JJOTU, lifts V AVERAOB DAILY CMBOVLATION tor the month o f OsoMahor. ISM Fhreeast of D. -R. ' C B. Wilson, locel nursSry men. MIm Owtndolyb PrMeott of load and Manchester Green were ' • ’ fiwi tober’a table had for its center a Is on e buelneee trip to Teses. Strong MrMt apoit tta. we«k-«id URlXSCHRlSTlANTrY thriving industrial communities ST. M ARrS AOXOIARY wpodland scene, with log cabins and OriBUOR DECORATING Ohmdy wHh rW ag with an' sunt In Btoniagton. clustered around mills built on ad­ hontera in fuD regalia; November's 5 ,4 3 2 tonight with probahly light ^P/^DInisiW *Tteiil«" Mr. end Mrs. B. A. LydeU of vantageous water power sites. With table with Its centerpiece of an arti- Meaiher of Iho A a «t Wedneadny generally fair aad M«in street ere plennlng to Join The Wonmn’s Home MlaeioDuy the eatabliahmsnt o f Cheney Broth- OBSERVES BffiTBDAV lE tif ttin g fc r a lb fleial tqriiey, bittfrsweet and other Bareaa ot ObealattoBa K . ttae. Jan. 18 wclety wiU meet at the pmonage era’ silk mills. South' Manchester COURSE T O RESUME what warmer. V. X^' a:a».U!sa. Mr. end Mrs. W elter Lordell et OUTSIDE OF CHUR(3I appropriate decorations spelled Pelm Beech nest week, for e o f the North Methodist church to­ began to develop into the town that Me. .. Tbankaglving, while December’s month's veeetion. The letter heve morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. it la to ^ y . Part7 RcM In Parish HaD Fri. table was beautiful with ita minia­ C. Elmore Wstkliis to Discuaq (OMaaigod Advortlalag ea Pago 10.) been spending their winters et this C. Homer Ginns will give a resume Only a few pages were needed to d a y Night— Mrs. Leavtns ture Chriatmaa tree, and arUflclal VOL. LTV., NO. 90. MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1985. o f the text book for the year. AU Uat the names of taxpayers here in Neo-Classic Styles at “Y” (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS i resort for some yeers pest. Selectman Frank V. Williams la the Speaker. ■now. Tonight. —' III I ..II women o f the church will be wel­ 1785. T h e aaaeased valuation at Mrs. Anna Wads, prestdent of the come to attend. that time was 6,000 pounds or about ABOOTTOWN Mystic Review, Women’s Benefit S t Mary's Woman’s -auxIUsry auxiliary, presented the Urthdsy essocletlon, srill instell its officers 330,000. - A ’s trade or profes­ The course in interior decoration Says Citiiens Should Co- celebrated iU fifth birthday in the cake to Rector Neill, who accepted The flaal Mtbedc In the preifnt for the current yeer st Its reguler Mrs. Kathryn Chapman, wife of * sion in those days had a certain it with a little ' speech which of C. Elmore Watkins will be re­ Trial Adds To Their Trials MilM coedneted by the Hlfhlnnd meeUng tomorrow night in Odd Fel* Norburt Chapman, formerly of this value. parish hall Friday night Mrs. brought forth peals of laughter. sumed tonight at 8:30 at the T. M. LOCAL BUSINESS C. A . The subject for the evening HUNDREDS OF JEWS fu A Community club will Uke lows hell. Mrs. Crece Best, stete town, now living at 940 S t Nicholas operate Better. Towa’e Orowtk ' Robert Johnston was general chair­ Mrs. Leaven’s talk waa-Ilatcned to will be Neo Classic. piece e t the clubbouee tomorrow field director, will be the instelling avenue. New York city, returned Since then the population baa with the greatest intereat and the , greatly increased, the schools have man for Uie anniversary obaervaace, This subject should be particular­ ANOTHER EXPERT LINKS night The grend prises will be officer, end eU officers end guerds home today from the Post Graduate evening waa voted one of the most SEEN IMPROVING Mrs. Robert McKay supervised the ly interesting as right now thera ewerded, end cesb prises end e door ere expected to weer white for the hospital where she underwent an "ChrUtlanlty In Town Affaira” gone through an era of develop­ enjoyable in the history of the socie­ dining room arrangements snd Mrs. is a revival o f the Neo Classic all prise. Home mede refreshments ceremony. Mrs. Julie Rewson Is operaUon for appendicitis. The op­ ment, the safety of persons and ty. An abstract of her talk was FLEE SAAR BASIN waa the aubject of an intereating James Stevenson the decorations. over the country. Singularly enough will be served. cheirmen of the committee making eration was performed by Dr. Oer- property has been tncreaecd. With printed in Saturday's issue. ‘aid Pratt. Mrs. Chapman is recov­ talk given before the Men'a club of the passing of the years the town The guesU at the head Ubie includ­ every Ume the Cloaaic haa been re­ AS o n GROW errengements for the spaghetti and the .Second Congregational church boa gone ahead of the procession in ed Rector and Mrs. James Stuart vived the revival has followed a S t Mery's choir members who salad supper at 6:30, for which e ering nptdiy. SUSPECT WITH NOTES most things instead o f behind. The Neill, Mrs. Helen B. Leavens of the period of financial depreaaion. It plen to ettend the benquet tomor­ moderate charge will be mede. A Sunday by Selectman Frank W. PoUcemen Rudolph WIrtalla and spirit of progress and the welfare Connecticut Children'a Aid aocleEy, NEWLYWEDS GIVEN happened in B n g ^ d after the Res­ AS GERMANY WINS row night should be et the church large turnout o f the members la WlllianM. Winfleld Martin are both on the sick of the pMple here has been such the principal epeaJeer of the evening, toration and in France after the be­ Mills in Town Increasmg et 6.'SO o'clock. hoped for. A fter delving briefly into the hia- heading of Louis XVI and Marie list that we can hold up our beads and and Miaa Marjory Cheney, a mem­ tory o f Mancbeater and tracing Ita make apologies to no other town.* ber of the executive board. Mem­ A SHOWER PARH Antoinette. And now. once more, la growth down through the yeara, Operations and Providing Doolittle Breaks Mark, When Mr. Willlama had finished bers Had the privilege of inviting a our search for something new we Hitlerites m 90 Per Cent Victor Kelly Of 109 Foster street Mr. Willlama deacribed the progreaa his talk and had returned to hie guest and more than 75 enjoyed an A shower waa given in* honor of are going back to the Greeka and HIGHEST COURT / n r . . . «-r«a , j Thai Isador Fisch, Dead was struck by a hockey stick on the made by the community and then seat, Cyrus Tyler of Vernon Depot; appetising supper at 6 o’clock. Hr. and Mrs. August Schaller Sat­ Romana for our inspiration. Addhionai Jobs>~ Note of right temple andl^orehead yesterday obaerved that “a little more Chrla- whose home waa broken Into by Mrs. Stevenson received many Mr. Watkins will have some fresh Victory at Plebiscite — tian practice, outaide the church, urday night, of 139 Glenwood Loast to Coast Flight | fs™, Fwted PIN E H U R ST Dial 41S1 afternoon while- refereeing the Alexander Kaminski, Springfield jail compliments on the attractive ap- street, by R. C. Women's AUlauice information pn present trends as ha hockey game between the Manches­ would be a help and a little more TAKES UP NEW guard slayer doomed to die the week peanuice o f the nine tables, which lodge of which Mrs. Schaller is a haa just retunied from the mid­ - AnthNazis Arrested Bot Optimisin Sonnded Here. ter Collegians and Windsor, and suf­ co-operation by tl;e citizens a need." of January 20, and a bowl of soup were decorated to represent the winter expositions at Grand Rapids member. A large crowd attended Newark, N. J., Jan. 15 (A P )— f DoolltUe’s mark waa m a ^ de­ fered a cut and bruise. He completed StdernUka CondlUon stolen, Inquired why the speaker months o f the year. January and and Chicago. Haaptmann’s Handwriting FRESH VEGETABLES the affair. Many useful gifts \were Major James R. Doolittle, noted spite the fact that he flew off hla refereeing the game and was admit­ Referring to what he called the had not mentioned the “ drink quea- February were combined, March No Riots Reported. PHASEOF NRA 'elovenly condition o f aldewalka in brought aa well aa refreshments. ADVERTISEMENT There is an Improvement in bust- speed filer, established e new trans­ course and was picked up by radio V'ery crisp fresh Spinach . . Firm white Snowball Cauli­ ted to the Manchester Memorial Uon." represented St. Patrick’a day, town after a enow or Ice storm," Later It) the evening a buffet lunch ness in Mahebester reflected in a continental record for transport air­ a half hour before he landed, below — Long Technical Testi­ flower . . New Cabbage . . New Beets, 10c, 3 for 25c; . . hospital for treatment at S:1S p. m. "Things have never been so bad,” ’ April's table was gay with spring Mr. Willlama said it waa deplorable was served. Mrs. Schaller before Mrs. Rose Kronick of The WHr planes today, touching his wheels at Cape May. Mr. ly ie r said. flowers. May featured the Maypole survey made o f manufecturing and Carrots . . Fre.shJ’ eas . . Parsnips will be 3 lbs. 15c . . that more thoughtfulness was not her waa Mias Mary Chris­ Dress Shop is In New York toda^ Saorbruecken, Saar Basin Terri­ Bennett airport. New York, Mrs. Grace Hassett of 73 Blssell Mr. Willlama replied that be did and dancers; June the bride paontb Asked to Upset Lower Court farming conditions today. " I didn't do the ship juatlce,” mony Marks Hearing. We have Native Rutabaga (yellow) Turnips and good na­ shown by property owners, in help­ tian. and Tuesday on a buying trip. tory, Jon. 15.—The Nazis, having urs, 59 minutes after his take­ street Injured her hand In a washing not "exactly agree" with Mr. Tyler with a bride's cake and miniature M Doolittle said. “ I lost an hour and ing the other fellow avoid danger of In the woolen Industry a notice­ off at Los Angeles. tive Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes . . Yellow and White machine at her home yesten ay and that conditiona are aa bad or worse swept the SaAr^lebisclte with a poll ' half by getting off the course and |uty, by cleaning their aldewalka bride; July and August, the vaca­ Decision on Code Wages; able increase is shown in the num­ Doolittle was timed et,Floyd Ben­ was admitted to the Manchester than they were before. He mention­ of 90 per cent

must have Its CSiamber a t Oom- dlagulasd, OS Is avldsneed by tha ehalr to faea croaa-


curlty of praperty as tha saaantlal tent e t anything like a hundred and ONCE MORE H m rlfritfr basla cf our whela seonomic system fifty thousand dollars a year, It will and as ths only passible gtuuwntee be Ilka sheering ua the other side In - N e w Y o r k M 14th. ANNUAL SHOW of the AAANCHESTER POULTRY CLUB Csfutiig fitraUk of employment for the employable of the moon—which nobody has ever x jw r ^Fjy»UJ«HKO MJ. ■Ed of income for the thrifty. seen yat. KINTINO OOMfAJ**. U” * If the. purpose of Mr. Tone's office By FAUt, RARRUOM iw riting. "Dodwortb" soon will II ■ItMlI mr*tl Whatever security was potentislly Newr York, Jan. 10 — Msaadsr- leave kUnbattan for a tour. and SIXTH COMBINED CLUB and MERCHANTS' EXHIBITION MkachMlar. Ouan, ebtainabla for tha workers, the is to build up a political maebina Inge: I t looks like a muck more Beroewbera around town is a TBOM«B rBWOliaON WORLP COURT qhoullsb fellow who goe* to thea­ Oawmt M»at»>r aged, the Inflnn. the unfortunaU for the strengthening of the Cross prosperous year, reports Martia wing of the Democratic party there Grsene. The figures scribbisd on ter box etnoea and aaka for bia ~Nun4M OetPtat I, IMI and the unemployable must dsrivs, the tablecloths a t Ltndy'e, Dave's money back from a previous night FuklltkPd «*«r> £«•*)*■ so It was believed, from the ablUly Is i^ lty to the scheme if very little Blue Room, Bardl’s snd other because his wife becamf ill. dur­ B n«ira •*« Roltdairi «»»•'••« •' 'J* morality. If bis conception is that ing tht flrrt act, waa ruabad to a ORt«* kl R»ii«likf'«r. Oo»k. »• of private capital to provide em­ Broadway restaurants are twice ae OPENS WED., JAN. 16 - STATE ARMORY hospital and later died. A' rackat, ployment and from the contributions It would eontrtbuta In the slightest targe ae in 1934. degree to the economic betterment Most interested watcher e t the of eoursa. Okk fkkr. k» nw'l from secure wealth to public or pri­ building operation eatty-eomsr f9 t Heatk kf Mil vate charitlea. of the commonwealth then be dis­ from Madison Bquare Garden is ■pendthHfla FOR FOUR DAYS — Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. — JANUARY 16 -17 -18 -19 sm s ik Cqp? plays a sad lack of the sense of Jack Dempsey. It will be his res­ In England, diatlngulebed stage OkiiMrtd om ywf ...... *»o* We may examine our paat eco­ proportion. taurant, and the cornerstone al­ folk are likely to gat on the MBIIMII o r THB a m u c i a t e o nomic experiences and practices In King's honors list for a title. But i*REaii ready has entombed the gloves COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Tkk AMoelaiPd Pr«M i* •ieluil*kly any light w t pisase but they will which mads him s flatie champion In New York—with the exoepUons •sUtlkd (• tk* UM for ropubltootlo* ALWAYS PROTESTING . . . BuUlvan snd Corbstt bad rss- of Ruth Draper and Oonella Otis ot all Bowo 4loa>'obM er»4i»»4 to li sum up. In the end, to Just about tauranU. too, and Pop-’Bm-Paui Bkinner, they're ousted from the or KOI oikorvlM or<4lio4 In tatt this theory. Boclal Register .... A oontiaet aa4 oloo tko, loool oowo auk- A noble band, the New York Mer­ Bcrtenbach, the erstwhile . Astoria koroia. In the Tkst two or three years chants jVkkocihtlon. Always fight­ Assassin, now shoves steins ovsr a bridge feud la being fought out at COMPLETE LINE OF SHOW OFPiaALS All rlahta el ropubllcailon el bar in Manhattan’s YorkviUe. Ue Motion Picture Club between » thers has been s tremendous revul­ ing vigorously—albeit wasting a AT THE POULTRY SHOW opoolol dlipo'eho* btrtin pro oIK' ro- Milton Berls has s prescription four film axecuUvea. They meet CaARLBS J. JOHNSON The 14th Annual Show oorroA______, sion from belief In the Inevitable good deal of wind on Ita battle cries for insomniacs. Instead of taking whenever they all happen to be in Moon’s Economical Quality Feeds Secretary m u iorvleo eiiiBt et N E a so rr- primacy of wealth, MtUlona of —against' sobs terrible Injusuce sedatives or counting sbsep, pre­ town at the earns time. Btakes 20 Woodland S t, Manchester, CL ^of the ? Don’t Miss The Interesting wo. in a tend it's 7 o'clock of a dreary are |1 a point and although thou­ Your Guarantee of FOR EVERY NEED people, reaUslng that the security thst somebody U forever trying to sands may change handa at a tin­ Poblutatr’p RoarBocBlBOro: Th* morning and that you have to get Extra Quality Groceries • Meats • Hay • Straw • Grain • Feed H. nSSH A N JpllUP Malhowp Spielll A«»Bey—N«» of wealth had failed to carry with put over on it. A few weeks ago up . . . The Police Qasette, daring gle eittlng. total scores are sur­ Show Saperlntendeot Terk. Chleaao. Oeiroll and B«iion It security for the livelihood of men, It charged headlong, with aa much barber-shop Journal of not so prisingly even; and Economy M e c h a n ic a l e x h ib it Big spenders a rt beginning to HOWARD RICH women and children, have come to noise as a howling army of Der­ many decades ago, la to resume Manchester Pouh^ Club " MKRtlKH AUDIT BUREAU OP pubiicsUon—with s woman as edi­ ronnnear on Broadway, but Springaeld, Moss., Judge Presented by WRfUlJtTIUWE______accept the revolutionary belief that vishes. against the proposed city of them, after a night or two, tu| John Le Preli & BroSe, Inc. tor-in-chief , . . And speaking ot FRED OROSBECK and . Tk* B aral4 PriniliiB CompaBjA Ina.. ovir system of government has been gales tax to raise money for the re­ barber ebops, there's ons on out to have been mere flaahss Glastonbury, Conn. bo Vernon, CXinn., Judge Baaemaa IlnaneiaT raapenviMllly devoted to the wrong security—that Eighth Avenue advertising: "Sell­ tha cash registers. Among Tel. Glastonbury 379 or Mancheater 4781 (or typovraphlaal trrora appaerina In lief rolls. Every last member of steady psyboys, though, sra Guy The Manchester ad*trllaamanl« IB Iba Mannhaaiar human being should and must be ing out — Haircuts, 30 cents." Evanina Raral4. the association was going to be put Evidently Just a satirical comment Loomis, who has something to do put ahead of property In the pur­ out of business by the tax. Now hf the methods of neighboring ’•’'th oil. and Enoch Johnson, who Sixth Combined Club and Milk Dealers Exchange TVEBDAT. JANtJART IS poses of organissd society. the N. Y. M. A. Is Just as vociferous stores, which constantly advertise has something to do with locsl politics. Twentiea here, hundreds This is something that will appeal to young and old against any sort of a compulsory golng-out-of-buelnese esles. •WVEREIGNTY" Out of this new realisation haa there, and a ten-spot to the eigsret alike. come this amastng tide of demand Job Insurahcc law—if the merchants Bine Qua Non girl. Messrs. Loomis and Johnson COLUMBIA Merchants’ Exhibition While thle baa been the very lala for old age penslons-rflrst of an In- would be required to pay anything iLlta Grey Chaplli- left her first are very popular ... If hs bad You will also be able to procure interesting literature more money, Erskine Gwynne on mi|k.^nd its uses in everyday recipes. of all dopraaatona It muet be a eyclu evlUbla chain of demands cerUIn toward the fund. night-club engagement for a flying would be the perfect man-about- after all, becauae It haa worked We don't see what dtfference It visit to the children In California. to grow out of the basic idea that She aal/i she'd see Charlie; they're tnwn. But thing! may be differ­ PRODUCTS around to the Hamllton-Jeireraon human beings must be ths first con­ could make to the merchants, no atm good friends . . . I haven't ent if and when he revlvea here Opens Tomorrow atace, and there the American peo> the famous Boulevard^r which be Red Mite and Lice sideration of government. Never matter what kind of a Job Insurance seen as many diamond tiaras at used to publish in Paris. pie are on familiar ground. Every before In the world have ao many law was passed—they must all be the dressier spots this winter. Pro­ Destroyer at ao often we have the bid controveray bably they're all being made into people demonstrated In favor of a bankrupt by the sales tax anyhow, bracelets . . . Geraldine Farrar is H.A1L TO THE HORSE renewed, whether thla wae Intend­ social or economic change as have and you can't spoil a rotten egg. another believer in numerology. New York—Against the steady Poultry Remedies ed to be a atrong central govern­ Signs herself "Qua Farrar" because advance of the machine sge, the Joined in the insistent urge for old Maybe, however, the merchants milkman's bores still stands in ment after the Hamiltonian phlloa- have forgotten about being bank some mathematical mystic told her THE STATE ARMORY age penalona. -The Idea baa taken the "Qua" would bring her luck. staunch resistance. Fly Killers ophy, or juat a imlon of aoverelgn complete possesaton of millions upon nipted by the tax since the sheriff And in the opinion of the Ameri­ (Stalnlese and Dark) atatea, in the Jelferaonlan manner. millions of Americans. Any notion seems to havs forgotten to come Comeback can Society for the prevention of For 4 Days—Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat, If there 1a any bletorie peraonage Remember "Tees of the D'Ub- Cruelty to Animals, we're Ukcly to Visit US at the Manchester that some substantial form of com' around snd close them up. pie, Inflammation of the bladder will 1 engaging in trade which was dan­ have the milkman's horse with us In tha annala of thla country whom For forty years the Merchants gerous because of war In a given ervUles”, "Anna Christie” and Some Poultry Show and receive a pllance with it can be disregarded cause more distress In the back than of the other celebrated atlent films for a long time. The society points w« don’t like, never did and prob­ by etateamcn or legislators Is found, Association of New York has been In the bladder Itself. The cart of area would be told they did so at out that New York dairy companiee free sample of . -BEHIND their owTj risk. In which Blanche Bweet appeared? ably never will, that peraonage la ed on folly.. protesUng that some proposed na­ this type of backache depends upon Well, ahe'e coming back to the have put rubber shoes on their COLUMBIA ANTISEPTIC January 16-17-18-19 Alexander Hamilton; but If . to be treating the organ which is deranged Says Warren: Broadway stage In a new play. Les­ horses snd have rubbsr tired tbCTr In view of this sItuaUon It Is dlf tional, lUte or city legislation was which Is causing the ache in the antl-Hamllbon and pro-JeSeraon one THE SCENES "It is better that our eiUzene lie Howard will be In It too , . . . wagons, tuning down oonaldsrsbiy POWDER for personal use. ficult to have any sympathy with going to put all Its members Out ot first place. the early morning milk wagon baa to accept the theory of Ameri­ IN should run the risk of commercial In other citiee the theater is having Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. the argument that the Connecticut business. In most cases nobody A dragging down sensation In the lose than that the country should be a quiet revival. Washington, Balti­ racket. See A Modem Type The New Standard Chavrelal Coocii can "aoverelgn atatea" we can't aee Manufactured by Oeneral Assembly should defer ac- paid any attention to the protests back with women is due to some involved In a war to protect their more, PItteburgh, C-icago, Minne­ The society reports there are This combined show offers you a timely exhibition where Thomaa eacaped any part of snd, strangely enough, there are misplacement or disorder of the alleged commercial rights.” apolis, Kansas City, Les Angeles about 30,000 horses left ia New a complete licking a t the handa ot Uon on the old age pension probism pelvic organs. While heat may re­ i_BY RUDNEY DUTCHER-i It will be up to Congress to decide and Boston are dividing fourteen i.ork. Not all of them pull milk See The New 1935 until we see "what Congress Is go­ still quits A number of stores and lieve. this In a measure, for per­ wagons. Poultry House Built of of poultry and poultry supplies and related subjects and tha immigrant from Bt. Kltta. Herald tVashIngton Correspondent whether that's a bright Idea. shows among themselves at this ing to do." Such a course would shops snd quite a number of mer­ manent relief the treatment must The F. C. *1, he directed toward the correction of an additional showing of new 1935 automobiles and Beiya Section 10, Article 1 of the be a pretty shabby dodging of re chants rated aa solvent In the me ' Washington, Jan. 15.