' ' .'; Y : .'v. " :; V yrV-''- - ? ' , . ... .''7,-,- 4 ;- - v.-- - . '"'f f .1..V.-- - ':''.-''- ";' ; r V v i - . j. v. . ' MAILS From San Francisco -- Sonoma, July 31 :

" -- . 6a n i i 1 1 1 1 i ., For Francisco v i "i i i . . .. , .- Persia Mara. July 20 n r v -' v, From Vancouver: ; v ; 'JJakura Aug. s.v; For Vancouver;, " H Niagara, Aug. U ! - 4

' Eranlnr Bulletin. Est 1882, No. 6i3T 12 PAQESt-HONOLUL- U Ilawil'n- - EUr. VoL XXIV. No. 757S 1 PEic2nvi:cn:nj:

- ' " " 1- - ' ". ' " .' . , ;::':-- . - ...... ' 'J . ' 111 hii f . rLT:.:Q?tGQULDSTO fJEW YORK STOCK MARKET TODAY Maace Following closing prices of art the PENAL SUMMONS EVOKED TO stocks en th New York marekt to- GET CITY. LICENSE. MONEYS. Twenty-on-e managers ' day, sent by tha Associated Press, over or owners of. downtown business houses art to IPoriE'iamsto t) Feoerat Wireless. be dialed to police court for selling merchandise without a: license.. Penal - summonses been sworn out by O. L. Conkllng, 061E!iS'(K1C 77. Yestef have city treasurer, and will officer1! ; - . be served today or tomorrow as fast as an can 'find the men C.vrWX-'- Today, .day. ' -- : T, ,: ', ., Cold ... 17 nyt named in them. i :.: 'Y . .,-..- V Alaska ...... Bros, Honolulu Co - Fltzpatrlck the Construction A Draytng the Stand :afflsa:w;i!9L0:KiiJ3.: "of Hand- Amencan meuer j.r ;a Report Plan to Build Co Hustace-Pec- k Co, A Robinson, among American .Sugar Rfg... 109 109 . ard Oil the and Allen are the i who have neglected to procure licenses to some Residence VVaikiki : firms do buslneai for this half at American iei. a iei....u'4 year, according to treasurer and managers or owners will be American y Exempted ' Anaconda Coper u478 the the arrest Vessels. .v::-- ...... 784 VON HIHDEWBURG'S SLASHING ATTACK NEARLY CUTS Denied v- ; 104 ed In consequence. Several others, eq ually as prominent.caped by pay. - 'y; AtcWson ...... i ... . 1042 - From Medical Examination up said, ..- A ) Baldwin Loco. 9 ing at the last minute, It Is .. ' SLAV LINES, PETROGRAD ADMITS, BUT G U EH US 1 . Other firms named in the summonses are Honolulu jpracker Co Me and Quarantine Inspection, GROUNDS OFTEN SAID Baltimore A Ohio...,..-- - O0' Z ARMY . 604 IS FINALLY REPULSED GERMANY DOES f0T Bethlehem Steel ...... 440 Chesney Coffee Co Hawaii Meat Co, Vielra Jewelry o H. Ouiman, R. v Bernhardt, W. ; TO BE SITE FOR HOTEL Calif. , . . . 18 Y 19Va Weedon, Htird, Pohlman A Col W.'O. Suacner. Oahu Rice ADMIT VON LINSINGEN'S REVERSE IS SERIOUS . Petroleum f .. . Mill Co Co Lynch Co Hong Canadian Pacific 177a1 178 Makino .Drug , Ltd, KeeXp. Lee Chu Lunv (AtMcUud Ptmi by Federal WireUM) ...... 1 " . 8 ;" vnwny r" y Juiy-2- . A St. P. Paul) . 98 95 wr flinu .nirvify uiii)i, ' 8AN FRANCISCO, CaU (AaaoeUttd by WlrtltM) Crackers Now Opening Beauti CM. (St The city treasurer states, that he will have 21 served 'each day unii Pmi SrU r4ri Colo.' Fuel A Iron....'. ,43'2 44a American vessels between 8a n Fran WASHINGTON, D. C July 28-- With the German submarine CeuticV'' the-70- ' -- all, of delinquents have paid. , 3 C'.l ful Horns Annually, On'Sum- - Crucible Seel ...... 674 C8? '. cisco and Hawaiian ports are relieved land apparently ready to make her dash for the open sea from Baltimore, of necessity of quarantine stop Erie Common ':v-;Vlieutcol- 7 " the the British patrol Is planning to intercept the craft An official report tsiiy : ...... AMONG NUMBER PROMOTED V Trips Here, V EtilS page ey mer General Electric ...... 18714 188 V- and doctors' examinations, to the U. S. navy department tella of the. entry of a British cruiser In - WASHINGTON, C, July 28 Nominations proviiina the promotion - General Motors ; . a order . from Washington received lower Chesapeake Bay.- Secretary Daniels has ordered the cruiser North ...... t : - of a number of army officers, Including UeutvCoL Wrinot E. Ellis, Coast ' . - K A report from apparently good an- Great' Northern 11814 . 118 today. .? - ,.. , Y. Carolina for "neutrality duty" off the Virginia Capea. y . ; : Pfd.... , Cofi SUr-Bulletl- n to- Artillery, .Fort Ruger, Hawaii, were made today. Frederick W; Sib- thorlty reached the Inter. HarvH N. 114 115 d J...... prOn-.Vte- brigadier-genera- L i ley of the 14th Cavalry, now otv Mexican duty, is to . surgeon : ' pa- day that Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould are Kennecott Copper . . 45 Dr. F. E. Trotter, command- . BALTIMORE, Md July 25. Capt Koenig today secured clearance 457't Lieut-Co- L 1 Ellis Is promoted to a full cof6ncf;y. MaJ George a, T. ing U. S. Service ; planning to establlsli handsome Lehigh 7 ' i ; the Public Health pers for the Deutschland. He requested of the customs suthorities that his R. R... 77H - -- Langhome, 8th Cavalry, becomes- a ieutenantblonel, Several other reasonable-time- , ! Walklki, that they hope 103 v here, had not heard of the order when manifest be withheld from publicatlonor a Kosnig told 'home at and Nv York Central...... 103'4 ' majors snd a number of captains and lieutenant, are f romoteoV Star-Bulleti- n noon ' gave : t him to purchase half of the beautiful Irwin Pennsylvania Tl . . . . ; : the at local pilots today; "The time of our departure Is definite." j .; i- a-- i- ' W .-,- .r-- Y Y' Y -1 YYL:& r ; con- . east of Moana HoteL W?ien Ray 23 f 22 V the 'news printed above, It Is ' estate the Confok ...... "BLACKLIST NOTE" TO BE SENT TO LONDON SOON the report vas referred to Mr. Gould, Southern Pacific 97Va: 97Va jectured that he will shortly receive (AMdstd Pnu 8rrU by 4ral WirtlM ' '...... - v WASHINGTON, D., 28 f absolutely nothing C, July Counselor of. ,thei Stabs Department notification .of the' new order.- - ; 26. Arme- he said. There la Studebaker ...... 128 128V4 ' PETROGRAD, Russia, July Pressing forward through -, "V.".- ' ' Polk and President Wilson tday dtscuasea tns suuaticj arising out of the The suggestion that the U S. .to it- Tennessee Copper. . 23i4 22 sh Rus- .... blacklisting of American firms by the-Briti- under U trading with the nia,' west of the Lake Van region and far south of Trebirond, Hit : ,The same report had, however, been Union Pacific . T3654 health service examination of vessels ' v enemy" act.. A note dealing with the prlnclplea of th blacklist to which sians have added another to - the chain of Turkish , strongholds that - ports Ha- or two businessmen and U. between Pacific coast and " 4eard by one S. Steel...'...;,:.. 88V "Ta : - " - the United States objects will be ready, for despatch tc London soon. -- -': Vjtren rredencer though it was under- UV. Steel .;...y117 118 waiian ports be abrogated has been have fallen to their new offensive. : Pfd..t ' .:';, made several times in th e last 'few vV "Armenia, . ftooa that to deal naa oeen ciosea. Utah .. ... 75 78 v ; ?! Erzingan, in Central has been captured by thq. Slav forces " FAMOUS WAIMEA WATER CASE IS APPEALEDi'i- years.: ago rc; Mrs. ; Some months it "was re - U that Mroand Wester Union the-decislo- Nicolaicvitch, U, 93H ':.': supreme directed from. the; Caucasus by Grand Duke. With the ' - .Appeal has been' taken to ther court from of For r, who have beea . vived at a meeting of the Hawaii Pro I Tenpletcn Westinshouse 55. ; 58 A. nan Hawaii .in W. fortress, the have been cleared from Armenia, the; t mer Circuit Judge John Matthew cf the case of A. motion Committee. The committee capturcof this Turks 7 much with 'is since the latter fEjwflvldend. jUnquoted. - 1 .Bid. , y $Zy sought ; to- - frc York had Joined Carter, trustee, against the territor et The action deter- talked over. the matter and decided to generals of the Russian armies in this region report; Congratulations axriTed mino rights to the waters of iWalakola stream he Parkpr Ranch claim with - frier.::, rest la the plans the abide by the recommendations of the have been sent by the Czar to Gen. Udenitchin, wha led the victorious Ing It was entitled to 3,000,000 gtallons a day. Jad?; Mitthewman If. that S. health service officials here and -: Mrs. Crocker Ilelene Irwin. Wn'QrFIAHDC force .against Erzingan. Y V;, Y ; )hY "'' ;v Y Y - found for. . the territory, . holding that the ranch was entitled to no water. the f The projec t, It. ;.a also said, definite U U territorial board of .health. Br J. away plan UIIMlill S. B; Pratt - president of the board; ly does vith zzf for sell 1 1 - lag pre; crty; with hand CUSTOMS INSPECTOR NEAL DIES AFTER OPERATION- opposed the lifting of the quarantine-examinatio- n the Irwia its IT i .fcspe.ctor's seme, ersclera hone, one of the In ; C. M. of the oldest men In tho customs , service, plan, on the ground that Ru::!nns: Press Fcnvard 11 died following an operation. .t He jWas 53 years sge, ? C3 teres tics' !rl;ts of Honolulu' to visit this afteroon' of every precaution to $ safeguard the ; 1 came to Honolulu 20 years ago from South' Carolina and; Md "beea an ; bb-serye- d. ., ;:;.-'i'Y- . i ;i3 ITil 'in health of the territory; should be crs tier tLo teach. -- -- iu I pector for 16 years. - He left: a wldo w and two1 son and, was ;member .'Dr. recommenda- Thst t:.!3 property could not figure , 'a Trotter's Von Co 1 v. - new Is of stheMasonic, Odd .Fellows iand Knights of Pythias; lodjes.-- Funeral ser tion was also against doing away with la try r'izs for 'a hotel site r ' ,.: vices wm he neid Tnursaay aiternoon. : . . . . Y , J the examinations. He opposes the ab- to have beea learned while "' z ' - ' - - x csrrstDod V" - '. . -- - (AMOUt4 by WirtUtj) . ', ' Woodsy ::,; 'Y: V.,r r rogation of. these safeguards.- - Y' Pnu 8rvlc fdrl A Jsne3 the St. Francis hotel Tffl -- 26-T- . MARU OFF TRANSPAClPiC RUr( : Russia, July lie Russians on the front. c:r:-c- r, end were canvassing REPORT.SIBERIA It was supposed until the receipt' of j.4yP5TRQQRAD,. cat' others .iz - today new ..'.!) r-- ... . "i Reports rocelved 'fronr San' Francisco stated that when the the news above that the agitation had Vrc gainmg further successes.- - They are continuing their, drive in i - !ra.t.ere. oa the lookout for ,1 t7.y . - ,w;rp -' : jv. iv Bieamer oiuen aiaru mixu irom xuf iue wicai, uiy been ended.1 v-- . ;' . the- t . Tc :3i.fcr a beach iictelr i. ' 'v ern Volhynia, pressing1 back, the Teuton? near Slcncvki riycr. Gi .t Red Sox and Yankees Even Up ' waa believed that she may be rut on the, San Fraocisco t6 New York . Vcr j ; t have, fre-:c- rs it this new order., in 'effect the . " tl.TC been, ! ; havc.'b6en;.m3ictedn:pori the 'fctirirg' forces.-- . V . rbn and used on transpacific routey Officials" 'jbf loSseJ ? r-- Crcok-- 'on' her return hot be 'the work of the' local office .of the U. S. quest that the. Irwin property wIn'A'r.;:n:a.l Ur::C3; f - v oonpany the- cl8 posal tho- big .1 aer : reverse was very nearly .sustained by .the v cf 1 d; pro-- J tla said that, - final pi would not be service will be cut about in half. t r. A serious risht. wcuU r ci of: ta hotel I - lyn and Eyeni definitely decidei-uat- reached r r-T c.i r.t least ocrnsicn Cv2ker: ;shs yapan; .fAnargr!nent taj faycr- c.t dispensing r co .,'.1 ran mi M Wipiyf thUiafftttilv '. with doctors1 examiaatioWis-tka- y 'i i . .trto"'X?i6 'the t HindehbUrg's'-arm- made a sudden,, slashing .attacLC i.- -r 1. , iTMoi LllLf-- ' illAVt 4iET JWUCHN EEDCCr'PXR pas . t : Iit3 's.'. G. Irwla ia , rpssels would be saved delay and L- i CLEVELAND. July 26. By winning being1 much-needd- d Riga,. arid nearly succeeded in penetrating' die R uishn frcr4 -t - Mbillili stands a good chance of provided tvlth park sengers - ; 4. r r ; ,Upca bis game saved inconveniences. w an exciting from the Indians and play ground reservation's, f At last night's meeting iof the supervisors was. finally compelled to retreat. , More than 4000 pri.sor.crs 'were taken rice t vLJch today the world's champion .tied Bill - Login announced 'that Land Commissioner ulvenburgh had promised' to en by the; Russians before' the Gcrman;force extricated itself. i:r. Ir . , t erty was be- Donovan's- Yankees from the metropo I. dearor to secure for that section two pieces of land tor park and playground 'Itt theTegiori of the Slonevka river the Russians inflicted great losses lis of the world. Chicago Wblte Sox .; premises,; " r 'purposes. One of the 'lots' is adjacent to the church and the other ' I' :rs. Cr? row visit here own ' upon the retiring .Teutons. y " : playing on their field blanked, the oortion , of . nublic domain near" th ei girlsV industrial school. In moving ' Y a - ' v- ;c: ; " s ' -- - - :r,y the fine home easterners. The first place teams In ;to op Vand '... , "... "' Y . durl-- - ; that the matter be, referred the torn mittee schools, vparks r play. ...;. r t.ay. 4 1-- 2 j the American League is only grounds, which . carried unanimously ,: Logan spoke of the great heed ot, re r camea ahead of. the teams .tied 'for creation places for the MolliIli,children. THe said, that the newf bungalows elxth position, v In v the - National "on the school grounds took up so much, space thatlbut ;little room was , I?ft r League Brooklyn , and , Philadelphia for games,-- also that playing on. the road by the youngsters .had ' cost at - gain on runners least-on- e young years; . Y;- .. -- ,.i..it failed to the upThe life within the last few American Publisher Must Re Dominate Iley GcrmtiD iyzz..-.- . . scores or tne games loaay are as ioi turn on Steamer Philadel i o OP ' V -- - : NATIONAL LEAGUE phia- Reasons for British ' UJ.NUUA, tjig.i J uly zo. oen. ,Uoug Ws la; g. com rr. z : . . ; Philadelphia ?: 7, F0HESTI1ES VCBDS' nEPflST iir l At Philadelphia the, British offensive in, France, has succeeded in cc; tt:ri Pittsburg. 1: Pittsburg. 5, Philadel- - Action riot ujven ; r i; campaign ; - L.I:-is- 2.. v...- Y Poziefes, the disputed point on the west where the Germans h phia Aigociit4 Pre by Ttderil Wireless) zS - been- fighting-fo- r At Brooklyn St. Louis Z. Brook- LONDON, Eng., July.2b.-S-v S. Mo have days. The capture of this pcir.t pvcs't'.s s ' 2; 5. SL 0.' . AT ROUND TOP IS TO BE FAVORABLE i i U lyn Brooklrn Louis American- - publisher. British domination of the highest hill overlooking the plateau where t'..3 1. .... dure, the noted M At Boston Boston I, Chicago 0. ! who was refused landing at Lhrerpoql Germans have established themselves in fortified lines. -- .. ;; At New York Cincinnati 4, 'New - when arrived on liner Phiia : ' he the The West Territorials . advanced against the Germans, ca pterin York 2. delphia, must, return to the United ' . - -- . Ui Arrir.dment DECIDED TO HOTEL PtlOJECT States Saturday on the same steamer. two trencnes.. . " - ; AMERICAN LEAGUE . '. British officials have decided. . The "Fcrcign Scr-- Phlladel-phl-a - T.cviJ'r,:; ' -- i. f:r ' At SL Louis St. Louis 5, : v t . v.i them-selves-'at Y':'-i- -- t Y .' ?lY home office has refused to grant him ; - BERLIN, Germany, July 26. Tlie British have established - vV;- - ' 0. . irY H ;;. -. ' ' :.: - is Adcpfcd"-- ! a. permit. to remain here..:;. c." ; ; I.;:.;3 At Cleveland Boston 3. ' Cleve Forestry; Boad Recommends Sti Francis Manager Says the Pozieres.. ;.' ; '.?: .,,-- ; .; -- .;.' -- wood Longueval, land 0. s . ;'",: c McClue was .East of Foureaux and near British atacks have , Vho!e Afea ? i Depends orrJranspor " released from the liner -- 6, Washing- Governor Start : ; : At Detroit rfetroit Jo v.'ac n: c r. D : July 26. - after representations had been made i ton 5. ; z - AsidsT; : I Good; T! 2 i:r.at3 t :y adoptedc an import-x- : vBeSet y tation and Roads': , by the American embassy in London. - At Chicago Chicago 2, New York 0. t : 1 to the army bill or-I;- - ' .,. Why he is refused permission to stay - ty Heed , Missouri, Round all ofjf, is to be ai pub . Favorable. recommendations- to maiiv In England is not stated. McClure L:r.:'.:r of . NATIONAL! LEAGUE) , Tc, Civilians of . Ghent Esecotcd V.. t andJreg-t- . Iparkv 7. - land- - xapltalists tupon. a large; hotel visited Germany last winter and on troi.J.zz : Y-- t lic ' . Won.' Lost. PcL rs ca the : :.!:in border receive .The boafi of;vftegriculture and.wresi- - project, for. Honolulu, and the selection his return to the United .States wrote ' Brooklyn 48 ; 34 585 rr... i) fc ; r ; A meeting morning of two as articles in which said some things t...: rvlri r, even though they ' ry .at siort tnis Honolulans directors for the he Boston .. 44 ; 34 564 For con Say ,'...... ' the governor .: that bigjcompany to be formed, aro indica- In praise of Germans. This may var irea tr: vlty ca il i American' side. . Philadelphia 36 561 Mcommecdedto the Lv: 1. : : 46... v government WoocV; : t h e c ? on the kppropria-tLr- . - this of Jand tions that- - James St Francis hare had something to do 'with the t Ne w York :YY . ,V.'. . 39 - 42 481 entlrract. t::i tcizy.X:z :or Works of .Call-fcrz- "i be set aside as a forest, reserve, i. No hotel manager, has found his visit to attitude of thl British government' r LONDON, Eng., July Reuter's despatch reports tint six . 38 43 v 46 ; 26.A c' on mention was made of .the suggestion Hawaii not only pleasant but. Impor- :.rcd thct cardsmen the Louis 42 ; 48 - 467 civilians have" been executed by the German at Ghent, Belum, for '. St.. - -. A-- or mem- : trr 3 there account of poll-t!:- of 1 C Atkinson, one the tant from a business standpoint 7CC0 lt Chicago il v '47';, 471 open homestead most definite statement made "war treason; The same agency. has .a despatch saying tliat men . Th3 charts wts contradicted by :.x...:.... bers of, the board, to .In the ' Cinc,lanaU , 35 51 407 , de- i: . r on the . lower. end pf the. tract sines coming here, Mr. Woods told the and 2000 women have been taken by the Germa ris from Roubaix, 'or Reed, who said that if the lots ' ' are withdrawn lack of He was in court unable to be present Star-Bulleti- n this morning that i Is re- partment of. Nord, France, to Germany for use in agriculture. ';'' f.ir;.ea the AMERICAN LEAGUE. r iy f governor requested board port will be favorable the.--Britis- rrct:;L;r 'forces dlht result In ,: ' Won. LosL Pet The the LONDON, Eng., July 26. A despatch from Algiers says that Tills cf ilexlcc-s- ', across to this action, so is deemed Ths news that he had selected two the line.. Boston , . . ... ; ...... 51 38 573 take it men was learned steamer Olive has been sunk, but without casualties. . . ' will comply with the here for directors New; York ...... 51 38 573 certain that he au- signed ex after he had left learned on uod 1 VO.TicMEfJ Chicago . .'. 50 40 656 request After he has the TIVELV? STILL ...... ecutive order setting aside the land thority. ' Businessmen with, whom he Cleveland...... 49 41 U44 say-th- at within 10 days I fJ a public meeting will be held and the has talked Official I TRAFrZD TUNNEL Detroit 48 44 522 after he reaches the ieoast they expect German StatemW . public given to file protests. Washington 4 . . 47 43 522 a chance to recommendations have SUSPECT HELD ' U.'.'DZR LAKE ERIE ; ' none the land . will be hear that his ' St. Louis 40 50 444 if there ate been accepted or rejected by the capi- LLjz-:- : ." - . turned over, to the board and admin - Not Reveres Philadelphia 20 62 244 talists he represents. They- consider Admit to . (Ai!ocijfj Pmi ly Federal Wirleii) istered by , ';; - it that the situation. Is bright for. the for- (lt80cUtd by Federtl Wlrelwi) CLtvrLAND- Ohio. ; July 26. . legally Prei Round Top will be a at--. . nof mation of a large company.. They also SAN. FRANCISCO, , July 2 8. Official German; cable news re: . ."East . of Meuse the enemy's Twelve wcrltrua are known to be public ' parks Cat, still f, nark, for all are under think that if his recommendations are Mrs. Klngley Van Loo of Fresno, one ceired today does not admit that the tempts to reconquer -- the Frcld Ia catcnthed la the city waterworks tun- TOLD jurisdiction muinicipal gov- d lilER IS the of the followed a site will along of badly injured bomb cutting of von Linslngen's line on the Terrs slope were frustrated In , curtain nel cr.Jer L?.ke Erie, with HtUe hope (ill ernment But the forestry board has those in the c. Waiklkl beach east of the Moana hotel. explosion during the preparedness east reported yesterday. Is a serious fire. ; North , of - Balschweiler a Gcr- - cf mc-- V.'ork was abandoned n sandy ' last promised to plant trees its parade .Saturday; today, - reverse for the Teuton cause. Other man patrol brought la 30 prisoners -- died until the gas - last ri'ht can be pumped out, soil,- and IMunds are donated for Its nicommendation ''- " ' iames Woods, to suspect by detalla land fighting are also de- from positions. " -: - .' and ruth orders have been sent for ' tton ' t A has been arrested the of French t further beautifies 'administer he represents in Califor- - Blnar-vllle- ; DYVILSOW SOW'S -y-- the interests police. He applied hospital clared not unfavorable to Germany. Baldamus, south cf r. to a for "Ueut add:ticr.sr'pumrir.T equipment , them; yy--, r-rY- generally favorable to em- - ; ; nia will be treatment for : a wound and his an- The despatch says: ; shot down a French . biplane, Round Top was first proposed aV a barking in some hotel enterprise here. swers to questions .'have not been -- HEADQUARTERS, July which is the fourth areoplaae disabled be- GERMAN SAYS CR1TISH public park over a Jrear ago, but it Woods statenrent shortly , : . zrm made this satisfactory, to the authorities.; 2a. by him, , j . '. After the failure of a British at i f.' 1 ! wnen, today Matsonia He D. was not until the spring tne fore, leaving in the Anglo-Frenc- h "On I'D."nUGHT TWICE HIT SERVICES REEDED tack on "July 22, . the east front feeble Russian Ad Club took the matter in .hand that has surveyed the whole field and de- southeast of Riga aad pa- sentiment"-crystalixed- MAY -- forces made a decisive thrust against i. GEu'lAN TORPEDOES public ' on the clares Honolulu's opportunities are un- L1IN0JS HAVE ' -- ' Maurepas. v';' '. trols on Duena were repulsed. " 1 f- Pozleres and ' -r project- of -- The-enemy'- ft)' - After a number discus- limited. ' ANOTHER "ORPET" CASE '"Linslngen's 'army' front:-'- .' s ? a - Star-Bulleti- n "The attack mostly broke down . in '( ?d4led TrtBt by FcderU Wirelen) (Ati(x-tt- Fkm by Federal Wireleti)- sions the club held 'a Sunday morning A representative put a attacks on Ctoaowka' frost, m -- - - point-blan- k separate places hard 4 4 4- 4-4- - .WASHINGTON. D. July- 26. In pjcnlc on. the' site, . in"April, and the few questions to Woods (Atiftriated WirelMi) fire at after f f Pressby F4ra! hand-to-han- south of BeresteczkoTCiched th) - - d Po- 4- .' .' . . .; fighting east of reply to x4: complaint made by Mrs. . (Continued page 26. Roy Hinter-lite- r ' 4. on two) f; OLNEY, IU, July first line on a small " on. zleres, Foureau wood, and near breadth.: Wet BrrxiN. Cermany July 26. Henry Smith of Wmamanc, Ind, that . (Continued page eight) of this1 town has been held to th near of Burkanor a arecplane - Russian waa 4-4- - a" - Longueval and Cellemont .4- It i3 Ecjnced that a German her son,. guardsman, had been sent grand Jury In . -- .,--' - FILIPINOS EAGER TO connection wltthe ....; .... shot. down In an air cosibat Eubc.-rL-.- a h&s" scored two hits 4-4- - to the border,, President Wilson, has ; INFANTILE PARALYSIS; 5 death of Elizabeth Ratcliffe, a young "Again Brandenburg's grenadlers j . 4-4-- ' with torpedoes, on a British written the mother a personal letter, GET "FIRST PAPERS" girl with whom he had been asso- and the gallant Saxon I04th Reserve The following report Ger- -- ' OUTBREAK STILL RAGING from the drea: ought off the Orkney saying that her son and the other ciated- She died while riding in the Regiment distinguished themselves. man admiralty, announced In y ; Berll.v 4 guardsmen are being kept on the bor- Declarations of intention of Fili- country,' having a. sani- South of Somme, simultaneous strong - -- v Y' ' " ' ' been taken to Reached here by-; official , Germa 4--' , . -r .. country;. pinos Unit- NEW YORK, N. XV July 2S. - ' ' '. der to protect the thaUthe to become citizens of the tarium In a buggy by Hinterliter. She French forces stormed the district ot -- . cablegram today: . ; 4-..- admiraltx.! in Vef' 4-- . axe doing Thirty-fiv- e deaths and 162 new cases tem-pcrari- ly Tae Brltisa services they la an honor ed States are being received thick and was to have become a mother soon. Estrees Soyecourt . The enemy of" C:r-ma- n - On the afternoon July 21 a 4- 4-'4- - ertacc to the Berlin assertion, to the men and that it is a necessity fast in federal court -- Two were filed were reported today to the authorities Physicians have been unable to find gained- - terrain south of . - submarine brought down by flro says: ;. ; ; i outbreak in-fant- ile :'-- for the United States. Tuesday and three today. Those tak- battling against the of traces of poison or marks or violence. Estrees, but the attack broke down biplane. : - . - 1 at sea a British .The 4- "A rubmarlne attacked a small 4-'4- ing papers" today paralysis. - - enemy lasi! out their "first Experts who hare examined the body under the heavy losses.: In two officers, were prisoners by a C : : Brttlf h auxiliary xlld - ' i but not hit Governor Pinkham has appointed Were . Joe Mt Naval cook, native of assert had the Meuse sector temporary , violent - -- that air' been iIntroduced man aeroplane. They wrre It.- . i - . Howard R'Palakiko as district mag- Cebn;l Buenaventura .Lawas, laborer; - Dtc1' Henry Carter j: of; Manchester; Into her arteries hypodefmlcally:'; Un- artillery duels look" place., -. V v' transported, 4-- V, together with th f "V Ho-- f istrate for the district of Hana, MauL Juan Solombn, labore. native of . Vt, hero.-o- the' Vulturno' disaster In der a; tree "near 4the body there were , "West of Meuse, insignificant hand to 4-- f Zeerv? ci j 4 4 4 4 The appolataent Is "for two years.1 Ho :.- zX-izY- s 1913, hospItaLi c-- i. 4f 44 .'J , died In Ihe. Hartford pound .traces of a struggle, grcaf-- cciitats an? ec'.z V 5 ; i '-

. . 7T.... - , - ... .. - ...... - A -. " ..

STAR-BULLC- ' TYTO : Tr 3? ; n'j i T: I HOXOLULir TI AYE i y J T


. ; - - i . 1 . 1 . 1 I . v. 1 1 1 . I U I I I I I I I I . I I I l I . 7 ; Ilf JU I II! llll l LiliUUIalJU rt ; Jll 11 mULil;J JU lUlXUJU UnUlil J JLU JLillU u UIIl ,:JjVv fiUlUU 111 J 1 WE ,TORE EVERYTHING CITY TRANSFER COMPANY lull - ' v " " ' . M. LOVE I '' : , .. art.?. jt i ,1 JAMES PHONE 1231 .

