Unit 7: Festivals ______


หัวเรื่อง 7.1 Songkran Festival 7.2 The Festival of Tenth Lunar Month 7.3 Yi – Peng Festival 7.4 The Rocket Festival 7.5 The Illuminated Boat Procession 7.6 The Ghost Festival (Phi Taa Khon)

วัตถุประสงค  - เลือกใชคําศัพท สํานวน และโครงสรางประโยคเกยวกี่ บเทศกาลและประเพณั ไดี  - อธิบายและใหรายละเอ ียดเกยวกี่ ับเทศกาล หรือประเพณสี ําคัญของไทยได  - สรุปขอมูลเกี่ยวกับเทศกาล หรือประเพณของแตี ละภูมภาคไดิ 

กิจกรรมการเรียน - เรียนรูคําศัพท และสํานวนเกยวกี่ ับเทศกาล หรือประเพณสี ําคัญของไทย - การตอบคําถาม และเลาประวัติความเปนมาของประเพณ ี - จัดทําแผนพับแนะนําการทองเที่ยวตามเทศกาล หรือประเพณีของทองถิ่น


สื่อการสอน - เอกสารสอน - แผนพับ - ขอมูลจากเว็บไซด

การประเมินผล - แบบฝกหัด - กิจกรรมการสรางบทสนทนา - การจัดทําแผนพ ับ - การอธิบาย และใหขอมูล


7.1 The Songkran Festival

The songdran or Water Festival is the traditional Thai New Year’s celebration. Generally, it is held for a period of 3 days, from April 13 to 15 - the hottest time of the year. The word “Songkran” is from Sanskrit, meaning the beginning of a new solar year. In the traditional Thai calendar, this falls in April, when the sun enters Aries. Thus, the Songkran Festival is held to mark the beginning of a new solar year.

Songkran is celebrated all over , especially in the northern province of and at Paklat, a riverside area of Pra Pradaeng in Samut Prakarn Province, where the occasion is celebrated to the fullest and processions are exceptionally colorful and joyful. Songkran is celebrated not only in Thailand, but also in neighboring countries, such as , and .

Questions 1. What is the Songkran Festival? 2. When is it celebrated and how long does it last? 3. What does “SongKran” mean? 4. Why is the Songkran Festival celebrated? 5. Where is the Songkran Festival celebrated?

Vocabulary 1. festival - เทศกาล 2. celebrate - เฉลิมฉลอง 3. Sanskrit - ภาษาสันสกฤต 4. solar year - ปทางสุริยะคต ิ 5. Aries - ราศีเมษ 6. procession - ริ้วขบวน


Language Focus: Asking for and Giving Information.

ในการตั้งคําถามเกี่ยวกับประเพณีหรือเทศกาลตาง ๆ นั้น นักศกษาควรตึ ั้งคําถามประเภท Wh-question ลักษณะของคําถามอาจเปนดังน ี้

1. What is the Songkran Festival? 2. Why is it important? 3. When is it celebrated? 4. How long does it last? 5. Where is it celebrated?

Question Information What is the Songkran Festival? It is the tradition Thai New Year’s celebration. When is it celebrated? From April 13 to April 15.

How long does it last? It lasts for 3 days – from April 13 to April 15. Where is it celebrated? In every province of Thailand.

Why is it important? To mark the beginning of a new solar year.

What is the significance of Songkran? It marks the beginning of a new solar year.


The Songkran Celebration

The Songkran celebration begins early on the morning of April 13, when the public offers food to Buddhist monks. A customary practice during the festival is for people to release birds and fish. Thais believe that they will gain through such acts of kindness.

Besides offering food to monks and releasing birds and fish, another essential part of Songkran is the bathing of Buddha images with scented water. On Songkran day younger relatives and friends will also gather at the houses of their respected elders and pour scented water into the hands of the elders as a sign of respect and veneration. The real fun starts after the water-pouring, as the young people begin splashing water on one another.

The practice of building sand stupas at temples is another fascinating tradition. This practice originated in the Dhavaravati period (500-1000 A.D.). People bring in small amounts of sand to temples and build small stupas on the temple grounds. There are two reasons why people do this. Firstly, it is believed that each grain of sand represents atonement for a sin. Secondly, the sand will be piled up in the temple grounds later for use as a land fill or for mixing concrete when repairing the temple buildings. Therefore, it is interesting that something traditional has been turned into something functional as well. (Source: http://sunsite.au.ac.th)

Questions 1. Why do some people release birds and fish on Songkran day? 2. Why do Thai people pour scented water into the hands of their elders? 3. Where do people build sand stupas and why? 4. When did the idea of building sand stupas originate?


