INSIDE: l The Kaliningrad factor in Kremlin calculations – page 3 l Vasyl Stus: The essence of ’s undying spirit – page 8 l Community: Syracuse, Binghamton, Bloomingdale – page 13 The Ukrainian Weekly Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association

Vol. LXXXVIII No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 $2.00 As Ukraine’s population shrinks, Russian forces breach truce, Kyiv stalls dual citizenship bill killing Ukrainian soldier in Donbas by Mark Raczkiewycz or who are at war with Ukraine.” There’s also the issue of “Russia and CHICAGO – A dual citizenship bill Hungary handing out passports to designed as part of Ukrainian President Ukrainians – all of a sudden these people Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s plan to encourage pose a security threat,” Mr. Grod told The foreigners of Ukrainian heritage and those Ukrainian Weekly. He added that the origi- living abroad to return home has stalled in nal bill included people living in NATO and the . European Union (EU) countries as qualify- It was initially drafted by the Ukrainian ing, and said he would like to see Australia World Congress (UWC) jointly with the included as well. Kyiv-based National Institute of Strategic In spirit, he said, the bill was designed to Studies and submitted to the Presidential treat all Ukrainians within the framework of Office last November. Mr. Zelenskyy regis- the bill “equally,” which would allow natu- tered the bill in the Verkhovna Rada in ralized Ukrainians to maintain their previ- January and it was tabled for consideration ous citizenship and allow them to vote, hold six times before being removed from the public office and work as civil servants. legislature’s agenda on May 19, the “I endorse a concept… where you have Joint Forces Operation press center Parliament’s website shows. one class of citizens,” Mr. Grod, a Ukrainian Screenshot of Yaroslava Zorina, spokesperson for the Joint Forces command, speak- The version the president submitted is Canadian, said. ing at the daily briefing on September 9. significantly different from the one the As recently as September 2, Foreign UWC sent for consideration. Namely, it Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that, if by Roman Tymotsko Donbas region. The decision was adopted includes Russian citizens whereas UWC the law is adopted in its current form, civil on July 22, at a regular meeting of the President Paul Grod insists the bill’s lan- KYIV – On September 6, on the 42nd day Trilateral Contact Group (Ukraine, Russia guage should exclude “countries occupying (Continued on page 5) of the “full and comprehensive ceasefire,” and the Organization for Security and armed forces of the Russian Federation vio- Cooperation in Europe). All parties lated the agreements reached by the approved the ceasefire agreement; howev- Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) and twice er, Russian proxies fired upon Ukrainian President of Ukraine responds to UWC letter attacked Ukrainian positions. As a result of positions at 12:20 a.m. – 19 minutes after the second breach of the truce, one service- the start of the ceasefire. man of the was about desecration of Holodomor statue Other fatalities in the war zone killed. Ukrainian World Congress The enemy opened fire with small arms September 6 was the most eventful day on the Joint Forces units’ positions near since the start of the ceasefire, which went President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Prychepylivka in the Luhansk region. As the into effect July 27. Ukrainian soldiers con- Ukraine issued a statement on Joint Forces Operation press center report- tinued to extinguish fires in the Donetsk September 7 condemning any acts of dis- ed, “In response to the shelling, Joint Forces and Luhansk regions that reportedly were respect for the memory of millions of used available firearms and repulsed the set by Russian forces. Unfortunately, during Holodomor victims, their relatives and Russian armed forces. The losses of the the evacuation of personnel, two Ukrainian the entire Ukrainian nation, and called on enemy are being clarified.” defenders, bypassing the fire center in the law enforcement agencies to investigate The first violation of the ceasefire agree- “gray zone,” came upon on an unknown as soon as possible the act of desecration ment that day took place earlier near the explosive device on the enemy’s minefield, of the sculpture “Bitter Memory of village of Krasnohorivka in the Donetsk receiving lethal injuries. Childhood” at the National Museum of region. The enemy opened fire with an Later that day, a tanker truck exploded the Holodomor-Genocide that occurred automatic easel grenade launcher, firing at on an unidentified explosive device on its on the night of August 22. the Joint Forces. As a result of the shelling, a way to extinguish smoldering centers. Two In an official statement, the president serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Joint Forces personnel were injured in the referred to a letter from Ukrainian World UWC Congress President Paul Grod calling for was wounded. The soldier was promptly explosion. Both soldiers received medical Ukrainian World Congress President given first aid and evacuated to a medical treatment and were taken to a medical measures to investigate the crime and Paul Grod. bring the perpetrators to justice. facility. facility; the next day, one of the men died in Mr. Zelenskyy stressed that the police and disinformation campaigns that dis- “This audacity of the enemy indicates the hospital due to numerous burns. that the Russian Federation is aimed at dis- should conduct all necessary investiga- tort and falsify the truth about Ukraine’s Ukraine’s forces on the alert tive actions, classify the offenses and history. It includes the desecration of the rupting the Trilateral Contact Group’s report on the progress of the investiga- Holodomor memorial in Kyiv, vandalism agreements of July 22, 2020,” stated the Ukraine’s Defense Minister Andriy Taran tion within a month. The case is under at a Ukrainian cemetery in Toronto, Joint Forces Operation press center. pointed out that Article 51 of the United the control of Deputy Minister of Internal defacing the future Communism victims “Today’s shelling proves once again that the Nations Charter gives a country the right to Affairs Anton Herashchenko. memorial in Ottawa, among others. so-called ORDLO leadership does not defend itself. At the same time, he stressed The UWC thanked all Ukrainian com- Kremlin propaganda is attempting to intend to achieve peace. The Joint Forces that Ukraine has the political will to achieve munities around the globe for their sup- rewrite the history of our people, erase provide another opportunity for the so- a permanent ceasefire, and he expressed port of its appeal condemning the van- the memory of millions of Ukrainian vic- called ‘DPR’ [Donetsk People’s Republic] hope that the other side will also demon- dalism at the memorial and calling for a tims of the totalitarian regime, turn our and ‘LPR’ [Luhansk People’s Republic] to strate such resolve. thorough investigation. allies against us, and sow discord in our comply with a full and comprehensive “The situation in the area of ​​the Joint “We have been witnessing a global global communities,” UWC President ceasefire,” reads the statement. Forces Operation (JTO) remains stable and and coordinated anti-Ukrainian opera- Grod said in a statement released on As previously reported, on July 27 a full fully under control. Ukrainian defenders tion, including vandalism of memorials August 26. and comprehensive ceasefire went into effect in the area of armed conflict in the (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37


Chain of poor choices leads Jury selection begins in Sheremet case China’s attempt to purchase a Ukrainian engine manufacturer, the State Department The trial of three defendants suspected said on August 29. Mr. Pompeo raised con- Putin into a serious blunder of being involved in the high-profile killing cerns over “malign” Chinese investment in of journalist Pavel Sheremet has started in ories abound; but taken together, the tim- Ukraine, including Beijing’s efforts to by Pavel K. Baev Kyiv with the selection of jurors. The ing, method, organization and subsequent acquire the Motor Sich engine manufactur- Eurasia Daily Monitor Shevchenko district court on September 4 government cover-up leave only one plau- er, in a telephone call on August 26 with Mr. selected jurors with the participation of Russia traditionally returns to normal sible conclusion: a centrally planned and Zelenskyy, spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus defendants Andriy Antonenko, Yana Duhar, work, after a summer break, on September sanctioned on the highest level operation of said in a statement. The United States has and Yulia Kuzmenko, and their legal teams. 1. This year, however, although schools special services that went wrong, as in previously lobbied against the possible sale The court decided to remove two potential reopened as usual, broader public and many other previous such cases (Carnegie. of the strategic company and its advanced members of the jury from the panel due to political life persisted on its earlier course ru, August 25). technology to China. The acting U.S. ambas- conflicts of interest and possible bias. The of disarray and downturn. In his televised In recent days, German Chancellor sador to Ukraine said late last year that jury will be fully established at the next address to schoolchildren, President Angela Merkel publicly established the fact there were U.S. companies studying the hearing, scheduled for September 28. Vladimir Putin spoke at length about the of the use of the Novichok weaponized possible purchase of Motor Sich, one of the Sheremet, a Belarusian-born Russian citi- memory of the great Soviet triumph over nerve agent, and the North Atlantic Treaty world’s top makers of aircraft engines for zen who had made Kyiv his permanent Nazi Germany but only obliquely referred Organization’s (NATO) Secretary General the defense industry. “There are some seri- to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Jens Stoltenberg has demanded answers home, was leaving his apartment to head to ous American and other companies inter- (Ezhednevny Zhurnal, September 2). It was from Moscow. Thus, the Kremlin realizes the studio where he hosted a morning radio ested in Motor Sich,” William Taylor said in the severe explosion of coronavirus infec- the usual denials will not work, but Mr. program when an improvised explosive an interview on December 26, 2019, with tions in April that spoiled his carefully pre- Putin’s courtiers cannot find another way device planted under his vehicle exploded Ukrainian media outlets prior to leaving his pared celebrations of the 75th anniversary to minimize the mounting damage on July 20, 2016, killing him. Mr. Antonenko, post on January 2. He did not disclose the of the Soviet Union’s victory in the Great (Kommersant, September 2). Ms. Duhar and Ms. Kuzmenko were arrest- names of the American companies. Motor Patriotic War, and, since then, nothing has The unfolding drama of the attempted ed in December as suspects in the case. Ms. Sich is privately owned by its chief execu- gone quite right in the Kremlin’s plans for murder of a Russian opposition leader Duhar was later released and curfew tive, Vyacheslav Bohuslayev. He reportedly regime consolidation. interplays with the ongoing revolution in restrictions were imposed on her, while Ms. has agreed to sell the bulk of his shares to In early June, Mr. Putin announced that neighboring Belarus. Mr. Putin has already Kuzmenko was transferred to house arrest Chinese companies, but the deal has yet to the disease outbreak had reached a “pla- made the mistake of openly congratulating in August. Mr. Antonenko remains in a receive Ukrainian government approval. teau”; since then, the official daily number Alyaksandr Lukashenka on winning the detention center. All three took part in mili- Ms. Ortagus said Messrs. Pompeo and of new infections has remained around the apparently blatantly falsified August 9 tary operations in different capacities in Zelenskyy also discussed the situation in 5,000 mark, making the total figure today presidential elections. And the Russian Ukraine’s east, where government forces Belarus, Ukraine’s efforts to combat COVID- around 1 million Russian coronavirus cases leader now looks set to commit the even are fighting against Russia-backed separat- 19, attempts to reach a diplomatic resolu- (RBC, September 5). Yet, multiple expert greater blunder of providing support in ists. They deny any involvement in tion to Russia’s aggression in eastern investigations show distortions in the data suppressing the Belarusian protests Sheremet’s killing. Analysts said the murder Ukraine and the restoration of Ukrainian in many regions, meaning that the real tra- (Fontanka, September 4). underscored concerns of a climate of impu- sovereignty in Crimea. Mr. Pompeo also jectory of Mr. Putin’s “plateau” could be sig- Russian media are providing remarkably nity for attacks on journalists and others congratulated Ukraine on the country’s nificantly higher (The Insider, September broad coverage of these protests, but the who challenge the authorities, while the Independence Day on August 24 and 1). tone of the official propaganda changed fol- government has faced persistent criticism emphasized that the United States will con- Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin proudly lowing the September 3 visit to Minsk of over a perceived lack of progress in solving tinue to stand with the Ukrainian people “in claims on his website that his initiatives on Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mushustin the case. In January, the Ukrainian order to advance the rule of law, foster eco- enforcing a lockdown have helped mini- (Rossiiskaya Gazeta, September 3). A des- Prosecutor-General’s Office said additional nomic growth, attract foreign investment mize the damage; but still, some 650 cases perate Mr. Lukashenka informed him about evidence was needed for the case to go to and eliminate endemic corruption that con- are registered in the capital every day an alleged intercept of conversation trial. Sheremet’s mother, Lyudmila strains Ukraine’s potential.” (RFE/RL) (Mos ­cow Echo, September 4). Officials between Polish and German special servic- Sheremet, told RFE/RL in December that point to the low mortality rate. However, es that proved Mr. Navalny’s poisoning was she does not know if the suspects are guilty Ukraine tightens COVID-19 lockdown or not, but that she is afraid “that innocent vital statistics conspicuously demonstrate a a provocation. This bizarre fabrication The Ukrainian government has tight- people may be hurt” as officials try to show record-high decline in the Russian popula- instantly received traction in the Russian ened lockdown measures, including closing they’re making headway in the case. (RFE/ tion over the past several months: in the tabloids (Izvestiya, September 6). its borders to foreigners, in an effort to con- RL’s Ukrainian Service) first half of 2020, Russia lost 265,500 peo- Mr. Putin invited Mr. Lukashenka to trav- tain the country’s coronavirus outbreak. ple (from all causes), about as much as dur- el to Moscow on an emergency visit. This Pompeo on Chinese investment in Ukraine The border closure that took effect on ing the whole of 2019 (Rosbalt, September upcoming meeting could become a crucial August 28 was expected, but was moved up 1). inflection point in the close but highly U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has a day during an emergency session of the In July, the tightly controlled public vote ambivalent relations between the two spoken with Ukrainian President Volody­ on the package of amendments to the states (Novaya Gazeta, September 4). For myr Zelenskyy about U.S. concerns over (Continued on page 10) Constitution, designed to ensure Mr. Putin’s years, Mr. Lukashenka portrayed himself as continuing grasp on power through the an upholder of Belarusian sovereignty, and next decade, had to be crudely falsified in the key message of his re-election cam- order to show strong support. Despite an paign was resistance to Russian pressure. The Ukrainian Weekly FOUNDED 1933 official turnout of 78 percent, with 68 per- But now, to some at least, he looks pre- cent voting for the constitutional reforms pared to sacrifice every foundation of An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., (mathematically an absolute majority of Belarusian statehood in order to preserve a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. the electorate), in reality only an estimated his own hold on power (Nezavisimoe Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. 60 percent bothered to participate, and 60 Voennoe Obozrenie, September 3). Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. percent of them voted “as ordered” Belarus’s Defense Minister Victor Khre­ (ISSN — 0273-9348) (, August 7). nin informed his counterparts from the A week after the vote, the arrest of popu- Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai The Weekly: UNA: Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 lar Far Eastern governor Sergei Furgal trig- Cooperation organizations (CSTO, SCO) gered mass protests in Khabarovsk; and Mr. that external powers had attempted a Postmaster, send address changes to: Putin’s decision to appoint an obscure poli- regime change in Belarus but Russian sup- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz tician from Moscow as the oblast’s new port would ensure a restoration of stability 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas head turned out to be a mistake, causing (Kommersant, September 5). P.O. Box 280 even greater public outrage. The start of Russian public opinion is divided in Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] September saw more rallies, and this com- sympathy or scorn toward Mr. Lukashenka, ing weekend will hardly be any different who has behaved erratically in the course The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: (, September 3). of this crisis but clearly seeks to avoid any The irritation in the Kremlin about the “hybrid” interventions (Rosbalt, September The Ukrainian Weekly, September 13, 2020, No. 37, Vol. LXXXVIII persistence of the protests mixed with anx- 4). The hundreds of thousands of Belaru­ Copyright © 2020 The Ukrainian Weekly iety about the outcome of this month’s sians who have kept the protests going for upcoming regional elections has focused on a month and again came out in force in the person of Alexei Navalny, the anti-cor- Minsk and every other major city last ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA ruption blogger-turned-politician who has Sunday (September 6) have so far not sought to mobilize every source of discon- expressed any anti-Russian feelings. But Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 tent into producing a strong protest vote in Mr. Putin’s embrace of the autocrat they are e-mail: [email protected] these elections (Republic, September 2). rising up against could alter this attitude Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 The story of Mr. Navalny’s poisoning on e-mail: [email protected] August 20 remains murky. Conspiracy the- (Continued on page 7) No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Kaliningrad: A key factor in the Kremlin’s calculations on Belarus