—-Of course, Oonatltutlon of the United Btatea: whatever la the main cause, and sponaibiUty. tropolls. when thl.s is done, the bMkacbe will if you wanted to be flippant about Tires — Batteries . Sturtevant G>. many modern appliances for the home. No atate ehall enter into any CHEVROLET Congress may do nothing at all; disappear. When the backach* la it, you might aay that the nation Car Heaters HOMOSOTE Established 1877 treaty, alUanca or confederation; due to prolapsus no complete cure granta lettera of marque and re- srill not do anything of ssrloua im­ 8AAR VERDICT had fallen out of the hands of one And More Service At Our Exhibit At The Poultry Show 21-23 Mechanic Street can be expected until the abdominal Dr. Warren Into the arms of an­ A Better Show Than Ever This Year priaal; eoln money; emit billa of port unless It brsaks loose from the muscles have been strengthened suf­ Than Money Can Buy! Hartford, Conn. At The Poultry Show credit; make anything but gold The Bear plebiscite, which had to other Dr. Warren. Homoaote provides an economical material for such con- Roosevelt control—Mr. Roosevelt la ficiently to hold the organs up to Not long ago, Mr. Roosevelt waa and ailver coin a tender in pay­ show a preponderance of 70 per cent their normal position. BtrucUon that will give good service. Schedule of Delivered Prices On The New Standard ment of debta; paaa any bill of not deeply Interested In old age pen­ or better In favor of return of the listening attentively to tbs theories MORIARTY attainder, ax poat facto law or sions. And If Congress should ac­ The cure of backache due to of Dr. George F. Warren, who be­ Model In Manchester: law impairing the obligation of territory to the Reich In order to sacro-lllao strain requires adjust­ lieve Inflation and the commodity BROTHERS oontracta, or grant any title of tually adopt some federal old age prevent a continuance of Longue of ments. as when this type of strain dollar would save our economic Mt->1S Center St., Cor. Brood Coupey...... $568.00 nobility. No atate ahall, without pension system.'Ibaklng state relief Nations administration, re.sulted In occurs there Is usually some alight necks. Free Road Service Coach ...... $578.00 the oonaent of CMigreaa, lay any superfluous. It would be the easiest misplacement of the bones of that George F. hasn't been In the pic­ Open 24 Honrs THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. a surprisingly overwhelming verdict region and this can best be corrected Sedan ...... $645.00 'linppata or dutiea on Importa or of things to have provided, In what­ ture lately, but Roosevelt bae been Phone 3878 Coal, Lnmber, Masons’ Snpplles, Paint axporta, except what may be ab- for return to Germany, the vote be­ by ths use of Osteopathic or Chiro­ studying the writings and conclu­ 886 No. Main St. Tel. 4149 Manehester Sport Roadster...... $558.00 aofutely neceaeary for executing ever state law may have been ing Un to ons over both League and practic treatments. As inflamma­ sions of one Charles Warren and Phaeton ...... ------$578.00 Ita Inai^tkin lawa * * * No atate adopted, for such a oontlhgency. ' French control. tion la often present. It Is advisable the result Is likely to be an entire­ Sedan Delivery...... $60,).00 ahall, without the conaent of Coh- To do nothing, or nothing worthy, to use hot applications such as the ly different American foreign greaa. lay any duty of tonnage, The result of the election, which hot alts bath or the dlahthermy, policy. ken. keep troops, or ahipa of war In about old age pensions because wos completely secret snd under rho CLEANSING DIET regimen This Warren is a lawyer hero time-of peace, enter into any there la a cbancs that Congress may neutral control, would seem to Indl will also prove helpful In bringing who, as war-time assistant attorney When They're Alive — agreement or compact with an­ do something woqld be for the Con­ cate that a great deal of mlslnfor. about a more rapid absorption of the general, had charge of enforcing RQey Chevrolet Co., Inc. other state, or with a foreign pow-' •u.iammatlnn exudates. No excr- our neutrality laws from 1014 to *Cock of the Roost* er, or engage In war, unless necticut Lioglslature to shamefully matlon concerning public opinion In ci.se should be used until after the 1917. Thai's One Thing 60 Weils Street Manchester actually Invaded, or In auch Inv- pass the buck. That, It la obvious the Saar Basin haa been disseminat­ Inflammation haa subsided and fre­ Before consulting Charles War­ mlnent danger aa will not) admit In the light of the tremendotis move­ ed. Grant that the Gerntuin Nnxls quently It is a good plan for the doc­ ren, .Roosevelt and the State De­ At Any Show of delay. ment for the doing of big things made extraordinary efforts and tor who treats the back to strap It partment folk — observing Japan's This one section of the federal with adhesive tape after the manip­ attitude toward naval limitation- When They're COOKED pension-wise, would not be any too spent money like water on the cam­ ulation so as to prevent excessive had developed a strong hankering Constitution knocka Into a cocked safe. paign aid the election Itself, the in­ movement. for some kind of alliance with the hat every claim of any sUU of the escapable conclusion Is that the Saar 1 have a number of articles British—which, of course, wouldn't That's Another Union to being a sovereign entity, mimeographed on the different sub­ be called an alliance. STATE JOB AGENCIES people were almost unanimous In jects mentioned in this article, and PAINT WITH inasmuch aa it distinctly denl^ to their desire to return to German will be pleased to send them to you, Spoofs Old Tradition The New Plymouth One of the most bisarro contribu­ each a whole array of those^.pmro- if you wrtll write to me In care of Warren's ideas fitting in very tions to ths mass of ideas for the oontrol. Hitler and all. gatlves which are of very The obvloua thing is that any at­ this newspaper. Please enclose only well with that, because they spoof­ lessening of imemployment is the one large, self-addressed envalope essence of sovereignty. tempt from any quarter to defeat ed the gopd old American tradition i'4 : ' ' > ■».'’<’• jf- notion that a subatantlal service with your letter, adding one three- which demanded "freedom of the , '■'* ■f'' K* C h t'N a m e l Oonnsctlcut isn’t y ' "sovereign" the objective of the plebiscite would cent stamp for each article desired. would be rendered by the develop­ seas,” regarded as the one major state; neither is N^w York nor Vir­ be rt> give Germany her first per­ BACKACHE SCIATICA...; possible source of friction between ment of a highly perfected system ginia nor any O f^e rest of them. fectly valid cause , for -complaint LUMBAGO...; BLAJDEB IRRI- the two English-speaking nations. With All The Flavor Retained of free, state-maintained employ T A 'n O N ...... : SACRO-ILIAC If one were to make up a slogan for Bach is Just ajCate, an Integral part against her treatment by the rest THIS TIME FOR AN ment agencies. In the sarly years STRAIN...; CLEANSING DIET.. the Warren theory It might well be: of a Unlon/wbich from the begin­ of the world since the armistice. of the depression this q\ieer theory "Too smart to fight." ning toolc to Itself the exclusive There must, be no such attempt. Ql'ESTIONS ,\NH ANSWERS The proposed new foreign policy, had a largl mimbor of proponents. p o w ers^ sovereignty, Meantime the antt-Nasl minority as sugge.sted by the administration, Y O U C A N ENDURANCE JOB Nowadays we hear less about It, Its (Pareley Valiuilile Ve.v'etable) is designed both to keep us out of Dd if the states are not aoverelgn In the Slaar will need all the sym­ Chl-Namel 100% Pure House Paint provides additional obvious futility having finally Question: Mrs. Clara H'. writes: war and to co-operate in keeping savings too. Durability and lasting protection combine with i power neither can they be held to pathy that can be extended to It. world peace. dawned.on moat of Its earlier advo­ "Will you please tell me w:hat you maximum covering and ease of application to give most yearn of ' sovereigns' responsibility. Mr. think of the value of parsley. If • It would. provide, for instance — ACCOMPLISH satisfactory service per dollar invested in material and labor. Roosevelt's scheme for shunting cates. However, Governor Cross steeped or boiled, and the water that In case the League of Nations That Is real economy in painUng. In the manufacture of should effect sanctions'against an back onto the states the care of such had a kind word to say for an ex­ used as a drink, for kidney trouble.” AT THE r pipes showing on CHI-NAMEL ^RAINING PROCESS dUb. themselves upon any lone Job that ful. In those backaches where there there arc at least a few things! the aCerior. New Torpedo-type Safety Steel Body. Seats 8” wider—floors 8” lower. On Display At We could handle this mess—and comes Into being, or even Into pros­ Is present any spinal lesions, the (Walnuts) worth sacrificing to avoid war- and | Improved Hydraulic Brakes stop quicker. Ccntrlfuse drums on all models skilled manipulations ot an Osteo­ Smooth, streamline ex­ raatore prosperity to Connecticut In pect, the necessity or the advuitage Question: Mrs, D. asks: “Do wsl- that peace time is a fine time to: terior; easily kept New Synero-sllent Tranemlaslon. path. Chiropractor or Naturopath nuta contain carbohydrates? Are figure out how to keep from being Chi-Namel time—If we were a sovereign of spending large quantlttea of state RANGES clean. will be of marked benefit In restor­ they heneflcial to the kidneys? Do dragged into the next conflict and New Clutcli—S0% less'pedal pressure. money In ths maintenance of bti' atate; but we are merely an Integral ing the back to normal. they combine with raw apples, and. how to avoid dangcroua, frictions Ivory and green or Molo Steel Springe and new weight distribution give "FloaUng Ride.” part of a sovereignty and our hands reaiis for the distribution of -non' The type of, heat used may be If so, would that be sufficient for with belligerents. ivory and suntan en­ existent Jobs Is Illogical enough, to any of tha following: the deep lunch?" Why talk about neutral rights, be See your new range at the Poultry Show . . a new amel finishes. New Type Sidesway EUmlnator—assures yon of new safety on corvee. are tied. All right, then let it work therapy lamp, which tends to "bake" Atiswer: Nearly all nuts contain asks, when no other- nation recog­ THE POULTRY SHOW both sraya—let this state and every be ridiculous—and wasteful enough the soreness out; electric pads; some form of- carbohydrate and nizes them and insistence on them is Bengal Range. You'll find Bengal ranges in glisten­ Impr6\-ed oven gas of badly needed money to be actual­ towels wrung out of hot water; or walnuts have about IS per cent. likely to mean war? ing porcelain enamels for coal, oil or gas fuels and heating unit for du^ • KITCHn-TinT other stata insist that the federal State Armory—Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat, January 16,17,18,19. govemmenj; do the Job that Its sov- ly wicked. the diathermy; all of which may be They have no special effect upon Neutral nation: possess no rights models. used tp advantage several times the kidneys, nor are they harmful.. on the high seas, he says, which combination ranges that heat and bake with coal And Up. You can tide Kltch-N-Tint on any interior surface with ex­ sreignty Imposes on it. If Mr. Tone can show how a him- New gnu burners for cellent results—wood, plaster, brick, cement, composlUon board, dally. The hot bath, hot water They combine well with raw apples can be asserted against a belligerent or gas. You’ll want a modern Bengal the minute F.O.B. Factory. Leant About Our “Share the Benefits Plan.” AN ELECTRIC RANGE Will En­ dred and fifty thousand dollars bottle, hot Bits batb, or hot - sand and this makes a very good lunch. nation without that aiseillon threat­ cooking top with auto- Only metal, and even wall paper that is in good condition. Ita uaea worth of free employmsnt ogMclaa you see it, for it combines all the latest heating and matic lighters . . Just $565 able You To Take Full Advantage of This. 60 More Kwhrs. for Only the Added Cost are unUmited and can be appUed anywhere in your home from boge may be ueed. Two ounces of the nut meats are ening to lead to war. OLD AGE PENSION TIDE Aa ordinary backache, of the baking improvements in a beautiful, smooth enam­ turn on the gas!. basement to roof. can creata tsro cents worth of work enough to use at any one meal. Dozens of other impor* “The World’s Safest Low-Priced Car” of 10 Kwhrs. Each Month for 12 Months. From the beginning of organised tyrpe generally termed lumbago by IPs Their Own RUk Pencil and finger marks, aoil and grime can be washed off for anybody except the officials and eled range. tant improvements. easily and quickly with aoap and water. Kltch-N-Unt gives’ a ggvammcnt in this country until ths the patient, requiree llUle more than (I'ntaioce Easily Digested) Warren auggeats that the presi­ cWrks who might operate them— rest and heat as treatment and dis­ Question: Mary C. asks: " ')^ c h dent be empowered on the outbreak durable "enamel-like finish at a paint price”—a real economy. Oreat Depression the paramount work which otherwise would not be appears under the regimen In a few is more easily digested—potatoes or of war to negotiate with belligerents OPCN IHUKhUAT AMU 6AIUKUAY tvmiNCS 9 O'aOOC . Dries Overnight. clUsetiva of law was ths sscurlty of done—be will be doing something daye. The use of the mustard plas­ bread? Which Is more fattening?” for observance of such rights. If the ter or Unlmisnt acts ea the principle The Manchester Electric Company wealth. This was not ctily the extraordinary. It be eon show that Answer. If potatoes are cooked belligerent refused, the president of a counter-irritant and la much properly, they will be more com­ might embargo munitions to it, for­ IfjlMd of tha Hch hut of the moder- 778 Main St Phone 5181 the employment offices have In any used for backache. pletely digested than bread, and are bid American ships to carry them WATKINS BROTHERS Schaller Motor Sales, Inc. and the poor alike, year provided Jobs outside their By far the most common back­ not aa fattening as bread, as pota­ to it, close American ports to Its “A dependable organization of sales and service” THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. man and owii walls and which otherwise ache Is due to disorder of Ithe inter­ toes contain only about onc-thlrd ae armed ships, prohibit''loans to it at MANCHESTER. CONN. 634 CENTER STREET PHONE 6282 the SS-; nal organa, the pain being reflexed many calories or heat unlta as and keep Americana off Its ships. Coal. Lorober, Maaew’ SapiMea, Vaiat wouldn’t havs been filled, to the ex- or referred to the back. For exasn- bread. And Americana who Instated on 886 No. Main Sb TeL 4149 - V ' t- MANCHESl'ER EV l£Nli an* baste chain* or group* thereof unless *p*el- To Make Machine Models 4—Grade school boys gjun, 9-11. minor courts befere whicb sucb of­ ned: coast to eosat (a I* *) oealsnstion IncludM all avatlahle •tatlon*. 5:16—Men’s repreeenUttv* volley WiB Brighten Memories of Mark Twain Pregrama subjset te ehenga. P. Cent east. ball team. fense* would come might be in­ FOR PNEUMONIA Do you know that the greatest *:30— e:IO — Undertl.i,-d(ng Muslo.^ COMMON COUNCa NAMES DRUNKEN DRIVER clined to be lenient. NSC WRAP netw o rk New York, Jen. 15.—(AP) — Thefgins learning the general prindples 6:30—Intermediate "Y” gym. waste in connection with home Swimming, Bridge and Bowl­ BASIC — Basti west wlw weal wUc basic: llu**«ll ero t . -wtat: Jack paternal bond of the Russian gov- ’ underlying all productive processes 7:30—Needlecraft (Mtsa Hannah Definite Crime hearing la what beatid^ exports call Armstrong, Sketch • nildweet rpt Rockville Sportsmen’^ Groap Such a point could be met by giv­ 0 WJar wus wceh mti will wfbr wn w*y S:4S.— *i45 — Underetendine Muele — FIFTY FOR JURY DITTY ernment reaches almost Into t)ie' In agriculture and Industry, Jensen). "S RooseTelt To Press "Chimney Loss”—the beat wasted when wcaa wt«m ww) weal: mid: ked baeic. Woody and Willie—wsei cradle, grasps impressionable citt-: When tbe kindergarten child of 8—(hirrent Event* lecture by ing jurladietlon to higher courts up the chimney? ing Are Among Many wmao well who wow wdef wkbf l:U— •:W—Preee.Radio Ne«m Period only, and making this offense what StaHsb'cs Siiftw 46.4 Per NORTHWaSY A CANADIAN — wtmj e:C0— 7:00—Myrt end Mprgt - •Mt; sene of the future and molds them. another nation might be snipping Hold$ Annual Meeting and Mra. Lewis Rose. Key, Turn On Light Sayf Law Shonld Extend It is a almple matter to reduce wiba katp webc wday wtyr crcl cfcl Dan Rumo Danct OrchMtra—WMt out paper falrlea and gnomes,'' the 8—South Methodist church bowl­ It really ought to be-rS definite this loss to an absolute minimum SOUTH — errva wptf wwnc wit wjax ills— Jutt Rtain Bill - east; Action Is Taken in Accordance Into units desirable for the Com- PLEASANT RELIEF At Hannibal, Mo. crime which ought to rate with Other Popular Activities. wfla-weun wtod wem wmc web wspi rountatic society. Russian child is getting a prelim­ ing league. Cent of Incidence Is In by using a UlUe care In adjusting wlda wemb kvoo wky wfea wbap kpre R u m o Orcb.— w m (; Orehoi.— DIxto With Ruling in Rockville Election of Officers. Against Drinknig and some of the more scrloua forms of the Turn Damper—(that disc or woal ktba kibe wtoa wave wter •:S0— 7:30— Jorry Coopor, Barltont— This waa graphically shown to­ inary peep Into th* mechanics of Wednesday krimlnal activity such ea assault esot: Buck Rogo^wM t r«pMt City Charter. day in on exhibit telling tbe story tractors and blast furnaces. FROM CONSTIPATION ?;■ Hannibal, Mo., Jtw. 18—On ths plate-like d am ^ r inside the smoke MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl ktir kahl •i4S— 7:40— Bopko 6 irt«r* t Commont 2~WeU Baby atnlc. \rith Intent to kill, robbery, and the Tonight classes for women in PACIFIC COAST—k|o ktl kaw kefflo 7:00— t:00— Lovondtr 4 Old !.••• — of 17 yeara of educational activity Makes fitodela 2— Women’s bowling. night of Jan. 18 a whlU light wlU January, Febnrary, March pipe). Let me explain how this fcbg kf«d klar ktu kpo bpilc: Kdith Booehor Orehottrs— A special meeting of the Com­ Officers were elected and stand­ Shoulders droop under weight of Then Operating Aatomo- like. Certainly if any Improvement Is done: swimming are forming at the East by tbs Soviet Union. The exhibit At the Bge of five, he 1* given 3— Doctor* and professional strsant out over ths surface of *01d is to be looked for, better discipline, Cant. Beat, WMt: Hal Thempoon Orch.— DIk Io mon Council was held last evening will be opened to the public tonigbt hammer, knife, awl and centimeter ing committees appointed at the an­ years. Young, yet beauty, baa fled. The -next time you fix the fire, Side Recreation building. Begin­ dim- tlZP—Sugar A eunny, Cemtdy 7 : 10— t:io-Tht Old Tim*f-Dls!« nual meeting of tbe Rockville Fleb men's gym class. Riser.” Rlvsrmen will see Its and of a nature easier to adminis­ Side— 7:30— 1:30— A b « i.ympfi*« M «lodU ns— to select SO names for jury duty In a t the American Museum of Natural ruler; with them be fastatone models 4— YUGG glrla club. Cheeks are sallow and drawn. Un­ bfle on Roads. Both lobar and broncho pneumo­ move the handle of the Turn did*— Nhymaa af the Nuraery baolc: Chfo Oeoggin Or«h««trp — and Gam* Oub list night in the ter than now exists, must be pro­ Damper l-16th of an Inch toward ners will .have lessons from 7 to ■lOlb- Sim—Xavier Cueal'a Orahaatra th* City (Murt, according to the History. of machines. These creations 5:15—Buainess men's volley ball. sightly pimple*. Keep your ejretem baaeoB every night during the com- vided. nd all of the authoritle*. ea- nia ara more prevalent In Connecti­ ■lie— SilS—Weakly Hymnal SInelne WMt; Cloud* Hopkins Oroh.