
¦ ¦ ; • ;¦ . . j. ' -i ! ¦; r !l-' i''Vj>;>i&,' v.':-' ->'? r *' ''' HBST mm* w I : POKEMbST lever sincei '' Handsomely illustrated Booklet, ±-}il ¦¦ ¦ jLTboxit Diinlop Tyrek for 1899," sent ' ¦ • ' :' >» gfatis au? post free .ou ftpplicatioo. ; : .fv- : i iJdvelrtisiiig:' J; t^ The DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO.. Ltd. Alma Street Coventry i 3A, Weatland Bow, HO ¦ ih, ¦ ¦• * SHIOTm U^r^;;P|l::j;MediuBd^ . -: . : Dublloj - : /. ' . : v " ' ¦ ¦ ' I j . ITH ;THIS^ 1849. . ;¦ !. '1;: j •' . . !. IN; THEJsbirm b? iBBtA5D||i ' ' /./• r/ / ': . ¦; ' :!'/ "Jl'i • ;r.;n .feA r ^-> h 'i

' ¦ ¦ i ' ;¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ v i . r i i ' PiKfeE-rONEuj PENN* ! ¦ ; .:: :- . • i ^- UN ¦ ' i-i fEISH¦ -£jmTi-!--;-gEKyi0B ^tfT ' 1 - ©o> t.:: ^wf^yo^s jffiTIILDINGj . igpjJIETT. -^ W B .E.H;, tte PrSnoB i bf ITdes i ¦ f £ if ¦ ; Established 1634. Incorporated 1874- ¦ ¦ ¦ I i ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ - ¦ ' • i i ; [:¦ | | i LOANS GEANTED ON THE MOST FAVOUR- * ADD ' ' " ¦ ! ¦ ! ¦¦ ABLE TEBM8 TO ENABLE: PEBS0N8. TO . , ; : ! BUILD OB PURCHASE flOUSES OB TO PA!f iteiife : OFF MOBTGAOES THljIJEON. ; i; ; ££ H H v T&e Badness already dono Biceedb C C HfS '^ 4 )Q^ i si so6, ill j Ok.JP ^lr3 ' ^^l " ' lb ' : : ? '0.o.p|: | . . i i i : i ! ; Lsjal Eij.inEfiaTisednDdHoder^to. ' ; j . ^i||P@Fwd'-"^i3l Gold and Pnie Medals ¦ Awarded iDcporita rfcslvcd at tho kUtatag rutca o2 intercut, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦! ' ¦" • ¦ ' ' : ~ ' ¦ .» .'. ; . :»: 4* &C3JC2'Jbdabe Tex;— ,¦ V. %. j \ ; , At Call ... — \2 psr Cant, par Annnm ! i tot One Yeas.:. :; -3' ! ¦' I ¦ ; . n „ \. i ' : (,... ¦ ¦ ¦ : ForTcioYcari 8J . .. „ / . ._ : j-/. [• ;¦ ^Uiyyiuttr, : • : ¦ acd eycry information adarc-i. I • -OLiUp iSODA/' THE BEVEEAGJE ' For Proc^oatna i 'i : -n / OF HEALTH , . I ALFBED¦ H. HEBCEB, Secretary Ii0MMB JLOllTS I .IJDKMB-l ¦ ¦ ; . : £$ Westmprclaad-SSrcatr ii •¦! ^M&M -MM, " Automatic " ~TKE -OBIGJ AL •¦! ¦ ; - , W - BRAND • - • : ! ! . -. : ¦:, ;;.?¦ . ;- .DnbHn; Qyde ;Giii|>pxas ' Cjoaxpanp', Ltd 1 ; ; ; « ^ a^ ¦ v. ^6i,..THB. !PtJBIJTG '.:Ur '. '.; } '/.: -- ; i - ! SF4BIM |i HOOTSiSEEA?, THE D VJNA' m THE ' ¦ - ¦: ^ f - ¦/¦ ¦ :i GOUTY & EHEUMATia ¦ ¦ ^ f : : ; . . Ai>BiL, :im.v - - y : , ; !2ggl Selteer. Botasa, Lithifi ^Wateri.xtamonato &oT - ¦ : ¦ -j . ftcjulor fftc^* Oonnas^eoffafl. Jrfwe^n,, ' : ' ¦ J ' ^ i- :)f' ii " ¦> UJiSB-BPOpB onii : aonBOU» i . . ^...M^^^oi^Kai.: - . oprsLia^i^^lBMMP^M^OO' - ^ - ;--4c/iEdi^F Liwfev ? i " O PLTII OXTTH iBB eoTrrHAnrron. HEraAy 1n n. ! UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS- , jjhi BOirrg Ot. EUGIiAHD ,!. ¦ j .,,rS . DOTOB . , j ' ' ; i' ' . r, 1; Mlifi, - itj. . j 11 , ¦¦¦ - ,' C0OTt DuBiirsu.BEiiE4in' .¦-aiiAB30j!7«¦; . . . ,] ' '" **" S0TOHA£lPtfOl>MKEV7 YOBK SEEVIOET "TkCU-Tk;* ,' FflVHE Now ;aad ' piwerfnl TO NEW YOEff-, "\ " i .60TJTHAMPT0N¦ ¦ ¦ \ " * ; ¦: ' "- - ¦' 8ATUED AYS ot Noon, ; » ':! KAKES Ciislf jSTdfvflinces froin j^6"dpwaida on approVek tSroorial aourf^irr-witKoUt • ¦ ¦ ;7 stt-flBQ^n sosc;a/• ! , . : 1 v £"' l v ' ¦ Do y 1 ¦: : vV ' : ! Cot in ^P ¦ c r to Farmers; Shppkeepcra, ProfesHional MeD ' Government Officiate^ tol -". ijrbsroK .STJUGET, ' iyiBxi/bm k, . TU3KAB¦, ¦eAtEHTIA,: ero tcrms, IotebdiogHBorto^a,,: ' loticsS ratca. Oatat free. ; weatlior • penslttto ;(nalosa prtwntod • bj¦' -yntohsesa y~iring|G tC7hiaSo Steornge Faro ot Vesseto. and to caU st Loan will find it to their advantage to apply to tii$ Bant, where all Ijoijiriecj :; fTliHIS Oia Hotsl/ifaoiotii fcsEOca¦ ,.pari blronm»taaoc3). witt Uterty to tAw 1 , 11 end eU othsf lWafc). ¦ '. ' •, ' ¦* aaj: Port or F«t» la anj oxdar, In or ont of OW ogtoinaiy ^transacted wfth the utmost cecrecy, and -tf?here every facility is given to Cnatoniarai v. ' : LIVEEP0OL-PHILADELPH1A SEDVICB; oeorc3. ;to' Btsoi»o aad DtoharBO Caiso. 01 fot aiir ;otlis» W( ¦' ' '¦ • , . r .- . . ' '"MBS. KKllLT. PiioKicrtHEii» • : ' ¦ - ' (legiUmate Bpplicatioo evcr refoBed. I . ! 1 ' :.v !l r T i Etery WEDNESDAY; i ji pnrpoao whstcootor.¦¦ : : ! Close to tho Enilnmr Station. ] !' ' ™ - A LJt - SA2IPLB,.AND, NOTE JBES : 'TO PHILADELPHIA. ' WAtscronD io cLiiaon. i ' ' MB. LIVERPOOL rrorr ... : ... ¦ Jc?~' ..,. .} i Th& ftboye Bonk hna no Branch OfF.cc, hns no connection with other inoti^ons, _ ; D ^r^. ejreryjTbnrcday. :! UOSDAY(Dirwt). . •••! 4°d Celling «t QneonBtown VTKDNESDAT6¦ , (fta Plrmoatli)5th April, 1 p.a j ¦12tb.4p.nl;¦ whiph are doing busioeso nnder various Iradui ; onb 'minigernsnt. ¦UmaSlOK^^EE CttJilWTiWdETH ere landed ' at Philadelphia • • lSth 2 p.m ; 26th, 4 p.m. ; - | , J j titles, though under ^tha FciienireWMd Good* I , ' " ;; ¦ 6|, ©a the Wharf of tbo Pcnsuylnjnia Railroad, wbipb ; j 'We do not!B6ek frpm borroweraaiwitien stntemont of their!affalr^ v/'hich . i3 denianaid l SEEY ^ranteed yeara tes«iU3d.miKi.DlratBoat9.lo ttlL{ilooeB In ' ; ?"\™ oid, gis..^gallon . ::: .i23tbe Sbci by so-calfed wealthy capi|ali8t».before they state their^termB. I dealing with a legitjmato : i^ fr ' Weutern StttcJ. ' " ' : i _ '' ; ' '_ :¦¦; ii TtimUTOAt : in the ^ aMrtoy ofuce it is unnecessary. |to dtclosa yonr private affoirs before clearly stotcd. ; . The¦ . %98Mn§:. Hotcl ^ ' WCfct^fywditff, atidM and td , BfobBrdson, Spanoa & Cd* 6flutbatnptoli Eafl.lo Qrlc^ £S tormi are ' ' ' " ' '¦ "' ¦ ' ¦ ^er-ll; Finhi&cttd•rfbrd Apply to L^ Borrowers ehonld . . . . - .IW , LtMJpitipg. :¦ , : ' ' ¦ '¦-.. • or toV : . : : . ' • j - be caTefnl ttbont givin^ja Btatemont of;. their private; offairb to . : C"?ed, at 6dperU. v ; ^ - •• ; or Idyorpool, . ! : . Ero7 0A'nmDAT (3jiKioy • - .: ».. _ . . —(» P 3 NOTE -ADDMBa .- . &" OD , Glntbtone-btreek. - any firm, 03 it may lead to injury in their hnsluesa. Wo aok for no written Btaternent from • ' 1 ."friy-iEir¦oED—Horv w ' S , 12 : ttrolff -= " un ¦ ' J &*™¦ xoSSSf1 ; •] our clients, but:submit iour " 0ELi3BRATEX) FOR ITd J' * : „ .17ella&H61ohao.87, Qcc7. : :t ¦- -( ' %& , ¦ ' terma'immeaiately \VG receive an application, which will b3 , * ' t71IBBT0IU> 10'ttfWJTt ¦ ; «¦ : * ; „. .; :\7ard Bto3^2, B3rr ¦¦ ' ' ; . < j .- : GU)?BEIOBr. MGOWIOMMOII CMancK-6o-SinB--Eiobttrd Laudy' .| j i : DC»Lnr TO WlTKtfCBf, Dl«SCT~ .>¦ - or3 ' ,8pja j lEtn, • "' If n !£2cari2 a Epoi|V;p (3uId^' ' ;¦ ' Main-mar.- '. ' PEDITEODAYB¦ . «U» April, fl pJn. ; 12tb ¦ 3>li • . 'i; ',^ f« .you, fcfbro ^AcUy MntiudinsV^otMtiofta . iw ALii -prtPAfrriiEMTs;¦¦[' i CtoFjiK.—P Nogsnt,K. r ¦ ¦ . :¦ i| V jpt!^ . 2Bth, 7 p.m.j ; , V ¦ ColliDDo , Tbo!8qnar». | ¦ *¦?• "?tiiot!)er S lolcomjra^na/^dyl Ttt DrooABVAH—J j . . wiTxi*om> io cons (Direst). ,. ; J-'^ f j^. oBeoaHo Mrvveir and Troy. 81, Allca-ctrcst. ¦E .»...,. 1 p.n. nhich we ere offerings tho iPravMm ICwppaoiB—W Jones . ; TCTI ¦ THTJESDAT. . . _: -. ;«, j public ora tho mojt liboral^ and otrdghtforwnrd iri'Irolana. . CofTcaand Coamcrcbl no:ihijcqcal Jf terekaai ¦ ' . * ' COSK io V7i^nsoaiL01rc:t— .! ll=3niaccnt " "" " : -8 ; \3tii002i-Jobn MnrplyV'Groc¦ er. : ; ; j p.n ;. ; -• aud ¦d-i PATEIOE^TREET. : ' ' : : " ' - ; : ¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦raiDAt3, :a Apd^ B i sta, .6 p.n p 2iit; s i>.m « ! FOR PEOSPE0TU3 AND -PROS' to cay la Intend. Bu:::ij ar.a ctoff¦ mc:t CJ I trclna . UL'^Boeo-rVV-Iiltinto. \ ' \ ' ' • j | , m. > i j OPINIONS¦ APPLY ! i I' ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ •¦• .• ::• • CZ7 PEOVIOIOZTO ' ; : 2St6 9p. ¦ . ; ' ¦ ; : ¦ ; onfl ctiincra. : • j Af ii, PATEIOK 6TBEET. " . •; &IO1USTOVTK—M WcBtarmiD, Cbmoh-ctrect. j . ' ! TrArauwa) io liouxnr. •' ' . " - ^; POWEE, Hanesei' : ¦ nod Ball I ! 4 p.ia; • • ' : - . >; :?7 VJ - , bjjioBO -^W TimpeoD, Hnin-rticat. . \\ DTCTT Saturday (Tin Southampton) „. J' I..™ i HerohcaEj r»nr»MONDAY (ria Olafirow) Carsv. oaJy ' i... 'lpja. CTBe cautious, of Money Lent'' Circularscent iroeLdccul ihrough tkepo cO. !.. - .john Hintc3,,Aootionoc? (Bt. Eathaziiia Doox ) io Wumoto,i " O'Bdnoijnc. ,' ; !' '¦ ' " LOBDO» HDUiC-iW . : . i ! 6th April 4 p-m. ; tUth, 8p.m; 3-th,;4 p.n. SJT -3 -as- bt'aicr THOESDAYS, . I T -n-~ T T - - ' _ T1jni- .rmi .. r!¦¦:._imuL— - : . .27th, * p.n. ,, J ! . i ^. T^^^^ tlo transhhiaicat.by ' tils tonto. ' . Ordersfor oollcoUob or , - <, 1 iJoUTory ol Goods taV to U'WiOiiii 6 Co. l[Ltinlt«d), U, C3«tl».»trcot, Haabur r | to Cljdo Eblppioj ConraiiT, la, '¦ a; «¦:¦? do Shlpplnj; Componji E VYarcio^ai U F?r." -1¦ sea ' coutii xici^i;oc. i^dcnball atrcot. or Cly IMPERIAL HOTEL r '"Katharisa Dock, nil! rcodto prompt actczioa, ¦ i cooch rf toaos ^i ! : '- ;. x|. ViiuKOD TO FLTUOSXH, direct. ' ', p ¦ 1 tth April 3 p.m 1 12th, 4 p ja 10th LOT7EE flACKVIIiLB.BTBEBy, DUCLIIT. ¦ ' WEDEESDATe, . > ¦ , 2 p.ia » ¦ " ¦¦ 'J ' ' • fLei by GBEAT T7E8TEBN BAILWAt ¦ f itftb. 4 O.CL i .;: , I. :.- . : , . (Snccc;:or3 to T.; P. O'MEABA). !.- . / ; > , :,.: '. • . ; . :; : prM 1 • ¦. I PiTBOimi TO WAmupsD (dircot). ; 'TclcrppiOnca ^lp to- U. Jfilfl^ . ;©; . OAltJSDAYO. l«ApriJ. e p.o.1 6tMP.O.» «t5¦ ,7au a.| - (O^critjtboGosenJPort^iaqppaa WACcsJOcb 1 ¦¦ ¦ - :¦ K/ in coaneotion¦ trlti the . - .. . •. . ... i^ia,-3 pja,.» SWi DovnuvrzoB TO WArssroas, ¦ )-\J- :Illo^ie-CKoca, BUllaid»io!Ka. . Ohareis uidcrf ',3.', Profession, c3 my ba - :. ; n . ', . . , . .! ... . ¦¦' '¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' 1 " ite«tf. - j - ¦ 'SOTTB to Wirnrtnu, •: - " ' ' ' ifothtng cak'replice'it* ' . 'j '- " ; —• j •¦ 0, 7, - cad H WI0EX0W.STEEEX, ^ ^f \ . rrcfl B«cc=:5T» : , i i : - ETCT7 TUE31IAY Altcmooa (tla Eantfciaptea), Chrjo Tlia Ctcinisi tato. cic:ltBt eooonnaiJaSoa i& ," Cwvm" S .WATBR. in ^Iwayq ,the came. / . ] Hanufiicfor? ^-JotociovTE,: ' ¦• ¦ ; ; Pt-;3 ^ ' rconPubUO H.. 103. CO. -• OjOa Shlpplns Co« U. VlatSk«-r«r^r XEZ! GIiHIT, WATERl'OBD. i . : E::i Dnblin and JWhlBiica Cnia * F«l IS M\ J ID TUI tj Quajtti, «¦«./ ¦ : ¦ rrcfjirlicw. I > TW-S '; ¦ i- -otoMrori. , Qaaj, CooSrT-> : - . EUE&m&HOn j : : crd Da f ' ^EtYoa^¦¦ SBp OOUPAHT (ujSoS^rr !> ' ¦ , l .• |.-: > > ,CMtom |Hon» Qnay, ¦ZQ2ZL" -a ii i>\-ii-n&jAnpA:ii ,, ' ' ¦' ' - e&i. , Iadlt toinlrw W&r^id . ¦ - , . i« • " . aia ctaaftifolooatfU 'C^iiA^tSsa'cS^nib et [ fo t£?ert GT. ANDEEW STEEE^j ' . ! . 'J CIaa ~ ,¦ r Wte* :SlBSflt3 .to ' ¦Te!^3U3 A ¦ - - . . , W2AA ;J - .M.LJi-1- neiaaii&istlci.'--lloi piid cold bathaii CooklSj D .. OAssnauBi]-:. riiLli*, 7A*L'HBI?03S> ¦ ; j| ! ' Ja Bntl!23toa. - : : HOUSE ' >JN PL AMD . AQE11T T7at3rJior«L Gtsamoa p Companjr •I I . . . i j . . ; i : ¦ ¦ # (JylD.«j) T. C0ELEC3, Pwprictoi SOBSii ¦ JOi'lPH • ..; ¦ i (jji nxEi>). . . i : O^SBXeiS-OH-S^B. u*^6u auuuABL inrnnDEDj oju>Eii aumiG-2pm, ICJ , " ' ¦ ¦ BTBEiT, WATBBJfOBD ' og - • 1 ¦ ¦ .jjHr •. " : i i'r ¦ .: me DUNBHODY IcEQIWALD COilEEAQHj T.APA WHEBD SO BSA? 03 Q££h ij i%|- : , , Von \\tio Cnn«*;r, I IIEHAPIA, OBKADSH, , 6c. ¦ ¦ . CsrrlcSor^ulr ITrJas. A e Jendld .Wi .o? *v p At» 8««m't Uaterlali b , • ^. WfOTIOE.- llo WctcrfcTd Megiatercd Plibmbcr fy \8amita,ry, jCa. beld ln Iri«h, Sootob, and Wttf of Eo«lud] ipifiii , -fc,t ^r4\ XSJ Stesansblj CoQKin7(Lir^tcl> ¦ EnaitissT QlliW, 8aitlDz», F»noy Yntfogi, etc. inelodlar all : THE 8H1P llTEU tfa« ¦ ^iv^5/ CA.lV|VNAX _tccsinoa Goods aad LlvoXlxitor Biij- '¦ ¦ : ' ' '¦ ¦ v msat tba eoadltloaj '• 4- • ' CZ XI KAW : ^ ^ ' '] ' ' lataUoccd ia ; PiRbPRi tSTOR ¦ ¦ ¦ BEBAKPAST8, DINHEES. 8UFJPUU3, . ; , : -r— I i I - I • : ; . ¦ J -^] . JV'ft W*^» ft- . •-— QflCZZ, I (LATE OF UB. V71LL1AU • ' -• ;, t i * ^ * * .' I A ' 1TD ¦ BAIRD'0, DUBL1IT), ' AliD LUNCHEONS V7!ATEHPbBD A BRISTOL • j : Cbc:t::i Kotlco, of tto Bc:t Dcicrlptisa ico3 \7»rsroB9 xouiiim. . ticoa ninu TO 011=7020 "7JEG3 rcipastfully to 'thank tha ITobiUty, of tta . . 8818 Tu^flry, April «.- 'flp.n . : eatotdt/, Ap!. 1_. 6£u pxi Gentry, Uana ^ Institutiona, end Pntlio . (icd ot . ¦ «f;-!^W«'8> BlDESa Fti=7v : >.<> 7-I3 noon' . Thursday „, e.^ 1 ' «ja JJ Bodica fo¦ tho largo charp ot p-ironcjo they havo attended i TWBEDS^ ! ¦ to ¦bio¦ dnco cocut¦ cnclo" 110DEBATE ;CHAEGE3. ' ' ' '' ' ' ¦¦ Tocsoay. „ U._ i pjn fiMordu/, ., 8... i p,n oucin::3. , . ! " . :' ; ;¦ - . ¦ , 1 I : ' iMiaii ,, 11_. 8 PJO Wednesday,,, Uj aEO pja ¦ . 1 . \ f . laccday, . „ l-_, 6 pjn aatujday, „ 16... ttSO p.ia . : rhipiOyin3 nonb buti|tho mp:Vcoinpot3ntl^ndo, ond having all orc!cra c2'< cut3d und-? hl3 7niDSto EIP3 AND MELLOW A3 ¦. lilLK^- '¦>»»;' : ,, 2l£l3 soon Thurod.j, „; Sj...r.i5J a.n 0^71 Cpcjroacjroisali . Enpsrvienbsrviaaionion. noho la caawsacaablsd wto unaotwundottiihoro ovoryovorv ol"-i nf :i¦ '"^^* TBT : ¦; ': _ «to> tiQB. 4UA VtmMaWr.T *0 ai K«*J ' ' ! ?»• : ¦ • - j olr.nq of ' ( _JKHBM. ! ' AUo;» CtMcs Slaoiio'n 'cf 1,' ; . uhLJ . r , 1 L_3L_JJL_J a •'. i'J,.M- Boon gitaMay, U 23... 3 pja idEMscbtBi, 7" !- q ' Prcijrlotjiv ' Enatj, „ »,i. -* tsatocuoy, ,, ifl... 7J!0 pjn ZZEOZJ/mtt WAIiIiACn, • We purchase,: at the lowest ippint 1 ! ^tto ef ti> e*""iA?a uiil : . T7ATEB70I11V .. : (iaZ .ti Tanor-H^de Cdatuai C3. On cady llorninor Rilling. 1 *» ut»;} T'-ii l?•¦)rt) Bw Pmara.a e% ^/jta^tSi i bo open to rcoclT* PtcwajeS[ anartnj -3 ' -.rft/ ~ .ui cesttN. of tias market, tho finest grorrths > ! . ^J • : ¦, ¦ • Aiib !— Elding trams. . { Habits, eto Indian and Ceylon ATCIBJO Eca )Pt=aso 14 to 15 Hooral : 02 Clerical tod 1 from the best F*Ers-Cabln, einjl8, li3. , Co. Ciui'lo-ChOdrca (t=3 Ccr- WATEBFOBD & CEttTBAL IBEIlASD Ltalta Taileriajf the Fi«j taak« 1 taata traraUtoj wttb 1 RAILWAY. » enables us always Panlllea) 10a. j (Io Ectum (atdbi^ tat O Q , B^edsiity, taralaj cut Article* u» Gardens; this Two Eontts, cpConal to roturn tottcj to lirzrwl),¦ ii o ip^ij^kBiMd U M ft Stoao-W^KD of 0 nolt B ' m&L WOWS vcluo,- coth, for Deci. Elaglfl. 7 . 6d» 1 do Chililrou. .I3 Public Privaw water LWorks Hcdueeday. „ W_ 1 pia -WcddaV, ,, IB... t iua I?or V7hloh ho holJU tho Hf*hc:J Xc:'Jjaonlaio Head£itone3.: Tomb-} & Honumentd 4.85. |>.t3i . m .SstBifdijr^^Msd by tbi f Ctt#*? .«r T/cipMn's Place, .iGOKOLi 2 ' Eiourelda1 Tnia letvis ¦ p-m al ilJ J g B!«nbon>Dsa j 8I0Sttduy,^ ' . X" 2 * 1 0! tlo Beit ilstsrlal proTOrebls, cad ehiidlcd tib* cfl £ an4»j , ' ' "M au.«- «.ia I'lloaS"^tlir'. ,11, 21..-' V'' p.m^° ' •rallflble for rttnro up to lbs fbllowlnff Tuctday Wedte^dar, w »-. 8 p.n WednTffej"'£J».ll »!ia In t7ctorfofd ciid' Distriot olono ho ican rercr 'to tho following, cmongot 'other, - . cfwi thi m<£t isodf1 tad grecrfnl daipj. ¦' ; La Oollijgo. Watorford District Ltinatio Aaylum (Now ¦ Koturo Tickets to Tnmon wiU.alioi beiisaed cstil "^ ; GUCCIUEAGE ^IBIGH : £8/2, i ' ^--» cxamplci ^-60 Sallo Bulldings),|Urculinb fonber notica u tbot»VIroa\ P^' ' 'j SS^v :'J::: J 8S ^^r.' - — and Control Ireland Hallway. Imperial Hotel 1 ' j tSs»¦ By.lloS ¦and tJ tit - Ctoavont, V^atorford cl , Bt. John's College, Convene ' Tuo Proprtirtoni ata tita yrepucd ' to enter fsto i'tie» hereutsdet l2wwat- '• -• '• ¦' • >.. v.i. '-. .'. T[ ' <>:-. ^ ^ ^ ire4^pteH%goSf;.^ ..^*** 8hephord, Oarrick^n-Snir Convent Mercy .Tallow Carnwllito Convent, Kilmod. for oTory"descrlption of Stcaa tad Mtrbla O^LTIO JDROSSES!. FiEia-Cabbi , W»»l» Wa. 1 do. (aisjls-Cbliarca cf tbo Good ' Coattscts ¦ Fwtsj for ths Donblo Jonn»j) rA ; | , (ana Morcyjcjid hea also executed Oontraotj in many cf tha niinaibno of thb Wcs&s, AUo o kigo icIcctlcaof Intitbcid; - 1 1 BortanUtraToUlnFwiai tamUlos) tO» r do ttot-Sa (10 ^ hoaiha Convchti of « J"* ! 1'V.cl . . 2nd el.... ,8r4oJ ' l ablB tor Two Jaonth», «paoo*J to retnrn torn «toBrfctol) IcadizuT pentry bf.thfa ana th8 6djoinin/i Oomticl . Jto addition t<« thb ho obtainod Prird tS tiuyboroazb .. 16a Od IU Si Ct 7c . iEOWAR:D : O'SHEA. SJa.|. Deck, riagb,7» U 1 do,«l»gl« i ' , ' ¦ , Chlldroa.i*; ' iSrt&Wibitira in Dnblmfor k .,. , . : ,. .! . j Ooltio Oso2£S3 fos GcaotelM. Gjo. AbbejWl : ... IBJ 2d 10s Od fid nocnEieatal fc ArpEJtsotaral: C?nlptoi Lool£a »crtb-i«nco'i jD ^L7 irBoo^ :^( : tto fit 0 O C O A ^ in the very best manter. Matcrlalibi fi«M=3? Bxpf r aid KUkeonj ... & 8d ' 1 1 » "11 W}^I»i Btiaonj ca AU work exocuted! quality. 6i 7d b» Ud FOB IRSAKTAR AMD / [ :! I7erti—SILKBMY aii OALLAE. . nl«a»J^ NMorU^SwvraS^jOreatfi^ feJWettar. . LauT aahlxe, and YorkiUro if necessary, to oil tho eminent Dublin Architcota cod Divfl^Engnoiara. E^ifa - CMldrcaynuoreo lhH»ia»» ypaycu^ra*' «of »g»m, and ,..tuul&r tad« , thvndtl, 1L, JEWB»H. •UPfOU. 00 tb 1 ;wS Rdcrcacoa, at ' ¦ ¦ ' ^?S* Y* 1 Vft a "^ &iaUl to ottccsiJ of.all 'work csccutcd tho i ; ;. ' ; " nA!i , °"l^**t V^aTTf la4. ^MUUad!, a ilimji to Wster&ud! ITreo. Gucrcatc^ . 1 i fAjij -jr>:u.d7fifP.l-i T\/TABBLB Ainj GTONB 'BAWIW^JTOBH- Ulrfoojrh,; liookte^, j». alao Tbcs* (sne do sot ludod* Ml ING , A1TD POLI3HIJT G W1LLD, wlt^ IdmarlcK ' IlpperaS > In tidi cjtredtroiPrcJnbcatiny csa crccnw 1197 oonnyino*b *iw »u th EILggNNY. T. :- ; :; - v- V7etk« «atro«Udto th£aa»t U» Bbortss» HcHni,.m . TT.»—»«_ ._* ' ¦ "fi- 1 i bsrt Btyls, *&d on th*Mort Moderate Ttflmi..- . I uumai - cn3 • ©Bf¥ ¦ -vlNtUfeiBIWC .lllAMITA; feV ^StiC& 1 ^i^-qmii - .v lW f ezmes—KILREffilY OTPPEB^UJJj : . ;; < ' ' i ra .Messn. 0"KEEWE * S0N8 h*t»Hk«i «r» iMfta to Dlwi:, Esd, ' cr3 . .; Grcoa Irisi; aadWatcrtardt Usierliuiwd naten itulircr, ¦ v. ' ; J ¦'CATHEBINIS .ST., W&£EB $O&&. h I Stncj'i AUD n pyyMa ¦ Ha Unportat Lb?*iton»Qaarris* e > A ¦ ¦! : "' '"' ¦' "' r" . \ : I faroeb.booMdthroajh et. ow tta «*to aUotlacljalC' J- rr *-• J liirblcJ. I • - ; : tn»s on London ul MortK V7«tornEaUwu ¦ ead' «3' eupplr fDloadli -Btsaa eat Sabtfltlti ' , 1 ; " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ OCoUio Crosctfllnral Tafclct!, A¦ lhujj .Foiife o»; (VBITOED ADD BUI8TOI.' r J He&wU PH»S>- . ¦:/- v j : ' \ ¦! ' - ¦¦ ;• • . TBOM WnMMh MfbrBuatoi. ' ta'««i^v6ri ;ty ii. .-j ; - . ;-:••:¦:: •*•/] I ' oOfer et ¦¦ ¦;¦ - ^ 1 ¦ ¦ Gold and ;Prise , Mecl ; <«*\ I • • S»*yiBBi»B»B; lO^."'; ;, tfow ; ' ; : Eirtoa, and London ExbJbilkaj. ; , . • SS Tuoa Hiw BoMr>DiUT (8nsday>a it«pt«d) at i-XS«Jt, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' • fe¦ • ¦ ' TOt-¦ ¦' ¦¦ ¦ • > llltlCfeii¦-' • ^ iNO• M¦ ¦ RATORt': ¦ i EstiBrtcabCi DezJjnJSoaAppJicatioa.; f^ Vrfia WxTinwaP—DaflT.Bm ula^rl aimmt^^HcWJ . ' : . ;! . . VSIOB" OWS ^PBn rnr, ; ; , i . , ' . ! ' != . : WATBBF.OB B^V BT^Wo!THaUi ^T.: ;/¦ ' " 0>QOXiqiLL BTBBBT. i, j THE TBADB SUPraBD. (f t% Dncunaa-Vtll fioadayino tpMd Est6l>lih6djlpl4. . . ; . • !;! ' • EditedbyJ tAiiDJsri' O'QBAijv i \ I>w j, , at 8.W «ia» ) ¦ ; ' E»uKcmnfeB ! - ' »°* ^J BS?T7AED¦ . 'ICSEBA, B0Ul$$ | O* otB-^51 W«i«rfo»dBMuntbi ' ytMmpaayMmiUU, , ' ¦ ¦¦ ;¦ ¦ i : fftraos 20th HoWlfelJ, kti,i&i M -flj . : ' ¦ i :: Tnrig^Jt^ad»«r^'n^|»Ud*4iimS ^m# e( M H»lf.p: C TCO , I . ' ! iaa^w. imi , , i Bartti *nd tttt&thi« I by Jjaotiat : Bats pt InUiut «novre4-4£9 Ei. perCant. j ' • ^ ' v ^^KKDj-WalarfoTd emitbir ' tUtutBlli C¦ 3 te Cerlow •coonat naobM 4toa ' | ^Oata¦ aCaoaDl itufnunbnrlitiii Ilint. . -1-7 r r - ' , . ' Waterfoid, Wexford, and Kintf* County, udfl^nk «eoinJSy7^T3roll iiWCounfto ol ' b^r» ^ od onio&r.cmnd«UteBtSrOH^HEblOU)EM< ffnawin^Jatirtetttitla sttlii^Miipisjr(UmJ{ #3),( ,, ; A BAB, hl» »«•, »»4 obildwa 0*7 et^h ¦ ; , Xipwrery.Llmwlek, Cork,Ofwe pnd OUtrtct*WU»otbfr Frorlnow., AdrBrtissn wUl~ flnd U ' MTiut ^ta looted TT' ' A ^VSBflSBEl Bpttimm cjldttrificttvsi,end {fuanntttd , "$9^ br^ ; ! lbeetrtotHtficettoy to obwmd trito' fmuVw I Tff¥ift^vT*~^* fihanfftii Bt^amihjp OoBsanv^i nffA rtgitdto ' ' ' ' ¦" ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ; "I casoot find vrfl f0Vpn*»low thenWpl I »ra j ¦MotBtK«» «'iymx. • ' ¦ - ¦ ¦:. : Dewwtow Ae9ow««. ,.;{ fi.:-v,;-/f ,!i: -:. ( 1 -.,;•. - .,^.....i ; ' ;!. , , ;., . rSpaold TeTMfor coatiiiiioaa Adverti^menti. Port Offloe Orfe« = 4: DB«tB0OfrOfo rcfSiiai] ito Uilal I netei «old «.t ctaed..X vitk't'feadta¦ fei . KmrM^lf»« P-aanoa Etoatojilj, CoiSpaBrt . , Oitfluw, &c« to ba Ho ob«f» »» a»' iwy k« witedxtWBa aoy;tla soasat-o. y. ii.'' ,: - r : WlrenforT«l9jnajt- .4 I ' ¦ . ¦ •jlbtTa tiB E«diSr*ii "{TEiil"¦ T7eta> -witbontSOUOt, . - :., .: : i i • nad ont yonr Aitxttctleii¦ ^'teA Bowpv* (artrUranoolrfiilatol ot : . ' TT •"•J . * ' • ¦ ' - Vetted. ¦ ! «8ll ^7»« y» , ,i|': . .! .;. ,[ ; ?¦ " ?., .!;; ;i I hni» we latert«! in ; I The «»M«, t Ootwti»i4«l , ; iBotkt Jsatifttlcd.poft iiw^or two iUtoM.: ! ¦ iJvliion,B2MdC3,(}rc»t BeawD fibMt,1 irts3eJBJ i¦ '¦ ' ' ' ;- ' : ^«rtoiB»'«B4«rtyr I'' :. . ¦ • Craa VoroMaor KSq^t - vr^.^^^^ ' . ' . ' < • -BflL dBe&MDtfliaiM. QiuAnliP ko4 omKaaC ilwTiwtMlMmJ9ia^UIsnMSHtoi WBOLSBAZS , AM : U2JAIL[ [ : i, J^«lu j Game, iPoultty, end 1 !•• ^tor«» 1 - ;; • ;. agAP.BTOBET, ;^i T|IfigpBfi ; jV y , ¦ ¦> JO; MAJH. : - Jl- :.

l ! ' :«j^»*Mik«»i^illSnBjlg'' W*HWit A ts/wa - :