by Paul Goble role in Russian thinking about Belarus has the Cold War-era Fulda Gap (the area in first decade of this century, but Mr. Putin Eurasia Daily Monitor been neglected is that Belarus lacks a com- West Germany many assumed a Soviet has worked hard to repress them mon border with the exclave. The only land move against the West would begin in the (, November 8, 2018; Icds. Commentators in Russia and the West routes, via Belarusian territory, that event of war), NATO military exercises in ee, August 27, 2018). Last spring, however, have often focused on the geopolitics of the Moscow has to its major naval base on the this region have routinely focused on the a military court in the exclave sentenced Belarusian situation, arguing that Moscow Baltic go through Poland and Lithuania, defense and holding of this portion of some of the most prominent leaders of the wants a friendly regime in Belarus in order both of which are North Atlantic Treaty Poland against any Russian onslaught. movement who have not yet emigrated or to expand its military presence there and Organization (NATO) allies. So, based upon Were the government in Minsk to already been put behind bars to lengthy thus be in a position to project power into such a superficial examination, it might change its orientation, Moscow would be prison sentences – an indication of the Central Europe and deeper westward. seem that regime change in Belarus would deprived of a beachhead (or at least the latent support for secession there (Sever­ Moreover, the Kremlin allegedly fears that not significantly affect Kaliningrad. But Mr. appearance of one) from which it has evi-, April 17, 2020). the establishment of a pro-Western regime Avva suggests that is not how Moscow sees dently planned to move. Indeed, Russian, The Baltic Republic Party (BRP), as the in Minsk would have the effect of pushing things. In Russia’s view, without a pro-Mos- Western and Chinese analysts alike have backers of independent Kaliningrad style Russia further to the east, further isolating cow Minsk, Kaliningrad would be even argued that without Russian control of the themselves, has long supported the anti- the latter from the outside world (see more isolated and become a problem in Lukashenka movement in Belarus. In the Eurasia Daily Monitor, October 23, 2018, both war and peacetime. Kaliningrad in the first 48 hours (Lenta, words of Vadim Petrov, a BRP member now and May 3, 2016). In the event of war, Moscow would no SeptemberSuwałki corridor, 20, 2019). Moscow would lose in exile, “We do not want Belarus to Those are entirely reasonable inferences longer be able to exploit the threat of seiz- Even less optimistic Western experts become a larger version of Kaliningrad” – given what President Vladimir Putin and ing what has come to be known as “the have suggested that if NATO’s control of the that is, a Moscow colony without basic others in Moscow have said and done over rights that the Kremlin has militarized to the last several years, let alone in recent between Belarus and Kaliningrad that con- Moscow would lose its Baltic exclave in two threaten the countries of Europe. Mr. weeks, but they are inherently longer-term nectsSuwałki Poland corridor,” with Lithuania.the 100-kilometer Both Russian gap weeksSuwałki (Lenta, corridor October can 27, be 2019). safeguarded, For that Petrov added that residents of Koenigsberg considerations and more global in scope and Western military analysts have predict- reason – and regardless whether it suc- (which Moscow renamed Kaliningrad after than the factors Moscow is thinking about ed in the past that Moscow would attempt ceeds in deploying any additional military the end of World War II) have a great deal in the short term, according to Russian ana- to shut down this NATO bottleneck in the facilities to Belarus – the Russian govern- in common with Belarusians. “Together we lyst Vadim Avva. event of war (see Eastern Approaches, July ment has to care about the direction of any act against the imperial policy of the Writing in Svobodnaya Pressa, Mr. Avva 17; see EDM, September 14, 2017; The post-Lukashenka Belarus. Kremlin” (, December 9, argues bluntly that, at the moment, the Baltic Times, November 9, 2015). But even short of the start of a major 2019). Undoubtedly, he and other residents Kremlin is primarily worried about what a By seizing that corridor, Russian forces war, Moscow has real concerns about what of the exclave would read a shift in Minsk’s regime change in Belarus would mean for would be able to block the movement of the loss of its position in Belarus would orientation away from Moscow as a signal Moscow’s control of Kaliningrad. If Russia men and materiel from Poland to the three mean for Russia’s regional position in gen- that they should step up their own efforts “loses” the battle for Minsk, the commenta- Baltic states, isolating the latter and open- eral and its control of Kaliningrad in partic- in that regard as well. tor says, the Russian government would ing the way for a Russian thrust against ular. To give just one example, Minsk’s Moscow is fully aware of those risks. “automatically hand over [that Russian them. Because that scenario would repre- reorientation away from Moscow would Consequently, there is no question that the exclave] to the enemy” (Svobodnaya Pressa, sent such a danger to the Alliance and make it much more difficult (if not impossi- Kremlin, in its deliberations about Belarus, August 30, 2020). because of the analogies many in NATO ble) for Russia to block the construction of is factoring in what could happen in its Among the reasons why Kaliningrad’s the E40, a north-south waterway between Baltic exclave in war or peace. And because the Black Sea and the Baltic that would link Moscow is doing so, Western analysts must make between the Suwałki corridor and Ukraine, Belarus and Poland into an eco- do so as well, because this hitherto often- nomic and political zone at odds with neglected factor could play a far larger role Russia’s promotion of east-west routes (see in the coming weeks than many currently Belarus broadens assault against RFE/RL EDM, April 28, May 4, 13, 2020). assume. And a shift in Belarus would mean that WASHINGTON – As protesters remain the middle of a live broadcast. Mr. Yaro­ Moscow would almost certainly face more The article above is reprinted from unyielding in the weeks since the August 9 shevich was released in the afternoon of separatist demands in Kaliningrad itself. Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from election they say was rigged handed Bela­ August 28 after spending the night in cus- Regionalist and separatist demands in its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, rus President Alyaksandr Lukashenka a tody on charges of participating in an unau- Kaliningrad were rife in the 1990s and the sixth term, authorities are escalating their thorized rally. Mr. Yaroshevich was previ- attacks against Radio Free Europe/Radio ously a photographer for Belarusian State Liberty (RFE/RL) and other independent TV, but was one of hundreds of workers media. who went on strike, eventually leaving his “Authorities are treating the media in an job, to protest the police violence that Ukraine Caucus applauds House passage increasingly arbitrary manner. Not only are erupted after the August 9 election. they refusing to accredit journalists, but During their detention, RFE/RL journal- of programs supporting Ukrainian democracy they are using a variety of pretexts to ists were searched by police, who appeared detain fully credentialed journalists to pre- to be looking for recording equipment. WASHINGTON – The co-chairs of the Department of State vent them from reporting what they see,” Their laptops and cameras were seized, Congressional Ukraine Caucus, Reps. Marcy RFE/RL Acting President Daisy Sindelar and they were ordered to open up the Kaptur (D-Ohio), Andy Harris (R-Md.), Mike million for development and anti-corrup- said on August 28. “We are also alarmed photo galleries and other information on Quigley (D-Ill.) and Brian Fitzpatrick tion• assistance.$255 million, an increase from $250 that authorities have threatened to bring their mobile phones. In at least one case, a (R-Pa.), released a statement applauding arbitrary charges against journalists who journalist was told to delete images of riot the inclusion in several appropriations bills financing. refuse police orders to surrender photos police. When Mr. Hrydzin, an accredited funding for vital programs that support key • $115 million for foreign military and other information. This is blatant retal- photographer, refused to surrender his efforts to strengthen democracy in Ukraine. education and training. iation, and an outrageous breach of norms photos, police threatened him with new “We are thrilled the House increased U.S. • $2.9 million for international military and laws.” administrative charges. security and development assistance to terrorism, demining and related programs. RFE/RL Belarus Service journalists With the exception of Mr. Yaroshevich, Ukraine for Fiscal Year 2021,” the CUC co- • $15 million for nonproliferation, anti- Uladz Hrydzin, Ales Dashchynski, Aleh the journalists were all released by 1:30 chairs said on August 26. “In doing so, the control and law enforcement. Hruzdzilovich and Andrei Rabchyk, and a.m. on August 28. U.S. continues to demonstrate the American • $30 million for international narcotics Current Time reporter Roman Vasiukovich Journalists from TUT.BY, BelaPAN, people’s unwavering support for the for Ukrainian veterans, enhance Ukraine’s and cameraman Andrey Yaroshevich were Belsat, TASS, the Associated Press, and Ukrainian people’s prosperous and demo- cyberdefenses• Includes key and language energy to boostsecurity, care among 30 or more local and foreign jour- other media were also detained. Most were cratic future, free from Russian aggression. strengthen women’s agricultural microfi- nalists the Belarusian Association of later released. With this increase in security assistance, nancing initiatives, and to support creation Journalists says were detained on August The attack comes amid an information Ukraine will be able to strengthen its naval of the Ukrainian Rada Research Service to 27 while covering peaceful protests in blockade that the Belarusian government defenses in the strategic Black Sea and boost Ukraine’s reform efforts. downtown Minsk’s Independence Square. has engineered to radically reduce Internet beyond. The development and anti-corrup- They were among tens of journalists, access for more than 70 targeted websites, tion assistance will be crucial in the fight Department of Defense several with visible press credentials, who including the website of RFE/RL’s Belarus against the influence of the rapacious oli- were herded into minibuses at about 5 p.m. Service. garchs, whose greed stifles Ukraine’s for- - local time and taken to a district office of As part of the blackout, numerous blog- ward progress. We look forward to working lion.• Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative: the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A ministry gers who were instrumental in mobilizing with our Senate colleagues to ensure these $275 million, an increase from $250 mil spokesperson said it was necessary to public attention around the election remain increases pass Congress and make it to the further adopts and implements defense check “documents confirming the legality in prison, in some cases for months. Ihar president’s desk for signature.” reforms• Incl udesand languagereduces corruptionto ensure Ukraine in the of their professional activities,” adding that Losik, a popular blogger who consults for The office of Rep. Kaptur provided the security services. the journalists “were not detained.” following breakdown of funding for Mr. Rabchyk was snatched by police in (Continued on page 4) Ukraine. Source: Office of Rep. Marcy Kaptur 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37