— Dlsl* It was prepared by Voka (The part of tbe exhibits. clubroom*. clean and you keep Uie beauty of lag year, teaching out from the the closed up­ 7:48 and Intermediates will, meet tm ^ 1:10—Praaa^adla Newt Period •:00— liOO— Bing Crooby** Rrogrim ruling of th* dty charter. The fol­ Edward Oonnors was elected pres­ 6:30—Rockville boya gym. pecisUy the police end the judges, cut during the months of January, right ' position. from 7:48 to 8:30. Now ia the time ■ m - *:tS—Mary Small A Her Songt i:30— 0:30— toham Jonot A Orehottra Soviet Society for (Cultural Rela­ Tbe mechanical theme of the edu­ 7— Sewing group (a) Mis* Hib­youth. It* energy. Ito Irreeiatl- height of Cardiff Hill. By ROBBINB B. STOECKZX must be enoouragfid 8y expressed 6:4^ *|4S—Billy Batehalor*a tkaten 0:00— 10:00-W attor O'Koofo 4 tho w lowing men were selected; Jemee tions with Foreign Countries), with cation Is reflected In crayon draw­ ident; Jamea Taylor, first vies pres­ ble charm. Then Ufe ia not a fall- It* purpose I* twofold: First, to February and M ai^ than at any If the fire con- u q to take lessons. The. water In the 6:00— flOP—The King Quard Quartet 1:30— 10:30— Rroy 4 Brpogiotti. Rianoo ident; CHaud* Bilson, second vies bard. public sentiment to ec admifflstet «:40-.10:40.Tha Voice of tho Crusador Beaumont, John G. Forrest, Man. the co-operation of tbe People's ings executed by cbildren of from 7:80— Intermediate basketball “f®-. guide rivermen as their boat* pas* With conditions on highways as other time of the year, 46 per cent tinues to burn ~ ills— 7i15—Whisplrriig Jack Smith president; Leo J. Flaherty, secretary Hannibal on the twisting, treacher­ whatever law I* devised as to make freely, turn It pool which la kept at a vary warm am — 7isa—You a Vour aovammant 10:00— 11:0 (^ Jo o Haym ta Orchaatra— vine Qrumbaeh, F. Gottfried. (3eorge Commlsaarlats for BMucstion, snd 5 to 14 years of age. Here an league. Sluggish bowel* cause poisons to they BOW exist,'with th* terrific toll it a cerror and a by-wrord to be con- the cases occurring In the first temperature all of the time and th* *146— 7i4* " t enea, Vaughn da Laath basir; Myrt and Marge— wait rpt Arnold, Jr., William A. Hetcalf, was brought to the United States some of the titles; and Edward Weber, treasurer. seep through the system. Health ous Mississippi; and second, to com­ another aU- 7m— am —Lao Ranman'a Orenaatra 10:10— 11:10— Joe Haym ta 4 Orchoatra Flaherty and Weber were re-elected. ^ S e w in g group (b) Miss Hl)>- memorate another light which first of lives lost and of accidents pro­ vlcted of >he offense of operating quarter of the year, according to teentb of an hair driers, along with the warqs TiSO— Sisa—Wayna King's Orahaatra 10:30— 11:30— Scott Fiahtr*o Orchoatra Fred Apel, John McKinstry, Ernest through the American Russian In­ “At the Factory," "Bloft Fur )>ard. vanishes and with It beauty and en­ car after the drinking of liquor. statiatics complied by the'State De­ locker room*. ' will make taldag ■:ae— *:0O—Ban Barnla and tha Lada 11:00— 12:00— Orvillo Knapp Orchoatra Suesomann, WUliam J. Tobin, Wil­ stitute. nace," "Harvesting the Field,” "Our The following chairmen of stand­ 8— Sketching class (A. ergy. Dr. Eklwards OUve Tablets shone nearby, at Florida, Mo., 100 duced by reckless driving conse­ Inch. Repeat this operation until .swimming lessons desirable even- in gi*^ tim —Xd Wynn and Oraham 11:30— 12:90— Leon Navara*a Orehoatra ing committees were named; field years ago, but whose beams cast a partment of Health during the past liam Baer, Ray Mulroney, K. Lipp- Charts, figures, specimens and Achievements —Dineiprostroy," and Brougbel). will help save you from this dark quent upon or contributed to by the eight years and reported In to­ you find the ideal adjustment that tha coldest of weather, without dan­ giW^IOiOO—Light Opera Show—e to c NBC WJZ NETWORK mann, Fred J. Cooley, George Mor­ trials. Dr. John E. Flaherty; skeet hour. For 20 yeara they have been glow over the enUre literary world drinking of liquor and subsequent will give you the greatest amount lom —11;0P—Qrumitta A "San." Ford photographs explain the modus "Collective Farm." shoots. Thomas Rady, ji'.,; revolver through the writings of Mark day's Issue of the department’* ger of catching . colds. Special 10:15—11:1*—Voice of Romance, Songs BASIC — Baott wia wbii^wbu wbal rell, H. Wormated, Charles Helnts operandl 6f the polytechnics! Iiasis Strikingly Illustrated la tbe Rus­ prescribed in place of calomel to men driving of an automobile, a drastic weekly bulletin, which also carried of useful heat with the minimum work la aasigned each claaa, and by 10:m—lliSIh-Dsn Baator A Orjhaatra whom kdka wgar wjr wlw wayr.wmo): Nelson Meade, Kerwin Little, Rag- and rifle committee, (ieorge Taylor: Dr. Clemente Robles, surgeon and women seeking healtb and re­ TwaId. remedy la need»d. RUTH DRAPER AT of chimney loss. Then take a IllO^IZm—Charnlavaky A Orchaatra Midwoot: wcky wanr wlo kwk kwer of Soviet education. They are sian passion for red. Over factory fish committee, Henry Weber; President Roosevelt In Wash­ the admonition to call u doctor im­ ge.tting In touch with Mias Fener- 11ise—12;$a—Anson Waaka A Orchaatra koll wron wmao kao wkbf nar Abrahamson, H. Hunnlford, 8. Russia's own racord of her achieve­ and furnace shine scarlet euni; In a t the NaUonal Biological InsU- lief from constIpaUon. They i;ct Instead of providing laws which piece of chalk and mark this posi­ ty. Instructor, you can find out NORTHWEST 4 CANADIAN - wtmJ grounds, Edward D, Jackson. tute, Mexico City, reports experi­ ington will press a golden key mediately when the first symptoms wiba katp webc wday kfyr orct efcf Nagy, Bernard Obenauf, ' L. Pleaka, ments In this field, done by pupils, pastures graze eows and horses just easily and smootlily. No dangerous punish offenders for car operation of either type ot pneumonia appear. tion on the smoke pipe and leave what class you are best suited CBS-WABC nktw ork Luther A. White, Fred Yoeit, George Tolland County’s representatives ments to Indicate tbat tbe cere­ griping. Take one or two Olive that turns on the light In the H'hcitf)------bvZ------Krnief. Hftnnl!>al,,mrn<^»w- -- Mo.)— white under the Influence of liquor, the damper there. SOUTH — wr\’a wptf wwpc wla Interpreted by the government. as scarlet It Is an esthetic license In the State Le^slature will be memorial lighthouse In Hannibal. PARSONS’ FRIDAY The eight-year etatisties on lobar If you are at all Interested why BASIC— wabc wade woho wcao wfla.woun wlod warn wmo wab wapl Lutz, H. S. Dowgewtez, LoUla Kreh, Pre-School Age allowed In a conception of nature bellum, that part of the brain Tablets at )>edUme. , Results will the legal prohibitions ought to ex­ pneiimonia show that the number Remember, the nearer the Turn come down and eoe for yourself waab wnao war wkbw wkrd whk oklw wjds wamb kvoo wky wfa* wbap kpre Jr., Frank Adams, Max Kabrick, Jr., asked to support two bills of Inter­ whicb controls physical move­ amaze you.. Oov. Guy B. Park Is to be In Han­ tend against drinking and then op­ Damper Is to-the closed position the wdro wcau wiaa waan wfb] wspd wtev woal ktba ktha waoa wave At pre-school age, from three to that le proclaimed to be strictly est to fish and game associations. nibal that night, and so are many of cases reported is above the aver­ what goes on, and you will be aui wmaa wbrn; MIdwttti wbbm wfbm MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kpir kghl WUUam J. Austin, 8. H. Connors, eight years, the Russian child be- materialistic. ments, la not necessary to life. Thousand! of men and women erating a car. A reasonable time age for each of the six months be­ ■mailer the chimney loas. (7). to want to continue thee* lessons kmbo kmos wowo wbaa RACiriC COAST—kfo kfl kfw komo One is known as tbe "million dollar other celebrities, to honor the BAST—wpg whp wibw whae wlbi wfM John McCkirmlck, Morits Kemnitzer, would never be without Dr. Edward* should elapse between the drinking ginning In December and andtng In then. kho kfrd ktar kpo bond Issue" and the other as the OUve Tablet*, a vegetable com­ man whose boyhood In Hannibal and the driving. This la not an ar­ ; Ictress Was Chief Sensation wore wloo efrb ekao wibx Cant. Beat. J. Cyrkiewlcz, 8. George Atkineop, led him to create those monarchs May, and below the average for Tap Dancing. DIXIB—west wafa wbre wqam wdod John Walts, Robert Brown, Fred "broad power*" Mil. pound. Know them by their oUve gument against drinking. It Is not New classes for chlldran'a tap kira wr«o w!ao wd«u wtoe krld wrr 4:S(^ 6:30—Tha Singing Uady—«a«t fennls Bats, Jflse LueUle Brigham, State House, but a t home—that’s of the world of boyhood. Tom each of the other sig months. In PAYMENT ON CHRISTMAS, kuh kua waoo koma wdbo wbt wdaa 4:40— 6:40e-0rphan Annie—oaat only Young, Edward Denzler, Frank Miss Annie Martley, Mrs. Florence different. D O N l GET UP NIGHTS color. 15c, 30c and 60c. All a criticism of driving. It Is an ar­ of Theatrical Season in fact, more esse* are reported In dancing are still forming at the Rec. wdbj vrwva wmbf wij* vrmbr OtOO^ 0:00—Angelo Rordinando Oreh. LIVES TO TELL druggists. Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. gument against the combining of 6:30— 0:30—PrtM* Radio Nowa Parlpd Reizer, Alfred Thornes, Everett Kraus* and Mrs. Ix>tUe Blonsteln. Yesterday mornlug' the governor MAKE THIS 28o TEST Later in the year there will be January than for the five-month pe­ These lessons will continue until the wala kttii Kfko weoa wdni wnox kwkti 5:30- 0:36—Dorothy Pago 4 Orohaat. Bell, Charles Trapp, John Stough­ Harrodsb'urg, Ky.—C. 8. McGlaun, the two. . riod, June to Octobe' Inclusive. flrat of May, when4he annual recital MtOWBST—wrah wgl wmt wmbd wl»n Mrs. Carl Peterson of Vernon Cen­ announced Mrs. London, who haa a brakeman, la recovering from bS' C*« Juniper oil. Buchu leave*, *te. g pageant and homecoming at liBgal Action SEALS PLEDGES URGED vrtbw kfh kfab wkbn woco wsbt ksej 6:40— 6:46—Iwowtll Thomaa — aaat; ton, Charles Meads, Wallace Bouf- ter, formerly of tbie town, haa been to fluth out exeeti aclde *nd w**te •kociM Hannibal, and a big literary ban­ South Africa in 1934. One-sixth of all cases reported dur­ will be held. These claaoes are held wnas woo Annie—repeat to midwoat fard, Helmar Krause, and Kenneth been ill with Influenza, would not run over by a railroad car. matter. Oet rid of bladder Irrltatlona The legal action suggested might ing the eight-year period were re­ Saturday morning*, and If your MOUNTAIN—kvor kli koh ka) 6:00— 7:00—Amoa *n* Andy—eaat only taken to the Hartford hospital for attend the Inaugural reception. quet attracUng writers of today. be put into effect if the law were so COAST—kbj koto kfro kol kfpy kvt 6:10— 7:lO-!>Morton Downey In Songa UtUe. treatment. While connecting the air hose be­ that caueet walclnx up, frequent de- COLDS Museoro Being Assembled ported in January and 46.4 per cent Thus Far About $875 Has daughter aigna up by this week, she kfbk kmj kwg k«m kdb kgoib kfb 6:30— 7:3(^Mualo Mamorlea and Poet Birthday Ban The annouAcement stood up until tween tbe last two cars of a train, ■Ire. erenty flow, b u rn in s and baok- drafted that a policeman, who could After being absent from Hartford of all eosea were reported during will get the full benefit of all 12 lea- 7:00— 0:00—Tha Crime Cluaa Myatary Bche. (let Juniper oil, Buchu leavee, All through the year there testify that a person operating a Been Returned to Committee Cant* Batte 7:90— 8:30—Lewrenea Ttbbott 4 Oro. The chairman of the President’s Mrs. London heard about i t he was thrown beneath the wheels etc.; In little xreen tablet* called will be such events hereabouts as for four years, Ruth Draper returns the flrat three months of the year. sona. Give her the chance of try­ 4{|0— ItSO—olaek Armttrona — ak«t 8:00— 9:00—Qraco Moorage Program BOSS’S ORDERS “Did he say that?" she asked. and lay flat on the ties while the nukete, the bladder laxative. In four FEVER car had had anything to drink, ' The .percentage of Incidence of lo­ in Charge of Sale. ing It. I t will develop her sense only: Milton Chorlot. Organ—w«st 6:30— 6:30—Handa Aeroaa tha Bordar Birthday Ball, John N. Keeney, has ■rsf Sap will tend to nourish the memory to play a limited engagement at the called a special meeting of the “Well, I’ll be at the reception. You last car passed over his body. He daya If not pleated m back and Ret ot Sam Clemens, the Hannibal could shift the burden of proof on­ Parson's' theater, beginning her bar pneumonia casea in each month of rhythm, make her more graceful, 4:4S— b:4S—Roblnoon Cruset* Jr.—N. 6:00—10:00—Mark Twaln*a Birthday your 25c. Oet your reg u lar aleep and to the operator who must prove T. 8UU: Botwoon Bookondo—woot 6:3(^10:30—Tim 4 Irona'a Sky Show chairmen of all committeea to be Topeka, Kas.—Gov. Alf M. London just wait and see." got up. reported the accident and fo*l "full of pep." J. H. ^ u tn n * Co. LlgatdwTalilrto Headaches boy who grew into one of the repertoire Friday, Jan. 18. are given In the bulletin os follows: , Cards are now being sent out as smd at the same time, it ia excellent •tOS— t:00 — Buck Rogoro/ Skoteh — 10:00—11 rt)0—Abo Lyman OrehMtra—» may give the orders around the She waa in tbe receiving line. took hla crushed band to a hospltiU. 666 giants of American letters as that hla driving waa not effected by January, 16.7; February, 14.8; for her phyaieally. Classes thla •aot. Planlot—west:. Songo—Dtxlo eaat; Amoa *n’ Andy—repeat for w beld this evening a t 8 o'clock at the O ru g tiata. a* ailaatee the drink. In other words, the pro­ Since her last appearance here, March, 18.2; April. 11.8; May, 6.S; reminders to Manchester residents week forming are as follows: 10:80 •MS— tili — Bobby Bonoon — oaot: 10:30—11:30—Doraay Broa. Orchaatra Rockville House. Mr. Anderson, Mary Twain. A museum of ob Miss Draper has traveled far and who have possibly overlooked their Throo OoUvoo—Dlxlb: Sit Mlrondy 11:00—12:0(L-Rudy Vallaa'i Orchaatra ^ t s connected with his life Is posed law would "put the shoe on Tune, 4.7; July, 2.4; August, 1.7; to II, new beginners; II to 11:30, —woot: Skippy—repoat for m!dw 11:3^—12:Sm-Harry Soenik Orehaatra the new manager of tbe Rockville the other foof," ajid instead of the wide. Last year juat before-Chriet- September, 2.3; October, 4.6; No­ envelopes containing Christmas seals intermediates; 11:80 to 12, advanc­ Hotel, has loaned tbe use of rooms bring assembled. A new IlKhthaiMe, below, will »h Ine out over the Mlnolimlppl «t policeman being required to prove mas she went to South Africa, n< Issued by the NaUonal Tuberculosis in the hotel for this meeting and The Hannibal people who built Hannibal, Mo. . . . to keep bright the niemorj- of Murk Twuln vember, 6.6; December, 10.0. ed tappers., the memorial lighthouse feel that that the car operator waa "under peering to play a short time, but Seasonal distribution of broncho AsaoclsUon. Any additional Information may 6:30—Press-Radio New*. large attendance is expected. Re­ and the day* when he w at a river pitot. , . . Twain'* boyhood the influence of liquor," he would everywhere her engagement was ex­ Lost year about $1100 worth of 6:88—Time, weather. ports will be called for from all no more fitting memorial could be home at Hannibal, ahown at top w1 th Twain himself before it In later pneumonia closely parallels that of be had by calling the Rec, or get­ built for Mark Twain than this simply be required to produce evl tended. In Johannesburg smd Cape lobar pneumonia except for a high Christmas seals were sold here un­ ting in touch with Mias Fenerty. 6:48—Lowell Thomaa. committeea and a final report from years, still stands there .... and yon run ae«- the board fence adjoin- dence to satisfy a Judge that the Town her one week was doubled and 7:00—Amos ’n* Andy. the committee on school donations guide for rivermen. For Mark Ing, which Tom Sawyer persuaded the’ other envious boys to wrlte- er proportion of casea In the sum der the auspices of the Educational Women’* Bowling. WTIC operator had had Something to she found herself to be the thief ex­ mer time. The percentages of Inci­ Club. The club received' 1980 aa Its 7:15—Morton Downey —: Ray Sina­ will be given. Tbe names ot the Twain was------himself a river pilot• I wash for him . . . . Old river day* ore ret-a'le-l l.y the Mark Twain Every Wednesday afternoon at 8 Hartford, Conn. tra and hla Orchestra; Guy Bates and took his pen name from the (injlik and bad' aubaequently operat­ citement of the theatrical season dence by the month are as follows: share, which waa a big help In car­ at a very email fee, the Rec alleys schools and 'he amounts raiaed In his pen name from we eentennlal, day* when tw ain saw i;:e iiimve steamer named for him. a ed a cai^.' 86J)00 W. 1040 K. C. 283.8 M Poet, narrotor. cry of the leadsmen------who called be told In "Ufe on the Mississippi.” there. Her audiences v ere particu­ January, 16.7; February, 14.4; rying on Its welfare work among are open for women. Any woman each wlU be announced at this mest- Burden I.«as to Cop larly enthusiastic about her studlea Maich. 14.7: April. 10.3: May, 8.2; the lower grade school children. Travden Broadcaatlng Service 7:30—Household Musical Memories. ing. A two page story will appear out of the depth of water In cryptic ------^------who la at all Interested is Invited to ,8:00—Bno Crime Clues—Spencer terms, one of which was "mark It would follow that anyone of Englishwomen and Iriahworaen-;- ’une, 8.1; July. 2.9; August, 2.3: Thus far this year about 6878 baa join us tomorrow. U you are a in. ths souvenir program which Is twain!” meaning two fathoms (12 would drink and then drive at ex­ among the most popular of which September, 6.2. October, 8 J; No­ been returned to the club commit­ stranger In the building. If you will Dean mystery drama. now lielng compiled. treme peril of punishment, and that are "Opening a Bazaar," "At an vember, 7.6: December, 9J. Tnaeday, Jennary 18. 8:30—Lawrence Tibbett. feet). tee In charge of the sale. The com­ go to the office, you will be directed r . M. 9:00—Orace Moore, soprano; Harry Tbe Idea of putting boxes on the Hannibal Brisk Town POULTRY EXHIBIT the burden under which the police­ English House Party," and “In Lobar pneumonia la an acute dis mittee feels that the response baa to the alleys. Thla la a good sport, teachers' desks in. the various man now labor would be lessened ease having a sudden onset, its 4:00—^Woman's Radio Review. Jackson's Orchestra. : f k Clemens heard this call many County Kerry.". been splendid, especially considering good exercise and more than all 4:30—^Tbe Jesters. 9:30—Hands Across the Border— schools of the city has met aitb times, alwayi a welcome one, that convictions could oe secured In This year, prior to her recent en­ characteristic symptom being chill the times, but It makes appeal again good fun. Give It a try this week. great success, the pupil* having do­ for 12 feet of water meant safety all cases where warranted. pain in the side, fever and, cough 4:48—Fine Arts—Robert Drew- Joseph Rittau’s Orchestra. SUCCESS ASSURED This plan will probablj^ arouse gagement In New York, Mias Draper to those who have not contributed Bridge. 10:00—Cascades Orchestra. nated generously. The collection ia for hte river boats, most of which played a week in Philadelphia and with expectoration of rusty sputum. and have received seals to contribute Sixteen women enjoyed the week­ B e u -t being taken In Ml of the school* for drew no more than nine feet ot opposition from the man wfib’feets Broncho pneumonia is apt to come 6:00—^Meradlth Wilaon’a Orchestra. 10:30—Philharmonic Trio — Edwin Five people whose lives w ^e bound together that hi* liberty Is being Interfered three special performanesa in to the fund If possible. ly bridge party held at the West 8:80—Blue Room Echoes— Joseph Otis, baritone. the lienefit of the infantile paralysis water. Brooklyn. When she leaves here, ehe on more gradually as a complica­ The success of this year’s sale baa Side Rec yesterday afternoon. These viettmB. Hannibal Brisk Town with In connection with drinking tion of some other d'seaae, such as BlUme, director. 11:0(V—Time, weather. by unexpected forces.. . swept into a series of Winning of Blue Ribbons and driving. Urged against this I* w'lll depart for Havana and Mexico been due to the work of the follow­ are held Monday afternoon* from 6:00—WrightvUlu Clarion. 11:05—Curley Joe, Yodeltng <3ow- Legion Meeting Directly from hla life as a where she will present her sketches heart disease, influenza, measles ing people: Bernice Livingston and to 4:30. These parties are open river pilot, Mark Twain drew the strung public sentiment against whooping cough and other tjqjek 6:30—Press-Radio News. boy. Lieutenant “Robert H. Barnes of operation of motor vehicles by per­ and later In the season travel to Barbara Calhoun of the High School to the public and it la hoped that 6:88—Gems from Memory. 11:15—Broadcast from Schooner the United States Submarine Base amazing events, leading to a dramatic crisis. the material for 'Ufe on the Will Mean Money in Pock Hawaii. Illness. At the first sign of the many more will join. Prizea a n Mississippi," which Is virtually an sons who have been drinking and symptoms a doctor should be called. World: Girl Scouta of Troop 6 under 6:41—Laurel Trio. "Seth Parker"—Pbllllps Lord and at New London will address the the absolute present need for a de­ the leadership of Capt, Fogil; High given according to the number pres­ 6:46—BUly Batchelor. members of the crew. members of Stanley Dobosz Post of You’ltmieet them in “Silken Spindles,” the new autobiographical account of his If aputum Is coughed up from the ent experiences In “leamlng the river." ets of Exhibitors. terrent law and discipline which lungs It should be caught in a clean school studenU of the typewriting 7:00—Marc WiUliuna, Singing (Cow­ 11:30—Palais Rojral Orchestra. the American Legion a t the meeting human-interest serial by Laura Lou Brookman. Hannibal Is no longer the "little will actually accomplish better- HELEN HAYES SCORES cup and preserved for the doctor, classes; various stores which dis­ boy. 12:00—Hollywood Restaurant Or­ at 8 this avenlng in the G. A. R. white town drowsing In the sun tC'- haent. There Is no question that since a laboratory examination ot played posters; all the ecbool princi­ 7:18—Wbiapering Jock Smith. chestra. hall. He wjll speak on tbe subject, liberty la Interfered with and the pals, including St. James’; the Man­ 7:80—Prank Shea and Laura Gau- 12:30 a. m.—Cosmopolitan Hotel “Tbe First Cruise to the Asiatic Shins" that It was when Bam ■ The 14th ann-inl poultry show of the sputum may have an Important MRS. JOSEPH HANDLEY Clemens os a boy roamed Its streets whole argument on that point la as TRIUMPH IN HLM bearing on the kind of treatment chester Evening Herald for donating det. Orchestra. Stations by American Submarines. and ranged Its surroundings hills. the Manchester Poultry Club, to be to whether interference Is justified given, particularly In the ciwe of space; State theater management 7:48—Big Freddie MlUer. The program this evening will be in It Is a brisk river town ot more held In the State Armory starting or not. Certainly In this extreme lobar pneumonia for some tirpea of for advertising; Mrs. John L. Jenney TO ASSUME NEW ROLEl 8:00—Leo Relemon'i Orchestra. honor of "Navy Night.” Com than 20,000 people, with a shoe fac tomorrow and continuing through condition there can be no justifiable ‘What Every Woman Knows' which sera are now available that aa chairman and sales manager; 8:80—^Wayne King’s Orchestra. mander Bernard U. Ackerman will tory near Mark Twain's still-stand- rcaaon why every person might not have a favorable influence on about Mrs Caroline Komer Britton for 9:00—Ben Bemle'a Orcbeetra. preside. Supper will be served fol­ to Saturday, promises to be the be asked to sacrifice hla personal to Be Shown Tomorrow anc 9:30—^Ed Wynn; EMdle Duchin'a Ing boyhood home, and a Chamber largest and mast siircpaaful ever half of the casea which occur In this publicity work. Will Portray the Venomous, RADIO: lowing the meeting. of Commerce that la not entirely held In thla community. privileges to the alight extent In­ Thursday at the State. aecrion of the country If given In The Educational Club Is deeply Orchestra. To Visit Starrs curred. Arrogant Victoria in “Dou­ 10:00—Beauty Box h e a te r. unconscious of the publicity value of Entries have been pouring Into the early stages. grateful for the assistance given by A large group from the Tolland the Mark Twain tradition. the offices of ftecretarv Charles J. Arguments .Against the above people and will show its ble Door" Preaentation 11:01—^The Grummita. There will be all aorta of argu­ After an absence of more than 11:10—Voice of Romance. New York. Jan. 15.