1 is ildf^T^lO ' onr 'Biort f ' III AHI «^ .«* U^fcAt; ti *OVliiK?S;if £

taiilil ! ft, *^'1f i» iM : ' : ¦ "¦ '¦ '¦; ¦¦ !• !- :- -vi :;. .- -i^:- f-V, -N;-'+ . - - ;-;ji > r, v ,; *¦} , <. . ? ,. •<{] \ry:~ "*^t> -s-s vmmm$&? ^wi^-{:. J S ¦ ^ ; ¦ v ..< •;;) ¦•^¦^^ ? i l l i i t ' vi:S:i :) l*A ^W^;>^*:^.^f HO. »8, ¦ ¦ o-cibifiJiia^taBBri1 WAteto^" - Opp9fl|t»; Msijjhjril J ¦ ¦ _ ; ;< ,-;AM|lpn/'Bitaf ). :| ' ; ¦ ; reI^ph- Addrea8, i<7 ^ -i :¦ : ' ' ' U tim ' c^M^ :-;!Ay>i^ !^ j . l lc(iiN§^li6ilillii* :W«terfo^) " i^w^'/Ao.f' ! V04evy, " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ " ¦ j |, -:[>% ¦' ¦ '¦ : * ¦ -;;;/ ' ' " ¦ * -¦' ¦! ». : jj . i * >(R •• } ' 'i A ' ' - ' \ V'iffc 11 ' ¦ ¦ ' ;; ¥7lbB8»leWAaoti()n ¦: ' 1 " ¦ ¦¦:•; ,ori TijKSDAY!aQiJ MAT. : - -: -: :' ;: ^ : ;: ; H 1890, ilahog4ay ft»«»r with pljcedn Hole* In , v: «nd DnirttH f Book Stands, Alphabet PrwwM. \ .ii-i'-A ¦ • ¦ : - tl • . '; . -M- V . ¦¦; ¦! ;> . -; . . Pipes, 4 Irtn THE! MAEKB Qlrdeni ; Ir^a: Bedstiokdf, Hilr AS. : OUR .BUYER HAVE AGAIN RETUR^IBD , F^OM TS Msttros, Wardrobe, WubataodJ and Ware, I our i pictnt«a, Br»ekqt8, Feodeht | A qnanilty cf Boolifl, i in Wo^wi ¦¦ <: ¦ old Htrottoflj Saddle, Ladder, Grtpdlog ' ' ' '¦ ' ; '[] ' ¦ ' ' Btoce, O»M AND i • ' . :!¦ : :: . : ^i '^ Bin, Trnoke, &o, and Bandry other artiolca, . I Sale at 12 o'cloc k noon. ; j - ' !• • • '• ' :' ' .<. • JOflN MORPHY, !Anrtloneer, • ' ; . : : • .; ; : • : " ¦ ' ' , i: . .. iW!1*0*/0*^ - . : COUNTY WATEBPOfiD, : liie - B 0 w^fal; "i^l»M^:' #iS;i : VolniaWO Grcsa osul iSUlajjo ; Pejja-1 "1? ¦ ' ' ¦;¦ ' " ¦' • . ¦; . ; -D3. - AND FOLLOWING DAYS jWB PURPOSE MAKING A ; SERIES Of . . : • . \ POE-SAlfc V ; ¦; • ' ;: : ¦ ' ¦ ' " " ¦ ' ; TO BE 8OLD by ¦it- .•¦! GRAN D DISPLA YS OF ! ¦[ .; ¦ ; . : : ; AUCTION, o* WEpNESADY, JL 8rd MAVt 1890, at 12 o'aloob, at oar S OIPOOOCDJ, Tho.Uoll, WJ.tcrford,part of tba Lmd. of. " Billy- Dcsesrtjb," .dear Aoneaiowp, • oooUioiDg 08 ceres, imm S rcojj, 25 | pBrohc>, ilatoto-mejiarp, held in Fco " ' Slmpto ; sabjeac to on AnnaHy o! £56, paysblp . . Tbo Mall. Wolorford.; ¦; MILLINERY, FLOWERS, LEATHERS, LAOES, RIBBONS, j City ot Wsterford. | y uuiw>i x 4 i-yuia ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' TOOa SAiE by Private Treaty No S2, Brbad- . AND-GLOVES. . j i I JJj etrcct. l Rent of Shop -and Dwelling Hoaso, £A0. Lca50 £0 Yeara Unoiplrcd: Storo adjoining !;iiAa&^ Leass 20 YeUrs,. Rent £31 Os Od, -i , Ihcso Pro H IKD will bo fonfld comploto (n every respect and situate in tho baolcst thoronQbfaro In the city. " " ' '. ¦ ; ¦ ; I' i : - ' • Immediate poosscslon of the entire ProDilcca ^naiveilsary Bargains - . ¦ vyill b3 banded to tho Purchaser. ! . ; ¦ : ¦ ' Fnrthor jfartlculars can be bad from i KU\ ¦ &t§QWf ei©WL • -¦ . DANIEL DUNFOBD, Solleltor, j ; iMi i '® yo 1 V\ ! cr j : O'CpnneU-etrcot, ' ;;. : .v -; IE- every \ Departisieiit THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctloncaro, ' ¦ ' . i . I IS ALSO DIRECTED- TO THE SHOWS OP J Tho Moll; Wotorlord. ' i Annu/,2.' AtroTioH- OP HQEOO, PRIMS, HJJSLINS, ZEPHYRS, SILK ZEPHYBS, VEaiOLES. HABPECa fco. : , ' ' ' ' "' iatcbd faoldidS ebovo Aaattdo oa TBOE^DAT, SATTEENS, &c. : i . : . \ WC Mb; ¦ •' " : ' lI&T(Pa!t Day), Boa in crdc? lo Uica I " I It dus pabllclly catiiDS will closa on Thnrciliy ncit, : ! ' ' Tcnno £o; oa cppHcatfon to- '! : ' : ' ' . ¦ '

¦ ¦ 1 THO¦MAS WAL3H & SON; Aootloscan, U, - 1. I Tho liall. Wotcrford. I •W^.CDS^^OxixJ WHITFIELD, CO. WATERFORD

Snportsnt"^Luotioa of C3roc3 0 ¦ Ei¦ llc^'o XI? X^IL RfflRRfwtg fjTi n n mil WE FJ WWIMMI I .. j : IPCTSJ. : :. : i . mo BE SOLD BY AUCTION (by direction of ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ V ^ ¦" ¦ ¦ ' 1 I J . . . JL lit Joiio Oorbett, vrbo <>' rctlilo.f from Faia- BSBAF.i'EI^l"T. & CO., LTD., k"), on P&IDAY, tho ^jli ' UAY, 1800, hio holdic(j of ;4xcc)leni Tlllajjo and QtcziBg Land at WbltQcld, cboat 8} mile] from ' Vyelorford. coolaln- '^7y'^XtS32S]I5iZFJ(S)23J,lQ) 1=3 7da 3r ; Sip otatuie. mcisaroi end held at tho yearly jcdldil rent o( £50, fixed ID 1387 ; cltn an- wWWMW'^ n{ r ¦ ! ¦; olicrpart csld Irtndq adJoiDiog (bolo(» nn cncloFCd ' ' ' * - wi . i .. . ; gcrdca, nlth oat-o23eo-), coataioiog 41 3r BOp &«g@ Ji iiI (bHS(BS. idL'C ilibiL bwm w dwtato, end hold ia yearly tdD&ooy at £8 por'anoom. J TbU Fcrb, nblob sdjolos WbltQeld Comcsap, ia ¦ ncll natcrcd), fenced aod ehcltercd. DEd hid bct3 W wy' U¦ l^'IU ,fA !EilM©otlaoDias " ; ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ : . • ¦¦ ¦ • ¦ Cltrayo tnojroco noil for lea dairy ••;•/•»• ' and , tillageiqaali- ! :: ¦ . . _ ; .:/ tlca at for bbiojj one of tho beat clroninctanccl Iircia , fill ll if ¦ . ¦ c : In tho »lclnllj ofWatecford. : i K ; ¦; rM c[o) jm Q (X [fp | It b bcaislfally dtutcd, In very m>o&biett. and For Casli'Sffif coadltlon, 'nod coataim no vtuta land nbotovcr. p ^cb^cM I Tbtro cro & acrCJ of Qrst-erdp tnosdonlojf, cbont 6 TSIoiisGS Dc^ cfL acxsi laid dbon x>ith cat o, I tcra So IZGasuro,. ; ¦ ot potatoci; and 3 i ' : i . ' #Xi ' oc;c 3 prcpiiod for maogolda and tornipj. i i . . Owfer. - .v . - I : : Tbo bci!dj8jj» coaolit of a very comfortaKi ilctcd II ' ""¥ dwdlbj boocs. recently erected, wita well planted 0 Tf °W A T^ A Wfl ' • acd ccitly kept G-fdca at r;ro : itablioi; for 0 horcea, ooboaKS, dairy, barn, £0 ; , besides ft runo bf on¦ t- ¦ ; ¦ cdm ZztiLtMtLa. .: I ; : . • . . SSHQ ; ¦; ;. II.B,—Tie attlo, horcca, end dm prodnce fco, MOWGK; . . Eobartcosi, I , f©rpiEon Co., Ltd.,}; i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ^ / *HU ba cltciwarfls told ca on early dato to bo einci . I . ¦! ¦• "W "^TB:R:FO&:D C~7 Baloiwlll tikopliCD on tbo Landi ot ,Tnel»o (A® !• . . ;. ; ,: . . • - . : , iLn _dn o'oiocii cocii : Fertber partloolara from ©ostnam©© .JaeketSj i : r^)/o\ r r Utzm DOBBYN b. UcOOY, Sollcltera, •• Wotlrford. I or . ¦ mHE (-tKOT ; • JOHN 1IUBPHY, AnoUonccr, O^Conc'll ! : l o lreai. V/o'sr/ord. I :^O u"M©k ' Y7@ fcSBt ©p^Ial ilfeS:t-iO23 £,l WHITENS AIID 80FTEII8 cuiiniNfiHAf.r s r,s A FO^ SALE, i S~™ , 6, IHOiUfl BrflgST, A 0 0 GplQS OoncjfD,. 11UBBTEB HOTEL Tf T5IE 8KI1V ; TF^rffi

•cA. XTclzuKi. Lonj; Lea:o; Loo Boot; 7-Doya, : ¦ • , npBE QKBI ! * L!c:2i5. Apply, ' ; ¦ 1 . ' "F 13, - /NuzwisaauniM semed fcii JOHN¦ UUSPHY, Auotlonoor, "I A L13IO17 MILK ft> « JT# • : . Wotorfora. roimff. PIKM V eoontotion Wtb M eico, viu, O&MOPi OCD nnan il SJL on acd aiJe» ' ' lioiiUT, 1st HAT, fad 1 : I & AOT ¦! ;SO 3D SI32i ^ '. MoamGa ctjuss vl.fe CPEINGFICLD HOUSE , CO. KILKENIJY rjiHE gmra OTLPH IB AP la taatto8'*>'k|r-'f^r tuoeewfoJ (Abttit 3 Uila frots\7aterford). 47, QUM, MffiiWEB. ? go ' - BvavaantgoinBo cttAK£AS^s, rinHE HOUSE contoloa Drawlo(j-rooo, Dltaloc- maE pS PuiMt, eoai EmoUlsnt fcad mosi iL rcssJ, CHliDg-roop, 0 Bsd-roocio, patb-room, ill OiUH Hygtonlo of all Soap, glTlug the : The «ttco*t* of 3, p.'d'8'!pog 14 fcflc10te^ : ®S§ Usrvtslt ' Apartacatj, Kltoben, ts, ;nilh Gordca j r?in that nnftT"*«n end cleu&sss (pwrantee e» bb abUlty. . B > -T ® i!ff filli p and 8!3bllo^ etttobed, olro G»b Lodjo. . s ; nT\3E C ita no:; approved prlcolplcJ nlthln tho put (ot> IAMJRIS aad SEUDS ^ condition, «M^cU ¦ ¦ DUanetloss,5belnglst plae^aa£? ';^r JC3K. •; .. . i rmitn /nu-m . ... . _ ; Ust ef A tcD. tjQvo HEW €!-OOBS - .. . . Saeeenea and Proepeett^MipBlte^foa, "nt cca tho ncs cf a fov7 cere) of bed ¦ if cadoilrcd.i Apply to I ; — • chlldron with ecUcatg ean, ¦ ¦ ¦ 0 [ B. H. KELLY. 3Fesfeg (OQ G J Tfca '• Red rrpjE QKra « u ,nST5S .to" I £l, Tba tIoll,: \7otaford. & : . Bra;.i" Tca, for quality ^ ond color, In ceo 2/. |b Oivil ';• Service mmmx Otlna Tea 2/G ; r&titBte, ^'^m j : Spclal Cfelf &B! Fl.to O.toea. f, T^ glHH o. 31, Bo.tlfli>4 I ¦ ¦ 1 ^ Howiiio Stuart ^ftbiin. i-meiV Marrow >Vn ^C tt '! ' ' . • ¦¦ ¦' ¦ ' lb .: .mites :— • .! I casxoiis.v.mi.r^lm-ii • . HBHEY Waii'C tCo's jiil; » ma ti« . Aibi9a; uiii M IjBnt !t«» ^*B**Ato..i 7T «:;pbrrry tad Uucsten;, rps akia IGoJp.aoi Softp, Tery V 4*]tb« OrtVd KtaB |>Mr. «attB*» ia 1 t=j alb J, I ¦ K^ ' mnep. It pot«. Is tad Cl j. • • • } • - - pleasant - to Ofo, and If -irhiMr KetuudyTmb TaWaJolllet..., i3 ij. Ur. fi«Bu Ki > ¦ ... ^.. c=d ," - •#)*JB «*S lb /ltlBBIOiW A " i * 3d. . end soften* tho iMn P»trhik pVE. • . ¦^• . , / Hfll^ 1 L/ rjpriE ©KIH H»*b»a Wf«T. 1 ' M Vtotb Cakes, EJ HD 'Bm.Bd a^Badwa. • Thrai chiclca—BlonS, Brown ocd M S Uhocolal;^, ¦ ¦ : $lccfc—2a, 6d., da. 6d., end . i i : . ; AGENr FOB ; DetoDcbuo Crrata Ot7est;, : j „. . - • . •• . Cbantess BftthurBt, . j- ' ' : tint plat* la; tie HaHed KiMap ; I Ea Cd. £0$ oaca. In Id bacdlro. mirn fNKiw Countess Clanwilllam, ¦tiecua*rt AttHtillMbaav Tho AjjricultUral AEcociation's 1-Gal. t!33 A lca ' K11< - ; aadlwQottb* IQO&CM OHI ; gacr Vczl t.t ill . thi Lcsdlnj Halrtrc;;:r3. pp ...... in 17 {=g yUpoTOteiii.Exmotjta, IasiH EOCKT, [10 br W*. . BaosEcj. Toualc..-, "*• ~ ¦ 13 S I tfStusiMSba* j . 1 Lady I>orothT NetiU, . danog 1888, !Plrt» pl»oo. ; ITOSJ Tetiiaaua Jpplja. mip Lsdy —^ jr— —) c^LR", '! | Cl. T? ^ts i' TTatorford p,nd Central Ireland ; . . 'arcly h»To to bs woa. : SOB 8EA8ON 1899 ' y Week-End Ticket to Waterfor^ Ksilwa^r Company. ; ; In tha cocrea of taees (tdriaUgeonj drawiasi, Bhich ; i AT TSE STABLES, i : .Mezzo^ ^5 lioreditSi, • CMslii n ecsordiasto tha projpeeto* only 188.000 ilckcu, r ' - -r~. -DZQUEHiKi tho MUxiiss Walk, "TXrOTIOE IS BEREBY GIVEN thill la cccotd- WATBEFOBD T7I1IE ilTOEEQ. prl-» nill be forihoomlag, Ts3. :— Bs^choloi^ Waierford; Q^^^J^Bftli^fSSP^gl^giBlit AM nncfi nltb tbu 6tJo3lD(r Order* ot Parliament, Tho highest priia wUl b« ev. 600,000 Mnifea an Eitrtcrdfqiry GEIIEBAL MEETING vf tbo ' Prealao of 200,000 Uirki ; ¦ ' ¦ f EOYAL 0B}AaTEBIL i-Bw4 for W, Waloot la Procrldorg ln tbo CcattrJ IrelaidKiflniy o^pant? l Pru« of £00,000 ifuk. 1631. f Mji - • ««w«ge»hyQoe*o «Cooosel,hl*d40Jpormb» r •Kfea R^ggfe ocdert»kiD(j tt tbo Woterford and Ceotial Irolaod . : I Prlw of 100,000 Mark* Bir Bebn, herdaa UtUeEaUy b ^&m$M Rctlcay Company nlll.bo fatll at 29 y SUBtMdojTrAuD , An«lc3M- 2 Prizes of 7fl.00r>I furt. E»ilyii byKfagitoo iol V,rl»a* cltpct, in tbo City ot Ddblio, CQ THURSDAY, tho TOlliQM-DfeCSt 0S2l fs-i'd h+ 8lrla*twBy*e» , ' Qntea'i Cowmlb/ I*>Btq>T,hl»daMflil ^'lbeWjCU* U«h day of £IAY, 1039, crzt, ot S o'clock In the , •fthaiiin bwgd raccstitelv—° A Bill ' to esteod tbo! time fo: 3 Prizes of 60,000 Uuit Ul* wZnS leting, Thifl o!d-cqtabli3hod Goal Yard (s now fully 1 oe«k »et e« ««l'.-pUe*d aliovMtft, ntmrrf*1h*ek pnrcbtsing Uadi and comp tbo Eallotyo ¦ I Prize of 40,000 Marks and Joins, aad , eatberhed byllbe " Ccptrtl Irelsod Billvay etocked iiwithi Best Quality Coal of various ¦ , , 1 Priw of thfvb* cufciot w»U M A»ti7sd Ast, 80.000 AJirttt atsndltiR oo tL. *«y Uat on« ieao," 6nd " Aj BiU for coafetrlajt (either powers descriptions at tho folios lug Prlc€3 1—• fl Pri»» ef £O,O0OMark» *>.viaoh nwtnr* ' ¦' ' 4 aloosll nlw loekea btU- tb* HM -t ^ "' opoa the Grdit Southern ond ^Veiterp : I :i ATiYARD. ¦ , £3 Prtaa of ST Ballvsy 10,000 Marti Tb* babUft at* pirtleoluly iavlta*to ; Comptny, oadlfor antlgamatlofr Iwllb tbo 60 P»l^« of ; 6 000 M M . Ibtpist tbta Undnr- Orrell;; ICJ O Od poi* ton 1 . Delivered in *» Stud fookiBy ypasf bom art jadjt*i Having fean foito^9 in jeouring the sorvioes of tatlng of tbo WfiUrford end Coolr«l Ireland Btll- ¦ i ' ¦ f i. 10a P»lze» of ; 0,000 Mark* ftcib*4««U«. : : • • ; ' . Baga tocny 200 wsy Coapany, and for ctber purposes." J Prize* of 2.000 ilulu ADyAirOB '{l»1* A~»«o»). At esch UecilDtr tbo 8»!d BlUa Cardiff, I83 Od „ part of tb 813 Priiei of , 1 : -- Bfel b«| >«»» Ml boonbalUcd ; > ¦ ,000 Marts QubbljiA . .EM, !! at tie K.o«kW, Strf. competent Ladies, we contemplate giving for tbo oao3id or«tinn aod approval .-of !tbo Pro- ; . i Oity, !a. Gd. 1518 Prize* ot 400 Markj W if. '^^SJ ¦ - 40 ^fJtlr. ! wa* golof kTiirWlkn* prietors of tbft bald Sepaia'o UoderUiioifi Scotohj 173 0d „ J por ton oxtra. Prize* of £00 Bluk* M»y ^j, ta» d4ffl U«y Boy by n«^j7 iLS) Dalcd tbU 17th d»y oj Aptll, 1639. , IV) Prize* o( 200 !/»tV» is)i^ ' Prirej b*r dam Lwktway. iha dam of ComtaWly. irinaS iii V iS^iSs ^- ii Z^UiA MJA\J E. A. ITEALE, Secretary of tba Ooionany. 86953 of 165 Mtrki of iu Otaad Vatloatl U X8M.r J^ . Tho Tormlndji. Waterford. ' I ' ! i Orders addrcasad to "IIORRIS," \VILLIAM C0J9 Prize* of 134 . Sha «ib,^2t2 , 104, 100 UaxU O«k Pi y, b«r da> Jnmd. b, tsr B»*7a^:H»Sl STBEET COAL YARD, will rpcolva prompt D361 Prize* of 73, 45, 81 Marki ! away. WiW,^,! ^ ! cttontioai ! - ¦ In ell , ArWt«5rb y BoUD:ftUd*nTr«, at2iSr TO OUR CUSTOMERS. O'COUlTEItlrSTEEET, X7ATEB . ' 69 160 prizes wblci tmat tardy U «on Mn.JI4 UnoMby ltoeltwall.bit daea FOBO drawlag* within tfi* ipti« of a Uw mooUa. Klfbdjkikr rf If by Mot aiala Df*r, fjaa dl Tto) Do Co : : do B»coo,64K> na ' ¦ ' ' ¦ '' ¦ '¦ * • ' :\-\¦ j iar lb : Cbolca Bciokcd C*c»d!«n H»m» ti OlTRi PEI2B HBDAi , 04 Wr lb ' ¦iTW stakwfar,' (U !i Cbolee Smoke! Caotdlan Mlddl^J *i torpor lb |wiict >lS» W fo&r»|*«W l\ Porkrteakf SPADES & SHOVELS, Freih , Sannget, White Poddlogi j onaleert Creamery and-Dairy Batun SCRAPPED IRON WORK,. i I f4r*M«v-tA{t«r:tto ;Miri ^v«il'4ani (jSl»' : ¦ ¦ I ! i ' - \i ¦ • ~ • daUy of Bc»» qbllty 8Bd Lowest PrJcCT, ; .. 1 ¦ ¦ Piemisea : .! ! . M Motel ¦ SxteDsion ol ' .. ' ¦ i ¦ • ¦ - . . ' ;. . . . , . , . . . j < TTJUILDEES wiUJfl ff to T«od«r for 27BWi)AIfE I M PLOUGH SOOKS, : ; : Tlxpiymtnt and 15 J PEEiU«»E8 ib forwent .; | ' : 1 ' I'Mecsri KAYlB. PABBt&EOSS, : SOPBIfTO gBOMt ABEOAP- fm- ,Til*«t. tw Ttnt inihist litsiriiirifc' rHiff^-lrtfe !. TE>40& t» inform bar snberotts Patronsand ¦ ¦ ' ' ' Slanufactured at onr Jlonwd and OOO1OW«D ^ ' - : - ¦ P#l«tic«p CbBmbor», l . ; '. ¦ j JP, $b« Foblie gtBOTUt Ibr, h»ftnjj rtcemlj " ¦ - !¦ ; ! SAtLWAY M NTBRPBISB. I ¦ i i Trrtn Wnrki. Oftar Cork. j . .: .; : : j 68» D»wpoa-itwi^t,;Doblio. ] tftiimtf J P»^4*l wB^^I B«Ii^ i^* I . pDMUMd Uie KrtrtM*T«Pr«miie*(adjoining bet ¦ •^ HS^^^B*^ H^^ B^ — ¦• ^¦¦JiB^^^^^» < a»^sywf « pi»*M«i*t woiagffoftb«pttl?fa ;. ;; . - . !;¦ , .; I j POl ^ OVBNS, fWJUGH , aod JMI , : - MI88 HOWLBrih ow»; »o tbike bet H6W PABNEU, 8THBST, W»(«rtort, I wtsM« IrriwiS fro* , ti$ .««¦«%,? a«A pllatfac bafVaVpo^^d V> MPOtlttt ^ t^'i^sA^MM^-i^i^iife^ 'fiM 11 OW M; X|0i Bin M WATMUKWBrto » nd;d, tr mtf, Jt^dil •ttffl>«i«s jtbe noU her lo»b)*f»»a4 W» W»f«», ilan»«rt1»»v|rtw«it»(• pAR^ HbOi?, »4^to^ lR^S|»na ^^^^ 1* nA 1 - ':£' Cmm^i % JJodOTto Tariff, to, brgeljr Etutod8 »Uo«, »i,to«l#8»»l^pr>Mnt»B*»i^, tA: ¦ '¦ Jli« MT : i^^eoimeoU wi;.- ,^^ ::;> . . . ¦:) . . l«*rqa«rttrauP«rit,'i< At Brut^li iyaAiiprt I- mJ,:i'j ^ ¦ ; fntAMOBB; J, WKMT. l<#fl »fly;irlMi*W;&>*« -v I FWHIN^ I4KE.J pb*tham!)md ^^"^' i jBioa Itowr JUlliwJr giio«i«ai;;»iUn4>

¦ ¦ -S- k: ; ' ¦ • ¦ "¦ -' i' i;f'; |r : '^^ ri' - ii • • j -V - 'T :; ; t^vil- ::i^ i::.;'br ^-lH- ^S,i'-i;;4 !:: ;Jn]ii i f i iiiii i ii ¦ ' • ¦ ']¦¦ ¦ -V.-K %¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦:.:! ' , : 'A ' ." > ¦ mm. ' ] ; . - h v ti/iii . • , rtf/: ' ' " ' I ' ¦ ¦ - ¦¦:: ¦ ¦:¦ »*! ^V' ; . <;;-; -r^ ;- r:' : .|i ^ 1 si ' '" ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ^%+ NEWar -?*A - '¦;¦ -1• : -'¦ '* ¦ ' : •" • TBEE t- -I • . . )¦¦ ' . i W^TER5*aR© . -«; ': .1- , ; ; -- *&•:? ^ 'J?T* *"^^^ .** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ j^T^2?T|^^r^J |^2^u2^Hi2feiHHai£afl^^Ea&aflflHHlflHHH private by fronds and patrons of art in the; enter- the Isto fcardlff meetings w«a again to tne foro at Guff's sales •Simmons Ctinrt Paddocka;¦ »« .ttn ^Wtfrf'«Mr# Grtiory>«Un»nlrt 1>J» wf/»>> pr?^he MB^Q ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ l. )»at^t^^ff rni iiQ. .:M:\ :A. : 1r:: c,] j>;'fr W aterford Celbbrities so kindlyito heart. A- : ' Mti&iiiS.^ k : ..' .w _ .:.'J-..:^.^.;. . . i&m' - _^tat^E^beth.ydAa Wg allowwco in the : Desmond's chMM for the Derby does not ».«*»n togto>j>mi fciWif;iWiiiMayioeauS^b» :?te . i*;MifCaiewS rB«wltiM W»w:tliii • r BY MICHAEL , CAVANAGH collectionl sam of "•put ™ .«fte.»ewa, w«» ». «apng; ppao» ip.f^nfr b«m»nt alter Wednesday» nerformanca. Into* *tbHhe rocfW»b*liiu»ikhi««.'' TD«y lBftaie»|i ^f ^a money snfficieBt; if HOMBntiSUba tried to bolt and tbe effort beiqa 1 t? .manageoVwth ; : Great-Shropahtre-' StoeBtebbaio' of- 500 -80Y8 '«t , -i*inks

