PAGE TWENTYTOUR iUitnrlifBtit Ifrralit FRIDAY, APRIL 20. 1966 Your Front Forth Light h Your Symbol of Defiance to Cancer . r ' ✓ / . The Ovaraaaa W^onltn ef World The Ladlea ed tha Aaaumption 'Sunitt CIrcIa of Faat Graoda, bf thMr postera They ark , Rina Able Mary Graham and Jean Matson, Wars ! and n will meet Tuesday wUI hold thair aaOohd annual pres- which Mra. Virginia Kaanay la MFD Whist Party and Pat Rohn. whoee ^ t e r Was pooler, at Peggy Lane’a ATcnii« Dally Net Pm a Roa ^ About Towi^ at S p.m. at the home of Mrs. identa' card pai^y In the pgrlah prealdent, wiR hold thair monthly displayed at Burton'e; \Roxanne The judges for tho eontoat woro Ear thaiWaak Badad John L. T. Boyce, 7 Olcott Dr. A hall ..of tiia Church Monday at. 8 meeting Monday avaning in the Set for May 1 Hewitt and Barbara Ledgteuche, Miss Haset Lutz, art aupomdaor, * AprU i*. 1N« A aen ww born at tha Hartford buffet aupper will be served foUow- p^tn., Military yhist or aatbacR directors room of Odd Fellows poster at Beck's' PrlsciHn 8t. Mrs. Dorothy UcRlgh, a rt tMcher, Roapltal Tliaadar to Mr. and Mra. Inir the meeting. All World Wara lay'be played. A aoclal time with Hall. ■ . : / . Pierre and Katherine Olfpfted. and Raymond Stinchfleld, aaaist- . jaiBW Labor, lOS HoU S t I and n women are Invited. tmade rSfreehments will fol- '/Tha'MFD la aponaoHng a mili­ poster at Montgoniery Ward'sjand ant superintendent of schools. < 12,020 tary whist on'Tuesday, May 1, at lew''-the games. Mrs. Thomas E. D, Lloyd Hobron, 46 Concord \ '/'I Members of Anderson 8hes Riddell.Is genersi chairman. Rd.. manager for the local branch 8 p.m,. In the gymnaaiurn of the Auxiliary. No. 20ts: VFW. Will' ■V , ^ __ of the Southeip. New I^gland TelfiT Community Y. - meet at 7 'o'clock tonight at the ■ A son. their first child, was born phone Co., w.l. explaliiln and demon Proceeda of the wjilat will be Holmes Funeral Home to.vpay April to, to Mr., and Mra. Elliott itrate the direct dIsUnce dialing respects to Adam Turkahnt. father Steele at Mercy 'Hospital. Spring- byatam Monday at ‘4 at the turned over to ’ the department's VOL. LXXV, NO. 172 in law of Mrs. Charles Yurkatiot, field, Mass. Mrs.'' Rte<>le was the meeting of the Soroptimlet Inter­ uniform fund. Ai th'ia la a volun­ a member of the auxiliary. \ former Miss Carolyn George of national at the Chamber of Com- teer fire department, this ta one of / Manchester. The' mstcrnsi grand­ hierce offici. Members ara-urged the few ways the members hava of U A public dance Will be held at parents arc . Mr. snd Mrs. Ra.v- to'Invite friends. raising money. the Army and Navy Club tomor- mond D. George, 82 Turnbull Rd., .Du'ring the .ri'enihg, prises wilT ' row night from 10 p.m. to 1 s.m.. she) the paternal grandparents. The Manchester Council of be aM H^d and 'refreshments i with. ’ music provided by Tony. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Steele, 40 Churches will meet Monday, April aervedU ^e playthg will be ron- A \ •.O'Bright's orcjiestra^ - ___ Foxcroft Dr.______^______23. at 6:30 p.m., at the Covenant .^ucted by J. Edward MdKeevar. TONIGHT Congregational Church. icketa will be sold at the door. | TIL 8:30 ^ In case of inclement weather Center Church Mothers' Club or (nay be purchased in advance Xfonday, making outdoor activities will meet Monday at 8 p.m.. in the The Army and Navy Aiixlliary from any member of the fire de- prohibitive, the camp reunlpn for I Fedeisllon Room. Work will he will hold its ususi Monday evening partmeni Tonicbt and tomorrow com'c to day campers who attended Camp I redecorating furniture in the oerd Sparty at 8:1.6 a t the club­ Plnohurot for k Circuii of Voluea Merrie-Wood, the Girl Scout camp | nursery. Members are asked to house. REGULAR $2.98 VALUES THREE ROW and ret ^balloona and I on Gardner St. last summer, will < bring srrspei's. and to 1- . ' ■ • > I be poslmned to Tuesday. ^ W ins TeW Award loUypope. \^ear old clothes, The Chamlnadb Club chorus will \ I Nv ' 4 rehesrse Monday evening at the Brinr your 3Sc Btrda Bye Din> Among .the 60 members of the homeirif Mrs. Maude-Kloppenburg. \^parkling Rhinestone nor Coupon! ' for redemption ; Albion College. Albfon. Mich., • a The commlttei In chst'ge of the In Posler^im lesl snnttal '.spring rsrd patty of St. 92 Holl St., at 7:1,6. All chorus and tm more of theee, Tur. j cappella choir who will travel to | members are urged to attend. The Rev. Leonard T. Goode, key, Chicken and .. Pol Roaat Minneapolis to appear at the ^ Margaret's Circle, Dsiighters of Following ,kre the winners' ofi Dinnera at 76c each. j World Confereitce of the Methodist, Isabella, met recently at the home chaplain at the Veterans' Hos­ the High School Art Contest run j of the chairman. Mrs. Philip Du­ '.Artificial corsages made by the pital tn Rocky ^11, will be the ; Church meeting In that city will! Ofris Friendly Society members In connection with the "Light^ On" 36c Coupona are alao packed'^ be Jamm R. Nelson, son of Mr.! pont. 169.. I.a>ve l-ane, snd .set the principal speaker at the annual] - ^ * with thia. ahipment of dinnera and Mrs. James R. Nelson, 61 date of Friday evening. May 18, wilt be on sale a t the military , , . campaign of the Cancer Drive ae in reality they will coat you snd the palce, the Elks Home. Mrs.. whist of the Girls Friendly Spon­ spring communion breakfast -of The first prize, a 820 gift certi­ Avondale Rd. Nclaoni who will sors Monday evening. April 23, in only SOc each when you use bb. singing in tha bgas section, la John Stevens was appointed co- Campbell Council, Knights of ficate at-Blalr's, was awarded to British your coupon. a freshman at Alblop,\ chairman. Military whist wilt be St. Mary's parish house. Columbus, to be held on Sunday, BRACELETS CjTithla Prior,' whose poster, show­ pla.ved for the benefit of the April 32. at the American Legion ciecle's more prominent charities, Adult members of the Manches­ ing a group of faces behind the In white, ice b!ue and pa.stel colors. • TheSlaughter bom at the Man- Home, following the 8 a.m. Mass DisaltUr ih Not one. . . not tw o. . . but chester^Memorial Hbspt^l Weril 21 ho* VFW. 'P poster was in Watkins Bros, win­ thb' Soviet Georgiad capital oi Viet Communist party bosfl . parents are Mr. and'Mf*' Job" R- to the churches his 'proclsmstlon Colorado Springs, Colo., April (•reen'iStamps (iivrn With Cash Sales April IS, the .first vtslt to the cii headed into coAferences with BIRjDS EYE Zukaa of Lawrence, Mass. on the subject, tn be read in the. 20 (an—Mri. Randolph C. Harri­ ' Past Grand Knight Cornelius dow. Nikita Khrushchev and Soviflt Foley will be toastmaster at , the by outside reporters, after \ i ^ a Lebanese leaders today prior STRAWBERRIES piilpila for the benefit of young son o f.. Greenwich Conn., was The crusading spirit of the can­ Daughter. Rejects Mather Were set off In Stalin's home ante Premier Bulgahin ' appear^ . The Come Double Club of the and old alike. elected president of the Garden breakfast...Arrangements" are \in' cer control movement Was the to embarking on new moves charge of a commi|.ee headed by Mrs. MelitU Real, right, of San Diego, CaWf.. looks'downcast in Voelkllngen, Saar, police atatlon. by the Soviet leadership's today to be breakinjt through ' 45c-—2 for 89e North Methodist ChurrisWill meet Clubs of America at the annual theme of Gretchen Rim er's poster grading of the dead dictator. next! week in his Middle JCast tomorrow night at 7:30 at the Memorial Temple, Pythian convention Wednesday night. Mrs. Herbert. Carvey. Which won third prize, a 85 gift April 20, afUr har aobbmg daughter. Ursula. 13. said aha didn't want tp go to tha United StSLtea ^mission for peace. Britain’s cold reception to church. The program will include Sisters, will hold a Military Whist Tlcketa (Or the breakfast are with her. Between them la Mra. Maurice Ferry, Ursula's foster mother and wife of a French steel .Th'e figure of up to l(io killed Is their visit with -ji forceful ^Farm-Fresh Fricassee Edward Emerson, also- of Green­ certificate a t' Blair's, Her poster a . ^ the highest yet reported. Rrevioui Tlie U.N. Secretary General ex­ films on the Tournament of Roses in Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday, April wich, was elected corresponding still available, and may be secured was' on the Popular Food Market -^COM worker. World War II awept the child and mother-apart and Mra Real came to the United SUtea pressed confidence tha.' "we are iwl and Fryers in Pine- and mental health. Refiwshment« eventually marrylnt a San Diego atonemaaon... Mrs. Real, a native of Yugoslavia, said ahe would fils reporta from diplomaUc aoiirces “let’s-be-friends” offensive. 24, St 8:16 p.m. Mrs. Carl Hllding Secrelar>’, and Mrs. Philip Warner from any member of the commit­ window. Mancnis^ Cohn* - aaid nine wera belfeyed to have o ' ^ e rlglit road" oa he com- Khrushchev, who haa been mak­ t Meat Department. will be ser\'ed following the pro­ Is chairman of the. Committee in of Dsrien, Conn.,“. was elected tee or at the Knights of Columbus Honorable mention went to four a custody suit if the Ferrya Insist on keeping the girl. Mrs. Real said the chlld'a fether, Karl Hol- four days of lalka with ing all the more Important Soviat gram. , . ■ ■■ ■'. . charge. . treasurer. Home, CORNER OF m a in ANI AK STREETS linger, was drafted into Hitler's army befora he could marry her. (AP Wirephoto via radio from been kiU'ed. teams who worked together on Frankfurt) ’ . A London dlapatch quoting laraelKleaders in Jerusalem. ronounceniema so far on the tour, quallOad Western diplomatic During that time, he announced as obviously impresaed Britons ili sources on 16 said. 300 per­ an Isi',Mli-KgypUan cease-fire gwith arguments that an arms race sons were Injured during the agreement\ The pledges by the in a aupersclentiflc age muat iMd Miss Truman, trouble In which rioting. students two nationaXto refrain from hos­ to dlaaater. He took thU theme in were said by these soqrcea to have tile act^alionk^Jtheir volatile bor­ a apvech that had the tone of a SPECIAL SALE OF ONE CROUP OF Three States Claim virtnally taken over the city for der'""area^iepreaented Ham- sem oir laat night in Oraenwich at Clifton Daniel tivp days. niarakjold'a biggest accomplish- a Royal Naval College dinner hon-' Etaoyan's dispatch from Tiflis .rnant in the first, two weeka. of his orlng the yleitora. on April 16 said the city was then U.N. nlaaion. JOie two Soviet leadere and their Marry Today E stesyA ^lai ^Even ’ calm, though ^m ed troops pa- Hammarakjoldl coHfeired with party left thia morning .for an- troled the suburbs. The first per­ Egyptian leaders in Cairo befoie oteer day full of rush and buatle. going to Jerusalem for Iks with Their schedule waa ao light It New SUMMER DRESSES By ERNEST B. VA<;CARO sona he attempted to interview, he reportefl, Were feluctant to dla-, laraeli officials.. aeemed to precluda any of the Independence. Mo., April 21 Washington. A pril'21 (8^:i.-Adlal«wlth making a close affair out of Ha if scheduled to vislt\Iprdan Soviet Premier Nikolai BulganlO Ups hla hat aa ha'Itavaa teby-kiSaing Uetlca employed by (4>)—Harry 8. Truman's daughter R. Stevenson and Sen. Estea Ke- a campaign for write-in votes by cuah the eventa that began March London's No. 10 Downing fltraet, April 10, afUr he and Com- Georgt Mftltnkov k tew weeke ego fauver of Tennesaeie were reported the two top rivals In the May 18 7. and Syria next week to \ seek Margaret »a happy a young today to be running iieck-and-necV similar 'pledges between thos^na muhUt party chief Nikita Khruahehev concludtd their meeting m captivating BriUah crowds. woman as, ever lost her hekrt tO'p Oregon primary. Neither has his Re quoted one Georgian as say­ tibns and- Israel. with Sir Anthony.. Eden and other BrlUah officials. Tha two British government officials seem­ man, gets married today. in the Oregon, Florida and Califor­ name .on the ballot there. ing of the demonatzatori, "All Soviet laadere on April 20 opeiipd full scale conferancea with Eden ed Intent on preventing a repeti­ The bloned-halred girl who grew nia primaries. Conflicting Fignrien they were doing was ahouting New Outbreaks on the explosive Middle East altuaUon after a dinner at which \ tion of that. ' to young womanhood in the Whit'e Members of the Democratic Na­ Monroe Bweetland. Oregon na­ glory to Lenin, glory to Stalin- Tha Jordan-Israelt border has Khrushchev said war would benefit neither Eiut nor Weat. (AP \ ^ Meet Queea Toamrraw \ . tional Committee living in those tional-committeeman, said pirty There were ho provocatora. They been marked by mitbreaks thia \Wlrephoto.) •' . ' X House, and clifton Daniel Jr„ the st.ftes sumihad up the situation aa w«ek. An Israeli ij^kesman aaid They headed first for the Atomic handsdme foreign correspondent and other polls give ephfltcting were only children ,''«nd students. ^3------—rV Energy Research BatabUMiiMit \i who wooed and won her in a whirl­ they see It' in interviews while figures on -.the Mpularity of the Young boys and girls.” Jordanians alipjpad inslda Israel fit Harwell, with lunch at O iffM wind romane'e, exchange vows in attending^ tw-o-day party rally. tw'o candidates. H4 said he regards ‘‘All Holers Are Denpota’ Thuraday night amj fired. at a alghtMifig in the-, and Mayor David Lawrence of Pitta the outcomes as a toat-up, with He quoted another, at faying, military car in the Judean hills. little Trinity Episcopal -Church, at He said the Israelis .fire^ back. A more talks at Chaquara, official 8 p.m.-‘(teST). burgh predicted Stevenaon will | the reiulU likely to affect those in "all rulers arq despots. How can country home of prime Minister get an '‘overwhelming. majority" i other primary ajatea. • . ■hooting' Incident to the south .to After a brief reception' In the yjUi. rule . otherw'ae? Look - at Eden, where they will spend the big. whiterframed' Truman home of Pennsylvania's 74 Democratic' Jacob M. Arvey, Rlinbia nation- Napoleon. Oove-nments can come killed one Israeli soldier and two night. TomorrtMt they nave' a n ' at 219 Norih Delware Street, they presidential nominating votes In | at committeeman and a winter res- aiid governments can go. The peo­ Jordania:i guardsmen tlie day be­ audUitea with (Jueeii Eliaabftk B will fly off to Naaaaii. thk Bahamas, that state's primary next Tmfldhy- iident of Florida, said that as far as ple'go oh." fore, reports by the two sides said. a t Windsor ChaUe. for a honeymoon of two weeks. Kefauver .is not entered there and he can learn the two In a subsequent dispatch Eaaoyan Meanwhile, Egypt charged that Despite Red Protest A small crowd of 800, polita but And her father.' the former reportedly has only scattered sup­ are^ running even for- the May 29 quoted Victor Kupradxe, rector of Israel had violated the cease-fire port among delegate candidates. \, undtmonstioUve, saw tha Russians Prealdent, can relkx from the Florida, primary, At- stake in by firing pn the Egyptian-held leave their hotel headquartera in ' Dispute Adlal’a Chances Florida are 28 presidential nomi­ (Continued on Pnge Four) Gaza strip and sending a plape ordeal that every father of a bHde Lawrence, a veteran'member of By JOHN M. HKIl nvEB ^territory aa wen aa the popuiittjoh a 14-car convoy. The party in­ 'fin understand. nating votes. . over the area yeaterday for the Washington, April 2 t \ ^ —Rua- 'of a number of atates in the cluded Igor Kurchatov, Soviet T am happy becaiiae Margaret the national committee ap^ an all- Arvey, a strong supporter • of third straight day. out Stevenaon supporter, told re­ ala'a proUat- r against apcdmlng Pacific Ocean area.” ' nuclear acienUat, and Khruahehav'a la.happy." he said. 'The more I StUvenaon. said he thinks the otk- An laraeli apokeaman denied the Am erica H-bomb tesla in -the The American plan iyaa attacked son. Sergei, a science student. s e e \f Margaret's young man the porters he thinks the 1952 presi­ come will be determined by the charge. U.N. officials In Cairo de- dential nominee will get the party GQP in House Pacific /appears certain to oe re­ aa "incompatible witk the alma There was q smattering of hand- better I like him." voters' reaction to the candidates' ■criby] the cases aa “minor In­ jected ^«f ter United States offlclria and principlea of the International clapping when the Russian leaden The\43-yeai'-old Daniel, aaal.stant nomination again, even if he lo.sea stand on raqial integration in the cidents of little Importancer" tniateeahlp system” under the U. In Oregon, Florida and California. schools. Stevenaon has advocated have completed their study o f\t. emerged from the hotel. Bulganin to the^oreign editor of the New Unite to Block While Hammarskjold -w a a ^thoritlea aaid today that the N. charter. and Khrushchev, apparently feel­ York 'tTmes, and the .32-year-old But .some other party members gradual desegregation. Kefauver blocking but hla. next moves in the attending 'the rally, which winds has been for more precipitate na­ pnueat ia both old' and baaeleaa. \ The protest waa ragarded' as' a ing better about their reception Radlo-T\\ actress-singer pursued peace campaign, chiefs of thi-ee They said the issue which It raises Siqylet bid for good will among than they did at the same tUna their arm\n-Bi'm-course about In- up tonight with a 8100-a-plate tion. I Arab atatew conferred- In )he .Saudi Woodrow Wilson dinner, made Jt • National Committeeman Paul Soil BankFiind hPa previously been ; thrashed out lea over the world, notably in' yesterday, smiled and waved a dependence\w’hlle Truman's neigh­ Arabian walled city of Jidda, 40 In the United Nations Truetcevhip i tndii L and Japan, where atomic bors lookedXon approvingly but clear they believe Stevenson is Zlffreh and National Committee- mili^s northwest of Mecca. cheery acknowledgement fighting for his political life In the woman-' Mra. Clara Shirpser came Washington, April 21 OR-'-Houae ''^Council with Rusaia getting no ■ exploi^iui are deplored, at any Pushes Coexistence with a mlniitviim' of hubbub. Reports from Jidda said King support. Russia then withdrew the time and-imder any circumatances. Wedding daV dawned with pre­ last of the big primary teats before up with diffei'cnt forecasts on the Republicans 00,000 appropriiRion. to' haiira of checking. In the tranala- Prlqr to the tlm e\ that the attempt to outstrip th« other in : 'v It was at Trinity E V laco p ^ .l have'endoi'sed hla eandjcjacy. said she thinks he ia "coming up. pay farmers-for taking land qiit of to progrea^B ' smoothly. Premier tipn division where it had been United States trusteeship agree­ aweamne weapons. From this he church that • Ti nman, life-long Kefauver.. booked for a speech pi-oducttoii and putting it to \o n - Abdullah a^ YafI and Foreign Min- put Into English. ' ment for the Island territq^ waa slipped easily into the coexistence Baptist, was married to Bess Wal In Portland. Ore., wa.s credited (Continued on Pnge Four) sei'vation uses. X. - - tJle Threat to IJfe . , approved In April 1M7, MIclala thama—the thence which has lace 37 years ago. « Yeaterday, however, GOP menV- (Uohllniierl on *ege 8'our) ‘ i 'rile press office did .not know ■aid, this countiy had madevleary Margaret, who never shared her befa issued a'minority report say­ exactly what had happened but that It Intended to continue Ih* . (OoaUaued an Pago Paw) father'^ devotion to before-break­ ing-they wanted the funds approv­ aui'mlaed the note brought in aeries o f. testa .which had b e ^ ed ‘‘conslatent' with sound legla- by a Soviet messenger, handed to started at Bikini In 1946. De-^ fast Walks, confided she's going to lailve prheedure and authoriza­ s change her late-sleeplhg wawa -by wngtit iviacArthur a receptionist or other functionary spite this information the U.N. ''rlatng- early enough to get break- tion." and handled aa If It were a routine Security Council iinanimouaiy ap­ Both the general idea, and the News Tidbits diplomatic inqlilry about some­ proved the agreement. Russia fai/."- ■ 'J- 81.200,000.0()<) Suthorizatlon were And'Daniel confided he normally Culled from AP Wires body's lost trunk. ' ' voted ’for It, officiaia recallra. ^^ulletins works from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Included in an omnibus farm bill The new-note, like Russia's pre­ ‘ .With respect- to w-hether or not Succumbs in York vetoed Monday by president Eisen­ vious ebmplaint -before the U.N., to hold tefts, SecceUry of State frolB the AP Wii-^ hower because of and T (fontlnued on Page *''nur) contended that the projected test Dulles has said aevet-al tiihes dur­ New fork, April 21 i/T> — • of their daughter, Mary, made olKbr pi-oviatona. El.aenhowery-asKed asked »»y» Barbara Alex- explosions "threaten tlie life iand ing th« peat year tha t^ ts .will Charles MacArthur, 60. playwright pews. a aepaj-ate measure to aet'*up prob.bly died i well being of the population rtf UBOER ir.8: CURB H -1B ST'' ' lAct of H) Miaa (ASNEt arranged to .llalen to a '■ent new and weak nations frdiii green. Sizes 9 Jo 15. from Otterstrom since the roof ^**’i*h*|*'' VVoolcolt. vision play. woman who disappearedff^yateri- lunche<»n talk by Adlal Stevenson.’ falling under (Jornmiyilst domlna- Washington. April 31 iq*>—• ’ / ■ ■ - ‘ 1, of the mine collapsed at 1:40 p.m. ! raconteur, qnce i Autherlfiecine Lucy, attempts oualy .in My' were opened In her who,is seeking the DemocraUc ,tlon, was announceji jointly by the i Even-_ before Mary's death ‘the .3 enter the Uni ver^ y of Alabama Nrwapa|ier editors registered a" Wednesday. Kaiser Coal Co. oper- '‘‘'•ervone who MacArthura .happiness was tested name laat Fehniacy. * presidential nomination. The aub-’’chiefs, of state .of Canada, Mexico 3-1 opinion today (hat Uie Unit* ^ atce the hiine. 12.6 mileS ' "P "'•’'o hei efided In expulsion following cam- An 82-year-old Methodise bishop ■jecl of SteVenson'a apeech haa not sn*l United States at their } F. taffata . scoop 'of Salt Lake(jitV .hears his name and starts talking by a series of tsw suits brought by pu.s race riola, is to he married to ed. States is losing the cold war, . MacArthur'a, first, wife from whom la married to 62-yeat'-old mine been announced, • but he haa been conference in While Sulphur But they also agreed over-,],. neckline, linen lined cape. -Hopes Brlghten«|. * , ^ »>e waa a mar- a Texas minister here tonfhrrow. who served wrth ,'lifm in Belgian a frequent c'rltic of- Eiaenhowef Springs, W. Va.^ last ’month., ,Color."; Beige and blue. p. H o ^ , Of^prkeia and relatlve-s, 1 V«lous circus that once passed hla he was divorced.. The 26-xear-'rtld student and the H'helmingly, by nearly fl-t, that Sires 9 to 15. f. First Wife 8iiea Congo missions. . .Attorneys administration foreign policies, It was learned the President a .hot war la leas likely In the brightened by the rertirn of three . " 1 ^ . Rev. H./'C. Foster. 27,-a'student drive toJIlnlah aeiecllon of.jury Im The setlirig for • Elsenhower'S also will discufS efforts, to end the I light of rei-rnt developments tn - miners from the itrid..- coal-rock fore MacArthOi'/ became When the engagement of Miss rrt.nlster attending Butle:- College murder trial of John Gilbert Gra- speech will be a dinner ending a strife" In the'Middle Ea. Page.*' a rowdy drama of the engaged couple had to postpone ficiate' at the ceremony. ' , i Palma, .Majorca, Balearic b- was alive. '' newspaper business. ayveepa through 2-itory row house ! worka The CBS'television net- theme, however. landa, April 31 iP—Prince Rnbleir r- jThe .three rescued .men jumped their wedding until the Illinois The coiiple took out a marriage lir aoiithweat Washington . work ,alao ^-111 carry it. The aoclety's board of directors' Also Other Styles To Choose From At This Price 't|(/a deftness with words prob­ Supreme Court affirmed the license ''Tuesday at the .Smith. of Monaco and -kla American Under sheltering machinery ably] had a good deal with .trig-' Daughters of Ahtej'tcan Rcvolu-j . At .'that same dinner, Jenklri automatically' elevated Jones" to iM^e, th e ‘former (irare Kell.v, J Wednesdayednesday when they saw a huge divorce detiaion. County C^urthoifiic in Tyler. The tlon inatair llrat prealdent from'} IJoyd Jones, editor of the Tulsa, gering hia romance with .Mias After the birth of* Ma,ry, ttje the presidency, under , ASNE's-: were reported to have - ntriveg W: t! chunk of cOjsl dislotige from the jVl‘" Rev. Mr. Koatei' is alio, minister of «Ve«t of Mississippi river today af- j OKla'.. Tribune, will be inatalled .as rule of succession in office.-Jones I today at Pollensn. Ray on thto whd at the time-of their first Mrs. MacArthur sued agdin, a .small iiiral church near Tyler. ter Miaaouri-*'womqn wins election ' ASNE's ju-eaident for the cqming d««n Broad- seeking an annulment of the m’ar- had been first vlqe president. Jleditermnena "honeymooner'a QO>\n. TiiEy wftit6'. April 3K (8p*»* toUlad )n,14S.l4' thli winter abac. South St,, was. married to­ (Oontlnaed trom Png# One) (CoatbflMd from Uaej GoOfray wdll dlscontl his i acenea report of the United Na­ chester Student Nurses Sirftolar-. of'the GOD'lywn Committee last am m whtcti exceeded the original $8,000 day at 10 a.m. to Arthur D. Pot­ Newsboy I S5 Wednqi04ity night Ulevisii in varle-i tions .,'at work when Marion ship Fund Committee last night House recently approved numef- night in the h^ring'‘room of the and d»yilght Was Joe Archutetta, ty show. "ArUiur Oc Etchei*rry MeVitty, Uhitqd World at the Haiirhest^' MemorlSl Hqi- appropriation made in t'he town ter, aon of Mr. and Mrs. U Ben­ tlhj** and His | oua’ mllltary construction projects jamin Oornell .Sr., of P erk ^ ' Cor­ Municipbl Bulldlilg, -Herald newsbby Pctef Olsen agreWnt makes them unnecessary. 43-year-old father of twot from Friends,” after the Jij 25 tele* : Federulst observer at the. Unltc4 pttaL for New England involving mors budget, .according to flgurea re*, ner, Mansfield, In St. Mary's of 73 Alton St., lost $5, all . As to tha apseifie. aite of the cast. Nations, will speak "here. The oc­ Mias Nanqy Cbrdner, daughter le a ^ by Board of Finance Chair* Mra Hazel Flnlby was elected DrAgerton., He. la atlll * bei'ng than $100 mUIIOR. (Thurch, Coventry. The Rev., Ber­ vice chairman; A ttjy Paul Marie, alnale dollar Mils tied together, test, officials said there is no oth CBS*TV, ill afi Announcqmeh$ casion la the spring dinner-meet­ of Mr, Rhd'Mrs. Robert CopdnZr, man Albert J. Booth toda^. I while making ''his collections > place which offers such suitallj[s' ^amlned by dikrors, Ong..9 f .his 30 OAK ST. yesterday, said Oodfrey'a Wednea* { ing of the Manchester CItapter of The proposed projects bill BW nard J. Foster, pastor, performed Aecretary; and Aldb Pqgani, treas­ OAK 'OIILI. s ' * Nortji Coventry; and Miaa Ida' goes to s Senate committee. for To balance the account ' the ! .vesterdby' afternoon In the I conditions with such a minimum.umFi'ngers pinned in the rubble, waa day night show, An the network i United World Federalists, to be Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Finance Board' hax recomitiended the double ring ceremony with the urer. amputated w;ith a hammer an^ consideration. .. . bride given in marriage by. her vIctnUy- of Hawthorne St. The ' danger to life and property as the shies Jsn. 12, 1M0, will, be dropped | held St Cave^. Herman Johnson, 51 Kensington an appropriation of $3,148.14 be ' Nominations were made front, Pacific Island area. / chlael before he could be taken, Dollarwise the list's largest proj- >■ fafher. .. . > the floor/wlth no opponents noml-' finder can reach 'Peter at his at Uis behest « Godfrey to lighten ! In announclM plans for the 5t., gave a resume of their train- added to the snow removal fund. home. The United State's originkUy out. He, had'cut off the Up of hla ~ins work losfl. . Meeting, Dr. .paries Jacobson, ect ia the Air Force's proposed Palma, and assorted lx>uqurtii_,or nst.