit to :pedition, i. 140·1; indunas, Jameson at, ii. 108,210. letters mterview with Jameson at Tuli, from, ii. 159-60, 288·9. 300-1; i. 140·1; and Pioneer force, 2 Great Cumberland Place, i. 14:1; relations with Mashona· Jameson's last days at, ii. 313· land settlers, i. 242; cattle of, 315; Hammersmith, Godolphiu paid to Jameson as fine by School, i. 7 ; High Court, VOL. II. y

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London (com.) Column, departure for Johannes­ Queen's Bench Division, trial burg, ii. 62·3, 123; relieved, ii. of Dr. Jameson and others in, 195 ii. 149-55; Jameson in, ii. 186, Magaliesberg (Cuhan Mountains), given freedom, ii. 259; Kensing. i. 46; Boers of, i. 95 ton, i. 7; Rhodes and Jameson - tobacoo, import tax in Cape in, ii. 203, 206 Colony, ii. 24 London and South Afrioan Com· Magicienne, H.M.S., i. 191, 211 pany, inoorporation with De Magomoli's kraaJ, siege by Matabele, Beers Company, i. 59 i.257 Long, B. K., iI. 305, 306 Maguende, Chief, i. 227 Louren9Q Marques, i. 211 Maguire, Rochfort, i. 114:, ii. 307 ~ Lucerne, ii. 205 at Buluwayo, i. 88, 89, 90; Lucia River, i. 209 departure from Buluwayo, i. 99 ; Luderitz, F. A. C., of Bremen, and at the Inquiry, ii. 162; visit to South·West Afrioa, i. 103 Rhodesia, ii. 307 note Lugard, Lady (Flora Shaw), i. 48; Majuba, i. 87; ii. 14 ii. 167 Ma~ang8S, i. 146 Luipaard's Vlei, Raiders at, ii. 82, Makapanpoort, i. 45 83 Makoombi, i. 258 Lundi River, i. 148 Makoombi's kraal, siege by Mata­ Lusiti head·waters, gold, traces of, bele, and rout by British, i. i.179 257·8 Malan, Commandant, ii. 74; nego­ MAC MAC, i. 28; poker game be· tiator between Kruger and Re­ tween Dr. Ha.ns Sauer and formers, ii. 95·6; resolution t'6 Jameson, i. 28 Union, ii. 261-2; reconciliation Macarthur's store, ii. 65 with Jameson, ii. 274; delegate MCClure, Rev. J. J., ii. 238 to National Convention, ii. 279, Maodonald, J. G., friendshi,P with 284; Minister for Eduoation in Rhodes and last interview, ii. first Union Cabinet, ii. 294 207-8 Maloolm, Dougal Orme, Director of - Ramsay, ii. 318 Chartered Company whole-time Machado, "General, meeting with Executive Committee, i. 119 Jameson and Johnson, i. 153 note, ii. 306 ; visit to Rho­ Macintosh, Captain. i. 28 desia, ii. 307·8 J Jameson's last MCIntyre, gold.prospector, i. 300 visit to South Africa with, Mackenzie, Rev. John, i. 295; Ope ii 316 position to concession to British Malma.n.i, ii. 62, 63, 68 South Africa Company, i. 106; MaImani Oog, ii. 64 agitation in Cape Town, i. Malmesbury, Merriman at, ii. 292 121 " Mandy, Mr., i. 117 Mackenzie, murder of, i. 235·6 Mangwe, i. 96 Macloutsi, i. 193; Pioneer Corys Manhlagas (site), i. 179 and Mounted Police at, and m· Manica, i. 103, 171, 173, 176, 181; spection by Lord Methuen, i. Jameson's trip to, i. 224; murder 139·40 ~ visited by Rhodes, i. trial, i. 231, 232 228 ; BechuanaJand Border Ma.nka.roane, Batla.pin Chief, i. Police moved to, i. 265 92 Maddox, Tom, prospector, i. 118, Mantuse, induna, mission from 132 Lobengula, and death at Tati, i. Mafeking, i. 113, 206, ii. 34, 48,52, 268·9 53, 54 note, 58, 60, 67, 150, 153, Manyami River, i. 96, 279 187; defence of, by Montsioa Manyow, induna, Matabele expedi­ against Boer freebooters, i. 93- tion into Mashonaland under, i. 94:; Jameson, Thompson, and 245·58; interview with Jame­ Dreyt"r at, i. 115; communi­ son, i. 253·6 cations, i. 305; railway, ii. 22; Mapandu, Portuguese station, i. Jameson in, " ii. 39, 43, 199; 212

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Marabastad, i. 45, ii. 3; gold Mashonas, i. 98; relations wi~h found, i. 45 the Matabele, i. 24:2·3 Marais, Eugene, negotiator between Massikessi (Maoequece), Portuguese Kruger and Reformers, ii. 95·6 fort, i. 150. 152. 153. 174, Ma.raisburg, ii. 102 175; Portuguese military con­ Marandella.s, i. 151 centration at, i. 192; engage­ Ma.ribogo, ii. 123 ment between British and Marks, ' Sammy,' ii. 24: Portuguese at. and capture by Ma.rshaJI, President of the Royal British. i. 203·5 College of Surveyors, Jameson Matabele war, i. 271·93 under, i. 10 Matabeleland, 866 also Rhodesia; Mashona.land (866 aZ80 Rhodesia), description. i. 98; negotia­ i. 89, 91, 170, 172; trek into, tions re future of, i. 296-9; permission granted to Jame­ administration by Jameson son by Lobengula, i. 118. 128, for Chartered Company, i. 299· denial, i. 128. renewa.l. i. 305; gold, i. 300; communica­ 131·2; Rhodes's preparations tions. i. 305; Rhodes's tour for occupation, i. 120·5; gold with J &meson through, i. 305,

dust, discovery by Frank John· 306·14. ii. 1 0 son. i. 122; Pioneers' march 'Matabeleland for the Matabele,' to. and arrival at Salisbury. i.112 i. 14:7; importance of road. to Matabeleland Mounted Police, ii. East Coast from. i. 148, J71, 21, 106, 108 173; East Coast route from, Matabeles, flight from Zululand, journey of Jameson and John· i. 98; first regiment, J ame­ son t/'a, i. 150·70, progress son's meeting with. i. 96; f"6. but trouble with Portu. army. i. 98; parade before guese. i. 173·6. 210; Portu· Lobengula and Jameson. i. guese attitude to occupation. 117; opposition to white men, i. 152. 174:'Q; Managing Direc· i. 131; defeat by Bechuanas tor. Jameson as, i. 171·7. 197·9 ; near Lake Ngami. i. 112·13; attempted Boer trek into, i. Jameson's influence over, i. 184:. 192·202, 206; gold explora. 117; hostility to advance of tions and mining. i. 202. 207· Pioneel'" force. i. 141; attack 208. 218. 225. 231. 232. 234:. on Lomagundi. i. 223; armed 237-8; shortage of provisions, tax • collecting from tributary drugs. etc .• i. 209·10, 210. 214: ; chiefs, i. 242·3, 243; raids Rhodes's visit to, i. 211·18; into MashonaJand, i. 243·58, finance. 214:. 219. 225. 226·7. 262, 266; expedition against, 229, 231. 233; Administra· need for, i. 259, 262, Jame­ tor. Jameson as, i. 219·4:1; son's plans for, i. 259·70, reduction of police, and sub· volunteers, i. 262, 274; Bechu­ stitution of inilitia, i. 220; ana.land Police attacked by, buildings. i. 224. 239; railway, i. 267; rising, ii. 158, 176 i. 224. 226, 228·9. 230; com· Matipis, i. 262

o municationB. i. 225. 237. 239, Matoppos, the, i. 96, 98, 278, ii. 305 ; , impertinent natives.' 155 ; Rhodes's grave, ii. 210, Jameson's summary treatment 320 ; Jameson buried on, beside of. i. 226. 227·8; murders, Rhodes, ii. 320 i. 238 ; hangman. difficulty Matthews, Dr., and sma.llpox scare, of obta.ining. i. 238; building i.32 of gaols, i. 238. 239; settlers' Maund, Mr., i. 89, 105, 107, 298 relations with Lobengula. i. 24:2 ; Maxwell, Major, at Buluwayo, i. armed Matabele raids into. i. 115, 125, 130, 141 243·58. 262, 266; Rhodes's tour Mazibili's kraal, i. 258 with Jameson through, i. 305, Mazoe District, i. 226, 227, 232, 306·14:; ii. 1 goldfields, ii. 53 Mashonaland Mounted Police, and Mazoe River bed, gold dust, i. 122 the Raid, ii. 34:,~56, 58,60·2, 63 M'bongos, or officiaJ praisers, i. 99

