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6-1-2006 What Does Really Mean? Part III: Height Systems Thomas H. Meyer University of Connecticut Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering

Daniel R. Roman National Geodetic Survey

David B. Zilkoski National Geodetic Suvey

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Recommended Citation Meyer, Thomas H.; Roman, Daniel R.; and Zilkoski, David B., "What Does Height Really Mean? Part III: Height Systems" (2006). Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Articles. Paper 2. http://digitalcommons.uconn.edu/nrme_articles/2

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Introduction stations A and B as depicted in Figure III.1 (c.f. Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 161). If the here are two general visions of what two stations are far enough apart, the leveling the word “height” means—a geometric section will contain several turning points, the separation versus hydraulic head. For vertical geometric separation between which we δ TEarth mensuration, these visions are not the denote as vi. Any two turning points are at two same thing, and this discrepancy has lead to particular geopotential numbers, the difference many formulations of different types of heights. of which is the potential gravity energy available In broad strokes there are orthometric heights, to move water between them; hydraulic head. purely geometric heights, and heights that We also consider the vertical geometric separa- are neither. None of these are inferior to the tion of those two equipotential surfaces along

others in all respects. They all have strengths the plumb line for B, δHB,i. and weaknesses, so to speak, and this has given rise to a number of competing height systems. We begin by introducing these types of heights, then examine the height systems in which they are measured, and conclude with some remarks concerning the geoid.

Heights Figure III.1. A comparison of differential leveling height differences δvi with orthometric height differences δHB,i.

Uncorrected Differential Leveling The height determined by leveling is the sum of the δvi

whereas the orthometric height is the sum of the δHB,i. Leveling is a process by which the geometric These two are not the same due to the non-parallelism of height difference along the vertical is trans- the equipotential surfaces whose geopotential numbers ferred from a reference station to a forward are denoted by C. station. Suppose a leveling line connects two

Thomas H. Meyer, Department of Natural Resources We will now argue that differential leveling Management and Engineering, University of ConnecticutStorrs, does not, in general, produce orthometric CT 06269-4087. Tel: (860) 486-2840; Fax: (860) 486-5408. heights. Figure III.1 depicts two stations A and B, E-mail: . Daniel R. Roman, indicated by open circles, with geopotential num-

National Geodetic Survey, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver bers CA and CB, and at orthometric heights HA and

Springs, MD 20910. E-mail:. HB, respectively. The geopotential surfaces, shown David B. Zilkoski, National Geodetic Survey, 1315 East-West in cross section as lines, are not parallel; they con- Highway, Silver Springs, MD 20910. E-mail: . δvi ≠ δHB,i. The height difference from A to B as

Surveying and Land Information Science, Vol. 66, No. 2, 2006, pp. 149-160 determined by differential leveling is the sum Orthometric Heights