^. ./ ' TODAY ing/program at Hartford Hoapital. $22,445,000 Hsrtford. Conp.. re- Action . Will be taken'at a apodal . ’ ! sat the test for May. 1 in' The thumb himself while trying to free The netw^k also disclosed that chapter rhairman\urged members town iiieetlng 8oon. At the recom*. whits and pink fiowers decorated DaVi* waa first electedd 'ffoWTt NOW ^ e girla addreaaed 22 high seqrch facility (Carnet Air Fore* I Bniwetok atol area of the Mar­ his hend ifom. under a fallen beam. Feelare ■*•«« At Si of May As It will ^rop the dally to bring Uielr frlinds to hear "the .sZhool aenlorZ M'ho,' Mill ■ begin inendation of First Selectman the church. Repiihllyan ' Chsirinan on shall J.slands, a tnist ter^oEy ob- The third 'Out waa Lloyd Allen Thru WED. STATE .4;N . Tt94 • t:M half-hoiuuTV shows now present­ plant No. 621. teer system will havt to be fascinating details bf t|le diplo­ hursea' training following their Other proposed projects-involv­ Qoodwin W. Jacobson, the Board Miss CIbire Lafontalne of Wllll- I talned In World War U. It post- Heath, 3$tyear-oId father of five,' ed by A c k ' Pasr and Robert Q. matic > strateg)’ that Niape the further recommends that the changed." Lewis, ^ graduation In June, the dinner ing over $11 mlHIon each Ineluds mantic was organist. Mrs. Stmonne I poned the test until Mgy i because from SUnnyaide, who. taid he did course . of- the Unitqa Nations, was held In the Auxlllar.y Dining $7,(KM item in the current bOdget Fogarty of WlUiniantlc was soloist. On the subject of appointment of whsl It called ".tbchntral dlN a lot of praying. He,is expected to Ci^erning Godfrey, CBS said Otis Air'Force Base, Falmouth, I and salary for the town clerk, Jvhich In turn," will ^termlne our Room St the hospital. Mass., and Newport. R. I. naval preaently earmarked for relm* As attendants the bride chose flcultle.s." „/ r be released from 'the hospital to- ha %ss bee» contemplating this i ivn fate.” eursement to the road fund for the Koltner Insisted that the GOP dav. Ml* injuries are minor. 'This It oh* of fh* host Also addressing the group M-ere station. her sister, Shirley Anne Shlrshac, more for some time because of the For more tham'a decade. \>trf. Miss Jennie Wind, secretary of the reconetruction of the Hon RWer Town Committee’ has taken its Riusla has catTled'oratried out large nu­ Heath aald he dived under a creasing pressures of- niaintsin- The protect ll$t for New Eng­ as maid ot honor.. Miss Arlene Pot­ stsqd. pictinos I h ov* O Yor to o n * McVltiy has wowed for the cjRuae Board of Trustees al the hospital; land In’cltides: Bridge, be transferred tew the cave-in start. , I'hnd television- programs, .one of Uiriss Photo and William 'McBride, president of. Connecticut ’Chsffee of Wllllmanlic; Mrs. Paul town clerk should be paid a salary cortoinly Hi* host I hov* JacquellRe Bennett 47, she w;as director bt the Speak­ the Lions Club, who was Instru­ Miss Joan'-CIrIk Hnher Naval: deficit.., . Luft Jr. of Willlmantlc. were ' In Tokytx a Japanese scientist I SUrted to Pray the heaviest in all of broadcast­ er's Bureau bf . Americans United ■' On acting on Selectman Jacob- Instead of collecting feet but that! said yestetday the Ruasisns ap-! "Then I atarted to pray,” he ing." mental in forming the acholarahip Underwater Sound LAberatory, brideemalds. George Potter of If he Is to receive a aalary, . he ovor boon ii Mr. and Mrs. B: K. Bennett. 243 for World^fiflyernhient. With the committee oi-er five yesrs ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoher NeM’ London — research and devel­ son'a proposal. Chairman Booth: Msn.sfleyi was,best man for Ills parentlyhad exploded a new type "I didn't think I had any Godfrey has been devoting IS'-* Jr., Lynnwood Dr., Bolton, an­ said the action taken does not In should be appointed by the general Center St., announce the engage- formation of -United '^orlU Dr. E. L.- Besaer, chairman of opment facilities and land acquisi­ brother; Vshers wei* Bruce Pot- of hydrogen bomb In M a r c h . , ! •9." A i hours a week to various programs. FederalU'ts, she continued in the nounce the engagement of 'their any way delay or void the manager and should be respon­ uaing/lhorlum Ihslead of uranium Archuletta said; "It was the He will continue his 'Arthur i their daughter. Jacqueline, the stmolarahtp committee, acted tion, $3(M,000. < tei, brother of the gi oom. Kenneth I same capacity. In 1949, she be­ aa^^oaatmaater.. daughter, Joan Claire, to Earl Air Force: proposed Hop River Bridge aecon- sible to the manager. In tlds'casliig ofthe bomb. Tltorlum I terrible experience I have <3<>dfre.v 711116" morning- show to David R. Nichols, son of Mr. TJiomaa BveretL son of Mr. and struction. It means that $7^000 less •.Shirshsr, brother of the bilde, and and Mrs. Arthur U. Nlehola, 26 came (iiganizatlon liaison director, Hartford "research fbclllty —- Paul Luft Jr. of Willlmantlc, , Is A compsrsttvely rsre rsdioac- yt*rn of mining." radio Monday through Friday and and. In 1950, was appointed as­ 'Mr*. Earl D. Bverett, 23 Doane will be avallahie from the town yVe*L d .^ element. —I ______A "YtamarThey hart had to cut/vii0 *«*«s my finger 6A been pledged to Phi design, 'fashioned with a fitted this afternoon at the American THEWHOU High schools and is employed at STARTS tHtNbAY Laaa Taraor - Richard Raiioa —"Heart, and FloH'er." Turner Catledge, managing editor | fraternity at Centre bodiCe, portrait neckline. Short cream. It maket a delicious comlrtnatlon. the William Brand A Co., North Thomas Bailey, ohalrman, District Second Congregational Church In Wolt llUnoy** Richard Coat* — riu* •» I:H ( Rl 8KY KING «;IS (6.11 ITAI.IA31 FII.M THEATER No replacement for the Legion Home. 3; Edward S. Dik and John Bowen, North Coventry. u UEinilBrfut PcRKy C'a«tl« In rnlor , (IRI CfiENE AITRV 8HOW «:Se ( SA6) YOU ARK, THERE "Friends program has yet been an­ of the New York Times, and Felix College, Danville, Ky. A 1955 slpttves and a full akirt which M-aa When leaving on a wedding trip, HOCK o^ROU^ORYI Wlndham\ The groom attended “ THr LONK RANGER^* _ (33-8e> MR. WIKARD —"The KxeraltsB".( Mary, R. McKnight. managing editor of graduate of Manche.iter High terminated Jiy a pleated nylon Windham Regional Technical chalrnran ’ and deputy chairman, The Andover group will leave "SONG Rtarrina (33) ITAUAsN riL31 THEA1 Uarra ml Se»t»" nounced. the brjde will M’ear - a beige suit t33» WESTERN Pl.AYHOC the Dallas Morning N cm'S. School, he was a lAembcr of the tulle dual ruffle. She wore, lace School, Willlmantlc. and is em­ respectivel.v. District 4, from the local ehiirch at 2:30. "TARGET Clayton Misorc • dny Niivcrhccli IISl OVKR.SKA8 AlIVKNTI'RE varsity bssebsll leant. Mith pink and broM-n accessories No deputy rhatrmen liave been The Rev. Robert Knowlea, aec- OF THE Mon. thru Tnurs. 1:30 > R> WIUI niUr IIICKOK <::-3*> ROY ROGER.* TTie newly elected directors are mitts. Her Frencl^-Illusion finger­ and A M'hite orchid corsage. After ployed by the Ideal Car Co., Wllll- Hoc Office Opens . 7;l>0 p.m. <33) mSNEVLANO , —"Elyinc Battel." tip veil \M’ss attached to a cap of manti^. ^ chosen in the first and third dis­ Telary of the junior high youth SOUTH" ZERO" Show Marts 7:3d p.m. (3*) HIRTHIIAY PARTY 7:0«\i S) VOI' AkKE.n EOB IT ' Uee Hills, executive editor of the Frank L. Bausola,_ st^n oU Mr. Mgy 5. the couple will be at home work of Oeperal Cotincil of Con­ In rninr rri.. Nat.. Nan; «:ee 1 R) PLAY o r THE tv^;EK xisi KEi'RKT file ; e, a. a . pleated nylon tulle„lvith iridescent Card P ^ ty Winners tricts. „ — ' —“The Malson**' Detroit Free Press, Louis B. | in Enfield. The disfricl leaders are sclved- gregational C?hrlatlan Churches, 4:3L1:46 Box Office Opens H:30 p.m. ( « i CiRE:AT' GII.DERSI.EEYB Tdlland County Seltzer, editor of the Cleveland pearls and. aequlns. She carried a The bride attended Manchester Thegre were \ 10 and one-half Nhnw Ntarts 7:AR p.m. RANGE RID^ YOUR YARN SHOP sister, ivaa attired In a ballerina regialrara of voters, eonaolidation Family Arrlvi-s —•‘('rooked Fork** Rockville, April 21 (Special) — managing editor of the Mllu-aukee sen’ed three years In the U.J5. Rockville, Vsl KsllnWski of Wll- of fire departments, charier aniend- Mr. and Mi's. Hartmut Knndt. of (3.1) CISCO KID All A ^ Xeedleworh Supplies Legal questions raised b.v an at- Journal, for a, one-year term. Lo- Mary Bushnell CWney Auxiliary length goM-n of pure silk chiffon tn Army In Korea and la now an opti­ limbntic: .seconds, Mrs. George ment.s^ including those concerning' Gerniany. hrp occupying the 0:43 (33) INDI'STRY/ON PARADE torne.v In a Columbia zoning case moe Mill complete the unexpired and Ward Chepey/Camp. No. 13. ballet blue, , faahibned Mitb' a cian employed by Bausch and Zunnkr, Frank Sbhubb of Roclt- 7:00 ( 8) RORIN n(H)D •^FREE INSTRUCTIONS the status of the town elerk; and apartnient at Ihe home of Mr. and (18) ORIENT EXPRESS .vesterday delayed granting of a portion of the term of retiring United dpani.slY War Veterans. Mill draped bodice, p(wtfell neckline, Lomb Optical Co. -bf Hartford. vlliel^thlrds, MEs, Fled LaBonte the appointment of a publieit.v rep­ Mrs. John Yeoman.s, on Rl. 6. <334 RREAK THE HANK • FREE P/M KING demurrer In the case at a short president MacDbnsld. ivho noM’ hold a socMil /meeting Monday "Ydu Can Taate Th^Quallty" of Rockville, Howaid A. Richard­ (.TO)' SAN ERANf’IHCO HEAT Opea Tiiesx tb 9:4S-5;00 calendar absaion of Tolland Conn- becomes an ex-offlcio board mem- night at i'' oYlock at the State resentative for the local Kepubil­ The Knp uel Lutheran Ladies Aid Societ.v tion. .Mayor Harold A. Tiirklng- (18) L03I.MAMI P'ERFOR.M. home, located in a residential zone. a Malay girl In.Febiuary, 1954. er St. ‘ who will be mairied to the Rev. ! .SERYING DEUCIOU8 (18) STORIES o r THE WEST ante:—"Ii*. Ifi^he Bay" I M'lll ^11 its first meeting Tuesday land*. April 21 (A’l-Bertha' Her- ton told tile group the Directors (33t3^) PERI^Y ^O.MO SHOW The Columbia Zoning Board has I at w a.m', in- LutTier Hajl. Those St. Mary's Church ,w(lt haCe a Stephen Chamberlain thia aummer. | (IS-3S1 ei((,ntie;r-\)uii (Coittinbedtinbe( from Page One^; togh, 19, "Jungle girl" M'ho y a s increased have diacussetl the matter and —Gue«lf^ Peeay Lee (53) l-A.3rOl'S FIL.3I festival ruled such action violated zoning standing Should bring their oM-n . Michigan's poptilalion I seti^ck party Wednesday at 8 probably will be prepared to art GOP Cnlt to. .Meet I in n e r s l o p i z z a ""“The Notnrio#^ Gentle­ , I the child bride six year* ago bf a 680,000 betM'ecn April 1, 1950 and Tile Ropiibfiran Town Commit- | D and laws. The ruling waS'upheld by. t i,. TTr,)^.— 'I ssndMlches. Coffee «'11I be served. . In the church hall. ' on It a'oon. (Eat LaPizza Herr^-nr Take It Out) man” Bex Hnrrikhn. LIIIL theColumhin Zoning Board of Ap- " ® visit University Malay teacher, wa* married tV»i» July 1. 1954. ], The Oo-operatIVe Nurserv and tee will meet on Tuesday evening I Palmer ,\ beats ” ' of Texas for several years has ad- Both Repuhlleans and Deitio- at the Town Mall at 8 o’clock. MANCHESTER 1:00 ( 8) THE ED SFLLIVAn\8H0W Robert H. Paquette, aviation M'eek to a Dutch cabinet maker. It ; Rindergarten parent-members ex- rrata anpport a proposal that the Guevlv: .3|arloa -3|]iMloi«e. A demurrer contends there is . N>Kroes to its -graduate M-aa learnc(l today. '\ [EWEST! Dance Tonight 1 electronics technician third class. I ecutlve committee will meet Moit- two reglstrara of voters be en-' OPEN SUNDAY 12 to 10 P.M. Sam Levefihtin. Amev ■roth- some defect - on the face of the, I schools The bridegroom , i» Johan Gcr-' j day at 8 p.mi at the home of Mrs, The- Junior Pilgj im Fellowship | .UMBER, Inc. . ►r*. Sennr Wence*. *ato She has said that her fiance w n USN. son of Mrs August K. Tbra- gaged by the town on a fulltime will hold a dance tlii.s evening Stuartl. Three GoeUhl«X’nl’ pleadings constituting legal rca- cinla. 172 High St., and husband ard Wolkcnfcit, 21. Their engage- I Richard G. Jodry. The parent- basis. . i cycle Acl... agreement" M-Rh > R4f|i0i Bafteries ^ from 7 Jo Id o'clock at the all­ lUlLDING MATERIALS ^ion why the opposing party men.l ■ was- announced laal De­ members meeting of Wednesday I'rges Stand nn Issues (33-30) COMEDY HO| R: GueOpt ahould not be alloM- - ~ cember. No publicity M'aa given to has been set ahead to April 30 purpose room of the Andover Ele- ' AND Ctlorla De Havea. Hooteda. Ray S. Warren, representative (iientiiry School. 33]illlam HrndU, Jonathan fiirther. Grounds the clill ceremony M-hlch* Mill be i iUf MAKES J Announcing the opening^ of/ jj'hlch, v.ill be an open meeting at In the ' General Assembly from MASON SUPPLIES Shel'ky Cireene and seeking such aytion •followed later by a religious wed­ the Nbthan Hale Communltv Cen- fleeting Canceled Ike JCIarnnlR Family of Manchester, urged the member to WAINUT RESTAURANT Chimps. Film nt R»el Riley' basis the plaintiffs ding. She Is a Roman Catholic. I ter. ' ■ . The Junior .lolly .ifeedleworkera ! We Finance Vour Jotm versity of Alabama when she at-|,^'°" take a stand on several loca'I piob- 4-lf C.liih will not hold its regular 7 Walnut Street— Tel. MI 9-8070 and hi* Solid Seven' order in attempting to test the Annulment of Bertha’a Mdslem (Arthur Bins Stores j lenta which he said Would become 355 Center St.^MI S-5M4 . , (3.\) r V. PLAYHOI SE coristitutlonalily of the ordinance tendc(j at Tuscalobsa for i meeting next week due to the 8:3(1 (331 THE VISITOR the first lime Feb. 3. i Navy Kns. John.W. MacArdle, marriage four yrara. ago to Man- the branch Office of .Manchester Evening Herald issues in the next election. 0:00 ( «) ted MACK'S AMATEIR while at the same time appealing soor Adabi Uquehed off a wave of A Coventry correspondent, Mrs. c. school vacation. After violent riots broke out on i *” h of Mc- apd Mrs. Herbert A. He mentioned charter changes, 8:30 ( 8) STAGE SHOW— Wilh lW- HOFR to a. decision baaed upon that riot* in Singapore. L. Uttly, telepkone PI t-8381. the appointnienl and method of vey B,ro«. and June Taylor (I8-.33. TV THEATER : ordinance. the campus, the university suq-i MacArdle of 224 Porter ST., re­ 5Ianchester Evening Herald .An­ —J'The lord's Doltaz>* Ron pended her, saying U did so for her I ported fqr du|y n'ilh Oimp^okite invaders raptured Ber­ IJLACKJACK paying the town clerk, and con­ dover cnrreapnndent. .Mrs. Panl Dnncer«. (*ue«t%: Audrey A aid RCaenn t Atty.„Jules A. Karp, represent­ tha's parents 13 yeai's ago in the H I-F ID E U tY solidation. A Jayne Mendnuv, Hel>n (33-3h) TV PLAYHCirSE ing tile Marmauds. contended he own lpj;otectl(jn, '! Squadron 11 ats^the North Island W om an Hradtt (;O P I'riit Pfansllehl, telephnne. Pilgrim. O't'oiinrll, Se$cn Ashtonv. \(.»:i) HALF HOCR FILM lister? when .she brouglrt suit d e-1,Naval Air .Slatioir San Diego, Nethcriand East Indies. Biit her RECORD.S Kr.TCHUM. He called for H8.sistanre to dis­ 2-6H.56, (.‘harles Cnvtlemen, .violin had prepared the cas'e in that May %irfN4iVi««. manding admittance, she M as ejR-],Calif., on March 27. Refore enter- Malay nurse smuggled B'erlha into PHONOGRAPHS 'O e S P E R A Q o Wsterbuiy, April 21 (Pi-'ilrs. trict chairmen and aties.sed liie for, "judicial, convetlience. " He :3«JI8-.W) IT'S ALWAYS JAN Iqlved to deal M-ith tlie conslitc- On' consolidation. Christie 'Mt- three degrees below freezing At (.30) STAR THEATEft: Jimmy i IN YOUR POCKET tionality of zoning ordinances al annual meeting of' the' organiza­ 5..I0 a.m. today; -it criTne within Durnnte i the.u same .time? - Khe asked, FI)K KINK.v TO \\hi> 'C(>nlori Ackrressks ' . d a y : Cornilck, head of the Fire Krotee- 10:00 • 8) CHAM E OF A LIFET1.31E tion here were William Menna, one degree of equaling the coldest Judge'Vinb R. Parmelee com- Fort Worth. Tex., April 21 i/Pi w »»* .^sonia; first vice 'president. tlon and Uttlitiea.jSliidy Commit­ (I8-.V3) (it NS.3IOKE •NEVER SAY OOODRT'i:" tee, aald that his eoniiiiillee would April 21 m the jilstory of the Hart­ <3-i-30> (sEORfsE (iOHEL I 'niented, "When you ridej a bus The graiWdaughter of President: ' " “'" ■ • H H U I I I s J I I Color ' I Thomas Peltewa.'v. Wslerbiiry. ford Weather Bureau / (3.3) FIL.3I both ways you pay,J.M-o fares." Franklin D: Roosevelt. Miss Ruth' -- \ NOW YOU CAN EASILY AFFORD YOUR OWN . Roick Hudson-Corpell Borc^ent ' .Second vice president; Charles have a report before the Mav 1 10:30. < 8) P:THEL a ALBERT i meeting of J.he Boanl of Directors. • The temperature dropped to 28 (18) OVERSEAS ADVENTl'RES HoM'evei becattse'Ilf legal qijes- rhahdler Roosevelt, Mill be 'mar/ John Conlon, supervisor of pro- - and \- ' B\mtihg. Seymour, third'vice <'^ti A r x r l l .*>1 1 r \ n ^ * "(33-50) YOl R HIT PARADE SAVE AT tiohs the judge :w8s nqt prepared ; ried here tonight to Henry D. hation officers In Hartford, will be president: Harriett Kraps. Mil­ Me said Unit 'report roiild lie isiade (3.3) WRESTLINii “ THE NAKED DAW.N" to an.swer. he gave Ally. Karp one Lindsley III of Midland. Tex. 1 the priiwipal speaker at the aec- VAGATION COHABES \ '' .Ylounialn Retreat ford, secretary; and Raymond Fal­ available to meiiihers of, the com­ I3i3) .MILLlfIN lMn.L.\K .3IOYIE i Color—Arthur Kennedy mittee in time for a discussion 11:0Q ( 8) norOLAS FAIRIIA.SKS 1 M'eek in-whlch to prepare a state-, The Ute President’s Mlfe planned ond annua/communion breakfast lon. East Haven, treasurer. >/ PRE.SENTS—‘Thr Djinrc*' NORMAN'S HERE AT LAST . . . WC'VE GOT IT . . . May 2 after the caucus. (18) (iRA( E KKLLV”3VEDDING i ment of reason* why the demurrer to be here for' the ceremofty^at of! the Holy'^Name Society, Church Requests More Inforniatlnn (33) DOLI.AR A SECOND 445 Hartford Rd. Tel. MIS-459Y. ahould not, tie granted. He also a / ' the All Saints Epiacqpal Church of the Assiimpli(in. to be held to-. "Everyone in his right mind (30) INNER SANCTI'M ' loM'ed the defense attorney, \V. A.'Only membera of .the families .a-nd morroM' at the Garden Grove. j| \ ' FINANCING COHAGES agrees with consolKlaJioii as ‘ a IL:S0 1 8) WRESTLINCi Countryman J: ,, to file an ansM'er families of the wedding p a r t y Members of the society Mill re-| Mezzanine Fluor ^ 118) MII.IJON DOLLAR M03 IE i.M (IS) PLAYHOI SE IS HERETO UNOBTAINABLE. NOW W e ' c AX FINANCK principal" R o t t n e r said. "lU is (33) eleventh HOl^R ^ .MOVIE 1 (.13) HALF HOt'R FII.M to the statement.. M'ill attend the ceremony. ' reive",(;ommitn|on In a body at the j progressive..')rogr But he insi.sted the r—“Hifhly Dnncerniih'' i .» «. 6i'FREI) HITOHCUCK ., In other matters, a strict fore- 'Hie couple will make their home 7 a.m. Maas and breakfast Mill: . (30) O'OLLOW THAT .3IAN t«;)l() ( H) CO.NKAK NAGEL THEA- SO DOH.V PAV.5IENT OOP)P'would would hqveh*ve til knowknovC whjit —"^lunler .3louii(nln‘* TFiK closure In. the case of -Marlon L. j In, .Midland folloMing a M-edding | be served at 8:30. -. j coiiholidalion will meaiV to the ij:»e"i3ei i.ATt; snow ' (18) ir.l.AOOCiiALLENCiE dlarni el al vs. LaM'ience R. KeUi.s.] trip to NeM' Orleans. 'j Tickets are still available and —"Bridze of 8«n l.ui. ICev" | ( « ) IT’S A GREAT LIFE MANCHESTER SAVINGS BANK taxpayers' before taking a stand.' el al, involving property in . Slaf- 'fbe bridegroom is the soil o f : may be jiurchased from ,. .lo.setih KRO.MW to I.VM NDiHTCAf KIIITION NKWS ' ' OENO SHOW 13 to 7 Y EARS He said there should be some data tt:*.» (.v.i rRFvri-ua i 1.1.1) OI'TSIOE E.S.A. ford. Debt Mas found to be ' -Mrs. Robert H. Stewart Jr., and Lee. chairman, 12-Flint Df;, or At TG PAV . r : ' 923 M A IN STRECT TEL. M l 3*5707 on the financing, pcr.sonnel. . and IIlSS ( SI .MUHTCAP .TIIKATKB ! (W) I LEO THREE LIVES ' $1,352.91. M'Uh May 1 a.s! law day. I Henty D. Lindsley Jr., both of Dal- the rhurch tomorrow, 'Transporta- organization jpf a fire dep’artiiient. —••Sh’.ncopaiion*' 10:30 < 8> WHAT'S .1IY .LI.NK An order of $.5 per wetk wait !«* ' tion from the church to the Gar^ 1:30 ( 8) NEWS . . r t (18) DATELINE El'ROPE Alxiut A lyveeic Such, .information is pi>.siimab1y (ri) THE VISE gianled the Connerlicul Valley The bri(Jc Is ttje daughter of-lden G ro ve'm'|II be furnished’ by- *3.00 Klliott Roosevelt. noM- of Meeker. , mem)»ers of. the society. Prosper- part of. the report .McCorrhick (.1*) CH.4.1IPIONSHIP HOWLING Block Co. in It.* case against Guy I W e -'Won’t waste yoUj' spoke alKUit. 1,13) FAITH FOR TODAY E. Licence, and also to the House-' Colo., and Mrs. Harry T. Eidson of i live member* ahd friend* are'ln- Fort Worth. .1 vlted to attend. 'Hme unless you own yoiir COMPLETE "It seems, offhand," Itottnr'r • INSURANCE II:»» ( *-t».1.1)^SI NDAV NEBS 8PE- hold Finance Corp. lij an action own lot free and clear. ssid."that the co.sT must he great-,. again Nelson Drum, el rfb Many mo(|els and .aizes. er, because I feel that the voluh- <«) PlflNEER VALLEY THEA- De(;lslon"Svas reserved in, the roriofuciouj ...... T.'i'i O’Cloek Walk" .*iome easily convertible TRAVEL REAL ESTATE (3S) SENATOR HI SB of .iohn Wilcox v.s: Jolui ERECTIONS: , to year round lliing. 11:16 ( 8) SHERLOCK HOLMES — Ellis, et al.. In another r ase brought (18) .IIII.LIO.N DOLLAR .MOVIE SUNDAY DINNBR Charies W. Lathrop —"Slninzer on (he Prowl" against Ellia. a M'iil of capias MS's A. Uompleielyj^ere'rled, we'll do alt the coqcreje and Ivoodtvdrk g g f M $OEW\ " (3*) THE LATE SHOW ordered to in.siire his presence in CRUISES TOURS RESORTS \A Agency. Inc. — "Chlea.S"' Caltln." B» I f ypii. are .a^tlu-lt-yourself enlhuslusl, we can deliver Ihe UHARLEN v;. LATHKOP. .. .. '*’1* SI'IJJO.N DOLLAR -MOVIR court May 15. Ellis failed tq ap­ PRESCRIPTIONS shell in pre-huilt atnirtures, In eas.v to.erect pahel units, ROAST RlBff OF flA R TrO R O ■ 00 Eaat UehtDr Htreet 11:46 ( *) MYSTERY THEATER peal' .veaterday - in an action HOTELS AIRLINES ' . . . . —"Dart of Death” two men ean easily handle all components. DRIVE-IM/Mr///' Manrheater, Cobb. L. ft: 1.1 I 8) NEWS - -i bioughl against him by the Com- meh-ial Credit Corp. • k C. W e do all the conrZete Work, then you continue iiilh StEAMSHiPS RAIL TICKETS i IlisJ ; « ; EpiftOB NEWS In the case'of Robert Stetson e t ' S'l',MIAY, APBJt. ih Plan".Y". * » PRIME B E iF I TONIGHT! ) al vs. ErM'in C. Drw y, defaull ivas I <:•« I «l lassie"" . entered, and a hearing in damages! / ONE C A U a n d / WE-CAN AERAN(»E ClnemaScoiie and Un|nr IIS-.U) EACF. THE NATION CAll.TODAY ' •Slnll or. Call Today for Free Catalog COMPLETE (J'!-S»l CONVERSATION WITH JOHN I. OLSON held. Judge Parmelee ordered a ■ /- YOU* COMPLETE TSlS HERBERT HOflYStR' lln memorandum to be Tiled. DINNER ^HELL ON Prozre..! • Pointer ond Decbrditer OENTLE.YIE.V: The court found the defendant' GH-...U, $-$3(1 .WITHOUT OBLIGATION (.131 TRAVEI.OGt'E • Ai not able to contribute .tin the sup­ 6:1.1 ISSl VARIETY HOI K ' ' ’ 7 4 ■ e. ^ □ Please mall your <’.«ttage. ( ’•lobe Travel Service has been established for 29 years, FRISCO BAY” tlU I *1 HA.1IAR OF THE Jt'NULE port q< a rainof vhild fh a rehear-j Booklet • . ' Almi . (IS-661 St NUAY-NEH'K ■ tng An a petition for suppeirt I Meiiihers of onr staff have .traveled throughout the\entir« Ecluftrd G. KubliiMin .II3t WESTERN MARSHAL HENRY STREET , □ W.e would, like piTsonal (3*1 I'APTAIN OALLANT _____ - brought b.v Laurq Murphy agaiDs'. j consultation ^^wariT Murph.vj, ! LAYTON ' ■ . \ Name ...... '‘Square Jungle” Conntrui'tiun Co. J Ernest (.Marty) Borgnlile FA.’tllLY OPERATION'' 1 ' 1391 Dixwell Ave., Street . - ...... CroOkston. Siinn. ijP(— As? Wil-1 PINE LENOX PHARMACY ilamileh . COhiSULT US f\>R Y<3UR SUMMER' STARTS SIJ.NDAY! City ...... MORIARTY BROTHERS fred C. Nlraeils.came dut of.,the I 299 EAST CENTER ST. TEL.'Ml^^0895 -fO.YIE TODAY /. “ SONG OF THE SOUTH". COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE I ather after an bmergajicy a)>- j retepbohe N'o...... *There’< .llwayatTpinormu" pgndectomy,'” he matje out* a : SEE OUR DISPLAY VACATION PI-ANS familiar face. It M-as that of his | CHILDREN FREE RANGE AND FUEL OIL PINE PHARMACY 1 Hli.jriiuiiS Arc.i wife, who, had b«en assigned to O p C i l i Mon., Tues., and Wed. to S;S0. Thun.-Fri. t>H » P>m- 'M 315 CENTER ST — PHONE MI-3-51 36 her - husband's bperatipn . cm 'her " ■ fc ll* Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to'7 p.iii. JOHN G. O'lRlEN oiM MARY C O 'lR IEN ’Bni'day of hospital servtc* in flv* I 4 M CENTER ST. TEL. M l 9-9814 N- , year*. n O E I t m B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, i&M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, APRIL 21. 19S« P A G E n v i Leonard Cherboneau, 63 West fit.; RockviUc-Vernon Man Can Live Mre. Dorothy' Mason, Tatcottvllle GOP in House Miss Truman;, Amateur Astronomer Studies Stars^ Rd.. Vernon; Sharon Purington, Three States Claim ^Playwright MacArthur If Heart Stops Bast Hartford; Walter Hlckwtg, 91 Charter Oak St; Richard Ted- Unite to Bloek Cliftoh Daniel From Homemade Observatory Here feird, 820 Birch M t.'R d .; Scott E Atty. Pigeon Resigns Four Minutes Jeffries, 3 Hughes Circle, Rook- Succumbs in New York ville; James Robinson. 187 High­ T^steSfAdlai ^Even^ Loa Angeles, April >1 bn — If • Soil Bank Fund Marry Today By LBONARO ZBIDCNBEBO land. St. ■ a - (OMitlaMd freae Page Om ) heartbeat is restored withih four ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Prls- & Mrs. Democrat By d8y, Ekigene M. Splese of 8 , / As City Court Judge (OeaUaiiafi from Page Om ) (OMtlgMfi fTMi Pag* Om ) (OMttaMfi fr*m Pag* Om ) Eaatladd Dr. la a lupervigor of the mlnutM a person haa. a cilia O’Dovsl, Dart Htll Rd.. Rock- a vine. Dag Pushes I ton. Pa., Nev. 5, 8^99, the aon of ' Bouthern New England Telephone! chance for continued life, says a p i AprU 21 fSp^ci«n— The minority report challenged fast," now la «Tsn With Sttvenaon T h at WM a t a nawa cohfertnee, ! the Rev. William 'T.'and Oeorglana Co. Central office in Eaat Hart-; B'l R T H S^ YESTERDAY: A k the committee'a authority to vote P' Welstead MacArthur. He neW medical study. daughter to Mr. and Mra. Anthony WHAT THIS PRIMARY IS ALL ABOUT 7n • MrpriM wmoujKemcnt last •lid will forgt ahMd. Obituary tha first opportunity the growing ford. But by Aigbt he watches the So critical Is the time limit that F night Alty. Robert J. Pigeon. the funda without apecific adthor- Although tnUrsst at tha Demo- | ^cated at Wilson - Memorial ■tare. ) McCniden, 43 Jensen St. laatlon. The admlniitratlon haa in- press contingent' has had an Op­ Xcademy In Nyack, N. Y, A Hud- mors physicians - - and even many BIRTHS T^D A Y : ,A aon to Mr. •r Judge of R^kvllle City Court and cralic rally esnttrad on tha two! Peace Plan He is an astronomer- an ama-' dentists - should be trained for !• it impomMt? You bat it It — impoitmt f yau. your party siated, deapite Democratic clalma, portunity to question them here. aoh river town, where he and Misa teur aatronomer, to be sure, but an { ahd Mrs. Raymond J, Peck. 334 corporMlon counacl for the city, top caAdidataa, Carmina G. Da< { Instant emergehey action,' includ­ Center St. and your tawn. importaaf aaough for yau to «lvo w yoor oWooHoo 1- . Mid ha waa realgning from both th a t the 1935 law. la not broad Sapio, national committaaman for i Deaths They had Just come from a 55- T _ _ 1^ ^ « ^ A A r% 4- eventually made their home extremely well-equipped and well-1 ing opening the chest and squeez­ d enough to cover the program. Naw York, waa on hand to put In ' DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: paaitiona due to ‘‘tha praaaure of minute fehearaal- at thb church P n IfJlE v lC flS l *" * •■ ■ '"*>'‘"8 mid-Victorian Informed amateur, with hi* own ( ing the heart rhythmically until It Hugtf Benson, 398 Heckmatack for o fiw mlfiurot. Wo woRt to show yoo how o party prlwory 1- pflvata practica.” Tha reiignationa On that point, the minority re. a good word for Gov, Avarall Har> | ■WWT a mansion. observatory on hla front lawn and I begins beating, Dra. Seymour L. ;• where they wbre met by membere St.; Jam es Kane. 123 W alker St.; rios in with tho way your town is run oo4l how your tox doNor h Will become effective May 1. port laid no more than 1250 mil­ liman of hla atate. Ha danlad, .f amr'A Vi/ q Ifrr j Between 1914 and 1923 MaoAr- four telescopes, and a stprehouae- ’Cole and Eliot Corday of Beverly Russell Wright. 103 Green Rd.; Pigeon has forwarded a letter lion of the appropriations could however, that he la aeaking any C ” call-A of the .bridal party. Later the ■ (OoatlaMd frem Phga Oat) , thur wag a reporter on the Chi­ of Information on the etare ih z p a e t* bridal party- had dinner at the Hilla reported yeiter^y. Mrs. June Hagen. Bolton;. Mrs. Of fomtal reiignation aa City Court be used for anything but prevent­ delagataa for Hamiman at thia cago Herald Examiner, Chicago head. They sa|d that, in anelyaing 133 j Agnes Bucclno and pon, 3 Drive 1* Judge to Gk>v. Abraham .A.'Ribicoff ing soil erosion. It said only a time. Kansas City club to cllmaX' a busy Istsr Balim LsJioud. already have I 'Tribune and the Kew York Amer­ All of hia equipment, he bui! day in which or succession of planes cases in ' Los Angelea hospital F; Mrs. .Georgia - Burnham. 