All-Coa- Battery (1st Company, st Tlernon.. Fort Dates Fcr Firing Oe- - " ' ' iLUjLi) Armstrong'," August 18, 1916. - . mmg 'i ed ws ' fen Weapons If ammunition allowance Is' author m PiiEiffli rcrcade -- other .batteries . will' have ; their ; i Public by Headquarter ( first service Hsrget" practise' oa' the , : Terr'; . ry Soldier-Statesm- an ; as , ; Vcnts Rcci;yay Tp .following' dates: .'I'vO: dtl Sinclair Returns;Mhinks Favored To I i , i?ooy as baked v,iv,t V. tej Dcpw tmcnt to ' All the coast defense rnns on Oabu, JJattery Hawkins CLtb "Company, from the little 3 and .7 --Inch pieces Fort Kamehameha) ; August 17 1916. e i Work 12-Inc- Battery-Dodg- Tubeccuar; Head of Japanese Affairs to the great h mortars and 12 41st Company Fort LOME'S fpQEAP and 14-ln- ch rlfles, wtu .bark, . boom iunmuniUon Addi. Remarkable advances fax diagnosis (Special Cable '; to Nippu JUL)"; .Made Clean - and thunder next month,' from August The allowance tor CleanSold Delivered Clean I - 4-e- twr v ) tcrr:tcry the war ie- ani ' 'nd woercutosia. cases ax noma 26:-- Gen. ' ' - 14 tn IX fnclnglvf. whp4 the annual tlonal be expended .as p- TOKIO, Japan. July Count p:r; 'ctlseirlll -- the-Xw- : ''-- tor tre the territory tetter JBeacoasl - f expected when toe V 7 - ; . - target practise of the Artil- Terauchl, soldiersmanVmd PHONE 1431 ; oroo- lollow:,;-14-in- 12-Inc- i Ire iu ctmnner wharf ch h rifles.-lonepra- tod ' a lery will be held The Hawaiian Do- - .and tiusirouiht1t! H??1oIul1u the governor-genera- l of Korev whose . erty tve and war depart N-- itreet the partment made public' today' general tlse' of 7 shots ach, rithput i trial director or the presence la Tokio at thls Ume has ro-- t f . Its ?cll1' c n land pearby to the snois; ..range iv,uov lZ,(X)u umw. w. m.c wuu lltlcal "significance, Vis- .'' j orders for It. Additional practise will aoout to Is In lead of EiGCuit it,-'- ; :. Oo. - . - : Love's tr,' ::: v. ; ' ..- ; . i ; of health and superintendent cf the and Drood :' yards. ' count T. Kato, tho head Doshi-- - be:held fromAugJist 22,28. of the ' ' : I . v sent "neither department can , 12-in- ch mortars one practise, 4 trial tome. Is Installed and placed in kal, or the government party And the - - - Dates for firing the huge 12 and - r'- 1t wants. -- The- war de-,-J shots, operation. The physician returned on hit 14-In- - 2t- record shots, per cattery; former minister of foreign affairs. In ch rlflet at rtrt" DeRussy, Wat- ; t scks a way to SthMmd.fili ?i Larllne this morning. - ; 'f reach the Ausust 16. There will s6hf&..Hl Xii i tneir race for ; the premiership of v nr klkl are' te A-lnc- guns, studying Japan. :r.t i the territory wants a one practise' pf seven' shots from each two practises of 10 shots After for three months Gen. Terauchi nows Iropears rc-- : Et. . ch Its' puh--- each, I u iron wharf to rifle, without trial shots,' range about withoht trial shots and using the radlographlc method of diagnosing practically assured of his Immediate 1! : : -' . ;rou?hfares. Hence the. ex- spoiling methods; range about 50001 tubercular cases , by means of the I appointment as the next head of the 10,000 to 12,000 yards, six to seven - : c ; - v.- - y . : A-ra- y is ,1c Lrz arranged, the war w ww j&raa. r ( ;. - i as pracused t rfatfaaese government. jo, miles.- - , target be by ' in tne leading : c-- The will towed : a .reach .the ,an4 : , MntM guns, two prac- - v sales Underwood re-seni- and r.:zt water tug out ; sea, and practl$e will le 4.7Z:toch clinics of 'New Jork, PhUadelphia, Such Is the latest development In x Jmraied. of V. ' to tji I ' ' , s' " " Uses of without! Denver Waahlneton--- . .r!"!T,the .ctrcet . .cbn"dllkc of yictual Uacnri trial i5an Franeiafto the nautical rcsce Warfare I c-r.- Shots late" Tues-,-- - and. USinsrsPOttlnJC land mnA thft 'mirh Was held 7 as possible. ', ' methods. other cities aeelvr murh rpnrnl h1trf U thtt Tonnht demanded an as;jcloely ! ia t:.e or.ca ' " " Dates Tor the additional practise greater efficiency: obtainahla bv if. fat anr moment h h tho m. of Gorettor LTH All coast defense fprts''..,6n .Oahu, ng rHM , rickhaa attended byMaJor ' - . auiuair uunuiumi .11 ni .inn ma. 1 utsrur lu rnireauiiH nip nrpiipnr mini a. enlargementocf'f.its ry Ruger, DeRussy, ir. of facto in .ri Torts oauery uomoanv. I . tt'U." jacason wrd Fort chines, mannfaeturftd hv th smiaMoi. try under the premiership pf , Marquis Hajncnci, S. engineer oCcer par-ticlpa-te - and. Armstrong .will KAmehameha),: 1 here; Major Michael J. Lenlhan, chief August 22 and 25, Western , Xay,;comDanr.. And' has S. Oknma, who is to resign from the new $1,000,000 In practise. . Next to the big Hartford and a de-jartr.c- - T; I r.t 9iv. ffs bran Pitt'UiPm tra ITAfinlnln Otia tl! position in favor soldi ernitatesi-- 1 cf ftr, Cel. Jakes' B. Houston, practise; target -- work of i of the . rifle the, the "ery iiasnrouca: ana " 5th l he installed his;' office, ' man. persistence of A. W.; I. lie-- 12-Inc- ist the 'The Prince h At .Tort iRuger M other building in New mertars Aug-- Leahi-HomA- . I service York AS ompanjes,jnort Kamehameha). I : . statesman or .hoard, and W. r. at t t Yamauata. an elder and ti e. hart ust 15 Is expected to be most jSpec-tacula- un zz, y - 1 i- . acting superintendent ' "twill tour v.-. r. fouhd Jthat tu-- Tlie' mortars fire v waitery Dudley X2nd Company; Xdiagngsisf cf r-t-!! works. :lt was held to ar .Fori Wumu n? that the latter as. the ' trial shots and" 22 record shots' per DeRflssy)gust 23 and 28; auccessor to Marquisl'ih seems to a cf transfer most adTan ' - IJltTC m Okuma, battery. . ; ?h7xW4 - , -- r;:?;" rt2 Battery Randolph (1st Comnany. mS' compel premier, . , tagcous to tcth.- ; i.r? iVf -- the ared to ooen the .',;'. Ht I', - Orders Issued by headquarters of DeRusgylr-ABni- lJ.TZ? we -- Presr w tljA Af Fort 55 ... . . fof. nnA ntmAnt w .T.crcnr.cnictlcns ... r " l""sniA AT fha .lliaa.A, ,n1. aII.Jti . rr - .. relatlre to .th the Coast Defenses of .Oahu, at Fort V. tfespite the fact that Okuma tmis much cxiLr.-- 3 toca be rent to JVash- - Kamehamcha, -- states .that ;the flrst o:l7:rLr"-ir- ' . If approved there wlU go service ; Coast Artillery .target .prac- - ; de- through la tho neir future, Th ea- tise :for the . companies In these glnecr cC.ce flans to erect a muck fenses will be helcLon the following : pracuse.' , ." : i , V 1 u oe ine strongest ractor in needed Etorcbouse put ;un dates: . ; V-- uiut V.1"111. advanced cases Tisiaereaby .and in an Batteryr Selfridre . (2nd Company. things polftical' at present in Japan c!I izz If the transfer Cattery Jlasbrouck (1st and 6th 1916-1- m.f Crrrrr; xn Fort.Kimehameha), August 25, 1 otherwise ;.--:'.: Companies, Aug-- , .la t: bed. . Major Raymond .Fort' Kamehameba), - qui uen. ii aramuniuon AUoafance is author-- recommend "- Teraucm to tne ' y 11 : ! r; ;4rV'--. TheWaterhoitse Co.,Ltd. t Cat tow soon Uhe plant ust 14, 1916. " - r: lied: :ti-.- v??;r, jV"-- y the process, can be used or if it is im--f emperor; it5' - " - i ' - 1 - v ' -- I & ' .V I j. i.t depends oa sccurlnj: an Battery Jackson (3rd Companyr ' ' . possible owlns:. to 'lesion of the lnnp 1. . . - , Agents. Bishop St. ca t j.o company. i . . . i uen. mornma- Fort Kamehameha), August 14, 1916. j u... ma i 0 .r reraneni caned tnis Fort-nf.Kamehameha). 'August ?22 and m on Viscount T. HiraU. one of the able - ' Batter Harlow , (2nd and 3rd Com- &' TL i .. r Ltcrr has alreadr. crantei - . .... - panies, Fprt RugerJ, August' 15, 1916, - ivuuncit.vi iiuito i tuiaaw, ab uio .zeer cZcs permission to cse Battery Dodge (1st Company, JJXvoncenunp ine treatment ; or ; in-- residence h eld a lengthy confer- - tie " Fort and r-- rt ci---- El Battery Dudley (2nd Company, cipient-cases- , the Trharf. A derrick Fort n.onerr August 2 and 28,-191- 6. Dr Sinclair ;paid a sin-- 1 ence' In' the course which they are Do Rusay), August 16, 1316. f ' of i rc : . t 3 the navy 'depart- - V lThevorders;for practise Add'flmt m. I cere tribute to the methodslnsed 4n I understood tt have noli- - l, ''- discsd the Battery ' -"I -- r .t .the' wharf for loading .Randolph '(1st Company, cept for the additional nraetisd with I Honolulu. saw ' no better treat-1 tical situation and have selected men :i rorr UeRussy), 1816, , ..: . I:.:3'.ani 'towing it; from. Augusiae, i;t mortars, yompaiiies win be la readi-- , hientof incipient cases cf tuberculosis who would be asked to enter the new ' Battery S eurlage (2nd Company, J pess ,t6 on" mainland here Pearl Harbor for naval con tire trial shots at 8 a. m. on the" ,- than we have here cabinet as soon as Terauchi is Etr-j:- . Fort Kamehameha) August 17, 1918J ? a there. Through the new ar--. the day 4f;oracttee.c - t - ' at home- he said. He added that the ed new premier.' HIrata wfll undoubt-- y W'T- - X-ra- y rcr; ; t the r-v- has handled 30, cost'- o? each," machine he has edly join and both R. Wakatsujd. once npVClil23 CC3 c-j- crougnt cr ":D 3 yards ef ftone at nere is morethan I300O. minuter of the treasury, and Baron S. v tts ;L.:. courtesy cf the irsaw'Honniiihi Goto, once minister of communlca- - Many acrtnfents cf i " 4vni.K. f:... rni oSce. 1 weW it iimii.n he rnmm.hM l tlon, will be given positions In the new sH!is and cotton crcpa ' .nletJackPowsett 'In a NewXYork nw,fyI '!luwiBOW uei: wIBBi IV, .:;.;3 c'.- - - ineatr,ran;intp:JQhn waterhouse in IOM'! fx"4ri" store is the subway saw Dr. J. H. Ray-- ; ?,e hllB4Sr1ff na.'A'?e PJT mondMn-ChleairoW- iv' cabinet, ::zDcvLo;:GTnr.:s I; respective positions L. B. And Dr.. t r ' i f : I Cofer Ramus, rformerly chief ruarantine; off Hotel Street, near ITunanur h who was leers of the U;S. ;', Ilimana public health service in the territory " . : l:r:2' sentences Ja Dr.' E. ,1s now thl s ,for nearly u Cofer Assistant SUIT TO COLIPEL ncrrlns surgeon-genera-l; of; the U.' S. public frt-rlc- cf a J2pa- - he41th servicei' 5jVash'ington. ? :v i vl!cy and as-- . v Honolulu's c'oarma must have struck lnniteg. ?SJLr (Continued trow page bnej- - A splendid new shipment of Silk Embroidered. J; 3 r.czcnts. and .K. John Rysa, raroled convict, hard .when if" riven two months, ce cane to town yesterday in' the Eler-- . public has 4)een; back ;of the project v ra xor r.e In turn Police Cap ever ataceV;"f---Af i-'- i . V: 3 r..ths, rcspec- - struck t m-- wm .. r' - I.. rI ...... , Fredrick H.Iiukea Juird,'. and .very Ad Club Interested. iciliif the latter, waa t:y" the c": fend ants .are -- ppppsiuon toi taklzg him hack ,to the .Sierra from dividing the, proposed KOVBE BliOliGHI ' i r th-- t Round ? Top:; ' L3'tc:a c the city Jail, Where he had been placed Park !ntd Ibulldlhg lots -- r..- girls cf the Salvation and .favor safe-keepin- g during ship's stay for.the- plan of s forest; m. :e la that vicinity. Part cf for the serve and park styles' effeo-tlv- s, were .expressed Yalncs and here.. But neither blow proved at the . Optional vn rc::"'!y under arrest, --vu wiuo luncneon i today. " " for Ryan' went. on his way -- and Governor m AttorneyGenerars ; Office To !.' a ccn- - Pinkham niiiirnrniho xnn f;":w!r? d reported ipt.IauSca a few-har- ones ioa thd board of for- : .:h Lhcri Atih cz.d liied. estry Attitude this' mornlng.v Vv j U sk Rapid 'Transit Company rHE:.CHEr3QV - j- hiniself which sent Ryan up the gang ttcrr-- Chillingwcrth. . Governor plank like a gentleman.' PLakham. , Allan Herbert, ? Became of Profits 1137 Fort Street .Corner Panbi Lorrin j SiWhat ' Thurston. 'John a Ryai ,wrs rarc!ed from vSan Quen-- HBJBJSJBJBBBBiSBJJlSBBBABVBBBWBlHBVBMBBBHSBBSlBBBVBBBVVM Forester -- m . m- a. A - Judd spoke . x I - t - . 08. in favor of. ' -- .v. a li ll to -- vm . uwif. BesBiontJt excnangei , m . ui uw tin and sent Austialia, 'where he, .1 ai inestocK ioat ueM tl t' m." will Institution -:- - ' was a ratlre, he said In Australia chTould announced Transit matter be the ANOTHER BABY SHARES Harold Lee Judd. .. is :"ct(o::ed today ln.m i J:.?7r Wa'dds.wereHutchlnson-gus- he admitted Canada was his home, and: by twd companies ar of . all 'Action in accounUnr ; by; the ,lN ; ;; GATES MILLIONS Sirsj Judd will . start her young son was, there fore. , hurried back-i- ' risht 1 it ' " Comnii:-lcne- r oe neia ip p.ciocr-o- i-- I V " : r at the.morninr . - ' spoon ,Irai that, direction Jh cplte of his leasJor u . . . - uwiujouj. tuo uiccuiia mo uuwJimuwitu..r. wi with a golden in his mouth, as - iw permission to' stay- In 'southern ? ors:of Koloa was Held here Tuesday circuit oourt. announced that she wiU place . ' SeeStbs:-?- itl8 t:.i cf i?a cf the ; ' : ' ttffeS Attorney-Genera- ; L M. riiMD?,MMerJ2t country. '. l ; - - to his account nearly of T. Ai:rn', for j;29, .'one ' In Ran tVn.Uv 1o,f toooV Stalnback declined to make a state- - at the $1,000,000 home of the widow Jl.000.000 :o Un'C: Vrtce, an . ia. para: would be place where z wm of Charles C. Gates, who now;ls Mrs. Gates money. - - : ; u.t SAfiTA FE AGENT TO - -- Ko!a Oomnr nv pt. wuruw could' enjoy- themselves in !the logical step would be an every way. tra .dividends of 18 per cent between that next ' :: f;:t. Th:ro were ;lt wculd be one more tour- - - office com- ' . vADDHESS ROJAplANS ,now and. the yearln Addi- action ;bTought by his to - 4 .end oithe .l- . The tract auctioned ror Houoiuia and not pel an accounting aa to what became ::al cf tho Alien estate. onlytourlsts bht theiesldents at 'H .profits ,the Honolulu IL E. Vernon, general' agent of the l of.the 'excess of noluld would favor It'The-womA-n W :JaJi : Atchmson, Tcreka' & Eanti ,Fe rail- X.L"" Rapid Transit & Land Company. - ca:; :s . for water, and - . uZl Mon road, will be the .prlrxlpal epcakcr.at roads d December.- ' The supreme court'Ss.decision will delinquent! on fMwlVr.-- Attorney-general's .vice te the Rotary Club luncheon .to held f!ii,h'I day., the office r-- ' 4e I .WdOns'ba"'S:PlAtttatlo'n;iColnpaIiy' - i 4 J" Tr "cent: at the Commercial Club Thursday. He Ad; Veels. Upheld 'the contention of the -- Sl- r:::7:7Tr Adr. will speak' to the .'crgkhiiatloa - on iiAl-d-frr:;;i attorneyeneral relative Excess onThiPiL., - . .c r.T ?.FZ?ZeJ?'y. I v:- I income . of A corporation, over ."TransportaVon."' Vernon has been the Ad Club an "rrrjret In and7"''booiLt : I tbat date ;50 cehtfl A share. thei connected .with railroads .for a Inum 8 per cent, and declared that the ac -- Allan said ... Itr cf years, .and his' views ea" the Herbert Giat the "plan for tual cost of the Japid Transit's own- . C' par wouia oring pleasure not ex- - ' I. .7 problems of transportation which have to, only ing "does not include any money - the YoIdent8r but to the i .property, money often been most - tourists. pended oon which discussed should be -- ili : f He said that- At one timely.' " - m , , tlme Kaoiolani would otherwise - have been payable h. Si r r i. r. - Park ?wa- - h barren 'waste. and 'h& ; : v ..j,' to ivJ per : - . to the territory as its share of excess 4J e ainoe 4een ibedtttlfledT He predicted - - j ni cotcplVely lurtUhel. . Great Britain's tax on matches has profits over- 8 per .cent m any one Our linn iew that tte'park would-f- e one of H6no- - r""iMi. - revived the use on gre&t tr.I .toOL.lT- a scale of lulu's 2iggeet assets, v. FrciHMWFflS ris. . flint 'and tleel UhterSv- - d i roreste-r-Jtrff- rstd ,Uiat .there had H been; considerable opposition 'to 'thei . pian, out that at ;thOi board meeting held this Snornln the .Plafl tn MnV Robnd Top Park a forest reserve was vSs i favored bysJL He jnmounced the pub-- itU Li ry7c?riy fJU .ujT - assL5: secretary A Torao Kawasaki, tf fb'ilEW AV0RK FOR the Japanese Y.; M." Ci A.: and .Miss tldlth1 M." ti 'Johnson were married In - v ;0.ETXErt?:STilEETS, Maklkl Japanese church- last evening thn - iof tmore than ? 40 I. in nrftfiien- : I" . BROOKS t friends f theounrcoupie. The mar- - 3yANT.T0 AilX their .own paints, say .they can get 1 4 W lOt ' IT. ..better results .that Vay, paint lasts longer, or alr Preacher .D02sn Have Xnttul WlrtlMaJ u toA7ork it-ont- -- anythingip get j-o- to them J Uvfcrjftaved JiAltw rJ HlLOr Hasvaii, juiy J .IL K. ;mpst. let. mix ca4 rrvrVTr men --arrested brought here charged ' ' - .Uhat.it them ibiigcrto 5rrl .- i haa oeea. a, stfauge end eventrui one. j takes do the job, and they get T1f "Ad en' HpreacherB - in and revasUy. When- the engagement;was Announced J5 1 c .'paid by the day. no JdifterenL,'AaldDr tL'f?J,i 3iwvk ,jn uv, .u.-.r5w?f- v.rmt 1 J?S2f ti,?i put hand mixed paint can be4 J"8 " '. ' ',: ;;a fraction as good outside work as ; . for .... . v M .CIub.t the Alexandsf 1oue suitor; and ', v uaJ- - o aoout gooai !Ra fnffrflatrt en r He then went, on - the tain5 I. w ...th result ot . tne , , .'.worklns-vfb- - bonds of .his two alleged accomplices 55 roads tContiau&llT. imd gagemnf :wbiea -- .was: iormeaT in tne f ; (Or . r your cltyT It Isltrue that we Agree on East 1 like amounts. t v i j .v.ThiA jja manyf tWngsAb4tt4thi 'wecdisagree; '.the first case of.the kiad In 1 w4 K .4"-- local court - one-- ; Fmler 4 the' where accused RUssiArMbsiciANS - , au .v.iuu oueuiuerB are wording ior has .bailed out his. fellow: prisoners. a Ity with good roads. hepreacher The , court.was .stumped forta whilel cat;; Kick ywhen workjr .;;pliEA.SE'AD:CLUB TODY aGi ' A iorvA.clty.where the stfeets .are Leslie produced bank certificates of Fr.eoar.ed ' ... ;';byl(onei''-.wli- p '; .'. ' ! .Vricldcd already- paved Ypu "are" .working ? to deposits showing J100Q. - ' . t f. i f e . : si -. Av -- --violinist, A ret iDeODle. to; ym ihfsi cinricmk Podinovsky, .who . is Lui Tahana .one of the -- men ' ar-- no' bettee paint can be hape Of - clty.c --the.Preacaer isiwtJrkineSto cet I graauatef conaervAtory. rested, has withdrawn theoral-confes- ; 4 Muslcz-isuppliedono-f .er -- r sp : a - s n- -d is filling to prove hiinself vThordughlya;;.; j tUa out of here Into a lar better city .themusical 5ion Uhe police say he made.. wita.au tmprovements. --- -f i.iwwrra wxoeAa.vuoriinn:uBuu iut a Japanese, mno is one or 'those -- jaAl. conception Is that a a i day. JtyFedler, Mi Accompanist, Reused, has made- - a "written confes-preache-r, ve Cfo-ike- ep : 1 which .were , ,.UA working -jnen also played a soloJboth'oi cionrhich stljl.standi . . t Yc r:p!i;T7h$re it'vrill do;some7g6bd other InsteaiL3iewwoiki:t3Mt4atlyrPl!Teciated -- by members J Frl-- rut -- out of helL. 'the to aooear court . : . . 1 Thfrmen ar la Lid. r -- hell out of;the;maiUwI tiotIce-th- a Ad:.Cltib.t rth musleians Arel for hearmr.' AThev-haveTrfttnrne- d ;tbr.i;proTe;yoiin;relykicker4 Jart:thei ... 1 ...... ; . - " "' ": - - "' u' -- f ft: 177-18- JJreAiihpr.l.TheV J - 1 . v with thA jifithiooaL which has been oia'rlner in enstaee-- . r A'aa'a Lumber and Building Material 9 King St 'ientte-rme- nt v.. Ulkft Ahe tolcktlO --teVmuch at the Youna HoteL . Both have MRS." GOMEd, JR., departed J. " "Si?v;- - ; men:J)cr.i:'llonfmdVU useful'! jpy I Announced-tha- t they --.have opened today on the Matsonia for Oakland. ",' ' - ' JJbttstoeas;?.; ; . studios" .here. - , ;'..;- CaL, where she IH visit relatives.



' FOR THE HOOK DAY T IRiIERIIAnCt TAX jibLiiiililiiiliiS Ifl ' LUNCH EAT :; T t 'Ucnis -- ;.;.r7.V-- EHDIS.STA1E f WHEN YOU DO NOT GET ipia: V-- IliVECilwlIO -- V jvsterious r r , YOUR PAPER Hon 0 - 1 lillY sCall Phone 49 . k for5 the 4 U. S. Engineer Officer 1 Gets FOffillSllE " THlfHSilf.ES f Circulation V Department, aad t -- Mai! Addressed to Person rri f make the' complaint ; . : '2 ,!";"t : : .0f Same Initials "of . ' . '"''"':- - ".j Serving so' many thousands '.V': ''I'-"- ;T J'':'-.- ECE CREAM Stainback Antibipates- Litiga ' Mineral - Directors hornes every : aiternooo' makes VIIow lnany It. R. Raymonds Products ; t t there - tion Over Holdings of Late ; lapses possible may be ia Los Angeles Is puzzling Announce Method for Dis- - occasional - Major- R. IL Raymond, 4 ;sur-Bulle,ti- - U. S. engineer -- :i Annie T. K. P. Smart 1. x The h maintains, ; posing of Treasury Stock ,v ; At the Soda Fountain or Hm officer, here, .Today he received a let- J f'a ''. :30 p; in.-ea- ch day a 1 unfil ter written - from Marietta, v Arizona, It Delivered to Your Home ' . Attorney-Genera- l U M. Stainback an f - A special city, service for any cus-- and addressed to R. R. Stockholders of Mineral Products recent shipment of dainty ticipates further litigation over the "Mr. Raymond. Company are given the opportunity to estate of the late Annie T, K. rParker f tomer the carrier may have Lbe Angeles. The letter was forward- ' Bathing Caps in a!! shapes and - purchase one additional . share of til ' ' - Star-Bulleti- n ed, here from Loa cAngetes and de- Smart, he told the today missed, i . . '. par. 154?; 4676 livered, but' oh opening It Major Ray- stock for each 20 shares held at PHONES If it cornea, he aaya. it, will be to will be, 94X13 shares sizes the. very latest Atlantic mond found It was not for. him and Thus 'marketed deckle the, question of how the Inher : ot stock that have been held in the from-- City Styles . shall be paid and on what. not any person he knows. The 35c to $1 5 Itance tax was treasury, .' The decision was reached letter, returned to the postoffice. py company . rilra. Smart provided in her will .The ' Fraternal.' Order; JEagles the directors of the last : ho;;olulu ot TThis makes iibout four times ! have July that certain interests In the estate meets tonight for regular session in evening. . Stockholders of record , sf FINEiEACH FOOTWEAR " received mail addressed to one R. R. go jStain ? 31 subscribe for should to various persons," Pythian HalL : Raymond not "myself," he commented iwill be entitled .to says. my ;v.-.- : not only becoming in appearance, but jerfect protectors back "It is contention and today. I was stationed in Los the stock. 'jji.l . claim , the territory ' that the Sunday ' . Min- the of A baby daughter was born Angeles Mrs.-- Raymond received a Relative to the issuance of new .'' against tbe sharp, dangerous coral of the beacli. . ASSOCIATION property over which' Mrs. Smart had Goinet Company di- to Mr. arid 'Mrs. Frank J.. at check adderssed to a Mrs. R. R. Ray. eral Products stock the -- ;- - : ; -- 1- ; power appointment, tax : : v;; (,' the ; the of - is their.h'bme, 423 Knaklnl street.-- mond. I no- rectors cf the company give notice: ;; $15 Pair. -; :, and another time received able.-.- -- Each Ttockholder ahall be entitled T.c"' ' tice that a 1175 note of R. R.-- Ray sailor,- - yes ' In case of husband,, Henry Oscar Anderson, a died to take and pay for one new share for - t the the mond I knew nothing about was over- Gaillard Smart. Stainback says be had terdar at the Queen's ' HospltaJ.' He due at a Los Aneeles bank: I went each twenty shares of stock already was in Makfkl cemetery. in 'at par. No stockholder certain interests ,ln the estate.finder burled the around to the bank and they told me held cash " - - any, TtTrKAT.L ; bis wife's will, and mat the nnai 1 was not the promlssor at aiL I have shall be entitled to fractional THE STOEE VServka Every Zzzzzl , ConncfL Young .Men'H In er ; Every stockholder i compromise in this respect Ka$ add Damlen tried to locate the-oth- R. R. Ray- share or shares. J Fcrt aod Hotel Sts. , Phcn$ 127? " HAWAII complications to determln itltute. mets.at 7:30 tonight In C. B. electing to, nis pro rata or saia u ed further mond hut have never been able to uke i 0PE2? 11:15 nnMtlon.' - v. U. HalL.' Catholic Mission grounds. new . shares shall file written notice r uirra. P.IL' In' lha tar find' him.".. ,. acceptance Ihls offer with ; quesUofi.? Stalnbaci! adds, of his of "Another com- 'fs whether there should be a tax on - The funeral of Miss Alice' Kealbha, the assistant; secretary, of the who died ,Monday, was held Tuesday pany at 924 Bethel street In Honolulu. what Smart . actually recelTed, from -- 13. estate, or oh what expectancy and; burial ;.was la the , Kalaepohaku IS FIRM; T. II.; on or before August the his so by said will was worth. v. cemetery, ; ?n stock not taken date :.'' HE be deemed to have been declined and The appraisers of the estate of the All members of the .Pacific Jlehekah will be disposed of ; by the directors late Mrs. Smart bare reporteto Cir Lodte, I. p., Q. team are rer together with all' fractional shares ia cuit Judge vvvnitney tnat,! according Fdrlll aalO 0 quested to meet at the special . meet a such manner as they shall uetermine e I ' ; . condition they - , " 1 ..' to the of the. : v : l - estatef ing tonight at 7:30 tonight. : r i r i .' 1. The stock; books: of the company '; ; 1 appraise it, stating Celling Agents are unable to that closed .to transfers from Aug the status of the estate a' matter will be. ia , iQeorge .Kaleklni died yesterday.. ust 1 tcv 15, both days included. . tlannfacturcrs topon" which the court shouM Jpass. ' BY SOME STOCKS -- : , Injuries . the Queen's Hospital from , It was reported unofficially f this In fulL. their report is as follows: . sustained when he fell from the. top had, already been . mornlns there Jobbers 1 located that Steady, cvcEly Clz ;Propertyof the deceased of a fktmRvdrydock last. week formed a syndicate among some of the -- tn this Iniisdfctloh consists, so far as ready , to Wholesalers v .With total sdles of listed ' securities stockholders that .will be, tributcd heat the appraisers" have been able to de V. ir Judge C, F. Clemons today the-loc- any. not taken . by y- v Federal take over stock . ... hardly reaching 200O shares . termine, in 'income under , a deed or-tha- V the - t may re perfect ccnlrcl dismissed , a motion to set aside an market remained firm' and .phowed stockholders generally dcr of trust whetf by; the, deceased at 1 prder adjudicating the,. Variety Film considerable strength-I- n' some spots. sult from fractional shares. hiahca; P. 0. Box 395 beneficiary, received S2000 a ttohta Exchange Company a bankrupt. a cccd ell Income, and Mrs,EHzabeth ;J..KnIght Ewa was at 337.25, Walalua" $37; Oahu, on : Its new basis, 336.25, : and Hawai- YENSHEE CASE SHOWS stove vondcrful 11000 a month Income until, the debt - Kahiklna ot LunallJo Home,- Maktki. 1 - on corpus estate, is paid ian "6ramercfat-- S3. Five shares of the of the died yesterday at. the age of 63 and, Paia sold at 2a0. McDryde sold down ; NEED OF CHEMICAL 12, CIfj: up, whereupon on fourth of , the In ' nrstCi w.Uoburiedin Maklkl cemetery. to 312.75. i - f come . . Ot was, - 'EXPERT IN COURT under the deed trust He was In Kona, Hawaii,- and v -' for'Jm-provemen- bom Gf the nnlisted stocks ' Mineral go ta " ' ".', mxo by the terms thereof, to . was a widower. ' Products, following directors action one-hal- f on the estate, -- organic chemistry .''" on- - vtreasury stock, was ii An' exnert on one-qua- r Issuance of thereof to the deceased and and . was in demand in the police court .ia " falter lF. payidson Alias strong and In demand, 500 shares sell to Mrs. -- -- 1-- MI, charged with ter Knleht Mary Caxvalho.wefe iharried Saturday ing at 102 2. Oil sold; at $345 for the trial of Ah hav "In -- riew of the iTarfau provisions opium to possession, vwhen Jack in the. Catholic, church by . ReyFathet 50 shares and 600 shares of Tlpperary Ing trust deed and further In view or defense, of the : Ledger, r werc at 10 cents. Engels Copper was Atkinson, attorney the ptfwer rutack st. witnessea sold jf of the fact that deccasedihad Charles Telxelra and HCLrvalho.i- - quoted at 32fC0-$2.7- 5, and Mountain wanted to know all about yenshee and . i in- - t deed to dispose of -7- 0-80 ; ; - component "dream under the 'the King cents. - '' : - . : the parts of the of . come by will and that the deed An mventory of the .estate ; of (the land Juice. Ah mi was rmea sia. I. For Best , was only to run until the death '. trust late Hiram Fred Bush has been filed Prosecutor , Chillingworth declared Results t HAWAII Mrs. Knight or de RETAllrDEPAftTMENTSvr fl OF of the survivor.; - '1 in circuit court by G. Jred JBush,; adr that , heroin was a product, or opium, 51 y ceased, we report the estate as be V4- MARKETING D1VJS10N A .mlnjstrator. :sThe.v,estate is valued at - and rans for the dictionary to prote ing such a condition as will re- away. 1 Honofuiir tar 24 tETHEL STREET : in about 3600, SUCCESS it. but Webster had hidden At good de- - : FROM .START - quire the opinion of the. court to '.- v.. ; " r asked Chung Choy, an opium iJ Oil . . oa.' ; -- kinson; stove hist . : es-Ut- e. is: exact value , of the ''-- Mcuut-fle's- - termine '- the dinner, given Tuesday eyen-- expert . - ' ' was 'The retail. departments of the ter- and detecuve in.gapt cocking with P. 0. Cox 443. Telephone 2035 ; ':.:-- y ritorial marketing division, are a mark ' department" if "yenshee was a "It ":1s, -- in 1 present state, In a in honor of enor and Sehora Aguelo narcotic, ' and ' Chung Choy didn't T can-no- t ed success.;'epprtajust'cpmpleted condition h which Vthe ; appraisers Vv'.copsul-genera- Per- - ( - " Pessoa, ; .Portugiiese - sabe." "Judge 'Monsarrat started ,to haven't a New ; pass upon, being altogether out for the .fruit, jegetawe and meat ;ue- ; - ' CiWaW' 'ordnance, of of ft and -- ... Cu;jetione zWen for simplify- - Mal" Js' officer partment .show , asaUafacJtOr; gain explain, but thought; better, faction you've missed province' as such apprals- ' - A '; tnj cr" ' tyttematlxinfl cffloe r of their the iJsaiijQ&ai JSixax. i t ri (hiring the?n:Ctf mohtbT exlst-- remarked that his court was no.teclh - j if "their ' concert for years Daita, work.. All fcuslness confidential. nlcal laboratory . Miss 'ifan'kabehnaiialicW. idled .lies- - broils, roasts, toasts. Here efcisnt , : : A' T..' Longley - superintendent ,of The Judge was Informed.' eventually. terdayjit; her home ;ln ;Pauao roadt " pure thaar0ttrwoodovMitY.ao4eMtslMtop v ;, .; of division, the that yenshee .was the ashes wood-bo- x today, the Intends . to feature Cat 0ut tb col-hc- d and drvdgarr. J v POLICE NOTES : The funeral will be held and hope ODium and the same as opium when rat. Ciniu'ct a!J tlijsci cf Audita J iii Loch 'View, ceme retail departments in the of mak ; X.XoopojoorJtitcAoitoootTholonsbluochlinooTtprovv&t burial will be the ing, them a shopping center for Hono boiled down and concentrated. ; The lnyt:t!;itlcns and furnishes -- ;.; and bicycle, was tery,'; Pearl ;.Ctty. She was . born in - mooting your wm iwv. . Kawamoto, riding, a huyers who ; do own. shoi- judge 'jeeraed . reasonably sure that 1 V . GAbUIOtMOaOia Wlia I trie wrmi. u of finan- lulu their '- ru.:r;s cn til klnda Maul, was 17 years v ;' an auto Tuesday evening Lahalna, and. old was defendant had to 5TJCTDXTJD C'X CC..17A.TT ; ; - ' cial wcrk. struck by ping, and carry; their own' purchases this what the on Kins street near the Pawaa thea home.;. ' V--- .'- - ;V Dosseaaion. so did Chung Choy. for he ,Vi S, Commissioner George S. Curry. De-- ter. The police say; the car was driv "You vwould--b- e snrprised at . the took some out or the bowl to taste has bound Hr, Wa, charged with havr -- . en by Wlllard Grace. . Kawamoto was riumberiof- - wdinen ybu can Aee at fore giving his deeision. r : ':-- lag. opium in. possession,, over to the cmlyi blightly bruised.;, the, ; ' Jn'ves-tigation.iiT- times In retail, departments, with ir federal grand Jury ..for further be bags has been re- shopping Jammed full or with y Cars driven by II. F. Nletert, ret defendant autos.liberaUy filled with food," says 7 ,.'f'" - - leased, on bbhd. In the sum of '3500. in- United States district -.- -.'. i parter the the superintendent . , v court, and W. V. Bell of 3308 Sixth An additional effort to promote the "ah' over-loade- d kitchen : 'stove avenue, Kalmuki, x collided .Tuesday From Man Chong block the corner of newest jhase, of the division will.be night a corner of Fort and Queen the at ": SanY, the Vineyard Fort; .is thought the closing of the Francisco WANTED POSITIONS streets, according to the report of and streeti office .August 1, to fire shortly: after mid-ng- ht branch after .13 John Hulhut No one was havertaken position- - taking A pure 2 containing sua of Polictman morQing: The blaze ;was mouths' work.' The hranch was estab French lady' wishes seriously. Injured, ; : this - v extinguished, 1 damage re- lished to handle shipments from- the care of children and housework. Ovmcr have with autle Star-Bulleti- n. ' : cicncy. n:y firemen arriyed. division and; haVdone much to - pro- Box 390. 6537 2t no sulting,' before the r-t- ; r's sentences receiv- by . ..lllr. at Ecn'--" Willie mote the . purchase of, island products j morning totaled t FOR. RENT - ; ' ed in police court this on': the coast The agent in charge c ff on, ? Mrs. LUy Kahul 'died this morning i f 'ght: months. He ; was charged there .wlH tlll be retained but on; a July at the Queen's r hospital and was Large, front, room,; suitable for . two r- four counts of pross cheat on r ;- 3100 proving y.;.K: burled .this afternoon Uny the ? Puea commission basis only,, the persons - - 19, 20, 21 and "22, respectively. The monthly; paid entrance. Phone t salary, heretofore to -- eemeteryi She was 2t years ibfd; aha - ' 3255: close. kL :6G37 6t say boughtmeat on these -- : i police he is survived by her husband and chil be used- to r the business here. At . Paragon Market dates at the Jfeat dren.. Services were at Sllva's under some later date the coast 'office may vA representative of, claiming be . ? - pro6- - to taking parlors. ; : , .v- be reopened says Longley,. but Mrs. . Alanuel Rels and charging his ably; not while, Is such; gool - -- -. there a Services for the late Mrs. Clinton to l. ' : SHOET - J purchases her, .:fcr5t,'' Final steps towards ; turning the pineapple market at the canneries G." Owen .will be held tomorrow after TRIPS 1 .;.-..- :'-:- .. t 1 Llltuokalanl Gardens over to the' city here, v '.- ; noon (Thursday), July 27th, at 3 p.m. i,.. v ;.'.'. : , ;: Every. Saturday and Wednesdays 1 Y for : iise, , as : a- - ipubllc park ; wtlL be In St Andrew's cathedral. Interment ;t .;' BUILDINGT PERMITS taken at a meeting of the civic fed- JArfiESE FINAWCIEB I; at Makikt cemetery wilt; be private. SI Z ' ; eration to.be held Friday: afternoon. Please omit flowers. . .? DAYS ; y : j M. Gertrude Worrall, owner, Loca It lsu expected. ; ) Vacancies inthe GIVES.S50,000 FOR vi :K:S: 6537 It ; ,.7; ; : .. tion, Wahiawa, Oahu. wemng & v. executive committee are to be' filled ALL EXPENSES . , , . . . C30.CD Est!-mated.co- st, .... 'I Hara, ": builder and architect.; and the committee will meet and elect aELcAfibd NOTICE '. ' . Esquire, $1500, . - .? year.--- ; John Albert Matthewman. ;,l;, ; olfleers for the coming i. - f ' Thomas J. Fitzgerald, owneroca-- '(Special Cahleto Nlppu JIji). formerlr Judge W the' Third Judicial o - of-H- makai-waiki- kl L,una-lil- - Japan, July generous a- 1 1 corner or . : - TOKIO; Circuit- Court nf theiTerritorr H tpnm IJn Co tlon, On v- the ground '.that the plaintiff 6.A Inteftlclnn nn has-be- o iitii 11 vEnlarge donation of $50000 nt(U-t- wail, , Alatau . L. C. Atkinson, and Hackfeld streets. failed to. substantiate his charges, the en tnd 4 . ... , j ... day. by &. Magoshi, wealthy banker Esquire, will i billiard room. H. Knaack, builder. 310,500 damage suit brought by Wil- a from and after this .date ' wa-- t ; :;.; ;- : ; . -- af ImaharuJ Japan, which accord 4941 ;' '.''" . Ctr: A ? general practise Phone Qn::n Estimated . cos t, . 3266.50. ;: y i Green, against be. associated In the r liam the Matson liner ingly, accepted, department: Matsonla was dismissed in j federal, by' the of of the law at the present offices of 'v 2-1- Hotel . money spent 2 . cIGcr(!2n'3 The. Federal Trade commission an court ruesday. r Green alleged h0 re- education. The will be the firm, Campbell Block. :. . appor-tlonmen- many young service leaves rounced that completion of its l ceived, tmembers of to help of those men and THOMPSON; MILVERTOM & CATH Deity pajsen;er au'.a from v-- ; women who, on account their, v -- : Hawaii Tours Company 8:S3 a.i m. - of the Tiiticah: sisal crop the crew of the vessel while on a trip of heins CART, Z - poor, are striving' hard to attend , 3 p. among American twine manufacturers fiom- - Honolulu.-- . the Honolulu, T.H.. July 1st, 1916.' Leavea'Gardena m. for Henolulu. San vFranciscb to ;-'- ' higher, r - 6337V-3- ' : -- schools. ':"J:j s:. t . ""' ''; s Hawaii Company, develop , no demand for the entlrt Akana's advice; given from a Festrvstic-- Tours ' Sam -- In his to S. Takada, the minis 1: cup phore, Lice 612. supply.; v-S hospital cot, Bttle boys. Is to stay letter phc t - ter, ; education, MagosbU- - T1 of said Jbat .'. : - .. . i - CutvXf mango, trees, especially" high young: every 7. ones. Sam feNs from one yesterday these students deserve; - sympathy. 'They wffuld prove some and sustained a fractured skull.- This day,! quoted the letter, .fto be very morning ' he told his .father, P. Akana. useful. materials to the nation at large V detective in Capt .McDuffle's depart- now help Star-Bulleti- and I am. determined to them ment, to teD the n' to.warn in their.' struggle jto the higher an little boys about letting up In the receive . education. V This snm. of course, is In ;6 frees he -- says -- he At an for" bis terrible no way sufficient 16 meet the purpose. L L Li pains in his body. - '.v . , CJ ... but is hereby' turned to your care and ..." ... be 1 I pray that the best use Is to made different " MANY STUDEIiTS irjAPANf out of V ' " degrees for, can most easily be prpvided for in our . ? it' - s . every known pur-- ;.- 1 3 STRICKEN VjTH DYSENTERY . - Delicatessen Department " ; ; : pose. fuao two copying. I DAILY v (Special Cable Nippu Jljl.) v REMINDERS to rO'-- - FUKUOKA, Japan, July .26. One r S-4f4- -G kftntirf- - the", tsiano ' in anto. .14.00. Phone hundred and twenty in ' '' - students the ...... ,', . t. V v . V 1 . normal . school - here- - today Jecame Lewls.Etsibleai.? Phone ZULAdY, " ,. Tbe One Keally Good Steel suddenly and simultaneousry infected - Exclusive corset shop, "The Good-wltt,'rms- for any kind of ; smoked meats, boiled ham, 21-2- 2. : ' arre JPiWtheon bldg. Adv a ; '.' with dysentery and, some fof ? Kitchen Cabinet them "; smoked and salt; fish, 'cheese, etc.:. ;: said to-- be '; dangerously ill. No Throuth want advertising you may fatality, however, is yet reported., - ' get that chance to "make good" In a - Sold on Easy Payments . higher sslarled Job.- ; -; V The ' patients," who vare all male v:v- ;,;.; USE LEHUA BUTTER . 7 e 5 : students,-wer- soon removed to the For Distilled Water. Hire' Root hospitals And the school: was quaran- Itaer and all other Poimlar Drinks The tined by authbritlesT'.How try the Con. Soda Water Works Cow VELVET the health ' - --v --- . so many persons happened to be the Adr. "" v, '.' V V T X i Be pencil is victims of the disease is yet to be ex- The woman who saves a dollar on a supreme ia its due riietronbl itan'TJoaiTr.:;: plained a rigid Invesllgatlon ' - thmiirh: no - atndv f tho -5- 3-C5 and' is i.DncA Vmi Tmd H . H O U S OF . HO U S EWA R ESW KING ST HONOLULU C. LI. new being made into the cause of the ads has earned another dollar for- - the ' V ' : '"' "' o& ".. purse, . '. outbreak dysentery. ' ,. : family .: ;t;