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'Mdingee-Dingee. island, i. 160 graph to the North, ii. 174-5; Mediterranean, Jameson's tour, ii. member of Jameson :Ministry, ii. 183 237; resignation, ii. 271 ; dele­ Merriman, John Xavier, ii. 200, gate to National Convention. 220, 228, 229, 231, J34, 245, ii. 279; letter to, ii. 306 262, 263, 306, 318 j attempt Middle Drift, i. 262 to negotiatB unification of mines Milner, Sir Alfred, ii. 200; a~­ at Kimberley, i. 60, 84; omitted pointed High Coum;rlssioner. ri. from Rhodes's Ministry, i. J36 177 ; tour in Rhodesia and note j negotiations for De1agoa meeting with Rhodes, ii. 177; Bay, ii. J; character, etc., Jameson on, ii. 180, 186, 194, ii. 212-13; as leader of the 195, 318 j and South African Afrikander Bond in Parlia· War, ii. 188; Chinese labour ment, attitude towards Sprigg proposal, ii. 226, 230; and and Jameson, ii. 212-15 j and Customs Union, ii. 256; as Customs Convention, ii. 219 j member of War Counoil, ii. 318 and defeat of the Government, Milton, Sir William, delegate to ii. 220.2, 224 j on Tengo Jabavu, National Convention, ii. 279 ii. 231; defeated at Wodehouse, Mjan, Commander-in-ohief of Mata­ ii. 232; returned for Victoria bele army, i. 292, 293, 304 West, ii. 242; on the Addi­ Mochudi, i. 95 tional Representation Act, ii. Modder River, smallpox quarantine 242 ; ohallenge of Govem­ station, i. 30-1 ment's financial policy, ii. 251 ; Mofiat, Rev. J. D., i. 246 opposition to railway rates - Imperial Resident, i. 130 settlement, ii. 252; opposi­ - Treaty, i. 87, 174 tion to Union proposals, ii. Mohawk. H.M.S., in Beira Bay, i. J61, 262; in opposition, ii. 191 J63-4 ; Schreiner on, ii. 266. Moladew, Major, mission to Loben- 268; invited to form ministry, guIa, i. 119-20 • ii. 270; reconoiliation with Jame­ Molteno, Sir John Charles, Prime son, ii. 274; delegate to National Minister of the Cape, i. 15 Convention, ii. 279, 284; and -J. T., ii. 223, 234 union, ii. 285; difficulties, ii. MonoInotapa,i.152,207 288-9; opposition to • Best Men Monte Carlo, ii. 183 Government' SCheme, ii. 289- Montsioa, Baralong chief, i. 121; 292; friendship with Jame­ defenoe of Mafeking by, i. 93·' son, ii. 292; refusal to serve Moodie, D. G. B., journey to under Both&, ii. 294 Gazaland with Jameson, i. 177· Messina, ii. 183 182 Metcalfe, Sir Charles, ii. 123 j Moor, F. R., delegate to National journey through Rhodesia with Convention, ii. 279, !84; inter­ Rhodes, ii. 199·200 j Egyptia.n viewed by Jameson re • Best Men trip with, Rhodes and Jameson, Govemment.' ii. 289; Minister ii. 205·6; visit to India with of Trade and Commerce in first Jameson, ii. 314 Union Cabinet, ii. 294 ~ rejected Methuen, Lord. i. 146; inspection by Weenen, ii. 298 of force for Mashonala.nd es­ Moordenaar's Drift, i. 46 pedition, i. 139-40 Moroki, i. 261 Meyer, Luoas, President of the Morris, transport driver, i. lIS0, IlS3 Volksraad, ii. 296 Mosilikatsi, Matabele chief, i. 93, 98, Khlahlanklela regiment, :Matabele 131 army. i. 245-6 Moule, Mr., attempt to negotiate )fiohell, Sir Lewis, i. 2, 43 note, 128, unifIoation of mines at Kimber­ 139, 184, 225 note. 247 note, 259 ley, i. 60 note, 269, 270, ii. 133, 174, 205. Mount Hampden, i. 148; objective 208, 215, 217, 318; visit to of Pioneer force, i. 124, 127, Rhodes, ii. 131; journey with 140, 144, 146 Jameson along route of tele- Mozambique, i. 98, U2

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Mozobe, chief of the Banyai, Nordin's atore, ii. 64 alleged concession to Aden.dorti NorlJMfKm, S.S. (Union Company), and others. i. 192·3, 195 expedition to the Pungwe, i. Muizenburg, ii. 193, 194; Rhodes's 188-90 illness and death at. ii. 206·9 North, Christopher, i. 2 Mundell. Mr•• Chartered Company's North, the, Rhodes and, i. 83·90. Police, i. 172 105 H~hy. Dr., and smallpoz: scare, Northern Gold· fields Ez:ploration i.32 Syndicate formation, i. 121 :Musson, George, trader of Shoshong, -- Pioneer Syndicate. ii. 53 oontract to oarry rifles and Nunes Ferreira, Portuguese military ammunition to Lobengula, i. 90 post. i. 163. 212 Nyanza, route of telegraph line to N '\pIER, William, Victoria mer· the North fla, ii. 174 chant, i. 251, 252 i at interview Nyasaland, war, ii. 312 between Jameson and Matabele indunas, i. 254, 255, 255 note; ODZ! RIVER, i. 151 pursuit of Lobengula, i. 289; O'Grady family, murder by Zulu and the Raid. ii. 40, 54. 132 note Jim, i. 234·6 Naples, ii. 183 O'Leary. J. J., opposition to uni. Natal. i. 15, 29, 39, 80, ii. 187, fication of Kimberley mines, i. 282, 289; politioal conditions, 60 i. 14·15 ; oolonists attracted Oopthuizen, ii. 7 to diamond mines, i. 40; British Orange Free Sta.te, i. 15, 22. 136. ii. prospectors from, gold dis­ 19·20, 26, 139. 289: politioal coveries in the Transvaal, ii. oonditions, i. 15; declaration 3·4, 4·7; readjustment of rail· of war, ii. 188; Chamberlain'. way rates, ii. 250, 252 i and the visit, ii. 216·17; compulsory National Convention, ii. 279, bilingualism, ii. 292, 299 283 ; Jameson in, ii. 289, 295 Orange River, i. 16, ii. 18 i dis· Natal Mounted Police, ii. 61 covery of diamonds, i. 19·20 National Convention, 277·86, 287, Orange River Colony, ii. 281; and 289,292 the National Convention, ii. 279, Native oonstituencies, touring of, 283; restoration of name of by Jameson, ii. 228, 231 Orange Free State propoaed Naval question, South Afrioa, ii. 305 by Jameson, ii. 285 Neale. trooper, Matabele war, i. 280 O'Reilly, John, i. 20 N~n,Lord,ii. 165 Oriental Company, purchase by Netherlands Railway Company, ii. De Beers, i. 62 26,27 Orpen, Joseph, dinner with Rhodes, Neukerk, ii. 135 i.52 New Salisbury District, gold pros· Otto, Dr., i. 32 pects, i. 237 Oxford, Rhodes at, i. 49·53 New Year Honours, ii. 299·300 Newoastle, Trimble at, ii. 143 P AABDB KRAAL, discovery of gold, Newton, (now Sir) Franois, and the ii.6 Raid, ii. 66·8, 115; at the In·· Pe.a.rl, the, speech by Rhodes at, quiry, ii. 162 to the Afrikander Bond, i. Ngami, Lake, i. 113 194·6 N'Oomo, Chief, punitive ez:pedi. Paget, Lady Muriel, friend of tion against, i. 227 Jameson, ii. 304 Niger basin, Berlin Conference, Palapye, i. 128, 129, 135, 139,247, 1884, i. 104 262,283. 301, ii. 31; visited by -Company, i. 102 Rhodes, i. 228 - River, i. 103 Palestine, Jameson's ~ur, ii. 183 Nile, i. 239; voya.ge up, by Rhodes, Paris, i. 70. ii. 205, 287; Leander Jameson, and others, ii. 205·6 and Middleton in, i. 11 ; Prussian No Seika and No Lim~ regimenta, troops outside, i. 11; letter Matabele army, ii. 245·6 from, ii. 182

