a ¦ ¦ ; • ;¦ . j. ' -i ! ¦; r !l-' i''Vj>;>i&,' v.':-' ->'? r *' ''' HBST mm* w I : POKEMbST lever sincei '' Handsomely illustrated Booklet, ±-}il ¦¦ ¦ jLTboxit Diinlop Tyrek for 1899," sent ' ¦ • ' :' >» gfatis au? post free .ou ftpplicatioo. ; : .fv- : i iJdvelrtisiiig:' J; t^ The DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO.. Ltd. Alma Street Coventry i 3A, Weatland Bow, HO ¦ ih, ¦ ¦• * SHIOTm U^r^;;P|l::j;MediuBd^ . -: . : Dublloj - : /. ' . : v " ' ¦ ¦ ' I j . ITH ;THIS^ 1849. ;¦ !. '1;: j •' . !. IN; THEJsbirm b? iBBtA5D||i ' ' /./• r/ / ': . ¦; ' :!'/ "Jl'i • ;r.;n .feA r ^-> h 'i ' ¦ ¦ i ' ;¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ v i . r i i ' PiKfeE-rONEuj PENN* ! ¦ ; .:: :- . • i ^- UN ¦ ' i-i fEISH¦ -£jmTi-!--;-gEKyi0B ^tfT ' 1 - ©o> t.:: ^wf^yo^s jffiTIILDINGj . igpjJIETT. -^ W B .E.H;, tte PrSnoB i bf ITdes i ¦ f £ if ¦ ; Established 1634. Incorporated 1874- ¦ ¦ ¦ I i ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ - ¦ ' • i i ; [:¦ | | i LOANS GEANTED ON THE MOST FAVOUR- * ADD ' ' " ¦ ! ¦ ! ¦¦ ABLE TEBM8 TO ENABLE: PEBS0N8. TO . , ; : ! BUILD OB PURCHASE flOUSES OB TO PA!f iteiife : OFF MOBTGAOES THljIJEON. ; i; ; ££ H H v T&e Badness already dono Biceedb C C HfS '^ 4 )Q^ i si so6, ill j Ok.JP ^lr3 ' ^^l " ' lb ' : : ? '0.o.p|: | . i i i : i ! ; Lsjal Eij.inEfiaTisednDdHoder^to. ' ; j . ^i||P@Fwd'-"^i3l Gold and Pnie Medals ¦ Awarded iDcporita rfcslvcd at tho kUtatag rutca o2 intercut, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦! ' ¦" • ¦ ' ' : ~ ' ¦ .» .'. ; . :»: 4* &C3JC2'Jbdabe Tex;— ,¦ V. %. j \ ; , At Call ... — \2 psr Cant, par Annnm ! i tot One Yeas.:. :; -3' ! ¦' I ¦ ; . n „ \. i ' : (,... ¦ ¦ ¦ : ForTcioYcari 8J . .. „ / . ._ : j-/. [• ;¦ ^Uiyyiuttr, : • : ¦ acd eycry information adarc-i. I • -OLiUp iSODA/' THE BEVEEAGJE ' For Proc^oatna i 'i : -n / OF HEALTH , . I ALFBED¦ H. HEBCEB, Secretary Ii0MMB JLOllTS I .IJDKMB-l ¦ ¦ ; . : £$ Westmprclaad-SSrcatr ii •¦! ^M&M -MM, " Automatic " ~TKE -OBIGJ AL •¦! ¦ ; - , W - BRAND • - • : ! ! . -. : ¦:, ;;.?¦ . ;- .DnbHn; Qyde ;Giii|>pxas ' Cjoaxpanp', Ltd 1 ; ; ; « ^ a^ ¦ v. ^6i,..THB. !PtJBIJTG '.:Ur '. '.; } '/.: -- ; i - ! SF4BIM |i HOOTSiSEEA?, THE D VJNA' m THE ' ¦ - ¦: ^ f - ¦/¦ ¦ :i GOUTY & EHEUMATia ¦ ¦ ^ f : : ; . Ai>BiL, :im.v - - y : , ; !2ggl Selteer. Botasa, Lithifi ^Wateri.xtamonato &oT - ¦ : ¦ -j . ftcjulor fftc^* Oonnas^eoffafl. Jrfwe^n,, ' : ' ¦ J ' ^ i- :)f' ii " ¦> UJiSB-BPOpB onii : aonBOU» i . ^...M^^^oi^Kai.: - . oprsLia^i^^lBMMP^M^OO' - ^ - ;--4c/iEdi^F Liwfev ? i " O PLTII OXTTH iBB eoTrrHAnrron. HEraAy 1n n. ! UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS- , jjhi BOirrg Ot. EUGIiAHD ,!. ¦ j .,,rS . DOTOB . , j ' ' ; i' ' . r, 1; Mlifi, - itj. j 11 , ¦¦¦ - ,' C0OTt DuBiirsu.BEiiE4in' .