VITAL STATISTICS . X. ' "v BORN GOMES!n Honolulu. July 2V191S, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cornea of 423 Kuakini street, a daughter. ' MAHI In Honolula, July 21. 1916. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mahi of UK RILEY H. ALLEN - - v editor F.UGlSNt: MURPHT, Walluku. Maul, Dement slrwt, KaKhi, a daughter GUARD. attorney, left for the mainland in the 'Pua Rose. . WEDNESDAY...... JULY 2G, 191G. JAPANESE AND THE NATIONAL Eteumer Sierra Tuesday. OHARI In Honolulu. July 20. 1915. to M r, and II rs. Kilchl Oharl of -- REV. L. LOOFBOUROW, School street Kauluwela lane, : Travelers Governor Pinkham has instructed Ad jutant-Gencr-at Ji' rRtor 'near Good Advice Upon Paving of the Jlethodist church, sailed on the s son Torn." . '. : Johnson as follows: y . u. --'- Mauna Kea today for Miul en a SHIPACIn Honolula. July 26. 1916. Passing Through v "You were directed when Inaugurating the move'. church? business trip which will ex- to Mr. and Mrs. Eben Shi Dan of " local improve- ; Saturday. daughter Under the assessment plan of street ment for increMing the number of . the National tend to Kukul street near River, a -- ; ment, property-owner- s can select the type of paving Guard of Hawaii to make no discrimination as to races , Kawaiamaka. MR.I AND MRS. WARREN HOl to be iised or by refusing to take any other ivf and to accept those physically and mentally fit who could without reservation .subscribe; to the oath and" BROOK, after a five, weeks' stay on MARRIED VVliile,"the islands, morning on KAWASAKI-JOHNSO- N indefinitely "block.. an improvement. ideal conditions required by the gcrernment --of the. United,; the sailed this in Honolulu. ' the Matscnla for San Francisco, hence ttreet Improvement plan riglitfully gives wide latitude States of .America. No change or modification has ; July 2.". 1916. Torao Kawasaki an i Through jMisscngors to Orient - ' to their "home In New York. 1 Ta-ki- e the , ;.. - . Miss Edith M. Rev. , been made.- ';;' - . ,.' Johnson. to property-downers- they should beguidded by experts Makiki Okumura, pastor of the or the Mainland will find ; who are technically qualified to advise them and who The only fair interpretation to be placed on these r EV. C D. MILUKEN left for Oak- Japanese Christian church, officiat at Wicli "'' land. CaL, Tuesday, to become pas- ing; Rev. T. sHoriv are also disinterested paitteVv- - ; V;:'V:; instructions is that the National Guard of Hawaii witnesses and man's the most comprehensive as- tor o one of the large churches of M. Ohta, Hawaiian-bor-n precisely it Thai paving apt must receive Japanese as thav, city. . He was formerly pastor promoters of various types of are HANCOCK-PARKB- K In Honolulu. sortment of really valuable Hawai- Hawaiian-bor- n Hawaiian-bor- n Eng- of the Foreign Church at Walmea, to mislead the property-owne- rs is a state of affairs receives Chinese, July 25. 1916. Walter J. N. Hancock Ka tat . Hawaiian-bor-n . Hawaiian-bor-n any- and Miss Rev. ian mementos. aptly commented upon by . the Engineering Record.' lish, Germans, Elizabeth Parker. ' H. H. Parker, pastor of Kawala else. adjutant-gener- al says Hawaiian-bor- n I the The Record points out that while citizens should be thing The that FRANK CRAWFORD is en route officiating; to old home in Indiana for a hao church, witnesses allowed to select the type "of, pavement laid in front Japanese have already been enrolled in .the guard. his Mr. and Mrs. C. A. King. three months' . vacation. . He is cash- - Japanese-America- ns here ready and DAVIDSON-CARVALH- O of their property, the relation of the property-holder- s . If there are ier of the Uhue branch of the Bank In Hono- lulu. July 22, 1916. Walter F.,David: to the purchase of a pavement is quite different from willing to accept to the full all the responsibilities of Hawaii. : Mr; Crawford took pas- . - morn-ing.;;- ;; son and Miss Mary Carvalho, Rev. ; sage 'on 'the Matsonla this that, cif the normal purchaser toward the thing he which national guard membership ientails upon them Father Patrick, St. Ledger of the . ''. ' - ; ' if they are qualified to enter the guard ; if they apply Catholic cathedral officiating; wit buys, f .':,';,; ry .; :. yyyy-- '; h..4' : Zeller-bac- H. and are rejected by reason of their alien blood 4hen J. D. ZELLERBACH of the h . nesses Charles Teixeira and 'the citizen left to himself to judge by his Paper Company- - of San . Fran- . Carvalho. ; HKWichman&Co., they may have some cause for complaint. The Star-Bulllet- in experience and by the data placed at his disposal by cisco and Lbs 4figeles, left this morn- HOW-SE- E In Walaiua, Oahu. July cause-no- w existing, nor - Jewelers and Platinumsmiths . a competenrcity engineering department, the results knows of no such ing on, the Matsonla for the mainland. 16. 1916, How Saw- Yee of Walaiua j It Is pnly un--; He lias been to Honolulu for the past and Miss Ng Sea of Waiahole, , Rev. might not besoT bad says this authority, Unfor have such' complaints been lalged not jtbrpugh tlieif two wee ks on business trio for h's Shlgeru Nagamoii, pastor of the tunately, from the time a new pavement is proposed necessary but for Japanese firm; and It is his honeymoon as well. Japanese Christian church of Wala- press or otherwise to prejudge the attitnde of the gov- iua, officiating; witnesses Haw to the dateof --signnig contracts he becomes the object ernor 'or the guard authorities. T Tbs incipient agita- DEAN AND 'MRS. ARinN OTTO Buck and Wong Hee. - " ''- i of attack ot ihematera! salesnieni IntenttOnly on LEUSCHNER sailed for their home 0- : tion in itsel raises'the issue of hyphenism, V . getting their products used, these men urge, the use - v In Berkeley. Cal., in the Matsonla this . . DIED . ' The Japanese have fared well in Hawaji. They morning.' They have been here since ANDERSON At the Queen's v Hos-:.-- cf their materials, whether or not they areadapted to them-selr- es have achieved an average prpsperiry here utterly out- June 19 v and.hare acquainted pltal, Honolulu, July 25 1 91 6 Oscar the particular conditions: ;; Even an engineer has need , with a7 large circle of friends : . Amlerson of thls city unmarried, at the Opera House, Dr. Brooks "talks DR. BROOKS TALKS AT ' side possibility in their own country, Their children during their stay;: seaman, ; a native --Norway,: 64 to the 25th Infantry tomorrow. " His for great steadiness to resist this selling assault. What ' of health years old. Y. M. C. A. SUMMER SCHOOL subject for Sunday ' nighr l reli-zle- ". are educated, their property protected; their ' -- t, ope, then; is there that the Jayman; will 'pass a - .'.; Keep'ng Faith." ' These meetings at public expensed No issue of hyphenism MAYOR ana1 MRS. JOHN C. LANE KAHIKINA In the Lunalllo Home, ' the is" ;sales-rr.a- n. guarded , i." . ; Y. C. meetings and attract- judgmehtf Tlie result obvious. ""The will entertahr ata hukilau, a Hawai-- Honolulu, July . 25, 1916; Kahikina The summer school of the M. are popular are has been raised against them socially or economically. Ian fishing party in honor of Mr. and (k), widower., laborer, a native ot A. assembled this morning and heard ing large crowds. -- : . , . l withlhe "glibbest tongue, or the one who can , If any Japanese are excluded from the national guard, Mrs. Jay Gould next Saturday. About Kona, Hawaii, 63 years old. Dr. R. c. Brx-Ks- who talked to 'ne v.'iri a group of influential citizens, will get bis mate- 75 guests have been Invited to watch KANEHUALAKA In Honolulu, July boys of the school.: Dr. Brooks spoke it is logical Jo assume that such assumption is because dragging, the great nets on 25. 1916. Mary c-- n - Derelicts." Among ine mary m-- rial used. 'The, real merits of the.case do not receive the in of Miss Kanehualaka O- ' FOR ARID LArSDi WELLS individual "appicants ' hay'e: been bea2h-beyoud)Halei- . tie8ting things Dr Brooks tcld the - v'.' consideration. The pavement bought on price- - the Japanese as not the of Pauoa road, a native of Lahalna, Maul, 17 years, 8 months and 3 beys was the three-fo- d purpoc mak able subscribe without reseryation to the conditions ' cost-not'o- n to : - WASHINGTON, D. The senate. :rst quality.' ,Total cost is entirely lost DR. W. ihi FRY, superintendent of days old. v v . .; V. ing up the manly man. Hje snld that n of guard service; To assume in advance that discrin the Methodist :Miesiou. m the islands, OOMEZ courage, magnanimity and sacrifice uas aoopieu iurnuiucui vi uajov In the Queen's Hospital, man- by Senator Smoot to the agricultural is practised, or is abonf to be practised, is both is expected i home in September from comprised the three points of the in-tir.c- ination Honolulu, July,24, 1916, Mrs. ; Juliana , ;"' "Every engineer engaged Jn: city work can cite trip. ,Mrs. Fry ly man..-- V r- ; kill appropriating $ 100,000, for borlnf tn extensive mainland -' unwtse'and unjustified, ; :;.' ; - . jiiia-ioxe- r Oomei. a native of .Manila, PhiUp- ial ': - Sunday evening pave-ent-mater- f the to show the pernicious iriu?nce.of 'the accompoajedi a large part pine Islands,' 32 Besides 'service yeara old.:: :-'-;" jl ;'-- ;': -- v ' Recently at his old of the T. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. At lanas. ffer-r- :t V . '. . it h;;has.'J)en KEALOHA In July" 24,' case e - Honolulu, : salesman.V' In a recent four.di f bpme'Jn-.th- pacific; Northwest ; -- Speaking1 of imp There is ?1I6. Miss Alice Kealoha of Waia--. 1- types were being laidn adJoining streets, though ' r - kamilo' road, Palama," ' a stretch along the gpoi pa rt'- .of . fcalakaua avenue a native of , !l cc.nc:tiQns .trifSc.includedrwere identical.' v Tfjere ;J Walluku, Maui, 20 years , , who kr grad9sJtea,.f. the .JPunahou olL ; difrei-awe- v as unsightly as'anything the Outdoor Circle and the YAMASAKI :. no excuse Iforthe ."The" engineers' ad-- - today on In' Honolulu. July 24, Acadmyp1e4t)lcf (pornlA- .1916. skill-&- Central Improvement Committee liaye ever'shaddered en- Hosuke Yamasaki oV Nuuanu 'tted it." The Variable factor?; were the the the, Matsosi: steamer? Matsonla to V - street, near Vineyard, Tanmarried, over- the lots , and yards tl!e iiCniverslty California in the prpperty-.r.cr- s. It's on sea;sdera;rpw;of ter ;oti v - Hiroshima-ken- , tcri;l salesman and the.irientalrty of will presume servant- a native oT more nnkempt than ariythirig seen for a long time'Tn 'Berkeleywhiere'1they ' Japan, 42 years old. . - . In another! case; 'where citizens decided upon study,'"' Both beettiactive in ath theJ-tenerneh- t f liave '' ; -- house L6t-.-- .... ',,r.t-- - a districts. In one deserted a In Walmea, Kauai, July 23. i r rvurinrr nntwcififr nivinof ini. letiq, irhilei-U- l ..fwhopt!!- ;;:J?l ? Fort. Street glasswalled lanai. is a. sad ruiruThe yards' are al- " J916, Joaquin da." Silva Cabral of a the -.-- .;th th '(( t rice of an engineer asked "AND J Bishop road, off Kuikint street, 4:. J as' garbage, jiump'-'ni- 'NMP MRS. I WILLIAM . B. : tfytt-- '', ' most handsome as art average - Honolulu, married, carpenter, na-- ; ;t; rt: t:.: : .. the , reaSoAforihelrcoice; jlparfcd their Jhome- la a' r ' Star-Bullet- SHARP fos . - B0:l;83--- in isVinformed Circle has .tIyB of the island of Michael. 1 - - that the Outdoor daughter, St I no-- pt thai a feprj sentatiye, of San Francisco witltthelr y Azores, Portugal,1 54 years !.t -- Body offered to clean -- up the. worst of these premises, ut Dorothy cv th nMsMcfnlai today kaftt old. r. : t.v:r-.cc- :; : ;e'omparued by n.: innuential "vrtlf arrive Sunday ltfterfheht n hve'weeks'.-stayiojivth- e, islands. f , J represeniauve. er a ; - . witnout encouraeement the - .i -- xlr.:-- (i . v irom.tne , Ray-m- er afternoon fromSIlva's under- m. iircn, l.ai t: cm ana requescea ineir.apprpvai. r - . . , v ; i Mr, Sharp; vho Is, aDrother of ' taklngvparlors, - - - t in the Catholic ceme - before-the- P- ""i- Sharp,, expects Ho return about ' :J4 tery. King street. ; - n ?: February of next yearf; ,;7 ' :r. j v. mi. alacrity-as'whe- thty MEHEULA In. Honolulu, July "23, fronting westerly 'jab6y$. 'r.aturcs as - . . , A :cntsade is A$&l.fyJ!f.quite. as passen- 1916, A. H. Meheula of this "city. i them. DR.; CHAS. B. COOPER Is a ' riven u ' unmarried, . laborer, a Ha- School 'street, pretty bsnv roundings as .for gxd paving on Kalakiua avenue. ger on the Matsonla. sailing this native of in a " Without :.!t- t!:e be.rt rnelbodof procedure Is i annual va waii, 42 years old. ' mornlns. He Is taklnjr his -- OMORI In Honolulu, July 26, 1916, gilpw ) designate;, the. must a at residence section.' have the city erginesr type that is of policy to the lines catlcn and will be absent about the Japanese Charity .Citf "It a matter month; While away, ube, will be the hospital, Nil . used. choice would, be. predicated. oh all the - m His t,- - Omori. infant son of Mr. Mrs. - when tlle mJt'riritv of the orooertv- guest1 of Dr; Jos.L.,.owa?d at the and sewer; water. - etCMViavailacl vr-- that-shoul- d considered-founda- tion Inosuke Omori rtcrs; be Arnold; referr- - PohemiJn Club Groy-i- n the Russian s of Walaiua, Oahu; says Supervisor age 4 months and 18 days. - Body . have an opport'inity of see- to lot.; tr::.:c. aoiuty oi mea.smcx to river and "; Nice level .Easy stana.tneas.se Groye. play that Is be burled tomorrow at Walaiua. waErj :t, characteristics, cost and life of various surfac-- ing the wonderful i ly true, but the point is that the majority of property- - the celebrated annual feature Of the distance. ;; owners on Kalakiua. avenue have not been noticeaWy "Jinks." The doctor will also visit the coast hospitals and industrial in MARRIAGE LICENSES Phone3477 to' in e x The point is a good one remember .Honolulu.j with-'th- supervisors planst-The- have, been split' twp ' stitutions. ', C :' s city is just .cn the threshold of.large deyelcprnent,.,. John Norman, American ugar ...... 46 ; : ;7 HENRY J.: LYMAN planter Lenore Benson, t ; local assessment" plan, V .7 i ; ;''; thesoipervisorS because' they couldn't get American .t ing to plansj of H-wa- wbo arrived ; here aome a delegate The uninterested advice of experts is needed and fhtir own 'desiresf If the supervisors are. sure of months agq, as r Republican Walter J. N. Hancock. American 25 crty-ovne- rs : Chicago' conventidn. returned Elizabeth ; are .juMJucu in cApcv-un- g widi itwiu support proceeu unuer uic to the Parker, American 21 majority sumciem io iutii from' extensive v trip - j yesterday aa v cf."!c::r . , articulai the city engineering depart- assessment plan, it is obvious that the best policy'-l- through the East and Canada He r r.t, thc-- can secure that kind of advice when types to go ahead. Kalakaua avenue is so nearly a general is at the St-- FYancis. He has kept " In touch with Hawaiian affairs.' and 1 pavlr : are in question. . : : ,:,;r. thoroughfare that the; whole city has a right to fise'up yi believes that the choice of Hughes and protest against repeated delays. ;r ; : i;;; :':; for the presidency is meeting with f .THE I IORIZON OF BUSINESS. : favor in Hawaiian ' Republican cir --W. C. WOODWARD, acting super cles. He says that the Hawaiian intendent of ; public works: , I have The growing tendency of colleges and universities ' - National Gbard. 1 3000 strong, Is t almost completed the "garage" I am ",: " honorary degrees acti6it'asiwell rrom Daily Financial America. ; . to award to men bf ready, to the last man, to x:ome u me j building for the family perambulator. Prcgressive movements in business have been the? as of learning --was .exemplified a. feW days ago when "malnlandA should the Mexican situa It is a considerable structure, too. tlon become aggravatrjd. San Fran- Your Table Silver :5u!t of, working combinations of imagination and. Brown University bestowed upon Herbert C Hoover ' can neyer be any tod nice. The patterns we carry la Silver as cisco Examiner. DAVID L." MACKAYE,; secreUry ' -- ' ' - well aa Heavy Plate will appeal to your good taste. . - laws.'- anti-tuberculos- virion sense, just as in the case of forward move- j the honor of doctor of Hoover is chairman of is bureau, board of & cnts in ether fields of activity. If their owners had Hhe American ; ReliefC HEARING OF SMITH'S health: ';' Our figures .will show. July 'VIEIRA JEWELRY CO. 113 Hotel ct. Christopher sucH he" hasidone conspicuously fine wdrkand Ihe to;have been 'the' lightest month, so :cn lacking in Imagination, the names of COMPLAINT AGAINST far as new cases qt tuberculosis and x!umbus' znd George .Washington'and Henry' Ward deee tsquite .as". fitting", fof; him.as"it.;.'vvld' have :g: FREEMAN HELD TODAY deaths from the disease are concerned :cc!.cr and Thomas A. Edison and Tames j. Hill and I Aeen for : some pedant who .had discovered a new we have had In Honolulu for a long : ' us. -- - complaint time. Tihs is encouraging to :.:r.tTC js ether pioneers and leaders would never have Greek root or otherwise held ''philo! post- The' hearing of the of the dead languages. Capt . Troel K. Smith, commander of . :n i:r 7 resstd upon the pages of history. v : mortems among the Matson liner Lurllne, against Capt '; A. W. NEELY, deputy tax collec- Inter-Islan- d tor:- took: me several years to col- Freeman, . master of the It businessman,' who thinks an Income tax of $68 from a cer- A German prize court has decided that :;the steamer steamer Mauna Kea; Is being held this lect .rely; in terms of fact and figure ;an4 Has. to ,be afternoon to the office of the U. 8. in- tain" party who left Honolulu, ..but Appam, captured by the'Gerniahs,' is a fair.prjze, of spector Capt when he came - back here and regis- ;.okn" ere he enters upon any enterprise, may be a of steam vessels before - - and! Meany. tered at a local hotel a few- months .fe citizen but he is not a progreSsivetcitizen and is war,- This follows the ancient arid honorable prece- T. J. Heehey Capt J. ; .cpmplalnt states, It ago 1 made him pay up. If he had not r prize-court- s' Capt Smith's " dent of "what's mine is my ownl" The British .vcr a builder or a leader. V ; Vv :; is saldT that, ?apt;rreeman disregard- I would have seized his baggage just s, and French f. prize-court- have held many ed signals the hairbor on the last as sure as the Lord makes little ap The remarkable development of this country from in I voyage of the- - here. pies. 1st to coast in little more than a centurv is a tribute; lengthy deliberations to decide tiaat vessels capturea Lurllne. twenty-fiv- e ! French warships been regularly - ; , Have you ever seen our magnificent acre I:urrin imagination. There has been so much here y British or had A fruit stain "on tablecloth or nap- . - Missouri has raised a fund of $10,000 would of etiquette de-- If wstwjtb camphor before water to purchase an aeroplane for its state y tract in Manoa right in the heart of the valley ! - all home stimulate imagination and the ingenuity It grayevach kin.' " Its to the t"ri. ba " . - " ; touches" will entirely disappear. militia." -- the-indust- cide the way. it ready for your nowimprovements are all .d ry of.Amerjicans that relatively little at- - other inspection in --x ion has been, paid by them to the challenge which and many fine houses have already been built or are now ' li.e world abroad has given to theiMtnaginations, Now As .we understand it,; the BritishVgoyernment -- building.'; ;V;r: ' going t i s the time when Americans,, whether they will or sures Uncle Sam that the boycott isn't to hurt ; : i Can 't you arrange to see this choice subdivision ' ' be not; TntiH that chanenge, jTheirimiginations, Americans, and if it does hurt; Britain will 'gtad T answer ;; soon : If its inconvenient for you to go out there through r through-cu- to talk it oyer I - This should afford profound satisfac- z s Wilson says, "must abroad t' Sat-J-nrd- ay; President run j the week with one of pur salesmen, why not go out yV; tion. Talking it over is one. of Uncle Sam's best little the whole worlds i - ;,;;:.:f ? afternoon or Sunday . You will find it at the end , lof progress will provided specialties under the present administration. . And what an earnest be -- ''""'-;- ; of the car line on your "right ; :yy: r- " : f, in lifting r their eyes to , the horizon of ; business, Lot of 49,953 sq. ft. for sale!; 207.9 ft. frontage on ..holi-da- y' ' V 13 range .mcricanssee their opportunities and duties for carry-i- r Brussels has been rm Jor daring; Wda Lots average about cents per sq. ft. and LfulU'iew - sanctioned by the Germans, accprding' to a Jndd Street. Beaut of tlie ocean. v: - "liberty1 and justice and the principles of human- not "'inprice from $1100 to'$250a' ;: .

; -- despatch from Amsterdam. This is another proof of .,; . ity" wherever.they go! : .;; ;: t . : 'a REMEMBER Ithat WE are 'pledged to pay the 2 Belgians were K-v- v-!- '!'r; the great contentment of tlie since they - , - ::v;:- ', Price only $5,500. ; ; ; cents per; sq. ft. assessment that. :s to be levied against mouth of gun,' , ; : annexed at the a v.:-,.;;- New York ' bankers evidently! do" not believe that ;'',-- , ". f Manoa property. . : C , . ; . rsuppprt of Carranza is unpatriotic; During the early ,days ' of July when;"Uie;' sitaation along the Oimate, scenery and good roadsarid not the least ? ' " Co., ! :rder might fairly;be described as tensea metropoli-t- m of these is good roads. ; ; Guardian Trust Ltd. Bcnry Vaterhoiise Trust Co., Ltd. C chief loan $100,-- C r V offered the, de facto a of TeL 3688 ' ! Stangenwald Merchant -- Fort and : 3,000.: It is reported "to, have hea rtened "VTusker-zrzz- " The Irish question sounds more like an exclamation ; - : ; , v'V v;;; very perceptibly. ,'.';7. point miII' ; . nOOUJLTJ; STAMULLETIN; 'WEDNESDAY. JULY 20,1191k;:

later wound up the affair by dancing on the lanai .at UalcJwa to the music of the First Field ;. ArtiUery band, which has been In camp near Hale-Iw- a for the week-end-. Thosr Included In this party were Lieut, and Mrs.1 Charles H. Rke, Miss Merrill. Ueut. 3 Mra. and John Baxter. Mka Masoa. 1 : ABOUT SR., GlOVACCH'NI members of tlte Harrlman family, the ver honored the noted actor. William of Honolulu arrived in Portland th. Lieut, and Mra, Robert . P. Harbold. Bur-ra- Dr. : ' Local . society, which fus , aJroirtd Kcbbes. the Fish family and the l H. Crane, and , Mr. James Woods of week to visit and Mrs. F. E IJeut. and Mrs. John D. Burnett, Lieut. I iksx Giovie-chl- nl Inform- Moore time. and entertained 8r. Mlchele Hoffmans. ; San Francisco. It was a jolly, for a short and Mrs. .Keen. Captain and Mra. SZ' on two occasions when tie gift- : IL Rlvingtcn Pyne, who has been al dinner as all were old friends, and ' Charles Van Way: Mr. and Mrs. Bert ed peratlc tasso visited h ve, ill secretary to Ambassador James W. friendship reminiscences were the -o-rder Mrs. William Williamson and Ellen Lytell, the M if sea Caroline and Ester - Vbe Interested In the following con--; Gerard at Berlin, waa graduated from of the eveLiug. , Mr. Wojcbtt's Tree WilliamBon . left on this morn- McMahon. Miss . Evelyn Hodges. ceralng him from, the Rcdlands, CaL, Princeton with the class of 1914. lie guests were Mr. W. H. Crane, Mr. ling's steamer for a two months visit Lleuta. Charles Bankhead, Frank Rl- - Wol-cot- ( RriewrV'-':'- ; V. ; , V' ;' and his bride will be In the Hawaiian James Woods, Mrs. Anna Vaile t, to the mainland. . . ley, , John Smith. Hornsby Evans. - Mr. Mrs. Dunbar and ( "Through the instrumentality of Mr. Islands until the late summer. San and James . John. Simmons, Edward. Rose, James and Mrs. D. C. Ufferts and Mr. Francisco Chronicle. Mr. Harry Withers. . L. T. Peck, president of the First . Ulio, V. V. Envart. Roy N. Jones and mu- or Henry Fisher, the lovers of . vocal . national KanK tiawaii, Honolulu, Captain and Mrs. Janda. HONOLULU sic iiata again teen privileged to Leaf TRAVELERS RECEIVE WELCOME .HERE FROM ha been a guest at tne Clift with hbi Lately delightful program gsl-ler-y " Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marchfield of family. a ; Bank-hea- d a In the art HOME FROM HAWAII c AND ' On Thursday,. Lieut, Charles yeste- . at.CAaUforisca, the home of Mr. ORIENTAL COUNTRIES Honolulu were arrivals here ...... rave a luncheon at' his Quarters and Mrs. Fisher.'. This time the artlfct rdaySan Lun Obispo Telegram. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheedy left on In honor of Lieut. Thorpe. Mrs. Henry Foster Duttonand Mrs. - t Frank was Mkhele Giovaccaint. an operatic Eugene Murphy were greeted by ,.a Julys.' the Matsonia for a short coast visit. who .was on the transport en route baritone of considerable distinction. to Manila.. Among those present were large number of friends as the steam- CapL J. F. Fleming, U. S. N "Sr. Gloracchlnl Introduced himself er arrived from Honolulu Tuesday : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baldwin were Captain and Mrs.' Joseph Janda, Cap-tai- n and Mrs. Fleming are giving a din- : ; through the medium . of the familiar morning. They proceeded at once to arrivals, on the Lurilne this morning. and Mrs. Charles Van Way, Lieut Hats Z)re re. July 18 honor of Mrs. Anna e for prologue the opera 'Pagllaccf by ner In H.,-Ric- Miss : ; to uurlinfame inn h&nd In th a ?avetia V and Mrs.' Charles and '.:' ' ; ; ' ; ;... ' York, now on a y. i '' v V ;;;i." .. V" .V Leoncrrailo: ,Tbe interpretation Louise David of New Mrs. E. L. Moses of Hilo In Ho- ' - V : v :"'' wasjof the Country Club that eveningr with b Merrill. a happy. one. The singer was not only tour of California. Mrs. David nolulu for a short visit r The variety is styles remarkal)l(, l v ; 'a little while the gathrUg waft turned Woodworth, also from .v:. vvv greatthe tborougniy at nome in the selection v into a reception in their honor. Mrs. Gabriel Captaln and Mrs. Van Way spent a the East, but now staying at the I ' Prices within your means. v.; v.-- v put put a certain Euman element into Mrs. Murphy has been In the islands: SCHOFIELD SOCIETY I few days with Captain and Mrs. Janda rx::,Xr. Stewart, Is giving: a Sunday after- house-guest- It that made."' It..- "'say something several Weeks, having accompanied s last week as their s. . noon concert at the Greek theater. 1". This, Sur-Bnlleti- : indeed.might be aald of the en. 8peeiI a Corr(oodnc) v ' ,' v- -a --TiJuly 16. and after the concert both tire program. '"'. ". W . ."' vCi - SCHOFIELD BARRACKS. July 26. Mrs, Jerome Pillow entertained the Sr; Giovacchlni possesses a : large the Mrs. Mrs. Dut-- Musical Club on Wednesday afternoon. V... 4 home of Crocker. Flemings, Woodworth 5i1 In hono; of Mrs. Crandall, Mrs, . baritone voice which is rich Jn quality .ton been away much longer, i She Mrs., Lists and .his compositions being the has day or. so, Mrs. Franci8:Lacey's mother, Mrs. George .fvi) and . resonance! 114. uses with ex-(we- remain but a but It td the Islands several months Quite an G ' Bailey gave on Friday afternoon subject of study for the afternoon with ; ;uv) sis-..abili- ty David, will be In Vaile jo - SAC for ceptioually good judgment ago. been, guest - glv- . and has the and has the of her Visit, of last week one of the most delight- a number of charming: selections - brother-in-la- w, extended and Mrs. Fleming has to blend well the head and; ter' and Mr. and Mrs. bridge-tea- s occurring garri-- , en by the different members of the ' '.' fal in the planned number of functions In --,-- -- a Hotel, '. -- : . : fcf chest registers, r Hla pianissimo work , Harry Macfarlace.' . "7 club. y r x: ; near.Fort Mrs. David Is son this summer. Those Invited to , I Murphy Dutfon honbr of .her. visit Is delicate and hla uttermost dynamic , 'Bothjdrs. and Mrs. meet the guest of honor numbered - recognized one of America's most efforts never rasp.- One of, the most were 'entertained extensively during at over sixty of ladies, of ;ihe, post' On Wednesday (ths evening) before talenJletl'harpists, awhile Mra-- .Wood-wort- h tiie pleasing features of his work hi hla their 'visit, and during. the last week and all, whether those who partici- the hop In the Mounted Service Club singer, - absolute fidelity to pitch.; . pro- - before their departure every is an equally noted and pavilion, there will be number of The or'two has achieved considerable dramatic pated In the Interesting progressive a gram waa a long one and much harder day was crowded with Interesting auction, or those who-share- so- hop suppers and dinners given;' Cap- - , distinction, having recently studied in the ; to ting than had the.perfprtner been events. San Francisco Chronicle;-- '. .' Mrs, Augustme Mclntyre Italy, and .appeared In opera, ciability of the tea hour, united in tain la- - v: both - - appearing a performance of an ; M enjoyment appreciation will entertain at dinner, while; LletiL . . ojhV'l there and in this country. San Fran-cltsc- o the and of eratlc production., To be able to sing AftDMRS. LAWRENCE KERR ; Mrs. Bailey's gracious hospitality. and Mrs. John Hanser will be hosts a Complete' program " be-- " Examiner; . T'K c - supper. V' ' of numbers ENTERTAIN ; ;f : ' After the series of progressions of at a large Both parties later ' v ;':'' " ' : speaks great, perform-- 1 ; Will hop.' ? credit' for the An aroun motor trip was The rtbur Browns have purchased the always fascinating game were con attend the , ance f the siager as well a. ifldlcat-- ; MrSj Lawrence Kerr'a delight- eluded prizes were awarded to -- ' Hrand the T.w Li iStack. property at Waikikl the ing a large operatic . repertoire.y "way;. .complimenting Miss Isa-"TO- O The , many friends of Mrs. Walter vifful of that in the years to come may be as the holders of the high scores.': Mrs. ' AZTD ORIEHTAL N0VELT1X3 much -- delighted able credlt'cannot be Jdvea hell rnrlner and Mlm !d1m Pnrt. : Aroericus Mitchell and Mrs. Thomas Short are to see her : famous as Sans Souci, since It has to Prof." Mario'JIedUer. who presided Vner, who the houses-gueS- U of H. Lowe, to whom were given dainty to: take part again In the socUl Ufe 'are' 111- - garr'son . recent embroidered pieces of lingerie, while' of the after ; her rrort; thecity late this arternoon to around cn Sunday the. psrty.stopped ft Mrs rTfln.1a11.Ba th nipjit f honor.l ness ; 171 Rohprt v 4 . Dievenson. .Many ftf ,. a? Hh.c r(An..M.i n4 l.....- - ' iouis ' the old-time-rs ; here1 recall - seeing was preseniea .a loveiy specimen.: 01 SAYEGUSSl no' tppoKunity ; - ;. The goyerninent of South Africa whatever for rehearsal Mrs. Kerr and enjoyed g. supper and white-linen-cla- .. i: Filipino work.. At refreshment Stevenson's long. lanky, d the Phoaa 1522 . Nniiaiiii.iieax Hotel 'and. In fact, much of the. music was then continued the trip home in the hour the guests adjourned to the din--, has erected a large ugar mill to en- " frame huddled in the extreme Zu-lulan- d. toUlly new to him. As a result, he guests Misses si - courage the cultivation of cane in moonlight. The were of one of slow sure mg . room, 'Where from table t en - gave a most creditable - end Paine's but ; demonstration curtner. Miss Gibson, Mrs. Makla Kip- trams would un- chanting In Its ' decorations . of ired 1 V; enjoy- - that waij an almost rtvunz. nevertneiess pimg,,Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Magoon, Mr. limited ; salvia," Mrs. ' Henry . Hodges " and .: time for the of , r r. convenience ' . . v able. v t f ra M Rlnm m. Mr nihsnn . Mrs. Francis LaceyC served deli ' the patrons. Jack Condon to be sure, v . KENNETH ALEXANDER, PHOTOGRAPHER - "': : . has ridden In a motor but .the Arthur cious 'salads, and coffee. The list of TT- ,' v: - , I MACOMBEU 'i WERNER - WEDDING IDAHOANS GO TRAVELING , Brown house twill always be. ladies' present Included Mesdames H. very; "the ' prettiy weU ' and Eames,' .; UHUE.A ' E. Little, : ' - ' COTTONWOOa Idaho, Mr. and house the Jack Xondon's, lived in." ; .rrLantrr : :' : . v.--- '. -- ; - ' Ellea-'Jordan . i :.:;' "V.- '. tteaded .edilng;. took place ? las Mrt J; l, Gardner departed from our Charles 'Daly, Robert ' j Wednesday i. evesirg s . . ? Horace-Bloom'- ; at the .Hanalel city Wednesday mornihff, the former Mr. and Mrs Jack.. London on Sears, Albert Whiter left. bergh. V Frederick Blacky Charles H. today's steamer nqr'.he; present at 'and -- dAutAtef pephfr;.eSerlff Werner, Gardner stopping to Visit 'for a -- thne Rlce Walter Greacenr r winiatn Mc waa ;f a. part ol the Bohemian Club's .annual v inmdtO'3ward'P.,Macomber ;with her parents'at :ToQatehi' Later -- Cleve, .Eugene H. artnett, John F.' - Pacific" GroveouUng: At these af- " - ' cf'JIoncIulu,-- $ in the year she will' go to Portland to vona ' Guilfojle Clarence"' RirJJar Wlll&mt ':' - fairs finds many world's celebri- iLway by Mr;-Gardn- er's ;Tte- trlia, waa. given her visit; .fatally and then Nalle, Frank Keefeh Amertcua"Mitchi - r; ties gatheredjwnd performing "stunts" .fitter. whUe. . Rxxse . Werner will. join husband actoss water - elL .Halsteadi Byartl Sneed; Jps; ...'( her the only Frank 'V t : a:.bridesmaid, as" vthe Bohemian ;Club-- members assisted .Joha Silva after; he gets properly, established In kpQW?how , The. .Londons' wlth erh Janda. Harker.' Robert Duenner.r y leave ably. filled the role home. v,The-man- friends, of. - Willif.m Shedd,. Richard C,Cwton rf his'nw much regret but- remark of . Portraits . ' r; a Jack Henrv-ft:.H.'d- ...... ' ; hereabouts; e Pv'elv best tzX Mr.r. and Mrs.' Gardner Lohdoh rings like' Irish when he says: Vi' J?ds9. To e . strains.,:ofwLohengrin's - wish .;tiem all. kinds : or a-o- I Hamiltpn Hv:WnElvM Hun ;' -- "The soner,lhey gothe sooner they - 1 Weiit-r.; March.T. played . by. Wrs. wherever they ttay'go.-rrCottoh- w ephus S. Cecil, Philip Klehl Walter : get liack and, when. they. '.da,, cacme . IvIeaeT: Mo, 1 r the procession was led oy (Idaho) Chronicle. : i,. they ' will find an aloha waiting for Pridgecn. Leonard. John J. Boniface, -- 1 H " Yhsrr.1. and-th- e , - .' Babcock, Keen, : - THtle flower girls' them. The Lqndops are truly demo Kerr Ti RI?gs, Conrad ? I take ; greattdelight in posing little; babies. :tzs3U 1 1 honor, forming very pleaa-- i r .WAILUA. PICNIC Madame Wright WlIHanf Aiken?' a , cratic ana ';itne most.', hospitable ? and Pu! ' , i L1HUR-A- very, boating "5 Perhaps much ltg p! ture.. within the beautifully . delightful kindly, hosjt McCook.?; Francis 'LatteyJ .Miss Ray that: accounts in part for the " by ' and .hqstess; imaginable. Yr and Dlcnic elveh,' Mr V-- Cfccrr I church. The choir of the trin iwas . V't:?--i'-:, mond, jMlss erfiU;QeonardPrty admired results; Ks:- -.. Society- - assisted . In the William Hyde Rlce astwe id htSiigr , jvTt' Harry iBlasiand, Walttr xJ.snortf ei-ha- . Mare Island .: is tDSlngrtlfone of its niur!-- l rirtcf the'Tprcsram. : of her granaaaughters Editn : ana most, charming young officers, Lieut D.; Glassford," fWtlllam Wt For- . ? - Juliet, who are-back- . coast. ; r Kampe. LeWis 8orley, i At C ccncliisloa cf thehureh ser- from tho. Ethelbert Talbot, V.'S. M. having syth; George V vice. ich ss' coniuctei bv Rev .spending: their vacation with their John Baxter." Fred Pitts, 'Miss Leo i' moderatb'prioes ,..'r received orders assigning him to duty I - R, . . ad-- parents. party. Journeyed J Mrs. Brady A'ct Arahu'.ay the party : their Th3. Gusm: , VHe nard Miss Mason and ' at - will? leave tin' the :",'-1- " SITTINGS ElY APPOINTMENT a " . 1 Jourre i to the hriie's home, where . up the Wailua river, partaking of August transport and being now on Green .Ruttencutter; 'an clilcrate luau waited the Q) sumptuous repast which was already a visit with relaUves ta Kansas City, ; Trje:t3 who . had gathered l prepared near the rice mill.' The re-- On. Saturday evening Mrs. . Joseph from " the interval V ; - short between: his return Phon4632 ' , , giv- .t. .v. over Le island. . ;..; turn, trip was made by moonlight Janda celebrated her birthdayvby ' toithe yard arid his departure for the ; 4 bridal couple- - will spend a bringmg a much enjoyed affair 'to a ing a 'jolly beach picnic at Walmea Scuth Pacific post ; is certain to be the - , 424 : y-- " party- i over in. Beretania Street ' " ' i- ishcrt.t.'ae at Ilacalef before 'return; close. Garden. Island. occasion,;, of considerable a'ctivity. beach. The ttfotored i' 11 .'" .. , " - -- edjoyed Honolulu, - : the early part of the evening, 'A itrto Garden Island.'"- u 'r! i.'- San Francisco Examiner.' n . ; , ; ' : ' - 'v.: .'. ' v beach supper spread ,pn - a delicious '.'d- . - . .; DEANJACOBSEN't li s. ;'rl , .- : coVe, 'and AT MARE ISLAND '' r ' tf. William Dean, clerk of the Kauai ,' Prof. Jtnd Mrs .7 Arthur Floyd Grif- the sands of that attractive l ETccIcy, the most. Interesting event circuit -- court, ', and Miss X Hannah fiths; and Miss, Eleanor Griffiths left Ms-r- well-know- n e Jacobsen, today for " at Island during the week was Maude a .Kauai a year's stay on the main- t.4:? Tl:'t yesterday of some sixty sol- - school, teacher,, were married at.Cen- - land. No doubt through ; Prof.-- , and - frcn the Presidio encamp-- tral Uuloachurch-'a- t 8iSC thls morn- Mrs. Griffiths" telling' eastern friends nder- - the leadershiD of Mrs. lng snI salled In the Matsonla an effthe many attractions here, a num- k .'; ' . ; : "hour later, for young Colbcrn. ' . California. The ber; of .tourists wii; he' attracted by : .t:. a lilt was planned by the, ladles ,couple ;wjll return ; to Lihue late In this personal promotion work V ' : 0.9 week, ?, and1-rrc- n September. The officiating clergyman 'A';' 'T;-- -; , - Kielr V;:V-V:;V'V'-'V- V:...v,-v ccr-'- tf : IrRt!n? vifth th at the-- weddinswas Dr. R. C Brooks. Miss .Ruth ; Kerns is home from ' 'intit ; Lland, Capt. IV : .,,, Bea-- r nrs. Dean; Sr' Is also a1 passenger SahtaVRosai vlsitlnff her' parents on r rcrni?sion to i roct the with her son. and new daughtei -i-n-law Church street previous to a trip to - V"t ys-r:- "' , extenf :i .not .cly tie per-- , for Csliforniff. She will be away about thajHawallaT glands. Miss ; Kerns tut sith- LeLr.et.tVl3-- ; and ' Miss" Almee . -- ; ' llri. Patterson sail rr--- "l p Wednesday fv; V ' noon, gone1 ' fTvitrtirn nrz'.iz at to be the - ' ; -- ,: P.-- BUSHES 5. 'V; .JVV.V'.. L.X.,. V.. v,:'V. V V X v k '. M RS. L. INFORMAL; greater part-o- f stimnter.--Sa- nfa ;'V izli.' j t..r cuists. ' the : : , ?:. v Tt Lrrs rrlvea In Vallelo' on ' . . . . L.urmtiL.va Crus (Cal.) News. '-- ' r - '', -''.;'t Me : . L:i, t'-- i were net by a Last Friday at the Pleasahtori -- ; vK- i j to carry them to the navy tel Mrs. tPvJU' Bush of Sah Francisco , ;Mr. and Mra' Bert Lytell after' two t- - J - en escorted to the com-- : entertained rery Informally at . luncn- months ot restful 8, - a' vacation here, tzzz: : .'s Quarters for tea, : Prae-tLlc:- :. eon and a table of bridge in the after- left on the Sierra for New York City. ite entire .afternoon- - was neon was enjoyed. The guests "were Mrs. Lytell on - the stage is Miss ipe:.t f :;lcklr.? over the yard, the Madam Peck, Mrs., Theodore F. Lans- Evelyn Vaughn, and. both she and her ing and Miss Stella Peck. .. talented husband ; hope they i will re- .. A . crlt:;:' number ct ' turn for another season of stock. ' ' -:- ISLANDS . -- V cttrcrs cf the rsTal pet accompanied . OFF TOR; J V; i s--' v; ' f 't U.3 'rrs ca.. their, tour. -- All the JThe Misses Maria and Ruth, Pogue; - Donald Lewis," who has been' here Oil .';X''V guests eirressed.:.jtiieni8elves Dolly will sail on - as and Miss Peterson on a two weeks . to y visit " the E. D. Xc'.zz rrt-tl- ressed with, their trip Monday from San Francisco on tb Tenneys, left -- on ' this morning's a- e lv-- " -i .a d in their praise of the steamer Manoa: for' Maui,: Hawaii, steamer. A large crowd of the young-e- r torri. ty cf Capt and Mrs. Bennett. They will spend several months with smart set were On the wharf to E- ' " -n ranclsco Examiner. . th Missel Pogue's parents. Santa wish him bon .voyage. ' ' r Yoii wquldnt gun which would hesitate abot -- - 1 ' carry a CUra (CaL) Jourhal. . r"';-v;:-- ' -- "T ' V., v a V v-- 'V; - 0: THEIR HONEYMOON ; V .? Dean v'and Mrs. Armin Otto. Leusch-ne- r You to SAN FRANCISCO. CaL RETURN' FROM HONOLULU bf BerkehjyJ offihmypupiilled the trigger. vegot be ableto depend En route C CaU who have been i to Hcr.'!ulu, where they will pass a VMrs. Jules Bache, Miss Bache and here 'sinde the early." nart of ' June. portion , honeymoon,.: Miss Livingston returned from Hono on V.'xi With clothes step office 'cf their Mr. and left this morning's steamer with l pdtm:. into an or a llrs. II; rjrlrrtcn ; Pyne have been lulu en'.Tuesday and are onQe more the avowed Intention of returning as guests', at the "hotel" dur- at the Fairmont.' The NeW Yorkers soon asposiBible. - business-sui- t Talraont ; ballroom wear or a dress9suit - ' - a . ' ing the- past few days." Their mar- will 'be in California: several weeks ,'" x ' ; --,' :: riage as an event 6f much import- before going East San Francisco Mrs: A. G. Horn of Honolulu is the that-i- -- house-gues- s good ie ; :V 'V : t Mr.-an- to you perfectly and to reflect Ids in ance tbcially Jn .New Jersey last Bulletin. of; d Mrs. K C sure fit taCUth.;" ; ;V ; ' Hopper of Lihue. Mrs.' Horn Is accom- :.- - .The- - trlie was Miss. Florence "Led-yar- d HOME FROM HONOLULU r. panied by her two' small daughter. materials and care in worknia - 1.1 . t V . 4:. X!air. datghter of Mr. and Mrs. !. Squire Chamberlain, who 'has been Garden' Island. v - --' rA - C. Ledjard Blair of New York, where spending .some tlme in; Honolulu, re- r;- - r.:: ; x :":.r ' t'v. 4c she, has been a great social turned his home' In San Mateo a - Air. Mm. - r favorite. to' and FAriv n 4 The carriage was solemnized In St few. days , ago. San . Mateo - (Cal.) have had two weeks of delightful sight Ynti Pet the kehendahle nudities voti want in Mclnernv ' ' - - ; News.;-- ; , ; v .. John's church at Bernards'vtlle, N. J : seeing on ; Maul : and Hawaii. . They -- -- and we s followed by a large recep- came nome on Tuesday morning. Cl6thes?lSu$ suitings -- f: " :. v MR. WILLIAM H. CRANE HONORED . ; y - '; tion stBlalrsden. the handsome home v: !" s . V . V.J cf the ride at Far nills. On Sunday evening, around table ' Mr and Mrs. Jay jGould Wmalned a i 54 . The New. York guests arrived In a very exquisite with Hawaiian pink hi-- day longer on f ' Hawaii than they had special train. In. their, number were blscus, Mr. Henry ,R. Wolcott of Den- - planned and came back in the Mauna Kea Instead ot the Matsonia. 0 -- V','-: ?:'..,-- '. A very delightful reception and tea C1 u was given I at; the . Japanese consulate v yesterday afternoon. --About two hun- guests . 73 PARK! dred . were hidden. , .... "7 House of Courtesy (At the head of Keeannokn Street)"; : Messages of congratulations are be ing sent to - Mr: and Mrs. George P. i v r-rp- rt Merchant Drive up Sunday and enjoy the.wpnderful view and Cooke. A baby son born onTuesday and w 1s the delightful. reason. :. xool Makiki atmosphere.- - A real site for a realpme."v? mi?;and' Mrs. Caleb SurilkOf Maui left in1 the Matsonia : for a' three months visit to the east coast "Judge and Mrs.'. William B.: Lymer