of the δvi. Therefore, because δvi ≠ δHB,i and the orthometric height at B can be written as According to Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, p. 172), “Orthometric heights are the natural , it follows that ∑δvi ≠ HB. We now formalize the difference between dif- ‘heights above sea level,’ that is, heights above ferential leveling and orthometric heights so as the geoid. They thus have an unequalled geo- to clarify the role of gravity in heighting. In the metrical and physical significance.” National bubble “gedanken experiment” in the second Geodetic Survey (1986) defines orthometric paper of this series (Meyer et al. 2005, pp. 11- height as, “The distance between the geoid 12), we argued that the force moving the bubble and a point measured along the plumb line and was the result of a change in water pressure over taken positive upward from the geoid” (ibid.), a finite change in depth. By analogy, we claimed with plumb line defined as, “A line perpendicu- that gravity force is the result of a change in lar to all equipotential surfaces of the Earth’s gravity potential over a finite separation: gravity field that intersect with it” (ibid.). In one sense, orthometric heights are purely (III.1) geometric: they are the length of a particu- where g is gravity force, W is geopotential and lar curve (a plumb line). However, that curve H is orthometric height. Simple calculus allows depends on gravity in two ways. First, the curve begins at the geoid. Second, plumb lines remain rearranging to give -δW = g δH. Recall that δvi and δH are, by construction, across the same everywhere perpendicular to equipotential sur- B,i faces through which they pass, so the shape of potential difference so -δW = g δvi = g’ δHB,i, where g’ is gravity force at the plumb line. Now, the curve is determined by the orientation of the equipotential surfaces. Therefore, orthometric δvi ≠ δHB,i due to the non-parallelism of the equipotential surfaces but δW is the same for heights are closely related to gravity in addition both, so gravity must be different on the surface to being a geometric quantity. where the leveling took place than at the plumb How are orthometric heights related to geopo- line. This leads us to Heiskanen and Moritz tential? Equation (III.1) gives that g = -δW/δH. (1967, p. 161, Equation (4-2)): Taking differentials instead of finite differences and rearranging them leads to dW = -g dH. Recall that geopotential numbers are the difference in poten- (III.2) tial between the geoid W0 and a point of interest A, W : C = W – W , so: which indicates that differential leveling height A A 0 A differences differ from orthometric height dif- ferences by the amount that surface gravity differs from gravity along the plumb line at that geopotential. An immediate consequence of this is that two different leveling lines starting and ending at the same station will, in general, provide different values for the height of final station. This is because the two lines will run through different topography and, consequently, geopotential surfaces with disparate separations. (III.3) Uncorrected differential leveling heights are not single valued, meaning the result you get in which it is understood that g is not a con- depends on the route you took to get there. stant. Equation (III.3) can be used to derive the In summary, heights derived from uncor- desired relationship: rected differential leveling: • Are readily observed by differential leveling; (III.4) • Are not single valued by failing to account for the variability in gravity; meaning that a geopotential number is equal to • Will not, in theory, produce closed leveling an orthometric height multiplied by the average circuits; and acceleration of gravity along the plumb line. It • Do not define equipotential surfaces. Indeed, was argued in the second paper that geopoten- they do not define surfaces in the mathemati- tial is single valued, meaning the potential of cal sense at all. any particular place is independent of the path

150 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 151 taken to arrive there. Consequently, orthometric Now consider Figure III.3, which is an enlarge- heights are likewise single valued, being a scaled ment of the foothill in the right side of panel value of a geopotential number. III.2(c). Suppose that the equipotential surface If orthometric heights are single valued, it is containing A and D is the geoid. Then the logical to inquire whether surfaces of constant orthometric height of station B is the distance orthometric height form equipotential surfaces. along its plumb line to the surface containing A The answer to this is, unfortunately, no. Consider and D; the same for station C. Although neither the geopotential numbers of two different places B’s nor C’s plumb line is shown—both plumb with the same orthometric height. If orthomet- lines are inside the mountain—one can see that ric heights formed equipotential surfaces, then the separation from B to the geoid is different two places at the same orthometric height must than the separation from C to the geoid, even be at the same potential. Under this hypothesis, though B and C are on the same equipotential Equation (III.4) requires that the average gravity surface. Therefore, they have the same geopo- along the plumb lines of these different places tential number but have different orthometric necessarily be equal. However, the acceleration heights. This illustrates why orthometric heights of gravity depends on height, latitude, and the are single valued but do not create equipotential distribution of masses near enough to be of surfaces. concern; it is constant in neither magnitude nor How are orthometric heights measured? direction. There is no reason that the average Suppose an observed sequence of geometric

gravity would be equal and, in fact, it typically is height differences δvi has been summed together not. Therefore, two points of equal orthometric for the total change in geometric height along a

height need not have the same gravity poten- section from station A to B, ∆vAB = ∑δvi. Denote tial energy, meaning that they need not be on the change in orthometric height from A to B