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Park, Maitland, friendship with occupation of MashonaJand, i. Jameson, ii. 248·9, 275; death, 148 ii. 306 note Pipon, Captain, H.M.S. Magici6nne, Parker, Stafford, i. 28 i. 191, 211 Parnell, S., oontribution from Cecil Pirmus, ii. 183 Rhodes, i. III Pitsani Potlugo, ii. 33, 47, 48, 82, Paulet, Lord Henry (afterwards 54 note, 58, 60, 92, 109, lI5. Marquess of Winohester), com­ 150, 153; Mashonaland Mounted manding the Viotoria Rangers, Police at, parade and depar. i.253 ture of column, ii. 60·2 Pauling, railway contract, i. 230 Political unity, Rhodes on, ii. Penhalonga Range, i. 151. 153, 187 174, 177, 203, 205, 213 Pollock, Baron, trial of Dr. Jame. Pennefather, Colonel, command­ son and others before, ii. 14g. ing force for Mashona.la.n.d ex­ 155 pedition, i. 132, 139, 140, 188; Pondoland, breaking up of, pro. in charge of Company's Com· posed by General Botha, H. missariat Department at Salis· 227, 228 bury, i. 215 Popham, ii. 165 Petersen, trader in Matabeleland, Porges, i. 62 i.132 Porges, Jules, and Company, i. Petre, Sir George, British Minister 60 at Lisbon, i. 190 Port Elizabeth, li. 296; Jameson Phillips, Lionel, i. 205, ii. 160; on possibility of standing for, on possible consequenoes to ii. 180; early settlers near, Kimberley of smaJlpox scare, i. hardships of, i. 210-11; Feather 33; and Uitlander reform. move­ Market Hall, Jameson's speech, ment and the Raid, fi. 14, 31, ii. 228·9; stronghold of the 32, 35-7, 39, 42, 43·4, 47, 49, British Party, ii. 235; com. '15 note, 77, 89, 138, 171-2; f,etition for Johannesburg trade, deputation to Pretoria, ii. 96- rio 235·6; readjustment of rail. 98 ; trial and sentenoe, ii. way rates, ii. 251, 252; Jame· 146; at the Inquiry, ii. 162; son's visit, ii. 289 visits to Jameson at Great PoJit, Said, ii. 183 Cumberland Place, ii. 313 ; Portuguese, attempt to purchase work in London f'6 Hospital Delagoa Bay from, i. 86, for South African Contingent, ii. 2-3; possessions in Africa, ii. 315 1889, i. 103; position in Africa, Pickering, Neville, friendship with i. 152, 174; attack on Um­ Rhodes, i. 79; illness and tasa's kraal, i. 175; Jameson death, i. 79·81, ii. 10 and party taken prisoner but - William, i. 81 subsequently released, i. 182· Pietersburg, interview between 183; modus tJiV6'1Uli with, i. Rhodes, Vorster, and Aden­ 184, breach of, i. 184·91, 229» dorff at, i. 195·6 operations against the Com­ Pilgrim's Rest gold.field, i. 28, 42, pany, i. 192, 202-5; early 208, 223; ii. 4 attempts to find gold in Ma­ Pinto, Major Serpa, offensive on shonaland, i. 207·8; attempts the Shire River, i. 174 to prevent Rhodes's carriers from Pioneer, journey down the Pungwe, going on, i. 211; besieged by i. 154·68 Gazas, li. 1·2; Pioneer Force, i. 188; formation, Potchefstroom, i. 31, 46, H. 7, i. 124·5; Transvaal burghers 8, 83 note, 87; siege of. ii. invited to join, i. 137; classes 100 and types, i. 139, 273·4 ; Potgieter, Commandant, ii. 73, concentration at Kimberley 74 and departure from, i. 139; Potgieter's Rust, i. 46 march of, and arrival at Premier Diamond Mine, ii. 269 Salisbury, i. 139·47; .civil note, 281