¦-aiiAB30j!7«¦; . ,] ' '" **" S0TOHA£lPtfOl>MKEV7 YOBK SEEVIOET "TkCU-Tk;* ,' FflVHE Now ;aad ' piwerfnl TO NEW YOEff-, "\ " i .60TJTHAMPT0N¦ ¦ ¦ \ " * ; ¦: ' "- - ¦' 8ATUED AYS ot Noon, ; » ':! KAKES Ciislf jSTdfvflinces froin j^6"dpwaida on approVek tSroorial aourf^irr-witKoUt • ¦ ¦ ;7 stt-flBQ^n sosc;a/• ! , . : 1 v £"' l v ' ¦ Do y 1 ¦: : vV ' : ! Cot in ^P ¦ c r to Farmers; Shppkeepcra, ProfesHional MeD ' Government Officiate^ tol -". ijrbsroK .STJUGET, ' iyiBxi/bm k<t»£L«i. - • • • ' i .9°.. JCHOW 5PHAS .:.,;. - . y;V': : i Hiijbest Clt33 ol accoamcdtiion lor Ewond • tn ^ *'3 f ' , „ f ^ ; - .i . .. / Paesaagcw. :' . ' ; • ¦ ¦ : ' nteaded to ea; M -cater ^H€re,:lu_ nDy,|.part:o^Ircland' <ja.tho most reasonabla- -;¦ cza Gtesroca *• _!>, . TU3KAB¦, ¦eAtEHTIA,: ero tcrms, IotebdiogHBorto^a,,: ' loticsS ratca. Oatat free. ; weatlior • penslttto ;(nalosa prtwntod • bj¦' -yntohsesa y~iring|G tC7hiaSo Steornge Faro ot Vesseto. and to caU st Loan will find it to their advantage to apply to tii$ Bant, where all Ijoijiriecj :; fTliHIS Oia Hotsl/ifaoiotii fcsEOca¦ ,.pari blronm»taaoc3). witt Uterty to tAw 1 , 11 end eU othsf lWafc). ¦ '. ' •, ' ¦* aaj: Port or F«t» la anj oxdar, In or ont of OW ogtoinaiy ^transacted wfth the utmost cecrecy, and -tf?here every facility is given to Cnatoniarai v. ' : LIVEEP0OL-PHILADELPH1A SEDVICB; oeorc3. ;to' Btsoi»o aad DtoharBO Caiso. 01 fot aiir ;otlis» W( ¦' ' ¦' • , . r .- . ' '"MBS. KKllLT. PiioKicrtHEii» • : ' ¦ - ' (legiUmate Bpplicatioo evcr refoBed. I . ! 1 ' :.v !l r T i Etery WEDNESDAY; i ji pnrpoao whstcootor.¦¦ : : ! Close to tho Enilnmr Station. ] !' ' ™ - A LJt - SA2IPLB,.AND, NOTE JBES : 'TO PHILADELPHIA. ' WAtscronD io cLiiaon. i ' ' MB. LIVERPOOL rrorr ... : ... ¦ Jc?~' ..,. .} i Th& ftboye Bonk hna no Branch OfF.cc, hns no connection with other inoti^ons, _ ; D ^r^. ejreryjTbnrcday. :! UOSDAY(Dirwt). •••! 4°d Celling «t QneonBtown VTKDNESDAT6¦ , (fta Plrmoatli)5th April, 1 p.a j ¦12tb.4p.nl;¦ whiph are doing busioeso nnder various Iradui ; onb 'minigernsnt. ¦UmaSlOK^^EE CttJilWTiWdETH ere landed ' at Philadelphia • • lSth 2 p.m ; 26th, 4 p.m. ; - | , J j titles, though under ^tha FciienireWMd Good* I , ' " ;; ¦ 6|, ©a the Wharf of tbo Pcnsuylnjnia Railroad, wbipb ; j 'We do not!B6ek frpm borroweraaiwitien stntemont of their!affalr^ v/'hich . i3 denianaid l SEEY ^ranteed yeara tes«iU3d.miKi.DlratBoat9.lo ttlL{ilooeB In ' ; ?"