the same equipotential surface and, therefore, as ∆HAB. Equation (III.4) requires knowing a not at the same height from the perspective of geopotential number and the average accelera- geopotential numbers. tion of gravity along the plumb line but neither Consider Figure III.2, which is essentially a of these are measurable. Fortunately, there is a three-dimensional rendering of Figures II.9 and relationship between leveling differences ∆v and III.1, and which shows an imaginary mountain orthometric height differences ∆H. A change in together with various equipotential surfaces. orthometric height equals a change in geomet- Panel (b) shows the mountain with just one ric height plus a correction factor known as gravity equipotential surface. Everywhere on the orthometric correction (for a derivation gravity equipotential surface is the same grav- see Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, pp.167-168, ity potential, so water would not flow along the Equations (4-31) and (4-33)): intersection of the equipotential surface with ∆H =∆v +OC (III.5) the topography without external influence. AB AB AB Nevertheless, the curve defined by the intersec- where OCAB is the orthometric correction and has tion of the gravity equipotential surface with the the form of: topography would not be drawn as a contour line on a topographic map because a contour (III.6) line is defined to be, “An imaginary line on the ground, all points of which are at the same eleva- where gi is the observed force of gravity at the tion above or below a specified reference surface” observation stations, are the average (National Geodetic Survey 1986). This runs con- values of gravity along the plumb lines at A and trary to conventional wisdom that would define B, respectively, and γ0 is an arbitrary constant, a contour line as the intersection of a horizontal which is often taken to be the value of normal plane with the topography. In panels (c) and gravity at 45º latitude. (d), one can see that the equipotential surfaces Although Equation (III.6) stipulates gravity be undulate. In particular, notice that the surfaces observed at every measuring station, Bomford do not remain everywhere the same distance (1980, p. 206) suggested that the observation sta- apart from each other and that they “pull up” tions need to be no closer than two to three km through the mountains. Panel (d) shows mul- in level country but should be as close as 0.3 km tiple surfaces, each having less curvature than in mountainous country. Others recommended the one below it as a consequence of increasing observation station separations be 15 to 25 km distance from the Earth. in level country and 5 km in mountainous

150 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 151 (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure III.2. Four views of several geopotential surfaces around and through an imaginary mountain. (a) The mountain without any equipotential surfaces. (b) The mountain shown with just one equipotential surface for visual simplicity. The intersection of the surface and the ground is a line of constant gravity potential but not a contour line. (c) The moun- tain shown with two equipotential surfaces. Note that the surfaces are not parallel and that they undulate through the terrain. (d) The mountain shown with many equipotential surfaces. The further the surface is away from the Earth, the less curvature it has. (Image credit: Ivan Ortega, Office of Communication and Information Technology, UConn College of Agriculture and Natural Resources).

country (Strang van Hees 1992; Kao et al. 2000; for by Equation (III.6) for most surveyors. For Hwang and Hsiao 2003). first-order leveling, National Geodetic Survey There is a fair amount of literature on practi- (NGS) has used corrections that depend solely cal applications of orthometric corrections, of on the geodetic latitude and normal gravity at which the following is a small sample: Forsberg the observation stations, thus avoiding the need (1984), Strang van Hees (1992), Kao et al. (2000), to measure gravity (National Geodetic Survey Allister and Featherstone (2001), Hwang (2002), 1981, pp. 5-26), although if leveling is used to Brunner (2002), Hwang and Hsiao (2003), and determine geopotential numbers, such as in the Tenzer et al. (2005). The work described in NAVD 88 adjustment, orthometric corrections these reports was undertaken by institutions are not used. The Survey’s data sheets include with the resources to field surveying crews with modeled gravity at benchmarks, which provide gravimeters. Although there has been progress a better estimate of gravity than normal gravity made in developing portable gravimeters (Faller and are suitable for orthometric correction. and Vitouchkine 2003), it remains impractical to Although exact knowledge of is not possible make the required gravity measurements called at this time, its value can be estimated either

152 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 153 • Are not directly measurable from their definition. Orthometric heights can be determined by observing differential leveling- derived geometric height dif- ferences to which are applied a small correction, the orthometric correction. The orthometric cor- rection requires surface gravity observations and an approxima- tion of the average acceleration of gravity along the plumb line.