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Pretoria, i. 31, 44, 46, 136, 193, 274, 292; difference between 237, ii. 33, 69, 282; gold dis­ p'olicies of Sprigg and J B!Deso~, covery, i. 47; visit of Sir Henry 11. 239; danger to Umon, u. Loch and insult to Kruger by 288 crowd, i. 309-10, 310, ii. Radi Kladi, a.t Tu1i camp, i. 141- 22; Rhodes and Jameson in, Raid, the, ii. 56-84, 104-11; Jame­ ii. 3; conference at, re gold son's preparations, ii. 15, 21, discoveries, 1885, ii. 5; Rhodes 29, 30, 33, 34-40, 58-9; Jame­ in, ii. 9; failure to cut tele­ son's determination to start, ii. graph wires round, ii. 59 ; 52.5, 117; attempts to stop news of the Raid, ii. 65; fort Jameson, ii. 116·17, 171, 172; and arsena.l, and projected attack surrender, ii. 110-11, 135 ; on, ii. 91, 101, 197; Sir Hercules Raiders as prisoners, ii. 135-7; Robinson's visit, ii. 13] ; Raiders Raiders handed over to Imperial taken to, as prisoners, ii. 136·7 ; Government, ii. 145-6; London Gaol, Reform Committee in, Police Court p'roceedings, ii. ii. 144; trial of the Reformers 148-9; trial, Ii. 149-56; in· in, ii. 146-7: Jameson at, quiry by Select Committee, ii. ii. 284, 289, 293, 295; Botha's 160-73; effect on South African speech at, on Jameson, ii. p'olitics, ii. 177-8; Jameson on, 294-5; Botha defeated by Sir Ii. 196-9, 228-9, 296 Percy FitzPatrick, ii. 298 Raikopje station, Trimble's escape, Prieska, election, ii. 232 ii. 143 Prince, Dr., of Kimberley, partner­ Railways, refreshment contract ship with, i. 11-12; lawsuit, with James Logan, i. 236 note; i. 25.26; retirement, i. 26 negotiations and rivalry be­ Pringle cousins, ii. 20 tween various ports, ii. 23.7, Pringle, Robert, marriage to Kate 235-6 ; Sir Gordon Sprigg's Jameson. i. 11 programme and dropping of, - Major-General, i. 4, 'I ii. 219, 221-3, 243; readjust­ Pringles of Symington, i. 4 ment of rates modifying griev­ Prisoners Committee, Jameson made ances between certain ports, chairman, ii. 317 ii. 250, 251-2 Providential Pass, i. 208, 252; dis­ Raleigh, Sir Walter, ii. 149-50 covery by Selous, i. 143, 145 Rand, ii. 281; market, i. 234 Pungwe River, i. 150, 153, 154, 177, Rand Produce and Trading Syndi. 211, 229, ii. 1, 211, 231; jour. cate, ii. 59 ney of Jameson, Johnson, Randfontein, ii. 105, 107; Ra.iders and Hay down, i. 154-68, 170; at, ii. 106 Portuguese refusal to al10w Rannoch, Scotland, Rhodes and vessels up, and subsequent pro­ Jameson at, ii. 203-5 ceedings, i. 184-91; Rhodes's Raymond, Harry, Bamato by, i. 66 journey up, i. 211-12 no's Pupu River, I. 293 RebeJIion in South Africa, ii. 312, 314,315 QUEEN'S MINE, ii. 73, 70, 109; Rees, Rev. Bowen, i. 293 note description of position at, ii. Reggio, ii. 184 79-80; Raiders' attack on Boers Reilly, trader, in Matabeleland, i. at, ii. 80-.2 132 Queenstown, Schreiner's speech at, Reitz, ii. 198 ii. 267-8; Schreiner returned Rennie Tailyour Concession, i. 132 for, ii. 273 Revue River, i. 152 Reynolds, Russell, Jameson under, RAAFF, Captain, Magistrate of TuIi, i. 10 Matabele war, i. 260, 265, 268, Rezende, Baron, Portuguese Gover. 271, 284-92, 294-5; death and nor, interview with Jameson and funeral, 292 Johnson, i. 152; interview with Racialism, ii. 182; decline of, in Selous, i. 175 ; attack on the Cape, ii. 242, 245·6, 271, Umtaaa's kraal. i. 175

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Rhodes, Cecil J., i. 21, 24, 31, 92, Adendorff trek, i. 194·98; speech 95, 99, 176, 207, 219, 225 note, at meeting of British South 240, 287, 295, ii. 31, 183, 215, Afrioa Company, i. 197·8,228·9, 232, 239, 271, 286, 288, 306, 307 ; 232; interview with Lord Salis­ early life, i. 39·53; evidenoe in bury, i. 203 note; visit to Dr. Prince's case, i. 26; and Mashona!and and meeting with alleged smallpox epidemio, i. 35 ; Jameson, .i. 211 ·18, 221- 2, friendship with Jameson, i. 38·9, 228, 231; visits to England, i. 79, 126, ii. 159; diamond mining 224, 228·9, 232, 233, 236; re­ at Kimberley in early da.ys, signation and reconstitution of i. 42·3; journey to North­ Ministry, i. 236 note, 239; on Western Transvaal with Ber­ relations with Lobengula, i. bert in search of gold, i. 44·9; 242 ; and Matabele war, i. ambitions, i. 48,50-), 52; wills, 259-60, 261, 265, 269·70, 273, i. '8·9, 50 note, 52, 79, ii. 211- 283, 291, 294, 297; and future 212; oonsolidation of the dia­ of Matabeleland, i. 296·9; tour mond mines, i. 1S'-77; forma­ with Jameson through Matabele· tion of De Beers Mining Com­ land and Mashonaland, i. 305, pany, i. 58-9; negotiations with 306-14; farm on Inyanga plat­ Lord Rothschild in connec­ eau, ii. 1, 175-6; attempts to tion with purchase of French purchase Delagoa Bay_ ii. 2·3, Company, i. 69-70; and rail­ 15; interviews with Kruger, ii. way to the North, soheme, i. 3, 9-10; and Uitlander reform '16; struggle for Bechuanaland movement, ii. 14-11i; reception and conversion into British in Ca:pe Town after Matabele Protectorate, 78·9; as member war, n. 16; visit to England of Cape Parliament for Barkly with Jameson after Matabele West, i. '18; and Warren ex­ war and great reception, ii. 17- pedition, i. 78; gold-mining 21; and future of Bechua:na.. concession from Lobengula, i. land, ii. 20, 168·9; relations '19 ; friendship with Neville with Kruger, ii. 23·9 ; and Piokering, i. 79·81; and the Uitlander reform movement Witwatersrand, i. 80, ii. 8, 9-10; and the Raid, ii. 29, 30, 31.2, quarters with Jameson, i. 81; 38-9,41, 42, 43,66·7,86, 91,92, character, i. 82-3; and the 115·34, 151, 168-9, 171, 172, North, i. 83 - 90, 105, ii. 181; 177·8; house at Groote Schuur, and the Charter, i. 102·11; ii. 113·14; policy of, ii. 118, speech at Barkly West, i. 105; 296 ; as Prime Minister and formation of British South fall, ii. 112·34, 158; resignation, Afrioa Company, i. 107; re­ offer of, ii. 126, postponement, lations with the Irish Party, i. ii. 132; interview with Hofmeyr Ill; Jameson sent on mission and quarrel, ii. 129·30; on High to Lobengula, i. 113, 114-15; Court sentences on Raiders, ii. ocoupation of Mashonaland, i. 155 flOt8; and Matabele rising, 120-9, 149 ; relations with SeloUB, ii. 158·9; visit to England, ii. i. 126-8; and extension of rail­ 158; meeting with Jameson way from Kimberley, i. 136-7; in London, ii. 158-9, 210; the In­ support by Afrikander .Bond, i. quiry, ii. 162·4; railway and tele­ 136-7; negotiations with the graph work, ii. 173·4, 181, 184·5; Transvaal, i. 137-8; Jameson Jamason's visit to, on !nyanga made Managing Director in Plateau, ii. 176·7; relations Mashonaland, i. 171, 172-3, with Sir A. Milner, ii. 177; 197-9; in Kimberley with Jame­ and Cape politios, ii. 178·80; son, i. 171; visit to England, visit to England, ii. 181; stand· i. 184; and Portuguese breach ing for Barldy West, ii. 181-2; of f1&OCh&.t ~, i. 184-91; interview with German Em­ journey to the North and meet­ peror, ii. 185; return to Cape, ing with Adendorff and Barend ii. 186; attitude before South Vorster, i. 193, 195·6; and the Afrioan War, ii. 187·8; depar-