3 It. in which he thanked the Governor limited acreage thna could be taken StavaoBon’a scheduled appear- j Ends His Run told Heinmarskjold they are ican. Later he was a apecikl wrriter himaeir, concocting It out of spai operating rOoma, .they found the U brought In the wedding' gueata. Stephens St.; Frank Paliewoda,’ “for tha prlviltge of having aerved out of production this year. The anca here waa highlightad by "ready tq accept all propoaala to for Hearst’a International Maga­ parti and a large aupply of kpow- hearts usually stopped from too 331 N. Main S t — - In the capacity of Judge." Pigeon Democratic National Chairman Margaret and Clifton drove zine. Hli ttage and movie writing _ how and ingenuity. Hie Informa­ WHAT l i A f RIMARY? emergency appropriation would ex­ Ouatave Waltg, 21 Holliater 8t„ from Independence to the Kanaea reduca tenalon.” much anesthetic, blocked air\veys t- haa been Judge aince January, 1952 pire bee, 31. . Paul Butler’a denial that the na­ affectionately known by moat career followed. tion oomea from the books on or nerve reflexes. when form er Gov. John D. Lodge tional committee organixatinn hara City Municipal Airport to greet Two Syrfan officials, Premier His playa were "Lulu Belle” in The Repiiblicana complained alao Mancheater folki as the (‘enter- his parents, Ur. and Ufa. E. C. astronomy, phyalcs, optics and Thlrty-flv* patients were > Whon you roghtor wHh o poliHcol porty you gohi riio right to ^poAnted him following the death that they had only a half hour’s la "pro-Stavenson ' or pro-any­ Said Ghaaai and Foreign Office collaboration with B. Speldon; light which he readi when he isn't brought back to life and all but Horse Kills Boy body." Uiinlng conductor,” passed away Daniel of Zebulon, N.C., who were of Judge Saul L. Peizer. Gov. Ribi­ notice that tha blll'would be taken at Maacbaater Memorial Hoapitat Secretary General Salah Ha^izl, "Salvation" with S. HowariR "The looking at the aters or manufac­ two.are. healthy — their'heart* re- hovo your seV In hdwfher party shoeld be nm. w hom leedorswM 7. • "Wa’ra going to aarva tha Dem­ added to the group of TVuman >1- coff renamed him in 1955. iip, and were not consulted by this ntornlng following a short 111- house guests. TTiey were accom­ cama hera from Damaacua and Front. Page,”,.’‘Tweirtletiff.Cen­ turing hew equipment. atarted in four minutes. The other From WilHniaiitic bo and who ww bo nowinofod to mn for offko. A primory Is on Ih hla letter to Mayor Herman Democrats on Its provisions. ocratic party and I don’t care who neas. tury,” "Ladies and *Gentlemen," Ai a result of his seir-educatlon, two had permanent brain damage, ii< G. Olaon and the Common Oouncil. the nominee la," Butler declared panied by Daniel’s uncle and aunt, conferred several hours yesterday the doctors told the American 0 years, he waa born in An- Moscow radio charged today play, •’Glory- Be,'.’ in collaboration the stars Splesa watches with such late last -hight. about 13 hours af-. hoVo boon fortunoto thot this primary wot provMod for in our li­ eight yearn." Pigeon waa appoint­ debate him weekly in 7 ',4 m inutes •miles Truman beamed at the that the United States and Brit­ Hospital Notes ■ f ns every member of Congress." of free talavisipn time offered by aonia, later moving to Rockville crowd Of newamen drawn up out­ with Anita -Loos. Miss Kayes is fasrlnatlon. Talking about the ter the accident. -■ fown'i ehortor ot mony eemmuniritt do not hovo thit privilogo. ed corporation counnel by the O ty before coming, here. In 1902, Gus ain were following a ' policy "pri­ supposed to star in it part ot •peed of light (186,272 miles per Medical Examiner Brhe Rafferty Cbuncll in April, 1948. those Inwlviilg motor vehicle vio­ tha National 'Broadcaating Co. side the church aa he steered Mrs. marily directed against the Arab Patients Today ...... 178 Butler aaid this waa a Republican secured employment with the iTnimgn to their waiting car. the celebration ot her Golden Jubi­ second), he is reminded of a the­ ordered an autopsy. Other Appolnlmrnta lations. Hartford • Mancheater - Rockville countries." ory holding that If a cele.stlal ob­ a d m i t t e d YESTERDAY: The boy, son of Mr. and .Mrs.- lt. i Moran to Preside dodge to deny the Democrata tima \ Margaret, when she goes down lee on the atage. ' Clinton O’Brien, 14C Garden Dr.; Xn addition to these positions. Tramway Co. as a motorman. He The Soviet Union has pledged Mis movies included "The Sins ject reached the speed of light, in Francis Bigelow, apparently ,*8 ' Pigeon in also the public defender It is expected that 'the Demo­ Several Area the Republicans could afford to the aisle with herXfather, will car- support to any United Nations ac­ Harold Harvell, 367 Adam* SL; pay for but the Democrata also served on the one-man cars ry\ a prayer book' given her by of Msdelon ClauOet,” in which receding from us) we couldn’t crawled through a hole Into g WfUT IS A TOWN OONMinEET Jn Tolland Ooimty Superior Court cratic Town committee will call early In the century as both moloi'- tion for a peace iii the Middle E ast see it. Mra. Grace Patten, 19 Franklin fenced field where the horae waa C« couldn’t. grandmother 4 Wallace when she Miss Hayes starred and won an St.. Rockyllle; Robert Hazard, 673 and whs a memter of the Vernon a special meeting as soon as pos­ man and conductor. When Jrolleys that would be acceptable to both W’ould Pro%-e Theory grazing, police said. sible to recommend a replacement Cases Solved Hall replied that Butler'a "cry­ was confirmed in 1940. the Arabs and Israel. This wee Oscar for her ,cting; ‘The Senator N. Main St.; Mrs. Dorothy Ulrich. Thit yoor o now ttoto low it in opomrinn which pormitt ut to B ^ d ot Finance which recently baby alibig are a transparent effort were discontinued, he became a ■' She'v^ill wear something old, waa Indisciy^;" and in collabora­ “Of course," he say*, sucking On The field,- owned by Jam es P*. resigned en masse. He has been for Gov. Rlblcoff'4 lonslderatlon. bus driver (br the company, spend­ done in a statement iesued Tues­ Mile Hill Rd.,-Jtockvillc; Mrs. Dor­ Brown, la Just across the street hovo o primory oloction to pkk tho porty Itodert. or I 49. to cover up the dlsaenaion in his something new, something bor­ tion .’^’ItX'' Heept "Wulherlng hi* pipe and sounding a* though he othy Sullivan. 316 E. Middle Tpke.; mo TTownown Com - practicing law in Rockville for the Until Ribicoff Alls the position As­ own p arty aind the u tter bank­ ing moal'bf hia time on local runs, day on the eve of the .Bulgenin- were about to exchange some shop from the Bigelow home. BroWn in. sociate Judge John U Moran will By CoMfessioil rowed, aivd something blue, as be­ Khruahehev arrival for a visit In H eightaryn -adaptation of the Annibale Roberto, . 113 Spencer aleo owni the horse, a 10-year-old mittoo, dt it it eaNod. Thit Town CtNnmlttoo it liho tho oxoeo- J past 18 years and served as prose­ ruptcy of Uia ^ Democratic pro­ 'three firnlE'nwned the lines dur­ fits the occasion, but she asked Emily B ^nle novel; "Gunga Din." gossip, "that would prove Ein- cutor In Oty court from 1941 to preside at court sessions. gram ." ing hia 45 years of service. He 're­ Britain. atein’s theory of relativity." St.; Mra. Nina Rood. 4 Edmund | palomino stallion. tivo boord of o clnb or orgonizoHofi. It It io ehorgo of moooging . t The City Council will have an S tafO rd Sprlngi.' April 31 permission to keep secret Just Today Moscow broadcast an inspir^ by the Rudyard Kipling St.; Herbert Greenwood. RFD 3; I 'The Bigelows have two olhei *43. He is married and resides Despite an anhimneement that tired Jan. 1 , 1948. W’hat those articles are. - poeipyand “Barbary Coast.” But, at that point, his listener is h t with hla wife and 3 sons at 14 Earl opportunity to name a new cor­ (Special) — Jamss L Fagan. 30, Drove Crosstotvn Run article from the Soviet govern­ Mf*. Verna Lovely, East Hartford: young children, y tho ofFoirt of tho porty end it mutt oporoto under porty rnlot» ipl* 1 East Hartford, charged yeaterday the Democratic parW now haa less Detail! of the, wedding trip are served in the Army during apt to slow the speed of the con­ fit. poration counsel before Pigeon’s than' 810&00h In Ha tkeasury, B ut­ Gua broke -in on the crosatown ment newspaper Igveitia referring versation down to a walk. Tho mombort o f thit tow n Com m Ittno ore nswoNy contidom d to Inuring his tenure'as City Court resignation becomes effective. The with committing breaka in tw o trolley llnie with Lawrence Dowd, yet to be dlscioaed, including the to the Tuesday statement. Mexican Border W ar in 1916 Enfield stores, has confessed to a ler said it plans to spbnd 83,109,- plane they will l,ke tonight.»But. with the Rainbow Division in Besides helping to satisfy his- bo tho tpohotmon for the party. If you hovo on oificiont, woR- Judge the number of cases has. ln-. Council has a regginriy scheduled 000 on television and radio during operated the South Manchester to It said the Middie East waa be­ curiosity about the skies and the creased 'considerably, particularly meeting on Apr»l,30. series of breaks stretching back Burnside run with Carl Brink, con­ they will spend ^eir honeymoon ing turned "by some western orld War I.'' During World War W BNB—S40 W H A Y ^ IO mn Town CommIttno with mombort of o high collbor yon con over a 3-year period. the campaign. He dl^t say at a large residency in Nassau of- II he wai assistant to the chief of novae, asteroids, comets and con- where the money would comWrom. ductor; and on the Rockville line powers into a means of damagin •tellatlons that fill it, l^piess’i WOCO—1390 Daily Radio One and a- half truckloads of with Frank Nichola. At the tjme fered them by a friend of Daniel. Int'arnational relations and a h ' chemical warfare service in Wash­ I— U lS \ expect to have o tucyoMfui. woN-rotpoctod party. merchandise, valued at aeveral Butler apnounced also thatxthe Neither -had any euperatitldna ington. knowledge and telescopes are help­ Democrats are going to issu^a of hia retirement, he waa the third bed of military conflicts. ing to advance the boimds of the W bRO—IStO Baatam Standard Tima H3—1080 thousand dollars, were recovered oldest driver in point of service aboiit meeting before the wedding. "This policy 'ToIIoive’d the If you do not boildvo thot your Town Cammittno mprntontt the late yesterday from Fagan’s home. tabloid, to be^mailed weekly to And they will eat together today ■cience of astronomy. Soviet Chiefs Gaming half million party members, which with the Connecticut Co. Locatiy, U.S.A. and Britain is prim ary di­ He is a member of the Amer­ bott loodorriiip your party coo hovo, tho low givot you on op­ Admits MMcheater Break ^ addition to the crosstown run, a t n.a iKiiuNcunluncheon Margaret’sM argaret's aunU, rected against the Arab cmntrles Tha tollowlng program achaduiaae*) he said will give “the hard facts Mrs. George Wallace aM Mrs. Club Entertained ican Lunar and Planetary Observ­ WIlAY—blnntr Dim Lt. Harry Taylor, offlcer-ln-- of the campaign." a the first driver on the because it alm s again a t jMsIaVing ara auppliad by tha radlc managa- portunity to tupport other coodidotot for thh party loodtrihip charge at the Stafford Springs f rank Wallace are giving ih honor ers Society and as such is keeping line. these countries and tiipoing them a close eye on the moon. The mant and ara aubjact to changa in o primory oloction. Thit it on important privilngo tinco yonr In *FHends’Offensive barracks, said the recovered goods qf Daniel’s parents. into im perialists' commies," the By Miss Cassidy WTIC—Mon.tor/ “t" ad of looking for bui signs society is trying to determine if It without noUca. WDRe—YounB Ideas llnjfr F agan w ith breaks a t the or nunftters most Manchester peo­ The church was decorated With broadcast aaid. ^ jVGrH—Bob And Rsy Town CommIttno hot o groot deal of hribionco In mohlog the pel- Camdot Ceramic Shop, 117 New laige pots of woodwardia ferns Clare Cas.sldy delighted has an Atmosphere. litO - (Ooatlaned from Fag^hw ) mit proposals for’a U.N. program ple look^to see if Gus was driv­ "Recently they Wye been using And next year, Spies* will be WUAY—N««is ley end totting up tho platform on which your condMotnt wM run Bolton Rd., Manchester, . four ing, know^g he would be oper­ and white chrysanthemumi and the Arab-Israeli emflict for this the members of the Cosmopolitan WceO—Music Room SfJAV'lJWhlhZton Rtiiort designed to' avoid war between breaks in Mansfield; one In Bol­ Court Cases w-hite stock. Candelabra with one of the observers helping . to WKNB—mDCti Music KUOC—Good Evening (Jood Must* for ofRco In town oloctlont. It thouM alto bo tho dnty pf yonr dmlnated Soviet foreign \pollcy Arabs and Israelis. ating the bus that would take purpose. Encourowng certain bel- Club with her rendition of folk WTIC—News WKNB-^venlng Berenads ■ ton, and others in Tolland, Bristol, inch white tapers were Inter-^ siicose circles ip^,Mrael, aggressive songs, accompanying herself .*nn track the artificial satellite the U. WTlC-JlonUor since well before Stalin’s deMh'. Diplomatic infoniignts said the them to theirAdesdnation. 8. Government plana to launch. - WUItC—N ess WDRQwyoun* ideas Town Cemmittoo to tupport tho oondldotnt whom you hevn chocon East Hartford, 'Vernon, Ulington, Three 18-year-old Hartford boys Every passen^r on a bus driven aperaed among the flowers and Circles in . the. U.S.A. add Britain the auto-harp, at the meeting of W OTH-New* . WO’^ B o b and tu g Some aecUons of British opin­ exports had been ordered to re­ Stafford Sptingi,^and an undeter­ ferni.There were two large can­ How does one, from' this dis­ l:U - 9ii#— I- in tho nominoting primary. ion seem irked at the lack of re­ port back by next Tuesday. They charged with theft of a motor vehi­ by Gus would be iWde to forget hia helped to create an atmosphere in the club yesterday afternoon in mined number In cither towns. dles on the altar. wmeh largy scale frontier in­ the Federation Room of- Center tance, determine whether the moon WIlAY-rtUve a Lite LIU spooss from top British' leaders, added that President Eisenhower cle were referred to -Juvenile court worries. His greetings and humor hag an atm osphere? Well, m ete­ WCCC—Muito Houro Kvenmg Oooa Muale Found at Fagan’s home were ous commenta alu^iys brought Only members of the fkmllles, a cidents becyne po.vsible.” Church. \ W KNB-fYench MuMe .sxpreaslng the Idea that Khnishh '^1 would be kept informed of dcvelop- authorities by Judge Wealey C,^ ors causing flashes on collision HrraldhPhoto. :v«nlt)K Bertaadt articles of furniture, clothing, a smile. If his bus w^s standing few’ close friends and a few mem­ Misa Cassidy described the siito- to -R on Miller ^ __ -^^nitor chev's heady sntU weighty pro tnent.s. Gryk in Town Cotirt thia morning.' bers of the press were Invited lo ^ ’ith the moon is one indication Eugene M. Spiros, shown here in the observatory he built him­ :—L et's lib e r a te WDRC-*Juk« Box Jury '.nouncements have been permitted radios, phonographs, sporting -The youths, Donald LaReau, at the Center waiting ^ r the ar hsrp ss a stringed zither which t—Tempo Bandstand ^ WCTri-Mei O^iA ^ ' The agreement' to seek a i.eace goods, tools, and other merchan­ the ceremony, to be performed by IPresiimahly, it’s friction caused self on his front lawn gt 6 Eastland Dr., gets rfsdy to probe the DOES YOUR TOWN OOMMITTEE REPRESENT YOU? to go unanswered and thus to car­ plan was Tcnchcd after Eden re­ John B. Black and John R. Hills, rival of a Hartford in-cowng bus was-in popular use the latter part- skies. An amateur astronomer. Spiess has built four telescopes (two dise. Police said Fagan has aigned connection, Gus would entertain the rector, the Rev, Patric Hutton. of the 19lh century and is becom­ by the object jiassing through an *WHAY-S*v« a Mfo ry the 'day.'Moat newspapers gave portedly warned tliat a Holv Land accused of taking a car The bride will wear an ankle- About Town atmosphere chat do it. of them shown here) aa well as the observatory in pursuing hla LvMjinf Good Uutl«. statementa admitting breaks in hia passengers with his hart^nica ing popular again. WKNB—Lvenlai Brrenad* It tlKHiM. iut It doot not olwoyt do to whon It foRt to eonry RusaiansXpie edge in this mod- conflict could spark an East-West from Mancheater Motor Sales here length beige gown made of cen­ Srtentista Divided hobby. sin-atyle propaganda, duef. H-bomb war. apparel ahpps,-plumbing stores, a last month. of bones. She ha,s collected folk songs r—Dodgers v*. P irates. WTIC—Monitor gaa station, and other establish­ turies-old Venetian lace. The gown Reservations for the anniver­ Scientist*, Spic** avs, are di­ 8 WDRC—Juka Box Jury ^ proporiy tho dnriot montUmod obovo. A Town C emmittoo thonid from many lands a.s well as early BrlUah Forem Secretary. Scl- Thrf, United States, Britain and LaReau yesterday waa referred A fall froip a tree In his ya —Music Room ^ WUTH-Met Opera ments. He has mentioned other brought an end to his career Witfi was designed by Nicol Fontana of sary turkey dinner to be served American ballads, and enter­ vided ,on the subject of whether one 6-inch reflector, one 3-lnch re-; Robert, however, did make one of WKNB—Baseball Mstinea oKroyt bo akrt to wokomo now worhort end to too riiot our wyn Uoyd also w^l be on hand for Russia aVcody liavc come out for to Juvenile court authorities by -^ome, who will be one of the wed­ for members of Scandia Lodge. No. the moon has an ■WTIC—R o n Miller the conferences kt Chequers. The breaks, of which he cannot re­ the bus line in 1947. He suffered tained the group with a gariety of atmosphere, ! Hector, one 3-inch refractor, and hi* own. His proficiency in scien- WURU^Katble OodireyWHAY—Chrintophrrx action Uiteugh the U.N. to stave member the locations or circum­ Hartford Police Court, where he ding guests. \ 2.3, at 7 p.m. on Saturday, April Spiess. who in fne last three years ! one 5-inch refractor, all of them i tifle mattci s has tiecn attested to WIIAY—Dodzei'S vs, bvenin* Good Mutlc party putt itt bott foot forwqrd ot oR rimot. Unfortuuotoly It tome- Soviet chlefk have agreed to Join off any Arab'-Isi’aell conflict and a back injury and was pensioned .songs and ballads, expiainipg their WCCC—Muuc Room ■ WCTH^Tempo BandstandWKNB—Lvenlny Berenado stances, police said. had been presented on charges of by the company. * Margaret will have two altend- 28, at the British American Club, origin' and hlstoiY-\The group has seen three flashes caused by ! built from such unlikely odds and j by a first prize al the Manchester 1:40-WKNB—Bp^ts '\ Today WTIC—Lone Ranker rimot hoppunt thot o Town CommIttno bocomot too mtorottod the British in a search for a Mid­ promote a aaUd basis for peace. m ust be' In by Wednesday. A t the WTIC—Ross Miller Police said some of, the' alleged breakiiig and e’ntwing and theft. In 1951, Gus apd Mrs. W altz antSx Mrs. W. Coleman Branton, joined in .singing the” chorus of comets hitting the moon, appears ' ends—' as “’— aluminum ‘------irrigation' '— tub- , sciepte ' "" fair' and ’ a —top -10 —■-ranking -- ' — Pirates WDRC—Top Hal Cbocort' ‘ dle East peace plan tmd were ex­ Eden ■ and ^he Kremlm chiefs In addition, wa^ants charging dinner, members receiving their 50 WDRC—Kathi¥X!odlreyi ^ WGTH—Juko Box Saturday Night in porpotiioring itt own power bocouto tkn mombort ora mom con- pected to get d o ^ to solid discus­ thefts occurred several years sgo. celebrated their golden wedding Kansaa City, and Mrs, John Hor^ some of Her theme song on to ■ line ' up with the affirmative ing, auto wheel bearings, old phono- in the Northern Connecticut Sci- WGTH—TempoI'KNB—Bporis Today Bandslaod face three mafii problems in their and Involved stores now out of him with similar'-J^fferises have ton of T^s Angeles, daughter of year veterans'. pins will be hon­ school and the subject graph turntables, sewing machine enre Fair. WTIC—Ross 'Miller wilAY—Blblii Anawni comod with tho potronogo they eon toenra then with thoir mom sions of Britlsh^oviet differences M Uldie East discussions; anniversary. ored. Following the dinner, Station WTAG, Worcester, Mass..' l:#9- ■ ( * business. Fagan Is being question­ been fjled by autho;mes In South John Snyder. Truman’s former i.s "Shenendoah," a shanty or work with lively interest, v-pulleys and scrap nietal WHAY—Dotlffm vi. PiratM Lvenbf Good Mualo With Eden and Lloyd. 1. How to evolve some system Survivors dancing will be enjoyed. ' Grand Spiess said the boy pul a 3-lnclr IVCCC—M ush: Rooin WKNB—Lvanlnx Beranada importonfduty of running tho porty woR. In tnch o etno they pro* The tight ■ecurity screw which ed in regard to the recent break Windsor and East tmndsor. An­ He is survived by his wife, Mrs. secretary Of the Ireasury. song. Asked, tactlessly, what differ- Palomar of. Manchester, the WTK5—Lone Ranger ■ for rationing the^upply of Com­ other warrant charging him with lodge and district lodge officeis lens in a Icngtii of aluminum WKNB—Ysnics vrR ed Box haa enveloped the Soviet leaders at Munson’s Candy Kitchen, Bol­ Annie M. Waltz; and a sister. Mrs. Tea, both herb and regular tea, ence does it-make if the moon has SpleSs observatory, was 'built about tubing, found a tomato ran that WTIC—R oss M iller Aptonlnl for to hoop ouK now worhort no matter how much tboto poepio munist and western arms to the ton. and others. car theft waa filed, by V^tndsor. are planning to attend. an atm osphere anyway, he snapped years ago. Ivooking like a small WDRC—City HospUst t —Juk# Box Saturday Night since their arrival Wedhesdhy for Arabs and Israelis. Rose Kohler of Rockville. WB.s .served from an attractive luted into the tubing, and put an YiMikfi VI. Sox have to offer bocouto they eon liot bo turn of controRiug tho votot Fagan Was arreated Thursday Judge Gryk referred the three The funeral will be„ held a t the B olton table, with dainty sandwiches and to and replied: "! a lot of dlf- i-oiind guardhouse, it is about eight WIiAY—Pro)idly W« Hall the'^ntiys'lde'*^** bb carric(i\into por'tedlly has a^ pHan t)yough"whl'ch boya,' none of whom has a police The 8th Eastern Conference will feet in diam eter, io feel liigh at ita eye piece on tlie can. "It workFd \ night, after his car crashed in El­ ■W,. P. Qiiish Funeral Home, 225 mints. Mra. R, A.. St. Lsurent sub­ ference-*aU , the difference in the okay, but it didn’t have too much WHAY—DodKeni vii. P ilu le s ksvamng Good Muala onjobt to bo hondod out. the U.N. would ration Shipments. lington in flight from two Enfield record, after Pro^culor Johij Filz- be held at the btatler H<)tel in world. highest point, and is made of WKNB—Kvemng Seranada The Russians' now, familiar Main Si., at 2 o’clock Monday stituting for Mrs. David .ItaldweH distance, of course, and there were WCCOrMimo Room ^ \ W riC—Monitor 2. How to repel anyxaggressor patrolmen who Attempted to stop Gecald Informed him the juycnlle New Salk H artford April 22 to 25. April 24 "Space tra\el Is coming,"' he cinder blocks. It has a metal dome WKNB—Ysnkfi v«. ReiTSox 'cort of helmeted motorcycle pdlide in the troubled sector afternoon, with the Rev. Fred R. haa been designated Connecticut in charge ot hospitality. Mrs. E. color aberrations," Spiess said of WTIC—Rois Miller WDRC—Country Styla was on hand to ahephera. them w film in Hazardvllle for a routine court authorities would take Juris­ went on. "and the moon will be the equipped with a hatch apd is WGTH-Siage 17 3. Talks about the Baghdad Al­ Edgar, minister of South Method­ Day. Clarence Andcraon, president T; Bahlly introduced Miss Ca.s- the finished product. WDRC—Dsnee Orchestra. ^ 1 :1 f t - ChMUCra. An unpreceden\ed se ­ check. Police found burglar tools diction in the’ rase. Sel for first target” If there were no at- mounted on tracks to permit .360- W«;TM—Y anks vr. R ed Sox liance of Britain, TurkevA Iraq, ist Church, officiating. Burial will of the local association, urges sidy and Mrs. C. B. Eiehman degreO coverage of the sky, WHAY-Pioudly Wo Hail cu rity cordon will rem ain ^Brouhd ih, the car ahd a-number of articles Two 15-.vear-old boya Involvied served as hostess. mo.spheie, he said umall meteors i - Part of Spless’s - fascination . with Evening Good U ^ e WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT i n Iran?and Pakistan. The Rukaians be in the famify plot in Grove Hill agents to attend. He will- be ac­ has mounted his ■\9hHAY—Dodsera. Vfi. PirAtet Eden's realdence until the tiVo vis­ believed stolen from two Hagard- in the activities of the three youths Cemetery, Rockville. Bolton, April 21 (Specl8 A t the bii.sines.s meeting. - con­ ■"Which are alwavs in snare and I """ '"°unted hia two refriictor | o.slronnmy stems from the feeling WKNB—Lvening Serenada itors leave Spnday aftei-noon. view the pact' as a threat to them idlle stores the night before. have already been referred to Juv­ companied by his a.ssbciate offi* trav el a’ speeds of 40 to^50 miles '"copes in the observatory in a - of insignificance that watching the WCCt'- Muaic Room WTIC—Monitor and want It broken up. ■ 1 \ Friends may csll at the funeral Pupils in the Elementary $<[, , , , cers, George Graziadio, vice presi- ducted by President Mrs. Herbert WKNB—Ysnkji va. Red Sox W'DRC—Country Sttvla You con protMt your own intorottt m o Mdnehottor toxpopor After yesterday’s round of Fagan was changed wUh speed­ enile court. home tomorrow from 3 to 5 and Robb, she announced that the Con­ secondecond would go through " ' "''■''."Kepient. ‘hu» ' "tars gives him. T3ie earth Is less WTIC—Rosi Miller WGTH-Slage 17 .The New York Times Is k chs- ing and possession of burglary \VilIiam R. Meyti-, 22, of 112 Ihrough age 12, are eligible fbr ! •iroU Earle Rohan, treasurer: snd WDRC—Don iflsfifien ~ by making turn that your party hot tho both poitiblo loo(df- talks, the Russian leaders and 7 to 9 p.m. necticut State Federation meet­ n.xon explorer "like a bullet" * | " tl” Uian a .speck when .seen in its prop- WCTH—Ysnkn vs. Red Sox Eden ordered their experts to ‘siib- patch from London sai(i thehe ■Rrcrrtr tools, and after the articles were Orchard St., Rockville, was fined first or second Salk polio vacdiiX^’’ Ostrinsky, aetrelary. ****^*^ er iclattonship to the uniyersc, and WHAY-Nnv4*na Iln chiefs parried a Britishsh propo^ \ ing will be held May 1 and 2 at Biit kn atmo.sphere on the moon f:4»- ^ WT»C—Monlto> ~ thip to mpfOMint you in town offoirt. Monchottor noodt o ttrpng,. ' ’ ' - ■ identified by' store owners, Enfield 8100 on a larceney charge in con­ shots, Pi inclpsl Richard B. Mather would -irotOrt r^en agalns- m Z - i li-tan ccs in .space seem io streU-h WHAY—Doilx^'ia vs. Ptrates WDRC—Isoulalana Hayrida sal for a Joint declai'ation limiting 'Mrs. A'rgla BalbonI Those who wish to have arti­ tlie Hotel Taft in. New Haven. The J".'" “gams meie- | onto his wife his two sons, Ronert ‘ ihfiniiv • WGTII—Jukfi B(ffx Saturday Night two-party tyttom to intnm itt healthy future gtoloth. It it opto Legal Notice ' W lice obtained a. warrant cha 'gihg nection with the theft of several Mrs. Argia Balboni of Hyannia. ha.s announced. spe^aker on May 1 will be Harrison orS. cau.sing them to vaporize be­ , , to infinity. WCCt>»MuitC Room arms shipments to the M I d d 1 e P^gan with two counts of break­ tires and tubes from Roy Motors, cles picked up for the April 26 13. and Richard. 10, .and, through J . , , ,, . . . W KNE—Y iinks .vs, Red«Sox K fist. Ms.s.s„ mother of .\Villiam Balboni Dr. Robert Bowen, town health ruiTunage sale of the Dorcas Group Sali.sbiiry of the New York fore they could do any dan.age.. the boys, lo some boy scouts and : " i’P'css looks through hi* WTIC-r-Rosa Miller \ WHAY—Novena you ot o voter to inform yourtirff about rim obRltiot ond duoit- ^DISTRICT OK COVENTRY «... Triv ing and entering and theft; Inc. W DRC—Don C lasses WTIC-Monitor •at« <’ourt, April zo, (The Times said-Ihe itussiaps did of 312 Hackmatack St., died yes­ officer, Will administer Ihe-lnocii- of the\South Methodist Church are Times, and the followinif day a TTiat is one of the services provid­ cubs Spiess, who at one time or i telescope at Ihe And.iomeda gal- WDRC—leoulfilana Havrlde (Agan is still being questiqned Meyer waa one of Several young ■ atims May 10. witli a rharge of ed by the Earth’s atmospne'-e. WCTH^Yaiikfi vs. Red Sox fleatlont of your porty loodort and thou go to tho' poRi to tup­ E«tat« ot LillTan J. A} r„es thot it iff protohring to you o Town )^ommittoo tioto of outttond- copy of this order ijjie lime in «imx' mer. ) Robert W. Towle. 30, qf E ast H arl- Funeral services will be held RjiiTibow *^lub. Tho*t in charge of Federation Room, witli the Rev. qiiifle such a problem. own telescopes but unlike their fa- doesn’t .seem to detract from his merchandise t\ the Stafford bar­ .ford. waa fined 850 for reckless Mrs. Dorotivj’ Pagani And Mrs. WCTHr-Yankij vfi. Red Sox WRAY- Saturday*' Night Rficord Re- 5J»;*psp«r haying a .ClrculaUon in said ..Ciet Open Ix>Uer Mondsy in St. .Francis Xavier lefre.sliments sre Mra. George Eyelyn Tiirkington. co-^airmen; Ddugl’a.s Pimm aa guest speaker. Hla telescope .collection includes i ther'.s, theirs are store-bought. inlerosl in.watching it now. l;S*- j ■ view \ ing obility which wiR raprotont you^ intorottt bettor than tho District, and . by posting a ropy tberetd racks. driving. Church, Hyannis. . Williams. Mrs. John .Slriiff snd W'l’IC-Gifielle MacKenxld on '•«> public sigfcpoiit In the Town, Meanwhile, a group of American Fagan is scheijuled to appear to­ I wt^n- are being assisted by Miss Mra. C. E. Frph will he ho.stcss. __-I WHAY —DodX*'*** PiixlAH W'DR('—Kami). Jazz \ protonf group hot done. Wo would not Imto our campaign on the of Coventry Ml sJid.DlsirIrl. at least labor leadera senr the Kremlin Towle, who was arrested after Mrs. William,Clark. j Gertftlda^ Liddon. Miss Eyaline i WCt?»