—(AP)—Three County Y. M. C. A. of this d ty will Th* small town "where every­ Johnson and a aplondid exhibit of gratitude by continuing with renew­ January 25. members of the Byrd expedition’s visit Storrs College Saturday, Jan­ body was poor, but didn't know cocks, cockerels, hens, pullets of ments against such a law artalng year Helen Hayea nas returned to ed enthusiasm the welfare work 11:30—Slumber Hour. out of conditions which are sure to the screen to score another great GILEAD '12:00—Silent geological party who went 1,060 uary 19 to participate in a swim­ It; and everybody was comfortable, the Mcditerrane..n. Oriental, Rhode made possible by funda collected. miles toward the South Pole will ming meet to be held at the pool. and did know It," has a country exist. The man who goes out for personal triumph. The experience of having night­ Island Red. Orpington. Rocks, Jer­ an evening at the club or a hotel Her latest picture, "What Every Two adult grey foxes and a great broadcast some of their experiences Following the meet, teams will be club today, and street cars, and. sey Olanfs and'othcr famous breed.*. mares over a play la a new one for In the two way Little America pro­ picked to go to New Haven to par­ buses, and two railroad lines, a In addition to turkeyn. ducks, geese, und who drinks liquor with hla din­ Woman Knows," the famous ro­ horned owl have been trapped re­ A TDRTURED GENIUS Mrs. Joseph Handley, of the Com­ statue of Mark himself In Rlver- rah) t.s and pigeons Is assured. ner and then drl.cs home will op­ mance of Sir James Barrie, plays at cently at the pheasant*’ winter munity Players, although ebe baa gram via WABC-CBS Wednesday ticipate in a meet there Jemuary 26. vlew Park.bronae tablets on bouses H. Klsaman will be the show su­ pose It. There will be many In the State theater Wednesday and pens at the Gilead Game farm been both heart and brain of th* night. Past Patrons’ Night • and locations associated with him. perintendent and Howard Rich of stances where what aoema to be Thursday to receive the acclaim of which are within a hundred feet of| IN SEARCH DFYDUTH organization, aa well aa the director WDRC Listening In tonight: Past Matrons’ and Past Patnm*' justifiable argument may be pro public and critics alike. a building. Increasing numbers cf] WEAF-NBC, 7:16—New series by and a statute ot the Immortal Tom Snringflcld und Fred Grosbeck of of its dramatic productions since 336 Hartford, Ooim. ISSO Night will be observed by Hope and Huck swinging along an endless Vernon will be the judges, Attrac duced against It. But the facts con Holds Great Appeal grey foxes no doubt account for the the Inception of the club, Mrs. Whispering Jack Smith: 9:00—Ben (Chapter No. 60, Order of Eastern road together. tlnuo to stare the public In the Surpassing Jill...of her previous very small number of game birds “We Are Betrayed" by Vardls Bernie; 9:30—Ed Wynn. Star at tbsir meeting this evening tivc prize* will be awanled. ranging efforts, Miss Hayes has achieved a Handley's broken rest le caused by Days ot Olory from the grand nrlzo ot $20 for the > face. There is . no ,r.i. remedy . worth the taken by shooters in thla vicinity Fisher Is Dark and Powerful the fact that. Instead of directing, Tueaday, Jsnnaiy 18th. WABC-CSS, 9:00—Bing Crosby: These officers will conduct the But despite paved street* and best display to the $1 prize for the ^".“ “on lh , new strength In emotional por­ last fall. she le acting the leading role of Vlo> P.M. 9:30—Isham Jones orcbeatrS; 10:00 obligation ceremony with Mrs. Edith squares that get too hot In sum individual classes. ration of the condition, but on the trayals. Her appeal seems to reach Mrs. Serverlno Borsetto, who en­ Novel. torla Van Bret In “Double Door,” 4:00—Vlaltlng America's U ttle —Walter O’Keefe. Skinner, Grand Matron, acting as mer for today's Tom Sawyers and .Manv are entering bird* biscause contrary It la becoming worse anti out from the screen to actually tered the Manchester Memorial the Playerei next presentation, Home. WJZ-NBC, 7:15—Morton Downey: Worthy Matron. Alexander Mc­ Huck Finns to go barefoot, the the winning of a.i ' award means emergency treatment Is needed. stir the spectator In sympathy with Hospital last week, was operated on BOOK BEVneW which ia to be given a t the Whiten 4:16—Poetic Strings. 8:30— MartlreUl; 10:00—_ Mark Kenna, will act aa Worthy Patron. eternal river and bordering hills ninny sales nf hatching eggs and Iloiv T<> 4‘onilial It the character ahe plays. Intensity for appendicitia. Memorial on January 38, and the 4:30—Educational Feature. Twain anniversary progrram. A history of tbe Ekutem Star by lopk about as they did 75 year* baby chicks. The exhibition class As a consequence of bad driving and a firm bcUef in the motives of Mrs. Hart Buell, Mra. Ruby Gib­ By Brnoe Oatton role of the venomous, arrogant Vic­ 4:48—Dick Mesaner's Orchestra. What to expect Wednesday: Past Patron Paul Menge wUI follow ago when Mark Twain achieved far excels ana» New England show resulting from Indulgence In drink, the story are evident in her every son, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hills and In "We Are Betrayed," Vardls toria ia very foreign to her natural 8:16—Skippy. WEAF-NBC, 2:00 p. m.—Revolv­ The officers of. 1984 will' enter­ his nreclous pilot's license. for <]uallty blid* and means much tnose who are In charge of disci­ action. SOB Homer, and Mra. Charles Fish Fisher completes th* trilogy which 6;80-^a^ Armstrong — All- ing stage; 5:80—Alice in Orchee- tain the matrons and patrons with Those were the most glorious d ’hote by Fraior. Hannibal. pline. including motor vehicle ad­ The charming plot concerns th* attended the funeral services of may well stand aa one of American to the breeder to win-s bine ribbon. efforts of a retiring but capable Although tha fact boa never be«B American Boy. tralla. dinner In the chapter room at 6 days of the river steamboats, so ministrators. highway bullfer* and Miss AmeUa Fuller, which were Uterature’e finest achlevemente In autbenUcated. New York eriUca 8:48—Royal Hawatlans. WABC-CBS, 10:00 p. m.—(3eorge o'dock. Following the meeting an soon to decline, and now on the all the police officer*, are at their Scotch woman to find romance, al­ held at Columbia Congregational this decade—the three tense, ner- 8:00—Jean and Bea. wtta enda to know how to combat though handicapped by what she voue, haunted, and passionately surmised that Elizabeth McFadden, Hall orchestra; 3:00—Kate Smith's entertainment will be presented in point trf a certain degree of resur­ church. Saturday afternoon. author of "Double Door", aot la- 6:16—^Bobby Benson and Sunny matinee. charge of Mrs. Rachael Pease. Re­ rection now that the goivemment ILLUSTRATED TALK WAPPING I t calls “lack of charm." When her honest books which deacrib* an For yeara It haa been recognized family finally arranges a marriage Mr. and Mra. Leon c. Fogil of American boy’s struggle with hla spIraUon for her plot from Dm Uvea Jim. WJZ-NBC, 2:00 p. m.—Radio City freshments WlU be served )>y the Is spending Its millions on flood Manchester apent the week end at of the Wendel elsu n , who lived ia 6:80—Hartford Public School*— matinee; Rudy Vallee orchestra: January social committee. contnil, dams, channel clearance, Mrs. Emma Alexander, of Pleas­ that drink and the driving of an au­ contract with a promising young environment. tomobile do not mix, and there has man In the village she devotes her the home of hla *, Mr. and seclueion -in the midst of New Fred D. Wish, Jr. 4:30—Rochester Ovlc orebsatra. Whist Tomorrow and other aids to navigation ant Valley, Is spending a week at Mra. Oarence F o ^ . Vrider Hunter, product of an York’s Fifth Avenue hurly-burly. 0:45—Bea Rohan, Piano Melodies. A members’ social of tbe Rock. Even bv the time 'Twain wrote ON STARS ENJOYED the home of Mrs. Robert Northam, been and contlnuea to be eonaietent life to seeing that be becemet a Idaho ranch, U a university stu Buccess. After tbetr marriage when Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fogil and Mere interest In dramatic gueasea 6:86—Press-Radio News vlUe Emblem club will taka place "Life on the Mississippi" some of of West Hartford. effort OB the part ot all dladpUna- dent In Utah when thla book opens. about the myeterioua mUUonalra 7:00—Myrt and Marge. Mra. Harry P. Files of Wapplng rtane to try to see that where thla he has become a Member of Par­ daughter, Patricia spent Sunday In He haa many adventures In the tomorrow afternoon at tha Elks the glamour had faded. He tell* Wallingford, the guests of her par­ family, however, would not have 7:15—Jack Fia;ier‘s Orchestra. (jlub a t 2:30 o'dock. The commit, of a return after 21 years to bis 1s spending several weeks with her combination la fount' adequate liament, she finds herself in conflict phyaical world—he Jolne the army, BOY SCOUT NEWS punishment 1* meted out to the of­ with the beautifu women of Lon­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Doran. works succeaalvely aa taxi driver, given the play the tremendous sue- 7:80—Jerry Cooper. tee In charge Includes Mrs. P. J. old channels on the river, and of Friendship CInb Speaker daughter, Mis* Dorothy Doane, of Patricia remained with her grand­ ceas It enjoyM on Broadway In tha 7:48—Bosk* Carter. how In a whole day they passed New York a ty . fender. But qv'te apparently “ and don. Tlie way she hoMs and pro­ mechanic, booUegger, janitor, and Johnston, of this dty, Mrs. Edward unfortunately all this effort goes tects her happlniss provides. U p ­ for this week. Instructor In a coUege English ■eaoon of 1982-1088. Since the play 8:00—Lavender and Old Lace- Troop 7, American Legion, met at Learned of Stafford Springs and only a single steamer, and “the Word haa been received from Mr. and Mra. Norman Lyman 'a t­ was widely popular ae a presenta­ Frank Munn, tenor; Hazel the State Armory Friday evening, "spy-glass revealed the fact that Says It Is Possible for Mr*. Frederick H. Adame of Goshen for little, as la obowt by the fact ping screen Interest. class, and studies for a„ doctor's de­ Mr*. Joseph Lavltt ot t ) ^ dty. Aa John Shand. self-centsred tended the funeral of Mrii. Lyman’s tion by the summer theaters last Glenn, eoprano; Gustave The Troop played "dodgelmU” with Bachelor Girls Meetlag she was named for me." who has recently had another bad that according to recent etatletica gree In Chicago—hut the book la summer, and was given In moving Haenacben'a Orchestra. the basketball donated to Uie troop. Romance Ha* Faded spell. iMIsa Ruth A. Nevera left the offense Is Increasing In numbers husband who does not realize all , Frank Whltehouse, Sunday primarily an Odyaaey of hla spirit­ The Bachelor Busineos Girls’ Club Earth to Explode. of offendcra, end certainly the re­ the help hie wife Is giving him. afternoon. The funeral aervicea pictures only last year, the Com­ 8:80—Abe Lyman's "Melodiaina’ After preliminary formations patrol wilt meet this evening s t tbe dub- “But now." he added, "the gov Sunday afternoon for Goshen where ual questing. munity Player* le one of the first with Vivienne Segal, so­ corners were beld and dues collect­ ernment ha* turned the 'Missis­ she will stay with Mr*. Adams for sults. as cbown by the atatletlcal re­ Brian Aherne has a n ' entirely new war* held In WUUmantlc, a t the For Vridar Is after nothing less rooma on Market street following port* of accident*, demonstrate that kind of characterization. Hie work Lincoln and Potter chapel. Burial emateur groups to use it. prano; Oliver Smith, tenor. ed. Mr. MacDonald spoke to the the buslneea meeting there 'will be a sippi Into a sort of 2000-mlle awhile. than contoct with the ultimate re- The part of Victoria Van Brat is 0:00—Bing Crosby, Mill* Brothers, troop on troop discipline. The Intcr- torchlight procession .... there Is The Men's Friendship CTub of the Alfred D. Stone, who attended the there 1* a force at work for their in ‘Song of Songs" and "The wae in Willlngton HU) Cemetery. alitlee. He InsUta on getting to social time with Mlaa Betty Geaaay production, aatanlc In result*, which Fountain’ established him aa a Mr. and Mra. Harold House of a difficult one to play. Dominated George Stoll'e Orchestra. patrol contest was a knot tying re­ In charge. always a beacon in sight, either South Methodlet church at its regu­ fiftieth anniversary of the State the bottom of things. He demand* by an extravagant pride In ^er 9:80—Isham Jones’ Orchestra and lay, and showed tbat Scouta forget behind you. or before you, or Grange last week at Bridgeport, I* not under control. nowwerfiil screen possibility, and he West Hartford were ’ callers at complete Intellectual freedom and Child Study Club lar meeting last night listened to an Simple DIscIpUne hasas far surpassed even the most Charles' Fish’s Saturday afternoon. honesty, and he i-efuscs to compro family tradition of wealth and im­ Gueet Stars. their Tenderfoot tesL After 15 min­ The Child Study CHub of Tolland abreast . . . this thing -has knocked has secured Rev. Charles A. Down*, portance, Victoria tyrannizes 10:00—Walter O'Keefe, Annette utes of drill work. Scoutmaster Ir- the romance out of piloting, to a tllustratixl talk by Rev.,Theodore'S. of Union, the chaplain'of the State It seem* clear that this conditidil enthusiastic predictions. Christian Endeavor Topic for mise In the slightest degree. will hold Its January meeting s t the Punn of Now Britain on "The Sunday evening was "How Shall We .lousehold with cold, relenj 'Hanshaw; Ckiea Lome Or- ^vln read the fable "The Crow." 'fha large extent. " Grange, to Initall the officer* df I* on* where more than ■imnle dis- Madge Evans makes a departure But the cards are eUcked against troop la deeply n atefu l to the Or*' home of Mrs. Samual ttmpson of Geography of the Heavens", The Wapplng Grange at the next regu­ cIpUn* ii needed. And this'view oh- from the unsophisticated young Meet Disappointment and Defeat.” nlm. HI* environment I* hostile, cruelty, even to the extent ol choetra and Ted Huslng. Tolland Wednesday, January 16. Such was the change since the tempting to murder the young I 10:80—Fray and BragglotU. bowski family for donating the old da.vs wl^en Twain learned his talk was interesting as were the lar meeting Tuesday evening, Janu­ tslna because It I* not necessary, ingenue roles she has played re The leader .was Mrs. C. D. Way. and his own nature, the product of Mrs. Sumner Slmpeon wOl- have steraopticon views. The speaker told whom her half-brother has. against 10:48—Voice of the Cruieaders. Oimpany (3 flag. trade, and there was "neither ary 22. according to scientists, that a man cently to portray Lady Sibyl, de Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tryon of this environment, la an obstacle. The troop taUced to the Scout charge of tha meeting and ' hU' of the recent dlecovery of another Howard Burger and Raymond be Intoxicated (meaninr thereby so signing young siren i She has Buckingham called at the home of He is married to a girl whom he her will, brought Into the gloomy 11:00—Joe Haynes' Orchestra. light nor buoy to be "found any- mansion. The characterization de­ 11:30—Johnny Green and Orchestra. cabin St Sperry's pond Saturday mothers are welcome. v.heie In aU this three or four star. He explained the appearance ■Jurger. lona of Mr. and- Mrs. Alex­ much under the Influence of drink ereatei’ almost a new character for her.parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. passionately, but he can see City Court Coee as* being the result of an explosion ander Burger, who have been guests os to be noticeably affected) to be herself and it convincingly real In Buell, Sunday afternoon ’his marriage only as a stumbling mands that an Intensely forceful morning with nine scouts and thousand miles of villainous personality make itself felt with no Scoutmaster Irwin presenL Several d a r r o lT U V . Meek* of Naw Ha­ river"' within a planet, which enlarged It­ at their home through the vacation, dangerous, 8bcpei1menta with re- the part. The Grange nlll hold Its regular btork In bia path. . ■ ven waa in tbe RockviUa (21ty Court have both returned to their studies ac^ont show that aven one drink of Making her debut for the first meeting at Gilead Hall, Tuesday Nol until It la too late does he outward evidence of emotion until scoiita passed cooking. After dinner But there are a great many self to such an extent that It I* now Victoria’s defeat In her evil ma­ "Capture the Flag" waa played by yesterday on tbe charge of speed­ lights now. more every year. One vtalbla on earth. "It Is possible," the Howard returned to Waahlngton. liquor slows up resetlon time time in talking pictures, Lucille evening. realize that hla wife’s cool sanity patrols with the Owl Patrol, Fran­ ing. Judge John E. Flak beard the o' the newest and brightest will speaker said, "that our own earth D. C.. and Raymond to Colgate Uni­ enough to make a decided differ­ Watson is outstudlng in a comedy A. H. Post has b.en confined' to, her aco« ptance of the world on It* chinations at the very end of the versity at Hamilton, N. Y. ence In competence for operation. It role ae the “ advisor" Countess. play. WBZ-WBZA cis Blanchard, .eader, winning. case which was similar to a number shine from the bluff at Hannibal may expldde and crumble as do his home with the grip for several own terms, la what h« needi. By. That Mrs, Handley ia quite cap'^ Hiked home at 5 p. m. of others, charged with speeding Robert Thatcher, execu­ Brian Westmore. rich Vicky Thatcher, society to recall the Hannibal boy who planets.” Mr. and Mra. Erastu* D. Burn­ is also a good argument, worthy of She recently scored a eomeheck days. that time he has driven her to sui­ Springfield — Beaton Notes through the vlUage of Vernon Cen­ ham of Pleasant Valley road, have consideration, that th* most dan­ in the New York stage In “No cide and wrecked hi* own bappl- able of leaving her own personality tive, turned off employe^ nnan’a son, wanted to do a made good, first as a river pilot, In the business meeting of the Mrs. Ida Heck, who Is teacher at to assume that of Victoria ia evir The troop le desirous of obtaining ter. Meeks was arrested Monday, beauty, knew how to and then as one ot the best club It was voted to aponsor the an­ returned from spending a week In gerous roan on the highway la not More Ladies" after being in re­ the Gilead HiU school, spent the cut vages, increased his man^s work, found wealth RuL'ierford, N. J., with- their son, th* aot or . the badly Intoxicated tirement for teu years, and bos neM-This I* not a pleasant book, L and J denced by the fact that other mem- Tuesday, January 16 a wood stove for its cabin. December 17. He was given tha cus­ make trouble . . . suo- beloved wrlt'ng men America has nual Father and Son banquet which week end at her home in Union. -era of the caat have been con- Scouts, practice plenty on those tomary fine of 110 plus th* costs of ever product. will be held.thla year -February 12 Edwin Burnham and family. gentleman who Indicates by bis now "clicked" aa a snarkUng screen Mrs. Charles Fish and chUdren, It wf-n’t be a best seller. But It own profits. a handicap. ... ceeded. ^ The South Windsor Wednesday driving conduct that he la intoxicat­ personality. Is sti^rig and honest, the work of acious of "chills down the spine" P. M. ten knots, also on test passing. IllA l which were paid.' f if ^ in the church. President Albert B. Barbara and Calvin, were caller* at during her big scenes at rehiearaala. Weer uniforms next meeting. Legtoa Notes THE f l a t t e r e r HTNS Holman appointed committees to ar­ Afternoon Club will meet a t . the ed, but is the man who, bavtng tak­ Cast Wlaa Praise the home of Mr. and Mra. Allison an authentic genius. Published by 4:00-^Betty and Bob. home of Mrs. Robert A Boardman en one or more drinka la not yet Others In the supporting east DoubUday, Doran and Co.. It sell* Previous to being cast as a star 4:1&—Eddie Ea«t and Ralph There wUI be another hike next Mr*. Pbyllle Thatcher, depart­ range for the banquet, roakln« selec­ Frink In Andover, Sunday after­ actress for the Community Players, Saturday to the cabin at Speny* ment legislative chairman of the Butler, Pe— Even If police catch at 690 Prospect avenue, West Hart­ ei.ough affectec* thereby to give the who deliver notable ^rform ancci noon. for 62 50 Duxnke, comedy and aoDgs. tions of the fbllowlng: program, ford, next Wednesday afternoon world notice and then. In a pinch or are Dudley Olgges as James Mrs. Handley has "shone" as di­ 4:30—**Headacheg/* Dr. William G. Pond. American Legion Auxiliary, wUl be the man who robbed William Ren Thomas J. Rogers, Earl TrotteV; The Christian Endeavor’s officers rector of the following productions: Bring test passing cards to neict th* guest at the next meeUng of th* nick, 71, the victim can't Identify Maurice S. Sherman, editor of the where judgment lo called for, fall* Wylie; Donald Craey as John; for the year ire as follows: presi­ ONE-TRACK DOG Lennox. tickets. Everett J. McKinney, John Hartford Courant, will speak on to respond as he normally would If Davi-4 Torrence as "the father Alex "Peg O' My Heart", "Rale McCoy," 4:4B—Temp1e of Song—CblcaKO a meeting. orgmilzatlon which wlU be held “Silken Spindles** him. Wlnterbottora, Archie Haugb, Louis dent, Homer Hills; vice-president, “Erstwhile Susan", "Penrod”, “ Gold January 28. - Tha member* of "Current Events." he had not had a drink. Wybe; Henry Stephenson de 8i: Kenneth Ellis; secretary, Mrs. Phiiadelphle-tThl* city had Capella Choir, direction Noble Rennick sat with his head bowed, PhlllIpe and WUllani Black; decora- Une Drink a hlrnace Venables, EngUah politician, and In Them Thar Hills.” 