' ' ' ' - " ' ' . ' "" . '. i - : . vi J: '.' ,.t :' ...... "'., ; '' V ' .' ...... bi;: HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2G, 101C.

i I Wednesday, July 21 A i ; 1 i msmm : MKRCArrnLE :. BU.Aslred J 1,11 IL Alexander & Baldwin... . . SOS COXG C Brewer L Co..."...... A FEW C3I JTC PART T: Ewa Plantation Cb.;V. , 37 -- ;37i C5 Si, jfllWiiID SHIPS 0L' HAS LAuGE Haiku Sugar. Co. . , -- H awai lan NAgr. Co . 4 ..... 1 . . ;a day win enable yon to; protccT yoor hobs C. 12 S3 " Hawaiian Co...'. ' - WJOl 45 V 46 ' loss by fire. See . : V v 1 V':' Hawaiian 8 agar Co. against . OF - i ffilY DELIVER CARGO 1'onokaa Sugar Co;.. X, . . luaiix- X ll? Bringing . man anoGir large i the Honomu Sugar Co...... 2o0 Oceanic steamer Sonoma" will arrive llutchinsoa Co.; -- front ' San' v Monday 3. Plant Mi here Francisco Kahuku Plantation 23 & GOOKE, LTD. morning at 7:20 and dock 10. Co... CASTLE I at Her. Kekaha Sugar Co...... v . ,. 22S ; CARGOES She will sail Sydney way a; ' :, for and Sugar Co; . . . 210 ; ntSTOAKCC A0EOT3 v ports the same Koloa . . I' - afternoon between 2 McBryde Sugar Co Ltd. 12H 124 and 3 o'clock, taking mail. , v; ' Oahu Sugar Co. 36U 36V; The Sonoma 1ias on board irono-lul- u With' roostera on the forward' deck many The V S. amy transport DU steam- for fc . - . That of the German merchant f Olaa Sugar Ca, Ltd. 19 19 T crowing, aloha to Honolulu, the Mat-so-n vessels seeking refuge In Portugal ed from. Nagasaki for? Honolulu July C99 bags of mail. 63 passengers. 55 .Onomea Sugar Co.. , to, port tons of freight and 2 tons of ex- I Steamer Lurlme arrived here this at the beginning of the war and,takeh 24 ad is expected reach, this Paauhau S. Plant. Co.... morning according press matter. , . s - . at daybreak and docked at Over by the . Portajtuese government August .8 lor s; lo .cable ad- Pacific Sugar MU1...... 20V 21 therV pas-senge- ra , Pier 10 st 7:15. The voyage from San following their declaration of war with vice received .Tuesday afternoon by To date have been seven - Co...... booked voyage . PaiaPlantatloa Francisco . vu c pleasant- one and Germariy.Tnay be sent out to discharge the, uaxtermaster's office.. ;- - . ; for the to Pepeekeo Sugar Co. . . . . C Sydney. " : BatnE: took day 13 tours and 20 minute. fheir cargoes ip the ports' fori which! . , The. DU" Is bringlna; for the "arm: r, Honeer MUl Co..:.,... 55 SH oj 13 Capt. Troel K. Smith matter and P. were rormeny news . 7522 i?tonar tbey bound is tne Icre ot "coal which ah San Carlos Min. Co.. Ltd. 15 - .... kH. Levy, purser. today advices from ag'asakV- - received here in loaded' at, and after ,'flia' HORSES SHOW HIGH . Walalua Agr. Co...... 36 374 - Mail for. Honolulu amounts to ZZC Melbourne, where negotiations are un- charging It wRl sail for Seattle, her Walluku Sugar t passengers,- - In- ; INTELLIGENCE WHEN Co...... LsJOE'0i baga; 47 cabin and der 'way to have a 'number, of the usual home port. ,4 : x MISCELLANEOUS steerage; -- express, 117 package; au- terned ateamera cargoes to i ; ' take their The'.DIx wDl probably bring mail, USED Tp UNLOAD BOAT Haiku F & P. Co, , :.; freight 400 - ' Ptd.. Llaitcd . tomobiles 13. and totals Australia..- 'y . bul as the icabUe did not mention pas- & "GoV e Haiku 'V. P. Com. :toos, of which 6026 ia for here and first Interned steamer to leave sengers It is doubtful whether she has '1374 Anlntere3ting"siht of, animal In Hawaiian Electric Co.... forKahuiul...... ' trill probably be the Adelaide, as she nay on . hoardVv telUgence may - for using "a letter it credit when issues K. It. K. etters - he witnessed . down Hawaiian Piheapple Co. 46 More good news Tor, the builders has a large cat go which was con ' on Pier 11 where the lumber schooner Hon. B. Co. Lfd . . . .v.. you travel. , There are plent? Is - of Credit Travelers and contractors that the Lurline signed- to Australian .firms. She Is Mary 125 tad : f R Foeter is .discharging her Hon. Gas Gbi Ltd..; . . .. more, two good rea- brought IC,000 sacks of cement It la now IX Loanda and with a Portuguese "but these tnrcujh-ou- cargo of lumber.; The lumber is for L. .... ; Checks available t Ia nott. R.T. ; "a email shipment but anyamount cfew is expected to proceed to Cape- Co...... sons should appeal ; to you. Allen & Robinson, and to naul away lnter-FaTah- d. S. vN. .Co. 190 200; preatly needed. Livestock on board town, there to be docked and over it ..V - " iiiiiiiES ,being placed on, - two Telephone Co. . 20 First,' Its convenience. Second. the world. - 44 after the dock Mutual .. was 35 crates of chickens ; and hauled before sailing for Australia. l'; 'y' : . . r j Bob Sport, sc X ety. can money mules. 'The; rest of her cargo cotiliV ' Negotiations are also proceeding be '' large white horses. and are Oahu Ry. L. Co,,. .X. Its saf You get - .: The American sail-d- j employed, and what these two horses Paha'n Rubber Co'. . , any let- ... ed prioc! pally . of . grain. vegetables, tween the British and . Portuguese coy' schooner Helene ... "without trouble and - : do hot know about unloading a schoon- - DIndings.. PUnta-- '' - and. hardware.- ; a view to settling terms from Port Gamble Tuesday; for Selma luacepUble fruit ernments with X ter of credit la cable TirAirerniia Honolulu.' : v ' ;: . er Is hot worth knowing, y tlon, Ltd . , 14 ' The Lurlln'e wD leave ToV.ttahuM ton Which other Teasels similarly situ Pd...', - -: swung Selma Dlndlnga neither, to forgery nor theft "and KiUniiyall Thursday evening, re- ated will be employed by the British srx - - : As the lumber Is .over the Plants AT LOWE3T RAT23 (4S 8 ; Investigate , you ; Tuesday government, and- - is anticipated that Theinett mail from San Francisco side and placed on a truck JJie driver tlon. Ltd.. Pd.) . further before turning Sunday to leave it ; ' 4 will Monday morning ' , Tanjong OJok Rubber" CO.' ... trip.;-- :i -- 1 they will, be settled on a satisfactory arrive on the calls, "Bob, and Bob walks sedately take. that ' morn In? for San FakcIsco. -;- " - "s :.XX:X: V '' '"' basis,' ; rv Oceanic liner Sonoma. X". over to the truck, is hitched .on and y BONDS yX rX ...' -- ' a xi ':. ; takes it to the .proper , pile , and then Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s:. ., . .. for-- Co. .6s . XX: . ;. . i . ,.; The next MnaR - San Francisco returns to his. station. When the next Hawaiian Irr. . - - . r vlizzzzzj icxrrrj RATES TO EfiGLAra - ...... - i i will go on the T steamer Per truck Is full. Snort goes through the Haw Ter.- 4 refundiJOS . . Per M atson. stir. Lurline, from San 'CDH0P 50 PERXENT; sia, Maru Monday. 'July;:31. ': same' performance. ' Reins, are not liawj Ter, 1' Pub. lmpsv . . . Banlrjof Hawaii, Ltd. An- vi.' Haw. .. Ter. Pub. , Imp.. ; today: Irene . used as' both horses .understand what : . Francisco, 1llas OTHERS REMAIN HIGH :i " (LIMITED) ki ;,;. v ' .'1912-W1- 3 -- - " The Oceanic steamer Sonoma, sail- says : to . them and follow series .. - '": "Arthur : Fort and Merchant drews, Mrs. Charles Andrews.' : ' i- - f ' "i ; the driver Zor: ed ,for., , . C . . .V. Baldwin,' Mrs, Arthur T. Baldwin, -- from Sau1 Francisco Hbnolalu Hit instructions as if they were human flaw. Ter. ... P. . NEW YORK. NrY. The drop lh y Miss Louise Baldwin. and i Sydney Tuesday ; afternoon at H.s w 'X'fiir .4:$ Henry Baldwin, ocean freight to England during . SUGAR FACTORS fates . v:-- ...... ; . . . . V Baldwin, Miss Bertha.M. BoOdy, 'was 50 per cent. Rates, 3:30. vv- HaV, .Ter. 311 ...... Fred June around Co.,"69i-'- . 95 99 COMMISSION MERCHANTS Mr a. L. Brcnaon, Miss Bronson. Kmc. Is Honokaa Sugar . to neutral. countries from which it -- following I Elisabeth Buck. Douglas Cooke, Henry . .The f Maul reported the T Hon. Gas Cu, Ltd., 5s . XK VSHIPPPING AND INSURANCE posaible lo reship to Teutonic nations . - Cooke'; Jr., P. Fur-ness- ,' sugar awaiting; shipment on . the Isi Hon. R,T. it U Cd, 1014 '.. ..: 'AGZNTs ; v. '.-'.- Cooke. J. PUtt remain- - practically unchanged, on ' ,; and-o- f Kauai;: Koloa .Ry, Co. 100 - IK 11? GoonYaaV ifra.' D. Uus jlhe stays up, 1870, Kilauea Kauai 6s....r.. r... ;' - . ' foodstuffs to France rate - VX - n, 7950., Hawaiian Z52Z, aicBryde 22,- McBryde Co. . f, . . tace, John' Jefferscn, Mrs. J Jeff France not so. abundantly, supplied Sugar, 5s. lOVa is 467, ZS.HOD ; Joena, Mrs. P. Joena, Miss Jfain- - Make and Kekah:pO0. Mutual Telephone 5s. . .V. .106 FORT ST,' HONOLULU, T. H. P.. as Knfiland with necessities. ? Ry. 105 ,:. -- G, will-turhl,t- O Oahu fc,n Co, Kstber Hiss Jecaie Joens Tcnchl ; WANTED Jcas, tenance of.rates four-maste- 5.. d Cfitl Co.- - (redeem-- . R. KlinkLardt, Mrs. G. It, Kllnkhardt, ships seeking theiToy ' The snip Marion Oahu S. . V Dorts neutral ; 1Q3 6. , Le?erer, ; cott; Capt. C. O. Anderson, from San iJarber Shop. able at at maturity) 408 108 ; Mrs. Barr, W...3. ffge beat paying tonnage. B'arber atPacheco'r . t withthe ; -. Liat of Officers and Directors - Francisco, arrived here today. Sbk tt, 'X7'XX. r. Olaa Sugar Co. .- ... 102 103 .11. J. L : -n, T, C. M'acdosild, AW.B, -- the- in- At .i resent weakness rates t 6.- n brought 15.000 barrels of oil and 750 G. 101 Xlmttsd. ;McAdar.;s, V,'.' B. Me Adams an J bp!n tJiou-- only in transatlantic Pacific Fert- Ca 6s E. F..BISH0P, v..:...Pre'Idtnt. HELP-vWANTE- 3,1 drums of distillate and other oils for D pacific Sugar Alill Co. 6s 100 daughter, i::..S'Crace .McAdiwR, ls. eL!, m :.u and lor goods to the Orient . G. H; RobERTSON; . Fct-tereo- Company, : - the Associaed Oil MIR.; Co. Vica-Preaide- n. B. :.t- ? Ainer- - r Xxi San;Carlos; "V?" X nt Manajer M. lIcGulre, Meier Ol'ir. r ta West Ihdiea find South' ComptenVi' mddle-age- d .: woman foi 'and 1 11. . v - Sugar Factors R; L re . - c ' l'tr.dtf, i a r.ila about the.sajae. .Tnere -- ; or; vAppiy- S3 j I VERS. , i - . .old three-maste- d Ori- - housekeeper nurse. ua Between Boards; 'Sales:; 150, R. v The schooner : f.l T. s" ( 'for Stax-Bulletl- Vice-Preside-nt G; Ponti. j.;H. Prc'Ur, !L;Rosc.: e a bee a a aittht increase 3S3r o. 653731 Commission crchants , - and Secretary "Lv--AV- . cntaTr.bbllt in Bath. Me.. In 1874. and i.y UUt, stcan-iSr.i- bleit, Mrs.. it.'. Kcse&l connections PanamaJ .Vlce-Prtii:- at' fh" Ork-- McBryde, 10O JlcBryde . Insurance-Arjent- s r GARTLEY, . nt ;A.-.'N- ; well known the .Pacific and 12; anil A Echrara, DrX ElncUivRcr 20 Sugar Cd,', 36; 10O, .Treai-T- tr , for many year's, was burn 30; Oahu1; 200, E. A. R. ROSS. fcss-:r- Mrs. Rcy Skaug," Miss 'Mildred eaial trade - 14-c- - ISO;-- 15, 15. 50 Ewa," 37 ; O, 50 40, F r z ci s co,r . Tuesday f E. H. Adams, ed July y oruer of tne govern- ;f REAL ESTATE GEO. R. CARTER. ...Director 15, 125 SOWaialua, 31; 200, 65 J. U. Aiirrecoechea, D. A. Blue, Joseph menu anar ixxas ' m can . Francisco 914 acres. Kalmukl, $3800; easy term's. '25. C.H. COOKE. .r....DIre:i3r ' & - . 52 : 100 ; St ... . ::.: e ia,. C. Burch, Miss ; EsteRe narbor 10 years. .,i.:X::X--- t :,X agents C. ' Clark, Mano'a. H.C S. Ca; H. C. . .Acint for . J. R. GALT...... DIrtctsr T.; See : A - orU -- -- - S. Co., . , X X 4 X. COOKE, . . . . .CIrtctar I ro R, tRubb, Mis . E. Buehm. ... M. V:-- vir ' 6537 1 - 52. - R. A. ... 2t Hawaiian Ckmsurcitl & Sugar .Au-.t- : X : . D. G. MAY. ; . . i .". or ;.er Mats;-- U today .'. , r.;r..berg,:' .Caleb Brown, Mrs. As 4 result of he of Jutland JBessiohi Sales , 20 Walalua, 37:1 ' ... .r battle ,Comp"any ;; 1 1 ;..;;,'.V.':' j: yVAt,.cV'A..i5; ; :. 1 Ls E.'TJobne, . Mrs.' ;J. B. 200' British merchant steamers have v i i - V 'MINERAL 20-Oa- ; I rr. "rd, II. L.-L.- u ' '...nVl infant... !'. RKcii arrived in England .from the .Baltic; SSOrSojMS, Sugar Co., 3614 ; Haiku SugarCompany. ;: ; : . . V.V J.MR"1 Cleraoni, having'"; through. ' J5 wedisfr is; 25, 10 n. c; & S. Co- 53.'; v i Plantatlonu.' ; ';.' j H. i . . . ;:i,n.v lM ... S.r Cannon, proceeded - i Pala -- . JLX .w;aters.5 Vnot.ice of, jssuIeof; stoc;k ; : ihX C. ens, Miss- Cem'ons.'MUs territorial The vessels hav$ v . .jlaul Agricultural Cocapany. ; :. C. r . Mrai;? In --since, ''. . WrtTir.P : .. 'rs. J..C. .t. Jr. :C.Crowfef been detained theBaltie thf : 1 ; .Notice f-I- tgiven to the Hawaiian Sugar Company."t A. Clt: .1 : iala?'' MlssHettyleigh Clan-- t beginning, of the war.N'. J July 25,. 1916.. " J. r::?..r.,I' i 1 Stockholders V of . Mlherai Products AJIonoluluTlU -- Kahuku Plantation Company! v; I 1 Doyle. - - CANKERS Co: , . Cr- -i c.iWfcr!, Cook, J.j, Walter Oahu Sugar Company is this date ''t Company, at,, .meeting- of - the .: 1 ..thatr a "Company. : (V i. - Cc 3, - E. C Dana, ,G.t Desmond, With every-ounc-e; pf freight that on the new .hasla of 16.000,000 cap . MaBryde Sugar 4 yearly en Cavlr;i. oV J. J. T.Trc I f fof held; July tul. ay ' , ;aU Board: Directors ;25th, kaaujul Coc, V. . c:.:rcX : :: H. c:.,u i:;j. i;.:j,JUl F. EdsalirD. Elsert, could' be icrammed Into her and ; Railroad C'ompany. .poaita, eompouniad.llia - Issue of 34,513 shares of the ' ' 1916the : ; : r U- : M atson -- ;vrtv- - -- MI: i C. C. ::: .c .rt,;Mtssv Farley, 4L staterooms, taken the liner l5'N0TlCEv;v;' f ; Rallflfay Company. ', y vAnnuaIly. c.v.-v- treasury stock was. authorized,;. to be Kauai . -, I . . ll.,G;Fryy .lefjt for Sah this Cc :., '. i. t - r; E. Freese; Mrs. Matsonia Francisco ; .v pro ; Stockholders Ilonblulu, H; ulyi, 1916, , & Co Ltd. : , .' offered rata to the Kauai Fruit Land ir. :rrs.' :. "G. i . . : N. Gay,' Oscar GiU. morning at 10 j. o'clock. The freight ' " ' ; . Ai a meeting Of the boaxdof direc- " ; the Company as of record at the T . ' ml ir. 1 i . : li. Ccrrell, F,' Bi Gnrrin, E..H totaled well over lft.ooa tons and there ot. ' Honolua Ranch. ., ' - Co i.. c on 31st. day. of tors of the KoIoiS ugar Compahy It YOKOHAMA C?CJ- -. . . ' i c.-- ,W. were 200 V c"os hi business the. THE i:n. S. Cii - u. C. i Ci t u," iVGay, IL C'Greig, Mm. 'cibln 'P$s8ehgefs; v xJ Voted , s, Jttlyvl9i6, oUowlng" terms: was to pay hi addition to the . CANK, LIMITED. ' ;.-- i). Nt', Hc-kin- ijpoHe Mrs. P. CCirir; ii;ciii;-- F. E, Mrs; L. W: Howard an4 1 X per Inter-Islan- v stockholder, be jehtltled regular monthly .dividends IX- - W. D...,a, i..u-- Mrs., Alf Hayman. from Kauai "the d ste'anf Each shall of. Dria. Mrs. l)can,Ira.,M. t, F.;lIa,: i pay ' new:, cent, thev followlngs .extra ; divtdeftds: tjCapItai sutscjihed.."'.U3.' I B. Doollttle, W. Dulsenberg, Mrs. E. M. - Horner, - Mrs. ;; L. er,; Maul arrived here this, morning to take and fot ne share 'Mrs. , twenty already August 1; 6 percent extra; October I, m U. W. HALSEY h CO. up...i...S0,CCDp::3 D-tr.- -- tor each shares of stock Capital paid ey. B. 1C. DwIgtt,.U r . KaTanagh,-- iJ. with 16 cabin and 17 deck passengers. T. U Miss Jones, A. L. J. 6 per 'cent extra; December 1, 6 pier York,v. i San Francisco, ...... 23,4:3,CC3 C.;:Kel-eh- ,. cargo dog, heid.Mn. cash atjar. Nonstockholder Nw - Reserve fund V,'. D:nke!?reM. Dr. A.L, Day, Mrs. C. Keller, Mrs. ;A. Keipen, Misa Her consisted of one. 'one : v.-'--- .,f ghaii tetany fractional ceht extra.--..-.'-- .; CMcaao.-'- " ; .. . AWOKI, Local ri--'-- '. - A. Drev, Mis C Eaton, M ks C M. Mrs. Madalene Kay, V. 1& Ludl- crate cnldensV 18 tuba sake, "7;pTecesv be.entiUed ... -- T-T- . ' share or shares.'. Every stockholder Ferguson, ow, M. Leonard, Miss G. Lythgoes B. lumber, 47 cases, pears, 4123 bags of ; OWn, ralrwcatter. Missel. xK Ws Offer and Recommend r L.v Fletcher,-- G, u-Fene LJhue , sugar, nd 20 packages electing to take "his pro rata of said Hl'x" .Inotice.. ;f F: hey. J. K. Farley, ' Larkin. Bert Lyteil, Mrs.: Ly tell, :of r - file- -- HoholuluiJuiy ; ! -. now: Bhares shall written notice v ; '. 2501916. I ? rr. V,'. Fir- Miss. I!.'.EIg& Murphy .Mrs, .C.."Mer!liajit, J'J.' sundries, viiJVESTdEfiTDOnDS a t v w ; Copy .of to- : : 3 J. Mrs. J. Mciri'crtLnr'Iia.r.-UlcKe'niie- ' T. a ilarconlgram received !'. u..:r. V. Gr..Cui Mrt. - t. - 1--- ' : Joai-Int- Assis JSetretary; 'oT Com- day FOil - ll-- - Gr'iT.aa',-"A.'- - r tbe- tant the .from Francisco office of 3.50 to ; rc , s il.- IV J"., IC 1 IcCann, ICFJiltrrisohV.L.- - MU--J Thr Standard .OliXoKipany Is the .Saa , At Prices to Net eXOft DGGp ' Miss" IS paaiy ;Bethelk Street m.'Hono the Hutchinson, Sugar plantation Com- r s. Mi?.' A. F. 'Crirriths.'Mtift luT Wiiiiira f.teyer,.'; M&her, vessels .constructed at Ihe.iaew V day - x-- ? ? Glf-- j 4,ne before , the iatlt pany:; '':. xxx ,:;"V. -' 1 :, H. CRUCE - f . :rs. 71. Grcbie.' Jr S.r M'..1ii&gar(I Miss urAvrtonV.IC Chester. VPa'ir;ShTparo8Smce luIuTlX.' oh'r A. It ; ' divt-dend'Jul- y, : ("oerner, L..E. Goodinan, P'Ccanor, yvHiss, Dd( B'rtM&h. ,gbveitniea commandeered 52 of August, , Tutchinson declared f extra . SCO CanJc of Hawaii Cltfj. --'. vi;. Northrup.f J. J. , Brit-ia- h by "demed 20, 'of 20 ': ) . . De Grant, A..Hud-- i "MT4." V Doats sailing taken said date will 'he iCn'ts :per share, 1319 r.t. Mrs. F. Oatmah,: John . O'Neil; G. ', K jt' their under the . Telephone D.'.i:cfn:pIster-C.'Hiyneman- , con- p making dividend payable August Pierce, Master G. E. .Pierce -- Mfss . J Tag", the company has placed 10.nave. Deen aecunea A"? wlu M" total Honolulu Repreaentatlvs 50 per - 4 , Ar-W(.-P- posed of. by Directrf,'togefher 5. cents share."- '.X. : a, Hatch, AW J. Harry; H. Preciado, .Mrs. tracts for 30 . vessels .on the Atlantic the xXXxA palmar, .s,nch Har-- 'Ran-colp- h, with all fractional sharesjl'o. : r Harry; . T. B, Howell. J. i terson, George' RusselL Mrs. L. ; ; XX manner as they shall determTne.1 L . :Vs:.J. Harrah, Misa William RosettI, Mrs. WIlliani v: 'X Itr hereby yea i ! r. Hulbard,. 7. Holbrook, .Mrs. Rosettl, Georgo Rounes; E.f Ramac Robert B.' Booth, treasurer of the Notice further that 'MEAT MARKET & GROCERY (.. T . Company, today the stock books of the Coniiny jwill ".Lrock, Mlss'H. Hitchcock, .P. Sheedy. . Fred . Waldron left " C 51" ciottl, J. E. Sheedy, Mrs. J. E. . Thayer Fidna Lt . I : n be to from the 1st; to C. IL Jones, Miss R.. Kerns, P; S. Smith,--J- U Steinfleld; .H. axaisonisror.au Tancisco closed transfers ; J.wrtuie ? ! AcgusC 1916, both Says 143.lS3.HoUI ::13 . : .2 gain.. Miss H. Kastle, E. H. A. Settelmeyer. Mrs. Settcl--l the Jath of :;;PiiO;S3451. Steefe. E "f ujupib. ; Kene-iT-). prob--w ; s ' h'i Suiiarv W.-'H.-- wfR included.. 6.14cts U r. Mrs:; C. F Kohl, Miss J. meyer. ZHss ' Schulte'rtV- however. iii : Mrs. 'i'-Knuppe-, Dr. J.J W. Le nci Tt . striA. r : rt H.J.PH1x I hly predominate as. he lias .beeit In- - Dated, Honolulu, TV H., July 2Cth, i ye hop A co. A r A f y, R. L Llllie, Mrs. R. t. Lillie; Wormser. Mrs. vwormser.' Miss r !ited "n trlP hy James Hind, 1916. - i - raith : GRAlljlil; ; '. Henry- Vaterhouse Trust Cd. r Ixr-o- n, M San shipping man. fllATT. M.f J. Mrs. J. London, Ford, Wormser, J. A. : Weinberger,. Mrs. Francisco Itn r 'n ; ' : : Ieusch-r.T- , Secretary." J . LavTence, Prof. A. O. , Assistant' . Welnfcergen Parke Wilson, Miss D. ' Lii: LTD. : W- - -- MORGAN CO., LTD. D. F. CJLLINCHA.M CO, Mrs. A. O. Leuschner, D. . M. Roes R;; Grace-- . Conipapjr chartered 6537- July 26.9. August 4l8,itl.. l( J.F. Weltemeyer, ,Mra. E; , Freese,' X' " ; ; CAyj I.m . J;'M. Lewis, Mrs. J. M. Lewis, ;cabin-- G Casslngbami, the Jaoancse1 atet mer Hokkal 'Maru Members Honolulu Stock and Bond j, STOCK BROKERS ; pno: Second C; . U' : BOATMAN, ARIZONA;' -. I:. Mrs."R. Lu.tke, Miss S. Mcr-- July. I2.vtb xirry merchandise to the .;..Exc"haft3e .. - ..-.- V4ke, ' Edwards, Mrs. C.rE Ferguson. Mrs..E, .X; :r . . . ;. Information Furnished and Loans FlrW, Accli.-t.C-- .;." : ; America's greatest gold mining fcamp. ' Llf, r., ' T. Martin. tF. A. Montgomery, - west coast of South . America. This B. Johnson, Mrs. George Lich, Miss go)d. j Fort and Merchant Streets ? ilacadam,' G. Merritt, A Mur- - Is . ; fi rat; since . connec- where some of the biggest mines ' C M. D. MacKinnon, J. E Fate, Mrs the time their " .a Telephone aiarehant Culfilrj. : ; of the country ' are being developed. . i. MIsb W. w. M. P. tion with the American international Streeltir Fate. Mra. Mcintosh, and son, C 1 15.000,000 im, gold ore bloced-:o- t fct Phone, 1572. n man. M. A. Meyer, Mrs. G. R. Corporation that they have chartered There are . horses.;-an- Meehan," Mrs. William Paty, T. Parr, one yearu. n :x l9.5l FOP. .. re. FV3C Muckerinan, ,Ms. F. a Japanese vessel, and shipping men nemine 40, teas tnan mules In kansas;.wotth $153,7ul50, S.:LZ ' ' -- J.tfaVUui Parr, JcM;laWlIlsji;i COilCi ICth ave VHzlo. C.- - D.' MHIikln, Mrs. believe "that presages the? The Mihinst Press Is an Independent ; $160 Lots ' r. 'reman, this ,anl-mal- Parr, Mrs. B. M. Ryan, ' Mrs J. S. Vh: Almost the hOrsei are draft i; R REN T $3 per mo. .; , 3 all, FO JIO down, . :::rir.er. Mfsi McIIraltlj. W.C. ral use ..of Japanese; boats for the I tr.srp 'Toiir children; vMIss ; end-to- . gaa; ' ,1500-rL- ots near : vaad Ji feouth 4 XX vJjefiksviJviag Jail 'developments-- inl proportion in this class Electricity screens la all houses. 475x20ff, 4taave., i !?, 3. AV. .McCcrd. Mlis tl B. : V - - "American trade. ThronaS.': ? - : ; 114 . , . . - ::.'-.m- s E. M, Niles, A. Orani. f .';:.' vsaiuiiw uu mi otuer if , is .Increasing. Neat house car.. . r '..-P- 1,-- i' r MaunaiKea: for, '.itilo - ; location; 125. - '"i' nr. 'a." 11 AV, :f. ttr. 4 GOLD. COPPER AND SILVER bpusa fia $1800 Lot Ifci. Perry. Tra:t, PctcrscVflrs: and Lahalna, 10 a. in. Gala mprnlng-Mis- s DEtiTSCftLAUD DYE CARGO 123. 9 SSJ sq. f: :L ; ., J.- - raulso'a, S."Psu!ioiU-'- Dr. mihrnj district of Arizon. Nevada HOPCE house; fine, location;. ' School and Xmr.a, L. Hoogs, Miss M. Hoogs, JEL H. Large $30. v. A". : -- la. Mrs:. II. Rente..',. Miss A. MAY BRING, THIRTY MILLION and , Calif 6rnla.: A three months'.. Sub- r .WhUe,;MIss Alice to-."i-n ) .. MIfS S." Reuton,'-II.- Raymond, KimabeH. A..lSom: scription la paper will be iflvcn During my absence, from the terri- rp. e. ers.' Berhhard Lewrin.r Mrs. E. N. . .SCHNACK. : srn,ue:i I. C. Recers,' C, Rich, Mrs. "C. X WASHINGTON, Dv G. The, 50 ton ABSOLUTELY FREE upon Request. tory. Dr,. Rs V. Pena will have , full J. H. ? : Wanty Bids- - S..i:b Tt. Meyer j X- - Opp. 3 )libS-P- . Scholefleld. MW Anita Miss , 842 Kaahumanu St, Bishop Bank :. ... RichiTIrs.L: G..Rca-- r ciViOi-.of- U the; German, suhpiae J,writfe fo it, today. No Obligation. charge of myf practise: M. --Wong; Miss MrJ - 1 1." - Wing, Miss Laddt probably mil- , 1 v- COOPfiR, M, D. , S. Rand. Mrs," H. S. ; Rand. Deutschland amounts to THE MINING PRES$ii?i-- : CIUS, P; Sertqft the-Amer-tc- : : and Mrs. R. Brown,;Dr. ah 6536-3- t X-- C.- J. and W. HeUman Angefes. ... 1' J. :tte. P. Starr, H. Swoboda, lions of dollars in value on I. Bldg, Los Cal. - ; - ;. AM - , ; .- a v HAWAII rnxrir : I wife, Mr. and Mrs. BoardnianFither . X. . va.- AX A. market; opinion or Jos.iiA . ; : ."Suhers,. G. Scbafllnt, 1n;the SS"5? a t i u a ' J ; 0O, LTD. r.-- - Ottc, Father Hubert, Mrs. Amoy'Aho, I.. ' : Stevens. O.- Smith, Mrsv' J. Ralph superintendentof ; the' bureau )xiMtrl' Master Aho, Mr. Mrs. H. W. Rice, " - ' ' : A- . C. and engraving. government: plant : ? ;:.'V-.-- ' . 4 1 f t ! "... V-- i- - 1 :asd, W. Mrs. cf The : if V i 4 , , V Shin.. W.ll. kz.'- ' .( - T1 '",1s-':' ' j r- ty '"- f HongiCbo G Rawlins.' T: H. Fraser, '.Urge v if '..-- t . Cirrles sn Trlia , r, Dr. I. J. Shepherd, Mrav V J. Is the ,userJof tine dyestuffs '' : t'gham, . i rd, Miss U Shepherd, Miss C. TI Cunal Jiha Ktabciaial and and .Mr, Ralh's estimate is based oh' Eualneas n ail iu f rd. Mrs. R. C SupleeMfss .M. wife,; P. ,iJIoogs,C, Wpbls, Misa J. the assdmptioh that'the'GermaB boat brahchaaV A '. Woods, Mrs.-- ! Miss I . Steffin. W. B.. olarpi inr'LoolbourowV was pnnci)jauy loaaca wun coloring ' : f ewis. Miss, F. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. U, ; ' i ., . V B. Sharp, Miss II. Sharp," L matfer:? h:.;:-- i i d J Desmond,, Dr;-an- Mrs. Sex- m William MILL COMPANY, LTD,.;. Mrs. J. Sullivan. W. Sullivan, the submarine carried the most .I CITY, SHELL FLAKES ton, Z,. lw Myers; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. expensive probably Importers of oest inmuer and building Mr?, .V.. .SnlllTan; S. Seieel. Miss V.E. colors, as ir 'did. t ; fdeA For Infayln D Luxa Baldwin party. H. Murayama. Mr. cargo, imajfwrell-.lirin- g Do riot have the now is npt tirrte to build give j f '.ci G. M. Turner. F. E, Thomp-- f and the from :$ 20 that the niaterlals.! Prices low,and .we - - 0K0XEtfe3 - T , t J c :i. :es E. Thomas, liss M. Tbom-s- and Mrs.'. S. 'Oyama.'.G.ur.- Wv.Bara-- to- - ISOa' pound. For example, Vic- youiL. or.der .prompt UeattaaVwhelbcF KKa-mafopn- UeoauWIlrunber" hnn-dred- i, j v 1 Is m$. i We can offeryou lowest prices a & , M i s. B.' S. Taylor, Mrs. J. F. Vaile, hart, Daniel Sweed.;RevS. toria ilue. is Tjiow selling at $30 a large or small. We have built HAWAII SOUTH ' " per- - SEAf V:h" Mrs, Hoofi: Dock. . i K: pound, old cents a - . houses in this city witb CURIO CO. , V P. Cleef, F. Van Cleef. Mrs. wbereia .it foi40. in this market for Lumber,- - Windows . and .poors. at : -- : per'L-L's'tr- .. ,;v f you M. n. and 3 children. W. J. . Maul,' for. KauaJL today. pound Xefore Hie war. ' . X ' fect satisfaction If want to build . - V'escctt : Younj EulSi!r j i:?' r'.:-'!v-v-.:vi- 'X X-.- i V " ,' Mrs. V7; J. Whit, Mrs. W. --J- ..:- K. 6apulding."Mrs. Mclllrath, C. . ; "German dyes . .are.-- of . a higher y;,' consult usj - '. And at All Hotel News - ' :; :scn and ciiUd and mild, F. F. Cropp, Martiii T.: Dreier,, Mls's aratcjr. grade , Ihin ; ;uy we . produce. v They GOOtt Standi.' 4, -- : BUJLD NOW'''jWHILE WEATHER IS --V rd. E. AVslI. Mrs. WarV Miss Ilofgaard, A. C'Iva4ahknu, Ibis's are' picker and the' colors are finer. ; r..E.C.Tat-rhcrse- ,' U. Wynne, Lulu Richards, Mrs. Hodger, F Good-wl- a. Many colors we are not able to make i p. W, '.:r-.-- .; L ; : ; i. V,rrue;. Jr. Mrs.. Wytca. II. Goraah,;L Scott, Pflue at all sat'afactorily. There will be no j-'-- r 1 V Mrs, E. IL Warner. Mrs. ge'r," Wta."Xhalmers". ; ' x xX difficulty In finding c market for all a. II:: ,V,-rt- Miss A. Warren. S. the ship's cargo at the prices I; have 12.QQ Wi. Clics. Vest. H. F ht. J. D. i The; American steamer- - Capt, A, F. mentioned." Astrumtng that the cargo 0 CO. OF Lucaa' San Tues-"- is as claimed. 750 tons, R is 1 ' - HOU INSURANCE HAWAII 7er.rMf!:. Mrf. J. D. z'rrJrh. Mr?. arrived at Francisco ond that River ind Pauahi 6tsV v ; V: b; Box 367 R.-'- Zace and InfanU Miss "M Zelle.-Te- r ayfrom KaB uTu ; trom;. yiWchX slie air dyesluTEllts 'sale "valuer.al$2na; ' i - Oceanic atr. vsrerra, for - San sailed .July tt.r.::.:: ri IX 'X'- - pouhd.- wouTd be ;$30,0oo,. VT ::X ft KINO STREET. vC0R.NSR FORT

