
The Enlightenment Thinkers The Age of The Enlightenment

 Scholars began to challenge long held beliefs about , religion, and .  Thinkers were inspired by Galileo and Newton.  The method of observation and is used to approach problems of human life.  based on rational and understanding. The Enlightenment

 In , thinkers called (or “”) would gather in informal meetings called salons.

There, they would exchange and debate ideas. The Basic Questions

Enlightenment thinkers wanted to learn more about human life using these questions:

1) What natural governs the way people should live? 2) How well do our institutions agree with ? 3) Does natural law give all people certain ? 4) What is the best form of government?


 Philosophers did not always agree about the answers to these questions.  Some supported absolute rule by the king.  Others argued that the They all shared a trust in reason and people should have a say observation as the best way of in their own government. understanding and . The Five Thinkers

Thomas Hobbes

Baron de


 His Question: What is the basis of social order?  His Observation: Human are naturally cruel, selfish, and greedy.  In 1651, he published a book called . He wrote that people are driven by a restless desire for power. Without or other social controls, people would always be in conflict. Absolute Rule by Kings Thomas Hobbes

are created to protect people from their own .  People are selfish by and can’t be trusted to make decisions that were good for as a whole.

John Locke

 His Observation: He denied the to rule.  In 1690, he published Two of Government. His book justified a strong which protects .  He argues that the purpose of government is to protect people’s natural rights. Natural Rights  These rights include the , , and . John Locke

 In exchange for rights, people give the government the power to make and enforce laws.

 The true basis of government is a (or agreement), among free people.

 His theory is that a government’s authority is based on the consent of the people. If the government fails to respect people’s rights, it can be overthrown. Baron de Montesquieu

 His Observation: Too much power in the hands of any one or group lead to tyranny.  French author, in 1748, he published The Spirit of Laws.  He argues that the best way to protect human rights is to divide power among three branches of government.  Each branch of government checks (limits) the power of the others.

Baron de Montesquieu

 The Three Branches of Government 1) Legislative branch – makes the laws; Congress 2) branch – enforces the laws; President 3) Judicial branch – interprets the laws; Supreme Court

 His Observation: of thought and expression is the only way to fight oppression.  He was a French and participant in salons.  He supported – allowing people to believe in religion in their own way. “I disapprove of what you say,  Strong supporter of free but I will defend to the death speech. your right to say it”.

Cesare Beccaria

 His Observation: He studied , the scientific study of .  He objected to the harsh practices that were common in his day and called for changes in to protect the rights of the accused.  was common and people found guilty of crimes were often sentenced to death.

“Punishment should fit the seriousness of the crime”. Cesare Beccaria

On Crimes and Punishments  He argued that laws exist to preserve society and order and that punishment does not have to be brutal.  A person accused of a crime should receive a fair and speedy trial.  Torture should never be used.  punishment (putting someone to death) should never be used.  Punishment should fit the seriousness of the crime. Women of the Enlightenment

 Enlightenment thinking influenced many throughout Europe and inspired in America and France.  Although women of the did not have the same rights or status as men, there were a small few who played an important role by Abigail helping to spread ideas about rights and equality for women.  Mary Wollstonecraft (1792), wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women arguing for equality and rights for women.

Madame Geoffrin