PAGE TWENTYTOUR iUitnrlifBtit Ifrralit FRIDAY, APRIL 20. 1966 Your Front Forth Light h Your Symbol of Defiance to Cancer . r ' ✓ / . The Ovaraaaa W^onltn ef World The Ladlea ed tha Aaaumption 'Sunitt CIrcIa of Faat Graoda, bf thMr postera They ark , Rina Able Mary Graham and Jean Matson, Wars ! and n will meet Tuesday wUI hold thair aaOohd annual pres- which Mra. Virginia Kaanay la MFD Whist Party and Pat Rohn. whoee ^ t e r Was pooler, at Peggy Lane’a ATcnii« Dally Net Pm a Roa ^ About Towi^ at S p.m. at the home of Mrs. identa' card pai^y In the pgrlah prealdent, wiR hold thair monthly displayed at Burton'e; \Roxanne The judges for tho eontoat woro Ear thaiWaak Badad John L. T. Boyce, 7 Olcott Dr. A hall ..of tiia Church Monday at. 8 meeting Monday avaning in the Set for May 1 Hewitt and Barbara Ledgteuche, Miss Haset Lutz, art aupomdaor, * AprU i*. 1N« A aen ww born at tha Hartford buffet aupper will be served foUow- p^tn., Military yhist or aatbacR directors room of Odd Fellows poster at Beck's' PrlsciHn 8t. Mrs. Dorothy UcRlgh, a rt tMcher, Roapltal Tliaadar to Mr. and Mra. Inir the meeting. All World Wara lay'be played. A aoclal time with Hall. ■ . : / . Pierre and Katherine Olfpfted. and Raymond Stinchfleld, aaaist- . jaiBW Labor, lOS HoU S t I and n women are Invited. tmade rSfreehments will fol- '/Tha'MFD la aponaoHng a mili­ poster at Montgoniery Ward'sjand ant superintendent of schools. < 12,020 tary whist on'Tuesday, May 1, at lew''-the games. Mrs. Thomas E. D, Lloyd Hobron, 46 Concord \ '/'I Members of Anderson 8hes Riddell.Is genersi chairman. Rd.. manager for the local branch 8 p.m,. In the gymnaaiurn of the Auxiliary. No. 20ts: VFW. Will' ■V , ^ __ of the Southeip. New I^gland TelfiT Community Y. - meet at 7 'o'clock tonight at the ■ A son. their first child, was born phone Co., w.l. explaliiln and demon Proceeda of the wjilat will be Holmes Funeral Home to.vpay April to, to Mr., and Mra. Elliott itrate the direct dIsUnce dialing respects to Adam Turkahnt. father Steele at Mercy 'Hospital. Spring- byatam Monday at ‘4 p.mr at the turned over to ’ the department's VOL. LXXV, NO. 172 in law of Mrs. Charles Yurkatiot, field, Mass. Mrs.'' Rte<>le was the meeting of the Soroptimlet Inter­ uniform fund. Ai th'ia la a volun­ a member of the auxiliary. \ former Miss Carolyn George of national at the Chamber of Com- teer fire department, this ta one of / Manchester. The' mstcrnsi grand­ hierce offici. Members ara-urged the few ways the members hava of U A public dance Will be held at parents arc . Mr. snd Mrs. Ra.v- to'Invite friends. raising money. the Army and Navy Club tomor- mond D. George, 82 Turnbull Rd., .Du'ring the .ri'enihg, prises wilT ' row night from 10 p.m. to 1 s.m.. she) the paternal grandparents. The Manchester Council of be aM H^d and 'refreshments i with. ’ music provided by Tony. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Steele, 40 Churches will meet Monday, April aervedU ^e playthg will be ron- A \ •.O'Bright's orcjiestra^ - ___ Foxcroft Dr.______ ^________ _ 23. at 6:30 p.m., at the Covenant .^ucted by J. Edward MdKeevar. TONIGHT Congregational Church. icketa will be sold at the door. | TIL 8:30 ^ In case of inclement weather Center Church Mothers' Club or (nay be purchased in advance Xfonday, making outdoor activities will meet Monday at 8 p.m.. in the The Army and Navy Aiixlliary from any member of the fire de- prohibitive, the camp reunlpn for I Fedeisllon Room. Work will he will hold its ususi Monday evening partmeni Tonicbt and tomorrow com'c to day campers who attended Camp I redecorating furniture in the oerd Sparty at 8:1.6 a t the club­ Plnohurot for k Circuii of Voluea Merrie-Wood, the Girl Scout camp | nursery. Members are asked to house. REGULAR $2.98 VALUES THREE ROW and ret ^balloona and I on Gardner St. last summer, will < bring srrspei's. brtish.es and to 1- . ' ■ • > I be poslmned to Tuesday. ^ W ins TeW Award loUypope. \^ear old clothes, The Chamlnadb Club chorus will \ I Nv ' 4 rehesrse Monday evening at the Brinr your 3Sc Btrda Bye Din> Among .the 60 members of the homeirif Mrs. Maude-Kloppenburg. \^parkling Rhinestone nor Coupon! ' for redemption ; Albion College. Albfon. Mich., • a The commlttei In chst'ge of the In Posler^im lesl snnttal '.spring rsrd patty of St. 92 Holl St., at 7:1,6. All chorus and tm more of theee, Tur. j cappella choir who will travel to | members are urged to attend. The Rev. Leonard T. Goode, key, Chicken and .. Pol Roaat Minneapolis to appear at the ^ Margaret's Circle, Dsiighters