"ir " V


ivS ' v v. - . .'.--' - r .1 4

Y.-- E. Filing Systems 4 - m of sun u F' . - - - i i - - j . - - :L"'''j4V;u' ' n ; au-r- - VAIT UI.TiL m ANCILS' - niysiEiiY 10 'J0' AT 7:10 O'CLOCK- "t t - Introduce ' ' m v fSS" - compact- - fS- BY IIUHEEOUS . ' EBPEATED :COimiCTrJADE v. .7.

HAMM-YOUN- O -; IT beauty :. THE von 00,- r. i . . Ljo; .WonoiuTuftr'' 1J. , - Now Hope to Get '.Supervisors1 Acliori Frontage Tax ; Agent . !:'"7i'3i-TnA5I-c;:d;:- - ' efficiency N?J ; Cooperation; On JCalakaua -- 'DflVMiER' Law Will' tie "Begun On T - i1 VP f. Day Celebration 5 Agreed Facts : V r 1 : ? . . j S!?BYTHE!S2;:,-:;- offices. Auto Sfiariclo are-nn- e suc- . Marx, RENTS, ; Sugsestions that the Ralakaua . Herbert . Brooks, fresh from Frear, .Prosse", Anderson m.Also: Six other. selected reels "Laxureb cf Tears1 ia 3 ...FOR ''T s attorneys in-4e- ' E - paving Improvement be rushed to cesses "down under, comes to the for .local bankers'.who , - K f- KING & NUUANU AliTOk8TANp parts; ' ,,IIeart3 re ! -' lol completion in November and that on BUou r theater Friday eveninif with a to test the validity of bonds is- VWierd Nelesis,, in 2 parts, - VV5f Units; Cty Hardware Co., Agents frontage laws, ' " November 16, Kalakana Day, a civic line of mystery that kept movia sued under the tax hare ny v. tba for " 'I t m? vtr1 : Phone '058 ? celebration be held alotf? the rnew fans "of 'Australia and, New" Zealand determined to the filing of. V . ' ; -- . Prices-1- 0, 20 SO "r-- InrTT boulevard, were' made to. the super- guessing for ; the last year and a half. the teat.case until after the. flaal con- and Cents visors last night by the just-forme- d As a matter of fact they , are ' still tract for the' Manoa work .has een civic affairs .committee of the ttotaxy trying to figure out just what Brooks signed and "the iond filed by the con- HERBERT BROOKS .Garqgp Club. . Chairman, Berndt of -- the com has "up his sleeve. All this provided tractor, P. R. Ritchie, which .will prob- Ccniral 1 mittee, reported today he and his Uhe 'jBtories ably te Friday. V" , ;' ,'; AUTp REPAIRS AND WELOINQ' that that drift thyocgh to the ; colleasues are much gratied at the mainland rrom tne southern continent ; The suit will be brnsht in the name You save the pieces, we save the parts response they received and at the are. authentic and, tccording toen of B'. von Damm; An Injunction re- Hawaiian Ncvg Co., Ltd. spirit of cooperation shown, Puller, the ;big theatrical magnate straining the iity treasurer' from sell- ; " f ; ing will BI8H0P STREET King and South Phone'2200 The committee ponsists of ,Mr. down - there, Brooks is head and the bonds first be sought The Berndti' Irving Hurd, f3. L. .Cjoopsr.- - J. shoulders over. anjthlng,that has been date for opening the bids is August 5 v I 3. BelseT and JL W Perkins. "Several country many, and this may have to be postponed to - Seen in that in' jears. ;'., '::- , : HERBERT- - : g other matte rs'bf interest to these .Ro-taria-ns Also, on .Friday night's program give' the bankers" and: the city's at- i v Per-kin- . , -. . up night, s torneys time to draw up and file . fast also.'. ' V.- 4- . .. Auto Repairs tame there will appear one of Broadway's ' : Grass Linen jni Pongee YVslst .heard' of the project ,to widen favorites 1n tA.Night,Outf'.May Rob. briefs. ; .;. ;; ? .r .. ' "' " v - Motel project" menaces ' to-b- friendly-on- e ' Patterns .: . street, which son is' the star In' question and tho The Luit Is a and i. his photo " studio business; ' while -- ' YEC CHAN A ' the comedy In which she Is presented to brought on an agreed statement of CO. -- ' ' ishpp And Queen. jTeL; j2182 discussion ,on '.using Asia park during patrens of the' "noiseless" drama .has facts. A."M.: Cristy, acting city, attor- Corner. i Kins vnd ;Bethel JBtreets Cooper, who the. .Carnival Interested brought , her into instant favor in net ney, and R.tB. 'Anderson of the firm ' ; is one of 'the" Joint concessionaires new .line' of endeavor. ; :, z ; " acting . for the bankers have had a planning' an amusement " city at the number of conferences and Intend to , . story, deals with TGrandmnm," jv ) a, were Inter-- ine JuA park. As businessmen, all - push the case with all possible speed. .lJlIlJv FOR ALL PURPOSES HONOLULU.PHOTQ that's Slay Robson, who has lived a P ested in the various paving, bond issue - fuiritah-Ica- they Bscs, Cups. J sedate, life, dominated by a- l faywt Paper Plates, subjects discussed; .1 ; 1 .mm. w. . CO. . and similar Berndt . straight-lace- d r 'i , Napkins nd Jewels etc A will report to .Thursday .and husband. Upon v:;y the ciub next -- T7- his demise she determines -- l.'.pvr. KODAK .HEADpUARTET, ;v and expect to get a re- to' "see AMKAW. JAPER.CO, Ltd. . the,Rotaran8 life? ;and, finding her. daughter to have -- ,8treat port each weekly; lunch from' this : Phone 1410 Fort ?t" at inherited vthe ' : i. traits of the father,, she committee;' y.:-l- v ' ) i : J Ashman Beaven, Mgr. 'r': compelled xoung -- i i ! Is to turn to her wild g Chairman" and Secretary X'. '' : ' : ; : ), 7 Beindt crro n A arm a tn&'mtA : ' ! v it - Taylor talked ovef this proposed Kala-kau- a avenue-Kalakau- a ,Day celebration ' V7. W. AEMt A CO Grutnh2en's JBIue Ribbon; enthusiastically this' morning. They believe that It "the supervisors itake hold and businessmen in the district liSIl affected-brin- g forward no more pro- id Bethel completed by - Frederick Perry, who proved a pop- HAWAIIAN ORUGrCO...v-;- .v-tw- tsi2 tests,' the paving can he , H November1 ular idol with patrons of the Hawaii to v Hotel and Bethel Streets ; - 16. They point but that If ago, he appeared at somV such celebration is decided on, a few weeks when ' that playhouse In "Doctor :Rameau ispew - ntm fine' advertising will be as it a asset with the performance of this i - : sured Hawaii," to get tourists for No keturns 1 " : - ' vember. ' "of J.qne u , "The Apaehes .Paris,1 of the similar .offering'.and one with ta strong most :'ntovel ''"ever con- & leading fa- screen dramas punch. Perry is former ; so-call- H ceived, gives Laura Hamilton a wider vorite on tie . legitimate f.viriERrjy SHOE STORE field for the display of her uni'.iue stage and ,his successes on the boards ; EliEIS'lESJO! histrionic talents, and amasing versa- being equaled-rsom- e cjalm ex-cel- ed - are now ' .. r 1029 Fort .St. .MS;S!lO::' Fort above King :6L n tility: any photqirpiay-i- ; ; than .in, other; on the screen. t. F RID AY. NIGHT which she has yet appeared. h "The Family Stain,', the laUst Perry W --strong ;The ApachesirPas'AA release. Is a drama that reaches rH RESERVED --SEATS NOW ON; SALE PHONE 3337 Have ycaHad 'Yon-- f act Broadway production which cpms well Into the melodramatic, as do .so d. j. Fet G0.",IM. ' cash:.:a.t to the JEire..ihetr:to;day.;i;.yJb8ii many 'of the Fox films a .feature , - TENT8 AND AWNINGS Tootographed,,: Yet? ; Smjthr" who Recently achieved re- which makes them of deepest interest HERBERT 3R00KS- - HERBERT BROOn-G- , hat Luau & Canopies Rant -- fol- Tents for EEQ4AI1 BOOT, nown on the . tlramatic, has; a and Is responsible "for 'their jlarge v Thirty Years' Experience SHOP te ap- ficroriSJiiK lead: ng pa rt . , ilias .Hamilton: also lowing here and elsewhere. It is based . SL, Allen and . boys,' r Fort near upstairs. v Tort Hotel, Streets ); pears and possesses as a on the exchange of infant a fa dancer, Smith .svtll m embered ther subsUtuting his illegitimate Child to have Introduced the famous Apache for the son of his wife.' ;In after years ' popular actor, William H. Crane, the dance to..the American theater ; going crime Is discovered and a woman -- the announced hls '.election .tcT the presidency public some years' ago. A revival of who knew of' the"-- transaction mur- TheiVatcrhqusi Co.; Ltd. -- i Of the ;Come Back Club' just this dance Is the motif for." a pre- dered, r The result .iri mystery that 'ffllilEE . -- -vf-r -- iujij ;BJLEY JJcdcrrrcod typewriters. before leftjia the . Watsonii .today. sentation ofthe play, fdoes not clear until inal-- reel ,is ' le t thef ' , :- -. ; ' : . jwai , el.ec.ted : screen, r ; ' vCranb iid'mnated and The Story-'- deals' Mrith a young thrown across the ' At 2:1 4 o'clock : At 7:40 o'clock rt f ', - L !444j Furniture Co. ' by vCxane wentx urthef than American girl; studying1 5 music in ' i .' ...4 YOTJ1TQ nbmi-hatip- BUILDHTQ thaL 'H.O' recommended ttat th'e n Paris, who "succumbs.' machina- a ie- to the REPAIRS TO: FEDERAL ;; B; vbe nnanimons. ItVas' seconded tions 'of an tmsnipulouc' wretch; LASKY : cclamation-tb- y JESSE U COMPANY PRESENTS , V ' And -- man; COURT NEARLY CfONE carried bjhearty ' Later the Darcelle, tries to ruin .Crane. ;".": , ; the girl's younger -- sister. The manner ' y". - many . ". " date', i- ;WAL"I3n - ;: have .been Honolulu in which retribution overtakes 15; an CHARLOTTE Ccllcjian Clctbts noiroLULu .nusiq,co.; There. ' the August; .inot earlier with a friendly ' " ; repairs 'fcr-'.-''::,;- visitor's who have .left villain is shown in a denoument of should see the completion of ' no-- ; feeling the-- ' islands, but one tremendous W6flvy''r-i''- lmprov0mentsin federal build- 99 SYerything Music for s, and the quite so -- Two-Tire- Xi TraiZ Lonzzzr 2 - Particular . Peoph "1 r: ever, sang Hawaii's praises 'Between fs a bolster ing In Fort street,; The .new root i fTAe of f: 2 P:n2 footlights, to .Clarion;- - arce-cdmed- y ' ' .cext tha loud as this elderly artist of the ons f with Franklin ',H ut-- has been completed, as" well as much THE.GREATEST REIGNING TJIEATRICAL SUCCESS OP KECE.NT At THE CLARION . V ; : v ' -- . ( Phone 14i7. V who has brought the smile and cninson In'tthe title toie.' f Of the Interior' decorative work. In YEARS. A .YIRQINA ZIUUN- - QWETUt. DIIAIIA OF .THE the tear to millions. v ,; ' HS the judges' chambers," the court room, "I am certainly coming back to. Ho- the " clerks office, and the marshal's 1 .. nolulu, next year if JUcan get away.T and attorneys offices the walls have Employing . Souvenir Novelties the For, that Pnrei he said at parting, And I should' like been - given new coats of paint; the COAT-OFRM- S, old-time- rs ; HAWAIIAN . to call together about six floors have received like treatment Delicious Ice Cream ' - :, - ' ' of the stage like myself and put on a and new- plaster Jhas' been applied "The Hed Circle"- ... . Flneasortment r) ' " : Telephone 4225 play people of Honolulu, where needed. ' ' ; ; H. CULM AN; .LTDi;'.FeYSt St. little for the CLOSES TODAY ; I beiieve they would appreciate A. S.; Cbnnmgliam, Mgr. for ' ' RAW LEY'S :-" , . ; - it," . ; PRICES: 'lO.- JJ, 3a fCENT3- - DOX SEAT3: W CLMT3 Crane says his here has made : ,-'-- visit I I r K I . i F--J Wtcb for th;CrtatSerial him at least 10 years younger. ? . Romance and melodrama t are; de- TbQGEEY lightfully .combined ,in The;;TiaiK of rcr Prirats D:tccUvc3 V7fco : " v"7" .V'' Limited;, MYSTERY OF MXARN'S the .nesqmetPinei'the Paramount Program Beginning at 1:30 6. m Un THE KQN GLA . Oltdn.r.c:ults, Call picture--; strong mag- ' '' a 'GOOD that I;proving p. m: ! - t .;..: With Pearl Whit3 and Crefih'cW Hafe."" j THE STp RE FOR : -- trt f' -- TITLE QFGENERAL,5 net at he .Liberty theater during the . CLOTHES - Shows), 6:30 8:33 ; 4 w first"- - It-- Evening (Twr and Bcwcra' Merchant Patrcl N half, of -- the tweek. wills be :;.JLM Building, King'vStreet. GETS FINAL-SOLUTIO- ' , SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR TODAY 5" -- ; An-- -- f fif . 8hQjft'n:fpr.,the;las.t;ttoe.tonighL 1515. ; 1079 - . VN--'n'h- Ahkea ..; ' r r :h'v; ?lzz2 - ' AND EVENING. ': ' V ' other ,blg drjiwlng card at this popu- (four-pi-rt - Apaches "of " Paris Vi ' - The mystery is solved! ."y lar playhouse is t"Jhe Red Circle,' the "''- - fbr-in- er y that-lsbroug- Kalem. question whyJeffMcCarri serial photo-pla- ht to a Jhe , 'Between' Twpr Fires (comedy), Vita-- PO ''gen-eraT- v . CiiS n D. S. attorney, had the title cloe . with; the present Instalment. iLLET73 r preceding his .name,? has been Thousands ..of Honolulans have Re--v ' for-th- L.4 Manufactured to Order .and answered, byr one who '. IS . from the .story e last 14 weeki i . - , . .paired, :Work .Guaranteed ,r South and: who; professes to knerw..1 while still other thousands have seen 3C ' ' - : - E..GO"v1ES :; ; answer; v':7 a number of different instalments. ,11 ""1 .;rv" J, Here .is the; -- 307 Boston feldg. - - Ip Tennessee, McCarn's home state, are avloiis to :learn.;th e outcome. and, the prosecuting attorneys-o- f the (vari- as consequqeneQ, the final chapter conr.iEricir.'R attorneys-genera- l; is beln largely attended- - vV;-;'-r:,V-- :v ous counties' are. known as . : : c. leading IF' YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN For the National Guard In fact, attorney-genera- l .is Charlotte , Walker, ,in tho Tonight at 7:40 -- " . , role .of the Paramouhtieature, Jives : - , - '. r NEWSPAPERS CAP,T.,M0,S3 PUBLICATJONS the official title of their , office: . i'Wi . i ...... - ' On one occasion, says the man from an Exceptionally; : fine . portrayal of at An Time, Call on or For. the Boy Scout ' vi , UgJ Artere the South; McCarn served a county June, a typical child of Xhe .Virginia 'a '.:4 .; J ; Write , BOOKS' OF INSTRUCTION mountains .ancl the "moqnsh,ine beltT - In the capacity of prosecuting attor- ,.At '.,c.lQse jhatnre 'and lives .WILLUM JEOX : PRESEN f TI1C DAKE ADVHHTISING GEKCT. 'j ney,- or attorney-genera- l, and there- June Utes 'to 1 great out 14 Sanson Etrret Sad Franclsoo after became known as "General' Mc and" breathes the of the d rs. , She Ipvea her,nat4y e hijls, her Cam. "All .of i the attorneys-genera- l - family and their!illicit traff c, !but her in Tennessee are given the" titl- of pn -- - -- Jove !for Uhe '.'revenue qfficer sant 'scA.lZoiiQQ. general ,lt stated. ; r .t is. their .trail jroves exen stronger .ana ' f.rCHES:JEY COFFEE CO. The man r from the South contends 4And l)istinshushed'.Cast In Cang Ylen Kee, formerly of Nyuanu, McCarn might have secured the June enttwiiyMg.p k - I iCQFFEE that .ear Kin;, It now located wat- 1f3 S. ROASTERS title of had he stopped off V. H.-- Y. General Six hnnddmenbersblfhe?Vvm Iirg SL,cpp. Dealers In Old Kona Coffee in Louisville,Ky4 couple of days. - hardware, "and. household, utensils; en's .FederaUcft pf V.CluJ) Ms'lted the JLnyway,' his explanation . appears to ' SL HoneluiM esutfc Johtilp: Rockefeller t pfum'JInj snd tinning. Phone 4727. Merchant vup mystery of why McCarn of Tar' - clear the; N.v iTTi . .nt ry'town: .r. Petlatmg fcr, :rirety , "'gt-nen- - . was cabled L Crst,n-!.th- e loil kinsedge !itheomc5i PACIFIC Ef.'GUJEERUJG - and wenV to 'the-I- nkslfv otaT. ZQlt; Z k : YOUR RIGHT LIBRARIES - V co;;.PAriY, LIMITED FURNISH HOME STATE OrV t- f r throughout With our ; -- -' ' j3y flying It Consulting, Dpt'nlr-a . and" vCon- MAINLAND WRITE FOR :.-;- '; dependable electric fixtures. . etructlrg . Engineers. I " r.' Birildings. Strut-- 1 ; " ,0TIUTIES REPOTS; Bridpes.' Couureta : ELECTRIC 8HOP" J f lures, Steel Ctructures. Sanitary, 8y hone344 ' ;?..T. 11S5 Fort SL-- Pro)-- . Of tfrns. Reports; ind Estimates, on' --Secretary Henry: IV O'SulIivan.' 4ravVrA " r : cctn. :Fhoft ioiS..' ' " - the public utilities, .commission today AT GTJABD Founded n jEmile Gab- - ' bIx lib- APHAL I received Jrtquiriea from itate -- ...... : CHOP SUI '; , ' raries on" the mainland for the' com 1 on?.UB v w 83 North King Street "V mission's reports,: lle, will mail them ; V ,l ' 'The;!Wiuo?; Lerouge.1 ' ' Smith) ; - (Between Maunakea and copies of .tlfe annual report of CHOP lSla lilVJUI Call and see pur brand new - organiza ; the commission .Mainland - Music-T- he !A; apdi!-thrillin- - HOUSE Everything - ;r: Hawaiian best that v6 wrful SUI Nmt: Phone' 1574, v lion's " secia to ho interested in : 11 a y ' "Clean .r - has eWv'beenrwnished at , '. and waii's 'commission as numerous . re Tabies.rnay be reserved by phone, ' 'k: I o u f 'dan'ceff-Th- mu slo alcne quests - ; reports recently s ;: - for its have ? m NoM713 :i - - lieirthUfe .admlSsion jxefsbnsfour WIRELESS: been received. :; : - f !Vl Myu '"' 1 'L ' ...... "". ''Oresalated ZytU'X, 'SaiuVylJuili-- ! r''i-'pfcjr- The tnevy ,top Mount .EvereBt in ; inflamed c e SfiiSTrC Eei bv cxdo Steamer India t!sjjJa:nly-tTlsib;- ,to Un;idj?d te -- utoSss,Dsslandt:2l " Enlisted': ' "'V fofntg 107. rrilet" distant ; - 8enefit Dance. for Baskets ckly reucved bv Ksriss; " ' '" ' M! - ''"''!;':: Men's; Clubrooma r V To Orfief. 7L-i- yeCedy.NoSmardr& u : . ' - ; -, ! ! V- - &t Cfe, CmnaltHl Seluia Free "fcOc." '. 'XCKS!- CROWD TOIHGHT tntlme4 ty expoour u . no, IXisl ai wind tust Eve Comfort O At . i Admission , ! C PhouV I t'l l te.ieTtd by ilurina e R - No iWglrtVjOc per &Ktle. ttarint Ej - Your .v.--.- lufct A. s&ut Vra. . (Latfiei Free) ibrtinr, ii rt. , lor br mail, 6c ' Vuttle. For Book v th tIyeinTubct25c. rornsossiiBCLyerTOiwc Xr tree, ak SCoriM Xy ftcmsdy CoCkia8o. JQnmisu or Kariac tjt Ccmciy Cs., CUcra EIGHT- -