\™ oid, gis..^gallon . ::: .i23tbe Sbci by so-calfed wealthy capi|ali8t».before they state their^termB. I dealing with a legitjmato : i^ fr ' Weutern StttcJ. ' " ' : i _ '' ; ' '_ :¦¦; ii TtimUTOAt : in the ^ aMrtoy ofuce it is unnecessary. |to dtclosa yonr private affoirs before clearly stotcd. ; . The¦ . %98Mn§:. Hotcl ^ ' WCfct^fywditff, atidM and td , BfobBrdson, Spanoa & Cd* 6flutbatnptoli Eafl.lo Qrlc^ £S tormi are ' ' ' " ' '¦ "' ¦ ' ¦ ^er-ll; Finhi&cttd•rfbrd Apply to L^ Borrowers ehonld . - .IW , LtMJpitipg. :¦ , : ' ' ¦ '¦-.. • or toV : . : : . ' • j - be caTefnl ttbont givin^ja Btatemont of;. their private; offairb to . : C"?ed, at 6dperU. v ; ^ - •• ; or Idyorpool, . ! : . Ero7 0A'nmDAT (3jiKioy • - .: ».. _ . —(» P 3 NOTE -ADDMBa .- . &" OD , Glntbtone-btreek. - any firm, 03 it may lead to injury in their hnsluesa. Wo aok for no written Btaternent from • ' 1 ."friy-iEir¦oED—Horv w ' S , 12 : ttrolff -= " un ¦ ' J &*™¦ xoSSSf1 ; •] our clients, but:submit iour " 0ELi3BRATEX) FOR ITd J' * : „ .17ella&H61ohao.87, Qcc7. : :t ¦- -( ' %& , ¦ ' terma'immeaiately \VG receive an application, which will b3 , * ' t71IBBT0IU> 10'ttfWJTt ¦ ; «¦ : * ; „. .; :\7ard Bto3^2, B3rr<C:tJi2d-atteet Eray 8AS0BDAT (tta Bollost) i —• ' • I na found a convenient and satisfactory method / tranoacting business.- ; ' — ' ¦ 1 > ¦¦ ' ' ; . < j .- : GU)?BEIOBr. MGOWIOMMOII CMancK-6o-SinB--Eiobttrd Laudy' .| j i : DC»Lnr TO WlTKtfCBf, Dl«SCT~ .>¦ - or3 ' ,8pja j lEtn, • "' If n !£2cari2 a Epoi|V;p (3uId^' ' ;¦ ' Main-mar.- '. ' PEDITEODAYB¦ . «U» April, fl pJn. ; 12tb ¦ 3>li • . 'i; ',^ f« .you, fcfbro ^AcUy MntiudinsV^otMtiofta . iw ALii -prtPAfrriiEMTs;¦¦[' i CtoFjiK.—P Nogsnt,K. r ¦ ¦ . :¦ i| V jpt!^ . 2Bth, 7 p.m.j ; , V ¦ ColliDDo , Tbo!8qnar». | ¦ *¦?• "?tiiot!)er S lolcomjra^na/^dyl Ttt DrooABVAH—J j . wiTxi*om> io cons (Direst). ,. ; J-'^ f j^. oBeoaHo Mrvveir and Troy. 81, Allca-ctrcst. ¦E .»...,. 1 p.n. nhich we ere offerings tho iPravMm ICwppaoiB—W Jones . ; TCTI ¦ THTJESDAT. _: -. ;«, j public ora tho mojt liboral^ and otrdghtforwnrd iri'Irolana. CofTcaand Coamcrcbl no:ihijcqcal Jf terekaai ¦ ' . * ' COSK io V7i^nsoaiL01rc:t— .! ll=3niaccnt " "" " : -8 ; \3tii002i-Jobn MnrplyV'Groc¦ er. : ; ; j p.n ;. ; -• aud ¦d-i PATEIOE^TREET. : ' ' : : " ' - ; : ¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦raiDAt3, :a Apd^ B i sta, .6 p.n p 2iit; s i>.m « ! FOR PEOSPE0TU3 AND -PROS' to cay la Intend. Bu:::ij ar.a ctoff¦ mc:t CJ I trclna . UL'^Boeo-rVV-Iiltinto. \ ' \ ' ' • j | , m. > i j OPINIONS¦ APPLY ! i I' ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ •¦• .