July 22 on measures to reinforce the cease- death of our soldiers will be one of those matic solution to the settlement and de- Russian forces... fire regime. issues that will be discussed very harshly.” occupation of our territories,” Minister “All our partners received detailed infor- Kuleba affirmed. (Continued from page 1) Normandy format advisors to meet mation about what happened. It is very “To this end, the Ukrainian party will use continue to perform their assigned tasks “On September 11, a meeting of advisors important that we told the truth about any mechanisms, both within the TCG and faithfully,” the JTO press center reported at of the Normandy format [Germany, France, what happened in the Donbas, about who within the Normandy format, which will 7:30 a.m. on September 9. Ukraine and Russia] is to take place. We broke the ceasefire. Given the situation’s save Ukrainian servicemen and civilians’ “For the past 24 hours, on September 8, expect certain proposals, certain decisions sensitivity, it will be carefully studied in lives. We remain fully committed to the no violations of the agreements, which there,” said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy international capitals, and then there will peace process and the implementation of came into effect on July 27, 2020, were during a conversation with the news media be feedback. Our international partners the agreements reached,” Mr. Kravchuk, the recorded in Ukrainian units’ areas of while on a working trip to the Sumy region support us in saying that the ceasefire must leader of Ukraine’s delegation to the TCG, responsibility. There was silence along the on September 8. continue and that we must seek a diplo- emphasized. entire line of demarcation. Units of the Joint “We will still do everything to preserve Forces are constantly on the alert to ade- the regime of silence to avoid a large num- quately respond to any changes in the ene- ber of wounded and dead,” Mr. Zelenskyy content via Facebook jumped to 4.2 million my’s operational situation and insidious noted. “We responded immediately. There Belarus broadens... from 1.2 million in May, while the sum of actions,” stated Yaroslava Zorina, spokes- are some things that we do not discuss (Continued from page 3) interactions with its Instagram feed qua- person for the Joint Forces command at the with the media because our task is to pro- drupled during the same timeframe. The daily briefing. tect not one person, but 40 million citizens the Belarus Service on digital strategy, is number of subscribers to its YouTube page An extended meeting of the leadership of of our independent country,” the president currently in Zhodzina prison outside of has more than doubled since May, to the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral added. Minsk, having been arrested on June 25; 206,000. Current Time, the 24/7 Russian- Contact Group (TCG) took place on Sunday, Following the breach of the truce, authorities on August 28 extended his language digital network led by RFE/RL in September 6. “We very much appreciate the Ukraine acted as agreed and informed the detention release date to October 25. cooperation with Voice of America, full and comprehensive ceasefire regime OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Protesters are planning more mass dem- received over 86 million video views of its that was reached on July 27. That is why we Ukraine about the incident. “In addition, I onstrations in Minsk. “Our journalists will Belarus coverage across digital platforms are constantly monitoring the implementa- initiated an urgent conversation with the of course be there,” Ms. Sindelar said on between August 17-24. tion of the agreements, and it is important to minister of foreign affairs of the Russian August 28, “and we call on the government us that the Normandy format yields results Federation, Sergei Lavrov, to discuss the to stop targeting the media and – at the About RFE/RL as soon as possible. The Ukrainian party will current situation and the ways out of it,” barest minimum – to respect the rights of RFE/RL relies on its networks of local do everything to prevent the truce in the stated Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs the journalists it itself has accredited.” reporters to provide accurate news and Donbas from being disrupted,” stated the Dmytro Kuleba. information to more than 38 million people head of the Ukrainian delegation to the “The killing of Ukrainian soldiers by the About the Belarus Service in 27 languages and 23 countries where TCG, former President Leonid Kravchuk. occupiers just before the meeting of advis- Despite the government’s information media freedom is restricted, or where a A document released by the OSCE clear- ers and ministers increases the stakes, blockade, RFE/RL’s Belarus Service contin- professional press has not fully developed. ly stated that its mission had conducted changes the atmosphere and changes the ues to provide live coverage and indepen- Its videos were viewed over 3.6 billion aerial surveillance and did not find any issues we have to discuss,” said Mr. Kuleba. dent news and analysis of the fast-moving times on Facebook, YouTube and changes in the existing positions of “It is an attempt to roll back the whole pro- events to Belarusian audiences in their own Instagram/IGTV in FY2019. Ukraine’s Armed Forces as compared to cess to security issues because they are vio- language, relying on messengers, social RFE/RL is an editorially independent July 5. That is, the OSCE confirmed the lated. As of now, the meeting of advisers media, circumvention technology and even media company funded by a grant from the absence of any changes on Ukrainian side remains on schedule. Ukraine is preparing a return to the AM airwaves. U.S. Congress through the U.S. Agency for that would violate the TCG agreement of for it very carefully. And, certainly, the In July, views of Belarus Service video Global Media. No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 5

try’s area, are no longer counted as part of “Everybody eventually hits a wall when Attitudes need to change among those in As Ukraine’s... the labor force. it comes to the rule of law,” he said, adding power who refuse help from abroad (Continued from page 1) Ella Libanova, the director of the Kyiv- that the judiciary and other factors that because they “have that arrogance about ‘I based Ptoukha Institute for Demography contribute to ensuring justice “are not up to know everything and you don’t need to servants will not be allowed to hold dual and Social Studies at the National Academy standards we would expect.” teach us,’ ” she added. citizenship. of Sciences of Ukraine told The Atlantic In spite of the current draft law’s per- Ms. Mazur concluded, “if we care about Ukraine currently does not allow dual magazine in March that the population ceived flaws, Andriy Futey, president of the Ukraine and want to make it better, then we citizenship. could be as low as 35 million. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, have to find mutual agreement.” “This issue [dual citizenship] raises dis- Since 1991 and to this day, Ukrainians said that more pressing issues could’ve Still, Mr. Grod of the UWC believes the cussions. I personally believe that we continue to emigrate abroad for “economic placed the bill on the backburner. diaspora has a lot to offer and its value for should find a balanced solution. Let’s face reasons,” said Orest Zakydalsky, senior poli- A supporter of Ukrainians of all stripes lobbying and assisting Ukraine was high- it: millions of Ukrainians for different rea- cy advisor at the Ukrainian Canadian returning to Ukraine, he told The Ukrainian lighted during the 2014 Revolution of sons went abroad but want to remain citi- Congress (UCC). Weekly that other priorities “have laid the Dignity and the ensuing war with Russia. zens of Ukraine and helped Ukraine in the “They feel no economic opportunity to issue on the desk.” Just like Jews around the world whom hardest of times,” Mr. Kuleba told the 1+1 realize their potential in Ukraine… the main They include the COVID-19 pandemic Israel considers as equals, he said, “Ukraine Ukrainian channel. reason is that the economy remains that has gripped the country, with nearly looks at us as people who have values of Mr. Zelenskyy has acknowledged monopolized by oligarchs,” he added. 3,000 deaths and more than 140,000 cases respect, dignity, rule of law, and realize that Ukraine’s demographic crisis and in his Ukraine is Europe’s second poorest as of September 9. democracy is important for Ukraine’s inauguration speech in May 2019 called on country, based on nominal and per-capita An ongoing “war with Russia [in its sev- future.” Ukrainians abroad to help build a stronger gross domestic product figures. enth year] and political upheavals have Since 2014, among others who have state. Mr. Zakydalsky added that the economy always prioritized themselves,” Mr. Futey advised the previous administration of “Today, I appeal to all Ukrainians in the should be “de-monopolized” and “sus- added, while saying that “we should contin- were Chicago native world. There are 65 million of us,” he said. tained economic growth should be pursued ue and stop this trend of the huge depar- Natalie Jaresko, who served as finance min- “Ukrainians in Europe and Asia, in North by ensuring protection of property rights ture of people,” which is something the ister, and Detroit-area native Ulana Suprun, and South America, Australia and Africa – I and through a proper judicial system.” “government and the Verkhovna Rada must who was acting minister of health. appeal to all Ukrainians on the planet!” Separately, Andy Hunder, president of address as soon as possible.” The current administration of President The Presidential Office has not respond- the American Chamber of Commerce of Indeed, one of President Zelenskyy’s big- Zelenskyy has Ukrainian American lawyer ed to two e-mailed inquiries regarding the Ukraine, tweeted on September 4: “The gest media backers during his campaign, Andrew Mac in Washington as a non-staff subject matter of this article, including on court system is absolutely rotten to the billionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, told presidential adviser. He was appointed on legislation and policies that would encour- bone. And it’s the reason why investors the Ukrainian media outlet in November 5, 2019, with a mandate to build age all groups of Ukrainians to emigrate to have shied away. We need someone to take August 2019 that reversing the mass emi- relations with the Ukrainian diaspora. start businesses, invest, create jobs, share responsibility.” gration from the country would be Mr. His primary areas of activity include their knowledge in the public sector or Ever since the EU allowed Ukrainians to Zelenskyy’s “key performance indicator.” cooperation with the North American even retire in their ancestral homeland. travel visa-free to most of its countries in Philadelphia-based immigration lawyer Ukrainian community and established dias- Ukraine had close to 52 million inhabit- June 2017, Ukraine has seen an influx of Iryna Mazur, who provided input on the pora groups like the Ukrainian Canadian ants upon regaining independence in 1991. migrants abroad, mainly to Poland. dual citizenship bill for the Foreign Affairs Congress, the Ukrainian Congress A decade later, the population stood at 48 One in seven wage-earning Ukrainians is a Ministry, said it’s “not ideal and needs to be Committee of America, the Ukrainian World million, the last time an official census was labor migrant in the EU, according to the polished more.” Congress and Razom, as well as with held. The World Bank estimates the coun- European Commission. Some 3.2 million She said it’s premature to pass a dual cit- Ukraine’s Embassy in Washington. One of try’s current population is 44.6 million, Ukrainians were recorded as working abroad izenship law because Ukraine should “work his projects was to organize an investment while the European Commission places the last year, a separate report by Ukraine’s on its foundation and not the roof” at the forum in Ukraine involving Ukrainian dias- number at 42 million. Ministry of Social Policy recently stated. moment, mentioning other preconditions pora members, but COVID-19 has post- A United Nations report from last year As a reservoir of migrant labor, that should be met for such a law to be poned that indefinitely. says that, if current trends continue, passed. Mr. Mac said he thinks Ukrainians Ukraine could lose a fifth of its population billion monthly back home to Ukraine, but “You could bring people back through abroad of all stripes could contribute to by 2050. latelyUkrainians that figure have onhas average dipped duesent to about restric $1- other laws that serve as instruments of building Ukraine. A number of factors contribute to tions related to the coronavirus pandemic. engaging the diaspora to serve their coun- Whereas most Ukrainians who’ve left Ukraine’s shrinking population. The central bank in June reported that try,” said Ms. Mazur, who also sits on the Ukraine still renew their passports, foreign- The death rate has often surpassed the board of directors of Razom, a non-profit, ers of Ukrainian extraction can still apply birth rate due to low life expectancy amid a migrants was sent home. After food apolitical group that unites recent Ukrainian for residency permits based on their lin- struggling health-care system, which hasn’t exports,remittances labor of remittances $856 million are fromthe second labor immigrants and others focused on the goal eage, which affords them all rights, except been completely reformed to focus on largest source of income for Ukraine. of “unlock[ing] the potential of Ukraine.” for political ones. patients. In addition, during economic Among those who had left the country She agreed with other interlocutors that Mr. Mac also pointed out that the under- downturns, spouses also often refrain from 10 to 15 years ago, the conditions haven’t the government should first improve work lying conditions keeping people back are creating larger families. changed, which is a disincentive to return- and living conditions inside the country lack of rule of law, legislative clarity and Ukrainians living in Russia-occupied ing, said Ihor Michalchyshyn, CEO and exec- before embarking on other initiatives to property rights protection, and perceived areas, equaling about 7 percent of the coun- utive director of UCC. reverse the negative demographic trends. corruption in Ukrainian courts. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37

