10/27/2020 How Labor Is (Part of) the Problem in Building an | Humphrey School of Public Affairs Humphrey School of Public Affairs How Labor Is (Part of) the Problem in Building an American Left

The shrinking power of unions is often attributed to the rise of glloballization.. Frances Fox Piven (http://www.cuny.edu/about/alumni-students-faculty/faculty/bios.html?(http://www.cuny.edu/about/alumni-students-faculty/faculty/bios.html? profName=francesfoxpiven&prole=0) argues,, however,, that glloball markets for goods and services have opened up new opportunities for expanding llabor power.. The probllem is that unions have been unablle to capitallize on new opportunities because they remain wedded to strategies that were partialllly successfull in the past but have llost their traction in the 21st Century..

Piven gave a presentation follllowed by a moderated discussion with Professor JJoe Soss (/people/jsoss/)(/people/jsoss/)..


Frances Fox Piven is a distinguished professor of sociollogy and polliticall science at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center.. Her schollarship and activism have centered on sociall movements,, ellectorall pollitics,, and wellfare pollicy.. She received a B.A.. in city pllanning from the ,, and an M..A.. and Ph..D.. from the University of Chicago.. She has taught in the Collumbia University Schooll of Sociall Work and at ,, and has been on the facullty of the Graduate Center since 1982..

Piven’’s Regullating the Poor (1972),, co-authored with Richard Clloward,, is a llandmark historicall and theoreticall anallysis of the rolle of wellfare pollicy in the economic and polliticall controll of the poor and working cllass.. Anallyzing the historicall roots of wellfare,, they argue that wellfare rolllls expand in response to mass disorder and ellectorall shifts.. Piven has allso co-authored Poor Peoplle’s’s Movements (1977),, anallyzing the dynamics of sociall insurgency,, The New Cllass War (1982),, The Mean Season (1987),, The Breaking of the American Sociall Compact (1997),, and Why Americans Don’t’t Vote(1998)..

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Professor Joe Soss is the inaugurall Cowlles Chair for the Study of Publlic Service,, a lleading schollar on the reformed U..S.. wellfare system who has studied and written extensivelly on issues surrounding race in America.. Soss is the author of Unwanted Cllaims:The Politics of Participation in the U..S.. Wellfare System (University of Michigan Press,, 2000),, co-editor of Race and the Politics of Wellfare Reform (University of Michigan Press,, 2003),, co-editor of Remaking America: and Publlic Policy in an Age of Inequallity (Russellll Sage Foundation,, 2007),, and author or co-author of numerous schollarlly articlles..

Soss received his master''s and doctorall degrees in polliticall science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he previouslly taught and worked with the Institute for Research on Poverty.. His research expllores the pollitics of pollicy organization and publlic management,, focusing on publlic pollicies that govern the llife conditions,, behaviors,, and statuses of socialllly marginall groups..

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October 11,, 2010 to October 11,, 2011 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Cowlles Auditorium,, Humphrey Schooll of Publlic Affairs

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