* -R^gord R«vut ' WGTH—Juke Box Sat. Night U T S days before/said dav of hearlne day, under 810,000 bond, in Elling­ hla car ran off the road and hit a at the 10:4,3 service of the tlnion the parade of qiiartet.a,--and Dave WKNB—S’xnkj* vs. Roil 8r CONNECTIcrn:in i:i, Dl.tiici uifitrict and Democratic Soolalials still im­ 8, was originally charged with fiery and Klmfergarlen will have I may be secured from sny-membe Pretfy Fitted Du^liba't^es I WTK’-—Gjnelle MarKenxIe M Covenlr,-•enuy. Probate Court,- - -Town of prisoned ih the Soyiei bloc. ^ftary tools in that \tqwn. ’ driving under the influence of Funerals spring vacation next week. Jaycees to Hold grim I-tifllowship will meet at the,nt-,n program of old slings. WDRC—Gar,den GaieX CBaenlr.v WHAY—DodpfGrii vs. ^ WILL bate our eppotition vOii tho tmth, hewoVor. Ond. foR you r.v. April »(, 1»M. The letter listed 245 persons be­ EnAeld authorities, a r g i n g liquor. 5trs. Robert- Gorton, member- j church to attend the. junior high .iiinior-Senlor-v Prviiii WGTH—Juka Boa Sai\Night Estatete of Florence M. Ta.rior. lale of P'agan with two count's of break­ Rolmrf R. Ransonji rally of the Tollaiul A.ssoriatlon WCCC—R ecord Revii# ' ■ \ that thit work, hot. been tpoiiod by p o ^ l^ o rin g and divided Cm'enti^, owning property in said Olid lieved jailed or dead in Iron Cer­ However.' the charge was re- ship, chairman, has announced that Cute Pets In E.mbroidery Chai'ler Program The fir.St (iomliined pn m of the WKNB—Yunkfi vs. Rr-d Sox i WHAY- Satiiiday NlghiX R/'cord Re- - - . ...ceased tain lands. ing and entering and theft.'’ have dueed. F'itzGerald told the court, The funeral of Robert R. Ran­ parents are encouraged to enroll 1 of Congregational Chufch'e.-i to be Junior and’ .Senior i-la.s.sea of the . AVTIO—M'onllr.r i vi^^w \ leyoitict. Some mombort hdvo iinfertuirat«y\boon too intomttod Pretent. Hon. Elmore Turkiijgri'n. set 810,000 bond for an uns’ehed- som, 4 year old spn-of Mr, and held at the .N’oi'th Cov^^jj^-y Con­ XVDRP-^drlt rsbciL j WT!c*~M»i'nltnr , ' It wn.s signed by Jaihes B. Carey, because there was Insufficient evl- their children in the, program, j RocKville, April 21 (SpecialI Rockville High .Si-hool will lie h»,|d wriTn, Tsnks v« Rri) Sni • president of the Intrrnationid uled -court appearance. Mrs. Harry Ransom of Vernon, gregational Chun ti riifm ,3 to this e\'eiiiiig. There w-ill )>e dancing I • WDRC - Prrfiiflmi Klfi^-nhower ‘ in holding on to riitir party jokt and not in rapparting the Dom- The AdmtnlitraU-lx, d b n. r.t.a. hav- dehce to prove Towle was unfit Car pools will* .solve transporta-l ^ F ra n k Speetjen.,. P>'c.‘ with said e.tatc to ilil< Court lo'r chine Worker^: Adolph-Held. cha,ir. obtained warranla in connection curred. noon,when he ran or stumblechtinto ' Connecticut Jaycee.a and Arth.i | ^.'11 meet ql 6 p n,; ! lovowed tiy a dinner, ' . WCtH* - Record Revuf WHAY -Sauirday Night Reivoid Re- allowanee. It is- » A number of aiirvev cards I Jenk.-i, a member .of the national ' , * ' ' ' 1 WKNB—Yfinkfi vs. R<*d Box * view V, ' courttt.'TContoquontly tho Domeerotie Party hot Mvor won o town sf'd* >'»y of plan of t|\c je\vish labor comniit- with breaks Allcgediy'-epmmitted Jam es E. Daly, '49, of \Vesl H art­ a truck, was held this morninjj st describing the program are being ' directors, will attend the dinner 1 Vhere will be bapUain.a’^nd ic- To .Attend Conference W n c —Monll9»r * WTIC—M«milor . April. Joss at eleven ,o'rlorlc'Til the fore­ tec; * Kmil...... Mazey, secretary-trei nw- by F'agan, and have also set 810,- ford, was fined 8120 on a charge of 9 o’clock' from the, Walter N. Hie Rev, George B. Higgins, WDRC—Fxiclnallnx Rhythm WDRC—Pr^fiident Klfi*'rihowfir noon. SI the Probate OHiec in I'ovei,-. returned by iiitereated paient.f tonight at the PAC Ballroom,, at . erP-Gon of mei.ibera at the Com WCTH—V« vs. B»>d Sox WGTH—Juka Box 3xt. Night. \ otocrionVond wo ch ^ o tho protont Town.Comn^ittoo withfoil-^ try. Connecticut, be and the eanie is urer. of the" Internktinnal l.’nion, 000 bond for a future emu I ap­ driving while und»r the Influence of Lerlerc -Funeral Home, with the Mra. Gijrton aaid. whi.'^’\imexthe,'GVrote" RVckVilie ! niunlly Methoaisl Chi.rch, Crystal j P»«loi ’ of .Ihe Rm Congrega- ItrXft- assigned for a .lo annK on tho allow- United Auto Woikers; David J. pearance. • , Pev. John K. Hannon of St. James’ um to tho bott pottibio compolgnt for the liquor. He was arrested on Keeney Camera Chib to .Meet Junior CTijimber of Commerce will Lake tomorrow at 9 a m. The Rev. (Jhmxli of'.Vernon Center WHAY-Oodc^rn Vfi. Plr»t*i WHAY —Record Raviaw* > " •ance of said adnmilstratiou aciomii McDonalii, presideni of ihe United . Police indii'Hl.ed today’.s plillng- Si.. April l3 by Pjitrolmsn Joseph ('Tnirch offlpiaUng. Burial was in The Camera' Clu)i. will hold a Nathan Burton will preai h on , Penn?«vvania Monday W'.'t* : — Revue ' WTIC—Monitor with said estate and thi.-i Couri dir-'i Is Steel Worlierjf-of America, aniyA/ St, James’ Cemetery. receive ita i-hartcr. It -la expected WKNB ' Yxnkfi \ii. R^d Sox WDRr* TRA IMt notice (if th.e iline and niurC a.i- ton appearance would be lo set Sartor after the patrolman ob­ worship session in portrait tech­ that delegations from other Jay- tlie topic*'“Divirfp Korgivenes.s." t.lirouj;h nim'sday of next week. WGTH—Juke Bor Sat. Night *algned for eaid heai inB b- Ki'oo to all Philip Randolph, intematmnal bond. for P'agan. if he is’ unable Bearers weiy, James Doggart, WTIC—Monitor lft:tt- persons, known to be mKre-t. ,r ui,.i,m served his car traveling in an er­ nique at tile Elementarv SchopI ere .chapters wilV be present. 'The ,.Men;s t'hib of .St. Bernard’s ‘'•I'''''! a . onfei ec e ‘ of WDP.C—Faficinatinit Rhvthre president Brotherhood of Sleeping to rhiSf the .810.000, he will be George Moquln.'William Bessette Congieg.Htionol nitnlSteis. WlJTH- Vonkfi Vfi. R^^d Sox WHAY —Record Review In appear apd be heard tlxii e„i, by pule Car Porters. ratic mnnnec;. Monday night at 8 o’clock: Richard Eddy wilf act as Chiifich ”w'fii receive, Comlnunioni WTIC—Hera'a to Vela b l llthing a copy 6f ihi« tii N4»m** taken lo the 'Polland Uoonty Jail In Other cases this morning, and Raymond Dancosse.' Fire Drill Bowling I.eagiiF Ranqiirl «:S#- . WDRte—Moodp for Homanca WE HAVE A 6 DEH OFFORTUHITY - newwpapcr having-a cir<-uiiitp.n in said. niaster. and the Rev. (jeorge B. in a body at Ihe 7 a m. Mass to­ WHAY—Polkx pJirtdfi lo await trial. Delphis St. Pierre. .39. of Hartford, The Fire Department will hbid Higgins .will give the- invocation. Th^ atiniia! banquet ot the City WGTH—Juka Box Sat. Nlcht Dislrirt, at least fjv day*. he(„i,- the Andrew Sfrnm morrow. I'his will be followed liy a WCC‘e’—Rficord R«vut U:#ft- Wo boliovo that tho vetort of Monchottor will tupport on up- pt said hearing and posted i.ii tlie F'agan works in a fiew Britain was fined 8150 for driving while a regular drl-ll a 8 o’clock tomor­ The program will include a wel­ breakfast at 8 o’cloi k in. the cluirth Bow'Ung I'jeagtle'Will be held this WKsNB—Matins* WHAY—Mounilghi Mattnea •ixibjir signpost nearest wiisre iii, de- fi«n'r*4ifrv manufacturing- plant and holds a ' I- The funeral of Andrew Strom, row morning. Chief Peter Mas- evening , at 6:30-at the Italian WTIC—Sfonitor . , WTIi;—New* *2^ ■coased last dwsli m tho Town of Cev* his license waa under suspension;"-- „ come by Joseph MaeVarish and hall. WDRC- Hoffifi R»€ • f ' ond-eoming Pomocrotic Party which con donMnttrotc that it hen part-time job with the.- Hartford Dsvid E. Mever, 112 Orchard St , . was held at 2 aolini amiounced. [ .American Ki iend.iliip Cliili on; WCTH—Tempo BftndaUnd WDRC—New«: Almanac Herbert I. Pagani. first select­ 'Phe Ju n io r High .MethorriSr King.sbury Ave. WGTII-Word of Llfa : tho tewn’t bott intorottt clooriy in viow. To do thit, wo nood do- E LM ORE TL’RKJ.'CiJiriN Jnrffee. Th4» Men Fined itospital, . he told police. He .has was fined 845‘for speeding; Paulo yesterday afternoon at the GOP Committee i'o .Meet ' I men,of Ellington and Vernon, also Youth Fello'wshlp will meet at 2:30 1:45- ll:tft- four children, aged seven, six and H. .Medeiros. 19, of New 3'ork Home, with the The Republican Town Commit­ WIIAY—Polka Parad* WHAY-Lady Night BTATE_OF mNNECTI'niT nfsiriri Alderman Pbank Leighton of p.m. Morning worship will be held WCCC—Record Ravlcw W’TIC—^w rla Final votien to pHneipIo, hard work and o unHwd^ loyal porty Itodor- of.-Covsnlry. Pi.(hate Court, Town of twins of foui City, was fined 830 for speeding. IS*'’ Anderson, pastor of tee will meet .Monday at 8 pin.. Rockville; remarks by Jo.ieph ■Ml .Tali'ottville anil Vermin In Jiisliee Coiirl at 10:.45-with a seumon by the Rev. news Items are now lieing han- WKNB—Mating# WDRC—Dance OrchefiVA thip» TOM con do your paiit by oiocting a ttrong, eopoblo Town Cwentrv. April 20. IdSfi Investigating officeVs ate Sgt. Donald C. Shonjo, 23, of 186 R'ay- I L " h e ra n Chiirch, offi- In the Community Hail. | Specljens,- president of Nathan Norman W, Spellmann. "The Price WTIC-Monitor W'GTH—Oficar Dumont Bfilatft of'Kvolyrn Duktlc Iai4> 4‘nv- Robert Buhman. Troopers Slangy monU Rd„ charged with failure to j**!."?'’ "’as Jn Eaat Ceme- .. Church Notices 1 Illeil throiigfi.Tlif .Mancheater Eve­ WDRC—Horn'’ Rfif'^ U :8f-r Mtry. owning properly in said Dislru t, Hale Junior CJha-mber; , pie.senta of Privilege:' Rc.sponsibUity ” WOTH—Tempo .Bandstand WHa Y — MiMjt)iigbt Matinaa Cemmittoo. •eeeased. Covcntr.v, April 21 (Special), - Nasiatka. William p;. Doyle, f S cI grant the right of way at an inter- ' Tlie Rev. Theodore Chandler will EMBROIDERY ning lirralil Rockville Biireaii. lo- Pre»ent. Hun tlpn of charter by .Frank Speet The aerm on topli- a t the 10:4.5 WTIC—Monitor Elinnre Tuikiiigii.n, ' l-,r«ai W’DRCT-Sfinaif»r Barklfiv , . , >1 to the arrest of two local men and Jacobson. .Inhn Beck of. the Hebron and 35 MOTIFS service at the Firs.t (,'ongregalional Rock vlfle TR .3-3 1,36. ' RoIks Tirade WGTH-blxia • f Aiml, 1S5(>, Hi ' Frank Furphy. ,W, of no certain ! Anderson pin. by Arthur Jenks; acceptance.' church of Vernon, toinoriow will WCCCe-Kecord ReVleilr U:4ft^ ’5;cl(K:k*li*’lh?^afi'i-io<'n’ npiicarance in .lustice Cohrt address, was sentenced to ;'0 days *vell>, Gi(ead Congregational -Church to- WKNB- Bs»»bsll ,M*un>-* Probate ip h4H h^d hi. th» Fif.rmlo- Of, ‘ Robert Fitzgerald, president ofthe be ' and -Walk ’ The junior WTIC—Monitor ^ ' WHAY —Moonliim Matinta i SUPFORT THESE OUTSTAHOIHQ OAHDIDAm OF THE night. in the count.N jail for intoxication: , - . hiorow. The Rev. -Mfs. Beck’s aert WTIC—Hporfa Final lie* In Ihu To’A'ii of CnvfuWv, Ip Jiorfhy (.'harjfcd with po.slliig-or ills- ' local chapter, and an address by j .piigrim Fellowship will attend the WDRC—Record 8hnp WDRC-^al Kilby a hrarinc nj*oii tio' >»itjt and Mrs. Doris ,M. Hinds,' .3.3, of f «•* . a ’ • yuon here, at tfie F irst Gongrega- Atty. Harry M. Lu^g. WIJTH—Tempo Bandeisml and allowaiirs ui llir adniliilstra- Irtbutmg .nivertisenients. (■'•eorge rally in .Nort.h Coventry and tUt? ■ *:U- COMMinEE FOR A BEHER DEMOCRATIC PARTY 18 Alice Dr., was fined I83 for | lllM lltU IC S A C tlO ll tioital Church,"will he "Your Whole Regulhr meellbga will be hel.d Senior Pilgrim Fellownin*) will : WIIAV-Pr.llis r*lSfl« ii?*' Ov nst'srinimnrH't of Pcaboiiy. 33, of Gerald Park, was Death Toll Living” 1 Weddings WCCC—Record Revisw How ChH?U«n Science Heals Ilia olstributoss ot sni'l rstatr aixl for fincd-,83.'j and William Turner, 29. ,-*rking within 25, feet of an inter- * • - aa i a the first and third Mondays of meet 4it 7 p.m. at tiif th u rth an Ordsr ot rtlflrihuiidii and it IX Sunday School will' convene at each m'ontti in Redmen’s Hall on WKNB—Matines John 11. Lalklle , Maitrice P. Correnti Harry S. Howroyd ^ORDERED^v»,u That jnai tix--tti.- adiiilifl!.1ra(oradiiititls also of Geiald Park, had the ”‘’rb'’"fi. X i -Yjiaiiisl Husband 9:30 a.m, and at 5;.30 p.m., the St Johp s . Ch irrh WTIC-Monitor. ef sBtais sxhibit said afeovrouiii Hi : charge nolled The followirig bonds we,re for- • ~ - E ast Main St'., and w ill be open to WDRC—Rjcoid khop •Mary Acelo Frederick G. Naiwiff Chester E. Hogan Junior High Fellowihip will see a services include: ' ToniRlU at 8 j ^ Duff.v-Worth WCiai—Tempo Bandstand "MASTERING PEAR SafetySafely PatrolPati constables said Set a t 100 feiled: Raymond Kibbe, IP, East « t' .. new- members. Men Ijctwcen 21 o'clock. Married Couples (.'luh: to­ Irvinji I.. Aronson Theodore R. Cummings ^ Jules A. Karp menliQ LongmeaddW. klaas.. 812. passing'I u' ^“mllnson Aron- movie. ''Human Growth." in the and 35 are Invited to attend. -Mrs* fsabel F, Worth. 241.Henr}i »;*•- 1 place s-t (or said )iea.rlnfi be giv-ii i they found a boxfulbo of x>n parish zoom. Dr.) Fra^k Horton, morrow. 8 a m. Holy ^Communion; I WHAY-Hslr of Records HEALS DISEASE": Kileen A. BjirreU Thomas H. Elliott EuR«ne..T. Kelly a stop sign: jrhrome- Alpart, 2^ her 'Following the dinner tonight .St;. , and James Diifjy St., 23^ WCCC—Repprd Review . South St. April 2,. containing IContlmied from Page One.) Pfrttcinon \ J mips of thp Aiticn- C. Armiaon. /or of Mancheater, wilt b,/on" hand to which w ill sta rt at 7 o'clock there ! 9:30. .‘Faitiily Service; 11. . Holo*. , WKNB-Mstlnes Philip Bayer " Clarence E. Foley Charles I.athrop m ».“fe’ssTs-iaS..t-"' ordy Irt hP pubMjrf) N.^Uharles Boffifini William F. Freeman Herbert F. LHeureux, 17. of J3 vited to attend. / in charge Of the event T>v ! ft*'.. ,, .. morning in- St, Bridget’a Church. WfiTII—Tempo Randstand Katnerine.O. ^urn Harold W. Garrity F/ancis J. Mahoney XVe ^hey informed Peabmly to pick center of the disturbanee. as say-, At 8,, t)ie aMond of a series . ___ _ I "he Rev Gordon K. Hoh I;**— tng Westernt:eports that hundreds Pearl St..- charged with defective accordihir I!*' 8374 Joseph Merton and' William Waite, j , ' single ring ceremony was per- —"Steve jCayaKnfirn Joseph J. Macaione ta»t dwelt ln .tlis ,T»wii of Coventry hT* and dl.spose of it in ’ an of hymn sing.s \rtll. take place In Jolnt .3leetlng I’lanned ■ u f*’*'i formed at 11:30 by Uie Rev. Kob- Wit AY —Hall ol Records ALLIED rSLTUBY AtiTHUBIZEO .■MauHce E. Gaudet * ^ ed srtc5‘T''ii.iVi*e' ’"“"'W' - the constables were killed were not true, equipment and unnecessary noise, the ofrii^of'thi the parish rooni^ > 3 1 yrt. . ' X joint meeting of D a m on i ■j'-**'•’* • Liitheran Church . { j ('Hi roU in th e jireaence of WCCC—Record Review Norm U. ComoHo Frands P. Handley Roger J, Macaione »4tirt' " Con-isaid, but Peabody failed to cqmply. "Prqv.ocateurs'and dark elementa had his continued unlU April "own cTeik. ' ' * ^ “ '* 2989 WKNB^Mattnes TV SE R V IC E ?8, Tl)e Rev. J. R. Yeaj^er’s semon No. 8374 with Patt-O -Ram a in­ Lodge, Knights'of Pythias of)f inisIbis ' '^^^hrow- ' , -' '! ; relativesreiaiivoa and friends. The bridal . WTIC—Monilor • A.M. TO .9 P.M. Mary E. Conner Phillip Harrison Pascal Maatrangelo ..on of beh’jre the JSrd day of Aiail. ; He and Turner were then arrested, who h' no 4ove for Stalin in-r Mr*. Aronson charges-her hiia- cluded is in'.sizes ..3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8 ' Man- h '-Til. Oiler, represenJaUvf o/ the ' attenfiantsWere Mr. and Mr*. Ber- WDRC—Sal -al Ihe , -XJ. ■ ' -Pros. A. Harry Olsen said the iTch';^'^h*iAntU?e^^^^ k.K.ttern No. 3989 contains hol-iron city, and Memorial Lodge of Man-h ’'“»l WOT.I—Tempo Bandstand SL50 Par House Colt Roger! ,M. Negro Meredith I-. J*into - Pascal Poe K^WOnE.TU R K IN(: Ti -N flamed the national feelings .off " a n ig wa.s ordered J4rpiiiv 815 a years. Size 4, 2.', ysYds 'Of ,35- • Chester wilf be held Wednesdayicsday : W aUhtower I'Bible And T ra d .So- | naid Campagna 'of .Slraitford, fbr- 9*aa—' '’"''g-- I [ statuteSt invoked a-galnst the t-wo,^ students and exploited IJieni for., riU>BK I.On.<4VILI.E CAGER.S week for^the support'of a child PLL’B PAfiTA Jean C. Pasiiualini Edward' J. Tomkiel Mary D. Ros* Louisville, Ky„ .April Jll i.-f'—7- inch. Two patterns. "- evening, at 8 o’clock att the VFVV- cicly wilf lead a/cji«( uasiop , al 3 merly of Mancheater. . w iiify—Nsws 'men applies to the"disposing of 'their.own ends.” the rector'said; ^ pending 4 decision on a divorce, For these patterns, send ,'t.5c for home. A class d c a n d id a te from I.p.m.p.m tombrrow /on the sjjbjeif-t ' The bride, wore..: a navy blue WCCC—Good bvenlna Good Musi* iU 9-0080 Frank Obremsky Jr. Jay E. Rubinow trash on public higtnVgysi —' • The demonstrators, he 'sdded The Courier-Joiifnal aaid today ; action before t.hf Superior Court. n fo "* you'- «d- - ...... ■WKVB—Rhvthm in Reserve •EBV1.30 8LL MA.NCHEStEB ' the I ’hiverslty -of Louisville. Pattern Numbev to Kach, In Coins, your name, ad- both 1005,0* will be IniHated by "Choosing U fe/ With the NeW sheer dress, with navy hat and WTtC—News ^Mary Sirnffipna Lee M. Sllverstein In other cases .last night, Tim. "stopped itreet cars and buies. [She alleges he' has'failed to make W'brki iSiXcicty.'/ at Kingdom Hall. WDRC—.Ness Reporter ' Penon'itl Notices NatiOLiial Invitation Tournament MYF' u^^l^meet sV^6 ANNE CABOT. THE MANCIlES-, dr'-”- »»sfzea-. desired, and the Pat- tUa. combingd ■ degree team s of the afioea; w-(iite accessories and a w e r x —News Uunningham. 2.5, of seizfsd and tore around . . , , . j *h* payments and now owea..her M>8 "111 meet at S^P-ui- ^ ^ TER EVENING B E R .ilJ), 1)50 i tern NuiiNumber to SI E BURNETT, lodges. Paul H. Gruenlg. ■ James., - RarbersWpiiers to Sing Wethersfield, was fined Jl 2 for ,Basketball „ cliamplon...... Is under •: 83.140 *i wo plus»i... iriteiest.___ _ * * .Masses vi'ill be celebrated at St. white orchid, corsage. • :IA - the streets 'sfiputiHg- illegal na­ AVE. AMERICAS, NEW YORK M, THE MANCHEiiTER EVE.Vl.N41 Taylor, William J. Nutlafid, Hy­ The' -local uhsplcr of Barber- On their return a motor WHAY—Sports BpoUigilt driving to thd left; and Ralph M. tionalistic .slogans.” “ investi^Uon for alleged rulea ; The instrument attaches prop- Maurice’s Church at 8:30 and iU WCCC—Good Kveniag Good llu sl» GENERAL Card'of Thanks v iBfrsrtionS’ia regard to recruit . -’ .V HEKAI/D, 1150 AVE AMERI()AS, man Berman. George J. Herzog, shopffeis wil|.|present a program trip through Uie—£it(rk*hires. Mr. WKNB—Research . Powell, of Portland, charged with Most ca.sualties' were from wild 606 Gardner S t for 85,000, Now available the colorful 1956 PRIMHRYMJIT1-12-8P.M. wwid like to thank all of ’ i«v passing % stop sign, had his case lag. The neh'spaper aaid the An.swer must ^ .made to,'THo N'PW' YORK SJI. N. Y. George W. .Schneider and Lewis E. this evening the. Warrerf Me- | and Mrs. Dulffy will make their. WTIC—filrictlv Sports » Ta for the lovely cards and many drii(ing..ho' said, addliig; "I it^nndt probe la renlered on Don' fiold- Needlework - ALBUM • containing Sepd 25 cents today for your Edwards are'in chsrge . of the morlal' Town Hall in Stafford...... home at 232 Henry .St... and receive WDRC—News and Weather TV SERVICE s**e« durliig .my recent Illness. continued one week. ’ - say how many were killed f think (Joint of CompfOnfor Pleas for H art- Advertisement — . , ‘‘ dozens of lovely'designs from which WCTH—Bob and Rav, / - .'tally thank th* doctors and atsM Ow’d! W. Heje.en, '48, New Bed­ -sieln a i^ ' AieX .. MM tel. New I ford County ini'the June.sesalon. Building lots. wanted on Im­ copy of the Spring and Summer jneetliig w’hicfi w’i)l be followe4 by Springs. The proceeds will be do- their friends after April'29. D agt e a m e a caU VQTING AT YOUR REGULAR DISTkICT POLLING PUCES. vks' Maacbeiter Memorial llospiiai. none were. I know ho studgnia at York City' high' school,gradiiatea to choose more patterns in crochet, '56 edition of our. complete ■ pat­ rofresh.ments.i ■ .nated. to the Stafford BifrOUgh N I^U wAsOO. Irjaa Parta ford'Jljju., forfeited iSO^bond on' my univei-sity were kifled,. As for, Mr*. Aronson is reprMenWd by proved roods in Bolton. T., J. embroidery and knit -Jilus 3 gift TdcTiaioA rofframs SI95 EUao Chapmaa. kjwltb a ta r ^ OB' this geor’a U, of jAtty. Paul Groohert of the locaj, tern magazine Basic Fashloq. It’g CKurch Actlvltlea Firs Department.' George Grosch About 60 por rent of Amencans.J * ilhargo Of fUefal psMtng. : fthei* ochooli, .1 canqot Crockett, ' Realtor, Offi'ro HI patU m a, tfirectUtna printed in book.' filled with am art. Oasy to sew de- TEL. 8 0 8^8194 l,i|.'.fi«a^miaa tMUia-' nrin of Learner and jHottner. / 8-9919, retidence MI 9-7751. Dr. Ahlaon R. Hehps )4dU prcACh- will, bq-maater of ,ceremonl4s lo r' at* horn* owners. '' • On Pfii Two ' , OiUy 25b s edfy! - •ifiij, epecial feature*. l. ' i > r- f. J , . 'i' 'V-

a.-.d,-»s»-A,..' -w. ■ .ik- i-J ■ ■ " ■ ' -rj

P A G E BIX BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. .CONN„ SATURDAY, APEIL 21, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MA^JCHESTER., CONN, SATURDAY, APRIL 2U 1956 P A G E S E V E N thty mlg^t prsvldd epaBliifB for a^ ed new hoMlnga at Uia rata of ‘ Purtcll Cit^ Need Jbmrifpftpr Ruaala and Oommuntain. But almost one a day. The latest la a SDPttftts Ifprald condiaona would be axlitlns with-' venser company out la Orogon, Droodies Skywatch Schedule Of GOP Congress bi ditions against us. But even if we and Mrs. Kenneth W. Hewarth, one in the main auditorium and / Bli0 a Cnpr ...... -O* Monday, April S3 ' , tativfs and U,8. Sen. Prescott T(== ______. . .______lose our 'Year of Russia, we can­ special guests. '' one In the baiement...... Voinnteers .Needed Midnight - 3 a.m. Rqsh and to elect; a Republican Tuttle*9 Sei*vlce Station MCMBKR o r not afford to lose our awsreness / Y a n kee \ 43, Holiness service with 3 a.m.—4 a-m...... Volunteers .Needed ■, fETFS 8ROOERY M aiiclirst«r Dry Cleaners TNB AS80C1ATE0 PRESS St. BrMget'a R. C. CliniTh Repreaentatlve in the traditionally / HAIR STYLES FOR SPUING/ Tb« Amclatcd Preu I* rxcluilvalv of these condltiona If we neglect By A. H. O. d and Songster music. Brl'gsd- 4 a.m.—6 a.m...... Volunteers Needed '' Democratic flrat congressional < ''snd 'Jars. Howarth .leaders. Rev. John 4. Delaney, Paalor “Man After gleepiug Like a Tup' Cor. PHRin and Efiot Center Swirl Wovo — Tho Orionlol — Tko Iruth Wovi|; ' :ltUi riebU ^jvpubllcatlon of apaclai against the peace of the vybrld. ' Intley has pdwdered the primary I j p m.. Hospital visitation by aaalslanta 10 a.m.—13 Noon ...... Mr. and Mrs. Small 0 >patcbaa be>aia art alao raaoraat^. pictured above you must learn to can do." ‘Fint S«l*ctieii' The day when we can reason­ Insurrection against his control of Mrs, Elisabeth Wllafm and Mrs. Noon—3 p.m. s_...... Evelyn McCauley \ Purtell reviewed what he' termed the parly organisation in the City Major . Mildred Plcjtup. ; Masses on Sundays at T, 6, 9, relax completely 'when you hit the IXiil acrrlea client of N. C. A. Sarr* ably fegl that our fear of Russia 10 and 11 a.m.. and Masses down­ 2 ■ p.m.—4 p.m...... John McConville;, Roger Wlntay the accompllahmente of the Elaen- Of Mm H Mfd Greecrits of Hsrtfcird, and thus demonstrAted! 5 p.m., Servics In two eon- sack. Total relaxation, that's the 4 p.m...6 p.m. . Ed Feltham, Ronald Wabrek Irawer administration and asserted \ RepreaeotallTM; Tlia can diminish ought to be the day agaln what has long been apparent | valeicent homes. stairs at 9 and 10;l5 secret..- As soon as you get into ■' itbaan Special Astnr^ — New 6 p.m.—8 p,m...... Beverly Case, Valerie Johnson \ the party cannot be defeated in t o n when we go to work. -t^ekllng the —that he is a auperlor kind ofi 6:46, The Citadel band will play bed let' yourself go limp ell over. Detroit and Boatna. Ohiirrh of Ike Assumplloti 6 p.m.— 10 p.m...... Kenneth Churilla, Peter. Gallgsw* 1936 on ita record or because of IccC o M lM r AUDIT------BUREAU o r world's basic problen^ .directly. political boas. for shut-ins. Then concentrate on telling each 10 p^m.—Midnight ...... Virginia Manchester the type'.of men the party will set iTIONB. The challenge to him, this tim e,'_ 7:30. Salvation . meeting Adams St. and Tnomption Rd. part ' of your body to . relax Instead of Ihcidentaljy, and .tack­ with Skywatch Post located on to p 'of .Alanchester Police Station. forth as candidate*. The Herald Prlntmc Company, lac.. combined a vague kind qf political: Band and 6°b6ster music, special Rev. Joseph E. Fsrrell, Psalof and gO' Uo sleep. S^art out OREN SUNDAYS 99 EAST CENTER S T ^ T tl. M l-S-SM * ,/■ aaaumca no financial raipooiiblllty tor ling them with as much resdlve, Rev, T. Butler Volunteera may register at Civil D efenae Headquarters, Municipal "But,'' he aaid, "we can aufter idealism, held over from the last' music by Brlgadtar and Mrs. hy-.'-tslIIng the toes end- fin­ Building, Manchester oi. Monday,•tVedne.sday or Friday from 1-5 • defeat rind ive can defe,at ourselves typocrapbical errori appeaiinc In ad- energy and resource as we cs'h gers and arms and legs, to go trtniMmanu and o^er reading matter municipal election, in which the- Howarth, Mr. Howarth bringing Masses st 7. 1:30, and II a.m. p.m. ,or Tuesday evening from 7:30- 9:30 p.m. ' by our, By our la Tbe Xaacbeatar Evening Herald. muster. Tnsiirgents, supporting the tetter the message. to sleep. They’re easy. Of course Complacency and by oilr W n in­ snU spIrit of Hartford’s city-man­ you’ll fir^d it tougher when you try' action.’’ DInplay adrertlylns doling boura; ■X" Bl. Francis Aasisl Church to talk to the kidneys, the ribs, It's . . , M is t it r For Konday—1 p.m. Friday. ager « A^ed In short ordrt * Traek CmMoM Sooner or later. If world events It Is a remarkable revival of a better chance of moving, toward Message, '"Fhe. Christian's Creden- Sunday Masses at 6:30 and 10 fore turn yourselves, and live ye” paintings from the Atheneum's wdll be swarded sen’ice pins at a by appointment. CERAMICS STUDIO oil’s people will not entnuit UieirT*®*!— <•* their regular TTwIiT E na Mil^pllllWflT a.m. dinner here Wednesday In aon- service. keep on In their present trend, all Shintoism; Mohammedanism, and the nomination he wanted In tlsis." (Ezekiel 18:31. 32i. cqUiKtion, American museuhis and - It happened this way, according 117 New Bolton Road dry cleaning to anyone but the 699 CENTER ST. (Rrar) frlendahtp and cooperation with Correlative- passage! from the nectlon with the society's 164th to CapU Thoma* Crifterty; . ^ Edwin D’Agostino, proprietor, of of us are going to have a tendency Buddhism. \ Youth Service, ft p.m. prilvate collectors. The exhibit Was Route 6— MI 9-5756 uals. Sometime* In tlje sw ift, and the qhild'ren'a /avorit*—pen- Xlanchester Dry Cleaners? The ' Manchester Dry ‘Cleaners, an­ TEL. Ml 9-6811 G omtoI Roptdr Work Baliey than they proved to have Ji'inlor Society. 6 p.m. ■ Barred Heart Chiirrh Chliitlan Science textbook, “Sci­ annual meeting. Last pight the telephone" in pace of today's living, many peo-'ny candy—-milk, Sealteat ice to relax. We are going to have These native religions of the ■ Church Bt,, Vernon '* ' assembled to honor Mozart and The half century meriiberi are answer Is a 'simple one. they nounces a really fine new service in a challenge to Bailey on the or­ EvafIgellstIC Service, 7 p.m.. ence and Health with Key to the to show' 'artistic trends\found in Zwerdllng:* bakery rang ami when T pie do not »eem to . have time i cream, soda,, bread, tobacco, etc.. know they esn depend utterly upon ganizational political level. Fpr Bundsy Masses at 8:30 and 16 Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, Dr. Maude T. Griswold of Torrlng- -Guaranteed' Mothproofing. Moth­ ttiis tandency in spite of the fact East are reviving, he observed, in Mesas gg, ‘‘Salvation Through Europe during the compomr's life­ Mrs. L.vdia. Koch, the clerk,' an­ the auperlor cleaning done here, proofing Is not new but a Aye- Bailey wants to nomlriste "a win­ a.m. Include the following (p.485: IS­ ton. Dr. Thomas J. McLarney of swered a^^grllff voice saidr „ o „ . h ,6 d . . . . . y SpeoUlIslRg In Frozen Food that we are told that It is the pre­ company with the new spirit of Sanctlflcatldn," time. \ Waterbury, Dr. Andrew C. Swen­ the molt delicate., fftbrlca, your year guaranteed ' mothproofing ner .for Congress In the Hertford IS): "Not death, but the tinder- "Annuel Costume and Tratlle'' "This is 5, atlckup. Put the \ things that are out*i()e their pre- enjoy efficient, courteous service, flannel suits, ' tweeds, evening CoRtmlnera, Rofrigerntor RRd cise strategy of the cold^ w’sr nationalism which has risen as North Olethodlst Cburrh/ standing of Life, makes man im­ son of Middlebury. Dr. John L, To s aervliie is. . The Berlou process County district. If'he can. gnd South Methodist Church exhibition on view in the fe c ia l money from tne cash register in scribed area, but not at Tuttle's. *t reasonable prices. gowns—all are cIeane<| perfec- absolutely guarantees this moth- FrOoter Bags, l ^ t l o Fool^ enemy, Russia, to make us r^lax. various'countries, have won their Cronin stands well enough emong 447 N. Main SI. mortal.’’ Bridge of Hazardville, Dr. Ralph a hag and put the bag on the end ContRlnors. Main SI. and Hartford Rd. Rev. John E. Post, Mlaililer. ^ Exhibition Gallery through May B. Cox of Collinsville, Dr. Isaac'W. SERVICE STimON Here, the .business of serving care tlon. Tou can tniR your very proofing to tu t five years. They for its own future gains.. Even freedom for the first ^time In cen­ the candidates openly in the Held Rev. Fred R. Edgar; .Minister IS. Included In this exhibit are of the counter neaV, the door: You’re ia handled swiftly and efficiently, "Your.s -'^aiiicerely'' cornea from flneet clothes to the Manchester 1 give you this guarantee in writ- so far. And the Slate Senate seat Miss Charlotte BiirtMr.e Crater CoagregatiemI Church Kingsbury of West -Hartford snd Roufo 44A, N. C^ontry RorUI spAoo RVAlfnblo tor your • though we keep making this warn- turies. These countries, absorbed Rev. Perry Smith, dresses, fans, shawls, laces. weav\ Dr. Joseph M. Ganey of New Lon- being watched.’’ repairs to cafe are done skillfully; the Lqtin ,.''*lne cere" (without ,,Dry Cleaners, not only''do they ing„ one copy to"the Manchester Parskey wanted la now held by Minister of Ednetitloii. CUirord O. SlmplMiii, Mlnieter Mrs. K(H:h, who la'ld she was "too Tel. Dnya PIt-1 w ax),/a designation for Roman frozen meat ARd vegetable* na lag to ourselves, the time can Ir being themselves, pevolt against Aasoclate Minister ' Ingd, and , a collection recently (ilon.. but Tuttle's also finds time to help clean them beautifully bill they. Dry Cleaners, one for them and r Senator Harold Borden, who has James W. MrKay, R. Russell Peery terrified" to do anything else, did Night* PI 3-7307 sculptiirea which did nbt, have de- Uttio r.s .04e day. come When we no longer think of the culture and religion auperim- .Phillip Treggor, Minister of Music Minister of Miisiic. , purchased In England of ao-called people in trotible, provide eme'r- also do minor repairs such u sew'- one for yourself. If, during the not only been trouble for Bailey 'Associate Minister Bride's Purses, 17th century Eng­ as the caller ordered, glutting $65 gency transportation. Perhaps fectri concealed by applttWtlon* of Ing on buUbna. eew up ripped ' five years, you should have trouble Russia as the bitter, inevitable poaed on thon^ during the domina­ Mrs. Sherron M. AdrtM, but who has become rather tiring SeryirrO of Worship at 8 and lish in origin. into the paper bag. G«iitral Rtpoir S«rvic« that is why so many people drive wax. seams, tack cuffa, at no extra 1 with moths the company will ab- enemy, whan we no lon|fer_think of to the Senate circle and to the 10 a.m., Worship Service. .Organist and Choir Director tion of the West. Just the other 10:45 a.m. Sermon, "Our Christian Steward­ "Charles Adams Platt Print Col­ Almost instantly, a ma'n popped lo TutUe’s Service Station bn Rt. soluMy make good on your gar­ L. T. WOOD DopwidoMo QMdIty — Oendeht Russia with any particular alarm, state In his role of self-appointed Watson Woodraff./D. D. lection” on view In the Morgan A^boughl for Today through the door, pickedXujkrtho 44A, North Coventry, (just over ment. This Berlou pfoceas does day, the great, turn back to Sermon: "The Meaning of Re­ ship Calls Us to: Love Our Minister Ementus 24 Hour Rood Sorviet LOCKES PLANT . ^nie time can also come when we Senate Jester. pentance." Dr. Fred R. Edgar. Lecture Room. bag and disappeared. the .Dolton line), to get fine service not change the texture of a gar­ Buddhism did much lo swing a There was. no parliculsr Joy In Neighbors as Ourselves." Motlera Repair Shop 81 RISSELL ST. Reception of new members at Saersment of baptism, Specihl Events Not Ibhg ago in the Rutland, Vt., Acceiiaorles Of All Kinds and just a litlle more, if they ment, there ta no odor, it ia not Willlani N. Sohiiligt relax about OomnuiRism, not only whole national election In Ceylon. Italley,, we would surmise, as he 7;d0, Holy Comriiunlon. ’ Sunday. April 22 at 3:30, "Music need It. . harmful to you in any way. .*uat H su Ml 8-8434 ^.^because we think/we can see It the 10:45 service. 9 a.m., Worship Service for B, 9:15 and 11, Church Services. Herald, Rpbert J. Otstot, gave .a Candy, Ice Cream, Sundries U f Spnwe m. T bL IO70-1« e iWith this the situation, and found himself rompelled. by the 0:30 and 10:45 s.m.,. Church teachers. on Sunday Afternoon.” final con­ mighty rfspd definition of an Tuttle’ .* Service Station ia head­ think of putting winter clothu Insurgent challenge, to go lo the ^ Sermon, ''Christ, Conscience and cert of l 8tH century chamber Man Has lo Pay away with no ivorry over months, .Changing its own nature iRside with Christianity apparently on School. 10:45 a.m.. Nursery. 10 t.m:^, CIssses for all ages. Compromise."' , AmeriranJri* calls it Recipe For quarters for Mobile products, gas. Russia, but also because we are rescue'of Borden. music in Tapestry hall. The Trinity regular and high teat. Mobile pack your w'ool blankets in a chut the defensive, Dean Pope had 6:30 p.m., Wesley Choir; 7 p.m., 2 p.m., WSCS nontlQating com­ 9:15 arid '11, (?hurch School, An Americairi or drawer and know that they are \ But If the Hartford Inaiirgents. Senior MYF will have a program mittee meets with pastbr in the Church Choir directed by Robert •'Sift one cripful of patriotism for Heroism tires, Mobile briitteries, etc. The lass afraid of what it may be try­ some sizzling things to say about as they look bark, can feel some nuraery through junior high. Brawley will be assisted by mem­ absolutely safe. Aak about tt, \:'; on recreation which will be lead by church office. .6:30 'CYP Club. and Pilgrim w'ilh an cqual\amount of toler­ name Mobile mean* that .vou can More houseo ing to do, or niwaming of doing, the representation Christianity is 'chagrin over their ineffectual rash­ bers of the Hartt College Or­ Salem. Maas., April 21 depend upoii’ any product 'bearing the coat Is moderate and just one ■ro pRlntod Dale Brown and Karl 'Reichelt. ?;45 p.m.. Youth Divisiori iSteets Fellowship Joint potiuck supper* ance, Stir in ^ heaping table­ suit ruined by niolhs would show T h er«'« •broad, and in our own country. getting in some of these count, ies. ness. they may also. lf_they ax- liy church ypffice. chestra in a program of music by Henry C. MacNeil, 23. has learned its name. / Recapping' service iv srlth 8. W. P. , 7 p.m.'. Rev. Cecil Mai'shali will Vivaldi, Mozart and American spoon of ambition\ tempered with you ho\v "penny wise arid pound A If things go on, along their "Man; of America's recent re- amine the fight rather closely, lead seventh and eighth Grade / 4 p.m.. Intermediate Youth Fel­ n proportionate apiount of re­ it coat him $36.76 to be a hero. offered S(t' Tuttle's, and whether thoaonyetSor nourish some slight hope for their A'emon Methodist Church compo.sera of the 18th century. fooUah" you would be to put off H obby present trend, this time can come, Ugioiiis e ^ r t s to ASts,” he said, MYF In an evening of recreation lowship. straint. MacNeil awam 500 yards you buy-new' tires or recaps, you pidat own temporarily bla.sled political Vernon, Conn. Tuesday. April 21 at 12:30. Re­ through cold, choppy waters last PLANNING A PARTY? will gel tires that will give you having your clothu guaranteed aitid we will not only have the In- "might better have bee’h kept at in Cooper Hall. 6:30 p.m., Senior Youth Fellow­ Sherwood -A. Treadwell, Minister. corded Music by Mozart • - Sonata "Beat w ell, slowly, adding the mothproof for five years. For careets. ship. milk of human kindnesMn bounti­ week to aid Fred Page, 12, who Hostesses, clubs and organiza­ many miles of safe driving. Ac- > stlnet to relax, but we will feel - Btarjorle Stephens, Organist. in D .Major for violin and Harpsi­ tions can now serve “ plctarcd'' Did you know that amall tailor­ You home where we are accualomed to The bimie array led by Bailey Zion EvangeHoal Lntheraa 8:15 p.m Adult Bible Oass re­ ful mea.surc. Fold in a Mlf-up of was drifting out to sea in a row­ ceasbries such as tubee, flashlights, that It is safe and proper to do to. In this contest provided a very Edna Johnston, Choir Direetor chord. boat. MacNeil rowed the boat back slices of Ice cream for that spe­ spark plugs,-Simonize polishes are ing joba are done at the Manchu- T oo their excesses. " He named lio Church , convenes af the parsonage. Everv- 9:30, MqrhiJig Service. Thursday, April 26. st 12:30, brotherly love.mixed with chari­ Bribig the OhUdiM. Tbeyll SirmHirir* ..And. we w lltsi^ to>.c>ur8elves that good clue to the kind of political one welcoRle. ------ty. to shore. cial occasion. YVe ha'vn. deslj^s among the. many things you will ter Dry Cleanera at a amall ^xtra nanies or sects, but indicated a boss Bailey is. , (Misaqurt S>ynod) " " 10:45, Church School. Recorded music by Mozart — for almost any gathering. find here. cost? This is particiularly’ con­ ^ lov* to just loots orooRd. we deaerve a time .to relax, be- .Cooper an^ High Streets. ------r-L------______Sermon: "W hen Things Co "Flavor to taste with ' t r i l ­ Thoroughly chilled, he wa.s held situation In which It seems that Almost all the commanders of Symphony No. 'll (jupiteri. For Information Call Expert general repair service on venient, savu time arid money, m iUAM S . cause we have been living in a Rev. Paid G. Prokopy, Raator. Community BapUsI Oiiirrh Wrong," Rev. Marshall. ‘ Thusdsy. April 26. at 7:30 to 9:.30, lion. Jewi.«h, or any desired, ex­ overnight at Salem Hoapital for ifO IIY SHOPPE H i Malo SL, TeL 30 8-U8M the ae^s ndiich are most marginal bsftallons on the Bailey side in observation and spent another day all makes of cars and trucks Is too. Miss Marlop A. Erdliii Organist. BM E. Center St. at ihe Green Avery Court and Print Rooms will tract. Pour mixture into a mold Royal let Creom Co. In a short time you will be stor­ Oomor Ooalor ood Orlotzold Sto. Open A GRergp Aceowt nerved up ■world too long, and in character in this country are this primary fight were individuals and let it i in the heat of com­ at home, resting up.' offered at Tuttle's, and. Tuttle has John B. Nenbert, Minister Bt. Mary’s Episcopal Church' be open. 23 Warren Street MI 8-6950 had 16 years of experience in this ing your furs, let the Manchuter It'o fua to rsrIio It yenrooH. Wo D e i ^ Buffering too much from the ex­ very much in the forefront In with whom Bailey had. at one time O a.m., Sunday School. Doroth.v.V. Howard, petitive spirit. Bake -at ah evCp The hospital bill arrived yester­ or another, done battle to the sup­ Church and I,oeiist Sts. Thunsday. April 26. at 8’:1.5 to 9:1.5 tine, so that you are sure. of ex­ Dry Cluncrs store them'for you. perience. Asia, which Dean Pope ^ terms, 0:30 a.m.. Adult Bible aass. Orgnnist-Dirertor The Rev. Alfred L.' Mllllams, Lecture-dlscu.ssion on '".Mozart's temperature. \ day: $24.35 for room and hoard; posed poUtical death. Now all $12 for laboratory fees, and • 3,5 pert work on any mechanical (?all and delivery 'urvice. Insur­ Now the usual analysis'of this 10 a.m., Nurs^y In thie parish Esther S. Wolcott, Rector Genius and His Period" by "Frosting m »y be any deeiredX problem your car may develop. ance on/your furs aiid kbsolutely ra’ her scornfully, ••Kurihamen- these rival powera of the peat were house during church worship. Church School Siipt. color: red, while, brown, or .yel­ cents for a prescription. approaching'relaxation of ours Is tallsm's stand" marching under the Bailey flag. The Rev. Donald N. Hiingrrford, Katharine B.-Neilaon and-Evan H. BILL'S TIRE Free estimates on any work are lafe atorage Is offered at the Man­ 1 ' 10 a m,. Divine ' worship, the Curate low. A student at Boalqn's Went-, chester Dry Cleaners. ^ ' that that will be the day when It Is extremely 'difficult, look­ Tiirner In the Morgan lecture worth In-stitute, MacNeil say.* he AND gladly given, and you will find the MANCHESTER Well, we don't want to become Rev. Richard Rera of New Britain 9:45 a.m.. Church School for all Sydney W. MacAlpIne, Organist room planned to coincide with (he ve in unity enough for 163 prices quoted are fail and con­ Waterproofing of garments 'la Russia and Communism spring out ing over the Bailey record, to find preaching, 'x ages. Children s program. Includ­ inillibn people. " doesn’t have the money and involved In any knock-down bat­ ■n instance in which he has actual­ and


'*niat11' be easy,'* explained th* pro'vide aheltar for home owners Answsr to Proviotit Puitto BUGS BUNNY girl. ."Two of them Ilk* teievl- from tornadoea hurricanes and X aivw^nu ^on." bombs. • frtliidtnt't W ifi A 0KT Sense and Nonsense TilMMII " ji ' ' Cardinals^ Staff Still Staggering ;ivith/Home-run Hangover On« way to get water In res­ Basemanta built of cinder block, ACSOM 7 War god "W alt a minute. Jack,” said ■ cement, steel. joicta and wire will taurant is to act fire to yourself. ,-T- tSiSa Dating a fir* In inldtowrt Man­ I President's . t Interpret T v hattan, an* recent mlddle-of-the- friend. "Don't go too far, A • On* who ,, think I See a sail." wtts, CaroUae ntx^t' Unanta of an apartment La\inl* — . ..1II i' ' . u II g She was the 12 Fortifleation In Title ‘Game wM amonr the tepanta acurryfnf tain' man. anibng dg'-today who Is — wife of .F.A* Monday In Three Tilts;^ for aafety, noticed thajt the gentle­ flirting w l^ another man's wife. Benjamin 13 Large pleht man who lived direct^ above her Unless he,,^uta five dollars in the Htrrison 13 SummcF(Fr.) Curtain comta doWn on another By PAT BOUtl'O , waa ca.rrying a large,' covered bird collpctlo,K box, his., name will be II She had a 30 Whirlpool* Co-Captains Eddie Wejcik and Yanks T ^ ; 42 Brasilian long Central Connecticut Baeket- cage. ■ \ , read frorii the pulpit." , r brilliant----- 21 Behold! 23Plai Alan Col* will lead .the Manchester macaws ball League aaaaon tomorrow '•What have you je t there?” ahe When the collection plate'came I I Cylindrical 22 Short-napped 30 Measure* of Indian* in the 1866 scholastic base­ In, there were nineteen five dollar fabric cloth 41 Saucy afternoon at 3:1S at (he Stanley New York, April 21 (fl*)-* aaked. 14 Full apology ball opener at Mt. Nebo Monday blits and a two-dollar ope with 33 Legislative 34 African Sy 44 Feminine \ Arena in New Britain. Prlncipale It's a new season all right, '•1*h*fa my pet • rooatir,” ^Id 15 Purufer m afternoon et 3 o'clock. Th* locale, this not* attached: ".Other three (v a rj / appellatioB the man — and (he woman faInN I I Legal point body In the final game In the beet-of- given a sttong chance to Improve but the St. Louis Cairdinala^ ed. ■payday." 24 Beautiful 17 Prl#lty '48 Irritate (coll.) YESTERDA'rB BBSULTS ovei- laet. sjn'lng's fine aeven won 17 Scottish rlvar AmerlcM three! aerleS are the Green Menoc pitehing staff is stjll stagger­ rMOUTO'LOLLIPQPC. When ahe'waa revived, ahelU e>^' (comb, form) (prefix) 47 Rang* - and four lost re.rord, entertain 18 Sea Cagle New 'York 7, Boatott 1. Pro* and New Britain Pecera who ing amund with a hi^nier aCE»Q...IU6IVE plained to ?ier anxious .nelghbjghWr, Rhiing 205 feet above I r on 23 Death nolle* ••Equipped a 48 Drove newcomer Norwich Fr'to Academy. "I'm sorry I fainted b\it, you)u Att, 30 Click-beeUc* 50 Ventilate Cleveland S, Detroit 1: ended the regular aeaeoa tied for fiangover.-The Redbirds were Mountain,louhtain. Florida's highest point 24 Fergiv*' 28 Nautilus' boat with Th* visitora. who have replaced for the past year I've been vmder , skipper • Idlat 51 Devotee Chicago fi, Kansas City 3.^ top honor*. In earlier conteata the New Lo.tdon on the Red and White clipped for 185 hbipjB runs last N£XTTIA« J O f v f of. land,', the world famous Bok 37 Eagle's nast Baltimore 8. Washington 3i.' treatpient by a psychiatrist-be­ 33 Uncommon Id (Fr.) 53 Seine youthful Pacer* upended the Proa ■ohedule, open.d thetr campaign fieason and that was good lor Singing 'Tower is S major attrac­ 11 Retired for ^ ' National by I I points at tk* Arena while the MRKL cause I kept . hearirtf a/rooster tion ih MOilntaln Lake Sanctuary, (*b.) las* 54 Pitch last ThureUay afternoon with a an all-time major league rec" crowing! night yChtcago -12, Cincinnati 1. locals tied the awriea last week 8-4 triumph over Windham. near Lake Wales. The Tower's 71- lyrookiyn 5, Pittsburgh 0. S3 Confution with a 18-polnt victory at Ver Bight returnees. Including six ord. Now it looks like' the bell .csrrllon rings out concerts ij^adelphla 2, New York 1 (10 planek School; four afternoohs each wef^k- from 33 Utmost extent ragulara, hay* been nominated by mark may not last the year. The two men were, adrift In an IS Seed edveriag K * Lineup Chaage* In three game*, Bt. LouUf 'pitch- , open boat aiid It Imked bad for December through April, v veteran Q>ach Tom Kell4y to atari 36 Slouan Once again,Naw Britain plans Ing haa been pickled for. eight them, \ Finally one of * them, ho lineup changea Rudy . Knight against th* Acad*. Catcher WoJ- Indian* fi^ANDINQS clk, first baseman Norm Hohen- homers, .including the only grand- frightened, began- to pray. Mother," Inquired the pretty and Frank Perry will start up teenager, "would It be all right 17 Veraifler - AgMKrteaa thal, second baaenian Bobby Sweet, slam ao '-far in either league, this "O Lord,” , he ■ prayed, *Tve \ W L Pet. OBL front,' Jim C a^w ay will Jump broken most ,of Thy command­ for me to Invite three Air'..Force 40 Nbichad, like ■hortstop CMIe, third baseman Leo season (by Cincinnati's R ^ Jab- B iBW Chicago . . . . 1.000 — center and Sonny Thomaa and lonskl,. the ex-CardI. Three of them ment*. I've been a hard drinker, cadets for dinner?" Dick Watson' will handle back- C?yr. outfielder Steve Cooper and 42 Mimic Boston ...... name last night to overhaul an but If my life is spared now I'll 'Of Course, dear. Hut how y^lll New York cOurt «^tl*a Reserve strength'WIH pitcher Alan Johnson all sawy promise Thee never again—" - you entertain three of them! 43 Ever (poet.) 'fGrvtc* last year and only thXdt'- early St. Louis lead, and gat Mil­ Kaneaa City be supplied by Jack Hartsflald, waukee started on a 6-1 dsdatoa 41 College Cheer Cleveland .. Davt Jones and Jo* Young. . mlnutlve Cyr and Johnson cannot 48 Keep be termed a* regulars. 'Th* only that left the Braves unbeafai) atop Washington Green Manor Coach OeOrg* the Nationar League. with S3 All Baltimore ., Mitchell probably will go along, newcomers likely to craek ..the BY' J. IL WILLIAlWS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE Melhewa Gets Two ss Illustrator D e tro it...... with Ronnie. Harris, who has starting lineup are cage, star Dave Eddie Mathews snieeked a M lft M Tredesmen National played exceedingly well In hie first Turkington and Stew, McDonough since centcrflelder Ronnie Brault hla first of th* season, and Waa so S7 Begin W L Pet. GBL yaar with th* Pro*, and Frank V O U 'tt MEVEK. SAV, VM HUNSRy 1 COULD ^ also managed to get Into three Covington poked the other, with e a t t h e lURHkeys h o ls t e r '.^, S3 Tire part Milwaukee . 3 0 1.000 .. _ TOep, forwards, Kenny Goodwin, 6ET HIM WITH E6AO, FATHER / TW166S HAS contebta In 185ft. ^ man on baas, In A pinch-rol* aa HiS BACK TDi — LOOiC.SON, s o fetch 05 a ® DOWN Brooklyn ...... 2 1 .667. rknf^, and Ronnie Buahwcll and 0 ee•HA C'lo se‘ te d with p o u c ^ 1 Milwaukee went 8-0 for the aea- TV WALL-HE COUPLE 'OF SlOEBe RRV Philadelphia . . . 2 1 .667 Bobb^Knight, guards. Burr Carl­ Ihwbahle ntoher* o f f ic ia ls for half ah hour 1 Cicatrix 1 aon. Right behind art Brooklyn, ASAKCSSpRE Hl&> Pie s a h d a q u a r t o f IT New York .... 2 2 .500 son will'undoubtedly start In place Either tali Bun Keeney or ./ / BACK'S ABAMUST — u m -K uMf .' i 'h o pe pm. 3 Arrived m which ahellad Pittsburgh (M) on ICE c r e a m .'' (Yilcago ...... 1 2 .333 2 of Toro should h* get home from Cooper wifl get the ataTtlhg moun SOeSETMISkS WITH Dis c r e e t -*-THE FAIR tt tWi if tHi irelkB, i 3 Miner*] rocks IMISH Cincinnati ...... 1 2 .333 2 hla Army duties. Also Mitchell, asaighmeht agajniit Norwich. ' Roger Craig’s nifty four-httter • i v « TO rr/ ESCOTCHEON of HOOPl E U'L O f 4 Number and Junior auilain'a four RBIs; 5tt. Louis 1 2 .333 2 ankioua to jgain. th'^ CCBL' crown Cooper gets the nOd then JohntOn Dodger Keystone Comhination ahjst Never se s l o t t e o CHIEF 15 “ A » for’or foreign policy. I'm beginning to wonder ibout 5 Scatter, u Pittsburgh . . . . 1 3 .250 2-14 to make amends for one of hla will go to rightfleld. If Ktoney and Philadelphia, which edged the THE BE5H •omt of thetho ^friendly’ 'fritndly' countfioa! countfiee! TwicoTwit thit wotk I’w# hay poorest season*, la expected to add ers Peewe* Reeae, left, expecta to have a atesdy partner:ner In ifiak* New York Qlente 2-1 on e beses- TODAY’S GAMBA la nominated Cooper will Iw In Ing double plays for Brooklyn this season. 'The nawitew Awofid iHDIAH I Blmokt been run down by their soort eartP* 6 Charge for a player to replace the departed right. Turkington, a senlor/out for loaded tingle by Del Bnnla In the A' EVER Natlqaal baseman ia Charley Neal, up from Montreal. 10th. eervleee Prooklyn at Pittsburgh; New­ Jimmy Ahaarh. Wally Wldholm the firet time, will ro o m ed comb* (20-5) vs. Friend (14-9). and 'inily Dubose will also be if the viiitor*,atarL a Mfthander, The Chicago Cuba whacked Cln- WITH.' available for aqtlon If needed. Season PRISCILLA’S1*0P Man Of Position BY AL VERMEER Cincinnati at Chicago: KIlpp- But McDonough will m in left If clnnatl 12-x tn Aha other gam* be­ stein (9-10) vs. Meyer (8-2). a HghthandM oppose/ the Indian*. Tad Wllliaim Dtelartt hind a four-hltHr by Sam Jonas, who fanned nine. VOU NEVER >YOU KNOW, HAZEL- Milwaukee at St. Louis; . Bur­ WILOUFE DECREASING Hartford, A/pril fl\ — The Kelley's batting order will have ^ S E E V O U R IS COMPORTABLE' dette (13;,8) vs. Schmidt (0-0), vanguard of Connecticut's 100,000- Cyr l*ad|iig off and the hustling In the American. Mickay Mantle P A T H E R s n r Only games scheduled. Helena, Mont. UP) —Th* griaaly plus licensed angleti -was ■ abroad John SablitK (»4?t8 Limit Brault t o the second ' spot. Last drove In four.runs aa th* Naw LIKE THAT.' Americaa bsar, th* MOhtana -grayling (a on the atreama pnd ponds of the In 16 ^in utra Today year'sVleadoff man, Cole will hit Fate of Boston ed Sox York YankMs wallopad Boaton’a Chicago at Kansas City: Fisch­ freah water fish) and the trumpe­ state t(^ay fop thetr annual de­ thlrAwhlle CMoper and Wpjclk WHI Red Sox 7-1; Th* Chicago White er lO-O) va. Dltmar (12-12). ter swan are three native Mon­ votions to Salyelinua Eontinalls. ■ . 4ust 18 mluu4as were re­ babYourth and fifth, respectively. Sox remained unbeaten and In Boston at New York; Susce tana epeclea of wildlife facing ex­ The occasion is the opening of quired IM* morning before John Jhhnson, Hohenthal., Sweet and place by beaUng Kansea C6t (9-7) vs. Turley (17-13). tinction. The Montana Fish and the 1956 troM. season. Fonttnalts is,; Mnbllto of 78 Trebbe Or,< enught /Turkington or McDonough wlU KnoA^ in Fir 30 Days aS Ron Northey trifgAi^ a Wa.shlngton at Baltimore: Game fiepartmgnt blamea their de- high brow fpr ^xpok trout or char, | his trout limit nt the filMMed fpllo'w In that order. run ninth with a pinch, twft-nm ^ Stone (6-13) va. Wight (6-9). creaaln^ nuinbera on civlllsatlon'i as some csll thlKspeckled beauty i vethrnns area in the Bln^edge'^ The locals have displayed ^ ten - homer; Cleveland won Itr bet. Detroit at Cleveland: Miller continued, movement into piimitlv* which once was quite abundant.ini River In Marlborough. ' T tial Mtting strength in recent •NewNYork, April 21 (tP) 25 RBIS, he'd be the, greatest beating Detroit 8-1 bahl^ Sarly In the league. (2-1) V*. Garcia (Il-'IS). area*. Ute stress of Connecticut / The locni veteran threw In4n* drills/and could prove troublesome WtHtan^ thinks the firet 30 d a ^ Wynn's flve-hitUr; aodlSdthnm "W e can us* mor* balance in But Mona 'With the ''"bnm kie,"; first line nt 8 n.m. and in the ensuing weeks If the pitch­ of tii« eeaaon will determine tnt gained lU firet dedMOii wttt Qua ^ H O MOW er* produce a* expectad. .Veteran the pitching department. All our Conneeucut's anglers also/ paid' he wn* taking hla fifth trout fete o f thA Boston Red Sox. / Wandoa’, tw^run h « ^ that beat a bo u t a m righthander Ronnie Slm hH ^ la be­ front line pitching la .righthanded. Washington 8-3, // IHHERSPR'IHG. homage to ‘Salmo Trutta.x th*M elf hi* hook. Five is the llnait. ■ I f BoatoiX can get off tO/* run­ ,y*,w>ii>s,ts brown trout, a German iittmg>qnt i Anblltx,. n tool ' designer ht ing saved/for the 2 ISO C )^^ en­ If either of otir southpaws — M*1 Milwaukee's htmhre came eff / BsB kB **< BB -«>• Ai ,, *■ A1ATTRE56 ? Gene Fullmer^s Stoii^ Soars ning slatt and stay in front of Parnell or Frank Baumann, or WHV /MOTHEKS AST AK aV 4-» which Is better adapted to the in- Pratt and Whitney,able to counter Thursday against mlatol starter Tom ^Mtdlsl^, th* Mg New York 'atXhe mid-May mark'— 'both -N- com* through, we'll give land waters, of the ati^e; and to get to work in n^ple time and at Muaay JWeld Jn the Bell Town. ■ay by three or four game* — the Salmo Gairdneril of rainbow trout, the Yankees or any other club a Modern Monster BY V. T. h Xm LIN A-ll \ After Win over Tiger Jones to tell the fellotto 'at the plant iTIed Sox w ilrjiave a 'good chance real battle." sometimes called Salmo Iridlens, a of hla good hirh'kT \ / to, upSet th e\ fa vo r^ Yankee*. I*'" 'ill? hOWWOr, on Bob- I'M OUAD VOJ MAD COTTON WOODS BY RAY GOTTO native of the cold, /wlft running . WtUiamn pointed nut that the by aacriflea fly that Cleveland,- April 21 — Gene behind Jones, piled up a lead In ThhFa the opiniOip of the Red Sox schedule glYei the Red Sox a trem' SUCH A NICE VACATTCJN, mountain streams M the Far West. _X. FVillmer's alambang victory 'over the first two rounds, slipped a lit­ aluggcr who never,haa been known endoiia early' season break. **;?!1*?J***’**'*'"' bad sltifltad, Ralph (Tiger) Jones here last Weather CondlGoii Cold to avoid saying exsotly what 1* on "We play J8 of .o«r firet 23 with the uneamtd winning marker tle at midwSy, then rallied to build at this tim4\of year, because tl)e In eighth. night sent hla stock as a middle­ Weather conditions.,.were Ideal his mind. \ gemes ,at hopie," he aa\d. " I f we much as^ hla margin tn~th* late for the ceremonXes, thAv^brlght sun rsin-off -oV meHJng anovy and ice "I'm not yet ready lo say we've Johosoa In Action weight .Jumping upward. And even has bee^more g tq ^ a l. And In the can win 13 or 14 of those home before he was in street clothes, rounds. taking the edge from tlhe day's got ns good a. chance to win aa gapies and hold our own\ln New / A two-runi.wu-(un douMaaouoia byoy Rad unseasonable ,co1d. main were cltor whioh is not the Yankees have," he said. "I Fullmer was making plana to boo.ati Although they mixed It up in the cAs* during the'^v*ual spring York and Baltimore, we m ht put SchoeneflMut and Ken Boyar’s solo The streams that were accessi­ think we have * better team than h oi^r had given th* Cards « quick it again next month against furious exchanges all of the way, freshets. aom* pressure on the Y/nkee* ble were well. . populated at'^he 6 last, year but we can use some lead on Warren Spahn, who 'gave Charlie Hijmex In New York. | there were no knockdowns. Fttllr Throughout the Northern tire right from, the start. That' Shield i.m., officii starting hour. \ For help. 1 think we need Just a Util* way to Emle Johnson and the vat- The jut-browed West Jordan. mer had a small cut on his fofk-'^. of counYies, there waa Httle''4f Sny give our kids added confidsnee/and the most/X»rt the streams W,ere more UlUIng - one more thumper, •fan Lou Steater, who got tka da- Utah, copper miner, o\itatugged head and andthar over hla right' 'Jake fishing this opening day. Most prov* a great - morale builder for high', thqUgh rvoths high as usual,. whether he's Irfthsnded or right- the entire club;" clalon. Jhne,« for a unanlmoua decision in eye, which bled off and on from' of the favorite trout ponds atill are handed. '' The Red Sox’ record la-'S^l fol A record Sf,. Louis home opener a bruising And cleanly fought 10- the fifth round. A couple of small covered with ice, some Of it aa "The kids — . Don Budilin and lowing yesterday's 7-1 /was to th# crowd of 23,984 aat in On the gam*. rounder before 2,574 fans. He c\its opened over Jones left eye in much as ; 14 inches -thick. But weighed 160 to Jones’ 157‘ j. the seventh. Frank Mslzona — look like they’ll Yankees. A year ago They won six Gilliam homcred th* firat two Standard Rijag streams w'ere open and well popu- help, but the Key to our offen ses of their flrat seven but fell apart After the fight Fullmer's man­ Afterward aach fighter Insisted lated^by anglers where deep mud Brooklyn