Ellipsoid Heights and Geoid Heights Ellipsoid heights are the straight- line distances normal to a refer- Figure III.3. B and C are on the same equipotential surface but are at ence ellipsoid produced away difference distances from the geoid at A-D. Therefore, they have different from (or into) the ellipsoid to orthometric heights. Nonetheless, a closed leveling circuit with orthometric the point of interest. Before GPS corrections around these points would theoretically close exactly on the it was practically impossible for starting height, although leveling alone would not. anyone outside the geodetic com- munity to determine an ellipsoid using a free-air correction (Heiskanen and height. Now, GPS receivers pro- Moritz 1967, pp. 163-164), or by the reduction duce three-dimensional baselines (Meyer 2002) of Poincaré and Prey (ibid., p 165). The former resulting in determinations of geodetic latitude, depends on knowledge of normal gravity only longitude, and ellipsoid height. As a result, ellip- by making assumptions regarding the mean soid heights are now commonplace. curvature of the potential field outside the Ellipsoid heights are almost never suitable Earth. Orthometric heights that depend upon surrogates for orthometric heights (Meyer et al. this strategy are called Helmert orthometric 2004, pp. 226-227) because equipotential ellip- heights. The National Geodetic Survey pub- soids are not, in general, suitable surrogates for lishes NAVD 88 Helmert orthometric heights. the geoid (although see Kumar 2005). Consider The Poincaré and Prey reduction, which requires that nowhere in the conterminous United States a remove–reduce–restore operation, is more is the geoid closer to a GRS 80-shaped ellipsoid complicated and only improves the estimate centered at the ITRF origin than about two slightly (ibid., pp. 163-165). meters. Confusing an ellipsoid height with an In summary, orthometric heights: orthometric height could not result in a blunder • Constitute the embodiment of the concept of less than two meters but would typically be far “;” worse, even disastrous. For example, reporting • Are single valued by virtue of their relation- the height of an obstruction in the approach ship with geopotential numbers and, conse- to an airport runway at New York City using quently, will produce closed leveling circuits, ellipsoid heights instead of orthometric heights in theory; would apparently lower the reported height by • Do not define equipotential surfaces due to around 30 m, with a possible result of causing a the variable nature of the force of gravity. pilot to mistakenly believe the aircraft had 30 m This could, in principle, lead to the infamous more clearance than what is real. situation of water apparently “flowing uphill.” Ellipsoid heights have no relationship to Although possible, this situation would require gravity; they are purely geometric. It is remark- a steep gravity gradient in a location with rela- able, then, that ellipsoid heights have a simple tively little topographic relief. This can occur (approximate) relationship to orthometric in places where subterranean features substan- heights, namely: tially affect the local gravity field but have no expression on the Earth’s surface; and (III.7)

152 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 153 where H is orthometric height, h is ellipsoid scaling geopotential numbers by a constant does height, and N is the ellipsoid height of the geoid not change their fundamental properties, so itself, a geoid height or geoid undulation. dynamic heights, like geopotential numbers, are This relationship is not exact because it ignores single valued, produce equipotential surfaces, the deflection of the vertical. Nevertheless, it and form closed leveling circuits. They are not, is close enough for most practical purposes. however, geometric like an orthometric height: According to Equation (III.7), ellipsoid heights two different places on the same equipotential can be used to determine orthometric heights surface have the same but gen- if the geoid height is known. As discussed in erally do not have the same orthometric height. the previous paper, geoid models are used to Thus, dynamics heights are not “distances from estimate N, thus enabling the possibility of the geoid.” determining orthometric heights with GPS Measuring dynamic heights is accomplished (Meyer et al. 2005, p.12). We will explore these in a manner similar to that for orthometric relationships in some detail in the last paper in heights: geometric height differences observed the series on GPS heighting. by differential leveling are added to a correction In summary, ellipsoid heights: term that accounts for gravity thus: • Are single valued (because a normal gravity (III.9) potential field satisfies Laplace’s equation and ∆ is, therefore, convex); where vAB is the total measured geometric • Do not use the geoid or any other physical height difference derived by differential level-