ravolntionsof the back wheat: Two can do Itmidtr pr»«lr» 'marmot; ftitf JU % F»tr'«f MMtetiopha*i f than on», aj oonntiDgthe revolutlohs, pf the orink said the Eoe»ryv«ilU too 1 foe Mi UM that solemn ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! • vr¦¦i- <''^" -v;^ • ¦ ¦;¦ ;¦;;-!:.*>¦ : ^ / ana whe«l at the Mffle. Oma Is apt to be confuslnBr.If adrotnltioa—': Wttai aball rt avallia m»nifiWR»ia; ; . ;:-v: . C:^i. .? - -: ^ # ; ;4 :fe ^ i tha back whealis S8in, turn the crjjiktwenty-right. r - > ' v\ i;; ' L'lilHJUES; . - \ 1 the whole .world iad, W tlaflwo awl f: )A targtr " - " - : ;;:- ' - ,:;. ] \ times.: Then If the bade wheel has revolved stity- «war.te|B :- - r- -n. ^^^¦v- . -^-.R V:;M ^-?- :- .r, * :4rNt-;i- i rT^K-s^W' H ' ' oopgrsgatlon baa jbwb In St Savioar's, = i. 5 : -^::- ^r-^-^^^r -^^ ¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ; ¦ dx times tbe gear is 68tn • it.eJghty times the'gew is mtu) j we have )l»tl# deabt oc«ntiumda f jkbf.jfe M' «hl ¦ ¦ ¦ E?-*-Anncal ¦ttctfinz " . 1 ¦ * : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ '¦;¦ -;• ¦' - " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; :¦ ;¦!! - j ¦:. . . ¦ ' ftil^^tofe^ : million prodeedt ; i. :| - M . . . h:\**~>- ;|1 i: : .: •; you ' . ; Shine in the dark HAY. . . I I ' It is not tba methodsof att&ahment Corners -^: ! . ; ¦ yT .; r - i • . K;¦;> : - 4i-Pp^S^l?f > j 8r-W3Xl. nin toTramor8 (vlaEdsls) : ; VAITJABLD alona rrhlch form the valuable Tbe prosrui of the pressntle ctlod.ot the nan [ 10 -W.S.C. ron to DTmmore. I ' : , t&Tzan. patents:in pnoumatld t?resi Soon elty sewerafreaet ieti^ba's wen Almoit pheoomepally ' ' ' ' \' : > tbe orkmeti had to Work op Ask know Spring GleaningTime has lES-WBtertord Bicycle Olnb Sports. \ [ . \ , - rfll'be beard an important action tnooewfpl. B^oenUy f ¦ 1 SO-Llmerici B.LO. Sports. > in which the right* to the tangential fabrio nit* that tteep. arban];deplivitjr kno»n «a John's Hill, ^.:; |, : Q ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦-! - ' |. : . .;. V/Ottl \ ^ ; AUGUST. .. whichityres are lined- are concerned. Whoever rac- and tbe mBoocr in wMofi ths-wprk was.porfornjed : - i }.:: •¦ ' ot \ \ ; lS-BXCiTCsford C.O. Bports. : ! j ceeds In 'getting orotrot over these will bold a power bitri . as regards(iproirrei^ion .and l^pk, looon- ¦{'¦ ' ¦ eeeond to cone. .To'the tangential fabrioaradaenot vanlenco to th'» (fineral cttbllo baa been favoorably . : . : i For Estlmata for Carpet ShaHng; Beating, (Hewing, or Dyeing. 1 Promoterd' ot sports and n!oe meetings willIn tid oh • ' by ceadlng their fixtnrea for Insertion this only the: speed, bat alto the wearing qualities of the oomtnenied npbDl ' bj tMldents In that looallty. :• .; I j For Cleaning Upholstered Furniture withont unpicking. cWl^o tyres "o( to-day. Previous to its Introduction the Tramo ot a coneral character «u Tcn'UlU> , t('attlU ¦ For Curtafiia, BliodlB, Skrln Bugs, Eiderdown Qnilts, ILBffli; ! Mnt^, ¦ ' '¦' ;' Bporta promoters would , commit weven material with which tyres were then lloed interfered with , tad ooniideriog tbe dimoolti<-a to ; i Counterpanes, Blankets ¦ ; rapidly wore ont, simply : through the Motion of the be contendeJ within Ibis . locality from iri eb^laf#r- , &c ¦; ¦• ^ EUonTAnv their, own Interests to ,n>niember ' ! We take all the tronblo out of your $and», aud bringthe back in tho shortest ;T-i : j miSii ^ : that-the standard entry 'forms threads ;over one another.. Now that these are bot ipg point of vl<*#, tbl« la at nnolt redoing credit i i nones/¦ interlac$di and are separated by a thin layer ot i abber, and ' •' • tKMsiblo time every article thoroughly cleansed and renovfltemott i : ¦ '¦'¦' rcoognfecd by tbo Irish Cyolists' upon Mr Flemiot;, the oonjlraotor , ; thote connec WITHOOr INJOfiT tifile " - tbo internal ailments of tyre covers have been reduced U>d , in a subordinate-way wHH .the wrtk.f: ii ; . BT ?HE to f fabrla— Morieraf eBates- !^&s«o^Ee|^,iS^e«wnN^> ri; - J JJ*SPOT»P JP!eeiamftf>^ AcwdatJoa, the GaelioAtbletlo Association, and th» : ¦ : 1 I. Ng^T ^gg S^?! ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ *: cimost to & DMllgible quantity. .. '. For tbe ' ot CicDt 8 »ward nnd XrovcVor ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦:>¦ - ¦ : '1 i ; - Iriih Ainatjar Athlctlo Aesocifttlori, can bo hid ct poal'IAm , . ¦/¦ ' . . • La^seBt muaes- . .;:i ;r- .; ; •dftrtlccd In Ti»B;Evsaisa UnyrtiOlo' 61 t 1 !' T : . Tns ITtrtre cGiea, By sanding direct, to ol! they vrill ; !• i ZIy city and county Mends pfaoold pt "* 1 i DARTRY DVE? WORKS , - ; Waterford psp»»t ; tblry-ilx «ppllottiom w-9 , (»I^erB:OIUSBNi BIJBLn?. ; rrfll OD foncd to bo moderate In: the oxtromo. : price is short but the tip . . ' ' j ¦ We Are very maeb pleaied to fty t tb»t l^r TbhrDM '8:Brftncne^ioi' Agfipctes./! ; C Peaca. tbo Irish Champion. Is Prnni'Ia McatjberJ tb« local repretentitiyo ot tbe ; ' ! or to any of tbe Company ,. ; ' speed against 4T GL4C30T7. going to caeasur» his aon conralpccoDt A " 1 ' Britain Stock j SxcHange Cbatter Irith Daily /nd«j^npm(, 1<| jitter ' WauHorl .-J. J. MUEPHY, W. A L. RaflwaV 'Tenninna. tbe crnfilr, amateursof Great ratner cmoas iattork of ¦iltnpsa , whlob ire repeat AstntJM ' M wish him success. . ./ , 0. P. EBDMOMD. Waterford N«irB. • , ;. rt Gte30W to-morrow. I . i ; KaQra and Westrillanshava both absorbed an praventcd bim fort tbo past tlx wcaks' from ootlvo " : ' ¦ ¦ : Cyclists wbo Intend to! race; this lnunonse amount of attantion. Some of tbe leadlnj profeMional worV. j • ! . | . •! ' • ! • ! . FRBDBRIOK BUTLBR, Oonrt Hdora. ; . notices or old rnaicini. year wbathor thoy bo chares In both markets hava boon dealt in to oa It may bo oUiitcreat to ear readers to koowf that BflfttETMSi? - : - ^ ' ¦ ' mm* ' *** l>* 1 .. ¦ ' . - . j_f9 ¦ ftft : - . , . bands will have to procure regUtra- extent) that has not bean exoccded at any period for TH « Evrrmioj Nswa was thn only paper, bnbida T0 ¦ BERNABD R OTBBILLY, lied for ct once. ' " ¦ ¦ i .! . ii : . Manager. tioa cortMcdta. Thoso shonld be app yxard past. I ' \ .. Doblin—nnd pvoti tbero our cont«ajpcra>l°a wera at (a ^ Oa Estawlay lost at Clones'Sports a number of would- : Wireless have folly jaetlficd the repeated tips that fault io many ioctancoa-fto gko d complete Hit of ba competitors bad to .stand down because they jnero wo have given to our readers to Invest In them whon tbe reaolta of Irlib Coatity OODDO ;1 «leoUooa. Ae-re- cot ermed vrith tbo neoeaiary permit to raco, ; they were from 8i to 4. It would be hard to say earda oar local oiooty conneil vo tblok we ere OD > ¦ y ¦ • I • "N . .. ' , : 'i I have always been of opinion that where they are going to stop sinoa they started on titlpd to to sav thst we •' fent one batter.", , i. • .. ; - : • . tho General Executive Committee their upward flight. . .. .' . ; . ' Wn bave row a llva agent la Kilkenny wbo can eiAsnir¦ a. ' ; • Th6re are Three Qualities in Cycles : . ' • i of the . Irish Cyclists' . Association . . The oyola matkot has falloa o2 for the moment lopply onr papor tt> tho residcati of the ^laibla City in tha coses but this isjthQ result of profit-taking and Is not by i nroodUWy on tha otrWaV ef th» «ver end Glasgow. Thora WAI a K°arnoy, of Grao?diea, dispenteitbohoipitalitiesaf posoiolo that our efforts ran on Humbcrs (ordinary uid preferred), tbe former bis homiitend to' a large gathering ot bb friaodi ¦ It is quits At TUD into ' to seeara the Mile Championship oi wblob utnallr toaebsd I3< t} Bad Holiday between the V7atcrford B C. raeot- eoamended thaa thoy nora bot Is Gd. nblcb lomcaWtoly cover! the line of tbe otty ' old it>nr prltonerg in pustody eusrjied with belnir drank " Holder of Triprnphs*' csks oy opinion about tho:s on the pnbllo Watorford Union ws» £65 16 J 8d, as campwo i Ic3 end tho LAAA. mooting at Ballsbridgo, we erpect ! ors eaaen. Not aiqcn; ago ne reported tbat a portion atreot on Sunday night Tho defendant theco meetings ithan ct^ros. I th!nk they really good, The Conipaaj thp said that ho >u working In Wttorford and thai ha nitb ££5 15s 6d for tbe correapondinjj weot l»o to find a bfecr entry at both of (loo and ai tbs eap.tal Is a more of tbo Quay noncj Thoajas-ptreet bad fallen into ' Watcrfordls cartainto haTe ono oI the is dolos a baolnoM, Snndoy: a bott)o> 'e out wnold nevr bo «oon in suoa a plight »soln. Boifosnt year. This moam in rouod nnmbora ca locrccae tirt ycar.- lAs btff' telle. cs oompated with Singers, Bombers aad bed of on old saaet ; on tfalone, of rooord (ome the!; national clmnploMhlps on their programmeat , a flno while going np Ppath Farads oame to «tiot, over , said thoro 174a notblaj oa of £500 por nnn'im on tbo raicn. of may bo expected Premiers, belojJ S170,CCO,; ho Is, I think, quite safe bis lpjror aj.Injt O'Qhac.'jbocsay, who wta dlcabamcd r^tbirlnrf Cso orccks tho!ever In boldirir. ; : another colbpse. i One ot tbe wboola of thp van and caailonoj. , pSianti Soathsrn meeting.:' On tne other band the 11 StooV" ii qnlta rlgbt The Ken 8oddon Compnnj ointe [jo t looked a WATEEJOliD & OBNrHAr, IEGLAKD UAILV.'AY . without aof apparent of ; Ipto Tho nnt ojco woo onn In nhlob o prl:oncr naao d cb-sacaof lbs baelnnarkfira, and the excellent prizes 1«, to all Inteata and porposes, no more. 'At one time crovac^ omaed bpn bulraldenoo tbe roidway and F'jnn was ohargod nita bcini; drank oa Candsy dwajs riren oy the LA.A-A, will attract moat ot the the Seddon tire was strong la tbe rnnnlnR at » ilral it was cbtns bonra^before mnttors worii riR hfed, nlftbt at John Stroot. ElLKEIIIi y E lfl.0ED handicap rasa to Ballsbridgo. The open events are— ol.tho Danlop, and ttb sharoa wcto Rotntlly quoted A Buoden enbaidpneo \ of tbo .earth, ¦ cimllsr •Ur Ward—Was this poor nun quiot F (Dinejfort Coareo. c^r Kllkoany), ccratcb, mile handicap, and two miles osoe at £14, The etoolt iobbors had too muoh to do Conatiblo—Ha was qni to the] Court, said tbero this day Eieureloa Tinkoti oill bo izzztS to for the GoS ShioldJ and bfllnu arrltod at betneon South African Clapnets and wes no record against tho dafoadaat, who was OIT Cnp. The tan milca scratch tbo Governmeot of tho TtSaivtal, but particulars bays of the old cower ecddgnlyj collapsad. ; Thoie i»noi» Kilkenny by the TralD» fccreaoder it«t:3 B' tho handicap" i bslooqlnj to tho oounty. foilowlnj Farea :— tso EIICJ novlca not tr*n>plred, and it looks as if rotioenos was csaln- a kr/re roJEd bold msoy foot deep la tbo street. Ur Ward—^ hat'part of tho counljr t !! Tbe General Commlttea of - the EafQrs By Trala leavioe V/aterford PaM»oi-or Station ei lalnod in order that shares of lcadins might bo Defendant—Tho conntr/, «ir (lau^htsr.) 10 SO a. TABpi; . National Cyclists' Union havojust boafrbt at'ths low figum now rulinj by tome of tha In the City Poileo Court on Monday before Dr Qeit«4nt Ualonu—As ia and arriving ia Kilkenny at 12 0 nooa-IVon reinstated B. J. Meoredy ca oh nbmon, a mtlor of fsel no bstorna to Wct-rford, lit ol, &>; 2nd el. it' Cd; 3'd cl, 2>; JDOTOa big people whoso interest lies ¦tbat way. Paris is sow Georca Meokc3y uCd Alderman Word two BiUjRuonsr. , ! I cmateur. They dcolared him n tappnrtincr this market. ' ' Kilnaoow tod Uolllnava .t, U Od, 2l Sd, Is Di 1 Uilly- ; : wbo sbrouded their head) in ohtwta, acd nbano Dolandaut-OI'. fliit'a all rlRa t. I pot my clothca toio 2j ' fonrycars ago becauEO bo happened Bbode:!£ns have beoomo a very important bronoh of nam<-s, Iiko t beir noaco did nn> appear fcrltb cartaluty, wet and I took , , Is 6d, U 1 Tbacyrloon¦ , U Od, la SI , 0J, profcslonal como , 'era¦ dO, ond¦ >bon whon I fccm Into town Bsauatacridco, l§ , 91 , Gd. - ¦ to bo a dircc'ter of tha Danlop Co, which mammoth this ra.rkot. Many of : tha leajiog share In this were charged ia caitody h'y S^crqe U- Mi KenoaJ Ir I wen* to— : i brasoh are gaining a Rood reputili >a , and attention is Maokcjy' By Trains leaving Uaryborocsh at 8 5 a n oad 10 M body was engaged in subsidizing amateurs at tha a'ppcars tbat tbe ladles ware found '° tba vicinity ol 0f -Ohi thit will do. V7o will mafco tbs a a ; arrivinj tn Kilkenny »t 9 7 a o ond 12 Company have now entered into tarn«d In their dirrotion by oanr ot tbe Operators In 1 csm« TUl«Mlrt tho last olio. Go hon»now. If you Ii p a tj—a- Tho punlop seollon. ; < tho rallojy sratbn obern they n>'n t>roited by r»apcotlvsly—From Baliyrajjctt, Is 04, U Cd, 3d; with the Nationid CyollBt3' Union not tha We>trolianand KaQr immltted ara broanhV op ajolojon will not tio jail witho-Stho oa csreanicat It is cold that col; for a pirosl ol 50,003shares SorieaDt MoKonnaon oosplsion of havirj 0 optioncfaflnol Attiiiajh, S*. la 64, U 1 Abboyloix, 2« 81, It 0J , Is 341 to pnrchassom atonni In fntara. To.nca en cxprcaivp a erlmo In Clonmbl, : Thoy caid they bid raiocod , . Uoryborougb, 81, 2a 6d, 2f. bsnijlaj; over tbe mnroet, Chattered would probably 1 Thspriionerne* thon est tt liberty. If not very 6l«iaent phreso—tboy found tho jjamo was have b( on at ^35 now. ' : tho iralQ'to Clootnol.' Dnd laqolricJ to tbe two wn« ¦ TlcSota avttla-»!o for rctara ditacf !:;ca only by ; . ; UatlT-COLLBOTOU T TOHAHT. tho Trains leavioj Kiltenoj at 5 fi nsJ rorth i&9 candlo. . Thon b very 11Mb doubt that they will ba at that c<2jouroc4 for o. fow beats ponding a tetcglropblo sit Ccnoll, th3 (0003008 ejrvor p n for rtj ' . ! i • ' That somewhat chsbby fleger poatj or tho C/tv Puttv wtterford dliTic'.loo, aad at 615 p m i;r thoMiry- I H-rato Ixfort long, acd that thsj will (ab> ctkor mrKsjo from tho Cocttatulary cathoritiei Rt Cloo- Sscslow Ooutt, and also a olt7 ront-oolloo'or oa an ncOCE P03TD. hivo bssn erected in tbo County Ubodedsos up with then. : i mot who hal not rbpited ct a lota bourithat cvenlcur.' estenslvs eoalo bororijb dlrcctlaa. ¦ , aamaonea Pools Ejan, ot OeavoDb OMldren 8 years ; ' ;; I ' Wntzrford Is evident to all, bol> it la Globs and Phoalr, Qslakivo, TTlIloaijhbra iavo We undcrstaDd tbay bovo slsca becu dlioharcod, Htll for ' bavins need toweras hln BBoh bnjuaqaM of aco tsd not ercis&Icj 12, h-lf hnouu that under tbe Grand Jurj> Act nan ttan Jottlfled tha views recsotly oxpresati b this will mo to Tr». would lead fates ; under 8 years fres. . ceJ gcasraUjf Oo and after the let liar tictns to a breaob of tbo¦ p:;:o. Too¦ defcadaat PeMcajjtrs froa Etatloas enatb of net aora thinfll coald bo azpended on each of khe:a oolumfl,aad othoro of fho loss important Bhodo&ns, more at B.CO cod 6-ZO, oa pund>y 07cnioj; at 0 o'clock old not appear ' • EU^eany helilsa wbioh we have rccoaconded, et^nd at esnsldonbly ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' thc29 tlcSsta nay aJljtht tt Booustabridjj oa tba c? pcrlJ. I cm Km to hear that thia restriction has ¦ ood7«. : 1 ¦ I ii ; i Tb» oooplaloauli'* ttory w:a to ths eff«ot thet ia Jottney aad C.._ Yp ^*t4*A biF m Order in Ocandl dated hlirher'flfrures. . i ! I : ta etpaclty as b rtuUcollcetor for tho Join tb- tia'a the?e ca rstnro Joaracf. ' ; A Fund of very lsrpo propottlohs bto, bei>n owner cf tb» H.B.—Tno PaMflnjior Treln Bdvertuod " - : ¦ ¦ ¦ Headers ot tbla colnnn have been v>arned orjilntt pspert? wbera Eyan wta B tenant to Iaiva Jcnc^ry CJiH, 1899, : ' subscribed for tho nifa of ox*Coostabts Camlobac , ha weat to WBteilora («t»rtb8 froa ths Ooods Eton) a; 10 £0 ft ¦ c3TonHctt3rs froaUr. being lid into bavins ibirea of a few discredited/eyeb Convent HM oa 8atarJ Dar«eaot liabrcsy, oppa. Uta. ' 'fO!' aU tboa nbKsity ," uild Ur Oiwoll, prooks oil Wotcrferd, la tlw tsuch vrcrthlea tbicj at any prtca no nutter that BAILV7AY. C3nc33ntdJ cs3 1 c=3 whnt pa2s icsy eppci; fcx profcs of thc3. ¦<• : - 1 WotsrforJ, 161 1 Piltono, AI Os 6i ; Bameant O'D.a, 1,^3 f w ?t mi^/ »a°soaso I bavo c:?J3 c¦ S Mr, B, J. Uecrcdy,• ?a rtood rpao." EiiteoDf.l'Jj ; Actioff'Si-raesnt Tyndall, W.tdrtord, beard fa Waterford ft? coco yoara, notr :bb oaa'a oa ' - ; i The fljjbt of lirw Trado egalnst Holdcro of Amalc»natid Tyro 8harcJ will ts fjlod tba etrret capped tto loti" : grcla Attcrcflban, ZZcj. ' OS lfj 011 BornsiBt Ctzier, Tippprjry, 12s 01 j . cxptinri Frotsotiooi^.ri far M ths Ecjliah to nxd tho fcllonin-? nir. ahioti I olp from¦ i tbo Patrlelr Srnltb, W«torfoTd, Cl Oi. ! - I ; 'Mr Werd-And yoa ctapljrufnt tier* to'c-6 ''« : ¦ ' fTIlUE follioia? ijlifraupca ' i I ' cycbinduithe &ftocoacsrned.b c'olng IrUh Cye/irf t— i . : • Tbe funeral of Ur John Power, eiddle', B«c!reUry 1 ia tto Trtia Ho ti;j SflKZ'S ... aSiO Ms Cd. OEHFS... - £!0.4LOs- ML Jacob c^dnst Cobdan polloy. In 1853 Ur OtrroU-JTbct 13 ell 1 ta Ion j col ea doloj saah •Ii. rill tako effeat OD acd f'nni 1st liaj :-» • • J . f^y to " Uioy peoplo caom to ines'no f"' ^° Aaol- to tho Bobcrt Eoaet Ufa and dram band, teoti p'aes D-ailncia as' ; ¦ ' Up to £30 03. Od. i ccjarta of cycles amoanted £l,855,6M, in r^matid Tyre h^3 pono by tber board. Too aotnai ca Tcr:dsy ea4 «f»s attbodod by tho band' Cja- tho acan« for utber rojpb. I novrt caw WEEK PAY0. ' i Ea^lsh Oo 8COboondBot, or litardeaoh ; i ie^7to 51,dC9.020 and In 1898 to £964,011. This year feste, honcior, en tat otherwise,! Tbo company Is tlsned end a Iargs arotrdof Wield comrades, 01 wioni laD3Ba3S. Tbo CCO Co. Tr.io ftoo V/atc:ford to Halloa 1 ; A, t^n oho!«ald : bo wcj ft sna of tbo defeedsat thca will etopat ¦ • : tha fcllloir o2 contlnua'to b3 noticed. ! , really exceedingly busy, aed under tbe abb conduct ha was .very auoa liked. The interment tools phej et Cime forward CoppoijolD. ' • Itaoekbori and 103 the way tbltber tha band picked i andmado ft Btitsaest wtfoafrss oot Jbo W5 p.D. Trala froa | l Tborocrol85 mombora In thls qlob, ol Mr Paloy, tha o£bi«I receiver, kbo oatput ot tyres qalto olsar. ad ths wltnesj cpok» in & rather lor/ VlilzifCid to Lb(aota compared with hat tho Dcio Uareh i pud other solcmD and approprute f toes a to i' a0 CLOnusL o fall of 13 as at proaent i« very tor{jo.y i not. mow than 25 jAri 01 vojo- It irai to tho effcos that his dstor hi! told n -.i " °" 7» 'toppiDa cs Interned::'.* ti33 receipts latb year woro ' that tho capital ot ths dtaorlci mtsdo. Tbe deocitsdi who was Wo that lit '. C0V71BO cibn. ycar;. lt to now t^id o brief but coats lllnecs ¦ Carroll bad¦ cot treated hor father cf c;o, died after a 1 , deeply pTODOrlv. ; EOBCET I I ; i £283 and tbe expenditure £1 Icza. Bieyoie Trcst—or tho AmsisamatCdCsolo Ocapni:] r«c»ttcd by all wbp kn8nr Jiita. ; - . |. : > G. COLHOUil, TrsQo UaaB-tr. Iho iancal ejarts lesJ year cost tho club £18 ovciand d Amorie'—wllI beSlO OOO OOO, i ; . I "r Ward-Ton aro only epcsklnj froa hearwy. Klncsbrldso T-rmlou*. Oabllo, Acr.l, leaj. . . On Wcdnccdaj by dlreoUon of Uics Galley, pbcij Jr . CatroIl-No, your rrorablp ¦ ciaTOtha risount rccaved, owln3, it was said, to the Ihe Dunlop maiUsi is now in a very oervoos elate. her foil 1 I ao onent fot that 112, QUAY, WATERFORD. can cspcsdsd on a brilliant display of flroworks, n opcrty ot Oootnoro r^qolroa attdntiox toaip proparty op thoro for yeanj nod I novor dould WATECI70CD AND CJ2iTEiI( fc~a Should the diiileuds b: pissed the share) are certain iWolnb cad Son pat up for oile ij pel tbs ront paid. IDEIitUD to fall in value. 8o wo don't kaoti really where we are Uicrro Tbomes In fto51 haf 0 had often aad oftes BAILV/&Y. ! j i Tha Waterford Boat Club ccsisn pnbllo tcetlon , 4be exten»Wo ar.a well-fqutpprf to cAvases Bonor:to bee? too roci right far tuKJ ! ~ ~ comoo, may ba did to havo opened on Globe Hoto), at P»Ad» people who would ooi piy. aad I en ""^ ' r" r" "———' '¦ proa>lcc» ltnooD^?_liie_ 1 eoriy to tij tha : Trda ^ltoratloati, Oc7, i ' ! ^cdnudayvrheni rcspgndlnjto tha AN8WEBS | TO QUBBIE3. fittww5JT06Tc«rbi^r6£l^!i.IVJirr * defondanHa ooe of thorn. Honoj" dlj" n» oat of li II IC30. ^ >M 1 1 1 ^- iB«v« n^r!! ^flB^paV WOtcetion njll ju« wero out tsk- ,—™tti- MM n , | "**" [ "^ oaa tho purobaset I i h«»VJi j j;>j^ ^tlonor -waiiTDiiu^i for 7£5,subfC3 In tJSxttaruSi n . i-JTp.T. tas 12 o'Clwa i i • , \/a wooIdedvlcaeafo how. Hayes, KUles, DaacotoEut. , / 1 itd nai0 1 anil dooIt u &^R!3£iS&l.Z2iJbi ™,?n• '• Would you odvibotolsol AmalsomatedoJ present ,1!« h!l flidrt!4T* ' " ™ «d S^W a TrJato rra er«"aSr7: " ' r&.;£r&J wiso /or thoca who unbJtloa . Io a local cootjejorary a I^3y oEZcrt a ciaoad ; ETmsctly dascHbed b ' « UJ ycir;o£it mbblah pdoa or, do yod thini will they ba able to •**bns t but yoa woa', ont^ryoa t y a badirig Dallyf* as ' CT71E3 bC3ro to ehorr that they descrvo tbom. ; ; hacd Ksyclo fcr eals at tbo " roolt»bottoa " prios of ^tJZiPrMi*? !te T ol ovorooao taair difBonltiea I" A reoonstrootlonnay Qbs "«« **« " »oor lia of tbta oau- : ;• ' £10 1 dtd; oot cacl tto cd. to thp Knvre not l 1 einl > <\ j All throtch tio we:Jt tbs oycla'isnd take placo ; in that csss yon moist 03 prepared to knowicj foil well ' •i. JfSTrt'Tf. v" ' , 'Jn *¦treat that , tnS I tyro eharo oorhct has been dull pay aboot 2s per share u tho company ; tbst ont r.oior¦ s ero ¦ cot vcut ftp afraid that If ha oesaults no assia u ts did before CS¦ A&rHj , osnnoS bo bohind tho times; •: > ' ¦ i .. B0 : ::: :SS i ¦ : U cod, gcncxoUy spnUng, then has Trorb d without frcoh capital . | lbi IS my Tts " Independent" this fpoi has a vory I"" tcc^acrs bzeifaprleo. Onoof epsoial favorltCT, : " Would you cdvka paphi-3 flan r.Va P' -| " b. iw bars sow S, en of Griffltba ct pro:ant Illustration boadVdl " IreUod'l Vh^ Wires to^/o« : ^ d <1M I? .would Bjroo 7 » : «• ... isioi , b^3 been exosptton, tn tavoncsIn ibrBO pries J" Certainly noV; ! Again," £ /» iv " ? lobaTohla Suiiwii^. " = = Srl^riphs i In '»ho frcat i« ci'm'cn cairjln^ a banner 00 boaud to ths pe&flo, but h» in not bcra, aad to I Ir »a ; v :?.-i ot obont eno thlllirjhavin g b:^i noted. , All Holisn cf oyclu thatci will b» id to brsr Qbieb ths CMS «a your ' • AJtiO^cil .. 1">«i " ¦ f a tha Ii •• Hone Bale," aod laoedlatcly foltowlna worohlps hands- • "* '" coopsafca tpzdally marked by mo u followlnjr, whleb I toofcj aro I] Mi AbtWicii 7 K •• (±3 (jood aro set froin 0 rclltblB j-^' Tfcs 1 E Bcdmood, U P . «* £ tt'"£V7b8 U {b'» BIa > Syan f- C:ij well cid mil pay dividends at tho cod ot! tho soilviiy la tbo trtds coatm&cs with innsbat^ Tl^ca , aad tbo mettbO'a ot tho Ur Oarroll-Bo ta on ths ctcscsrt. r, Iodspeodent Pnr tp. Ia tho piaoesil ¦ scsr. lbs nuconr, I take it, that tha aonoy earned Tts lstdlaj cpacarw ere kceoiaplkblna a banber oa Dr Uaoieiy—Whatekaopr. > ¦' ' c? Ca Daoldp Co. will bo dsvotcd to paying o2 larsa tain they eta did, bat ef coaru, prices ere obiab tbo word " Wattrfcrd " Is priated take] the aBlll8 fw=1 SS k ¦ 1 verv dif- foreooit placf. 'iOodorocatb orp tb?U%^atS?f ' toM'»«' « czi nccc^sry cspxadltare onj tho Buobor llUb, Is ferent to tha days of tha « ', boon.' Tho den»ad fo» q'litfd Parnell'a ; j iKBaijaa.la fccJ, I cm . Inclined to prddiot bjrh gtads machines remains faooai nord»-"It 1 nerd dead OD H -one to-morrow, he l Dat U » wb ^ali to wry of sorprlriugly good. ' is™$ ? \ "* * psT 9 I ti ^cll ehsia holdars wlll fccilfodistrlbntioastf Wo MDCittho f Jlowfoft qacetloD »odtcp tbo men oho »rar»cl, ' or neoari-d.1' <' , SON, Pa«flnger Agrois ' present pries?" Tbo company noverpaidodiviaoad 1 to ta. Ktij tX Bria.t, i An tnter-CJanty rsca b:tv;cca Cort Th» tmoaoe Of t'o tonpf»ra^at Id the c»«£> of thf Ctonteloa. b«v» herstoforo tnido Loadoa . rj the shares aro now U as csatn:} la d whon wo ' UESDAY or UubUo ood v, end Sernr over a dbtsapa of twenty IJermttdcoll l:!on wfio £1 103 0» i T . tba points cf dopartcro for ell tttlr reeommoadsa then, no. vroold BO Jiut now nesm- , , obd ¦oot <511¦ ,038«¦ (Ecforo Alderman \7 ' eheap Ccatlaaassi , cc2S7i nlto will ba hold toon, i At Tnslea * patluhcd. -M 1 ' : " ¦ • '¦ I . R Wr^3). Etcurdo35, bat t&o ibove Trip, which jus) mend d purohtcs. . 1 ; 11 ' ' -A BC5ESIBU, : bat boea oa Sunday o trial tza pssjieltl to The weil.known ' Wotcrfor<1 ; I tbo uri=-sd, will giv« ths prople cf WeJtrford aa oppnr. IJOTD.—In fatarocorrerpoadcatJde ilrfas photojjiophor,llr A yotin(j;moa eptacd L!«4in C^sJQt-iJ c~!iist OoTb. Ths followingBtartad- lafonoa- Arthur H Pool*,, of 84 Uall, waa bonoared °^a Royal NclU, of TratsTa tnnlty el ccda* ths Oreatett Ezbleltioo of tbl» Cta- Uoa oi adrico mui< «jad 1 tbdr cso 1 an 1 edJn>:i : in by 'a Artillery^ tary, iaelBdiag V7. J. TboapMa, P. J. ICES. J. Hearahan, J. Galica, opeoial ounmaftd to attcr.d dnrinjtbrl eth« rc'oen arrested by b? K hutd acoomaodatmnfor tbTca dars ib Mobn, — Bselrctt, and J. Thompson.- fnlL At tha emo tins they can (ri»« » «x>« dt rfumj ^ gemeant Poroa)! yastcrdly for dc-ertlnTr Farb, two days' admlsrioatotho 3. O'Connor, P- TO J. ferpnbLoation vidtof thoif Bb^al fll^bocJOro JDako ood Exbibitlca. an tstur- flfrt-naical won by D yards from Ihompson . XJe do ootlnteid to wasto lleo en- m d ¦ CjIjBOa C 3 lha «£MH ca ta VenalUes with Its sraalficsat 5^3 swenog qcirla eat Duob.es c£ fork at Kilkenny Oaotlo. wbero . = -«tet?M Palacesad ullh Haorahin third. ThsTTlnBerboBicnjBjronbo by enonymoaJ writers, : to K groends, Wsnl> tt >wiin3 to terprctera, iul parmuat by tbsa ol ail (eea ucally [ (jroop pboto&raphntof the Royal Party, iooluibg can »Sr I °' ' paid by I Tbero Is oonildorabb talk In (joIOoi;: , Eoaad the Toxmi traveller* th«auel*e<, thn veals toat of which i tbe lIurqDia end H>uohioflecsot Oraiood , Lady . , ' | rrccr ojpcnoD. will asosst onl J 3Cr~3CT. drcka aboot that p res-j from Eil. ' y to 75 , trhioh caa b* pdd by wetitly en*! Beatrice Bo tier, lio. Tbo photographs or-i very Aworaan/nainod.WarcarcS Uurpby, who mrJa t pjyae&U or la monthly iuaulms'jU i ts5n; whtob cza no: pre^snted to > Thocs v?to hs7coaro this for tlha Tbo Wnterfora . cnii | Central Irolana flailooy end Is dco In OIODD »I at 0.C0 p.m. ' ! tnorntng. Oonstoblo (Onr Poeer»lowa Cour»e, clow ta R«Jl»»y gtaUea), ct!p. "hall of ' Farrell obarge j Ucorico Well ; C3 th3 t.rA az^izz tha Csscatlw OoaualtKa. Company bove written to tlr A P (XBrion, Hon On Tnuday proalnif ut flboat slx o'oloot tbp , wbo «ss in otutody T0£ 3PAV. Sod MAY, 1899. ' ' 8co Wqteiford Bisyolo (Jlnb, onnounoin;? eioiir- ctreofc-proaohcra ffim Arklnw and eltonhero <5ca. with beinff a 'b»lpUca cnes> of drankenuets In N above data PaSKnjen »U1 t» «oar«yed ftoa I hop all tbo dabs in tho GIE. stoa fsrea for tbora who Broad'tt'Oet' oo Tuecday eveniog. O WATBttPOBD and Intertoediats sti3 o B. district will eend rooKfcatativca to dcalro to nitnea tbs oend d upon tbo oity, aad aUgotoa at their old Drfpndant m Stitioas "to Park Kae« oa T7bJt Uondoy. t naked tot » chooco to taao tbo pledm;, CLONllEt by th» Tralai «sd tt ta, Faws tiv Mechanical Construotioii, : council.. | ths anneal mtiiinsvhie h nlli fca . ; j ryetinsr plaon ptt tbn Hall pmolde KogiDhld'e tot off ho belea , : ; ? i ¦ • ¦ p • Towpr, bad beca tlncd BO lately 03 the 20tb ~ . , Ferei to Olosmd and |}»«k : : I beld t>n9rrovr. "- : ; ThoEnnkcorthy Unlisd 0.0, writes 1—Pieiaj tad proceeded wi«h their es rci pay 2a Gd apd coat* or 48 nonro. „ ' aja i d s d id WE «liEN(JE THE 1 j Uilicaay CathplJo ¦ Veang llda'f COrmfOtion with vonr iiAorta on l&w QZnA. •« l» a cto? d of pei.ple, moktly younBB *r«,j«»bo Tbb woo tbs waterford ... ifep 0 40 o 4 3 WO^ izno Pr^ •abjpctd tlpm only busii-ca Ifjforo the OjurS. . . . . , . ' 6 3 8 uaatso. ., CodetyCyollu s Clnb will bold eports Co oar clab Poala very likely csnd down a team. to a consi^fniblo amount of . Qf"S» ' «. ... >. 063 4? 3 0 2 « ; AsrlsnTtaral(jrosad son obaff.; . bat in DOiCtber wuy irt*rforcd nith ' tbis «Mfitorw to : . j ct tha fJiJ 2lr PI Power, tl tf , .tn » Istta«- published ! . THURSDAt. m^m lla?. i ITa dmbs tbs ta\i piesrenaa pill ;b3 mi 1— »l frreco prayer taO'tirjjj. Alnocgsb tho »trpctr ¦ 36 9 » milM^^m^ CSril ¦ "sop lopporters of iha Bmiicsmstion cf tho ¦ SSBUdr-::8iJ K ° DT C2bptcd £3 Tna UlH7fl. : i . I W L «nd W Bailtjay pr»aohcra iiat tha Rev Mr Hallnwro, Rpotor of ¦ ! ; (Bpforq Aid V7B Ward). Ellebcelaa ... »„ 1081 3 1 1 0 10 with the 0 8 and W JUIIwa> Jami-s Plyon!B«« • coN^Kpira THI ' UKtttbat thajirul Q VO Arklow, tbe pioneer, cs it «reiv,of tbU Bggr<-cslvo ' . chaiEtd bj Oennab'8 Hebsrott OJonnel ... arr lO fiO : -. ! | Tho Tallow football ton arrivedIn ginutioh will I ths pnblie more wiio mmmm cos&fbrfsols trevdijas 0 m'tbbd of converting tbu b«tbfb» beingnronk oa: Sanday aorejnnat Parrvtaak. B««Brnla3 00 «r.«tfor Uw Q 8 and W liar in Lord B-iberts tb» raoc( »«owU«a4s»^aoy ^lro««i»iaii6S» : • : ! , *»««a everywhere lnt«Mlao8d. d«iaJs! they mi ' , of j Wateifotd and Kandahar. extiMrdlsaijrJaiblo a.; M OM ii7j aidJio^^ inspectedtho field deellnedto play, some many ght be Improved without incur. ¦ ¦ ¦ Sac* « fltcd!¦ U¦ fid M« - B ntujadiaff thaa* Baoaa aM cca h&viog ¦ The dlstingaiahcd soldier, #rw waa.aoconpanied t ' . :¦; ;;•, . •.. ; ¦ • . - * b*ft»dtt f»11 ring any or very little additional WPensf, j • Costs, : : | . ; ^1 ;. , ., ratM. (vtMTTartaft Iw pr«paM) Cl ttsa proteaJjEgthat they tret*badly tsreated, : I ¦ ¦ ' ' " '• ¦ ; ' ¦ «nitkta«MMa>'« ' »Tho outside app,ataac» 1 by ihe Birl of AT» and8itS|ianoUOaat.evioeed ' ¦;¦ . ' ' . i cutfooT cAsza. .. ! . 1- . ' . . '- J CJ1 to teo tbe groundfor this conplalnk i j' . of the second tad third ¦ clati1 carriages is no d«bt mod I bttth«y are con*idBr«W« inwrest ia tbo proceedinrt, *n8 Patrlok Dcnona*e» caaigtd by CbartibV I,vl« obam,b aat to ttw siatloa «Ms«>tb* mteaws^in • Tbe Iriih WhitlwM cays—"The vory to- jl comfortable. : The space allowed la tis tefcoad clan remained i for eome time Wstobingthe Qjuoty with Mi8K ; dtapk; U Ale»adwf«tN«t last nuttt : Tins ' programme of the Waterford E.O. ' ! ¦ I) carrUgetfor each compartmtat Is too Qoremmtintengin *getting up atfaij %?*fan«t ;8t; twd ' » ; 1 limited: the teatl prdpvntory **o k«W ' th* - l»t*.ap.11 VWttssoVB, annual fixtore jon Wbllj Monday, are too narrow and two'bsr, and do not to «twtlng on , Ita—let ns ftlgta, asktd forl a obano*. Hit Worahlp gciatad ' In onr Bflvertislog colompi, posseu!* ¦ bops—tuooewful¦ . . , JJCC04..! ; appear* ¦ Wem. . [ ¦ ¦ ¦ joffldent slant backfftfdi which is to neceisiryfor jonrncy, ? ii j :; . : ' -1 ¦] ¦ ¦; taewjuestand tt» tUfmdatrt•* dttcaanid. ,. ^^MwiffilPi^teSKi i --:. • -.;| i Is a very liberaloca , end-»hoold ¦ ; j ¦ ¦ comfortable travelllog," | . ; . : Tb»; toid 'eoari&sr WM tried o» MlcbsriCoBOatl pUatM goHly to bdog dnak: fa - vMayi^^NlMMSBtMw' ¦ citracS' a-l. argnfa nd reprwrotatiyoentry. : Tbo olab Tnvidai" ti pImilM ^Sltt ^ ! It does not appear to as that Ur Power* Use of Nawtown,1 nearly «fcpo«ltetfc » park gatef.In tb# " 'featu «am' B«J»iy I* tha best eqalp¦ ¦ wU ta ' IrelandMet without >>]»,«b.wU«id*rUM ¦ ¦ ¦ * ¦ ' ¦r ' to tbe steam Tolm dld tnor* in « boor th«a uymg. ¦] ' .i^.r. *'> .' --i- i -:-t:-| iaflntBosof Mak, H*&tnkfekad -vet Oft tabi* ' ialt y oonld possibly o.vw »ooompll»hed *Dtt f. iwu to»-«elwMd «Ub • rlo»lto tb>nqal^. There it no^^doobt tt« Great SouthernBU ! h>en b *. Jen¦ ,, •«Wi to iba irtnat, when ba oadacud Wawrffis that . Westers : ' ,¦. a neauof iU daiMi of spesaafla.« o to* Pr5» Cosnpmy h«w effteUfl -ewat Improwmtnu in tit boor day by numnll l»bonr. i i - :\\ . tsbuuihoBld M th»M«»a of «U «ood *bMlow on Wate ford, W« wgtvt to Karb that tbttt were 8t p*t!o6ts •ffbM te dtfodm, tbm to tWv.r noniaTH.