Dinsdale South Temple View

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Dinsdale South Temple View CU T E LV ERDON STREE C E T C A A E R L E R P E R T T A X PL I G IL A C S N E Guide to using this map: I E N N H A U E M E N S AVEN E I V DA O AMAN O L N W U I H E Q N P This is a map of the area containing your property. M U E D E V P A L A A O CE A R K T A A E O E E P R M T A S The map shows notable local changes which are R G D R A A O RO IK B N H H O T proposed for the mapped area. S U T E IB T L G N E C S E R C See the map legend for an index of these local N E Dinsdale South R A changes and check the map to see which ones KA K HIK E P AT IV Y EA D R D G affect your area of the city. A M RO A E L W O I R ON PL A C E In addition to the mapped local changes, H there are other proposed changes which may O W D E N affect the area but which are not noted on the R O A D map. TAIT An explanation of the local changes and also UA R OAD AD the other changes is on the reverse side of this RO CE LA map. AL W This map and the explanations on the reverse side do not identify each and every change that may affect the area. O'D EA R OAD For further detail of all changes please see the full Proposed District Plan at: www.hamilton.co.nz/districtplan or view a copy of the Proposed District Plan at Council’s offices or libraries. D A O R To view maps showing notable local changes N E D in neighbouring areas, see: W O H www.hamilton.co.nz/mappedchanges Hotline: 07 838 6478 Legend - Proposed District Plan Temple View Notable Local Changes Some, or all, of the features contained within D OA R EA the legend may appear on this mapped area AM A R IK of Hamilton. H T U Change in Zoning D A W Change in Transport Corridor Ranking O I R S T E E R R P L E A S C E E D Arterial Transport Corridor Protection Area M Flood Hazard Areas AY NA RD M P CKA L Y D RIVE A C E ¬ Waikato Riverbank and Gully Hazard Area E ¬ C ¬ A R T R E C E O WLE E F OSTER ROAD R Y DR E T Significant Natural Areas T IV S N I T W E D FOS K T R O ER R OAD A O ¬ M G E D ¬ Change in Built Heritage Ranking V A ¬ I O M BOY R R I S ACK D A S E I O M ¬ N A W R A A Y I K H U Changes to Significant Archaeological and Cultural Sites T E N A L E Electricity Transmission Corridors D A W ¬ ¬ Ruakura Structure Plan Boundary ¬ City Boundary ¬ MAP SHOWING SOME OF THE NOTABLE LOCAL CHANGES IN THE PROPOSED DISTRICT PLAN AD RO A E M RA A IK H TU D A O R D O O W AD S RO LIN COL KOR OMATUA R OAD KOR OMATUA ROAD Meters COLLIN S ROA D O ' R E 0 65 130 260 390 520 G A ± N R O A D Date: Nov 30, 2012 Map No: 22 Proposed Notable Changes for Hamilton Local Changes (see map and legend Explanation (depending on the location of the proposed changes, all or some of these changes may Other Changes Explanation (Other Changes set out in this table do not appear on the reverse on reverse side) appear on the reverse mapped area) mapped area. Please refer to the Proposed Plan for complete information) Change in Zoning These areas are subject to a proposed zone change. The nature of those changes will vary from site to site. For details on all specific zone changes see the current Operative District Planning Maps and compare them Proposed rule Many properties remain under their existing zoning. However, such properties with the Proposed District Planning Maps. These proposed changes may affect land use and development changes within may be affected by proposed rule changes within the zones such as: potential. Zones • Residential Zone; Tighter controls over non-residential use of land, and the See the Proposed District Plan for more information about all zones. introduction of new design and layout criteria within the Residential Zone; Change in Transport The current Plan’s road ranking has been updated in response to changes in land use and transport network • Business Zone; New rules and a hierarchy of Business Zones within the City Corridor needs. The Proposed Plan’s transport corridor ranking may affect land use and development potential for which ensure commercial, retail, community and civic activities in one area do not compromise activities located in other business areas; Ranking properties surrounding the transport corridor. • Industrial Zone; Additional controls on the type of activities that can be See Appendix 15-5 (Transportation) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. established within the Industrial Zone. In particular, offices, retail and other Arterial Transport All new activities within an Arterial Transport Corridor Protection Area, which occurs in the Rotokauri, non-industrial activities are discouraged. Corridor Protection Ruakura or Peacocke Structure Plan Areas, require resource consent to protect the general viability of the There are many more proposed rule changes within the zones than those Area planned transport network. identified above. These changes may affect land use and development potential. See Chapter 25 (Citywide) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. Flood Hazard Areas Some land may be affected by flooding in an extreme rainfall event. There are different flood hazard areas See the Proposed District Plan for more information. to differentiate hazard type and cause. The Proposed Plan introduces minimum standards for new Transport Corridor A new zone for all existing and new transport corridors is proposed. The zone subdivision, use and development activities in these areas. Zone will establish controls specific to the existing transport corridor network, providing for routine and renewal works, and new works associated with See Chapter 22 (Natural Hazards) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. transport activities and infrastructure. The zone also allows for non-transport Waikato Riverbank Land within the Waikato Riverbank and Gully Hazard Area requires careful management as it may be more related network utilities and other activities and places a number of controls on and Gully Hazard susceptible to stability issues because of its slope, soil types, or erosion from natural watercourses. The these activities. Proposed Plan introduces land use controls to address these matters. Area See Chapter 18 (Transport Corridor Zone) of the Proposed District Plan for more See Chapter 22 (Natural Hazards) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. information. Significant Natural The Proposed Plan identifies areas that qualify as Significant Natural Areas (SNAs), to protect significant Transportation The Proposed Plan places greater emphasis on supporting pedestrian, cyclist and Areas indigenous vegetation or significant habitats of indigenous fauna. SNAs throughout the city include native passenger transport and the integration of land use and transport networks. bush, wetlands, peat lakes and parts of the Waikato River gully system. The Proposed Plan seeks to achieve The proposed controls mean a new activity may now require a resource consent the protection of SNAs through the introduction of additional specific controls over land within a SNA. which may include an integrated transport assessment. See Chapter 20 (Natural Environments) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. See Chapter 25 (Citywide) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. Change in Built The Proposed Plan contains schedules which list significant historical heritage items and archaeological and Three Waters The Proposed Plan places greater emphasis on the integration and efficiency of Heritage Ranking cultural sites. Council has adopted a new ranking system for its heritage items to better align with that used (Stormwater, the Three Waters. Provisions have been incorporated which may, for instance, by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust. As a result, it is proposed to change the ranking of some heritage wastewater and require compulsory water efficiency measures (e.g. low flow fixtures) for items. Changes to water supply) building and alterations and the preparation of Integrated Catchment Significant In addition, the ranking of some archaeological and cultural sites has also changed. These proposed changes Management Plans and / or Water Impact Assessments for subdivision and Archaeological and may affect land use and development potential. development. Cultural Sites See Chapter 19 (Historic Heritage) and Appendix 8: Heritage of the Proposed District Plan for more See Chapter 25 (Citywide) of the Proposed District Plan for more information. information. Natural Hazards The Proposed Plan takes a stronger avoidance and risk-based approach to Electricity Approximately 29km of high voltage electricity lines run inside the Hamilton City boundary in Silverdale, managing new subdivision, land use and development in relation to natural Transmission Ruakura, Fairview Downs and Rototuna. The Proposed Plan applies new controls within these Electricity hazards, which reflects the direction of the Proposed Waikato Regional Policy Statement. Corridors Transmission Corridors, which may affect land use and development potential.
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