run* across, then added ager. Marv Jenson, said he had| he hadn't been hurt at all, but Sammy White.' If he can add on The road, loaf/g 12 of 15 in two more wlUi a baacs-loaded ain- onXback country roads did not about-10 home rufis and pick up 20 snemy territory. gie. It waa more than enough for arranged a May 25 bout at Madi­ Jones acknowledged the Mormon, Scoring Sought make, them inapesalble. AlSUtSl son Square Garden against Humex, I Cj'clohe waa "a fair punchsr." ^ a lg . The young righthander hgMI State Fish and G'ame Director \ the Buca hiUtss for 8 3-8 Innings, the European champion whom | ' Referee Lou Parker gave Full­ DIrectem Lyle Thorpe said there Pals Now BY EDGAR MARTIN Jonea upset a month ago in the mer a 97-94 edge, and the two Harrisburg, P*., Aprjl 21’ (>P>. . walked one and struck out eignt BUZ SAWYER was no way of accurately eaU- Finds for hie first major league ahutrat. A o t Dcnyt nHiKiK t v i I BY ROY CRANB— Frenchman's U.S. debut. Judges , rated it 96-95 and 97-89, A point scoring kyt^irri and a B^agan Life Different matlng thq number of anglers who Me retired the first 16 men ha r Fullmer, currently ranked sevr while t'he A P card put IiVillmer maximum age limit, for profes­ were on the streams. All 38 con­ 7 «w ,hER E; tsars a l l ' THAT STUFFY OLD CAPTAIN W f HAS CONFINED HOW, DON'T YOU WORRY, MY DEAR, enth • middleweight two notches ahead 96-95. sional fighters has been recom­ and faiuic^ sU of the firat UMOPP)>:>& SOO (^VE \TIIIS W ltPlv» A lO U T?, M E TO-OUAgTERS. HCW CAN t WRITE A STORY > m SPEAK TO CAPTAIN 6K, I VtHl servation officers and a score or mended for all states by a National more temporary patrolmen .would in^ in: Major Leagues ♦MV A80UT CARRIER OPERATIONS IF TIA NOT AN IDEA I CAN 8Rm0^ Boxing Assn, comrnltlee drafting T«<1 Kluaaawakl, AUOWEO10 SEE ANY OPEWmONSf HIM AROUND, make a day-long check of anglers, Waiiy. Poet and Ous BpU in the a national code to govern the New Yb^k — (NEA) — Bobby| ^veh if the Pittsburgh club Rockville in Tie Yesterday 's Stars and catches fr six Btatea end­ giving a hit. The Cub*,...... heldto______oiniv-^ 4 — Held Piltaburgh hitlesa for'6 2-3 '\fi1rs. Gwefi Bragan said, "Just ralea ar^...deapUe ihelr youth, a ed yeaterday with two panels de­ Some ikMUl* Noi,Pa*(iablr behquse. the Pirates hall from the aun in 18 Iflningii by Milwaukee, innings, retiring first 18 men he Because of road, conditions better oUtfltNthahThe Phllllc* and Rockville High launched its Val­ ciding on scores of •major provi­ All Comforts cpal'NQ^ountry doesn't mead that Braves, of ’404l-42. crashed alx aero**, off Art\f1ow*F faced, and faniKd eight to wind itp anglers will, not be able to reach lo th* firet with E n fla) Banks ley B League baseball season yes­ sions that should be included in a Eddie Mathews of the they're doomed'; to live in \ "If we haven't the top pitpher with four-hit, 5-O^vlctory In hla uniform law. some of tjte atreama which were amacking hii first honM ran,of tba terday by playing an Abbreviated firJit. shutout In the majors. Braves warms h)s hands be­ cellar." n. In the National League, then Bob The committee’* decisions were stocked weeks ago while t)ie roads fore one of tTfeTnfra-red heal­ Whaf's the prltieiptl -difference season. Monte Iryln alio nomtretl 4-4 tie wHh Windsor. Action wks, Batting—Eddie Mathew*, Braves were h/i’d with frost apd Ice. Friend rate* right oehlnd Robin in the Cuba’ 18-hlt attAcK, Which handed to four deputies o f the ers installed In the dugotils at between manSiging Tn the majors Roberta. halted after five innings due to -r noift ed two horners (o spark '^horpe thinks this la "aonie sort included six doublef. Pennsylvania Attorney General Milwaukee Stadium., and higher ihlnbra7^\ ' "Thla boy^, Danny Kravit*. haa rafn and cold weather. first placeace BraBraves to 6-4 victory who win compile a rough draft of Of a blessing." - N'o/Heip in,MaJors The Phils loaded Uts bnato vriUi- V • The home nine scored/three runs over Cl Cardlnala - • - The longer the fish remain Nun- chance to become as good a out a hit off reliefers Holt WU« the proposed code. “ Dou'n there," expUui* Bragan, catcher anybody. He can throw In.the first inning and Irnotted the Coipmlssioner Alfred M. Klein disturbed after being planted.Nhe BEHIND BtXORb new driilmaater of'thb\PIL(ahurgh helm and Steve Rldaik before Bn* count in the fifth. Windsor scored explains, the J>etter adjusted th ^ Fairfield, April 21 iJ) Marine Lt. and jnqVe and hit Ihe ball out of nir belted- hlr. eldglc, n near-mie* of the Pennsylvania' Commis.slon Wes Santee, who Is fighting a life­ kids, "youc^ can g e t' nejp' from *n;^park In any dlrectlon. PETER HOFFMAN all its runs In a'big fourth Inning.. Koziich Hilis Hard said' the draft probably wo/ld b* become to stream conditions, snA above. Last year at Holl;wood, homer. Jim Greengraaa homared Jackie Busher went the distance ■ the gamier they become. time ban by the Amateur Athletic / Th ere Is one redeeming featilre to give the Phils an tarly lead un­ MICKEY Too Nosey! BY LANK LEONARD submitted next month lo/the ex­ Union, ran a 3;32<2 1,500 meter •for rxample, we lost 12 'oF our to managing the pcesen*. Plraiea. SOMETHINS'E GOT- 10U ...C A L L IT FEM IN IN E for Rockville on the mound with ecutive committee of^ the NBA Better than hsif of the more first 14, We were 14 . We were on top three 4lay*' before ONE-KTROKR LEAD drove In five'runs- yesterday as the panel on general ahd safety as to how m an ^of them, will b e' Andy Stanfield, the season ended and finished-, /Mantle's third' 1958 homer, n three-rim job iced: It for th* Dallas, Tex..' April 21 iiP) — Trinity defeated MIddlebury 11-1 )>rovlsions which he headed, ’sug­ caught today. ' 19,12. Olympic 200:meter champion, third, beaten for It, all by only a Betsy Ra\(-ls qf Spartanburg, Yanks In' handing th* Rad 3kix In a game abbre'irlated tp (i<. In­ gested,' minimum' and , m.".ximum "But." he /dds, "atudlea haye was r^ocked in 9.8 - in a *10()-yard - couple .qf. games. Contiebticut R. C.. held a one-.strokc lead going ning* by the cold Weather. ' age limits of 18 and 35 for profes- Shown that tower than half those '*'"The only way YbU can get help their fireLdefeat. He aggravated a dash. Second in 9.9 was Lindy fuse...... iiitn today's roiind of the S7.50>0 Four of Koxuch'a runs were siohsl fighters. \ planted eai/i year find their way here ia develop it a n d -i^ thigh mCsnlq begttnE out an RBX Remigino of Hartford, the 19.52 O v e r R i v a l bunt, However, and will be out A Dallas Women's Open Golf driven In with a grand-slam home "The one' exception on the' maxi­ into the anglers creel.’J Olympic. l6o-meter . champion. Branch 'Rickey -and other* liCve Tpurnament. Miss Rawls 'shot'' a j Im in the fifth inning; For Middles mum would be who are cur­ found out, tills takes time. You few day*. Whitey gord apun » Storra, April 21 tA n \ ^ e Uni­ fIve-hlUcr while N e w York rolled 2-over-par 73“ in ye.-iterda.v'B sec­ iSpry, ■ Branford'* Chuck Smith rently active even though over 3,’i. , can't buy help with all of John versity, of Connecticut Xbaae.ball up a 4-0 lead to chase ‘Wtllara ond round, for a total of 145. Tied struck out seven'blit yielded nine Btfl if they are inactive for one Ibresth's money.” J team scored nlne''runs In Ine'flfjh Nixon, the only pitcher to beat at secqnd were Marlene Baiter hits, one of them a triple by Bran­ I .Year, ttfen the limit v.’ould apply,” n was a highly aggressive With 'Nobody Trusting Anyone^ '^B«ga iniiing here yenterday to dbfeat the Yank's.four timea laet sesaoni. Hagge of A.sheville. N. C., and F*V ford's Jack McGowan. For Trinity, : he said. I successful managerina in Fort f-bocker of Montevideo, Uruguay, Ray Ariiniini drove in three .runs jlWorth, Hollywood and Chiba the University o f Maine 18-0 In' Northey’s big bloW’.came off re­ both with 148's. 1 The second . panel oq iloen.sing ' liefer Tom Gorman at Kansas City with two singles. and enforcemhiit, headed by'' How will hT'!r*“a7t 7 h en tiie-4 Yankee/Conference game h'eld t^ Binges Att^bTrust Suit Natural ...... ' six and a half Innings by cold and ^ 'ter Gus Zernial had squared the Juliua Green.slcin, Portland, Maine, I , Rrirrsneers settle Jar.^donm Into . ' the dark and dank, confine* of the rain. scHre at 3,ail tn the eighth for th* N *"' Yoi-lt — fN E A ) V U re-•selves are construed In their iilg. fifth, 11 . Huskies A's.'Dmk Dono.van started and hit CAPTAIN EASY Hoidihg Out BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Enough BY MERRILL BLOSSER mended the code include, the "10' , , \ as a . r e -, ** they are expected Rocky Fails to Reach Verdict point must" scoring system, ; mained for lx>xing. In this Black-■ V to. do for the sixth time in. seven bJtttcilbej/re Maine could retire a two-lim homer for-the Sox, but t CAUSP lAcKEE. MR<»: povue. Hfi'LL PUTAlAgOB l WANT TO S EE IT THATXL SOUND If the goverlfinent wilts, no- I -j'li gniind like an old broken one mafirTwh Dube's bases loaded Millard Hqwell picked up th* de- VES, its ABOor ‘ ThATS w h e w VOUkE 'W •"T he complete (DPPosiTiE Under'that a.vslem: the boxer alone era of sports, to come up MS'LL PkV VOU giaooo TO iST PLAQUE ON THe NBN AAVSeiP. TO VI5ITTK P » « M PRINT, THIS COPY VOU ^ body seems to have a _ ' chncrelS record in' tt)e club- triple was the big blow of the In­ clsion In re lief. ,HUA getAOVe THAT OILAPIPATPP PLANT, BARKINd THB 5M0P WHERE HE Fifit eUTlHAVS WCONd— AMY HtP.CAT OF A SCHUOC FROM. KOKOMO. winning a round must receive 10 with full-dress legal proceedings idea of what will happen, H)»6AND»oeAru WROTE FOR THE 'YtAI? o r KtrrtM knows ' shock Lurr, 0>Le'« SLAVED DAV AMO A HUNCH VOUP SCXDK ! I JUST PONT On Plans to Quit Boxing Game points. The loser could receive art.v THAM shoe 'AAEANS v t x w PkS ME NO ------which make sense to the people in '\Vorf.v for .41. Weill shouting about -mental lapsea- ciit recprd’at 2-1-1 snd Maine's at scored Detroit's in the first, HUAWLf WART A » MOHr, MVENTIN<> u n p e r s t a n p it / number qp to nine and both )x>xers . S A C K T O N o n e IM KICK V0UR.5ELP Htge HI-FI AMP SUPER-SOWK- the' Along the boxing beat, the rami- 0- 2, but then Wynn al ed four hita AN ai9)i»rgiALi«r! T W N O fi 0000 IP NS WITH- VOU SAY •' an' could'receive TO, or a draw for the missing a algq., etc. The Dodgera’ A MTE W OT. VOU A BEAL FINE FROSTHEAP— Macon, Ga.. April, ’21 Rocky* wiih.Jtm Norris, president of the He the government "antl-triisl" ficatlons have been examined with the real of the wvay ' le A l Smith ' SHOE*— VOU H A D lb Marfiano, king of. the heavyweight | round. jind evCrvbqrly else will throw bad­ S K .m LSAT fnt$:rnational Boxing Club. Nor­ suit against Jim Norris and the US*-upual thoroughness. Weil), for singled home the run In BE ASLE^ WHEN VbU boxing world, hasn't, abdicated yet. | ris has proposed q heavyweight At present, although the NB a ly occasionally. Bali* will be hit .SCHOI«AHTIC BAHEB.VLL InternHtional ’ Boxing Club, a n y - one worry, through .their legs ami they'll drop the fiftp off loser Ned er. _ FAH c y wrote T»iA T/y . The champion and hla manager. title fight In Septomber. He ha* recommends the point sy/tem. body who know* boxing realize* "If^ a rr| *,J ^ ^ s a loae’ on this, New -Britain, 17, East Hartford A1 Weill, left this mid-Georgia city plairs for a seilet of elimination some states score by .rounds and pop flies. But the stronger clubs 8. (6. cold I. - * ’R i n t i n c , that there has )>een a definite anti­ doe*-lt■ -It mean me,/me ,lijf?l Rocky got to rsrely pull, a rock. That'* on* of Ojl.YMPIAN TO COA< today without reaching *' deci.ilo'n i (touts to select a challenger' for "others use. combinations of rounds trust movement since the game take less money,when we fight?" Bulkeley 4, New London-2, T h i e f River Fall*. Minn. UP) about Marciano’s fut\ire. There ha* Marciano or to provide-a queces- and points. the numeious things that separate Windsor 4. Rockville 4, (Tie), started. h* asked. ’ them from thc'havenots," Johnny Matrhefta. member of th< been considcriible speculation that sor If Rocky steps down. . Norffs Informed that was not the case, (5. ralnr. 19.56 U.S. Olympic hockey team . . , -,-jsjn)K»dV truata pobodv In ,this The season waa only two. days the champion. Is about ready to is talking In terms of a $.50n.000. ■A) cancele'd hla law book Order. Woodrow Wilson, 5, Farmington will coach the Thief River Falls hang up his gloves, >( I'OUr Laurel Lolls.racket *ny«Ay;^ old when the Corsairs knew that gate. Which might be enough to •noise? Al Weill, manager of Champ Segal aaked "around ■2. . J ., , High School Naqu^ next aeaaen. convincatoe Rock he ahnuldTnake mental error* would coSt .them The Brockton. Mass., knockout I V I ilV K j a j i e h ’ r i p i ’ h v R/Nky. Marciano, Mks. Broadway for a "line" on,.the af­ Middletown 2. Welhei-sfleld 0. The team heldsTha stats klfti artist, admits he’s been giving some at .least one mor* defense of his I T i a v l / t - l l » y governmept s complaint fair. . money. Bragan -fined Dale Lnn'g PlalnvlHe' 11, Olaatonhury 4. hockey tournament' crown. thoiighf; to retiring. But he says lUle. "Nobody would quote me a 850 for rutting off a throw, Ro­ . » dates back to 1952. In the peri- berto Clemente the. same amount he ha.s not yet decided whether to Both Mar'clann and Weill said Four' odical court wrangle^a sinc.c; the price," he aaid. "I think this will Ijiurel, Md... April 21 'Ah fpr n)iaslng a squeeze sign. LI call .it quits or defend again the whatever the other Wanted’ to do 1,'nited ■ States Supreme Court be I fight,with absolutely no bel­ colt* will run a mile and slxteelUh "Pitching is the best thing we ' MORTY MEEKLE emonst rating THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE * title he. won in .September, 1952, by I would be all right, but neither finally rilled th a t-\joxing, unlike ting action ' BY DICK CAVALLl Mother’^ Plea BY WILSON SCRUGGS at I/aiiTel today'and may. wind up have ' ' Explains ^ the pilot. "SndN y 'knocking out jersey Joe Walcott Would be’Specific on the matter of in Kentucky. basebuil, could )>e prnse<'Uted ’*on There'are enough throw-ins on BOWL THE MODERN WAY! T WHAT^ NEW In the,13th tound. ' L. retirement. . "The Chesapeake Stakes gives anti-trust charges. the deal the legality 'of television dur defense is' improved. But our-[ i_, I'TrstMeetlng In M’onihs ‘Tough Uerlaion to Make* owners of Besomer, Roman Bat Hasslit Could Be Tough and exclusive- service contracts, power is largely confined to Ule-.i The champion and his manager <;'lt's a tough deciaipn to make," tie, ' Born 'Mighty 8nd Flight Hla- | The hassle, conducted under "the for '"example to keep a law flym mente and Frank Thom as. W ei T«n (10) GHfofflofic pin Mt- hadn't seen each other for three Marciano aald. "M y wife and fam­ lory, |i real insight Into whether It rules of the Sherihah, AnTi-Truat busy looking facts up for s year, must scratch forxnythl'ng we get." i -months until' they got together ily want me to quit'but som'ethlng will lie wjifflK 'ridlowlng up their I'l^aw, could prove .almost a* tough f'ould Affect Schedule Thoroughly EXpefIrnred Mrs ar* row in eptroffon. I ' bpre yesterday for appearances on ss important as this takes time'. IJfiby eligibility by going to Ken for ‘ ^Promoter Norris aa put.Ung A decision agaihst Noi;ri* might ' Bragan,' th* .part Chlca.saw In­ a benefit program to arise funds Al and I have a lnt,.,of Islking to tucki' May 5. on a heavyweight rhamplon.ship drastically chafige the striictimc of dian Sunda> school teacher, .of : do." . Fort WorlJi, gently -reminds yojij Optnirigs for ^ morning and ■'St' tor, a'new youth center. And they Six: other 3-year-nlds entered In match this summer. Wednesday and Friday hlght tele- Were kept so constanil.V on the go Marciano, who will be 32’ In Sep­ the. Chesapeake could knock the “ These cases uau'ally take about vleed shows. ' * that he is/thoroughly experienced they found litLle time tn talk. tember, has defended hi* title six Idea into a cocked , hat. With the three, weeks. , After that I f * up But. for those, hoping .lt might with baaebairs..underground, too. oftornoon roMrvofions. Weill pLaaned 'to fly back to times. Hi* latest victim was Light $16,825 flrat prize, a* their immedi­ to: the judge," a member of th* mean a -thince for a- new pro­ "I played shortstop for the old Heavyweight. Champion Archie PhllllBi in 194(fc41-42. and I don't Nerw York today. Mafeiano, who ate goat are Mrs. C. B. Flachbach'a United Slates Attorney's office moter to enter the business, little Trg Bowling Un These Fast and DependabI* BiaehiMS has Just returned front a atx-week Moore. Moore', Floyd Patterson Ffiwly Mr., Happy Hill Farm’a- saya." hope is held. have to add that we-fin,Zhed dead' • South' American vacation, planned and Tomihy (Hurricane) Jackson Klngmaker, Mrs. Henry Hecht's The judge la Sylvester J. Kya|v,« "Noborly ia crazy enough to get last each time out. CSsey Stengel to drive to Atlanta where he ulll havc'^been menubned,. among Be/ii Fond, -Howell F. .lacksOn's The caae dfsta ' with Norris' Into boxing today," Judge I. T. •had the Braves t)ven and they were' spend a couple of day* ,'Vith others, as possible aucccssorsn if Tick Took, Montpelier's Nahodah, ) method of running fight*. . H|a Flalto-aaya. always seventh and not much bet­ MANCHESTER BOWLING GREEN friends, theh i*eturn to Brockton Rocky cetir*a. or poaslble foes for and Roslyn Farm's Morning After, excluaive .conlracta with . televi- -Judge Flatlo.^ Just sold hla ter than the 'Ppils. Casey's genius by_ way of New York City. tlie September“ e f i t ...... bout. If.... the champ - Bom M ighty-I/C..V, Whitney's I aion, radio and 'ipovi* companlaa Ridgewood Grdv* club To a ptiper- 'wasn't working Uios* days, you AS4 CENTER ST. — Ml 3-4112 . - . Both lndie.ated 'they want ,tb talk oontlauM fiflhUiif, third potential Derby candidatoA—altmg,with\A— ale th* flghters. them- markef chain. <- 1 *

FACE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, ARRIL 21. 19S6 Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., s a t u r d a y j a p r i l 21 . i968

J^tOBiobilas for Sale 4 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! BY PAGALY and SHORTEN Help WantMl— Mal« M Rds WaalaA— ArticlaB For Sala 48 Articlee Per Sale 4S HoaiMlioM Goode Sl Wanted To Rent M Hooioi For Sale 72 Houaea For Bela 72 Suberban For Sale 75 Subarban For-Sale a r Mala «r Feaialt REAL BRISTLE paint bruahea, STATION W'AGONS TABULATING aupenrlaor I.BJ<. m «B . MAROON cloth cdM with USED U* Chest type freoaar, ^bod imOENTLT NEEDBO. four or ANDOVER. BOLTON OLA8TOHBURY —Monehutar Rd. WANTED—House let, A or B none, Classified Should be quallflM tb Inatall and H ELP' WANTED: Fellow Oinno- i also home made noalbif aoap; MANCHESTER Cuaterfl bnllt 81$ room ranch. Wall lur collar and cuffs. Authanttc working condition. Beat offer tokoi five room apartment by young and VICINITY MANCHESTER with dity water. Good ntighber* / IMM Ford CXNint Squire. Ra'dio A s k 'toUR PP/CKiATRifT.' WViK iT ^ H IN B ut t i t MIM ACT UlS SNOOT SmL OS OLC operate a new installation. Reply . erata to work lor aucceae in the ■ Call MI. 9-757S, Kavobo blanktt, two poire beauti­ It. ImfUtre' after 5 p.pi.. 14 South .monied couple tffiUi new baby. tOVENTRY and Vicinity to wall eSrpst, storm* and hood. Write Box D, HoraM. I t • by letter flv in f full particulara oerMna sttocheti g a i^ a and Md heater, er ateerlnf. ORiPNooote IS eoNE cold soseq Mrs POPSWULL r MOO CAN'T ^ MIMOUT FROM Town Committee Primary, May i ful linad drapes. Ml- I-77S3. Hawthorne St, "'k Resaonable rent. MI. 8-7080. > 88,800—Six room ranch, one block Excellent location near bus line Advertiseincnt Ford^o-maWc, AllERSlC ID DRIVING MIS SuWER aa to tratninf. er^ritnea and 1, IS-8 p.m. No aalary. bonus- C o f iN T R Y e s t a t e Newer path). Near golf course. *Madellna UNDER TMf STEEQiNCr . . off Oovonti7 Lake. Throe and shopping canter. Two family. LISTiNaS vIa NTED - CLASSIflED ADVt. . /■'v ' salary expected, write Box E, U7&moc7aVT.7;V.*^Urr*^^ >«• 8AUS<-U 3-1% oO^he ISO ______TWO OVER8TUFFED living room WANTED—Three 6r four bqdroom large 8 rtgim hotite, 31* ' betha, Smith.. Realtor. MI. 8-1643. two-famuy, throo-temlly, boM* l»M ,Ford Cutthm ri ch wafon, Herald. « .w .- .i__1__.... .w.i— , *-e842 .after • p.m. - m the Blue RIbboir coftocUon book/ chairs. 8 ie't3 rug and pad, two iMlupe or duplex apartmentaportihent Fern-Fom' rooms, large fieldstone Uraplace, 4 end 3. Let 100' X IBS'-. QA host, penal, sttarhad 2- MIM’T SDU S1DP.*V0U‘RE L IA > I ALONf! X rihe tollowinf district chairmelr, corner lot. vacant. Exceptional fl- noos. property. , Have m i ^ : DEPT. HOURS radio ind haalar. MNOCONOmON 1. P i TVs 6100 -hondla taxtora'-oatiit. It 'folding caihp cots. Ml. LeSIS,' Uy with rhildrcn, rhildrcn excellentexet refer esr garage, artaalon wall, 4H BOLT6n , Goodwrln Road — Thfrat, ’ U n'ri.kM . __ PRiVilMIDM. ^ainT^eversien in. DWrict 1. Pw ral Maatranfelo. myj. ' „p|,,it, plant ,,opan. noiicjlqg'AYhUable. city utilltlts, ekcelltnt/condition. •WDkV^PPVf' SOORtVET j a 5n. 8-7MS Diatrict 3. Lee Silver makes old qeiUnts took‘ HR«. hew. eoceo. Colt ctMlect OreenftekI, acraa.'wondarful. view, near Park­ bedroom ranch; Plootcred walls. 8:1S A. M: to 4:30 P. M. 1158 Studebaker V4. H tar 4nd fsrriRC0Nbi«MiMf MANAGER SHOES Gravel, qhnd, atone, rich loam 83 Priced at only $14.90^/ hardwoodhanfwood floomfleora, flr«nlGrAfireplace, bAA**baaa- ?*.*^** H ^ ^ **® * A. stein. MI. 9-0«38. pr N. Charles Green Point odd ItoUpaper'Q)., Magg., PReoimtt $ ^ I , way,-28 min. tp Hartford. F.H.A. overdrive. Like liew, a yard delivered In truck loada. J lt ^ c E 'GAS stove, lA very -gn.tiOO rdnga.—Two now hoihe ment garag*. \ acre lot. garden, R nher, M L 9-Mitt, m Self-Service Dept.. Store -Hipeninf Bofflni, ta 9-0073. DIetriet 8. next to Mancheater KnlttutK Mult 'ta-mhe Owner may live In.dna apariihtnt. .appraised evartoaUbigrprica. Ask- COPY CLOSING TIME Nussdorf Sand and Stone Co. MI. St the Green. Open from t a m.' * Bd ^ d iU op , Tel. Ml. 8 4868. in Ilabron, one ranch and the excellent neighborhood. Asking Stroot. . 1554. Plymouth 8uburbk|i. aeon requires manaftr for ahoe Mrs. Mary Rnaa. MI. 9-1073, Dis­ 9-7408. om Vmse, » Cops. nrapUcos, ^ m m t gs- Revenue from dUitr apartment 'ing |S8.<»0. 7 FOR CLASSIFIED APVT. Two lone freeii. \ dept. Phone Mr. Marcus, T;Ml to trict 4, Norman Com'ollo, MI. 6 p.m. WANTED-llirea bedi 314.900. CJaH owner. MI. 8-7070. I 4BriTi ■ family of five. MI. 8-ll rogeo) H acre lota and ninny other OLD SALT-TsJK»t — Six room*, USTm OS WANTED In Md and • :M cveninfa, at CH. 7-3312. Open-j 9-94M. . NOTICE BUILDERS-W e are now fcaturoo. Buburban livtag at Its new homes. BUytrs waltliig, Simsm / MON. THRU FRI. i W PLymoiith SubqilMn. tlT, good- condition. par year.'' ny praaant' time. For bath, ilraplscae, poniponallng, riow, COVENTRY - - '8mal|.,tour room Inf available also 'for aaststant. booklnf orders for machine cut nsbU. MI. 8-S8U. best. '■ / year 'round cottagSvArtealan welt, wont occupancy now. ioma and o( Tt*’o tone brown. ^ NIGHT CRAWLERS. Cell Ml. tartha^'^prmation caH . acreage, oaktng 111.800. 10:30'A. M. * X manafer. stone. 4" btd. 8" to 8" helfht. 1' 3-5618 after 3:80 p.m. fireplace,eploce, copper {^ftibtng.phtmi Ex- school. T. J. Eocott, Broker. ML Farms end Land For S a ie ^ $18,600—Four for 4lvo>, botlroom 1545 Oldamobilr; Model M. Situslions Wsntcd— to 8'*’ lonf. covers.40 aq. ft. per TWO BEDS/qpmploU. loirs, sink 5>'$ Room Ronrh Typa—Garage, reptionally small dciWN payment. 8-7663. J . f SATURDAY 9 A. M. with fsucela. Bwta^y; r cottage. . no. Eight rooiM in all. Clesa to door, alx^.' paakenjter.^^ Rad KS WANTED -Man for fcnkral office Fcfflilt 38 ton. Sawed bed edfc 3" bed. 3' to SUPER-FLAME space heetkr; four ABOUT EIGHT acrot, m o ^ .CHARLES IjESPERANCE raeraatlon room, 3 .-Acres, only Priced vary low fdr immediate heater. bVi . >"S lot. Completely Iqnd tattlnf- ■ threads. ■ • . At TYour Yarn portatton. Cara that can't be eeen I-ftfie Hands and Machin- days. Tropical ftah and aquarium, work horse*. Large wall mirror; senting Olda, Selmer, - Ped- . Exterior wood tltliiflt. Well land­ from the itreet. Uook behind our 'ThAM.'U Ter LOAM FOR SALE. WJlIIlam / 'i. scaped lot. Suitable F.H.A. or room raiichc* under construetton scaped. 10 minute* walk to.schoiris tODERN — Sevan room stone Shop. 50 Cottafe St. Phone SH. supplies. Puppies. hamsters.' Mine box with saw. Miacellaneoua ler and Bundy. Metter’i Music and bus service, MI, 8-4068. Otilce. Douflaa Motori, 333'Main. ijrta, with feneral shop ax- /'afea. accessories, all pet supplies baby equipment. Call MI. 9-47,52. Steel* A Son. Phone MI.‘ 8-7|<2, ( V.A, mortgage. Immk------' WOMEN WANTED for feneral ience. 50 hour' week. Good oppor­ po4vder.liorna. atu^d onlmaia, old at only $14,800. paradise. Hdusea Main St., Covantry PI. l-6$72 open meetinf of Mancheater PackaiM. > conditioners, freexera, A. and W. *^^*-**^*N^’ Sldinf a ^ carpentry, work in dry cleaninf and laundry tunity. For Interview call Ml. •-S391 and we will bring order z„ne tp Buatneaa Zone ell or p'art all fiber-glgsa covered, at ' Bor- MANCHESTER — Pleasant older EXCLUSIVE AGENT y Refeiferation Co. MI. 9-1237, BU. post cards, etc. Mr.. 3-8717^ Stan, 18 ST. LAM’RBNCE STREET— ' contain numerous Group, A|cholics Anonymous, Hol­ ^ additions. Cell- eatabhahmept. Knowledfe of 9-5285. home with us at 5 p.m. to 58 of tri« following proper- ■tow's, Juat north of Post Qffice. in hew homes today. Price V home, with, fiv* rooms firat floor, EAnrCRN CJonnccUcutVExceptlon 9-S19«. Ml. 9-0055. Spruce St. ^y. 70 Milt St. Seven room older home Juat 1 ... REALTORS end APPRAUlOtS , lister Street School auditorium, 1949 FORD CLUB coupe, Black. '^rknianahip guaranteed, ehirt unit helpful but not necea- Alao 3L' cruiser and 2 17' models $I8.000-$18.000 bracket. thi;ee rooma aacond . floor, hot oI buys dairy, poultry nrma, withwltl Radio and heater. Reasonable. —from $845. Also eU th* new 1856 block from Center Street. One- 'heater .oil heat. Large lot with Saturday, April 31, 8:30 p.m. ! ASHES AND rubbish removed. D.'. JiltA'* *** Autumn j|,ry Apply 'Towne Cleaners, 348'! ■ NORTHERLY by the highway or withoutw i f ...... stockk, 3 to 8Q0 ocras. MI. 3-6.53«. SlrFFt. Jvil, o'4R60, . I -Main - . — St., Manchester. These— are I I-ABORERS, outside work. Call MI. * w . . — rrriHtTaMiTa r-.n known aa Route 44A, Three Evinrudes, 3 to 38 h, p. Bar- car garage. Good home, for $18,800—Oxford’ St. Another new traea, garden apace and barn. Welles . Agency , CoYontn), PI. I.,aWn work, trees cut. cellars Rooms Without Rbard 59 large family, ^ o traffic street Wa n t e d —Ride from Manchester 1 permanent poeittons. j 9-6089 after 8 p.m.»-- | MI^9-46i8 Thousand Two- Hundri'd Eighty- Btow's, phone MI, 8-7234, Term s- ranch nearing completion. Two fire­ Pribe $12,800. Madeline Smith, 3-4873 to Whitney Chain, 7 to 8:30. Call 19.52 CHEVROLET de luxe, foul cleaned. Hape.ra' and r*8* taken ! FOR THE BEST in Bonded biitlt CLEAN. COMFORTABLJB, \ well for amall children. Owner's ROoltor. MI. 1-1842. away, free. MI. 9-0142. Trades. Also Industrial Moulded places, three bedrooms, nice MI.^838a. door sedan. Radio, heater, food up roofs, shingle roofiI. twltera I SILK PRE.SS>,R, G»X)d pav. Apply WANTED - Man; part-time. lo r ' . ■■ "% AqTFR/^hvTaTih Paceships. .j.;-:, ^ heated large room. Private home, transfer Is your good fortune. realdentlql area. ROCKVILLE—Hera is th« valua:aa tires, excellent rondltinh throiifh condiictoia and roof repatra call Manchester xf,n/.he.i.c Drvrirv nCleaners. t..,!.;. Ml.'m i - outside groundaround workwork. Prrmenent.Permanent. old femele EASTERLY h> land nl Mancheater.' Connecticut, Dr call. .Sixty-two Ji)62i feel, more or less. $13,400 NEW r a n c h homes now Six room Cape Cod. baths, M l. 0-0444 after 5 p.m. MI 9-2280. '"'"I?!**;.,.*?"" Motors - Trailer*. \ being built. Three bedrooms, ce- the model for you. Imimssible to ejoaet space, Ule bath, tall cellar. Auto Driving School 7-A1 Mitchell -5-5183 for appointment. Poultry and Supplies 4.3 2. To /change from Re.sidence • CLEAN, comfortable room, Re- find a better location Yo-ralse your cabinet kitchen, porch, ohai trees, with ramTe)m u tile ...... bath hot water heat, tall $18,700. Cdme ready to buy and move In. LAWNS .MOWED, jcai dena plowed. ~ — ------" ' Roger* CorpoSation, Mill and Oak- .....Zone. to...... Zone . all...... or part . fined lady or gentleman family than this, sector-of town. 314,%. Webster Agency, TR. 3955 FQRD ^opvertlble. May be MORTIXICK'S-Mancheater * lead- Cellars. atitca and garages NEED MONEY to bolster the deal) work. -71 Chestnut St. MI. cellar, >/t,acrc. trees, view. Subur­ aam at 79 Welia^t. between 5 and driving school. Professional land Sfk., Manchester, Connecli- CHICKS and turkey poults, of the following described proper- MclNTOSH BOAT CO. 5-3745 ^ Uhja. cleaned. General outdoor cleai^g '____ IjLcaUng— I lURlbing I/ ] budget? Four hours a day with cut. Little and. McKinney, Inc., 15 ly. 9-5784.. ban. Pick your own colors .and lot $33,000—18 the asking price of this WARREN E. HO WLAN T p.m. ; teaching by a akiUed. courteous Avon Cosmetics will bring you a now Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, and rubbish removal, Ron . 