'The Late Cain; Ekiward Davies^ baritone. TOUOHT *TUBEAK’’ Hatbeway Miller AuxUUuy of El­ ahelllng corn, a stranger ap- | Uona.'Stanley Ntchola, Willard Hor­ Ruby Gibson: treasurer. Mrs. Clara dog-chasing elevated train to boast MEMBEKsillP I>KI\ E Therefore, with all the objections Boyd Irwin aa Tentcrden. about. Christopher Bean", "Three Corner­ 5:00—Newa. lington have also been' Invited to be i __ . proachM. ton, William Glenncy, Clarence and the difficulties of enforcement Gregory La Cava, who acored .Ellis; pianist, Miss Olive Warner. ed Moon.” 5:15—Time. Omaha, Neb.— When ‘‘Cupltf’ present “My. that certainly la fine c«rn.". I-i^rjiingtorr I'TnrklmFffin and mnrl 'fhomM Oorijner” Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganter and A black and white mongrel pup Stubbendorf, who Isauae ail the mar­ Huntsville, Ont. —There’s been a at hand, U seems aa though such le­ with hie .work on "Gabriel -Over choose to trot along the Frankford 5:ie—New EflUand AgHcullurc— Teame have been eelected from Beginning Thursday in ■aid the newcomer. "Man and l^y 11 big Increase In Uie menibership of gal action might produc' results the White House" sad recently diughter of Marlboro were callers E. J. Rowell. riage licenses for Douglas county, the members of Stanley Doboex unit newr aw better." , , . I Th® first American newspaper the Huntsville -Ski Club. and that those person* who object "The Affalra o f Cellini," has again at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hart elevated tracks, keeping Just ahead New Zealander* have a reedrd life- 5:30—Kellogg Singing Lady. learned hla only daughter, Ann. haa of this city to promote social work "Oh. 1 duAno,” opined Rennick In | cartoon was designed by Benjamin The boys have sent honorary t( It on the ground of infringement demonstrated bis ability to com­ IlueU recently. of the train, and rimning on dowp expectancy, according to atatistice 5:46—Little O nhan Annie. eloped to PapUtton, Nebraska, and and raise funds for the work of tbe a pleased voice but without bother-1 Franklin und appeared In hi* meroberablps to the Dionne quintu of hberty might be managed by the bine realism with artiatic merit in the track when tha trainmen got out compiled by an insurance company. 6:00—Great Northern Hotel Or* married Herbert Miller, of. Omaha, Auxiliary the coming year. The to look up. ' -----iper, the _Pennsylvania Oaxette, plets, together with club pins. adjustment ol vlewe to special cases a talking picture. Russia exported more than a mil and tried to catch him. For three The death rate among males in tbat chegtra. h<- following team captains have been / ‘Tbat^ all be remembera The Say 9, 1734. Hundreds ot history The club has vistons of a nifty which would come within th* dis­ The co-feature will be "Helldora- lion; pounds of candj to this country miles the train crawled along at the country ie only S8.U per 1000, at 6:15—Official Message from the "To think ■elected: Mrs. Alice Backofen, THE HERALD Mnick him over the head book* have atnee borne reproduc- ski team some time in the far dis­ cretion of courts. The man who do" with Richard Arlen and Madge during the first three months of pup's chosen speed, until the dog compared with 60.86 per 1000 In th* Ooremor to the People of Massa- WL Mra. Mae (3hspman, Mr*. Mary ..-.j'iiiimadeag with 16,80. tloae of I t tant future. goes out and drinka at a reetaurant Evkas. 1981. stopped to scratch and was caught United States. from me. n, Mr*. Bertha PbilUp, T" MANCHB8TeIr e v e n in g aCKALO. MANCaUBfi CK OUNM. TUfiTOAT. JANt7ART 18,1988. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY IB, 1985. PAGE NINE mental change in the distribution of the good, things In life. This to part of ^ program, and the object of Mother of Fifth Set ROYAL NEIGHBORS THE OPEN FORUM socialism, and o f necessity lust be accomplished by the useful workers OomwiiiSwtloat for pubUeiaoD u tb« Open rorutn wtli not of hand and brain. To expect any re­ Of Twins Doing Nicely INSTAU OFFICERS ^TT1«?R«|IK](© QlWoifs 4MV>C4 eiC Tony Saimonds Leads Rec Court League Scorers ha n iM n tood ouWlcaUoB U Uey contain moro than 800 words. lief or change from Ihe capitalists to Tna Hsrald tcasn ua ths right to decline to publish any matter to expect the cat to respect the life that r —y bo UMOous or which is in oad taste. Free expression and welfare of the mouse, which It Putnam, Conn., Jan. 18— (AP) — ^ .FIfield said be wanted to consult hla BEGIN HERB TODAY ai visws Is deured but contrlbuUons ot this characUr« holds In .ts paw. Proud and happy, Harry FIfield ^33 year old hubum haired wife. Mrs. Marie M. HoDand Seat­ that day, had answere«j, *T should Mrs. FIfield who with her babies ANN HOLLISTER breaks her have told jrou at first, but I thought BRITISH COACHES w taSkan dafamatory or abusiva will ha rajected- Notwljthatandlng, "Herald Read­ donned his overalls today and went saghgeaieat to TONY mCKLB REC LEAGUE STATISTICS er's” solicitude for the poor abused was being cared for at Day Kimball ^ u might think I was sp}rtag. FIVE GAMES ARE SCHEDULED CHALKS UP 62 POINTS ' Ipto the woods to get an extra sup­ tbs aaaw day that PETER KEN­ Capitalists, who, because of their hospital In Putnam expressed only ed as O nck at Ceremony Miss Bennett went back to the '■AMOCT BCPUES Agruesoma library of big profits the DALL tellsVALBRlA BENNETT, room and said she had left some­ generosity and anxiety for the wel­ ply bf fuel In preparation for the one hope for the twins “that they be hla. fiancee, that everything to HAVE A SAD LIFE; ' F . T. Tte ths Editor- I ce*>l"F •“ hundred feet high, homecoming of his wife and their good children.” thing. 1 saw your wife band her fare of others, are on the verge of over between thbm. Ann thinks 28 Tony Balmond, Army K Na\’y ...... ( f ' 8-1 8 62 AonarenUy "Herald Reader" has whUe In the dumpy kitchen otfe Nine Are Alive in Hotel Sheridan Here. a letter—a slip of paper It might financial ruin, one can perceive in fifth set of twins. sbe still lovea Tony and Peter be­ 6 StavntUky, Morlarty Bros. . 21 15-25 87 IN HRST ROUND P U Y ; not carefully read "Boxo-s consum- must stoop. The grim specter of Stocky, six feet tall and 50 years Of the 13 cblldrisn bqm to the Fl- have been. Then I went back to BY LOCAL TEAMS THIS WEEK reiullng between the lines, that lieves be still cares tor Valeria, 10 Nelson. Watkina-Y ...... 18 18-84 49 » . ♦ . httar referring to the mephitic | poverty Is ever present as are the of age, Fifleld adjusted himself to fields, 11 of them, nine of them tbe kitchen. When I saw Mrs. TORGOTTENMEN’ Bail nsrverslve achievements of i wlerd noises .and discord of raucous doubts and misgivings are In mind but when chance brtnie the two 15 Faulkner, WatkIns-Y ...... 19 8-22 47 perversive achievements ..... the double addition to hla already members of five seta of twins are Manchester Camp, No. 2640, Roy­ Kendall again she had some kind "B oio" did not say a ll, Wall Street gamblers who occupy of "Herald Reader” , as to the con­ together and Peter asks Ana to O' nervous reaction.” 19 John Tierney, Witkins-Y . . 19 7-10 45 large family with the humor and alive. The oldest Is eight years old al Neighbors, held Its annual dinner marry him she agrees. 14 Wells, Moriarty Bros...... STAVNUSKY IS SECOND these calamitous features exist In the reception room. It Is neither tinuance and workings of capitalism, philosophy typical of a Yankee far­ Marguerite, whose twin brother Peter got Into his big gray c a r . t THE FUNDAMENTALS OF BILLIARDS . 15 18-28 43 Manchester as "Herald Reader” Im- light nor dark,, yet racketeer bats who, admitting there ar.e bad leaks and Installation of officers last eve­ They go to Florida and nre and beaded for Valeria’s apartment. REC LOOP PLAYOFF Receive Small Salaries, Are 12 Holland, Moriarty Broa. . . , . 16 18-17 43 soar mer. died two days after birth. happy there until Peter to re­ By C. A. STURER 10 Ernie Dowd, Boat Sides . . . pUed, nor U be drawing on h is; and vampires of corruption in the roof of capitalism, contends It Even In the face of the loss of hla The Fifields live In a scantily ning at 6;30 at the Hotel Sheridan. Somebody called out to him as he . 12 17-26 41 "Imagination for his facts.” around. The floors creek horribly. can be patched and repaired. Alas, The tables were beautifully decorat­ called home. Bis family snubs spun around the corner, “Say, Nfitionally Known BUlifird Instructor 14 Molonay, Morlartj' Bros. .. • .15 6 - 8 87 ! On the shaky wall.s are hung FERA job, the Blast Thompson far­ furnished farmhouse in Etost Ann and Valeria tries to nnUie U.S.N0TT0HELP Army-Naxy Star Baniilitd I suggest a trip to New Tork. the I am afraid even the herculean ef­ Thompson. A stove furnished the ed tai the colors of the order, purple young fellow, you’re In a hurry to Left Out When Banquets 8 Kovls, East Bides ...... 16 7-16 87 ghastly' pictures of depression, dis­ mer remarked he had “no objec­ trouble. Sbe auoeeeds finally and ON SLATE TONIGHT stronghold of greedy capitalists, or forts of "Herald Reader” and the tions” to the birth of bis twin sons, only heat, while an old fashioned and white, and at each plate were go to the police station, aren’t 18 FalkoskI, Moriarty Broa. ,, . 14 7-10 36 ' Chicago to prove the truth of couragement, distress and disillu­ capitalists combined will be Ineffec­ cape In. the same colors made by Ann goes away, leaving no trace you?" 14 Bychulaki, Army 4k Navy . . l.l 8-14 34 from Fhre Games On now three days old. kerosene lamp provides light. All ot her wbereoboats. Are Held; Considered Jnst "Boso’s" assertions. There, If one sionment. Unsightly cobwebs of un­ tive. The House of Capitalism is re­ Past Oracle Mrs. Nicollna Anderson. But aU Us mad baste to toll Va­ 23 Qarrono, Army 4fc Navy . . , . 10 10-15 ■ 30 BRITAIN IN MOVE "I have my health” , he said, "and FIfield children are robust and Sbe to hired as governess tor AT EAST SIDE REC will look, he will see silent, emaci­ employment hang In the upper cor­ lated too near to a rotten egg to be A delicious chicken dinner was leria what he thought o f her, 10 Tureck, Army A Navy ... . IS .I-IO 29 I’ll work as best I can to provide for healthy. Their normal fare is sim­ the chUdren of MRS. TRACY, an ated figures slink up to garbage ners, while munition-manufactur­ repaired. served, consisting of grapefruit, meant nothing, after all. Valeria 9 Campbell. Watkina-Y .... . 18 8- 6 29 Personals; Garrone Sinb their welfare. We haven’t much, ple and wholesome, comprising artist. ALLAN VINCENT, Mrs. “ Handy Men.” to eat the few remains, and ing spiders lust for more Innocent The significant fact to plain’ to all broiled chicken, mashed potatoes, was out. So now here was Peter 15 Sully Slamond, Army A Navy . 11 8-12 28 but wbat we have Is ours.” chiefly of stews, boiled dinners and Tracy's brother, to attentive to sometimes coffee grounds taste victims. One can hear the agonix- open-minded people, that Capitalism peas, celery, cranberry sauce, salad, at home preparing to call her over 11 Earl Btaacll, WaUlns-Y . 9 4-J 5 V . 12th aiHi 18 th Child produce grown in the family truck Ann. Through him Ann learns 32 Plans to Allow Fred Perry 23 Out of 24 Fools; Team good to them. Does “Herald ing screams of the sufferers of acci­ rolls, pie and coffee. Mrs. Julia the telephone. 8 O’Leary, Eiaat Sides ...... 6 has played Its part, and that a EMward and David suggested gardens. Fafnir Dragons to Meet Mor- London. Jan. 15— (A P )—It may 7-11 19 Reader” think the unemployed are dents due to big business greed tor Ttacey of the hotel management that Peter to rnrnishJag a bouse. Her voice answered, smoldering 10 Hadden, Moriarty Bros. .. fundamental change of society Is themselves to the bespectacled, gray Mrs. Fifleld 1s a native of-Connec- Convinced that he plans to divorce be possible to sympathize with tho . 8 3 - 8 19 oo a picnic and that there Is no such profits. The Invisible and Irresist­ was highly commended for the fine with resentment. "Well, Peter, are 10 Rossi, East S id e s ...... 8 to Act fo r Movies and Honors to Moriarty’s. coming. Intelligent, wise, and un­ haired farmer aa "pretty names” ticut .while her husband was born her and marry Valeria, Ann leaves iarty’s Here Tomorrow; plight of an American football 2- 5 18 thing as. a depression 7 ible hands of speculation reach out selfish effort Is needed to guide and for the twins, the 12th and 13tb In Rockland. Me. Fifleld to the menu and excellent service. you tight or something—calling roe 7 Gorman. WatkIns-Y .... . 6 4- 6 16 from shadowy comers, while the tbe tracys. after so long?" coach who haa his salary aliced to In New Britain very recently a control the change to the end that children bom to the Fiflelds In lit­ father of another daughter, Mrs. Led by Mrs. Margaret Shea, the 11 Gleasoq, East Sides ...... 6 3 - a 15 crumbly walls undulate . and waver She goes to work In a book Peter said coldly, “1 wanted to| $7,600 a year or even one who has Still Be an Amateur. man was arrested - while stealing the Inhabitants o f these United tle more than ten years. Walter Lanigan of Franklin, Maas., members joined In singing the theme 4 Farr, East Bides...... 6 2- 8 14 with loathsome and Infested rata Store. One rainy night she meets ask you why you waited so long ! Rangers at SL Mary’s; a run In with a Senator, but It'a Tony Saimonds of the Army * food for hIs three small children who But before making a final choice bom of a previous marriage. song, "How do you do. Royal Neigh­ 8 Opizzi, IDast Sides ...... 8 6 - 8 and cockroaches. States will materially benefit there­ Allan and he persuades her to cash my check.” difficult for the avnregc British ath­ 13 Navy Club quintet emerged aa the suffered three days from extreme bors?” Greetings were extended 8 Fraser, Army A Navy .,. 8 4 - 4 Is this too horrifying a picture? by. drive home with hlnS for dinner. ”I—^^I found I didn’t need the letic mentor to share that feeling. 10 leading scorer in the recently com­ hunger. A Vernon Board of Edu­ To conclude would call attention by three of the past oracles. Fol­ Other Cage TOts. He would feel extremely lucky In 8 Weir, East Sides ...... 3 3 - 4 9 By ROR CAVAUNARO Is It confusing? It must needs be, lowing the dinner a business'meet­ When they arrto-e be admits his money In such a hurry after all.” pleted first round of tho Rec Senior cation report showed about 13 per of "Herald Reai*jr” to a few words, we believe that all the pieople have tha first place. If he were drawing 4 Hedlund, Watklna-Y ..T. . 2 2 - 4 6 AMoclatcd Press Sports Writer cent of 1,166 children examined since capitalism Is confusing. Would ing and the Installation were held. sister Is not there. Ann realises “But the check served another LESSON 8 Mr. RIebberg, chief of NRA used In a right to life, liberty and the pur­ of from one to three Inches from down even $750 a year, and If some 10 W’m. Dowxl, East Sicics . . . a 1- S 5 New York, Jan. 18.— (AP) — The Basketball League, according to were underweight. Doesn't "Her­ "Herald Reader” repair the roof of GOLD FEVER HITS • Past State Oracle Mrs. Rachel Mun- she has been tricked but she out­ purpose, didn’t It?” The Draw ShoL—(Conttnued) his talk before American Capitalists suit of happiness (Soctallata), or While additional games may be the first object ball, your stroke fellow corresponding to a Senator In 2 Whippert, Army A Navy . 1 3- 7 5 figures complied by Director Frank ald Reader" ever read the literature this structure? I say, rip It down, sle and Ceremonial Marshal Mrs. wits Allan and gets back to the Valeria .was not where she could BriUsh Lawn Tennis AssoclaUon in Cleveland, Dec. 28, 1934, "Better whether we lielieve that only some city In a cab. Tbe driver recog­ Dooked before the week i t out, this There are many variations of the must be ahorter and delivered with Importance ever condescended to 2 Mahoney, Moriarty Bros. 2 1- 5 5 sent out by community chests and and erect a new, beautiful home of Agnes Messier seated the new off- loll big, injured blue eyes to ad­ cannot look to the United States Busch of tbe Recreation Centera, do something before these millions of the people have a right to life, nises her and communicates with draw shot. The changing of the much less force than Is usually tbe bawl him out he probably would 2 Ckjurtney, Army A Wavy . . 1 2 - 4 4 other agencies telling why help Is Socialism. Repairing the house of cers, who are; vantage. She said slowly, "I don’t week's schedule calls for five games bridge and the proper distance of case. For this shot move your bridge aponaors of the League. The playoff of pleading fingers are turned Into liberty and the pursuit of happiness M A R m TRADERS detectives. When they arrive Ann know what yoi-’re talking about." oheriata It among his fondest memo 3 McHale, East Sides .... 1 X- 3 3 Liwn Tennis Association for sup­ required? Doesn't he even bother capitalism Is like trying to piece to­ Oracle, Mrs. Marie M. Holland; In which local teams will partlct- the bridge from the bell has much hand very close to the ball and low­ ties. port In tho movement endorsed by game toftight at' the .School Street gether a busted bubble or a broken threatening claws." (antl-Sociallsta); whether we can has disappeared again. Peter found his anger had given 0 Breen, Moriarty Bros. . . . . 1 0 - 0 2 Rec to settle the winner of second to answer the door bell when some vice oracle, Mrs. Susan Morrison; pato, starting tonight with the Rec to do with the proper execution of er It ea much aa possible by doubling ' They do not go around addressing the English body to have re­ electric light bulb! BOZO. better maintain general welfare recorder, Mrs. Rachel Munsie; way to Intense disgust and weari- Senior League playoff for second 4 F. Bissell, Moriarty Bros. . 1 0 - 0 2 place, between Watklna-Y and the poor fellow comes begging for through coopieratlon. or through different types of tbe draw suot. the two middle fingers back imder civic club, nor do they presume to scinded a rule prohibiting amateur ARGO.' chancellor, Mrs. Nicollna Anderson; NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY ners He said, “It doesn’t matter. place In the first round between ths 0 Jolly, Moriarty Bros...... 1 0- 0 2 Army A Navy, is not considered a something to eat? competition. For an ordlnsiy or long draw shot, tbe palm of the hand with tba toll the headmaster (Dean to you) players from receiving colnpensa- The FERA receives hundreds of VITAL PROBUUf Yellow Metal Issues Point Inside sentinel, Mrs. Nellie Rock; Toe hanr. has been done. Besides Army A Navy and Watklna-Y at 1 Larson, W atklns-Y ...... ,. 1 0- 1 2 part of the regular schedule. Any folks on the verge of ruin In (CHAPTER XLVn I’ve found out what I wanted to use the bridge aa shown In Photo­ thumb resting on the table. that Joe Bllnka should receive a 0 Jim Tierney, Watklns-Y . . 0 1 - 4 1 Uon for appearing in lawn tennis oc- letters monthly from people who "BOZO” COMMENTS Editor o f The Herald; marshal. Miss Emma Merkel; out­ the School Street Rec. graph No. 12. This bridge has been The reason for the changing ot passing grade because hla tnisty Uon films. Such a plan Is under­ Banished Five Times say they are about to kill them­ To the Editor; What to the most important pro­ Manchester are certainly not so be­ side sentinel, Mrs. Amanda Rother; There had been consternation know.” Tbe only semi-pro tussle in town 2 Katkaveck, East Sides . . . 0 1- 2 1 cause of Socialism, but because of Downward in Early Honrs; Tne receiver clicked in his ear. lowered by simply spreading the tbe bridge when the cue ball lies toe la needed In Saturday's game.. 1 McAdams, Army A Navy ,. 0 1- 2 1 way today sponsored by the Czecho­ In the six games played in the selves because they cannot get Whatever one may think of the blem confronting our government, manager for one year, Mrs. Mar­ among the tenants at Peter’s Flori­ thia week will take place at the slovakian Asooclatton and endorsed first round, Saimon)tbera' Firestone would threaten self-destruction If able or otherwise, one Is perforce outstanding reform of the Roose Wait Court Decision. cue ball to ctoser to the first object the cue ball, it automatically less­ there Isn’t any such thing aa a culated by officials close to the and eight out o f 18 baskets from tbe their bellies were full? Miss Van driven to concede to "Herald Read­ velt administration? to bring ruin on them. It con only Gifts in appreciation of their serv- "When’s Mr. Peter cornin’ ?” Lena self up to his unhappy, brooding five opposes the Fafnir Dragons qt show them how little chance there Is ball, it does not require oa forceful ens the force of the stroke you will coach either at Oxford or Cara' game to take Fred Perry's mind off complimentary'circle. HIs average Kleeck, director of Industrial studies er" the agility of a grasshopper and Namely, the giving to Congress Icea' last night were presented to asked. thoughts. New Britain, one ot tbe best caga of slightly better than ten points to be moral, under this competitive a stroke to draw tbe ball the same deliver, because the cue does not bridge, but he isn’t being atrictly professional tennis and motion pic­ for the Russell Sage Foundation, the ever changing color of the the power, ‘T o coin money and Mrs. Munsie and Mrs. Messier, and "Not for some time,” Ann told Lnti! recently Ann bad been here aggregations in this section of the accurate. per game Is remarkable when it Is system and survive. New York, Jan. 18.