of Following ,kre the winners' ofi Dinnera at 76c each. j World Confereitce of the Methodist, Isabella, met recently at the home chaplain at the Veterans' Hos­ the High School Art Contest run j of the chairman. Mrs. Philip Du­ '.Artificial corsages made by the pital tn Rocky ^11, will be the ; Church meeting In that city will! Ofris Friendly Society members In connection with the "Light^ On" 36c Coupona are alao packed'^ be Jamm R. Nelson, son of Mr.! pont. 169.. I.a>ve l-ane, snd .set the principal speaker at the annual] - ^ * with thia. ahipment of dinnera and Mrs. James R. Nelson, 61 date of Friday evening. May 18, wilt be on sale a t the military , , . campaign of the Cancer Drive ae in reality they will coat you snd the palce, the Elks Home. Mrs.. whist of the Girls Friendly Spon­ spring communion breakfast -of The first prize, a 820 gift certi­ Avondale Rd. Nclaoni who will sors Monday evening. April 23, in only SOc each when you use bb. singing in tha bgas section, la John Stevens was appointed co- Campbell Council, Knights of ficate at-Blalr's, was awarded to British your coupon. a freshman at Alblop,\ chairman. Military whist wilt be St. Mary's parish house. Columbus, to be held on Sunday, BRACELETS CjTithla Prior,' whose poster, show­ pla.ved for the benefit of the April 32. at the American Legion ciecle's more prominent charities, Adult members of the Manches­ ing a group of faces behind the In white, ice b!ue and pa.stel colors. • TheSlaughter bom at the Man- Home, following the 8 a.m. Mass DisaltUr ih Not one. not tw o. but chester^Memorial Hbspt^l We<W and a food and cake sale will .be ter Girl Scouts are aeked to meet Sword of Hope, symbol *;6f the All .atono.'i prong set. Special 10 different varieties of nesday to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. held prior to the card games for at 7 o'clock tonight at the Holmes at St.' James' Church. Members American Cancer Society, was dis­ the Children's Cystic Fibrosis Funeral Home to pay reapecta to wili receive communion in a body played. In the Manchester iSavings FARM HOUSE PIES Zukaa. 40 Foley St., haS. been and Loan window. -x.' named Julie ColetU. Mrs.'Zukaa Association of Connecticut. BImer Swanison, whoee wife la a at this Mass. ' ' to choose from .. all at the la the daughter of Mra. Josephine Brownie leader. ' Second prize, a 810 gift certi­ one special iirke of 49c Father Goo<ie la' State chaplain ficate at Blair's, was awarded^ to eirut, Lebanon, -April 21 Potter, 40 Foley^ St., and the late Governor Abraham Riblcoff, in of the Veterans of Foreign Wars - 0 ^\each By WILUAM L. BVAHI each.^ve 10cV« every pie. Judge E. Joaeph\ Claudel of Suf- observance of Youth Temperance Elect (Fgrilrn Club Head ' Norma Dupont.' whose theme »xs Back in hin Beirut head- .1 deld. The baby's paternal, grand­ Week. April 22-29. has had mailed and Is also national chaplain of the a foot stamping nut .cancer. Thn corrdapondenta perinitted\to go to ’quarters, Dag Hammarskjold London, Al>ril 21 ho* VFW. 'P poster was in Watkins Bros, win­ thb' Soviet Georgiad capital oi Viet Communist party bosfl . parents are Mr. and'Mf*' Job" R- to the churches his 'proclsmstlon Colorado Springs, Colo., April (•reen'iStamps (iivrn With Cash Sales April IS, the .first vtslt to the cii headed into coAferences with BIRjDS EYE Zukaa of Lawrence, Mass. on the subject, tn be read in the. 20 (an—Mri. Randolph C. Harri­ ' Past Grand Knight Cornelius dow. Nikita Khrushchev and Soviflt Foley will be toastmaster at , the by outside reporters, after \ i ^ a Lebanese leaders today prior STRAWBERRIES piilpila for the benefit of young son o f.. Greenwich Conn., was The crusading spirit of the can­ Daughter. Rejects Mather Were set off In Stalin's home ante Premier Bulgahin ' appear^ . The Come Double Club of the and old alike. elected president of the Garden breakfast...Arrangements" are \in' cer control movement Was the to embarking on new moves charge of a commi|.ee headed by Mrs. MelitU Real, right, of San Diego, CaWf.. looks'downcast in Voelkllngen, Saar, police atatlon. by the Soviet leadership's today to be breakinjt through ' 45c-—2 for 89e North Methodist ChurrisWill meet Clubs of America at the annual theme of Gretchen Rim er's poster grading of the dead dictator. next! week in his Middle JCast tomorrow night at 7:30 at the Memorial Temple, Pythian convention Wednesday night. Mrs. Herbert. Carvey. Which won third prize, a 85 gift April 20, afUr har aobbmg daughter.
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