NEWS AND VIEWS The Ukrainian Weekly The UNA’s scholarship program We must all fight against disinformation Readers of this newspaper and our sister publication, the Ukrainian-language by Kristina A. Kvien tiatives they themselves have designed to weekly Svoboda – both published by the Ukrainian National Association as a mean- reach their objectives. ingful and consequential service to our community – saw that last week’s issues fea- As a diplomat for nearly three decades, Many of the false narratives attacking tured a two-page section on the UNA’s scholarship winners for academic year 2020- I’ve long followed national and local news Ukraine’s relations with the West and its 2021. We congratulate them all, wish them much success in their studies, and here- around the world to better understand the reform agenda come directly from Russian by express our hope that they will not only continue to be active in our Ukrainian societies in which I work. Real journalism is sources. As outlined in the State Depart­ community but become contributors to our community’s progress in the future. a vital component of any democracy, serv- ment’s recent report, “Russia’s Pillars of As pointed out by the chairman of the UNA Scholarship Committee, Eugene Serba, ing to educate and inform the public about Disinformation and Propaganda,” the who is the UNA’s second vice-president, “There was a total of 54 applicants from 26 its leaders and policies. Unfortunat­ely, there Kremlin routinely attempts to sow discord different UNA branches. The number and quality of applicants this year was truly have always been those who have attempt- in Western societies, including Ukraine, to exceptional, with a number of students applying for more than one scholarship for ed to use news sources to distort the truth weaken Western institutions, promote which they were eligible.” Notably, the number of applicants had increased from to advance their own political, economic or fringe voices and undermine our democratic recent years. personal agendas. While new technologies ideals. It’s no coincidence that we’ve recent- Perhaps some readers do not realize this, but all student members of the UNA are have expanded citizens’ ability to receive ly seen long-standing Russian disinforma- eligible to receive scholarships or monetary awards to help them further their stud- news from a far wider range of sources, it tion – and outright lies – about “secret U.S. biolaboratories” revived simultaneously in ies. (To learn more about the UNA’s scholarship program, including details about eli- also makes it easier for stories and narra- tives to flourish that are deceptive or just Georgia and Ukraine, two democracies pur- gibility, readers may go to plain false. Because of this, I am always cau- suing reform and closer ties to the West. Most sought are the special scholarships funded by generous and altruistic bene- tious about the information I consume. We have also seen certain prominent factors who have entrusted the UNA with the task of selecting the candidates for I hope the people of Ukraine are taking a Ukrainians and Ukrainian media outlets their scholarships based on criteria that the donor and the UNA establish together. similar approach when they turn on their falsely accuse Western reform partners of These special scholarships are for full-time undergraduate students, and range in televisions and scroll through social media misspending assistance funds. In doing so, updates and news feeds. Today, disinforma- these elected officials, oligarchs, and others special scholarship are advised to contact Mr. Serba at 856-904-4161 or leave a mes- tion is a challenge faced by every democracy have set aside the interests of the Ukrainian sageamounts at the from UNA $500 Home to Office$2,000. number, (Persons 800-253-9862 or organizations x3085.) interested in sponsoring a and its citizens. As democratic governments people to pursue their own personal inter- New to the scholarship program are the UNA Heritage Scholarships, first awarded uphold freedom of speech, some malicious ests, or Russia’s, in an attempt to preserve in 2019, during the Ukrainian National Association’s 125th anniversary year to actors – domestic and foreign – spread out- the corrupt system that they have exploited - right lies or heavily distorted information to to make themselves rich and powerful, and arships are for undergraduate and graduate students alike, and are available to advance their personal goals. As Ukrainians divide Ukraine from its Western partners. thoseunderscore studying the part-timeUNA’s leading (as in role often in our the Ukrainiancase in grad community. school). They These are $1,000 specifically schol bravely defend their nation’s sovereignty The United States has long been com- intended to recognize students for their admirable community work, in addition to and territorial integrity on the frontlines in mitted to working with the people of their academic achievements. the Donbas, Ukraine cannot allow informa- Ukraine to combat disinformation through All student members of the UNA can receive monetary awards based on their tion-aggression to thrive. media literacy programming, training in Today, we see an onslaught of disinfor- investigative journalism, and more. It’s mation aimed at undermining the impor- important that all citizens in a democracy yearIn ofthe college/university more than 126 years studies. of its Thus, existence, this year’s the Ukrainian awards ranged National from Association $125 for tant reforms Ukraine has undertaken since have the skills to differentiate what is legiti- (UNA)freshmen has to always $200 forsupported seniors. young people in their pursuit of higher education, In the Revolution of Dignity, and that President mate, critical reporting from baseless lies. fact, the first UNA scholarships were actually small stipends awarded to promising Volodymyr Zelenskyy is working to Patriotic Ukrainians should firmly refute students to help them attain a better future. A formal scholarship program was advance. In order to protect personal eco- disinformation intended to advance nomic interests, bad actors are attacking Russian or oligarchic interests, and individ- to several thousand young men and women – a legacy of which the UNA is justifiably independent law enforcement and regulato- uals propagating lies should be sidelined. proud.established in 1964. Since then it has awarded well over $2 million in scholarships ry bodies, and weakening corporate gover- Individual citizens also can take steps to The UNA’s scholarships are a noteworthy benefit of membership in this unique nance, while attempting to protect corrupt protect themselves and their democracy and uncommonly benevolent fraternal society, and a concrete example of the UNA’s schemes that drain money from public cof- from disinformation by thinking critically, commitment to our younger generations. They are yet another reason that it’s a fers to the benefit of a few individuals. using a diverse set of media sources, and good idea to be or to become a member of the Ukrainian National Association. At the same time, retrograde forces seek seeking out ethical and unbiased sources of to drive a wedge between Ukrainians and information. There are many such honor- their democratic allies. They suggest that able journalists and media outlets operat- the West seeks to “run Ukraine” or pursues ing here in Ukraine today. Don’t let their its own interests at Ukraine’s expense. This voices be drowned out by those with more is a false narrative driven by those who do wealth, more political influence, or those Sept. Turning the pages back... not want to see Ukraine reach its full poten- supported by malign external actors. tial as a thriving, prosperous democracy The United States remains committed to Thirty years ago, on September 16, 1990, The Ukrainian that makes full use of the talent and creativ- working with the Ukrainian government 16 Weekly reported that two statues of Lenin were toppled and dis- ity of its people. The United States’ support and civil society to achieve peace in eastern mantled in the wake of Soviet policies of perebudova, when for Ukraine’s ambition to be strong, inde- Ukraine and fully implement reforms to 1990 restrictions were lifted on politics and the press, Ukrainians pendent, prosperous and resilient is driven build a stronger and more prosperous debated the course toward independence and fear of the Soviet by our belief that a Europe whole, free and Ukrainian democracy. state began to wane. at peace is in the interest of all of us. My The article, which originally appeared in Za Vilnu Ukrainu, the newspaper of the Lviv team at the U.S. Embassy works side by Kristina A. Kvien is chargé d’affaires, ad Oblast Council, noted that a number of Lenin monuments in western Ukraine had been side with partners in the Ukrainian govern- interim, at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. The taken down by the local population. ment, Ukrainian civil society and the commentary above was posted online by the Citizens of Mykolaiv, Lviv Oblast, cheered as the Lenin monument in that city center Ukrainian people as they advance the ini- U.S. Embassy on August 12. was disassembled. At that time, another monument to Lenin was taken down in Boryslav, Lviv Oblast. These were major milestones that went viral before social media existed, and it sig- FOR THE RECORD naled the crumbling of the Soviet empire that had oppressed Ukraine and the other Soviet republics for more than seven decades. Bohdan Nahaylo, a regular contributor to The Weekly, in a Radio Liberty story that was featured in the issue dated September 23, 1990, noted that the debate about Lenin monu- Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day ments exposed a divide in Ukrainian society at the time – the need to expose the “real” The Ukrainian Canadian Congress issued society. Lenin that would foster the widespread removal of such monuments as the country the following release on September 7. “Canada is home to over 1.3 million asserted its national identity, and the Communist protests against the “defamation” and Canadians of Ukrainian descent. Here, we the “act of vandalism” of such action. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) have found freedom and fostered our lan- In 1990, local authorities in Drohobych, Lviv and Stryi in western Ukraine also ordered extends warm greetings to all Canadians on guage and traditions,” stated Alexandra that Lenin monuments be taken down. As a result of the monument in Lviv being taken the occasion of Ukrainian Canadian Chyczij, national president of the UCC. “On down during the week of September 16, 1990, it was discovered that the base of the mon- behalf of the UCC, I wish all Canadians a ument was made up of gravestones from desecrated Ukrainian, Polish and Jewish ceme- On September 7 every year, Ukrainian happy Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day! teries. In Kolomyia, a scandal erupted after a similar discovery of Polish and Jewish grave- HeritageCanadian Day. Heritage Вітаємо! Day is officially celebrat- stones when locals dismantled the Lenin monument in that town. ed in Ontario and Alberta. On the last The UCC is working with Canada’s par- Anne Applebaum, who was in Ukraine during 1990, noted in her op-ed for The Saturday of July, Manitoba celebrates Многаяliamentarians Літа!” on the establishment of a Washington Post on August 25, 2017: “The removal of the Lenin statue was important not Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day. Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Month. because it was political theater, but because it reflected real change, at least for some. In the For over 125 years, Ukrainians have Surveyed by the UCC ahead of the 2019 fed- space where the Lenin statue had stood, a lovely square in front of the opera house, people called Canada home – and have made indel- eral election, Canada’s national political gathered to debate. …Nostalgia for the autocratic system that Lenin represented was still ible and enduring contributions to the cul- parties supported the adoption of legisla- tural, political, social and economic life of tion designating September as Ukrainian (Continued on page 8) our country, enriching the mosaic of our Canadian Cultural Heritage Month. No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 7


