God Sikh Teaching The Sikh Community

 Sikh belief about God  The Gurus  Family life . believe there is one God who . . . Growing up as a Sikh. created all things and is present in all . Founded in .  His creation, seen or unseen. . His youth and travels, e.g. feeding the  The poor and needy, told through stories. . A special place where: . Guru Nanak’s teaching that all people are - the is based equal. and read; . Celebration of Guru Nanak's birthday. - Sikhs worship and share food together;  Guru Har Gobind - The Sikh belief that everyone is . The story of Guru Har Gobind and his equal is put into practice; cloak and demonstrating beliefs about - ceremonies take place, e.g. equality recalled at Diwali. naming, festivals; - the symbol is displayed.  . The introduction of the 5 Ks. . . . Beliefs in action - story of the water carrier. Bhai Ghanaya. . Baisakhi.

 The Guru Granth Sahib . The final, everlasting Guru of the Sikhs.

Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Statutory Content SIKHISM Part 1:1


God Sikh Teaching The Sikh Community

 Sikh belief about God  The Gurus  Belonging to the Community . There is one God – represented by . There were ten human Gurus - from Guru . The . the symbol Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh. . Amrit ceremony. . God is the supreme truth. . built the . . The 5 Ks. . Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa. . Marriage. . Beliefs about Death.  The Guru Granth Sahib . Teachings of Guru Nanak and other  The Gurdwara Gurus. Place of Sikh worship . Treated as a living Guru. . Community centre. . Written in Gurmurkhi. . The Khanda symbo. . Contains hymns sung in services. . Place of prayer / worship. . The Mool Mantra. . Shoes removed, hair covered; . Akhand Path. . Shared meal. . Use of the Guru Granth Sahib.  Values . Role of the Granthi. . Earning by honest means (kirat karna). . Music and musicians. . Sharing (vand chhakna). . Ceremonies - ceremony of belonging, . Service to all human beings (sewa) e.g. the Amrit Ceremony and festivals. Pingalwara. . The Nisan Sahib. . Equality of gender. . Equality of race and creed - all humans are one.

Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Statutory Content SIKHISM Part 2:1