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ture for Kimberley, ii. 188·9 j Rhodesia. Horse, ii. 40; forma.tion, in Kimberley during siege, ii. ii. 21; movement of, forbidden 192, 193 j ill.health, ii. 192·3, by Rhodes, ii. 132 note 204, 205 j at Muizenburg, ii. Richmond, Cape Colony, i. 311 193 j visit to England, ii. 193, - prospector, Victoria district.. i. 194,; at Groote Schuur, ii. 195,; 248-9 journey through Rhodesia, ii. Ripon, Lord, ii. 22, 169; letter 199·200 ,; at Kimberley and from Sir Henry Loch re future Buluwayo, ii. 202·3; in Scot­ of Matabeleland, i. 297·8; and land with Jameson, ii. 203·5 j future of Matabeleland, i. 298, Egyptian trip, ii. 205·6 j forging 299 of name of, by adventuress, ii. Rissik, Mr., Vice·President of the 206; last illness and death, ii. ~ansvaal ~ublic, conf~ce 206·9; anxiety re Jameson's with gold miners, ii. 9 fin-anoia.l position, ii. 208; grave Roach, Captain, expedition to the on the Matoppos, ii. 210, 320; Pungwe under Sir John Wil­ will, ii. 211-12; Imperial Pre­ loughby, i. 190 ference advocated by, ii. 228, Robinaon, Sir Hercules, High Com­ 254, 256; and political union, missioner, i 78, ii. 66, 67, 119, ii. 247; ideals of, Jameson on, 143 note, 168; conoession to ii. 295·6; memorial question, British South Africa Company ii. 305 supported bf' i. 106,; support Rhodes, Colonel Frank, i. 188; visit of Rhodes, 1. 295·6; and the to brothers at diamond mines, Uitlander reform movement, i. 45,; and Uitlander rising and ii. 41.2, 51, 68, 69, 97, 103. 109, the Raid, ii. 32, 33, 35·6, 38, 115, 119, 120·1, 126-7, 127.8, 47, 48·50, 52, 75 note, 82, 83 165, 169, 170·1, 172; return to note, 86, 89, 99·100, 101·2, Cape as High Commissioner, ii. 103, 106; character, ii. 86; 42 note,; visit to Pretoria and trial and sentence, ii. 146, 147 negotiations with Reform Com· nots j visits to Jameson at mittee, ii. 131.2, 139·45; reo Down Street, ii. 160; at the called, ii. 177 Inquiry, ii. 162 - Sir J. B., i. 64; gold pros­ - Herbert, journeys in search of pecting on the Witwatersrand. diamonds and gold, i. 20, 39·40, ii. 7, 8,; at Mining Conference 42, 44·8, ii. 3,; ootton.growing with representa.tives of Trans­ in Natal, i. 39·41; death, i. 42 vaal Government, ii. 9 Rhodesia (868 also MashonaJand and Robinson Mine, ii. 103 note Matabeleland), ii. 297, 298; Rolker, trip with • Midge' to establishment of bank, i. 225 Lomagundi region, i. 223 note i policy re Jameson's BollastOD, Captain, and Vaal River speeches on, ii. 16 .. 17, 18.20; diamond diggings, i. 20; meet· Rhodes and Jameson in, ii. 173 ; ing with Rhodes, i. 40 Rhodes's journey through, ii. Rome, ii. 185 199.200; Imperial Preference, Rondebosoh, description, ii. 113; ii. 254, 256,; delegate to National Rhodes'. house near, 888 Groote CQnvention, ii. 279; Roohfort Schuur Maguire's visit, ii. 307 note j RooigrODd, Boer freebooters of, land question, ii. 307·12 i Jame· attack on Mafeking, 1884, i. son's policy for, ii. 307 .. 8, 310; 93·' Jameson's visit to, with other Rose· Innes, Mr. (now Sir James, members of Chartered Com­ Chief Justice of the Union of pany, ii. 308·11,; Greater and South Africa), omitted from United, Jameson's scheme, ii. Rhodes'. Ministry, i. 236 no"; SlO, 316; war with Germans, Attorney.General, ii. 201 ii. 312.13; amalgamation of Rosebank party, i. 87 Southern and Northern, state­ Rosebery, Lord, ii. 317 ment by Directors re, ii. 316 Rothschild, Lord, and purcbase of note French Company, i. 69·70

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Bowland, Arthur Maynard, carrier Sauer, Dr. Hans, i. 28, 29; at of despatches from J ohannes­ Modder River quarantine sta­ burg to the Baiders and return, tion, i. 30-1; and the sm~npox ii. 73-7 controversy, i. 34·5; and the Budd, O. D., i. 88, 90, 112; partner­ Witwatersrand, i. 80-1, ii. 7-8, ship with Rhodes, i. 49-50, 52; 8, 9, 10; journey with Rhodes diamond digging at De Beers and from the Pungwe to Salisbury, partnerships and formation of i. 269-70; in Victoria, i. 258- Company, i. 58-9; mission to 259 Lobengula, i. 79; description - Jacobus WiIbelmus, ii. 231,234, of Lobengula, i. 97; and the 241, 263, 289, 306; omitted Witwatersrand, ii. 8,9, 10 from Rhodes Ministry, i. 236 Rudd concession, i. 108 note; attitude towards Sprigg Russell, Lord, of Killowen, trial of and Jameson, ii. 212·14; char­ Dr. Jameson and others, ii. acter, etc., ii. 212·13; and Cus. 149-55 toms Convention, ii. 219; and Russia, ii. 315, 318 defeat of the Government, ii. Bustenburg, ii. 59, 65, 93; faiIur& 220-3, 224; defeat at Aliwal to cut telegraph wires round, North, ii. 232; return to the ii. 69 House, ii. 242; postponement of Railway Conference, pro. posals moved by, ii. 252; SADI RIVER, i. 178, 180, 224 Schreiner on, ii. 266, 268; Sadler, Major, ii. 34 delegate to National Conven­ Salisbury, i. 6, 159, 295, ii. 176; tion, ii. 279, 284; and Union, fort built by Pioneers, i. 147, ii. 282, 283, 285; Minister 148; journey to the sea from, for Railways in first Union by Jameson and Johnson, i. Cabinet, ii. 294 150·70; development Qf, i. 215· Saunders, John, formation of the 216, 231; Rhodes's visit to, i. N orthem Gold - fields Explora. 215·17, 270; horses, Jameson's tion Syndicate, i. 121 promise to provide, i. 220; Schermbrucker, ii. 218 healthiness, i. 225; riot over Schreiner, W. P., ii. 112, 194·5, delay in execution of Jim, i. 274; and Kruger's closing of 235·6; communications, i. 239, the drifts, ii. 27-8, 28; character, 305; expedition into Matabele­ ii. 123; messages to, of Ra.id, land from, i. 260, 265, 266, ii. 123-4; interview with Rhodes 271·3, 279·80, 281, 284; at· 1'6 Raid, ii. 124-6; and pro. tempt to run telegraph line clamation to Jameson, ii. 128; between Tete and, ii. 173·4; at the Inquiry, ii. 162; and journey of Jameson and Michell elections, ii. 181, 182; forma­ to Umtali from, ii. 174; Jame· tion of Ministry, ii. 182; as son's meeting with the settlers, Prime Minister, ii. 200; resig­ ii. 309·10 nation, ii. 200; support of new - Letters from, i. 8, 172-3, 202, Ministry, ii. 200-1; political 208, 209, 223, ii. 310 position, ii. 266 ; Jameson's Salisbury, Lord, i. 184; ii. 161, 168 ; attempt to make him leader interview with Rhodes, i. 203 of new Party combining note ; at Colonial Conference Moderates and Progressives, ii. of, 1887, ii. 253 266-8, 268, 269, 270; returned Sampson, Victor, Attorney·General for Queenstown, ii. 273; and in Jameson Ministry, ii. 237 the National Convention, ii. Sandilands, and Uitlanders' rising, 284; attitude 1'6 'Best Men ii. 89. 102-3 Government,' ii. 290; Jameson Sapte, Major, Military Secretary to on, as High Commissioner, ii. Sir Henry Loch, i. 205 312 Sarmento, i. 212; Jameson and Scotland, Rhodes and Jameson in, ii. Johnson at, and destruction 203·5; Jameson in, ii. 277, 287 of town by fire, i. 154-7 Scott, Sir Walter, i. 2, 7