«aj "s i' r Itofidu.) t Sotrr forms in^iin nt rmdr. dot Dung«mn«pftriloora B*U«r*jr iy»Um WUi iloeaUklBg: U o«r, Tft«y rWwraUjrm| tbiralli ia tbtfove*ho tplttlon 8atnrd»y nlgbt, u oom- ; «m notng mot will be certain to kr» w ww:.'if- OT^flf»A» ranrratf £bs taooent «# on that (tne, sad tb*fasprer ad d»Uy atrrlcfhas cow po»ad with only otHJait pu*i the oimptrttlve . &iuah Gusty, «3s0/ >b« last Mitobtt. mtt aim fttaintf^f itf tn'Tffflot." ' . ';¦, I ; < v " 1 ' u i boom«o 4 «ticyting tojtb* travoltog poblie, : period. On th» _ojh«r bond f«a;/tt jl— Amecg ilbcw ^e 8$ tb»n j year, ;: taxi&nrtappith WlmtM* aopialLtonr - its ^Itli nlsatnrttU oialiil«tto> F **^^ f- rT fetf spirit i^littriSa?"'?? 'J^H *^ I -i¦*OTil. vTiawlorfrt^VWUantioSOTomliw In *omeplaces , »achla Cir«»: anfl Wtteribrd. wbeh th» mitautt *fortbeterwdw\iptkmiH4A, ^^ ; ; ! to b« ft BOS •njoitbl*•. ;o r ' * CiJoftjstj»Jo»-dutoa«n. «*t «Icctctf by Karioaairt Tbett are efgbtyi JdlpU un «1TtMy¦ au> W oiki¦ tbe rttitoi ^ OntartrtoaU tK»J«h^:ifl ¦V -i^i^|ppii?i^;i:jj, ^ ¦¦ »« :j. : ¦:¦']¦ ' - ' o isiof^ paWia ywttrdiy,w ttraVi.'| M .olonHtw <*TB« of/W># " AiaomLt 8i inmm^Mmimm pn^ i»W*ip( «*». : :;: : :;v ;: ! . • r w ¦ mtailM Upt iUi^f h f £J W2P>°t "«rfo *,Gd • ttrlflgrfiTmoat minlW*la*6 <«h Uia>oo»as 4 ^fllotpd creatoM* Cnorel. . .!' .?.. ,ii ^^ t Wnford*l lmdj gnd M cmlmmhto l ralUlnMisUH MUoM.: iA r^Sioi^ ^.W at-d ?d«*« *t™eo : said tbat In the Aot tbe ." connty i TEA MEROHA^fTsi.by i Appointment to O'Doyer THIS drmjrtavsr of Mr 11 J> : tiewn,er " 1 volerit gsntlemen wbo kindly acted aa Collector* at Dublin. Mr> and¦ " aopnty¦ treaonfer ' were mentioned ' : sa otBoers. ¦:' 1 1 > " ' the vatlcui Ohurcbei, end to tbe many kind friends H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, ; . i Shise. Sbe Vy7B» a loving nlfa and food mother and' . : ! ' Great Northern Railway Co's Hotels, missed from the . family Oircle wbera. Mr Hore ' and benefactors; wlio, with naver-failing. pharity, HiR.lI. The Dafco pf Oonnonght ; : : ' ' ¦nill be eorefir —TbUBhowB'tbat t'fo frameri oi.tbe 'Abt th» " '' . • , . '"' -. ' •. , Great Western Bailway Co o HotelB, :prc3enoa and mtmy arnUbloqu alMes , reierred to inaivtdoals. ! gsofronily' ansnered appeal, HH.i.H.il.H. The CrownUrown : her eboerful No banking oompany baa The iollowing ia the List of Subscriptions :— ¦ PriricFrinces3 of AustrioAustno, |; First Avenuo Hotel, London, ' Bhe3 loutre on d happy borne. ; May the Almighty such no oSola!: as depnty trcaaurer. The seotion ia i H;H. Tho Princess ;of Anhalt ; i r\ Hotel Metropole, London, ! i 1 ' brinu comfort and consolation to her devoted bosbapd . to-meet caseo jach as '.that of tliis county, whoa the ••; THK pATHEDBAI.. ¦ ' uto Th6 Most Eev Dr Sheeban Ths Imperial Institute, ' " , Hotel Victoria, London,. •; . ¦ ; •• ¦ cai corroTTing family. ; ; : ! ' ; : H Mr Hatveyi waa trtcjuarer. j If we hsa an indi- , Lord JBIc¦ &op ' »'4Qal ' . of Waterford und tlemors \ • '¦'" ... £10 0 0 Tha jHonsa of Commons, r ; ! Grand Hotel ' '. '¦ sailor vms fonna floating; atxmt five In fata position¦¦ now here I ithink¦ tbe Aot .nould | , London, \ Tbe body of a 'c ¦;- ¦ " ppiy/ • . - i ; : ; . Rev W B O'Doanell, Adm ... | .„ 10 0 Her j Majesty's Navy i Ajid many miles ofl Heltiok Head on Thorsday by tbe crew of, ; • ' Thonsand3 of other EBtabliehments, " It :naa convoyW ;into ? Mr Peacocke-i-I wrotej to thej Local .Government BerTFarlong. 00 ... 1 ... 1, 0-0 L. & N. Western Railway Co's Hotels : the " Maria MoMnllao. . Board ' Rev M Wsl«o, c C ! : , ] , of them tho Largest in the World. an InqueBtiiras beld oa tbe romajos on tbe queitfon, as it occurred to rus and olio to ...... ¦ 10 0 Dunjjarvan where other, that this' hrise. Thii was Very Bav Dr Shoeby, President o! SB " ¦ ;• " ' . 'Chi Quern says: "By suppl Deonoby and a verdiot of.. ."; Found, question^would the ' j ying Teh3 direct from tho Growcro, THE/UNITED by Coroner ' awwer I received :— •• With referenco to your letter of . John'e Collogre : ' ... i .., 0:00 KINGDOM TEA COMPANY are able to offer tho drowned" returned. From tbo «aperlor mataihl in 1 ; VERY CHOICE&T GROWTHS aa nth inst, relative to the appointment of treaiurei to Very Rfir Dr Wabb. St John's College...¦ 8 0 0 ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ and also from;other olrcumsUocei it ¦ ¦' ' ' . .;ftt prices that seem little 8hprf of. imposbible^ ; . the olotbing' .tba EavEPreDdergast. : . . ¦.» . ¦: . - ... 2 0 0 '" deceased no3 a ship's offlber. Tho. County Cour.eI),Tao directediby the Local Govern- was surmlsed .that ment Board for EPV P Power, Dloctwan ' ' '0 11 i> C5 in the hnroh yard where Ireland to sUte thkt the banking com- Iospeqtcr ... 1 ^-0 ' ' ¦ - ' : ¦ ' ¦ ' remains nero intorred ; pany acting as treasurer frill Rev J Klroon, 0 C, Billyporean •... 10 0 , ' i - . . ' . - • : AaEN3| : : . • '" burial ground b£d been reserved for continue to be treasurer [ \ vyp iJp portion of the Until somB , other bankini?; company would have been MeBsrsJ&8PoeUn i ... i ... 8 0 0 ¥ ' " ¦ ¦ • ' ' ¦! ' • : :¦ ¦ ¦ Bnoa cauea. i , appointed treasurer by the County Council." : Mr Nloholas Power. ' ,„ ' ' .. 2 0 0 Tbo ipectacb of 29 membern of tho elected reprc-j i The resolution Mr John pearno ; : ' ' u cEsombllng on the was then bnt and pasied. : ' ..i i ... 2 0 0 lUFUo b!(& Sg : Eentatives of. the ratepayer! Mrs Mnrpby, Bread ctrcot ¦ ;¦ ... 2 0. 0 lir MISl^ : 9 ©'OoJUHH-ii : grand jury and oat o< a total of , ¦ .. preserves of tbe old MrsiKeatlnir ,„ „; i ... 2 0 0" ; ! \A^TERRORD. 83 votiDg for Homo Kale rial unique in tbe ennah of: PAHE , AWD PASHIOH. Mra PatcpIl . : 10 0 avonrabla augury for : ...... 1 county Government. It is 1 tbe) ! Mr T M Healy, M.P. ono of tho new Q.0, WBB called CuplNB Wfce ... i .., '! ... 1 1 0 j- CZ7 V/o ara olso Aeeoti tot tha Hlfjb-claoj Wlnej of tbo . eminent Port Shippers, The Agent fo r J Vatevford nben men of all shades of opinion to tho Irish Ban in 1884,' and Is now , aic:3ro Horrla, Booha fc Co. ' future of Ireland " one of her MfajjKolljr, Gladotono atreot , ...10 0 , of OPORTO, and |aavo jnot recall a larco shipment o' tbota Cbolso ¦ ' ' can come tonother and express tboss opinions in Q ; Majesty'a Counsel learned . In tho law.1'.. Tne cMl Wlsi3 direct from QPOiiTO 'I' ¦ ¦ : - ' Count Moore ...... ' .,.10 0 , w lch no offer at tbo nndcrnotod Very Mcderato Prlcca :— ¦; . friendly way xH'bout a sbadoo of offence bslnfr either , iwithln? tho Bar In Ireland ia attended vrlth forror ; !¦ . * Pojfc At 2£i par dozen j Dry Imperial Port at 88s per dczsa . ' : i formiilities than tho corresponding; coreinony in Mr Donaldson, Gabrcorka ... I ... 10 0 ? taken orriveD.' Wbat rigbtTiaa poor erriog humanity ; Enu- Mrs W J ISmith ... ..I ...10 0 ! ° ° PortatCOl pocdoz-n : ¦ Club Pott ot 42s per dos. in horoan afMro.1 land. Theio ia fn Ireland only one call road<-,;by tho ¦ !l to Bet up a BWcdsrd of infoUibUlty ! JU>rd Mr Brctt,]Mnnstef sail Loiojier B«nk 10 0 !_. _ . ! laTolld Port ct 82a per dorca. as biB nelgtbonr to; ChnaoeUor ti'.tive clone in tbe Court;of Appeals, ¦ •• , Each man his oa good a right .whereas in Eoglaod now Qacen'ri Conncel maitt bo Mr Bourie. Natlonal Bank ... ' ... 10 0 i lhc:a C.ioloo Wines nro thoproducn of tte bsst'dlstrlotoof OPOItTO, nnd caoTi fcottloi3nairaatcci opinion alnoja provided be-conscion. " b7 tbo 8blpp;ra expt«3 his oaltea wltbln tho ¦ Moiara Hdarne & Cahill i 1 0 0 tol3(jC3ulneDOUBO POBT of tbo ehoioc3t qnallt7. : . Bar io ¦ ciioh of tho' courts ¦ ¦In which¦ ... I'FSSAKlli : ' " - - ¦[¦ • •- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - - ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦" - ~. is right. But Trhat every they app< ar . . -• tionsW bo1ieve3 that he . \ ; HrCcrt?l!oa to is the class ...... ; ¦¦¦ ... ¦ 1 0 0 right mlDdod^ mon wilUobjeot ef Mr Healj'a father fs still sctlng as Clortto Llnnore Mr Joa Stephoacoa : ..'."" ! - '... 10 0 people nho Biiit their opinions to the necessities of XJnloD, and is cmoof tho kooncot offloUla, perhaps, in Mrs Stafford ' all Ireland. , I - , • : ...... 1 0 0 the case and appear in deveise cbarectera OD different Mejtrs H Qallnpy & Co ...... 1 0 0 t_;<—j^C/ fl occasions. From the business-like manner n which Moans Marphy Broa ¦ ... ; ... 1 0 0 the nen Council perforaed it8:noikon:8stnrday Watertprd UrPWKioly ... , ... " ! ...10 0 |:T B' @ Waterlord county Prisa iWinner- i ¦ ¦ "¦ I j JS f3S MI IT & ETE W there is every reason to hope that The ArlthmetioPriz a Yolama offered for competition MtJFanning .. '¦ ... , ... 1 0 0 • THE BEST DAILY ]ADVERTISING TO' 1 tbe noeld that: a nat onal : 1 • ¦ ¦ MEDI D1I THU SOUTH OE IRHLAUD. Trill do its part in proving to recently by the Mea§ra James Hcarno i; Go...... 1 0 0 I . • . i ! i n ' ' ' . ' wonld not only be a " Constabnlary Gasette," waa won by . government for the country tliiD Johanna Lacey, 14 Brown-street. Portlaw. ! Mr R M6rric:oy ... : j ... I ... .1. 0 0 zneana of bringing all classes in IK land into friendly Messrs Tobln & Sons ' the «el> : ...... 10 0 rivalry oa to tto tett means tor promoUos Mrs Hnnnlgan, Stradbilly ... : ...10 0 ABTEETIgEMEMP EOEM nt large, bot that tbe erootlnff of ; E;OB OPEOiAL PREPAID ADVEETlSBlIElilTS fare of tho naiion T7aterfoi'd jCelefcritiefl Mr Dunford, Solicitor j ... i ...10 0 OlsTLT. the national domBBd nouid ba acourcoot cHengta to EOAiiJ —]ft Wordo ' ¦ Messrs Robertson, Lcdllo 6 Co • ...100 , 8d. \ eaoh cdditionnl fivo t7orcb, Id. t Thrcaltra-tioas for Uia Pric3 c! TVo the Enplta i ' i i Qruead«>'a " Dally Expioca" EIJS i— j Messrs Hall & Co ...... 10 0 "In its tories 1 of Wntorford Cclobritioo : Mr E O'Sh£3 aitpo:cd of o farm « Ucdcllgo on V70 notica Dr Joseph White j ...... 1 0 0 bidding that TED WATCDJOED NEWS thb week gives the firs t Friday for 145 guineas for lira Foley. ! Tbo inctilmoat ot on lOjeiob—DrSbtdofitaD, AM Cnox, DrJcataca, Condon and Mr VKttf o. Toe eppreciativo notice of John Hngan. Aid -Nebbn, Mlu' Hoitlelt, Ufeiirs J Davl», : J Ca»- 1 we. brisk between llr csolptor. Thb wrtier of tho nrtJtlo is Ur Ulahagl latter : w»s thu putotnMr. Mr J P VYWiama htd Qavonajh.". . . \ . ' rol l, N Ponor, J Broeo , W Blobop, B Cailtr, V ¦: ' ' Howard. E Fielding, D Keogb, Mro Allen, Miss ! ' ; * "" >' ••• C£itfc;30 cicala . . ; 1 ' f"" ¦¦: ' Kelly, Lady lane ; Mrs Morrny, Mrs Slcacy, IS: ; . ¦ ;- ,... : . Cappocruin. : ! The Jletry, Mr , ¦ ?Ian for Gjalway. K-rr, A Friebd Mrs Blihop. ; - ¦ brtwpoo ! ! : I . An ititt;a loot peek thoretnrn footballm»tch ' . Coloool Ni Ian, the Independent ljationaliit who.woj 5t cacb—U.fisl* 0 Hogon, i Murphy, T Dunno, Cappoqota.-nNoh nas to hare been plujed P Po».«r, M Bardva, T,Plj»n , J Pbelan Toilcw nod poned nntJ next Sondsy defeated for G«lv/ay Connty becanto he declined to , P l'ooor , horo on Jaut Sunday TW» post admit tbe political wijdom of Meiun Dillon, P M Djyl-, Watih, Mr. MorrU, EIlsx Poncr, tlr Da\itt J ¦ ¦ eocorsd for lart Snndar, : I as a propa fluid oonldnot Le & Co., ban b en elected Chairman nf Galway County Jeoob, Tbe Misses Nolan, Mr Flynn, Mito Btrtjftt, j ThS Wovt men v,oie noUfibd M tab f »ot in due courts ' on last 8unday. afte r thrt9 Councjl. Every NatiunslisU who likes the recognition Mr McCoT, solicitor; A Friend, Mrs Kirnan. Ura bnt pcrsiited in tavellins Coli>oiao of tho Cappoanln mm goinff to Tnllowio person on of old iriendo, will heartilf rejuice atj the selection. , Mr H»rtl2an, !A Friond, Mi:J Fcrrcll, 13, .ly) tho altaatipn. M i they oanw t '6 Quay j Mr Greet, A Fileud, Ur Coad. . BEST JaW c!i UJILD CJ DQJ ™ Satitdiy lofuflj expHn u, X rij^JsJa the lootl men tooS them to tkoir prao>i« field Bel- ' 8i—Mri Doraud. ' ^ lay then there and too Cappoquin ! Dungarvan Soliopl Attendance J" ¦ noni otdag teod to p 2> 6d eaoh — Messrs T Sage, J Poner, Flynn, A . ; j Sam was quickly Stripped !nnd ready, for the gamo. I Committee. ; Farrell, J W»bb, P Ecsoy, H White, J McGrcitb, — ARE A mectlDjof tho School Attondando Comnltka traa P Kenny, J MoOartby, 1 J O'BrleD, D Donllc^, J hold on Uondiy last, whorl tho Yeryj B»vd Arohdeaoon Glccson, Wm Kenocally, P Elsaino, Ura Phclod, Sheohf, P-P, V.G, presided. There were aljopreaont— Mfe3 Potrer, Mra 1 Dowlinf;, tiles Haves, tlicj Eev P1? Walsh, P.? Abboyoido ; f ,ir "V"" ncti are otxloua , E Hitzjerold, O'Connell, Mr Nolao, lit Toomoy, Tbo Ncnc::tlo : E-SlQ£g2i3, . IJov7 SspCLfl,p : was badly disappointed. The local 0-8.A ; BUT Mr .Ileany, J S, Dotrtr, John Wall, J ' ©ipiplca, A\khm mi should como to Oappoqcto esain on eooe Hajes, Opt Sheohan Tea Company, lit- O'Meato , jA Friend, Ur i : - CO. that thoy , E Koohan, Tuomaa O'Connor. ' • ¦ ¦ ' . ' Snaday trhen trraBBeiaenU wo completed and are | There were tbtee applications for tbo post of School tloKenna. : prepared to defray hall the e«ensea ot tto cars, I InBpoctor—Mr Andrew Uahor, fi-Coootablo E'O 2a eacb—Mcrira J R Ei>cn, 3. 8230, P Bcid, II Guilds, . understand. This js a very lair offer end iltrnstit UrP A O'Connor, Sanitary Inspector, and tlr Joan O'RoUly, J tloorc, Capt Parle, tllo Qrovcs, Ul:j " irlsnds ¦ : I ; ^11 le oepted in a Bocd apWt by onr IWlon Cnlllnan. I . ; Brltton, A Friood, Ur Well, Ur: Qolnn, A FclcEd. are responsible for last Sonday> fiaooo as 1 • ^ho alow !• Tha votlns vto by ballot, llr Uater was elootod by llo—Frloodo. : ' **•'" \""' •••¦• ••• 5?G which we; hive travelled when they were told ard Sole Agents they sbonld not tbs ¦ j voles to 4. I ' ^ thei o was no field leadj f^ matoh. • ! , Tbero wero tvro oppllootiona for] too pscltloa of ST. JOHN'S CHTIRCH. i The election of Mr T Foner, as otairman, and-Capt SecztUry. One from Mr Tboman UpOrthy, Clerk to Eav II Birron, Ada . .„ ' ... il 0 0 of the connty council on 8tnait, as liot-cbalrmkB, thb TJrtaa Council, the other from Mr Patriot tits 'WlUiams ...... 10 0 •«••••¦•* •••••¦••!ce*««««*•¦••#« ••< 8aturday save Brest tatisiaction bwe ana the oppoiot- Mnlcahy, St Mari-stroet. The votidj, at in tbu last Mro Ford ,„ ... , ...100 monts neie most popnlerly leusiycd.. Capt Staart was case, was also 6 for ill McCarthy, & for Mr ilnloshy. Mro Garvoy : . by taveral fnands on hla orrhol .„ ...... 10 0 VTormly oonflratnlaud llr UcOartby n-jo dcolared elected. | . i 10a caob—Ueiara J Curtlo, J Maokoy, O'Reill hero on SaWrtey light and; he aeemedI to grateirJJy J y mmw} mff iK- ... nnnKciito tho hononr that had boea coifbrred on him D Power, J Flaojln?, D Crodin, O Nolan, P C«tcn, fir Power's eleoilon os oh»lnnan nas a very nappy Dungarvcn1 Urban Counloil—MONDAY lira Maher, Mrs Widgt r, Mrs Obcatty. A Friend. on« as there is LO (jeatleraan io toe coonty batter qoal,- 6s eioh-^-Ald B Power, Count^ Inspector Jen- j ; ' 5?EI3 " ! this important position taaa tcaiola too nlnt?«, llcttn Q Brfcooe, J Phelan, V FlttjwraW, BOYMi/- VJBIT. TVT.E3, LAIIF3, BELLS, AilD i ,LL OTHER ACCESSORIES Cod to fill PreiODt—M«sr« J HATES (Chairmen), Nationalist, Thomas Povrer. ' . Jobn Wabhi U Younjr. E Burrij, M Wldner, J Dawcon, P and honcrt Thomas Power, KiKeoban, W Liwlor, Miobt3l Barry , Hut- ' ' The co-option ol Ut EO'Shia pas a nlsaprocsedms caby, P Power, J Konny, T Wnlttle, W V7illlatac, REPAIR W0R-ISH0E known ability In pnbiin mawew Thoats O'Connor¦ , James Dunns, Oast Shoahan. ATTACHED. to this nenUeaan'soeU ; ; P HaKCtt, J Fitc^erald, Uro Eanri, GnlllvcDi ACTION OF THj K1LK13NNY COUHTY and taried experisnoa on pubilo boirdo 1 ' vitrAKoiAiH 1 . ¦ Uxo A end bis Ions Bolsncs dtu to tba trcaourar, 10s 4 j, Friend. T : : . ¦ ; COUNCIL. nlJl prMe a Brtat eoqalaltloato tho Pounoil. ; i2l0i ; ¦ Suaday evemns and dm- Tonn Clerk—We onjhtto out: Ur Qurdlnor to hoaout 8s 6J—lira Hanloy, i • At tho DCCUDQ ot tbo Kilkenny Count? Ooaocll TbB band turned oot on tho ohequo for the gas hill now. tbo follonlni; coarcod a nice telectlon of mnmosiocndthe toan. This ' 2a 6d each—M«3r« Q Cbcacty, J O'Connor, P di:onc3lo3 took pbosi— caries of band paradeapUloh it Ur Fooor—KU a obaqB" for them. It taluht bo Fiteglbboa, P Flii^rald , J O'KeeCo, J O'Diryer, Lord DanciDCoQ cild, with tbo psroicsloa was only tho first of a well to wxlto 03UI0 to tho Board of cf U intended to hold durinj tha snmmcj evenings. jiVortji ioforain^ D Veale, Mra Barroa, llta- Ahpunci tlrD Duc-jnt tho cjistrain, ho nbbed: to pTcjoiOD rccoIutlOD. clnb wW! protably be held thorn that i6 tfonld be id a po^tisn ta cattle tidr , i Tboy bed mot A raeetlns of tho ojdinB cocoant ia a short time. ; A Friend tbst Cly vnitt coaonbho at czf.^co next neek ao the membeis oto only naitinu for tfca ' | fli-Frta'as, , ¦ ; clrcapotiDcoj, and tbo rc^olotion tloald Council to ccisa of?, ana thUs oUJ, Tan DouonaH COXBO. ' liho imi J V the BE LM J nectioffof ¦ to : piopo:a v»a3— Tba» ' Vuwtti w & " o vlcvrwith rrcat 0Y U The citb- 0LB AGEHT3 A1JD | Bstnrday oext in WBtwlord. . ; ' ; Ohainnan said tbat it thsy were colnff to tsbo OT. PATEIOK'S CHUBOH. !" . GENEHAL DRAPERS, . - . .. :-. - bs hdd oa over tbe roads thoy ebonld QI TO noticj fnclloa tto T>rc»nco|of their Boyal Hl{jbnt;;c3 : /F /so ' : ! ; to the Ooanty Be» T J Dbcley, Ada ... .„ 41 6 0 18 j 6 w; BKOAD-STREETj WATBRF0RD Oarrioi' ; Counofl. ' | ; . ! . ' ; tba Dato end Doobciu ot York in oar aldct on a Petty Sei:iono on Toe»- i llr Keohan—That nutte rcqnircj Ecv P Boaib. OOj .. i ... 010 0 priTeto vlclt, Bed d:i!?o to ' At tho Carrlckbeumonthly r tcryeoriono con- Messrs V\ -acoord tnoa a bcsrtjr Et anron, B U, presiding, ajonna man ddoi&lion Would H pay us to lake thorn over 9 abb & FlCldlar? ,.. ... 2 0 0 oelcdao to tho county and olty 0! Kilkenny. day. Colonel ¦ •Mr T Fit:c?rold I canjod Mawico Davin, cf Cirrio*bea, Cibbiman, oas An ordor wa* made to tbo ef?eot that tbo Boroach' ...... 100 From: , uli ona psrconaf hnowlcdjjo ho knoo ohat a : : fjefetrsaek Local IMJKO- Snrveyor tend In o. 10i each—tlessrs! J Foler, P Murpby, J E ! »\ the eiuttfil , report on tbe length of road to ' jt3 cad deep I Interest ¦ rro-scnlfd b3 tba Onko end Dttchco took in Irish . taken ; -I : ¦ ¦ Kohoiies, for hailou anrins the oeckiy oloso oter, and the probable cmount to bo rcsoliod In Sons, P Walsb, J| Hlcains, . Mrs Forlcaj, Urs 1 . . • • ' tor of irdec ries. Oa aora tban onoocoaslon their Boyal ; cj-.Xn on Apnl 2od, 1899, nnlawfuiiy n«oa » ntt tor rents from 'bo rural ratepayers. Ahcarne, A iFrieaiS,! ' * ! Hl(;bc:;;cj bad batajcood on'oagb (o open cs- the '-oro c( LalmOu lu the river Buir at OornckbcQ. SIKAKCIAt BErOnll I/EAOUE. I Ci ea^b—Mojers R Gon^h, N fiolger, J Hono, H c^P In»l>«ctjr, : A droolar was rcjd hibitlosa cf friob ludostrlea, »nd tbey bed la tbelr r OSollivon, oolr, appfarcd tor th> and from the Irish financial EsTorm Grainger, V7 Fiitpitriob, J J Bnea. li Qulllvan, J ¦ ¦ lJ , eiir. , ; League to the poc:;C3lon coao of tbo b.nntlful nork done in Illsn the defendant nas reprwenied by MrSHoe fffoit that' on the payment ot £2 tba Uorpby, B Kelly, Llro UoNarcUM, TJro lIoUc. E^ona. • Hanloy aaa Gotbsy dayosad t Clerk-YeJ. \ \ ;¦ -I llr Richard Welsh ... • ' ... 10 0 creat plet:3roJa s ecocainfl tho reflation. ¦ ! : ' cccond olarge ac'alncl tho catao defen- : UrO'Connor—Otn «7« oaornb tbo fail roto on lanSa f IlrJ Wldgcr : ... : : ... '.;... 10 0 Ikua BU a th» Clerk—5Te». j ! 10a caoh—ilr» Collier. Too obilrmaa deoUrcd tbo ' rccslntioa &at -fcr fistins In » protlbitea pa^of ilv«r8o!r : Ur W Calllnonp, A FriO2(>. 1 ' B"33"d contrary to ths provisions ol a B,o- : The acttins was thoa ndjournod. Si eoob—Ue:oro W Poner, P Wkoot J Hot:blD- olth dhrc^dlficatlon'e, : : ca tis tam« date UriBynn—I i/A 11 I 'M bw mtie by tho In'pectors of Inso JCisbatlcs. Ihla con, Gsole Bros. MbJ UcCartby. ' , wovld rak a poll on tiat. I}J : CbBliman—It to pacucd, MM ut3 adjonrcea tiii ntxt ooart cay, : PEEICJIPAL ; EVENTS —Ur Boarbo. : At thTrame •cs»ions » oan naraed James Hahor wca 23 6d csob—Meiorj -U W«leh,.V Wbltlls, T Iir;Gorman~Toto B poll. I dcDond a pdl. ot iw dn tlr , nanoned by Mary UcGrath fcr tafemw THE Croks, F Hogan. J Morpby, U Hesrco, D Powei , B Eolly—Aro yoo tecooded t : , 'ihe cooplsinant clslced J£2. 123 ea. CP ^LAiTl'SoE SBA80IT Glcccon Utl 'Baranel rionbi.;tI.P. « etmnt «ror»-qtuBtioi.tiiil an , 3 Dooley, K Grant. A Friend, Ulu Hcnno* ~l thtok, Ur Ejrj, and iftet loofithy atd oDnainir berry, Un Wall, Mrs of, D Lord Dncn-innoij ciya, it i: a ptivato ^OYOLEp the • psjaent cf Ct Oa nltn SU essto, King. * «i:lt C Kto CM maVfur & Oso Thoucand Gnlneas(lm H7) .Prlday, April 23 2J yoa ttlght oijrco to ft. '^ nnnnssloa ocd onUesnscll icj Chflttor Cop mlle»)- eaob—Ilcisra B WoJob, J Uolloy, lira T7c!:5, Voa coald edd tbci no ^A few '• drnnss (2J •. V/edneiday, May 9 A Fri^od. ' : hopa tbey will bo bcro In 0. obort tlma oa a aocb esTrt fcBTing - beea dipped d witii noalnal flaci tb» Kempton rsrli Jubilee 8takcs (Ia)...;3atnrda7, liar 0 j ! ! ' IOJ —Friscdb' ' 0! 6,;'0P°»t3Dt ocoioioa-to 05:3 tbo Pcslioacat toMt ncfcaiccd, . ! ' NC3Dar!:ct Eondlcap (U mile) Tuesday. May 1 InP OolUco ¦ HowTMrket Stakes flj mUe)...1 Qrcaa. 1 ' : ...... Wtanc3aay, May 13 poumroAN UHUBOH. : Ur iG«man—lt ;. . . ED j llote ¦ WwW& Best ¦ Alexandra, H'eap (Gat»lok)(6(nr)....FiId»j,M.y 13 nlll bitltao c2OB3h .to ocfco=3 . k I ¦ Trieyole ¦ 10i eMh—Uessro W Jlorphn A Forrolli J Slnt- them tbca. !^ - ¦ ¦¦ ' TO Uarlboro' 8lakes (Oatolck) (ha) ...Friday, May 18 tsry, llr . ' ! i i . O^-SUXJ Prince's Handicap (limHO... Saturday, May 17 Uprri», U P j Aid By&ni Ur IttanlDj Ur Eyta—Vta ara nc'.'loc all Enolbb o^oio, Ejiincton 6iat«s (Jork) (6f 4iy),..V7td nerdayi Hay 17 7» 6d—Mrs O'UotrB. Ur I Danoal Uorili, ll.P^-It nedd ba very c3co ' 6tjkea 616d—Hr Wcaton. : : FROM MRS. HACKETT ; SooerictdMlo (Bath) (lm). \Tednudsy, May 18 to fcs»o it cu:id notajnouoly u r;o bavo b;ca ca Ho pefnlStakes (Doncaltar) (6 for)...Thur«daj-, M»y 18 Dt cash—Mc^ra J Walob, H Brlttoa, U licide, 3 cnarjicioooell tbroaab. , : . MM [? Baltbnry Stakos (8 rnrlong») ; Tonrsday, May 2fl Eeelan, J Green, J Butler, P Murpby, Escico T' e- Ooacell shortly l aftcrocnja Wisheo id fc&e thb opportunitj Uancbeater Cop (If mile) J .Frliay, Wty $7 OOceriJ Even, WD &LB«llt7oy c3Jo:rc:3 to tbo PEARE | | E Uabcsy, ICtn lUay at ona o'oloolr. : : i : Whltsnntids Plate (Jforlooes) Saturday. May 8) JMabcr, tllcj Honloj. ¦ ¦ of retnrning het tbanlu to tta Slanlny Btakes (5 larlone*).. IVcdondty, May 31 8 J ¦ ¦ ¦ Tb3 Vtjhj (It miie)... —M ita Colfci. " . , "W ..;...Wednesday, May 1 4 J 6 l—Frieads. ¦ . . j 21S Clna^ atsitod vrote BoyalQtakc* (L>om/ (6 furlonB»)...Tbursday, Juoi 2 ! ! OT3 DAYG' HAHESSS. 1 . : many kiud friends v/frd ff*tiA /\ * k./lllall.A . O^J>_ ffHDOf A «* 2s Gd ceob-Uc::rj J O'Tcolp, J Uo!ros=py, T *•« V^i.0 y-M 4^.*r/.,4 t...,,,..M.M,«.^,A) (lai).. BatUTay , Jons 62 Diotoey. B Iformjlrp, Oat tnra I Hoa»e j U Bailey, HAY AUD DTHAT7. Drinto. ^s^^apliD $t®kq of Cycl© CLERICAL CHANGES. Jtuo il J E O'tiaboay, H Hand, A Friend. Llro FUsjerald, i 1 ; : Meohaniea ia Prlncs>9 if WaW Btaku (lo) Tamtiiy, ¦ ¦ i » a 0 d : Grtat KloffStoo T.T.O Baco (Mnr)....|.Fr!daj, July 14 A Friood, Mrs Hos.ev ' : : T7t3itta Gtra^ ' Gidhnc:^ SK Ecr Placi v/deb, o,&, Neccatb, to PA IriweJ Eandicap; (1| tnlle)...... ,M Saturday, Anj 5 ^6 Oaljr, bo ¦, ' Tho Villa, Tramoro. ; '" SilgobJcet. . . . . Priory SUkca (Lotrej)(6 forlOB23)ia0 taxf at, Aos & TcrJlp3Cp:?tc!i ,r.; I " • ; W 0. 10' 0 . L_» i4^^ l.^y o JS? :J Be? Joha Coma, c.o., EoooiacoiP, to ho c.o:, Clener Plata (Wlndaor)f5 lnr).,«...i'inrtd»T, Anj 10 Ur T J ffarrcll, UP, bis I |' ¦¦ 1M i QEAm. : OUAHPAGUII!. ECT Jcbn Cooflon, o.a. ToorccaMBO, to b3 o.(U Zrtltnd Plato(8tocttOfl)(l mlle)» .Tcsidfly, Acj lo t73 tit told, to i^boild these estanilvcly. soEJa Dassssra ¦ ! • ¦ GieatSitSordsbireBretderi' (5Q.. rVeanetday» Ang lO I¦ iertro ? 6C. ?t:!33'o rcp:rt i : KnooSssoro, ' ¦ . : .. '.- . ' ' . Grtat Ebor Handicap (1| mile) W«dne*5«y, Anjr S3 1 1 ; 0 a c a CJLAULT CT 1 . THE i E1TGIJ6H EPISCOPAL OHUBOU. I ;. ; nninE.flio, ' S Tames Everord, o.o., ClojicrD, to tscc, Great Yoitihlre Btalt^ (1J nHo)^Thnlsdaj, Aoj 24 Orintilrs Et:lc7 ,V. ; «. W 0 12 0 ^ cts. Toornaneattt. |' • : ' ' ! ¦: ' • ¦ Griaorack Stakes (fi for 44 y (!#)„. —TBmWdayi Ann 2* ~*6UEN OaU [ „ -.: 0 0 9 0 Rsv TOUlsa KBCIP, o.o.. Ncoctitlc, tol bsec, Cbaunofth 8take« Aoj 84 ¦ IN THB COUN0IX3. V7hltt V/b:i4..j ... . .,.: 18 0 10 0 ¦ ; ¦ (Derby) (1 mil»>T2mr*day, ;¦ " ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ; J he gloA to show < > ¦ i ' i : ' ¦ . - i , I : London, ToK^ay. Bad „ ... . ¦ .„ 12 0 14 8 we?? anyone who would CIojjbcEn. Donosstei Cnp (about Sintle*) L..Prlday, Sept 'i ... ¦¦ ¦ wish to KOT PatrioS J. Ward, of JErinlich cbslca, to bo Groat Tar£iODih'l'.T.08tak»a(60.WMdoesday,Bopt 13 Bail): bac::3 cf tba Convocilloo of Osatabsr; Dcaaaflat? Vvtcit ..J: - . «. 10 0 12 0 ex., Ntncaile. I : I i " .: ¦ • : met tOMjoy ti 'Wtstiafnjitcr nbCa amoss tha CsdI Osta ,.i ...... i U 0 U 0 inspect the repairs being mYle).,.S»tardayB«pt SI pretaatcd to tbe Bishop* was one In favour FEan :UEAT. T jBILLIAHD ; done to their machines Priro* E.lnard Handicap(t f petlliani ¦' SALOON. ' :¦ ' ! : ' ¦ ¦ •: ' ,^ Ho»m»rket October H'cap (lmUy)Wi dneiday,8»p t 27 ot -odplitlcB woaca t) cboro*> coaadls. Joist 0 d s d HishiQrsdo Eourrogho'o £ Watts1 She Wosfprd ¦: Coaiity Counoll Joeksy Club EUkes (H rab.)...... »TanrHay,B»sIt M OoavtSatltjo* ct C&fitobwy a»d Ycri TJ IU bo bsld la tfo4-Veala ,i. .; ; : ... 00 10 Tcbb machines\ leing built to their order ¦ ¦¦ ' M ; ¦ through • ¦ ¦¦ , First October TX0Bt»k« («fdr)M.Thn«d»y,8ep«88 ; I ;. • i : Besti B«sf Joinm [por lb , m ' 0 8 $6 ; Ja!», 0 0 end tholr STrcsiiirer. ; Abbey 8take« (Sandown) (6 fnr)^^.6alnrday, 8ept 8 Boesbn Pleeca „ ' ; ' _ 0 0,07 at 8 : ; THB i PEACE i OttCBADE, ¦ ff ldrkshopd I Hom»CoonUe» Pl. (B»Bdow)(ln),...1,8»tardsy.B«pt ¦ leoolpcif qaBrlsr lt_ . •;„:. ; 0 0 10 0 , EnameUing$ partmn t^ 112 Great York*. H'cap (Im6! 1837)..,^,,ftti^a»y, Sept B * Uff 3OSBB0a SM, Qmu PBOVINOIAL TO h«inp«ca« Siaket (5 tnr 162 yd»)-.-.' 'ae»d»y, Sapi . o DEPtn?AT10iJ TO THB EU631A17 Ot>¦ « Oa«tpcT lbl ... : ^. 0 0 0 7 ' OHANGDD FROM y Ot Lejar Stake*(la 6f 182y).» J....W tdntifdir, 8ep«; 6 i ; ¦ , rov7L AjiD OAIIE. \ ' 'HElliUETlA^T ! : ; and Henrietta Street BANK. . ;!_ j AMBASSADOR¦ , ( , NATIONAL » :; I'Tatiernll Sato 6eskM (7 farlosjnl.Wvdncfday, 8«pt 6 .: : ii ' .' ' ;¦ ' !¦ London Tncsfojr Henrs ffJTnnmnwid loons'* prfc:s « B do 6 ¦ Dots of Tork Btskn (1 mil*',, [Saturday, Oc« 7 Torbos [pet 1b, retail] ;..:: ; „. 10 0 0 i j ' ;:.T7at3nBi?©4Bi M tbe first tacttinsel tbo OTexfcrdCcsoryConscU Ur Do E-sanl, Buciba Atabars*dr>rr relpyic^ „,; ¦ ' ' ' i ' Ceatetrftob fltsket (2a» 2f 85y),MH,v7pdne«Uy,Ort U Cilnoa (nholc^a) ! .„ 10 0 0 • ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ ¦' ¦ - ' ¦ j : 'i:- Esmoo4 MP. preddiny, 18 (0 from the! Peace Oracado ¦ • • • - :¦ • ¦ r ' I' : . i- !. !- ta Saturday, Bir Thome* Middle IVk Plate (6fflr]0BffS)...«...... Friday, Oct , a dapntation toiay, Solo „ I „ . ... ;: . ,.. 1000 ¦ ¦ ¦ : " : : . . ; . s : Hr Open Doyle iskei who «as thalr iteascrer ana G»tviekOotsbwHaadloap(l{eiila)Wkdse«day, Oot IB fiprefBed tbe bopo that witb tba good nill ot J««* ii i 11 •»: i .;.» 1 8' 0 0 • I i Hi : ! ' = i Bra secretary ssia Ibe ProTCncUlBfoJr. • ; i • Czitviha 6tak»i (Sforlonfii) iTawday, Oot 84 Pot7er«, tho Peaoo Conferonca wobla tacssed in PltlS? .. » •» •••¦¦' I ! «' ° 0; Cscabrfofftibir*C ttkea (lm Sv^^Wsdnesday, Oo 25 CatCodSub,, * „ ... I .;„; ' 0 0 , ° ° The ChairmanES IA they-eonId appoint say treaairer promoang prfndplca of equity, rbomsalty cad r : . 00 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ p«tBrf p«r as3 i,. jj ; 0 they pleased. If they desired •<>? other tretmnstr it ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ . -. ¦ , : 0 0 0 ; pcMo, . i . . ! Losiitrfeaoh j : ... I 0 2 0 Wu qQlto opcn to eny meabcito.cwv6 thl«. . . ¦ r ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦[¦¦ SroBsa(Jhie5:s3a :iI !e!Msta]5 C16 ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ' • ' ¦ ' ; i THE EVICTED VEBA3HFS8* r'? C i^' 0 • ¦ ; -: ;•' ¦ ¦ -K' - :¦ -i¦ r^- f\¦ ¦ ¦ ¦?; : ttM?;. ; . ' .- ; !• : : . !!. It- .. . !i • . . ,:,• - fi ,: .>: •; £iuk b9 tnedetbe . ., . ,. .-- 15BH - IMTQBt [' i : ¦ ¦ ' ' ' COAI¦ ' ' °° : . . . ¦ ¦ L : . . Fimoel ( Mttchell ^¦ ¦ •¦ : Dorhsm. , » grooa ' i (spplaoee) I bare a resolution wbt 4» Is w folloirt, of fcr , mci a \ ! e & , ' i 4 BAJBJEiHGTq|S|: T i 8ffi—As r^Wlrawira yonTjynp»tby ib» policmaM tbont roidofght ad; reported that Hot«»poal p» ton, «»*s!W » W'O - tt 0 oiui?ry««»-AL£ffi[8 ud nbico I will ; piopoje—" E»«Wved—thal-ttp Siiot«d T'naats,: l! fief !»•»• w m»k», thmush th* LlSrwW ' KaUcad Biok (limited),«t Warfort,b» tb« Inmra , iom«one bti done Mmptbing b! hli wife. , Tbo 4. '• .. ;. dBllwrid ,H 20 0 £0 0 ^ *O1BOM cf IOM paper *&vgaete\ tb* Pjle»t» Mid 0 1 hob e* thl. rvmntv OonnoUj tad tn»tall ordtrsfOf WT* pwpU ef the tonoty WatwfoSTtont lieiwltii the rest offleeri on pto ** ?* ^° % "»?ona* • woman Btal obeqot< opod tba ftuklis;a ecooftt rf tb« litUodin BUUUTtfc* JSrioM.T«stet«raBdf ooew- nienod MarySway or Hlrpbflli lying on her WATUEF0BC, tlirraiOK AN"Q WE¦ STBEy ¦ «>d f ; :: ^.H Alt T. i l : - - ¦ -. «eanoU:h9dg ned by the oh»lrm»n>of tbe «oe«tioff. St Tte eaUauU.juid patriot^ L idyi.Jdls» Hand took, h«r ol|)thiogVelbg Mtan t«4 wift Mooa. . ; : ; . W^ . .j Bf »b« «mw^JH«J Bpo»*»*Mtt»a 6OCM fc*j >«&d>tt*»tt«sjBcwuiy of M COWM." ; w«nfltb« i nbMripttoM. ! i> la .. BDII • ft T> «1^T;«. h ay CUTI OM i J< At t, OcwWUI^ Iksld D O m * ;tim» D I «nd ••&. j 4 Mk HJS^i. Mieoh«H i,L Sum Ei t< Waterford. JpnadltotssstbUftfolatfoDI MI iiW^M1"* inki uy wowljdg*of fcb j •tfitir, mi «mt^a J tt»rfctv« jtwit ftey car8rt " >^'ffi *tf ^W «dowta. to tat 3 .P^ict MreaW^r«hoa', ^ BDIHBtr^f ANIMTttB ^BIB0» O» ' ' ' ; ;; • !' -; : : • ¦] - ¦ - ¦;.- • ¦ ; BaiT ft LAST . ¦ i . i.. , _ .; . [ T - ^rimmm iy. , : ¦/ , ; ; w)Haaa*.^'^J^B|Mw |M^HBmg^i^^yll^^.' ^^¦^. ^ •flBB i JBS?DOM ! OF TBB ' ©iTi IO 7?»i?»»'io'«mnB, ni»j *y; » r i»M i TMlsd -¦¦ i ¦> ' : ' '¦' ¦ ttlthfaktHt 7 ¦ r r. vrt y.; .&&.. OONFERBdsTJ)..; [ . \ - : ,»: \ , -!. ^••S h no*tb« kiTlw tii > ' ¥-; :;T?'- \W££?Z :W«tm\ tQisteauuii' was ^^t^iliife l! MS^'IV r-Tb« K«rW«l nS^rsrS^MmmP.*/ ' 1:1 ij iititiwirtrtftii ririViihiit >kSS7^J? \\(\>d ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ I: i . .; :, 'i! - . v . . i; s 1 V -1SW » ¦ '48K '¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ' . -' • - i . V . I ¦ ' ¦ ¦' '¦ ' ¦ ¦i' 1 ;: • ¦ ¦ ' "^~ ¦ iii :•¦ ' .iVi' .< ?!?-i .lj-Jjk . ¦¦> ' i; - i . • i -M'| : i '¦ - ¦ -: ! : 1- ' . ¦ . i !¦ ¦ Bxuisarvkn. Rural Distriot Council v : . ' . . I ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ' ' ' ' . (- . —TOESDAY. . i ! ' , . .. I :' ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ; ; ' - : -¦ ¦ .". ' .;-irl:- ; \ ' ;¦;! THE SIEJJT1NG DAY QUESTION^ ¦ ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ , , i • . n r Anothor Intorcatinc ; JJiccsortstioy. . erg • RT rff _. iJ _ l ' ffeS ' CASE OF .' FEVER' IN SHE THE; RECENT " ' WBltEOHmbEl-DISTRICT. 1 ¦;•