Vocabulary 1. to offer food to monks - ใสบาตร, ถวายอาหารแดพระภกษิ ุสงฆ  2. to release birds and fish - ปลอยนกปลอยปลา 3. to bathe Buddha images - สรงน้ําพระพุทธรูป 4. to build sand stupas - กอเจดยี ทราย 5. to make merit - ทําบุญ 6. to gain merit - ไดบุญ 7. to accumulate merit - สะสมบุญ

Language Focus: Noun derived from Verbs or Adjectives คํานามบางคําเกิดจากรากคํา (root) ของคํากริยา หรือ คําคุณศัพท โดยการคงรูปคําเดิม หรือเติม ปจจัย (suffixes) เพื่อเปลี่ยนชนิดของคํา ทั้งนี้ คํานามดังกลาวจะคงความหมายใกลเคียงกับรากคําเดิม เชน 1. respect (v.) - respect (n.) ความเคารพ 2. celebrate (v.) – celebration (n.) การเฉลิมฉลอง 3. kind (adj.) – kindness (n.) ความเมตตา


Students talk with friends about their favorite festival focusing

on activities at that time.


7.2 The Festival of the Tenth Lunar Month

Tourist : I’m thinking of going down South to somewhere which is not too touristy What do you think about Nakhon Si Thammarat? Guide: It’s an interesting province, and you’ll like it because there are not many tourists there. Tourist: Besides the places discussed in some guide books, is there anything I should see while in the province? I mean, culturally? Guide: Yes, of course. Have you heard about the Festival of the Tenth Lunar Month? It’s a traditional merit-making occasion celebrated in the southern region, especially in Nakhon Si Thammarat. The people will make merit on the last three days of the waning moon in the tenth lunar month of the traditional Thai calendar. Tourist: Oh, yeah. Guide: This festival is a ten-day celebration, scheduled on certain days from mid-September to mid-October. Tourist: It sounds great. But what is the idea behind this celebration? Guide: Well, it’s a widely held belief in southern Thailand that during the fifteen nights of the waxing moon period in the tenth lunar month, the souls of the ancestors are permitted to visit their relatives. Tourist: I see. Guide: During this period, the living make merit for the dead. For example, various kinds of foods and sweets are offered to monks. Tourist: That’s very interesting.

Vocabulary 1. traditional - แบบดั้งเดิม เปนประเพณ ี 2. merit-making - การทําบุญ 3. waning moon - ขางแรม 4. lunar month - เดือนตามจันทรคติ 5. the souls of the ancestors - วิญญาณของบรรพบุรุษ 6. living - คนที่มีชีวิตอย ู 92

Reading Religious festival at the tenth lunar month, Sart Duen Sib is one of essential Southern people festival, has continuously done since ancient time to present day. According to Buddhist belief that in the end of month tenth there are parent, grandparent and relatives whom passed away, especially sinners in hell called “Pred” are temporary permitted by the King of Hell to leave there, to reunion or meet their children or relative on the earth in waning moon 15 evening, month 10 and return to hell in waning moon 15 evening, month 10.

The tenth lunar month festival beyond make merit for passed away family, relatives or other, there is an essential part of the offering set, the 5 confections. These 5 confections are the symbolic of the tenth lunar month festival, each of it have its belief significations, besides these confections are proper provisions for monks through the rain season. - Khanom Pawng (ขนมพอง) or Pawng confection symbolizes the raft or float to cross the ocean between hell and earth. - Khanom La (ขนมลา) or La confection symbolizes clothes or costumes. - Khanom Dee Sam (ขนมดีซํา) or Dee Sam confection symbolizes money. - Khanom Bah ( ขนมบา) or Bah confection symbolizes Sa-ba, Thai recreation, for the deaths play in Songkhran day (Thai New Year). - Khanom Gong (ขนมกง) Gong confection symbolizes the ornaments.

(Source: http://southernfolklore.blogspot.com) Vocabulary 1. relatives - ญาติพี่นอง 2. temporary - ชั่วคราว 3. passed away – ที่เสียชีวิต 4. offering set - ชุดของเซนไหว บูชา 5. provisions - เสบียงอาหาร


Questions 1. What is ‘Pred’? 2. When can ‘Pred’ meet their children or relative on the earth? 3. What is the significance of confections?