gravity equipotential surface as their datum; ing and DCAB is the dynamic correction. The • Do not define equipotential surfaces; and dynamic correction from station A to B is • Are readily determined using GPS. given by Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, p. 163, Equation (4-11)) as: Geopotential Numbers and Dynamic Heights (III.10) where g is the (variable) force of gravity at each Geopotential numbers C are defined from i Equation (II.6) (c.f. Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, leveling observation station, and the δv are the observed changes in geometric p. 162, Equation (4-8)) which gives the change in i gravity potential energy between a point on the height along each section of the leveling line. DC geoid and another point of interest. The geopo- However, typically takes a large value for tential number for any place is the potential of inland leveling conducted far from the defin- ing latitude. For example, suppose a surveyor the geoid W0 minus the potential of that place W (recall the potential decreases with distance in Albuquerque, New Mexico (at a latitude of away from the Earth, so this difference is a posi- around 35 N), begins a level line at the Route tive number). Geopotential numbers are given 66 bridge over the downtown railroad tracks at in geopotential units (g.p.u.), where 1 g.p.u. = an elevation of, say, 1510 m, and runs levels to 1 kgal-meter = 1000 gal meter (Heiskanen and the Four Hills subdivision at an elevation of, say, Moritz 1967, p. 162). If gravity is assumed to be 1720 m, a change in elevation of 210 m. a constant 0.98 kgal, a geopotential number is From Equation (III.10), DC = .So approximately equal to 0.98 H, so geopotential taking gal and numbers in g.p.u. are nearly equal to orthomet- gal, then ric heights in meters. However, geopotential = numbers have units of energy, not length, and -0.189775 m, a correction of roughly two parts are therefore an “unnatural” measure of height. in one thousand. It is possible to scale geopotential numbers by This is a huge correction compared to any dividing by a gravity value, which will change other correction applied in first-order leveling, their units from kgal-meter to meter. Doing so with no obvious physical interpretation such as results in a dynamic height: the refraction caused by the atmosphere. It is unlikely that surveyors would embrace a height (III.8) system that imposed such large corrections that

One reasonable choice for γ0 is the value of would often affect even lower-accuracy work. normal gravity (Equation (I.2)) at some latitude, Nonetheless, dynamics heights are of practical conventionally taken to be 45 degrees. Obviously, use wherever water levels are needed, such as

154 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 155 at the Great Lakes and also along ocean shores, the density of the masses at every point even if they are used far from the latitude between the geoid and the ground must be of the normal gravity constant. The geoid is known, at least theoretically. This is clearly thought to be not more than a couple meters impossible, and therefore some assump- from the ocean surface and, therefore, shores tions concerning the density must be made, will have geopotential near to that of the geoid. which is unsatisfactory theoretically, even Consequently, shores have dynamic heights though the practical influence of these near to zero regardless of their distance from assumptions is usually very small. the defining latitude. Even so, for inland survey- These issues led Molodensky in 1945 to for- ing, DC can have a large value, on the order of mulate a new type of height, a normal height, several meters at the equator. which supposed that the Earth’s gravity field The dynamics heights in the International was normal, meaning the actual gravity poten- Great Lakes Datum of 1985 are established by the tial equals normal gravity potential (Molodensky “Vertical Control–Water Levels” Subcommittee 1945). The result of this postulate allowed that under the Coordinating Committee on Great the “physical surface of the Earth can be deter- Lakes Basic Hydraulics and Hydrology Data mined from geodetic measurements alone, (CCGLBHHD). without using the density of the Earth’s crust” In summary, dynamic heights: (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967, p. 288). This • Are a scaling of geopotential numbers by a conceptualization of heights allowed a fully rig- constant to endow them with units of length; orous method to be formulated for their deter- • Are not geometric distances; mination, a method without assumptions. The • Are single valued by virtue of their relationship price, however, was that “This requires that the with geopotential numbers and, consequently, concept of the geoid be abandoned. The math- will produce closed-circuits, in theory; ematical formulation becomes more abstract • Define equipotential surfaces; and and more difficult” (ibid.). Normal heights are • Are not measurable directly from their defi- defined by: nition. Dynamic heights can be determined by observing differential leveling-derived (III.11) geometric height differences to which are and applied a correction, the dynamic correction. The dynamic correction requires surface grav- (III.12) ity observations and can be on the order of where H* is normal height and γ is normal grav- meters in places far from the latitude at which ity. These formulae have identical forms to those