— (A P )—The In the city. Now sbe was really state. The Dragons hold one de­ diatance. Juat move the bridge closer have as far to travel from the bridge ture offers. stated It "has been sh >wn that the chameleon, judgmg by his remark­ regulate the value thereof.” Is It were graciously accepted. Grand her. "I haven’t been well and otily When the tracksters at England’s Army-Navy Nine Win Latest reports from Australia considered that he was banished people of this country actually lack revolutionary to do so? Is It radical May 1 recommend the perusal of Stock Market suffered another mild honors were extended to the charter came to rest for a few weeks. After lost to him. The detectives had cision over the Firestones and two to the cue ball, form a lower bridge to tho bail, thereby allowing you to able ability of bounding from one by doubling tbe index finger b a ^ almost always use what Is known as two big universities take their work­ where Perry lost the continent’s na­ from no less than five of the eix the nece.ssary quantities of food re­ untenable position to another. My to possess that which was stolen Fred Henderson’s "Case for Social­ attack of gold fever today as the members present and also the in­ a while, when I'm stronger, I’m go­ reported the trail had been lost. over the Rangers and will be out games via the personal foul route. ism” to any who are not familiar They bad come up against a blank fork^^thelr fourth straight over under the palm of your band and a solid stroke and better assures you outs these crisp winter days, a man tional singles championship to Jack quired for a diet regarded as proper whole object during this discussion from the people? Why certainly metal issues pointed sharply down­ stalling officers. ing-^" her voice faltered, "going la on hand to help them find tbalr Saimonds tied Orlando Garrone, hla not! Why, Mr. Reader, this very with Socialism's viewpoint except Reports of the officers indicated away.” wall when they learned 10 days Maficheator team. Further details dropping the thumb on the table, of accuracy. Crawford, were that Great Britain’s on the basis of scientific nutritive has been to show the utter, stark ward and leading European curren­ apiked shoes and vaulting polaa and wrorld amateur etngles champion Is teammate, for the dubious honor ot statement Is taken from your Con- as they have heard It from the antis cies exhibited renewed' weakness In that Manchester (Tamp has had a "Something’s wrong,’ Lena said .ago she had left town. on tblAcontoit will be found elss- w ith the cue ball only a distance (Tomorrovp—Anglea) Indoor BasebaU Title values.” and complete failure of capitalism, to Instruct them In the art of gat- being charged with moet pereonale, stitutlon—Article I, Section 8, Para­ In fear and lies and superstition? very beneficial year. Drawing on dubiously to Sam. "It don’t seem The afternoon mall was stacked whera m the sport page. juat about ready to capitulate and Even the ultra-conservative Hart­ aa an institution to provide the ordi terms of the dollar. ting a fast start. Ho makes him­ accept either BUI O’Brien’s offer to each having 23. Saimonde came ford Courant' states "studies of graph 5. It Is not only Constitution­ Our hope is that the majority will There was little to account for the $2.50 gold piece,was postponed natural, her traipsin’ way down on a sliver tray. Peter crossed the Tomorrow night, alao the Nation, within one foul of eitabllehing a nary requisites and comforts of locm and glanced through it In­ al Guard Rangers travel to Eiaat self generally useful, even to giving join BUI Tllden and Ellsworth Vines sickness among the unemployed clvillxed life In a land lavishly al but American. ’ere long sense that Socialism and the revival of fear psychology to the next meeting, February 4, at here without him.” record for eviction. “It ain’t,” Sam agreed. differently. A Florida . postcard Hartford to oppoae St. Mary’s. Beat­ the star sprinter a brisk rub down. in a barn storming tour or accept a have not been optimistic. 'Time and abounding with. In fact, a super- Yet, from the very existence of Its plans are far preferable to the which yesterday appeared to he the home of Mrs; Munsie as a num­ He Isn’t a graduate.of the school. Guido Georgetti Pitches ber of the envelcpes bad not been "I thought things were kind of was in the pile. He turned It over en In three out o f their four etarte NET ACE TO MARRY movie contract Stai-nitsky Second again statistical investigations have bundance of every Imaginable kind our Constitution there have been near-anarchy we are now experienc­ subsiding. Guesses on the forth­ ETven though he becomes a coach, forces working against the welfare turned In. . A cordial invitation was queer sometimes when they ■wa-i and then held It under the light on the road this seaqon, the Greer- BRAVES WITHOUT FIELD While tbe United States Lawn Second place in the Individual revealed a marked Increase." And of raw resources apd materials. The ing, and the despotism of which we coming gold decision of the Su­ he la not given the title officially Tennis AssoclaUon has not received of the people. No, not a force of are In danger. preme Court were numerous and received from Mrs. Tracey to hold a here. Seems like they thought an His hand shook. men are determined to ehow their Team to 7-3 Victory Over Bcoring was captured by Ckrarge according to the U. S. Public Health only weak-kneed apology that nor does be draw a coach’s salary. any offidal noUflcaUon of Ctecho- "Stlffy” Stavniteky, member of Service "the highest sickness rate nature. Not a force of some ancient CAROLIN KORNER BRITTON varied. Industrial stocks showed future meeting at the hotel. awful lot of each other, but were “Mister Peter, pleea come quick. ability on foreign court#, by taking A BAY STATE GIRL "Herald Reader” can offer In Its de­ devastating animal. It was a mental kinda oneasy about showin’ it.” Miss An sick.” ^ St. Mary*e Into camp, ’tbe locals He la strictly accountable to the ildvakla’s moUon to delete the In- Moriarty Brother’s Firestones, win­ was found among the families who some resistance, but they sagged In Cards followed with Mrs. FOR BASEBALL SEASON team captain. fense Is that there is no starvation force—force of greed. Selfish human garet Shea, high scorer, and Mi Lena knew her "spiciona” were Little Juan. BHag him! Sud­ have won five out of six gauies at Foreign War Veterans in ternaUonal federaUon rule regard­ ners of the first round. Stavniteky had suffered the most severe decline in Manchester, which Is altogether sympathy with the mining group. denly Peter’s feeling of wild exul­ (kMudies Left Out. ing moUon picture acting, Walter tallied 37 points in all with 21 twin- in Income." But "Herald Reader” beings—International bankers, and At the same time trading activity Margaret Brown, low. The camp' correct when Ann called to her one the State Armory here but havqn'f bealdc thC'- question. Manchester Is tation was succeeded by a terrible been able to funotiou aa well avhiy An American Rhodes scholar at Merrill Hall, president o f the pointers and 16 out of 25 fouls. Mil- wants us to believe all this is im­ those carried with them down the was restricted. extended a vote of thanks to the maiming. When Lena came out on George Lott, Recently Turned League Hayoff of Seven but a dot compared with the United green stream of greed. But there is DAVID HUTCHINSON porch, Ann asked, "Does Sam fear. Ann was In their little. Florida from home, due possibly to un- Oxford, formerly a star athlete- at USLTA made it plain today he la ton Nelson of Watktns-Y was third aginary! 1 can offer evidence In Grains turned heavy after early committee of arrangements—Mias Lease on Boston Stadhnn an American University still feels a States on this earth. In passing, a whirlpool ahead. Let the destruc­ Emma Merkel, Mrs. Ann Willough­ eve" write to Mr. Peter?" home, sick. And there were 1,000 famitiarty with the playing sur­ PRO STARS APPEAR definitely opposed to tbe idea. with 49 points, scored on IS baekete Manchester, too, that children have however. It might be pertinent to In­ steadiness and cottbn drooped. Gold miles between them. faces, few of which are simflar to trifle guilty about what happened to "1 can see no reason for such a and 13 out of 34 fouls. suffered from rickets (softness and tion be diplomatic. Let Congress exchanges suffered their most pro­ by, Mrs. Nicollna Anderson and Mrs. ’Y’es, Miss Ann. When things Pro, Reveals Romance; Innings at the Armory. quire If thero la no wan, pinched correct and cease their Injurious don't go so good, and when they the Armory. The St, Mary's court the coach after Oxford and Cam­ change," Hall said. "I think for Oarrone Features curving of bones usually resulting NAMED SECRETARY nounced relapse in about a year and Margaret Brown. Broken and Red Sox Re­ bridge held their moat recent track faces of school children In Manches­ practices. Did the President. not does.” Tbe little Florida home was to only about half the size of the any amateur player to ba allowed to Garrone walked away with the In bowlegs) and that grain, sugar sterling fell to around its former local floor and the Rangers will IN STATE niURSDAY meet. There was a big dinner for Wedding m June. receive substanUal compensation for ter, and why ts there milk, cocoa say, ^The money changers must be “Please ask him not to write for wrapped in silence but Ann was Featured by the stellar pitching of hinore for accurate foul ehooting. and flour bag underwear, petticoats parity. The monetary decline was have to atop right along to emerge the rival teams, with pheasant and any lawn tennis action film of him­ nightgowns, pillow cases, aprons and sandwiches supplied to the un driven out of the temple.” attributed largely to fofeign selling. several weeks—until I leave. Or awoke. A few hours ago Corita, fuse to Allow Use of Fen­ sinking the splendid total of 33 to There are two important problems If he does, akfc him not to mention on the long end of the score. Ih their speeches of mutual admiration. But Guido GlorgetU, the Army and self would be a definite vlolaUoa of and sheets are used by the poor. He dcr-nourished children of our Town? Bonds were quiet and only moder­ looking like a dark rose In her red 24 attempts. Ernie Dowd, with to be dealt with, today. Congress Elected by Beethoven Glee Manchester that I am here.? silk dress, had gone to a dance. tdw recent defeats, by tbe EMdecs let our Rhodes boy tell it. Boston, Jan. 15.— (A P )—George fNavy's state horsi.tboe pitching the spirit of tbe amateur rule. As Mwuld remember no group of so­ Maybe If "Heral 1 Reader” were ately mixed. way Park for Home ’’They gave me the banquet tick- seven out of nine fouls In a stogte obliged to live on the munificent must give Itself complete control "I^ breaks iroUr heart to see her Ann. seeing the eagerness in and the Dragons, the locals have Tdden Troupe to Give Tennis M. Lott, Jr., turned to professional champ and all-around athlete, ths for myself personally I am opposed game, took honors tor an eveningw cial thinkers has done more telling and ou-nersbip of currency and gold. Shares of Homestake Mining slttln’ then so ^ e-U k e and un­ Cor* ta’s eyes, had said. "O f course been beaten In the loat half after .ets to distribute among our fellows, tennis to win the heart of a Wake­ Army and Navy Indoor baseball to It.” f work than have the Socialists In sums per week which the town al­ Chib to Sncceed Alfred dropped 18 points, U. S. Smelting Date Book ami I went around the dressing high total o f accuracy. Nelson Wt lows Its dcfienilent poor. It may This Is Constitutional. Secondly, the happy,” Lena - sold'fo Sam. "Mara I’U be all right ITl lock every­ leading the first. Exhibition at the Arena in Games; President Frick field girl. team whipped the V. F. W. In the low In this department with six out su)alyslng and exposing the evils of government must call In all the In­ was off 8 and McIntyre Porcupine, n.j words, they’ve been fightin’ thing up tight Don’t forget the Manebeetor's scholastic toams room bonding thero out. Gosh I The,romance has been a secret for title playoff game In the state ths capitalistic system. change "Herald Reader's” view­ of 15 chances In one game. HIs terest bearing war bonds. This wilt Dome, Cerro de Pasco, Howe Sound, Tomorrow aliout something and he's too onery front door key.” swing into action on Friday, with felt like ten cents when 1 had to several years and announcement of armoiy last night 7-8 In seven In­ Under capitalism we have had point. Rivenberg Who Resigned. teammate. Tommy Faulkner, alao nvohl future Indebtedness. The sec­ Alaska Juneau, Noranda and Amer­ Jan. 16-19—Annual Poultry Show to g*ve In.” But she gave up reading after a tba high school at Middletown and Calls Meeting. pass up the coach—and me with a Lott’s engagement to Miss Edith L. nings. and will have unemployed able- I also wish to point to a few head­ ican Smelting lost 1 to 3. Others New Haven. Last Night *s Fights mode a neat try la inaccuracy by ond problem la American. Was It at State Armory. "It ain’t likely Mr. Peter would while and got Into bed. tbe trade schol host to Wllllmentic whole handful of tickets. I'd almost (killinson of Wakefield, was to be The Army and Navy got away to bodied persons. Even Governor lines In our leading newspapers. off fractionally to around a -point. rather bave given him ray ticket if only dropping three out of 10 (ouls not the first Secretary of Treas­ This Week be cnery,” Sant said loyally. She might have dozed, but in a the trade school host to WlUlmantlc kept very much under cover until a big lead in the first three Innings Cross states "there Is no likelihood From the Hartford Courant of Jan. At a business session of the Bee­ Included U. S. Steel, Case, Chrysler, sorbed five straight defeats. Includ­ they would have let me. In one evening. Much practice to 18, 1938, "ICnulty teeth are caused ury, Alexander Hamilton, who after Jan. 19—Annual concert and dance "It ain’t 6s likely Miss Ann 'Would raomeiit .was wide awake. A car Boston, Jan. IS.— (AP) — Racing Friday. In which they scored all their runs. By ASSOCIATED PKESS foul shooting Is needed by all that the unemployment situation thoven Glee club last night at the General Motors, Du Pont, Sears be I wlah,” Sarah said aentiiilen- ing three League setbacks, and New Haven, Jan. 18.— The only “Anyway when wo got together by rickets. Scientists of the chil­ the Revolutionary War did the Iden­ of Manchester Pipe Band. hqd a me on tbe grounds. It wus dogs have chased the Boston Braves Hla happiness got the better of The Vets counted cm. run In tho members of the League, indicated will be greatly mitigated during the tical thing? These bonds in return Emanuel Lutheran church, David Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, Na­ taliy, “they would stop this foolisiv- early for (Torita to be getting back. must beat MlddletowII to keep from Connecticut appearance on tour this with the other team to go into the dren’s bureau. In examining two Next Week from their wigwam. And Boston's him last night, however, and just be­ first and were forced to wait until Holmes, Kas. — Tony Kelly, by the fact that only 191 out o f 878 present year." Unemployment could be paid in United States cur­ Hutchinson was elected to fill the tional Distillers, Johns Manville, nesa and make up. Wastin’ a lot of Ann slipped on a silk robe and sinking deeper Into the cellar. Mld- banquet room, the ' Uvo coaches Leminater, Kas., outpointed Joe groups of children, one of which had Jan. 21—Lecture, "Draperies” by year of WllUam "Big Bill” Tlldcn oldest baseball team is homeless fore he stepped onto tho tennis court tbe sixth for the other two counters foul attempts registered points, -o means untold anxiety, bitter dis­ rency or in new bonds backed by the remaining term of office of secre­ Liggett and. Myers B, Consolidated Mr. Haaenclevcr of F. Schumacher I'me being miserable when they Nyent to the window. A tall figure, dletown’a greatest achievement this drifted down to the comer pub for Kamlnakl, Nantlcoke, Pa. (8). severe rickets In earlier years, and tary for the club. Alfred Riven- will ba made when ha swings Into for the first time since it became a at the Boston Garuen he said; In the fourth inning the VeU little better than fifty per cent. couragement, depleted efficiency, nation to be paid at aome future Gas and Western Union. Although & Co., New York, Interior Decorat­ could be happy. That’s what they’re axman’s figure, was outlined for a season was beating Bristol but last their sandwiches and beer.” staged a rally tbe first three men to Albany—Sammy Bruce, Albany, more Immorality and dishonesty, another which had been practically berg, who was secretary, has been Santa Fc yielded a point,'AUch Is­ doji'.” week the Aslyum City five fell be­ action at the Arena here on Thurs­ charter member of the National in "The engagement will be an­ 881 Personal Fouls date. ing Course, Y. M. C. A. Public in­ moment in the moonlight. And nounced formally next Friday, and face GlorgetU getting on, but the defeated Romeo Duebarme, North­ In the personal foul department. broken Hbpes, bad housing. Inade­ free of the disease, found, many more Of course the "financlallsts” will obliged to resign because of the sues as American Telephone, Public The trouble between Miss Anh thenNyaa gone. fore East Hartford. A cloie, . bard day evening at 8:30. Tllden will 1876. ampton, Vt. (8). vited. Its long term lease of Braves we probably will be married In club’s ace pitcher set the next three 331 were called by the arbltraton quate diet. Increased disease, more defective teeth among the children tell you the gold Is already in the pressure of business. Mr. Hutchin­ Service of New Jersey, American Jan. 21 — Lecture, "Floor Cover­ and Mr. Peter was discussed freJi.” Anny heart seemed to stand still. fought game la in prospect be seen in action In a series of sin­ Philadelphia—Vince Dunoee, 160, who had been ricket victims.” son was secretary of the club last Field has been ..abrogated and Tom June.’’ men down in order by the strikeout and the most guilty aggregation crime, mental depression and physi­ hands of the government. Do not Can, Spiegel-May-Stern, Union ings,” by MI.-IS Helen M. Dagget, at Sam’s home. And Marie’s sls'.'ir "HellOKthere!” It was a num’s '^ e Mechanics are in quest of gles and doubles profea.slonaI tennis route. Last night's game closed the Newark, N. J., outpointed Paul Plr- cal deterioration. "Herald Render,” From the Manchester Herald, year. their ninth victory In twelve starts EAGLES FACE TRIO It was an exbiblUon that brought was the Army A Navy Club with believe this. They arc In the Federal Pacific, Baltimore and Ohio and decorator-stylist of Bigelow-San- Corlta who had been brought to voice. Juki below her window. champlon-shlp matches along w ltb l| f’ ' ' ‘ *y’ ‘ ^e neighboring short indoor season, which ended In rone, 160, CUevelanu, 10; (^ m e n 93 fouls. The Blast Sides were sec­ however, seems to think that be­ April 16, 1934, "Record breaking Reserve Banka - privately owned During the rehearsal which pre­ Pennsylvania were narrow. ford Carpet Co., New York, Interior assist about tbe house and sleep She war.^ dreaming. Peter was Friday and will m heavily favored Ellsworth Vines, George M. Lott, Jr., .'ed Sox has refused to ebare Fen­ Lott'to Boston. He lost a singles ceded the business meeting, sevcrql way Park. American League hunt­ a tie between the contesting teams Barth, 161, CHeveland, stopped Joe ond with 82, Morlarty Brothers cause folks have Just enough to numbers of Jlens, 726, filed by the banka. Do not let names scare you. American Telephone stock made Decorating Course, Y. M. C. A. Pub­ there at night, had more tales far away-r-ydt it was Peter’s voice. to gat i t having beaten tbe Thread and Leator Stoefen. OFHAR^ONTESTS match to Bill Tllden and, with Les­ of the new numbers for the tenth ing grounds. ter Stoefen, was defeated by TUdeh last night, forcing the playoff. The Mandarano, 159, Philadelphia, 4. third with 80 and Watklns-Y lost keep from dying of starvation, they tax collector on properties lacking Who made the profit of J2.(ioo.- no especial response to the state­ lic invited. which Bcded to tbe general uneasi­ Dreaming o f not, Ann stumbled City cagera on their home floor re­ Lott and Stoefen will be making score: '■ New York—Al CaaiminI, 139, New annual qnniort to be presented in ness, cently, 57-83. The Tradera have Things stand about like this: and Ellsworth 'Vines In a doubles with 76. The majority of the per­ should be satisfied. Aren’t these tax payments." Same paper, some 000,000 or more when the gold was ment of President Walter S. Gifford Jan. 22— Annual meeting o f across tbe roodk turning the key their local debut as court pros here. Army and Navy Club York, stopped Jimmy Hurray, 139, sonals were called in the early unfortunates entitled to more than a time late., "Long line, aa food slips April were rehearsed. "The Bee­ Coilta told of hearing Ann sob­ been stopping along at a fast clip so Tbe Braves have a franchise in match. called Into the Federal Reserve that the company’s 1934 earnings Emanuel Lutheran church. with weak flngera\ Down the stair Thus far in the series which started AB R H Do A New York, 3; Mike (Kid) EVatUnl, stages ot the league wben ploy wras mere existence? are awarded. Some idea of destitu­ Banks? Did the government? No! thoven club is endeavoring to make would approximate $5.85 a share bing at night. “If he don’t come Into the dark hall. \Not waiting to far and teem beadad for a highly before a large crowd In New York the National League and a ball club Meet Second-Place Reds To­ George liked being an amateur, he this concert one of the best ever Jon. 25—"Double Door” by Com­ Shields, lb ...... 5 1 2 8 0 148, Italy, outpobited Jackie Davis, very rough but as tho league pro­ "Herald Reader" in his letter con­ tion In town may be gained at It was again these "financlalista" ot compared with 85.38 In the previous munity Players at Whiton Memorial, soon, maybe she not be here,” Co- turn on the light, ^she flung the aueeettful seaion. last week, Tllden, the veteran, and which has 25 players under reserva­ said, but in order to tnorry be had presented In its history. May Be Olliera tion—but they have no place In to have an income. F. McCkirmlck, c. 4 i i is o 142 1-3, aeveland, 8; Joe Santoe, gressed and team work improved, fuses office holders with capitalists. Municipal Building.” Sunday Mirror Wall street. Nevertheless, there Is year. While the Bell system showed auspices D. A. R. Tito said in her quaint foreign door wide and rrachbd out for Vlnas, California youngster, have F. Anderson, rf .. 