Language Focus: Adjective

Adjective คือ คําที่ใชบรรยายคุณภาพ หรือลักษณะของคํานาม มีวิธีใช คือ 1. วางไวหน านาม เชน Religious festival at the tenth lunar month There is an essential part of the offering set These confections are proper provisions for monks.

2. วางไวหล ัง Verb to be เชน The tenth lunar month is essential for Southern people. These confections are proper for monks through the rain season.


Students give some information about the festivals to their friends in class based on wh-questions: what , where, when, why, etc.


7.3 Yi-Peng Festival

In the Northern Thai provinces that were once part of the ancient Lanna Thai kingdom, the Yi-peng Northern Lantern Festival is still being celebrated. Tubular lanterns, resembling hot air balloons, are lit and released into the night sky as an offering the Lord Buddha.As hundreds of illuminated lanterns drift into infinity, this conjures the same sense of wistful closure as the krathong float down-stream. The lighting of fireworks is undertaken in the same spirit as when lighting candles in an act of worship so fireworks displays are very much an integral element of the secular and religious rituals performed.

The unusual ritual of launching Lanna-style floating lanterns (khome loi or khome yipeng) is a unique aspect of the Chiang Mai Loi Krathong festival. Traditional belief has it that when these huge lanterns are set adrift and float away, so do the troubles of the residents in the community. 'Yi-peng' literally means the full moon night of the twelfth lunar month and the Chiang Mai 'Yi-peng' and 'Loi Krathong', the Festival of Lights is organized annually by the Chiang Mai Municipality. During the festival, the entire city of Chiang Mai, its houses, streets, canals, moats and the river are decorated with lights and beautiful lanterns, making these festivities, a most beautiful and memorable experience for visitors. The practice of setting adrift traditional krathong floats in rivers, canals, waterways, lakes and ponds is also observed by the residents of Northern Thailand. While traditional krathong were made exclusively from banana leaves, today the krathong come in all shapes and sizes and are made from a broad range of materials. Following the contest, the krathong are set afloat on the Mae Ping River. The final night of the celebration is the most important. A procession of spectacular "Krathong Yai" or giant krathong floats will wing their way through the streets of the northern capital. The giant krathong feature elaborate decorations depicting the story of the life of the Lord Buddha, Thai literature, history and Thai art. Many other activities of interest will also be organized ranging from krathong contests, Lanna Thai cultural presentations and folk performances, bamboo raft races and boat races on the Mae Ping River and fireworks.

(Source: http://thailand-travelling.blogspot.com)


Vocabulary 1. tubular lanterns – โคมไฟทมี่ ีลักษณะคลายท อ 2. illuminate - สองสวาง 3. fireworks - ดอกไมไฟ 4. worship - สักการะ บูชา 5. secular - เกยวกี่ ับทางโลก 6. adrift - ลอยไป 7. municipality - เทศบาล 8. broad – กวาง ไมจํากัด 9. spectacular - นาตนเตื่ น 10. depict - บรรยายใหเหนภาพ็

Questions 1. What is a Yi-Peng Festival? 2. What is the importance of tubular lanterns? 3. Why do people release the lanterns? 4. Are Yi-Peng festival and Loi Krathong festival held in the same month? 5. What activities are there in Yi-Peng festival? 6. Is ‘ krathong’ always made from banana leave?


7.4 The Rocket Festival

Bun Bung Fai or the Rocket festival is celebrated throughout the Northeast, but the most important place for the celebration is the province of Yasothon. The festival

combines elements of Buddhism, Brahminism and animism. The Rocket Festival is held to request seasonal rainfall for farming from Phaya Thean, the God of Rain. It takes place on the second weekend of May, which marks the beginning of the planting season. “Bang Fais” are bamboo rockets. They come in different lengths, ranging from a foot to the height of a 2-story building. In the old days the rocket bodies were made of bamboo, but today they can be made of either bamboo or iron pipe. They are decorated with Thai designs, usually in the shape of a naga. The first day of the celebration begins with merry-making, including traditional dances and processions of rocket floats. On the second day is the actual shooting of the rockets. Early in the morning the rockets are paraded around the town. Each procession consists of clowns, dancers and musicians playing drums, gongs, cymbals and reed pipes. The procession then moves to Phaya Thaen field, where hundreds of rockets will be launched. The first rocket is fired to predict the amount of rainfall for that growing season. That is, if it goes high up in the sky, there will be plenty of rain and a good crop. The rest are set off to ask for rain. The owner of a rocket which does not rise after firing will be thrown into the water as punishment for making a dud rocket –all in good fun.