port our police. Otherwise we may find An unfair portrayal ourselves living in a repressive communist state – the kind from which people run at A conversation to be continued of Ukrainian Americans first chance. of death listed as “tuberculosis.” He was Where will we then run? by Lubomyr Luciuk Dear Editor: buried the very next day. No record exists Andriy Melnyk Most left for economic reasons. Some I was bemused and offended to read Chicago were political refugees. Ivan came because family here and no government depart- Alicia Szendiuch’s letter to the editor he couldn’t stand being humiliated any- mentof who willing paid the to $7make burial the fee, arrangements, but with no August 9). Ms. Szendiuch seems to imply more. Mitch said it was all left for Ivan Andriesky with a broad brush that the Ukrainian He was a peasant, working on an estate to take care of. He did, even paying for American community is racist. For five Republican support near Kamianets-Podilskyi, in Podillia, part Nikita’s gravestone. It still stands alongside decades, I have witnessed how compas- of the fertile black-earth (chornozem) those of Natalsky’s fellow soldiers in the sionate, caring and helpful many for Joe Biden region of Russian-occupied Ukraine. The Field of Honor at the Cataraqui Cemetery, a Ukrainian Americans can be in their treat- year was 1912. One morning, listening to national historic site. ment of people of other races. Dear Editor: the estate’s mistress telling him what his After hearing this, I made it a personal Whether as teachers, firefighters, vol- I was pleased to read that Dr. Myron daily chores were, he noticed she was sit- duty to visit Private Natalsky’s grave annu- unteers or EMTs, many Ukrainians have Kuropas admitted in his August 23 column ting on a chamber pot, doing her business ally, saying a prayer and laying a poppy for risked their lives to help perfect strangers. that he was impressed with the efforts of as she rattled off her orders. He couldn’t him on Remembrance Day. But in 2018 I When our forefathers came to this coun- Ukrainian Americans to mobilize swiftly in take that. So, at age 22, along with his was out of the country. When I resumed my try, they worked in solidarity with Black support of Joe Biden’s presidential candi- friend, Sam Mehalosky, he escaped. The vigil last year, I was alarmed to see how an factory workers and often struggled for dacy. lads went through Romania to Germany, orange-colored lichen had almost obliterat- more humane working conditions, fair Many lifelong Republicans have come from where they took passage on a ed the inscription on Natalsky’s gravestone. wages and the right to organize unions. out in support of Mr. Biden. Have they all Hamburg-America Line steamship, the SS I contacted Veterans Affairs and the There are also many Ukrainian Americans suddenly become socialists, as some have Pallanza, heading for this Dominion. Both Commonwealth War Graves Commission. who served side by side with Black and insinuated? Of course not. Instead, they are settled in Kingston and found work in the They weren’t willing to do anything. Hispanic servicemen during both world disgusted with Mr. Trump’s duplicity, Davis Tannery. Eventually, Ivan bought a So I phoned Mitch. Generously, he wars, in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and incompetence and cruelty. Likewise, they farm off Sydenham Road. offered to contribute to the headstone’s Afghanistan in all branches of the military. are impressed with Mr. Biden’s integrity, Ivan returned to the “old country” only restoration. I declined, saying we’d find the To be sure, we all need to remain vigi- experience and decency. Former New once, in May 1914, to get married. The plan money elsewhere. We got a Ukrainian lant against racism, and to defend the Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, was for his wife, Carolina, to soon follow Canadian Veterans Fund grant from the principles of our “Pledge of Allegiance,” Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, him. When the Great War broke out in Shevchenko Foundation and support from which culminates with the words “and Secretary of State Colin Powell, Ohio Gov. August 1914, they were separated for over the Ukrainian Canadian Club of Kingston. justice for all” (not just for the privileged John Kasich and Hewlett-Packard CEO a decade. She did not get to Canada until Alexander Gabov finished the conserva- few). Carly Fiorina have all endorsed Mr. Biden. 1925. Their son was born a year later. He tion work just a few weeks ago. I remember The beauty of the American Dream Dozens of Republican national security was named Mitchell John, but everyone waking up on July 28 and thinking I needed flows from its vision of a “more perfect experts endorsed Mr. Biden, stating that Mr. called him Mitch. to call Mitch to share the good news. But union” that can overcome the legacy of Trump is a risk to national security. I first met Mitch on February 12, 1978. I the day got away from me. I didn’t phone. slavery, racism and prejudice and injustice. Mr. Trump is not an anti-Communist was doing an M.A. on the historical geogra- Then I got sad news. Mitch died on the But to single out Ukrainian Americans as crusader in the tradition of Dwight D. phy of Ukrainians in Kingston. I don’t morning of July 30. being particularly racist is unfair and Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. He is an remember who thought he would be a I thought about this when we buried unfounded. unabashed admirer of Ukraine’s sworn good source – most likely Nellie Hoba or Mitch the other day. I remembered how John Bodnar enemy, and America’s nemesis, Vladimir Maria Charitoniuk, two interwar immi- Ivan and Sam left Ukraine together, spent New Haven, Conn. Putin. grants – so I drove out to the Andriesky their lives in Kingston and died within a When it comes to foreign influence, let’s farm. Mitch certainly had a lot to say. And, few weeks of each other, to be laid to rest, remember that Mr. Trump’s campaign as a 1953 graduate of Queen’s University – side by side, in St. Mary’s Cemetery. I the year I was born – he relished telling the always felt Mitch and I should visit their Defacement of memorials from Russian oligarchs to penetrate the U.S. son of post-World War II refugees about graves. I never got around to organizing politicalchair Paul system Manafort on behalfJr. accepted of Russian $17 million inter- what life had been like here before my par- that either, not until the other day. It was and communist agenda ests. And there were more than 100 docu- ents arrived. Since his Dad was one of the only when I went to see where Mitch’s mented cases of Trump campaign staff very first Ukrainians in Kingston, Mitch was ashes would be committed to the earth that Dear Editor: meeting with Russian operatives. a fount of information. I finally saw the gravestones of Ivan The Ukrainian Weekly (July 12) report- Voters should look hard at Mr. Trump’s One story he told was about Nikita Andriesky and Sam Mehalosky. ed the defacement of a banner on the appalling record and consider joining a Natalsky, another young man who came My friend Mitch now rests there in future site of the Victims of Communism growing chorus of disaffected Republicans from Ukraine before 1914. In Barriefield, peace, with his mother and father, covered (VOC) Memorial in Ottawa. The painted who have concluded that the president is on July 29, 1915, Nikita enlisted with the with soil brought from the Andriesky farm. hammer-and-sickle emblem with the mes- “dangerously unfit for re-election.” 59th Infantry Battalion of the Canadian He would have appreciated the symbolism. sage “Communism Will Win” is an affront Expeditionary Force. Private Natalsky (No. When my time comes I will be laid to Andrij Skyba to victims of communist tyranny, among 455041) ended up on the Western Front, rest not far away. Mitch knew that. So I Harwood Heights, Ill. them the millions who perished in suffering a bullet wound, a poison gas expect the conversation we began many Ukraine during the Holodomor. Another attack and a venereal disease. Discharged years ago to be continued. VOC memorial was vandalized in after the war’s end as “medically unfit for Washington and signed with “BLM.” A pro- further service” on February 17 1919, Lubomyr Luciuk is a professor of political GUIDELINES FOR LETTERS Nikita returned to Kingston. He fell mortal- geography at The Royal Military College of communist agenda motivating these TO THE EDITOR deplorable actions appears obvious. ly ill on June 12, 1922, and died, the cause Canada in Kingston, Ontario. Builders of the Ottawa memorial right- The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes fully condemned the vandals as “useful letters to the editor that react to arti- idiots,” as Lenin also called his followers. cles published on its pages. Opinions Putin’s motives and maintain relations with expressed by letter writers are their own The rioting and destruction now on full Chain of poor... Russia “as it is.” Much like Mr. Lukashenka and do not necessarily reflect the opin- is unable to comprehend that Belarus has display across our country are the work of ions of either The Weekly editorial staff (Continued from page 2) modern day “useful idiots,” led and orga- or its publisher, the Ukrainian National voted him out, Mr. Putin cannot seem to nized by Marxist anarchist organizations Association. and convince them that freedom can be understand the gravity of his own mistakes. whose unequivocally stated goal is to fun- Letters must be signed (anony- gained only by breaking from the format of The Russian president is planning to vir- damentally transform the U.S. (and proba- mous letters are not published) and the ever-closer integration with their “frater- tually address the United Nations General bly Canada) into a socialist society. city from which they are sent will be nal” eastern neighbor (, Assembly, even though such grandstanding We are witnessing an evolving pro- published under the author’s name. September 4). will only bring into sharper focus his communist movement that can potentially However, the daytime phone number, By prioritizing solidarity with Mr. crimes of aggression, violations of human succeed if not decisively confronted. Yet e-mail address and complete mailing Lukashenka and forcing him to accept the rights and freedoms, and poisonings of many politicians tolerate this violence and address of the letter-writer must be status of a “protectorate,” Mr. Putin risks political opponents (, destruction, demand defunding of police, given for verification purposes. destroying the great value of human ties September 3). It nonetheless may be a use- and even prosecute people who dare THE LENGTH OF LETTERS CAN- between Russia and Belarus – much the ful reminder that authoritarians-in-distress defend themselves and their property NOT EXCEED 250 WORDS. Letters same as happened with Ukraine since can be simultaneously feeble and danger- may be edited or abridged. The Weekly from hostile mobs. They excuse this 2014. And by (tacitly or otherwise) ous. reserves the right to edit for clarity, absurd behavior as defending the right to civility and accuracy. expressing his desire to eliminate all “trou- protest (i.e., to riot). We know who these Letters should be sent to staff@ blemakers” from the irrepressible Russian The article above is reprinted from politicians are. They must be voted out or to The Ukrainian opposition, he accepts responsibility for Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from and replaced by people who love this Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, crimes unacceptable even for those in the its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, country, respect law and order, and sup- Parsippany, NJ 07054. West who are inclined to “understand” Mr. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37

The essence of Ukraine’s undying spirit – Vasyl Stus

by Askold S. Lozynskyj tence and purpose on earth: “... A poet must During all of 1982, Stus endured isola- be a human being first and foremost… such, tion. During the 1980-1985 period Stus An affiliated lecturer in Ukrainian stud- that is full of love, overcomes the natural wrote the last collection of his poems. He ies at the University of Cambridge Bohdan tendency towards hatred, is freed from it... a died in punitive confinement and was bur- Tokarsky wrote recently: human being is, above all, charitable. If it ied in an unmarked grave at the camp cem- “This spring, facing a global pandemic in were better to live a good life, I would not etery. Four years later, on November 19, response to which we have had to isolate write verses... rather I would toil the earth.” 1989, his remains were transferred to Kyiv ourselves, many turned to literature for The biography of Stus, the poet and the and reburied. encouragement and direction. Boccaccio, man, was very much an expression of love His name was deified by his peers as Defoe and Camus may teach us a great deal and devotion to his friends and his people well as in today’s independent Ukraine. His about life in the shadow of plagues, but few alike, and against the murderous occupa- is the name of a symbol of unblemished authors provide a better example of surviv- tional Soviet Russian regime. He spoke in purity, love and devotion. ing and finding meaning in isolation than defense of Ukrainian culture and literature, Stus wrote as a father to his only son, Vasyl Stus (1938-1985), one of Ukraine’s indicted the regime for murdering Dmitry, whom he knew very briefly, about most sophisticated 20th-century poets... For Ukrainian artists and human rights activists this human need for virtue: “Be pure – at his uncompromising moral stance and defi- such as Alla Horska, and after his first any price... in both body and soul. It helps a ant behavior, prison administrators repeat- imprisonment and exile spent his brief peri- soul (take a shower for your soul by analy- edly placed him in solitary confinement. In od of freedom defending human rights as a sis through your own judgment. And then 1983, after his diary had been smuggled out member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. do what is needed to be better, honest, of the camp and published outside the Stus belongs in the leading ranks of the smarter. Consider what you need to do so USSR, he spent an entire year alone in a cell. Ukrainian “Shestydesiatnyky” (artists and as not to do what you did. And why? And Vasyl Stus (1938-1985). Two years later, he was dead...” writers of the 1960s), dissidents and what shall I do to be better, to be cleansed Vasyl Stus was a Ukrainian poet, human heroes. He was the son of Vinnytsia, where of one or another filth, to atone for my sin.) To Ukraine, the poet returned as he fore- rights activist, dissident and hero who died he was born, but no less the child of the It’s a self-confession.” saw: “My nation, to you I shall return” and in a Soviet prison camp on the night of Donetsk region, where he studied and Stus’s name is connected to his polar indeed “in death I will turn to life... As a son, September 3-4, 1985. This year marks the taught the , and a resi- opposite as well – the current odious oli- I will fall upon the earth,” but only after the 35th anniversary of his tragic death. At the dent of Kyiv, where he worked prior to his garch Viktor Medvedchuk, who was term of his sentence expired and the poet time of his demise, Stus was only 47, but first arrest in 1972 and before his second appointed as his court defender by the was rehabilitated. This was the brutal his health was significantly undermined so incarceration. He spent his first five-year Soviet authorities. Stus refused his services, necessity of Soviet reality. that the specific cause of death was unde- imprisonment in Mordovian camps, fol- but the court permitted Medvedchuk to The noted nonconformist scholar termined. Even so, at the time he insisted lowed by two years of exile in the Siberian confess to all charges in the name of Stus. Matthew Raphael Johnson wrote about on a hunger strike to protest Russian Soviet region in Magadan. These two human beings could not be Stus: “The poet is condemned to speak the oppression. On May 14, 1980, the poet again was more different. truth in a world where ‘truth’ is considered Stus was a very special activist, artist arrested. At the end of September 1980, a The noble dissident Yevhen Sverstiuk a superstition. Power substitutes for right and prisoner. He saw himself not so much trial was held at which Stus was convicted thus described the lawyer ostensibly and deviousness for intelligence. For Stus, as a poet, although by all standards he was and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment “defending” Stus: “When Stus met with his this is the frozen, the ‘snow’ that keeps the very talented. He viewed himself as simply and five years’ exile. In November 1980, he assigned lawyer, he immediately felt that Regime functioning at the mass level... Blue a member of humanity. began serving his sentence at the special- Medvedchuk was a very brazen man who is the uniqueness of Ukraine, the oak is the In one of his earliest collections of poet- regime camp in the village of Kuchino, would not defend him, did not want to strength of the nation. The candle is exis- ry, “Winter Trees,” he prefaced a message to Chusovsky district, in the Perm region. Stus understand him and, in fact, was not inter- tential, the soul and its ability to reflect; in his readers with a clarification of his exis- last saw his family in the spring of 1981. ested in his affair. And Vasyl Stus rejected shadow this is bad faith. The nature of the this lawyer.” Soviet state created an automaton. Not a The irony of our tragic history is that the person with memory or history, but a very good, pure Ukrainian man has long shadow, a grown man incapable of seeing ago left this world, and his betrayer and the sky, the mass. ‘Accustomed to the School of Ukrainian Studies executioner then continues to perform the ground,’ or the Masonic idea of being ‘on dark and evil work in the very holy land for the level’ is the ‘solidity’ of routine. This is and which the good man gave his life. Today, the largely a delusion for most, though the same Medvedchuk is trying to clear his part energy to cut through it is rare. The Blue CYM New York in the Stus biography in a Ukrainian court, Sky is the hope for a free Ukraine, as her as if it really matters. color for Stus is blue, and the sky that of Stus’s eponymous last will and testa- freedom, the ethereal...” new academic year starts on ment was written in the Perm camp. The In the ancient city of Kyiv, at Baikove poem was first released in 1986, just after Cemetery, somewhat distanced from the 09/19/2020 his death. rest of the tombs, there are three large white stone crosses visible from afar. The How good that I am not afraid of death, remains of Vasyl Stus, Oleksa Tykhy and And do not ask how heavy is my cross. Yurii Lytvyn – all Ukrainian human rights That I not bend before mendacious judges defenders, heroes, prisoners from a Soviet • Students from 3 1/2 years old are accepted In anticipation of an unknown fate. prison camp – are buried beneath them. I have lived and loved and not fallen prey For national purification, every To hatred, curse or remorse. Ukrainian should go there, to pray and • Learn Ukrainian language, literature, My nation, to you I shall return, reacquire a fresh purity and strength of history, geography and culture And in death I will turn to life spirit. It is a national pilgrimage, because With my afflicted yet unblemished face, these are our heroes. Vasyl Stus represents As your son, I will fall upon the earth the greatest and purest good and unquali- • Meet new friends and have fun during And honestly gaze into thy honest face, fied devotion to his Ukrainian people and holiday celebrations And drench myself with honest tears. our land.