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Scott, Lieutenant, the Raid, ii. Shire River, i. 42, 174 82 Sholtz, Dr., i. 176 • Scotty Smith,' freebooter, ex- Short, Corporal-Major, mJSSlon to ploits of, i. 92 . Lobengula, i. 120 Scully, William, i. 43, 45, ii. 3 Shoshong, capital town of Khama. Saa Point, letter from, i. 168·9 chief of the Bamangwato, i. 95, Sabasha (alias Chibe), chief of 121 the Banyai, alleged conces· Siboutsi, i. 140 sion to Adendorff and others, SicheJiland, ii. 48 i. 192-3, 195 Simon's Town, i. 143 Sekulu, chief of Buluwayo, charged Sinoia's Caves, i. 223 by Lobengula with safety of Siseba regiment, Matabele army, white men, i. 282-3; king's attack on British, i. 277 note house blown up by, before Sivalo Mahlana, induna, descrip. departure, i. 283 tion of fighting on the Shangani, Selborne, Lord, ii. 278, 293 not6; and death of Captain Wilson correspondence with J &meson and others, i. 293 "' Union, and reception of Sivewright, Sir James, i. 239, ii. publication, ii. 261, 262, 279 112, 180; railway refreshment Selous, Frederick Courtney, i. 183, contract concluded with James 213, 217, 218, 222, 229, 232, Logan, i. 236 ; negotiations 268 ; big - game shooting in for Delagoa Bay, ii. 2 . Mashonaland, i. 126-7 ; and Sleeman, Lucy, hospital of, af; occupation of Mashonaland, i. Umtali, i. ·214·15 120, 126.8, 130, 132, 139·47; in Smallpox epidemic, i. 29·36; dis­ :Mashonaland, i. 174-5; inter­ infection methods, i. 30; in­ view with Baron Rezende, i. oculation,. native methods, i .. 175; interview with Banyai chief, 35·6 i. 193 note; Matabele war, i. Smartt, Dr. (afterwards Sir) Thomas, 291 ii. 215, 216, 218, 253, .275» Shakwanda's country, i. 179 departure for Kimberley. with Shangani River, fight on, with Rhodes, ii. 188·9; returned Matabeles, i. 276-8, 282; :Bight as member for East London, of Lobengula to, and pursuit, ii. 232; Minister of Public i. 287-93 Works and Crown Lands in ShMk, expedition to the Pungwe, JamesonMinistry,ii.237; howled i. 188·90 down at East London. ii. 252; Shashi, BechuanaJand Police at, Schreiner on, ii. 266; delegate :fired on by Matabele, i. 267 to National Convention, ii. 279; Shaw, Flora, 866 Lugard, Lady tour with Jameson through Sheasby, Mr., and Transvaal gold the Colony, Transvaal and discoveries, ii. 7 Natal, ii. 295; knighted, ii. 299 ; Sheba Mine, ii. 3 visit to England with Jameson, Sheba, Queen of, i. 218 ii. 300;" letters to, ii. 300, ~OO-I, 'Sheba's breasts,' i. 96 304·5, 305.6, 312, 314, 3US, Shelley, P. B., i. 2 316·17, 317·19; proposed by Shetland Islands, traditional origin Jameson as leader of the of Jameson family, i. 1 Unionist Party, ii. 302; visits Shilling, English !ailor, annexation to Great Cumberland Place, of the Cape in reign of James I., ii. 313·14; rhetorio of, Jame­ i. 109 note son and, ii. 314 Shiloh, i. 286 Smith, Captain Kincaid, and the Shippard, Sir ~idney Godolphin Raid, ii. 60 note Alexander, 11. 33, 52, 95 ; - Dr., in charge of Felstead'. intrigue in Vryburg put down farm quarantine station, i. 32. by, i. 93; negotiations with -, death~ i. 209 Reform Committee, ii. 141- Smuts, General, ii. 299; dele­ 142; Kaffir name in Bechu­ gate to National Convention, analand, ii. 141·2 ii. 279; Minister for Defence in

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Smuts, General (com.) Sterkfontein farm, purchase by first Union Cabinet, ii. 294; H. W. Struben, ii. 4; dis. operations in East Afrioa, ii. oovery of gold, ii. 6 817; as member of Imperial Stevens, J. A., Assistant Secretary War Cabinet, ii. 318 of Chartered Company at Cape Sm~ii.183 Town, ii. 34: note, 35, 117, Sofala, i. 189 118 Soldin's store, Raiders at, ii. 70 Stewart, Sir Herbert, i. 187, ) 88 Solomon, King, i. 218 - Dr., with MatabeleJ.and expedi. Solomon, Richard, Attorney-Gene- tion, i. 274 ral, ii. 195, 200 - claims of, bought by Barnato, Somabula forest, i. 276, 277 note i.66 Sonnenberg, Ikey, i. 28 Steyn, President, ii. 300, 301; and , deputation National Convention, ii. 279, to Chamberlain in Cape Town, 280, 284, 299; interviewed by ii.217 Jameson re • Best Men Govern­ South African War, ii. 188, 190-5; ment,' ii. 289 release of rebels, ii. 217; J ame­ Stow, diamond digging at De Beers, son's treatment of rebels, ii. partnership and formation of 245; re-enfranchisement of the Company, i. 58·9 rebels, ii. 271-2, 273 Stracey, Major J. B. (now Colonel Southey, (lover.nor, i. 54 Stracey-Clitherow), ii. 39. 60 Spelenyama, Ohief, Gazas' expedi. Stranraer, Jameson at, i. li, 6 tion against, i. 179 Stretfield, Professor of Ophthalm. Spreoldey, Lance·Corporal (after. ology, Jameson assistant to, wards Colonel), i. 121, ii. 40, i. 10 li4 ; engagement with Mata­ Struben, Fred and H. W., gold beles, i. 277; and the Raid, ii. discoveries on ihe Witwaterl' 182 noee rand, ii. 4·7 Sprigg, Sir Gordon, ii. 132, 179, Suda Bay, ii. 183 226, 231, 251; overthrow of Sudbury, Jameson family at, i. 6 Government, i. 78; possible Sutherland, Dr., Surveyor.General Railway and Customs union' of Natal, i. 45; kindness to with Transvaal refused, ii. 24, Cecil Rhodes and other oolonists, 25; dissolution, ii. 181; as i.40 Prime Minister, ii. 201, 212- - Australian digger, i. 45 225 , on Jameson, ii. 211, Swan, sculptor in South Africa, 245; defeat at East London ii. 266, 269 by Dr. Smartt, ii. 232; resigna. Swazi agreement, i. 310 tion, ii. 234; polioy, ii. 239; Swaziland, i. 137, 138, 201; break· returned for East London, ii. ing up of, proposed by General 273 Botha, ii. 227, 228 Stair, Earl of, patron of R. W. Syfret, Chairman of the Gape Jameson, i. 5 Times Company, ii. 297 Standard Company, amalgamation Sylvester, Rev., Victoria, i. 263 with Bamato Diamond }Iining Symington, Pringles of, i. 4: Company, i. 66 Stanford, Colonel, delegate to National Convention, ii. 279 TABLlII BAY, Harbour Board,. i. • Star of South Africa' diamond, i. 120-1 20 . Ta.ble Mountain, ii. 113, 296 Starr, Leander, L. S. Jameson Table Valley, early settlers in, named after, i. 5 hardships of, i. 210 Stead, W. T., i. 60-1 Tainton, tra.der in MatabeleIand, Stellaland, i. 92-3, ii. 145, 178; i.132 Boer freebooters brought under Takwi River, i. 148 British flag by Rhodes, i. 78 Pamesa, Portuguese gunboat, at Stellalanders, defence of Taungs Baira, i. 188, 189 against, by • Scotty Smith,' i. 92 Tanganyika, ii. 159, 160, 186