Vocabulary 1. animism - ความเชื่อ หรือลทธั ิเกยวกี่ ับผีสางวิญญาณ 2. iron pipe – ทอเหล ็ก 3. merry-making - ความสนุกรนเรื่ ิง 4. reed pipes - แคน 5. a dud rocket - บั้งไฟที่ใชการไมได 97

Language Focus: Relatives Clauses

คือขอความที่ทําหนาที่คลายคําคุณศัพท (adjective) เพื่อขยายคํานามทอยี่ ูขางหนาใหช ัดเจนยิ่งขึ้น โดยอาจทําหนาเป นประธาน กรรม หรือเปนเจาของ - It takes place on the second weekend of May, which marks the beginning of the planting season. - The owner of a rocket which does not rise after firing will be thrown into the water

Match the question in Column A with the responses in Column B.

Column A: Question Column B: Response ______1. What is Boon Bung Fai? a. On the second day of the celebration. ______2. When and how long is it celebrated? b. There will be abundant rain and a good crop. ______3. Why is it celebrated? c. It’s the Rocket Festival held in the northeastern ______4. What are Bung Fais made of? provinces of Thailand, especially in Yasothon. ______5. How big is a Bung Fai? d. To predict the amount of annual rainfall and to ______6. When are Bung Fais actually launched? request rain. ______7. What is the significance of launching e. The first rocket is fired to predict the amount of each Bung Fai? rain and the others are launched to ask for rain. ______8. What is predicted when the first rocket f. Either bamboo or iron pipe, with gunpowder goes high up in the sky? inside. g. For two day-Saturday and Sunday-on the second weekend of May. h. Size vary. A rocket may contain from 1 to 120 kilograms of gunpowder.


7.5 The Illuminated Boat Procession

Tourist: Are there any festivals held in the Northeast of Thailand? Guide: Yes, there are many, such as the Rocket Festival, the Wax Candle Festival and the Illuminated Boat Procession. Tourist: The Illuminated Boat Procession! What’s that? Guide: Well, it’s the traditional Loy Krathong Festival of the Northeasterners living along the bank of the Maekhong River. It’s held on the full moon night of the eleventh lunar month in the traditional Thai calendar, which is October, to give thanks to the Water Goddess. It’s also a tribute to the holy footprint of the Lord Buddha, when he came down from Heaven at the end of the Rains Retreat. Tourist: Is it celebrated in the same way as the Loy Krathong Festival? Guide: Well, sort of. But we launch illuminated boats into the river, instead krathongs. The boars are made of the bark of the banana tree, bamboo, and so on, with a length of approximately six meters. The boats are elaborately decorated and made in the shape of mythical animals, such as Nagas, Garudas and Swans, or the That Phanom Chedi. Tourist: Is it a big celebration? Guide: Yes, it is, particularly in Nakhon Phanom. When the illuminated boats are lit up and launched into the Maekhong River under the full moon. It’s really a beautiful sight. Tourist: That’s very interesting.

Vocabulary 1. illuminated - ประดับประทปโคมไฟหรี ือแสงสวาง 2. tribute(n.) - สํานวน a tribute to the holy footprint of the Lord Buddha ในที่นี้หมายความวา “ถวายเปนพุทธบูชา” 3. launch (v.) - ปลอยเรือไฟลงในน้ํา” 4. lit up เปนรูป past participle ของกริยา light up หมายความวา “จุดไฟ” 5. sort of - ทํานองนั้น 6. the holy footprint - รอยพระพุทธบาท 7. Garudas - ครุฑ 99

Give the information about the Illuminated Boat Procession.