• ::• • CZ7 PEOVIOIOZTO ' ; : 2St6 9p. ¦ . ; ' ¦ ; : ¦ ; onfl ctiincra. : • j Af ii, PATEIOK 6TBEET. " . •; &IO1USTOVTK—M WcBtarmiD, Cbmoh-ctrect. j . ' ! TrArauwa) io liouxnr. •' ' . " - ^; POWEE, Hanesei' : ¦ nod Ball I ! 4 p.ia; • • ' : - . >; :?7 VJ - , bjjioBO -^W TimpeoD, Hnin-rticat. \\ DTCTT Saturday (Tin Southampton) „. J' I..™ i HerohcaEj r»nr»MONDAY (ria Olafirow) Carsv. oaJy ' i... 'lpja. CTBe cautious, of Money Lent'' Circularscent iroeLdccul ihrough tkepo cO. !.. - .john Hintc3,,Aootionoc? (Bt. Eathaziiia Doox ) io Wumoto,i " O'Bdnoijnc. ,' ; !' '¦ ' " LOBDO» HDUiC-iW . : . i ! 6th April 4 p-m. ; tUth, 8p.m; 3-th,;4 p.n. SJT -3 -as- bt'aicr THOESDAYS, . I T -n-~ T T - - ' _ T1jni- .rmi .. r!¦¦:._imuL— - : . .27th, * p.n. ,, J ! . i ^. T^^^^ tlo transhhiaicat.by ' tils tonto. ' . Ordersfor oollcoUob or , - <, 1 iJoUTory ol Goods taV to U'WiOiiii 6 Co. l[Ltinlt«d), U, C3«tl».»trcot, Haabur r | to Cljdo Eblppioj ConraiiT, la, '¦ a; «¦:¦? do Shlpplnj; Componji E VYarcio^ai U F?r." -1¦ sea ' coutii xici^i;oc. i^dcnball atrcot. or Cly IMPERIAL HOTEL r '"Katharisa Dock, nil! rcodto prompt actczioa, ¦ i cooch rf toaos ^i ! : '- ;. x|. ViiuKOD TO FLTUOSXH, direct. ' ', p ¦ 1 tth April 3 p.m 1 12th, 4 p ja 10th LOT7EE flACKVIIiLB.BTBEBy, DUCLIIT. ¦ ' WEDEESDATe, . > ¦ , 2 p.ia » ¦ " ¦¦ 'J ' ' • fLei by GBEAT T7E8TEBN BAILWAt ¦ f itftb. 4 O.CL i .;: , I. :.- . : , . (Snccc;:or3 to T.; P. O'MEABA). !.- . / ; > , :,.: '. • . ; . :; : prM 1 • ¦. I PiTBOimi TO WAmupsD (dircot). ; 'TclcrppiOnca ^lp to- U. Jfilfl^ . ;©; . OAltJSDAYO. l«ApriJ. e p.o.1 6tMP.O.» «t5¦ ,7au a.| - (O^critjtboGosenJPort^iaqppaa WACcsJOcb 1 ¦¦ ¦ - :¦ K/ in coaneotion¦ trlti the . - .. •. ... i^ia,-3 pja,.» SWi<r.B.a. • . • i Tho nost ocntrolln thoOitj.,;, i fi WCBTBBH, . •W ATSBTPBD A Cntmuk. _ W*r«a«B0 io BoOTJUanto. | . &«x«s (direst),. ; u.ipn. ' ' ,;oad GBSAI Eowtssa ADO WcaTcca Every OATUEDAY ^ ' ! [friOHPLBl'BLTxemodoUqi cncl ro-^ttrrii^'3 •I KSn> DovnuvrzoB TO WArssroas, ¦ )-\J- :Illo^ie-C<!r a /,3 Hip- in,v7ATa • i i I |i : i ErcrjTHUE3DAYAltemOoa(TliifowhaTca) Ou^o onlr. "¦
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