γ0 was defined. for orthometric height (c.f. Equations (III.3) and (III.4)), but their meaning is completely dif- Normal Heights ferent. First, the zero used as the lower integral bound is not the geoid; it is a reference ellipsoid. Of heights defined by geopotential (orthometric Consequently, normal heights depend upon the and dynamic) Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, p. choice of reference ellipsoid and datum. Second, 287) write: normal gravity is an analytical function, so its The advantage of this approach is that average may be computed in closed form; no the geoid is a level surface, capable of gravity observations are required. Third, from simple definition in terms of the physically its definition one finds that a normal height H* meaningful and geodetically important is that ellipsoid height where the normal gravity potential W. The geoid represents the potential equals the actual geopotential of the most obvious mathematical formulation of point of interest. Regarding this, Heiskanen a horizontal surface at mean sea level. This and Moritz (1967, p. 170) commented, “…but is why the use of the geoid simplifies geo- since the potential of the Earth is evidently not detic problems and makes them accessible normal, what does all this mean?” to geometrical intuition. Like orthometric and dynamic heights, The disadvantage is that the potential W normal heights can be determined from geo- inside the earth, and hence the geoid W = metrical height differences observed by differ- const., depends on [a detailed knowledge ential leveling and applying a correction. The of the density of the Earth]…Therefore, correction term has the same structure as that in order to determine or to use the geoid, for orthometric correction, namely:

154 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 155 The first two criteria (i.Hipkin and i.H&M) are equivalent: if heights are single valued, then leveling circuits will be closed, and vice versa. (III.13) The second two criteria form the basis of two with being the average normal gravity from A different philosophies about what is considered to B and other terms defined as Equation (III.6). important for heights. Requiring that a surface Normal corrections also depend upon gravity of constant height be equipotential requires that the heights be a scaled geopotential number observations gi but do not require assumptions regarding average gravity within the Earth. and excludes orthometric and normal heights. Therefore, they are rigorous; all the neces- Conversely, requiring the measurement cor- sarily quantities can be calculated or directly rections to be as small as possible precludes observed. Like orthometric heights, they do not the former, at least from a global point of view, form equipotential surfaces (because of normal because dynamic height scale factors are large gravity’s dependence on latitude; recall that far from the latitude of definition. No height dynamic heights scale geopotential simply by meets all these criteria. This has given rise to a constant, whereas orthometric and normal the use of (Helmert) orthometric heights in the heights’ scale factors vary with location). Like United States, dynamic heights in Canada, and orthometric heights, normal heights are single normal heights in Europe (Ihde and Augath valued and give rise to closed leveling circuits. 2000). Table III.1. provides a comparison of Geometrically, they represent the distance from these height systems. the ellipsoid up to a surface known as the tellu- roid (see Heiskanen and Moritz 1967 for further discussion). NAVD 88 and IGLD 85 In summary, normal heights: Neither NAVD 88 nor IGLD 85 attempts to • Are geometric distances, being ellipsoid define the geoid or to realize some level surface heights, but not to the point of interest; which was thought to be the geoid. Instead, they • Are single valued and, consequently, produce are based upon a level surface that exists near closed-circuits, in theory; the geoid but at some small, unknown distance • Do not define equipotential surfaces; and from it. This level surface is situated such that • Are not measurable directly from their defi- shore locations with a height of zero in this ref- nition. Normal heights can be determined erence frame will generally be near the surface by observing differential leveling-derived of the ocean. IGLD 85 had a design goal that its geometric height differences to which are heights be referenced to the water level gauge at applied a correction, the normal correction. the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. NAVD 88 The normal correction requires surface grav- had a design goal that it minimize recompila- ity observations only and, therefore, can be tion of the USGS topographic map series, which determined without approximations. was referred to NGVD 29. The station at Father Point/Rimouski met both requirements. NAVD Height Systems 88 was realized using Helmert orthometric heights, whereas IGLD 85 employs dynamic The term “height system” refers to a mecha- heights. Quoting from IGLD 85 (1995): nism by which height values can be assigned to Two systems, orthometric and dynamic places of interest. In consideration of what crite- heights, are relevant to the establishment ria a height system must satisfy, Hipkin (2002b) of IGLD (1985) and NAVD (1988). The suggested two necessary conditions: geopotential numbers for individual bench (i. Hipkin) Height must be single valued. marks are the same in both height systems. (ii.Hipkin) A surface of constant height must The requirement in the Great Lakes basin also be a level (equipotential) surface. to provide an accurate measurement of potential hydraulic head is the primary Heiskanen and Moritz (1967, p. 173) held two reason for adopting dynamic heights. It different criteria, namely: should be noted that dynamic heights (i.H&M) Misclosures must be eliminated. are basically geopotential numbers scaled (ii.H&M) Corrections to the measured by a constant of 980.6199 gals, normal heights must be as small as possible. gravity at sea level at 45 degrees latitude.