, lielics Are ronna ' 01 1 tf (o jQij Dun tUMIUM cilili JTdliU : . - 11 . III . I "TT1 . n Jl .1 rV 1 I I 111! W M H K km A. m H W A. m HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAYINO CO., LTD. IS P02O2 4931 J. J. RELSETl, Zlanagcr. 'iriD)i Being Removed SERVICE FIBSl STORAGE 65 TO 71 SOUTH QUEEN ST. s, Mortat the dead from a cemetery eounds difficult and it is really mow so than it sounds. Charlea Osborne or.WIUiams' undertaking parlors has WILLIAM H; CRANE PLANS HAWAIIAN such a task, and although he has en- r countered considerable trouble, the work la Interesting. f Williams contract is to remoTe for NIfiHT AT LAMBS' CLUB, NEW YORIt the-remain- the Territorial Hotel Company s i o. . of about 60 bodies said td lie c.3..uSltt5-- in the old Kawalahao cemetery, across Kalakaua avenue . from the Moana Noted Actor Will Make It a waii and the .Hawaiian atmosphere as hotel people have he has seen it on his visit here. When Hotel. The . " leased the property from the Kawaia-Ua- o Unique Event; Loaded With the day; for. the celebration arrives: :;... trustees, trith the proviso that Leis as He Leaves New York will be shivering in winter ' ' th bodies be reinterred in the old weather but inside the club rooms the Trust Company, unlike warmth the Pacific islands will Tlie Hawaiian an in Kavaiaho cemetery at the corner of The Lambs Club of New York, the of Kmg and Punchbowl streets. America, be found. Hawaiian music will sound' dividual Executor, has no personal interests most, famous actor club in corners, luscious pine- employed 20 hold night, from hidden which take up the time should be devoted Osborne has about Is going to a Hawaiian apples wHl be served and rooms that tln dig up plot 16. the workmen to the entire November represent . is management of an estate which - will be decorated to Ha to the has been and to" - place the bones which are The idea originated in the fertile wan. says of Will-la- m entrusted to its care. r v . found .In new caskets. He that brain and enthusiastic heart special although there were only supposed to H. Crane, noted actor, who has Crane plans also to have a are about been visiting the islands and left to- play put on for the occasion and spec be 50; he believes there arranged. 50,000 from the number of bones found day bn the Matsonia a strong booster ial music will be Our complete facilities and equipment, The actor's eyes were filled with so far. ' for all things Hawaiian. K1 eighteen years of successful experience, and the before he left this morning tears not stage tears, either at the . is superintending Just While Osborne soon Matsonia this morning. More than a this company makes a business of the cemetery removal, a gang of he announced his plans and as fact thati - dozen people who knew him only from Japanese are tearing down the old as he gets to New York will start serving in trust capacities enable us to develop preparations for his unique event across the footlights went to the dock Walklkl church, which has stood for carrying 'lels. to hedeck their friend the resources of an estate in so expert a manner 60 years, is said. Razing the This morning he arranged wjjth the about it have them of the stage. Many of them had seen ; nearly Promotion Committee to as to assure to the beneficiaries the largest pos- building is not the task that large him play for mdre than two decades. send for the occasion a number ' ' the cemetery removal is and the old . ". Then he had a host . of friends made sible returns. ":.Y'y I :'"'Y ;.'. ;' edifice has cone down The of Jeis, pineapples and other Hawaii- fast. an products and he. has promised to locally during his ."brief visit; Happy, Japanese paid small amount for the teary-eye- d, si a keep the committee informed of his perspiring bedecked and ex building, trut is worth 531 im- ;POTECTIOINT lumber in the it preparations and send them the full bubbling over with praise for. Hawaii Consult with our officers regarding this little 'because of its worm-eate- d con- he stood on the deck, and .waved many Four ttrcnj steel cables hold every Federal tire firmly . program of events so that the people ob- - , portant matter it will placcyou under no to ths wheel rim. No danger of tiro dition. ';;;-'.- -- of Honolulu may know what is taking farewells td. the4crowd on the pier. bate breaking . incidents Many Interesting and place in. New York on that day. "I want to bepresldent of the Come-Bac-k ligation of any kind to do so. and tire coins off the rim. The greatest improvement turned ' up during the building. stories have Crane's plans are to represent to Club he shouted as the steamer in modern tiro Found only in r grewsome operations In the cemetery. the members of the Lambs' Club Ha moved out Several very old Hawaiians who knew "'f some of those now in. the graves have MURDERED ARCHDUKE'S SON TederaT gathered in the graveyard to talk over OODS REPORT FOUNDS -- SOCIETY OF PRAYER DOUBLE-CABLE-BAS- eld times. Prom these conversations E TIRES it is gleaned that the graveyard bears BERLIN'; Germany. A Venice des- No mere costly than ordinary .unprotected tires. some who were buried over a century patch says Prince Maximilllan Hoh en- - . Made in Rugged and Plain ago and that the church , was built berg, son of thelmurdered Archduke . IIONOLTJLU. II. T. treads all sizes for. during the reign of Kamehameha V. TO BE FAVORABLE Ferdinand. heir ; to - the Austrian f standard rims. . ; One of the interesting ancient Ha- throne, has founded the "Youths' As- CAPlTAt&SUDPLUS(r)d400,000CS. waiian customs which has been re- sociation of Prayer for a Speedy and vived and brought to light by the dig- Favorable Peace.- - The association ging operations was the habit of TO HOTEL PROJECT has 14.000 musters. placing money in the hands of their Kcrdiner Vulcanizing Co., Ltd. dead so they, might,have funds to fur iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii;:;;;:;;ii:i. . tzish sustenance in the great beyond. TIIE VALUE OF TRUTH '. With one of the Kelki babies which (Contlnuea from page one) . THE HONOLULU RUBBER WORKS' - .Truthin business b just as important was was 25 r- :' unearthed a Hawaiian ' " d - ' eyerydayjife; truth creates cent: piece . bearing the date "1883-an- this morning as truth in 1 -- VJIf. Woods,":. heTf.eaidr;"the. Star good-wi- ll ; ; V; the picture of King Kalakaua.' It confidence; establishes and Wilio Pia Lid .1175 Alakea Street . m Phono 2434 tr ;ietf Honolulu peo- ifi C(3.i is also said that one of the chiefs was Bulletin wants to builds a reliability that v will not' be c e Transigr - yovi -- burlekl there1 with a piece of gold valued ple just what .will recommend. wrecked by the storms of competition.' 'Nothing:, Counts Like ServicoV at 500 In his hand.- - It Is needless to They are vitally, interested and yant ; 174 King Street, next to Youh ;:" F you Through three . generations': people Bldg' say that everyone -- is ont the sharp to know. We io not wish to press f "will .you report?! have learned to place reliance onthe prize. V;r f but how lookout for such a " Y . There are said to be 14 members of "Very .favorably," v. advertised words of Scott's Emulsion, aTOBING, PACgINQ: AND SHIPPDTG OF OTUIlinTimS, , . building ' Unex-aggerat- ed the ' family - alone in old ".Will that mean here or because' they are unUrnishedj Keikl the ; ; taking .over already established busi- burial ground : : - : '; truisms" about a household ness in local hotels or both?! ' ETC., FEEIGHT HAULERS AND GENERAL ESPEE:3 Something was found In -- ' remedy of real and actual worth. 4 . j of interest, K 1 cannot say-t'?- V Y YY 'Y, most . graves. a ' Emulsion of the For' Instance '"When will ourjproject .begin?";, The popularity of Scott V BUSmESS TJ. S. MAIL CAEPJERS. watch of ancient make was discovered as1, , "As Boon Xju i.nave sufficient is increasing as mtelligence advances, In : the casket of Paia. ThewIdow, now steamers and decentf roads." . because these days of adulterations 95 years old, was there to see the op- in Woods said many nice things about continues to guarantee pure cod livtr oil erations- and ordered the watch - it ' - left Honolulu bub not ajbout her highways. medicinally perfected with glycerin and ... .4 with the - bones. Z The watch was of : "It has been ; truly said that one hypophospfaites to build strength, im- - Phonoo: r and In very good,; condition, v, silver does not have .to die to go to heaven, piove the blood and strengthen the lungs. he remarked, but after riding over is free from harmful drugs-- a whole- ,f It ' some of the roadshere he might as some food-tonic- ", tfothfaliy advertised. IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi O&U i Y 15-- 20 Veil be dead." . ScoU & Bciwnc.'Toronlo, AWAR06P, r. 7 .,That Honolulu . ouid have mora GRAIID PftlZE steamers soon, ,Woods was confident Whether the roada . become better de- . t' ATV BOTH ' . people :: . ' . July 24, 1916.-- pends on. the here, he said. V CAUFORIllA '" Hawaii Needs to Do. ? Special drders No. 121. . j- - : What EXPOSITIONS ' Mr. Woods 1. Under exceptional clrcumstan In an earlier statement 4 said: I . if-- -- Y ces, leave . of. absence for two months e ."First Furnish more and better and tweniy-ihre- days to take effect now ex upon ; arrival at San; Francisco, CaL, transportation facilities than 1st between the coast and the islands. on or about . Aug. 12, 1916, is granted ' Furnish, more far more J Captain Pelham D. Glassford, 1st "Second accommodation tnan now ex Field Artillery; ; : r ; v : : "hotel' ;:h.:v:a)ytr-iYY:,- : wi 2. - Pursuant : to instructions from the "war department, Private George "Third Improve your automobile SImm8, Company H,r 25th Infantry, roads. , '7Y-- 'Y ,- to; McDowell, Cain TAs to ship transportation, I cannot will be sent Fort highly accommoda- on the first , available transport fot speak too of the - ' ' tions and the service on the Matsonia. discharge. .. ; jthe passea .' " ' , Fenrlch, The Matsonia and smaller Cole Agents for Hawaii v"? 4. Private George W. runhlng are, how Company , Gr 2nd Infantry, Is trans- ger boats now here : ever, entlrely Insufficient to meet the U-- l ferred to Troop G, 4th Cavalry, and 1 . not 1 personally know Barracks, i present demands. . will proceed a Schofield 1 Ltd. that there are v many who desire to Gcncolveor.Go., 5. ; exceptional circumstances Under come to Honolulu who are not coming, " -- leave of absence for two months and accommo- . y. v:.;. Queen SW because they cannot get the twenty-thre- e days to take effect upon on or dation that they want in the steamers. arrival at San Francisco, Cal persons whom you want thou 12; 1916, Is granted 2nd The kind of about August want to "come here are not George S. Gay, 1st Field Ar and who k Lieut ) a ' ' content: tc make one of three in tlllery. stateroom, nor to take back or poorly -- y -- ;..5r ; Y:: ', : ventilated rooms. .'They want the best " . rY: r Special Orders No.; 120 Is be had, and will not, come dance there td . 2nd Company, ' ' 1. Private Carl Sitz, unless they can get-i- t :YYj' Coast Artillery Corps, Fort De Russy, - " "As to hotel accommodations,- - do : Is 'transferred to the Quartermaster criticizing yet fundamentally important proceed to Honolulu pot understand me as the Corps, and win quality or management of the present and report to the Department Quar Moana, duty with Honolulu hotels.' 1 am. staying at the termaster for the could accommo- llli: not DepoC ; and I be better 1 Detachment," Quartermastef any-- 1 'Y dated or more courteously treated' you - pumps Corps.' ; . . '. ' the enlisted where. . v V ''"" '' Qre 2. The following named point is that your Pi!! men Medical Department wiC "The I make wear. They must of the high-clas- s accoinmodation is entirely proceed to the stations Indicated af More-- especially do the respective names and report too HmitedV ' er' their better class of the-Americ- traveling be easy, "snug to the commanding, officers thereof fot public Insist upon private "baths being temporary duty: Private First Class every. room. The ex- flexible. Russy ; connected with' and Robert E. Brown, to Fort De tension of facilities now going on is Private Gardner E. Bortle, to Fort my belief is ; : ' -- most commendable, but auto-- -- the '? new - ' without; rl Rnger.r i::. . ,Y ,rY.:. that .much greater accommodation is J ? oth-- is now under construction : bur new rrapliic feature, but .1.-- 4 - needed than Such indeed are OROWNEO WHEN BOAT UPSETS meet the demands of the traveling .: AVe to "erwise exactly the same as the' newest niodels.5 public. vi-';'y- . - ' pumps for men. In. patent LEXINGTON. Anne Em-br- y, you per- $6.00,' KY.Miss "As to' automobile roads, . ; stock. Formerly1 sold y "non-skid- have a few left in at niece of H, Clay Howard, former-J- haps do not understand down here or dull calf leather, " ; United, to ) 'whiIe'theylat;:"':.tV-;vf;- States misister Peru; how the demand for automobile roads - all rubber soles, Mrs. Frances Champs and . Eugene has developed during the last two or or Bucbtganl have ; been, drowned "here. three years all over the United States. most recent thin They were trying to go aboard a barge Automobiles have passed from being a and the In. the Kentucky from a launch necessity. There river luxury to a positive , Dancing - Oxford in when It capsized. were hundreds of soled $5.00 Seven others ' are so many places where each ' thrown into the water. ' miles Of perfect automobile roads are patent leather.. bow available tourists that great numbers simplyt.(will (not; go to any i Supply Co., Ltd. place which lacks good automobile Kcnolulu Photo '.'.',. Prices $5.00 and $5.50 .r6adiYY:.i':i:-- .island " I went around thls the other here and Ha-lel- Everythins PhotograpUic . Fort Street day. The road between was perfect On the windward V side of the island it was not so bad i(c(cloXUJhr as its reputation, but at the same time, it was not what it ought to be. The road between town and the Moana hotel is the absolute limit I cannot BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL GOODS understand how; bo intelligent a com- Shoe Store In clnerny munity can permit it to exist its present condition.' Phone 1523 FONG INN & CO. m Fort Street ; l y ; Nuuanu-St.- , near Pauahi St. - Tbca Ycnr Eyes UttC Care Try Flcrine Eye Dcmtdy "There is tin's .indifference:- between' happiness' and wisdom: he that thinks hinisdf tlic liappie$t SPORTS, CLASSIFIED AND.SHIPPING '"' man really is so; but he that thinks himself the r SECTION : wisest is generally the srcaWst fool." Colton.



tFRICE OF SUGAR Man Sought By HEAWAYIS MADE Steel Man Sails V LD VEST DAYS Gotham Musician POWDEREXPERT Mother 'Believed Away; Isjappy--- Terms H6nololu

iHOtDSMELL To-Beln-Haw- aii And Uninterviewed Honeymoonamp i 4 Little Journey by Good Looking Honeymoon Camp thafs you, (Hono- UNDER PRESSURE iflFCIIV STREETS lulu! CAUSED TRAGEDY Young Reporter and Itsi R- The call of Waikiki and Kilauea U : now heard roar of Niagara I . - : :.- Dictographipally abcvethe if esultTold Falls ami the gush of Old Faithful In Fifty An- No D Despite Adverse Influences Several Projects are Consider- Sometimes, when you interview a Thousand Visitors at Geyser tn Yellowstone NationaV Park Finds Trace of Timing you nual Pictur- by newly weds. Hawaii Is the latest ?.nd Market Advance of Eighth ed by Board of Supervisors steel magnate don't. Celebration See tiling vice Doubts Theory of Star-Bulleti- n in wedding tours. ' ' reporter telephoned - Is Scored I A esque Stunts' says and' Viewed .With' Favor Charles J, Harrah. once president of Victor Harris so; his wife Premeditation Steel Corporation, this does, too. They ought to know. They (Special correspondence from Nev- - the Jlldvale CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 2J. Chey- (.WoriateJ Pr by Federal Wireleni) King street extension, Hotel street morning at the Moanai came clear from New York City, pass- &. Day fa- SAX KKANC1SCO. CaL. July 2C rra Callaghan, 99 Wall Street, New widening, KMakauaavenue Improve- you few mo enne's Frontier celebration, ing up scores of "sighing"' places, just York). "I want to see for a mous as MardI range Experts who have been investigat- ment, Boach Walkr improvement and you leave on the Mat "the Gras of the to try out the islands. NEW YORK, July 14. con came ments before country," and heralded by Wyoming ing the bomb explosion Saturday last, TV Smith stfey exgftision all be sonia." "Your skies and sun and surf have tinued Laying of raw F, O. B. Cuba lore the hfaxdy of supervisors last as the greatest of all tournaments of completely ousted the Eastern resorts which killed seven persons and Injur- Harrah laughed hack: No you two-stor- e by England and otuer foreign toua night and After more or less discus-sfc- n 'wild western": sports, opened today as honeymoon headquarters." Harris ed others, yesterday threw inquiry from reject way. don't. 1 am the ulalnest. homeliest with hundreds ;of cowboys and cow- doubt on the theory that the catastro- frits, and the Increased each was sent on its man you ever saw." said this morning. "Why, on the the trade for refined here, ap. girls from the various western states Moana night I phe was the work of a murderous" domestic None wers jreld At Moana the persisting re lanai last counted six 11 the of and fiend or fiends, by asserting 3 were the sustaining 'factors to the A cp in bids on King street was pongee entered for the contests skill honeymoon couples, and this is in the that the week. porter found five ft?t of si!k daring. summer explosion might have been acci- market this Notwithrt'ndlnt outhorized after the engineer's report load leis. "I guess time, too." temporary cdvem influences, such as by f baking under a of Cheyenne claims. In its Frontier Day Knownover dental. had been accepted the board. I see. him all." the breadth of the United . don't want to after which twen- Arthur Crane, the chief of theso the cutting of prices for granulated Beach Walk assessment ordinance celebrations of this is the States as a music conductor and com-tose- r. . thought the newspaper .man, "for he's experts, employed by Indulged in by Philadelphia refiners passed first reading and later this tieth,1 to have originated the idea of Harris snatched ud the nret- - the .Hercules of ' certainly Hid away." preserving picturesque and roman- Powder Company, after examining and tbe selling of week publication will begin. . After the tiest student in? his Gotham conser ac 7 They shook bands. features of the early days. In the the fragments of the bomb, declared . raws in port by one refiner, oa publication it has to pass two more - tic vatory, married her forthwith and "Young- man." boomed the leied cdmaiit-te- e that he was ex- count of congestion at refinery d ck. ( readings, be signed by the mayor "and program that the celebration Liked for Honolulu. - convinced that the - one;1 "come' with me." has arranged it has endeavored to plosive It had contained waa gelatlue . at a slight concession In price, the published times before U De- Mrs. Harris was Miss Catherine .three In a quiet corner he said: surpass all previous .'Frontier Days dynamite, and that perhaps tt bid ; net result of this week's transactions comes law actual collection of. the - Lawrence Richardson, daughter of and ' ' "go-dcvil- " well-drille- l-- ' "I want you to say the nicest had a rs nbows an advance of in the pric HOWARD E. HUNT assessments; begirt" ' " witlr a eontinuous "succession" 'of Airs. George H. Richardson. They such as oil things possible about the Moana and for- - use In of Cubas ' and .13c in the price of 'Kaiakaua avenue project is to go "thrillH'' the four days that the were married in June at the Church make of firing the float Philias Poirier in particular. Lay It x : charge Porto Ricos. as compared with closing Have you sen this young man? ahead, despite protests of Ter present festival lasts. of the Messiah. Amone the ushers that releases the oil. As ha the the on heavy. Set your typewriter at busting, re- had been prices of last week. The advancing He is Howard E. Hunt. 26 veam nM Company and Guar There will be' broncho was Emillo de Goforza, famous able to find no signs of ritorial Hotel the ' ' bull-dogging,- the tendency manifest early in an Omaha youth who was discharged single space and use capital letter?. lay racing. ". steer rop- timing device, he was Inclinr-- d to tho became dian Trust; Company, ffor their offer you try, you singer. Their marnaee was a notable c. 96 deg. c No matter how. hard ing and similar contests without end; belief that the explosion waa of an the week when 3 basis from the U. S. S. San , Diego in San to withdraw protests, amounting society event and both their can't! say nearly the nlce thfngs about and squaw races have a wide accidental character. & t, was paid by refiners for a limit- FTancl3co March .1915. and is hnv bc to 23 per cent of the frontage, If they Indian "war dances circle or mends among the Bocial to- full-bloode- d clear-anc- e. ; him as his guests who are leaving by Indians, bucking1 con- ed quantity'of Cubas for prompt lieved to be in .Honolulu. The last they- - eleet of the metropolis. received assurance that would fancy" demon- and 7.20c basis 96 deg. c. I. f. trace of him was in San Francisco, improve- day think."' tests, "plain and' lariat "We've been here two not again be assessed for "But about yourself I would like to strations, and finally major events weeks and suriDOSed' 10-ye- the' was paid', for two' small "parcels 'of where he 'is to havetakeri ar we will be ments during , the life of the ' here two more, but at - the- - ask something," interrupted the man 4he ladies" relay' race; gentlemen's s neaby Porto Ricos. Following these Matson steamer Matsonla," which that half long bonds was not' accepted by the board. newspaper. "How relay1 champion bucking it isn't enough," they transactions, although . a temporary arrived here June 20. !; from the about the race and the ; ' Land Offered $18,000 v : both declare. for - ?" ; of 7"7 -- was felt on account of the His father died Mav 24. 1916. and hi 'price of steel- contesC Thousands dollars' in xah ' f setback An 'offer from the powsett estate, and Honolulu hasn't drawn her bow -- Drost hep words were choked in tbe prizes, saddles belts,' hats, boots sale of about 47,000, Lags of. Cubas '.la mother is rated with srief in of city en Further strong enough in her own ac- - PATROL BOAT LOSSES w made at the instance the posted. ' favor, port .at.,5. 1-- basis.. 86, deg. c, f.. Omaha home. His uncle, M. A. Past, reporter's'' mouth' as the "steel" arms other trophies have been coramg SMALL, REPORTS ADMIRALTY .y A gineer, to sell property neded "for " participants in the to tne musician, and should . for- - is H6w' on the Pacific coast searching entwined him and drew him close Among the" Vice-Admlr- recovery was rapid, and the - Ps-cif- ie LONDON, England. 'July 26. al " the ; extension of Smith street 10 advertise more. He says the promptly for him. - the into the perfuming leis. " r events will be John' EbKendrick, gov raer basis for Cubas .. was, Queen street to the city for $18,00 a Coast residents are cognizant of Beacon, commander of the pa- , Ydane Hunt is '5 feet 11 inches In "Young 'man,' magnate told ernor of Wyoming, who was himself - restored by later sales , on the same the Hawaii's charms, of trol flotilla guarding the North Sea waa referred to the ways and means fine-lookin-g career, but east nnvor height, .weighs 200, pounds, light com- - him, "you're a boy and cowboy at ah early stage of his " day of some 20,000 hags' of Cubas for committee. As the money will be re- knowledge of the islands is meager and the English Channel has made a 3-- I you: ' you may who broncho busting as well prompt clearance at 5 8c basis 96 piexion and is .smooth raced. like Some day be a and has' report covering the funded, either through the operation of jkblitlcal achievements to his cred and rudimentary. activities of the ) deg. &, and an advance of .07c Mrs. Hunt resides at 2208 Miami great writer. But (and his voice as country under his command for tbe past c Omaha, the frontage tax laws br, through sub- or major events "wiu "This should have a first over last prices paid was established street, Neb. dropped to a stage whisper) you can't it 'Winner the class ship tooting six months, and parts of the document scription; it" Is probable that the offer : : ' carfy-'th- e world's champion. in to every harbor by accep- Will ydu hela to find, her missing Interview me." title bf y have been published by ad- for Porto. Ricos refiners ; every otner-da- the British will be accepted. of western at least," was one of ' . ap- riders other - 1 ting G0,000-0,O0- O bags of these sugars. r The reporter saw the street car The best miralty. v' ... The Hotel street widening project round-up- s to tne the visitor's comment ' "Then Hono- afloat prompt shipment, at 6.270 proaching. He made a dash for It' have been attracted The admiral says that of the 21,000 for took on new life when Supervisor celebration and their struggle wilt' be lulu would be getting some small part L firraerjrend "So long," called back. 1 vessels of all. basis deg. c LLThe Charles N. Arnold, chairman of the he. "world's worst horses" out- of what she deserves." kinds that have passed of raw prices stimulated. a better de- ciTy:AFFAms:AND - ? r "Good luck," echoed the visitor, with the the patrol line from Dover to Calais ; roads committee, requested that it - laws trom the wildest ranges remain Harris disclaimed any connection to for refined so much so - ' "and "aloha." during the last six months only one in mand .that - - ' ' the other musical SUPERVISOR NOTES be referred to his committee. "We ing In- the western states: ' i Harris made famous - Philadelphia refiners, who. had, lower- He . took , .the steamer uninter- years a thousand. or 21 ships, 'have been we nave ago by the song which - have a new project,, or rather have : One of the" many novelties that has been - v ,? viewed. . ,J lost or damaged. . , ed their quotations' to 7.45c and 7J0c - sung all over Amendments ' to c the nurchasine dug up an old one, and want to carry been planned is a raca from Denver to the world, "After the less 2 per cent, were offered a large tjm 1 Of the' boats engaged In tha active . agent ordinance nassed second reading It through," he said. "We intend to Cheyenne between a:r aeroplane, an Ball." The other Harris also lives in . part which they accepted ' " patrol of the seas, says the report, business, of ' ' ' ' New York, says - . and were printed. ' straighten Hotel street', not only oi automobile and a railroad; train. Victor Harris. - , restorlng prices' to 7.65c less ordered four per cent have been sunk by i before the Ewa side of Fort street, but also celebration Is sl public enter- On the matter of Hawaii as a sum- v per quoted The mines or submarines, and he has lost 2 cent the jametbasls as v v people mer says: 1 by . Two Janitors of the Kauluwela on the Waikiki. side, A piece about prise, being controlled the resort Harris 27 ,. by local refiners. The buying move--' - orricers and men. r- - ., - vho- - mm-ttaftiQ- - tki property- oc-- f of Cheyenne and being 8Uge4iin.the. 'Your climate - here now is inff - menV Intetoedrgraduarrf"errended school eighttl(iepot- asked more: pay in cupied', by the. Mott-Smlt- h. building public' park. The city has arranged cftely. more comfortable than the - " -- for a read . a fairly Mrge business vas book, letter DUKE OF BRUNSWICK nd : 12-fo- ot 50,000 vis- paralyzing , ast mgnt. . 'will be condemned as well as the for the accommodation of heat in the East" A 7.65c -- 2 per cent, which HOPELESS MANIAC, IS REPORT ed at less piece of the Campbell building. JQ HAKE PLANS itors, many of - whom have traveled ' ' LONDON; England, July 26. The caused refiners to resume buying rav George cost be among from farthest sections of"the 3-S- H. Angus, .by The will distributed the IRISH 'supplies on the basis of 5 c basis recommended HOME RULE MAY Copenhagen correspondent of the Lon- benefited property owners up Rocky mountain states by automobile, ! : he Chamber of Commerce, was named the and don Express reported last night 96 deg. c. & f.: for nearby Cubas. down YET BE ARBITRATED that as the city's representative 'on the Hotel street and along Fort Duke Ijrbther-I- n About '123x,000 bags spot, afloat and : the of Brunswlclr, law' Promotion Committee, ! street." . . , FOR BOND ISSUE AT : prompt shipment Cubas were taken at r " f - HAWAIIAN BAND of Emperor Wilhelm. has becorrie" a He explained that JGeorge M. : Col- AoelaJd Press by Federal Wfreleaa) - 63-8- c basls'SG deg. while a ; hopeless maniac. Early In the war he c.& f Bid of Catton, Neill & on lins, city engineer," work- AALA PARK TONIGHT LONDON, England, July 26. There small cargo for August clearance was Ca cable the has been Is broke down after seeing his detach- for the Beach Walk electric lighting ing in conjunction with, city at- a marked change in the feeling re- swamp, 5 7-- 1 6c r. the ment engulfed In a wiped out taken at basis 96'degr c"&" system, was opened and found to be torney's office i"bn "the plan Besinniner at 7:30 tonight the Ha garding the ultimate settlement of the by a Philadelphia" refiner. ' Cuban and that Matter is Referred, by. Board Irish question of exlstance by the fire of the enemy.- -' 51300.. It was referred to the electric it is already well developed. : v waiian band will give a public con noticeable in official For months he suffered from ' melan- - . generally showed no disposi- -- : ' i:'-v:- holders ight committee. I and Later Public Hearings cert in Aala park. The program for circles today. The belief apparently fcholia,' finally! tion to sell any large line at under IS growing1 that a favorable agreement which has undermined-- " Will Held the evening will be as follows: -- : c ; be - " rhis mteuect ' V S basis 36 deg: c. & U but ks the of the acting sheriff that March Boy Scouts of Hawaii will be reached shortly.1 A i buying movement lnrefined came to wuaer There was no ' cabinet meeting on ; ' bids be called for on 3500 auto plates TEACHERS SPEAK ... J. APPAM PRIZE WAR, discus- As-qul- OF an end, refiners hesitated oil raws Bonds are again a topic of . . Kelu-Bel- a the question, but th In duplicate for 1917 was referred to Overture Lustpiel ...... Prime Minister COURT.'. - and some parcels. which sub8Kit:rnlly sion among the supervisors. - After parts DECIDES TEUTOM police committee explained Medley (a) I Want to Go Hack to announced that of the : 3-S- the He. BERLIN, 'Germany, : July 24. The . were offered at 6 c BasIiVSC deg.' several Weeks of quiet discussion on . A. K. cunna agreement have been approved by that they are made on the mainland Honolulu ...... German prize court has decided ; buyers), up at .' that - & to find and subject was again "resumed ' . . John Redmond, n-ik- . . . a K L failed and orders must be put in months In the (b) In the Garden of Paradise the Irish Nationalist iu. i-u -- . . . . to-- ' ' night. Hume-Dougl- as close these have not been - board meeting last '.' -- leader, and the " ,- 'V the - ...... S. Sir Edward Carson, leader advance. ' by the Germans off the coast of Afri- taken. A very limited quantity of ; The old arguments for and against Selection Hawaiian Selection ..... of the Ulster factron. These' will be 7-- Hol-linge- r, ca and sailed across the Atlantic to - July shipment is at 5 1 6c, wrere gone over and Supervisor published as soon as an- offered The offer of J. A. Oilman to register Arr. by J. B. Lampe jossible, and Va;, Is legitimate ' Julv-Augu- st Norfolk; a prize, and while 41 fair . sized quAntitjr of the price of bltullthic at $11 a ton was chairman 'of "the park commit- Five Hawaiian Songs ...... other discussion In the house of com- for-sal- e has ordered the gold "she carried sent .shipment Is fit 5"l-2- c tee, announced that he wants 1123,000 By uiup mons will be held If thought advisable "- accepted in order to allow contractdrs 'KAUAI RESIDEplTS Hawaiian iianu uiee deg. c. & - parks are to be . or If house - oaals.96 if bonds . the wishes. -. ; rt f.t'f - vvv ntending to bid on the King Street W the Waltz The Sirens .... Waldteufel 739,000 marks. ' " 7 ; v ; "The buying" of Cuban, raws 07 :ng ' for the purchase of At- Bouche . . Waidteurei Earlier in the day Asquith visited extension project to get the benefit. r.j '' Polka Bonne ' - which starred , parks Fox-Tro- the king, accompanied by land and Argentines at This will allow competition on bitulith- - kinson, 'Beretania and Pauda Medley (a) t Hi Ho Hum Minister of BRUSSELS FINED FOR 6c o. b." week." Air- ' -- - 550.0OO dredging public 1 War Lloyd George, and held a lengthy f. last eontmued c paving. . '.,'-;- Kauai obtains considerable publicity and 'for the v .V...... isei CELEBRATING NATION HOLIDAY ing the early days of the' week' and as in an Interview lappeairing in a'recent baths' - and - making' other improve- (b") One-Ste- p M Loading Up the conference over the Irish sit uation. - AMSTERDAAi,5' Holland, July 28. high as 5 10c 6. b. CubV"wasfinally 5 Tfie . . . t Forty-tw- o pupil3 and former pupils issue of Portland papers wIth k: the ments at Kapiolani Park. board Mandy Lee ...... German military In "Bold" during The authorities paid. The. quantity, "tha of Maemae school, Wyilie street, peti Misses Hallie1 and 'Maurene Samson, bUZzed over this for a minute; and Aloha Oe Hawaii Ponoi LAND OFFICE PLANS control hr Belgium have Imposed a Is, jas Star-Spangle- d two weeks generally . estimated to to use who were teachers at Koloa during the then Supervisor Charles Nv Arnold The Banner tioned the board allow them TO-HOMESTEAD fine of five million marks upon the 40,000-50,00- 0 tons" for-- July-Augu- st - get 4500 ' the school? grounds for indoor base last school ye.ir, and who say they proposed a plan to action on the city of Brussels because It celebrated loading, is reported the plan here" y. and It that ball games Saturday and ' Sunday "af- to return and teach In' a issue.' TO PAY UP ACRES WITHIN YEAR Belgian nat.'onal festival tM-da- . ' NOTICES the last . commission has arranged - Honolulu private this falL' ' On ways means British ternoons. The request was referred school his motion the and OUT i according to a story printed in the with American refiners for the latter to parks and schools committee. teachers hospitali- committee was instructed ; to gather TAXES ARE SENT L&na the f Both sayhat the ' - .. According to m Commissioner B. Echo Beige yesterday; 20,000-35,00- 0 ' .... j . to take over tons of raws, ty oi Kauai people Is splendid. "Prac- the ideas of the several committees G. Rivenburgh acres a of territorial giving in exchange-- similar quantity 'evolve plan a bond "Ten-Da- v to delinquent Use of Aala park for the Carnival tically "all ' of ' the white people are and a concrete for Notices" lands will be 10 lesteaded within the YIELD TO MId-Pacifi- q by SENATORS of granulated at a fixed differential was asked by the. Carni- people of wealth--al- l' except the school issue. Then a mass meeting is to taxtiavera have been mailed the next year. O his acreage, 1500 will - supposed to be 1c. The exact par- super ; ' V ne representatives oi county office. They val, Ltd. After" several. of the teachers" Miss . Maurene Samson is held, at which tax collector's be homesteaded between August 1 and WILSON AND DECIDE TO ticulars of this transaction, however, visors had objected on The ground that quoted, as; saying,. ?so; we 'were en all the semi-publ- ic organizations are read as follows: ; 31, soon ' ' December and the balance as CHILD LABOR BILL - - PASS are not confirmed. ' the park was left in such shape last tertained royally. Weak-efi- d parties; to be invited to be present, as well 4,You owe delinquent taxes. as the 1917 cane crop is harvested. The weekly cable on Tuesday from year that it toe k months to repair. dancing parties, moonlight' bathing as the public generally, and the sub- "Payment of same is nereoy. ae-mand-ed The lands to be homesteaded are not (A!-Iafe- d Pre hy Federal XVirelenaJf Cuba reported 'receipts of 13,661 tons request was to -- park will the referred the parties, teas and every possible social ject discussed. Other meetings big plantation areas Alfin Johnson, a AVASI i ON, D. 2ti.- - i 1 - ac- ING'f C, July and 2 Centrals grinding, com- power act. f "Call the tax office for your 'as committee with to diversion are offered and best of all follow and when public sentiment is at deputy surveyor,', is now completing Yielding : to" the pressure ; which" ha.i pared to 18,725' tons receipts and 12 it is always summer time with theOp- sounded action taken. count work on the Kaahnhu homestead tract, com-memce- d been brought to bear by President f Centrals at work at the corresponding Thursday night is the time set for portunity of wearing white clothes. "Legal proceedings will be Hawaii. Field work is through and , 11 10 days Wilson, the Democrats of the senate date last year. Today Centrals are the next meeting. . . Payrolls are to be Oh, 'yes, we must not fail to mention at any time after from maps and descriptions will be drawn IRELAND'S POPULATION no- yesterday held a caucus and. decided in operation and the weather is favor. passed on and the final contract for the pleasures of ' motoring, for the date hereof, and without further up. completed Ka-pa- a After this is the pass . measure . . of taxes." to the child labor at able, . . work in Manoa district signed and islands abound in wonderful macadam SHOWS GAINS FOR YEAR; tice,' for the collection these tract, of GOO acres, will be sur- , " this session. There was no record ; . Although early In the week the de-- bond filed. An amended power of at roads." veyed. X number of minor tracts are some signs torney, giving representative here IMMIGRATION DECREASES of the vote In the caucus. It" is un- mand, for refined showed his The young women say they had MEXICANS NAMED FOR also now under survey. opposition of Increasing at 7.63c less 2 per cent power to acV arrived from ' the con- derstood that the chief to ; eight nationalities in each room at WITH U. ' from ; for granulated, quoted by all refiners, tractor on the Lurline this morning., DUBLIN. Ireland. The return Just CONFERENCE S. tbe measure came the Southern the Japa- ire-lan- the Koloa school,' and that issued by,th6 registrar-genera- l for d WAITE SLASHES HIMSELF senators. Arrangements are being 'advice from Philadelphia on Tuesday nese children and those of mixed to the effect that the W. J. McCahan The newl v aDnointed civic affairs shows that the population of Ire- (Associated Prf hj Federal Wirelest) WITH GLASS IN CELL made to have the measure take the blood are particularly bright. land Increased last year by 9,452. This CITY OF MEXICO, Mex., July 2C. place on the senate calendar of the Co. S. Rotary Club was out ' S. R. and the Pennsylvania Co. committee of the night 7.50c 7.45c last- - night. E, Al'Berndt, follows on an increase of 7,118 during It was unofficially, stated last ( Wirelesa) chipping bill. . , ."';.. had declined to "and less in force Pani, Arroc iated Tress hy Federal 2 per cent respectively, .had a ten- - chairman,' addressed the board and an WANT BISHOP STREET the' year 1914. There has been a de- that Gen. Luis Cabrera, Albert SINO SING, N. Y., July 26. Dr. - 'ft" proportion popu- Roberto Pesquiera dency for the iime being to discourage nnimroH that thpr b mem EXTENDED TO: BERETAN1A crease of Iblrths In to an engineer, and Arthur Waite, the young dentist and CHAMBER INDORSES PLAN hns!nRs" hfr (rAp.r riivrtpd to ber of the committee at every 'meet lation of 6 per cent, and an increase of have been designated by the de facto tennis player, now in the death cham- ' pro FOR SCHOOL ENDOWMENT Philadelphia at - lower prices! ing, hereafter, supervisor Haicn 2 per cent in the deaths. The increase government as delegates to the ber awaiting execution for the poison- the coun- quoted were sufficient in volume tc thanked the committee for "the in Members of Insurance Division No. in the population is due entirely to the posed conferences between this ing of his father and mother-in-la- cause Philadelphia refiners to quickly terest of a non-partisa- n, organization, 899, Knights of Pythias, want Bishop himinution in emigration. Emigration try and the United States to discuss smuggled glass into his cell yesterday The social welfare committee of tbe - , extended mauka to Beretania 1914 was "34 per cent less in questions pending. No official an- own Chamber of Commerce has ' given Its , return to the basis of 7.65c less 2 por so badly needed here." street in than the and cut a great cross on his cent, .which move induced Increased street and J. M. McChesney, secretary 1913, and in 1915 there was a decrease nouncement of .the personnel of the chest. When found he was covered indorsement to the plans of tbe Ho- W.' Aylett, garbage' inspector, of the organization, says that he will of 50 per cent on the 1914 figures.' The commission has been made public. quan- nolulu Military ! Academy; "formerly nuylng In this market by the domestic R. , with blood, of which he had lost form-- self-inflicte- trade, and a fairly, large demand set asked an increase of $5 a month for soon take active steps towards increase of population, first noted in tities, although: his d known as the Honolulu School for Inat .7.6c less 2 per cent.' This de-ma-nd the stable watchman' In' his depart- ing an improvement district of the 1914 and now continued, is the record LAND OFFICE GIVES wounds are not serious. He refused Boys, to raise ,by public subscription came almost entlre'y. from the ment, Apahl Manuwai, who is getting benefited property under the frontage of increase since tbe days of the great absolutely to talk to the guards or an endowment of $100,000. The school APPROVAL TO PLANS . , Eastern territory. "as. the, Middle West $15 month now. "Hardly enough to tax laws. . The lodge owns property famine in 1848. , the surgeon who dressed his wounds. plans to use the income, fromthe placed orders principally with live on," Aylett says. He also asked on the line of the proposed extension is not believed he attempted endowment to create scholarships their r ' It that ' Western refiners and beet nianufac- - for $85 instead of $80 a month for J. snd directly in its path. - $3,000,000 JEFFERY Formal approval of the proposed suicide. and augment salaries. "Theomnllt-te- e s Keola, department McChesney says he will re- AUTO Waiakea homestead to .'plan soli- turers, who were . selling as low at N. collector in the that CONCERN SOLD new route for the declined indorse .4 to ad- department has funds and no quest city attorney to draw . up a been given the public works subscriptions tor. - -- . 7.4 5c less2 per cent for can? and 7.25c The the road has cit the.JKa.llhLInde- necessarr; " ' ' B. AKEO RESIGNS FROM . less 2 per cent for beet granulate ditional appropriation is he petition in proper form for him to KENOSHA, Wis. The entire stock department by Land .Commissioner pendent 'church; as well' a the plan said. It was referred to the ways and solicit signature from property own- of the. Thomas' B. Jeffery Company, G. Rivenburgh. Instructions have been FORD PEACE PARTY of Hawaiian Post Not 94, Veterans of " - su- ' . OISCOUR- - means committee.- . ers in the neighborhoodi with a capital of $3,000,000, has been iisued by W. C. Woodward, acting Foreign Wars, tb raise $3000 for the FEMINIST 'MOVEMENT' AGED :. sold, it was announced today, to Lee perintendent of public works, to have (Aisoriated Preaa bj Federal Wtreleaa) construction of a halt.'.0'? .'" Governor McCall of Massachusetts BOSTON DOtiTbR DIES Higginaon & Co. of Boston and Charles grading work started at once. The DETROIT. Mldu July 26. Charles BUDAPEST. Hungary. Husgary received a letter from General Nelson W. Nash of Flint, Mich. The Jeffery road will open up the Waiakea home- F. Aked, chairman of the American froiras on the feminist movement, in A. Miles. U. S, A (retired) requesting FROM BULLET WOUND Company Is one of the largest makers stead lots' for the' Hilo extension. committee of the Ford peace confer- war time The leaders of the that his son. Lieutenant Sherman of motor trucks and pleasure automo- ence, has announced his resignation ChlriopRQctic at least possible, Government has made Hungarian . Feminist Movement had Miles, be commissioned. If (Astooialrd Press by Federal Wireless) biles, in the United States. The price The Dutch He says that he unstccessruny urged ' Holland-America- n - congress v "ses-- ; as a field officer in one. of vthe Massa- BOSTON, Mass July 26. Dr. Wil- tn arrangement Tvith tho Henry Ford." UheDetrpitv,iutdmobile planned' a big for this .was not announced. F. C MlGHTCNr D. C . Mexican :t- 1 Steamship a regu- sion, but has had to postpone it in- chusetts regiments called for fred E. Harris, who was . shot by Dr. s ai Line for raanufa'ciorer,tto jrtja'ngg. tne )ilans for 1 of necessi- which definitely because the police of Buda- border duty- - ; Eldredge Atwood Tuesday, July 18, When cooking 'beef in the tireless lar supply cotton and other his peace propaganda, '"were pest raised insurmountable Objections. wood annually. died yesterday afternoon. cooker, do not salt it until it Is done. ties for Dutch Industries. manifestly impracticable. " S04 Bostdn" Bldg. V- - Over Ilry 1 i. h

STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916. HOTEL IN THE REALM OF THE YOUNG UOtlEll SliOainniD!hiip Go. Masonic Temple Oceanic ' ' lOAVt TO SAN FRANCISCO. YY-- ; Y:- - ' AVOID PAIH Y'''-'-.:--v-- 111! -' '. '. - i IU1 T FEMININE MY .. '; YY y "..''. :' v Won IAN ritANClSCO 'O SVONf V SAN FRANCISCO ' Need Only Trust to Lytiia E...... ; . Au '8 t ...... July Murm " fifoMy Calendar ' Mn ft ...... f 1 CreoMt Piaa S1.0 af et Kxikhain's Vegetable Com .A9 .,. ,..-- .. . 99 Sf ...... 8p It ' Sra .....SBt. Mm! MmM im ft UwU4 StiUf 17 Sonoma 2 MONDAY-TUES- Fmmi pound, wys Mrs.Kurtz weg. Ventuar Oct. ....Oct. DAY New steel and concrete struc- I LDMA 3 So rooms, connect- ture. 250 BmTaJo, N.Y. " My daughter, whose ing bathrooms. Homelike com- C. BREWER & CO., LTD. - - - General Agents is herewith, was much troubled Chapter No. 1, It. A. fort rather than unnecessarily picture Honolulu with pains in her M. Special. Mark Mister expensive luxury. In center of I back and sides every tin 7:20 p. m. theatre, cafe ana retail districts. 1 Hi. Regc iijn month -- y On car lines ail and the WEDNESDAY. ' over city. ThRs municipal car-li- ne would sometimes he direct " do Koior Bus "Shaix I mua FAtse haib?" writes bi J"uji2a5i,' 5 It will' not do iho 1 so bad that it would ai bis Beets tralp esteamers. : a woman. "Does the false braid hair inieood,but it. will not hart' seem like acute in- nnn I'nmnnnu THURSDAY BUl gtwrt lr 'nbc.'f u liu beat the scalp, and hurt the It Wiiong the false switch flammation of some i Island tfftadqaar- -. Cable . mrn uumijuiiy Honolulu Chapter No. 1, It. A. growth of new :; niuiouii ddrMC h B O hair?" 4oesa:t JieaUthnv scalp. organ. She read 'Trswet" (Mt. jJiOfJewrse-'l- f M. Special. Mark Master. 3. H. Lots, UouoNilm RDrenUUT, . natare wanted yoa your advertisement 7:30 p. m.' to have a yard or so of hair, she Oirect Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu 3HT --would "likely nave allowed your iq the newspapers FRIDAY present to .grow long, and tried Lydia E. 'stock that PROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SAN i FRANCISCO Spe--; but If hV: scalp is not healthy Pi Pinkham's Vege- Oceanic Lodge No. 371. PLEASANT0N HOTEL n enough tA Compound. clal, Third Degree 7:30 p. nv LUXURIOUS AND ' V support so much, then it table S. S. Luriine. July 23 S. S. Matsonia...... July St 10 tr "' ' "" She praises highly been ' la better JUr. pile only and it as she has the real 1 ' COMFORTABLE S. S. Aug. Aug. 1 . small amount B top of It. relieved cf all these pains bwits use. Wilhelmina 8. S. Luriine...... STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS- S SATURDAY Pads and such things, of course, All mothers should know of this remedy, '" 100 ROOMS 50 BATHS S. S. Manoa...... Aug. 8 S. S. Wilhelmina...... Aug. t are harmful-an- d, quite as bad. out and all young girls who suffer should ' "-- S. S. Matsonia...... Aug. 15 S. S. Aug. 13 ." . SC HO FIELD LODCE of date. The present coiffure keeps try it. Mrs. Matilda Kurtzwec, 529 Manoa...... OJ i) ; ' 7 the hair closely to the head, with- High St, Buffalo, N. Y. 'SATURDAY out any addition in the way of .. . Young women who & 1 are troubled with CASTLE COOKE, LIMITED, v, J Work In Third Degree. 7:3-- false locks, except to make a thick Agents, Honolulu ' painful or irregular periods, backache, p. xn." DegTee will be. con - knot at the back of the head, or to headache dragging-dow- n sensations, ferred by Oceanic Lodge No wahiawa Hotel add a cluster of curls In some artis- . ; spells indigestion, should 171. tic fashion: ' J r fainting or s ' Lydia E. Pmkhams Vegetable Nearly 1000 feet elevation;'' near de ff yo a wear--falsi- nalr, try to take '. " , Compound. re- Y nlwtt ot; grand scenery; ban flshtng. have the switch pr puffs made from Thousands have been fine fcy this" cor particulars address E. L. KRUSS, your own'comblngs. : Then you will stored to health, root and herb ",'. : Wahiawa Phone 3aa. , . be sure that the lustre quality and, remedy. ; ::'. .. ; ,' " KISEN KAISHA are same as growing ' TOYO sla'- - color the the . If you know of jany young wo Hall locks. Besides, this way costs less in&n who is sick and. needs help- caJii. Oddfellows ' than half what a' switch of reaLJbair advice, to HEINIE'8 TAVERN ' ful ask her write to the Steamers of the above company will call at and leave Honolulu en would cost Y k i Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co Most Popular or about the dates mentioned below: Eeach Bert tr ' . And keep the switch scrupulously Lynn, Mass. Only women will ,iluk'i the City. ' Uh' clean. Ton cannot wash It as much receive her letter, and it will be FOR THE ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: are Right-Ame- rican .a iV Rates that as yon can your own hair, held In strictest confidence. and European Plan for there Jab'- - WEEKLY CALENDAR Is no supply of oil for this. Keep S. S. Persia Maru...... Aug. 19 8. 8. Persia Maru...... Juty 23 ' "On the Beach at WalWIkf- - 'MONDAY '' It well brushed, sometimes adding S. 8. Tenyo Maru...... Sept. 1 S. 8. Tenyo Maru...... Aug. S l Harmony Lodge No. 3. 7:30 a drop or two of fine oil to the i o. "hi. Work In the Second brush to keep up the lustre of the S. S. Nippon Maru .SepL 1 S. S. Nippon Maru..V. I ;Aug. 23 -- '''' -- ml - r iJ Degrees " switch. S. Shlnyo 29 8. 8hlnyo ! 8 ; v 8. Maru....Sept. 8. Maru.....8tpt. to if? TUESDAY : V Excelaior Lodge No. 1. 7:30 "The ROMAGpf Questions and Answers jlJtS - p. m. Regular meeting with & 1 What U good diet for an invali&t My CASTLE COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu at-- A Luxurious Homo Hotel ; talks, on memberahlp and cunt tuffera from run-dow- n nerve and TAn Oil 'At -- 'tendance campaign. " 1429 Maktkl St Phone 3675 occasional drop Of fine On the keep$ to her bed mo$t of the time; her op-- ,t ' keeps petue is poor aito.Qvnny. WEDNESDAY . ,v era a the lustre in false hair ' 1. Replv This n not properly my depart- - ;n i pacific Rebekah Lodge Na ment, but I would gladly tell you if you Y an ques- - CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- 7:30 pr m. Special : lnst&Ha-- This is still important N ROYAL MAIL LINE ' many publlsH ' tl'on". drill. All members ot While eeefaa the Volcano etov uoa iui woiaeu, luougu uui opfc Ther tr too thlnga to Y 8ubject to Changs without notice. . Important as was some years ago. in thu pac. are requested to be ::. - A! it ftno! Sydney theeam i The exaggerated styles then made Far Victoria and Vancouver: For Suva, Auckland ,J!7 ; present , , Y Y HOUSE Parasols THE VOLCANO tta ':,: false hair almost a necessity to all will cold cream grow hair on the facet llagar U ...... Aug. 18 Makura ...... Aug. Thursday. Hawaiian Tours Co. ) women, except few endowed 8. 15 . . . .Sept. ''Pacific "Rebekah, Lodge No. I. those r. Aakura ...... Sept. f Niagara ...... can-- - 7-- 78 Merchant St Pbooe 192S with extra thick tresses. v . Reply Good authorltle tay ft will. Y.V:S0"p. m. Initiation of. wrong iuaUr too onea aay no. if. you ar .THE0. H.'DAVIES & CO.. LTD, GENERAL AGENTS dldates',' followed by refresh- - There is nothing in the creams, Y nf falRA so as frad of It. use sreaMlesa or ments on the roof garden. wearing nair, long thoM adTertUed not to haT nnfA tn efrct cannot, It IS false, 1 no'h FRIO At ;; v the Observer tell personally, don't think cold cream will words, only sin Is ln affect one that vay , - '"Piifynesla, Encampment No. 1. 8EE In other the - MOVEMENTS OF & CO. 7i30 p. m. Rehearsal of work Protected ty Georje Matthew Adams J with handsome embroid- H. HACKFELD i.ia the Patriarchal Degree, COY WE MAIL STEAMERS yy; fOR FURNITNRE 1'..' ery or ined wi th green , Commission Merchants r Young Building DO NT GIVE WAY AMGERrrUSECONTROL TISSXLS TO A REIT I LODGE-N- O. 1, 10 silk. All prices. i HONOLULU; ' UODERN ; ORDER OF. PHOENIX " Thursday, July 27.' ; Perhaps there is nothing' that can will always remain with ber, and time Yv Maai Claudme, L--V str.r corner J cause one more heartache than to be orfcrtence'' wilrfnever efface them. v'- t j j'T''WtIlt:tettt their tiome, ' - July"2S., spoken to in an angry tone. Mothers Serves Nov Purpose Y Friday, Beretanla and Fort streets, even MESSENGER" (No vessels arrive).. ' especially should try to overcora j this v absolutely t Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.' . Anger serves no purpose. 29. , T ; tantalizing Saturday, July ? CHARLES HUSTACE, JR Leader y AND - habit Children are at A trivial matter that amounts to noth- JAMES NOTT, JR. - ..S3 times we all admit this, but each one New. York Saint Patrick. ..- Secretary. ing, will lifelong to be- FRANK MURRAY. :cause friends L JIllo Mauna . Kea, L-- str. of us has been a child, and perhaps come Litter enemies. Spite . andf 8heet Metal LAUNDRY fances ' Plumbf r LODGE SIS, P. By O. E we, too, often broke the rules laid laW ' "h HONOLULU :6uitse'ven the takinz cf unian TT8SELS TO DEPJLRT . - Worker down for us. Whatever the child's life have resulted from giving wav to Japanese Bazaar slips may be, his mother can correct -- Phone 2S5S 74 8. Btrstanla King St, near an angry mood: The man or woman Thursday. July 27. - without giving way. ..to.'' sharp, -- Tery Friday him. wna makes no effort to overcome I.-- Manufacturers Shoe Co. LJtd. this Fort Street Kauai Maul, I. str. angry words, and making a scene for aa-vlc- e nlng. Vlflting uaou snouia certainty loupw tne Friday, July 28. - cares look on cor whoever to of the een'tle old man mioted Opposite Catholic Church I.-- i brothers are Dealers in Shoes of Quality Hawaii pcrta Mauna Loa, I. str. tflally taYlted to at At his season ot the year, when above. ,Smoothing over any little dif-- I.-- Maui Claudine, I. str. , ' Agents in Hawaii for i. tend.' schools everywhere are closed and ncuiiy ja accompiisning a sort 01 Saturday, July 29. y J BUCKLEY, E. R. 1051 Fort St. Phone 17 8 2 graduates going to work their feat, because FRED B. their "little difficulties' can - I.--I. Hllo Mauna Kea, str. ALUS-CHALlIEE- S CO. ' v H. DUNSHEE, Sec Lrst work the employer, whether liu a flash become gigantic troubles, man cr woman, should remember his arid gigantic a long v r .1 - troubles take time Oh, It's a Good Place to Lunch, Is , National Bins Hncutu Branchof th or ber first days in the business very often a lifetime to rectify. i Honolulu Iron Works, Ltd. of : Gtrman American Alliance th wcrld, and conclude to give the young ... , J , Malls are due from the following : ; ': U. 8. A. . Beaver Board man woman to .,; or a fair chance show WOMAN STUDENT, 85, . pa- QLudiit points as follows: .Jleetlngs P. on ; in K. of. Hall Satur for Better Walls .j ; what he or she can do. To lose July 31. Q p. m. : Y. 'COMING TO U. OF C. inn San Francisco Sonoma, F X E I H T days at 7:30 - tience with them to speak in an I Aug 15. : and Ceilings- .v- - '.'. Sydney Ventura, . 'and July 29. AuguBt . 2G, September 23, angry tone to them because of some v-- tA Hotel, west of Fort Yokohama Persia Maru, July 30. T I C K E T 8 October 21, November 18, Decem- unconscious mistake the result of In--' SAN FRANCISCO. CaL Word at LEWERS & COOKE has Manila U. S. A. T. Buford, Au- Also reservationa IS, . Is not a right . ' ' I ber experience, the act of been 7 received ""at the University of f- .'-- VSWN : 'L'..- gust 1. :: - ill - I any point on n I the PAUL 1SENBERQ, Pres. thinking man or woman. .Many young ' Win-ship- ,, Euro-iea- (Oicaitvuml v K California; tha ' Mrs. Amy D.i American and Vancouver Makura, Aug. 9. mainland. C BOLTE, Secy. persons who now hold responsible ejghty-fijre- . years old a ' and still following WELLS-FAR-C- O - ' Mails will depart for the See Y' . ,518, to Dec 31 positions look back with on college -- Uni-versllyotv lnc terror student Jus' to leave the points as follows: t e CO, 72 8. their "boss,' whose. Inconsidera-tio- n first Wisconsin and enter the San, Francisco Persia Maru, July King SL, Tel. 1515 HERMANNS SOEHNE, . and sarcasm made life a night- University open- Experienced v - of Xalifornia at the Cutter , 30. - a . Win-shi- p : " mare for them the first few days of ing Mrs.? . ; V - Versammiungen Uontags: of the ,nex( semester. N. SWAHN Y- ..':. Japan and China China, August their , business career. is 8.eciaUzing in botany, physics Bldg. King OAHU TABLE 3 17, Aug. 7 Emmeluth and Bishop Sydney Sonoma, July 31. RAILWAY TIME vvJanl S.und 19, Jull und ..".': -- An Unfair Advantage Y. and internationalism. . 18- nnil 91 Kcnf A imri IX moderp Vancouver Niagara, August - Hnri1 Vr 13 I,y,Jt Giving way to anger Certainly A, . Au- '" ; und-Se- pt U. T. Thomas, . tammUg-Jun- l 19 18. , Manila 8. OUTWARD . most-unfai- r taking a advantage of the 14.: - - - gust ! . For Waianae, Waialoa, perscn l is." compelled to Eihaki aai n ROLTR. RJcreUr l .who listen. P0ST0FFICE TIME Way StaUons 9:15 a, su 3:29 p.B. V we all' aillrigs, i PARK . Heaven knows have f I TBAHSPOBT BXEnCI , I Way M'INERNY but wby be taken"unkindly, and sar TABLE FOR MONTH For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and . ' Py e a, LODGE No. 2, K. OF P. ; 2U Stations 17:30 a. nu f:15 B ; Elegant Lots castlcally to task for them?. A good Tbomas,! Meets In -Pythian. HalL t at San Francisco. a. p. za S:29 p. corner Fort Acetylene Light Agency Co Ltd. 11:30 m2:15 el - old man once gave this advice to a Following postoffice time- 4 Nagasaki July 20. i -- Beretanla streets, every Friday CHAS. DESKY, Agent .is the Sherman left p. m., 9:30 p. nc, p. xa.: .ssand young person who; had a pretty lofty 29. u Sole Agents for Hawaii 14; '5:15 fll:15 evealaff at '7:30 o'clock. Visiting table for July. and to August It left Honolulu July For Wahiawa and Lellehua 11:11 alloc Merchant, near Fort idea of himself: "Remember a gentle is subject to 'change if sudden ar- Logan, at San Francisco, due to sail - brothers cordially Invited. . " ' a. 40 p. m f:00 fv - : ! man should never let his temper get rangements are made for unexpected - August 5. ' " 'ViiiuCn-P- i BRAN CO, C. C. 11:30 p. m. - : ' the of him. When the angry v B. ANGUS, P. K. R. and S. better mall service. Lehua Butter Dix lefrManila, July 24. For Leilehu :00 s. . C wcrd rises to your Hps, stop to count UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Buford left NagasakiJnly 17. ff 11 seven; if st. Inclined to give way 8teamers to arrive from Parker Ranch Beel ' ; GOODS ; ": DRY ; ?:. ; , CANTON to your anger, county twenty, and July GOVERNMENT XROP REPORTS :': INWARD . Japanese Merchandise Delicatessen of Quality - ; ; COMPANY by that time you will have come to 30 Persia Mam ...... Hongkong Arrive Honolulu "from Kakaka, Curios, your won MetropollUn Meat Market . a. m Etc. senses will have a victory 31 Sonoma San Francisco WASHINGTON. D. C Crop esti- WalaJua and WaJanae t:ll su .1...... Phone 3345 JV ; over yourself and most likely over August Y mates of the department of agri- 6:2o p. m. ; the person who provokes you." 1 U. A. 1916, are: Honolulu from Ewa and YltA ftrzlKapiolanli?' Bldg, AUkea St v Hotel St, near Bethel St. S. T. Bufordf ...... Manila culture for recently issued, Arrive Ifin N. B. S Japanese exporters A story of the great war now rag 1 WJlhelmina Francisco Winter wheat Acreage (per cent Pearl City f7: 45 a. el, 3:21 a. el, Agest lor ing goes ...... San - in Europe on to say that 4 U.S.A.T. Sherman ...... Manila of 1915) 81.6; total 33.020,000 acres; 11:02 a. el. 1:22 p. 4:24 p. au lr,- during a petty quarrel a little French 8 Tenyo Maru Hongkong condition (June) 73.2. 5:30 p. 7:2S p. m. bride drove her young husband away 5 China Island Meats Spring wheat Acreage 91.8 per Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa anS - DEVELOPING. H. MIYAKE ...... San Francisco from her with a volley of cruel, angry 8 Manoa ...v...... San Francisco V And Vegetahles cent; total 17,851,000 acres; condi- LeJehua V:15 a. bl 1:M p. el, PRINTING ENLARGINQ very ' Croodi words. . That day he joined the 9 Makura . .:...... Vancouver , Retail and Wholesale tion 88.2. 3:59 p. el, 7:13 p. to. Oriental Art army, and was killed In his first en- 14 U.S. '.San All Acreage 84.9 per cent: Haleiwa Limited, a two-bo- o Best In th City. , AT. Thomas. Franciaco Territorial Marketing Olvlslon wheat Th " gagement Can. any one picture the 15 ; . ; . ;. . .". . "Sydney 50,871,000 acres; 77.7. (only first-clas- s honored), Ventura ...... Maunakea nr. Queen. ' Phone 1840 total condition trala tickets Honolulu Picturo Framlrrf 4 Fort, above Beretania anguish of that little bride when news 15 Matsonia San Francisco Oats Acreage 99.6 per cent; total leaves Honolulu every Sunday at Supply Co. , t:2f . was brought to her of her husband's 18 Niagara- - ...... Sydney 40,599,000 acres; condition 86.9. a, m. for Haleiwa Hotel; returainj death? The memory'.of those ; last 19--Pe- rsla Maru ...... San Francisco Barley Acreage 104.9 per cent; arrlves in Honolulu at 10:10 p. Thm r el angry words she to ' htm Sl--Sle- rra . . . San 86.3. stops only ' .addressed '.. Y Francisco Y. TAKAKUWA & CO. total 7,757,000 acres; condition Limited at Pearl City, Ewa ' INDIVIDUAL STYLES 22 Lurlme -- .i .San Francisco Limited. .. Mill and Walxnae. . Victor Talking ; I - 23 Nippon Maru ...... Hongkong Weavers of cashmere shawls take Daily, t&xcept 8aaday. iSaadajf i IN MILLINERY BAT RAT - TH? 29 Wilhelmina ...... San Francisco 'NAM COT CRABS, packed In two or three years to finish a pair of only.- ..' ... V.....- i -- " V and Bccords f Ilachines Direct from New York Sanitary Cans, wood lined. the very finest. . These shawls ietch a P. OENISCN, F. a 8UITH, . Boston Blda om the CleahUp dub and-Kil- l Off Steamers to depart for Nuuanu 8W near King. 8t. iiprard ot $500 each in London. Y Superintendent. O. P A. MISS POWER. . July-- '-' - BERGSTRQM MUSIC CO. the Rata . 31 Persia --Maru ...... San Francisco TIDES, SUN AND MOOIV -- a- mil ii - . IryV Sydney ...... Boards of hearth everywhere are - ; - . . August '. ng to exterminate rats, because of Low' Loir w00 : 1 U. S. A. T. Buford New York VEGETABLES B DO IT E L E CTRICALLY neir menace to health and destruc- .... e- TlS HLrf T1g 9 TiA. 1 Luriine San Francisco All Kinds Fresh Every Day Dat- - tion of property. But without waitin? Lar43 TWt SmaU Largo Smafl fT6? VV L2ji2c:riE' Co; Ltd. tor the health authorities to do the 4 U.S.A.T Sherman.. San Francisco Delivery Every Way Every Day :, rork for you, do your duty and use 8 Tenyo Maru,..... San Francisco ' ' rr;!neers and Contractor Hawaiian Electric Co. 8 Hongkong CHUN HOON A.M. P.M. ( 1 -n che only effective weapon in the war China i " " r;-'l"-- Clock, HonoluIu,T. H " ;': '':':-::- 2 ' 9 San Francisco Kekaullke, Nr. Queen Phone 3992 . Rises , on rats, Stearns Electric Paste. . Get Wilhelmina Te!;honst 510 tnd S4S7 p.m. .: . : two ounce box from your druggist 9 Makura Sydney 14 U.S.A.T. Manila July 24 1.8 ..... 4:43 8:53 5:32 '6:40 0:58 jor 25 cents and in one night it should Thomas ...... 12:52 " .. .. '. for Men - kill off all the rats and mice In your 15 Ventura San Francisco a.m.. '.' r raahJon Cenler i " 1.9 5:35 9:14 "5:32 " borne, barn or garage. 15 Manoa San Francisco For Good Ice 25 ...... 1:34 0:01 6:40 1:46 LUirCIIIlbll BOUQUETS - 2:12 1.9 1:05 6:25 9:37 "5:32 6:39 Remember above all that killing a 18 Niagara .Vancouver 26..... - 2:36 - . ' 1 9 Persia Maru Hongkong " 27 ...... 2:47 2.0 1:52 7:12 10:02 5:33- 6:39 3:28 - Colonial Style ;I rav now ; is as effective as killing a - - ' 21-Si- erra ...... Sydney 28 3:21 2.0 2:34 7:54 10:29 5:33 6:38 4:21 dozen a couple, of months later Use .. :. 'J ; " . 2.0 6":38 M.TAYLOR la .San Francisco 29 .... Y.. 352 3:15 8:33 10:53' 5:3f 5:13 iHRSETHEL j Stearns' Electric Paste now; and 'pre- v. "S0-'- 23-lpp-on OAHU ICE CO. 4:21 1.9 3:54 9:11 11:20 3:34 6:37 SeU - x- vent, further; preedlng-- Directions in ... .SanraWcisiitf : ' ; New Moon 23 p..' m. Florist Hotet Ewa of Fort 15 languages in every packageJAdt. 29 LurHne .1 . .San5 Francisco July at 3:44 k0 r : . y-H-l j'. i.rir' .r ,

f ' "' - V


HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N , FOR SALE, . I' -- A!. : BUSINESS GUIDE : BUSINESS GUIDE , LOST - ' . SEMI-WEEKL- Y FOR SALE REAL ESTATE- : 7; DAILY AND . 'a-v.,.r. 1 A chamois ready for. skin bag, ; containing Residence ra cant lots, Jewels, on Sunday g. In Terms of Subsorlptlon: boilding; good roads; prominent : Gea:M. Yamada; concrete, wood and K. Hashimoto, massage and electro-neeria- afternoon rr Daily Star-Bullet- in 75 cents per month. residential section: within walking li 7 stone constriction. Estimates fur Nuuanu st, opp. Williams' around. the Moana bathhouse. .'Fin - t7T. : er please - St per year, 6 cent per copy. from town. ?. Phone 1884. rrrrt m rr: ' l ,) (7777773 nished. Road boildlngv grading, etc nndertaking office, phone return to Moana- lloul ' distance ...... frriTTTr 178$. ; Semi-Weekl- y Star-Bulleti- a, 12 per No. 4. Brewer Bldg. Room 201 McCandlega. Bldg. Phone ,6400 office and recelre Uberal reward. -- ' Jose C Soosa, 3m . ; - - - ' x - . s ; year.- - g487-t- ' in 2157. v 6468-t-f No questions asked. 6535 3t v . f I H. TakabayashL trained massenr; tel-- . V LEGAL NOTICES. . Advertising Rates: Nouanu Valley Adjacent to Country ' 'Concrete for Permanence " ephone 2171. BeretaniaAMasnakea. Announce-i- n Club, 7 acres, grand Tlew; Torrens' c 6466 6m . Classified and Builuess Ring up J. Duggan, phone 1874, 174 S. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE en 1 cent per word per each Inser- UUe; a bargain. See Pratt, the ts King, for concrete work.; . First Circuit. Territory up one week, Lend Kan, S23 Port, telephone 1602. L Oyama, KoiuU near ,SL Louis Col of IlairalW tion, to 435 lm .:: Chambers : ', 6436 3m , At In Probate. . Estimate six words per line. 437tf A cents T. FukuchL paper-- Per line, one week ...... 20 with lot, builder, painter, Tanabe, 1034 Desha lane, bone setter. In the MaUer of the line, two weeks cents For Sale house hanger, - general contractor. Cor. Estate of Per ...... 40 100x150; Llkellke aye, Wllhelmlna 6436 3m Frank O. Carlson, Deceased. Per line, one month ...... 70 tcent RlTer and Beretanla.; TeL 3677. Rise. : Information tele : line, six 0 cents cs. mo For further 6511 '. .j.;.' Tachlyama, OIdEng.Cni.Bldg 1V Per months.. phone 2450. 451-t- f tf Falama Notice to Creditors. : . Other rales upon application. ' Notice Is ' CITY. CONSTRUCTION CO, general hereby glyea that Letters No advertisements of liquors or cer- of Administration have been tain proprietary medicines will be ac- AUCTION BULLETIN contractors. 1320 Fort, nr. Kukni. Murata, expert bone setter. TeL 1811. laued to ' HawaUan Trust Companyr Limited, cepted.-' :: - mone 4490.. 64526 I 6437 sm a A Is Hawaiian Corporation, as Administra- ad-dre- selling Furniture, that replying ss Buying and In to advertisements Sanko tor of the Estates O. your replies exactly as stated In what the Honolulu Auction Kooms Co. Nuuanv and Y lueyard, TeL MONEY LOANED. Frank Carlson, ' psper-- late of HUo, Hawaii,: Ha-wa- u. were more especially established sibi; . contracts, building, ' Territory of .. , adTertlsement I , the in . cement Money loaned on diamonds, watches' ,-- ...... v you telephone sohscrlber, for. but we will dicker and trade hanxinr. work. ciAina iota. j. are a ; - t most any old thing in the line of ; : 6327 tr : - v I and Jewelry at legal rales. Federal All creditors of the said estate are phone your advertisements; we will i 1 . Loan Office, 9S N. King hereby -- -- merchandise.': About the first trade . notified to present their - tt char 1. we know of Is the one Adam made, ouuajag,- cemeni work, pamtlng. I C3RS-t- f claims against the said suts, duly OUR'PHONB IS 4911. plumbing, etc, Bldg. 1464 . little dicker In which he tradtd , Aloha Co authenUcated with roperTouchera, that King. I MIDWIVES a rib for a wile. Aaam didn't need st, phone 1576. M. K. Goto, if any exist, ; eren though the said ' 1 WANTED manager. . : 6056 tf I claims be br.t"jT n that rib, but be did need a wife. In rm-msg.- . - s .... secured great wisdom Urate - real estate, .to the saXX Hawaiian coal-burn- that he showed -- - 6454 Icebox, er cook atove. bed- M. ; Fujita, contractor v and builder, 3m Trust Company, Is no use In hanging on to - - v-w- " . .' - Limited, at stead, spring and mattress, suitable There ii i m rr - r painter, paper hanger. Phone 6002. Its office. something you don't need when you Mass Harano, phone South. King . Street, Honolulu, small establishment. Address lyr midwife, I06S. "0 , for can exchange it for something yo--t S4R1 Sm ' f wiuun six tor montfis from the data Box 392. Star-Bulleti- n. 653761 of the first publication do need. In your house, no doubt, rnjU : Contracting . it BnUdtDg .; Col. of thia.'notlce: A good pafperbanger. - Apply to John there are a lot of things you dont Paiaaa; estimates furnished. PAINT AND PAPERHANQINQ l wuhln six months from the date ' ; . Keep eye - - tney ran 7 . need pieces of furniture, . ruga, yoT on the ball and .- 6184-t- t i due, otherwise such claims. "M. Martin, Y. M. C. A between smash it right on S. 1202 6536 bookcase, refrigerator or a stove, Bhirakl Nuuanu: TeL 413T. If any, will be forever barred and a; nv tf the top foia home run! .t I YoU hare been keeping these things K. flara, fen. contractor, 48 Palama, Painting and paperhanglng. All And air persons Indebted to the said d , .v 6433 work guaranteed. Bids submitted estate are hereby la-tre-e. Second-han- induction, motor 2 or, 3 because they are too good to throw Home count 3m notified to mike 338, Star-Bulleti- n. good they nis and every man am-bitio- n . kS3234f mediate horsepower. Address Box away. But for all the are that has mm 6536 3t doing you might as well throw them an$)ep can make ' "! ENGRAVING I as such Administrator. , them these days. PICTURE FRAMING. away. "Why don't .you turn them Calling .?5ted at Hooolulu, T. H, June 23th, Second-han- d 1S25 and business cards, mrmrw 1916. ' ' V4 wall teat. Address Into money? There are a lot of peo- V - 6614-- Rent yor house or grams, .wedding - 1 Mlyashlta, Rr? er st, near Kuksi. Mekiklst A . 41 ple who will gladly buy these things. room, sell your auto or real invitations and n HAWAIIAN TRUST COMPANY, ' 6442 3m r. nouncements, stationery, cor - Is common '.place estate, fin' your look-mgfo- etc; LIMITED, , There a meeting lost articles r6 , K jt ". or that job you're styles. Star-Bulleti- n POSITION rWANTED right In the Auction Rooms for j rect Printing Administrator of the Estate here all Star-Bulleti- n - PLUMBER. of Frank this through juepartment. izs Merchant ' O. ; 11 .Lon? shrewd poople in buying what you Want Ads. st Carlson; Deceased. ' Photographic artist (lady), best 6313-J- une really need and selling readily what . K. OkL plsmber, Beretanla 4k Aala 28, July, 5, 1J, ' don . experience, coloring, retouch---' ' FURNITURE V25 Is of no use to you. The best regu--i Get int the game! . 6463 Sm ing and finishing, desires position, " lated home Is the one. In which ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE good firm, Honolulu. . Miss B. E there ' Fujikawa, cor. King & South sta, UL Castleresgh is no : useless things. When the 1623; ruga, PRINTlNts circuit. Territory of HAwall 7 Swain, Y. W. C. A, st, - mirrors, etc., reasonable. At Chambers In ' ' V ramuy Protate: ; " casement ,ruii,.the. purs 6316-t- - 6536-- A . . t is f Sydney; Australia.' -- i A. We In the Matter is empty. Sell, the useless, buy the . do not boast of low prices whlcs j of the Estate of S6l '- Call 4911 - nsnany poor on Maneiona, - . fnd-han- comclde with quality Deceased. .' SITUATIONS WANTED.: 'useful."' fet , the.vHooolulu v Auction New and d furnitnre bought f - but we put Ufa, ''v-- - Rooms. J. S. BaUey,- Mgr. i And sold.: Phone 3998, 1281 'know how? to ::;-- i ' Fort st hustle' and go Into printed matter, Ordtr to Shew 'Cause Woman desirea light Tbousework and 6453-- 6' - . en Application sewing. ' Phone: 187l:; - - 6535- -t FOR RENT and that Is what Ulks loudest" and : V;to Sell Rial 'rotate - SaikL Bamboo furniture; S63 Bereta-- longest Honolulu : 'Star-Bulleti-n On Reading and Filing, the Petition , of .HELP WANTED. t - . . ; 6078-- U Printing Department 125 Merchant William Ahla. FURNISHED HOUSES. nia st- ' Administrator ''of the street , ;...; A.TA: ' A'-- 7 stater "of De- - vexperi-- . ( Solomoailahelona' Bookkeeper with plantation Desirable houses Iua various parts of CARPENTERS v. ceased. Draxintr" fr.rrsxi,,a- - --t ; . good Businessii. and visiting cards, engraved ence; permanent position; - the city, furnished and unfurnished,' of certain real estaToniTnV d . -- ta u salary, and chance for advancement. at $15, 18, 620, 25, 130, 835, 640 and lto Carpenter Shop, 465 King. Al or printed In ttracUve Russia tate as bet forth .aid? wtoten up to 8125 a 'month. See list in our kinds' tnrmture-caDinet- a to order. - BUSINSS ,: . f ,;, 6535 3tt ,. . ouice. Trent Trust Co., Ltd Fort GUIDE i21 m sW, King. between and Merchant : . awiu, iq wn: pay vtbe Middle-age-d com- AUTCPAINTING. , to debts of said woman (white) as CLEANING-AN- D Wgashimura, shoemaker. DYEING." Beretanla ft Emma its. ana we expenses of admlaUtro- - panion to invalid and to assist with cottages, 3 bed- '.."' ,,, - eiie : - - Furnished and: :: ' . N . 4' City Painting Sp, King ,, Lee Han, 736 King. Uon;'. v t . housework. Apply Companion," rooms; mosquito proof, electric st, nr. South, The Bee. clothes 'el Aflnfn . Jsag shoemaker, nAt - 64S0--3- m r. It is Hereby Star-Bullet- ' a. expert .auto id carriage Ordered. that the heirs in office. 6535 3t lights; Walalua Beach, near Halel-w- painter; - opp Garden lane. Yn?Maot Cabinet Works, 1287 Hirer. and next of kin of said Solomon1 Mate-lon- a, 1179,' all work guanteed. v r 6213 tf 7uoth!lS " ' Apply M. E. Sllva, phone 'SAMPLE ROOMS, v ; deceased, and person EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 898. V !:4 6490 6419 i; all s in tV or white U T. Tanaka, exputo 828 6m; estejlin the said painter, King FRUITS AND PRODUCE. 111 estate appear before m you good Quarters display ' ,160-3- . . want to this Court on Monday, Y. Nakaalshl, 34 Beretanla st, near -- the. 31st' day v Furnished cottage, Hotel and Punch i 8 your samples HUo, use cf Nuuano. Phone 4311, 6:30 a. m. to a k Nosan fihokat watermelons, Asia lane la Osorios July, A. D. 1916, at 9 o'clock 4 6340-- U -- a.'.nu bowl; bedrooms; electrlo lights; ENTS. store..' - it p. m, Residence phone, 7096.' : ' ' 6099f the courtroom of thl turp- f " 640 per month. . Apply Wo. L. iv.ih. , City of Honolulu, 6246 tf .Peterson,' notary public, 15 Magoon For all lnformion, Japanese General re-- OFT. DRINKS. then aad to 1 GARDENER. ' s, wuao way &a : bldg. ; . - 6522 tf Business Agcy. 20 a. Beretanla. ieretama-Emm- """" oraer should net Aloha Employment Office. TeL .4889; i i?e'i,' Oar sodas will make your busfiatss he granted for the saleof such opp Rapid office. K. Sakamoto, Japanese artlfjcial gar estate. Alapat st, Transit Two-stor- y building and cottage, fur Hon. Soda. Water WxavteleH te Jionomiu, July 22, 1916. dener; garden end briagee. -- ' lanterns , .. . . All kinds of help furnished. nisned; Hotel, near Punchbowl st. BLiKSMlTHS. Haraoa, clothes .cleaning. TeL 802 J. phone 3022 6442 lyr icjue Court : :' - Phone Vineyard ana AS. . , - Nuuanu - . 6101 6121 - r-CH- tf a- ; lil. (Seal) v- ; M. Appiy Wm. L. Peterson, Real Estate 6419-tt- m ': '".'-.- .' . HIJE. 2tts.n, 15 Magoon "Bldg. - 6536 Ct 8HIRTMAKERS. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the First Padflo Employment Bureau. Phone -- : . - enmery replug and general black- - awea Circuit .".' ; 1 p 4136 cr call 1166 Union st. and repaired. HAT CLEANER. : Heights 5 rooms, large smithmg. , yjaii Worg Trt.ir YAMATUYA Shirts and pajamas 6334 July 22 26." ' "" tf- - Alewa bath s Shop, 135 23 "' 6106 ; ; A 6104 1305 opp. room, pantry; lease. 1842. . T Merchaut si A'. : tf made to order. Fort st TeL A: Leaaing hat cleaners; grand reduo- - ' - -- S4a6m pnone 233L m SPECIAL help kinds, male and - 6489 tf ''' - '. uou ou auauia sua fQtio JlsXuI st, flu MEETING Japanese of all Koshlmlxa; stuig. repairing, 659 8teaai BWiir .Gas Ca f itico , 6442 tfm O. 1210 Emma at, King clealni list! Jfort - female. lllraoka, two-bedroo- m wiaisaeii Blag, 4 m u " A cottage, 628 per month. 436-2- tf ' ' CIVIC FEDERATION 1420. :' 6054 V- too v. phone tf - 871 Young near KaplolaaL 6ia Mrs. B. MasakL Beret A Mamakaa, u Diamond, clothes cleaned 249. Vineyard ;;v;;.. 6495 v Ai'-- l KERIES. aresses and shirtwaists to prder. T1i?.re. MISCELLANEOUS. tf .:;o.:..v,;;;--,..- -- 1 raiutuut ciesjieOf WB .be Pclal meeting of ?3n)v : i' uu tei. mv : 6346 iS:iV to, S4d dIU tf the Civic Federation on Friday, July Furnished cottage; 4 rooms. .' TeL Ashsi Baker! best cakes and ; Icej Dealers te Increase their business by CUT. FLOWERii and ibi iMTu , seHisx soda from the Hon. Soda . 2783. .""..". 6536 tit ;cream... tfekma and' Aiakea sts thmaXU StanWalEulld forTh? ' -- ' I i post tint , . pose S Water Was, phone 3022. ; Coconut plants lor saley gamoan vari-- of transferring the Ulluokaiani FURNISHED ROOMS. : -- ';: 6442 ly ?-y-- Pacific Bakei cakes, Uima King. eiy, Apply; A;t D. HiUa, ? LIhue, O. xamatoya, shirts. 1146 IMauana st of . W: ;' - Nicely rooms; . Kauai., c: 'AA 1 6277-t- f GOLD AND 8lLVbR PLAriNG. aajJjtm and of fllllnr several vamn. boy furniture ; cash. TeL 1611. ' furnished snd desirable I3t 3m u, To in; iu per mu up, at The wcb me , isxecuuve Coaaittee. ciuse T, KuniklyojiJU Fort; Phone 1835. J ohigwuure, ptouna. ; Pnvue eeee. - taigleside," 251 a. Vineyard. WILDER. SODA WATER. I X!:.".--- . Uiceri r taa ExacuUve V' FOR SALE-- ' inuaecaueiy - . 6521 lm , . ? wmuiuie? after the res- seat comes from the Hon. amas n,,ar mtlng. . per order of the Execu- - - .' re U:- .v.-- 8029. rt y Owau t tvNui t t?- AUTOMOBILES 1 hree newly furnished housekeeping Lie fecit.' Water Wks. That's tne kind you tive .Committee. 6l2ltX - I; rooms Cottage No. . 2, lane, want . Telephone 3022. S442 iy GE0HGC W, PATY, ss. Plerce-Arro- w, .Miller Jaa. 1 .' '1 ay mr, suugeu w fine A . oil waia iutiW bet. Beretanla and Vineyard sts. CAFE8 RE8TAURANT8.. Kinxura, ' t. one-ma- n. vr flowers, Fort ;Phone 6147. ' ' tlon; good tires; top; full st" -e- Urr' ' - ''?Lj: " '. 6084-t- ' TEA HOUSES. ' ' 6.'35--4t ' equipment; 1900. Box 386, Star-Bu- t The Jdanhat cafe; meaia at all f office.., . 6512 lm ,er ikeso, nest Japanese W. Havre letin - Furnished rooms and lighi housekeep- wakiu, cat flowers; Aloha i tinners, ,V is one of the farinast lan lot ckEmm pArtkun. prop. 8211. . 6iS3--tt -- uos, Tel. of .Europe ing, rooms; 6 minutes' wsoa. from ' iTJ I t - 6106-t-f for the Inpcrtatlca 1915 Bulck. King S and Old; aU tour, ' ' ... cf 648&-t- f ; .ing cars; In Al condition; cheap. town.' Telephone IMS. . . i Jiuxwuuce, Ave cream, tun nulZ wiwn, na tne canciing of foyoahiba, King st, opp. VWa' Villa. tailor. .... - no. juii ' 349, Star-Bulleti- n. 6487 Boston conuiaxei t 3 Box tf Jafe,olest ; ce in town. ; 6411-3- m n rr Light housekeeping and single rooms, . aaa source cr Alter tne sv.drop a. Open day at, avaxasaxe, tailor, 425 xUag . , "pai ilia buslaess pro-- ;';.;:'- -' uanzei Place, Vmeyaru, cr. Fort IAUB. JEWELHV -- :. ) Bulck "Little Six" Roadster for sale; Hi I 6434-t- : and night' Jou tneaterf Hotel NoborL maiaenhalr. ; Star-Bui-- j. f "':".. st Aklma Jane,' fully equipped. Box 380, m w u . I v 64ll-3- Cong :: On Co., Hotel au, oeu r' ; 6530 omiia TRUNKS AND SUITCA8&S. letin. tf Large rooms 2 week, by month 87.60; 646 t$ouih King. Columoia LunRooms; quick service CLOTHES CLEAN pest 1915 King; L. run 3 t beds flu. Ea ia and cneapest ta town. Ma ' 6474-6- m - ana cieaniui our motto; open da) months; 6550. Box 350, Star-Bull- e tugnt Tsisha, clothes cleaned, School frank Store, lusl suver aud ttel st, opp. Bethel. ft tihm ' at m . 63ss-e- 6477 - , bracelet, cm. utuuiij . tin. tf ROOMS AND BOARD ': jistf:v.,-..- 6447 3m , beat vl wo4uiuiy. . 4-- y su, c ea, new MOTORCYCLES, ETC. Room board two young men. EaglOtneV f,unrt Cleaning Shop, 741 N. King x49 iuver suit and for .The bet Hotel add st secona-nan-d doming, eaeapb : 2 6460 JUNK. 1 Phone 7000, between 5:30 and King. A I place to eat; fine 3m - 1916' Indian PowerPlus Motorcycle, 634D tl : A V Box 372, p. m. Beach Walk, WalklkL - noiue cookl Open night and day. fully equipped. Address CABINET MAKER Jiuul DuustMi. aoia awiu. ruwue ese. ' - - . ; Star-Bulleti- n. 6535 St tf yAA UM8RELLA MAKERS. T, HattorL furnrtun, .624 .King Komeya,' Bicycles, Punchbowl it King. On - beach, large cool room, suitable New Orleans fe.' Substantial meala, st 3. Mlzuta Umbrellas made and re-- 6076-t- ' ; for . two people; home cooking moderate, lea. st, cor. Merchant. . paired. 1234 Fort, nr. Kukiul; .phone , r f (.;" ' . 189 sbi - - rates reasonable. 2uO Dewey ave, tx 5: KauaVcaoinet maker1. Fort Vineyard. 5058. ':' .'" 6553Hf Old it new bicycles. Morlhata, Palama. phone 4518. 6532 6t ' 6436 m ITHING . Suuu, undertakers; FOR RENT OR LEASE. S O A FB A a SI I I f a a. eaywauj iuttikM.tuieu iu Pay your aitog I f wrt"wrx&" uwtw EXCHANGE. for as convenien- - - Unaertaxer, 1034 Liliha, pnone FOR SALE AND t- "" V ..- 227. - Warehouse, Clock Tower Building; w,t 6444 3m , ' - v Shodo. banana crackers. King Second-han- d W.USi hchl st cameras and lenses possession June 1. Apply Honolulu .6435-6- m PUUi.L A4, IMA IO. w(Ki Koda-grap- r i. bought, sold or exchanged. h Planing Mill, Ltd Fort st, phone WATCH MAKERS Shop, Hotel and Union 1510, P. O. Box 676. 6472-- U BUSING ' its. PERSONALS, CONTRACTORS GENERAL . SS07-t- f - , uttinonds watches and Jewelry boul Premises occupied by Star-Bulleti- n tmsTs.:; U. Yamamoto,583 S. Kukul st; phone iionuiUik MciAiVtiuuB cuVyhoaea sold and exchanged. J. Carlo, tyn MISCELLANEOUS office, Kerr Building, Alakea st; 48i; general contractor; building. ua voi luea aiuta, sutfta. liae tf W.-- S. - 2, floors and basement, . over 10,000 Dr. Hmoto has moved tu urutr, a ciouie cleaiieu,' . 1 Ume-sarm- g his nouse painting and papering. ueu i ' envelope, in ' u reytui eu ; k N. Ugata, watches, River nr. Hotel. TeTranso square feet of floor space; adapted office to lltel st, above Pacific - :. ,' 6354 tt ' ' caera . tut im st, vention, no: aadreasing necessary . to manufacturing, merchandizing Picture Frag Company. - VMtwa Auf Oiuce, 4b MOtoi aw A 6457 3a . . . In sending out bills or receipts.: Ho- ruiu - or commission display '. 10 K. Nekomoto A teL 4438; 'A--'-'- 4' ''..;:'.' Star-Bulleti- n merchant lm Co, general ni XAd, so) ' " Cato Watch Store, nolulu Co, rooms. -- '" " - contractor,- - DUJiamg," painting Beretanla ft Crh. - and agents for patentee. tf - 6481 Sm , . : . 2 6 SAGE papering.- : : , 6303 ly H. Y. Sang, tailor 1131 Union. ii j JefTs. Phone 2827. HOTELS v.; . v 6454-6- m Orchids at Massage andnitarlum Treatments A. FujiL general contractor "build WOOD AND COAL 64S6-6- m and - in your honVm. MacMillan, pnt er, Aala lane. Phone 6390r-6- m THE P1ERPOINT. , 102L. -- rtzata Co, PacahL nr. IUtci tt, tzl ; WalkikL-Fnrnlsh- ed Utloner. 24otel st, TeL 2347. On the Beach at - V; : - K, ZZii; firewood wi:c! FOR HIRE 36 6t ': . . Segawa, contractor; 604 Beretanla. ari circcaL bungalows and rooms; eaw aad . ."'.: : 6076 tf T- - retail c::7 tf AUTOS AND LIVERY. excellent meals; splendid bathing AdelinaPatti: i 1 jusic and boating; 1000-fo-ot . promenade Jiiirror has been 'mountivt 'ofi 'fha inu3a.cces cecure tnat niters -' rrciGARs;; make fa- - Smith Auto Stand, tel. 1000 beautiful moun- best soldiers. . 4 Street or pier; marine and Ulssvf.Ballani teacher of piano iPArtajt , photographeVajt camet tie Etrcrrti. u. 1 1. vJ . open day night. millarlty eiplovea ! , t. . , 6008; and tain view; terms reasonable. Mrs, u. .iu..-ir4;riHu- x,i,uiafcae patron may. cee, wnat re-- FT2PATRICK Cr.03. with zzl crc; ..IV., ' the: 6349 tf ;::"; John Cassldy. teL 2879. 6302-t- t P . Hfc .''... tf . sultine Dlcture will look ' ' their r: : : t z r . it.'-- i