Ur. Q'XZcqSo to Givo tin Explanation.

; . I (FBOU OUB BEPOBTBB). ! body nas held «nks Th« usual: week ly meeting ol tfa la ¦ awyri. ^mmMm^Mmvm Vice- amon^ ANP on obo»o dky, Mr Charles J Corrnn, J P, y^. Chocolates: j^sh^f. ; ¦" , , : ' : (i ; presided, and tbo other Bombers presoot ' ; Chairman, 1 ' ' ' LINKSp rare—C«pt H Yilllera Staort, D L. Vlce-Cbairban /as Van Jlquten's Cocoa (J OM V^VL - . ! : Pa^PAMTS, ¦NEOikLApfeSi ; HEAO ORMAEV1EWTS, STARS, S^ l^ "Waterford Qonutj Coanoil ; E J XTuber, J P ; E ^ ._. ¦¦¦ among Coioas : it is unequalledr-t 1??VV. ; , •: •;. CBbcs, Chairman Danijarvoii Board of Gaardldos j ; —\V :¦ ¦!i - ;. : jAL "ENGAGEMENT " RINGS 8^CTEp - 0EMS. ; J P j \Vrn Stack, Miohtel O'Bitui, ' ; I j SB^Ci OF : Pi McCarthy, Wholesotro N(?urlshlns & Digestible " 'NX .! '/ "Wm ©"Brian, Thotaaa McCarthy, Roger Porcor.'Ptk ] / , j , I | At Hakor's Loweat'Hett Cash^ Prices, saving: 33 per cent Selections gent on Approval. • • - Foley, John:Hayes, Slepbca Power, Jco Ljncb', M : ¦ ' m.f By an. ' i i .niuatrafed Book of Jewoliory iof i all ilnda, Watches, -Olqofea, Ringg (vf tCo.Card 81909), .Plate; and Cutlery, post ftes. Mr J E Dower, Clerk, was in attendance, | Tim FINAKOE BAT. I ! Tho Clort laid that at the initial mectinc ofj tbo ;p Rural Distriot Council o- lottor was read tromj the fci.f \Aw &h%%:Wiilli ILi, I&s i;ttl()MI E^;J;;SQW Local Qovccnmont Board containing a nnrnbdr o! ! suggestion!!,' and tbeoe, bo added, had baen all ' ueeldy 6nance3. j , Croquettes ... 5jd. per Tin. ' ¦ wonon that wo are restricted X®::*/ Thu Chairman—Tbat Drops; ;..• ; .; per Tin. ; ' ¦ to monthly meetings. ! - ; j 5Jd. ¦/fj $$jy ' bat ; ibe Clork—Tbat is V7ltb rogard to Coances, SquarejTablfU siA-- each. :: /r' &^y' j "wu-* -forw. trans— ition. of sanstury K. - Ban id. each. ' ¦ yonJVU willWill moikUJl'ttV«it every*j weofe j . /' $?/ ¦' business Tbe guardians Gaaoco day has b son died second> Smart said no thought "tboy should Dot will prove to.Engllnd t,h3t T. O tro ablo to rnsnagoour ' ' ¦ '¦ Capt sub-sanitary officer to burn the clothing, and this he I H 10, PILL tANE, DtTBLIN. . their Bnance day diet) nitb that of tbe ¦ own oualra (hear, tear). Thero bone thing I regret havo ¦ , did ia the present case, i • j ' Guardians, j j : very much, end (bat . iii ibnt . want of^ttlty amopvst day «as tbok " thomsclves in kcsp very tmicb TotfClotli; oaid tbe guardianijficano? Mr P McCtrthy—'When did the Doctor¦ cdmrhunl- iigthc pfopb of Ireland , IU 1 ' ' " ' ¦ Kcond ordinary tueelinjj day io each mooih , »o - fixing Tburcday as the meetiag day for ¦ V . . . by tho Diotrlct turned up. . j cjo adopted by tbe majority of (he peop¦¦ le of tbis Tbo Cloik—Tbat will be considered ¦ ¦ ¦ ,• . . •• ¦ out, ountry, • I ; tbti day nroek. Mr Stack—I think ibis matter should bt let die mats and SBPFSiE Council unanimous In It is all past and gone. » This courts was nJoptcd, end tho Home Rule resolu- llr P McCarthy—They all eeem to bo SUPPLIED. ! They could Mr Fojey—The women who were at the tvalie ?ot tion was pnt' first tnd carried, Ucisro Uc:hor end j having Tuesday CB tbe meeting day | 'market than and the Beard tslco. Pexcoci 3 gredt fright when they heard that the girl hod fever. \Yyco diiontlng. ; ! j attend tbo wait until : Tba remainder of tho resolutions were abo unini- into tbla meeting jnbold" find it very in- Mr TTssher- Would it be right for us to, coming somecne else got fever ! ¦ ' . .' •¦ ' pourly edoptcd cto by ono. WYLSY'S. Hearses . and convenient to attend on another day. \ *Fxmc?al dUtaneo Mr 'P M ccarlby—Certainl I X^ocldins; and Chric toning Csltca ! Mr Foley~We tbnt bave to come a long y not. M®WB£ti kmM®®® Arrangementg tbe Mr TJs3her—It is our duty to prevent the spread of . . it would be well if no could kill tno birda with the disease, and what the Doctor recommends is to %&t^ . O ' AKE THE BEST m THS CfTY." ; ¦ '¦ .' ' I 1 ! McCarthy—lou yill have to obmo In large have the bed burnt. HAVE YOU BAD Ur P that I¦ A tbe day tbat niU bo the most Tba Chairman eald It was vary forionoto tbo i CHOICE VARIETY OF SWEEIS nnmberB dna fix people who nent Into tho honeo aid not got tho tovor. IIEGX. .; . . fpf m convenient. As fur CJ I am eonoeraed I jdon t '. . . . ' M ALV/AVB IK .STOCK. ; They cau how d great many people' not fovor by WITH W0UN 33 tbat dkoharffO ' or otbor&rca a! ' attending the wake of somo parson who died coccllrr0 ' Q&d 11, Hiohael-St;, Watofoid. Utbber—Woaia -Thnnaay-not «oU tbe ¦ . ; ¦ perhaps enrroncded with laflamaUon noollen Ur | EJO. I flnger) on;tbe Infjarned Coaaoillore us well «» Tuoaaay t ' . In tho oonroo of fnrthor dlcouosion Mr Williatp that when yea pron year , Sir TTpbcs, pirt it leave i 'an Impre^iou P ' Ifio,' under iWnltln Mr Thomas UcCirtby-It wonld ntt O'Brton caid tbo doctor might havo told tho parents of Plcuso Ivoln AcJdr'cli— rTJ 27SSAl> .BBOl7 r'32ri3 UcCartby-CouUi not tho goatdia^s fU tbe deoeoocd girl th»t that oho ha4 fever. ' yon tavo polso: i that dollco all jthe remedies you S Ur P if cot eitrabted; yon sever . OF EVEEY their mcaiins day olco ? M' 1." Oapt 8taart—Well he; miffht hive done tbat. b3ve tried, tihlib, 107 QUAY, WATERF0RD. DESCElPTIOil. Tnecday a had Mr Miobaol O'Brien! eald ho was anare that thp pu(; go Buffering till doatb Ponor, as BpokosmBn of tbo guaidlanf . caid bb can recover, , c5diws meoting beia on Toecday. , 1 ., for an explanation. ; . i SavtuTlmo, Savo3 Work, Savc3 Clothes. Saves Uonsy. CUT THU oirr B ABBA OK 8 TB »« T , \7 A C tohavebstb moetiDg. bavo ettended various Bospltala ond had medical ' yous : . ! ItoScAer-It oouldba>ell Mr Oeeiter proposed tbat this cza ol noa-csnplizneo .Wlll Clcsn and nnjhtcnEvorythliicr about tho Hou:o. ««Ef OrTriC^JI/i othernlca yon won't have.nnSdent bo referred to Mr Williana, tha Eosrd'a ccllcitor, to advica, and bsi a told your cip lo hepsfca, or ; ' " ca tbo one doy. ¦ to amputation ) but do not,' for I DOCO r:oT ir;juri= OCUCATB - *.,t,r, CriARCIBa U0DBHATS7. ' • . . take tbe necessary proceeding!. : : odvkcd to nubn it ' j FABnioa on THE OKI.J COUPO.-Jl. IIIBLATIS'S | ioroqnorunj. ; ' . geaonded 't uy perhaps, but I will, "" , . ¦ Chairman—The notlca of motion wUl j Ootto Capt Stnart , and the rcsolntion wca parsed ccn ouro yon, I don ' 'ma | Tho unanlmonsly, Bnbject to the understanding that the Becanso others .' iavo failed ia no rciuaa for not oon 'on for consideration next Tatadoy. EEGI6TEEED .H I TEADE UAWS. nas Ijive n Instructions to tbn tpllolto' do noton thissaeat pending the being cured. Seed »t ones a Postal Order for S3. Od, Crf.lffl t la. Kr*ironla Cr«-m, M. »n11*. Tulx«. dp ALU CMSWIDTfl, o'^lf^60* /' SPEGTA IE Olerk cild the notice of motion offioor day week 1 : ' sotoaons' | The at last Thurt- r»port of tbe sub-tanlt^ry and to G. S. ALBEbT 78, FABBINGpON-STBEETof , : Q LF\i U . ^ thia day fortnight nnd tbe guardians tbo , o!ork oommnuiostiog tbe board'a intontjon to tbo box I c^c.moE, £?E>., ttuzcsncj.: B. ::ZO:I, co* ita resculr. .If LONDON, nnd ^00 will reooive a . i OESEIITE—19, NASSAU STREET,.SUBLIK 'o meeting determined,+o au< parOnts of the dectn£3dJ | ' , day tbeir GBASSHOPFEB OINTMENT AND PILL8 From lnte Ho3t Eevd. Dr.'CBaxxif ;:'Bisbbpx>! tbo Council fixed Tuesday tho gaardiant atj It was ordered that Dr O'Eeoffe bo anted for an ex- line. I which la a curtain remedy for tbo ' cnro of Bad Lego Waterford.) • OeatJne noxt Tbnroday.wcnld fall into planation by that day ncok oe to whether be took the 1 i WHISKEY. * "be any incon- Hoacjmafd's Xtaee, Uloerated JoiatD, Carbuncles « I rareoy nasa Kr. Soionoia BpycUeraa wits jrastad- llr P McCarthy aekfd nould it necessary precautions to proveot tbo spread of typhus . ' . . . - . . r«t»^ to ^M. ^. "WJtgHwjro-ori^j bath moetirigoon fever from tho hooso of Liuronco Konna, Qooih, and Poiconcd Handi cad. Uauionu. (Ec^istorod Copy j ¦ «d B Ij «) venience to tho clerk to hold ¦ ¦ •¦¦ ! '• ¦ : ¦ ¦; ' ' ' Vtoriaj rao«t tjreail*^ t*^5'0/ iorta wilch liara : ; i I the District Coanoil also deairo to knotr If the doctor Ei.-bt) 1 . r . J Tnc:day. I Informed the parents ' beforo tho death of tboir child Tbe Clsri—Not tbo iligbteat. that che T7o3 suffering from fevor. i The jJinc-t Spirit Ireland can " Tim Birtor o» Ziiiiioa bu pU*«Br» in ttastugtits U> observed that that ncnld bb only ' 1 Soionos^ s «t«ie» *»'* «}!l!lll1 l ry 1 •Kl^aSoa Tho Chaircan Tha council then »jjooroed. ! produco. r eoatort—AlMloa? v'S , "Bmja.BS* Qtcaoadary connidcration'wiSh tbo clctt. i JCLi& X ) Q)Jtk i b^ Lj «cd «£ord«4 kita fflnch don't tbink It would be fait IM (From tbe late Hort BCT. Dt DoggnB,Lcrd y—I BMI! Mr P McCarth would incinvenlont for the ' clerk. The U&terford County Council end Bishop .ol , QJkrcfert.) to §x a day that xi)7 «i>Uraw enreni Ua SMo- ; meeting day llu tbe At SstortJny'a racetm^ of tbe above Council—Mr , Erected.undo? Board of Worta or pthervTise and Mr.nuihctured- OpreOLD MDAI; Udts aapsUed fcj Mr. Soloaxms, aa , A1TD . . . f Eiiuat , IiMHBt«."' Taosday nonldo'ij make Ur Edmood O'Shea moved tbe adoption of tha ¦ ' ^ Tha Aaauuaor d Toaoaro duiiaa to ncOTd tbt hk£t c;etiDfj from Thursday to ¦ raRjJWBKS esUsJ»etloa k« h»» ^'ij ?4 *»» ?*»» /•Sf »" ol TJt :¦ following recolatlono in f/Jooo-:— : ¦ , the ollshtest difference to hlo. ¦ ; EolotaoM' gpeeUdea. Tba ai«lil haa also U«a »ta JJO, ' ii p¦ i li lop Li) foi tber conversatloD, " 1—That we, the raemboH of tbo Walcrford •* : a-s After ocmo . •! i **** , Mr P McCarthy eedonded County Conoo 1, at tnls our first meeting dealro to i^waB soisr , i fr'XEIBITION CFrorti Very Ber. Bylreaterlas losa). Mr Umber ptosposod i 3 atawd ftuanoi I • 1 f I hiT» mod Mr. Golomosa' Bpootaclei far oraval yogi nnd It nos passed ncm con—" That tho plioa on record oar unaliooable conviction tbat A . • ! .EUGUJBBEB, EILKEHNY, I : U» ! thtja to bamoat iatUfutorT. ordinary —ud lma foiiEd > ' day of this District Council be tho third nothing shore of legislative independence will fiver Are i ucbhoule'lgcd Contractors nndor the Board of "Works for thn Erection of tbeir • BTiTxarx* lUio»«, P.P, V.Q.'Iilra»!s. : ' catbfy ibepational aspirations of tbo Irish pcoplo. : WOOD fclibij approTu ot He lo eooh month." Ear, Jos* solomou Qeollotr diy ; AHB arinioa la vna roaalt « - bt Taesd^y fsojld iplon ihat tbfl olflm8 of tho l 1S3S 1SS4J. £?««Uclea. HU i> ystrg ex Mr P McCarthy cnld he thonj " 2—It b our op ; —Iia«blUiTfiariaa. • pie tncrfcot noald be equality Untvereily should IMFIS0Y]a]D) lL]L"IEOH HAY BARJIS iJjiicac« ol (hem. bo very conveniont day. The Catholics of Ireland to In DTtLL . ¦ ; " TaxRaT P Quwi, P.l^.,b»» «ii»rleiio ^ sraateoaton ]. With Donblc Purlina and Wrou{jht-Iron Wind Stixys. held, bat tbat noald practically bo over' |at 10 boreco^nb.d, ce'd tbst oimilar facilities abould bo . uid utaort a»Uitu>llon from «a.«na inn rae.ot Kr cfclcofc nnd any member nho bad bnoiaosd to do afforded to thcoi_flt-t^^JO-*aiaJfl^-^?-*^'*r *lrc^oc"30^' ' 8olonona' «Ubr»t«d byocMclm.— tfmiatiav CoCw& -ICjiowiCOtpilr/mco, i . | Over. tlj tl^-IaX] t2a/ t_a3jni. 1!la J£A&X) f tj i • (From Very ttc».C»oou lixaAJ „ ,. DDTIC3.I ' " 200 of tlifice Erected lact Oeaaon throughout tho Country. THE orPIOTAiS BAI.A BtK3 .AUp - " 3—Toat «e cail- upon tho Governaient to give ^ ~> abave. (it the ; T ": and UYa €iperien« request o? Mr Uaaoer the Eoysl Comannlon, edapoepd of tbe ablest ficanciori particulara a3 to obtaining Loaa, 7"TzrrTgz -p-" Trya-^-y adiir Ur. Soiovoisa' ijwcU4iaitur bad resigned tbe clerbthip of tbe KUm&ctbomeV deprived of two and tbret~qaanar millions jouly by Tuun 'txon. /tari. Wntorfcri bad doclined to a system of tontlon jnhiaa bos proved rumouo to Ho tiied otbm bat sciferta C«it taoaaTeiuoiK»lr&au*r T Unloa end Mr Mackoy of PQ^TEJE!! G GCX7 cupply.all SG/IPPOILDIITG nad SiABCTO Ur. eolom&i*lemea H«a«. »»'« th» ro*u«a «o1»(a{t_ taka tbe clerkship of tbe Council. . i tbo prosperity of Ireland. ; AGENTa CJUIIL V ontflHTinOEl ' ' < . . saniitry cflccre doty! oonld " 4—Thut tbla Council protests la the sfrorgoai Required tbo Erection of their Hay Earns, oo that their Customers ore cp:iro;l tho cipenra yaz» UeT.C»ao» M., U9wi»T, P. P, bu nabl Kr 'Bsii.- Oopt Stusrt tald tbo ^ V7ATEEP0KD — . .— T.J. UctLiss 0 ' hB tbo cumo, bat tho clerlr nould Imo o moaner possible Irist nc ronowsl of the Coercion ¦ end troublo of providing theao necoEGaries and none bnt materials ¦ '¦ Eoia* 8s«rt»ol«« txoa U" H * •»» a, »tad»at to ta*. ct II b) : ! a^ TO . , of th3 very beat of PORTjLA'W ; — ' ' — G EO. HABNET. prewnt d»j, and b«a pSBuur. la .Uun*ton »a»/: luta. aork to do. ! Act. andio depritln^thupoiooRble.nnd lan-r>bidio,r; ; . GIVE ITS A TUIAL ; . vrtaert» faia K ¦ ' a ¦ ; i . . ' ' . |- -' 5—Tbat ne pledgeoorceltCJ to do-all in oar . • iccrcatsd i Sanitary macb ]>l«waz* la aUUnif that now, from tt» o*a uf eg. Tbo Cleric—Tho four doctors orj tbe poner to ccs:cra tte evicted tenantJ to their hold- PROVE ' T?Oil YOURSELF SoUxnooa* C«l«biUtd8v«oUelca, La eia asjay nKtiQc rur OQccri and Bolioviog OGoftto ate tbo 8ub-S|inltaiy ings, u wo b-lovo (bit tboro can ba no lacting pesco ¦ wrltia* loi anj tojthoi Uawi wuh tnttuileat*<»» 'te -Ma ' «/ca. iuid b. j : ! • ' I id tbis country until jbese poor families bavo besn that vre givo tho ppe*!r.ad bom Ua u^I It ctll to;go lnta . hia alsW iflU ba awuutnoa ol Th< Chairman—Do yon l tViok xectnrad to tbeir homttttods. M0HE¥ • LENT' " Bolomooa* BafxUtBp vcMcka^—8aadoa, 0oaiUr Oat*. ^ it its null to dofer " 6—Tbat we thiolsit would graceful act on /. Tbs liar. £tmla»Keuos KP, bw u»«4 Jar 8ot,m til) matter to-day or do you thick bo a ABb'Or.UTELV WIT.HOT7 T R VBUTIES Var/ lor aboot lua s». tbu part of the Goierpnont on thn eve ol tbo new 6{^itacka W J*uvuid «xv«i»i»diaaui2»« of tbo PUBLICITY. PEE8, OB BEF0EEUAKU dfxtiUM asd oomloji I«m u>un.-Ti«uaaltuent affa'ra of Ireland to " ioiottoir Spootactaa Uf? ilf P 1 Teloph6no4-4?J : [Telegrams—" Kelly, Rose Lano I CQABGES WHATSOEVER' . ¦ .;• ¦ Mr< K wutt'oaer b/ J sij. piatlcr. j libaiato the roQBinini; political prltoneri." ¦ ¦ ; : ;¦ irr . , ' . Cudiwil Lotiuai'ruiutaasdAtcIinutw suti,/-^' »p.oiot.d to d.ol nith'tbe neat Lord1 Q I - . .; Emiwac* the L.G.B ouctoR etti , I Copies of the loro^oio^ to bo to 8«Ht- . . ?. 1 -3 LL:OIC-SL!1O'. . ¦ ii[». tjaiuveca Uui Mrdiuul MOO K, , AfwujOuJ/7^'. Tbo Oerfc—Tbatto i3 to; nbat ^ £miuca<» Oudiiul t UAcui^ i soggest ollon ftc matter oiond bary, tbo Lord Lieutenant of Irebod, tbe Cniof OOT ImporfcaBt ihjt}lj»l hi* JiKtuotrJii^ mi xoic^ • M Announcement 0}Sitf j hi* Ur»» uita am«t tfcwTife. I^s./S-S over untjl this day utek. I Secretary and tbe Coanty members, Slrl 08iald Grattan, bitep »l.tit»ao»j Uu» »K>« ten. Ur. :£7««r, «ii S^ ocoordlcgly done. llr Wal6b, TallotT,:oniil ta btd groat plci;aio in 2l| 0'QOmmil¦ B1BEBT, WATBRFOkt). : W«wr(ortf | »vt» Moav lut. Dr.*»u««ala.*Ji*ij» <,t s£i , This mi ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' BUM FOB- PABMA1IEKT. rjecondini; tbe rcsolntion. From £10 »o £5,000 ' . oj tbo : JL^1EDXJ ~SJ ¦ •¦ ¦ To LidlCJ or Gent' Mo«» lui.Dr Utwit, «*uiov tu*, Vlrtgt^-iTJr?? * Tba Locsl Government Board wrolapo'nl'UG'iout Capt Wyso tben reno nnd cald tbat to thiUaht 3^ 5 emcD, j , »V J? «n«iJi u» 'J'0 «x«u*uy •=*" i» «upvu«4 %ttV.aiio*»<£L ca^o by tbo Iiooal Government, rritb tbo these rciolutioDD choald bo moved separatoly, bo- Proprietor of tho v/ell-lmown Pontins EQtabliohinont, Rose Lano, , M^dlcil Ueo ttrrangencnb Q land MqiAB Cler^UcQ , Gorerntatnt OSalalt, COMOnt of tbo Trcaanry «nd tbe It B c! Eng cause tbe fad of tn'elr belorj presented ta obo OUR PURE^|-i TEfl , 1'kaoopeaJOfCra,< t»«* auU Jfiwa ubu**;yU u iu«ft»«*«iu; . Bills intrcdocod Parliatn^n^ for tbo 3 ! j TZaterford, 6i!hoola»»st«(B Bbopkeepvn, Hotel ; PtopilefoTt, iK« aet» aama xa^ttsaa¦ (Wand) Ada, 1873 nod 18S8. # ' " *ut *ak L> to Mr rrtlren of tbofioanclil, bat bo vzujc it OD otrcnjly Oil THllUl OWII PEOMrsSOBY KOTFi otoarra—Uuij Io tw luul tnm lu, K. ouwannT uMMiia, In ren^ P U'Carthj, up to Ho < in view! heJ has purchased tho very latest design in Opened and Closed IH THE (ytittaasloualy a«tabu»ha4 n Irnwia a /tu».) **Tr ™ c^id —H tbis council talics opposi- oppot^l Homo liule. tbereforo considoicd 20 YEAEO, : : 8TBIOTE3T 00WFIDESCE. Tba Chalraan ' ' .Numi*rfltNiVl'i>Cfc,.hASauiU:axtyiii;£' tion to aby Bill in PcilianiaDt-».~ • tbat tbe resolution0 should bo taken ono br ooe. A DCI acknowledgod by thoui:2nd3 as Heareep , from a celebrated firm in Birmingham, and some of the best C» calliof; or writing, applleaota •ill b^. OoatlnCeJ the gsmo wonld hardly b» Ur James Hayes, Dangarvan, in a brief but pith ct cho' KooalDcmrsa ot tbis adTertiirraest. Ur M'Oarthy—I knotr j y All £atruea bj EjOJ-lloor'»,iUBJiua«BOOT . ! ! tnd 1 home-made. A thoroughly competent staff are now employed. lnfortcatioo will bi glTai abiolotel ,, «t D«*»oii-«tjcS- wsrth * Candlo. ; sp:cch eupportea the resolutions,, said that all THE BEST VALUE IN TPE' COUNTHY. / frea either by Chcirman—Thf3 Rlrco yon en opportnrlty o! likhata vzotei was to bs treated by in Enjlaod in a personal inttr^low 01 bj letter. ' iu4 Cturgtuol.inT d&ochts binuetf from those of . the retolntioua 03. Dbuble and Single Carrir^ea, : covered cars, Pneumatic and ktcd, irhiob Uwbor—I ta*e it u a civinff of oxponMj. or« «fcen demsodsd bj n>.c*lird Lend- Mr ! which be objected to, and to express his approval of Wo c»w"o s rrc^-^S or Blccount r/itli tr>, roioy of thorn who are in a vow Tho CbJrcian cald thoyichould occortain tho cost ocob noTiad ; : . : Solid Tyres, etc. , . ; pmiUoo than fseurrfog exponca. : ! : those relating to the Financial Relations and the ; lDt(ri|D?.botroBet«, »od iboso wbo .hirs applied to ttfore - ¦ : Mr Kelly reopectfully aaliB thoco who are compelled to order Funeral ! : A QEKEEU, OUDCn. , Catholic University. ' . j ! Thoicforo it co:t3 only Io. 6d. per 1b. to-called baats, lean cdtt 't, to; paid feet, and «e>e Board forward ¦ copy cf a general order : CapUIri Wyee again rose cad said that he was op- uojblD. to obula to advance j bj applylnc Tbo li 0 tfnnt» Eequbitca to communioato with him bofore placing their Orders elsewhere to tag prccorib|ns ma't«r« relatlajto eortain bnninna pp:ed to Hotnd Bute because be' bad Dtudied tbe t>olr app llcitlao wlll recelVo Immediate aUfOllon Qov«rnnont (Ite'and) Aot toCjnnty ' ¦ ¦ : ' fcrrcd by the Local queslioa very carefully and very fully, . He con- ¦ ¦ : and If co bculaim ia cJooe rut chtrgci ] • ¦ ¦ ' *b: it »o»tr wll tad DiatrlotComiclIs. : j scientiously believed: that the pasting of a Home • ¦¦; . ;. bj IDiJe. ! ' . • ' . . ' i . . , JAHO ; BAniTABT l BBPOCM. I : ^~- ' I Hole Bill would be disastrous to Ireland from a ¦' |"f CToia lCellf3 ¦ ' Dr Flynn, Sanitary* Offlcor, Ec3lioan VUp outury ,21b. Jcr Ra3fbr,r{y end Jipplo ... . ' ¦'¦ r.S-J-Bo caolloaa ct tt\t*\jH& Banka wbo ch»rge called (o business point of view. This bsine an almost porely 6id- ¦ . ¦ . - • A, Lane, QUttlct, reported tbat his tttcntipn had beau . B03 Y7atcrfci'd vijitlnjj tun otuo-cilledr iijoajr czpeoica, aod aftet \7aa o coj»pool and agricultural country, : its markets Tor produce were 31b. „ „ „ ' „ 1 ... Uittherr (7eJl'i yard in whlchtbero Cid- do rol ctant the loan.¦ Ur. GttlUa tsakn no lach eaitb. almost wholly confined to England, *ntl if Home ¦ ¦ • • ¦ ¦ • . ¦ - ho rccoomecd that f&m» be.filled op with Frnit efcirgo. . . - not ci ba seried. : Kale were granted the Jrkh members would ba with- J2)b. „ IIi»d , .:. . \ ... gj£, It oei ordered tbat tbo Wool ' Dr Flycn also reported similarly ai regards tbo yard drawn from Westminister. In this w»y ,they wonld 3)b. „ j t, ... ..'. ... 7^(1. cf Johanna Morraf. Notioa io. b» for»od, opt bs able to nniie.TTjtb the English members who P.Ici|ma|ade... .1. ' ; A BECEKT CASE 07 TTPU03 tP£7EH IU OB03H. ' represented agricultural constituenciu to obtain from p|b. „ ...; 5^ Tbn Clerk read Dr CKtlBe't report tcepccticrr tho the Government concessionssad legislation ' favour in tho in : NOTE—All , other Jnma nt equally ' . cccacf typbtis fcTcr, whlob cccnrrcd at Qeoth, of the farmer. Ho (Capt V7ysa) wis on Irishraan him- district. ' lone two moBtt a ifio. ; The ; ' Lon Pricca. : : IRISH iGEICULTURAL WHOLESALE SOCIETY 4 V?brti5ohnrob self asd he was proud of it. Uis family had iiei and tbs order .node , been in this cjlien^' o girl eamsd E«SDB. , country centuries,.' «nd be hid b;st SALMON 6fl. & 7id. per tin. doctor's report baa not, it Inppojru, for \u interesb, ho u pmeoepco of tbo ' toped; ct hc2i\, as he. had «' STOKES," 151 THOMAS complied with by tho pr-icnlo t! coectued. put, lready in- BISCUITS (Mi::cc7,. Gio/»er !8nnpcf Tea, ! " LORD EDWARD STREET, D0BLIN. b«ca yet dicated, !/ ha opposed Home,!Role 1 " , For'lNFANTS llr II O'Brien eaii ihua n&i co'blca rBontionod he did, so con- •Lu. ich. &c), All Sd. pcr lb. Tclcciapbla Ad3rc::~''PnODUCB , UTJBUH." , • - , urinntttlmrirla nfferleff frdn) typhut If iiot , j _ ccicntloualy, eslba t?ia»c ;;* . . •^pim B0tQBl f 'i'j dlrl not carry onttho rcc mtnenda-l 1 Mr Ussher said that considering ' ' fallo^ias ' ' ' J - ^ cpcuslbllityif they tbe excellent aplrU FRUIT , LOAVES, SJd-, 3d-, & Cd. czcli ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ¦ 'io»l oCcer, - I which had' been, oiown : [ ¦ . ¦ i ; POTATOES. -- . . . ¦ ' : • / turns of tbe mec ' so far in connection wili the ; ' tiorvelloaa Value.) ¦'" ¦ ZIrSfack—l*nt tbian»ttcr over cow? Ibit ocoorred proceedings of tho Council ho was extremely sorry that ' t M/stiVAnbkaf Kiaooy . - B*rl» IfloBsder la * ;;¦<¦ -ri7::"- "^-^^^.(^ [. .i SK^rii ; < i \ § ^. cboat tcit, moDthi »go, | ; cay subject should lave ericsj to oblige bim to difitr RICH FRUIT OACB -EfffcrVJIoyal Aeblcif Eldne7 . Scotoh Champloa , g report eopplloi , Mf Od-&Cd. per lb. ' lied Bojr Kemp , Cargo: just; landed M The Clerk—Tbe order bisaJ OS the from tba majority of hit coileagoss. for some years ; B«o»y of Hobroa ' i "S; , ; , « f^ |^jb^L^ - ! j ¦! (Any quantity cat,) ; H030 ' ' : .9. Runout Keap ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ tun noi|bo«n compiled wUbL , cor£td In tha EMIJ ¦ • ¦ ¦ f. .- •• • .-:? - .-[i;, si v j .j i jT! *>^Jg IJJK r» rOio-ii ofuceri: iver OK put ho bid gitat::t barrcony irita th» - : i . ' „. V/aIi«VB»s«t3-'-- -"- r ' ¦ ¦ ¦'> j^j ;-isJ^ri^b^ llr If O"Brlca«aid thtt! .^ SyVEET8 fBe3t> Makes), £«lj: Pnritan : ¦ ¦ (,| " ligfiom foYor u tU about ' Chtirman apd otsei jNfttiotialiit member* at tbs Dan- ; Mixtures, TJiats, ' Tb^'fl arVoo ' ¦ • ¦; '¦ " tloned itiht tho girl Wisengo ' Bbarpa'a TlGtos r a' j j . g ift«r b«r d»tb, »nd be thought tisfc «U rery,' guriu Board d Guardians/sndbo hoped slwayi to do BJ iiois. AH 8rl»porlb. Up-to-Da<« a Ualoorop : ; ! ! . .. , . , SO hoori ' ' * 4f etrangfl time for tbo doctor to do o<-. J ; • so *a long «« ha continueda member of that body. He ¦ Whlta Elcptont : 2 And all other No* and Old, yaiietJea. • )£, ti' . J.jii JA5y»^ C *?£'r , «oi4 be wont to t>-;«! evade bit Homo Eule qo«tlon by leavlpg tho SOA P (Goo 1 Pale) ... i 1. per lb. All oar S««d VoMork •»". apacUlly gtown nBw^BiiiwB^I Ht il'bODV, tnb-uoitsry offl ror raigbt Id* Wlndanr Caotlo : •• d{(td asd^(tsrtho ta-jgrrjbs.siitsd. - sq rtjnt occ;jloa Eottoa'a A.T)aDd«tc£) - tor Bmi aaj-jolaolifd tiUt tba otpo»t ioaa* where toil girl , room »nd not jrotinj, in lmpp Ijie SOAP (BKI WcAins) ...B5d.' !& 7d.:psr bM ¦ C ' '" ¦ tfe wcula «llow him tp. fodiliave tbe ; ; cars- '; 1 • ' i*r«-Ikean»U; this when soeb a subject wii:pacforwtrdhe did not r ¦ Voup ot^u j pl«c». I Ha fomigited tha, room, bat the portion bt the tbink he would bo acting eithif tntaly or a> Btrai ht- CANDLE3 ..i ' .;. [ Gd, por 8-*lb. pkti ¦ ¦' ' th« ' , fl. g : ^ ^ ¦ , , • ¦'• ¦WHEAT .ber W4 to b9 burnt¦ bad vplfl acqrdlajj to bis ' : OAT& . ' "1 Z a . •: : : ¦ ' ' . •!. ' ¦ • i- | fo;ward part if ka did not , . 1 ¦ ¦ Dot fce«a complied irith.Rp!faf. . . . . cottfitnee »nd bl» ieep teattico orlctlon that an Iriih JIA.TOHES ... Id, p . . . - . . viitcHRg. ' ' ' : ' ' SERIAL to toebrtter. 2< : ¦ FAMILY. eompe) tha gvaaiaj) * to euro out tba doctpr'a oidsr • BOJlllonfrom Cipt Wys« and th»t ha hidbsenMot to . Importea HalUtt'aPedisresCljiivsHjr I ** g I Imported 8prldg : | i • | tbstr Council-by «niUm«Dod if (they did not th»f »pnld iuoati giaro rx»p«nelbl- ft Ioporua .GoiaeD Mdoa ; I S £ I :< ' rr- ! • , •: a ¦lit» (I tt« «pUimloiore»<).! ; - . majority »r» Home Balers, and v«ry stay expresjod ,1 Awnlcai r'' :i i ¦ •= ¦ ."¦ 8ampU» and QwUtfoAi pMt frea en < M ¦ ¦ : ' ' S I . "4n wilimt fo«* : Mr P BoCartby—C*n'the b» compensated¦? u macb ty him wbtn he weo( to c»av»'s. And it « ' , Qoldthorpa , . .¦ , J fi&t I • ; ; ' , ap^(«»tlop. • • , . , nrf/nirtj^ ; ; ' j qaiie cltir to him thit b» iris sat retnraed beesaeo he . ¦j»d»k*ijtbtt i The.CUnk—Teff. . : ! wtaU TJoioaUti'i bat in (pit* of Ua being » TJoionitt, ; •Qd htoonld col tbfrsfora. In. fsiroeai to tbosa wbo '- ; Tb rtecido where to got tho , EyograsEes^lovera.Waiural Grasses, Eoot Seeds, &:c ' •Ur . Folty laid it it wit fever the girl 'hit lt tnl ¦leeWd hJm, rtootd : his 10U •gtintt Horn* Bale ¦ L*palMu«,) Hal 'mfanttlej'stood. 5 ,/ ! i PUB1T7 AND QEKM1NATI0N GtJARAirtE80. , •; ' ¦very strange to «e« the school cWldJftnj and their bt bin ! , not ;t» ¦ ¦ {¦' '¦: iiqMlly ho 6o»(r] not vote fot iHotieBut* l»o»a«a he ; !/, . : PEICB M6Ta »KEE ON APPLIOATTOK. ;• ;• ' : ¦ ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' it BIGGF.S 8HimtiG3W0RTH. " " - 1 • ;: ' i' ¦ ¦ ¦ r - ¦ dia aot tbUk »na tber,foro he - ¦ ¦ pnt out U would bo i»cc«»»i :¦• i; i ' .: ; !• : . • ; :¦: I : , : . ;¦..- . , ¦ Doctor (hai ¦¦ ¦¦: ¦ I . : .i . . ¦¦ ¦ s ¦ CBiiro^The ¦ ¦ ' Mjchwl . - ¦ ¦ -¦ ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' Ur j wonld «dopts)i Wddle ciinrM «biisb, thoogb" might . : i .. I • . ' ;. . j l : I . : 'A : " ' , ing and; be nenr told tlu > people td : I ' "iff 4r|'4 fw)n eoma^m« ; tho . rtil was dy ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ liotbs regarded »i itronf, :. wM mill an noaouablt boose. ¦ ¦< "(¦' - ¦ ' • • .:: . • !¦ - ¦¦¦ ktep ««« frcw f be ion«— Ui«' tar htWoold nU vote st *tl. j; . ..:. • ' UcCirtby-1 think the lloctor ihould 'N I > Capt W ti Cojtblu), J P «.ld thtt ha »»s v«ry macb ~ \ &{¥ < , Tho "QUADRANT" Patent : a>^i.;*f tki, M mil *8mmi i oIl«J; uponlbrancrpUni«tion. ' i ' , 1a tt>a pMlUoo«i i " Hi }Jfid«d; O'Brteil-j-And then . ; w the Oonodl by ? ooottltaenoy trw*t**to QajMUWW teBWt : . [« '^»itto« - CinUw " - ••• "^440ib5pLE^5!.v .!;ii '^H ltB ^ . W*«y t&aWaSiikt rnwblc . *;«rt>ofad,7B#T51,> iJiatu. sdMatl by »otlm»tlqj ¦¦ . ' r1 ¦^^^^^^pu ^^BH t ^^^^ fjir ^^^fcniHi"Mii jVUcu 11 Twj^i 9 n ^t «v*Vfcit \.f i'i)¦ ^t¦ pfVnoiir^ '' ¦ ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ yu&M mttViVW.mrmifmMVMt- ,! ]\ •/¦.- . ;. .>¦. . . -.i . r:- ¦ : > ] ¦ ¦ : /¦, ;i ; ' ¦ ' ! .; i-j ii MnW;•K i tu!* ^tfWpctWwi.M',, ... I- ']- - :. ' . :- i. - !i: ' | :-:' - -j :|:-' fu 5Jtejy *'^j . ' fife fS^^^«;#^ Bi; :i :!4.^r^»i '4 BJUWQHBS i EVpiYtWBBBSjV U liniiii^attM^Mil^ tha • enormously successfulhew -Musical Cotoedy, DURAND'S ; PADDOCK^i WA'TEBFOKD. irtdn its geojrapbieaj 1 ! On tJhange- lii Local and District Gossip position would be tb8 most! •iThe^kirt' Dancer," wbiaa lias cauied such * Tv^z vpdMin' and [ To tamers indTig 1 suitable place, but We doubt if -its oonrUiouse^ furore in London and all.: the: provincial] fours RadngJ HOESE3, ' ' IMPOBTAOT? AUCTION OI • " - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ '' ' ' v ¦ cramped and inconvenientaa it is, would meet the! yet-.visited. The: Company is' exeeptionally !''. • • • Y" - ¦ '"'¦• : ¦ an • , ' : BEOOD MAHES, ' SmOLEBj ' ¦¦ $ :. \ tf IFestei . . •• ; , {y .{ . .. Mr Riohaid Cosnmins, Chairman space requirements of tbe 'quarterlymeBtingswhfen) , ¦¦; ; ' : . : ; .-. • i HABITE59, feo,/.^ ¦; . ^ strong one, and is the;property of MrFrahoissiltes NBWKAEKET -;-ilteBTING. ; ; " p adii, . , . . aq, ; j , . , ?! DICK" of the Tlpperary Connty Oounoil, thaCpan,ril and their officers and the generalpnblio| n»tl?u ot K-ir/; Tbe 'soeceu oP tills lltely and \ \ fp $W : , '.'. -¦ : : . He is nearl always,tobe seen 'Tromore W»t»rb»»d (8 hntth) 1. SO/- ... i . 1—Grojr Mate iSoming ':^ yoart , by'F itbard, ao- y fit Races, Bui then It was iuggepoed-^by Mr "Hayes, ve UfllON-Yesterday. ¦ ...... „..,...„;.„... . :' Size&bto.frpml 1 Q to 1 2 14 ' ; " ¦ ' : land what ho doesn't knotf'aboat the favorites or thick-that there was trie Tovrn Hall to fall book I^UKGAEVAIf . . Dorio 11 (< T Bloao;...... t t ....i...... •¦ ... • tfsjeed. ' •' .[- J " - .' "' ¦ • 'i ' ' I' ' ' j vtitA iD ' eoBMatntidk For Prime ¦ ¦ .- • •;•' •¦--• " . . - theijood outsiders,'jk rarely Forth learnings .upon, CudMaria (A 'jCovinjton).. J Ela UligIf to i£ft t£Zt 2. 39/- ... 2-Oheainut ' Hare"-, wlfh foal] »» foot—norfeot . . inosranchas thfe buUdingooaldaccommodate ' * • •xperlfceD H g«er«lly ^ b»ve pttvi el ' Stout, frop 1: ,2 15' to .1 8 . 0.; ¦ ¦ ' ¦' some hundreds' ' people.' This' A 8EEIOTJ3 STATE OF AEVAIBS-THE WATEB Also tan—piaainfi. Lniooa, Dun'.op, ; jsado a id tbi mntMtU' ; ¦ ' ¦ tnanoert aoa.ge^rol wfcsier. ' 'T; : 'T ;¦; . i ' ; T^eChoirrainofKilkenny Connty of ' . is looks feasible Plenty,'Blmcw 'sias, •»efory <)baraot«r,. tbwe (birei ' ... For Over- . . ¦ . . „ ,' " ' ¦ ¦; - theri this very iSDPPLY TO THE BEVEB , HOSPITA L MlisTcllor. Aebdod , Illo»io; W«S- •re yet pf a very 3. 37/1 i 8—'Bb.ei Horse. moVf*oItahI« 6i^4r«ft;«ori. -. - , J F SzpTHWiCK. Council represented the Borough enough at first sight, ^ut serious ' bridR*,' 8ar)|trado, Ffororsj, WtllhODn 1 6 ob ril cr ' : -weight, from 1 ¦ 1 to 1 3 14- . _ , Qiotf Bath ' ; e<"tbe»<»- people Ulk tbem np . 8. ^,,.... .;.-,Por DiitftcntOtrii^p...... „;. :: ¦! > . ¦; ; of;|Kiikenny in Parliament for objection to the Drooosil, and , that is that tho "i i DEEEOriVE.-APPOlNtllBNT .01? DISPEN- arid.M«nteftK. B.Uing-3 to tml Dorio n, W• VX ! thMi.u ? cUre Price For Heavy, , 1 \, ¦ " ' ¦ ' '¦ : S tii *.^?frt ° '*w JBteinrtealljnoi 4. Special •4—Tboroogbbted Mare. 'Joan of Arc, bz * Ben some years. He.vraa married to Miss Power, of Xianty Council could ,only, ntilUo the Town' Hall ;; ! J8ABY WABPEHB. : : . " ] ' P«a«« and'Fteuljr, 8 to 1 Driiamn, 100 to.It Bimonslt e. »«th 100 penor. ^Tc-d*y «b«y were Overwoif?htoverl. 3 14 ; ¦ 10 to 1 Aabdnd down to ti. ¦ ¦' Bittl^out oti'Wbitelccfr.' a'aia o! eaveraj Tramore. Bister bf "the late (J K Power and James on snfferanct, and «hqald;any friction arise between , 100 to 8 Warhead, 100 to 7 FIOTCTI a, i> If adopt »cre a qai«» tnaH« - For Unflnlihoa ! ' . ¦/'' " that' bod ; !• i¦ • (FBOXI otxfl EMOBTB B). 20 to 1 cVjett. Won by 4 leogtfis ; a' . ^^to-day." ;.•¦T* he Pie- 6. 85/- ... ^ . . . . «inoeiS|i.tiotfl'dto>BoValOhe»tor. ,. Powert.and has beei a widower forsome years. Mr y and the Urban District Council the latter ¦¦' neok diftdl ia fer«nc» rota thttep»Dcc . .. • . V* PBesloa Floiror. could simply turn thejkey in the door and leaf e .the "' Tbe nooal weekly.meeting of tbfa bodr wss hold on isoond «mA third. •• . i : ^B»iA. Iltel. ;*., g, 6—Choatnnt- Hotn-, 6 ycar% byL'. Smithvylckiw always bein a;pronounced iBdcrjcn- yesterday. Mr E O'8bi», Cbslnnan of tho Bcurd, ¦:¦ ' ylbct f M To Farmers who wlsb to sell to us according to baodal hleh j qnieJ, and dcnf iNctiopaliat. ; ' ", l}f>per Honsa" out in the cold- For such> little TWO-TEAR8-OLD 8ELtilNG PLATE? - ^ ,quality . bb modoin tbo Dongarvan Coarthonse for holdlns sugsuted that it wonld bo a grtst thins when appoint, Royal * '¦" °* Llght-ru&nioe Wa(?onetto ' County ins wardens to havo logard to ths facUltloa of faninir ... t< ¦ lo Harneco, Saddlw, CHAIEUAN. ,,37;"3rcara cko in tho Eouth of tbo future, mcetioga of ^be Council' Mr ' IBISH -T-'*' ' BEST available food for plgo is potatoes ; Drajs, coto Doable end SiDg L'E itrango Duffin tioxots for the poor, ' Ho nctnt' not to have tbera alt Ono Thousand Guineao Stakea EAILS. • The Bridles, &e, &o : . I : • ' ' I Franco. His father, 'Sir John , the!County 8urveyor, was present ' Dublin, Wioklou & Wexford : barley meal is perhaps the very best ; Indian.meal ,. , , . and be and tha Committee entered folly into aetafls.: in «1 ffronpr bnt oprcailaround, • ' Lord Wm liercsford'i b Or¦dlciry¦ '~ ^ ui -Fnrthar .n ricB nlU bo rccolveS before 10 ocloot Eomondo, jw&s for ESverol years one of tbomambera ¦ wcaldbevcry ¦ BIBOLA. by Groat Boathcrn ... . ,;,- • thoroughly cbolred ' ' ' ' ' " Mr Hayes¦ : All tho publlcacJ troand . Ssilo? PriHce—Ssloda ^S is also food food but should be :! ; . i . T,here yore prcsant at this very • ¦' ¦ ¦¦ : JTElwn 1 "' dornlD(j of fnle. . | for Wtt«rford county, iuhila hla laothor was a (JOod, . . ¦:. . ' ! , ' Great Korthorn ... ,4?f by boiling. In oil cosoa milt ohould clap/ to ¦ : I Y7nAT important commlttea meetiDs Mr fir A Jamea's b FASCniATION, by " "• 4 Tcrnc—Cash. • [' ' . . ' . ! daughter of. Henry Grattan. M P, son of the great v Tho Clerk i To appoint warden* wh:ro taoctsrfhss \ Hidlaod : . : JJ* given , this le most Important !• . • . ¦HAPPnann. . . Thonias iPower, Chairman of the ' ' • llojal Hcioipton—Chirm 51 Pratt ... ' "* THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auotloaeera, Co, orator and patriot. ' Ho huncalf entored publio lifo ara not, co to ecoalti , : : . ! . 2 Wateiford end Llmetloi ... : nit The very WOHST foods perhaps ara tnrnlna, : Oea&ty Coanall ; Capt H C Villloro Ur Donjflag Balrd't b MTJSA, by Harts- '" The Mall, WaUrfoid. I i i in 1885, when ho and Mr J J [Clancy were elected : . . . ElNOVlHU. : . j f . MISCELLAHEOUS; mangoldo, and brewery! or distillery ; grains, !tn rt, D L, Vice-CtiJrman j'Mr B D«3ber, J P; ' gon-PalmfioBor , p Eictaby national v ¦ for tha .two divMona of JD.ablin coanty, which np to J .. On tba proposition of Mr Manries Rya, ccconded 0 Telephone ... ' ' "- " *% every pig fed on these that Ja hilled. In onr Ir Jiuncs Hayes, Mr B Nugent, Mr Edmond iby. jitaea , tho folio* |D(j wcra oppoloted Lorf¦ Boiebery'sCOBPOSAKT.bySbecn . | Dublin United : '" unfinished" THOIIAS-ST, "WATEnrOBD. \ that time almost sines the days of James II, nad : |Ur Hayes Tram. 271 premioes vlll ba cscertained to bo " nover besnTepresented b Hal avan, nad Mr 0 J Cdrran. When tho meeting Wardens for tho BloRflllo Xhepcnsiry District !— — Illamin»ta i..O Wood 0 BoUnds Ordinary '" . "' *'* honcing hor_;9. . y b Cotnollo or a Nfttion- had dhouc:cd ' v/hon cloven Into Bides In bur 4s. 8d. 'ANNXFlI, alint In 1892 ho was defeated |in South IJnblin, dotalb thcy all wentarouod the ooutt- Eov ffr IlcOann, P P j Eev Wm Carrey, o o, Cro- llr. P Lorillsrd's MyAKKA, by 8cn:> ; PfiOPIT¦ EENT OP ^317 |PEB hoa a balldJns , and tloa—Majtoetto ; ¦ " ¦ • ¦ ¦ 1 but in the eamo year he wes ¦ elected for Wcat and examinedthe various rooms ballj ; Arthur Aotbon>, Deoltn French, litllluugoul T T7t!dnn¦ O Africa ™ ; . ¦ . . thejt ako visited and inrpeoted tbo old and tsmi- Sir E. Waldle .Grlfiitb'a 8 V7 B i g^S.lh , ';. : 4 ffi FOR SALE. Korry. A few years ogo ho married ISizs Donovan, :P N OaKaD Qortnodiby ; Bjltffstar Murray. Hfl- E T ; IMPORTA NT) NQTIQfe 1 ¦¦ ¦ " : ¦ ¦ ' ' dilapidated Bridewell ' : 'After dno deliberation tho , UABJOBMJ, by Keodal..StMiicgncrlte , . EENT J22 i5a.'4i . : . ot Tralca.!' • . . • i ' • .. . ; John Fowler, Gortecn ; }6h o Walsh, Kto:k- J Hind 0 We havo olmoat continuously la our- vrtskly comjmltteo expressed tho opinion that the whole of »iak Mr L Br.u.y'a UMBRO3A , by Ajrsbiro | ! s Mr E Flavahon, : KilmacthoDia3, tbo BC3t!o>u cf 'dDOte ; Jjhn BnlllVflD. Bcavlaw -, PJ U Hann|o.»n, —Bhade ., circulars called Formers' attention to tho ncc?:3lty mo BB BOLD Br AtJCTION, jon Uomkr , 8ib the Counoil could be cbnveLicotly HRoIiettSona ; Jobo ..WBradford 0 Wlrolcw TeIag,aph: '" ' "' -T pigg, bnt tho BEOIHSKS, and Mr Cr Fkvvdhaii!QUn Hotifcj, LSlu in' tho tistty cauloos court by making como iBarroaaBtooS i jcromlab Herty, : Ur J V Lwiwh'abr VICTORIA; I for producing the beat truaUt? JL UAT; 18S9, »t 12 o'clock , »t car SaUroomB, Tho ¦ « ' Ballymacar' :' ¦ . UA7, E8 "' "' ¦ ¦ quantity of the classification called UNFINISHED of V.^7.Fao sooB, Xaq, ! Wotcriord¦ , County¦ Counoillora, trifling jaltdratlena and bjr fitting opa eoapleof «nall Pbner¦ Balth¦ , . . : by St Simfo—Hamptoo B'8«....,.,, ro tin- 89 leiro, from tho Wotorford Corporation tt tho ; ; for . uw'ju« dictinctlon oa Satur- thoir rcqclrcments. ] . . . ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ Sir J Blanitcll Uaplo'a b GALOPIN I Greppicra Czrfca. . ... fitted to make into best qoxlfty full branc^a ' ; : As !a natter pf foot the court in ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ LASSIE, by Galopln—Ky lcaka 'f Low Annual Eonb o£ £2 lEa AA. day. About a dozen gentlemen wended their way : ' E Iltrtln 6 ¦ • •' • ' BEinrxrJAnc. ' • ' Tenant ot ' AoruALimo, ' nhlch ; it is proposed to hold tbeao i Mr Brodtlok Oloete'o b STEIKE-A- bzcon. i The Premlnes :oro let to a Solvent to Kilt cany from various parts of tho country in t : A Condon, ZIr Patrick ! Baylies Tfaoaa-, ... ' '"' "' ,'.7" Farmers vrlll nerbap3 bo' surpTksd to hear that Annum¦;-Deduct Ground Bont, the hope of beinj quarterly and btbbr meetings of tho Esvll flanphy, P P; Eov LTGHT, bj Donovtu—Faso .,.p £20 Os Od per co-opted County Councillors. Mr ¦Birrbn Walsb, i 3 Morrlisey, John w AlhoSD 0 about one-fourth to one-third of our! porchesca £2 153 4d ; Groaa Annual Profit, £.VJ iaSi. i Murphy did not leave Water!!or|l, yet to demon- County Ccrancll is not a Boitable placo in which to , Kcookfcoy : P U L de Rothoobild'a b GUAVA, by . i SiF 0'0-3 - ::: turn out to bo " UnfinUhed,": end .tho bacon ThD Tenant Is inposseaalonfori lho past 8 yaoro. strative were his friends onsbia tohali that be was hold en inportant representative eathedos. Then Pitijgcraia, jaor, OI CD. Gilopl n—Nellie f Lcatca 6 :.: . ' 1. thors in of : 001L3 SOB nrKOVTLLB OIZFEIISAUTi . 1 manufactured from: them rnuot ba sold at very holds yearly, but pays hla rent hunctuwly overy elected County Councillor ¦•; for Kilkenny at r^alji a volamioas amount pnbuo books Duke of Devonshire's b CLAQUE, by I under " ' and dercatgcnfci connected with tho secretarialand ! ¦!& B Eyan «ld that 6 cwt of coal WM Kqolrcd ~ low prices ; say about lOf- per cwt. avenge month. For further particulars apply to the head of tho poll by o larpamajority. Evidently W arden-AppUaso II 0 UtZizi 6 Ptemicra . . I • ¦ - M * ¦ ¦'" ¦ ; ' , onglncjrinjwork of tho oounty—far more than most for i tba Rlonvllle Dlapentary and an order ots '~J. S \' 1 that made from flntched "pis". ' : MCMRJ ISAAC THORNTON a SONS, Solra Mr Murphy is as popular in bin natlvo county co he ¦ / Betting—13 to 8 agct Sibola, C to 1 iljaikaj 10 tb Eaplds . • ¦ "• ?/2 proportion of UNFINISHED pigs to ' • ' ¦' :Waterford. i peoplb ina^ino, These I aro all publlo rooordi and ,mndo tb&t It be pro'ldpd. ' - 1 Strlkc-a-L'ght, Victorb end ../ ¦ The or to • . . Cathedral 8quaro, ia in his adopted city. ' ; " ' ' "¦ IJay Gnava , 100 to 6 ¦ " '" ' FINISHED in Denmark la very mucn IKS Indeed Aactioncrro, cotlijbtlyto bo translated from tnelrpresentBttong- ! ; ' TUn V?ATEH BOTPrt: 037?COTTTI!. . . Corposant, 100 to 7 Zlasi W™ - • 11 8 THOIJAS WALSH &SOU, ¦ ' Mr R J RvftB. ' Thom!uAot7fi. Brft. b' , Lady Ogla ' and Princeii Eovers .„ "' "/i than In Ireland, and the reasons are .that much i ihe MalL iWatorf oid. i old to any temporary or makeshiftplace of refopo i Tho Xiosil Govornmont Beard urttlns Io eon Mary, 100 to 16 Umbrosa, 20 to 1 others. - - 14/- THB FIPDOWU posed the eo optiin of Mitiuiphy 1 c( tbo ¦ ITo pho! Tobelsa .; :. .. . « more IS taterj-fchere ici breading and feeding. to suit tho convenience ef o ecctioaof the board. The oeotion nitb th9 report of tbo Medical Oflccr betting. •" ! ' the front In Jf ia nT- and alw of Mr 'John Wolah who; picxnt;connty ' offlMs rtaro built at the exporiso of Workhonse to tbo effect tbat tba water mpply : Then ncoliL-Cinada. has come to . ¦ : : ¦ . THB EACE. ! Ojmonda "' • ' • — W this matter ; Canadian bacon. , lo of- excollort GUARANTEED ' ! i ha caid, " v?1I3 tha dofcitodcandi- tha : mtopayara,. ' at ' the.cost l of thousands, bpt of smz dcfcotlve, tbflra being absolutely no mate After tomn dehv at the . I date at tha last aro . post ll yakko, on tho 'left! quality, being mado from the baat bred and beat election, although he was tho choice conrca If that lbEg^iaffbriDg community Mrce- supply to tbe olosats ot tbs j fpTC^bospHll, aaked made play fi',ni Bibola in '' ¦ the centre, and theis wete ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ' ' ' ; of the. people " .Mr Ryan added— ' nndRe-Whitworth '! ' ' '" . . *h fed piss. '\ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " Tho! person ablia to epend o few! more tboucands in order to nhot eteoi tbo Rusrdiins brid taken In tba , WRttcr closely pursued by Ewcct Uai.Jr le, Galopin .. , "' returned doe3 not reside in the ^division, and the caibnllse tba ' guardians did not aabo soy r LassieJ Triumpba . ! ' ' ,'$ In fact. If tho Irish f onnora do not v/eJro up, lu WEQUALfcED CIRCUL ATION . wciS, nhy! no c=o can cay them oay. Tbo Clerk—The and Corposjnt, vnth Victoria May, Princesj llary and Atn»l "' ¦ ' division -ii . without a reprcintativo." . Afters a The rcsolt, 'ior.' they «. oonaaltallon with tho gani*ted Tyra Z V& this Industry will leavo the country, will go like ovcr, Will bs tbat tho connty offices dodnnlo crder bat 8tiike-a-Light next to the btubes, when Llyakka wa» Pcnton ¦" and number of polls th0find count was as folbirs—For rliosi .bo -loft pruotleally';derelict, a prospect which maotcr and tha Medial OQccr b".io. D»vle» ... «,f others hove gone. This weSotatp ccrlorioly: L : in difficulties and fiibola took sp the running from • "? "¦ ' P A Morphy, 20 ; for Mr Fitzgerald, IT l and for loofci foolieh in thb extrotno. : ' UT John Vi nlob—Wasn't thcto o cootrnet .cnVotcd , deliberately. i ' .. ¦ : ¦ Striko-a-Lisht Pacclnaticn. Uuia, andPrioctsl llaryl ctonea Mr Walahi, ,15. The two ficic-named coatlcEca 1 ¦ ' ' - " . ' .. - ,. "Wo -want eultaWe plga frori 10 to 14 i'at.Satertorii ' ¦ ¦ ' • : TheiD^wprthica oommonood Into* In the Dip «Strfte-a-Light beat a ietreat, and u they Kouiish.Dj Export Stoat.: specially bred and fed on proper were co-opted, . . ' ' : . | . - . . l'bo Clerk—Yes bat thore ha caco ln tho Fevor (he nv»Iids-a bottua-^l dead weight, properly; , . ¦ ^e^ ¦ ¦ ¦ Tac STIICST ," oporatt6ns at Carrick-on Sulr for cams np hill Fttdnation acd Uma becstne the jrpoolality at T4B DoOEW and which .wo" ;ntyle FINISHED. .UK- ¦ ¦ Wo notico • that Hcarno Hojpltal now and conccqucntly thoy eoa'c coca nearest attendanta of Gibola Ge8rBo^ food, ¦ _]. .& Co PHEACUEES. tho firai timo thi3 week. - : ¦ , who, however, Increased ¦"***» ""hatl Strwt and Laiy Una, W.terfera F1NI8HED pigs are NOT wanted, they can only EBIDAY, APSEL 28, 1689. ,.: MAirr HJAPP? odvertics in our columns to-day j with tbo coatraot. , ! her ttdrantart and wen easil by three ' y Icogtbs, two ba manufactured into bocpn at n dead loss, they BnTtrBNS. the cslobraticn of thoir. ICth . . ,; . - At tho' pcating on Tuesday Mr - Dr Heckotr, tbo Ilcdlcal ODcor of tha Honco lengths divjillng second and third, Victoria May vis discredit to this country, end help to drlvo KatlACTltoMAa entered tbo room and tbo Clcrfc informed bid (berth, CITY PETTY BE8SI bring ¦ : j . birthday. Wo hasten to -wiah O'Dondghoe'a tender for Power's here ' Princes* II«ry fifth , SSrllte a Light lixtb! ON8-Tbis Day. the trade array to tho f orefjrn producer. - : . . - - them! many happy rcturna Sinco AlriHearno . i G-rjAnuiAiis. wbiakoyi nt 18a per gallon! was tbnt tbe Loot! Goverbmcot Board bad written in Umbrosa tsventb, Corpoiant eighth u -- ¦ , Galopin Las:ie {B J ha It Is manifest that '• finished pigs : shonld • - -C1T1^ ffl)M0M I opened hia warehouse—16 years ago—wo aro glad ; .. ' . accepted, os. wai Mrs Beldy'B for rcforeoe? to the doffotlvo wntsr capply and tbet tb9 nintb, Lady Ogle tenth, and Swee: llarjorie laii. J' zV%. n ?jaa> r«sldfog ;: AM frWioo', D L i command a higher price than " unfinished " to know that inoreased prosperity attended him tea at Is Id por lb. : Mr Christopher' tenders for Qosidlsno wanted to know If bd bed any onjgcatlon PEISFOEUAIICE3OP THE WIMHKO. . But the quality can qnly ba correctly ^ ' ¦ ' ». bay ones. from year, to. year until to day. " HearnoV h soda yctcr! tt Is 2d per doien an:f Guinness'* otout a make*. Sibola id filly by Sailor Prince—Salcdaand determined after the pigs are dead, and on THE pPEWIDIG DAY. rccognirsd.u ono of the foremost drapery houcciiin at 123 Ct1 rarcc-i |r/orp taicn.: ;The following were Tbe Cboirmnn (to tbe Utator)—Aro you ctrrjloq; ta therefore o olster to that 6mort miler S&ndla as^VwBi. JSSiBa^ examination when cloven into sides ; it cannot Uanrtcrfor also ' oof! the inarrootlonB you Rot tba lost day, Ut Oho had two outings last yrar b, good value end up-to-dateness in every doahired contraictors—Mr Kiersy, Iuimoc- bnt never came ^Jocker M inomoned hid iilfa te be correctly determined when the pigs ore alive. way. To-day ' thoan ; Mary lIoKeluno—tbat is flasbiug the oloscts P : under tho itdso'o notico. Her Hl-tiestm... y^ ant. and following days they £ro offering Walsh, OnnQarvan ; Mr Bhea: han, J first ontlng waa In Last week ha JTM •crcweoSad for If cny termer wishes to- sell to us according to their entire new summer ctocli at cp;cialty reduced do; lira Aiitaony,' dp. The Llaater—Tbo pomps aro olco defective the Eoyal Plato afr tho Kompton Park MeetinK ugketlaff blaehlldreD ; : ' ¦ ! , and after tbeS• « ow our detd celection for qptlltyi and . . agrees to ply Sriurday Icat tbroughiut Irelmu; vrao;in- pricaa for | tho annivcrsiry celcbrction. At this ¦ There were two Tbo Cbairrjan—Wben tba contractor oa«a't v7ban ehe flniabed sixth to Evoatall ; her next B hcr lo finished" tenders bofore tho ain !¦ eolJy' Md >«* nJ«bl«it«.be accept our decision as to what pigs ore " , let us time overy year they offer como wonderful anni- SraAUOB BUT Board for shoea, one from a man ablo to Ret Into tbo Feve r Hospital in concequmes poaranco ~wiw in tho'Bedford Plato at tho New- badhi* givut!tn hio-hlaM .T iinpter " unflniahed "j ofrer we have pngaratod a new, end bopc, a beneficial era ¦ , bo able be broke tba fortltnre and what aro versary bejgaina at overy counter. , : • .!! :. TCUS." . . riamtdConwayinDanfrarranand o! thn fpver cis> wa thoagbt that you would mnrict Hay UcctloQ when oho was beaten by a aod drove her ont of tbe honse, examioed tnem when cloven icfo oldti wo'wlll 5n tho hiotdry ofonr coantry. • That it mariro ¦ ¦ ' flusbiBg purppsci. '¦ length, br Qnesn Fairy who H»eu ««nUsae«d . ' In that 1 ! tha other from Power, KilL Tho To oca backets for . vrs3 conceding 8lbs. to IIX montba imprisoninent with pay him 5/- por CTTtJ extra for plga then as- excil cat and well edited ;Tbo tbera woi no oator In tho pnnjp. . 0 Wood roiia on both. OCCM ICU fcsrd l»b:or, 1 lone of tbe moot important opocbo in relation to Tin; cbrl: caid tho IwKhamed tender could not be con- tlostor said , O. Bhe only ran • BHBEBSESIHO. :¦ • I certained to be " finished ' of tho clacalficatlon COUNTY publication-" Tho Local Gorern- Tbo Chairman—Will you Ret comeono to flash onco this ecaeon prevlons to tba governmc2t : of Ireland , thct hen beppened CoaKOiL. ment Jpurnarf-we tidcrcd eo It .waa not delivored baforo tho llth to-day, end esrily Two women living b diCsrentaaru called •• Prime" end nttmberei . in ourj weoldy i Bnd a moat A tbcjo cloccta. It Is very neofjtiry, no thon^ht tho Eecnrcd tho Wood Dltton Stales In of tbe dtj ¦ l : j ' thoughtful ortlclo entitled pril. Tho feeding! of tho board was that they tho hands of wcto proKcnted by Distriot Mrr.nlftTfl 1 &nd S. ! : Since tbo Union is admitted oia all hando, and '"I ho codLl flosblnff woo coins on bceaacD it lo too tad to leayo Sloan by four lengths from Htirhn v/ith Insp«otot Smith foi Election Returns Anticipated. With the writer , end it nos decided to tis.k tho Local Qovorn- ¦ ¦ Bridge tbisi offence and were As formers now fenowi elosslflcdtions numbered that it mayi rove the forerunner of tbe eventual " j mcEb Boardfor the olocota onflaabcd. : . third. [ : each fined £3 sfld coaW, overateed , of tbet otticlo, who has evidently dtndicd tho a decision as to whether they could and! tbe liquor found in th^tif 0, 3, and 4, aro undersized and pig* or not. On the 18th inst' ¦Tbe Majtor—Tbe nuraca will ceo to thut. ' : BRETBY HANDICAP premises ordered and ore required only to a very! limited extent ; coBoecsIon of our demand for Home Bole— qaestion.mo3t carefully, iwocro. in cccord, except . the Board decided that ' bc3jlt;l . ! to bo foiffi.ed. Twelve our lendsr^or advertising could net bo considered Dr Htekott—Tbo nuroes in tbo fever Londoa (H f^oti) „.„ ...j ! men fonnd in oae cf the those numbered 1, and 12, eoverjmont of tho pi.^a recolutioao in favour of nhiob were pacicd by upon one or two points with which we will have to cbnH ooi da tbat. " ' ¦ hoticJ Tjere fined 6a 'each ' ' T'" ' deal later becsacoit wesnoi delivered, en or bsforo tho llth. ! Handmaid (Weitbcrall) '. .,.. 2 requlrod by the Bacon Curar. 1:-. I : almost every-County Oooocil wblch met loot i on. we quota, Tilth tpprovnl, tha Tbe Chairman—Some Brranjjemoata mc;t bo cade, Prcjoll (T Lcitca) knows' how his pigs ore following extract from the article to whieh wo Tho iraddcn change of opinion csems, to put it '...... JV i The fsrmeh or feeder week—b reasonably anticipated by tbe peoplo of : ' ¦ " bWinsa it Is a very enrioaJ matter. i : Alio ran—tlcoUoood, H« tl» end whether they are propbxly and honestly refer :— " > ever before in the history of Irelanddid mildly, very ctranno^ ! / ; Wojk, Chloria If. ITor- 06 MUtLVor. bred, Ireland. One of tbe most gratifying features ^ Tho Clerk read a report made by llr Barr enmo canto, Bt Vao»t. Bridicaster. Waldron oio^l^SSt*^* ™* fed or not. If the pigs are rijjht, if they will the individual come forward , co forcibly, Retting ; ! We hopa the cnardinns will follow tbe nstcz . Fisa, ZBdeati conneoted nitb the initial meetings trap 'the i BOAKD tho time ORO DO rojnrfi tbs defective otato ot Donlnican. CctUn»-6 to 2 sgst Bookwocd stand the real teat, via : dead celeetlon in onr recognition ts a rr.zn haring a mind to judgo and exarople of the Liumoro Board oat that tfco cork aould eost , 7 to 2 B!moat perfect unanimity wblob pervaded, tbe Wccnnos, and hold their wpcly, dud pololloff Waluren, 100 to 14 London, 9 to 1 Frtroll, 100 hanging houce, then It Is manifestly to tha an independent opinion (o . 03 bo convinced. Tha . - meetings fort- gaardiaea tben c;d?rcd that tbo U 0 proceedinga ell round—PO do [ not tebo-jinto : ' nijjhtl in about £5. The Handraaid, 100 ta 0 Pisa, 100 to T Hah Ma t7o* feeder's interest to eall the wc7 we , propo:3, foi wealthy neighbour, tha rcpictcd "Sq^niro," and * y. future. Tbe meetingo ba carried out, at a co:l cot c;« and THE ILLIJEB3 OF THE DUKBOP OEO mtoiercnt i?W at Kilraacthoinu workhonco wotk recommended Efficieat, SO lo 1 others. Wen b7 two Icnstbs i a BEAtJFORT he gets tha highest price for tha mcrt csitabb W: 6 that coni3r..:of Ulster mere tho titled lord havo each in ttalrturn solicited the did not averaso enRlnciir' estlDiits; ; ' hiid ¦ ¦ malcontents and irrcconcileablea will ' 23 per annum during tha lest few. years, and thcro ocodioir fhs s diTldioj tceoRd tad third. j, ¦ •¦ article. - \ ' j l . ba fpdnd elector s suffrage, :di splayed their olalnui on hla i Mr John McCsrthy—V7h«i T7L3 that crdc? cacdo ? ' :¦ ' -- •- ;-; —-•— CErriOAXl?6OTITl^K" "AYrr"" Ii5 olco to the fariner"a interest to strive to rrrltbing until the crook f doom-j-andtbo ctrong consideration without will no: bj as tnpeh. bn&inea to bo trensscted in ...... • • -. ' " VLATH TaD It q bringing any unfair inflnenco - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' Tho Clerk—Tie Gib" Iczsztf-:¦-&<>"Ttnrfiav a ro MAY ¦ ' attiro. . i I ; ¦ j . ; produea tie kind of pigs wonted, and it is to dcuire cbown by tbeneniy eleoted reprewntsttvea into play, |and abided by bis decision. Tho con- 'oB'nteccrV- TbtsTaan urgoot oatr«r, ond it tannt Co Edith Crojj (0 Madden. i • ' TTo Dssb rc^wt toaasoOBcethAt we wcerrod the prbductloa of sucS , ; ¦¦ : a OUR iatcrcat to enconrago (if the psople to oxhibit tbat tolerance nnd conr- ecqnenc«> is inevitable Thai Irish peasant, .( ;. - .• Tha' fcnd oilglnatcd en behalf of done at onct, b!cauaa tbo Local Gowrnpanl Bsard Bourne Bridge (AI Cannon) 2 i telemn frera Losdon thb (Frl3a») afternoca by paying on extra prtco for tBBtJ. Wo vronld teoy, ct all times on Irish characteristic,1 but especially, has been all his life under corns domin- BTOBCO LznCiJ. thp caother and sister of filoior ! oiircsnd doon tbci,r Itupaotor Itaocdutsly unless a atlcjj Ibat hla Graoo lha Dob of it Is only by attention his has to ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Jnbert (C Wood).. g Beti/ort.SaoT lmpreca upon farmers t$at more strongly matked than ever! BOW that local ating Inno^nsa until spirit learned bend ' . ; Lynoh bds been well supported by there lo somo ansoor scot; to theta. • fetter cftbeMort NcbU ibe Matqt.& credit to Iri3h prodcea, o, Abo no—Goilbrdia colt 1 ol W.Sfort, to this that they will bring govcrnbont is-by"the peoplennjd'for . the pooplo and ma own reasoning foemty to become a ncgativo tho mca;cf (he British Ka+y, who hove shown tbolr Tbo Chairman raid ft would b« ea»y to &>i aah to , Liglit and Gay, b -noob porw» to^lay, and ^i fceba. tort W compebo with the Foreigner, and keep thlri in- ot cur quantity. Tbe days of landlord}' ctbitrorinczs have mo:V. przcUcal tpxitcchtlon of tbo bravory and nalf- cansinn ont tho naabioOit WM'wi 'B'bnooafcotr , It nia doco La Mode, Pyramid, IBca Kilmanccgg, ' icloaenea. Dpdc* • ¦ ell over the land.i Tha proc^eedlijpB own mar 'It fa » ltn Bhck thftJireUoa©IBto&fagntoAtba dnotrr in the country at nil; \\ - . . , ' 1 now pased, but another fetter on tho cxerclto of eacrUca.of. tbls brave Irishman. ! Ths snm of £2SC brfwe and bo thon^bt sow, Abbey, All 8unshino, and late snd ever to ba Um.ntei UitetkiMf tt. In t^a forcBOln;; to Couoty : Coobcil . wore ocpocislly , marked in thin : it won'd ba well If coa» oca could FtibuJint. BottiDij ! tbe Driki We hava endeavourisd ei free judgment remained,lea vindictive, perhaps, has .been onbscribed, from which It is intended to toridna matter and • ¦ —Evens Edith «r«3 a freqoent vliiior to CorragbooM. — ' explaia the clou of ptga , wanted, vis. : tho:3 respect, their first oenembly beinj> grjaliDf d by but equall bo cfotinlho boasatoflosh thoolojcts, _ i Orag, 6 to 1 Jpiibcrt, 100 to 14 ' y enervating. < Both Lwchcaaro crushed allooato a . sanll nnm forja " Stoker Lynoh" cot In in tbw osery weighing 10 to H fltone3 doad wqlsht, ••finished? ibe selection as Yice-Ohnlrman ofOaptaia Henry under ; the |wei f»ht of : thoinew , machinery PorUmoutb, Mrs i Tbo Matter: Itwonld bo bard t? r£> . Bdunio Brirtgo, 8 tD 1 Fabuiiatv JOto 1 olbersi 8tnart, a Unionist in princip , and at Lynch jwlll be tho recipient of n : wltb a lllUs bnok«{ . : r Uoriizso of Hr. pigs, properly bred ond fed"> and! U it -won't pay 0 Titliero le, bat a ast indeoendenen fin d fresdom o£ choica cL&mrt-r. wcsU7 sUovrr-aco wbUq she UvC3*luid h'er daughter da7 °6ndfloflb , Won! by two lengths, fonr :longth3 dl 0- Cnaainghaal aai Miaa psrm>bparted cbivalroup ¦ " ¦ J> Hsc!iett i Tbo o'o=ots ran b« flashed very oaMly ¦ ¦ yidiorj!•¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ''¦ DopUn-' K ' tha farmer to produce these, it certainly will not . Iri5baifai.;nbqM-'ifcwB ica thelriah electoarafe." ' : ' will rceclvo a lump sum. • i . * . That Is tha only mj it p»a cccond and third ' • * . ' ; 57" ' " pay him to prodaco cny other clscs. Paying on ^>n the' Cafaolic-- 0oivcrsit/ Qaestlon; tbe^robbery ' : evory day olth baoUoU, ¦ . I ' The proceedinge of tho first mest- ; S;rgcantByao,formorlyofI>uDmoro bo dbno at prcnanl,, ' [ ' , '; , ! YosUriiy, th» 27tb taaUnt all round" price for mixed ¦ ¦ Tba board eooa aftor CI IIT et 75 to <"o on airelif beloi.glBr to tbe faainiaV ' ]«?« - thj ¦wcro retain his rant. i . . , : i "» w -»«a of th? held oway, the position of . Unionist as a eligible candidates proponeo; namely—Mr With 10 to 1 east eny other. ' coniraetus: paxtltc These fooladad Mr and Mri ' cecaible feotor p tbe cood (jovernment of Thomas Power, Dnnsarvnn, 1& Jamca .V O'Brien, | V7o aro informed thai the rats- blm:;H f Doolin