156 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 157 Single Defines Level No Small Physically Rigorous Quoting Hipkin (2002b, valued Surfaces misclosure Correction Meaningful Implementation p. 376), the “…nine- teenth century approach Uncorrected No No No n/a Yes Yes Dif. Leveling to establishing a global supposed Helmert Yes No Yes Yes Yes No that mean sea level Orthometric could bridge regions not Ellipsoidal Yes No Yes n/a Yes Yes connectable by leveling. Dynamic Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes The ‘geoid’ was formal- Normal Yes No Yes Yes No Yes ized into the equipoten- Table III.1. A comparison of height systems with respect to various properties that tial [surface] best fitting distinguish them. mean sea level and, for more than a century, the concepts of mean sea Therefore, dynamic heights are also an level, the geoid, and the leveling datum were estimate of the hydraulic head. used synonymously.” We now know this use of Also, “IGLD 85 and NAVD 88 are now one and “geoid” for “mean sea level,” and vice versa, to the same… The only difference between IGLD be incorrect because the mean sea surface is not 85 and NAVD 88 is that IGLD 85 an equipotential surface. Therefore, the mean values are given in dynamic height units, and sea surface is questionable as a vertical datum. NAVD 88 values are given in Helmert ortho- Furthermore, Hipkin argues that measuring metric height units. The geopotential numbers changing sea levels is one of the most important of benchmarks are the same in both systems” contributions that is making today. For (Pfeifer 2001). The United States covers a large this particular application, it does not make area North-to-South within which is a consider- sense to continually adjust the vertical datum to able variety of topographic features. Therefore, stay at mean sea level and, thus, eliminate the dynamic heights would not be entirely accept- phenomena to be observed. In contrast, chart able for the U.S., because the dynamic correc- makers, surveyors, and mappers, who define tions in the interior of the country would often flood planes and subsidence zones, would be unacceptably large. The U.S. is committed probably require that the vertical datum reflect now and for the future to orthometric heights, changes in sea level to ensure their products which in turn implies a commitment to geoid are up-to-date and not misleading. Although a determination. valid scientific point, Hipkin’s argument does not override the need for NGS to determine the geoid, or a level surface near the geoid, in order Geoid Issues to provide a well defined datum for orthometric The geoid is widely accepted as the proper heights. datum for a vertical reference system, although The second issue asserts that it is not straight- this perspective has challengers (Hipkin 2002b). forward to produce a globally acceptable Conceptually, the geoid is the natural choice for definition of the geoid. If one searches for a a vertical reference system and, until recently, physics-based definition of the geoid, one finds its surrogate, mean sea level, was the object that, according to Smith (1998, p.17), “The from which the geoid was realized. However, no Earth’s gravity potential field contains infinitely modern vertical reference system, in fact, uses many level surfaces… The geoid is one such

the geoid as its datum, primarily because the surface with a particular potential value, W0.”

geoid is difficult to realize (although Canada W0 is a fundamental geodetic parameter (Burša has recently proposed re-defining their vertical 1995; Groten 2004), and its value has been esti- datum using GPS and a geoid model). An exact, mated by using sea surface topography models globally satisfactory definition of the geoid is (also called dynamic ocean topography models) not straightforward. Both of these issues will be and spherical harmonic expansions of satellite explored in turn. altimetry data (e.g., Burša 1969; Burša 1994; The reasons that the geoid is not realizable Nesvorny and Sima 1994; Burša et al. 1997; from a mean sea level surrogate were given in Burša et al. 1999), as well as GPS + orthometric the second paper in the discussion regarding height observations (Grafarend and Ardalan why the mean sea surface is not a level surface. 1997).