1. What: ______2. When: ______3. Where: ______4. Why: ______5. How: a. ______6. b. ______7. Boats: a. Materials: ______b. Shape: ______c. Length: ______

Language Focus: Yes-No Question

เปนประเภทคาภามทํ ี่ตองการคําตอบวา ใช  หรือไมใช  (เสียงลงทายประโยคจะเปนเส ียงสูง) การตอบทําไดโดยทวนร ูปคําถาม เชน

- Are there any festivals held in the Northeast of Thailand? Yes, there are many. - Is it celebrated in the same way as the Loy Krathong Festival? Yes, it is. - Is it a big celebration? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. - Do you enjoy the festival? Yes. I do. / No. I don’t.

Task Students make a brochure to introduce a local festival in

Thailand and then present in class


7.6 Ghost Festival (Phi Taa Khon)

Phi Ta Khon is a type of masked procession celebrated on the first day of a three-day Buddhist merit-making holyday known in Thai as "Boon Pra Wate". The annual festival takes place in May, June or July at a small town of Dan Sai in the northeastern province of Loei.

Participants of the festival dress up like ghosts and monsters wearing huge masks made carved coconut- tree trunks, topped with a wicker-work sticky-rice steamer. The procession is marked by a lot of music and dancing.

The precise origin of the Phi Ta Khon is unclear. However, it can be traced back to a traditional Buddhist folklore. In the Buddha's next to last life, he was the beloved Prince Vessandorn. The prince was said to go on a long trip for such a long time that his subjects forgot him and even thought that he was already dead. When he suddenly returned, his people were overjoyed. They welcomed him back with a celebration so loud that it even awoke the dead who then joined in all the fun.

From that time onward the faithful came to commemorate the event with ceremonies, celebrations and the donning of ghostly spirit masks. The reason behind all the events is probably due to the fact that it was held to evoke the annual rains from the heavens by farmers and to bless crops.

On the second day, the villagers dance their way to the temple and fire off the usual bamboo rockets to signal the end of the procession. The festival organizers also hold contests for the best masks, costumes and dancers, and brass plaques are awarded to the winners in each age group.

Then comes the last day of the event, the villagers then gather at the local temple, Wat Ponchai, to listen to the message of the thirteen sermons of the Lord Buddha recited by the local monks.

Then it is time for the revelers to put away their ghostly masks and costumes for another year. From now on, they must again return to the paddy fields to eke out their living through as their forefathers did.

(Source: http://sunsite.au.ac.th)


Vocabulary 1. holyday – วันพระ 2. participant - ผูเขารวม 3. a wicker-work sticky-rice steamer - หวดนึ่งขาวเหนยวี 4. folklore - คติชน ประเพณและความเชี ื่อของผูคน 5. subjects - พสกนิกร 6. the faithful - ผูจงรักภักด ี 7. commemorate - ฉลองเพื่อเปนการระลึกถงึ 8. to listen to the message of the thirteen sermons - ฟงเทศน 13 กัณฑ  9. paddy fields - นาขาว 10. forefathers - บรรพบุรุษ

Questions 1. How long does the festival last? 2. How do the participants dress up? 3. Who is Prince Vessandorn? 4. What is the reason behind the festival? 5. What joyful activities are there in this festival?

Language Focus: Two Words Verbs

เปนคํากริยาผสม ทําหนาที่เปนกริยาในประโยคเชนเดียวกับกริยาทวไปั่ แตรูปแบบจะมีการผสมระหวาง กริยากับบุพบท Two Words Verbs จัดเปน Idiom (สํานวน) ชนิดหนึ่งดวย เนื่องจากจะมีความหมายแฝง อยู ไมไดแปลตามท ี่คําปรากฏ เชน dress - แตงตัว / dress up - แตงตวเปั น ปลอมเปน put - วาง / put away - เกบเข็ าที่ eke - หาเพิ่ม / eke out – ชดเชยให เพิ่มให


Complete the chart. Major Festivals in Thailand

Festival Date/ Month Duration Importance of Celebration Songkran 3 days

Loy Krathong 1 night 1. 2. To ask for forgiveness for polluting the water Tenth Lunar Month 10 days

Vegetarian Festival 1. To pay respect to gods and ancestors 2. To purify the body and mind Rocket Festival Second 1. To predict the amount of annual (Boon Bung Fai) weekend of rainfall May 2.

Ghost Festival Around June 2 days 1. To welcome Prince Vessantara (Phii Taa Khon) 2.

Procession of the Eleventh lunar 1. To mark the Lord Buddha’s return Buddha Image month (mid from Heaven. (Chak Phra) October) 2. Illuminated Boat 5 days 1. To give thank to the Water Goddess Procession 2.