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Tati. i. 115, 118, 130; anoient saving of State by gold miners, gold workings near, i. 44. i. 311, ii. 5·6, 9: gold prospect. 4G ; gold concessions, i. 95; ing, history, ii. 3-10; relations flight of Thompson through, with the Imperial Government, ii. i. 113: gold. fields, conoession 21·9; relations with Cape Colony, granted by Lobengula, i. 117. ii. 21-2, 23·9; detective work 118: arrest and death of by Trimble, ii. 88-9: relations of indunas at. i. 268·9 the Afrikander Bond with, ii. Taungs, capital town of the Bat· 130; desire to try Raiders, ii. lapin chief, i. 92 145; attitude after the Raid, Taylor, J. B .• i. 28, 205, ii. 10, ii. 177; preparations for war, 313 : at interview between ii. 182, 186, 198; German sup· Kruger and Willoughby. i. 200· port of, against British, ii. 186, 201; at interview between 187: war, ii. 187·8; Chamber· Kruger and Jameson, i. 201; lain's visit, ii. 216; Chinese Mediterranean tour, ii. 183; labour question, ii. 226-8;. rail­ Jameson's visit to, in Sootland, ways, penalisation of certain ii. 277; visit to India with ports, ii. 235-6: and the National Jameson. ii. 314 Convention, ii. 279, 282, 283 j Tembuland, election, ii. 232 Jameson in, ii. 289, 295 Tengo Jabavu, campaign against Trimble, Andrew, Police officer, Jameson, ii. 231·2 Johannesburg, ii. 40, 137; biog. Tete, Portuguese settlement, at. raphy, ii. 87·9; and Uitlander tempt to run telegraph line rising and organisation of Police between Salisbury and, ii. 173· force and regiment, ii. 89·91, 93, 174; Jameson's journey to, 98, 99-100, refusal to surrender, ii. 174·5; John Scott's expe. ii. 141-2. escape from Johannes. dition to, for provisions, i. 209· burg in disguise, ii. 142·3 210 Tuli, i. 127, 149, 199, 209, 265; Thabas Induna, mountain, i. 96, Mashonaland expedition at, i. 279, 280, 283 140; fort built by Pioneer force, Theal, trader, devoured by lion, i. 141; letters from, i. 142,205· i.213 206, 207; Jameson's meeting Theron, T. P., Chairman of the with Portuguese officers, i. 172; Bond, "welcome to Union. pro· gold jrospecting at, i. 208; posals, ii. 261; reconciliation visits by Rhodes, i. 2.28 ; with Jameson, ii. 274 expedition into Matabeleland Thompson, F. R., at Buluwayo, i. from, i. 260, 266: column from, 88, 90, 99, 112, 808; murder of Matabele WE, i. 284, 286 father by natives, i. 89; flight Tunis, ii. 183 from Buluwayo, i. 113, 114, Turfiontsin farm, gold discovery on, 115: return to Buluwayo with ii. 8·9 Jameson, i. 115·16 Tony, servant to Rhodes, i. 218, 806, 307, ii. 125, 132, 193, 199 UITLANDlIlBB, struggle for the vote Transkei, the, i. 29 and quarrel with Kruger, i. 308· Transvaal (868 al80 Kruger), i. 31, 312. ii. 13-15, 21.2, 29; Bee also 138, ii. 19· 20 ; political con· under Johannesburg ditions, i. 1I.i: annexation and Umbezu regiment, Matabe1e army. abandonment, i. US, ii. 18: boasts of. i. 278; battle of Boers encroaching on Bechuana· Imbembesi, i. 281·2 land, i. 78; customs duties on Umfasa Miti, hilI, i. 96 Cape colonial produce, i. 136; Umfuli district, Bob Jameson on, threatened Boer trek from, into i.173 Mashonaland, i. 137, 184, 192· Umgandan. induna, Matabele expe. 202, 206; Cape Colony agri. dition into Ma.shonaland under, cultural produce shut out of i. 245·58; interview with Jame· Johannesburg market, i. 196; son, i. 253·6 finanoial diffioulties, 1885, and Umguzu River, i. 96

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Umhama, i. 178 ii. 26- '1 ; drifts, closure by Umhlangeni, i. 286, 287, 291 Kruger to overseas goods, ii. Umkomas, valley of the, cotton· 27-9, 167, 168, 169, 198 " growing by H. and C. Rhodes in, Valle, Bugler, bearer of message i.40 from Jameson to Reform Com. Umshabetsi River, i. 14:8; Mashona­ mittee, ii. 101-2 " land expedition at, i. 142 Vanderbyl, Mr., ii. 273 Umsingwani River, i. 148, 279 Van der Stel, Simon, Governor of UmtaIi, i. 174, 205, 213, ii. 175, Cape under Dutch East India 177; Company's Police camp Company, i. 211 near, Portuguese attack, i. 202 ; Van Niekerk, Schalk, diamond visit of Rhodes and meeting dealings, i. 20 with Jameson, i. 213-15; hospi­ Van Oudtshoom, ii. 73, 78, 109 tal run by English nurses, i. Van Oudtshoorn's store, Raiders at, 214.. 15 ; healthiness, i. 225; ii.72 communications, i. 237, 239; Van Riebeek, i. 123, 211; hard· building at, i. 239; route of ships of settlers under, in Table telegraph line to the North ma, " Valley, i. 210 " ii. 174 Van Toezicht, Commissie, ii. 225 - Valley, Manica, i. 176-7, 178 Van Tulbagh, i. 211 Umtasa, Chief, i. 204 note; treaty Varley, Mrs., Krugersdorp, pre­ with, i. 174-5; protection by parations for reception of Raid· Chartered Company's Police and ers, ii. 106-7 attack by Portuguese, i. 175; Venice, ii. 205 kraal, i. 178 Vereeniging drift, ii. 27 Umzimonya's kraal, i. 178 Victoria, Queen, Guards mission Unified Mines Company, i. 60 sent to Lobengula, i. 119·20, Union, ii. 277.86; publication of 131; and Delagoa Bay negotia. correspondence between J ame­ tions, ii. 2·3; Rhodes enter· son and Selborne, ii. 261, 262, tained at Windsor, ii. 18 ; 279 ; "proposals and attitude in J &meson made Commander of the House, ii. 261-2; first Union the Bath, ii. 18; Jubilee, re­ Cabinet, constitution, ii. 293·4; lease of certain raidets on, Botha Ministry, ii. 293·305; first ii. 147 note Parliament of the Union, ii. 299 Victoria, ii. 49, 295; fort built by U.S.A., Jameson's trip to, with Pioneer force, i. 146; gold min· opium.eater patient, i. 11 ; ing round, i." 202, 208, 218; alleged support of Transvaal Matabele expedition to district, against Uitlanders, ii. 55; fin· i. 245, 246-58; forts, i. 252-3; ancial crisis, effect on South Jameson's visit to, in connection African diamond industry, ii. with Matabele raid, i. 251-60; 269 expedition into Matabeleland University College, Gower Street, from, i. 260, 268, 271, 272, 273 Jameson at, i. 9 " nots, 280, 281, 284, 286; letter "-- Hospital, Jameson at, i. 9·10, from, i. 266-7 13-14 Victoria West, Merriman returned Upington, Sir Thomas, ii. 88; and for, ii. 242 alleged smallpox epidemio, Victoria, Fort, i. 217 i. 35; possible Railway and Victoria Company, secret buying of Customs union with Transvaal shares in, by De Beers, i. 62-3 refused, ii. 24, 25; on Schreiner, Victoria, ship, ii. 23, 146 ii. 123 Vienna, i. 37 Usher, trader in Buluwayo, i. 282 Vigers, Charles, Mining Commis· sioner, i. 250; account of VAAL RIVEB, ii. 19; discoveries of Matabele raid into Victoria diamonds and early diggings, district, i. 247·8 i. 19-20, 22; railway to Johan· Villiers, Major C. Hyde, and the nesburg, agreement between Raid, ii. 60 nots, 78 Cape Government and Kruger, Vlakiontein, Raiders at, ii. 70