• Academic year starts on 09/19/2020 online Communist symbols, the Euro-Maidan Turning... (Revolution of Dignity), the annexation of using Google Classroom (Continued from page 6) Crimea and the war in the Donbas, as well as the resulting awakening of national con- strong, and indeed many monuments to him sciousness have made Ukrainians acutely remained all across Ukraine – at least until aware of anything that could lead them • Information about School and registration: another wave of political change, sparked by back to a system of Russian domination. a street revolution and a foreign invasion, There remain three statues to Lenin in inspired another wave of removals. Just this the United States – in Seattle, Los Angeles month, 26 years after the USSR ceased to and New York. They sit on private land and exist, the Ukrainian government announced have not been defaced, damaged or • Information about СУМ: that it had finally removed every single removed. Shockingly, a new Lenin monu- remaining Lenin statue, all 1,320 of them.” ment is to be erected outside the party The only two remaining statues of Lenin headquarters of the Marxist-Leninist party in Ukraine are located in the Chornobyl of Germany in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Exclusion Zone. Ukraine’s adoption in 2015 Source: “Down with Lenin,” The of a de-communization law that prohibits Ukrainian Weekly, September 16, 1990. No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 9 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37

refined oil products to the United States according to U.S. import data obtained by and manipulate the results of our work.” NEWSBRIEFS through an intermediary, the latest example Schemes. The products are shipped by Mr. Kholodnytsky posted a copy of (Continued from page 2) of a Kremlin friend finding legal ways tanker from the Black Sea to Houston, Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova’s around Washington’s financial restrictions. Texas. Novoshakhtinsky is majority-owned August 21 order to dismiss him “in connec- Verkhovna Rada. In addition, current quar- The Novoshakhtinsky oil refinery in Russia, by Oksana Marchenko, a Ukrainian TV star tion with the application for voluntary dis- antine measures were extended by two which is owned by the wife of Viktor and Mr. Medvedchuk’s wife. Government missal.” Mr. Kholodnytsky, the first head of months, until October 31, and the division Medvedchuk, who heads a political council officials and politicians from the former anti-corruption investigations at the prose- of the country into zones based on risk of a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, Soviet Union often put their assets in the cution service in Ukraine, has been level will be maintained. “The increase in has been selling some of its output this year name of their wives, children and other embroiled in a scandal over allegations that cases in recent weeks has forced us to act to an arm of ExxonMobil via a Swiss- family members to protect or hide them. he helped officials suspected of corruption more decisively,” Prime Minister Denys registered trader, an investigation by The Medvedchuk family purchased several evade prosecution. In July 2018, Ukraine’s Shmyhal explained on August 27. Schemes, a joint program of RFE/RL and Russian companies, including a controlling Qualification and Disciplinary Commission Foreigners who have permission to work in Ukrainian public broadcaster UA:First. Mr. stake in the refinery, in early 2018 for an of Prosecutors rejected a request by the Ukraine and those transiting the country Medvedchuk, who picked Mr. Putin to be undisclosed sum. Mr. Medvedchuk said Prosecutor General’s Office to fire Mr. for less than a two-day stay will be allowed the godfather of his daughter, was put later he oversees the family business but Kholodnytsky and ruled that he should be to enter. Foreign students and military per- under sanctions by the United States in admitted that he put its ownership in his reprimanded. In June, Ukrainian officials sonnel will also be allowed entry, as will March 2014 following the ouster of wife’s name to avoid U.S. sanctions. “My members of foreign delegations and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych for wife, Oksana Marchenko, is not in business. to end a criminal investigation into the employees of international organizations. his role in undermining democracy in the She owns a business. And I run the busi- headsaid they of a were gas companyoffered $6 where million the in sonbribes of As of August 28, Ukraine had registered country. The United States called Mr. ness. Why can’t I own a business? Because former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden served just under 114,500 coronavirus infections, Medvedchuk a Putin “proxy” inside my lovely Americans imposed sanctions on on the board. Mr. Kholodnytsky, however, with more than 2,450 deaths. It experi- Ukraine. The U.S. sanctions freeze any me,” he said in a 2018 interview with one of said that neither of the Bidens was con- enced a one-day high of new infections on assets, including cash, that Mr. Medvedchuk his TV channels after the purchase of the nected to the alleged bribe attempt. The August 27-28 with 2,438 cases. (RFE/RL’s has within the United States and forbids refinery. ExxonMobil does not buy the oil Burisma natural gas company was at the Ukrainian Service) any U.S. individual or entity from conduct- directly from the Medvedchuk family- center of a scandal leading to U.S. President ing transactions with him. The Novoshakh­ owned refinery, but rather through Donald Trump’s impeachment trial earlier Medvedchuk’s family selling oil to U.S. tinsky oil refinery, which is located near the NewCoal Trading, a Swiss-based trading this year. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service) The family of a sanctioned Ukrainian Russian city of Rostov, close to the border firm. NewCoal is considered to be associat- politician with close ties to Russian with Ukraine, has supplied its products to ed with the family of Russian parliamentari- Suspects detained in attack against RFE/RL President Vladimir Putin has been selling ExxonMobil at least six times in 2020, an Gleb Khor, who was born in eastern Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry says Ukraine, according to Russian investigative it has detained two suspects for question- journalist Mikhail Maglov. Though the value ing about a recent arson attack in Kyiv that of the contracts with NewCoal are not dis- targeted a car used by investigative journal- closed, Schemes estimates that ExxonMobil ists from RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service. The attacker’s “clothes, incendiary devices and worth of oil products from Novoshakh­ other evidence” have been seized, and TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL WALTER HONCHARYK (973) 292-9800 x3040 tinskymay have this purchasedyear based abouton the $150 volume million sup- searches were continuing on August 26 as or e-mail [email protected] plied and market prices. Neither Novo­ part of an ongoing criminal investigation shakh tinsk­ y nor Ms. Marchenko are sanc- into the attack, Internal Affairs Minister tioned by the United States. “OFAC [Office SERVICES PROFESSIONALS said in a Twitter statement. of Foreign Assets Control] must have rea- Internal Affairs Ministry spokesman Artem son to believe that [Medvedchuk’s] wife is Shevchenko told RFE/RL that one of the ОКСАНА СТАНЬКО operating the company on his behalf and Ліцензований продавець detainees was a resident of Ukraine’s east- legally document that standard in order to Страхування Життя ern Luhansk region and the other was from block property,” said Brian O’Toole, a fellow Kyiv. Mr. Shevchenko also said on August 26 OKSANA STANKO at the Washington-based Atlantic Council Licensed Life Insurance Agent that two other suspects were being sought and a former OFAC senior advisor. “It’s the Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. in the case. Media watchdogs have been threshold in the law that underpins OFAC’s calling on Ukrainian authorities to investi- Tel.: 908-872-2192 authorities,” he said. However, he said OFAC gate complaints of intimidation and attacks email: [email protected] could decide to look into the transactions if the Swiss broker is nothing more than a against journalists from the Skhemy middleman for the Medvedchuk family to (Schemes) program, a joint investigative avoid sanctions, Mr. O’Toole said. “This cer- project by RFE/RL and UA: Pershy televi- МАРІЯ ДРИЧ sion, after one of their cars was torched in SERVICES Ліцензований Продавець tainly is shady and skirts the boundaries of Страхування Життя sanctions intent,” he said of the transac- Kyiv on August 17. Investigators have con- МАRІA DRICH tions. A spokesperson for the U.S. Treasury cluded that the fire was caused by “an Licensed Life Insurance Agent told RFE/RL in a statement that it takes external ignition source.” No one was hurt Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. allegations of sanctions violations seriously in the incident, but the International and 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054 but doesn’t comment on whether sanctions European federations of journalists said on Tel.: 973-292-9800 ext. 3035 should apply in individual cases. Exxon­ August 18 that a campaign of harassment e-mail: [email protected] Mobil declined to comment on its purchase and intimidation, including surveillance of petroleum products that originate from and arson attacks, were aimed at “muz- Novoshakhtinsky, but told Schemes: “It is zling” the journalists’ investigations. “It is OPPORTUNITIES the policy of ExxonMobil and its affiliates to essential that investigative journalists can comply with all governmental laws, rules freely and critically report on corruption and regulations applicable to its operations and wrongdoing of state officials,” said EARN EXTRA INCOME! within and outside the United States and to General Secretary Anthony Bellanger of the The Ukrainian Weekly is looking conduct those operations to the highest International Federation of Journalists. for advertising sales agents. ethical standards. ExxonMobil also expects “Surveillance and the attack against this For additional information contact its suppliers, vendors and contractors to team are worrisome blows against press Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, comply with laws, rules and regulations freedom that can’t go unpunished,” Mr. The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. applicable to their businesses,” it told Bellanger said. “We stand in solidarity with Schemes. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service, the victimized journalists and call on the with reporting by Todd Prince in authorities to protect them from these Run your advertisement here, Washington) attacks.” The Committee to Protect in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. Journalists has urged Ukrainian authorities Special anti-corruption prosecutor resigns to find the perpetrators of the arson attack and “hold them to account.” Schemes The head of Ukraine’s Special Anti- reporters were recently working on a story Corruption Prosecutor’s Office says he has revealing how the transport of high-level resigned after five years in the post. Nazar state officials breaks traffic rules. During Kholodnytsky made the announcement in a the production of the program, the journal- Facebook post on August 21, saying he had ists repeatedly voiced concerns about quit of his own free will. “Today I can say being under surveillance. Schemes reporter with confidence that the Specialized Anti- Mykhaylo Tkach said earlier in August that Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and the he found what he thought were signs of National Anti-Corruption Bureau of hidden-microphone surveillance in his Ukraine will fulfill their mission,” Mr. apartment. “Authorities also must thor- Kholodnytsky wrote. “I thank my team for oughly investigate the surveillance allega- their dedication, honesty and integrity – we tions” made by Mr. Tkach, according to do our job with dignity.” He also said that Gulnoza Said, the CPJ’s Europe and Central his office has “systematically faced political attempts to encroach on our independence (Continued on page 11) No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 11