po< «« vsrie^amlDitteei. , majoritythe members ' -^-¦^^TSpppPr.:^- !: B^l^ wb» Wong;to Wje;We»* of A& Oountyniturally *: tow ¦ ¦ it^OtW »tw wH«afi^s»(*k|4opTrt»t rj t>&L(*i*ct f a*wi mr cf &»»t>»w-ft^y' v.\ ' ^'- T^ SLSiSJ" * D"2r 11^,' ttslsd otbf, talb W»*rt*}d rs» Crosb, ts< ft, *- b»W»Wf,;enwa ** BU IW , .^p^»^ ih et#«pW»» U . ««Bt«to «d biKs uV+um indiriflaaltoem ieri^oiight equity, ba tbe **.\ n«e» ttmnuv*-w'i pwi.w,p 'LeiMt^iB^y.whiA eliJntt''U«ia »iiy ¦ pltce; *ort cVm. + *;m ^ WM ' ' '¦¦'¦"¦ esleetfdj iMtancef were •JJVDIII of 'the great in- ' bM^lhJ *^Wg» HMI ^ B^ tfs% * So^ttiS^laSS^'^^^^iffi W|«l4W»a«!Web, West Connty repreaehtatlves m aWtat ifaitit itf TrfttWlft Ui IfMt fcttlT iJaMtflMa^ fll wr&mb m&wvi jrfl mwtto/t mm^MmmMmS^" m(Mim \* t^iSS:mMmwgwi&j Hkii l i feSi^ft^ *mmm Wmf ^j *^^ m^jf ^. ocustii