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Vogelstruisfontein, gold discovery, from, ii. 179, ISO; Jameson'. ii. 6 house, ii. 293 Vo1ksrust, Trimble at, ii. 143 White, General Sir George, defence Vooruitzight farm, owned by D. of Ladysmith, ii. 190-2 A. and J. N. De Beer, dis­ - Lieutenant - Colonel the Hon. covery of diamonds in 1871, i. 21 Henry Frederick, Mashonaland Vorst.er, Barend, interview with Mounted Police, ii. 56; the Rhodes, i. 193, 195-6; and Raid, ii. 61, 76, 77-8, 80, 105; Boer trek into Mashonaland, trial in High Court, "ii. 149-55 i. 195-6 - Major the Hon. Robert, ii. 33; Vryburg, i. 92, 93, ii. 67; attempt to visit to Johannesburg, ii. 31; support Kimmia, Matabele pre­ as Magistrate in Bechuanaland, tender, against LobenguIa, i. ii. 34; and the Raid, ii. 34, 39, 93 46,56, 60 note, 62, 75 note, 105, 109; letters from Jameson, ii. W AnY HALF.!., ii. 206 35, 46; trial in High Court and Wagon Bill, Boer attack, ii. 192 sentence, ii. 149-55 Walker, Scottish South African, - Montagu, ii. 168 " supported Montsioa in defence - Orderly Sergeant, sent with of Mafeking, i. 94 message to Jameson and officers, Walker's Hotel, Witwatersrand, ii. 67,70 . ii.S Wilgespruit farm, purchase by Walton, (now Sir) Edgar, ii. 215, 217, H. W. Struben and discovery of 218, 275, 290, 318; Treasurer in gold on, ii. 4-5 Jameson" Ministry, ii. 237, 262; Wilhelm, German Emperor, sup­ delegate to National Conven­ port of Kruger, ii. 177, 178; tion, ii. 279 interview with Rhodes, ii. 185 Wanklyn, W. M., i. 36 note Williams, Bob, i. 234, 239, ii. 299; War Losses Compensation Com­ reminiscences of Jameson, i. mission, ii. 220 221 i in Mashonaland, i. 231, Warre, Dr., of Eton, i. 186 . 232, 233; at Katanga., ii. 299 note Warren, Sir Charles, i. 295; meet­ -Gardner F., i. 17, 19,39,67,69, ing with Cecil Rhodes in coach, 70 note; rifles got into Johan­ and argument on Predestina­ nesburg in oil drums, ii. 98 tion, i. 51-2; expedition, i. - Captain Gwyndd, death in Mata· 78, 85, 120, 124, ii. 22, 88, 187 ; bele war, i. 278 obituary notice of Christopher - General Owen, i. 278 note Bethell, i. 94 note Willoughby, Sir John, i. 237, 265, Waterboer, Chief, i. 22 277 note, ii. 20, 21, 160, 187, 239 ; Waterston, Dr. Jane, sent for by biography, i. 186-8; second-in­ Herbert Rhodes when dying, command of Pioneer force, i. i. 42 note; friendship with 139, 188; expedition to the Rhodes and visit to, at Groote Pungwe, i. 185-91; friendship Schuur, ii. 134 with Jameson, i. 188; inter­ 'Vatson, Christian, wife of Major­ view with President Kruger re General Pringle, i. 4-5; death, i. threa.tened trek, i. 200-1; in 293 Mashonaland, i. 231, 232; bat­ Weenen, Mr. Moor rejected by, tery of, i. 230, 238; Matabele ii.298 war, i. 266, 268, 273, 280, 281.2, Weil, Sam, ii. 63 291; at Buluwayo, i. 301 Weir, Lieutenant, Mashonaland and the Raid, ii. 35, 37 note, 39- Police, and Matabele raid, i. 40, 46, 56, 58, 60, 68-9, 70-84, 247-8 105-11, 135; as prisoner of the Wellington, i. 15 Boers, ii. 135; trial in High Wernher, Julius, connection with Court and sentence, ii. 149-55; Alfred Beit, i. 60 at Holloway, ii. 157; at the Wernher, Beit and Co., i. 107, Inquiry, ii. 162,165-6; in Ireland ii. 14 with Jameson, ii. 185; fighting Westbrook, Rondebosch, letters in East Africa, ii. 317

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Willoughby, Sir John Pollard, East Woodstock, ii. 240; Dr. Jameson India Com'Dany, i. 186 at, ii. 272-3 Willoughby's gold reefs, i. 300 WooDs-Sampson, A., and Uitlander Wilmot, Mr., ii. 265 rising, ii. 42-3, 44-5; trial and Wilson, Major Alan, Matabele war, sentence, ii. 146-7 pursuit of Lobengula and death, Wormwood Scrubs, Jameson at, ii. 1. 121 note, 271, 281, 286, 288-90, 156 291-3, 295 Wrey, Bourchier (now Sir Philip - • Matabele,' at Buluwayo, i. Bourchier), consulting engineer 130, 133, 141, 244-5 of Mashonaland Agency, i. 251- - Dr., expedition to the Pungwe 252, 259 note; description of with Sir John Willoughby, i. proceedings in Victoria during 190 Matabele raid, i. 256, 256 note \Vinchester, Marquis and Marchion­ Wynberg, Jameson at, iI. 302 ess of, Jameson at Harrogate with, ii. 305 YOUNGBUSBAND, Major (now Sir 'Windsor, Rhodes at, ii. 18 Francis), ii. 170 ; carrier of Witch doctors, i. 116 note, 134 message from Reformers to Witwatersrand (the Ridge of the Rhodes, ii. 115-16 White Waters), i. 86, 311, 312, ii. 25; gold reefs, discovery and ZAMBESI RIVER, i. 91, 98, 103, 105, development, i. 80, ii. 4-12; 145, 147, 152, 174, 176, 181, western escarpment, attack by 207,209; tributaries, gold dust, Raiders, ii. 82; Raiders on, i. 122; Portuguese stations on, ii. 82-4, 104-6 i. 174 ; Jameson's journey down, Wodehouse, electioneering at, ii. from Tete, ii. 175; country be­ 231; member for, Merriman tween the Limpopo and, alleged defeated, ii. 232 Banyai concession of, i. 192-3, Wolfe, James, ii. 17 195 Wolff, Dr., at Kimberley, i. 34, 35 ; Zambesia, 866 Mashonaland biography, ii. 58-9; and Uit­ Zeerust, ii. 47, 64 note, 69, 93 lander rising and Raid, ii. 35, Ziederberg, contractor, i. 239, 261 60, 54, 58-9, 69 note, 75, 78, 80 Zimbabwe, ruins of, visit of J ame- ROte, 93; at the Inquiry, ii. 162 son and others to, i. 217-18 Wolhuter, Mr., at Mining Confer­ Zinyangene military kraal, attack ence with representatives of on British, i. 277 note Transvaal Government, ii. 9 Zoutpansberg, i. 196, 199; ii. 16, 202 Wood, Mr., defeated in Grabama­ Zululand, ii. 138; 1light from, i. 98 town election, ii. 231 Zulus, i. 175

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