2(5, 101 iV - r . . - .... i . HONOLULU r - - TWLA' ...... ' .

' - ! ; - - - ' "L' " r - .k . ..,. i ..- tr-r- .'v., .vl; ; - '" ""' .. , . J, ' -- n ..,.:... - TT..: ". ., , r - .. j,

- .t

' " : ; ' ' 1 '" ' ' " " "'::"''-- - 11 .: They Are Going After Big Eats Saturday

Son of Laveno.Beats Roamen a and Others in Queen's County Baseball Players Crop Out all Over Schofield Company Serie- Handicap-Ru- ns Mile in Vf3 6 2-- 5, Within One-seven- th of a s-Brings Out .Many Stars Aulston Picked From Re-

.Second of American Record American . Circular .Track cruits, pjtches.Masterfur Ball Hayden and Hall Should Record Held by R. TVWifson's Amalfi at Syracuse Track Improve in ;Bpx Rogans, Craftons and Swintons in Fray

tiing (Special , NEW YORK. July down down to racing in the stretch the Issue Star Bulletin Corrnirar) catcher. In another year he would he Jo smjJ!, fractions, Emll Herz's Short wis not loi'g In doubt SCHOFIELD BAItRACKS. July 25. a crarkerjack. -- ; one-sevent- h, Grass arae , within of a ,11. P. Whitney's Uorrow was an The j ennant race In the 25th Infan- Crow and Sewell. ' equaling the. American record, added btarter. He wis Rimply smoth- fnnd try has now narrowed clown to As for infieldern and oiitguardeners, wldch, aijiouhtstq aworld's record, ered by the pace all tht way. Gainer, three there is no teams. Companies 'A end to them. H Is rather r Itr. one. mile, over, a circular track at on ths other hand, ran one of his good and E. and the hard to get a line on the former be. VAmiedae't yesterday. races and turned the form somersault Machine Gun Company. It would b cause the various team captains are 'The aged son of lAveno won the of .the far. He has been trailing far an excellent bet against any ope of constantly switching the players The 1 Queen's County, Handicap before a big cut of It In hli jasV three races ,and these picked a , present Infield regimental ' the winner. These of the team half-holida- y crord, and not only, beat only lai t Tnesiay saowed no Indica- three teams reyresent the best ball is composed of young soldiers and will 'ttoamer and ether. good horses Jo easy tion of speed .after, propping himself playin? aggregations in the 25th and probably remain Intact for years and fashion, but ran themile in; the truly at the barrier lie. was right up with snoum rightly contend In the finals. so Is In no particular need of new men. v 2-- reinaritable tlmof liZS 't The rec- the pace yesterday, however, and hung If. at tho conclusion of the they The outfielders that have ; 1 1 series, attracted the hi ; 36 4, y R. enough ( ord made b T Wilson's on ion to be third. are still tied, a series should be ar- most attention fire 'Crow of K Com. Amalfl. under it , pounds, cver.'.tbe It may be recalled that Gainer was ranged, each team playing the other pany and Sewell of H Company. Either ; trotting, track at Syracuse, In 1914 second to Stromboli. at Belmont park teams gardes of. these men could go field ' three each. This would into the Short Ciats Carried, 127v Pound. In 1914 when the latter ran a mile in determine the .legitimate winner and and take care of any flies that come In 1:36 3-- , which Needless to ay, the performance of most horsemen have real olnmplon without any possibility their territory. . Crow, , however, is considered "the American record.1 given ; Short . .Grass, which ...was as striking 01 me usual nowis of bad luck, acci to the spectacular and messes dents, et cetera, many pretty catches by "attempting t U was ns. Is tne that' always follow ai start!! the VMr ' '"" tne regimental series, one-han- d stuff. He Is a hard, ; fast two, In view, weight carried, " . . t bfhe, i r - ? ' ' : .....j Company runner, judges ? , -- A has very well batted ball Quickly, has the bteb class ot the horses beaten v.' at ... v - - ' - a balanced and the difference. In the onstruclion. team, and while its Individual players a good arm and the making. of a re- '. may of , ,t wo .'The for in rowing July 4 has declined, but the Healani members have starte to stir up things be outclas?ed in some instances markable outfielder. He needs a man the .couTies, .tracks interest since ager trotting horses are. not .harrowed, so on therwater and as a result two' of t he Healani crews will meet in a special match race n the harbor at. 4 by members of the other two teams who would ride him hard and so as make play deeply those Jor r.unners-an- d con o'clock on Saturday afternoon. far team work and organization him ball for the team. tSe r goes is well is a short, stocky player who sequently are much Jiarder. . ' ' Brown, rowing captain, has selected two crews to race for a dinner and th losers will have It better than the other two Charles you - - If would trade Rogan to A or E, worries the pitcher- every time ho Raping is full : of , uncertainties, to stand the .expense of the eats. The Kid Crew will meet the organization known as the Strawberry crew that company goes to the plate- - He has a remark, wherein lies ihuch of;its charm, but rnd rnuch ,interest' Is being taken in the coming race. The course will start at the spar boy and in to the would be the favorite 1 in the finals. If E Company had able arm, about the best in the regi- -- there; 5s no explaining , the amazing wharf mile In length. , The K ids will operate the Kulamanu a.nd the Strawberry crwd, managed by Charles "Chick" Evans gathered naval a pitcher like Hayden B, ment, as a matter of;fact, and has tho com-jiaratlrel- y- is; of Aulston ot time set 'by "Short . Grass or. bls Harry Decker, will heave or the Healani. The Kid Crew, shown above, left to right, Frac Kruger, stroke; ' ' about all of the honors in the recent C, or Hall of G, to help Davis, would nerve and aggressiveness that make a - N it easyyictor,. by .any orm .iHennahiMarkham.JNo Sli George Lal, No. ;4; Stubby"J Kruger, coxswain; Robert Boyd, 3; Victor Boyd, """ " national open .golf championship at stand a mighty good show of walking good ball player. r. h e ha i csttfbl --year-He 2; bow, la'ud Jierctbls Minneapolis. In addition to winning No. Frank Cunha, ' - Keep Up. iraply putran profited by otr with the bacon. So takingr the it . :. himself ,and. the event. Jie . lowered ,the . record, for teams as they now stand It is an open A careful examination of the pres . ; his, naiural slowness in settling Into by In - finishing : the classic 4, strokes, HCDfinin onnmc Dec - ,r ent croD of ball players indicates that r his' stride Because pi, he avplded : this 286 for.72.hole8. ; OLD MAN Davis a Comer. the 25th Infantry baseball team Is go-- ' every- - VAuNtit UHHlUirHUULL , an earl pace that, ad horse 1 t .This is the third time , In four years Speaking of the E Company team ing to be just as good fOrthe next which tried Xo .keep up with. it peeling an. amateur has won the Open that it is to be praised for four, or five years as it baa fn . S. the and dlxzy at jthe.eind of seven f ur-lonS- fast ball it .been title- - 4. Jack Hutchinson, a profession- has given the past and baseball in. these islands ; WITIIOUIGEniNG the fans. Waterhouse, who '., .. . ..; al of .Pttsburg, was second, and J M. ha3 twirled thlj company to many vie will not suffer as a consequence. .RoMner, , course ISAMERRYOLD Andrew MIller'a ranked as Barnes third. Par for the is tones, transferred to Company F be Upon the completion of the 1 present the bpst horse, of recent years and 72; and;the. record was 70. Evans made fore the present series began and company series it is intended to have c ertainly- - the, racst popular, ; was xe-- a 9 and Hutchinson a 68. The scores RECOnDATYrtlCA. pAllERitELEV left the company without a reliable a battalion verier and,- - if the powers . sponsible for this pace,, which-ca- n be of the leaders were as follows: pitcher. Davis was developed and that be would make this of sufficient - : i has only sizzling. - Chi- - -- , ilcscrlbed as (Chick) . Evans, Jrn become a very steady and heady slab-ste- r. length co as to actually determine the . He carried his field to the quarter cago ...... 286 may go ' RuthWayson Stacker, swimming in- .Mother, I 0 to swim? The . company victories were best team, say each battalion team 4Gl-5- , 288 i ' ' in 33 seconds, tov the half In. to Jack, Hutchinson, Pittsburg structor the. Y..W. C. A, will make Yes, my darlingr'ghter; due to a great extent'1 to his pitching. play five games with the teams of the five, 58 4-- to Philadelphia : i . . . . 290 at the furlongs in the six JM.. Barnes, an attempt, to create a new. American But learn your metis In the "gym" CuHens who a year ago had won In- other battalion j, we would be treated , 'of George Minneapolis 293 . furlonsa In the remarkable time Sargent, 50 swim the Third In, National; TyrusjGains Before you hit tljj water. numerable games for the 25th regi to a series of games that would excel furlongs In L. .; 293 record for the yard at ,l:10 the seven Gilbert Nichols. Greatneck, I.. Y. M. C. A. tank on --August 19, at mental team by his' stick work,abas anything played on Oahu the past 1-- was and Is'.litUe Wilmington, 293 and PresselJqe and Tns 1:24 It klllias it Wilfred Reld, Del... of big swimming meet BERKELEY, Cal.Dry-lan- d swim- been playing first base for the team year, if such a senes is assured, the ' Y-29- the time the . wonder thai be himself, under ,'U9 Walter CHagen. Rochester. N. ; Miss Stacker is - a professional. but MnAmerjcah ming is now being tght at the Uni- and playing it in a fashion that leaves real baseball fans of Honolulu' can be jound3, in fnrjong when G. MacDonald, 295 tired tfcat.Jast R. Buffalo while arT amateur - made the fastest versity of Calif ornifeummer schooL nothing to be 'desired. Indeed his treated to a real ball game' any time iairly. 297 - Short Grass ran over..him;to Mike Brady, Boston ...... ' by a feminine CHICAGO, July ISWobn (Honus) Nearly S00 girls anbelng daily in- field in? and batting averages place they wish to come out here and wit. time ever recorded ''"-- win by ftve. lengths, in 1:36 2r5 Tom Mardon. St. Paul 297 .Wagner his", average any v. : : swimmer in .' . ; .ran upeight structed in the strok and intricacies him above Other first baseman in ness it a, O. 297 .Hawaii. "' ' It seems almost pity ,tbat,Roamer J. J.: O'Brien,, Mansfield, points to' .333 and the third place of plain and fancyirimming. ' the league. I : '": As the battalions now stand, teams : in an open water meet Miss Stacker could not have, rounded out a" really Jack Dowiing, Chicago 298 among. ,. ,the. -- be" organized play ; 1 . the bailers of - National The girls are firsfned up in the Many good b?ll players' have been could that' would 299 registered 31 for the 50 .yard swim. - remarkable career "on. the urf ;by! Walter Fovargue, Chicago League this- week, according to aver- gymnasium under of 'developed by the present series and any of the Honolulu teams to a stand .i... :299 , holds ,30 yard record, t direction to Ins on to the parki himself, .'tor, Louis Tellier, Boston ...... She also the today, which in- ma- still." autumn - yard-reco- ages printed ..here Miss Lorainhe Cadw;' and her as- the regimental team has plenty of The outlook for base 6tr!ct!y . . . , . ... '300 the 25 : rd going to Helen while jot speaklns'an Araer J. B. Simpson,. Milwaukee of Wednesday's ; rhyjnic J put ball in the city is unknown but -- - cludes the records last sistants. To the cadence of terial coming that would Connie at twp-fifths.- aec-on- d Rosa. Since becoming professional - lean record. It cut Alex Ross. Detroit 300 - t game ' game. Kooertson leaas.- however, one, two, three," , girte begin Mack's minch of youngsters out of the Sca5fle!d Barracks the has only jeccrd. established Miss .Stacker' has been Instructing a 1 off the .track tnougn MaKeiJAUDeri. jias cul aown ; swimming in imagina water. When running. Aulston and Hall are 'the begun and upon completion of target ' last year "by Sam Jackson; ; ' number of girls in speed swimming, .336 v" CHANDLER EGAN WINS J large the difference, and is hitting to the strokes are final; learned they coming pitchers. The first two are practise we are all going to settle Is apple Emil and believes that there will be a left-hander- Short Grass the of Robertson's .314. Max Carey of Pitts- are permuted to 1 swimming s and the last named is a down and ;watch the mighty, batters -- entry 50 in Herz's eye. He refused $12,500 for TENNIS TITLE;:WHAT list in the yard novice race right-hande- burg is ahead In stolen bases, with 27; pool. ; i half-ho-ur big r who only swat the ball for extra bases, see. the . the Each girl given a needs lots him, offered by. the imperial. Prussian at the Y. M. C. A. um-- ? ; V bOYQUMgTWAS GOLF Max. Flack of Chicago in sacrifice hits, in the pool a dai of work and a good catcher to make runners hook the sacks, hear tbe r . governntent, before bringing him to , Among.the girl swimmers who have with 27; Williams, of .Chicago In home him move a little ;' faster. For "the plre yelI"Batter' out" We will even country. Prussia wanted him for making good, showing, who j "One can learn to yim as easily this MEDFORD,': Ore., July 8 All ten- been a and runs,' with lO and in 'total basjes,' with out catcher's position the most likely look ump up and wildly cry, "That a boy," whefe cavalry coming - ' of the water &m it that is. the Graditx stud, horses ,were.np?et.today when are expected to enter the 134 , and Burns New York, in runs lng candidate is Wilson of B Conppany. whea o.ir pitcher strikes out the. bat . nis predictions ? theoretically," said . because" size'; con form- , , ; ''iss Cadwell. ore bred, of,his meet are: Madeline Chapin, Irene 55 Brooklyn , Tor - scored, with leads in "Rubber', Smith of K Company should ter in a pinch; Wera it not the -l " H. : Egan, former v amateur " " j bdnel Chandler . ft All .!lt. I- I- I1 "When the land dril have been at ion and .- ' cham- Ahrens, Beatrice .Dowsett, Thelma The National s be worked behind the plate as he pos- great American game, what would we champion,, the tennis " golf wonf .' Grass, was beaten, nead for . ':-.-- .; Short a de-- Wicke, B. Dowsett, Elizabeth Fuller, ' sesses all the requirements of good soldier? do? , - pionship - of- - southern- - Oregon,.by f to learn In" the water" a ' money the- Brooklyn, handi- In-half- : third in' . Emma'Pakaikb. i3ernice Pahoe, Rose plaj'ed or more. of the games eating. --Ernest. --Adams, i fprmer-- tltle ' cap mire furlong a week . at one. 7-- 4-- 6-- 6-1- ,- Saurez and Deborah.. Kekoa. With a and'a. 5, 2 i are:.., . ' ago after, beius out of, it,, as, usual, holder, by a score ot t CORPS' far year defeated Egan in large entry, list, swimming among, the Robertson, New York, .34 4; Dauhert SIGNAL ISES in the early part.' It was felt .'that Last Adams -- golf feminine 'stars .is certainly, to be -,- - Pittsburg, ". straight sets, and as the former ' Brooklyn. 33G; Wasner, -- was v- FIRST GAME .yesterday V - -- YEAR Rhorter distance - - the champion had been playing tennis for ,333; - Hincbman, ; .328; against him, more particularly as he J .yard open f a week before the tournament opened Jn the 50 event Bernlcia Chase, Cincinnati, .32? ; Long, St Lou- T0.C0MPJY H FIVE iJrew the rail position and was sure to Lane, Lucile Legros, Helen Rosa and ; : pre- Chicago, .311 v r and bard sledding" In some of the is, .317; Zimmerman, 4 he hut off 1n the early "part.r others will; beentered.v""'t:T ;"v - : ; liminary matches, Adams victory was HOrnsby St Loui .319 Wheat, Signal - was low begin. and. waa.10 ?' at- lost the first he of the sea- lie to' '.- ...With these features, and the .302. round-- . generally, conceded. V y' Brooklyn, .304; Schulte. Chicago, son when they droppthe one or 12 lengths behind threaders tempt to lower the records by 14 first relar Leading pitchers Xor or more In their match evhg Na- ing the far turn, but when he settled Duke P.fKshanamokti, George Cunha, ' " ' ' lasr ar the games i: 1 AN f " tional Guard Armory Company H, fRACTURES . WORM ROSS Clarence Lane, Harold Kruger and 1 w the Chinese team. Cdany D is the ATTEMPTING DIVE John Kelil, the jneet should attract Hughes," Boston . 9 - TOE ...... ; on ly bo wling five whj has not lost .q'A. In ;"a number, ol ' . addition, there will.be . . . 4 ,- Marquard, Brooklyn! o. . ! ; I:. ..T-'.."- . ... other events. A'"."'.': - V ' 6uic. wuo luumaui.ietuf u. was '. u . , SAN FRANCISCO, Cal-- A broken Pfsffer, Brooklyn . . t . . .13 4 smashed ! last eveni when Jim i . . . 9 3 (Formerly called Persian Nerve. toe, sustained while, attempting the Rixejv.Phitadelphia J " ' ; inne totaled 583, the three " - ;: . . . Up-to-themin- ute : - ;.. .; Essence.) dive, will .keep. Norman Mamaax, Pittsburg t ..13 t. ."safety, first"-- 51 games. His scores99, 193. 1911 service ;ip the Maidand .Olympic JSlub swimmer, YESTERDAY'S I AlexanGtr, Philadelphia .15 - Ross, tbe SCORES Ching and J. Ho- tried off . the competing in. .the. national .440-yar- d Bentou, New York . i . . 3 - ; ! g cd from ' ' IN .6 honors for the Chine ccmnictfd BIG LEAGUES . 5 3 arid )Ilo championships in New --York.! THE Ragan, Boston . . . .V steamers SierrarSonoma " C Signal O) Ross, in making the shallow water , . Packard, Chicago . c vqs AMERICAN LEAGUE. Erooklyn . 6 4 Winne il99i)3 191 583 :?c:r c'ir'n r dive," struck: bis toe against a brass ' Smith, ...... and Ventura at sea. of W L Pet White ...... 13926 179 451 man, who ,has projecting fronv1 the side the ': . Speaker regained the lead 'To the. Vons,to nob - Trls has New York ...... 51 37 . 580 Clymer . 11S 332 pieces," who . suffers, from a"break-- Olympic., tank. He will not be able In the American League", running his ...... 19222 - ' v 50 38 . The Federal Company has been awarded D7 S..Gov- . Tig-- , Boston ...... 568 Scott 12313 203 545 c down" of his physical 10 compete, for a month." Earlier in average up to .387,; while Joe Jack- o 100-yar- Cleveland . 49 40 551 Reed . 19004 541 cr, : .warted ; Ws, yitality In . won ; the d ... .. down during the week from U7 ernment contract to equip all battleships and three of the has the day, Ross Jia4. Chicago 49 40 551 son fell BensapcrsagohiUie.lol-- meet 59 4-- 5 sec-end- s. '...... 365,, gained 12 points , youth tre1 offer race at an. Oakland, In. . .381 to JCcbb largest radiolstations in the world (including Pearl Har-- - J Washington 47 42 528 749)8 83S 'lowSng'.-- -- , ';ir:.:: .' ...... presses Jackson hard, v.ith .355. 2153 ' . Detroit . 47 44 F16 and Company The speedy Detroiter has 34 stolen bor) with Poulson apparatus. K ; Lonis . 39 50 438 J. Ho . . . . , ,18956 GUARANTEE OLDRING COMING BACK St bases, which indicates he will have ..... 156 511 AC30 LUTE Philadelphia 20 61 247 G. Ho 151 : v v t - TO JOIN NEW, ,YORK to hurry on the lines the remaining ...... 15216 419 THERE'S A REASON v K. C. 1471 ' I to attain his ambi- Zane ..... !J3 4201 If a' full course treatment ,of six NATIONAL half of the season July .lO. LEAGUE. 100 thefts. Speaker also re- Thong .....155.15 10., 40 j boxe of Sensapersa is taken and the PHIIJDELPHIA, Pa W tion for 828 Fort Street , Telephone 4085 er L Pet Ching 17450 IS'J 6imple given followed Oldrlng," former star-ontfleld- gained first place as a sluguer with ... .. 523 directions are Rube Brooklyn . 47 38 5S8 . i sat- -- ed 153 bases, leads in runs out and it does not give absolute of the Philadelphia Athletics, Philadelphia 45 35 563 total and isfaction, we and. the "full pur- today that, he.rwould sign a scored, with" 63. "Eddie Collins heads" sit; ?ob willref Boston . 43 34 '558 20, ' v .- re- Uie 'sacrifice bitters, with and chase price.-- ,' .- contract tomorrow to play the 39 1R8 : New York 41 runs, with 8. Detroit '! wonderful tab- mainder of the season "with the New 37 42 Baker on home MAGEE SAYS TYDBB . !' Try one box of these Pittsburg 475 o. ; team nitung, wun ,-- lets and the marked relief you York.merican ILeague club.; ; St. Lpnis 41 47 leads in 'see M The 10 leading 'natters in the HAS THEliLL FADED will receive, then take the full course Chicago ...... 41 45 471 " 4-- 4-- '4 V V A- - 4--1 American League are: . be permanently bene- 4 t' Cincinnati , 34 51 400 treatment and ' 4--. , t 4-- .387: Jackson, "I had never seen Tobb play un! fited. ! They contain - no mercury. or, Speaker, Cleveland, ACID GOLF .BALL Chicago, .3C5; Cobb. Detroit. .355; til this year." says lilagee of the Wher injurious drugs. . They relieve IN. Yesterday's Results: , " - Lon-is- "Despite at all nervous diseases, sleeplessness,' , - KILLS SMALL- BOY- - NATIONAL LEAGUE. Burns. Detroit 1 Shotton. St. Yankees. had read of .292; Strunk, never ne tailing memory, brain fag,; incapacity At Roston:::M?hTeaRo 3." Boston 2. .293; Sisler, St. Iouis, in in, i inougntu was as -- ew great for study or; business, premature de- - GREENWICH, Conn., July 8. AMERICAN LEAGUE. 'Philadelphia: 287; ;NnnamaKer, a ball player ae is. trou-tjle- Louis, "I he cay, exhausted .vitality and all s Acid he swallowed by biting into At Cleveland Cleveland 5. Boston York. 1286: Milier. St. think does efthing better Bee the submarine wonders of the bay, new dissipa- the center of a golf hall today - . j. . j Felsh, Chicago, ,284. than any one else. )ne it is the fromthe y caused by overwork and ' " ; ' the death of Charles An- - Leading pitchers for 14 games: biggest joke in the wj to talk of a tion ', ; caused At St. Louis St! Iouis 8, Philadel- 12 years old. J child ' W 'second Ty Cobb.' j glass-bottome- d , v, ". brought happiness drla, The phia 3. boat, "Aquarium." Boat landing on the , Sensapersa'.has unwinding Cullop, New York o There are many glball players; - " bit into the ball after At Chicago Chicago 13, New York Into thousands of homes. ' 1 0 2 the rubber 'bands around the 8. Morton, Cleveland ...... Not one is in the saniass with the ' The risk is not yours, the proprie- 8 hotel grounds. Row boats and fishing tackle to rent 'acid pocket The substance he At 6, Washington 5. Mays, Boston ? Georgian. That.goesr Speaker;! tors will refund the money if you ar Detroit Detroit 12 Sensapersa good swallowed Is not. known, as It is XL Cbv.alskle, Detroit . 2 JacKson. KODertson cjiy one else. tiot 'satisfied. Give a by. Covelskie, Clevelaml 12 Cobb delay, any longer, com 4; a. sccretiPreparMtion,guarded COAST LEAGUE. S. i starts where trest of us lair trial, don't T - patent-'--- : - '' 4- : Fabir, Chicago stop. -- W today-i-and . well L Pd tnence now be a v . . . . . 9 - :.;,.. i:v':' Russell, Chicago I "You know wn by Drug Co., Vernon,...... 61 45 575 don't marvel he 2295 tnan. Sold Chambers - TAr .12 T:JPH0NE REACHES Drug 4- Los Angeles 55 45 55i) Ruth,, Boston seems to another bal yer: I havei llolllster Drug Co, Honolulu Ccv t . . 6 . 47 43 522 C." Williams. Chicago watched hira now in series. Mw tor sent postpaid Jor $1 per box or Portland 5 ' A large, healthy pigeon seated on . 5ii 52 519 Klepfer, QevcJaru .... hat is off to him. Iftnds alone." Hustace-Pec- k - ' San Francisco Co., Ltd. toxes for 7 :' . 14 $. the minute hard of th Poughkeepsie Salt Lake 4tf 51 474 Johnson, Washington . ALL KINDS OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. r EXPORT CO, N.'Y.) town clock caused the mayor Oakland 40 68 370 j Hamburg has an exnental plant 1 ' FIREWOOD AND COAL : THE BROWN in the Unite - Dept-15r'7- 20 Per capita circulation i power frthe ebb anil 93 QUEEN 4 Cortlandt St. New York to miss his train by mlnctea on a Yesterday's Results. that obtiins STREET P. O. BOX 212 : 1 $39.23. - . "'5' te-en- t v . on July was of . v .Nv y. day. A:::AAA: Oakland 2, Vernon 1. Slates jflow the North Se.jfs. . '