mmmmmMmwi Pip^ra iiff pi W , 1 | Krnb* plfhtsd:. ,Tker | wti jttMt lieea given in ;ihtr6(iriBtion i) • .-¦:!; | l ,ro«d»ir»t*t'JKKMn " .'to,TUiuh«i'»lUafliol; rtiif*. "" rfi ¦ \ £7! fol»kb!e..ritim<»tfci - »ad M Maraies, 8 ot 4 mllef i»v .{..} : g . ;' • «• . • »/! boxrit by.the.Turkenl 189T, 'scarcelya bo< n having •: n.. i ' ftfitspff OOjuMpI Mr Drohiiimo#ed u is 'amendmentthat the taeet- aaoapad.: Alewvrtoimore than threeor fc Qr. hooioa ln(!»;be hrfri;lh tbo Gouqty Oaorthoqfc, WaterRrd. , < ha»e been made habitable*ri d are in u*a igaln and . Gaps Wyea- suggested is' v oompromlBethat the the ohoroh bu.alao beerirtitorel bat the1 village ¦ ¦ !s " : : ?•¦ ¦!• ¦" *"¦ *" ¦! ' l 1 -1 : . ' , I ,- ; *, . ;. . dark bearded wan, weloomed u»,|aud asked, mj ¦ 60IHG TD-flRWHJ 1 ¦ ftBE YOU ,-,, -. ; ' WHAT .,. his house -^m ^i.:t' j! ' Sir Veeher regarded Capt Wyse's proposition 'jos into' , which-haa.alsoibeenjrertorea. i&nd: . , .. ' . tide |djenib«r8 ¦ ¦ L^Pfgp: . firBt'iineetfiig ' of- .tte ef tie a fajt andeqnltable'6'ompromise. .. . ij ' . I ' • gave xxa raisins ancl oranges, to eatt arid ofierea ns i ' . ¦Wnterfotd Oonnty Oonnoll wasihald in tbe 3racd . Mr Jatoea Kennedy- said he had to drive 18 miloa Trine to drink. In a-Uilgo Tillage magaslne, arflopn ¦ / ' toh 'a tteJ In grata mills , : Jary Rootaof the Oo^rthbpoejat, twelve i'olobk over a roqgh . oonhtty to c^ n orde¦ tto , or thteahing .appllanoes, m?saw aevera! plUU Jli> thft lar^ift«!? i . . attend lalWaterio • ¦ 1 '" . ' women and children, 1 temporarily kooommodated :'7 ^ELf- ; ,;. V . MBLi^jXp yeara, aAd fa^ on SatarcUjr. ] There were pfesent t— i. . ' , ]. ¦ ¦ rdto-dfty. . ' . ;. i ; . r: !¦ ¦ •' ' ¦ ' • •• :-| • • rUOl ! O>: MKIT1KO. . 1 . . . : . . !.! until the vlllaoe itieet 6f hoasea shall be Rebuilt, i ; ; Ardoofp—Ttiotn«sFlitln. CliihtDoro. j ;. ' was 'told tha, ; j t ' «^ . ' B«HydoB-M»i k Smyib, Flo*erHUl. I ' I Jlr Jeimes Hayea said, tbAt aa far aa .aboomnioda- t the womenhad to fly to VheinonaWnj ¦grwf tviGl ilQft' ' ' " Al#ari;'iii}tli«..P^; tlon in Dnngaryan was concernedthey had not only phan tba TUrks bartt the VHIaga Afferesent. Cre?a ,:¦ , -,, : ; B.illipabiU-i-Cnpt: William¦ 0 Cooghbn,; J.ft, but ' SSJbJij Y p JPAqp. i r t r: ,«m«tion,i . " ¦' ¦(• ¦ " ¦ : ; ' ' the Oonx^hoose also the' Town HaU where tboy ia ooonpled by abpntf, 10.000 ta»K British, French, . .. Drbrolna; . . . ., ¦•• '!¦ - : -W' ;- . i . j , Italian ¦ * Cappoqoln-i-W llI«ro FilsgfriiW Ci i- ooold acoomniodate a thousandpersona If necessary. , and ; Rusalan, representing ,tb« " Oonocrt o( ¦¦ : ¦ , ppbqal^. ^ r Europe," and the. inland Is perfeqtlyj •^ ' : -OT HER ¦ IMPR0VED ¦ Clas&more-rJeraei Vincent O'Brleo, J.P., Aglteh, Capt V'Wore Stuart moved the appointment ol r> trauqujlj »ho ' " ' " ; aPP df ¦ ' ¦ - ];•¦¦ -;< ¦ > small oommlttoato meet the County Surveyor and Tarkieh ormyihovicagouo bqme, when It should ' ^ A^' Hones/ i ;- . i v-i : ... . J , | :-¦ . " IFT.IR'T X/5P3 ' f^^ report aafto the aooommodatfon in Dnigarimn, and faavo been cent £00 or 200ivoara aeo. Cret* hej'navr ¦ I ji i DroaaB&rCorjtH C ViUlers 8fcart, J.1P, DtQmap*. a flag of its ovrtV ¦ ¦ '¦ Bnnaeiyan-prbomss Power, O'Connell-dlrett. i ¦ to/see'what the expenses' would be In'fixing up pto- to;bo! seen everywhere in. <'cflca,' • afiomed to per .plaoea .for tho oMtody of the County Cotin.aU end a firm Independent government |nndor Pricea ' • o* the cojtnfort a^d' security ¦ ; ¦ ' " ' ¦ : KUb>rry-.Patf lok Wltllsra Kloly, , 'Oatherlao- " ¦ •' v ' 1 ' ¦ 3^ - . . •>) ¦{¦¦¦-\ > ¦;• ' ¦ ¦; ; - George of Grieoo ¦ - ' - ' ¦ ¦ ¦- " reoord*>! . ;: |-j , faa p6vYiD0r).,who3» ; ; . - ¦!. ¦ '¦¦ ¦ - '(¦ ¦) . pqr^riiItlato ;:: ; r#at. . 'WftUJJ|o .id. . . ::. .! ¦] ¦: ! 'MEN c: I be seen in rna'njr shiopa and hoose' " by Dn ' Pitik J>mi llEiOj WATEItS Lawlor KJltnoctriOiEaj.I 1, Mr Prohap askod the gentlemen not to press their s.' I was present, . . \: ^em ^lliams £Wli^*^ Kilcwctbcmtv-^Jscnos , nurfl In on the day after my arrival, at a sitting of 3 | j Eilroaea—Ed'^ Nogent. BaHyrnwaihery. i : wsolntiorv imtil 'bay properjworkingorder. , the Crotio ' lit :0arran eaid it, nas .eseential'for' the proper National'Assomblyi 'orjHome Rnls P&i^msnt, ajid ' ¦¦ V" ¦¦' ' . KooikmaboD-rXtiomuiMaipby, ObiDaolant, ' ' ' . . •(% ' T . Koa^apiiss? c[Ejd , . ^atrcer. I althongh ceiroely tq uhrl,eraUnd^ ' ' ' central ttplaco M possible, ahd that plaou WaalDdn- ' 4We ( a alngln.pQr, d ' ' COPY OF ANALVSIS ; ; Modellgo—Charles ¦ John Oarraa, J.P., Ddlltba- spolcen at it, AboVtJ.00deputies , ' " cpm^ ©Hp^ctedly or «nexpectedlv ; • ¦' : ; ' : Bttcy^n whiqb, lyas as convenient to iho pcpla it the VTCre pressept, 8t , \j( df . . th>i. . City Pabor?tofy, 17, Ca8tIe Street, Dnblin, taoii. - . . i .. . : / • . |. ;¦ • - :' Xe&t' as weliaa tho Vf eattdt thd oonntjr. 1 •¦ ot them being MahsaiotiBs, i wetudssT'ttodfezes , and l ¦ ¦ o ¦ PotiUo—Thomas Flabevao, Gian Hooca. : > | ! ; : • /. ' • ¦! *. 28th May»rl895« ¦ ¦ ' Mr Hayoa, said ho woqld ;preea his resolatlorito busineas eeomed -to !bo ! b6uduoted11n:iab otdetly ; are¦ pharnied ar/ay, and the fresli rich, Kfltbgonnacic — Matthias Wnlshj '¦ "! !¦ i4^S-^ ¦ ' "Awaied Lemonade and Ginger A!«, bold the ad jonrhod mooting In Dnagarvan. > manner, without loss of tlma ortampor. ! About 100 ¦¦ ¦ "I hftye examined specimens of Soda -Water, Diin' ' . ' !'' on . frorai Rinfjvlllr—JatneB H-tjre», fl«r«&o, . Mr"Duffln—Thoro.Is 00 doubt there wonld bo a vialton cat by, 'anil looked; dn! at &6 prdesodings, S) • . :VJ ijea,feioqd !nmde.b :¦• ;.. :. -V . prspsred bj Messrs. JOHN KELLY, & Sos,,Watorfprd,. I find,ihey^re .^uit*-free th« Talloo—Patrick F Wnlsb. Batraek.strcal. . ; In ' i, @P . y lneonyenience admission to the aeiambly rorfm ¦ ' c«refaUy coDBiderablo amoun^!o[ bringing beinjpelrfeotlyj frop {¦ i metiillic imparities eometimes . found ia Miicral VVstm, th^, tb>y ^Tfl^? ; . . Tratnore—Martin J Murphy, Atlantlo Terrioo. tho books and dbooments to ond fiom Dangarvpo. end tho door wide ppo'ri.] '(& 8nndayj lfltH Warch, ;C4rnonic Aad uai. Copt L W Bonaparte Wyoe; J.P, :llanor \ot,8t ' I loft Conea by Bteanior, prepared from good matferfril3, - end , that &ey «« well charged/with ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Bceidpa-: there is 'nol suitable room; there eioppt , ^or'Candlo,,about 80 toilca ' ! ; Jobri'e, Woterford. ' : !¦ : • • \ j ' ' too , on the ' ¦ ¦ . - ' I- " ' tho magistrates' room nbloh is altogethE^ Bmoll, farther east and/'H^e!Canoa. north oowt of. : l ' " ' ¦ . - (Si3ned),¦ ¦ ¦ " CHAKtiES A- CAMERON, Richard J TJtibor, J.P, Cappagh. i ' Mr Paol also epobo 03 to the,inconvenience 1, ot Crete. Candlo, where I arrived early on the mossing ¦. ¦M" : '' ' ' ;¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ - . ; ' . . •-PQR;; :>Eb ¦ &LE :. • . • . ' . • , . Profcs3orof ObeEmutoy.& Hygene, . ¦ PiiLB Carrick-OD-Soi: (N« 2)—Michael Vincent Pocer. " : ¦ ' • • ¦ ' .] ¦ ¦ ' ; .. .¦:.:•:. ^ . i' ' -> ' of tho 20th, la eboot ¦ - ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ Doogarrftn.. - :\ . thejoizo of Wa^erford.hhi os -^vi .. • '" ¦' • ¦ : ii : ! ¦;. . ¦ 'of Burgeoag.'* Clonipel (No 2, Co Wuterfordj—tl Halcaby, ¦ _ . : ,: ; j . ; . : : ; ^Rcyf4 0ollegB Ur Ocrrao MH 'it nae better to faao*tho qncallon more than 20,000 inhabitants. ItlSi.mdre eajjtorn : ia ' DnoEarvan TJrbun—ThomaaPoner . r.t pnoe and deqlde between pangirfao and ffator- In oharaotcr, OJ vralilca in: altuatlotn>tua'a .Cinc& " ' ' the. red '' T comely -. cheeks DunGorran Burn!—Jobo lioCartby. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' sliows ^tsejf: . tavd. . : i - . . 1 ' ' ' 1 Most of Us inhabitants bolng evidently Mahomclfna. <4Q - Kilrsacthomaf—E FUhavao, KUnugrange. , £Ir Hayes thei^caid ho inoald move that all tho It h=.3 also a xnaoh finor cathedral bhnreh. and a O'Brien, : v ' who; LIsmore Enril—J Lbmoro. | meetlnu'b} held In fotur*in Daogarjon. ; mnoh finer mosque 4hon any in Canon, and from tha T^ ti,L, M and clear eyes of/those use them. USE buE BOTTLED DRINKS; NOKB ,;^,BK TTEE. Wotorford Bnral—W Koarnej, GraccSleu, 1 ¦ . Capt Wy«8 aiked the Cboirman to put hlo nmopd- Aale Ulnorel, a tower of, said mosque, I heard, for ¦ ' ' ¦ ' they Youcrhol—Mr — Keonedy. \ i . mentto ehold thb'meetlnga eltornalivoly. 1 • ¦ .. tho first time in my life, tho maer,kin pallips the purgative^ : • chf llr B G Punl, Seorotaiy. llr Dofuo Oon-jty \ faithful to proyor in a droning voloi- ' , ¦Mr . Kiilv 'ailsed waa lt.pojslMV that the Com- , . '..Tbo. strcat Surveyor, and Mr J T Hodain, Doputy Shuriff mittee meetiogo' tvera'to be held )n DuDcnrraQal oo. Btalla ot bazaars In CarJaio are more ahllke onrihopi fcitpj strenstrength;«?th' insinstead pi . taking it ;ay/ay. of tho Ooanty, Returning Officer, were in sttebd- . than those to be soon InCanea, mbrt pf tbo Candlah ¦ Mr C: Corrain—Certainly 1; pll tbo neetlngo ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ' " ¦ ' ' ' ' : ' once. . j - . (laoithtor). ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ' ehopkeapsrs seeming to be Turks. Conoldorftble pirt i ;. " ; r tEstahlishM ' \ . | | ,. :i i - " I ! - 1 ¦M- : ; ' ' .f i E^^Cm^f ^v\\U^- It cca clo3o npoa tmilve o'ninolt whoa tho pro-- Mr Hie of the main etreet of Candla U In rales, havln'si lilf 0 :...... vJ: ;:in©TlH!SES ; — Bottlers, Wljafi and T!pjpk% S ,' feedings comacnood. Th« Botnrhini? Odour called ¦ ; ¦ ¦ £lnrnles end part of cinca, bcon burat by thoTnri- ^ ^ >7h61c:2!Q ,i , Boa cns oonnty loRbXladghter), ' 1 ; . . . ' ¦ ¦¦ :: tho roll ond tho declarations rreto signod boioro «be ., ht that until tho wort of Iho iab array, who mtc:^rcd & good many of ttio in- ¦ ' i - ¦ - : ' ;¦ : ' \'.. - I '! M? Uurpby thoug . • ! - . - • "Wi^Tj q^^QiE? ^ ; - : , ': ;; • Secretory io tho ConDOil. . mcoVlng Tiaa fairly sot and everytblpg j« oat habitants, rj many as fourtcon parcohs balng.iliUlsd 1Q aiudo^s -Jtii the; healthy d.ey^lopmcr.t. cf Tho Eetarolaff OQcor thon Informod the Ooanoil ROIDIJ ; anil dry tbey nhrro all tbo dooumentg by them In one ernall boato. MarUa tof bldod oro that their 'Cret duty WBO to nomhv.e Q Ch^innatj of ouifht to tnsot ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ wpio eod' etUl to be econ on a! wdoijon haleony projecting pyor, xH^.--% their ;.growing girls will find uccH tb»meeting. . . • . j • '' . tbst .nnold mean only one moro. meeting. Tho Cbairman tM nc doubt that tbomgjarity atreet. Crete has n^w/ bgwover , attalnod'har liberty ther ^ Ilr Jamoi Saj63 propouad Ur J»nea V O'Brwn, tht\ oitor a gallant ' AcUah. oO tenporary Chalraoo. ; , of the meopTS oonld find Dangar»«n rooro 000- stragsto csainss ferooloUs, enomlda, i\fi^:inferirtatio^ in Pkedfchs for IJw. ,11- Patriot O'Qormon pMpO3»3 oa &n amendment, ecd the convnaleaoa of tbe laciing, intormlttsDtly. through; e^ToroV^centdriai), . venleot tbao WaterfQrd. ond It is to and lit JamoiO'Brira cooondod, tbvt tho tomporuy member* Trbo ccrq nnpsid onght to bs tbolr firs t ^ba hopoJ .ttat trach bnrnioss pud.massv ¦ . ' ftyi£rt3|itj- :fi^t.: .i-^i^ - '^-Kti'Va^^i'gngST^jiCTyfgtgjii .ra3^KiSe@ obalr bo ocoopied by Ur Thomao Poner, Dcngarran^ , ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ores vrill, now, be altogether thwgs ot thop.5'i 'ha ¦ - ¦¦ ^ ¦ ^SrS^t^SScwiBlCT^? Efe3 cot8fder«tl6n; : i , : >to ¦ ¦ -" ¦«' !' - • !'¦ " -" " ' -' ¦ ' .|j5jgf " ; —' •''>:—:— " • : g A'voto au taken with ths following roaqlt t— ' opokon of with horror to | tho ehildren of Baococdicc; ¦; :. " : ; ; p f A voice—-I'bo. ratppaybre flrst. , . ¦: : 3 3. . - . ¦ 'Brien—C»pt Cogblan t - For O , Oap SWart, P !W; bnttho njcj ' Canerations. Hopio Rble . ls ;ta , );ayefoW: a^ letjst a ' keily. T 8ulll»ab, C i Carran, Thpma» Flahavoni The Chairman—Oh, orjeourco, ority o' PCT) B J the volei wiU'd<;o!deVhero ora partial trial, followed, lot us bon^ln^ ycpro, by ¦ : ; oar fataro no.tiasa Uubor, Cipt Wyes, E Flahuvan, pad Jacoa Konnedy! ¦ voluntary annexation to nxr-lfr] - i - - ' JQroooa. Of ell rjatloaalitlba ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' ' : ¦ ¦ . '" ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ to 1» held. • : ¦ ¦ i: . ¦ !¦ ! j ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ —10. . . . (¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ¦¦ ¦ .... . : .-: • • ;¦ • : ¦¦ • ' • - ¦ - i : -& Irishmon chonld- bb 030 of the first ¦ : ¦ ¦ fii. . viM. eiNf -. 1£3k .WillUim After a rjnod dta\ of {farther dlnoatolon . 0 voto 1 tfi pleti tubo::n , . : . ' • .;r?23 3!.p' (Tour) . - . For Porccr—Fhhavan, ttark Smyth, ' , i : ' ¦ f ¦ ^omnobporcioutad , end now llbomtbdCrete. . ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ ^ T7&K taken on Oapt 's amendmept viltb tbo | ¦;¦ • ; mtcjcrald, Jann Whelan, : Jobn Lawlor, Edmond .Wyca ' ¦ : i . •( ^ 1 : , , . . . , Epmmb BAHVPT. ¦ ¦ . ;; p ; ^ a Nogonti ThoDBS Uarphy, P O'Gorman, II Wolab. follonin? reiqlt :— .. I ¦ . :. ¦ I 1 ;: ' • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; . ; . - " : ¦ J Hojcs. James O'Brton. P C Wolab, W Koany^ tl , For—Uwr3 dojbl3D,[Ko'.ly, 8ollivao, Thomao : ; . .j?OTp . j , , <:/*) . ; . ,}''' '' , ; • ¦ -. -" , ' . ' A Ildrbbj, 11 Drohani U UnloJhy, »nd John Ueany—15,: ' : ' ¦ . ¦ i'rt• - v.il<^MlJ .:¦ ¦ 4^^' ¦ • • i¦ &M iif ¦ ¦ FlaJin. U Wkloh, MrJ^lurpby. Wyes, Dcotuo, E Tramoro Pott7-''SoSQlonG—Tneoday : : ¦Zr-^j . , . : ,(:?;:?n) : : . .¦ v ' - , .¦ ' 1-i.a -ea CO-OPTIOK .: < ¦ • ¦ pj ^IT^n F — Flahataur-o. , . . .! ; . : . • . (Baoto¦ ¦ ¦ CJr UlleS IDotntta, :U U, itlr< Jobb/Wiliaa. Tho Chairaah eaid it oaa heoouary to dcolda ' John Flohavan, Marlr Qtnytb ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : : wbethsr thoy eo-optod two menberg or cot . "Sha Agalbat—SIe»»r» , W ocdiltHJUoipby).' ;. . y. ntranjj jjcrrii carca vTWc^ ¦ ¦' ¦ Fitzgerald o James Qaetlly, Stuart, 5hfcM ,nuctJJ 3 no teha JUlitmtcCi^catta CTCTC'-D !p' Giac-i CilaKlsLca ta fcclond.. " -. nrotlo? nts onaoimoaa in tho nfltmativo. , J V O'B.i'. .. ' JjVNrfnB 'o' f.ro. thb.rj^aJna PlU3J l I)?< 1"CTi311ia5> rai. Pl]lJ fcr Sfin 2c5plc. Eo Sc^^w • ' •• # ¦ ¦ John Laoior, E Nu(;fnt,, Patrick U'Qorcnan, C J ¦ ; ¦ • ! ' ». "TfV ( w^UCl? • • • • • • . »• .r i v ^> */ y t ^* . llr II Droiad proposed Mr; Patriot: PoCTOr/ of Tho oonrt nsg occupied for. tv conildoriblo tlaoln. rioi'e^Xor.^i^I'Ju^'rriO^.foTj. ; . : • . . ' :• . . [ T»moro a folly qoallflod Local Governaont Bo.ird Cdrran, Jamej Hiynu, PC Wabb, BJ Utobor, 11 ¦ " : t . i dloppalDff of annta,Dcr: of ccaea BKaidit pcrcord obo Out«d x . AOOoOBX. . ¦ • ¦ ¦ 'j te:j 'of ps>j) ti',v7t6 qoii t\n/o-J,r.ded dr .iH-con:idcTei »talcmenU. And Ur Poncr eaid ihst M Chairman bo uoa bound to THE S*tIK aid that tbo defendant V7cs ^vcry esoltcil pod t4coleot m uof eiperioaoo. —" That tbe appointment of the Provincial B*nk of ' '' ' lit B»urke-^-Thca yoa oagbtnotto rt»to neJdlofti i zcspld hc3 '- lihi.1 ilU—ioiKe of ihsi f t ct death'sf door.^3 All have bc:n cured, c.;:Z i .'tr and btulacM oapsoity, end , tborofore be propoiod iitr Ireland, Ltd., as Treasurer of the Coanty .VYaterford toj hqjiiMa v:tt the^ lecn ' Qloooilra, iIu^ur.tiJ:;y ^Mur€i, mad8 hy VJiHUca Ambrose Power, High Sheriff. ! ; bo and the tame is hereby jrevolied 1 that the tiid banls : ' ' ' : Q.rtciDt UulliriitaiJ tUo defondant trcj rjp,b.-fc:o . r?i\ ' ' .'V. v\iA ./7 .B ri.n ' ¦ . ¦.' J_ _ " _ 9 f7=?\ » ¦ . ri: • ¦ ¦ , r~ . nn .. Captaio Wyiecsepndedtho ojoiloo. . j be no longer the Treasurer of the cald County, and ; * ^" ¦ B3d floed 6« nod CffJta. | ' ! ' ' ; ' ...... i. . t. . ¦ - - ...... } Ur 'Carton proposed U> 7ofca Horrlcsey, fian; that the pjuniter andLeiaitcr Bank. Ltd., t . : 1/ ' bs ad nro He m) noir final ?D Oi a? a oeok In ' cioL ! ¦ • C?i»ap, ccsoadcd'by Mr JaaeajSiye?. • | ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦¦ •- hereb appointed Treararfr of the Coaoty^ of Water. • • ¦: - ¦ j y . • ..:.. : ...... i -; ¦ - . i: , Ur ¦ A orriHono pcosrouiiptt.;, mti ' ; ¦Hi ;Qde»ly propo^x) E O'Shea, Dansatpaa, 1 w- mmm m ford and of the Waterforo)County .Council." m mm - " 1 A yoo2 oaa ^abed Tfici c:eiaSsJ bf £Jr Jobn fflan»>ea. . . .. " , I '. ,. ; Donoiavia • ooroinoTiBi!. ;- ¦: ,7 Loscryan^aaposcd of llr Elsbard Poc»5r, lairdspootable farmer from ; : lit IX J J Uufpby. proposed tbe oo^ptlon ;IJr Tbo follooior; la tbo Committed appointed to coa- tfca EUrboaa district, i 'or having 03 allowed UJcd tbruk>u« • Ra®pJ© 0 Jcba UcO«rtby, CrcidtB, Cbolrarsa o( tbo V7tter- 1 . •¦ ¦ ¦ oult T7lth tbo Coanir Bnrvoyor ts to nbat noo ne- ¦fofd • : ' ' . ¦; i lu< IODSOCJO to»*a'do!blm. BIr;jTohn P' ¦ UCon. . :. ce:«ary :to bo done to tbb Daocarvea CcorthoniA io IJtioa, ' " ; Corporation Lan Advjiser, appssred fnr defondant, 'ANBMIA Avunrnoj ifJDICCOTJQrj ZUD JQIZ!£~£2 tJFi7^SD3-TO' AIL JBEBEOBB . .• ilr-\Va Kt*artoyseconded tbo motion. vl5j7 of tho meatlnijr ihcloij ol*ava'beld tho/o— • I • Z' - ' ¦ Tbe compUloao! dcpbied ibat oa tho 17t h Uarah I ...... ¦ :. . .. . ¦;; : ' : '" ; ¦ ¦ ' ' UB A!«indc7 Hcihlo T7ao proposed iy Ilr UatU 'Dtnar t, 'Hajc3, JTlavBhun, Majoat, Qcdailji ! UhLsroLI". iZivzx.vho.lln aiOi'-ilcSd FALPITZ7IQFJ. . : . . at . 1 Ucssro ¦ tae defendant' tb!rcnt:aod that ba nould EDJtb God csconded by llr Wm Flttjorald. ; Cojhbn, and DrohaD, out hia Cclisp. Alhcrctctio, tra a pilr of trdcat j « wboo 60 leejt oi d it." ' i ' ; ! as Jtca -Hnjd propctwi Uf John ObrbtoptiGr : toia TO urcT nxiOcuoici ' peptf C7o!t;3 (l:o73h co3.lone ^acq 'Ilr. Hilfo O\7H APPB0VED PEESOHAL SECDS1T7. Mr Bjorko—Wbttjrcre yon doloic et tho H00P t Its. EESAED li:;03, c! r^vilo, falcr- WM DanstrVia, cscosiica by Ilf Jamia V O'Brien, i ' On tho; .motion, of ilr 0'8hc», ecoonded by Capt T?ja,ia ,d::"-dr of rivinghU J7ifo'o life. «i-rJ ' '" Wltnt:3—I waaln y7ototford (hujjbtcr). ¦ vic7c3tyoS^f!<;W/r.^?- r;;c::~, ' ; . Apply—THB MANAQEB, - , . ; tSi UJilarobycafff TKtoJ thit tboy ohonld tots a rtcolutloa nea poued inttcnotior; the Fi- OL'ho fvrti 6{ Mrai .Mills! pecapa vrno told • \yyse, llr Knos—Ttiatlsiniydefoaoe. cfatjfl: " IJSSV year I cc:d to tita cjcUa OHJJ frtCas conber In caeb dlTioloO , beoidc: he V7a; lo- nanoe ComaittCa to inquire froalthe L Q B nbet- ; ti en' Atherdozs rendered ma tlcc^i cllac3ta j toiofort oc^lcM and caatcra mana bat her they could oot obtain a loan on reieonablo tb,6»ho c;!d it? ' "jFojr twolva . montua .my .Jlfo ; tria oiihrx I iolJ ep .bgpwV end, Witness—It no to uiy cjotccr bo ntj talabj CrMre'd bt. . dootOTa Vcllina mo;I¦ba} ' ^ . . ' hc^77 C3 tb? cost Conniy CoaoolUoro aero la tbo tp&Jc rlty termsj and repsyablo. \a five years, of a eoElolent ' ¦ : ' ' ¦ ¦ tbii . J,T7u rx3dy to i djrop. , It . vrca ri ctKjpS-two csa from tbdt own (teo;;b ter). , 1 . . . . : . , . | ' aabljjja,' Uy caergy'^of» . mo, and I Via tbey trtrald likely '¦ cum to enable them to mant tna stctotsry qratotlOJ tortaro to ma ,to gA throi;»h py i7or!:, ; ;!. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ llr Buurke —And riro yea la fear ond dreed that bo fcj KiM of Ik) conntry. ( i . , i to rate collectors ob . ped eijclflcd tbolr iotontlon ' ' ¦ 'i'toiribly dopTc^jd . etito.;: 1 cquld I wis cq TrcaS thai tconld hardly cili. ' t;ill best yon F ; ' ! . ' :' \ ,' -, ¦ ' ' , Tb9 Cbalrbjaa tooi tbo fcsllcjj of tbo Oonncll £3 of not continuing In O D.:. \ CKiroaly crtV7lCnq"Jira, I sufTorca to from 'risp C: ' , i , Witness— 1 om t\v, , . ' ' ' ; ' ' Uy -htor.woa also ill •rrfth kt;~:> Co ntclbcr they cpold vota loi ona or too. Toe ' , \ f.iliitailo1 nV " Aa for colug a wall! I ' ' - " : 1 In reply, tooOonn dllor, Ilr COhci dotolthit tho tlr V7lbon—Dill ho tva: beat 0? t!?:s c.qd piljJtoUoa» 6ad hrth e; CT TZJ httcr oij cjrecd to. : : : . - . . . . I - : probable bo. iHO/M)!).' attampt to teat dinWy'' drc;fia 14, for¦¦ my bra tiac3 ataoont required crould oo b . ... i ¦ ' ; . - • " ' ' '^ ' ¦' On tbb Qfst poll tbo flarnrw cbo iat»ad.t&.conUat3la oHoaJjndoT.th9 Doer cbaoalle. If clly to ycurtell l i . ; t cxl cites calyoaolpi of tnb', p}llp, fo^na ¦ • / :¦ ¦,¦ ¦ ¦"¦ :. . . •' ¦ ¦ ; &-. , cstfctor&M, a¦ !¦ •; :¦¦ . ;¦ ¦ ;. . thU ooacyThiitd bo pald T7ithln ona ;cz? ito«-t:j=7- - -Wittr-j-WpthJaa It ma to my oothcr, ho tsld $ ; % : '¦ ¦ ' ' "¦ T 1'" ¦ ' .: Mt Botbo fowcr ozd llr Jfobn Christopber jlhcn t» «fU fall it very faeirily . . ,-I i i It.- ; . « . - . ... I ' ^ . . i. ' - ' ' ¦ ; ; ¦ ¦ ! Tho notion xtta uoaninioiialy..; : • :r' - : ; : ¦:¦ ; . Llr BoutliO—Very cell no will Uljiafca tola c^a. j&cspca caV- . • '¦ ' ¦¦ -: ': ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ • > ¦ # ii x. ,,0a 13 j , OTHIB Bfi3otnTioira. ; . . Dufendaot—It ii e. torriblo tbbj, to put 0 lio oa c ' ¦ - ilia ciiond poll tho voting cc3—Ponor,,¦ . . Beaolsttons «e» adobU3 ontha motion 0! lit O'Shea decent taao in thlti nay, I nev«r caid a orocg crord • . 1 , :!' 4«# : ' ' ' • UJ J J ¦¦ i r Grs59. ill llortbstf, 16; O'Sbss, t4r. = ' i D P ¦ - JIIH ———. II IIUI II 1 II il l ¦ , l.'/.ii ,.. / ' c:o°nderl by Ur Wakbl Talloc, I fatoar of Home io DJ lifo to either Loncrpno or bis rnotber. 1 . ! . -A «bW pcU.K3Blted a follows—PaMo& Pciwcr, l . Ba e, aCatbolio University, a redrew or Irish Fioauelal . - . ' ciumoBior LicocaTr i ..j. : :: acnosa, 10.; Joba Gtsci, 12 { John tlorriiaji 16 j (jrl vaoocs, tho Tofeasa 'cf all Iri»h,jPo!Itlaol Prisoners, oaa : • ¦ • : r A girl naocd IJcr^arot Ililoney c^sr^cd oa : ^ cra S O'StCD.M. ¦:.¦: . ;!¦ : i : ond ptotoifJca C3alns6 6 eiotl&asacs of Its Coordoo : ^ i i l^pxJH J- Ersiect JHunning MachiaS'in tho Every Part. p ' ,', » ¦ ' : ' ¦' • ; - ¦ - romaod oitb hatiop oMn a nstob and ot&or pro- ^^X Tbo O-fliroaa tisa otshtca Uczzn 0 Dbwend A t.. . 1 : . . : -i • • . i :f . .; • ' ¦ ^ ;: '; ' On'toe moftoaof MrCTMbaMflootKfed by C>pt Uses , perty belncjlotf tr> llr Peer Cjnoobow/ nbo ' rcEdCJ Jobn UorrisMy daly olcotod. , . tttx Batkrstorfri,- ' • i - • .» .:.. Fli " dad topportcd by CkptEinart. a reEolhUod oeiJiiJoptcd lit h Swnfjo Ccfoaficd tbo ¦ ¦ - Botb igcsSlecrea batloff retcrned thsaba iQicnlt' Bccaced. ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ! ' * I • ' - . - i ^, . . .' i , ! tiros txii tbdr esats it tbe board. ' octhoilcing, a oomqlitoi to enter*formal. opposltloD i ' '• ' ' • :! :•: Cb!a ' to the proposed railt?ay>njalsacatlonc obenefn order Ur Cranshar? xha v^ AJw - ' : pwom and, io ropl* ttf Dlatrist -^ BLECTIO0 0? PnmiiHBnTO HAICIIAn. ! ' to aoqolro for the.Qsanty Ooonoll a loom a'andl beforo Iocpcotor Ou>ltb ,j voriflcd bia doppiitlOD*. Ii C:3 : tie; Jooiei Hayes proposed lit Joocs V O'Brlco too Hon«o d Connoct.o^nolltte, ¦ 1 ' ocro to the effect;tbos tbo priconur «es .0 doao tla 1 ri»ati ;C;>fcoc» naahlo to 5a cayiilr T C:J lib praltfqa of Cbslirmao. i . ! A motion in 'atonr of havlns the Irish Laoirnaso ' ' trrtcat cf bU pridr to tbo lCih of April |oa tbo 10 b i fe i i i f . llctbina £=iiaca to. do ta njcs!j c«3. Ii a4 ¦SS®slia© M; , {3. . Cap) CtBzrt cecosded Ur O'TJrica oho bo vu card t3U3tt ; Schbclfl aut en the motloa 'of Ur Hayci , Me:feta^ of that aoatb ha nlrc-.-d a ciUcr adtcbi csca b>by my ,fiia,<^itc? hadn't c?