52 Oak St. neat 4 'bedroom coloni'al on Gerard 1 REALTOR S U B U R B A N -4^ 88.000. Two fern ------, ■ Instructor. George Mortlock. MI. Theriault. MI. 9-7555 good income. MI. 3-5195. WAREHOUSkTTlAN-for pe'rr^anem ‘ ______NORTHERLY by land now or PLEASANT, attractive rooma In .Mi. 8-81S3, Ml. 8-4694. MI. 8-1108 MI> 1983 NASH RAMBLER, all ■r“ ' I 9-7398. Instructor-Consultant for PLUMBING and heatlng^^epalra , J work, Companv benefit*. Apply------1------:---- r ------;------formerly of Hano and end now St. Large corner lot. garage, fire­ ily hotto* 8 and 6. Largo lot, ox clean, private* home, doe* to bath place and numerous other extras. 10 Drive D after 8 p,m. M l.; Vam iieater and contract worn. Call 1 «. 9-8541.' HIGH SCHOOI, girl* Or women to Goodyear tire A Rubber Co 180 A rlic lc * For Sale 4o or formerly of De^DeCiantis. lantis. . Four Open daily 9-9 ‘ MI. 9-3102 and wow*)-. Central ' location. CAPE COD-78 Barry Rd, (Rolling \cetl*nt buy. Many mors |latinga of If your home is "bustin' at th* PRACTICALLY NEW Ml kininda from $8,000 Ira Coll The I •: ~— ^------’ , "7 " ...... ' work in dietary department. Goodwin St., East Hartford Cohn !£ • Hundred Eighty (480i feel, pior# Breakfast if desired. 14 Wada- Park). Garage, porch, aluminum Hnuschold Services aeama" then look this one over. a- Enavroorth Mitten A t*oencyr ' LARSON'S DRIVING steady work, 10:30 to 7:15 pm- Phone BU. 9-3424. POWER MOWERS or less: WOLVERINE apeedboat, 12'. Takes wtirth St. MI. 3-4821. combination. Shown by appoint­ 6 Room Cape IVith Two Baths . . Rual CERTIFIED USED CARS j.“M;’^rh;\rer'. o^Vy'^l^ln.f *’^lld Offered 13-A Movlng—Trucking or I0:.50 to 3:.50 p.m, or 3:.50 t o ------.______' E.A.STERLI’ l\y land now or ment. MI. 8-8970. No agents. Good clean listings like this one tore.____ MI.. 8-8030 orr rMrMrs. May.6rii. up to 17 h.p. motor. Tip top con­ are darn scarce. Ask any real es­ Hot water, oil heat, plastered walla, MJ. » % 4 3968 Olds Super iu Holida.v con-! «?rilH*d Instructor. For .your safe FLAT FINISH H9lland window Storage 20 7:15 p.m. Apply in person to GENERAL machinist with aptitude I Three famous makes. No down formerly of .Sumner, et al. One dition, MI. 8-7587. CENTRi^LLY located. • pleasant storm sash and screens. Near bus verUble coup*. Fully pdwered ! ' I ! ! * " ' ' * p r o p e r - All ; ., uieiiiian,dietitian. 1 10 to i 2 p.m. aaidaily, for precision work. Good oppor- 1 P*.vment. 82 weekly. No payment* Tliousand Three Hundred Eight twin bedroom next to bath. On^ or HIGHLAND PARK aectlon— Older tate dealer. •, ■hades, made Id measure, /' ...... "" ■ ■ ' — ■ home, ten rooms, two garages; otid agbool. ' ROCKAOLLE-'hils home Will ap^ and“ equipped . with many e x t r a * ______9*®07o.______"< £_ metal Venetian bill blinds at a new 1 Memorial Hospital, tunity for .amhitlotrs man For in- until June, and Eight Tenths (1308.8), feet, two gentlemen. MI. 9-6801 after and long dlaion/e moving pack-1 5:30. large lot with plenty of tree*. Ex. 131.000—A beauty—this ranclf just peal to’ the junior execuUv* who at a tremendoua saving*. 1 ^ r d n e R AUTO Driving School. low price. ke\V made while you lervlew call Ml. 9-5265 more or les.s: Dii>inoii(l»-^Watchc»— off Porter St. LMded with many MANCHESTER/ likaa the n % ry of a small aatata ing. storage. Coil MI. 3-5181 Hari- CAPABLE SAI.KSOIRL to Aork In B U D C E T c e n t e r - -SOUTHERLY by land now hr , cellent condition. M Kenneth Oa- 3966 Plymouth Belvedere hardtop. Learn t» ddlning room (en dA ^ U y ana). heater. Many extras. Like new.; LQWEST PRICES In towp, female and floor tile. Let iia modermxe MI, 9-5273. 100' NON CLIMBABLE wire fenc- died Five Ill0 5 i feel, more pr EAST CENTER ST.-Suitabie for l6ok this one over. $18,300. Shown by optoointmant 81095. inatractor, dual control, standard I.lgjn (rucking and package deliv­ log; Steam radiator 30' heating les.s, NICE LARGE room, privatg office and home.’ ' Teh rooms, ' EiA’BL ROHAN Webster Agency, T|l/\^T48 any THEN see this attroctiv* older, f-room hbm*. l i ’a Imraoculata, ers Refrigerators, 'washers and PART TIME work, must know lyp. I rapacity. Call MI.- 9-9611. To change fronr Residenc* Fuel and Feed 49-A trance, parking and kitchen, pri- steam heat, dtl; fireplace, two WOW—In Bolton, a Irtie "suburban 8-7638 time. In good eondltton, w i& M e df oM lty from tha 16x31 U' 3961 Dodg* V-8 Sierra station time.ume*"‘r M. v ^ and d MM. Trivinr^’c Driving School. h ^ ' eM.mre;:\':irMi Buckland. I sjove moving specially. Folding ing. Apply in person. Campress, 5 SALESMAN ^ Zone to Business Zone .sl! or p^rt vilege*. For on* or two reflned bathrooms two-egr^garage. large estate," a“ home for a Country room with, fireplace to the 18x15 niMtarmkstar bodepom (tbe(tbs oo*« wll wagon. Radjo. heater, tint MI. 9-6541 hairs for rent. MI. 9-0752. South Main Sl. 5.5' GAL. BARREUS, 14 Arch Sl...... w . gentlemen. MI, 9-4171. l()t Ample parking. Mortgages ar­ Squire," but call it what you may, MANCHEIOTER—Charming 3 year ROCKVILLE, Ilit Union 8f 4 windows over the porch), And, theraa a S-ear fOragal 8I..50, all over $1. See Cecil Dor- de.sciihed proper- DRY F1REPI.ACE and furnace old Colpnlal. High location, excel­ glooa, .automatic tranimlaaton. " I TRY US FOR leupholstering. slip ranged. A real bargain. For ap- here Is a georgeous home on. beau­ family, fine CiondlUon, 81195 90 year old insurance company wobd. $10 a load. Call MI. 9 1353. FURNII^HED ro o m ', all convent lent i^ghbotb()od. This six room r>- i aA cover*, draperies, tug’ cleaning.' WOMEN F"OR telephone sales work . pointment call George L, Oraaia- tifully landscaped grounds. 23 come, good location, on Painting—Papering' 21 from own home. Also work from'* will hire and train a man between — ______;______:______NORTHERLY tiy the highway lences, near Main 8|. Call Ml. home'^ has three bedrooms and G arages— S ervice— S tora ge 10 I Free delivery service. All work age* 27-45. preferablv rnarried. \dlo. Realtor. Ml. 9-5878 acres In alk Housp has five bed­ cloM to schools.' First floor WALTON W. GRAN'iVBwItor 3988 .Stb^ebaker V-8 sport coupe. I local office. Good pav. Apply Box 17 " TABLE MODEL television with k'-own as .School Roa.l 3-7964. rooms. two baths, garages, tool bath upstairs, large living room 'Radio, heater, overdrive. Ex­ “ ...... (fuaranteedoi. ' -Smith's .. Upholstery I PAINTING—Exterior and interior, Willi good education. 6ase income swivel- table, excellent condition, EASTERLY hy lairds of Negro. Garden— Farm- -Dairy ment Vacant May 1st. $17,900, SOS Andrews Building, SI B. Coutor St^-^io OARAGE FOR RENT Spniye St -■ -- M, Herald. ' ' T^REB .FAMILY, very central, ahed, an old-faahloned "out-hoi»se” fireplace, dining roqm, kitchen 8-1238. • cellent condition-...... 8995. near East Center St. Call MI. .Shop. 245 Main SI. MI. 9-4663 paperhanging, celllnga refiniahed. 1 _ plus co'mmtsaions and bonuses will 840, Boy's full sixe bicycle, 813. ' UaS!K(oli and Lomharrl in part Products 50 NICE. CLEAN room for one, at good condition...... 5-5-4...... Carltonton W. and lavatory downstairs. Dish Evenings MI. 3-7267. Wallpaper books on request. EsU pay 8,5.000 to $10,000 firat year, Re- where you don't have to worry 3-8469, / ______A A P TEA COMPANY 2.57 Spruce St, by each. Tlii.s. hoiinrlary .shall ba Center. Bath shower, parking, 39 Hutchins. MI. 9-5134, 9-4694. about plumbing failures, pictur­ washer and disposal, knotty pine 3989 Olda Super 88 4-door sedan. 3- WEAVING of burns moth hole. I **'’• " Ed- , Applications accepted for Grocery confidential ------' " depth of IV o Hundred (200) STRA’WBBRRY plants, - Robinson, Hazel St. MI. $-7083. enclosed porch, combination alum­ tone. radiOi heater, hydramatic. esque stone wuls. etc. etc. Now- and t o r n / _____ ‘P «*., Hartford on full" hLAGSTONK Good a.s*ortment. feet from Route 8.5 F)urfax and Premiere. Fern par- HOME VALU|:S inum windowa, two car garage. In Sharp.'...... — ...... 8995, W ILLIMANTir HA. .3-'2fi(il Bird baths,, pots gazing-globes. SOirTHERLV tiv dens, .179 Fern St. MI.'3-7278. ‘ vaesnt. Asking $37,500. but sefisible Mt>torcye.lai— Bievclea It handbag* repaired, xtpper re-1 PAINTING AND paperhahging, i land of Fred offer* are always Considered.' excellent condition. Owner moving flamingos, hijehing post Jockeys, 1 Lui-k: and ROOM AND'GARAGE for rent. 165 BOLTON-Tolland Road. Four out of state, Phone Frances Jft Many Others At Lowest Price* placenienl. tinibiellas repaired..jj Repair or new worl...... work. First class! •Many Benefits West Center St. Ixiw Payment* ^UiKS. CHAIN drive trikes trl- Paid Holiday* iron lawn fnrnilure, ceramics. ' WE.STERLY hv lb#, highway large room ranch. Oil hot air heat,, Many more listings. What are you Wognar. MI. 9-1187. Other listinga Easy Term* ^ men's shin collars leveised and work at reasonable rates, Ray- j Contractors, .landscapers, nursery Fertilizers SO-A fireplace. \ acre lot, aluminum Bank Rates i cycles, ■ pedal car*. Rebuilt. replaced. Marlow * Llltl* Mend- 1 niond Flake .MI 9-9237. Five day^Veek known as Route 8.5 1 fitieeti.. ROOM IN private home. Inquire looking for? Call us. avalUMe. \ , • ( . painted like new for half the price HOOD HIMOR men. discounts on. flagstone. Open Windows and doors. Priced $10,800. mg Shop. ------^------4>f>od Starting Wage daily evenings and'Sunday Pike ZO.NTNG COMMISSION State Tailor Shop. MI. 3-7383. Af­ CHORCHES MOTORS ^ <« ctfei .M.iii Rd. m i . 9-4695._____ Siek Benefits T. J. CROCKETT A.DAMSv STREET — 910,000. Six r j — ...... — ------r---- 7 I PAINTING, paperhanging floor Pottery, Berlin Turnpike. Newing. By Dona id Tedfofd cow MANURE. $10 load deliv- ter 6:30 MI. 3-5047. Vernon—Three bedroom ranch. Pension Plan ICK CREAM ered. Tel. MI. 3-6972, room amgle older home. Garden ! '■>■ 'BICYCLE RfcPAIRiNG', *11 types', D i-ij'. ------'.r; sanding'':and finishing. Old floors ton, front of Pike Theater on -Acting Cltaiiman Full cellar, large lot, high eleva­ REALTOR lot. Neville Realty. JV. 7-7992. HUIIdlng— C on tractin g 14 | lefinished. Vernon Hutrhins. Ml. Ho.spitalization D.ATED at B.olton. Conneclh'Ut, J? English a specialty. N(ow open 9 Driver Salesmen - needed for ! highway, Newington. MO 8-4709 GOOD BLACK loam, also fill for Tenements 61 tion. cerkmiq tile bath, colored fix­ Office MI.'8'5416. - Open till 9; Ml. 9-9483 g Manchester 9-2937 Group Insurance I .MO. 8-0288. this 12tlt day of April, ,* D, 1956. tures, Youngstown kitchen, fire­ Vacation with pay established lei ritorie* in your sale. 'Call between 6-9 p.m. MI. Apartments— Flats— Residence MI. 9-7751. MANCHESTER 1 , West Middle Tum- FOUNDATION erection service vicinity. Sales ca r garaged and place. A real buy end brani) new. 3954, 1953, 1tl53, 1951 CHEVRO-[ FOR YOUR final free estimate on 3-6077. R< ■ ■ CUSTOM RANCH HOME SET A i pike Ml. 1 Ml. 9-4291, Applv (tally between 8:3:3n a.m - operated from loading depot in -4 SECOND FI-OOR apartment, four eady for occupancy. Price $13,990. MANCHESTER-Hawthorne St. -> LETfl, two“'dbor.s. four doors, hard ______interior, exterior, hrilah or apray Legal Notice Brand new three beqroom ranch, AMONG LARGE PINE TREES top convertibles. Some with . » painting. Glastonbury Paint Store. 8:00.00 p.m. 'ai A A P SuperSup'ermarkel, 1 your immediate area. No oper­ COW MANURE $5 and $10 loads. I r.oonis, bath, unheated. Working ating expense or experience re­ delivered. Good for. lawns , and ; couple or adults desired. Call MI. Vernon — Six room oversized full Cellar, tile ba^, hot water l a u r e l AND OTHER SHRUBS \' Powergllde, ^dios and heatera. b o Y S ENGLISH/biXcle, 130 MI. w T " /’i- CalU'oHect. ME 3-9178 116 E. Center Sl Manr-hesler, 1] l.tqniR PFR.MIT Cape Cod. two unfinished, full shed work call William/Kanrhl Con-. — — ------. :— ...... Connecticut. quired. Above average earn­ NOTH g OF aPri.K ATIO.S Siptic Tanks gardens. MI. 3-7504 - 9-5731.' 3-7770. heat^ all utilities. Reasonably WITH RUS'nc STONE WALL ' All carry a written guarantee. For 9,7-791 dormer, Youngstown kitchen’, steel priced for a new home. $13,500, th* very beat In Used cara, aee' . ______' . .. tractor and Builder, MI. 3-7773 ings. hospitalixiltion and bonus Installation and Repair FRONTING THE 180'jtTW Ft. Lot Bonds—Stocks— , Tliij |.. I.. (5i,, iM.lir.. Dull 1 A \ - MANCHESTER (-Four room un­ hatchway, (ireplare. ceramic tile Charies Ponticelll. MI. 9-9644. Bob 01 iver. Center -Motor Sales, arrangement. Qualifications: Specialist. Has’ screened and glossed side GENERAL CARPENTRY-Allera- ' .11 T. I TH O N 'V r A i'K T O t.r S7 .8|„ur.. .Si,. Household Goods 51 furnished Xkipe Cod,'garage, pear bath, large' lot. Call now^ Priced porch, attached garage with ome- 4ft Mom St.: y Help IVanled— Majc ^*16 dependable, sober, coopeia- I .M«nchi,,,|ci liMi-' fiirO nn sppltrntioii i Business SCf,VlCM O ffe re d 11 j tton*. additions and neVv construe- —______tive with a pleasing peraonal- bus line and shopping center, im-' $13,9^. NORTH E N ^ Eight large room, site driveway. Designed and built Hon. Dorntera, porches, garage* 81.000 COSTS $22.25 monthlv-and , flsl-'d April Hi. la.rfi lllr I.iqilrtr— Sewers Gleaned mediate occupancy. Write Box Ac oil heat. AWiSe veranda,. ggarage, 3952 FORD convertible. Radio, j DOORS OPENED, keys fitted. I 11 y. I cicilltrol rrilliniililiinn fnr' If (iror-'l V Rrpi- A.VD IXST.ALLED fqr present o ^ e r ; this housequai aits and room* finiahed at reasonable, that a all Dial CH 6-8897, " f HA ~ VVAN'TED~~ 1 Permd for ilir, „al- nf alcr.holir' lioimr TWO BURNER parlor heater with Hoald. ' ' ■ Manchester—Colonial two bed­ work *h.op. Good corner lot. Sew- • i Ford-0-Matlc, white wall*.'Begu* copied, vacuum cleaners room, living room, dining room on a 30 X 42: foundation M d in- _ iron*, prices. Workmanship guaranteed I and GI-. fianerng a specialty with Men-for our press.j'Oom, First and' ! iiii Ih" prenil'"’,*. A( »ln'.« Drlv-'-ln Yi.t chrome*pipe. MI. 3-5649. er, sidewalks. $14,000. Neville corporates beauliful materjalarloli a ^ - Ml^Al'9.,. .. ft"..*____ _ WT>.. ______.tUi^A .la ilff. A sk^ I.. APPI.Y DAILY Sprlicr Sl MSlKlp'.rlri. Cellars Drained NEW THREE room apArtment. and kitchen. Double insulation with Realty. JA. 7-7992. flira mowe.a'ric.',''pu. intrc.m: [ rn ^ e r'M rS ''*!* ^ V 'T e w " " ’" “ “ Ug.gV Jlxcdtange. „ . third shifts. Apply rile lillrliieiij |..nmi»r| )iv AX'TFlOW new aluminum life time aiding. workmanship. Many cloieta, ; V-1 wia Sl,, Hartford, Copn. Complete m8urance program and GOODHl'MOR P Al'J-, FO fit A, Sprur'- St Nfsiich''.*. Hfk't. hot' water, . garage. $75 captionally large living room, With 3948 TONTIAC four dt^r. hydramaJ other employe benefits I (ri siiil will l>. roiiriiir-tod hr A.\- TWO CUSHION Lawson sofa and ihonthly. Seven mile* from, Man-1 Brand new GE furnace. Basement MANCHESTER.—Restored older 'THO.VV P Ai'KTO of 47 .9p iiir o S i raised heartly and picture wfndov^. tic drive, radio, heat'er.- 1952 CE.MENT AND .STONE maaoniy. Town and Country chair. Reasonable. Ml. 9'4H7, Chester PI. 2-6650, or PI. 2-8090. 8*rage; Excellent condition. Priced home, six rooms, baths, plus sidewalks, steps, (erraies- walls./___ ^Businew Opporlunitiea 12 SPENCER . CORPORATION Msnr)io«i*-r, s.r poriiiitir#. ------■ " ■■ ' j |17.500. . siinporch. laundry. Acre,lot. Walk Separate dining room and . large, motor,-cleab. black color/ No cash ' COMPLETE RKPAIRS bv Stuart , ANTHONY P. ACSTO cabinet kitchen with dMIng. space. outdcKif (itepiace. slso cement and 'MANCHESTER-Ideal small blisi-! P L P H L R P R O D I C IS CO, r>s(*rt April K I«.W r. TWO PIECE living room set. Holly- THREE R(X>M tarnished, heated, ■ to school, church, bus. Excellent needed, only 122.23 per hjonth. R. Wolcott! on wringer and aulO' 2-5 .lAMKS-St. NEW HAVEN Drainage Co. w(x)d double bed, chest draweis. aparimeiit. Private, entrances.! htanchester—Colonial, fiv* bed- Master bedroom With cinder block.construetton Call MI I for the retired '.man, Appli- CHAPEL ST 'value at $15,700. Maddock and Brunner's Packard: Talcottville. niatic washing machines, electric 9-6746. Television set and mlarellaneous. ' Three adults. -Reference’s. Apply rooms, new eiding,. double Inqiila- closet. Additional bedroom u'ith Opan evenings and Sundays. an( e and service sUHe. centrally Phone MIY*4143 deVos. Realtors. JA.- 3-0255, eve­ ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors, ______WANTED Man to work in gas Call MI. 9-4265 after 6. , 299 Autumn before 7. tion. aluminum triple track win- nings'MI. 9-3954. / walk-in closet. Ceramic tile bath: smaH'appliances, welding. 17J., V. BELLUCCI AND SON. mason lme increasing'accot diiigl.v. Koi UNUSUAL - AND - NICE .Manor ranch. Garage. Ruaco 'M I. 9-7*53. , , RUGS—LAMPS :■ ; remodel front to suit tenanta. riorm aaah, ceramic tile bath, pin* IM Main. Not a finance company- and T V ' specialists ainc* 1934. , *0c or irioie. with eHi-h O td e io f intci view, include phone in aiiplica. YOUNG RELI.5BLE man aood rooni office 'at IOOV2 t io n ; UVATORY. tile r a t h , v a n it y P U tE Call Rockville “ WESTINGHOUSE REF’R. t panel(;d -den. fenced in yard, in­ Chatter nieraber* of Telsa MI. •‘k* bulb*,'.511 huge size biilh*. Coin-limn. .WrHe Eastern ■DistTi6)ilmg . diiver, for -part lime morning 2400 SQ. FT. of apace for buatneaa A five room home with al- East Center St. EMERSON TELEV. i •4ached garage. cu8t(vn. built, numerable extraa. He'k Agency. Lois For Sale 71 3858 CHEVROLET two door. 1951 3-4607. . ______I plete *ali*fa<'Mon guaianleed iCo',, 11 N. Junipei Sl.. Phila. 7, Pa. work-, in drug store. .Ml. 9-814j_, offices or light industry. Second GLASS MIRROR. TUI GLASS DOOR ENCLOi* TRamont 5*7044 Siillahle for any office purpose, WASHING MACHINE floor. Centrally located. Parking in 1942. I..arge lot. 112' x 284'. MI. .1.6539. M. 9 6U3. / •MAN TO TAKE CARE of lawn, facUitie*. Ciall JA. 7-1372. Many-, many extras.>Shown hy Building Lots 5**.yr®^*L*^?**?'brand new tirek. i''***y.Douglas Motors. POWER AND hand moweia s h a r p -i-H O C K A N l ’-M (r-V R D F N S ■ , ,-r ? Entrairices DELUXERANQE- ened. Air-cooled engines repaired. | r a i mviv n.iir, ' ' hedge* and IrliH. Possible to set appointment only. Call for.fui-- URES. mREE LARGE lEDROOMS, PORCH, 833 Mom. Take J’QUr choice of any of these j Pick up ajtd delivery All wor"k 1 44 BALDWIN ROAD Help Wanted— Female 15 own hour*. Write Box N, Herald. ,f'rec parking f(ir clients. Iher information. In Town and Suburban guaranteed. Ideal Grinding Shop. 9-8421 MI 9-0257- J^pllancea In aadition tp’ be^TOm.-.guiTK Qp offices on Mam St. Air ANOTHER FIRST 1939 CHEVROLET four foot*. Motor hi mg room, dinette, jiugs. larnps.ji Inquirer Marlow’*, YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS. PORMICA COUNT* •273 Adams. Phone .Ml 9-8120.! R EG ISTERED nurse 3 to It shift E X PE R IE N C E D catpcntei wanted ' ALICE ULAMPET. jflcaltor ON THE MARKET . M a n c h e s t e r , ^ Job, nety Urea. Very clean, only 3-8979:'" — . I Apply between- 2 - 4 p.m. Laurel Apply on the job, Buttnnball Lane, Call Ml 9*77B2 tables, linoleums, dishes and other i'______^______/______A5SOCIATES REALTORS * 88.84 per month. No cash needed. Read Herald Adve* Malvor Convalescent Home Gla.stonbpry. RHCEMGLAB items. ER TOPS/ ALL CITy! UTILITIES / Brunneria Packard. Talcottville. MI. 9-4543 Five rtxjms, fuUi . baaeirnent; ALL TYPES of floor covering anline service ‘ sta* WANTED reliable n\en 17 X 27. with three large windows. WEST SIDE—Seven room coloniai, .MI. 3-7433 M « ‘ / 'n r d All wotk guaranteed Pick-i B ▼ ▼ " A Must be seen to be appreciated.' tree., city utilities, large land., Teiophone Ml 9-7620 Mun 8t. * '• ------HEATERS iwp:;car garage attached, three up. delivery, 113 Well* St. -ML tion in Manche-ster nr de* Phonc'Jle Imnicfliately MI. 3-5175. or 9-7740. scaped lot. .fJVE, RETIRE, Invest In- Sunny 9-1702. ■ FIRST CLASJS bedrooms.' Fully maulatci). Alum­ -.3847,. PONTIAC sedan four door jet sirable^ location, where ★ PLUMBING and Hartford CH. 7-0358 inum storm windows aiid doors, CHAR LES LESPEJiANCE' Florida. King-aized Iota (xily JS49 Summer Hpmes For Rent 67 double . lot. Reasonably priced. —$7.50 down, $7.50 month. F rf* SSS?: "'“'f- e l e c t r ic a l SERVICE - Wiring. LINOTYPE OPERATOR •tation. may be erected. After 7 P.M. — CH. 6-1690 DIRECTIONS: Main Stroot to School Stroot: tiiro HEATING ,May be Men by appointmem only, colorful brochure. Write West PAINTERS AGE ON Cape Cod. Available r MI. 9-7620 Florida Title Cb., 2055 McGregor 4 Mr 3 MUST i* ElnaiEN CCD See It' Da.v or Niglit / MJ, 3'1_ il05j’"“" 9:30 o.m. to '6 p.m. Kenne^l^ I^co... CALL Eatlmalea-^C^heefriilly Otren :une and firat two week* of July, Bivd., Ft. Myers', Fla:' '______inonth. Bmnncr'f Papjewtd, Tai« electrician.-Phone PT '888 after Evenings. and weekenda Ml. A— U -B —E—R—T—S "oderate. MI. 3:5871. FAM ILY HOMe seven rqpm coltm- \cott,vtUa. Operv aveninfa and SOn* 6. JOHH I. OtSON 9-0002. APPLY IN PERSON .. GASTON-WILKIE ALLYN ■gx., t HARTFORD jal with aunpqrch, apocioua rooma, Subarban For Salb ANDERSON and . E ■ ' $11,900 EXPANDABLE Caper Hot ood condition, all .utilities, oil HILLS' TELEVISION ‘ Service. r e a l t y CO,. . 74 HENJIY STREET Wanted To Rent • ■,68 .3848 ItqCRCUIIT fo4ir doer. Exccl- Available at «JI time*. Philco fac­ ^aitrl?rBtrr iEupuittg Ifrralii MOVING. WlU aacriftc* green stair water heat,.full abed dormer, one Reat, garagc) double lot wiui fruit ROCKVILLE—Biiy direct. Sava. lant «qndiUon. 8250. Coll MI, tory auparvlaed aemca.' Tal. Ml. •MI 9-4189 or 9-5731 JOHNSON ; TEL. Ml 3sS970 carpeting and'Hotpoim refrigera­ MIDDLE-'AOED COUPLE need 6 acre, aweepiag >i*w, auburbiin trees arid garden space. $1,800 P r m r w • Ward St. .Coatral. 8-8688." M l SHUM er M I S -IU *' tor. Both .excellent condition. Ml. or 5 rooms, alngls house pr«- Carlton W Hutchina. JiC. 9-8133, down for veteroiui. Coll Barbara 4-8-8. Vacancy.'aconcy. I-arga bant.I • la- . 9-8% avenings. tarrad. M L 8-3807. * t-iSti. ■ Woods I^ancy. MI; 8-77(13. gu tn I Blghload Ava., RuetHBo.' ■V ‘ ^ ♦ : J g /

- A . ' ' ■■ '■ y

Artrace Daily Nrt Press Rbb ■iv 8ATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1956 Far tte W««k Ke*4I The W ither M O B T m v i April 31. Itta lEtti^nino If^raUi Fareehat ar V. 8. Waathar Bun

. 1 2 ,0 2 1 Partijr cletey, aaaUaaed aaal N confusion and.Uia chtary group,, WWA’VWA'.VVA’V ItMibar af tha Atelt night, tew 88-W. Hair, natjw « banging around.. In tha m om lsg Lights Drive . RnraM at OrcwlatlaM About Town daw, wound up near a houaa on a Alemany^Barldw. Wedding ‘rneadny. High nen^fif. ^ Heard Along Main Stnet naighbqring straat. ; Here Tomorrow Manche$ter-^A City of Village CJtarm A woman looked out of Uia door PHiE PHARMACY Kr». Ol« . ' ' > thara. wa are told, nnd aakad what Dr., tea Ow L e r M.^Sljvar- Pprch llghU will burn brightly V VOL. LXXV, Nb. 173 (SIXTEEN P A ^ ) MANCHESTER. COJiN., MONDAY. APRIL13, 1956 aU^ i^rance . Ajency. W a the poncemcn were doing. -OPEN SUNDAYS- (CUaaUM Advatttahig an Pnga 1 () And on Some o f MaHche$ter*B S i ^ StreeU^ Too They explained they ware trying all over -Manchester tomorro.w pric!e f iv e c e n t s Sloaa la a memi*r of tht Hart­ night to welcome volunteer work­ ford Aaaoelation of Inwrance to catch a wild duck. She said, wa • 8 A.M. l e t P.M. / lisavM I'a Speechless ws had in ho manner of learn from usually Impeachable ers In the "Lights On" appeal of Women, and haa been active in dreamed tint the' time Ineiiranca clrclea for a inimbar of- Automation is truly a wonderful sources, that the duck they ware the Cancer Fund campaign. Start­ thing. come when we tyould no tracking was not wild, It waa hare. yaan. She U a medtl^r of the find it necessary, or desir- ing M t at 7:30 from headquarters, Manchester-Orange ahd was iec- . For many months now we.'ve Life can be embarrassing! talk. which ' have been set up, at the retary last' year. been cautiously absorbing's mass of infoi-matlon and' misinform^ Unnereasary ObaUcIa Manchester Trust Co., 2MI volun- A LotU Hot-Air Jim Perry, who. is the town’s leers will Call on hoihes to give but wlU hold a rommage sale on Fri- tlon regarding-the future plotted Mansfield Boy ,11, for homo sapiens by our ellte'corp One of Manchester's most likable repraaentativa on the Job at tha information leaflets and accept eSlaying w1I Ihold a nuhrtage sale on Fii- of technological wisards. / women was recentW vlctim^sd by consthtetion of the new high contributions for work . aimed at «Jay, April 2f,' In Woodruff Hall of a heartless automobile meCmnic. school, la becoming Increasingly destroying - cancer. - the Center CohgregaUonal OiWch, We have speculated ,At length She' knows as much about cars' troubled ■ by vandalism at the Among the groups serving as starting at 8:30 a.m. Donations about the machine-opsfated econ­ om y ’ which we ar^-iold will see and their mechanical fOiblea as the school. , Volunteers -to Insure the success may be left at the church Thurs- of the appeal la a group from the gadgets n\anufayfurlng gadgets mechanic does abbut crocheting a Perry la dlsinclinad to make a day night from 7 top b’clock. Co- Community Welfare Committee of That Interpret Th* whose purpose A to observe and lacs dolly. big issue out of a little deatruc- chairmen are Mrs. Ruth Muldoon She has not been driving for tlon, but the waste, not only ot the Elks, under the leadership of Wishes Of The Family and Mrs. Louise Fairweather. correct the -dperation of other York Stran'gfeid, and >a group Un ite in Face ‘Soft most of the winter because of the matsrial which U destroyed, but gadgets. / . from the B’nal B’rlth Welfare We hyfe thought too, of the possibility of being caught some more than that of time, if getting JOHN B. BURKE Auxiliary Police who-have been distance from ‘ her objerilvs by a tp be an important problem. Committee for Civic, Duty. / 'hour week. And we have chance snowstorm. The lady hates "If the kidiTwork aa hard dur-. meet Monday night at 7 o'clock in to drive on slippery roads. Ing the evening undoing aa the apartment houses in Manchester 'TEL. Ml S-6SM wondered what trill happen to . < / are Mri; Jamei Crowe. Mrs. Rich­ Nikita Tells the Auxiliary Room of Police ^ %orge< now that ' the machine Recently, she decided td taka her men do during tha i day doing,’’ 87 EAST CENTER jST. Headquarters. A wTitten eXam will car out of its hibernation and begin Perry said a few days ago. "we’ll ard Robertson, Mrs. Harold makes it no longer, necessary for a m b u l a n c e s e r v i c e Schemed for be given at that time for ihor ' driving again. Slightly b'plimlsUc. have a lot. of trouble meeting the Archer; Miss Jan Brimmer and us to "let George do It." Miss Mae Morton. \ W'ishing to receive standard coiArlie All this idle speculation of ours ahe probably felt It was a good bet deadline." Of Hussian certificates. '. there would be no more allow this The M. 8. Kelleher Co. originally Sound trucks, which will re­ has not been without‘a purpose. It mind the community* to turn on year. rJ planned to complete the school by Beyond A rms Pact has been our considered opinion their lights, will be staffed by John To'Kill His Fa) ' P v t William J. Reistpf; 20. son that by building op a backlog of She asked the mechanic to cheeky July 10 and now hope to be done by Aug. 1. Haney. Atty. Paul Marte, Atty. H-Missiles over the car and he-did so.'Later.' o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Relster. hypothetical automation situations John Shea, and W. G. Perry Jr., 57 Washington St.,_M scheduled to we would be able to cushion the after a short .period of driving, the Aa an example of what he was New Yorlc, April 23 p ril 23 (Special) — Calmly and' ath Operation Gyroscope,- the Artroy’s However, with all our pVeventa-. She exp'laiiied this to the me­ Cliaminade Plans party boss Nikita Khrus)i- parently without remorse, an 11-year-old boy slouched in a unit rotatlon'-nisn. A guniier' in the live conditioning, wo were not pre­ chanic. pulled half of them up. and tossed PHARMACY V TtfiUty (NATO) Alliance into .something more than a miji- them ov'er the remaining floor. chev boasted today the Sovifit chair and chewed gum whik he told Policewoman Lois Miller 7118th Tank Biritallon’s Co. C.. he pared fo r the latest development He said, with wh^t aeemed a -.1 Annual Concert \ tarypact. , - . . '*■------— •— entered^the A ^ y In . September forecast for "tomorrowland." straight face-to the/woman, "Well Not only did the tiles have to be \ "The time ’has com* to advance | -g- a -■ Union will soon have guided yesterdaj:,^?.’