8 1 2 0 0 fewer foule were noted. Office holders are not necessarily one consolation—the money la now speech. Peter, blindly. It to expected that Watkins-Y will which to operate. morrow and Leaders Fri­ "That’s why I turned pro,” he 129, Portugal, outpointed Mike Bel- Mngaxlne. "Francis Murray. College a gain of some 298,000 telephones Also mid-year graduation at Man­ won a majority of their doubles bat­ H. McCormick, ss 4 1 2 0 0 loiae, 138 8-4, New York, 8. 'The Team Totals capitalists, a selectman, for exam­ bred welfare w'orker, reveals the In­ concentrated In the Federal Reserve last year, it was recalled that net "W hy?” Juan queried. return to Its home flodr 'at' the' tles, being defeated for tbe first Ford Frick, newly elected presi­ stfid. chester high school. WUey, I f ...... 4 1 3 0 0 Nenrark, N. J.—Roy Laser, 194 The league winning Moriarty ple, being an office holder, though side story of the World’s Cruellat Banka. Now, the government has earnings were affected by higher Jan. 26—Annual family gathering "Because she’s very sick.” She was crushed against him, 'YMCA this week Saturday but time by the former amateur champs dent of the National League haa day; At Home Sunday. This will be Lott’s second venture OFFER GREATER VALUES Manager Jimmy Gorman hasn’t an­ called a special meeting o f club L. Cervlnl, 8b .. 4 1 2 0 ’ 1) 1-2, Paterson, N. J., outpointed Babe Brothers five scored the highest rarely a capitalist. He objurgates Racket. Rubbing 800,000 starving the power to transfer this Into the operating costs'. of Britlsh-American club. Juan brooded over that. Ann had feeling his kisses on her eyes, In their Pittsburgh match on last In mktrimony. He was married five number of points tor the first round, me for using caustic and bitter ad­ United States Treasury. So simple, completely won hla heart. He fol­ nounced aa opponent as yet. owners to be held In New York next Passaeantellt, 2b .4 1 2 1 0 Hunt, 196, Ponds City, Okla., 10. New 'Yorkers and the richest city of While the Inflationary aspects of Coming Events her Ups, her hair. Fierce, tender, Saturday-when Lott and Stoefen years ago to Ablgan Stapleford GlorgetU, p .... 4 0 0 0 2 getting 94 double deckers and 86 jectives. Dm s he desire me to yet, what confusion will precede its lowed her about, bis big, dark eyes rallied to win. Friday to determine what can ba Allen In Elktoo, Mr. They wrers tt- New Orleans—T ra ^ CoX, 144 1-2, modem tiroes still fights desperately AT RENSON STORE HERE a possible reversal of the gold legis- Jan. 29—Benefit d a ^ e of Junior demanding k-sses. New Haven, Jan. IS.—Playing (ree (oul shots out o( a possible 97 write In this vein? "Oh, the nlcey- execution. Above all this, these 'lation were stressed by some ob­ Daughters of Italy at Trade school. fixed upon her adoringly. HIs kisses seemed real. Member of the Yale tennis teams done about It. Meanwhile apparent­ vorced March 28, 1032. IndianapoUs, stopped Bobby Garela, to keep body and soul together for like Trojans, the New Haven Eagles 32 7 14 21 2 1 148 1-2, Houston, Tex., 1. (or a total ot 344 points. Watldns-Y wlcey capitalists are a little its destitute families." From the phenomlnal financiers were able to servers, various bankers were not in Jan. 30—Second annual birthday All of bis tricks had failed to Yet she must be dreaming. She LOCAL LUTHER LEAGUE bave been Invited to act In the ca­ ly no one had a thought on the eub- who climbed Into fourth place in the Veterans Syraeuae, N. Y.—^Moxle Roaen- was second with 217 points, amass­ naughty. They should be good or Bridgeport Herald, April 22,'1934, Issue unspeakable amounts of paper E. Benson of the Benson Furni­ agreement with this line of thought. ball at State Armory. divert her. He had plunged into had ‘ missed him so, had believed pacity of llneanien during the ap­ ject. ed by 87 twin-pointers and 43 out ot papa maybe spank.” money (notes, checks, etc.) You ture and Radio Store, Johnson the lake, making alligator trails. pearance here of THden'a profes­ The Boston Kennel Club, Inc., Canadlan-Amorican hockey league O. Mathiason, lb 4 .0 0 7 0 bloom, 180, New .York, outpointed "Lauren Gilflian, the 22 year old These believed that a drastic defla­ Feb. 2-3—Ice Carnival programs, he bed passed out of her life. Y4t race on Sunday night by defeating Olson, 2 b ...... 8 1 2 1 2 102 free tries. The Array A Navy may ask. "how were they given all block, is celebrating his 37th year He had told Ann about the Sem- her he was, his deep voice with GAINS BOWUNG LEAD sionals. has filed application with the Johnny Nelson, 171, Syracuse, 10. He says there "are good and bad Smith College Graduate, reveals con­ tion would fallow a decision of the ball on Saturday, carnival on Sun­ the Phllly Arrows, 3 to 1, face a W restling H. Mathlason, p. 4 2 2 1 3. was third with 203 points, gained capitalists." In a prolonged dis­ this power?” Moat evidently, by the In the furniture business thia week high court overturning the new deal day. Inoles who had lived here once, Its new, strange, tende, quality, re­ Maasachusetto racing commleeton Chicago—OrvlUe Droulllard, 127 ditions In the mining towns of Ave- making arrowheads from the flint tough assignment thia week. LlnneU, 8 b ...... 8 0 1 2 8 by 79 baskets and 48 out ot 80 (ouls. cussion pother generally arises as to innocent appearing Federal Reserve with a big anniversary sale. monetary program. Feb. 17—Annual Police concert assuring her. HIs arms bolding Tha man’s and womsn’a bowling for a permit to operate In Braves 1-3, Windsor, Ont, outpointed Ed The East Sides wtre lost with lonia. Pa. She tells o f their poverty Act of 1913—to dlstribate banka to at the bottom of tbe lake. He Tomorrow night. Coach Frank By ASSOCIATED PBEftS McNaUy, m .... 4 0 2 0 1 174 the definition of terms or words and sordid surroundLigs, the filthy Mr. Benson’s 37 years’ experience It was hoped that a meeting of ac State theater, her close. toams o f tba Emanuel Lutheran Field. It wae the second application Paul Lee, 138, Indianapolis, 8; Hol­ points scored through 62 baskets be of the greatest service to the In the furniture business haa given showed her tbe new mocking bird's BROWNING TO APPEAR seeking permlsalon to operate In ClarroU leads the Eagles Into Rhode New York—Ed Don George, 220, Leggett, If ...... 4 0 1 0 0 employed. According to my diction­ hovels in which they live. The peo­ the inflation bloc at Washington, March 19-20-21-22—Herald Cook­ “You knew I was here?” church Luther League came through man WUllams, 185, MUwraukee, out­ and SO out ot 91 (ouls. people. Privately owned banks him a keen Insight Into furniture nest in tbe trellis, and pointed out Braves Field. Island for a tussle with the second- North Java, N. Y., tossed Jim Modean, r f ...... 4 0 1 Q 0 ary a "capitalist” Is one who has ple even'lack the barest necessities scheduled for tomorrow, might re­ ing school, mornings at 10, State "Now that you mention it, I do with decisive victories over Hartford pointed HeriY Booker, 184, Chicago, It is also Interesting to note that which gave you paper notes and de­ values and aa a result this thriving theater. another nest in the tree near her Suddenly yesterday Arthur C. place Reds, and then on to Boston Browning, 238, Verona, Mo., one Pitkin, e ...... 4 0 1 7 0 8: Sammy Adanw, 146, Bridgeport, wealth, especially a person of of life and you see a picture a rag- sult in stimulating the equities list, believe I had some faint Idea of at the Charter Oak alleys Sa‘;urday AT ELM CITY TONIGHT Thursday night where the Eagles the number o( time outs taken dur­ manded dollars. Compare It If. you business haa come to be known aa March 26— Anual concert of G room. But he was not satisfied looking you up.” Hla voice, fear­ Wise, treasurer of the Common' fall; Dr. Harzy Fields, 237, Univer­ Ckmn., outpointed Spud. Kelly, 142, LARGE wealth which may or may gel., drew with EmU Paris—Marcel Thil, 161, France, Ann.” Then came the second blow. Eddie outpointed Jock McAvoy, 162, Great night at tba expense of the Bloom­ be considered "good?” Is given break.” Same paper, Jon. What unbelieveable -powers were o f the moat complete radio labora­ gold bond payments, an American Declares There Is Nothing d on’t I thlijk of thel! Here child for the Hartford team. Hilma Dabl- Charlie Grip’s all-star. wrestling Bride and Sammy McManus, new Busek, 208, Omaha. HOUSB-BLUJB WINS field Hl-Y team. Showing tbe ag­ ruling would not necessarily be af­ “Not now,” Ann said. “Kiss Collins, general manager of the Red BriUin, 15. What I said about capitalists as a 13, 1938, “Stole groceries to feed bis granted them. What events, you tories In town and to equipped to let me have chat rard. ru put the .again, Peter.” n hit high single of 107 and card at the Arena tonight. Me- winger from Montreal Maroons, are Portland. Me.— Cowboy Hughes, gressiveness they have shown whole applies to local capitalists as fected. The Intermediary Nether­ Else to Ron for After ilie Sox announced that owner Tom determined to push their way Into Birmingham, Eng.—Freddie Mil­ hungry children.” may ask, occurred that gave these service all makes of radios. address on mv«elf." Peter kissed her. Kept on kisai orma Johnson high three string of Clary now makes New Haven his Yawkey had refused Fuch’s request 176, Oklahoma, defeated “Rough- The House and Hale bowling team throughout the season, the local well. Some of them may be on the If "Herald Reader" will study international bankers limitless During this Anniversary Sale all lands court decided that Interest "dn Tercentenary Celebratipn. ing her. ’ 0. home. a berth In the playoffs. house" Hagen, 175, Texas, two falls. took the Willington town team into ler, Cincinnati, outpointed Tony boys began to click In the second "verge of financial ruin.” but not' Royal Dutch Shell bonds floated In to allow the Braves to play their Rogers, Great Britain, 13. Floyd Gibbons uncensored war pic­ power. It must be admitted that Items In the store will be reduced There was something Peter had And then, because they were Manchester (4 Points) Emil Duaek, moat damaging of home games in Fenway Park. camp by a total of 87 plna at Farr’s quarter and weren't behind (or the because of "generosity and anxiety tures. he will find that nothing In my these bankers have been planning, even lower than Benson’s usual low New York and Amsterdam need not New Haven, Jan. 15.— (A P )— to do. A telephone call he must young and very deeply In love, old R. Joh n son ----- 114 106 131—381 the Duaek tribe, faces Tony Colea- allsys Friday night Minneapolis—Jackie Sharkey, 180, rest of the game. for the welfare of” workers and the article in “Forum” was taken from scheming, and winning for the past prices to afford the people of Man­ be paid in gold dollars because per­ Governor Wilbur L. Cross to unde­ make. And then he would write sorrows, unhappy memories were H. B ra n d t...... 101 99 113— 318 ano, In the 45-mlnute semi-final. In AI Madden took an honors for the Minneapolis, outpointed Sammy Larensen and Oety were tbe big cided whether he will seek a fourth METHODISTS VICTOBS unemployed. It is largely because Imagination. In fact, I haven’t any 180 years. Their own greed will de­ chester and vicinity an opportunity formance of the specific obligations the end to that particular chapter forgotten. H. B en son ___ .117 128 118—363 the time limit matches, John match hitting 189 for high single Levine, 127, MinneapoUa, 10; Liee men (or Bloomfield while the shoot­ of their avid efforts to obtain feat them. Their victories are due to get bigger values than ever In was not possible under the existing term as the state's chief executive. forever. The grating of brakes on the I. Carlson ..^...100 96 126—322 Frencby” Katan clashes with Abe Moriar^s Hope To Snap and 357 for three string. . Savoldt, 173, St. Paul, outpointed ing of O'Malley and Judd and Ble- greater profits that they are ruin­ imagination. If I did have, I would circumstances. Speaking last night at a dinner Tho Clowns, formerly tbe Jack probably have been a Priest to their Congressional spokesmen new and u ^ furniture and radios. A telephone call to Valeria. drive. A Anderson ...11 7 104 133—354 Goldberg and Pat Newman, cx- The local bOys face a stifC/eched Jackie (jharves, 170, Topeka, Kan., sell stood out for the locals. Ted- ing themselves,. Evidently "Herald (Senators and Representatives). given by the Colonel Jeremiah Earlier In the day he had been Armstrongs, bowed to this fine pass­ The heqrt and aoul of capitalism, “It’s Corita. coming back from Navy champion, collides with Henry ing attack of tb> South Metho^ta. ule this week. Yesterdi^ they 8. ford, scoring 8 points, was making Reader” wants us to believe local They also engineered loopholes in Wadsworth Branch, Sons ot Amer­ looking through some old checks the dance,” Ann explained. 549 538 Graber, latest arrival from Germany. Daytona Beach, Fla.—Red Barry, shots which seemed impossible, but upheld, maintained, supported by HATED SCHOOL. RUNS AWAY ican Revolution, the Governor said: 621 1703 N. Smith and R. Kerr featured for Dragons Win Streak Here traveled to RockvlUe and bowled capitalists are white lilies. Many laws when necessary. You may ap­ and had come upon the one he had Peter gathered Ann In his arms Hartford Tbe action begins at 8:30. the Maple Grove O rm an club team, Washington; drew with Joe Uppe, each time they droppedi through. plain folks In town are not only on our captains-of Industry, our states­ ply this to the Insull brothers who WALL ST. BRIEFS "There would be nothing else to given Valeria. He had noticed it the Metbodiats. while Braithwatte men, and a few, g very few, econo­ New Britain, Jan. 18 — Frank and carried her up the stairs. H. Anderson ...114 102 150—366 and Crockett played best (or the after which they sat down to a caierlotte, N. C , 10. Tha Methodists meet Highland the "verge” of ruin, but have been robbed you. Showed to you their run for after observance of the ter­ particularly because it revealed it "Won’t (jorita be surprised when Louisville, Ky.—Al Hamilton, 182, Park in another league encounter mists, to the separatloiv of owner­ Qlgllott), 18, a senior at New Bri­ centenary celebration of the foun­ Carlberg .; ------110 96 79—285 Clowns. The task of upholding the prestige Xwlll be out to avenge their previous steak supper put . on by the Rock­ ruined by the greedy tactics of a guilt. Today, they are free. And you New York, Jan. 18.— (A PI—Unit­ had been cashed on a day that 1 tell her we’ll want breakfast for Limd ...... ,9 7 101 (Cincinnati, outpointed Jimmy Buck­ later thia week. eertaln capitalist. ship and labor, resulting In the divi­ people are more miserable and nak­ ed founders Corp., In a report for tain high school, ran away from dation of Connecticut” stood out In his memory—the day 180—328 The Methodieta (82) of Manchester’s semi-pro court quin- setback and the Dragons 'will be ville club. Tonight tbe Merchants two,” Anr. said. W. Anderson ...105 104 RACING BODY HOLDS league and then Thursday they play ler, 132, Louisville, 10. Sonny Brents, Bloomfieid Although I consider It useless to sion of manldnd into two'classes— ed. the fiscal year ended Nov. 30, shows home last Thursday because he did In view of this be said he did not Ann had left him. Remembering 115—324 P. B. F. T. after a clean sweep against local op­ (To Be Concluded) Arronson ...... 110 90 0 tests rest upon Morlarty Brothers’ a return match with Willington at 120, Louls'vUte, outimlnted Jackie P. B. F. T. ask, may I again Inquire the reason one which owns the means of life, There must be an end. There must consolidated asset' value for the not like going to school, bis parents, know whether to “run the risk" of that, he wondered why Valeria had 119—328 Fish, rg ...... ^.2 0-0 4 position. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GlgliotU learn­ —> — ...... 3 Frazier, ig ...... 1 0-0 a Firestone five tomorrow night at the Tbe Dragons’ lineup Includes Bu- the Lucky Strike aUeys In Williman Collins, 118, Muncie, Ind., 6. 3. Larensen, rt . . . .3 4-7 8 ^Herald Reader” has evaded an­ and'jdoes not use them—the other, be action. You must write Immedi­ common stock equivalent to 89 seeking another term. kept the check so tong. Suddenly ANNUAL CONVENTION 1. Jensen, If ..... 3 .. Paducah, Ky.—Bobby Matthsws, .3 1-1 B swering the questions propounded by that Uses th^ means o f life, but does ately to your President and Con­ cents a share, against 78 cents May ed today In a letter received from The (Tovernor has given unstint- he was startled by the thought that 848 498 598 1631 N. Smith, rf .. 3 0-2 e School Street Ree when tbe Fafnir cberi, A. Zaleski and J. Zaleskl, (Or. Ue. Next Sunday they go to tbe 3 Richmond, c .. . . 1 2-4 4 Dragons o f New Britain come here Capitol alleys to roll a team called 160, Fulton, I^., outp^ted Henry 1. Oety, I f ...... 3 2-8 5 "Bono," “Hugo" and myself? not own them. gressmen. Demand your right. Write 31, 1934, and 63 cents a share Nov. their son which was written at ingly o f his time to make the cele­ it might have some slgniflcance. wards; Colwick, center; Balelunaa 1. Tavener, e 0 R. Kerr, If ...... 6 0-0 12 in quest o f their fourth straight viC: tbe Capitol boys. F | ^ , 160, Louisville, 10. .0 1-3 1 Re says I would “tear the house This arrangement allows a few them you want the government 30, 1983. Trenton. N. J., yesterday. In com­ bration a success and mentioned It Sarah had said, “la there any­ Mandiostar (4 Potato) Miami, Fla, Jan. IS.— (AP) — and Tniban, guards. Truban and '■ The■ Poet’s Column 1 8. Lindberg . . . • --- 84 0 Brown, c ...... 1 0-0 2 toiy over a local quintet. The WUItngton 0 Alex, o ...... 1 0-0 5 down” whereas he would "repair the people to live without work, and the again, “To coin money and regulate pany with Frank PualnsM, about at length in hla inaugural address thing you could have done that 89—178 Racing commlsaioners from 16 J. Zaleski are sharpshooters at ex­ 1. Johneon, tg . . . .0 1-1 1 la. Jansen .. . . . 0 Hampton, If .. 0 0-0 0 Dragons ore one of the most formid­ Miske ...... 118 104 107 829 roof." Let us look at the "house" many work, (when and only If the value thereof.” ' Retail prices In December In­ the same age, he to believed to be last week. Ann might have misunderstood?’ LED BY ..4 „ the qoastknlng ot ourselves whether 1088. longer than the Index finger- la Holyoke, " with her dtotrust of Miss Bennett 40 Spruce etreeL .. 6 2-6 14 way and tomorrow night’s clash uled In town this week, a banner Canadian Americnn % V 400 802 840 U44 Uminary racing code for debate. Halftime, 13-0 Methodists. ‘ ^ should bo a thriUer. Moriarty's crowd Is aattolpatsd. [ 838 520 SOB 1617 PhUadelpbia at Quabaa* xi "" Wife (reading)—It says here they ^ QUIT ■BLACTTlNCi TKKT haye-found a sheep in the Himalaya UNLM-to. AVW M Xi lAEW] Mountains that can run 40 miles ah HORN. AND LISTEN TO | you've got to keep on walking hour. COLONEL WASHORViS One word won't tell folks all you Her Hubby—Well, tt would take I HKYE tNOUOKTOTJO.TEEDJNCj are; you've got to keep on talk- W H y , N \ ' D E A R - s a H ^ ‘ to be on hand for practice Thurs- a lamb like that to follow Maiy THE SQOIWRELS \N THtO CA nings, .Hartford 7-1666. 0. Murphy, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 (Charter Oak Alleys) Raspberries while Barbara FalkoskI WHO APPREOATES prescription, at Arthur Drug HEIGHTS BEATEN No. 8 Things tend to go bad in streaks, Father—Why kejp worrying LOST—P A IR OF BROWN rimmed 0. J. Qreene, rg ...... 4 0-1 8 The Army took 3 straight games and Helen Donnelly were the high HERE TO CHEW THE *RAC»,fiO •DELICIOUS V1A.NDS, , Stores. Ritchie ...... T. 99 107 87 288 even as they are Inclined to run about the children? double focus glasses, In dark case, FOR RENT- SEVERAL Oetlrable 0. H. Gurk, c ...... 3 1-2 7 from Penn. Werner hit high single scorers for the Peaches. Tedford ...... 96 79 106 280 LO N6 A S rr ISN'T NAPW N 1 Ove, six and seven room houses, Due to the smallness of the floor 1. Giovan, If ...... 2 1-1 5 Apricots (0) rather favorably tha same way. W ife— I can't help. SUCH AS VOUR COOKIN6 / somewhere In vicinity of Qlenwood of 118 and tied with Langs for 3 Dwyer ...... 112 .118 102 882 Father— But. my dear, you aiV and School streets, Saturdaj night, single and double Apply EMward J. and the absence of Coach Bycholsky 0. Server, I f __ ...... 0 0-0 0 string with 318. In the other match E. Wank ...... '...... 47 62— 109 Diets ...... 110 101 120 881 HE SAID rr SURPASSES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 0-2 8 hurting your bridge game. Dec. 22. Reward If returned to 52 Holl Phone 4642 and 8U25. the Heights quintet were defeated 0. Pantaluk, rf ...... 4 the Navy took 3 from Yale. Adams T. Q u a g lia ...... 63 61— 114 Old Lady (handing dog over to. F. L u b e c k ...... 49 73— 122 THAT OF THE 6REAT CHEFS Wells street. In their first road game by the Un- and E. Knofla were tied for high 416 405 410 1231 baggage man'" on train)— Now be­ 1»31 FORD TOW N sedan, 1931 Ford FOR R E N T — BUNGALOW , Bve 1 15 3-8 33 Dummy ...... 47 81— 98 Elaater 'seems awful lata this year. OF THE WORLD/ caa, 33-23. — siqgle with 111. No. 8 fore you give him his meals, I want coach, 1930 Graham sedan, 1929 rooms, all on one floor, Benton Burnside Ooarda (38) We know now that the magaalaea Arm y > Gustafson . . . . 99 88 99 386 you to say, I'DIddum Dtnkle went Chevrolet sedan, 1929 Reo sedan, street, line condition, garage. W. The practice for Heights will be ...... 0 O-O 0 will have their July numbers out FOUND—SUM o f money. Inquire at held from 7—8 p. m. tonight at the 1. Buck, Ig . . . B. H an sen ...... 107 94 82-283 206 237—443 Blanchard ....1 0 1 70 90 370 'oos dinnums?" And if be yawns, 1929 Ford coach. Terms, trades. Harry EMgland, 3451. 1. Martina, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 Peacbee (2) before It gets here. Buckland school. East Side Rec. A ll members are R. Kulplnsky ..116 93 94—303 Toscano -----101 02 108 SOI he's not quite ready yet. Cole Motors. 1. Rlva, rg ...... 