While no one was injured, Ms. Sindelar NEWSBRIEFS said, “this incident appears aimed at intimi- With great sadness we inform family (Continued from page 10) dating RFE/RL’s reporters and contributing and friends that on Friday, August 21, to a threatening environment for journal- 2020, at the age of 95 Asia program coordinator. “By reporting on ists across Ukraine.” She noted: “Schemes is our dearest Father, Grandfather, corruption, investigative journalists at an award-winning investigative team Great-Grandfather and Brother ‘Schemes’ are doing an important service whose work is vital to the public interest of for the public, and the authorities should all Ukrainians,” adding, “We urge Ukrainian ensure their safety,” Ms. Said added. RFE/ authorities to ensure that our colleagues Stefan Hishynsky RL acting President Daisy Sindelar has can work safely and without fear.” (RFE/ passed away peacefully in Hospice Care. expressed concern about the arson attack. RL’s Ukrainian Service) Stefan “Stefko” Hishynsky was born July 7, 1925, in Peremyshlany, Ukraine. He was preceded in death by his wife Eugenia (Petryna) of 53 years in 2005; father Eustachjy Hiszczynskyj in 1969; mother Kataryna The Board of Directors (Orlowska) in 1930; step-mother Maria (Tuziak) in 2006; brothers Antony of the Ukrainian Institute of America and Mirko (Ukraine). is saddened to announce that our Member and Benefactor He completed his studies, and then worked as a law clerk before his family ed Western Ukraine. He resided in several Displaced Persons camps in Germany and Austria from 1945-49, during which he played MARTA KOLOMAYETS on the Ukrainian Soccer Team “Ukraina.” He emigrated from Salzburg, passed into eternal rest on August 16, 2020. Austria to the United States in 1949 to Livermore, Iowa, brie y lived Beloved by so many in the Ukrainian community both in the US and in Philadelphia then settled in Cleveland, Ohio. Stefan played on the in Ukraine, Marta was a devoted Member and ardent supporter of our Philadelphia Ukrainian Soccer Team “Tryzub,” and later in 1950, he was organization. Her contributions and input into the activities of the a founding member of the Cleveland Ukrainian Soccer Team, “Orlyk.” Ukrainian Institute of America as well as the Ukrainian community as a Reorganized as “Lviv,” he played through the late 1950’s. whole have been invaluable. He is survived by: Our heartfelt condolences go out to Marta’s husband, Danylo, children: Lidia, Areta Golembiowsky (Zenovy-dec), Zenon and Al a her mother, Luba, her brother, Andrew, all of her family and friends, Zgrabik with husband Joseph and grandchildren Jacob, Hannah, and the many members of the Ukrainian Institute and the Ukrainian Aaron, and great-granddaughter Olivia. community whose lives she immeasurably touched. brothers: Dr. Roman Hiszczynskyj (Sherry-dec) of Topeka, KS and May She Rest in Eternal Peace. Lubon (Daria) Hiszczynskyj of Fort Dodge, Iowa, along with their families. Вічная пам’ять! Funeral services took place Saturday, August 29, at St. Josaphat Cathedral, followed by interment at St. Andrew Cemetery Mausoleum, Parma, OH. Memorial donations can be made to St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, the Ukrainian Museum Archives or the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA #12). May his memory be eternal.

With deep sorrow we announce that our beloved Mother and Grandmother Anna Klokiw passed away August 8, 2020. She was predeceased by her husband Mykola, who passed in 2000. Funeral services took place August 12 at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Rostyslaw Small Church in New York City, followed by interment at St. Andrew Cemetery August 28, 1941 – August 31, 2020 in South Bound Brook, NJ. It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we Remaining in deep sorrow: announce the passing of Prof. Rostyslaw Small, children - Wolodymyr with wife Slawka born August 28, 1941 in Lviv, Ukraine. He was - Wasyl with wife Michelle the son of the late Dr. John and Johanna Small of Detroit, Michigan. His grandchildren - Andrew, Stephanie, Nicole, Matthew parents instilled in him a deep love of God, family, tradition, community sister - Irene Kolodij and country. He received a Master’s in Sociology from the University near and extended family throughout the USA, Australia and Ukraine. of Detroit. As a long-time adjunct professor of Sociology at Macomb Community College, he enjoyed practicing his profession. Eternal memory. Funeral services were held on September 3 at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church in Warren, Michigan, with a burial at the White Chapel Cemetery in Troy, Michigan.

Ділимося сумною вісткою що In deep sorrow he leaves behind: 2 вересня 2020 року відійшла у вічність wife - Barbara наша найдороща Мама, Бабця і Прабабця daughter - Anna sister - Lydia with husband Dr. Bohdan Haidukewych св. п. Емілія Байко nephews - Dr. George Haidukewych (wife Jamie, народжена 24 квітня 1921 року в селі Малинівка на Лемківщині. daughters Oliviana, Stephanie, sons George and Ben) - Dr. Andrew Hayduke-Haidukewych (wife Taisa, Залишилися в глибокому смутку: son Andrew) дочка - Христина Козак - Alexander Haidukewych (wife Natalia, son Peter) внучка - Ксеня Козак з чоловіком Андрієм Переклітою brother-in-law - Alex Jowa (wife Diane) внук - Іриней Козак extended family in Canada and Ukraine. правнуки - Аркадія, Антін і Кирило Перекліта Donations in Rostyslaw’s memory can be made to St. Josaphat’s ближча та дальша родина в Америці й Україні Ukrainian Catholic Church in Warren, Michigan. Вічна Їй пам’ять! May his memory be eternal. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37


COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Syracuse community commemorates 29th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence

by Lida Hvozda Buniak tions thrive along with everyone else, and where the Ukrainian flag will soon be flying SYRACUSE, N.Y. – The Syracuse Branch next to the stars and stripes.” of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of The Rev. Mitred Archpriest Mihai America (UCCA) held its annual flag-raising Dubovici, pastor of St. John the Baptist ceremony commemorating Ukraine’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, gave the invoca- Independence Day on Monday, August 24. tion. In adherence with CDC guidelines, the Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh read the event was limited to 40 participants with Proclamation, which stated in part: appropriate physical distancing and facial “Whereas, portions of Ukraine’s territory masks. are currently under foreign military occu- The Syracuse UCCA Branch’s vice-presi- pation, we recognize the territorial integri- dent and the master of ceremonies of the ty of Ukraine as sovereign and inviolable… event, Greg Lisnyczyj, welcomed partici- Now, therefore, I, J. Ryan McMahon II, coun- pants. “As we mark this 29th year of ty executive of the County of Onondaga and Ukrainian independence, we know the I, Ben Walsh, mayor of the City of Syracuse, struggle for true freedom and dignity do hereby proclaim the 24th day of August, remains today. Many of our families came to 2020, to be Ukrainian Independence Day in this great country and built beautiful the County of Onondaga and the City of churches, continued our language, songs, Borys Buniak Syracuse.” dances and many other aspects of Ukrainian The socially distanced Ukrainian Independence Day commemoration in front of culture. It is here, where Ukrainian tradi- Syracuse City Hall. (Continued on page 14)

Restoration of Ukraine’s independence celebrated in Binghamton Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church, and the Rev. Ivan Synevsky of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church to deliver remarks and prayers. The pastors reminded all of the power of prayer and called for support for the wounded and the families of Ukrainians killed while defending Ukraine against the Russian aggressor. Mayor Richard C. David presented the signed Ukrainian Independence Day proclamation to Lubomyr Zobniw, chairman of the UCCA Binghamton Branch. Mayor David has been connected with this event for almost 20 years, first as deputy mayor and then as mayor Taras Stets gave the historical commentary titled “Restoration of Ukrainian Independence Day.” Among his key points were these: During the Russian tsars’ con- quests of Ukraine, Ukrainians were forced into serfdom, and their language and culture were banned. Among the Serhij Pechenyy worst crimes against humanity is Joseph Stalin’s 1932- During the observance of Ukrainian Independence Day at City Hall in Binghamton, N.Y. 1933 Holodomor, the forced starvation of over 7 million Ukrainian farmers and their families. Stalin also executed Ukrainian intellectuals and implemented policies to eradi- by Lubomyr Zobniw emony. Originally, the anniversary date celebrated was January 22, 1918, but since the re-establishment of cate Ukrainian culture and language within the USSR. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. – Since the 1950s, the local branch Ukraine’s independence in 1991, Ukrainian Independence Ukraine gave up the world’s third largest nuclear weapons of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America has orga- Day has been marked on August 24. stockpile for territorial integrity guarantees outlined in nized the annual celebration of Ukrainian Independence Stephan Wasylko emceed this year’s program , and he Day at City Hall in Binghamton, N.Y., with a flag-raising cer- opened by introducing the Rev. Teodor Czabala, pastor of (Continued on page 14)

Illinois Ukrainians gather in remembrance of the Battle of Brody of 1944

by Maria Korkatsch-Groszko BLOOMINGDALE, Ill. – On the initiative of the Organization for Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine (ODFFU), Branch 31 in Palatine, Ill., in cooperation with St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Bloomingdale, Ill., the Ukrainian communi- ty of Chicago and suburbs gathered, on Sunday, August 2, to honor the memory of the Ukrainians who perished in the Battle of Brody in 1944. Approaching the end of World War II in Europe, the Russians launched offensives to push the occupying German forces back into Germany, which would leave the Russians free to pursue their objectives in seizing western Ukraine, Belarus and the left bank of the Vistula River in German- occupied Poland, and gaining a foothold in Romania. With the objective of saving west- ern Ukraine from Russian forces, young Tatiana Sydorenko and patriotic Ukrainians comprising the At the commemoration of the historic Battle of Brody (from left) are: Myron Galicia Division positioned themselves near Dobrovolsky, Jaroslav Sydorenko, George Diachenko, the Rev. Mykhailo Leschyshyn, the Very Rev. Victor Poliarny, Roman Holowka, Maria Korkatsch- (Continued on page 15) Groszko, Mykola Sidelnyk, Olya Soroka and Rostyslav Saciuk. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37

Together for Ukraine Foundation, which Restoration... helps provide support for Ukrainian war (Continued from page 13) victims. Mr. Ilchishin detailed the organiza- Yara Arts Group and The Ukrainian Museum tion’s activities, including travel to Ukraine the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. Mr. to assist wounded warriors. to feature epic song traditions of the world Stets concluded by stating: It is time to aid Mr. Wasylko then introduced Michael Ukraine with defensive arms and to dem- Dobransky, commander of Ukrainian NEW YORK – Yara Arts Group and The onstrate support for Ukraine’s indepen- American Veterans Post 43, who highlight- Ukrainian Museum in New York presents a dence, sovereignty and territorial integri- ed the UAV’s activities to help the wounded series of virtual events this fall on world ty. in Ukraine. epic song traditions and the work of Stephan Wasylko introduced two broth- After the “Pledge of Allegiance,” as the Zenoviy Shtokalko, who brought the ers, Nazar and Markiyan Dmyterko, from children assisted Mayor David in raising Ukrainian epic songs (dumy) to New York Ukraine who are currently studying at St. the Ukrainian flag above City Hall, partici- in the 1950s. Basil Seminary in Stamford, Conn. The two pants sang the Ukrainian national anthem. “Yara’s Traditional Music: Bandurist sang the Ukrainian-language “Prayer for Participants then gathered for a group pic- Zenoviy Shtokalko” is a four-part series on Ukraine,” which is considered the spiritual ture. Due to coronavirus-related restric- Shtokalko’s performances of Ukrainian anthem of Ukraine. tions and social distancing, there were few dumy, his instrumental music for the ban- After elaborating on the ongoing war in opportunities to admire each other’s dura, his development of narrative songs eastern Ukraine and the thousands killed, embroidery or to speak with reporters and his modernist writings. Hosted by Mr. Wasylko introduced Vitali Ilchishin, from the three TV stations covering the Julian Kytasty and Virlana Tkacz, the events who spoke about the mission of the event: Channels 12 and 34, and Fox TV. feature special guests from the United States, Canada and Ukraine. They will be live-streamed in September and October. After their premieres, they can be seen any- time on Yara’s vir- tual events are all free and bilingual (Ukrainian English). Shtokalko was an immigrant from Berezhany, Ukraine, and a virtuoso bandu- ra player who came to New York in the Bandurist Zenoviy Shtokalko 1950s. He recorded several records for Surma, most of which were released after created the virtual event “Kyrgyz Epic at La his death in 1968. He also left a treasure MaMa: Yara’s ‘Er Toshtuk.’ ” The artists who trove of basement tapes, which have influ- created the show “Er Toshtuk” in Bishkek enced major bandura players in New York with Ms. Tkacz and Ms. Satybalbieva told and Ukraine. how they created a modern theater pro- In July 2020, Yara created a virtual event duction based on an old Kyrgyz epic and that was an introduction to Shtokalko’s brought it to La MaMa in 2009. This virtual work. Ms. Tkacz told his story, while Mr. event is bilingual (Kyrgyz-English), with Kytasty, a master bandura player, shared video clips and many photographs, so it is recordings and played work influenced by accessible to all. It can be seen on Yara’s Shtokalko. This event can be seen on www. webpage. Serhij Pechenyy Yara has also invited morin khoor player Mayor Richard David of Binghamton, N.Y., greets Ukrainian Americans and pres- In late October and November, “Yara’s Dimitri Ayurov to sing Buryat Mongolian ents the Ukrainian Independence Day proclamation. Traditional Music: Epic Song Festival” will epic songs and hopes other artists who feature several events on epic songs perform epic songs from throughout the throughout the world. world will join the festival virtually. The Kyrgyz have preserved the largest “Yara’s Traditional Music Series” is made number of known living epic songs. Yara’s possible with public funds from the New Kyrgyz epic event will feature Kenzhegul York State Council on the Arts, NY Satybaldieva and Nurbek Serkebaev sing- Bandura/Bandura Downtown and friends ing excerpts of such Kyrgyz epics as “Janyl of Yara Arts Group. For more information Myrza” and “Er Toshtuk.” This August Yara see:

Syracuse... (Continued from page 13) The keynote address was delivered by Natalia Kolesova, a Syracuse University doctoral student in teaching and curricu- lum development focusing on inclusion for people with disabilities. “I hope that the knowledge and skills gained in my doctoral program will help me to create a successful and inclusive Ukrainian society. Where peo- ple with various corporeal differences and mental abilities will be able to exercise all freedoms and rights, and will be fully included in all political, cultural, social and economic aspects in Ukraine.” Lida Buniak, Syracuse UCCA Branch pres- ident, gave the closing remarks. “Each and Borys Buniak every one of our daily conscious decisions and individual acts can yield a resounding At the ceremony (from left) are: UCCA Syracuse Branch President Lida Hvozda positive ripple effect that inspires a sense of Buniak, keynote speaker Nataliya social responsibility and a renewed sense of Kolesova and UCCA Vice-President hope. On this cherished day, we especially Greg Lisnyczyj. want the citizens of Ukraine to know that we continue to stand with them and offer our es us to pray for the freedom of all unwavering support for Ukraine’s sover- Ukrainian people, for the gift of self-deter- eignty and territorial integrity.” mination, linguistic freedom and the pres- Lastly, Father Mykola Andrushkiv from ervation of our cultural identity. Glory to St. Luke Ukrainian Orthodox Church closed God and Glory to Ukraine.” the commemoration with a prayer and well Mr. Lisnyczyj thanked all participants for wishes for Ukraine. “From the parish of the adhering to CDC guidelines, and expressed holy apostle, St. Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox his wish for everyone to stay safe and Church, let us be thankful on this great healthy, so that all may return next year to national holiday, the Independence Day of celebrate Ukraine’s 30th anniversary in Ukraine. This holiday, once again encourag- 2021. No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 15

Columbia Ukrainian Studies Program courses and events to be held online September 17 Webinar with Mykola Riabchuk, “What Does Belarus NEW YORK – During the fall 2020 10:10-11:25a.m. Advanced Ukrainian will Online Teach Us? East European Revolutions from Warsaw and semester, Columbia University’s Ukrainian be presented in a course titled “Advanced Prague to Kyiv and Minsk,” Columbia University, Studies Program at the Harriman Institute Ukrainian Through Literature, Media and is offering six courses that study various Politics,” which will take place on Mondays or aspects of Ukraine as well as organizing a and Wednesdays at 2:40-3:55p.m. This con- tJ0pdCqpzsvHNA7DAXU6XFX9GPqDUqG45pY series of events in Ukrainian studies at the tent-based modular course is designed to university. Due to the pandemic, all courses develop students’ capacity to use the September 17 Webinar, “Stalin’s Cover-Up of the Ukrainian Holodomor and events for the semester will be held Ukrainian language as a research and com- Online Genocide 1932-1933,” U.S. Committee for Ukrainian online. The online events will be open to munication tool in a variety of specialized Holodomor-Genocide Awareness, National Council of Social the public, but registration will be required. functional and stylistic areas that include Studies, (registration required) On Wednesdays at 2:10-4 p.m., Prof. literary fiction, scholarly prose, printed and Alexander Motyl will teach the course broadcast journalism. It is designed for stu- September 18 Outdoor movie night, “Hutsulka Ksenya,” Ukrainian Canadian “Ukraine in New York” – a multidisciplinary dents with an interest in the history, poli- Ottawa Professional and Business Association of Ottawa, St. John exploration of the Ukrainian American tics, literature, culture and other aspects of the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, community in New York City from its begin- contemporary Ukraine, as well as those nings in the late 19th century to the pres- who plan to do their research, business or September 18-21 All Saints Camp for Adults, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of ent. The course focuses on the history, reporting about Ukraine. The course is Online the U.S.A. – Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, demographics, economics, politics, religion, taught in Ukrainian. Being equivalent to an education and culture of the community, advanced language course, the proposed devoting particular attention to the impact course will further develop students’ profi- September 20 Outdoor concert, “Picnic in the Park,” Ukrainian Educational thereon of the New York setting, shifting ciency in grammar to enable them to nar- Jenkintown, PA and Cultural Center, (bring your own picnic) attitudes towards American politics and rate and describe in major time frames culture and homeland politics and culture, with adequate command of aspect. The September 20 Online children’s doll workshop “Lialka Motanka,” with and the tensions encountered in navigating study of grammar includes patterns of Online instruction by Oksana Pasakas, Ukrainian History and between America, Soviet Ukraine and inde- word formation, participles, gerunds, an in- pendent Ukraine. depth study of such difficult subjects as ver- Education Center, Ambassador Valeriy Kuchynskyi will bal aspect, verbs of motion, stylistic and teach a course titled “Ukrainian Foreign functional stratification of language, and September 20-27 Online jewelry sale, Ukrainian necklaces by Olenka Labunka, Policy: Russia, Europe and the U.S.,” which communicative sentence perspective. Online Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, will be held on Tuesdays at 2:10-4 p.m. The Several events have already been sched- newly revised seminar-like course deals uled for the fall semester. On September 24 September 23 Online film screening, “The Lost Petition” by Borys Ivchenko, with the performance of independent at noon, Dr. Markian Dobczansky (Harriman Online Columbia University, Ukraine on the international arena, its rela- Institute, Columbia University) will give the programs/ukrainian-studies-program tionship with major powers – Russia, talk “Soviet Ukrainian Urbanism: Factories, Europe and the U.S. – and the trajectory of Higher Education and Nationalities Policy in September 24 Webinar with Markian Dobczansky, “Soviet Ukrainian its foreign policy. Having illegally annexed ”; on October 22 at noon Dr. Leah Online Urbanism: Factories, Higher Education and Nationalities Crimea and conducting a proxy war in east- Batstone (Hunter College, CUNY) will give a Policy in Kharkiv,” Columbia University, http://harriman. ern Ukraine, Russia has challenged the basic lecture titled “Between Serialism and principles of international law and numer- Suprematism: Nikolai Roslavets’ Modernist ous bilateral agreements, and threatened Music”; and on November 24 at noon Dr. September 26 Ukrainian Festival, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic global peace and security. What is to be Valentyna Kharkhun (Nizhyn Mykola Gogol Whippany, NJ Church, Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, done to rebuff the aggressor? Can diploma- State University) will present “Dealing with or 973-585-7175 (virtual concert and food cy still play a role? These and other issues a Contested Past: ‘Monument Wars’ in take-out) are dealt with in this course. Special empha- Ukraine and in the U.S.A.” sis is made on the assessment of the current All of these events will be held virtually September 26 Pig roast, Syracuse Ukrainian National Home, conflict with Moscow and on the new trends as Zoom webinars and streamed via Syracuse, NY 315-478-9272 or [email protected] in foreign policy doctrine. The issues of YouTube Live. They will not be in-person national security and the current political events. Registration will be required. September 26 Bread-making masterclass, Ukrainian Educational and Cultural situation are dealt with extensively. The Please see the Ukrainian Studies Program Jenkintown, PA Center, (registration required) course delivers first-hand insights by a webpage ( career diplomat who has been actively programs/ukrainian-studies-program) for Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events involved in the implementation of Ukrainian more details. advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions foreign policy for over three decades. The Ukrainian Film Club will be present- from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Dr. Yuri Shevchuk will teach the course ing films throughout the semester begin- and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. “Soviet, Post-Soviet, Colonial and Post- ning with “The Lost Petition” (1972), Colonial Cinema.” The course will discuss directed by Borys Ivchenko, on September how filmmaking has been used as an 23 at 7 p.m. the courageous men and women who sacri- instrument of power and imperial domina- Other Ukrainian studies events, includ- ficed their lives for Ukraine. tion in the Soviet Union as well as in the ing those presented by the Ukrainian Film Illinois... In his remarks, the Very Rev. Poliarny post-Soviet space since 1991. A body of Club of Columbia University, will be held (Continued from page 13) emphasized that “young volunteers, mem- selected films by Soviet and post-Soviet throughout the semester and will be post- bers of the Galicia Division, demonstrated directors that exemplify the function of ed on the Ukrainian Studies Program web- the town of Brody. The Ukrainian objective their national and political values, patrio- filmmaking as a tool of appropriation of the page once their dates and times are con- failed. As noted in the Internet Encyclo­pe­ colonized, and their cultural and political firmed. dia of Ukraine, “Of the division’s 11,000 sol- tism, and renewed the tradition of armed subordination by the Soviet center, will be September 8 is the first day of classes. diers, 3,000 returned from Brody and struggle for the sovereignty of Ukraine. He examined in terms of post-colonial theo- For more information about courses or the regrouped in Serednie, Transcarpathia. underscored: “We do not have the right to ries. The course will focus both on Russian Ukrainian Studies Program at Columbia After the battle, some members of the divi- forget our heroes who have devoted and sac- cinema and often overlooked work of University, readers may contact Dr. Mark sion joined up with the Ukrainian rificed their lives in service to the Ukrainian Ukrainian, Georgian, Belarusian, Armenian, Andryczyk at ukrainianstudies@columbia. Insurgent Army. Many were taken as pris- people and protection of our homeland.” etc. national film schools and how they par- edu or 212-854-4697. oners of war.” Roman T. Holowka, president of ODFFU ticipated in the communist project of fos- Courses at Columbia are open to stu- The ecumenical service was officiated by Branch 31, offered a brief historical over- tering a “new historic community of the dents from other universities in the New the Very Rev. Victor Poliarny, secretary of view of the Battle of Brody. He reminded Soviet people” as well as resisted it by gen- York metropolitan area seeking credit. the Vicariate of the Orthodox Church of the participants of the event that “we erating, in hidden and, since 1991, overt Please contact the university at which you Ukraine and pastor of St. Andrew Ukrainian remember those that fought in the Battle of and increasingly assertive ways their own enrolled to determine whether it partici- Orthodox Cathedral and the Rev. Mykhailo Brody with prayer, respect and gratitude counter-narratives. Close attention will be pates in this manner with Columbia Leschyshyn, assistant pastor of St. for their sacrifice.” He noted that three sur- paid to the new Russian film as it re- University. Some courses are also open to Andrew’s. The responses were sung by the vivors of the Battle of Brody are buried invents itself within the post-Soviet imperi- outside individuals interested in non-credit St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Choir here, at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox al momentum projected on the former continuing studies. under the direction of Taras Rudenko. Cemetery, Mykola Fylypovych, Lubomyr Soviet colonies. This course will take place Additionally, through the Lifelong With their attendance at this solemn Cepynsky and Vjacheslav Partykevych, and Tuesdays at 6:10-10 p.m. Learners program, individuals over 65 observance, Ukrainian American Veterans concluded his remarks with “Glory to our Three levels of Ukrainian language years of age who are interested in auditing Post 32, the Women’s Association for Heroes! Heroes Never Die!” instruction will be taught this fall by Dr. courses may enroll at a discount rate as Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine – Shevchuk: Elementary will be taught on Lifelong Learners. Please visit the Columbia Olena Pchilka Branch, the Suburban Maria Korkatsch-Groszko, Ph.D., is vice- Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at University School of Continuing Education Council of Ukrainian Voters and the president of the church board at St. Andrew 11:40 a.m.-12:55 p.m., and Intermediate on for more details: http://www.ce.columbia. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and of the Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at edu/auditing/?PID=28. – Illinois Division honored the memory of UCCA Illinois Division. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 No. 37