156 Surveying and Land Information Science Vol. 66, No. 2 157 More recently (summer 2005, January/ tioned above. However, different level surfaces February 2006), research conducted in a joint fill the needs of different user groups better effort between NGS, the National Aeronautics than others. Moreover, it is probably unsatisfac- and Space Administration Goddard Flight tory to define a single potential value for all time Center, and Naval Research Laboratory person- because mean sea level is constantly changing nel has attempted to model the geoid by cou- due to, for example, the changing amount of pling sea surface topography model results with water in the oceans, plate tectonics changing airborne gravimetry and Light Detection And the shape and volume of the ocean basins and Ranging (LIDAR) measurements in a manner the continents, and “thermal expansion of similar to the aforementioned, space-based the oceans changing ocean density resulting altimetry efforts. If successful, this work will in changing sea levels with little correspond- result in another solution to the ongoing prob- ing displacement of the equipotential surface”

lem of determining W0 with particular focus on (Hipkin 2002b). The geoid is constantly evolv- the coastal regions of the U.S. (c.f. Smith and ing, which leads to the need for episodic datum Roman 2001, p. 472). The National Geodetic releases, as is done in the U.S. with mean sea Survey is also examining earth gravity models level. If a global vertical datum is defined, it will (EGMs) derived from the satellite-based Gravity only be adopted if it meets the needs of those Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) who use it. With the United States’ commitment (Tapley et al. 2004) and (soon) Gravity Field to orthometric heights comes a need to define and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer the geoid into the foreseeable future. (GOCE) data (Rebah et al. 2000) in order to establish higher confidence in the long wave- lengths in EGMs (i.e., macroscopic scale fea- Summary tures in the geoid model). Aerogravity data are Heights derived through differential spirit being collected to try and bridge the gaps at the leveling, ellipsoid and geoid heights, ortho- shorelines between terrestrial data and the deep metric heights, geopotential numbers, dynamic ocean and -implied gravity anomalies. heights, and normal heights were defined and Earth gravity models and aerogravity data are compared regarding their suitability as an being used to cross-check each other, existing engineering tool and to reflect hydraulic head. terrestrial data. It was shown that differential leveling heights Even so there is no consensus as to which value provide neither single valued heights nor an for W should be chosen. Smith (1998) sug- 0 equipotential surface, resulting in theoretical gested W could be chosen at least two ways: pick 0 misclosures of leveling circuits. Orthometric a “reasonable” value or adopt a so-called “best heights are single valued but do not define level fitting ellipsoid.” Hipkin (2002b) has argued for surfaces and require an approximation in their the first approach: “To me it seems inevitable determination. Geopotential numbers are single that, in the near future, we shall adopt a verti- valued and define level surfaces but do not have cal reference system based on adopting a gravity linear units. Dynamics heights are single valued, model and one that incorporates define level surfaces, are not intrinsically geo- to define its datum,” with the justification that, metric in spite of having linear units, and often “Nowadays, when observations are much more have unacceptably large correction terms far precise, their differences [between mean sea away from the latitude at which they are nor- surface heights at various measuring stations] malized. Normal heights are geometric, single are distinguishable and present practice leads to valued, have global applicability, and can be confusion. It is now essential that we no longer realized without assumptions, but they do not associate mean sea level with any aspect of define level surfaces. There is, in fact, no single defining the geoid” (ibid.). height system that is both geometric and honors In fact, G99SSS and GEOID99 were com- level surfaces simultaneously because these two puted by choosing to model a specific concepts are physically incompatible due to the surface (Smith and Roman 2001). Defining non-parallelism of the equipotential surfaces is unnecessary because it is computable of the Earth’s gravity field. Two modern verti- as the zero-order geoid undulation (Smith 2006, cal datums in use in North America (NAVD 88 personal communication). Other researchers and IGLD 85) express heights as either Helmert have explored the second alternative by using orthometric heights or dynamic heights. It was the altimetry and GPS + leveling methods men-

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