4 0-0 8 M. Williams asked to be present. 69 68— 117 Holland ...... 92 100 127 810 IDST —MONDAY AFTERNOON 2. Bruce, rg ...... 3 0-1 6 B C u ster...... 92 97 97— 286 B. FalkoskI 1932 KORD COACH. 1930 Ford B F T« 67 68— 135 Mother (on. entering the room near Montgomery Ward's, pair 1. Tremont, o . eeeeeeesL 0-0 2 F. K n o fla ...... 113 97 101—311 H. Donnelly 79 67— 146 coupe. 1929 Ford coupe. 1933 Gra­ D. Berger, I f ...... 7 1 15 393 359 424 llTO r unexpectedly)—Well, I never— brown kid gloves In bag from Fra- 3. Holt. I f ...... ;2 0-1 4 Dummy . .. 47 ----- 47 ham sedan, 1932 Terraplane coupe, TWO GOLFERS IN TIE Waldron, I f ...... 0 0 0 Mo. 4 Daughter— Oh, mother, you must dln's. Dial 6111, Public Market. 2. Sullivan, r f ...... 4 0-0 8 525 491 485 1501 M. Tierney — 78— 78 have! A Thought 1932 Ford Pickup, prown's Garage. Dewey, r f ...... 1 0 2 Penn Fox ....1 0 5 80 100 285 Awake to righteousBese sod aln 478 Center street. Blozle, r f ...... 1 0 2 14 0-2 28 P. Rlemer .. 75 113 87— 275 Larder . . . . 83 77 07 257 FOR TITLE ON COAST Grant, c ...... 0 0 0 11 252 271— 523 One thing we can say about the not; for some have not the knowl­ Score at halftime, 24-12, Raiders. J. Klein .. .. 75 79 105— 259 Respbeirlea (8) Bengston . . . . 8 6 09 98 378 FOR SALE —1924 OVERLAND Wells, c ...... 2 0 4 winter’s coal bill, it at least keeps edge of Oo$i I speak this to yonr Referee, "Duke” Haraburda. F. Werner ....118 105 95— 318 A. Pohl ...... 74 78— 152 Manchester touring. Good tire*, b*tier> and H. Berger, I g ...... 5- „ 0 10 . us in hot water. shame.— I Corinthians, 18:84. M. Klein . . . . . 9 3 98 96— K. 287 Madden ...... 77 68— 145 866 898 403 111 Evening Herald reputation $10.00. Ciavld Addy, 31 Los Angeles, Jan. 16.— (A P ) — Ppreheran, r g ...... 0 0 0 No. 1 Tw o of golfdom'a youngsters Jene SPEEDBOY8 TROUNCED W. Klein . . . . . 9 0 91 94— 275 B. CampbeU ...... 80 63— 143 Farmer Graham, returning from Find earth where grows no wood, 1-2 Foater. The Yellow Jackets swamped the Torrance . . . . 98 81 103 876 Revolts and Oscar GezzI went back K. FalkoskI...... 67 76—143 the Live Stock 8ho' In the city, and you may find a heart wherein CLASSIFIED Totals 16 33 Speedboys, 70 to 34 with O'Brien Irwin . . . . 77 104 80 261 to tM links today to decide the Los 451 486 477 1$14 E. M cC luskey...... 73 7S— 148 found his youngster at the station no error grows.—Knowles. Uncas caging 11 baskets for the winners. Murphy .,..1 3 1 114 04 889 ADVERTISEMENTS AUTO accessories — Angeles open title. For the first to meet him, with tha neighbor’s Yellow Jseketa N avy 871 859— 731 Brennan ....1 0 7 120 131 848 horses bitched to the buggy. Coant all wordi lo • TIRES 6 time in the ten year history of- Wolfram, rg ...... 0 0 0 B. F. T. Lemons (0 ) Intttals, numberi and abbravlatlona the championship the regular 72 L. Hansen . ___ 80 84 88—252 Farmer Graham—Where's Nell? NO TROUBLE AT ALL Braithwalte, Ig ...... 2 0 4 L. Auger, r f ...... 2 0 4 M. Breen ...... 64 44— 108 808 419 897 1214 aacb count at a ord and compound SPEEDOMETERS— ALL MAKES boles played failed to disclose a Webber ...... 0 0 0 C. Weber .. ---- 89 80 86— 264 Son— She’s lame. Dad. words as two words Minimum cost is repaired. AUo cables fumlabed. Sherry, r f ...... 7 0 14 J. Adams ...... 92 111 90— 293 N. SulU van...... 60 75—144 Farmer Graham— How did it Monroe Q ty, Mo.— Dorothy Jones, © E T T E R ^ pries, oi three lines. winner yesterday. Gezzi of Deal, N. Moorhouse, c ...... 4 2 10 M. Tierney ...... 79 79— 158 Norton Electric Co., HtUlard atreet O'Brien, If, I g ...... 11 0 22 E. Knofla . ___ 106 82 111— 299 happen? 14, and her pet cat oolved a per­ Una rstes per day tor tm n slsd t T., and Revolts from Milwaukee, M. Ostrinsky, r g ...... 0 0 0 G. C am pbeU...... 82 66— 148 T L A 6 H IN \ Phone 4060. St. Marie, If ...... 0 0 0 m tha suifnee of the Son—She got ecare<' and kicked plexing problem of how to lead an . . . __ Wia., finished all square at 285 for R. Reimer, rg ...... 0 0 0 Dummy ...... 67 63— 130 IBlTrcllva Mar«li It. ItlT Chubbuck, c ...... 4 p 8 367 366 376 1108 lowered 600 feet, North America her stall to plecu. electric wire through a 40-foot con­ • D O W N , , Cash CharES the competition and 18 holes were McVeigh, If ...... 0 1 1 P. Auger, c ...... 3 0 6 left today to close the issue. R. Johnson, I f ...... 3 2 8 Yale and Asia would be Joined by a Farmer Graham—What scared duit. d Consecutive Ua-ye ..| 1 ctai » cia Johnson, r g ...... 5 0 10 361 837—688 her? I Consecutlva Day i .. • cis- 11 ote MOVINO—TRUCKING— MacDonald Smith took third with Kohls ...... 8 5 81 97—263 neck o f land 1500 mlleewlde; The girl tied the 'Wire to the leg P. Auger, rg ...... 0 0 0 Son— The truck fell through tha 1 Day ...... I ** ST0RA(;E 2U a 287. Gene Sarazen and Willie Totals ...... 9 6 23 H. Gess ...... 03 85 92— 270 Iceland and England would be n of the cat. Tabby then walked All orders for Irre: ular lne*-rtlons SL Marie, Ig ...... 3 0 6 CRAVAT LEAGUE part of continental Etirope, and bam floor on her. Goggin with scores of 288 tied for Referee, Huhin; Umpire, Spencer. R. Smith . . . . . 8 1 93 93— 267 through the pipe, dragging tha wire rttuiM fm, ifii» w ill be charged at the one lim e rate. In the Cravat League at Mur- New Guinea would Join Australia. Farmer Graham—What do you Special ratee (ir iong term every PERRETT A G LE NN B Y INC,.locaJ fourth. Low Man ... . . 8 0 82 86t-248 with It, when Dorothy called from Totals ...... 35 0 70 mean? the other end. diay advartlalng give upon reucesl. and long dlatance moving. Daily CLOWNS VICTORS Ais ordered tor three or eli day# expreaa to Hartford. Overnight Speed Boys Son— The hired man ahoved a box SCORCHY SMITH and atopped before the third or fifth TO INVITE PLAYERS The Clowns turned back the Uni­ B F T. 389 341 368 1048 A Big: Offer By John C. Terry affrvlce to and from New York. Tel off it and didn’t kno ' tt was full of day will be charged unly foi the ac­ versity A. C. Saturday afternoon at Green, i t ...... 0 0 0 stumpin' dyrnamlte till It exploded. THEIR PREROGA'nVE tual number of Iroee the o appear­ 3063. 8860 or 8864. the Rec. 31-25. The game was close­ GIRLS CHI:RCH LEAGUE flM,$EH0R, VbU Afff WAN 8ffAVI PILOT, ed. charging at the rale eained. but New York, Jan. 16.— (A P ) — To Sargent, rf, I g ...... 5 0 10 ■ Farmer Graham— Didn’t he know Increase the gate appeal, officials ly played throughout, neither team Chapman, I f ...... 3 1 7 (Bee Alleys) HEATED APARTMENTS NO? *d»U TAK8 Mg 7h M IAM I-' no ullowance oi refunds can be made 1075 Main Street, S rooma and bath, heat and hot water, better than to do that? Bloomsburg, Pa.—Maybe It's on six time ads etopped after lha of the United States Lawn Tennis leading by more than five points, un­ Kurly, c ...... 1 0 2 (Bed (2) Son—They ain’t found him to 86AT 7MCRE 18 MV C6UIUTfl66, PUBLIC PASSENGER Janitor ••«»•••• •'•••■••••ssss»ssss*ssss»sasaooa,s«a 5 woman's long recognized right to fifth day. Association In charge of the 1935 til the last 3 minutes when the Haefs. c ...... 0 0 0 L. Roth ...... 91 71 ask him yet. Tljey're waiting till all No •*tm forbids'; display ilnss aot 1077 Main Street, Comer Store ...... $50.00 change her mind, or maybe It’s X M0$' CATCH - MSU ThKg Mg, SERVICE 20-A national Indoor championships to be Clowns put on a final spurt to ,win. Haefs, r g ...... 2 2 6 E. C lu lo w ...... 84 84 tha hay that was In the bam quits CldrldfifO Street, Store ••aa«ae #. oaaoaaaooaoo**,*,,, $20.00 something else agaln.- The Herald will luit be responsible held In New York In March are con' The University squad was lefidl'ng Brown, rg ...... 2 1 5 E. Hansen ...... 93 88 bumin’, so they can search the Efloff AN* J oeEue IN ADDITION TO SILVER Lane I. L a z a r ...... 79 107 At any rate, during the last year for more than one Incorrect naertloa siderlng Inviting a number of play at half time, 11-8. Crockett was Grlbbon, Ig ...... 0 0 0 ruins. five unused marriage licenses were of Any V s'^vertisement ordered for Bua Line. De Luxe. Bua tor lodge the high scorer for the Clown H. P r ic e ...... 73 89 more than one time. piirty or team trips, we also offer era. Present plans calls for invita Ford, Ig ...... 1 2 4 PLAT Farmer Graham— You mean to returned to the clerk of the Colum­ quintet while Vlttner did the major­ oay they're standing around waiting The Inadvertent umtaelon of incor­ 7 paaaenger sedan delivery. Phone tlons to be Issued to Fred Perry, 10 Proctor Road, 5 rooms, garage, 2d floor . 9S6.M bia county courts. The number is rect puhllcatloo of advertising w ill hs among others. ity of the scoring for the losers. Total ...... 14 6 " 34 420 439 for the fire to go out. Instead of 3063. 8860. 8864 — the largest on record. ricune only by csnceliaMon of the Clowns Referee, Bralnff. Bine (0) trying to put It out? charge made for the eervlce rendered. B F M. Thomson ...... 77 80 SINGLE HOUSES Son—They’re too busy to put It Ail advenliements must conform SIGNS JOE LOUIS 81 Mather Street, 6 rooms, den and garage...... $88.06 ta etyle. copy and typography with Tlvan, rf. If ...... 3 0 M. Schwoeble ...... 81 56 out. regulatlona enforced by the publleh- REPAIRING 23 Crockett, If, rf ...... 5 1 M. Krampe ...... 73 79 553 W’oodbridge Street, 7 roonru, fireplace, 3-car garage.. .$48.00 Farmer Graham—Too busy ? era and they reserve the right to New York, Jan. 15.— (A P )—New M. D a'm ato...... 73 91 39 Wellington Road, 6 rooms, llreplaoe, g a r a g e ...... $45.00 Flapper Fa n n y .Says: SKATES SHARPENED, key mak Anderson, c ...... 0 1 DICK HARLOW PLANS What doing? wxs. u. a PAT, err. •dll. revise or lejec* any oopy con­ York fight fans will ace Joe Louis, Enrico. Ig ...... 2 1 D. L y t t le ...... 84 86 893 Center Street, 7 rooms, flrepIMe, attach^ garage, com- sidered objectionable. Ing, lock, gun, vacuum cleaner re*- Son— CJarryln’ the furniture and shnaatlonal negro heavyweight from Braithwalte, rg ...... 3 2 completely reconditioned...... $50.06 CLOSINQ HOUnS— ClasalAed ads to pairing. Braltbwalte, 52 Pearl St. things out o' the bouse afore the he publtehed tam e day must ba re ­ Detroit, In action March 29. Jimmy AIR-MINDED ELEVEN 388 392 roof burned through and fell on it. ceived by It o'clock noon: tikiturdays Johnston of Madison Square Garden Totals ...... 13 6 31 St. James (3) 1«:I 0 a. m. HELP WANTED— announced he has signed Louis to University A. C. G. C am p b ell...... 77 84 For every crooked business man, TELEPHONE YOUR meet the winner of the Jimmy Brad- B. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. IS.— (A P ) M. Tierney ...... '...... 87 77 'there are a thousand bustneas men FEMALE ’ 3,'i dock-AI Lasky fight on that date. Rogers, rf ...... M. Donnelly ...... 89 76 LOUIS ST. CLAIR BURR — Dick Harlow alms to make his who are square obootera; for every WANT ADS. K . Foley ...... 82 89 36 Pearl Street Member National 803 West Center St. A VVOMAN’S CHANCE for extra Braddock and Lasky are scheduled Fitzgerald, If ... loafer on the dole there are a thou­ WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane OUT OUR WAY Bv William.s ads are accoptiid over tLe telephoae Donahue, I f ...... first Harvard eleven an air minded F. Sullivan ...... 80 101 Hartford Institnte Beni 4533 at the CHAKOIfi RATK given above money. Supply bomekeepers with to settle their argument In the sand unemployed anxious and will­ Garden Feb. 1. DeSimone, If, Ig . team. He's a firm believer in for­ 7-7038 Estate Management 6-8 P. 8L Y E S -I'V E GOME / SARMBf a n ' NiRS.VORK at a eonvenlen • to adverttears. hut Royce O o ^ Gooda. All supplies ing to work. 'S5.000 MWlkWP 0FFEE1» FOU CAPTURE/ t h ' YORKS the G ASH h a t e s w ill oc accepted aa Weir, c ...... ward and lateral passing and is In­ 415 427 IM FOP TRAPp))gCa{ / STOPPED By t h i s h a w n i m V furnished, no deposit required. PlAV OR ALWC. BULGILANIKN AVMT l»V0\IES TO OIDN'QO BY rU LL HATMENT If-paid at the buel- The U. S. gov mment, during the Clviello, c, Ig .. . tent on keeping Harvard football Zion Lutheran (0) Th is is MV FIRST AuOOKIKJ' P E R THER b ig ness office on or before the aevenih Write The Abner Royce Co., 566 The Pacifist—You shouldn't have BLOCK. ALL UlGWWATS. HERE, AN' THEY, last year, has caused construction yittncr, rg ...... right In step with the times. He B. Kelsh .. beaten up your neighbor even. If be POLICE DOG AN’ HER. day following the first insertion of Royce Bldg., Clevelapd, Ohio. CATCH — A BIG bONT ONN NO •sch ad otherwise the OHAIUIE of approximately 2,000 new airports hasn't must to say about his 1935 J. Purcell . did injure you. You should have PRT2.E MALTBESE CAT. plans and will not be ready to COVOTB, AMD POUCS DOE, RATE will be collected. No responsi­ and through loans has made pos­ T o ta ls ...... H 3 S. Winzler been patient and turned the other THER VERY uPSHT. TH' bility for srrors in tslephoned sds sible many Improvements on estab Halftime, 11-8, University. name his assistants for at least two H. Janssen cheek, BOB CAT NORTHEY AIN'T will bs assumed and thefr accuracy FUEL AND FEED 49-A weeks. DOG HAS TOOK DOZENS SOT NO PRIZE cannot be guaranteed. llshed fields. Referee, Bycholskl. G. Seelert The Belligerent— I did that until O f this however, he has made up FDR SALE- SEASONED hard Low ...... I ran out of cheeks. O' PRIM S, AN' TH'CAT IS c a t s — AND his mind. f f C l INDE.X OF woo quartered oak-, all In good condi­ the better Juvenile teams. All mem­ Gary. Ind., Is literally a city ON 'E R . ‘ _POPNER, OR. RUST. ^ Autos— Kur Hire ...... * tion. Price $22.50. Telephone 7140. EGISTER bers of the Red Italdera are urged founded on sand. H. Gardner Oarages— Service— Storage 10 c r UotorcTclee—Bicycles II FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Wanted Autos— Uotorcyo'ee ... It EkNumiLV, Buslaeae and f^rofeaalenal Servleea MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 WA%» AKV) Business Services Offered II Y . M. C. A. B OW LING LEAGUE EASY Household Services offsred ...... 11-A FOR SALE -UPRIGHT Player AVERAG ES l)u lld ln g-> -C o n tra rttn g ...... 14 piano. In very good condition. Tele­ Kellers CHANEE Florists— Nurseilea...... lb phone 6438 after 0 p. m. FRONV F u n e rs I D irectors ...... Id Attention! Manchester Owners Heating — Plumbing— Reoflng ••• If D. Hamilton ...... 119 17 HORSE Insurance ...... R. Ungard ...... T19 21 AMF WAEOH Uilltnery—Dressmaking It ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 110 15 TO SPEEDY Moving—Trucking—S.orags tO of FLORIDA REAL ESTATE H. WUUs ...... 109 24 ARMY Public Passenger Service ...... tO -A FURNISH ED ROOMS hot and cold -C. McGuire...... • • Painting—PaperlPA tl 107 18 t r u c k , water, with or without light house- J. Prentice ...... Profeeslonal Servicee ...... I t K. Keller ...... 103 11 DESERT llcpalrlng ...... I I keej^ing privileges. Chatsworth Florida Real Estate, Houses and Lots Are SELLING! 100 10 Tailoring— Dyeing— Cleaning ••• 14 House, 801 Main street. B. Knofla ...... UI6HWAVS Toilet Ooode and Service .*•••• lb Tourist Increoaee this year range from 85 per cent to 100 per cent. In fact the largest tourist pop- Glbeone (READ THE 8TURV, THEN .CULUR THE PICTURE) FOR(3PEH W anted — Businese Be v ic e ...... I I jotetlon since 1926, together with the following tocU; J. H o w a rd ...... 114 24 24 HELPS. KdocatloMil *THB FUTCH T.4X BILL, passed at the last Leitlslature,. providing a flve-year Moratorium on J. W o o d ...... 109 The great big snowman laughed Instead o f doing what ahe said, Courses and C*Asass I I APAlJTMENtS—FLATS- 24 taxes. This prevents tax sales and the Issue of tax certlflrates on your holdings. W e would be B. Gibson ...... 106 the funny snowman shook his head P riva te In stru c tio n .•.•••••••.. I I TENEMENTS 63 18 in glee. "Ha, ha," he cried. "You D ancing ...... ••••••••.Is-A pleased to explain this further. C. Mikolelt ...... 106 and gripped the girls much tighter. 12 can't catch me. I have the pretty Musical— Dramatic ...... 11 L. Scbendcl ...... 103 Goldy cried, “You're biuling me." INC. T. M. sia u. a pat, err, j W anted— Instru.'M oa ...... 10 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ THE $5,000. HOMESTEAD TAX EXC.MPTION. 18 » im .ayw>, gw. F U N N Y B o n e . J. W ils o n ...... 99 Tiny girls and they can’t, get away. On, on they went- fo r quite a F la aa e lal BT. PETERSBURG Reported Real Estate Sales Considerable Above Expectation and Practically AH ment, with all Improvementa, at BeUto "As long as you lads wish to spell and Duncy said, “ A w , you can SALESMAN SAM ______lt*s N o Use, Sam! Bonds—Stocks—Mortgageg l> 134 Maple street. Real Estate Offices Busy. IB ______Bv Small Business Opportunities ...... I t V. Farrah'd ...... 109 chase. I ’ll run you all luround the -tell that he's not gettl^ tired. 20 AS I t v o u g m t I uuhrm y a 'N 'Ir a h , b u t y a won'^ Money to Loan ...... ^ ...... I I C LE A R W A T E R —POiellas County Seat haa enjoyed a revival In Reed Estate activity; at least 35 new V. Morlarty ...... 106 place, ru have you all tired out W e're licked, ae far os I can see.” IF I DON'T SMILE., A N ’ SHotU fAV T e sTH, Help and AltoalleM ^hotnrs have been erected. 100 per cent more teurists than last year. J. M cLau gh lin ...... 106 18 before the end o f this flue day.” S M \ L e ,Y A SHOW Y*EP. t e e t h , AM' ) k s .Tc h ‘ h 6 .s h i u m '- TH' USE OF UEIN’ OWE-? Help Wanted— Female ...».•••* tb M IA M I— In 1984 the largest season since 1938; probable Increase of 85 per rent this season. R. Reid ...... 105 24 COMEN YA SHOU) YER TeeTH P,u' ( MoT tUMW I GoTTA H e i( W anted— Male ...... t l "Oh, yeah?" Scouty shouted. Just then, however, came a break. J, Coeeo ...... 105 22 t w e y ' ile . p e a r l y c o h i t b . y a j u s e . a d e r m o l ' Salesmen Wanted ...... I l - A 372-374 OAKLAND ST.—4 rooms PALM BEACH—Up to December.I1&, $1,357,000 worth of construction work. All indications show "W alt! You shortly wtU slow down Wee Windy cried, "For goodnesa J. Holton .> ••...■ ■ • id i 12 I HE VERTY FbOLISHLY IKI9ERT- BETTBR SEND A CAR DOWN LOOK BSXTER, OOU'TCMA? f \ TOOTH BRUSH I Help Wanted— Male.or Female.. 17 $15. Second months rent free. Tel. Florida ,1a stepping to the front rapidly. your gait, because you’re very big sake, don’t say a word. The snow- Agtn.e Wanted ...... I 7*A B. Clune ...... 101 5 and fat. 'Course we can run for going to take a sudden flop. EO AN AD IN A LOCAL AND PieiC HIM UPj WS'RR AT Bltuatione Wanted— Female II 3275. noan’s Shearers Vveeks. , "He’s heading for a log, right FVkPER^AOVERTISINa SOME Situation* Wanted— Male ..•••• II CAN YOU AFFORD TO SACRIFICE YOUR FLORIDA HOLD­ 123 6 TH E NBWSWkPSR OPPICR... Employmrnt Agencies ...... 10 J. Deitz ...... "W e’re smaller, and we don’t tire now. Perhaps he’U dodge the thing, I LOST (TVBTRIDGes/ THAT'S U«e gteelt— Pete Powttry— Fobirlee E. Su prenant...... 109 24 oiit, so you will lose tbit, race, no somehow, but Fve a hunch he'll hit tX'gs— Birds— Pete ...... I I HOW I (SOT HIM U INGS? THEY HAVE A VALUE! J. Ohanda 107 23, doubt." Once more the snowman It ere be has a chance to stop." GET HIM TO TALK .' L iv e S lo c k — Vehlclee •••.••••••• IS 24 Poultry and Supplleo ...... I t FOR RENT—TWO AND three room Robert M. Reid of this firm la leaving this Friday for Florida to make appraisals on mnny proper'^ C. B en gsto n ...... 105 laughed. Said he, “Just listen how The lad was right The nowman 24 Wanted • Pete —Poultry—Stock II heated apartments. Apply Han- ties for Banks aa Exeoutors of Estates, and Indivlduala These appraisals take na to all oectlons H. Alcock^...... - 99 . he speaks!" hit the log and tumbled over It It Foe Seloif-Mloeellapoope cheatar Construction Company. of tho State. We check your holdings, location, taxes, tax certlflcateo If any, coot to redeem and knocked him all to pieces and th j Articles^or Sate ...... Id 4131 or 4279. give yen a fair value at today’o market. For appointmeats. Phone 8193 or OaU at Office. ■ UEAOUE STANDING The two girls then began to snowman was no more. J Boats sfnd Accaasortoe, ..•••••• It Won Lost Building Msterlals ...... I t twist. Said one, “Just loosen up The two girls rolled along th] Dlsmonds— Watdhee— Jewelry •• It LIVING IN LARGE, well heated Kellers ...... « . . . .. 20 13 your fist and I will scramble to the ground, and whefa they stopped they Klvctfical Appllanoec— Rsdlo «• It rooms, being your own housekeeper Gibsons ...... 19 13 ground and dash right out o f sight. looked around. "You’re s ^ e and Fu e l and Feed ...... I I ' A .. 16 16 Oarder — Farm— Dairy ProducU it keeps the wolf from the door. See Reids ...... “ I B’pose you think that you are sound! Don't worry,” they both Household Goode ...... t l Jensen, Johnson Block. Phones Shearers ...... 9 23 slick, and that you’ve pulled a heard kind Scouty roar. M b c h ln e ry'iin d T c o U ...... t l 6070—7636. • Robert N* Reid & Son 301 BIAIN STREET — MANCHESTER funny trick. The Tiny lads wlU pay Mueicat tnstrumerte ...... i t ST. JAMES’S GIRLS you back. They all know bow to Office and Store Squipment ••• tl (The Ttsdes meet a frleadly Httle ------Speclala at the 8*oree ....•••••• I t In the St. James Girls bowling fight." girl In the aext story.) WearinS Apparel— Pure ...... t l Wsnied— To Buy ...... i.AS BUCjGIES Boome Saard Hofela Beoorf It’s Different When He Has To Wait By Frank Beck Beavaoeaato A Disturbing: View! WHY OOESNT HEM Aoonte Without Board ••*.«,«••• t i Rv HAMLIN HSRB SEE. BBIN6 BARBARA HOMErJ THEY .THBY AMT ✓ ------___ AND. ' Boarders W aat^ ...... « « « . , . t » - A I'VR MEN KlnriNB ^ LEFT LONG HBLLO. Country Board—Resorts tt XTOLD NO, HE'S NOT STALLING f >TH6R LUNCH SINIM NOW, C ' jr/m m gR HOW Botclp—Rseuuranti tt ABO . AMY, w e 'r e BVANOtUNKTS M AN Y LU N C H I HOLD Wanted—Rooms—'Board tt HIM ASOUT THE EN(ilNE MBS OUT SO COLO WE COULD OVER AN HOUR. BUT HEM MERCY! . . OH 5A Y I ,Z*lL PHONE HOME. STITCHESl ,YDl/V8 BEEN THE UNE CRBW BEN6 SHOT, • 'a l m o s t h a n d l e him wnH SAID HE WAS W HEN X W A N T , \ j-Aef/t ~ , DO YOU, \ QOlKMa TO ON TH A T, x u s r I TH O S E , TO ASK YOU ^ J’AaOfR. t DROP. • N B HE COOLDNT TAKE IT...':?!' •;* A PAIR OF ICE TONOS ' ^ flnrop AND T W O - A B O U T PASSED RK3HT OUT O F S R STUART BET MINUTE. KNITTIMa A ^ ------( e v a n e e u Ai . THE PICTURE • L * F T f/ ON THE STARTED j SW EATER. ‘ W AY TH E Y HOME. 'T A L K ( A LL O A Y„i