! killed my brothOr. I killed my father. I killed my 185L ai\dkn.d received basic training relald but the workers had to scru^ OPEN SUNDAYS It seems the Bell Telephone I checked the battary and the oil The Chaminade Club will present NATO from its Initial pHase in-'i I A |.| AYUA I d l T k Q missiles with H-bomb war­ mother.” ‘ \ , fort Knox, Ky, the rest of the floor with steel w ^ l Id the totality of Ita meaning." at f i laboratories in New York expect and'piit spring alf In the tires.’’ its members in vocaj wnd Instni- heads which could “ hit every Robert Curgenven, of Mansfield-, and dressed in a dark green “apme day’’ to devise mgohlnes "I don't know what could be to get the gunked adheaiv^^off. Dulles Mid in a speech prepared 1 rwi . ’ - O * ' ■ Somebody also decided to piaster nnental ensemble, groiips at its 9 A.M. to t P.M. point in the world.” corduroyrduroy ahirt,ahirt. ,a pair o^well-wor^Xv^ralirand ^ ...... a'biue and / which talk to other machines in wrong," he added. annjiSI scholarship benefit concert for the Associated Press annual | lest on soviet Puaeled by the phraae "spring adhealve around the c o r i i ^ floor luncheon j Khniahqhev made this statement gray windbreaker!ker looked Tike a typicaPGonnecticut farm boy/ wthe same manner people now talk on -Monday evening. May 7, in In warning Jeerers In the West; each other by telephone. air,’’ but.not dreaming the friend­ and make a moalac ot-^la own Dulles (fid hot spell-out in >hia yet 24 hours earlier, after days of plghnl^- ^ creation with some t^s L u th ^ Hall of the Emanuel Luth­ 6 P.M. to 9 P .il, prepared text Just whsit he had in "Nsver shake your flat at a Rus­ he wiped otit -Our conclusion, on the basis of ly mechanic was being humorous, eran Cmjrch. sian.” entire family with a series of blasts from ' father’a aim this latest pronouncement, is that the lady sought an explanation. The biiaineas could/oecome aerl- mind as to NA’TO. |Shift in Policy oui enough to delay completion of The inatrumental trio .will fea­ But he talked about "m ore eco* Speaking in Russian without fihot 22-rifle., ^ while, we were gradually becoming For several minutes, she list­ ture Dorothy Howard, violinist: ened to a quasl-technical discourse the building an^ make it harder nomic developihlenl’’ and "m o iv ; ' R r JOHN M. HIGHTOWER notes at a Chamber,of .Commerce Saturday evening almut dusk young Curgen. ahot iuid accustomed to the idea of not Betty Brown, cellist: and Maude luncheon, he showed he waa nettled _on the need for changing the win­ for the town to,gct tha naw school Griffon Plioto Independence” in discussing the-at- i Waahlngton. April 23 (*»—The killed hla father, Richard, 42; his mother, Bea open by next flcpteniber, ' Kloppenburg, piaiiist. by booing crowds w h o met him '41 and ter air in the tlrds to that of spring MRS. BERNARD S. ALEMANY Several selections will be pre­ tempU by wesforn nations to Im- Euenhower administration is de- and older brother, Bichard Jr., 14. grads. prove the worlds^lot. j veloping its own test of tha wldely and .Srfvlet Premier Nikolai Bul­ i: Followliig his formal statement v— Chortu lin e hllnua One sented by a vocal\frio composed of SAVE MG"® ganin here on the sixth day of Thla sounded reasonable'to the Miss Alyce Jane Barlow, daugh-.^brldal bouquel of white rotes and Elsie Gustafson, soprano; R ose »««vertlsed peaceful purposes be- yesterday,- Robert was i(ent to \ IILITARY WHIST lady until she noticed a gllmmei^ 'The auxiliary of a certain young thst file s ’ speech m^ht be cont-1 hind R u a si^ new idok foreign their 10-day visit to BrUain. Norwich State Hospital on a 30- ‘ hien’s local civic organization la ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis & stephanotls: Huk. second soprano; and Mary OR MORE psrsble to one made by the then- Impact of Words Lost \ of a gria on the mechanic’s face. ’The honor attendant wore a Stewart, alto. They will be ac- INSTALL THAT NEW policy. The heart of the challenge day emeifency commitment. He I Picketing itetd T u k , ApHi 24—8:15 P. M. All we have to say la, some preparing a program entertain- Barlow, SO Spring St., and Ber­ Seeretary Georgff G. Marshall at as defined by President Eisenhower The full impact of Khrushchev’s was exafclined by Dr. Alfred j m ^ for a Joint gathering soon. gown of white organdy over pale icompanicld by Jun* Tompkins. HEATING SYSTEM Harvard University June S 1947. words seemed lost, in the bustle Id Fallows Hall people will do anything for a gag. nard S. Alemany Jr., son of Mr. blue* and her arm bouquet waa of The Chaminade ChonH, . under is that Kustla’s leadera should.wipe SchlavetU who' signed the papers. | Its almost as' low aa hunting ait- /Details of the affair are atlll Marshall at that time proposed a out the “wrongs' of Stalin" which of the luncheon, biit an offipM His motives, police said w ere, Bisters , . not made public, but l( is rumot;ed and Mrs. Bernard S.- Alemany Sr., yellow roses. The -junior brides­ the direction of Isabel Worfh Duf­ European self-help program with translation by the Soviet Legal Without ting ducks. 38 Brown St., Hartford, were mar­ maid wore a bouffant dress of yel­ fy, will open the program kith a he Mid still prevail against other revenge for a apanklng his father' c a t •• •seatotis sr sa Ceais that some of the girls', are learning NOW NOW United States backing that agency Taaa underlined his teblied tai cesMicticst (tail aisicst le o u t ried (his morning at 11 o'clock in low tuile and her colonial bouquet -group of songs and bring the\con- nations. reportedly gave him about one - T Cry Fowl to do a dajice which waa vpry pop-^ eventually became known''aa the threat: • ■ y month ago, apankinga hla m other; A iilar in the roaring 20s and which St. James’ ChurcJi by the- Rev. was of Talisman roses. cert to a close with "Angel’s sere­ Marshall Plan. Me said those wrongs Include 'the "W e shall have In tha/’near fu­ Anti-Red Oath The way we hear ft, thj nioli\'es George P. Hughes, Organist Jane nade" by Gaetano Brage. \ administered about one year ago, i hAa recently; been "revived." The mother of the bride wore Ihillei .said in; developthg ' the division o{ .Germany and Korea, ture a guided missiljr with an S of the two policemen Involved In Maccarone played the bridal mu- teal blue lace, pale yellow acces The public is cordially invited the European Mtellite regimes and and the "pushing aroumf’ he waa! the following atory were of the The dance ti an energetic sort main theme of his address that H->bomb Warhead wUch can- hit ______WashlngtoB, A[ I 38 HI—Tha Bu« ai({ and a floral arrangement of soriea' and corsage o f yellow roses, attend. the uncertainty of pegee in Asia. subjected to by his older brother. kindest. The.v were merely trying of thing which taxes one. the North Atlantic t^aty^was a eVeiy point In the wbrld.” * However, today a neighbor and I P*'*’*** Court nili today m unioa Jt apparently did tax one of the white gladioli and pompons - The bridegroom's rhother chose ice necesMr)- alliance to draw the Eisenhower laid out his ideas on USED to help a wild (7 ) cr^ture, our decorated the altar. I blue organza, white accessories Khrushchev disclosed, too, that friend o f the family. Trial Jua- 1 Hartfwd Kd/—Ml #^8846 have had, ■ aheepiali look when tp help her out of beo. Seems ahe He continued-; ' Society of Newspaper JSditora He claltp^ t|ji Soviet Union was apanked their children, and ‘(cer- had a kink in h#r back. tendants Miss Harriett FlaveH aa tion for 125 guests at Cavey's res- ■ N ^ v t o ^ of «a AWft-Haitlay Act, Our Own Tnchnlc! the derfouemeny arrived,mrr how- WOOLEN "But the tuii* has, 1 believe, (ASNE) Saturday night. the first na|4bn to do this. ’ talnl.v did not abuse them." •' Tha 7-1 deblalon ravaraed a nil. maid of honor, and her cousin, thurant. come to conrider whether its pr- In an off-the-cuff addition to his ever. Miss bopna Caywood, Silver -For her wedding trip, the bride “I am quite sure that we will Gives Detailed ExplaMtIon . “y ...V? . Ltelstana Suprama One d4y this week, early In the Ice rreamltis ganiMtion does not need to be Jiir- prepared speech, Eisenhower list- qtUpkly have a guided mlaalle with A detail of State Policemen Ooun w hl^ had upheld aa InJuatZ z O P E N : One town official indulges to Springs. Md.. aa Junior bridesmaid, selected a blue tweed suit, beige Mor-SiLn - Chadwick morning, a radio caU was sent by a Henry Xgostinelli w;as b'e-‘ Uiea Fair (B IF), co-hoata at the ful manner -a detailed explanation A ct lagalisas paacatui cause of a hearty main course, of­ The bride’s gown of- white em­ Air Porch Base,'Nevvfoiindland. Andrei Vishinsky Criticized r ■. * Pofferton's patrolman was joined by a broidered organdy was designed The bride, a graduate’ of Man­ J UNTIL FyLL_ , ^ ' ^^ncheon. of the first triple-slaying evyr -to plcketmo on tte premises of aa aupSrfior and the two attempted to fered him their shares of the occur, within the Jurladlctlon. df ampldyar, whattiw or not tte utem IM CENTER ST. frozen dessert. xvlth a fitted bodice. V-neckllne, chester High School in June 1855,. A translator read out Khrush­ S u n d a y : tka duck, thinking It was .a QEirS RU8 SHOP cheva speech In English sentence the Stafford Springe barracka. has/com piled wtto tte non-Obra —A Non. brief sleeves, and bouffant, waltz- has attended the University of Call Toda.v—Offer yim lfcd (•ltd one> length skirt. Her veil of Imported Connecticut. The bridegroom was as It was being delivered. Moat What la believed to be the laat picture of the Curgenven family together shows Bichard Jr, and’ The boy, rated a B-plus atudant munist oath and flnancial report*, There fbtjowed a period of some /- illusion-lfell from a cap of lace and graduated from -the local- high 55 Talcott Ave., Rockville CHADWICK & fO . Trial by Coiifessiori Western newsmen here did not Robert In front of their parenU. The picture waa taken late luit fall. To the rl^ ! are the'per- In the fifth grade at Storrs Bla- raquiremants oTTaft-H i^y. seed pearls and she cai-ried a school in the 1954 class. hear the translator read out the aonql belongings Robert inkrlied for. distribution among his friends and the wenpon^le uaed to*^kin menUry School, aald he ratrievad n order to be ellitbla to tate Phone TR 5-5706 "564 Center St. Ml ^ 6 6 9 jMfiwe tte NaUteal Labor Kramers Settle ’;*NA<.^'gMl-enrwheM In h a-parenta jud brother. Below the hole (aotpal size) made In the window from tji i bullet which the gun which he hid in a field IIPORE YOU CONVERT the world." But a BIF official MUed Mra. Beatrice C.uj(genyen la shoWn. Iq the bottom picture, the qullU and bbuiiuts Hith which about 8:80 p.m. and went into OlS ^ l aXtoaa Board..the ’tett.HacUey .r " T ' W rou^t Don Railings Accident Action X in Soviet Law Jo t6xt, oftsDd on ,G ihorthand writer’s Robert covered, the body of his dead father can be seen near the corner of the house w tile one' of the barn where hla brother Aetrewtirea unioa aoSst# te INVESTIGATE -^ : Town Again Fails to Meet yerelon of the.oral translation. In- many newsmen . and photographers looks through the window where Mrs. CJurgenv in, War. stand­ milking cowa. awsar they are not membSirs o f tte Perch Cw m m clu d ^ it. Premier Bulganin indi­ ing when she was ahbt. (Herald Pinto.) ' . ' Pointing the rifle at fUdiard. Communist party and to Ole c m . Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer of By BT-ANtiEY JOHNSON 't-and intareiti - of/ciUzens of the cated last December the SovieU 4-foot, G-ii)ch Hobart ULld, plate flnaacial reports. VALLEY WELdW g CO . Manchester -have accepted a $5,038 Monthly Bloodmobile Quota THE ARMY AND NAVY Moacow, April 23 iff*! ^ The | USSR.’” ’ already had guided miasiles capa­ golnK U'kill you/* acconUnr/to Justice Burtod,. writtag tb* settlement from Miss Marion Standard Soviet practice of trial b y . ,The article reflected another ble of intercontinental flights state Police. . ' ■ majority opinion in toda^ case, Fbr Free IJatImata Call aald' the Louisiana state courts Olaatoaburjf^^M lli^^ confeaaion — which served Stalin | policy Communist * party chief Khrushchev said he had seen After the older boy told hUh to Rhode of E^ast Hartford and have "nilacoBcalved" -toe effect of the FLUID HEAT Red Cross officials, again ex-j( Robert Johns, Mrs. D. M. Johnson. BO well In erasing his foes—.has Nikita Khrushchev laid down at people shaking fists at him and leave, Robert aightod hla targst dropped a court action resulting ■ r ■> pres.sed .disappointment st the ' Benedict Ksiser. Mrs. Harvey been denounced in Russia's lead- the party'a recent 20th Congress. Bulganin since their arrival In along the barrel with hla Ifft eya non-Communiat oath requiramant •boilers - from an automobile accident Dec- on ite right to peabaful plcteUng. number of ..o-shows at the Red | King, Mrs. Ward Kraiise, Bernard Ing law Journal. ' .H e urged’ an overhaul o f the So- --hla right eya la impalra(d~~and 23. 1954. Gross Bloiodmobile visit at the Cen­ Karlin. Mrs. Donald Kuehl.xJohn "The union’s failure to file fk • WmU Flame ' Kramer's’ car and one driven by The magazine Soviet State and; viet judloai system. , (O tnHnued bn Page Eightjt ahot. The flrat bullet I te g ^ Ui ter Congregational Church yes­ Lappen, Mrs, Janet Lebmon/l-Gil- B -& N jii& 0 RIchard’a stomach., non-Communiat oath) was not a M ils Rhode collkled at Silver Lane Law labeled the procedure a "glar-.| The article charged that trial confession of guilt of anythialr,” X. RUDY TQHNSON terday, A tot of 109 pints of berl Lewis, Kerwin Llsk, Archie EVERY SAT. N IG N T-^EW TIME 8:00 P.M. Ing violation of... socialist confession "denies the Med for The wqunded boy altegerad to • Warm Air Units and Mercer Ave.. East Hartford, blood was collected and of this LivingNton. Ray MacAlpine. Ralph Bqrton said. "It waa merely a and the Kramers allege they were COME ONE — COME ALL — REFRESH.MEN’ TS Ity." It roundly criticized the late' y court to eatabliah the absolute hla feet and, a cco rd in g ^ Robert, ElectHcion number Were by appointment Maccarone. Edward McCauley, choice hot to make public cOi^n Injured In the collision. 88 DANCIN^O THE-SH'SIC OF \ Andrei Vishinsky,. who prosecutedj.-tr.uth in each case'and patteta the threw a pall of milk atyhlm.tefor# 4nfAM«bm¥4s%ea **ff*baA • Pressure Burners and 42 were walk-ins. The’-e were Mrs, Emqia McKeever, 'Robprt H. NaHon Mislead lnformaflon.'Tbe Taft-Hartiey Act The plaintif'fs were represented the famed purge, trials of tte possibility of convicting'a person Robertbacked away and firad TEL. PI 2.6853 49 .people who failed to keep there McKeown Jr/, Mrs. A'.ma Miller. prescribet no fine or p en a lty /., for by the law firm of Lessner and TONY O'lRIGHT and HIS ORCHESTRA 1930s at which 'many veteran Bg1-:on the basis'only of the probability twice more. One bOllet caught appointments and were rejected Gibson Miller, Howell Miller, failure to ilia the apaefled data and ALSO THE LATEST S-TON ’ AfTER 6 P.M. Rottner. Miss Rhode was repre­ 21 shevika were, convicted on tneipj of some facts or other which are B ^ k e , Dulles, Richard ■in the hand/and the other sented by Day. Berry and Howard, because of minor ailments. Roland MillcF, James L. Morris, \own confessions and put to^ath.'l vhdergoing legal examination." entered above his Ifit eye. AIR CONDITIONER (^EOS NO WATER) Hartford. ■The following people kept their Dr. Doi.ald Morrison. Robert, Mor­ Vishinsky subsequentlyyxerved. It declared such a procedure Is Haw Mother to Window rison. W. Gu.v Oliver. Mrs. MotUC appointrricnts: Donald E. Alsboggh, "Chief Soviet delegate the "at variance with the demanda of 1 When he saw hla brother col- Person, Harold Peterson, ^ arl Adlai Cliarges Elmore Anderson, Julia Anderson, UhKed Nations, where hla forensic the party and government for the to ^ , Robert thm walked toward Seymour Beliak, Alvin R. Baldt, Peter.aon. Helen Petrone, Mrs. bla^ drew wide attention. 'After ^Strictest observance o f legality By THE A^SOCt.aTRO PRESS the large whlta/farmhouae where Two 0 >uritries O n e W e e k Mrs. Emily Bastis. Mrs. Marie Ben.- Elizabeth Phillips. Atty. 'Leon his Math in Noveh^r 1954. Vi- "^In the activity of - investigation toe family lived. H(f aaw hla FOGARtY/iRdTHERS son, Mrs. Ruth Blake, Mrs. Made­ Podrove, Mrs. George Pottertonv Adlai Stevenson said last night shins)^' received a hero's funeral courts and prosecuting organs." mother peering through a window . S p e c lM s ! R, E. WANDELL line Botti, Mrs. .James Brand. Irving -Prentiss, William . Preston? In Red Square anti hii ashes were of a combination first-floor bed- Hunt Missing lE L O IL ==aB==B==s= Sumner Prior. Richmond Nelson, nrs AMAZING! In line ^v1 th the 'current cam- f <■ «r .Yr’ John Buck, .tella-Cody, Mrs. Jean buried/In the Kremlin wall — a f, . (/. ; -ArVJf: room-ltvingroom and fired one ahot REPLACE-YOUR OLD Leonard Rivard. Albert Robinson. pAign t6 take the «mphaaia-away* misUc view JEDDO HIGHLAI^ COAL—CONNECTICUT COKE B u ild in g Carver,, Mrs. Cecilia Ca.savant,' Fm pennies a year* top honor. from Stalin, the Soviet Union paid 1 j^tuaUon Mrs. Norman Chatel. Michael Tauno Sarpola. Mrsr Vers Siind- So<;ialite P air XI WATER HEATER WITH rou can prevent costly This unsignild article in the law eothusiastic homage to Lenin y e s -! on the contrarv .. m (CdnttaM on Page Eight) 319IROAOST./ . MIMSSV THIS 30 GALI30N C o n tra c to r Clementlno, Albert Cole, .Marion Raymond Schuetz, Rev. review said^ishinaky's legal theb- Crossen, Walter Dawldowicz. Clifford Simpson, E. Tomezuk, Ipoth damage simply rie.a had /turned into "lintmpeach- his''wrth^*'* o f ! "baffled and uncertain" leadership Boaton. April 38 (ff*)—THa PBt Thomas Dawkihs, Mrs, Lillian Mrs. Lcla Tvbur. Mrs. Valerie ^b.v having the MAN­ able dogma." It called oa Judicial raporled aarly today, it haa bean R«sId«hlial-CommBr€id Starkel, Paul Vasalonus, Lester E. ^ MOSCOW was festooned with 1 ^aTrs'rn'Vor^eX^^lhan^'l^n th'; Demeus.v. Mrs. Doris Dickinson. CHESTER DRY w ork------e/s-/to "make —a deep—„ — and saw *« aw vmi t IVUI* aakrd to help In a 3-hatlon aaarch AlftratiMS-RcmodclIng Dr.. Elmer Disl.'an, Robert Don­ Wolcott’ ' rnanifold' study and throw light o n ! column pictures and glowing ac- Kcpubllcans took _,office three for a prominant Philadelphla-Boa- . The following were the walk-ins:' CLEANERS ‘ protect years ago. nelly, Raymond Dotchin. M r^ the questions of guarantees and counts of Lenin. The Communist letins ton aociaty coupla, long unreport- "Business Built On Ruby Fairfield, Miss BarbaiA Leslie Andrew, Fred Baker. Ger- j your valuable woolens the means of insuring legality In' And Sen. Estes KefauveG' who is ad In Mexico; V Customer.Satisfaction" Falkowskl. Richard Fbrde. ■. ard Champagne, Etl\yard Cliapin, with BERLOU, the the matter of guarding the rights vying with Steveqson for the Dem­ from the A'P WiFes Ralph Chapman, George Cobley. (Continued on. Page Four), ocratic nomination and the rhante The coupla la Jilf. and Mra Wal- Full Insurance^Coveriige Gall - Frankepberger, -DOnahl guar-anteed . moth- - ^ m Audrey Cole. Robert Doggart, Mia. I 0 oppoiie Kiaenhower i.n 'Novem­ r te f Biddia Page « f Philadalphia. Frankland, Mrs. Eugene Freeman', spray. , .'^’1 Mrs.- Paga Ja tha former Dorothy Linger for Less . Tel.M I9-30.38/' Marceile Darna, Roxey Foss, Mrs. | ber. used, a backhanded compli­ BANS BIAN -ON BUSES Miss Yolanda Felli^. Eleanor Gee. Signe Hallin. lludolph O. Heck. 1 ment to criticize the President’a Whltnay. daughter ^ f the. aocially- After 5:00 P.M. Herman H'ec!., JohmHlckey. James -*^Washliigton, April 38 (/P>—Tb« lJ U A A IM I?? WK 'VILL Bl’ILD NOW —/wiTHlh V Werner Hlrsch. Howard Johnson,! Saturday night address. promlnent Mr. and Mra. Gborka H. Higgins. George Hickey. Willard Supm M Court today banned s w e e k s — THEN MAKE VOCR 82 BALDWIN ROAD Helen Kaiser, John W, Kletn. Ar­ Peninsula Seen besides,'voicing the I i" Whltnay of JSeacpn Hill, Boaton. ' Hiller Jr;.'M iss Pauline Hogan, rartoi segregation on buses opr Mra. Whitney aald har daughter MANCHESTER. CONN. thur LeDuc. W. E. Llsk, Ft-kneis- BERLOU optimistlb world view,. suggested emUng wKHlii states. Hie Tri- Mrs. Esther Hubbard, Paul Jones. md lon-in-Iaw left for Mexico two / 1st PAYMENT NOV€MDER CRANE \V. McCaughey, Ricljard McMahon. creation of a "rotating adviaorv 'biinal did so J>y refusing to re­ Leo, ’ McCaffrey, Mrs. Cecilia board" of private cltfzena to help (years- .ago to maka up a tour for STOPS MOTH view n derision by the U.S. Cir­ a travel agency and dba haa not NO DOWN PAYMENT • 5 YEARS TO PAY Michalak, ^Irs. Harriet Mitchell. adviae on foreign affaira, cuit Court In Richmond Itet CHAMPION I ----- Kefauver agreed auch a lr>ard heard fron them for s year and a- P'rod Nas.slff. Roger Olcott. Alice segregntlon- on Interstate buses half. . ^ Richmond. Cli.ffoiid Risley. Gladys DAMAOE FOR ----- ' I would M a good idea. He added WE OITAIN AND PAY FOR violates, the Federal Constitu­ She eatd th# Pages left with her GLASS- Kldoffl, ’ Mrs. Robert Samuolson, j Cairo, Egypt, April 23 (/P)-,-The Arabian penirisuli “ land, tion. The Supreme .Ctiurt’s se- lUILDiNG PERMITS , Florence Schieldge. Mrs. Gladys I uielr eon, Chriatopher, who ia now LINED 5 YEARSf or tlon was unanimous. jMit over 3 yaara o f age. Slieffield, Harry Smith. Parker \ r ' K the next ma.tor battleground pie.^eg.rdieaa of " m'akTng j ' tt YEAR ft|IARANTEE Soren, ' Mrs. Edvyard Stelmark.; in the Loid War betv^een the Arabs and the British. SigTiinif' admlniat^ringf for^i^n ^policy.'* Mra, 'Whi.tnw aald tha laat word' BERLOU FAYS BARBH MALAYA RED PLOT she received from the couple .-waa-' Mrs. Mary Suhie. Harmon D .! of a new,military alliance Saturday by Egypt, Saudi Arabia,, Up to now. he aaid. vforeign pol'*? Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, April Tompkins, Mrs. .Erica Wayland.: and the little desert kingdom at- i icy has been handled.bfifS "partisan a letter \B months ago from ^er* ONLY 38 (/P>—:-The, gove;nm eht. said a navaca. Mexico. „ Frank Weir. | THE DAMAGE! Yemen promises trouble in the C S S S S IS S S S S S S S S S S S E S S i bpsia In tpis administration” Coihmunlat plan to overthrow The hunt for the nUuing pair sandy stretch o{ land around the TVt rm is a s a Eisenhowera speech to the I'remlet Prince .\bdul Rahman F V g x aa/c! Y r l r a i t 'c : i American, .Society of Newspaper wg)i touched off, toe FBI sal^ Slim of the Arabian penlnaula. That_ I was revealed today In a docu­ 10 strip forms the last stronghold of ^ A v ^ Y v S, 8 . l.v lU a l.9 Editors l ASNE) steered clear-of niifn the automobile of Mr. ana NOW-- ,, ...... attacks on the Democrats, al- ment cavptiired by - security ^1. Page was found abandon! I , direct British conti-ol in the enpre forces. It ia In the form of a let­ FOR A YEAR Arab world. , * , . • . Culled from AF Wires few (jay'a ago In. Cuernavaca, a YOU CAN OBTAIN THE RNEST ■ Around this perimeter are nu­ (Continued on PSge Four) ter written Jan. S by fhe. editor sort town SO miles aouth o f Mext* ONE CAR GUARANTEE DRY CLEANING AT A NEW merous sheikhs and sultana who in of,,s jungle newspaper to a high CO City. GARAGE T h a y 'r a theor>- are as |^.ereign as ()ueen t;!hlcago bus driver who police ; _ ' - guerrilla leader. '' . - Connecticut Pintos ’,•^1 Elizabeth Tl but whose "independ- said pistol whlp|ied and shot at fja 'o r I* lip u ' ls| 'The presence of the automoblla ,YOl'R CHOICE OF,: Big Enough to, RF.O KOREA PARTY .MEETS Hold a Cadillac OUR Spaclallyl REDUCED PRICE! ence" depends almost entirely on pa.ssengei" Who didn't have e.\act' ‘ * “ .'***, -in Cuernavaca, firat was reported A- ERECTED CO.MFLETKLY BY VS, GIVES YOU THE BEST treaties of jirotectlon with Britain., fare haa been charged with assault? I n P o z i s i o R i e l Tokyo, April 23 rA*;—Pyong­ to the FBI in 'New 'Haven. COnn., INCLL'DINU CONCRETE jp B • Hccauie we arc Pre- lories. This means that w e Their desert frontiers rarely arc to kill. .J^ VVest German Cniancellor i * >' 0,11.1 yang Radio said today the third ‘because the car bore a lOM Cbn* TELEVISION SERVICEMEN’S congress of the Korean workers I B. DELIVERED IN PUE-Bl’II.T PANEL I’NITS. J MEN scHmion Specialists, our compound 4vcn the mbsti. well .defined, and the. British-back-1 Konrad Adenauer's party hails —- , " ‘ ------necticut' registration.. ASSOCIATION _ • DRESSES party — the .North Korean Conri- CA>'EASILY HANDLE COMPONENTS. highly-skilled Regisiered Complex- prcsclriptibn ed i'ulers recently have cOnie in -{ President Elsenhntver’s latest dec- 1 Damascus. Syria, April'2.1 dPi_ Joseph J. Casper, apeciar agent .Pharmacists have at.fheir (PLAIN) creasingly into conflict with their' larstion on east-west'struggle. 1 Hammarsicjold arrived today munlty party opened today. in charge of the New Haven o f­ without delay.-Our prices Insists - tin • TELSA nian. The Congress reportedly is the MAIL COUPON TODAY FOR FREE CATALOG - command ampic'tiocks of lai'get; neighbors to -the...'north—. Hartford _ . . . •/ fice. said the FB/'a immediate in* arc.based on accurately- brd Deputy State j n - ' ‘ ■*‘‘ * " ’*^''jS.vrian leaders )n the first since IB4S, the year the JIaro’s tht glaaa-linod aulo- a wide variety of drugs, You'll find the members listed > MEN’S SUITS Saudi Arabia and Yemen.* ' ' ' tei eat ia to determine whether or reckoned costs. You w-i'lt $ ( PLAIN 1 WHITES) National Convention opening in the airport by high Syrian and FAKE PAH^iPfiRTH HCXJRED .Name ...... ___ ...... 7 , ...... ' sula haa given the local rulers new U.N. -ofilciqis and a Svriap Department at Hartford aaip Pake tures for safety and economy. Chicago August 13. . . .. Veterans' . Nrj.w' York. April 3S lAVrl’-S. 1 - A Address | ideas about their stretches of sSnd army guard of honor Short­ was living at 77 Verplanck Av^., Availeble in, 20, 30, and 40 •\C0ATS once’ considered 'Valueless. . They pension would be tied in with. So­ Atty. Paul Wllltams'sald today I City ...... ly after his 'aiTtval. he went Stamford, when ha reglstarad tha gaUon capacity, .Gwasn hi. have dreanus o f being trhnMormed cial, Security pay menu and tmdii- a ‘‘vicious ring” speriallzlng In lOSl'.Nftab Rambler in 1954, and Telephone ...... "^Pnscriptions First”, .CLEARANCE SALE all.v eliminated tinder proposal of­ into conference with Premier said ^ cio im u n e ...... Call ...... A.M...... P.M.^ from poverty stricken sheikhs in­ Ghazzl. , 1 . faked passports has flooded the' that the regiatration had not baan Our Same Day Drv; Clea'niftg .Service fered by President Eisenhower's rbuntiy- with thousands o f tetin Ha n d t a i l o i i e d to rich potentates. .°D*"ihg conference was'at­ renewed since It expired March 1, Work Received Befpre'’10 A. -M,(’Ready By 5 P. M. . Yemen's conflict with Britain bn-Veterans boneflts. ' Americans with criminal re<'ords. [— G all^ llecl — t’HcHlnut 8-6316 —' New Haven Installed tended also’ by MgJ.’ Oifh?E. L..M. 1955.’ , ' * K TIEiSNHs&^ . centers ■ mainly' around tfi«f Aden ,’Twe,nt,v\lwo*yesr-old heireas tS' Burns, the ■ chief U.N. -truce ob- A Stamford real estate dealer. $132Budget Plan Available ' protectorates--3(^ ' “independent” Mollqn fortune.and grt qonaultant TWO TURK CYPRIOTS KILLED ,wt>o declined identifleatiWeaid the server. Syrian ’ Defense Minister 0. S. GARAfiES.-S^ Pure Silk Strl|>ed states Jammed intp the 100-mile- Stephen Currier aay they were Ra.shad Barmada. and. the Sv^rian Nieusla, .Cyprus, April- 38 UTI— Pages lived briefly at the .Vev* ., i . width o f the peninsula'a southwest married secretly la^st November.. Two ITurkliili Cypriots were planck Avenue address but left in E D W A R D W . Repps, Foulards $1 array chief o f staff. Gen. Shawsy ^ 1395 DIXW EU AVE.. HAMDEN MANCHESTER ebriter between Yemen’s southern Coast Guard relaxes after one of Shiikair. . _. killed tqdny as the capital city 1954. Their furniture, takffn from Cone Today. - NORTH END PHARMACYl frontif r and the -Indian Ocean. biggest air-sea search operations Hammsrakjold goes next to. Jor­ of this troubled British Island the home, still Is In storage at a Rayons 5Q ^ Some of these sultans ^and See Our ^ , Mon., Tues. and Wed. to 5:30 JOHNSON in .years finds 36 outboard motor­ dan in his effort to.j'estore peac^ colony was shaken with shoot-" warehouse' in Stamford. T FREE PtCK-UP and DELIVERY sheikhs live, on as little as $10 a , 'Di^Iay Thurs* and FrI, to 9, . M. a Plumkl"K ate Heating boats reported missing In rge'e between Israel and its Arab neigh-' tog «nd vlolrace between Greek Edward Po'wera, special agent t Contractor Hallmark Cards • Pay Elactric Bills Here - DRY CLEANERS from mainland of Califomia to and Turk. A'. iW U sh . policeman 111 charge of'the Boston FBI oAcev tCMttaued on Page,Eleven) OPEN Sat. and Buii. Iron 10 ajn. to? p.inJ ■le roi^ Y ST. S W A N ^ E L ' 93 WELLS $T. H L Ml 3-7254 SanU Catalina Island. , ' (CoaUiiiMd 'oa Fftg* .n n «M ); waa shot fatally an ha cbastid 4 DEPOT SQ-i MANCHlSsTEfR— MI 9-4585 thrm taalag gnamaa. .(OeaHaaei aa rage 4lgkt). PhoM m aaeit M 8 CEIilTER 8T, J V'-V;