loo.of the prossodlnut Ur Fools, tho linen acd a silk h&cflkercbiof, all valued e» etout ct b caroby.Pj. 'WlUiaras Ptik PlUa J • ilr, acWMta WcUb proposed llr Tboaua Porror , GS: Oono of \b;z3 erilclcc.tjcra % chouia bs vcrjv diflercat now. eta rsfa, : C3t that ' fit; O'Brle' well-knoirn pboto.Traphor of, tho McJl, atWodod iX tho toned coac:~d : ;; CIO rjJlatcil Jomo Vincent n 'tba S#?|^;: : 1 unidcr maltrti^' of dcfeodaai.'s bed) ahd tbd •Fttliar, wa'fl havo ,a box' Tip c-cc3 Jj cl?c^3r Ctjlrtaan of tbo Dongurcoa Qaral •osBVStton of,llr 0 P S«draOD(I,. and obtained 5 corlea ' of ososlisnt piotarcj cratcb was given by bor (htct i?b6 IJ IO iztilzsia i fJjiS'dia triS ' cciJiCJ tedf ejdnt rilia TO wonderful W« both c^cived rcc'a Dfstrfo»'CoanelI, and that taoans Notlo^atiilo of of! tho coona in tbe Ooanoil tp ¦ tho Chamber, jntt bsioro tbe comboro v7oro «boht to another fssr;}. , ' ; ¦ ' ' ""' ¦ . : r>i scarcely, e;rdn ca did » . ,; .[ , ¦' ¦ hsquettloccd thel accused, end ' th4jdcnled' feriooinj cocJi : brratho. At nlpLj cho C^TO)3 I bc c?j i vrca ffi." , ^a^ltH&eui i anything about tbe miosina property, ' ' On her '.bed- . tuyhctl a go-«l ilcll cnJ"hrorttlit uo' o • fTc O'Brkn la GTM!od tctmo rotlrcd £foa t!:a FOR ACHES AND PAINS RUB Itt room being keaicjicd ths biby clothes 'was (6und, ! toi pf phlegm. ; Dr. Y/il'fatru' Pliih Pilla oppbuac '¦ ' ¦ ZZalist cctlqet . :| EHIaan'fl For Rhoaantlsm, Lambc^o, cpon v/blch caa buted| that her (ister, ' who vz ? a ; IJIM cnrci c'l t)iat,-cnd'l wisU hhcbsd • ¦ < v: ; ' •¦' t»s» tbca caanlmonol elected, i to A DRUID'C ' ' ri» Po^ct y . Elllinan'o J, Sproln5, Brnlccs, , Frcrl) servant with Ur Kuwan cf Uallheastoan. had tho ! trio-i tbbm tcIo^V tud f.vcd¦ amy " " KAP TY^ ¦i 2asKi.e0fcioB In^itefl, ,- .- - SV« Ct,clffcfl3or«3 and Bild—O^DtlemOu, n^cn I : ro! bad EIHiruin'a Cots, i ' natch. This was awertained cfteraards to be a feet, :;.Kua-C3ii^s' iiU3.": ; c^r.7 Rtmyrf ATicrj. tJ6 ipy hobe Iblo nioioUg in ban^ervoa I not Elllrnnna |, Son) and thu . ha ' Throat froa Cold, cbtcr 1 unend:.tcd, tho. Urneplcee i to ths ¦ t-a far ¦I —¦*••— . ¦ ¦:¦ tb» eu^bte«l--r. ' [ OAVqDi, 1 ¦ bed t : iu tho tonn, nJtaousb ia.liia CVth y;^, CC3IC3 ci5 «qyi«a ln that- And^co I not Elllntan'a „ Conw wben Pdnfal, To Ilr 8trabR( cao in« b:l ra zz ltito'lD ay mind tbat X wioald ba pro- —I never ^dtcb otio Tnb tvtlie Jit'ln (huflhtcr ot Ut. W. II. b, U-(!i7. ctb to psrlcra hb trc:^ o CbbtctsotcA . EUIcan'0 „ Crocp/ SUlttccs, ' gave it to Qefinri Deicrcio ber w»h-^' i EsJy ea thb, coopwol ta Ii?qltof In of tlgbly inulli- Elllman'o cftor Cycling, Foctt^U, mitted"that t» . [ ^f;n» - ^\ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' /coo tH.parlj Ibo coanty, tbat a ElUtnatfa J die took: ths watiin bot, lnVqd)qrf ¦ " ' ¦ ' : : ^pt srttle^ioai for Rowing, &A ! keep It, ond that ctio&i co6 tblob ehrrwtiniuloa . ; . • •: :. • « coro cotnpstett roin would ^bo wloctcd tbe Bottler 81feiaU Pabllslied by EJJIraao, Bonn £ Co., amoaQCt her f. ieodi, aod bo thoosht tbo fcsscb tVald la.-ibb (Coootry, , W!d I tnut lib will oil ocjrk In ; come to tbo cicducton1 tiitxtsat OX it to vtsc op Q ' 3Iou;;iir England. : - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ r " * isioopy fM ost >«ra of oCa'j ced • ? btrp pa] nt; ^Tiaty,a"d ^ai a trlotet. ctjoq ne ^ilt iflcos Mao CCW TCI!; far tbo Prafloca tb dcjoij to R) r Cr«a-r)iw'icbci ncJlactr»Jc3 tti &o tzzzbj cA Izigo CaT\a%v; ct \ VTttcrtoti¦ ¦• riljo!Mr Ednird 9;i3 eijl hsdb)Top fttOodobBtcsUr. ft«--jlaci3j,! - • !' • . . : . ;¦;! OZOI-L T \T0 CEEflE lie Qe£Z «a»; cillpj tor 1L « deface odd Co dcp^wl ! ' ;Qvvinton/ A xisppriir of tho ttribertni'ih cudsfl^.teltri eaao as, to explofc;-!(a i zir-Jaifcj Hajca teen rp:a ,£= 3 cda . fiit i ' ¦' : ; th^t.OBO SoodlV jolts' ltj3.«CS08ti th« ro:3 1 ' 'amif' Si^ihfon i 2'iWi cilledi upon^ Mr. ,W. H; !«ia*!ifo» OoM(V»f .i eporfe« i—! . : f < CfclhsJld tsdy Iboy t&onld ebow wler&Uca to tboje obbnlog n n.tohlio n lit of lit, l^tfl'ls.i ' 1: "Beveral Vas pariyr THB CBETAK NATIONAL A8OBMBI1Y ' TjrloV, nrhquSitali" Clsxa waijust thrco years a^otoj % in to *• BAMag ° ccores OB : oba earctfidfroa thp otjotityof tbeai Anii'oISb , &o Hr Byarke—Tils tatlpijcftiis .natab, aai the fMt of ' ' ' ' being oat ¦ '¦ ¦ ,: :.. . the-- ¦ Crichet FUW,^fc ; caalcj left lier "iHth h , rbsamatisi?, owin^ tho __ J^) ' .,i..W-, oVjecr ta TI OV7 b» proposed tbat Ctnt Vtlliera : vrhoa ikl to p ^nrtioulA -Wfti^ i ISj S\Wl tot ot bor gifltijj h to bcr p *ti eliter %o tjcp for her, ehooa : av^ay- skin BQd bbfaa. Tvo rain 'and finable to ch*nj;e my olotliea. ' p^oJotcd Vles-Cbelrean tbo Csnncil 8.' f hrodito," of 8myrna that tbo (aWDdid ' It r.nd fihe foil ^ Ctapn bt a 8, Ap , off iCanca, Crots, to j aoayod , e> , bof o»B nia klA a doctor for four tnpathtf. bat tacay Oaa day, Whori it my worSc, sorie'thlori (opplicjoj'.obo viacood Irbboaa asd caa of t&e 21st llarcb, 1ED9. Leaving Paler no on tho evonlog Then nta'. «bootl tho trt(slo« wbiqn TJOT» donoe»led 1 !¦ ; ¦underooaer tb»uoo bcdffoua r i ¦ ' p • ' " V. • ' i o ttmsltlionat eho wia aoad. ' i • caaght roe In the rjghileaand t ktarriblod tKS linaiosda Inlrclaod. ; l ! '• of the 12th InoS. on the s.e. " Oiivs," I have come, I; (: ' 1 ¦ ' in tarri?!o'p»in. I waaobli^/eycntaaily, bod crc5ttoo plci:a to Ur8tran|jo—1 'oontenri that this girl la bot rospoa- "Ona H!^-l 'tcsA>.ct Di. WiUliiiaa' Ut \£> tbo0 Oboa ciifl b^ oltb In via Metelna and Catania, to Coroa, tbe prosont ' boajlit a, box «tiih wp ta lay tp f ta faoj fei flv» years I Wa a SiaPEgT and motion. aztccd piortooi •iblo for her no'lonT, '(or' %3 tbo itootor'* cqrtifloato ' rinU Pills, oai JE5T HOil^E He capital of Croto/ Tho " Oliya" atorJpcd for noarly 1 ¦ c^^adJos 1 ¦b md the ma ot «r'»ali Intjllpct. 6h» togk this e.tob licirin to' ctw 'liar.! D«6a oha bo^sa to perfect martyr. 'Ap61ioeroslo«r«}»bij Staart oca oooof tba bait l«nd- tvrenty-four bonra cacbjct Mopginot nnil i'atnhia'; 1 . ' CKsts* that Ur both as a taacr.? nlfjTit ct^»l [ri'fS.iitQ'loa Ibldfi Pad ran i npMVs ' Dtartcd ; catlna, and could tlsiEolf»u3er«a , 'for torn' yean. 'frotn . conotry, cod «o«r that tbe principle towns! .being Bloiliao iecaporti ' th>a . * 1 SFOHTItfO P RJBQTOHWI»i^ Isrda >a Cbf» , thamalnlandofItaly laplalolyjn light from JJc.-alna Crflplcyer , , . . ; 1 ¦ '¦¦ ¦!] >' ¦ -1 ': I 1 ' £oaa. Howl con get abcmJ ond do mv GAfviAGE VloObalrCepp . ' I ' Pialt Pills.'" iii'o Dr. Williams ' i S 1 ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 1 ooiloa ot» pat«ad nost coraltlly id?ptel From on elevated villa garden, ojan to the pablio in ¦ ¦ ' HOLBORN.^fe 2io! , Ur QoQ sild bo hid krioon tbo girl ' ill bcr • _»« ' ' • . : \TCTit p V® ».fiTO I could ia oy Ufa, nhn vtA« imrtt PW»m1» fPT.el^M life ; i 4 ^. tfl«^i Qi^Ar*. • bf ; ¦ ¦ that city, I bad a lino vlow of too city ItJalf, and sod tbcrd 'nai ¦ ¦ - : j. i¦ ¦ ¦; . o«7erac.ytbtos kscf io>y&lsi)t b>r: ; . ... ^ £^3 Ctocril, retnrncd thaoks la brUf bat iippro- acton the straits to Italy, aa well as of come monn- ,Tbe ajjleirjlei dl£obaroh.:M. b«3 i!onotohlcl, s=d«b|3bt7Mcsno Te«ll7 «att toast of eicily, CO xniles todth ofMctilna. and (ocomo op ¦ SCf«aatKs>fl» M K,y \ ; iiMBBj :rma< «p«t4dV bcq Isfa . forJodgrofbtpa recalling cotlcs to ibbt ' > tSas .i... inimiff y,^ eto ; lut<^!e$^J» bo the sJmssi»t tbo foot ot: Mount Etna, whoca erriptlonj eSfct—her»clt ; 10 /li nod he» father; In q c!^:tli» : ; ; ', PtlSUfil&y.- ' Wi ¦cave frutumtly- islnred or caused ' : : ' ^•TteMw.Viyv.'::; berlou* danger to asonnt. : ". , ,' .j l . ' ;. :: .' : : i :¦ ' \ •TriiVii tb> eiary ralatad by lit. WcoS, .gyiSWTjSSK^MirWJ' u : A'Vp let•• Yoa'iTill bo a Eosia Eolcr U6t% j tifj > > OatanU.•;.In tho Cflthe3rel ct Cotefalo, tteru is a i cf ' C^ TIensh«sWf-xo«d,.H 3e,to&cs?; ; y ,llc3ll3it>a,a yptafig UdyoJ IO. lipcai C«ui Btoart—Eioota m*i ibis U Bltogejtber* onttd«oldfr siico,or salt painting, rcnreientlag an ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ cf bntiBSsa. AUXbtra to My Is Utatjil "HI eruption.:of Uorj&t Etna, about tbelytir ,1653, . . Q : ¦; SteagatAi ObwtaBTn, 'HaWchwter. for t C=ttci Jn ; .. T^y\Hil., y , ; .. loa^-tinMf ntttertd.'¦ifwaSy fkim DOU« do ey bart to roa tbe Coawll «moo»bjy ant) »* >t vrbcb tho lohibitanU bf tbe elty tra «boWn fleeing ';; ebett ewltyreqo{r<;» it (»pf Jaqwj. for their Hvai from tfc» cteoenditig'Urft atrcamaCin , nW», UsaihJd«, and w»)nissii bet tSoals b« tea "«e XBANSFJC3S AMD ¦ ; ¦ ¦ " - • ¦ '-PaOIlOTIO ¦ NIJ." tvtbft month*a coaofcaailUoc^wad ; ' ¦ vessels of various alzeji Tho woatb«r , . ' - ¦ ¦ T .1 1 f- II ••;: , ¦>; • > - :j' conHurKu. . • , truHo doll Ti . ' < . her. jOMa imt mad»:«oaM. • i ia« 'l then proceededto appolot Ccpmlt- and Bloody ddrlrig tny itsy in Catanls that It tru : Tbaa Tb« Colire • (rrom. tlo OoS'stabjjlary Qitfe ,to.) ' • f?n ni#sihm at. tf*Jto63«jA«nptrwa }> ' ; , andI pbf i. WM:.acirfi »tniiy mUmm. follo«Jn« ^ftitleaeq->Menrf Wyip, P O'Goraan, olty for Canes, that forgot a gllmpto of tba moon. ¦ : ' : ' M last, Z tow it, ;orftost 6f Co V7ATrB»ilao.^Aoiin«t 6«rgpait t£ooijojr Jamei £Uye& Edward ffUnbto, XV O'Bneo, E Ulo, j Then, i»,'itl oono 1 ' ¦: m^tttTi^iSSt:. A>do««»^t O>eb«il;2disecdSog int. W, K^rpsy, R J Umber, •now covered.glUtenir # whltat bed partly~ hidden by iCrora Oippoqoin [to 'Wbli |• Noting'v&'r^aattt ^Sm llcrrov? fr m tl)' .P^JWJW .to^ -iMKiMiy .lllft ilMU l 't jpfjT;n' Jf Cqrrui, J Pj H pf 0b»o fiCd Chalreea of eloudv » wond«frf';slgbtr^Ettia 1i. ih*t|ghe»t Tailflgb Oapporjiiia t iOonitot!* / ' *.w«^ «wSa£i • ¦ ¦ e^^Wt tS jliif..,. -^¦ ¦ . ; : .! ¦ ¦ • ¦. : ' : mouotalo In Italy, bt Blblly, and th»hlgbe«i volcanoIo Prtriafrdm Brj'l^stpari to D^U«st 1 Owotal.je ,pw.rW ipf S . • ./ • ^- - -: l! ¦ : . BtcMlsff . Order* ComuiltUo—U«ur» iwyu* Bnrops, being IO.GOOh In belght. or more than twica Trtn!. frinr/.]KlimbthoB»i» tftNwi«m» u high M VesttTlua, vhtoh virUi Io height popular 'trr? ' H»y4»r OlErI«n. E.O'SIUV BNBICOI, 0 J Cunan. , ffom » Constable io iavbht'liiilifii'yi his *o 7 :tT«*1tA* tX7 . fT^avM^v ' A'Rtlnn. nofirhliin. M Uttle over, to * 1I{1!8 ioin: 4OPort/ Ul «flape being nnmsroui friVpc ilo ifceiCo. Wii'erf6r(J. unri they ' ¦ ; ¦ , " 1 ' !-:-i ; - ' ¦ - -¦ ehauged Iby. its own! 1 ropMoqi, , After:A -^oidays trl-hr him every ' ' .-SWw* , v- . ' h- ' <• i :_ II _ f 1 inoown in tb^ NgrtnePo 'Oipli ol a)i -' w tbr Picsaca CW voyage from Catiolft, I undod at Canca. ln Orotoi OobBtable ' iD " Poftlriw; ' .,JPropo, ' Penotltt¦ a-HBsJM By , hajs phpeeloS to ' ' ¦ : esrir on the morDJoiro/StPatrick's Day. niitorjoe ! cd Ma*; :(' •-- • •»¦ -' • -•"¦ ••'> -{• '! Dahlia lot thMl o*l cieiimmf . j ' ¦ ' ¦ 470 nU«t, hM ftbontwoanybbabJtantj . 1 I gp«^ ContrJate*to ,pro»ii» for the psyasnt of fl»ao» as Co. ' rVs*FO»i> -0on«tatt9 J. '.iW Fr' : to to» fiottetary. Wexford, rathfTom J.9.000, and tl» utporl, frith a . ntoo. onaiaeenifit**ad eMetl MrftUoe* Ariba-sfowii, b i^T.ff'f jr Belfod' City on 16th ;«ar tt««ati-*« wtertdto tiw Wsm*; 6om-. email batbonr.i formed *J i» PiB» lormpu iqftOft In ¦v»ti '- length ofCaneS tbe moo -?bi iittkt r -;«f-' Q^njUb!l9'ipliTor' ,|rym: Bdtl»»),M iHr rwt *M wKBtmaa ts myiey waporvr . Alaw miles sotith oapped ( Sphaiioto MouotaloaJ IllBoU ¦ «hHV|i«<*«W ' • B«WiHtefa*» Art toie oe»«»«t««. Ol Mitar h* 280.0PO inhabitants fowor thart fa Dahlin ani more tOiHoK.rt»1 »|cajH«*<( Caortab:* j{pittoo from !! ¦ sobtttbs) of whom mars than 6O.0JJO wet» Mabpme- Bo.crtato Tborli s. Bfftb ipvq^lr and prjih t Terr aaob k ii Uai k', ih» last eeatbs, Beaily all tbe refljaJniler r.|ret lbe.dtp*|ture if Jicad Oenittb,^ Sblell trom eSeWw JM:»• ,^ tn Qmlt Ohtistlins. I Ip ths stf«et« of Tcmplemofe, It Is ^ ^^ r** ^'^, Iff Cinea, one1 boWtitr.Mlltrejiibat tbis ieooval •eescuny Mahpmet$iu, the men>u|1y aiiunRolih- Is only preilmii ary ti» hb faiUwr Mtaac uatht in tbe *: abW by their; wsarioi red feieij 'ijrisjpoll'oaps'. thi .tervlce. . Serial t/lCfari IrVflj ^«io»|r»i t 'i^TI|arleX woain ter thslr . bne! Bolpg.'partlyJ«l!pd.' W ; ri^o .-erjeaot P Hyax frosi TbnrlW i« li nUjh j Se^. twwas, and kUtavoi fchort. oolobre^lpettleo4i, trl gtaot D O'ConniJf ,f>on i/iii)k«wn |4 T< vijievara 1 3 Kmpintiihi \ I'oMtabK W tow»' of;. Oao« U fri poor on», whieh fi'sol to ta BtUtat* from D iBoft*> dlw|*rryj GOT «ibl« FTiin fciiia f ¦r. of •* *- ~• 't^frs'ii ! wooilaMdat , : after riaoy etnturl^ TorMsh: w'd, (ram Tebber <*«( ,) jfe'frnrtcirt '"pWirJ 1 O.nrtJu* ' ' , ' alnMlaakiorln ^^fmwtt wlOW a :i ., v,?5?^^Tj3aS3wUSl^ri ,to )>%|W»4 *!|»» 'rv.aaaiM'striJ.WaM'iUrww; Mu MfNelU > ts HakiMfb to Kli»«My CHy J <1OK tod tojuMypMrsfl .vih msstf epiaitanijors bons. i 1 ^y VBfBiKi^fflgMlS^BMlrlt'Hn mgfSlitm&mi\9omMH ^mtniiJk wsn 'SeiertJ Tiiaael'e 1 an < spMtW it thl 01 u falir.oil m tar* mb*m *ut4A ralHt^» f

- ' - ' - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ :. \ . ¦ .i - \\ .)!:' i A . ' ' ¦ : : vi''ipBsSiipi : ¦ ; rtw .! • . 1 - ¦¦ ¦\l - ¦pwf' ' S:.ffl-. i- :- ! h, ; '!-i- - -.T;i ;. ;¦¦ : : - :: i ;! wM^M -te:- ft: ^ : - !;«^^:i :\ :i^;a a:!Cf^«^iLi.JM^ f!«^^^^^

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j" ¦ ¦ * ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * ¦ Tweed ¦ ¦ ¦ ^- 1 j. ! - j . ., ' j V . *' . ^^ SfQ M^j 'Eugby Suits.! ' ¦;¦I> ¦ : ¦ bncdde ^ and^ . _Stra»«*«*w!» «*andIM Iw 'fwssI'iSoffoft :Bifii§?iiite iieii fe I M i gai i i i©Iastie'band: 12a to-20s- : • : - . . j ; !n * ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ! * ¦ ? . :¦ " _ ^_ • ' " : ' ¦/ i ! ¦ • : • ¦ ! ' : : : ; . ' • . "¦ ' ' . '' j' ' ' ! I N | "^HfirW «r*fc! if f ilm £&jX ! v .f /P . Yowt&s 'SEIBII fweed S^tev Long:Tn«ffle1sWne:d3,,v , : f;: ttM®p^ Tweei.ittits : (all wooD, 15s ; wdrU SOa*^— ** ; l ; SWIrisM Tweed @iiits (all S2s 6d ; wool)^ i wortli 00s -^ '* \ ||O^tos Blue S^rge Suits, 16s A;^or^SttX^ il ' ¦ I w&Mea's Black and Blue Coats and Vest win fifli fid toabs m ' ¦"p" ¦- f^* r* =¦ ' ;- * vfrr 280 ¦;-' - ]¦'" ' Mfflft Irish ^reej l assorted, /! ¦ ' 9ti *e1^W^«i^g! 250", • Tyej el $^^]£ E|'. S^iit^^ Sl^stiij

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